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Juvenile Delinquency Review Questions

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter before the number.

1. Those who commit crimes because they are pushed to it by inducement, reward for promise, without considering its consequences?
a. passive inadequate b. active aggressive criminals c. socialized delinquents d. chronic criminals
2. This theory in the causes of crime states that crime may be caused by one or more factors, while in other instances caused by another set
of factors?
a. single theory b. unitary cause theory c. multiple factor theory d. eclectic theory
3. Refers to the reversion of man to his ape like ancestor?
a. stigmata b. atavism c. anomaly d. all of the foregoing
4. The study of the relationship between facial features and human conduct of a person in relation to his crimes?
a. craniology b. phrenology c. physlognomy d. all of the foregoing
5. Claimed that the shape of the head of criminals is different from that of non – criminals?
a. Lavator b. Cesare Lombroso c. Cesare Becarria d. Franz joseph Christaph Sprurzheim
6. Temperament of persons characterized generally by relaxation of the body, loves luxury and comfort?
a. romotonic b. corebrotonic c. mesomorphic d. viscerotonic
7. According to kretchmer, this type of physique is generally stout with round bodies. Persons of this type commit deception, fraud and
a. pyknik type b. athletic type c. asthenic type d. mixed type
8. Persons of mixed type physique tend to commit what particular crimes?
a. deception and fraud b. violence c. petty thievery d. offenses against morality and decency
9. Sheldon noted that this type of physique have relatively predominant muscles, bones and motor organs of the body?
a. endomorphic b. mesomorphic c. ectomorphic d. viscerotonic
10. They are skinny and slender type persons who commit pity thievery?
a. pyknik b. athletic c. asthenic d. mixed
11. A temperament with active dynamic gestures and characterized by aggressive and assertive behavior?
a. viscerotonic b. romotonic c. cerebrotonic d. mesomorphic
12. Relatively predominance of the skin and its appendages which includes the nervous system, lean fragile and delicate bodies?
a. endomorphic b. mesomorphic c. ectomorphic d. romotonic
13. known as the “mothers of criminals”?
a. Margaret juke b. Ada Juke c. ada kallikak d. ada edwards
14. Climbed that crime is an expression of the mental content of an individual?
a. Healy b. Bromberg c. Cyril burt d. Abrahamsem
15. Coined in the formula “criminal behavior equals criminalistic tendencies plus crime inducing situation, divided by the person’s mental or
emotional resistance to temptation?
a. Healy b. Bromberg c. Cyril burt d. Abrahamsem
16. Stated that criminality is a result of emotional immaturity?
a. Healy b. Bromberg c. Cyril burt d. Abrahamsen
17. Stated that the cause of delinquency is the faulty development of the child during the first few years of his life?
a. Aichorn b. Healy c. Brombres d. Abrahamsen
18. Developed the psycho – analytical theory of human personality and crimes?
a. Aichorn b. Sigmund freud c. Healy d. Bromberg
19. Refers to the conscience of the man?
a. ego b. id c. super ego d. spirit
20. It behaves only in items of the pleasure principle?
a. ego b. id c. super ego d. spirit
21. A mental deficiency which makes a person incapable of managing themselves, and their mentality is that of a child 2 to 7 years of age?
a. idiots b. imbeciles c. feeble – mindedness d. epileptics
22. Complete loss of consciousness and general construction of the muscles?
a. seizures b. grand mal c. petit mal d. jacksonian type
23. Mild or incomplete loss of consciousness and contraction of the muscles?
a. seizures b. grand mal c. petit mal d. jacksonian type
24. Localized contraction of the muscles with or without loss of consciousness?
a. seizures b. grand mal c. petit mal d. jacksonian type
25. Better attained when the group is homogenous, isolated, undisturbed migration and cultural clash?
a. containment b. disorganization c. social organization d. imitation suggestion theory
26. It was maintained that a person pursues a criminal behavior to the extent that he identifies himself with a real or imaginary person from
whose perspective his criminal behavior seems acceptable?
a. differential identification theory b. imitation suggestion theory
c. differential social organization d. conflict of culture theory
27. Argues that delinquency and crime patterns are learned and adopted?
a. differential identification theory b. imitation suggestion theory
c. differential social organization d. conflict of culture theory
28. High crimes and delinquency rates is explained by exposure to diverse and incongruent standard and code?
a. differential identification theory b. imitation suggestion theory
c. differential social organization d. conflict of culture theory
29. Explains human behavior and the experiences which helps determine the nature of a person’s reacting mechanism?
a. giandell index to criminality b. crime rate c. criminogenic process d. human behavior
30. A false belief about self caused by morbidity?
a. illusion b. delusion c. erotomania d. melanchola
31. This forms part of man’s physical organization between his sensory stimuli on one hand and his motor activity on the other?
a. ego b. id c. super ego d. spirit

32. Explains that the person before committing a crime is likely to feel unhappy, resentful and unsatisfied?
a. need frustration b. internal inhibition c. external inhibition d. contact with reality
33. Refers to the balance of gain and loss that a person may experience if he commits a given crime
a. situational crime potential b. potential satisfaction c. contact with reality d. need frustration
34. Extent to which a person can learn from past experience , especially his mistakes, to the extent to which he can evaluate accurately the
present situation and foresee the consequences of his action to the future?
a. situational crime potential b. potential satisfaction c. contact with reality d. need frustration
35. Called dementia praecox, which is a form of psychosis characterized by thinking disturbance and regression
a. mental deficiency b. imbecility c. schizophrenia d. epilepsy
36. Persons whose mentality may be compared to that of a 2 year old child?
a. idiots b. imbeciles c. feeble – minded persons d. moral defectiveness
37. Uncontrollable resistance to do something?
a. schizophrenic b. idiocy c. epileptic d. compulsive neurosis
38. Compulsive desire to set fire?
a. Dipsomania b. pyromania c. kleptomania d. homophobia
39. Compulsive desire to drink alcohol?
a. Dipsomania b. pyromania c. kleptomania d. homophobia
40. Irresistible urge to kill somebody?
a. Dipsomania b. pyromania c. kleptomania d. homicidal compulsion
41. A mental disorder in which the person thinks of himself as great or exalted?
a. hallucination b. delusion c. erotomania d. megalomania
42. Morbid craving for the dean. A perversion wherein gratification is achieved by having sexual intercourse with or mutilation of a dead
a. megalomania b. erotomania c. necrophilism d. autophobia
43. A statement which says we have no crime if we have no criminal law?
a. ignorantia legis b. logomacy c. dura lex sed lex d. none of the foregoing
44. The attempt to correlate the frequency of crime between parents and children or siblings?
a. melancholia b. megalomania c. logomacy d. biometry
45. Transmission of physical characteristics, mental traits, tendency to disease from parents to offspring?
a. DNA b. inheritance c. heredity d. all of the foregoing
46. He advocated the positivist theory, that crime is essentially a social and moral phenomenon?
a. cesare Lombroso b. cesare becarria c. alphonse bertillion d. Charles goring
47. According to criminologist, crimes exist when?
a. a person has been convicted in court of felony b. it is committed by a certain person
c. when police authorities are informed d. all of the above
48. A stab B at the back, killing the latter instantly, it was committed at Sales Street, Manila and A left for Laguna to escape captivity for his
felony. What type of crime did he commit?
a. extinctive crime b. acquisitive crime c. static crime d. continuing crime
49. The theory of human law which is based on human free will and the purpose of the penalty is retribution is referred to as the?
a. classical theory b. neo classical theory c. positivist theory d. neo positivist theory
50. What do we refer to a crime wherein the offender as started the commission of the offense and by execution of some acts lead to the
fulfillment of the felony?
a. attempted b. frustrated c. consummated d. all of the above
51. An American authority in criminology who first considered criminology as a science?
a. R. Garofalo b. W.A. Bonger c. Edwin H. Sutherland d.George L. Wilker
52. It is considered as the maximum penalty for any crime under the Philippine penal law?
a. death by lethal injection b. reclusion perpetua c. reclusion temporal d. prision mayor
53. A mental disorder characterized by brooding and depression of spirits?
a. hallucination b. melancholia c. masochism d. megalomania
54. Which among the following is not considered an origin of criminal law
a. criminal law originated from tort (quasi – deli) or private wrong?
b. criminal law originated from the local process of a disorganized society
c. criminal law originated from development of customs, usage and traditions
d. criminal law originated from conflict of interest between different social groups
55. Argued that criminology can never be a science?
a. R. Garofalo b. W.A. Bonger c. R. H. Godard d.George L. Wilker
56. In a situation when an offender comes to possession of something out of the commission of the crime, what type of crime he has
a. extinctive crime b. acquisitive crime c. static crime d. episoidal crime
57. International authority in criminology who classified crimes by motives of the offenders?
a. R. Garofalo b. W.A. Bonger c. R. H. Godard d.George L. Wilker
58. It refers to crimes, which occur with sufficient regularity, and is used as the basis in determining the peace and order situation in a
particular locality?
a. simple crimes b. complex crimes c. index crimes d. non – index crimes
59. It is defined as an act committed or omitted in Violation of a public law forbidding or commanding it?
a. felony b. tort c. delinquency d. all of the above
60. Generally, the study of Criminology, has not gained acceptance as a science, however it may be considered as an applied science. What
do we refer to when we apply forensic chemistry, legal medicine, ballistics, questioned documents in crime detection and investigation?
a. Criminalistics b. Instrumentation c. Forensics d. All of the Above

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