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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City


Prepared by: Rheychold J. Daymiel, MSCJ, CSMS


DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Defined as a rule of conduct or procedure recognized by a community as binding by authority or the

body or system of rules recognized by a community that are enforceable by established process.
a. Act
b. Rules and Regulations
c. Law
d. Constitution
2. It is to ensure that law and order is maintained in a particular area or event, using the police or the
military force.
a. Policing
b. Enforcement
c. Police
d. Crime Prevention
3. The branch of the criminal justice system that has the specific responsibility of maintaining law and
order and combating crime within the society.
a. Court
b. Correction
c. Prosecution
d. Police
4. The code whose principle was that “the strong shall not injure the weak” and originated the legal
principle of LEX TALIONIS- the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth doctrine.
a. Justinian Code
b. Code of King Hammurabi
c. Shire-Rieve System
d. Trial by Ordeal
5. What is the first written law of the Roman Empire which deals with the legal procedures, property
ownership, building codes, marriage customs and punishment for crimes?
b. Ephori
c. Leges Henri
d. Tun Policing System
6. A system of apprehending a criminal whereby a complainant goes to the middle of the street and
shouts to call all males to assemble. The victim reports his complaint to the assembly and gives the
whereabouts of the perpetrator. All male residents would then proceed to locate and apprehend the
culprit. When apprehended, trial is conducted giving the culprit a chance to defend himself.
a. Tun Policing System
b. Trial by Ordeal
c. Hue And Cry
d. Leges Henri
7. A system of determining guilt and innocence in the ancient times, which was based on painful test of
skills. It is usually accompanied by harsh punishment.
a. Tun Policing System
b. Trial by Ordeal
c. Hue And Cry
d. Leges Henri
a. Sigmund Freud
b. Sir Robert Peel
c. Cesare Lombroso
d. William Norman
9. Who is the first chief of the Philippine Constabulary?
a. Henry T. Allen
b. William Norman
c. Brig. General Rafael Crame
d. General Cesar P. Nazareno
10. Who is the first Filipino appointed to become the chief of the Philippine Constabulary?
a. Henry T. Allen
b. William Norman
c. Brig. General Rafael Crame
d. General Cesar P. Nazareno
11. Who is the First Director General of the Philippine National Police?
a. Henry T. Allen
b. William Norman
c. Brig. General Rafael Crame
d. General Cesar P. Nazareno
12. Broad statements of general and long-term organizational purposes often used to define the role of
the police, for instance, to prevent crime, maintain order or help solve community problems.
a. Planning
b. Productivity
c. Management
d. Goals
13. Refers to the skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort; Optimum utilization of available resources.
It measures whether or not important task goals are being attained.
a. Task Performance
b. Police Effectiveness
c. Police Efficiency
d. Planning
14. Refers to the quality of being able to bring about an effect or the power to be effective. It measures
how well resources are being utilized.
a. Task Performance
b. Police Effectiveness
c. Police Efficiency
d. Planning
15. The process of directing and coordinating the work efforts of other people to help them accomplish
important task.
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Leading
d. Controlling
16. The ability to translate knowledge into action that results in desired performance. It is the ability that
allows a person to achieve superior performance in one or more aspects of his or her work.
a. Skill
b. Effectiveness
c. Efficiency
d. Goals
17. He studied the effect of social change in Europe at the end of the 19 th century and coined the term
BUREAUCRACY to identify the complex organizations that operated on a rational basis. He believed
that such an approach was a means of lessening the cruelty, nepotism, and subjective managerial
practices common in the early stages of the Industrial Revolution.
b. HENRI FAYOL, 1841-1945
c. MAX WEBER, 1864-1920
18. He was one of the most influential pioneer of the “Industrial and General Management”, 14 Principles
of Efficient Management was identified based on his works.
b. HENRI FAYOL, 1841-1945
c. MAX WEBER, 1864-1920
19. Refers to the behavior-modifying effects of being the subject of social investigation, regardless of the
context of the investigation.
20. Police officer who prefer the big picture and like solving new problems, dislike routine and prefer to
look for possibilities than work with facts.
a. The Brave Type Officer
b. The Sensation Type Officer
c. The Creative Type Officer
d. The Intuitive-Type Officer
21. The group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the achievement
of goals and objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and
property, enforcement of the laws and the prevention of crimes.
a. Managers
b. Police Organization
c. Organization
d. Soldiers
22. What is the largest functional unit within a large department? It comprises of numbers of divisions.
a. Bureau
b. Division
c. Section
d. Unit
23. A length of streets designated for patrol purposes. It is also called as LINE BEAT.
a. District
b. Route
c. Post
d. Sector
24. A geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes, usually with its own station.
a. District
b. Route
c. Post
d. Sector
25. The simplest and perhaps the oldest type of police organizational structure.
a. Functional Organization
b. Line Organization
c. Line and Staff Organization
d. Auxiliary
26. Functions which involve the logistical operations of the department. This includes trainings,
communications, jailing, maintenance, record keeping, motor vehicles, and similar operations.
a. Auxiliary functions
b. Line functions
c. Staff functions
d. Line and Staff functions
27. It is the maximum number of subordinates at a given position that the superior can supervise
a. Delegation of Authority
b. Unity of Command
c. Chain of Command
d. Span of Control
28. It simply means that each individual unit, and/or situation should be under the control of only one
direct unit supervisor.
a. Delegation of Authority
b. Unity of Command
c. Chain of Command
d. Span of Control
29. It is an attempt by police administrators in trying to allocate anticipated resources to meet anticipated
service demands. It is the systematic and orderly determination of facts and events as basis for policy
formulation and decision affecting law enforcement management.
a. Police Objectives
b. Decision Making
c. Police Planning
d. Police Operation
30. The smallest functional group within an organization.
a. Bureau
b. Division
c. Section
d. Unit
31. It is the improper performance of some act which might be lawfully done. In the police service this is
equivalent to irregularities in the performance of duties.
a. Misfeasance
b. Malfeasance
c. Nonfeasance
d. Misdemeanor
32. It is the omission of some act which ought to be performed. It is also referred to as neglect of duty.
a. Misfeasance
b. Malfeasance
c. Nonfeasance
d. Misdemeanor
33. Also known as misconduct, it is the performance of some act which ought not to be done.
a. Misfeasance
b. Malfeasance
c. Nonfeasance
d. Misdemeanor
34. When was Republic Act 6975 signed into law?
a. December 14, 1990
b. December 13, 1991
c. December 15, 1990
d. December 13, 1990
35. The law which created the National Police Commission under the Department of Interior and Local
a. R.A. 6975
b. R.A. 8551
c. P.D. 765
d. R.A. 4864
36. Which among the following agencies is not under the DILG?
a. Philippine Public Safety College
b. National Police Commission
c. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
d. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
37. What is the term of office of the four (4) regular and full-time commissioners of the NAPOLCOM?
a. 6 years with re-appointment or extension
b. 6 years without re-appointment or extension
c. 4 years with re-appointment or extension
d. 5 years without re-appointment or extension
38. What is the agency created by virtue of R.A. 9165?
a. Narcotics Command
39. It shall provide technical services to the NAPOLCOM in areas of overall policy formulation, strategic and
operational planning, management systems or procedures, evaluation and monitoring of the
Commission’s programs, projects and internal operations; and shall conduct thorough research and
analysis on social and economic conditions affecting peace and order in the country.
a. Planning and Research Service
b. Legal Affairs Service
c. Personnel and Administrative Service
d. Inspection, Monitoring and Investigation Service
40. It shall conduct continuous inspection and management audit of personnel, facilities and operations at
all levels of command of the PNP, monitor the implementation of the NAPOLCOM’s programs and
projects relative to law enforcement; and monitor and investigate police anomalies and irregularities.
a. Installations and Logistics Service
b. Inspection, Monitoring and Investigation Service
c. Crime Prevention and Coordination Service
d. Personnel and Administrative Service
41. It shall review the Commission’s plans and programs and formulate policies and procedures regarding
acquisition, inventory, control, distribution, maintenance and disposal of supplies and shall oversee the
implementation of programs on transportation facilities and installations and the procurement and
maintenance of supplies and equipment.
a. Installations and Logistics Service
b. Inspection, Monitoring and Investigation Service
c. Crime Prevention and Coordination Service
d. Personnel and Administrative Service
42. What is the disciplinary mechanism of the NAPOLCOM which decides on cases on appeal from
decisions rendered by officers other than the PNP chief, the mayor, and the People’s Law Enforcement
a. National Appellate Board
b. Regional Appellate Board
c. Legal Services
d. Disciplinary Appellate Board
43. What is the initial rank given to an individual who graduated at Philippine National Police Academy?
a. Superintendent
b. Chief Inspector
c. Inspector
d. Senior Inspector
44. Doctors of medicine, members of the Bar, and chaplains shall be appointed to what rank?
a. Superintendent
b. Chief Inspector
c. Inspector
d. Senior Inspector
45. The total period of time a candidate for promotion has acquired in a certain grade regardless of his
status of appointment. While seniority in rank is the total period acquired in certain grade in
permanent status.
a. Regular Promotion
b. Time-in-Grade
c. Performance
d. Training
46. Refers to the planned and progressive development of skills, knowledge, understanding, attitudes,
interest and the will to work.
a. Potential
b. Planning
c. Performance
d. Training
47. What is the training required by the Commission for PNP personnel who wanted to be promoted from
Police Officer III to Senior Police Officer I?
a. Senior Leadership Course
b. Junior Leadership Course
c. Public Safety Officer’s Candidate Course
d. Technical/Special Courses
48. What is the training required by the Commission for PNP personnel who wanted to be promoted to the
rank of Inspector?
a. Senior Leadership Course
b. Junior Leadership Course
c. Public Safety Officer’s Candidate Course
d. Technical/Special Courses
49. What is the minimum years of active service required by the Commission for the PNP personnel who
wanted to avail Optional Retirement?
a. 20 years
b. 10 years
c. 15 years
d. 25 years
50. They shall have the power to choose the PNP Provincial Director from a list of five recommended by
the PNP Regional Director and they shall oversee the implementation of the Provincial Public Safety
a. Provincial Governor
b. City/Municipal Mayor
c. Congressman
d. Senators
51. Defined as a rule of conduct or procedure recognized by a community as binding by authority or the
body or system of rules recognized by a community that are enforceable by established process.
a. Act
b. Rules and Regulations
c. Law
d. Constitution
52. It is to ensure that law and order is maintained in a particular area or event, using the police or the
military force.
a. Policing
b. Enforcement
c. Police
d. Crime Prevention
53. The branch of the criminal justice system that has the specific responsibility of maintaining law and
order and combating crime within the society.
a. Court
b. Correction
c. Prosecution
d. Police
54. The code whose principle was that “the strong shall not injure the weak” and originated the legal
principle of LEX TALIONIS- the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth doctrine.
a. Justinian Code
b. Code of King Hammurabi
c. Shire-Rieve System
d. Trial by Ordeal
55. What is the first written law of the Roman Empire which deals with the legal procedures, property
ownership, building codes, marriage customs and punishment for crimes?
b. Ephori
c. Leges Henri
d. Tun Policing System
56. A system of apprehending a criminal whereby a complainant goes to the middle of the street and
shouts to call all males to assemble. The victim reports his complaint to the assembly and gives the
whereabouts of the perpetrator. All male residents would then proceed to locate and apprehend the
culprit. When apprehended, trial is conducted giving the culprit a chance to defend himself.
a. Tun Policing System
b. Trial by Ordeal
c. Hue And Cry
d. Leges Henri
57. A system of determining guilt and innocence in the ancient times, which was based on painful test of
skills. It is usually accompanied by harsh punishment.
a. Tun Policing System
b. Trial by Ordeal
c. Hue And Cry
d. Leges Henri
a. Sigmund Freud
b. Sir Robert Peel
c. Cesare Lombroso
d. William Norman
59. Who is the first chief of the Philippine Constabulary?
a. Henry T. Allen
b. William Norman
c. Brig. General Rafael Crame
d. General Cesar P. Nazareno
60. Who is the first Filipino appointed to become the chief of the Philippine Constabulary?
a. Henry T. Allen
b. William Norman
c. Brig. General Rafael Crame
d. General Cesar P. Nazareno
61. Who is the First Director General of the Philippine National Police?
a. Henry T. Allen
b. William Norman
c. Brig. General Rafael Crame
d. General Cesar P. Nazareno
62. Broad statements of general and long-term organizational purposes often used to define the role of
the police, for instance, to prevent crime, maintain order or help solve community problems.
a. Planning
b. Productivity
c. Management
d. Goals
63. Refers to the skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort; Optimum utilization of available resources.
It measures whether or not important task goals are being attained.
a. Task Performance
b. Police Effectiveness
c. Police Efficiency
d. Planning
64. Refers to the quality of being able to bring about an effect or the power to be effective. It measures
how well resources are being utilized.
a. Task Performance
b. Police Effectiveness
c. Police Efficiency
d. Planning
65. The process of directing and coordinating the work efforts of other people to help them accomplish
important task.
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Leading
d. Controlling
66. The ability to translate knowledge into action that results in desired performance. It is the ability that
allows a person to achieve superior performance in one or more aspects of his or her work.
a. Skill
b. Effectiveness
c. Efficiency
d. Goals
67. He studied the effect of social change in Europe at the end of the 19 th century and coined the term
BUREAUCRACY to identify the complex organizations that operated on a rational basis. He believed
that such an approach was a means of lessening the cruelty, nepotism, and subjective managerial
practices common in the early stages of the Industrial Revolution.
b. HENRI FAYOL, 1841-1945
c. MAX WEBER, 1864-1920
68. He was one of the most influential pioneer of the “Industrial and General Management”, 14 Principles
of Efficient Management was identified based on his works.
b. HENRI FAYOL, 1841-1945
c. MAX WEBER, 1864-1920
69. Refers to the behavior-modifying effects of being the subject of social investigation, regardless of the
context of the investigation.
70. Police officer who prefer the big picture and like solving new problems, dislike routine and prefer to
look for possibilities than work with facts.
a. The Brave Type Officer
b. The Sensation Type Officer
c. The Creative Type Officer
d. The Intuitive-Type Officer
71. The group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the achievement
of goals and objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and
property, enforcement of the laws and the prevention of crimes.
a. Managers
b. Police Organization
c. Organization
d. Soldiers
72. What is the largest functional unit within a large department? It comprises of numbers of divisions.
a. Bureau
b. Division
c. Section
d. Unit
73. A length of streets designated for patrol purposes. It is also called as LINE BEAT.
a. District
b. Route
c. Post
d. Sector
74. A geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes, usually with its own station.
a. District
b. Route
c. Post
d. Sector
75. The simplest and perhaps the oldest type of police organizational structure.
a. Functional Organization
b. Line Organization
c. Line and Staff Organization
d. Auxiliary
76. Training required for Superintendent to Senior Superintendent in the PNP service.
a. Senior Leadership Course
b. Public Safety Officer’s Candidate Course
c. Public Safety Officer’s Senior Executive Course
d. Public Safety Officer’s Advance Course
77. Refers to the omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty, which it was the
peace officer’s legal obligation to perform; it implies a duty as well as its breach and the fact can never
be found in the absence of a duty.
a. Misconduct
b. Incompetency
c. Neglect of Duty
d. Oppression
78. It is the concealment or distortion of the truth in a matter or act relevant to one’s office or connected
with the performance of duties.
a. Dishonesty
b. Oppression
c. Incompetency
d. Misfeasance
79. Refer to an act or omission not involving moral turpitude, but affecting the internal discipline of the
a. Grave Offense
b. Minor Offense
c. Misconduct
d. Misdemeanour
80. It shall have the jurisdiction to hear and decide citizen’s complaints or cases filed before it against
erring officers and members of the PNP.
a. Sandigang Bayan
b. Supreme Court
81. It shall exercise operational supervision and control over the PNP units in their respective jurisdictions.
It shall have the authority to choose the Chief of Police from a list of five recommended by the PNP
Provincial Director.
a. Governor
b. Congressman
c. Mayor
d. Senator
82. Refers to the utilization of units or elements of the PNP for purposes of protection of lives and
properties, enforcement of laws, maintenance of peace and order, prevention of crimes, arrest of
criminal offenders and bringing the offenders to justice, and ensuring public safety, particularly in the
suppression of disorders, riots, lawless violence, rebellious seditious conspiracy, insurgency, subversion
or other related activities....
a. Deploy
b. Employ
c. Offense
d. Material Resources
83. Shall mean the orderly organized physical movement of elements or units of the PNP within the
province, city or municipality for purposes of employment.
a. Deploy
b. Employ
c. Offense
d. Material Resources
84. The premier educational institution for the training, human resource development and continuing
education of all personnel of the PNP, Fire and Jail Bureaus.
a. Philippine National Police Academy
b. Philippine Public Safety College
c. Police National Training Institute
d. National Police College
85. It handles the officer’s career courses, Bachelor of Science in Public Safety (In-service) as well as the
Master’s Degree in Public Safety Administration programs. The course offerings are designed to set the
direction for effectiveness of the men and women in the public safety services.
a. Philippine National Police Academy
b. Philippine Public Safety College
c. Police National Training Institute
d. National Police College
86. The primary training ground for the professionally competent, morally upright and technically
proficient police officers capable of working in close partnership with a responsive community in the
preservation of peace, protection of every human rights and maintenance of law and order and with
the end in view of improving the quality of people’s lives.
a. Philippine National Police Academy
b. Philippine Public Safety College
c. Police National Training Institute
d. National Police College
87. It administers the Cadetship Program that provides the nucleus of professionally trained young officers
for the public safety services.
a. Philippine National Police Academy
b. Philippine Public Safety College
c. Police National Training Institute
d. National Police College
88. Annual recruitment for women in the PNP service.
a. 5 percent
b. 10 percent
c. 15 percent
d. 20 percent
89. It is the improper performance of some act which might be lawfully done. In the police service this is
equivalent to irregularities in the performance of duties.
a. Misfeasance
b. Malfeasance
c. Nonfeasance
d. Misdemeanor
90. What is the term of office of the four (4) regular and full-time commissioners of the NAPOLCOM?
a. 6 years with re-appointment or extension
b. 6 years without re-appointment or extension
c. 4 years with re-appointment or extension
d. 5 years without re-appointment or extension

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