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__1. The effectivity of the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines.

a. January 1, 1930 b. February 1, 1932 c. January 1, 1932 d. February 1, 1930
__2. Manny fired a gun at Cotto, but missed and hit Thurman instead. This is called mistake in the blow otherwise known as

a. praeter intentionem b. error in personae c. aberratio ictus d. mala in se
__3. Ed and Eddy were hunting a bird. They saw a bird. Ed whose gun was already cocked, aimed at the bird but stumbled
to an embankment which lay between him and Eddy. His gun was accidentally discharged, hitting and killing Eddy. Decide.
a. liable b. no intent/not negligent c. no intent but negligent d. culpa
__4. Crimes which are wrong from their nature like rape or homicide are serious in their effects are called –
a. mala prohibita b. dolo c. mala in se d. culpa
__5. C wanted to kill K. C saw K but found out that K was already dead. C stabbed K several times. Resolve.
a. impossible crime b. liable for stabbing c. potential criminal d. not liable
__6. At early dawn, Ricky was surprised by police officer Marquez in the act of opening with an iron bar the wall of a store.
Ricky succeeded in breaking one board of the wall. Decide.
a. no liability b. liable c. robbery d. no crime committed
__7. Bart stole a chicken from his neighbor’s backyard. He brought it home when conscience struck and returned it from the
same place it was taken. Rule the stage of execution.
a. attempted b. frustrated c. consummated d. exempted
__8. Joko insulted Rafael about his physical appearance as ugly. Rafael attacked Joko who was hospitalized due to injuries
sustained. Rafael claimed self-defense. Resolve.
a. unlawful aggression on the part of Joko b. defense of honor c. actual force is necessary
d. Rafael should have walk away
__9. It refers to blood relatives.
a. affinity b. 4th degree c. collateral d. consanguinity
__10. A person who is not a relative by consanguinity or affinity.
a. stranger b. in-laws c. friend d. first cousins
__11. An escaped convict who has to steal clothes in order to move about unrecognized is avoiding a greater evil of arrest.
a. true b. evil brought about greater evil must not result from violation of law
c. false d. was not avoiding any evil
__12. Biboy while hunting saw wild chickens and fired a shot. The slug after hitting the chicken recoiled and hit Jun, a
resident of that area. Rule.
a. negligent b. accident c. exercise of a right d. culpa
__13. The committed is a crime but for reasons of public policy there is no penalty imposed.
a. instigation b. entrapment c. absolutory cause d. sentiment
__14. Bonjovi plan to rob a house. He entered thru the window and took as many things he could but was caught by Jovit,
the owner of the house. Bonjovi killed Jovit and escaped. He was arrested and claimed no intention to commit so grave a
wrong as robbery only should be the charge and not robbery with homicide. Decide.
a. robbery with homicide b. robbery c. murder d. robbery and homicide
__15. An unknown person jump out from the window of his house where his wife was. She begged for his pardon but still
killed her. State the mitigating circumstance present.
a. no intention to commit so grave a wrong b. sufficient provocation
c. passion d. vindication
__16. Jack tied Jet’s hands inside the latter’s house and drag him outside and killed him. Identify
the aggravating circumstance present.
a. treachery b. means to weaken the defense c. dwelling d. nighttime
__17. Edito hailed a Grab taxi and pretended to be a bonafide passenger and once inside declared a hold up. Determine the
circumstance existence.
a. fraud b. disguise c. evident premeditation d. craft
__18. Abner, taking advantage of the absence of the girl’s mother, went to the house and took the young girl away, telling
she was to be taken to her grandmother’s house. Abner took her to another house and ravished her. Determine the
circumstance present.
a. fraud b. dwelling c. treachery d. craft
__19. Winston committed murder on the cover of darkness but the light he was carrying was of sufficient brilliance which
made it easy for the people nearby to recognize him. Is the aggravating circumstance of nighttime present?
a. yes b. no c. maybe d. not sure
__20. Brandon feast his eyes daily on Bela, his married neighbor. Sensing he cannot get near her because she has a
husband, he killed first Bela’s husband and raped Bela in front of the corpse of her husband. Is ignominy present?
a. maybe b. not sure c. no d. yes



__1. Manny fired a gun at Cotto, but missed and hit Thurman instead. This is called mistake in the blow otherwise known as

a. praeter intentionem b. error in personae c. aberratio ictus d. mala in se
__2. Ed and Eddy were hunting a bird. They saw a bird. Ed whose gun was already cocked, aimed at the bird but stumbled
to an embankment which lay between him and Eddy. His gun was accidentally discharged, hitting and killing Eddy. Decide.
a. liable b. no intent/not negligent c. no intent but negligent d. culpa
__3. Crimes which are wrong from their nature like rape or homicide are serious in their effects are called –
a. mala prohibita b. dolo c. mala in se d. culpa
__4. C wanted to kill K. C saw K but found out that K was already dead. C stabbed K several times. Resolve.
a. impossible crime b. liable for stabbing c. potential criminal d. not liable
__5. At early dawn, Ricky was surprised by police officer Marquez in the act of opening with an iron bar the wall of a store.
Ricky succeeded in breaking one board of the wall. Decide.
a. no liability b. liable c. robbery d. no crime committed
__6. Bart stole a chicken from his neighbor’s backyard. He brought it home when conscience struck and returned it from the
same place it was taken. Rule the stage of execution.
a. attempted b. frustrated c. consummated d. exempted
__7. Joko insulted Rafael about his physical appearance as ugly. Rafael attacked Joko who was hospitalized due to injuries
sustained. Rafael claimed self-defense. Resolve.
a. unlawful aggression on the part of Joko b. defense of honor c. actual force is necessary
d. Rafael should have walk away
__8. It refers to blood relatives.
a. affinity b. 4th degree c. collateral d. consanguinity
__9. A person who is not a relative by consanguinity or affinity.
a. stranger b. in-laws c. friend d. first cousins
__10. An escaped convict who has to steal clothes in order to move about unrecognized is avoiding a greater evil of arrest.
a. true b. evil brought about greater evil must not result from violation of law
c. false d. was not avoiding any evil
__11. Biboy while hunting saw wild chickens and fired a shot. The slug after hitting the chicken recoiled and hit Jun, a
resident of that area. Rule.
a. negligent b. accident c. exercise of a right d. culpa
__12. The committed is a crime but for reasons of public policy there is no penalty imposed.
a. instigation b. entrapment c. absolutory cause d. sentiment
__13. Bonjovi plan to rob a house. He entered thru the window and took as many things he could but was caught by Jovit,
the owner of the house. Bonjovi killed Jovit and escaped. He was arrested and claimed no intention to commit so grave a
wrong as robbery only should be the charge and not robbery with homicide. Decide.
a. robbery with homicide b. robbery c. murder d. robbery and homicide
__14. An unknown person jump out from the window of his house where his wife was. She begged for his pardon but still
killed her. State the mitigating circumstance present.
a. no intention to commit so grave a wrong b. sufficient provocation
c. passion d. vindication
__15. Jack tied Jet’s hands inside the latter’s house and drag him outside and killed him. Identify
the aggravating circumstance present.
a. treachery b. means to weaken the defense c. dwelling d. nighttime
__16. Edito hailed a Grab taxi and pretended to be a bonafide passenger and once inside declared a hold up. Determine the
circumstance existence.
a. fraud b. disguise c. evident premeditation d. craft
__17. Abner, taking advantage of the absence of the girl’s mother, went to the house and took the young girl away, telling
she was to be taken to her grandmother’s house. Abner took her to another house and ravished her. Determine the
circumstance present.
a. fraud b. dwelling c. treachery d. craft
__18. Winston committed murder on the cover of darkness but the light he was carrying was of sufficient brilliance which
made it easy for the people nearby to recognize him. Is the aggravating circumstance of nighttime present?
a. yes b. no c. maybe d. not sure
__19. Brandon feast his eyes daily on Bela, his married neighbor. Sensing he cannot get near her because she has a
husband, he killed first Bela’s husband and raped Bela in front of the corpse of her husband. Is ignominy present?
a. maybe b. not sure c. no d. yes
__20. The effectivity of the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines.
a. January 1, 1930 b. February 1, 1932 c. January 1, 1932 d. February 1, 1930

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