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__1. State the elements of piracy.

a. vessel in Philippine seas, offenders are passengers, unlawfully resist orders b. offenders board the vessel,
strangers abandon their victims, accompanied with rape c. compels to change course, usurp control thereof,
Philippine registry
d. done in high seas, committed by strangers, attack the vessel
__2. Greg performs a highly scandalous act against decency in a public place has committed-
a. vagrancy b. immoral doctrines c. grave scandald. prostitution
__3. Dong desired to have sexual intercourse with Jen when he broke into the house where Jen was living but
desisted from his original intention and left the house. What crime can possibly be charged against Dong?
a. attempted rape b. grave coercion c. trespass to dwelling d. violation of domicile
__4. A janitor, a Criminology student and a white guard aided the school cashier in the commission of
malversation by taking the safe containing money from the school and carrying it to another place and then and
there taking the contents thereof were guilty of- a. theft b. the crime committed c. robbery d.
__5. P01 Pambid suspected that Jeric has in his possession an ample quantity of prohibited drugs. The police
officer then entered the house for the purpose of search against the will of Jeric. P01 Pambid may be liable for –
a. trespass to dwelling b. illegal possession of drugs c. violation of domicile d. searching house without
__6. Pastor Aldo reads a bible and attacks certain churches in Plaza Magsaysay. Chief Inspector Roda ordered
his men to stop the pastor. Refusing, CInsp. Roda fired two shots in the air which dispersed the crowd and
stopped the meeting. Roda and his men are liable for – a. interruption of religious worship b. offending religious
feelings c. interruption of peaceful meetings d. none
___7. Prof. Rodrigo Yorong is an Instructor at Mount Birayan High School. One day, Bernard, Yorong’s 18-year old pupil, in
order to show his classmates how tough he is, waited for the instructor outside the classroom after his classes, and slapped
him while the other students were watching. What is the liability of Bernard?
a. Slander by deed b. direct assault c. slight physical injury d. maltreatment
___8. Suppose Bernard inflicted physical injuries against a classmate in the presence of Prof. Yorong, will the felony be
aggravated by contempt or insult to public authorities?
a. Yes b. no c. maybe d. I don’t know
___9. At about 5 am, 52 year old Noli Campoy was found loitering near Lee Plaza sniffing a bottle of rugby. He was arrested
by PO1 Rick Calunsag and was thereafter charged with violation of the Drugs Law. May rugby be considered a prohibited
drug?a. Yes b. no c. maybe d. I don’t know
___10. Wewen out of pity for Oyo who was suffering from an advanced stage of AIDS agreed to assist the latter in his
suicide attempt. Wewen secured a gun, pointed it to Oyo’s head and fired. However, due to unexplained reasons, Oyo
survived. What is the liability of Wewen?
a. Frustrated giving assistance to suicide b. Assistance to suicide c. Murder d. Homicide
___11. What about Oyo’s liability? a. No liability b. conspirator c. accessory d. accomplice
___12. A pregnant woman decided to commit suicide. She jumped out of a window of a building but she landed on a
passerby. She did not die but an abortion followed. What is her liability?
a. Intentional abortion b. unintentional abortion c. none d. physical injury
__13. Dan had no knowledge of the age of Gwyneth who is 11 years old when he raped her, hence he cannot be
convicted of the crime. Rule on his criminal liability.
a. statutory rapeb. simple rape c. Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act d. prostitution
__14. A prostitute killed her 3 day old child to conceal her dishonor. What can she claim?
a. mitigating liability b. aggravating liability c. justifying liability d. none
__15. Ricky forcibly took his brother Benjo away for the sole purpose of killing the latter and indeed killed him. What is proper
charge that can be filed against Ricky?
a. kidnapping b. kidnapping with murder c. murder d. parricide
__16. Gwen entrusted a Chihuahua dog to Kamila. A day after tomorrow, Gwen wanted to get it back, but Kamila refused,
claiming that it belonged to Karla. Gwen took it from Kamila by force. What crime if any did Gwen committed?
a. grave coercion b. other similar coercion c. grave scandal d. unjust vexation
__17. Berto and Andre butchered the cow of Tony because it entered their property and destroyed some plants of the
former. There being no evidence that they will divide the meat, the crime committed would be:
a. estafa b. malicious mischief c. theft d. unjust vexation
__18. Francis shot Vince with a gun. Vince refused to be operated and would have lived had he received appropriate
medical attention. Is Francis criminally liable?
a. yes b. No c. it depends d. none of the choices
__19. X shot W with a revolver inflicting a mortal wound. W was stunned and fell to the ground but soon got up and went
home. Knowing that he would die anyway, cut his throat and died 3 minutes later. Is X criminally liable?
a. yes b. no c. it depends d. none of the choices
__20. The persons killed in parricide who are in direct line, except:
a. adopted son b. father-in-law c. nephew d. spouse

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