Chapter 1 Numericals

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Ratio Analysis Numerical


1. Liquidity ratios:
Current Assets
a. Current ratio =
Current Liabilities
Quick Assets
b. Quick ratio = (Where, Quick assets = Current assets – Inventory)
Current Liabilities
Cash∧marketable securities
c. Cash ratio =
Current Liabilities
Net working capital
d. Net working capital to total assets ratio =
Total assets
Current assets
e. Interval measure =
Aver age daily operating cost

2. Asset Management Ratios:

Cost of goods sold
a. Inventory Turnover Ratios (ITOR) =
Average inventory
Days∈a year
b. Days’ sales in inventory (average age of inventory) or ICP =
inventory turnover
Annual credit sales
c. Receivable turnover Ratio (RTOR) =
Average account receivable
d. Days sales outstanding (DSO) = ,
Average sales per day
Receivable X Days∈a year
Or DSO =
Annual sales
Days∈a year
Or DSO = , it is also called average collection period:
Accounts payable
e. Average Payment Period (APP) =
Average purchase per day
f. Fixed assets turnover ratio (FATOR) = assets ¿
Net ¿
g. Total assets turnover ratio (TATOR) =
Total assets
h. Net working capital Turnover Ratio (NWCTOR) = ,
Net working capital
Where Net WC = CA-CL

3. Debt management Ratios:

Total Debt
a. Debt-Assets Ratio or Debt ratio (DA Ratio) =
Total assets
Or DA Ratio =
1+ DE
Ratio Analysis Numerical

Total Debt
b. Debt-Equity Ratio (DE ratio) =
Total equity
Or DE Ratio =
Total Assets
c. Equity multiplier (EM) =
Total Equity
Or EM =
Or EM = 1+DE
Long−term debt
d. Long-term Debt to Total Assets Ratio =
Total Assets
e. Interest Coverage Ratio (Time Interest Earned Ratio) TIE ratio =
Interest expenses
(Where EBIT refers to Earnings before interest and tax)
EBIT + Depreciation
f. Cash Coverage ratio =
EBITDA + Lease payment
g. EBITDA Coverage Ratio =
Interest + Lease payment + Principal repayment

4. Profitability Ratios:
Net Income
h. Net Profit Margin (NPM) =
Gross profit
a. Gross Profit Margin (GPM) =
Operating profit
b. Operating profit ratio =
c. Basic Earning Power Ratio =
Total assets
Net income
d. Return on Assets (ROA) =
Total assets
Net income
e. Return on Equity (ROE) =
Total Equity

5. Market Value Ratios:

Market price per share( MPS )
a. Price Earnings Ratio (PE ratio) =
Earning per share (EPS)
Market price per share ( MPS )
b. Market to Book Ratio =
Book Value per share ( BVPS )
Market price per share ( MPS )
c. Price/cash flow ratio = ,
Cash flow per share
Where Cash flow = Net income + Depreciation and amortization
Ratio Analysis Numerical

DoPont system is an integrated view on financial analysis, planning and control process relating to firm.
This system of financial analysis was first propounded and used by DuPont corporation. This system of
ratio analysis is more popular for making classified assessment of financial performance of a firm. This
provides a summary of firm’s profitabilty in terms of return on assets (ROA) and return on equty (ROE).

Dupont Identity allows the financial manager to break down firms return on equity into three
components namely, profitabilty on sales, porducitve power of asset and leverage effects on equity
return. The first component, profitabilty on sales, helps to study the impact of chage in selling price to
sales and profitabiltiy. This also enables to identify the key area where costs have to be controlled to
maximize profitabilty. Second componet, assets turnover ratio, helps in determining the need of
changing investmetn into various types of assets. By looking at this componets, the financial manager
can assess whether excessive or deficit level of current assets has caused low productivity of assets. The
last component, equity multiplier, shows the proportion of equity uased to fiinance the assets. Both
excessive or deficit proportion of debt used results into low return on equity. Therefore, the financial
manager, just looking at the componets of DuPont equation, can decide about the best financing
alternaives. Follwing chart clearly shows these relationship.

Return on Asset (ROA)

Profit Margin Assets Turnover


Sales ÷ Total Assets

Net Income ÷ Sales

Sales - Total Costs Fixed assets + Current assets

Operating Expenses Depreciation Cash and Banks Marketable Securities

Taxes Interest Inventories Account Receivable

Net income Sales

Sales Total assets
Net income Sales Total Assets
Sales Total assets Equity
Ratio Analysis Numerical


Problem 1: Consider the following balance sheet:

Assets Amount Liability and Equity Amount

Cash and Bank $20,000 Account Payable $20,000
Account receivable 40,000 Accrued expenses 15,000
Inventory 40,000 Long-term debt 50,000
Net Fixed Assets 150,000 Common stock (10,000 share@10) 100,000
Retained earning 65,000
Total Assets 250,000 Liabilities and Equity 250,000

Calculate: (a) Current ratio (b) Quick ratio (c) Cash ratio. Ans: 2.85X, 1.71X, 0.571X

Problems 2: Following financial data are extracted from financial statements for the year 2014 of a firm:

Sales: $1,000,000 (20% of sales are in cash)

Cost of Goods Sold: 80 percent of sales

Jan 1, 2014 Dec 31, 2014

Inventory $180,000 $220,000
Account Receivable 100,000 380,000
The firm has $380,000 in net fixed assets and $800,000 in total assets as on December 31, 2014.

Calculate: (a) Inventory turnover ratio (b) Receivable turnover ratio (c) Fixed assets turnover ratio

(d) Total assets turnover ratio (e) Write a short note on efficiency ratios

Ans: 4 times 3.33times, 2.63times, 1.25 times

Problem 3: Consider the following balance sheet:

Assets Amount Liabilities and Equity Amount

Cash and Bank $100,000 Accounts Payable $150,000
Account receivable 300,000 Accrued expenses 80,000
Inventory 550,000 Deferred taxes 50,000
Furniture 50,000 Bond 200,000
Equipment 200,000 Long-term loan 100,000
Plant and Machinery 500,000 Common stock (10,000 shares @ 100) 1000,000
Retained earning 120,000
Ratio Analysis Numerical

Total Assets 1,700,000 Total Liabilities and Equity 1,700,000

Calculate: (a) Debt ratio (b) Debt-equity ratio (c) Equity multiplier (d) Long-term debt to total assets ratio

(e) Describe about debt management ratios? Ans; 34.12%, 51.79%, 1.52X, 17.65%

Problem 4: A firm has a long-term debt to equity ratio of 0.4. Shareholders’ equity is $1 million. Current
assets are $200,000 and the current ratio is 2.0. The only current liabilities are notes payable. What is its
total debt ratio? Ans: 33.33%

Problem 5: Read the following condition and answer carefully

A Garment Export company limited has $5 million of debt outstanding, and it pays an interest rate of 12
percent annually. Its annual sales are $20 million, its average tax is 25 percent and its net profit margin
on sales is 3 percent. If it does not maintain a times interest earned (TIE) ratio at least 4 times, its bank
will refuse to renew the loan and bankruptcy will result.

a. What do you mean by Times Interest Earning Ratio (Interest coverage ratio).Compute the
company’s TIE ratio

b. By what percentage, net profit margin should increase in order to get loan renewed?

c. Why do we need to know about the concept of Asset Management Raito of a firm?

Ans: 2.33 times, 125%

Problem 6: USV Limited’s net income for the most recent year was $8175 million. The tax rate was 34
percent. The firm paid $2380 million in total interest expenses and deducted $1560 million in
depreciation expenses. What was the firm’s cash coverage ratio for the year? Ans; 6.86 times.

Problem 7: Following are the income statement and balance sheet data available for ABC Pvt ltd.

Sales $2,000,000
Less: Cost of Goods Sold 1,500,000
Gross profit 500,000
Less: Selling and distribution expenses 200,000
EBIT 300,000
Less: Interest expenses 100,000
EBT 200,000
Less: Taxes@40% 80,000
Net Income 120,000
Total assets $800,000; Total Equity $600,000

Calculate: (a) Gross profit margin (b) Net profit margin (c) Operating profit ratio (d) Return on assets

(e) Return on equity (f) Basic earning Power Ans: 25%, 6%, 15%, 15%, 20%, and 37.5%

Problem 8: Delta Corporation’s ROE last year was only 3 percent but its management has developed a
new operating plan designed to improve things. The new plan calls for a total debt ratio of 60 percent,
which will result in interest charges of $300,000 per year. Management projects an EBIT of $1,000,000
on sales of $ 10,000,000 and it expects to have a total assets turnover ratio of 2.0. Under these
Ratio Analysis Numerical

conditions, the tax rate will be 34 percent. If the changes are made, what return on equity will the
company earn? Ans: 23.1%

Problem 9: Using the following data, complete the balance sheet given below:

Debt ratio: 50%

Quick Ratio: 0.8

Total assets turnover: 1.5 times

Days sales outstanding: 36 days (360 days in a year)

Gross profit margin: 25%

Sales/Inventory: 5 times

Balance Sheet

Liability Amount Assets Amount

Account Payable ………… Cash ………..
Long-term debt 40,000 Account receivable ………..
Common stock ………… Inventories ………..
Retained earnings 65,000 Fixed asset …………
Total Liability and Equity $200,000 Total Assets $200,000
Ans: 60000, 35000, 18000, 30000, 60000, 92000

Problem 10: Complete the 2014 balance sheet for Royal Industries using the information that follows it.

Balance sheet

Liability Amount Assets Amount

Account Payable $120,000 Cash $32,720
Notes payable …………….. Marketable securities 25,000
Accruals 20,000 Account receivables …………
Long term debt ………… Inventories ………….
Shareholders’ equity 600,000 Net Fixed asset …………
Total Liability and Equity Total Assets

Additional information:

Sales: $1800, 000

Gross profit margin: 25%

Inventory turnover ratio: 6.0

Average collection period: 40 days (360 days in a year)

The current ratio: 1.6

Total assets turnover ratio: 1.2

Ratio Analysis Numerical

The debt ratio: 60 %

Ans: 161700, 598300, 200000, 225000,1017280

Problem 11:

a. A KBC supplier has a total debt ratio of 0.62. What is its debt-equity ratio? What is its equity
b. Nepal barstool has an equity multiplier of 2.4. The company’s assets are financed with some
combination of long-term debt and common equity. What is the company’s debt ratio?
c. Valley Dealers has ROA of 10 percent, a profit margin of 2 percent and return on equity equal to
15 percent. What is the company’s total assets turnover? What is firm’s equity multiplier?
Ans: 1.63x, 2.63x, 58.33%, 5x, 1.5x

Problem 12:

a. SN Enterprises had debt-equity ratio of 1.10 Return on assets is 8.4 percent, and total equity is
$440,000. What is the equity multiplier? Return on equity? Net income?
b. NS Inc. has sales of $2,300 million, total assets of $1,020 million, and debt-equity ratio of 1. If its
return on equity is 18 percent, what is its net income?

Ans: 2.1 times, 17.64%, $77616, $91.8 million

Problem 13(Assignment) 1: Following are the data available for Mercantile Computer and Industry
average. You are required to:

a. Calculate the indicated ratios for Mercantile Computer

b. Calculate ROE using Du-Pont equation for Mercantile Computer
c. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of Mercantile Computer.

Balance Sheet of Mercantile Computer as on December 31, 2015

Liabilities $ Assets $
Accounts payable 64,500 Cash 38,750
Notes Payable 42,000 Receivables 168,000
Other current liabilities 58,500 Inventory 120,750
Total current liabilities 165,000 Total current assets 327,500
Long term debt 128,250 Net fixed assets 146,250
Common equity 180,500
Total Liabilities and Equity 473,750 Total assets 473,750

Income statement of Mercantile Computer for the year ended December 31, 2015

Amount ($)
Sales Revenue 803,750
Less: Cost of goods sold
Materials 358,500
Labor 226,500
Heat, light and power 34,000
Ratio Analysis Numerical

Indirect labor 56,500

Depreciation 20,750 696,250
Gross profit 107,500
Less: Selling expenses 57,500
General expenses 15,000 72,500
EBIT 35,000
Less: Interest expenses 12,250
EBT 22,750
Less: Tax at 40 % of 22,750 (9,100)
Net Income after taxes 13,650

Industry average

Current ratio: 2 times

Days Sales Outstanding: 35 days

Inventory turnover ratio (Sales/inventory):6.7 times

Total assets turnover: 3 times

Profit margin 1.2 %

Return on assets 3.6%

Return on equity: 9 %

Debt ratio: 60%

Problem 14: Argent Corporation has $60 million in current liabilities, $150 million in total liabilities, and
$210 million in total common equity; Argent has no preferred stock. Argent’s total debt is $120 million.
What is the debt to assets ratio? What is the debt to equity ratio? Ans: 33.33%, 57.14%

Problem 15.The following data applies to Jacobus and Associates (millions of dollars):

Cash and marketable securities: $100

Fixed assets: $283.5

Sales: $1,000

Net Income: $50

Quick ratio: 2.0X

Current ratio: 3.0X

DSO: 40.55 days (365 days in a year)

ROE: 12%

Jacobus has no preferred stock – only common equity, current liabilities, and long term debt.
Ratio Analysis Numerical

a. Find Jacobus’s (1) Account receivable (2) Current liabilities, (3) current assets (4) total assets, (5)
ROA (6) common equity and (7) long-term debt.
b. In part a, you should have found Jacobus’s account receivable = $111.11 million. If Jacobus could
reduce its DSO from 40.55 days to 30.4 days while holding other things constant, how much
cash would it generate? If this cash were used to buy back common stock (at book value), thus
reducing the amount of common equity, how would this affect (1) the ROE (2) the ROA, and (3)
Total debt/Total assets ratio?

Ans; $111.11, 105.5, 316.5, 600, 8.33%, $416.67,77.83, 27.83 12.86%, 8.74%, 32.0%

Problem 16: (IUKL 2016 June/Sept) Mini case

Starbucks Corporation and McDonald’s Corporation financial statements and stock prices:

Star Bucks ($) McDonalds($)

Ratio Analysis Numerical

Income Statement
Period Ending 27-Sep-09 31-Dec-08
Total Revenue 9,774,600.00 22,744,700.00
Cost of Revenue 4,324,900.00 13,952,900.00
Gross profit 5,449,700.00 8,791,800.00
Total operating Expenses 4,887,700.00 1,950,800.00
Operating income or loss 562,000.00 6,841,000.00
Income from continuing Operations
Total other income/expenses Net 36,300.00 -354,000.00
Earnings Before Interest And Taxes 598,300.00 6,487,000.00
Interest Expenses 39,100.00 0.00
Income before tax 559,200.00 6,487,0000.00
Income Tax expense 168,400.00 1,936,000.00
Net Income 390,800.00 4,551,000.00

Balance Sheet
Period Ending 27-sep-09 31-Dec-08
Cash & Cash Equivalents 599,800.00 1,796,000.00
Account receivable 557,600.00 1,060,400.00
Inventories 664,900.00 106,200.00
Other current assets 213,500.00 453,700.00
Total Current Assets 2,035,800.00 3,416,300.00
Long Term Investment 4,23,500.00 1,212,700.00
Property Plant & Equipment 2,536,400.00 21,531,500.00
Good will 0.00 2,425,200.00
Other Assets 581,100.00 1,639,200.00
Total Assets 5,576,800.00 30,224,900.00

Account Payable 1,192,100.00 2,970,600.00
Short/current term debt 200.00 18,100.00
Other current liabilities 388,700.00 0.00
Total current liabilities 1,581,000.00 2,988,700.00
Long Term Debt 549,300.00 10,560,300.00
Other long Term Liabilities 400,800.00 1,363,100.00
Deferred long term liability charges 0.00 1,278,900.00
Total liabilities 2,531,100.00 16,191,000.00
Total Stockholder Equity 3,0457,00.00 14,033,900.00
Total Liabilities & Owner’s Equity 5,576,800.00 30,224,900.00

a. Compute the financial ratios for both firms and evaluate the relative performance of the two
firms in the following areas:
i. Liquidity
j. Asset-management efficiency
Ratio Analysis Numerical

k. Financial practices (capital structure)

l. Profitability
b. Based on the above analysis, provide your personal assessment of the two firm’s past

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