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The Bacta Heist

Mini-Adventure Module
Jeff Greening
Table of Contents

Episode 1
Heatherdowns Hotel
Page 4

Episode 2
The Tallaani Shipyards
Page 8

Episode 3
Seizing the Bacta
Page 17

Episode 4
The Trap is Sprung
Page 23

Page 25

Converted from “The Bacta Heist” by West End Games
Conversion by Jeff Greening
When the Rebel Alliance was routed
from Echo Base, it was forced to
abandon a large amount of vital
supplies. The Alliance, now
recovering from that setback, is
suffering a severe bacta shortage.
The call has gone out to Rebel
operatives – as well as privateers,
mercenaries and smugglers – to
focus their efforts on obtaining
bacta for the Alliance’s pilots and

The Bacta Heist 2

The Bacta Heist

“The Bacta Heist” is designed for a
group of four to six Rebel Characters.
The characters need to capture a bacta Episode One:
transport and deliver its precious cargo
to the Rebel Alliance. First, they need The characters arrive at the Heatherdowns
Hotel and Track on the planet Tallaan to
to steal the Manta-class starfighters
meet a Rebel sympathizer, Hamar-
necessary to capture the transport. Chaktak. Hamar is a Herglic merchant who
offers to help them steal a bacta transport
Modification Options to embarrass the Empire and assist the
Alliance. In reality, he intends to betray
With some modifications this them and claim the insurance for the
adventure can suit other types of transport (which he owns).
Characters. A group of bacta pirates,
smugglers or privateers would clearly
find the target vessel a worthy prize. Episode Two:
With some additional modifications,
The characters infiltrate an orbiting repair
the bacta transport would make an depot at the Tallaan Shipyards in order to
excellent target for a team of Alliance steal several Manta starfighters, which
SpecForce troops. they will need for the hijacking.

“The Bacta Heist” can place the

characters in the middle of House Episode Three:
intrigues, as well. Perhaps the target
Using the Mantas and the coordinates
vessel is affiliated with a particular
provided by Hamar, the characters
House (which finances the shipping ambush the bacta transport. They cut
company), and the characters are loyal through the hull to seize the transport
to a faction or House that opposes from the inside.
them. The characters can target the
bacta transport to strike a rival House.
Episode Four:
As a final twist, perhaps the characters
Hamar reveals his deception and betrays
are loyal to the House that finances the characters. They must now defeat
the bacta shipment. However, the Hamar or lose the bacta … and quite
group is ordered to seize the ship, probably their lives.
posing as agents of their House’s chief
rival, implicating the m in the heist.

3 The Bacta Heist

A Day at the Races
Heatherdowns Hotel
When the characters arrive, Hamar
The characters, situated on the bacta heartily welcomes them, encouraging
pipeline, are in an ideal position to them to make them selves comfortable.
“liberate” some bacta for the Alliance. He introduces himself and his “muscle”
One of the cell’s irregular and Valka, and makes small talk for a while.
occasional sponsors – a Herglic Suitable topics include their trip to Tallaan,
merchant named Hamar-Chaktak – has past experience with the Alliance, and if
a plan and some information which they’ve ever been to a Cracian thumper
might net the group several metric race. He refuses to discuss business until
tonnes of bacta (and some star fighters after a meal.
in the bargain). The characters are
instructed to meet Hamar at the Eventually, Hamar treats his guests to an
Heatherdowns Hotel on Tallan to elloborate banquet served by several hotel
discuss the operation. staff. The cuisine is fantastic, though no
intoxicants are present. As the meal nears
The trip to Tallan is uneventful, as is its end, the sound of distant sirens signals
the landing procedure. Getting that a new Cracian thumper race is about
directions to the Heatherdowns Hotel to start. Hamar goes over to the room’s
and Track is a simple matter of finding comlink and places a 500 credit bet on
a street map, information droid or Wishful Thinking, explaining to the
someone passing by. The Hotel is a 25 characters that he always places a bet
story metallic structure the overlooks a before an important business meeting –
5Km oval track. The track is ringed for luck. He asks them if they’d like to join
with thousands of seats and bleachers. him as he watches from the balcony. The
The center is filled with more gardens characters are free to bet aswell. See the
and training facilities. When the sidebar for rules on narrating the race.
characters arrive, the stadium is
packed with people – the very popular
Cracian thumper races are underway.

Hamar’s suite is located on the 22nd Try to introduce Hamar to the characters
floor. The suite consists of a sleeping before this adventure starts. He is the
chamber for himself and his assistant sort of Herglic who hedges his bets, and
Valka, and a large entertainment area may well have performed some relatively
safe services for the cell in the past (but
with a tranparisteel wall overlooking nothing to suggest he owns a bacta
the track. This tastefully decorated shipping operation).
area is filled with over-sized stuffed
repulsor-couches, comfortable hover-
chairs, and several greel wood tables. The Bacta Heist 4
Hamar’s Plan
Following the race, Hamar gets down hull and capture the ship from the inside.
to business, and tells them what they Finally they must flee into hyperspace to
must do to capture a supply of bacta – transfer the bacta to the Alliance.
intercept and hijack a bacta transport
en-route to its hyperspace jump
without harming its precious cargo. To Hamar suggests that the best place to
pull this off , the characters must first obtain Mantas is the Tallaan Shipyards
go to the Tallan shipyards and steal a Orbital Starfighter Repair Depot, both
few Manta class Starfighters. Using because its security is relatively light, and
the starfighters unique magnetic because he has managed to obtain a
docking capabilities , they can attack schematic of the complex, which he
the transport and attach to it’s hull. provides (Pages 11-12). Also on the map
Then, using zero-g suits, the characters are coordinates for the orbital depot and a
can cut a hole through the transports time. Hamar notes that the best time for
the attack comes in two days, when its
orbit carries it farthest from the docked
Imperial Star Destroyer Razor, giving the
players extra time to escape the system
Rolling the results of the race are similar with the Mantas.
to rolling for initiative before combat.
Each creature / rider pair makes a skill roll When the characters are prepared to
based on the creatures’ Brawn and the launch their stolen Mantras, they signal
riders piloting skill. Compare the results to one of Hamar’s container ships present in
determine the winner.
the shipyards. The container ship then
Name Skill Odds begins to lumber away from the shipyards,
passing the depot. Using the Mantas’
Wishful Thinking 5-2
magnetic clamps, the characters land on
My Princess 4-1 the passing container ship to piggyback
into hyperspace to the rendezvous point.
Fanciful Illusion 5-1

Last Gala 12-1 Once away, they can plan their strike on
the bacta transport. Hamar claims to have
Triumpha 5-4 access to the shipping manifests and
Second Wind 7-1 schedule of a smaller independent bacta
shipping company.
Lady Avallia 10-1

Thunderbird 4-1

5 The Bacta Heist

Hamar-Chaktak [Nemesis]

The characters may have their own ideas

on how to seize the Mantas, or may
decide they can take the bacta ship
another way. In the former case, let them
make their plans and then improvise to
the point where they actually arrive on the
repair depot. In the later case, pick up the
action with Episode three.

Hamar is a wealthy merchant based in the

Freeworlds Region. He deal in numerous
legitimate cargoes, including foodstuffs,
ore, and even some bacta. But Hamar has
had his share of illegal dealings. Among
other activities, he has had a hand in
smuggling and slaving.

Hamar has a booming deep voice that

commands attention and respect. He
cares very little for anything, save his
personal wealth and reputation (though
he can put on a good act). He has no
problem ruining others lives for his
personal gain.

Hamar can resist the temptation to

gamble better than most of his species,
he’s learned the hard way that the
numbers are against making a profit at
games of chance. But he has a weakness
for Cracian thumper races. Often he can
be found at the track, placing bets and
rooting for his favorite of the day.

The Bacta Heist 6

Valka [Rival]

To outward appearances, Hamar is an Alliance

sympathizer. He feigns a hatred of the Empire,
and has even performed a few services for the
Rebellion in the past. While it is true he has no
great love for the Empire, he doesn’t care much
for the Rebellion either. He plays both sides to
suit him. At the moment, it suits him to sacrifice
the characters in a scheme to collect the
insurance money on an old bacta transport he
owns – the very vessel the characters are to
attack (which explains how he knows it’s

The plan is this: Thugs loyal to Hamar hide in one

of the bacta modules. After the characters steal
the transport, the thugs subdue them and turn
the shop over to Hamar. Hamar took out a large
insurance policy on the bacta and the vessel, and
plans to fake its destruction to collect the
200,000 credit payoff. Meanwhile, he sells the
transport to a pirate band for another 75,000
credits. He intends to sell the bacta to the
Alliance for another 25,000 credits, plus whatever
ransom the Alliance or Empire will pay for the
characters. The total take is over 300,000 credits,
plus the ransom possibilities.

The greedy merchant is proud of his plan, and it’s

only real flaw is the potential resourcefulness of
the characters.

7 The Bacta Heist

The Tallaani Shipyards
The Tallaani shipyards are a collection systems, and even weapons are stored
of aging metal spacedocks in a chaotic here. Four Common Navy Troopers stand
throng orbiting Tallaan. Repair vessels, vigil over the weapons storage
starfighters, bulk freighters and areas at all times.
numerous cargo barges weave
between the glittering structures. Bulk Turbolift
A massive 20 meter-square turbolilt
Hamar's container ship is floating free provides access from deep storage to
in the yards. True to Hamar's word, the Repair Deck 1. The controls of this turbolift
huge orbital repair depot is on the are in the control tower.
opposite side of the yards from the
Star Destroyer Razor. Repair Deck I
This is the largest of all the repair decks
The shipyards are patrolled by squads and it constantly bustles with activity.
of Imperial Tie fighters, plus Common Technicians scramble under and on top of
Navy Z-95 Headhunters. A Tapani-dass starlighters of several designs. Meanwhile,
carrier is parked outside the repair maintenance and repair droids shamble
depot - its complement of Mantas are around assisting where they can, often just
in the depot undergoing overhauls avoiding being trampled. Four Common
and repairs. Navy Troopers pick their way through the
chaotic array to keep an eye on things.
Ventral Access Hatch
This oversized hatch is closed except Currently, this deck holds twenty-two
when a cargo vessel is docked and Mantas. six V-wing fighters and thirteen
unloading its cargo. The hatch is Z-95 Headhunters. A pair of shuttles are
flanked by a pair of docking pylons to also present, all in various stages of repair.
ease the transfer of cargo. This
entrance is only used by supply ships
to deliver starship components and
equipment to the depot. These parts The layout of the interior can be changed
are held in deep storage until needed depending on PC experience. For novice
by repair crews. parties, have the PCs and the mantas begin on
the same deck (as above). For more
experienced players, have them start on
Deep Storage
different decks and if necessary have the
This huge area is dark and cool. It turbolifts guarded.
serves as a storage area for the entire
depot. Starlighter components,
computer The Bacta Heist 8
Repair Deck 2 Control Tower
This deck is less busy than Repair Deck A 120-meter-high control tower occupies
I, but technicians and droids still comb the center of repair deck 1. The tower's
the area, repairing all manner of interior is composed of nine separate
starfighters. A pair of Common Navy levels, servicedby a pair of turbolifts. See
Troopers are stationed here to keep an the map on page 11 for a key to levels One
eye on things. through Eight. Level Nine is the circular
command center, the nerve center of the
Currently, this deck holds twelve repair depot.
Mantas, two V-wings and eight Z-95
Headhunters. The interior is riddled with computer
terminals and is staffed by 42 frantic
Repair Deck 3 individuals. Here they coordinate repair
This deck is similar to Repair Deck 2. It schedules, prepare shipping manifests for
is positioned nearest the dorsal access parts, perform traffic control, etc. From
hatch and is also patrolled by a pair of this location, the command center has
Common Navy Troopers. control of all depot functions, including
lighting, heating/cooling, turbolift
Currently, eight V-wing starfighters, operation, access hatch operation, and
sixZ-95 Headhunters, a shuttle, and tractor beam operation.
several communications and weather
satellites are undergoing repair and The control tower is equipped with nine
maintenance. tractor beam emplacement units. One is
placed on a rod on top of the command
Dorsal Access Hatch center, and one each at a compass point at
This access hatch, nearly 40 meters the command center's midsection, and
across, is used by entering and exiting four more on the tower's base at
craft. On entering the depot, the alternating heights. These units are used
control tower assumes control of the to move heavy starfighter parts and
ship via one of nine tractor beam even the ships themselves, so that the
emplacements to guide it to its landing technicians needn't rely on a pilot. In an
destination. The hatch is usually open, emergency, the tractor beams can also be
but a low level force field keeps the used to detain fleeing ships.
vacuum of space safely beyond the
depot. In case of an emergency, a
pair of retractable blast doors can be
activated to seal the depot, although it Damage: -
takes several rounds for them to close. Critical: -

Range: Close (Planetary)

9 The Bacta Heist Special: Tractor 1

Stealing The Mantas
As the characters approach the repair Maintenance droids are programmed to
depot, they are hailed by its control follow orders from just about anyone.
tower. A bored, monotone voice asks
their destination and cargo. Unless the The Common Navy Troopers, if not
characters come up with a plausible responding to an emergency, can be
story, they need to make an Average Deceived or Charmed with a Average
Deception [ ] check to gain landing [ ] check. The stormtroopers tend to
clearance. This difficulty can be take their responsibilities seriously and can
modified depending on the believ- only be Deceived or Charmed with a Hard
ability of the characters' story. [ ] check. Neither security force can
be bribed.
The depot derives a suitable income
from servicing outside contracts. If the The thirty-four Mantas present in the
characters feign engine problems and repair depot are undergoing routine
can prove they have ample (several maintenance, and are in various stages of
thousand) credits, they can land and repair. Some are completely functional,
put in for repairs. others have superficial damage, while
some have complete systems off-line. If a
Getting to the Mantas character takes several minutes, an Easy
Gaining access to the areas where [ ] Piloting Space (only if the PC has the
Mantas are stored is not a difficult skill) or Average [ ] Mechanics check
procedure, but unless the characters can determine the status of a given ship.
take certain precautions, they could Roll on the table below to determine a
call unwanted attention to themselves. ship's state of repair. If the characters just
Armed with proper dress and a cover pick a few ships and steal them, roll a D6
story, they can avoid a lot of questions. on the table to determine the condition of
The repair docks teem with technicians the ships they select.
composed of several species, plus
numerous droids, so non-human
characters blend in fine.

To get near the starfighters, characters

could Deceive or Charm the personnel. Roll State Effects
Technicians can be Deceived with an
Easy Deception [ ] check or 1 Fully Functional None
2 Compensator damage -1 Handle
persuaded with a Average Charm
3 Hull Damage 2 Hull Dam
[ ] check. These technicians are 4 Thrusters Off-Line -1 Speed
low-paid hard-working individuals 5 Shield Generator Blown No shields
susceptible to a bribe. An offer of at 6 Weapons offline No Weapons
least 25 credits can get most
technicians to look the other way.
The Bacta Heist 10
11 The Bacta Heist
The Bacta Heist 12
Escaping With The Mantas
Fleeing the repair depot with the If the characters are having problems
Mantas is a multistep process. For ease deactivating the tractor beams, the
following option may be used:
of play, it is broken down below.
However, most of these notes might One of the base technicians Regul Staganac,
not apply, depending on the is a Rebel Alliance operative (or may be
characters' plan and execution. For bribed, or shares an allegiance with the
example, it is quite possible they sneak characters). If the characters agree to help
him perform some sort of task at a later
on board the Tapanii class carrier, steal date, he will help them escape the base by
pilot uniforms, fake manifests to deactivating the tractor beams.
transfer the fighters back to the carrier,
and attempt to waltz off with the
control tower's help. Out the Door
As the characters raise ship, a mechanic
Just before the characters are ready, hops into a convenient Y-wing, powers up
they should contact Hamar's container the weapons systems, and fires, He has a
ship to head out of the shipyards. They gunnery skill of and is using the
have only several minutes to dock with laser cannons, but the targeting system is
the container ship before it enters not on-line, so he cannot take the aim
hyperspace. maneuverer.

Dealing with the Tractor Beams It normally takes an Easy ( ) Piloting

At first sign of starfighters being stolen, Space check to manoeuvre out of the
the control tower attempts to lock dorsal access hatch. Failure results in 2 hull
onto them with a tractor beam. The damage. At the first sign of the characters
command personnel have Gunnery heading for the hatch, the control tower
skill of . If possible, several attempts to close the retractable blast
tractor beams can have a cumulative doors (unless the characters tampered
effect on a target. with the controls). It takes seven rounds
for them to close, and as more time goes
Crafty characters can disarm these by, it becomes harder to slip through.
projectors before they make a break Consult the chart below.
for it. Or, during the break out, they
can attempt to destroy the
emplacements with blaster or
starfighter fire.
Round Difficulty (piloting space)
1 Easy [ ]
A Hard [ ] Ranged or Gunnery 2-3 Average [ ]
check is needed to hit the 4-5 Hard [ ]
emplacements. 6 Daunting [ ]
7 Formidable [ ]

13 The Bacta Heist

Through the Tallaan
By the time the characters exit the The chase between the players and the
repair depot, the control tower has pursuing Z-95s is probably best handled
cinematically over a fixed number of
called for backup. The Common Navy
rounds, with PCs and pursuers taking pilot
Troopers send two to four Z-95 checks at the start of each round, failure
Headhunters, which pickup pursuit at incurring one hull damage plus one
long range. In the far distance, the additional per remaining f. Then allow
silhouettes of TIE fighters can be seen PCs and pursuers to take shots depending
on position and environment
launching from the Razor's hangar
bays, Unless the characters are After the number of rounds is up, the
delayed, the TIEs won't be a factor players clear the area around the station
during the escape. and can dock with the transport.

The Z-95s close and attempt to take

out the characters using their triple Latching onto Hamar's Ship
laser cannons. The first round or two The final step in the escape involves
are spent at full throttle attempting to docking with Hamar's container ship and
close the distance with their targets. escaping into hyperspace. The actual
Keep in mind that the characters' own docking requires a Average [ ] Piloting
ship could intervene here. To Space check if the target ship is moving
complicate matters, the shipyard is slowly. This difficulty increases to Difficult
choked with traffic-from huge docked [ ] if the attempt is made during
ships to light service vessels and combat. Failure results in 1 Hull damage to
shuttles. Average [ ] Piloting Space the starfighter, 2 Hull damage to the cargo
rolls could be necessary to avoid ship, and an unsuccessful docking.
collisions, (increased to Hard [ ]
if the PCs are at full throttle Once the Mantas are attached to the cargo
themselves) ship, the cargo ship is ready for
hyperspace. One of the Mantas could land
on a light freighter, if the characters have
Describe the crowded nature of the area
surrounding the depot as the players first one. However, a light freighter
approach it. Have the pilot make a mental piggybacking a Manta suffers a –1 penalty
note that while navigating this at standard to her Handling. An Easy [ ] Astrogation
speed isn’t particularly challenging, doing so roll is needed to flee the Tallaan Shipyards
at full speed while being pursued would be
to rendezvous with Hamar (if any of the
very different!
characters are piloting their own ships).

The Bacta Heist 14

Optional Encounter:
If the GM feels that the characters are
having too easy a time of infiltrating
the station, he or she can add a little
more excitement to the scene:

As the group move through the

station, they are discovered in the
midst of committing an Illegal act
slicing into the station computer,
meddling with parked craft and so on
by Captain Brixus Aldine, a House
Melantha guard captain. Aldlne and
several of his troops are currently on
board the station, waiting to transfer
to a House Melantha starship which
will transport them to Soterios. When
he notices the characters tampering
with the parked ships he summons his
soldiers, a cadre of bodyguards
nicknamed the "Aldine Brigade“ and
attempts to apprehend the group.

If any of the PCs have the “Combat

Superiority” Duty, this is an opportunity to
pit them against a significant foe. The GM
could decide Captain Aldine has already
committed various heinous acts against
civilian targets in his career and has openly
shown Imperial sympathies. In this case
this information will need to be seeded
prior to the Adventure to hook the players
in to dealing with him.

Alternatively he could simply be head of

Security at the Station.

15 The Bacta Heist

Ships of the Shipyard
Manta ships are unusual in that they
can change between modes as a
manoeuvre. They also are equipped
with a magnetic clamp. Stats for Y-
Wings and Z-95 Headhunters are also

The Bacta Heist 16

Episode III Meanwhile, Hamar meets with the
characters to explain his plan of attack on
Battle for the Bacta the target bacta transport.

After the characters arrive at the Using Lamuir VII's moon for cover, the
rendezvous, Hamar invites them to characters attack the transport with the
land in his corvette, the Crusader, and Mantas. The transport is escorted by six
join him for a briefing. Hamar's techs TIE fighters. After dealing with the TIEs,
get to work repairing any of the they land the Mantas behind the cockpit
Mantas that need further servicing. but in front of the bacta holding modules.
Using plasma cutters, the characters are to
enter the transport, subdue any guards,
and take control of the vessel before
escaping to hyperspace and another
rendezvous with Hamar.

Before the characters depart, they have an
opportunity to repair any damage to their
own ship. As Hamar mentioned, his tech
staff has seen to repairs on the Mantas. In
addition, Hamar loans the following
equipment to the characters:
• 1 Vacuum suit / player
• 1 breath mask / player
• 1 plasma cutter / player
• 2 stimpacks / player

The Battle for the Bacta

The transport plus its escort of six TIEs is
right on schedule about two hours after
the characters arrive at the attack site.
When the characters make themselves
visible to their quarry, the11Es peel off
and engage the characters.

Meanwhile, the transport makes a run for

its jump point. The battle begins at long
range, and the TIEs do everything,
including sacrificing themselves, to save
the transport. Unless transmissions are
somehow jammed, the TIEs and the
transport send a distress call.
17 The Bacta Heist
B-12 Bacta

The Bacta Heist 18

Docking with the Transport
Due to the transport's slow speed and
low manoeuvrability, it only requires
an Average [ ] Piloting Space check
to land a Manta on its hull. A failed roll
indicates the Manta has landed on a
different part of the transport (such as
a bacta module), and suffers 10 hull
damage. The difficulty is increased to
Daunting [ ] if docking is
attempted while the TIE lighters are

The characters should be warned

about firing on the transport in an
effort to slow it down. The bacta
modules are relatively unprotected,
and an errant shot could send millions
of litres of bacta into space. Called
shots targeting only the transport's
engines require a Daunting [ ]
Gunnery check. If one of the players
rolls generates ttt the shot goes
wild, and may damage the bacta tanks Weapons:
at your discretion. (Begins disabled at GM’s Discretion) See
Entertainment Area on Page 20
After clamping on to the sides of the
transport, it takes the Manta two
rounds to deploy its docking tube and
acclimate it to an adequate
atmosphere. Using a plasma cutter
requires an Average [ ] Mechanics
check. Success indicates it takes three
rounds to cut through the hull, while
failure results in six rounds of cutting.
When the characters penetrate the
interior of the transport, extrapolate
their position on the map on page 18.

19 The Bacta Heist

The door leading to the cockpit is
locked. An Average [ ] Skulduggery
check needed to open it. Inside, five
human crew members pilot the vessel
in a frantic attempt to escape into
hyperspace. The characters should be
on a time limit to reach this location
and take control of the ship.
Otherwise, it enters hyperspace in
route to Tallaan. The exact time limit is
up to you, but it should be a fast-paced
chaotic struggle, as the characters run
into heavy opposition.

The twenty-six crew members are all

employees of Cargo Consolidated, Inc.
They are easily intimidated, and are by
no means seasoned warriors. They do
have blasters stored in an overhead
bin, and could use them should the Entertainment Area.
need arise. However, an Easy [ ] A Daunting [ ] Perception check
Coercion or Leadership check is or another Average [ ] Computers
enough to get them to surrender. check reveals the presence of a concealed
While they have the advantage of retractable belly-mounted laser cannon.
numbers, the crew all share a common Hamar believes in arming his ships to
attitude: no salary is worth dying for. prevent pirate attacks. Since Hamar
wanted this attack to succeed, he did not
Accessing the ship's computer inform the crew of the cannon, but the
terminals can reveal the following characters might find it useful later on.
information. An Easy [ ] Computers
check reveals the flight plan: Mrlsst,
Lamuir VII, Tallaan, Aleron, Achillea
and then to the Core. An Average
[ ] Computers check reveals the
transport to be owned by Cargo This cannon could currently be disabled
Consolidated, Inc. Another Average but not damaged at the GM’s discretion,
[ ] check reveals that the owner of disconnected from Main power by Hamar
prior to the mission. Reconnecting is a
CCI is Hamar! This information can also simple matter of plugging it back in, so
be coerced out of the crew with Easy only requires a Simple [-] Mechanics
[ ] Coercion or Average [ ] check.
Leadership checks.

The Bacta Heist 20

Crew Quarters.
These are standard chambers used by credits each), a credstick (3,000 credits)
the transport's crew, and any and a datapad. The datapad details an
passengers. Each consists of several agreement between the mercenaries-
simple uncomfortable beds, plus Terkle's Terrors-and CCI to guard the vessel
storage lockers built into the walls, The for 3.000 credits.
chambers marked with a "." are
currently used by mercenaries; a total These mercenaries are typically located in
of six mercs have been hired to protect the entertainment area gambling and
the transport. These rooms are untidy tossing vibroknives into a makeshift target.
and reek of spice liquor. The centre When resting, they are found here in the
chamber contains a metallic box, crew quarters, drunk half of the time.
shoved under the bed, it is locked, When the characters penetrate the hull,
requiring a Hard [ ] Skulduggery these six move into defensive positions
check to open. It contains three 22- and open fire with their blasters. If three
year-old bottles of spice liquor (value or more are felled, the remainder
50). surrender.

Main Access Corridor.

The blast door to this corridor is locked
with an advanced mechanism. It requires a
Hard [ ] Skulduggery Check to
override the system, one of the
crewmembers has the combination
memorized, if the characters can extract
the information from him. The corridor
beyond is an access corridor leading to the
engine cluster. Along the corridor are
computer terminals monitoring the bacta

Accessing the computer terminals with an

Easy [ ] Computer Check reveals the
bacta in holding modules One through
Sixteen appear to be in a safe condition.
Unless they were damaged in the battle.
However, Holding Module Two appears to
be empty. As a matter of fact, another
Average [ ] Computer Check reveals
that the module contains a breathable
21 The Bacta Heist
Bacta Holding Module Number Two.
An Easy [ ] Perception Check in the
main access corridor reveals a service
hatch to this (and the other) bacta
modules. This module has been
converted to maintain a breathable
atmosphere. Inside the module are
Valka and up to twenty thugs in the
service of Hamar. See Episode Four
(page 23) for the thugs' actions.

Trouble Arrives
When things are at their most tense,
the Freeworlds cavalry arrives. As the
assault on the transport began, the
convoy broadcast a distress call back to
Lamuir IV. Lamuir IV planetary law
enforcement dispatches a Tapani class
assault frigate to give assistance. A
Average [ ] Computers Check (if
the characters gain access to the
cockpit) reveals the frigate's approach If the characters react quickly enough,
vector. they can plot a hyperspace route with an
Average [ ] Astrogation Check and
escape. As the frigate closes, it demands
the characters power down the transport's
engines and prepare for boarding. If the
characters resist (remember, their ship
should be nearby), the frigate opens fire
with ion cannons in an attempt to disable
the characters' ship and the transport.

The players do not have a chance against a

Tapani Assault Frigate. This scene is
better played cinematically rather than
having the players attempt a suicide run
on the Frigate. If necessary have a PC
make a Knowledge Warfare check to find
out how formidable the Frigate is.

The Bacta Heist 22

Episode IV
The Trap is Sprung thugs captured the ship, the characters are
Proceed into this episode without transferred to the Crusader, and the bacta
delay. Just when the characters think transport is spirited away into hyperspace.
they've succeeded, spring the
following ambush on them. If the characters are in control, Hamar
contacts them, and demands their
The Attack from Within unconditional surrender, and threatens
Just as the bacta transport eases out of harm to make his point. If necessary, the
hyperspace to rendezvous with Hamar, Crusader opens fire with its ion cannons to
the thugs secluded in bacta Holding immobilize the transport, but it uses its
Module Two make their move. They laser cannons on the characters'
open the security hatch and proceed ship, or attacking Mantas.
along the main access corridor. Using
the access code, they open the blast If the transport is immobilized, the
door, and attempt to secure the Crusader moves into docking position. 40
transport, heading for the cockpit. more thugs flood into the transport to
They have reports on the characters subdue the characters. Proceed to the
(descriptions, names, armaments, and Wrap Up section below.
so on), and attempt to subdue them.

The thugs use their blasters set on stun

to capture the characters. In a pinch,
each is armed with a stun grenade to
facilitate the takeover. Stunned
characters are stripped of weapons,
placed in binders, and locked in bacta
Holding Module Two. The access hatch
is locked, as is the blast door leading to
the main access shaft. They are
organised into four minion groups of
five thugs each.

Attack from Without

When the bacta transport arrives at
the rendezvous point, the Crusader is
not present. It arrives a few minutes
later, and instantly contacts the ship to
determine who's in control. If the

23 The Bacta Heist

Wrap-Up dangerous mission. Perhaps he will ask the
If the characters thwart Hamar's characters to smuggle a particularly illegal
betrayal the forces within the ship, in cargo for him. Perhaps Staganac is an
addition to his sabotaged supplies-they agent of a house that is in conflict with
must still deal with the Crusader (and allegiances the characters have, and he
perhaps Tapani Common Navy ships). forces the characters to spy on their
The characters can use the bacta benefactors to repay the debt.
transport's concealed cannon and the
Mantas to drive off the Crusader. One
solid damaging blow sends the
Crusader fleeing into hyperspace.

If Hamar succeeds, the characters are

thrown into the brig. A week later, they
are ransomed back to the Rebellion.
The Rebellion is also forced to
purchase the bacta (at an exorbitant
cost mark-up) or else the characters
are turned over to the Empire. Unless
the characters escape and intervene,
Hamar collects his insurance credits,
plus he sells the transport. His plan
works perfectly.

When the adventure is over, the

characters will likely own several
Manta cIass starfighters. These could
be used for their cell, but the
characters are more likely to forward
them to the Alliance, since they do not
have hyperdrives. The Alliance may Rewards
give characters new supplies and The characters receive the following:
equipment in exchange for the bacta
and Mantas. What exactly they give is Completing the adventure 10 XP
up to you. Foiling Hamar's plan. 10 XP
Capture the bacta shipment 05 XP
Spawning a Campaign
If the characters accepted the help of Weather the players keep the Mantas or
Regul Staganac, they now owe him a turn them over to the Rebellion is up to
favour. Perhaps he is a Rebel spy who them. If they choose to turn them over,
will ask the characters to repay his reward the group with 5 Duty each.
kindness by undertaking a
The Bacta Heist 24
Print and cut out for reference during encounters
Index 1: Hamar’s Forces

The Bacta Heist

Print and cut out for reference during encounters

The Bacta Heist
Index 2: Station Staff
Print and cut out for reference during encounters
Index 3: Station Ships

The Bacta Heist

Print and cut out for reference during encounters

The Bacta Heist
Index 4: The Imperial Forces
Print and cut out for reference during encounters
Index 5: Capital Ships

The Bacta Heist

Index 6: Player Handouts

The Bacta Heist 30

Index 6: Player Handouts
Orbital Starfighter
Repair Dome
(Top View)

Orbital Starfighter
Repair Dome
(Cross Section)

31 The Bacta Heist

Docking Pylons
Index 6: Player Handouts

B-12 Bacta

The Bacta Heist 32

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