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PLANNING giving both direction and time

constraints in accomplishing a given
Planning- can be defined as the process of task.
developing methods or procedure or an
arrangement of parts intended to facilitate Plans for Operations of special division
the accomplishment of a definite objective.  Those designed to meet every day,
Planning- It is a determination in advance year-round needs .
how the objectives of the organization will be o ( regular operating programs).
attained. This would include the  Those designed to meet unsual
determination of the course of action to take needs. (result of intermittent and
in a particular task, function or activity. unexpected variations in activities
that demand their attention.
Types of Operational Plan
Types of Plans
a. Standing Plan- provide the basic
framework for responding to
1. Procedural or Policy Plan – This organizational problems.
kind of plan ordinarily include as a b. Functional Plan- includes the
part of a police department’s written framework for the operational of the
directives system. major functional unit in the
a. Field Procedure- Procedures c. Operational-efficiency,
intended to be used in all situation of Effectiveness, and Productivity
all kinds shall be outlined as guide to Plans- are essentially the measures
officers and men in the field. or comparison to be used to assess
b. Headquarters Procedure- To police activities and behaviour and
include in these procedures are the results.
duties of the dispatcher and other
personnel concerned which may be d. Time Specific Plans- are concerned
reflected in duty manual. with specific purpose and conclude
c. Special Operating Procedures- when an objective is accomplished or
Certain special operations are also a problem is solved.
necessitating the preparation of
procedures as guides. 3. Tactical Plans- involves planning for
emergencies of a specific nature at
known locations. Some tactical plans
are developed in anticipation of such
2. Operational Plans- are often called
“work plan” and described specific
(ex: hostages, jailbreak and other
action to be taken by line units. Work
similar incidents that are totally
plans are usually short and concise,
police agencies as it based on
4. Administrative or management problem-oriented approach to
plans include information of the planning.
department’s mission statement,
goals and policies; structuring of B. INCREMENTAL PLANNING
functions, authority and It incudes that long range and
responsibilities and the allocation of comprehensive planning are not only
resources. too difficult, but inherently bad. The
problems are seen as too difficult
5. Extra-Departmental Plans are those when they are taken one at a time
that require action or assistance from and broken down into gradual
persons and other private and adjustments over time.
governmental agencies outside the
department for accomplishing the C. TRANSACTIVE PLANNING
primary goal of the organization. It is not carried out with respect to an
anonymous target community of
Categories of Plan beneficiaries but in face-to-face
interaction with the people who are to
1. Visionary Plan- are essentially be affected by the plan. Techniques
statements that identify the role of include field’s surveys and
police in the community and future interpersonal dialogue marked by a
condition in state to which process of mutual learning.
department can aspire.
2. Strategic Plans- are designed to D. ADVOCACY PLANNING
meet the long-range, overall goals of
Beneficial aspects of this approach
the organization. Strategic planning is
include a greater sensitivity to the
important because it allows them to
unintended and negative side effects
prepare for and deal with the
of plans.
changing environment conditions in
which their department operates. E. RADICAL PLANNING

Five (5) Major Approaches to Radical planning has two

Planning. mainstreams. The first mainstream
involves collective actions to achieve
S-ynoptic concrete results in the immediate
I-ncremental future. The second mainstream is
T-ransactive critical of large-scale social
A-dvocacy processes and how they permeate
R-adical the character of social and economic
life at all levels, which, in turn,
A. SYNOPTIC PLANNING determine the structure and evolution
of social problems.
Synoptic planning or the rational
comprehensive approach is the
dominant tradition in planning. It is
also the point of departure for most
other planning approaches. This CHARACTERISTICS OF A PLAN
model is especially appropriate for
Simple, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic,  Area of management concerned with
and Time Bound. human relations in the police
 Managing all human resources within
 Complimentary Doctrines-
Formulated jointly by two or more POLICE PERSONNEL
bureaus in order to affect a certain  Refers to the employee or the
operation with regard to public safety manpower.
and peace and order.  Refers to human resources of a PNP
 Ethical Doctrines- These define that organization.
fundamental principles governing the
rules of conduct, attitude, behaviour
 Fundamental Doctrine MANAGEMENT
It is the basic principle in planning,
To ensure effective coordination,
organization and management of the
PNP in support of the overall pursuit control and supervision functions and
of the PNP vision, mission and activities of different units;
strategic action plan for the To ensure the designation of qualified
attainment of the national objective. and trained officers and men in
 Operational Doctrine- Is the personnel staff, units and offices;
principles and rules governing the To see that all police members are
planning, organization, direction, and treated equally and in the application
employment of the PNP forces in the of policies, rules and regulations and
accomplishment of basic security and in rendering services to them;
public safety operation. To procure only personnel with
appropriate police eligibility and
To ensure effective and proper
RECORDS MANAGEMENT recruitment of qualified police
applicants as well as to maintain the
 Uses planning, organizing, directing authorized non-uniformed working
and controlling of day-to-day forces;
activities involved in procuring, To improve benefit claims of police
developing and motivating them and personnel.
in coordinating their activities to
achieve the aims of the police.
 Is an art of preparing, organizing and FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT
directing the efforts of the members  PLANNING
of the police force in order that they  the mental process of finding
may achieve the accomplishment of adequate solutions to management
the police purpose. problems and the preparation of an
outline of things to be done and how
they will be done to achieve results.
 -Is the determination in advance how operations based on the
the objectives of the organization will highest reasonable
be attained. expectations of operating
efficiency and is a tool
coordinating for operating
 ORGANIZING financial factors.
 The process of allocating authority;
responsibility and accountability to POLICE POLICIES AND
 Involves the allocation and
determination of men and women as POLICY – refers to those tools of
well as the resource of an organization management, which gives life and
to achieve pre-determined objectives direction to the programs of activities
and goals of the organization. and sets limits which action is to be
 STAFFING pursued by the personnel concerned.
 The task of providing
competent men to do the job  Type of Police Policies
and choosing the right men for 1) Originated Policy – this type of
the right job. policy comes from the top
 It involves good selection and management level or highest rank
processing of reliable and well- and is intended to set up guidelines in
trained personnel. the operation of the organization.
 DIRECTING 2) Appealed Policy – this type of police
 The giving authoritative is born when problems arise at the
instructions, orders, or lower levels of the organization and
commands to working men. the man in charge does not know
 It is the overseeing and how to meet the problem. He the
supervising of the human appeals for his superior for guidelines
resources and the various and guidance.
activities in an organization. 3) Impose Policy – this type of policy
 COORDINATING comes from the government in forms
 The accomplishment of an of laws administrative orders, rules
orderly pattern of group effort and procedures and specifications.
among working men.  Dissemination of Policies
 REPORTING  Police Handbooks
 The making of detailed account  Police Manual
activities, work progress,  Bulletin Board
investigation, and unusual  Meeting or Conferences
occurrences in order to keep  Police Publications
everyone informed.
 The forecasting in detail of the
results of an officially
recognized program of
 SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT of jobs, as well as the needs of the
 Under this theory “workers employees regarding skills training
are motivated by economic rewards and enhancement.
and that if they are paid 2) Police Recruitment - is the process
commensurate to work being done, of encouraging police applicant from
they produce maximum amount of outside an organization to seek
work” employment in an organization.
 Proposed by Frederik Taylor 3) Police Selection (Screening) – is
(Father of Scientific Management) the process of determining the most
 THEORY OF X and Y qualified police applicant for a given
 Introduced by Douglas position in the police organization.
McGregor 4) Police Placement – is the process of
 THEORY X - starts from the making police officers adjusted and
assumption that people are naturally knowledgeable in a new job and or
lazy, want to avoid work as much as working environment.
possible, do not wish to take 5) Police Training and Development –
responsibility, have no ambition and refers to any method used to improve
prefer to be supervised. The the attitude, knowledge and skill or
authoritarian leadership style is the behavior pattern of an employee for
most appropriate leadership style in adequate performance of a given job.
this theory. 6) Police Appraisal or Performance
 THEORY Y – Assumes that Rating – performance rating is the
people are inherently happy to work, evaluation of the traits, behavior and
they want to exert themselves and effectiveness of a police officer on the
they are motivated to pursue job as determined by work standards.
objectives. Democratic leadership 7) Police Compensation – financial
style is the most appropriate in this compensation in the form of wages
theory. and salaries of employees of the
 EFFICIENT organization.
 Means doing the right thing with a
minimum use of resources. POLICE RECRUITMENT, SELECTION
 Capable of producing desired results AND PLACEMENT
without wasting materials, time, or
 Producing a result that is wanted.
 Is the process of attracting candidates who
 Productive, useful, and producing
have the maximum qualifications to be
desired effect.
eligible for the selection procedure.
PERSONNEL No person shall be appointed as officer or
member of the PNP unless he or she
1) Police Personnel Planning – the possesses the following minimum
study of the needs of the organization
concerning labor supply and demand
o A citizen of the Philippines;
o A person of good moral conduct; SCREENING PROCEDURE
o Must have passed the 1) Pre-Assessment
psychiatric/psychological, drug and 2) Initial Screening
physical tests to be administered by the a) Required to submit the necessary
PNP or by any NAPOLCOM accredited documents
government hospital for the purpose of b) Face-to-face interview
determining physical and mental health; c) Initial measurement of height and
o Must possess a formal baccalaureate weight
degree from a recognized institution of d) Visual physical inspection
learning; e) Physical Agility Test (PAT)
o Must be eligible in accordance with the f) Submission of documentary
standards set by the Commission; requirements
o Must not have been dishonorably 3) Screening Proper
discharged from military employment or a) Psychiatric and Psychological
dismissed for cause from any civilian Examination (PPE)
position in the Government; b) Physical, Medical and Dental
o Must not have been convicted by final Examination (PMDE)
judgment of an offense or crime involving c) Drug Test (DT)
moral turpitude; d) Complete Background Investigation
o Must be at least one meter and sixty-two (CBI)
centimeters (1.62 m.) in height for male e) Final Committee Deliberation
and one meter and fifty-seven centimeters 4) Oat-Taking and Processing of
(1.57 m.) for female; Appointments
o Must weigh not more or less than five
kilograms (5 kgs.) from the standard *The National Police Commission or NAPOLCOM
weight corresponding to his or her height, – shall administer the entrance and
age, and sex; and promotional examination for policemen.
o For a new applicant, must not be less than *I.Q. or Intelligence Quotient of 112 is advisable
twenty-one (21) nor more than thirty (30) as a minimum standard in police service.
years of age.  POLICE APPOINTMENT
 SELECTION  Temporary – if the applicant passes
 Is the process of screening out/or through the waiver program as provided
eliminating undesirable applicants that do in under RA 8551.
not meet the organization’s selection  Probationary – if the applicant passes
criteria. through the regular screening
 The purpose of selection process is to procedures.
secure these candidates who have the  Permanent – if the applicant able to
highest potential for developing into good finish the required field training program
policemen. for permanency.
 “Only the best must be considered for * Probationary or Probation Period – period of at
selection” least twelve (12) months
All newly appointed to PNP shall undergo a  The age, height, weight, and educational
mandatory one (1) year probationary period. requirements for initial appointment to
During this period the newly appointed can be the PNP may be waived only when the
terminated due to unsatisfactory conduct or number of qualified applicants fall below
performance at any time. the minimum annual quota.
Appointment by Lateral Entry
Appointment in the PNP shall be affected in the  INSPECTOR or POLICE LIEUTENANT
following manner: RANK
A. Patrolman/Patrolwoman – Police  Dentist, Optometrists, Nurses, Engineers,
Executive Master Sergeant - Graduates of Forensic Sciences, PNP
Appointed by the PNP regional director Graduates, Licensed Criminologist.
for regional personnel or by the Chief  SENIOR INSPECTOR or POLICE CAPTAIN
of the PNP for the national RANK
headquarters personnel and attested  Chaplains, Members of the Bar, Doctors
by the Civil Service Commission. of Medicine
B. Police Lieutenant – Police Lieutenant  POLICE TRAINING
Colonel - Appointed by the Chief of The training of police officer shall be the
the PNP, as recommended by their responsibility of the PNP in coordination with:
immediate superiors, attested by the  PHILIPPINES PUBLIC SAFETY COLLEGE
Civil Service Commission; (PPSC) - which shall be the premier
C. Police Colonel – Police Lieutenant education institution for the training of
General - Appointed by the President human resources in the field of law
upon recommendation of the chief of enforcement (PNP, BJMP, BFP),
the PNP, with proper endorsement by subject to the supervision of
the Chairman of the Civil Service NAPOLCOM.
Commission and subject to Type of Police Training Program
confirmation by the Commission on  Basic Recruit Training
Appointments;  Field Training
D. Police General - Appointed by the  In-Service Training Programs
President from among the senior  Specialized Training and Schooling
officers down to the rank of chief Program
superintendent in the service, subject  POLICE APPRAISAL
to confirmation by the Commission on  Appraisal refers to the process of
Appointments. The Chief of the PNP measuring the performance of people
shall serve a tour of duty not to exceed in achieving goals and objectives.
four (4) years. In times of war or other  Also known as “Performance
national emergency declared by Evaluation System”.
Congress, the President may extend
such tour of duty. The performance evaluation in the police
Waivers for Initial Appointments to the PNP service is the responsibility of the
(Sec. 15 of RA 8551) NAPOLCOM, which shall issue the necessary
rules and regulation for the orderly  Shall refer to MINOR OFFENSES
administration of the appraisal process. committed by any regular member of
the PNP involving order and discipline
within the organization.
I. Police Administrative Disciplinary Machinery DISCIPLINARY AUTHORITIES FOR BREACH OF
 CITIZEN'S COMPLAINTS  May summarily impose the
 Any complaint by a natural or juridical administrative punishment of
person against any member of the PNP. admonition or reprimand; restriction to
 Pertains to any complaint initiated by a specified limits; withholding of
private citizen or his duly authorized privileges; forfeiture of salary or
representative because of injury, damage suspension; or any of the combination
or disturbance sustained due to an of the foregoing for a period which
irregular or illegal act committed by a SHALL NOT EXCEED FIFTEEN (15) DAYS.
COMPLAINT administrative punishment of
1) CHIEF OF POLICE admonition or reprimand; restriction to
 Where the offense is punishable by specified limits; withholding of
withholding of privileges, restriction privileges; forfeiture of salary or
to specified limits, suspension or suspension; or any combination of the
forfeiture of salary, or any foregoing: Provided, That, in all cases,
combination thereof for a period not the total period SHALL NOT EXCEED
exceeding FIFTEEN (15) DAYS. THIRTY (30) DAYS.
 Where the offense is punishable by  Shall have the power to impose upon
withholding of privileges, restriction any member the disciplinary
to specified limits, suspension or punishment of DISMISSAL FROM THE
forfeiture of salary, or any SERVICE. He may also impose the
combination thereof, for a period of administrative punishment of
not less than SIXTEEN (16) DAYS BUT admonition or reprimand; restriction to
NOT EXCEEDING THIRTY (30) DAYS. specified limits; withholding of
3) PEOPLE’S LAW ENFORCEMENT BOARD privileges; suspension or forfeiture of
 Where the offense is punishable by salary; demotion; or any combination
withholding of privileges, restriction of the foregoing for a period NOT
to specified limits, suspension of EXCEEDING SIXTY (60) DAYS.
forfeiture of salary, or any 4) CHIEF OF THE PNP
combination thereof, for a period  Shall have the power to impose the
EXCEEDING THIRTY (30) DAYS; OR BY disciplinary punishment of DISMISSAL
 INTERNAL DISCIPLINE forfeiture of salary; or any combination
thereof for a period NOT EXCEEDING  Task to hear cases on appeal from
ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY (180) DAYS. different disciplinary authorities in the
 Shall refer to an act or omission not
involving moral turpitude, but affecting
 Shall be composed of the four
the internal discipline of the PNP, and
(4) regular commissioners and
shall include, but not limited to:
shall be chaired by the executive
(1) Simple misconduct or
 Shall decide cases on the appeal
(2) Insubordination;
from decisions rendered by the
(3) Frequent absences or tardiness;
PNP Chief and National Internal
(4) Habitual drunkenness; and
Affairs Service.
(5) Gambling prohibited by law. 2) REGIONAL APPELLATE BOARD
SUMMARY DISMISSAL AUTHORITY  There shall be at least one (1)
regional appellate board per
 The NAPOLCOM, CHIEF OF THE administrative region in the
PNP and REGIONAL DIRECTORS, country to be composed of a
after due notice and summary senior officer of the regional
hearings, may immediately Commission as Chairman and
remove or dismiss any respondent one (1) representative each from
PNP member in any of the the PNP, and the regional peace
following cases: and order council as members.
(a) When the charge is serious and the evidence  It shall consider appeals from
of guilt is strong; decisions of the regional
directors, other officials, mayors,
(b) When the respondent is a recidivist or has and the PLEBs.
been repeatedly charged and there are 
reasonable grounds to believe that he is guilty of
the charges; and
(c) When the respondent is guilty of conduct SERVICE (IAS)
unbecoming of a police officer.
Created under Section 39 of RA 8551


 Pro-actively conduct inspections and
 DISCIPLINARY APPELLATE BOARDS audits on PNP personnel and units;
 The formal administrative disciplinary  Investigate complaints and gather
machinery for the PNP. evidence in support of an open
 Conduct summary hearings on PNP
members facing administrative
 Submit a periodic report on the
assessment, analysis, and evaluation of
the character and behavior of PNP
personnel and units to the Chief PNP
and the Commission;
 File appropriate criminal cases against
PNP members before the court as
evidence warrants and assist in the
 IAS shall be headed by INSPECTOR
prosecution of the case;
 Provide assistance to the Office of the
Ombudsman in cases involving the
 Appointed by the PRESIDENT
personnel of the PNP.
 Upon the recommendation of the
* The IAS shall also conduct, MOTU
 Endorsed by the COMMISSION.
PROPRIO, automatic investigation of the
 The Inspector General shall be assisted
following cases:
by a Deputy Inspector General
a) Incidents where a police personnel
 There shall be National, Regional, and
discharges a firearm;
Provincial offices
b) Incidents where death, serious
 The Inspector General shall head the
physical injury, or any violation of
national office; the regional offices by
human rights occurred in the conduct
Director; and the provincial offices by a
of a police operation;
c) Incidents where evidence was
compromised, tampered with,
obliterated, or lost while in the custody
 Shall be voluntary
of police personnel;
 PNP personnel with at least five (5)
d) Incidents where a suspect in the
years’ experience in law enforcement
custody of the police was seriously
 With no Derogatory service record
injured; and
 Member of the bar may enter the
e) Incidents where the established rules
service laterally
of engagement have been violated.
*Note: PNP personnel joining the
IAS shall have at least a rank of
* The IAS shall provide documents or
PCINSP for PCOs and SPO1 for
recommendations as regards to the
promotion of the members of the PNP or
the assignment of PNP personnel to any
 IAS personnel shall be granted
key position.
occupational specialty pay which shall
not exceed FIFTY PERCENT (50%) of his  There shall be at least one (1) PLEB for
base pay every five hundred (500) city or
 IAS personnel shall also have priorities municipal police personnel.
in the quota allocation for training and  Membership in the PLEB is a Civic Duty
IAS following:
 Any PNP personnel found guilty of any  Any member of the Sangguniang
of the case mentioned and any Panlungsod/Bayan chosen by his
immediate superior found negligent respective sanggunian.
shall be recommended automatically  Any barangay captain of the city or
for dismissal or demotion. municipality concerned chosen by the
 Recommendation by the IAS, once association of barangay captains; and
final, cannot be revised, set aside or  Three (3) other members who
unduly delayed without just cause. are removable only for cause
 APPEALS to be chosen by the local peace
 Decision rendered by the provincial and order council from among
inspectors shall be forwarded to the the respected members of the
regional office for review within ten community known for their
(10) days probity and integrity:
 Decision of the regional office may be  One must be a WOMAN
appealed to the national office  One must be a MEMBER OF
 Decisions rendered by the national IAS THE BAR, or a college
shall be appealed to the National graduate, or the principal of
Appellate Board. central elementary school in
 the locality
shall be elected from among its
 The term of office of the
 A body created pursuant of RA 6975,
members of the PLEB is three
amended by RA 8551.
(3) years
 Shall have jurisdiction to hear and
decide citizen’s complaints or cases
 Cases handled by PLEB shall be decided
filed before it against erring officers
by majority votes of its members
and members of the PNP.
 Each case shall be decided within sixty
 The central receiving entity for any
(60) days from the time the case has
citizen’s complaint against PNP
been filed with the PLEB.
 The procedures in the PLEB shall be
 Shall be created by the Sangguniang
summary in nature, conducted in
Panlungsod/Bayan in every city and
accordance with due process, but
municipality as may be necessary.
without strict regard to technical rules and in the determination of department
of evidence. policy.
 The decision of the PLEB shall become 1) Files are backbone of sound and
final and executory: Provided, that a efficient administration.
decision involving demotion or 2) Effective filing system preserves
dismissal from the service may be papers and both current and
appealed by either party with the future value in the operation of
regional appellate board within ten a headquarters.
(10) days from receipt of the copy of
the decision.

II. Records Management in the PNP

1) Used to measure police efficiency
 These are accounts in writing, print or in
11) It can be used in
some other permanent form intended to
coordinating with other agencies
perpetrate knowledge of facts or events.
2) Assist in assigning and promoting
 They are primarily means of
personnel 12) Effective
communication among the members of
employment of personnel and
the police department.
 It is the narration of facts/events
3) Identify individuals
transpired in a document that will serve as
13) It establishes responsibility
future reference.
and can reveal unusual problems
4) Provide basis for property
 Application of systematic control
accountability 14) Provide the
concerning the creation, maintenance
basis for compilation of police statistics
and destruction of records required in
5) Control investigation
conjunction with the operation of the
15) Control Investigation
6) It makes information available to the
 It is the systematic way of preserving,
public 16) It make information
caring, and filing of important records.
available to the public
7) It increases the efficiency of traffic
8) Assist the courts and prosecutors
 A police department is only as good as
9) Integrate the department
its records keeping capabilities. The
10) Aid in apprehension of criminals
effectiveness of a police department is
directly related to the quality of its
III. Police Record Systems
 Records are essential in the efficient
performance of routine duties, in the RECORDING AND FILING SYSTEM
wise direction of police effort, in
supervision and control of personnel,
 The nature of police work justifies continuation of the investigative
emphasis on criminal records. To be process.
fully effective, a police records system B. INVESTIGATIVE REPORT – Is prepared
must: as a written report on the findings of
Be comprehensive and include every incident the investigator.
coming to the attention of the police
 Be adequately indexed to permit  TYPES OF INVESTIGATIVE REPORT
ready reference a) Case Report
 Be centralized to prove adequate b) Supplementary/ Progress Report
control and maximum utilization c) Continuation Report
of clerical personnel d) Technical Report
 Be as simple as possible, e) Accident Report
consistent with adequacy f) Wanted Person Report
 Lend itself to summarization and g) Daily Record of Events
analysis to permit continuing 2) ARREST AND JAIL BOOKING RECORDS
appraisal of the police services - These records maintains the arrest
CROSS REFERENCE and jail booking reports, which is
 A notation put into a file to required for all persons arrested.
indicate that records is not stored  ARREST REPORT
in that file but in some other  It contains the information
location specified therein. regarding the full name of the
 It tells the filer or searcher where offender, charges and circumstances
to find the needed material. of arrest.
CODING – Making an identifying mark on the  BOOKING REPORT
item to be stored to indicate what  It contains the list of prisoners in
classification it is to be filed. custody, which will indicate the status
and disposition of each.
1) THE CASE RECORDS  It contains all the information
Two categories of case records: regarding the property taken
 The foundation record of the 3) IDENTIFICATION RECORDS
police department - Records containing identification
 It shall be accomplished by the information
 This will become the primary ANY IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM
document for analysis of crime  The fingerprint system is the
occurrences while the most reliable.
investigation report becomes the  MODUS OPERANDI FILE
prime document for the  File consist of photographic
records and modus operandi of
known criminals.
 It shall described the method of B. Longevity pay and allowances
operation of a criminal. - Under RA 6975, PNP personnel are
4) ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS – These entitled to a longevity pay of 10%
are records required in the of their basic monthly salaries for
management of department’s every five years of service.
personnel. - The totality of such longevity pay
a) Personal records does not exceed 50% of the basic
b) Correspondence records pay.
c) Memoranda, orders, policy, They shall enjoy the following
circular, Etc. allowances:
d) Assignment records  Subsistence Allowance
5) MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS – These  Quarter’s Allowance
records do not fall under categories of  Clothing Allowance
records that a police station maintains.  Cost of Living Allowance
 Hazard Pay
 Others
IV.Public Safety Services C. RETIREMENT BENEFITS
- Monthly retirement pay shall be
 POLICE SALARIES, BENEFITS AND PRIVILEGES Fifty Percent (50%) of the base pay
 SALARIES in case of twenty years of active
- The uniformed members of the PNP service.
are considered employees of the - Increasing by Two and One-Half
National Government and draw their Percent (2.5%) for every year of
salaries there from. active service rendered beyond
A. Incentives and Awards - Increasing of Ninety Percent (90%)
Awards – may be in the form of for 36 years and over of active
decorations, service medals and service.
citations badges or in monetary - Six (6) months from retirement,
considerations. the retiree can get a LUMP SUM of
Examples of retirement pay for the first 5
Decorations/Medals/Citation: years.
 Police Medal of Valor -
 Police Medal of Merit Compulsory Retirement – 56 years old
 Wounded Police Medal Optional Retirement – 20 years of active service
 Police Efficiency Medal & subject to approval of NAPOLCOM
 Police Service Medal Early Retirement – 10 years of active service; 2
 Police Unit Citation Badge ranks Higher


police officer dies.
- PNP uniformed personnel who is
permanently and totally disable
because of injuries suffered shall
be entitled to ONE YEAR’S SALARY
equivalent to Eighty Percent (80%)
of his last salary, in addition to
other benefits.
- PNP personnel die within FIVE (5)
YEARS from his retirement, his
legal spouse or legitimate children
shall be entitled to receive the
pension for the remainder of the
five-year period.

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