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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Conservation of Energy
• Expressing the work of conservative forces as a
change in potential energy, the principle of work
and energy becomes
T1  V1  T2  V2
• Consider the slender rod of mass m.
T1  0, V1  0
T2  12 mv22  12 I 22
1 ml 2 2
 m  l  
2 1
2  1
12 ml   
2 2

2 3

V2   12 Wl sin   12 mgl sin

T1  V1  T2  V2
1 ml 2 2 1
0   mgl sin 
• mass m 2 3 2
   sin  
• released with zero velocity 3g
• determine  at   l 
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics

• Power = rate at which work is done

 
• For a body acted upon by force F and moving with velocity v ,
dU  
Power   F v

• For a rigid body rotating with an
 angular velocity  and acted
upon by a couple of moment M parallel to the axis of rotation,
dU M d
Power    M
dt dt

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.1
• Consider the system of the
flywheel and block. The work
done by the internal forces exerted
by the cable cancels.

• Note that the velocity of the block

and the angular velocity of the
drum and flywheel are related by
v  r

For the drum and flywheel, I  10.5 kgm • Apply the principle of work and

The bearing friction is equivalent to a kinetic energy to develop an

couple of 60 N  m At the instant shown, expression for the final velocity.
the block is moving downward at 6 m /s
Determine the velocity of the block after it
has moved 4 m downward.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.1
• Consider the system of the flywheel and block. The work
done by the internal forces exerted by the cable cancels.
• Note that the velocity of the block and the angular velocity of
the drum and flywheel are related by
v1 6 m/ s v2 v
v  r 1    4.80 rad s 2   2
r 1.25 m r 1.25
• Apply the principle of work and kinetic energy to develop an
expression for the final velocity.
T1  12 mv12  12 I 12

1 240 N
2 10 m/s 2
6 m/s 2 1

.5 kgm 2
4. 
80 rad s 2

 552.96 N  m
T2  12 mv22  12 I 22
1 240 2 1  v 
 v2  10.5 2   15.36v22
2 10 2  1.25 
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.1
T1  12 mv12  12 I12  552.96 N  m

T2  12 mv22  12 I22  15.36v22

• Note that the block displacement and pulley

rotation are related by
s2 4m
2    3.20 rad
r 1.25 m
U12  W s2  s1   M  2  1 
 240 N 4 m   60 N  m 3.20 rad
 768 N  m
• Principle of work and energy:
T1  U12  T2
552.96 N  m  768 N  m  15.36 v22
v2  9.27 m/s v2  9.27 m/s

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.2
• Consider a system consisting of the two
gears. Noting that the gear rotational
speeds are related, evaluate the final
kinetic energy of the system.
• Apply the principle of work and energy.
Calculate the number of revolutions
mA  10 kg k A  200 mm required for the work of the applied
mB  3 kg k B  80 mm moment to equal the final kinetic energy
of the system.
The system is at rest when a moment
• Apply the principle of work and energy to
of M  6 N  m is applied to gear B.
a system consisting of gear A. With the
Neglecting friction, a) determine the final kinetic energy and number of
number of revolutions of gear B before revolutions known, calculate the moment
its angular velocity reaches 600 rpm, and tangential force required for the
and b) tangential force exerted by gear indicated work.
B on gear A.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.2
• Consider a system consisting of the two gears. Noting
that the gear rotational speeds are related, evaluate the
final kinetic energy of the system.

B 
600 rpm 2 rad rev  62.8 rad s
60 s min
rB 0.100
 A  B  62.8  25.1rad s
rA 0.250

I A  mAk A2  10kg 0.200m 2  0.400 kg  m 2

I B  mB k B2  3kg 0.080m 2  0.0192 kg  m 2

T2  12 I A A2  12 I B B2

 12 0.40025.1 2  12 0.019262.82
 163.9 J

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.2
• Apply the principle of work and energy. Calculate
the number of revolutions required for the work.
T1  U12  T2
0  6 B J  163.9J
 B  27.32 rad B   4.35 rev
• Apply the principle of work and energy to a system
consisting of gear A. Calculate the moment and
tangential force required for the indicated work.
r 0.100
 A   B B  27.32  10.93 rad
rA 0.250
T2  12 I A A2  12 0.40025.1 2  126.0 J

T1  U12  T2
0  M A 10.93 rad   126.0J
M A  rA F  11.52 N  m F  46.2 N

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.3
• The work done by the weight of the
bodies is the same. From the principle
of work and energy, it follows that each
body will have the same kinetic energy
after the change of elevation.
• Because each of the bodies has a
different centroidal moment of inertia,
the distribution of the total kinetic
A sphere, cylinder, and hoop, each energy between the linear and rotational
having the same mass and radius, are components will be different as well.
released from rest on an incline.
Determine the velocity of each body
after it has rolled through a distance
corresponding to a change of elevation h.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.3
• The work done by the weight of the bodies is the
same. From the principle of work and energy, it
follows that each body will have the same kinetic
energy after the change of elevation.
With  
v 
T2  12 mv  12 I   12 mv  12 I  
2 2 2
 I 
 12  m  2 v 2
 r 

T1  U12  T2
 I 
0  Wh  12  m  2 v 2
 r 
2Wh 2 gh
v2  
m  I r 2 1  I mr 2

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.3
• Because each of the bodies has a different
centroidal moment of inertia, the distribution of the
total kinetic energy between the linear and
rotational components will be different as well.
2 gh
v2 
1  I mr 2
Sphere : I  52 mr 2 v  0.845 2 gh
Cylinder : I  12 mr 2 v  0.816 2 gh
Hoop : I  mr 2 v  0.707 2 gh
• For a frictionless block sliding through the same
distance,   0, v  2 gh
• The velocity of the body is independent of its mass
and radius.
• The velocity of the body does depend on
I  k2
mr 2 r2
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.4
• The weight and spring forces are
conservative. The principle of work and
energy can be expressed as
T1  V1  T2  V2
• Evaluate the initial and final potential
A 30-N slender rod pivots about the
point O. The other end is pressed • Express the final kinetic energy in terms
against a spring (k = 1800 N/m) until of the final angular velocity of the rod.
the spring is compressed 30 cm and the • Based on the free-body-diagram
rod is in a horizontal position. equation, solve for the reactions at the
If the rod is released from this position, pivot.
determine its angular velocity and the
reaction at the pivot as the rod passes
through a vertical position.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.4
• The weight and spring forces are conservative. The
principle of work and energy can be expressed as
T1  V1  T2  V2

• Evaluate the initial and final potential energy.

V1  Vg  Ve  0  12 kx12  12 1800 N / m 0.3 m 2
 81 N  m
V2  Vg  Ve  Wh  0  30 N 1.5 m 
I  12
1 ml 2
 45 N  m
1  30 N  • Express the final kinetic energy in terms of the angular
  5 m 2
12  10 m/s 2  velocity of the rod.

 6.25 kgm 2 T2  12 mv22  12 I 22  12 mr2 2  12 I 22

1 30
 1.52 2  12 6.2522  5.37522
2 10

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.4
From the principle of work and energy,
T1  V1  T2  V2
0  81 N  m  5.37522  45 N  m 2  2.58 rad s

• Based on the free-body-diagram equation, solve for the

reactions at the pivot.

an  r  22  1.5 m 2.58 rad s 
 9.98 m/s n
2a  9.98 m/s 2

at  r at  r
 M O   M O eff 0  I  mr  r  0
 Fx   Fx eff Rx  mr   Rx  0

 Fy   Fy eff R y  30 N  man

30 N
10 m/s 2
9.98 m/s 2

R y  29.9 N R  29.9 N

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.5
• Consider a system consisting of the two
rods. With the conservative weight force,
T1  V1  T2  V2
• Evaluate the initial and final potential

• Express the final kinetic energy of the

Each of the two slender rods has a system in terms of the angular velocities of
mass of 6 kg. The system is released the rods.
from rest with b = 60o.
• Solve the energy equation for the angular
Determine a) the angular velocity of velocity, then evaluate the velocity of the
rod AB when b = 20 , and b) the
point D.
velocity of the point D at the same

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.5
• Consider a system consisting of the two rods. With
the conservative weight force,
T1  V1  T2  V2

• Evaluate the initial and final potential energy.

V1  2Wy1  258.86 N 0.325 m 
 38.26 J

V2  2Wy 2  258.86 N 0.1283 m 

 15.10 J

W  mg  6 kg  9.81m s 2 
 58.86 N

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.5
• Express the final kinetic energy of the system in terms
of the angular velocities of the rods.

v AB  0.375 m
 
Since vB is perpendicular to AB and vD is horizontal,
the instantaneous center of rotation for rod BD is C.
BC  0.75 m CD  20.75 msin 20  0.513 m
and applying the law of cosines to CDE, EC = 0.522 m
Consider the velocity of point B

vB   AB   BC  AB  BD  

vBD  0.522 m

For the final kinetic energy,

1 ml 2  1 6 kg 0.75 m 2  0.281kg  m2
I AB  I BD  12 12
1 mv 2  1 I  2  1 mv 2  1 I  2
T2  12 AB 2 AB AB 12 BD 2 BD BD
1 6 0.375 2  1 0.281 2  1 6 0.522 2  1 0.281 2
 12 2 12 2
 1.520 2
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.5
• Solve the energy equation for the angular velocity,
then evaluate the velocity of the point D.
T1  V1  T2  V2
0  38.26 J  1.520 2  15.10 J
  3.90 rad s

 AB  3.90 rad s

vD  CD 
 0.513 m 3.90 rad s 
 2.00 m s

vD  2.00 m s

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