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Homework Packet

Name: ________________________
Teacher: ______________________

Class Period: ____________________

Integers and Absolute Value

1. Write an integer to represent:

a. a profit of $12 b. 1,440 feet below sea level

2. Graph each set of integers on a number line.

a. {–5, 0, 5} b. {–3, –2, 1, –4}

3. Evaluate each expression.

a. | –11 | b. | –5 | + 8 c. | –4 | – | –4 |

4. |12 | ÷ 2 × | –5 | 5. 9 + | –6 | ÷ | –3 |

6. Gasoline prices occasionally fluctuate during a two-month period of time. Prices

increased 34 cents per gallon during the month of April and decreased 17 cents per
gallon during the month of May. Which situation has the greater absolute value?

7. Does |–13 + 2| equal |10 + 1|? If so, explain why. If not, state what each absolute value

8. Someone at Oakwood Middle School knocked over all the math cards in one classroom. Help clean up by sorting the
numerical expressions cards into the category that correctly describes whether the numerical value of the expression is an
integer or a non-integer.
3+5 6 9−5 15
–|7| |–15| 0.7 |–8| – 2
2 2 8 3

Integers: Non-integers

Add Integers Day 1

1. 5 + (–8) 2. –3 + (-8) 3. (-12) + 18

4. 9 + (–9) + 10 5. –2 + 19 + 2

6. The Dolphins football team gained 16 yards on their first play then lost 11 yards on the next
play. Write an addition expression to represent this situation. Find the sum and explain its

7. Demetrius deposits $120 into his account. One week later, he withdraws $36. Write an
addition expression to represent this situation. How much higher or lower is the amount in
his account after these two transactions?

8. The level of water in the lake rose this year. The number of inches that the level of water went up can be represented
by the expression |–3 + 2| + |–2| + |–2 + (–1)|. Place a point on the number line to show how many inches the water

rose in all.

Add Integers Day 2

1. 9 + (–32) 2. –16 + (–28)

3. 18 + (–12) + 5 4. –22 + (–10) + 15

5. Select all of the scenarios or expressions that have a value of 0.

The temperature outside was –12 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature increased 12 degrees. What is the
temperature now?

8 + (–8)

–5 + (–5)

The diver was swimming at –20 feet. He came up 20 feet. What is the diver’s elevation now?

A company had a net profit of –$2,000 last year. This year, the company has a net profit of $2,000. How much did
the company’s net profit increase this year from last year?

6. At 4:00 A.M., the outside temperature was –28°F. By 4:00 P.M. that same day, it rose 38 degrees. Write an addition

equation and solve.

7. ROLLER COASTERS The latest thrill ride at a popular theme park takes roller coaster fans on an
exciting ride. In the first 20 seconds, it carries its passengers up a 100-meter hill, plunges them
down 72 meters, and quickly takes them back up a 48-meter rise. How much higher or lower
from the start of the ride are they after these 20 seconds? Write an addition equation and solve.

8. Dedrick created a rectangular sandbox in his backyard. The length of the sandbox y in yards is represented by the
numerical expression –5 + 9 + (–1). The width of the sandbox x in yards is represented by the numerical expression
8 + (–9) + 3. The point on the graph represents the bottom left corner of the sandbox. Draw a rectangle that represents the
sandbox. Each grid line represents 1 yard.

Subtract Integers Day 1

1. 6 – (–7) 2. –3 – 8

3. –7 – (–7) 4. 6 – 12

5. –25 – 25 6. 6 – (–31)

Evaluate each expression if r = –4, s = 10, and t = –7.

7. r – 7 8. t – s

9. In his lifetime, Jermain has visited places that have been as high as 8,750 feet above sea level and as low as –98 feet.
Part A: Write a subtraction expression that represents the difference between the elevation of the highest and the
lowest places that Jermain has visited.

Part B: What is the difference between the elevation of the highest and the lowest places that Jermain has visited?

10. A game in the Math Corner of the classroom provides cards with missing-addend number sentences. Students are dealt
a hand of integer cards, and they try to make each sentence true using one of those cards. Write the integer that will make
each number sentence true.
___ + 2 = –3 ___ – 3 = –2

–2 – ____ = 1 3 + ____= –1

Subtract Integers Day 2

1. –4 – 2 2. 9 – (–2)

3. –6 – (–8) 4. –20 – 10

5. John is finding -15 – (-18). Review his work to find his mistake, then correct it.
-15 – (-18) = -15 + (-18)
= -33

6. In golf, scores are often stated as the number of strokes above or below par for the course. Four golfers
played two rounds of golf during the weekend. The table lists their scores for each round in relation
to par.

Golfer Patrick Diane James Judy

Round 1 –6 +1 +2 –3
Round 2 –2 –4 +7 +6

a. Find the difference between James's Round 2 score and Diane's Round 2 score.

b. Find the difference between Patrick's lower score and Judy's higher score.

7. Circle all of the expressions that are equivalent to 2.

8 + (–9) + 3 –9 – (–12) + (–1)


–4 + 15 – 7 13 – 6 – 3

–9 + 8 + 3 8 – (9 + 3)

Integers Quiz Review


1. Write an integer to represent each situation:

a. A football team gains 15 yards on the first play of the game.

b. Molly deposits $150 into her bank account.

c. A hot air balloon ascends 340 feet into the air.

d. A stock shows a loss of 4 points.

2. Graph each set of integers on a number line.

a. { -5, 0, 2, 5, -6)

b. {-3, 1, -4, 2, 6}

3. Evaluate each expression.

a. | –150 | b. | 84 | – | –62 | c. 9 + | –6 | ÷ | –3 |


4. Find the sum of each set of integers.

a. -16 + (-14) b. 34 + (-22)

c. -22 + (-10) + 15 d. 18 + (-12) + 5

5. At 4:00 a.m., the outside temperature was -28°F. By 4:00 p.m. that same day it rose 38 degrees. Write
an addition expression to describe the situation and find its sum.


6. What three words tell you how to subtract integers?

7. Find the difference of each set of integers.

a. -4 -2 b. -28 – (-13)

c. 52 – (-30) d. -33 – 33

8. In golf, scores are often stated as the number of strokes above or below par for the course. Four
golfers played two rounds of golf during the weekend. The table lists their scores for each round in
relation to par.

Golfer Patrick Diane James Judy

Round 1 –6 +1 +2 –3
Round 2 –2 –4 +7 +6

a. Find the difference between James’ Round 2 score and Diane’s round 2 score.

b. Find the difference between Patrick’s lower score and Judy’s higher score.


Evaluate each expression if x = -8, y = 7, and z = -11

9. x – y + z 10. |y –z |+ x

Multiply and Divide Integers Day 1

1. –14(5) 2. –6(–8) 3. 27(–3)

4. (–3)3 5. –39 ÷ (–13) 6. –121 ÷ 11

7. Hiking up a mountain, you notice that the air temperature drops 10°C for every 1,000 meters
increase in elevation. Write a multiplication expression to represent the decrease in temperature
if you hike up the mountain 3,000 meters. Then evaluate the expression and explain its

8. Decide if each situation can be represented by the expression .

A diver swam down 4 yards every minute. How many minutes did it take her to dive down 24 yards?

The temperature is dropping 4 degrees every hour. How many degrees will the temperature drop in 24 hours?

Kylee lost 4 pounds each month. After 24 months, how many pounds did she lose?

Howard borrows $4 each month. He now owes $24. How many months has he borrowed
money so far?

Multiply and Divide Integers Day 2

1. 8(-12) 2. –15(–4) 3. -4(-2)(-8)

4. (–8)2 5. –22 ÷ 2 6. –54 ÷ (-9)

Evaluate each expression if x = 8 and y = -5

7. 15 ÷ y 8. xy ÷ (-10) 9. x ÷ (-2)

10. Write the numerical expressions in order from least to greatest value.

-10(-2) 5(-1) |−6| + |−5| 4 -3 |3| - |−2|

_______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

LEAST __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ GREATEST


Order of Operations

Follow the order of operations to solve each problem. SHOW ALL WORK FOR EACH STEP 

1. 18−(−12−3) 2. −19+(−2+4 )2

3. 18+ (−7 ) x (32−6) 4. −19−(−3 ) +(−2)(8+ 4)

5. 20+(−4 )(3 −6) 6. −3+2 ¿

7. Circle all of the numerical expressions that simplify to 4.

–8(2) + (–5)(–4) + (–3)(–3)

–1(2) + (–1)(–2) +3


Integers Study Guide

Directions: Write the opposite and absolute value of the following integers. Be sure to label your answers.

1. -16 Opposite: ______ 2. 8 Opposite: ______

Absolute Value: ______ Absolute Value: _______

Directions: Write the integer that represents the situation.

3. A profit of $21 4. A miner 22 feet below the surface

Directions: Simplify the expression.

5. -10 + 5 6. -6 + (-14)

7. 4–9 8. 16 – (-46)

9. (-2)(7) 10. (-4)(-8)

11 -38 ¿ 2 12. -21 ¿ -7


13 12 + 4 – 6 – 8 14. 5–5–1–2

15 -2 – 5 + 4 + 9 16. 6+2–4–4

Directions: Use order of operations to solve the expression.

17 -7[6(12 – 7) ¿ -3] 18. -23 – 6 + 32 – 18 ¿ 9


Directions: Show all of your work to solve the following problems. Label your answers!

19 The temperature at 6am was –6 degrees. By noon the temperature was 25 degrees. What was the
. difference in temperature?

20 A submarine is on the bottom of the ocean floor, just a mile or so off the coast, at -321 feet. The captain
. orders the ship to go up, but it stops after only 66 feet, due to some debris. What is their new position?

21 Two groups, Team A and Team B, played a round of golf. The teams’ individual scores are given in the table
. below. Give the overall score for both teams and determine which team won. HINT: in golf the team with
the lower score is the winner.

Team Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4

Team A -1 Even = 0 -3 +2

Team B -1 -2 -2 +4

22 The average monthly high temperatures in Moscow for the first five months of the year are shown in the
. table. What is the average temperature for these 5 months? HINT: to find average add all the numbers
together and divide by how many numbers there are 😊

Month January February March April May

Temperature -6 -5 0 8 18

23 Mr. Green’s bank account automatically deducts a $3.50 monthly maintenance fee from his savings
. account. Write a multiplication expression to represent the maintenance fees for one year. Then find the
product and explain its meaning.

24 Last year, Mrs. Tether’s total income was $62,000, while her total expenses were $63,800. Use the
. I −E
expression where I represents total income and E represents total expenses, to find the average
difference between his income and expenses each month. Then explain its meaning

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