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Diagnostic Examination

NAME: ________________________________________________Score:_______________________
I.MULTIPLE CHOICES: Encircle the letter that corresponds to your best answer.
1. In the 13th C, a criminal could avoid ________ by claiming refugee in a church for a period of 40
days at the end of which time he has compelled to leave the realm by a road or path assigned to
a. Penalty c. punishment
b. trial d. conviction
2. It refers to the total extinction of the criminal liability of the individual to whom it is granted
without any condition whatsoever and restores to the individual all his constitutional rights.
a. Probation c. Conditional Pardon
b. Absolute pardon d. Amnesty
3. Waiting for the decision of the court on the application for probation, the offender applying for
a. Must be in prison and release only if granted with probation
b. Must stay in prison as a detainee
c. May be released on bail or recognizance
d. May be set free while waiting for the decision of the court
4. The punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated, to afford the society
or individual the opportunity of imposing upon the offender suitable punishment as might be
enforced. Offenders should be punished because they deserve it. This is one justification of
punishment called:
a. Atonement c. Incapacitation
b. Deterrence d. Retribution
5. It is the administrative arm of the President in the exercise of his constitutional power to grant,
commutation of sentence and pardons, after conviction by final judgment.
a. Parole and Probation Administration
b. Board of Pardon and Parole
c. Bureau of jail management and penology
d. Department of justice
6. Long, low, narrow, single decked ships propelled by sails, usually rowed by criminals, a type of
ship used for transportation of criminals in the 16th century. This referred to as the:
a. Gaols c. Galleys
b. Hulks d. Stocks
7. The purpose of commutation of sentence is to:
a. do away with the miscarriage of justice
b. break the rigidity of the law
c. restore the political and civil rights of the accused
d. all of the above
8. A convicted person who files an appeal to his case will still be allowed to file an application for
a. True c. Maybe
b. False d. Neither
9. The Classical School of penology maintains the “doctrine of psychological hedonism” or
__________. That the individual calculates pleasures and pains in advance of action and regulates
his conduct by the result of his calculations.
a. denied individual responsibility c. free will
b. pleasures and avoiding pain d. natural phenomenon
10. Who is tasked with the gathering and collecting of information and other data of every prisoner
into a case study to determine the work assignment, the type supervision and degree of custody
and restriction under which an offender must live in jail?
a. Classification Board c. Board of Custody
b. Diagnostic Board d. Treatment Board
11. Who is the Director of the English Prison who opened the Borstal Institution for young
offenders? The Borstal Institution is considered as the best reform institution for young
offenders today.
a. Evelyn Brise c. Manuel Montesimos
b. Zebulon Brockway d. Walter Crofton
12. Those who have been once on probation under the Probation Law:
a. are qualified to apply for probation
b. may be granted for another probation
c. should be confined in prison
d. are disqualified to apply for probation
13. The task of changing an offender’s attitude so that he or she may not commit another
crime in the future.
a. Retribution c. Deterrence
b. Incapacitation d. Rehabilitation
14. The person who is tasked for the supervision of prisoners released on parole for them to be
guided and assisted towards rehabilitation outside of prison.
a. Parolee c. Parole Officer
b. Probation officer d. Police Officer
15. It refers to the institutional record of an inmate which consists of his mittimus, prosecutor’s
information and decision of trial court.
a. Commitment order c. Carpeta
b. Release document d. none of these
16. A minimum and maximum amount of time to be served in prison is referred to as –
a. A corporal punishment c. A determinate sentence
b. An indeterminate sentence d. A capital punishment
17. Which of the following is considered the forerunner of modern penology because it has all the
elements in a modern system.
a. Bridewell Workhouse c. Elmira Reformatory
b. Wulnut Street Jail d. Borstal Institution for Boys
18. Amnesty can only be granted to the following crimes, except –
a. Rebellion c. Illegal Association
b. Coup de ‘etat d. Murder
19. The advocate of ultimate prison known as “the Panopticon” was
a. Jeremy Bentham c. Samuel Romily
b. Walter Crofton d. John Howard
20. One of the following is an admission procedure which involves the frisking of the prisoner.
a. Identification c. Searching
b. Briefing/Orientation d. minimum security prisoners
21. It refers to those who are confined in correctional facilities awaiting verdict on their cases.
a. Probationers c. Parolees
b. Detention Prisoners d. Accused
22. It refers to the commutation of sentence, conditional pardon, and absolute pardon that may be
granted by the president upon the recommendation of Board of Pardon and Parole.
a. Executive Clemency c. Parole
b. Amnesty d. Probation
23. Mr. Palaaway was convicted of murder. After 10 days from the promulgation of the sentence, he
escaped from his place of confinement. Mr. Palaaway should –
a. be liable for evasion of service of sentence
b. not liable for evasion of service of sentence
c. be considered as a ex-convict
d. all of these
24. ‘A privilege granted by the court for the convicted offenders so that he would not leave the
community to serve his sentence.
a. Parole c. reprieve
b. Pardon d. None of these
25. Which of the following is not an administrative function exercised by the executive branch of the
a. Probation c. Pardon
b. Parole d. Amnesty
26. It refers to the conditional release of offender from a penal or correctional institution after he has
served the minimum period of his prison sentence under supervision of the state.
a. Probation c. Conditional Pardon
b. Amnesty d. Parole
27. When will a Probation case considered close?
a. When the probationer absconds the place
b. When there is recommendation for revocation
c. When he incurred violations
d. When the termination order is approved by the court
28. The group having the responsibility of providing a system of sound custody, security and control
of inmates and their movements and also responsible to enforce prison or jail discipline is the:
a. Security group for jails c. Escort Platoon
b. Control Center groups d. Warden
29. How many times can a convict avail of the provision of P.D. 968?
a. As long you want c. Only once
b. Twice d. Thrice
30. Within how many days should the request for outside travel shall be filed by the probationer to
the probation office, prior to date of his intended travel.
a. 5 days c. 15 days
b. 10 days d. 30 days
31. Takes charge of all disputes between and among parties residing in the same village, city or
municipality which are punishable by imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or a fine not exceeding
P5, 000.00.
a. Municipal Trial Court c. Katarungan Pambarangay
b. Regional Trial Court d. All of these
32. Who among the officers below approves the grants of the provisions of PD 968?
a. Prosecutor c. President
b. Mayor d. Judge
33. Pardons can be granted only –
a. Before conviction c. before or after conviction
b. After conviction d. if no conviction
34. Tado Taran was convicted for physical injuries where his penalty is six months and one day to
one year, what would be the maximum period of supervision if he would have granted with
probation by the court?
a. Six years c. Two years
b. Four Years d. one year
35. It is considered modern alternative or substitution to jail confinement in modern Penology.
a. Parole c. Pardon
b. Probation d. Amnesty
36. Which among the following has the tasked for the supervision and control of Provincial Jail?
a. Department of Interior and Local Government c. Provincial Government
b. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology d. Bureau of Correction
37. Who has the tasked for the supervision of released prisoner under parole or probation for strict
compliance of the set conditions?
a. Board of Pardon and Parole c. Department of Justice
b. Parole and Probation Administration d. None of these
38. In the history of correction, thinkers during the reformatory movement were the major influences
of today’s correctional system. Alexander Mochanochie was the one who introduced the __ of
a. Solitary system c. Irish System
b. Mark System d. Congregate system
39. The imprisonment a convicted offender may serve, at the rate of PhP8.00 a day subject to certain
rules, for failure to pay a fine and if ordered to do so by the judgment is referred to as
a. Subsidiary imprisonment c. Secondary Imprisonment
b. Preventive Imprisonment d. None of the foregoing
40. The sheriff of Bedsfordshire in 1773 who devoted his life and fortune to prison reform. After his
findings on English Prisons, he recommended the following: single cells for sleeping, segregation
of women, segregation of youth, provision of sanitation facilities, and abolition of fee system by
which jailers obtained money from prisoners.
a. John Howard c. Robert Peel
b. William Penn c. Manuel Montesimos
41. Provincial Jail is headed by a warden and administered by –
a. Mayor c. Provincial Governor
b. Warden d. Superintendent
42. A convicted offender whose maximum term of imprisonment does not exceeds one(1) year –
a. Shall be eligible for parole c. Shall be eligible for Probation
b. Shall not be eligible for parole d. Both B & C are true
43. Who among the following is disqualified for conditional pardon?
a. The petitioner is eligible for parole
b. The petitioner had been sentenced to another prison term
c. The petitioner had once violated the conditional pardon.
d. All of the above
44. The Camp Sampaguita of the national Bilibid Prison houses
a. Super Maximum Security Prisoners c. Maximum Security Prisoners
b. Medium Security Prisoners d. Minimum Security Prisoners
45. Part of the Executive Department of government that supervises and controls the jail institutions
in the Philippines
a. Department of Justice
b. Department of National Defense
c. Department of the Interior and Local Government
d. Department of Health
46. During the 16th up to the 18th century, a criminal may be sent away from a place carried out by
prohibition to coming against a specified territory. This is an ancient form of punishment called:
a. Exile c. Transportation
b. Banishment d. Public trial
47. It refers to Anything that is contrary to prison or jail rules and regulations are considered
a. Firearms c. Contrabands
b. Greyhounds d. Personal belongings
48. What bureau under the Department of Justice is responsible for the supervision and control of
Penal Farms and Correctional Institutions?
a. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
b. Bureau of Corrections
c. Department of Interior and Local Government
d. Provincial Government
49. Where shall a convicted person file a petition for probation?
a. Probation Office c. Probation Officer
b. To the court who has jurisdiction over his case d. Any court
50. It is the suffering that is inflicted by the state for the transgression of a law for the purpose of
controlling criminals.
a. Prevention c. Revenge
b. Penalty d. All of the these
51. They are to assist the Provincial or City Probation Officer in the supervision of probationers thus
the Probation Administrators shall appoint of good repute and probity to act as –
a. Probation officer c. Probation Aides
b. Probationer d. Secretary of the Probation Officer
52. The court may grant probation only –
a. After arraignment c. After conviction
b. Before conviction d. All of these
53. Any person has been previously convicted of an offense by final judgment from the court shall-
a. not be eligible for probation
b. it depends on the court who has jurisdiction over the case
c. be eligible for probation
d. none of these
54. One of the following represents the earliest codification of the Roman law, which was
incorporated into the Justinian Code.
a. Twelve Tables c. Burgundian Code
b. Code of Draco d. Hammurabic code
55. The post-sentence investigation report shall be submitted to the court by the probation officer not
later than -
a. 15 days from receipt of the order
b. 30 days from receipt of the order
c. 60 days from receipt of the order
d. 45 days from receipt of the order
56. Retaliation is the earliest remedy for a wrong act to any one (in the primitive society). The
concept follows that the victim’s family or tribe against the family or tribe of the offender, hence
“blood feuds” was accepted in the early primitive societies. Retaliation means:
a. Personal Vengeance c. Tooth for a tooth
b. Eye for an Eye d. All of these
57. What law renamed the Bureau of Prison to Bureau of Correction during the Aquino
administration in the Philippines?
a. E.O 727 c. E.O 292
b. E.O 645 d. E.O 104
58. The first house of correction in London England was the
a. Bridewell Workhouse c. Walnut Street Jail
b. Mamertine Prison d. Panopticon
59. Upon receipt of Post-sentence investigation report from the probation officer the court shall
resolve the application of probation within –
a. 15 days c. 30 days
b. 5 days d. 10 days
60. The Panopticon is a type of prison building designed by English philosopher Jeremy Bentham in
1785. The concept of the design was derived from the word meaning of “pan” and “opticon”.
“Opticon’ means:
a. to allow an observer to observe c. without the prisoner
b. Avoid watching d. To walk in military manner
61. The probation law of 1976 which grants probation to eligible adult offenders
a. PD 698 c. PD 603
b. PD 968 d. PD 765
62. Probation Officer may authorize a probationer to travel outside his area of operations territorial
jurisdiction for a period of
a. 1 – 5 days c. 5 – 10 days
b. 10 – 30 days d. 30 days
63. It refers to one who investigates for the court referral for probation or supervises a probationer or
a. Police Officer c. Probation Officer
b. Intelligence Officer d. Law enforcer
64. It refers to the general pardon extended to a certain group of people who are usually political
offenders wherein these special form of pardon need the concurrence of the congress.
a. Pardon c. Reprieve
b. Commutation of Sentence d. Amnesty
65. The period of probation of a defendant sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than one
(1) year –
a. Shall exceed two years of probation supervision
b. Shall be under supervision not exceeding one (1) year
c. Shall not exceed two (2) years of probation supervision
d. None of the above
66. Who is authorized to modify the condition of probation
a. Judge c. Probationer
b. Probation Officer d. All of the above
67. What kind of report shall be made when a parolee commits any violation of the terms and
conditions appearing in his release document or the non-observance of the obligations set in the
parole supervision program?
a. Progress report c. Violation report
b. Infraction report d. Arrest report
68. A parolee who is recommitted to prison by the board of pardon and parole shall –
a. Serve ½ of the unexpired portion of his sentence
b. Serve the original maximum imposable penalty on the crime for which he was committed
c. Serve the remaining unexpired portion of the maximum sentence for which he was
committed to prison
d. All of these
69. The period of parole supervision shall extend up to –
a. 2 years of supervision
b. 5 years of supervision
c. The expiration of maximum sentence
d. None of these
70. What is the nature of the Hearing of the violations of a Probation
a. Formal c. Summary Hearing
b. Due Process d. None of the above
71. The following are considered discretionary conditions of probation except –
a. Drinking intoxicated liquor
b. Abstain from visiting house of ill repute
c. Meet his family responsibilities
d. Cooperate with the program of probation
72. Prisoners who are nearly to leave the institution, awaiting transfer, those in disciplinary status,
and those who are chronically ill with mental disabilities are considered:
a. unassignable prisoners to undergo prison programs
b. special group of offenders
c. minimum security prisoners
d. all of these
73. In the practice and procedure of Probation, who is considered to be the most important person?
a. Probationer
b. Chief Probation Officer
c. Probation Officer
d. Judge who has jurisdiction over the case
74. What is the period of perfecting an appeal?
a. 5 days c. 10 days
b. 15 days d. 20 days
75. In 1936, the City of Manila exchanges its Muntinlupa property with the Bureau of Prisons
originally intended as a site for boys’ training school. Today, the old Bilibid Prison is now being
used as the Manila City Jail, famous as the :
a. “ May Halique Estate” c. “Tandang Sora State”
b. New Bilibid Jail d. Muntinlupa Jail
76. Which of the following refers to the exemption of an individual from the punishment that the law
inflicts for the offense he has committed resulting in the partial extinction of his criminal liability.
a. Absolute Pardon c. Parole
b. Conditional Pardon d. Probation
77. What agency of the government that is in-charge with the release of sentenced prisoner based on
the modes specified in the Indeterminate Sentence Law?
a. Bureau of Correction c. Board of Pardon and Parole
b. Parole and Probation Administration d. Department of Justice
78. Which of the following is considered as the corner stone in reformation in which includes all the
life experiences which shape a person’s attitudes and behaviors?
a. Recreational program c. Religious program
b. Educational program d. Work program
79. Which of the following that governs parole in the Philippines?
a. determinate sentence law c. Indeterminate sentence law
b. Board of pardon and parole d. Parole and probation administration
80. Upon the issuance of this kind of document, the parolee shall be finally released and discharged
from the condition set in the parole supervision program.
a. Release document c. Certificate of final release
b. Summary report d. All of these
81. It is a form of executive clemency granted by the President of the Philippines as privilege
extended to a convict as a discretionary act of grace.
a. Parole c. Commutation of Sentence
b. Probation d. Pardon
82. A detention jail in Philadelphia but it was converted into state prison and became the first
American penitentiary.
a. Auburn Prison c. Walnut Street Jail
b. Pennsylvania Prison d. Bride Well
83. What is the name of the prison institution situated in Zamboanga, named after Capt. Blanco of the
Spanish Royal Army?
a. Old Bilibid Prison c. Sablayan Prsions and Penal Farm
b. San Ramon Prison & Penal Farm d. Iwahig Penal
84. The founder of the Classical School of Criminology and published a short treaties “ On Crimes
and Punishments” which contains his reformatory ideas was -
a. Jeremy Bentham c. Cesare Lombroso
b. Cesare Beccaria d. Enrico Ferri
85. What kind of report shall be made by the supervising parole officer when the parolee has been
subsequently convicted of another crime?
a. Arrest report c. Infraction report
b. Progress report d. Violation report
86. Who among the following is considered the lawyer of the state in criminal cases?
a. Prosecutor c. Judge
b. Clerk of court d. Public attorney’s office
87. The only early Roman place of confinement which was built under the main sewer of Rome in 64
a. Bridewell Workhouse c. Wulnut Street Jail
b. Burgundian House d. none of these
88. It refers to an offender released on parole.
a. Parole c. Parolee
b. Probationer d. Ex-convict
89. It refers to the reduction of the duration of a prison sentence wherein the heavier sentence is
reduced to a shorter term.
a. Reprieve c. Pardon
b. Commutation of Sentence d. Parole
90. What kind of report shall be made after the expiration of the maximum sentence of a parolee?
a. Progress report c. Infraction report
b. Summary report d. Violation report
91. The system of prison were the confinement of the prisoners in single cells at night and
congregate work in stop during the day
a. Pennsylvania prison c. Auburn prison
b. Elmira reformatory d. Alcatraz prison
92. Under the rules, the chairman of the classification board and disciplinary board for jails should
a. Warden c. Assistant warden
b. Custodial officer d. Security officer
93. Which among the following refers to a special group of prisoners composed of incorrigible,
intractable and dangerous persons who are so difficult to manage inside prisons?
a. Medium Security prisoners c. Maximum security prisoners
b. Super maximum security prisoners d. Minimum Security Prisoners
94. It is a special unit in prison where by newly arrived prisoners will be admitted for diagnostic
examination, observation.
a. Reception and Diagnostic Center c. Medium Security Compound
b. Maximum Security Compound d. Minimum Security Compound
95. Which among the following refers to abandoned or unusable transport ships use to confine
criminals during the early period of treating criminal offenders.
a. Hulks c. Gaols
b. Transportation d. Galleys
96. Which is considered the forerunner of parole?
a. Mark system c. Solitary system
b. Benefits of a clergy d. Congregate system
97. History has shown that there are three main legal systems in the world, which have been extended
to and adopted by all countries aside from those that produced them. Among the three, it was the
__________ that has the most lasting and most pervading influence.
a. Mohammedan Law c. Anglo-American Law
b. Roman Law d. Hammurabic Code
98. A unit of the prison or a section of the RDC where the prisoner is given thorough physical
examination including blood test, x-rays, vaccinations and immunity is the:
a. Quarantine cell c. NBP
b. Medium security d. Control Area
99. The power of the chief Executive to grant pardon is limited to the following, except:
a. Pardon cannot be extended to cases of impeachment.
b. No pardon, parole or suspension of sentence for the violation of any election law may be
granted without favorable recommendation of the Commission of Elections.
c. Pardon is exercised only after conviction
d. Pardon is administered by the court
100. The idea that punishment will be give the offender lesson by showing to others what
would happen to them if they have committed the heinous crime.
a. Protection c. Deterrence
b. Lethal injection d. Stoning


Prepared by: Van Ryan I. Alipoyo, MSCrim.

1. C 21. B 41. C 61. B 81. D

2. B 22. A 42. D 62. B 82. C
3. C 23. A 43. D 63. C 83. B
4. D 24. D 44. B 64. D 84. B
5. B 25. A 45. C 65. C 85. C
6. C 26. D 46. b 66. A 86. A
7. D 27. D 47. C 67. C 87. C
8. B 28. A 48. B 68. C 88. C
9. C 29. C 49. B 69. C 89. B
10. C 30. A 50. B 70. C 90. B
11. A 31. C 51. C 71. A 91. C
12. D 32. D 52. A 72. C 92. C
13. B 33. B 53. A 73. A 93. B
14. C 34. C 54. A 74. A 94. A
15. C 35. B 55. C 75. A 95. A
16. B 36. C 56. A 76. B 96. A
17. C 37. B 57. C 77. C 97. B
18. D 38. B 58. A 78. C 98. A
19. A 39. A 59. B 79. C 99. D
20. C 40. A 60. A 80. C 100. C

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