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G_2 (mathematics)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Algebraic structure <>
→ *Group theory*
Group theory <>
Cyclic group.svg <>
Basic notions[show] <#>

* Subgroup <>
* Normal subgroup <>

* Quotient group <>

* (Semi-) <>direct
product <>
/Group homomorphisms <>/

* kernel
* image <>
* direct sum <>

* wreath product <>

* simple <>
* finite <>

* infinite <>
* continuous <>
* multiplicative <>

* additive <>
* cyclic <>
* abelian <>
* dihedral <>

* nilpotent <>
* solvable <>

* Glossary of group theory

* List of group theory topics

Finite groups <>[show] <#>

Classification of finite simple groups

* cyclic <>
* alternating <>
* Lie type <>
* sporadic <>

* Cauchy's theorem
* Lagrange's theorem

* Sylow theorems <>

* Hall's theorem <>

* p-group <>
* Elementary abelian group

* Frobenius group <>

* Schur multiplier <>

* Symmetric group <> S_/n/

* Klein four-group <> V

* Dihedral group <> D_/n/
* Quaternion group <> Q
* Dicyclic group <> Dic_/n/

* Discrete groups <>

* Lattices <>

[show] <#>

* Integers <> (*Z*)

* Free group <>

Modular groups <>

* PSL(2,*Z*)
* SL(2,*Z*)

* Arithmetic group <>

* Lattice <>
* Hyperbolic group <>

Topological <> and Lie

groups <>[hide] <#>

* Solenoid <>
* Circle <>

* General linear <>


* Special linear <>


* Orthogonal <> O(/n/)

* Euclidean <> E(/n/)

* Special orthogonal
<> SO(/n/)

* Unitary <> U(/n/)

* Special unitary
<> SU(/n/)

* Symplectic <> Sp(/n/)

* G_2
* F_4 <>
* E_6 <>
* E_7 <>
* E_8 <>

* Lorentz <>
* Poincaré <>
* Conformal <>

* Diffeomorphism <>
* Loop <>

Infinite dimensional Lie group


* O(∞)
* SU(∞)
* Sp(∞)

Algebraic groups <>[show] <#>

* Linear algebraic group


* Reductive group <>

* Abelian variety <>

* Elliptic curve <>

* v <>
* t <>
* e

Lie groups <>

E8Petrie.svg <>
Classical groups <>[show] <#>

* General linear <>

* Special linear <>
* Orthogonal <> O(/n/)
* Special orthogonal
<> SO(/n/)
* Unitary <> U(/n/)
* Special unitary
<> SU(/n/)
* Symplectic <> Sp(/n/)

Simple Lie groups <>[hide] <#>

* List of simple Lie groups



* A_/n/ <>
* B_/n/ <>
* C_/n/ <>
* D_/n/ <>


* G_2
* F_4 <>
* E_6 <>
* E_7 <>
* E_8 <>
Other Lie groups
<>[show] <#>

* Circle <>
* Lorentz <>
* Poincaré <>
* Conformal group <>
* Diffeomorphism <>
* Loop <>
* Euclidean <>

Lie algebras <>[show] <#>

* Lie group–Lie algebra correspondence

* Exponential map
* Adjoint representation
o Killing form <>
o Index <>
* Lie point symmetry <>
* Simple Lie algebra <>

Semisimple Lie algebra

<>[show] <#>

* Dynkin diagrams <>

* Cartan subalgebra <>
o Root system <>
o Weyl group <>
o Real form <>
o Complexification
* Split Lie algebra <>
* Compact Lie algebra <>

Representation theory
<>[show] <#>

* Lie group representation

* Lie algebra representation
* Representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras

* Theorem of the highest weight
* Borel–Weil–Bott theorem

Lie groups in physics <>[show] <#>

* Particle physics and representation theory

* Lorentz group representations
* Poincaré group representations
* Galilean group representations

Scientists[show] <#>

* Sophus Lie <>

* Henri Poincaré <>
* Wilhelm Killing <>
* Élie Cartan <>
* Hermann Weyl <>
* Claude Chevalley <>
* Harish-Chandra <>
* Armand Borel <>

* Glossary
* Table of Lie groups <>

* v <>
* t <>
* e

In mathematics <>, *G_2 * is

the name of three simple Lie groups
<> (a complex form, a compact
real form and a split real form), their Lie algebras
<> g 2 , {\displaystyle
{\mathfrak {g}}_{2},} {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {g}}_{2},} as well as
some algebraic groups <>.
They are the smallest of the five exceptional simple Lie groups
<>. G_2 has rank 2 and
dimension 14. It has two fundamental representations
<>, with
dimension 7 and 14.

The compact form of G_2 can be described as the automorphism group

<> of the octonion
algebra <> or, equivalently, as
the subgroup of SO(7) that preserves any chosen particular vector in its
8-dimensional real <>
spinor <> representation
<> (a spin
representation <>).


* 1 History <#History>
* 2 Real forms <#Real_forms>
* 3 Algebra <#Algebra>
o 3.1 Dynkin diagram and Cartan matrix
o 3.2 Roots of G_2 <#Roots_of_G2>
o 3.3 Weyl/Coxeter group <#Weyl/Coxeter_group>
o 3.4 Special holonomy <#Special_holonomy>
* 4 Polynomial invariant <#Polynomial_invariant>
* 5 Generators <#Generators>
* 6 Representations <#Representations>
* 7 Finite groups <#Finite_groups>
* 8 See also <#See_also>
* 9 References <#References>


The Lie algebra g 2 {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {g}}_{2}} {\mathfrak

{g}}_{2}, being the smallest exceptional simple Lie algebra, was the
first of these to be discovered in the attempt to classify simple Lie
algebras. On May 23, 1887, Wilhelm Killing
<> wrote a letter to
Friedrich Engel
<> saying
that he had found a 14-dimensional simple Lie algebra, which we now call
g 2 {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {g}}_{2}} {\mathfrak {g}}_{2}.^[1]

In 1893, Élie Cartan <>

published a note describing an open set in C 5 {\displaystyle \mathbb
{C} ^{5}} \mathbb{C}^5 equipped with a 2-dimensional distribution
<>—that is,
a smoothly varying field of 2-dimensional subspaces of the tangent
space—for which the Lie algebra g 2 {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {g}}_{2}}
{\mathfrak {g}}_{2} appears as the infinitesimal symmetries.^[2]
<#cite_note-2> In the same year, in the same journal, Engel noticed the
same thing. Later it was discovered that the 2-dimensional distribution
is closely related to a ball rolling on another ball. The space of
configurations of the rolling ball is 5-dimensional, with a
2-dimensional distribution that describes motions of the ball where it
rolls without slipping or twisting.^[3] <#cite_note-3> ^[4] <#cite_note-4>

In 1900, Engel discovered that a generic antisymmetric trilinear form

(or 3-form) on a 7-dimensional complex vector space is preserved by a
group isomorphic to the complex form of G_2 .^[5] <#cite_note-5>

In 1908 Cartan mentioned that the automorphism group of the octonions is

a 14-dimensional simple Lie group.^[6] <#cite_note-6> In 1914 he stated
that this is the compact real form of G_2 .^[7] <#cite_note-7>

In older books and papers, G_2 is sometimes denoted by E_2 .

Real forms[edit

There are 3 simple real Lie algebras associated with this root system:

* The underlying real Lie algebra of the complex Lie algebra G_2 has
dimension 28. It has complex conjugation as an outer automorphism
and is simply connected. The maximal compact subgroup of its
associated group is the compact form of G_2 .
* The Lie algebra of the compact form is 14-dimensional. The
associated Lie group has no outer automorphisms, no center, and is
simply connected and compact.
* The Lie algebra of the non-compact (split) form has dimension 14.
The associated simple Lie group has fundamental group of order 2 and
its outer automorphism group
<> is the
trivial group. Its maximal compact subgroup is SU(2) ×
SU(2)/(−1,−1). It has a non-algebraic double cover that is simply


Dynkin diagram and Cartan matrix[edit


The Dynkin diagram <> for

/G/_2 is given by Dynkin diagram of G 2

Its Cartan matrix <> is:

[ 2 − 1 − 3 2 ] {\displaystyle
{\displaystyle \left[{\begin{array}{rr}2&-1\\-3&2\end{array}}\right]}

Roots of G_2 [edit


Root system G2.svg <>

The 12 vector root system <> of
G_2 in 2 dimensions. 3-cube t1.svg
The A_2 Coxeter plane <>
projection of the 12 vertices of the cuboctahedron
<> contain the same 2D vector
arrangement. G2Coxeter.svg
Graph of G2 as a subgroup of F4 and E8 projected into the Coxeter plane

Although they span <> a

2-dimensional space, as drawn, it is much more symmetric to consider
them as vectors <> in a
2-dimensional subspace of a three-dimensional space.

(1,−1,0), (−1,1,0)
(1,0,−1), (−1,0,1)
(0,1,−1), (0,−1,1)
(2,−1,−1), (−2,1,1)
(1,−2,1), (−1,2,−1)
(1,1,−2), (−1,−1,2)

One set of *simple roots*, for Dyn2-node n1.png

<>Dyn2-node n2.png
<> is:

(0,1,−1), (1,−2,1)

Weyl/Coxeter group[edit

Its Weyl <>/Coxeter

<> group G = W ( G 2 )
{\displaystyle G=W(G_{2})} {\displaystyle G=W(G_{2})} is the dihedral
group <>, D 6 {\displaystyle
D_{6}} D_{6} of order
<> 12. It has
minimal faithful degree μ ( G ) = 5 {\displaystyle \mu (G)=5}
{\displaystyle \mu (G)=5}.

Special holonomy[edit

G_2 is one of the possible special groups that can appear as the
holonomy <> group of a Riemannian
metric <>. The manifolds
<> of G_2 holonomy are also called
G_2 -manifolds <>.

Polynomial invariant[edit

G_2 is the automorphism group of the following two polynomials in 7

non-commutative variables.

C 1 = t 2 + u 2 + v 2 + w 2 + x 2 + y 2 + z 2 {\displaystyle
C 2 = t u v + w t x + y w u + z y t + v z w + x v y + u x z
{\displaystyle C_{2}=tuv+wtx+ywu+zyt+vzw+xvy+uxz}
C_{2}=tuv+wtx+ywu+zyt+vzw+xvy+uxz (± permutations)

which comes from the octonion algebra. The variables must be

non-commutative otherwise the second polynomial would be identically zero.

Adding a representation of the 14 generators with coefficients
/A/, ..., /N/ gives the matrix:

A λ 1 + ⋯ + N λ 14 = [ 0 C − B E − D − G F − M − C 0 A F − G + N D −
K − E − L B − A 0 − N M L − K − E − F N 0 − A + H − B + I C − J D G
− N − M A − H 0 J I G K − D − L B − I − J 0 − H − F + M E + L K − C
+ J − I H 0 ] {\displaystyle A\lambda _{1}+\cdots +N\lambda
{\displaystyle A\lambda _{1}+\cdots +N\lambda

It is exactly the Lie algebra of the group

G 2 = { g ∈ S O ( 7 ) : g ∗ φ = φ , φ = ω 123 + ω 145 + ω 167 + ω

246 − ω 257 − ω 347 − ω 356 } {\displaystyle G_{2}=\{g\in
SO(7):g^{*}\varphi =\varphi ,\varphi =\omega ^{123}+\omega
^{145}+\omega ^{167}+\omega ^{246}-\omega ^{257}-\omega
^{347}-\omega ^{356}\}} {\displaystyle G_{2}=\{g\in
SO(7):g^{*}\varphi =\varphi ,\varphi =\omega ^{123}+\omega
^{145}+\omega ^{167}+\omega ^{246}-\omega ^{257}-\omega
^{347}-\omega ^{356}\}}


The characters of finite-dimensional representations of the real and

complex Lie algebras and Lie groups are all given by the Weyl character
formula <>. The
dimensions of the smallest irreducible representations are (sequence
A104599 <> in the OEIS

1, 7, 14, 27, 64, 77 (twice), 182, 189, 273, 286, 378, 448, 714,
729, 748, 896, 924, 1254, 1547, 1728, 1729, 2079 (twice), 2261,
2926, 3003, 3289, 3542, 4096, 4914, 4928 (twice), 5005, 5103, 6630,
7293, 7371, 7722, 8372, 9177, 9660, 10206, 10556, 11571, 11648,
12096, 13090….

The 14-dimensional representation is the adjoint representation

and the 7-dimensional one is action of G_2 on the imaginary octonions.

There are two non-isomorphic irreducible representations of dimensions

77, 2079, 4928, 28652, etc. The fundamental representations
<> are those
with dimensions 14 and 7 (corresponding to the two nodes in the Dynkin
diagram <#Dynkin_diagram> in the order such that the triple arrow points
from the first to the second).

Vogan (1994) <#CITEREFVogan1994> described the (infinite-dimensional)

unitary irreducible representations of the split real form of G_2 .
Finite groups[edit

The group G_2 (/q/) is the points of the algebraic group G_2 over the
finite field <> *F*_/q/ .
These finite groups were first introduced by Leonard Eugene Dickson
<> in Dickson (1901)
<#CITEREFDickson1901> for odd /q/ and Dickson (1905)
<#CITEREFDickson1905> for even /q/. The order of G_2 (/q/) is /q/^6
(/q/^6 − 1)(/q/^2 − 1). When /q/ ≠ 2, the group is simple
<>, and when /q/ = 2, it has a
simple subgroup of index
<> 2 isomorphic to ^2
/A/_2 (3^2 ), and is the automorphism group of a maximal order of the
octonions. The Janko group J_1
<> was first constructed as
a subgroup of G_2 (11). Ree (1960) <#CITEREFRee1960> introduced twisted
Ree groups <> ^2 G_2 (/q/) of
order /q/^3 (/q/^3 + 1)(/q/ − 1) for /q/ = 3^2/n/+1 , an odd power of 3.

See also[edit

* Cartan matrix <>

* Dynkin diagram <>
* Exceptional Jordan algebra
* Fundamental representation
* G_2 -structure <>
* Lie group <>
* Seven-dimensional cross product
* Simple Lie group <>


1. *^ <#cite_ref-1>* Agricola, Ilka

<> (2008). "Old and new
on the exceptional group /G/_2 "
<> (PDF). /Notices
of the American Mathematical Society/. *55* (8): 922–929. MR
<> 2441524
2. *^ <#cite_ref-2>* Élie Cartan (1893). "Sur la structure des groupes
simples finis et continus". /C. R. Acad. Sci/. *116*: 784–786.
3. *^ <#cite_ref-3>* Gil Bor and Richard Montgomery (2009). "G_2 and
the "rolling distribution"". /L'Enseignement Mathématique/. *55*:
157–196. arXiv
<>. doi
4. *^ <#cite_ref-4>* John Baez and John Huerta (2014). "G_2 and the
rolling ball". /Trans. Amer. Math. Soc/. *366* (10): 5257–5293.
arXiv <>:1205.2447
<>. doi
5. *^ <#cite_ref-5>* Friedrich Engel (1900). "Ein neues, dem linearen
Komplexe analoges Gebilde". /Leipz. Ber/. *52*: 63–76, 220–239.
6. *^ <#cite_ref-6>* Élie Cartan (1908). "Nombres complexes".
/Encyclopedie des Sciences Mathematiques/. Paris: Gauthier-Villars.
pp. 329–468.
7. *^ <#cite_ref-7>* Élie Cartan (1914), "Les groupes reels simples
finis et continus", /Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup./, *31*: 255–262

* Adams, J. Frank (1996), /Lectures on exceptional Lie groups/

<>, Chicago Lectures
in Mathematics, University of Chicago Press
<>, ISBN
<> 978-0-226-00526-3
MR <> 1428422
* Baez, John <> (2002), "The
Octonions", /Bull. Amer. Math. Soc./, *39* (2): 145–205, arXiv
<>, doi

See section 4.1: G_2 ; an online HTML version of which is

available at

* Bryant, Robert
(1987), "Metrics with Exceptional Holonomy", /Annals of
Mathematics/, 2, *126* (3): 525–576, doi
<> 1971360
* Dickson, Leonard Eugene
<> (1901),
"Theory of Linear Groups in An Arbitrary Field", /Transactions of
the American Mathematical Society

Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society
<>, *2*
(4): 363–394, doi
<>, ISSN
<> 0002-9947
<> 1986251
<>, Reprinted in volume II of
his collected papersLeonard E. Dickson reported groups of type G_2
in fields of odd characteristic.
* Dickson, L. E. <> (1905),
"A new system of simple groups" <>,
/Math. Ann./, *60*: 137–150, doi
<>Leonard E. Dickson reported
groups of type G_2 in fields of even characteristic.
* Ree, Rimhak (1960), "A family of simple groups associated with the
simple Lie algebra of type (G_2 )", /Bulletin of the American
Mathematical Society
*66* (6): 508–510, doi
<>, ISSN
<> 0002-9904
<>, MR
<> 0125155
* Vogan, David A. Jr. (1994), "The unitary dual of G_2 ", /Inventiones
<>/, *116*
(1): 677–791, Bibcode
<>, doi
<>, ISSN
<> 0020-9910
<>, MR
<> 1253210


* v <>
* t <>
* e

Exceptional Lie groups


* G_2
* F_4 <>
* E_6 <>
* E_7 <>
* E_8 <>


* v <>
* t <>
* e

String theory <>

* Strings <>
* History of string theory
o First superstring revolution
o Second superstring revolution
* String theory landscape


* Nambu–Goto action
* Polyakov action <>
* Bosonic string theory
* Superstring theory <>
o Type I string <>
o Type II string
+ Type IIA string
+ Type IIB string
o Heterotic string
* N=2 superstring <>
* F-theory <>
* String field theory <>
* Matrix string theory
* Non-critical string theory
* Non-linear sigma model
* Tachyon condensation
* RNS formalism <>
* GS formalism <>

String duality <>

* T-duality <>
* S-duality <>
* U-duality <>
* Montonen–Olive duality

Particles and fields

* Graviton <>
* Dilaton <>
* Tachyon <>
* Ramond–Ramond field
* Kalb–Ramond field
* Magnetic monopole <>
* Dual graviton <>
* Dual photon <>

Branes <>

* D-brane <>
* NS5-brane <>
* M2-brane <>
* M5-brane <>
* S-brane <>
* Black brane <>
* Black holes <>
* Black string <>
* Brane cosmology <>
* Quiver diagram <>
* Hanany–Witten transition

Conformal field theory


* Virasoro algebra <>

* Mirror symmetry
* Conformal anomaly <>
* Conformal algebra <>
* Superconformal algebra
* Vertex operator algebra
* Loop algebra <>
* Kac–Moody algebra
* Wess–Zumino–Witten model

Gauge theory <>

* Anomalies <>
* Instantons <>
* Chern–Simons form
* Bogomol'nyi–Prasad–Sommerfield bound
* Exceptional Lie groups
<> (G_2 , F_4
<>, E_6
<>, E_7
<>, E_8
* ADE classification <>
* Dirac string <>
* /p/-form electrodynamics

* Kaluza–Klein theory
* Compactification
* Why 10 dimensions <>?
* Kähler manifold <>
* Ricci-flat manifold <>
o Calabi–Yau manifold
o Hyperkähler manifold
+ K3 surface <>
o G_2 manifold <>
o Spin(7)-manifold <>
* Generalized complex manifold
* Orbifold <>
* Conifold <>
* Orientifold <>
* Moduli space <>
* Hořava–Witten domain wall
* K-theory (physics) <>
* Twisted K-theory <>

Supersymmetry <>

* Supergravity <>
* Superspace <>
* Lie superalgebra <>
* Lie supergroup <>

Holography <>

* Holographic principle
* AdS/CFT correspondence

M-theory <>

* Matrix theory <>

* Introduction to M-theory

String theorists

* Aganagić <>
* Arkani-Hamed <>
* Atiyah <>
* Banks <>
* Berenstein <>
* Bousso <>
* Cleaver <>
* Curtright <>
* Dijkgraaf <>
* Distler <>
* Douglas <>
* Duff <>
* Ferrara <>
* Fischler <>
* Friedan <>
* Gates <>
* Gliozzi <>
* Gopakumar <>
* Green <>
* Greene <>
* Gross <>
* Gubser <>
* Gukov <>
* Guth <>
* Hanson <>
* Harvey <>
* Hořava <>
* Gibbons <>
* Kachru <>
* Kaku <>
* Kallosh <>
* Kaluza <>
* Kapustin <>
* Klebanov <>
* Knizhnik <>
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* Maldacena <>
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* Moore <>
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