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V O L . X I . N A S H V I L L E , T E N N E S S E E , S A T U R D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 1 7 , 1 8 5 5 N O . 2 5 .

MErlrpf^Lijrj B'.Mr St. were pri.ii.ut i.n the Sal-bath at the Baptist Chnrch seiiUMice. Even the inspired Paul and Bam:.' .aj To I he Bupns's ai Alabmiam. ua- -h iuM iiui be denied ti', gospel of Christ
—aarl rarniot but hr.jie that it v be r- loptii] nnt ( i t n m m u i n c a t i D i t s . I •ontcndwl and do[iartoJ asiiruler, hut it dot-s -.ujt ap- 5It Dsi-vk Brbtheek:—My mind has been iin- f on the ground that they ara aianers! But 1 ia-
In uniur tn -ire i*riilar>y ;u:.i •;y;t,.]ii t^i j Uhi •• them ciaiiuol ID IK; S'> inlfi'.lib'o IT-tM-.) r..j ux or Mirht yean witit the iJti'-'-iipm s_tupan i t t h a t ia the Providenc of Oo.l, the In-
wU ill rili.m riil-.c; '"it • • i'.- <"':
-11 L' l-ff h -t l<rv'thrfffl w j•——'-"'irr' •" "" . . j ' fla- .•'.Ufcil ll.. . -»• '.> . .1 tflt * .... . . - .. * ..
froH! th? » Mrtral 1
• cfaoTshi
1 a w t t a l mUa s^is^. da^uf m i m ^ T m ^ ^ i a«Tf-iT in U^qtssl. the FnTSisn. ia^iicth tiKdiiau i
' m Btrr^tifo ' tt« I t o at.)*.** .^ftWti^a \ Of Mr Rr- r 4f f W l w W . r^jrtHmt if Pah- padiatod not Urn, but h b CfTOC. a hixc amoont of inlhiencc to thecaaserfMisiinos
htpliMt MMftlrrt mul ekm.-dnu, irnnmiHtnl tritk ifedr then at* piouii prriBM, who deni* to be tnM u d tbe Bible, Ic., wH^li is now 1}iaf inactire
tlirtjr M k i s (af «wr t m ) t a r a a e . • Ufe dkvrtar. to God ami their cam raiMcieiice«. to •rrtrc at truth, iatbcStetr.
Ywniti fhrirf. !ke Ttgkt affrivMt jtdpvitia III wvtlttn ofrttif-
am amtribrntimf Ian daSan, mn umaal din<-tur.
A. C. DITTO*. timf M i f f . neither more nor IfK thaa the mrriatjun* of the I BOW wiheait to cemiiWTaUwi t m p n y a n .
TbtMOlriMar irf Ei* * a m • nitM*4 it> n<t*tc Contmjoilia^ B. B. Ac. IIoijHpirit! It iamtain t h u tht, eunot. mi tim: That we bmHob t ' ^ b j r hrfore Om fifth Sab-
fkmaaim mmii/mx«t K M » u d s drilar* value of BMt Rcoms, Smktftk. ftk. 3. Is55. Ma. Eiiiwhl—Truth t:i dear e m y pioiw uwler ProtesUirt will ikH.feRpKeiUrretr hath in .^pnl at , (tbcplKc tofae acUM,}!*
mt ite Tiwmwii HUo h.-«t. .^ti lacB a n entitled to Jootiee. itOJuim on any human exiKMindcra. however good ami wt*e take into cooMdrratkn tbe |»<efci(*jr of
Jkttawtiw*. Tkr coombo- nmJk* rmrrwt i^Urtt.
partiaKtiat uuglit tn wrifh otiy, vt ihM in the Ul- thry m ^ V^ kimwiair thejr arr hut llillitjic mm. A fif 'teral BafCisl <lM0riaho« i» iffaf irn t to
tm aqr w a , ! — m w Mam <wtMijt«tc» a taam- S* r m XO ' .M alofi;: the Gastna Railroad towanb aace. againM truth ami rishieou.<n(Kt. Uiniiig of-
Ur. iiu|ipiMe. f<* arptment, tbct ikiwhnutl and SaUn'i mote DDowstie aaJ Fcrdga SCsfeigM—tbe deitriba-
tin- Xuitk. abuut sistmi laik* fraai lUlri)^ « nau- ten wftn the >utcfnc-nl that "Baptist iiffen^wrer
W« paMiiet *m tiiiwaachqr««Bncr of vwj tf- «rii«itttctare of faridt half iiiddHi bahM ^BWSil Aim t*inUiiri> lath aUM." I mm, wMHiiwil t» wiien werr to iMfnile pmnm into tbe heHef, that tion of the n o f t eorrtti Innxiatioi: of tbe Saari
teoam Mrtwliaa. t»v tevUmi oT >It«frcuii»n> i«uaiftd gnKf iif aitrtenl fiirr^ iwks lirftka on Ihe tcaehintfif one w t e l n ^ C M d tobu favorite l ^ p t i a f t h ^ j ^ r f a w J Mill tbe
dikr for puMicMinn in yonr coiinnnK, mnie rmarkii arc^BfalHhle. Thb h a U i i k & B WbiM kiid Ohm
aic inrai|r aad awtetit dHiaiaaiu Tbe amiNint Tour Tw*. It w ill.' Bapu-it uf Wake For- tnuchtng the pFopoMfl rcpuiliation of I'odobaptist
«NMrihal«d bjr U m hat jnsr f n- tke Tanotu- ub- r>t. It otand-i upwi an fmim-iicc ao liijth. that the to obey the words of this human csponnder nther of SbhhsUi School I f i a M e i W u S S ^
denominatioiM by tlic Kaptiatit. I hope you will than llie hwtmctlonii of Wiiidom infinite. Thw other means of spna£ng trath awl Bgjbiorer tbe
jvcta oT laaMmiicarf. (ncii^itMa am! Ii:i<rat> ) ik [ir<«ij«-ci from iu top extc-niU in r^-i-ry dirwrtion al- rejoice in the opportunity, liew afG>rdul, of nhowi Tbe Bowi •
noM iwrrdiH«. Thry were theniwlTc* a."«lonixlH'*l jiKwi a.s far a-f llu- eye cau n>a' h; and yet, w Krtd- yivMing np of their consdcncca to the dogmas of earth as shall be dctemmird tbe Assodatkm.
flMrcwivbr UMIW to hear trtiat Uwj- had dune wbm rvwinded irf 't iiig your faith by yotir workf«: of proving the Din- Creek pradMrs. l a a f i T i i K t a i n a f i t i f M
ual is tlw a.-'cnit to it from every side, that bttt for oerity of your pmfesnion.s by your practicc. On men would ofiuctiuiUy clowe their eyes ami hcarti* Any memb / to be a d e l q ^ either ToiBiiUnlr.
on mooey that I had to bmwm. «r Sr
that 1 I tUa ankfe. wi» adcaavMiiie Um tm- l»y th«r pastor at the ckwc of tht- y«ir. Wc l»i>c apainjtt the Mrriptnnfi. How far would thi-y differ or by the appointment of the chtnch or WMociatioB.
Ule c.xtvnt <ir view, you would not Iw con.«<io«8 of itt this ini|)ortaiit subject, I muiit be allowc»I womo two yemrs a^^ ' I do w t think i b ^ tbe WtfUmt
intituKtj', and uatand to bacimsfiaas ^ r will do CT«a more this \-ear than la^. lu rv-
grcat cU'vaUon. fer thnufdi it rests on lofly ground, plainness of iqK.'ccli; but I ought not, and will not, fMm the moat l>igotc«l«? And after mibsti- just as brcthrni or churches may determine. The the South aad Wert viS aOov t S i p i a A c H H
bc«ac thcf Se—asd yet are at praest oadediML gaid to the Bibte cause we are sure they will. They
the cclU'ge is not built on any abrupt and obvious designedly, utter a i>inglo word or sentiment which tuting what might be the whim« of men for the place to be settled hireafler by agreement with go down. I wiB aecamAbr my
WIna tlwy Oink of tibe val«ie of tlieir sods, aod love the Kblc. And though t h w were only a fi-w
eminence. The building, though large and imjios- can afflict or oflbnd any pious and wrll-informed doctrines of dirist, how long would it take their those who flivor this project agent to whatever body itty bate ^ b t f ^ cf 1
tfae aniKKtaoce of etanal diiiigs, U^y arc almost persons (Hresent (owing to the inclemency of tlie
ing. is not ktjre enoujrli cither to accoiimwdate the Baptist—larther than niy honest views of truth and guides^if it suited their purpose—to setluco them The reasons for this proposition are these;
psaaaded to be dinatiaiis: but tbdr 'km: (rf'sin day) when the sodrty was formed. Yet by those
Faculty and Students, or adequat4jly to fill out the duty may tend to that result. I am not willing to into errors a.s absurd and practices as abominable 1. Of the one thou-sand millions of the race, over MisskiBS at the end of tbis year. I wiK som vait
and vt tbe wsid pRfvoits a tfaoToogh posoasion. few, about seventy-five, dollars %vas subscribed.
beautiful location. It needs a wing on either end give causo of otfence to any follower of Cluist, and as those of the Romanists themselves! Human ex- two-thirds are now sitting in the region and shadow many of yog, sad I expect to appoint (hianrisi m-
How lamnrtahte tiiat ratiamd creatuws should be When the matter can be brought before the ur/ioic
to flank and relieve somewhat the principal edifice. mil try to avoid all language which might afford jwunders arc not to be implicitly relied on. of death, without either the Bible, or the gospel gents ai several pmnts to whom those that I do aet
ondecided <Hi the sab|ect of sialnUian! Butsoitis; chtaxh. this sum will, we hepe, be trebled. If we see can make remittances Brethren, prepar* to be
Tliis addition, it is hoped, will before very long be you, Mr. Editor, cause to reject my article. I The question retum.s: how are pious persons to preached by the living ministry—there they si^^od
and bencn I make rdigkms indedskm my pnsait are not mistaken there are several good sisters in will sit till the billows of death sweep them down, liberaL H. F. Baxxta.
made. The Campus, too, though so delightfully therefore request, as a special favor, tliat you would arrive at truth! By searching the scripture,s, and
tC^DC. that church who will not <mly contribute Ubcrally situated and capable of being made a student's par- NaskviOe, Feb. 8, 1855.
praying to their divine Author for light and grace unless we rescue them. Can we stand and see them
The tfureasoiwiJaiess of ikis indecisiat: may w d l themsdves but will earnestly sdicU conb-ibutions adise, lies unimproved, and on one side unendosed. either publisli or return tliis my article, very prompt-
ly; for tho reason that the interests of vital godli- to understand them. They ought to do tliis with perish, and sink down forever? God fbrbid. Spread af BaptUt rrladpU*.
be canaidered. Many anoanvcrted persons are ex- for the sodety. A church which has such sisters This, also, we understand, is soon to be rectified, as 2. The object of Christ's coming was to save
ness have, in my humble opinion, already suffered all the zeal and diligence, with which they arc bound
traTagBnt in theu Qmuniams on reascm. SonK of in it will always be an effideut diurch. the Sodeties of the College are about to take it in too long for the want of a defender: I coulii wish to "follow after holiness;" and although they may them, and the last commissian to his now sleeping Dr. George Burgess Kshop of the RY>testaiit %i8-
them exalt it at the expense of revelation. Let us oopal Church in Maine, is the tuthor of a ttaet on
see, then, if reiigwoa indecision is not contraiy to There were several things which combined to hand, and if they decorate the grounds with lialf the they had found an abler one than the writer. not attain to jierfection in knowledge nor holiness, church was to send the gospel to them. And with
taste they have displayed in the furniture of- their liis wounds bleeding fresh firom the field of conflict. adtdt baptism, just published by the s o d ^ for the
reason. make my -visit to Murfreesboro a pleasant one. It in this life, still they are bound to aim at the prize
The Rev. James M. Pendleton, justly esteemed promotioaof Erangdical Knowledge. IteBiishop
is, in the first place, one of the pleasantest little Hails, they will be beautiful indeed. and press forward. Here must be their main de- He bids us preach in his name the fbrgiveness of gives thefiiUowingreason for the pablicaticm. ''In
It is reasonable for the creature to love and serve cities in all the land, beautifully situated in the as a christian gentleman and able minister of Christ, sins. How can they preach except they be sent—
the Caeaton Thae is notinngin the first and great midst of a fertile and healthy coimtry, and settled By the kindness of Professors Walters and Owen, did, some mouths ago, largely occupy your columns pendence and ultimate reliance, in order that their and who shall send them? all christian countries except our own, ahnpst all
commandment of the law which coniiicts with rea- by an industrious, enterprising and thrifty popula- one of -whom I met at the Convention, and the other with the advocacy of the sentiment, that Baptists assurance of faith, hope and the understanding may persons have been baptised in thdr in&ay. It-was
3. The duty of GrrcfG is as distinctly and as pos-
son. The propriety of the ctmmiand, "Thoashalt tion. Among whom are some of the most liberal at Ralei^, I had been urged to visit tlie College, ought not to invite Pedobaptist ministere to their rest on divine, and not on human, teaching. Let us itively taught m the Bible, hy precept and example. so ammig the settlers oar own country. But ai
love the Lord thy God,^ oamnenda itself to and warm-hearted Baptists whom 1 have any where and address the students and others in their spa- pulpits, because the former could not recognize the have Bible christians, instead of those fashioned by as repentance, joining the church by baptism, pray- present in the United States the majmty die in diilii.
every man-'s reason and common sense. The germ, met It has an interest (to me) also as the former cious chapel, on the great objects of my mission as latter, as gospel ministers, nor the orgaiiizalion to men: the former will^liave a pure zeal for God; the er, or any other dicty. hood unbaptized, or arrive imbaptized at manhood
the esaojoe uf rEfigkm is involved ni love to God. residence, perhaps the birth-place, of our beloved Corresponding Secretary of the Bible Board of the which they belong, as gospel churches. Since Pedo- latter, though they m^y be conveneil, will be likely 4. This duty has not, c.annot, will not, be per- A denominatioD, wluch rejects all baptism except
IT so, how tmnataonable Uie undecided act; far diey Southern Baptist Convention. Warm and generous baptists have as many and as good pulpits as others, to have a large admixture of zeal for their own sect. that which is performed by immeraon and at a ripe
brother. Dr. G. W. Burton, of the China mission. was the welcome w^Iiich they gave me when I came, there is no slander nor persecution in the refusal to Certainly, I admit that all christians ought assidu- formed effectually without some organized plan to age, has become in its various brandies anover-
uesitate'as to givmg the afiectiona of their hearts to
God. They seem to find fifficulty in detenniidng I look upon a missionaiy who takes his life in his and pleasant indeed will be my remembrance of iiiy invite them: but can the same be truly asserted ously to attend on tho ministry of the word, recdve combine luuiltc and direct VIAI
auu UXT^:^!, our cucigiu
enei^es Oand contributions.
U U VAJULIK . . . . . .
wheiher they on^iit to krve him! How unreasona- hand and forsaking his country, his home, his kin- brief ^isit to Wake Forest College: nor will I soon with regard to the reason for such refusal, which instruction and avail themselves of every help to 5. The Baptis-t Convention of old, &om ^ o m e t ' ^ ^ ' ^ ' f ^
inflnence casts a ^iade of doubt over what was (Bice
ble is this! dred, his an, for Christ and the gospd, as a far forget the brotherly kindness and chri.<tian courte- has been publi.sheil abroad in the very face of Chris- inteq)rct the scripturcs according to the mind of the cause, has not, and probably will not, secure the prized as a sweet ccmseciutun of the ctadie and the
co-operation of one Baptist out of fifty in Alabama,
Aj^fii, it is reaiiunahle ibr perishiiigsianers to ac- P^ter hero than the warrior and the conqueror of sy of Profc.ssors Wiilters, and Brooks, and Owen, tendom as well as a world that lieth in wicked- Spirit. The Bereans are highly commended, be- Amnng several other
nations. My faith sees him in the coming life and Wingate, pr of Bro. Thos. II. Prichard, only ness! cause—notwithst;mding they had the instructions although it has existed thirty years.
ccpt Jesus Ghrot as a Saviour. Is it not reasona- ice, after a struggle, has been conflned to the
And now, my brethren, with a view to develop
ble for a drowning man to reccJve the iissistance crowned -with higher honors than ever rested on a last term a graduate, bht now the agent for the en- On rcailing these views, though they were press-
of two inspired apostles—--tliey searched the scrip- Children of communicants."
pruffi-rvd to hn& in the hour of his extremity!— vumarck's brov; and consequently the place where dowment fund which he is rapidly collecting among ingly urged by a distinguished Baptist minister, I turcs daily, whether these things were so." The and direct the influences and resources of our de-
Would not hffi rejectkm of it indicate m s a n i t y - ^ e he was bom, the house in which he dwdt. and the the noble hearted Baptists of the Old North State. confidently l)elieved that they would be treated as ministry was appointed to preach and instruct, and nomimition, which has so long laid donnanti have T , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ff
dcthruuement of reasooJ- What is the condition of church firan which he was sent out on his errand of By the attention of these brethren, I was enabled they deserved by pious and intelligent Baptists not to lord it over men's consciences, nor to relieve submitted this pkn. "SoUtary and alone I put this Ktpisco^ Churdi, ( n ^ t o to fa^
tions,) had it never performed the rite of infant bap-
love are aU invested in my mind with something .of to examine the lai-go and perfect philosophical ap- ball in motion."
tmdedded sinnera^ They need a Savrour. They everywhere, and that they were in danger of harm- them from the duty of searching the scriptures with tism in this country. For more than a centuiy that
mu^ p s i ^ ' witkittt one- They are justly condetnn- that same interest which attaches itself to objects pai-atus, equal to any that I ever saw for the pur- ing no one. except that class of persons—unfortun- prayer. It is for you to determine whether this proposi-
church was covered with ridicule on that account
ed. The" wrath of God abides on them." Jesus -winch are thus assodated with greatness in other poses for which it is designed, and tastefully arrang- ately to be found in all churches—whose piety and 3. There arc acknoteledgcd mysteries in the Scrip-
tion, which has for its object the glory of God and
The prayer book made it the duty of the admims-
Chnst ia prtsentisi in the gospel as the only Saviotir. things. ed arpmid the recitation room of one of the profes- salvation of millions of souls, shall succeed or not
intelligence seem rather to need improvement.— tui es. So also in science and philosophy. The Look at the fldd already white unto the harvest— trator to tell the sponsors in baptism that they must
They are, howcv'.T, unwilling to receive Mm. They I spent a little time in the society of the venera- •soi-s. I was permitted, also, to e.xamine in another
When I learned tliat a certain Association had, by former arc derived from the revelation of God. the take the child to the Bishop to be confirmed; wfaSe
hssitaie about it, .and in hesitating they outrage ble mother of our brother Barton, whose" many room, the large cabinet of minerals and curiosities, solenm resolution, endorsed the uncomely sentiment, latter from the discoveries of men. The infidel's see the activity and progress of this progressive age. ;the adimnistrator and eveiy body else knew that no
every priiiciplR oi' reason. Is not indecisian unrca- friends will regret talearn that she is about to leave both of nature and of art. not the least attractive of I did feel somewhat alarmed for the honor of our inconsistency is palpable, when he rejects the form- Remember the charge of the blessed Sa-riour—^re- iBidiop conld be found tins side of the Atlantic ocean!
sonahie? our State (at least for a season) to give her daugh- which, to me. were portions of the broken idols tak- flect upon the worth of immortalsouls! How soon
holy religion, and actually conunenced writing an er on account of their mysteries, but holds fast to. the one thoaso}^ millions will paK away! JEUions 'or more tiian century this &rce went on. Some of
t m jflie jArantages of the Eidu^nd Seminary, Va.^ en froin the grqat Temple on Silver Island, i^China,
~ Oiii •M»-ftiT8 - . - ~ , -r ' T — ' article, designed fo counteract its baleful influences. the latter in spite of them. He ought to know the can never be reached but by Missionaiy labor. It; dergy, who had strong nerves, admonished the
ture. The wiaian'W the ant i» canrinend^by difference between a mysteiy and an absurdity:— .^mnsois to take the child to the K ^ p ^ althoo^
Solomon: '-Ga ts tbe ant, thou sluggard, Mtirfreesboro^is to me a place of great interest, destroyed that high place of Chinese Idolatry.— not the wholftBapfist church; &at I had Jong ii\ ed congeried liquid imght be amysterjrtooiiewtrohMS is yqur duw ^ g^b—to do good, to communicate:
h » waya and be w i ^ which having no guide, over- moreover, as the seat of our Benominational Uni- Surely, tliat enormous hand, broken off by those and labored in perfect liarmoay with many minis- never seen it, but surely not an absurdity. It would
were bom and have been reared up m sUepy timfs. ^ canon mperfbrmmg fe o i ^ ^ ^
seer, or xalsr, previd^h her meat in summer and versity. No Baptist should be indifferent to the who had been his most devout adorers from the ters of that communion, whose memory will ever be above his comprehension, but not contrary to it: lat now it is HiGHr ^I^^®6^®®®P"®®«®5whfleathHddsas,nDt
And that, knowing the toce, that
gathereth her i a d m harvest.'' The foresight of schools and colleges in our coontry—either male or right arm of the gigantic God of the Silver Island, be dear to my heart; that even now I am in habits the mystery is not in the fact, but in Ids weak ca- less guilty, inserted thejtondiingly impropriate pro-
female. They will do more, prc>bably, to fix the and now treasured as a curiosity in the College halls of occasional and very deligiitful intercourse.with pacity. So the acknowledged mystries in the scrip- •rare to awake out of deep. The mght is far spent,
aa inHPnt txtilet? the admiiatian of the wisest of vision "if there be opportanity"
the day is at han^ let us therefore cast off the
men. It is reasonaiJe to provide for old age, so as religious faith and practice of the next generation of a far off land to be handled and gazed at by -'out some whose christian sympathy and friendsliip I tures arc not absurdities, though so far above our In those days fheJBi^rt^ had to plead for tolera-
works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of
not to be destitole amid the msiy infirmities of de- than the preaching ia our churches. The CathoUcs side barbarians." is to us a token that the time has highly prize—and especially beUcving that a senti- feeble capacities that we are unajjle to coniprehend tion from the £in^piiuns. We are pleased to sec
clining life. Bat there ia a future slate of exis- understand this if we do not. It is not their disin- come when the heathen shall cast their Idols to the ment so revolting could never prevail to much ex- them. The finite cannot comprehend the infinite. that the tables^are turned. Those whom the Atigto-
tence. There is an eternity before us. There is terested philanthropy but their deep seeing and far moles and the bats and worship the only God. God has not revealed nor explained every thing, but Tho wailings of death are wafted on every breeze.
tent among the humble and devout—I concluded to American hierarchy once deagnated as "&natical
a heaven, and there is a hell. Is it not reasonable reaching po/icj ahat makes them so an.rious to ed- The clouds of darkness hang lowering over the
The Goddess of Mercy, an ugly female figure be silent, leaving the subject to younger men and just as much as he saw licstfor us in our probation ; .\nabaptists and New Lights" have now succeeded
to prepare for hefiven—to provide for the future cx- ucate the orphan children of our country. They covered with gold leaf, and a Buda, a gilded male abler pens. ary state, and quite enough for our instruction in earth—the cry comes up from your kindred accord- in nrnlring an impression even opon that conservatrre
i^ndes of our brang? If so, rdigious iadecLdon is do not show the same anxiety at home.- There, figure, whidi liave Jx-en worshiped for ages in the righteousness. Let us study and improve, that we ing to the flesh, from poor Africa, from China—all.f organization. We are returning goodtothe diildrcn
In the meantime this repudiating sentiment has
unreasanable: for it prevents aU prepaia^on for an- they do not need such helpto introduce their doctrines dty of Shanghai;, arc also there, a present to the been embodied and is circulated in a Tract, under may be the better pre])are<l to enjoy that exliaust- all appeal to you for help—for the bread of life.—; whose ancestors inflicted npon us only evil and that
other world. It produces hesitation :is to the pro- of damnation—here, it becomes an all important College by Brother Yates, who is one of its ahim- the title of '-Ax Old Landmark:" a title as inap- fountain of infinite wisdom, to which the saints Christ's honor is involved in this scheme. •
continually. We think this treatise of Sshbp Bar>
priety and necessity of immediate preparation for and most elEdent aid. And what they do. from ni. shall have acccss in a glorified state. Sliall the millions perish or Uve? Answer, an- gess indicates the obligation under which we have al-
propriate as it is preposterous! Some other Asso- swer.
eternity. policy, to introduce error and ruin, shall not we do, In the highest story of the College building are ciations have endorsed the .same. Asides, tho Rev. ready laid our Episcopal brethren. We trust with
^ christians of course believe, what God's word Yours in the work of faith, and labor of love, and the blessing of God to make the obKgation greater
The smfalness of rdigimis indecisian should not more»joyfully, from love, to advance the cause of the Society Halls, two large and beautiful rooms, Mr. Pendleton ha.s, in a late number of the Tennes- expressly dedares. If any man denies the God
patience of hope, Jesse A. Coixixs.
pass unnoticed. Why h it ainfulJ For several rea- truth and salvation. Union University is very just- funii.shcd with all the neatness and taste of an ele- see Baptist, come forth with a long article, tending who made him, the Lord who bought him or the still.—Southern Baptist
ly the pride of Tennessee Baptists. Young ad it is Cropicell, St. Clair Co., Ala.
sons. God prohibits i t He requires dedsian. He gant and luxurious private parlor. In one of them to confound and overwhelm his dissenting brethren, Holy Ghost given to sanctify him—if he repudiates
ays, '-daiose ye this day whom ye will serve."— in years, it has already taken its place among the I obcserved a splendid marble centre table loaded and thus silence their conscientious scruples, by repentance, faith, regeneration or hoUness frcm his P. S.—It ia suggested that the Convention meet BrowuTille CarrcipandrncF.
His commands have reference to the present time. best institutions of learning in the country. Its with the and most costly books, conspicu- means of what he is pleased to call "Baptist logic." ci-eed—we can neither recognize nor fellowship him, in Tuskegee, or Bockport, or Talladega, or Lafay-
Tne Baptist Church. Rev. Thomas Outn. Rev. C.
Hia language is, -cease to do evil; learn to do well.-' President and fiiculty are men in the prime of life ous among which was a large Family Bible. The I tiTist, Mr. Editor, you will allow me, if I am as a cluistian; he denies what is plainly revealed. ette, Chambers Coimty, and that we meet again the C. Connor. The BroKosviUc Female College,
'-Rpppnt ye, and. b^eve the ga^)eL" -To-day-if and the full vigor of thdr powers, and who, tho-agh walls of each Hall are covered on two sides %vith able .so to do, to address to your readers a little But there are some passages of scripture, the true Friday before *hc second Sabbath in November, Ton have perhaps been surprised at not hearing
ye win hear hia viiice harden not your liearts." In they have been engaged in the work of instruction neat book cases which contain the Society Libraries. scriptural and clu-istian logic. I have no controver- interpretation of which is not so clear and readily 1855, in Middle or Western Alabama. We invite from us before this; but many things have con^ir-
requiring dedsiau and present action, Jehovah pro- long enough to give full proof of their capacity, The 1xx)ks seem to liave been well selected, and are sy with them about I believe they are arrived at: these require diligent study, patient in- an expression of opinion on this subject Where cd to prevent us from writing. ^ We propose in this
hibita inl^Pfi^ri^^ inaction. To be undecided, have not yet broken down or become stereotyped well preserved. The size of boUi Libraries is so ra- honest in their views of that .subjcct. And with vestigation and humble prayer. I have alwaj's shall it be holden? Speak brethren. •j^mmunination to let yon know something about
then, ia to disobey God. It needs no argument to iu their labors. It is rumored that they will soon pidly iacreaaing by purchases and gifts, that they this admission, I sliall endeavor to show, that they loved to hear of chiistians studying their Bibles on J. A. C.
^Brownsville, and the things wHch interest us hen
prove the dnfuhUESs of disobeTing God. add to their force the eminently active and practical will be obliged ere long to find room for them in
cannot, as conscientious Bible christians, repudiate their knees, praying iu their closets for wisdom from For tbe Tenneuee Baptist. t We would speak of the Baptirt Chutdi. H i
mind of our brother, Dr. J. King, formerly pby.-i-
The midedded call in question the divine verad- cian to the Hospital in this dty. We hope this ru- some other place. Let us hope that the Baptists of evangelical clu-i.stian ministers and churches of tho above to guide them to the true interpretation. I Indian MUsious—To tUe Baptistiol the Sonth-Wrtl. • iiow without a pastor, and presents the ratheM.:
t j . God says that religion is the one tliig needful mor is not without foundation. Dr. Iting will be a Noftli Carolina will soon give them ample space by Pedobaptist faith and order. Nor will I complicate love to see them comparing scripture with scripture, sual anomaly of a destitute churdi with^X"^!'
—that salvation is all-important—that the righteous gTKit acquisition to any in.stitution of learning. erecting the additional buildings which are so much the argument I have to offer, with any discussion in all humbleness of mind, willing to follow, where- •Very Dk.ui Bektheen:—Allow me, very t)riefly, dained preachers among its members. Hdsc'
alone shall go to heaven—that the wicked mnst go He is remarkable alike for tho accuracy of his needed. relating to the mode or subject of bapti-nn. With ver the blessed truth of God may lead them. To to appeal to you in behalf of Indian Misaons. although not as wealthy as formeriy, m accou.:.
to hdll—and that die part we act in this life will knowledge, the clcamcss of liis conceptions; and hisi Tliis College hx> been straggling for years to your pei-mission, I now address my remarks the honor of God, however, as well as our own com- This subject has been ably discussed through the the withdrawal of some of its memba$, is stSl »
haare a niatprial; a dedsive bearing on our eternal capadty to impart them to others. maintain a bare e.xiitence. It lias been kept in op- fort, it may truly be fiaid, that those texts revealing columns of this paper by older and abler heads than able church, and has in its membership many wai (
TO TUB BAFTISI BBEinBEN. doctrines, essential to our salvation, are generally- mine; and it is not my purpose to review ground hearted brethren, ready to .sustain a man willing,
dsdny. The uxdedded do not reaOy believe these aration only by the .self-den3-ing and determined per-
This University has already given the church severance of men whose intellectual cagjicity and I acknowledge myself a Pedobaptist—but for clear and easily understood; how thankful ought we
things, or theyTCouldnot remain tmdedded. They they have taken, nor to write a lengthy disertation give himself wholly t ^ work. Tbcy^ are vi...
tliis, O. may 1 not be contemned—an humble minis-
qneiion the VOTdigrof theGod oftmth- Is there some valuable ministers—about a " dozen young literary attainments would in any other department ter of the Cumberhmd Presbyterian church, one to be for this! And in these essen^al doctrines all upon the subject—simply wish to inform you that anxious to obtain such an one for a pastor. May .
•otffln. in this? brethren arc now, we understand, pursuing their of life's labors, have ^ d e them rich and eminent, evangelical christians substantially agree: about I am now in Nashville, and expect soon to start ^dease the Lord to send one whose labors shall be
who has always deprecated the controversies which
The undedded exert a pemidous influence in the studies there preparatory to this work. jVnd there but who for the sake of tlic cause of Baptist Educa- have existed between some of our respective breth- these there is and need be but little discussion.— South on my agency; and farther, to urge you to >wned and blest to the conversion of sinners. Diis
drdes in which they move. They virtually sav are other young men of piety there, w ho will prob- tion. have been content to labor on year after year ren. 1 am aw^are that party spirit in its reckless- Among the texts almost universally acknowledged come up generally to the aid of that good cause norc, ^ our prayer.
that religion does not demand dedded attention.— ably yet consider it their duty to atodon prospects in tlie midst of the most disheartening discourage- ness sometimes uses derisive language—such as not to bo essential to salvation, are some, tlic inter- Necessity forced mo to acqjpt this agency; and it is •IJOur venerable Brother, Hder T h o w Owen,
ThnathByencotirase others to ne^ect it, in vida- of honor and "wealth" for tlie reproach of Christ. ment. and with no higher compensation than a bare '•ducking,'' ''rantizing,-' &c.—but I never could in- pretation of which ia only reached, by investigation my wdent wish to rctum to the Creeks, and resume •has just returned from Texas, wWther he ^ h e ^
tion d the commivad, '-Thon shalt love thy ndgh- Jlay God gi-v-i; them graco to make the sacrifice. support aiid the satisfaction of doing their duty.— dulge in scolls at any religious ordinance, but have and collation of different passages, and by infer- my missionaiy labors, so soon as that necessity is on a tour of observation. Notwifhstaoffii^
hor as thyseit" No man has a ri^t to injure his Tenncasceans. Alabamians, Slississippians and otli- Trials are yet to be borne. Effort is yet to be made. olteri rebuked tliem. It cannot bo shown that I ence therefrom. With regard to these, the wise removed. great a y about Texas, and the mnltitacBnw e i ^
fell0WHawn. There ia a n in so doing. If the sin- ers, are now generously sustaining this institution. But there is a better time coming. The brctlu-cn have, during many years' service as Editor, ever and good have always diflered. If they are equal- It is vain for us to delay performing our duty h. gration thither, he does not, I believ^ &id xodnoo^
ner a indaasion isi injorions to his own best inter- Every year the circle of its patrons is widening. ai-o now endeavoring to raise an endowment fund written any thing, disparagingly, of your church or ly zealous for the truth and as patient, persevering regard to Indian Missions upon the ground of any ments snfBdent to incline Mm to lea-ve a wdl fii^
eatSr anil to the btst inteie^ of those oudcr his We commend it as a healthy, quiet, moral, and of at least one hmidred thousand dollars; and they bretliren, but much in favor of both. Then let the and conscientious in its pursuit, will God accept one objection we may Iiave to the former managemeni nishcd house and long tried Mends f(H- the p n ^ e I r
rnflnwuT it ia Cnfol—permdously ainfuL dieap locality iu which to place their sons while ob- will do it. Wake Forest College will soon stafld and reject tho other, on account of their different of that cause. If missionary operations at home wilderness; b n t i s s a t i s ^ to pass *the n s t ^ ^ -k'r '
counsfl of peace be between us, while I address conclusions respecting a miatter, confessedly not es-
I mast refer to tke danger of religima indcdsion. tnining thdr education. upon a firm and permanent basis. It has of late
you on a subject involving tremendous consequences have not been properly conducted,, it is our doty to pflgrmuige in old H a y w o o d ^ ^ W o ^
There is great daagar in i t And why? Nor may we fbrget to mention that Murfreesboro been called by some one '-the pet of the denomina- to your branch of Christ's church. I feel tlwt duty sential to salvation? No man in his senses can be- do better in the future. At our Southern anniver- Our former pastor, Bev. C. C. oWinr^J fefa
Because thelai>.gersinneis indulge this indedsiTC, is the seat of one of the best Female Seminaries in tion." It deserves to be petted. I tnist it will and conscience wll not allow me to be silent lieve so. Men differ in their mental cpnstitutious saries ne.U Spring, all things may be brought right labors with the church a few weeks Bnoe,% imit^
niinllaHng ^nrit the lesa prdnUe it ia that they the State. This is also a new institution, but it never become a spoiled child, but will continue to must attempt something in favor of gospel simplid- as well a.s their bodily structures and features of Indian Missions have a claim upon all America, but al consent He still resides with n ^ and inQ p n i ^ :
will erer becmnc dpridpti; and without a full deter- stands already upon a firm basis. It is under the send out an inlluence ia favor of the denomination ty, if it be no more than to weep between tho porch face. They cannot think, reason and judge alike as the North has (I believe) entirely abandoned that ably continue to do so throo^ont the year. - A h t s l -
nrination to be tiie Lord's, they never iriQ. be chiis- charge of our &oUier, Elder G. C. Bitting and the which will much more than repay all that is given and the altar, saying "spare thy people, O Lord, on many subjects. Some texts may be more diflB- cause, I think it is the duty of Southern Baptists wj three daughters in attendance at die coSige, hsi^i^ "
tiang. Who dac:» not understand Qna?- If thereis Misses Moultons. to i t It is a place to which the Baptists of the cult of Mlution to some piinds than others; what take it in diarge. t very wisdy detennined to g i ^ ' & a n IB^
and give not thine heritage to reproach." Allow
indHcimn^ now, some canse or causes mnst produce Some conaderable time passed in the school, on Southern States may fearlessly send their sons.— me, then, for Christ and his gospel's sake, to solidt appears to some perfectly clear, may be far less so The Americato and Fordgn (Presbyterian) BoanS more valne than land, negroes, ^ gtdd, a god
it. and nffl not ihitt canse, or those canses operate more than one occasion, impressed me very favora- The heaithfulness of the locality is most unques- your patient and prayerful attention to the follow- to others. The truths set forth in Paul's Epistles have voted to withhoLl the money that they hav.< education. His house is i m m e d k t d y . . i h d a ^ -
as powerfully in time to come as in time preaentl— Wywith the character of the teachers and the tionable. and its moral atmosphere remarkably pure. ing considerations. were doubtless as clear u a sunbeam to their au- been accustomed to contribute annually Cor ediKa borhood of the college, and he has cgns^it«4~to'ttkB
How pest the tiiLTT|w of the undedded sinner! thorou^iess of the course of instruction. One pe- Its Professors are men 'of tried capacity, and its thor; but even an inspired Peter found in them, tional j)urposes in the CTioctaw Natkm. The CSwc- a hmited nnmber of young ladies into ' ^ ' ^ u i f l y ;
Alunin^£g men whose standing is such as to reflect 1. All ought to read the Scriptures. They were "some tilings hard to be understood." But Peter taws, on the other hand, are d e d d ^ y in favor of All who know brother and aster Connor
There ig daugur lest God leave the undedded to culiarity struck me fordbly. On every Monday
moming each of the pupils Monging to one of the the highest honor on their Alma Mater. Wc say, given by tho i;ispiration of God, and arc tho only never refused to rccognize Paul as an aiwstle, on expelling all the Abolitionists among them, upon assured that sach will receive erery attcntinn. •i.
themadvea to'^ork oat thar destmctioa gree- that account. i
therefore, let it lie ' 'petted'-' till it shall have aitain- rule of faith Tuid practicc our Lord commands— the grtjund ttot they are strentwusly insistmg upon Brethren'White and Meriiam n t f ^ a k ^ i e d l ^
dioes.^ Tn^pi-i^nn bang unreaaonahle and sinfid, dasses IS expcctd ^ bring a written accormt of the
^ to such a vigorous manhood that it will no long- '•Search the Scriptures." Surely every christian the ri^t to educate the negroes of the C!hoctaws in at the college in the ^a^mge le^if^Ta
ia pnrrokmg and inaddng to God. He may in an^ Sabbath's s o n ^ ' Some of the "abstracts" were
brpnght in w ^ I was p r c ^ t , and the accuracy er need the fostering care of tlwse who have given must feel bound to obey: and in drang ao, he ought 4. Pcdobaptists and Baptists entertain different the san^e schools with the bidiui children. duties. Thdr sdiool l u h ^ ooo^tii^'i "~
gsx a j , '^S^oaim ia j d n ^ to his idalu; let him
it birth; and carei for it in its infancy and youth. humMy to look for light and grace to enable him to sentiments. 'With regard to the doctrines of grace
aloneJ' Whm ammeriaahanaoncd of God, heis and coipifctHieaB^w^ nhidi they rq»rescnted tte The Misaonaiy Uiwn have threatened to with- the confidence of the wmiiiihui^ p .
they It then do v a ^ y more to build tip the denomi- understand the things which arc spiritually dis- and salvation, tliere is substantial agreement; but draw their misa<xiaries ftom the Cherokee natim, placcd and the denomination w h u ^ ^
l o ^ And whei he is liaUe to abandanmeat, he ia fistM^ *a8 reaUy
nation than the dcnmiitialion is now doing to build cerned. the main dii&rence is on tbe subjcct of baptism. I if they have n<^ done S9 alro^y. Ifaugr the 'With afoU carps of teachers i n j O i ^
™ tFP^ dangw. -- !|£i- - are not p d m k e d to lalte toy iwte^
up (he Gollege._ Tte Chnreh^ ^ e money—it wiD 2. No human expounders can he i^ied on, as in- mention this only for Uie sake of my fllustration: I Cherc^ee, Creek, and Choctaw Baptists ownsUves, partments of instmction, aid 1
HipcB is danger becanae the dxyjai^ pn^ation Is^^ to r d y entirdy n p ^ the nnasast^ mem<^. This give bacfciMn-^stro^, earnest minded, intdligent
^ s s j r ^ to tdase. Soon it ^ ^ be tone cf 'comidezid to' tescbers fallible. The christian^ thou^ renewed, is only will odther censure not oontroTCrt your views on and some of tbe former tribe, I undsrstKtd, havp they yidd thdr HatnifTtow j
men, fully armed for the conte^'ready to fi^t onr sanctified in part: however wiae aial he is this subject The Baptist calls on Uie Eedotopfist taken t h d r letters from the Cllurch onaccoont of; South. I win m' ftitnre ' q ^ ; ^ ^ ! ^ . ™ ^
g f q ^ ijiiiniT^ii'tl a m j g O^'^tnae jtattba w of othdr s d i ^ x s TTOrthf ( i t h ^ ^
battles and I j ^ on oitt hosts. to'that Msiain-rictwy liable to mistakes.- JiGnds equally wdl - iiformed, foe one a n ^ c plain p r ^ p t Tor example which su- interference of Northern Abc^ticmists. The matter. ' Yonrs trii^' •
Sb^ DB*^ tanaBMies a a s ' s pEohiKtianitiy e z ^ - s i & i t l s a ^ iiariiag J f c ' i i H ^ Q i
and triumph which must evmtuaUy croro hearts equally pious tod consdehces cqoiOy en- i^rixes Infant Sapiis^ J
expand Qi^ jooBOiy--^^ t^T&fie latter, it may be, canse of Missions has sufisred more among these^ ^^
mneal ^ a m r f g r wifii imiirtiL BT'.pie.Omsadec StKD xwlbtt.
doee and courteous atterUion^ it is y e t i u ^ i n ^ -t h e ^ r t h . - - ^ " ^ ^ ^ ' - ii^ttened tmd z ^ o o s ftr the trath-reo f a r w we t h i i ^ r g i t ^ y i p r o d ^ it; and hegoes tohis Sonthcni tnbes, cm acconnt of thenntimdyinte^'
^ •• ''
» nusHSof fixi^ia the ^ d die g r ^ ^ ^ J I had alnM)st f b ^ t t e n to say t l a t the Kttle ^ r are ahte "to seeMnnay aad do difii^ in thev e i ^ I a i ^ interpr^gscrip- terence of Northern ICsaonaries, tbao, p e ^ p ^ Garaoi, annnwndng hia whidux
he Ait hhnsdif caDed in b ^ i S S •-.Si-,
af -TKh^ wCigS^iHkg Ow'y tiiiB of SUU tfiaSSi' b ^ a i ^ other canse. - tribes areSoatbem
iifi^hiiii^aftwan^^^^ ^ M w - v i S ^ , interests, feeling and p r e ^ t l o c a - a s a j K "At but, h e ^ ^ l i ^
^^^^ Ijpnst -oBiii nsbSssi^^tiist^flw ytnuq^ glisten to B^r^fP^^^^i^
tidtia,-h(iTO found t^aisd^-^aniffl t i ^ iiid on that accoonttii^ h m »iq>ecud c l i ^ moisf; ein«zgencie^ iflmBH
s p o o ^ by a yeiy U b c ^ ooiiitnbt^n.' • ' flHi^ i r ^ tite
npo^BootlMan Baptiste as ^ ^ i e ' ^ m ' i ^
lianal ftrt'tb^ i>6 - one t^i^ w TCiy Booa k t l » iBidst of %

ii ' "i-.-
> tib* UniMirtal HKUI«W.
im)t> ifMT* •MM BaftiMs, !!•. 3.
i & f c r a i E T p i ^ l y Mr. t m n y .
» wn» tM *tt»da, OeGanmuttee ' i t r a t a this p « i i g i » p h i a r e t » e t « d . another article Wniiams, of New York, you intimate, aUesta yonr - ^ , of mf^^reputatiffl£-
This 'TJract," as a w h d e . we think leas eic^* ; aa9ertidCL ^ &
not sonndne^ in the faith as held by Baptists, or at I sincerely myself, (and am so regarded by-
myriads out of onr commnnion,) orthodox touching
t e fixiad i ^ o a die h a t psge of Q w paper. ^ his reformation, aiid while a "^menibw m ^
from bcginniij^ to e a i , an unqualified falsehood. I the Dn-ueirr, PIGXITT and scraiatACT of the Lord
W e v o d i O a i t i o r ^ m i i t r i r a e u ^ n a i ^ iHtk
<»iri<« ^ p f B c f . rqiTCiiiic • J e m the j f c s j i i ^ tho p i p t s o j t A i j r r . ^ K ^ are happy, t<j c ^ n k l e . t h e i^peacance of reforma- /irirting-and rami'ag-done hens!'."
S m t t e n m wbo canstitate t l a i comniittee.
• B n t t meinrgtettiKfiBSw^ J " i d that I had Theit I will take these words back, but not till E'PICACT,and N.LCXIX.WCFG GR.VCK of the Holy tion. I t i s a W wrfeten^more totbe pdint. We
(6.) OnrTOvwof a t n a H i ^ n f f l n i ^ fiU*
ia commmiity, or tfaow who higher so- p r m t e d o r i r t t t e n , O T * p o f i j ^ l i ^ ^ di- ^wn.' -^Ilm i» tmutking rotten in DmmarkJ'{j.)
SlOTt;" lhe sacrifidal atoning death of t h e Lord Je- proceed at once to the issnes.• with the preseat Bible UaioiueEErtsnp-
positimii ia socid^ o r the wte^ p l o m a s ^ e w t i S M ^ or docuiaent^ fron^y Baptist If I have fought with wild beasts at Ephesus or at SU.S, our Emmanuel. , In these grand themes I am
iT theire b o f u t u r e lifel as prtlKklox as fev«- ieas a n / s o n of fte true chnrch fcell (1.) We hare no wish t^misreprcsent 3Ir. Camp- on Uie EevisMn caiie, and om- denominiti.^ a «
nader aidinaiy drcnmstances more decidedly ^ q i o ^ n i i a i a t i y i n t h e niti ^ ];}; or any other man. W e prefer to apologize a but tho more and more confirmed cach month: If
JglH7T«Ti SBHCXv-^JL the aasaalts.of Nor did I name Dr. W^liams, oif New Y o r k - 1 Yes, sir, I l i v e read them, but you have not. els^f militant, and I offer my forty TOlumes, yes" more
d o « n t ^ f o r t l » shadow of a wrong. We how- connection is perpetiuited mito t h r e a d , the puln
t isindplcs, and ^nnplyallnded to ngr prcwimfei aad tcadiings in you. are gumdastic gentleman. than I for- than forty volumes in proof of it,(10.)
tti*lo<t«aa ^ d M a c u Mcssn. Tod and L i ^ tqKm New Y c a ^ in the yemraaglS^ trbUe^h^Elder merly presuatcd you to be: and now, for your edifl-
ever understdod Mr. C. as substantiany claiming ' lication of the final version, we 'are m a U v m i ^ -
B e a n ta tmlm ^ V M U the SeonaD and its aathor, were so flagr^ t i ^ As to his abase of the word "compiler.'' It is poblishedattestationsof craiodracy^fiTmiiiiefet-ft-ien. ' b . ^ .
mfm • tbiCDw a > n a a l ftrtherfiahdmmce wonld hare beea little b e t t v Winiama w a * » pastor; o f Which. F ^ h e r Colgate ^ t i o n , j o ^ ^ K e x f ^ a from'^ne «f unique, and cfai^t<?nitic.^ I have, in his aliuse of est Joaras—Pedobaptists and Baptdsts,-^ and these
(7.) Claiming so unquaufiedly the endorsemisats
Ott aaS mimpraentstia^ " " i ^ M e r M ' C l a y j j e t l i T ^ ^ t a o w f u U l a l - his (Mwcdith's) more mature articles. the word, never made a compilation m my life, ex- we called for. Ue made this impression upon :of Elder Maclay and the 'RTlliamaesl^^eady b e ^ I
with whidi the Bohnmis rf t h e T m e Witness tccm- ln!ded,,also,to Dr. S t o u ^ t o n l of PhiladeipWaTm <*pt a hymn-book. Nor has any one of any read- otiiers. His hmguage, m our weak opinion, a m be | t o disturb 5Ir. C. prodigiou-sly, but the hnrthiE has
c w t H ^boBwia. .. ''nif^® ®«»t>»tion of what I mean, t q n o t e from
Mllrf^fijr the cowociioa aad screre rebuke t h ^ the same waT.{2.) I do ndtjairc oae femtherfor all the a U i c a l Recofder, conducted by Elder Meredith, ing said so, 30 f w as I have read or h«ird. The undwstood
od m no other light. We submit i t j b i t jnst ^ m e i K ^ . ' " " ' -—
O n e y ^ a ^ a o a p e ^ a f r i i i i i u t i a r f hare hen; adnmnatered. s u A endorsements, and juat as little for all the n t . one of tho nwet^clear headed and fordblowriters truth is notorious, t t o t since my editorial carea-be- • lo m j diKimion. of diapatad poritiou wtth liiM.i., Ko^f.- Will the reader turn bade and re-exaaine Mr
^ ^ t o r » . n i ' the Baptist denommation. and one.
of The OTnparatire wcatniss of the Baptist chnreh cisionsand Mndonnationa of the conncila and san- too. that pleads for the Bible, the whole Bible, and gan, my joumeyings and my labors halve been such
p r e u i e d the ainmil aerman. KM aabse^i»nt- ™ ^^S?® ^ emhddens these gentlemen ia their hedrims of earth. I cannot, on the most calm de- «3 to p ^ u d c my keeping up with the weekly and > th« «higbnt. . . mnaef, _PadolnptUte
- _ - ai>4 B», -n^TltQ annnf the published attestations of ^ ^ Baptist
nothing butithe Bible, as fordWv and convincingly tcititioa*fooB oents about
l j - p a ! £ d i e d . B r a t l i a - T h o n ^ ^ ^ ^ u t n r ef the nnhalfowrf D^xisitifaj. to it. bat let them know that hbcrati(m, do less than to pronounce this a gross and as any of our editorial corps, i l e lias, wit h a man- monthly issues of even our own periodicals.' And ministers, aad the >h»days and 'fflllianises, and that
th»t I «in jMt«» orthodox M th. T«y Soon BMI ottheip
ClmR&iii C^iloii, orcnlated & n ^ S F t f copieaiB trathr-^-God"s truth—is on the march; and they may wilful falsehood, which mast sink its author in the ly courage, presumed to take the same ground while posscsi^ing a respectable Ubraiy, and having
^ » » - j i l ^ a s in 1 8 1 5 - 1 ( 5 , a n d then r e a d w h a t h e h e r e a a y s ,
the tswB n i c o a s t y , no^ little inreg- as well a t t a n p t to enchain the sunlight, or arrest esteem of erery gentleman and christian that knows very distmguished leaders. Fuller and access to otliers daily when at home, I am sony to iorui»ie«ttiit«tioai, thitmrnwaorrreaeliMiiotbicktotlni Ik-. .1. • r, ,. _ ——
it. {«ll, that wc have king, occupied, as the intellicent say, that I find not time to cut the leaves of the Urn. , h e n 1 „ f n U , e x p r « L I^ ^ "Somethmff rtrttcnin D e n m a r k ' ' - m a y
fig«ttia aiid^SM]uii7-, toacimif the' positioiis^wt -the lightnmg-'s b d t as to stay it. Baptist prindplcs TMTonj raiders and hnt«r>, oo ttliiala'ct. I now do. there not ptj.ssibly be somethmg that needs! salt a^
And now, publicly notidne»' for the first tune, r e a d ^ w i l l see m the foUowinfj extracts:
fiatbioL tba a e a a a - The manifest mfiooiec of the will; despite all this impotent a M unchristian oppo- -The first thing that s t n i A us, on reading the new volumes pouring in upon my fable from month We cannot retract, bat call i^ain iqwn Ms. C'- bout Bethany? ^
(fisHwrae peatly IwuWcd Mr. Tod a a d MK U ^ . Btion, ultimately prerail m Canton. I take occasion ta say, that after the iwiews began article m view, was wlrnt seemed to be it.o cingular to month. But any thing from Mr. Grave.s rather
(8.) We refer our readers a g M to the ttstimcmy
the PxrAjtaaa and Ik-thodiat {asachas of the shall have been finished, I wiU have nothing to do want of npeement with the teaching of Christ and than give to his readers an opportunity to know our for those '^lished attestations.'* We hope Mr.
Ourthanks are due to the is^ependeat and man- understands us—they must appear, or stfll plact' of jnder Meredith, toucoiDg tile gTBpnppps hor^
place, and t h f ^ united in Qondsmuitiait of the scc^ ly course pursued by the editor of the "Citizen," with Mr. Graves, except on the stage, and under hi.s Apo.etles. For e.tample. the Saviour .<Biid 'He tnie po.sitions.{ll.)
that believeth and is b.\ptizc<l shall be savetl." Onr the declaration with the one to which we alluded. l a t e n d e n t y of sir.-C.'s system. We ask the pub-
man and ahase of its sothor. the control of a tribunal that will constrain Jam to
published in Canton, thus far. ia this matter. corre.«!pondcnt says—not so: -'remission," and of
respect, at least, the ^ p r i c t i e s of modem civiliza- course salvation, is consequent on believing with- Conybfarr 4: IIowsonN a n j Epistle. p,ai. We also understand Mr. C. as claiming the vir- lie to read and judge if Eld. ilerodiUiwasa Cma.
Those, 6nnli»r with ^ sanwn—'-The Watdi-
tioiL If such be the fruita of his regeneration and out a ^ othtT art " Again. Peter said to the Jews tual endorsement of the Willianjseg, Maclays, bdlite: .
man's H ^ y " — k n o w that neither the mode nor Brotkrr G a U i ta L a v v i t k Br*tk»r. This popular work contaia> not only the Life of Stoughton, i c , , and we still so understand his lan-
christian dviUzation, wc caa never e c i ^ liim, nor - - Keptnt and be jjaptizrd everj- one of vou for '•Vre do not hesitate to-'say. after an ^;ta>tive.
the mibject»j«f Baptism are Its themes—are o o l /
n u a d o ^ y aQodcd to—hat its biird& i»|)Mf^raftt ' • M i a j h o a e a t ^ u i r c r s after t r n t S ^ ^ » » certain show any r e f ^ /or t h r f - ^ or the other. It is ^ e rcmiwaon of idns. - Our corrc«pondcnt«av.s— the Apostle Paul, but a new translation of his Epis. guage: and unless Mr. C. designed to make this hn- and we think, candid investigaticn of faa^writiR^.
This cannot be correct, because "rcmis.sion is'con- ties,- Mr. C. was th^ tninslator. He deviates in pression upon his readers, he is certainly of all writ- that we have found his views inatoiallv more ob-
ccmffici hriwcen C a t h o f i j ^ and PtiniitiTt ciiristi- c r m t y in Kestndcy, irish me t o grre my n e w s of not a s a man, a gentlemm. o r a chnstim, t h a t I re- sMuenton bclievinK without any other act.'' Acain many instances from tho conunon ver.sion. and often jectionable than we had antidpated." We have
ers the most careless. We cannot conceive what he found some things that we approve, "and a few that
anity^in the Great WtSL and the eomiaratiTc im- I Cor. ri: I - g . The subject referred to is '^irotli- spect him; but merely as the organ, or pen of Ten- i h ^ l ^ ' t ' ®"''^ <0 S a u l - ; A n d - « o w , why tarriest conveys the idea.s of the original more detinitely.—
did or could mean. We submit his language; we ccmincnd: but his system. a.s a' whole, we con-
potcaicy of the Tarfoos PedobaptiEt scets soccess- er s to law with brother."' The Apostle un- nessee Baptists. If they saw througlrthc thin guise thou? arise, and be baptize.!, and wash away thy
Why is it that this work is receive.! with .so much
qnesticnahiy settles the priadplc that in matters of of his hypocrijy, he would not long be their tongue sin.*." Our correspondent says—Thi.s muU ' I h»Te statod my Ti«w> »nd my fiitbon all (frtet matte™ i sider essciitiaUy erroneous and hunful. I £ s mak-
funy^to oppofw CaihaHcisni, freoi the f i c t that they wrong, because Saul, having .-ilreadv believed, "re- favor? Why do not the papers .say its tendency is thf pulpit»andinto«aadieDC!M of Uw old Eablus East and r ^ ^ l t a n c c mcXL-ly common—WE
hold30 nmch m eqpmon withBomc. that whatens- litigation i t is better for christians to adjust their or A d r pcn.(3.} But so long as tliey hold him in mission is o>nscqiicnt on bdiiving witlumt any oth- to destroy the soiiddencc of the people in the c^>m- WeantotlieWUUaaueo.Micliy^, andPartinaoDa,ofN«trVori.; ^^^Jay say—woriJIy principles, unconnected with a
priiiajda t ^ - oDndonn m the Pa{acy, t h ^ wwdd difierences without appeahng to d r i l tribunals. I their fingers, whether a grey or a white goose quill, er act. It seems to ii.s thai the.^e .several tcadu-rs inon version? This has often been said in refer- to ths lioicoines. M l staaghtoM, of pbiiad iphia; the I l e a l - J p n u c i p l e of godlint-fis.' and uninduced by the action
condemn themaises; .and wc some think there is qiedal refcreac* to cases susceptible I wUl respect him as such for their sake. cannot all be nght. If our correspondent be cor-
ence to the efforts of the Bible Union to brin.!? gut auJ r;n'eys. or Baltimore, and w h ^ r e w tber eone ia my path, Spirit; his makiug the renewal of the heart
twdTe of t ^ masL (Anoxioas featnrBs of the Pa-
of ari)itratioa. The honor of Christianity required Of me he next says—-tGreat (Jodl what an awful rect in maintaining that Ijapti^n has no connection froia Oeorgis to Vermont, from the City of Waahlnstoa to the . COnast merely ia the iuddcatal i l u p r c i ^ n p r o -
the members of the Corinthian Church to submit responsibility is yours! What a fearf-ul reckoning with p s p d remis-sion, then and Peter, and a rcvi.sctl edition of the English Scripture.s. Why Miiwnari Hirer and the Indian Territoriea, to My nothing of all hy the o^ration of divine ttstimony; his
pa<Yr wiiich Biey hold in commou. Sow, fae it Ananias must be in cn-or. in affirming so plainly
such cases to the arbitrament of their brethren awaits you at the judgment of the great day!" that It liaa. On the contrary, if the inspired toach- is it not said of .Mr. t'.'s volumes? Is it because he the RibLia in the Vaiu-y of the lliMiisippi. My real geruin- I?»aiing regeneration and conversion to ccnfiist mere-
known that rart the least objeetKM ire urged against orthodoxy »-a« never qaeaUoned on aoy of the Tltal principlea j5y in immersion: his making remi-S-Sion, snnctifica-
rather than to the dedsion of heathen magistrates. What profanity! what impudent hypocrisy! The ers IK! correct, in maintaining that faith and ban- is an Episcopalian? Is the Bible Uuion (Jispara^ed of Christian fiith, Chri.tian piety, and CUriatian morali'y." ,]jion. and acceptance with God, to depend soldy on
JItifaodist and Preshyterian. Sodcties. was A e ua- because Baptists liave .something to do in it?
These magistrates were iponnt of the Bible, and third commandment says—what? -Tliou shalt not Usm are fjoth reqiii.sitc to remis.sion. then onr ctir- Had Mr. Canipbdl preached the drO!)sical doa- P" P™Per immersion; and his exdu-sion of the infln-
sniptaral aad anti-rqniiilicaa diaracterrf their pol-
w e r e ^ r t controlled by its p r i n d p k s of justice. take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, ' •!tc.(4. i respondent be in error, in virtually afiirminff Mr. C.'s tninslatioiLS are somewhat paraphrastic, trincs of his reforhied religion, are tv there -DBap , - . t i and operation of-the HolvSph-itfrDm t i c abi-
itics-^rihe few claimihff the di-rfne right to absolute that .said act of b»pti.sra h-as uotWng to do iu the therc tJapfista .,er s heart till after baptLsm—lOl tend, ia our view
ModdK courts, therefore; in Christendom, differ ma- His question about real and genuine, shows just matter. butgenendly plain. For e.\ample he renders 1 living who would have sooner questioned them than •fO reduce the substance, the marrow nnri fatness of
juiraiimon orer the entire memb»ship. W e also
stated it as a matter of fart, that they were the
teriaUy from such courts as were known at Corinth. as litUe of learning, as the former indicates of pie- '•It SMins to us that our brother F., with most Cor. 7: 18, as follows: ''Thus, if any man, at the the worthies he mentions above? the gospel, to a mere shell—a mere external obser-
I t is foHy to think of tracing anything liko a per- ty or Godly sincerity. He ignores his own prcten others of his own way of thinking, has misappre- time when he was called, bore the mark of circ;im- Does not Mr. C. make the impression that he has vance which, although it forms a part, and an es-
oifiprins aad lineal descendants" of the Romish
fect analogy between them. Modem courts recog- sions! He docs not know that "(rue and genuine,' hcnded the pouit really at issue. The question is cision, let him not eflace it; and again, if he was preached, and, perhaps, repeatedly, the dlstinc'dve sential part of the .sj-stem. is. by no mean.s. the only,
ApMtacy—who is catted the liodaer of I&riota. nor the prindpal element.""—Ksview of Extra.
nize the truth of the BiUcj for judges, derks, law- and ''real and genuiiu," are often used by all schools not, as we understand it, when is the act of remise uncircumdsed at the time of his calling, let 1dm doctrines of his new sect, before these distinguish-
These i ^ t i o n s and these statements wcxe the T o y sion pas.s€<i, in ammo, that is, in the divine mind. not receive circumcision."' We challenge Mr. C. to submit one partide of
ycrs, juries, and witnesses are sworn by it. A suit as exegetical and epexcgeUcal, [fudge!] and not in If this were the question, perhaps it would be more ed men, and that they never questioned the sound-
onea afflailcd aad dijnied lqr Messrs. T o d a n d D g h t prool that Elder Meredith and A. Broadas eva- w-
ia coort now between christian is not, therefore contrast, or as synonyms. correct to say, that the act of forgiveness was pa-ss- In a note .Mr. C. says, -'It is to remark ness of his views? Does he not, candid reader?—
irith u B o i d aceririty of knguage and ^drit, and cd at the time when the Redeemer suffered; when that ehlethe is mistranslated, -is called' in the autho- Wc submit it to the world. We cannot conscien- pcii/aJ of their opposition to him, ( i l r . C.) Will
so diqiaragnig to religion as was a suit among the
wo midersaod that t h t y afBnned that the aathor His allusions to Dr. M'CTay are quite as unfortu- the ofienng for sin was made; when the penalty of Mr. C. present it, or suffer the consequences?
Coriathiaafl. StiU in aU cases where arbitrament rized version throughout this chapter."' The verb tiously retract our previous conviction.
nate as his allusions to ••Parkerson, Stoughtan and the law was cancelletl; and when the justilicatiou
'coold not eifastasdste tiiem. w spuld he he iodaead % christiaa brethren is practicable, it should be re- being the first aorist should l)e translated -was (9.) We are happy to oblige Mr. C. with Bro.
or finced to a t t o i ^ it. Holcome" are, or they are geographically at fault of the .sinner wa-s actually effected. This, wo Nor can we leave this withont calling the atten-
sorted to. There are, however, many cases mani- think. IS tho general view of specnlatist.s on the called.' Tlii.s no one will dispute. Jeter's --sigii mamid."' Eccc sigaum.
tion of our readers to the apparently contradictious
i M t ^ ire v i ^ c d Canton daring t h e a e a ^ o f festly not of this kind. Suppose one brother owes Dr. M'Clay-s private communings with Mr. Graves, subject. And tliis. if we mistake not. will follow, In his Preface Mr. C. speaks of the common ver- statements of Mr. C. respecting his endorsers—take RiCTiMOXD, Nov. 17, 1854.
the Gaitial iiasoGiaiion. and learned these iacts froin another a sum of money and docs not pay it. (And of course I cannot contradid. But believing Elder pretty dearly, from the reasoning of our bi-oihcr sion as npnwentinp the "tJreck text woi-d for word"
M'Cky to be an honest, truthful, and Godly man. I F. him.sclf. three instances during three months. Mr. C. in DE-IK BKO. GRAVES;—« * I have read but few
oidrhrethren, who thooght w e owed it to ouiself there are brethnn miserably slow in paj-ing their and says. -Tiiis it does most faithfully so far as the .\pril:
do not believe one word of Mr.tJraves' statcincnts "This, however, is not the matter in ilel.atp. The articles of your controversy with Mr. CimpbelL
aad to t h a n , to offer Messrs. Tod and L i ^ an op- debte.) What is to be done? There is nothing to critical knowledge of the sixteenth century permit-
concerning these private communing.s. I call upon question now under consideration is—Wien are the 1 h%v« publisktd attestations from the .ki^keat soutcci, Your positione,so far as they have ecme tmder my no
portanity t a p u t n s to &C proof, as well as to make arbitrate. The justicc of the daim is acknowledg- ted. But the re.sult of this method is sometimis to Ped -baptiaU ami Baptiali, that I am just as orthodoj- as tht tice, and so far as I can decide from a casual reading,
him for the proof. Dr. Archibald M d a y is not a promises of the gospel appropriated to the sinner?
good-thetr own dedaratioM. we did hi the ed, but the debt is not paid. WiU it be said the In other words, when i.s the sinner, in accoixianoe produce a translation unintdligiblc to the English rery Simcn Puis of their oirn standard etements, creedh and I fully endorse. You have met him in hip own spir-
two-faced man, and he has often spoken in a very with the provisions and stipulatioiLS of the pospil. eou^titations.' *
mostnspqctfW m a a a a - r - ^ c f i m i ^ to prore ereiy d e b t o o u ^ t to be exdudcd from the church. Strict reader." it. and fSught him with hi.s own weapons. In the
positinn oT oar aennoa apotmafecir ifiey would pre- disdpline would require this. I mean when a broth- different style to, and of. our brethren, East and authonzed to appropriate to hiin.sdf the fulfilnunt -Vnd Mr. C. specifies seven Baptist iniiii.<:lcrs and lan_!:;uage of vituperation, and in the art of carica-
of proniKscs—including not renii.ssion only, It seeias then.that Mr. an Episcopalian, dL>es
sumB ta take i s u e with iatdligent er is able to pay a debt and irfuses to do it. As to West, North and South. I demand some proof of but even justification ind aiveptanoc with tiod! Is
not bi-lieve thut in the sixteenlh century the knowl- other equals before whom he had exhibited his new tuiing, he is most thoroughly verted NVhcthcr it
pahfifc m either oral or writtea ^j^narion. This tha«^^ who are unable to pay, the case is alt<^thcr Mr. Graves' assertions. I do not believe them. I he at liberty to do lhi.s as .sf«n a.s lie .shall have
etlgo of Hebrew and (rreek had gone a.s far as it faith, and they did not question it. is wisest to mete out to him as he has meted out to
was no tkailea^ oa oar part, hut the acceptance of difierent. I t is a fact, howcrcr, that many church- remember no conversations with Elder M Clay in ludged himself to be the subject of a mere spucu- Mr. ('. in October; ••I never said that I had print- others. 1 will not say; but if, at any Lime, your
N'ew Orieans. I was there in 1S39. Dr. M Qay lative faith; or not until he shall have illu.stratcd "inighl, could, would, or shonld" ever go. No. he
o n e They were our i=«ailaats and- prosecutors, we es do not e i d u d e a member for the non-payment of ed. or writteu, or published endorsements, diplo-
and eonfinned his faith by the nnpropriate a. t of litlievus no such absurdity. The opponents of tlio mas. rertiflcate.s. or? document f r o m a n y Baptist min- Stock or derisive epithets should be eiiac.sted. j-on
the defendant We fmthcr proposed, if they did a debt, cren when he is able to pay. What is to never assailed me in New York or in New Orleans, outward obcdicnce? Is it. in ether words, so soon
Bible Uevision enterprise must greatly lack some- rstry in the world. may easily and richly replenish it by turning to the
not fcel equiil to the task which their own indiscre- be done in this ca^e? Is the creditor to suflir him- on the absurdity of my views of regeneration with- as he shall have oompiictl r i ammo with one of the
thing to say when they pionuunce encomiums on pages of tho Christian Baptist.
tion and rashncsa had now dcTolved upon thtan. we s d f to be defrauded? If he is able to bear it, he out the assistance of the Holy Spirit, for one of conditions of gosiK-l salv.itiou! or not until he .-hall M R . C . IN" TIIB DOG D.VT3 OF L-AST AFGL-ST. " I a m
the kaniiiig of King James" day, and deprecate the
would allow thum tu sclcct a rcprcscutatice or rrp- the best reasons in the worid— I never en- have roniplied. ,U facto, with )«.lh the aforisaid happy to state, that, wo are in correspondence Avith : You inquire whether Elders Scmi)k- and Broaddus
may do so if he chooses. But suppose he is not. scholarship of the present age.
rtsaitatirru tertained such views of regeneration in mtj life. And conditions, and then-by idi r.tilied himself ont\\ ard- some of the most fctinguishcd ministers in the llap- ^became converts to Campbellismi They livcH and
and cannot, without doing injustice to hijnself and ly. as wdl as iinvanily. with thecaii.seand kinrfoni J . M. P. tist conununity. that award to us as much ortho- -lied Baptists, and this is prima facia evidence that
One, if not both, of the aliOTc gentlemen, we un- Cunily. What then? If he-.-goes to law,"' co- of conrsc. never prcached them nor wrote theni. of Jesus Christ; This being the question at i^ue. doxy as they claim to themselves, in all mattci-s of ihey continued to hold Baptist sentiments. If Mr.
•lerstood was present, hut made no reply. We erccs payment^ is he to be e.vdudid from the church Mr. Gi-avcs has likely told this stor) so often, it is easy to .see that it receive an answer e.s- For the TetiDcMee Baptist any importance; and. more than this, admit, on the
wiitcda. day or two, aad still rocuired no communi- for - goins to law," aad the other brother to be re- Uiat he cow believes it himself!! Dr. M Oay press- scntially different from that given l)y our rones- A Circular to Trnnraare Ba|>liit Mlulsters. part of the Baptists, the neces-sity of farther advan- 14"!iinpbdl affin!i.s that they adopted, or even tolera-
iwndcnt. ces. both in Christian knowledge and a more Scrip- toi.i, his peculiar view.s, the onus probandi lita on
cation torn thcmi W e put the luatter into the tained in fdlowslrfp. In such a case the condemna- ed me more than any man ever did in New York,
"So far as the question of peart is concenii'il. il DE-VR BRETINIE.N;—1 am eiipage-d in collecting tural organization and procedure."" liiin. Let him produce the evidence, and then we
hands of a caimnitscc of Judicious brethren, in- tion c f j h e church would fall where it "ought not to occupy his pulpit, at the Urae to which I allude;
may perhaps be fairly (jue,stioned whether there materials, and preparing for [.ublication. -Uvis ol We mast be e.xcuscd from comments! We \vish \"ill examine it. Here the matter might rest—but
8tnu:£in6 them to address J h a s t s . Tod and T.fght^ ^ a premium would be paid to rascaUty. It is to and would have me. and did have nte. to preach my any intdhgible, authonzed pi ace. until tho condi- Tennes-sec Baptijt Ministers. ' .\11 wlio are fiivor- to Ijc charitable.
1 will iro farther. I will aiarm, from the evidence
niwiiting> andclicita?Kspoiisecfsomekind. This be remembered that a debt cannot be coUcctcd farewdl sermon in his church, at the very lime to tions arc fully cvinipUwl with. It was not iintil .if- able to such au enterj)risc. if you have not t>eea (2.) Mr. C. says, "Nor did I mention Dr. Wil- afforded by an intimate acquaintance with Elders
which I aUude!! I care j u s t as UtUo for the en- ter hiK Ijaptism. that the Ethiopian H ent on his way
they did. but s d a faik-d to rcccirc satisfaction.— a g ^ the of the debtor without process of rejoicing. Nor was it until they had becu baptiic<l. pruviouily addressed, will confer a fajor on unJ by liatus, of New York'." See his Harbinger for April: Brouddus and Semple to the lime of their deaths—
They then mada & pohiicaiioa in the ••Citizwi.» law. I a the case s»EE9scd I see nothing wrong ii, dorsement of great men as any other man, I know, that the penitent Jews ate their bread with "lal- I'onvarding a brief sketch of any Teimessee Ba->tisi "I have stated my vie^A aad my faith, on all great by an^examination of mudi of then- private corres-
which wc coined into theBsptist of the ff my biographyihus Ikr prurva any thing, it proves n«s and singleness of heart. Nor can it ca.sily be Minister, living or dead, whose name and history
going to law. " m a t t e r s . &c.. to t h e TVilliam.'ics, Maclays. &c.. of N e w pondcncL—and by the statements of their most fa-
THs h a d t h c effiai to fona!, after sometime, from this. conceivcd. that a sinner can have much intelligible you wish preserved.
But there are j n a n y other cases in which an ap- peace of mind, arising from the .ipplicatiou of gos- York'.'."' miliar friends, and the members of their families
onraaaaikata the foEowiiig card, wludi was also Dr. .M'CTay and myself had but one doctrmal
peal to the d r i l tribunal is more imperatire. Ar- conversation on the Christian religion for many pel promises and merdes, until, having Ixen buried Infonnation on the following particulars de- Would not the reader suppose they wen- Dr. that their religious views underwent ne change i n
pahlisheJ in the
bi^alion too is out of tho q^gsUon. There arc years. It wa.s in his own house, on the subject of w i t h Christ in baptism, he skn'.l rise aaain to walk in sired; Williams and his father? Mr. C. now says that it their k t t e r years, and that they never ceased utter-
r.nm U<9 CI^-B. of life.
pnncjpks of law to setUe which, it mav be. not a my addressing the Sceptics of that section of New 1. Parentage, time and placc of biith. w a s j j n l y t h e "Elder Williams!!'' ly to repudiate every distinctive principle of Camp-
'•A t ^ J L ^ - c K Acfxsixa—Vre. whose names are member of the church uudcratajid.s. Or a 'dccrci "It 6a.s always been the fault or .sysiim-niakers 2. Education. Ile says he simply alluded to his preachir.;^ in bclli.>;m. I need not say more—^but it is easy to
jn thiaartide^ ihoogb cot particnlarly York ill his meeting house. He refused on the and theonzers, that they have had cach one his fa-
3. Profe-ssion of religion, a skctch of experieaec, New York in the years 1815 and 1816. Mark two substantiate, beyond all cavil, what I have affirmed.
fond of o m t r T e ^ . b e g l o f e ^ o inform the 'com- of the « u r t may be ucccs-sar>- to .!o sor^c imj.ijrtaut ground, xs he then alleged, that I iiad changci my vorite scheme. Andrew Fuller, it appears: had his,
t ^ S - A guardian may be managii-- tlie p r o p " ty views since I had prcached fur them before. ith him. we are told, tho cro-^s was the i-entrjl when, by whom, and into what church baptized. things in this: With Elder Meredith I was not so ultimately ac-
mhUc. fhar h 3 tfnllrwn. isfacce-itcd. ir,,i that the ot k s ward injudidously, and tlie interro.<^ition oi orb. and all oi!. r docirints wen- Hut pUacts and •I. Manitd. whom and when. 1. Mr. C. did not tell us. nor did he intiwale quainted. He resided in a neighboring State, and
Chapman i i t f i e pers-n .stkctoi to meet lie said, "You used to preach the true gmcre of satilliti;-. l)|. I.,ill. wc think, made the doctriiie of
the c h ^ c d b r may be mdispcnsable to the prolcc- ••>. Notable incidents ami saying.s, illustrative of however remotely in liis article when it ires ht I rarely .saw him. and did not constantly read his
fcm. Tins s j lUr m 'he Pnsbvt-rixTS God."' I rcspon.icd, -Did you ever hear me |)rcach clcctici hiseeulre. an>tind which all other diH'tiiues
Uon of the interests of the ward. Many eases will were held to move iu due order and .siibscrviciiov ciiaracter; Style of preaching and cxtracU from ureachcd in .Vcw York! Wc say mark this. But paper. Uis views on the remission of sins in bap-
OT c o a ^ e L is aaiined in the mgd.- and aub^ec' any other grace than the true grace of (iwi! " "No,"
suj^est thcmsclTcs to a thoughtful mind. Is it AIKI with our worthy brother F., we Icani. thed<X3 sinnon.s. infinitely worse; tism doselj- resembled those of Mr. C-., but he de-
of h a p ^ ^ . jr.It, in ref^reacc to jrcthojisffi. cuTem"- replied he, "but some of our people say yea have trine n( nLitincatioii is ooiLsidered the central point,
mcat wiU hfrinroirei. •= • ^ n g ia these cases to appeal to the dvil inbunaU 0. By what church licensed to preach, when and 2. I I e n iw>ays that it was in 1815 and 1?16 nied the identity of baptism and regeneration, and
cha.nged." "Perhaps," said 1, ••they only thiuk so." by which the magniluds and relations ui all other by wliom ordained.
of the countiy? I think it is not. l o w easily im- that he prcached in New Y'ork, and Baptist combatted Mr. C.'s eai ly liews of the spirit's in-
G a a C Liiiiir. Pastor M. E. Chirch But." continued he, "I do not think it would suit dootnnrs are to l>c estimatisl. It sivni.s to u.s that
D. S. TOD. Fistnr P r e s i y t e r a a Chnich.'' agine msiances in which the interests of justice for yoU at this time to address the Sceptics iu our by far the liettcr,plan would be. to take all these 7. fircuinstanees and ocoui/alion. ministers endorsed him! WAS NOT MR. CAMP- fiuence. He continned to edit a Baptist paper, and
Iffiitcad of the issues in the Sermon, of wUch monditr, and reUgiou would be much more injured house, in .Mulberry strcet."(5.) So we parted. I saw doctrines we lind them in the Bible, and to as-
sign to each, as far as pos.siLle, the jiosition. the
8. If dead, time aud place of death; if living, BELL A BAPTIST MINISTER IN REGUL.VR most acceptably, to tlie clasu of his life. That he
t h i y complaiacd. they present the old a a j trite is- h y a fafluro to -go to law^" than by d d n g s o . When him last in Memphis. There was not a word of de- magnitude, and the relative inij>orlancc which have their pre.stut .situation aud employment. STANDING IN 1815-16!! repented of his opposition to Campbdlism, I shall
SUM of the mi)de and subjecla of Christian bap- C W M brethren hare '-snits/" however, if possi- bate on the occa-siun. I do not believe that ever been given to it by Christ and the A]iosHes. Sys- 9. Last sayings and prvspects for eternity. Mr. C. himself tells us (see Encydopt^dia Reli^ous need .-stronger proof than the assertwn of Mr. C. tn
tism, and, so Eir i<j the Jfethodiats arc cjncemcd. ble, they should be what are termed ' y r i c u i h t^-niaker.5. in our opinion, have done but little" to Brethren, with all of your assistance, the long Knowledfc.) that in 1820-23, his views of Reforma- conn-Mc mc.
'•Dr. M"Clay distinctly repudiated j-oiir [my] sys- simplify or commend the gospel plan of .salvation
C h ^ goraamcait Wo onght to Ire Terr well jiu/j, - amicable appeals to the courts." desired histor>- of the fearless defenders of truth in tion "began to be developed.'" and in his "Christian Semple wrote but little on Mr. Campbell's pecu-
tem as ritally unsound, nuscriptural, uiinasonable, They hcvc done much, however, to obscure its doc
JBtiiaed. WB suppose, siarc this is a t a d t a d i o w l - I take pleasure in quoting from Barnes' "Notes" and absurd.'" I demand the proof! I do uoi be- trincs, to distort its proportions, anil to involve the Teimessee shall soon be before the public. Who Baptist"' in 1823, they were more fully exposed, liar notiins. and that little may be found in the pa-
edgemeat oa their p a n that they cannot aucecasful- on the portion of Scripture rcfcrrrd to. His opin- wholi' in niy.sticisni and doubt." M. II. 184I» m, w ill re.sjiond! Each of you cau one mcmoi- and that it was not until about 1827, that the Bap- ges of the Christian R i p t i s t Excepting the Extra
ly d m y the pcritioo: of that iscimoa, or finda rep- ion is that if it be proper for christians to go to lieve it. That he may have so condemned Mr. 133-137.(8.) if no more; and one from cach Baptist preachcr in ti.sts declared non-fellowship with him. Examintd. Broaddus wrote nothing on Campbdlism
racataxiTewiio will nadertake to take issue with Liw, --it can be only in drcmnstances like the fol- Graves' representations of it, I doubt not; for .so the Stale, and save us much traveling and expense- Wliy docs Mr. C. tell us that the Williarnses, but fugitive pieces, which are scattered among the
a s upon them m g u ^ diacussion. I t is eridcnt would I. But I wiU not beUevc that he did. until Now. sir. talk no morr ."o veluniently. so truth-
lowiEgr" -Agaiu we say, -Come over and help us " to raise a Maclays. and Staughtons endorsed him in 1815-lC, pages of the Christian Baptist and Millennial Har-
that 5Ir. Tod., who-sra understand is an iotelligcnt I Lear him say go. or see it under his omi hand. I Icsslv. «) impiously. aUmt matters which are. I
1. ""Where two or more christians have a differ- demand, with all respcct, from Dr. M t l a y . a re- ITesmnc. t.w hi?h for you. You appear to be igno- monument of respcct to the pioneers of our faiihin live or seven years before he had dreamed of his binger. over the signature of Paidinus. and those
n a n , Ls Cifly awam t l a t the goTcrament of the Pres- Tcnnc.ssee. reformed religion, and full ten years before he was of the Religious Herald, generally over his own
byterian Church win nut bear mrcstigation before ence, and when they know not what is right, and sponse to the following interrogation: rant. .sir. or truthlcK.':. as respects the (lositious of
what the law is in the case. In such instances .\ddress all comniuiiicatioiLS to me at Lcxin;^ton. esduded from the fellowship of the Baptist church- name. Clopton's articles on Campbdlism were
aa andicacc of rEpul)Iicaiis, treats it as already in Do you. Elder M'Clay. speak as above represent- such men as P.LshQp Scuiple, Bi-oaddus. Meudith.
es! Wc hope the reader will read Mr. C.'s asser- first published in the Columbian Star, Philaddphia.
the Iiats:of the -deail and wonndcd," and carries it there may be a reference to a d n ^ court to deter- ed of m y m-itten views of regeneration, or of some and even the still .surviving Bishop Jeter. I pre- Temie.ssee. D. L. AVAKE.
to hare what is caUed an amicable Jt-if, to P. S. Each piect shall be subject to the criticism tions and explanations again, and dec.idc if he pos- m 1830 aud onward, and were republished in the
oat of the fieli In t h o r aoccptajice, it win be representation made of them to yott by Mr. Graves, sume to know a little more of them, and other dis-
a e m that the ecclcsia^ticsl a r i ^ c r a c y of Mr. Tod's aacertaia from the p r e p t r authority what the law or some one else? I mast add, that wliilc on a ques- tinguished Elders and Doctors iu the Baptist church, of the l)cst writers in the State, before'inserted in sibly can, that Mr, C. did not pen his original state- Millennial Harbinger. They would not, 1 thmk, bo
SocJety is not ta be tuucfacd- These arc very signal is, and what fe jtistice in the ca.*. the work. D. L. ment with a design to deceive liis readers. We of scrvice to you in thv controversy. He was an
tion of fact I request your response, it is not as a than you do. and 1 feel assured that not one of
andasaficantadmisiions. They are a sarrcnder hope not It would be unkind in ns to call upon earnest and vigorous, bet not a discriminating and
2. When there are causes of difference between sanction of my views on this or any other subject them approve your spirit, your character, or your
« rilthe principal •.sta^ff the S a m o a . Thev christians aad the men of the world. A.v hiPOSTOK.—Rev. F. G. Strahan, of Hopkin.s- ilr. C. for further explanation, and wc can afford to cautious polemic. Qack resided in Kentucky, and
the men whatever. I ask no cndorscmeat from Elder M Clay coursc. Remember. I have told you .so. NoTm.vG
Uamnotnieet t h ^ tlK^y cannot eroa iminco a of the worid do not acknowledge the propriety of or any living man. " ville. Ky., writes us, that a j-oung mai? calling him- fe generous. I knew little of him except what I have learned
LESS THAN TnETU SIliX MANIMI. WtLI. SATISFV TIIK sdf James M. May, profe.s.-ing to be a member of (3.) Mr. C. uses language here beneath a c'nris- from- the pages of the Christian Baptist. Meredith,
piwwfaiany rrddcss as J . Cliapmaa to snlimittmg the maUcr to the church it may be
prraame to meet them on t h m behalf. They ofer The ne.xt efibrt to .scaudalizc myself and breth- rrEuc.(9.) the Second»Presbyterian Church of St. Louis, and tian gentleman—much more a professed minister,
p r o ^ for a diristiaa to c a n y the matter before a ren. and our .co-operation with that portion of the And now. sir, as you and I have not had the good to have in view the gospd minLstry, called on him and an honorable debater—bnt he was excited, tlioii^h he nearly agreed with Campbell on baptis-
mal remis.sion. discussed his system vrith marked
a new discussion. We are under no oHigations a v f l tribuaaL EvideaUy there is no other way, in Bi^tists ia favor revision, in some mean and cowardly fortune to enter into any contract as touching the in ,\, and pretended to • a v e lost his money,, and passion gained the victory over his
whftterer t o . j o a m ^ a ihoosaad mileK and devote a ^ cases, of settlmg a cause; and this mode i ^ y insinuations as to my soundness in "Trinitarian- conducting of any public discussion between us, obtained from him SIO—promising to return it in judgment. ability in liis pcriodicaLs; and that he changed his
m o n t h s ttne to ffiscass the i s u e s proposed, nor do be reaotted to not with s p i r i t of revenge, but with ism." I have long since fuUy and freely expres^d farther than that of equal space; and as I observe views, or repented of his labors, I have not seen
twenty days. The same fellow, or one answering If he will not accept of t h u apology, we will say
tbtae a s M ^ i U t i i ^ fliat we are, or have the least a ^ i m of tove and kmdneas. Courts are i n s ^ - my views on aU this tennmology. I abjure the yon intend issuing some FOUR ARTICLES per month tlie same description, just before swindled Rev. Mr. that Mr. C. has used worse language towards far t h e shadow of cvidencc.
i d e » t h ^ *EwilLf * t h i y e x p e c t ' wc wiE drelme. ted for the settlement of the rights of citizens, and w h d e controversy, and with it Trinitarianism. Vni- for my one, M d have not. as yet, given one of my Montgomerj- out of S20. No such person bcIong.s. better men than oiirself, and that in violation of the Have you Campbdl's Christianity Restored! I t
a n d i w idrauly preparing to s a j that we '-"backed men b y becoming christians do not alienate their tarianism, Arivnism. Sodnianism, Uumaintarim- artides in response, to your readers, but are dicta- contains a full development of CampbeUism tu it
or has belonged to the Second Church in this city! rules of public discussion.
OBi^" ^ h i r e fciled to d a h a a triumph. ri^ as dtizens. Even these cases, however" ism, Theism, Deism, Atheism, a n d t h e w h o l e schol- ting your own course and mine too. Until I see t-'Oi. In the Debate with Pdce yon will £ad the
We would advise our brethren to be on the guard. In his Lexington debate, with respcct to 5Ir. sj-stem, if system it may be called, modified—or
might commonly be adjusted by a refdence to im- astic jargon. that you have published as many columns of my Those pious beggars, who are so unfortunate as to
B a t WE Witt fam i t to the pahlfc to deddc if ^ partial men, hetter than by the slow and expen- Rice, we tind him using this language: what may be termed Campbdlism on the back track.
I believe in one God, one Lord, oae Spirit, equal- respon.scs, or as many ems, (as printers .say.} forme have lo-st t h d r money, are generally villians. who
heat him; . ^ written, to the Com- sive and t i ^ u s , and oftcr irritating process of car- ly, eternally, immutably, svbstcailitely Divine; one as I have done for you, I must desist until Ton "For many years, sir, I have been accustomed to These volumes,with the Christian Baptist espurpat£d
have adopted such means to swindle good men.— hear addresses upon all sorts of subjects, and from
^ ^ ^ " the r y i ^ a cmse t h r o n g the courts- _ . Jehsrah—'^Jbhovah 013 ELonot is o^•E JiaiovAH." SHALL H A T E ^ I T B I I TO^TOCTT BEADEBS WHAI 1 {LWX St. Louis e-litors. if you caniiot get the oripaal—will furnish
Presbyterian. almo^ all sorts of men; but such a ussi-B OF
3. Wh«3i a christiaa is injured ia ^ person Hence are we immersed equaUy info the name of w w r n s s I N EESPOXE TO rou. And that, too, with- y(vu with ample mttcriais for yotir wnrk. , Such a
pjr n g o i ^ i e audfl and subjects. T h i y repudiate
character, or property, he « has • a right to seek *
re-* t n e Father, t h e Son, a n d t h e Holy Spirit; mdicaUve
REPEESK>rr.\Ti0S Asn .iBtrsE from any one profess-
The young man refcrrcfl to above is no doubt the sing piety, I have not heard in all mjf. life, so far as m a s s of vain spcculaIior.s, fiat contradictions, bad
n ^ m i m ^ a n iiadpeent a a d d i ^ r a c r f u l practice, out any notes or comments. Then I may be pre-
and c q w H ^ t ^ a s mithnnt s a ^ ^ ^ p o i n t - Courts are instituted for the protectioa and of perfect Divimty in perfect humanity, and of per- pared to enter into a formal contract with regard ^o unprincipled traveler who borrowed SIO from Elder my present recollections testify. lo^c and worse divimty as they ccmtaia, I shonld
defence of the innocent and the peaceable agamst fect humanity, in perfect Divinity. Strode, of Chattanooga—sUting that he would re- Mr. C. is unfortunate in his opponents—they are not k j o w where else to find. .
mnrf, •nil that thsjOld a i ^ 2few Totameata dcariy future operations. Your not giving every sentence
the fcan^at. the widted, and the violent. And a t f e iMve loug since abjured th& consecrated jar- turn it m a short time—that he was a member of all, it seems, the most ignorant, wicked, abiisive, M j wnrk on Campbdlism has received its last
t e a d i ^ i t i K t h B ^ d a f y of ^ painste to baptize I have written, will be regarded by me as a confes-
the Baptist Church In BowUng Green, Ky.—knew hypocritical men imaginable!! corrections, and will be put to press in a ferv days.
tiieff cMRfayn. t h m f n r p ^nhiTiiftfi^ the foHorr christian owes it to his country, to his family, and ^ h of the "Divinity Hafls" and the old quamt sion of judgment against yourself, and, I presume
its Pastor, 4c. No such person ever belonged to (4.) We regret the expression, and the frefjuent I have written with a sincere desire to elidt and do
mg'propeiSipiuE^W'' . to himself, that the man who has mjured him should •Theological Schools." And have simiJy substitu- to say, that so will dedde the Christian public.
the Church in Bowling Green. This .Air. May will use of it in the pulpit by good men is no apdogy fend the truth, and to profit both Baptists and Re-
r e e « r e the proper punishment. The peace and t e d BiS/e nmna for Bible thingj. I f the thing, t h e
Elders Meredith, Semple, Broaddus, and some probably now assume another name. lie has cer-
PjJJ^ watiT m the naaie of the Tria- wdfiwe of the community d k n a n d it. If a maa for us. We used it inadvertently. AVe were over- formers. Avoiding all perscmalitics, I have oodeav.
h ^ t i s m , JfctLidiit affirm. murders a j irife or child,.! owe i t to the laws a a d ^ in the Bible, the prop- other distinguished meh hi Virginia, Kentucky, tainly disgraced the name of aiay.
er name is nnqncstionaUy t h m . whelmed with the awful thought of one leading so ored faithfully to sketch the rise, progress, and ten-
Tennessee, and elsewhere, were at one tune super-
J . M. P . many thousands astray, and vhere, oh! tchere!— dencies of this Protean system.
" V x ^ I — ^ i i j f i s nm»*i»TT h a ^ ^ . We m y countix, to jusUce and to God, to cndcaror to ^ t i s t s of Mr. Grares' kidney, think t h e j honor exdted, bccause they had been tamely and piously
have the law enforced. & if a man robs my prop- us by pcnnittuig ns to' have a name airf a place in foUowing the system of, GiU or FuHer, or the great What responsibility at the judgment of the great Tours fraternally,
for the TeanesMe Baptist.
erty, or mjures m y djansctw, I may owe ft to p<A- "the R M e Union." I know none of the truly en- Robert Hall; and John Bunyan like, were content day!!! ? . , J . B. Jsiz&.
Js^tgioiins; w ^ f e r h j ^ r IndlBn A U t U n i Oace Msrr.
«r» as w ^ as to m y s d f that the law in stich acaae lightened men of the Bible Union that have w e r so with theff adventurous escapes from the d t y of De- (5.) Concerning Dr. Maclay, we liave given sub- A^e think that this letter will satisfy evtn Mr.
' S F F ™ttiqTBj aad . ^ n k i i i ^ should be executed, and the ? i ^ t a o f others also be DE.VE BREIHEEX:—It will not be in my power to stantially the statement he made in our heai-iug C. icspecting the "positions of the still surviving
indicated themsdres. But 1 must mfwrn Mr. struction, and with their jogging along the graded
Graves, a n i those who associate with hhn, that, w a d of live degrees Zionward. see you all, yet all of you may contribute to that more than once. Since Mr. C. has appeared to him Bishop Jeter." AFhy should any man think that
good c a u « if you tvish. Bro. A. B. Shankland has to speak out, we will await his testimony before we Mr. C- has changed his views,of doctrine, when he
la ^f ^ p a i c ^ to epCTSP^m s i B i BosttoticSB while he can neither drive the BiWe Union fhim us, Bnt eveiy one fcwaws, that knows any thing of
l i ^ t l j o n , but with t h e nor us from the B i « c Unkm, wc, as a people, think kindly consented to recdvc and tnuismit to tho K - give the testimony of other brethren in the West, still endorses every book and iEa-lnnscr Tie ever
is- d ^ j r t a u j ^ in t i ^ Old these distinguished mei, that their minds werd cast
that we Me j m t as m m i of an h o i m to the BiUe and moulded after the BKST SIAKDABDS of the last MunU C^veation all contributions designed for In- who have h e ^ simihir statements from Brother wrote? Think of this.
_• ^ i r f ^ : : : d u n Missions, Let erety brother and sister trf Ten- ilaclay.
with.real d S i r e t S Unitm as the BiUe Uni<m is to us. W e atk ] « more century. I T h e ^ b ^ of Uwm were pnlj- notEESED (10.) Mr. Campbell is rather s k k of his admls-
S S P ' ^ ^ P r j ' t F ^ B S tisdSoaT nessee ^ t wishffl to d i s d i u g e the debt they owe
will take no less.(6.) U a l v i i ^ or Aiininjaiw; w , if pditips are to b e ta- Otu assertion will s t a i d lUitS Dr. Maclay dqiies sk)n th^t he was a theological j a d ^ w — a piogertsfl
eentmica aft e;, t ^
x«hte i t o a h p i f i d ; ! ^ ^ecHtedJ! Now I must a y , and I WDf'it, emphatically, that ken i n t o n e account, they were bo^ixKSBSEO ^ s - to the l o d i ^ send thev (^tribiitions to BrothW it, a j ^ then we stxbmit o t l ^ t e s t i m o ^ . , W e do Will the reader re-rcad his admission ia his April'
pcBcUccd b y t ^
I ninst have an endorsc^'befotc I b d i e r e that £3dcr « > P t f « 8 , P r e s l j y t r a ^ Methodist^ or O m g n e ^ ShMiW^d, of N ^ r i U & l ntrt l ^ C T f th:^ B r , ^ C . is a twp-fac^ nian, nor number, and our Reply to it? Did we badly abuse
• mnej- , Brp. & L ^ i m , of ^ v i n ^ n , Ky., is a u t h o r s ^ we
^ t b t ^ t o ^ y honest i n q u i r ^ ^ b ^ ^ . I t e M^CUy. CT^.^ to Jlr.^ ^ t i w a d ^ . Thsie ITS s o ^ i m ^ C T ^ A r i a ^ Sod- Uiat he will deny the s u b s t ^ ^ e of lhetcnn«comp»fct1^ K o t t o h m t . - i
thirltfptfindiBfrE. S o e ^ ed in hfie m ^ e r to recdre contributions'fem o o r ^ t e i n e ^
Methodic i ^ a y ' T s y s t e m i s . r t t ^ j n i a a ^ j - q n s c r i p t n ^ n i ^ Sabdlians, porno toM y^tarians. Mr- C.'s last lines come indeed m i h
h r c t l u ^ W that ^ t e .
mcaa^^^ ^ G e r e s ' An4 m t ^ , acteisUly M c o B c ^ Cqpjimss! Bat K ^ y sL^uIdMr. C. stickle thus o r a onr yer- p i ^ C & a m to. Has he' yet ^ h l i s h i ^ '
m f ^ i M I B ^ b a n fem Dr. i w e n ^ I ^ « ^ « w e s e n ^ ^ contribu to cither, of ska. of U r . I M s y ' a -OpiaH9> pC Campbdlism, w h m
^ ^aie^MlicstrB ^ ^ or be; bnt IJaptirt
st»te ptcjasSely this object to whWi Mr. 6 : a ^ t s l e f u ^ to lns>|
^ ^ i t t o ^ ^
iJ? I b ^ J ® ! ^ « . Wstorical W s to h e d M n ^ I ^ d l i t b o ^ i u g n ^ o C X M U ; OKSt . r s i i d i B i d e a l ^ t he
of g t t ^ i m i o f t to me^ this adiniy^oa .qiutg;enoj»^. A i ^ - y ^ l f e , m i ^ W ^ i i a ^ t ^ ^ m i i ^ l i

fSW, • ^
M S ^ I R , . , .

B A P T I S T :
fi t : ^

• •A e!l Msvnu^ir.or CwUQubf.-r'Mcini. n Mootita^.

"1• neiit t n d om^L' naiautar t f U» iWaskyio^Qiurdb < ? W L « R T(,jtit;Gfm-giA-
-J: Let e ^ w i d % ^rsi* ^ ^^Jbiides aow i a Tns Bapti:?t d e a n e n n a t w ^ - iiM i^w^cen its
• • • " F " ^

e w n a g ^ l ^ - t w M * ' * ^ .'imte^-flie^ libcrre ciq)tk«. I b i ^ • iaiportant one.' ] in Cawwda. Uie'Rer. tD«s Eyermi^, J i u . rec«itly, ' " ^ S B O I L M O M F A M T O L O T T M ^ W R I ^ A lekUad T O U R F K D * ^ B CaiwriiEOj _ ___ RJ D B P O , K B U R E _ ^
b«Ql» it occnpies but lit^ Hti ta0m.MtMk»m 17* P KMutta W. MUc/otrr'i
wkbdnMrnftom .th« bpdy»,MngiMi»K m the r m m , Wm WUtM^, «uMf eipm, Slapien M m i t to 17U *JS»T, Ou.,
The TOlunnnbaa >CTittea W s i ^ (TOM WiM, B«»M
- T K. i n r . | ,M jeiu ^TRt&^Wiit i a t e ^ ^ diaaenti ftom tlw newa l^itertaiaed K WUttoa, Hodi WUtUa to ITth iUj, 8 Tlmmkm, Wm HintiBOiisi A '^.tDFCT, e/MiJic.' i" r^Ki
'(e^xietiiig the rdationa of b a t t e d chitdra to the ftoma, AnHtM^ Bltfrliu, B J AUxud«r,« O Mill*. Lta^ Paor. OAinLLa I^Ojiut: .3ViuA<r V' •^rntk, JtrarittK, I i^c-'^-s-i--.^'^-. ju^'n l i l i i i i i f r T - n ' ' ft
1855. Tt i s : ^ . t i n j t f l m y ^ l & t e ^ i r a M i w t n h j ^ ^ dram.m|ka4ittm.« 8atteii;'ioIta L Mm*, no* B ttaag. Q ., Pifntimj, fc. , NtrUtidtffatrtMiei
Who »iU meet Jl. & i Pr,,K, bdievw thpt b^ttixed children arr PDMbt»:K|k*»li, llJe; Rah>n 31 D4>l« la roll; ,W C Hot;.. Wk A M ncra Prlmrf, • - T-
rtrktly ^ Aiily n m b o n o f ; ^ dairch, a i ^ o u ^ t BMttoI<t 4aaa, T V i f t u eta NOT, St; J SUUin^t tn 1 W. A. ^ M U K iltKig.Tt vJ lit'SoariUite
tfaedkdnaba a r ^ q o e s t i a n , ''CHtif^: Bai^iste t l w r o a ^ all .tW Waadcraof s o c ^ and Wigiww pro^ iJtparh/umt.
11 AT- i "'iHwmimMiB^ J -ni^.' to be ackaowledgsdand t r o ^ a a s o e f a . < Ho would itk I l o ^ , xwth'av KorthtoiS I Aa^, 'Zt; Win A U H-tt.
ieeogmzc'Beabh^itist E«iichOT «s ® o ^ i n i m s - that i ^ n CTte wfo^^ i j , JUnry A llort» to ITta M , « t o F j i i i S L S ^ m'T^fiLLi'J J S T ^
Bindti-6iL: SinrliRi; Qttani, KV. t r t ^hose b O ^ h o r t e d haTe-Oem adinitted to tba OTdifu^^ •St; H OkMtvoed to Illk DM, t OAteUwa to2«tb Ai«,
» to viadt n s ^ " f o k b i r o o m i p t i ^ of t ^ ' ipopnlar with Pe&laptists iimnidi tli^'mua. body which adopted this Toitmw as its creejL'' There and t ^ e their places 17 the . lode o£ tifMr bdiering J 1 8 Pfrrr to nth r»h, 'M; J 1 0»aai» t) Mth S^PT, TUO. H T A T T ) O D T N T F I > 0 ! I N R J ' ' I T E I V P I R T - N F T ^T - T I L S O I W R A I A N A.
" . MU-IC CSV « R L U ^ ^ M I N E N ; , - 4<»T>U
j r ^ i Brtgy^g^aqaflln, JBorf& OMoIiiM. B. reqocsts Baptist p»pcts to n ^ j h i s articles. was the artilhiy SJilL T h e ' g ^ were named by psrepta at the communion ItiaNngul&r l ^ Todd ta Nov, R L Bock t* ITt i Tib. B T Oi!«».x)d to I' H niiTy Drpulnient—Fir>t r j w ; IS ' '^lii'- -
tenaciously the Pettish idcwt , of tl>e^ac^<^peBtg ab- J CoUier to Itth^Jaoe, 'if; R M Tiaiy, S J •• SECONDOIMU, S O :
H i r a - J g j w i , Hwlfiw^ ATkimsm. . y r m ^ x a k ^ m Wh»t does the WesternR«>. s o m b e ^ s o ^ ^ r e a t t t e t they were aimoet i» wwii VhMtir to ITtbrcb, -M; II P Krtl<to 90th J«lj-, -SS; J Q BOK:i2. »T»rj thinglnitu.ledfxc»ptesii<Jl«», 10 Oapfrmomli.
ase6stmjt:rrr: J.M.i>. bere, eren to PnAestant ax^'ieiisiUc niada. OartUtoITtk )iuw, 'M; Wm UnA lOtb t, 'Si-, i Oeeuii Th« eierei»« wi.l eomnieiw the Onit BCD5JUT la J^stratj, ; «5FT FTTMURUB C Z M I S I ^ I R - I

' r i. <rti»Era«y ia- J i j i i * to^ wtak a>eB4 l « t they had

MuBLHiTUnnaw: Kngxrini-, Tennwiw - I • I isters are not uufreqnently importontd to bajj^ize a toXrtm, Mr. J JtoBcriaf, W^M JoJu>.« to :7th Feb, C M Ptrlntj-»V~J I ,
««.TS?ed W. H^ Bg i. rArCfN"U SF
J.KXnrl^lEBlemaiBBraier T( neither the fikill, disdjpl^, nor courage tn bring
Be AQ^^Qiorgm. Was Jaka's B a y t l a the Jwirtek PrMvIrte BaftUai; tlxm to b » r upon the enemy. The thunder of that dying diild, under the a t r e of an aiuuoassaperstir 0<%hr«nto4tli Bth, D > T U LtadiTbrdtoSth Fi)V J B^ Furt _ .Cole-
to liQvdis^ D. piituu-ui. mr Irfvp, ti> irr tii* lutUmtiua-vrU at-
! tWlfiod
tMMind (f.-O -nm CT aM.
tioDofsome efilca^ i a 1be,.vMtward rite, a ^ a lUb Jan; Of S BatUetoBth, H BrowntoSth HOT, O I 8*t<I*K.'nU by Bot« or eaiih trin
sjn Scaae uriio make great prctaudons to scholarship cannonade which did its execntioa first upon the man, J I Wiboa, J P e r r . T , B D JaskiB* to Slat Feb, 'SS; V IS term in adTanea, th* h&lafiw st me
mistakm conception of its ol^jects. I t may be ^ t MUIerto l<t Jan, 'S»; N H MeVaddea to SIst An;, O W W!!- ITabmary lo, IS;>VI..
£t4i«-a.A£ii]itJ hare •ammpd that it vas—that Joha adopted a tbcHi^ds at Jerusalem, a ^ then throughout the the pulpit is not so emphatic in its t e a c h i ^ upon UamitolOth Aug, >SS; V B Wtllto lOth Feb, 'K; J Smith to
Elder W. B. I J M ^ . ] : ii o2 ao no r j hr w g s j i ^ ^ E i L ^ i ^ ^ j j ^
practiec files i s TDgne. There are bat few thoroo^ ^ e s and towns of the Botnan E n q m , gradaaDy the real nature of the sacraments, as could liede j'h 0«t, 'Si! Joha Sairford, A W Sheri^rJ to lOth Psb, Va E i B-tajLTua
a i s d m at the present d i ^ who take Ihis ground. died away. An occasional report cbutinued ever to Sheppard to ISth Jim*, D Jaekaoa, J P WoolMia to eth Jan, 2! J. riowi'-u:. Ic CO ,
Urfiau a n a i u k - H . F. BacIcBeE. sired. Trie*to10th F*b. 'U; J it Oolrmaa to ath Fab, 'i:^ J B High, j - U U Jaas.. ^ .! ,,: a. a. w o t t t . ' -
One of the best linng Gennaa coiamentators upon be heard in the secluded valleys and mountain ran- The above statement wcclip from tho '-^eir York B O Oolijhtl'j ISth Jan, T B Hij^ to 10th 7<b. John J D
Brother Em Jina-, now agent of the Didian Mis- the Jfew Testament is Dr. H- A. W. Meyer—consis- ges to which every true Christian Boanerges had b ^ >reRcnAST3.
Ev<mgelist", of nth inst- »leading organ of the BtafrotolSth Jan,'S'; Jn»Lairr«te.-to Ju:. '17; CclJu O S n r W G O — f o . - • » ! • lir
SireTei>ort, Lonislana. riL. <K: fiC(W«l...'
siaa AiBCEatioii, Jhas n s t e d onr d t y , nsce our last tanalcoimsellor—at Hanorer and pastor primarius compdled toretreat; but these were few, aad their N. S. Presbyterians, a paper, conducted with great Lawroae*toSRth Jan, B 1,'tabb, K D Tran>I, F W Barnc* to Pabruarj 3 ISiS.
power not a apparent in the world. lOth Teb, 'C6; £ O Jonu to Slit July, I. ComparetoS7thMucb, ji-jii. a. a. vrrcH^s KEBicisia.—Agtat,'' 5< i V •
isaMj aodurgi'd upon us the doims of the perish- of the a t y dinrch. ability, and second to none in their ranks. •U; Tho* Haamock to SUth Sept, '54; U N £Iiun to lOth As(,
ing Id^caiL We regard Brotiier B. as one of the ' J k Im commentsiT on Matthew iiL 5, he makes We drop LITK IN J l D S l - - it I
It is a matter of no little gratiflcatkm to under- John Layman toKth April, '(S; E J Ti^nn, M G wniiami, J W Or, Ullmpvra •( thr Flr«t Christina Ajfe. 'i* ".
first of laadBia imssianari^ ani^ he has thus & r t ^ poBtice assertkm: onr figure. In a few centuries the true North, T M Bon, W B KlUar, Tho* L AUec, J R WOUiua* to Bt iUiui T. r...
stand that such distinguished men, among Pedo- 10th Feb, •»«; Jacob WoUtoMOi June, C WoKto17Ui F.b, 'S«j
befn by fac thii jnoat suecessfiiL ; J ' "Jota^s baptism mis not a -modified rise of the Jea- genious of Christianity was lost so far as the great baptists as W. H. Bidwell, Editor of the above paper Joha Wolf la foil; John MolUna to ]9Ui Jnae, 11 L R>^ra to ^•'iih n BtitHii,^Bt tyon'isjiir^!. llino—pp. PrlreSOcta, E. camsriEs I I A L V A X L C C L T U I M A . - A a a r t .
prmeiyt* baptism. For the latter—the oldest mass of the so-called ChristiMi body was concern- begin to see that '-Infant baptism is a part and pillar •th Oct, Ja* Fergnaon to lit Jsoi, uSj Mrs C S Will to SCth A 9ciiar*ct»r4 tie tiarablee of ourLonl so in tliii. fKcEnaliar Toluma, I ) a . B.:DCOTXI.:
Several yean ago he passed through th&.aty on •mbraHnj iJt'siH- Tari«ti* of th* th»« liriaff
' his W17 to the Indian TerritaiT-. He was prostra- witness in respect to wUch is in the Gemara Baby- ed. Lideed, it u so descended. The Roman Cath- of Popery." as our clause in the above article plainly r*b, Mn Mary T Kllla to 10th Feb, 'tC; J T Smith to I7th Feb. aff*' . aru iiepi-t6d in their naturd trombi&atiuria Vv lUci rarii of I ^ L T C T R O R T I L V I M C C H I L X S . — A « 2 T .
•sa," a M UaU to 17th Auf, 'tS; Q KaUoy. Naae.v L;Tel.r in fa:i;tvt* i an-J til* ganiua. A J January 2» . J scorai..
ted by sicknesH for tiiree weeks, and it was thought Ion. Jebamoth 46, 2, and aboot which Fhilo Jose- olic Church is a dcvdopment by well-deflned stages indicates, viz: '-It is singular hoir tenaciously the Mr* K Oroathvait to :4tU Sept, 'ii; A Stakes to ISth March, ' •• Tia- troly a r.»»ciuaUtn „tjl* MlltuU, / VJWiVS LITnouXttUfTIC. for. th» W» orilra*cC W-
(hat^lp*^ had set his seal upon him. phas and the dder Tarqimusts are wholly silent— from the churdies formed by the apostles. This Popish ideas of the s<Kraments abkere eveii to Pro- ' 5 0 ; M O M * RaaUrry to !31 April, p«»Uf; iu c!.arairter« (iilTullr pe rtrr\».i i,- jiUii w»ll a,ii. mi!» D-.iaiu., aaii aSSswioaa of theEaiuevn. Afnt.
W U Fittmaa April, wivmi ana carriaj oot. 1: ia a proJartioa cviseiai; hifh
For three ynars after r e a ^ n g iite siattanTboth w M i ^ introdneed till aiter the destnictian.of Je- development
influences from hasthe consisted
body, by in ejecting
the all
martyrdom, the good
«rile; -Mi 9 )i.V«r«,to l4i JaW, *SSj L B MtConleo lu SSth Dee, U Y nttn so'i *x.t,>i.alre rtivliosr unl iku^; cummaal a Tirs la^cir- Ja»ury20 - l u e . 'SSbTIX
himsdf and fr.mily were prostrated by sickness rusalem. While the temple stood, prosdytea were or other persecution of Uiose who put forth thoSe inl
testants and sensible minds.-" BMdl* to ITth F«bj 'M; Joha Floyd to 2Ut May, 'fS; yfinH. cclaijoii."—K-ii^iem UtraZd.
When will all our Pedo-baptist fneiids thus Fee MaxwtUtoSlat F*b, J B BaUand to SCth F*b, Ileary wira. ••Thia admuabl* Tolamt; eemos h-sci th« paa of * |Mtn>a 6 .
eroT summer and fall. Yet iii the lace of sickness admitted by circumcision and the presentation of liuences, and the liistoiy of this process, with one Btont to I7th F«b, '.'0; W 0 WlUei to 15th Oct, '40. Th* K^ne Liid ia JiiJ»» i j t n l after t!.e day* of oar
and abjure this relic of Popery?—£d. Ch, Reg. aarioar, aad briopa Tiridly befora therciadmany loeideata e-'ti-
and privations, and a.iiiilare of the Board to pay an oflering; which last was preceded, as ercir of- pure chapter at the begimiiiig, and some improved m ^ ^ l
C T l viih th.e 121 cru:iii.ioa o£ Christ.'''—.V. Y. Kt- H
A L L ' S B A L 3 A . \ I PUFT T H B
' il. G . E C O T T T .
Mm his salary, his has accomplitdicd a g r a t e r wcg^ fering was, by a lustration, which the proselyte ont-s towards tlic close, is set forth as the history of '•It ia a prodacUia rhaFactsriiad by power lot«r««t anJ IJ**B- MXIEC' LIVLBXUKT and tab—lor aale tn-
in the conversifHi of the heathen than any modem administered to himself as a Lcvitical purification. the Church of Christ. Some other histoiy should be RfMrted Ur the T»aa**icr' BartUt. SEY. DE. CTJUUIHa'S WO£ES. ty; <vl ile it« cioTelopincuti of ctiaracter aua Uo* oi iac'daot U. a. I C O T E L .
haio that r«emblaa a ultliout which a work wooli be
missionttiy. But John's b a p t i m is to be viewed in connection written, in wliidi the scattered fragments of the true ATLA-VTA, G A . , F e b . 12, 1 8 5 5 . TOOK, NEUON t CO., 44 Caloa St., NaabTlUr, *iu.tiaj iuiu CTJitin;; ciiirlu.''-ScmAtra Bapiitl. , Wll.HASTS' «AL9.\M O F W I L 1 > CUEKRV A W0«1>
idea of church organization and ordinances should AVE Jsat r*«*lt«d l*r«a addition*totheir former ator.k of rer2jrils n:id in.**rK<-ftr' btA»k,''—Ttnn BopUa:. I KArrHA—For «li by U. G. S C O V E L .
Hii has tiim-jplf baptized tiiree hundred, among not only with this lustration but In general with the M E S S R S . G R A V E S 4 M A R K S : Since our last Talaable BCLtUfOl'8 and MISOKLLAKXOCS WOl^ES, H " V li'e liki! portm'tnre of :Ue early Chriati.ica. The TOI- 4 . D D U . H I N B A N N 8 F«mUy PiUj ani W A I Cherrr iLttara.
be collected together. This work should be done we hear of some small .sales of new Bacon from which they olfer at the Tery lowrat prlc*!i.
Tvhgm are some of the most and influential religions usages of the Jews in respect to wadiings uiue Ii^siifla v-t*.b iua:<-uctlv« faet^, thruaiofC a tiuod of ifrbt V F o c sal* by " E. Q. 3CJ0«W..
and their symbolical meaning." by Baptists. They slwuld accept tlie .\cta and store at 10c, round tides 10c: shouldtrs 8c: f»T cath. ID" SOp*r ditt»u»t/rtMmarktilprleti al irAvi'Uii upun Xi-w Te.Umenl aarratiTe."—frar t .n. n.
men of the Creeks. Such as the Ear. D. N. Mc- I^istles of the aposties as the fu«t chapter in that '•It a eharmlng book. The corcoption of It Ttm f;Ii-ltoB«; E t B i l U l E L S C . \ ^ L C I M > i ' L A S T K n - F u r sale In-
Intoe^. national cledc, a nephew of the king, and a The aboTe translation of Meyer was made by an hams I2c: very littie in market. I A H I unchanged, THE CELEBRATED WORKS OP R£V. JOH.N anil the ei;'-uin it.< minuto detaiia, U -rtrUir tae I • Jaiiuari JO H. O. j c O l X L .
history, and Uien complete it upon tliat basis. Du- I CMMIKGS, D. D. concrption."—l..f Memartal,
{An of Gen. WiHiam McMosh, who was a friend eminent Pedobaptist, Prof. B. B. Edwards, of An- ring almost the whole period of Clu-istian history stock light. We think eariy shipments of fine Ba- LEOTCHBa O N THE APOCAIrVPSi;, 2 T O I . »2 00. • The lort-'loritT of Ohriai inity orer J3dil«m aad Pa^aaiaai T J . . V U a o i L N ft. A i U d l S I l l A U S r O S A C c b - F o r a « l * b r
and ally of Gei .cral Jadcson. He has assisted in dover, and may be found in the Bibliothcea Sncra they hav<? been the actors while others have bccii con will do well. " OCR LORD-a Mia*0LE8, »1 00, Ik liea&UfuUy act f<>rth iu Uiiai:.Ur«aUBKtale.'' Cnris Initx. A i : j a a u a r y i U u 0 tfCOTil.
" TUB PARABLi:s. 11 00.
ordaining tig&t natirc preachers. l u that nation for January 1851., page 96. T. W. B.
the historians. In all the refonnatioii and attempts
Flour-Superfine 4:a5c. Extra bands 51r51c per » BOOK OF DANIKL, 11
I'liUUhwl th« Atnirioan Riptljt PuMiCitioa Societr.
DCS-OSITORY, US Are* PkiUdtliki*. « D J i l t , S h o t , C a p , . M i t u U . Fls»li«, l i o r c a . K a r T r eiupata,

there is a populction of 18,000. We now have toi pound. Wheat, none in market " ROM*MUM. SI to. Petraarr 3, lai-tf ( a n i e a l . D nt-1, O O a l a t H c a l . T r e p a n i w a i j o t h e r I w t r a -
at reformation thiir independent and inquiring CCMMIHa'S SORIPTt'RlS RXAOINQS, ;fl 00. • ^ n - — J u r s a l * by i i . e .

churches, ten tuitire prcachers.' and one thousand Tg the Hodiratvr* of Uc DUfereat AiHjlati«n» ia spirits and principles have been the moving power, Com scarce at OOaSl per bushel. TUB TUrr AND TBB ALTAR, « 00 KKW MUSIC HOOK, THE CASKET. TTKEO ABDOMINAL BUPPORTSBa A TaCEasSS, aasiut
one hundred mrinfaera. The cause was nerer nxac MiuUslppi.
and yet in the records of liistory they liave often
Oats—55aC0 per bushel.
VOIOa OF TBB UAY. <1 00.
V0I0E8 or THI MIGRT <1 00. Sarred M«Udirt, for'Stoclai aad Pnb c Wer«felp. L
I eil, for maiaa a n d f e m ^ u a — F u r aalr h y

flourishing thai; at the time he was compelled to Cotton 4ia7i per pound. VOIOU OF THE DBAS, »1 00. 'nHK CASKET, which kaa br>a aterwitTj^ed. ana I* now la O. BCOTKL,
D K A E BaimiESX:—Will you permit the writer of been nearly omitted. For writing such liistory, CUCBOH BBFORB TUB FLOOD, fl 00 J>T%[iia urf AfoUifcmrf,
come home and raise his own salary and that of the this to call your attention to the subject of minis- abundant materials, thougli they might be in a frag- Sugars—5 i a ' c per pound for brown; 7a8c for Onmminr'a Miaor Works, eoaUaUng of I rreaa. will b» pua'i U«.l, oi tho liti of Jaaairr, l»:i4. A « . . f t h al.l* P u N l a S q a a r e , 8 d o o r * w a u l o t t i i . . K a a b T i U * T » »
A HE8BAQB FBOM UOD 60 eeal*. Inrgo amount of copy wrl<ht Maiio hia been iwcan-d. niaklasit
natire lodian p ^ c h e r s . From J d y to Octoba he terial education? clarified ik 0URI8T REOKITINU 8INMER3. iO eenU. the mo<t cumiilet • and r JuUa b -ok of Sacred Mnaie aver pab
mcnUry state, could be found in the Greek and T U B C O M F O R T E R S T U 0 U U U T 8 oa tlia iaSnence of Uie
llahe.1. it coatriua a full collection of CIlOlCi: .nELODIES. JTIDSON F E U t A l E I K S I l T U T i ;
baptiaid fifty-^ee, ordained two native preachers, There are many of our brethren scattered about Roman churches, and in tlie sects. Baptist senti- New Orieuns Molasses scarcc, at 32c per gallon. Holy Spirit, (0 f e*nU. by emlneat Eur-peaaaad Aui«i,-»n CompoMt*, wlected from
CHRIST OUR PA8S0VBB, ThoaghU ou th* Atonameat. popular HoaiBuuks, al'o a 1^-ets number of origiaal StAKloy, PERRY COUNTY, AiA-SaJBjl
and constituted -'wo churches. The Board has ne- b this State who desire to be better prep ared to do lunits could be found in every age, periiaps cflcn Hay—30aS35 per ton. to e*nta. tunea, aoi many raluabla extracts from the worka ol Haadal.
ver paid him hi-- salary fully since he has been in good service in the cause of our God-and arc una- coimected with the absurd doctrines and rites of Beef Cattie—5a5ic per lb., nctt. TUB riNOGR OF QOD. tOe. The Orsat 8aeri8eca, ii.^tlfit, Musart. KuAaini, Ueet}u>T<.a,aad other celebrat<)dMaa- j V U M t t S B o f StaJi-ati laxt B e w i u n . t w o b n r d i » a aad two—
Ho^—none in market. 18 CHRISTIAN IT Y FROM QUO: or A Manaal ..f UiUe (.'harlastv.n. l^ra. arriCjjoJ nprra..|y rcr »hU w. rk. br (i O ROBISSOS. ( n n u A U b a i n a , ?li«ai.s*ip(,i, l l e o r g i a , F l o r i d a , A r t a m a s ,
the field. It b u not been able to pay him for ble to get that preparation. There is a society de- Uic Papal Cliurch. and periiaps, in some ages, they BTidaae* fur th« People. SOe; or, iu una rolonif. 1-2 OU. S. 0., a-iiat^J bv I. B WOObBCRY, New York. T . i x a * . aii4 C a l i f u r n : ; i .
Exchange at the usual premium. BXNKDICnONS: Or The BleaMd Life, II IK). Vhj prcmiatat a:id geaeml frvans of tho C«»kcla-e a. fol- iT '.e F.u:alt.T roBai^t- o f t h e P r i n c i p a l . E E V . M I t O P . J E W -
two years past: I t promised some of the native voted to this object—aiding young licentiates to could not be found without such connections, but I T T ' A ^ J i , a i l h t h i r l e e a ProfMwora, T a a c i i e r s . a n d o t f a a of-
R«specU"ully, S K A O O A LAwaHNca, (Ty R*r. John Camiiunsa, D U., ia th* great I'ulpit Orator
prcachiTS SIOO i;>er annum, but has not paid them procure such an Education that will better fit them wherever Uiey could be found, tliey should be taken of Luadoa. Ha ia lookal upon aa the great champion of Pru- Ia tbia1—T.ia dep.irtmBct
Eleublt:! OF T.hjxl Muslo SiMPLir.Ej. .
the groaUat care has been takea to render
fi,".! a - w i a t o d » i U j iilm in c o n d u c t i n g tiia l a a U t t l a ,

for the last thru yean. It is Brother B.'s purpose for the woric.
" General Com. Merchants. taitaatlnn la Ita pamt form. Ui« writing har* rtachrl a aala the princiiJos ol Mu«ic plua, aad at tlio sims tim*toi.upart r twT at Je ij al unadt illoactrieoaas ihntgs ]eua>tptarie.U^ i toyn, ita slxtaeoth y e a r aldUor

and used. aaeqaailed by thuie of aay Thiuiogical ariter of Uiti present to the pupil in^tractiona at once compreh><aaiTd aad thonnigh. s ' ^ n a r y a a l t h * lar,-eat ia t h b . S aoaa ut l i*i , aaaud«e rt h te huel ddti r» et c tFieumn a lo*f
to dsTote his to the caosc of Indian Missions: Frumthe Swhi-ille Trite Whig. day. The U9.iuuH are gradaate.l, on* fttago of adranaement preparing tl-.. aAuiu l*riacipal.
The constitution of said society provides for aux- lur ijHitlier. aad all lealiog br au and ualaril asriea to the is locitikl i n a n e l e r a t s a , b r o k e n , d j j a a d h e a l t h y r r g i c n ,
and it is his n d c a t wish te'retnm as soon as reHev- iliary sodetics. If each -Association would or- We have ma<lt> these remarks for the purpose of Cotton—Tliero no improvement in the mar- THE CROSS. BY OR nOWCLL. more recoalit* mysteiiej of tllia pl^aaaat acieace and art. rMi;t.»ea f r o M a n y rirer, c r » . k , o r a i i a a i p . Bicknen among th*
od from pecuniivy embarrassment—to his fidd of ganize aasiliaiy Education SodeUes there would calling attention to an effort at tiiis kind of history ket yesterday. Sales of only 54 bales at 5a5l- TOON, NBLSON A CO., hare a fuU aopply of Dr. novpir. 11—rSiLii UTiex Trs.-ji. t . K l ' » r « " I ' d p n i . i U Lt k i m u a t e n t i r u l j u n k n o w n .
New Work, "Th* Oroaa." and wUl i.uui a cupy tu aov .:i.^uii::e Intvery Tariity of stvW. The tuscsars at.ptel to th» i liTar- I>arla;; t h e last a a m m e r a a d frJl, w h e n t h e p e s t l l e B r e c l o t h r j
labor. There is 10 Baptist missianaix now among be great good done. The advantage of aux- which lias just been given to the American public. Tebacco—Sales of three hhds. at the warehouse OB th* r*«epUan of 60 ceata. mett.'ra of the Bapiisi J^^alr.iody and the Sarrtil Lvtr. n « K . l y t h e a h o l a S o u t h - W e s t l a m o a n u a i ^ t b e r e w u a n o t a a i n -
the Creeks. The work is that ofRfv. G. II. Orchard, of England, of Johnson. Home A Co., as follows: 4 95, 5 00 and Deeember 2, l&ti. From these books ihe rifctious apeoimena tf devotioual aoBg ^ l e c ^ o f f e r e c , o f a n r k i a d , i a o a r l o n i i ; a s d tiiere «'aa u l U j
iliaries is, each one can search out one young broth- aresel.etel. The latter work iuclaJe-s la Ha hea^linca, rHer- o n e i&kiUi f i w a M a y t o A o T e m b c r .
edited by Rev. J. R. Graven, of Tennessee, with an 5 40. lEci's to the opp'opriate caaic in tUi- Oi-aket, buiuto fw Ihe T u i E i O C L i a C o t r a a x o r JfrnnT p r e e c r i b e d f o r t h o s e w b n ta-
There are now "ro questions before us—not wheth- er and collect means, and thus each section of our introductory essay, by theJattcr. This essay is de- NOW READY. riprersicn of the aeLtimeat of each hjlun. piTf tt> t h e b o a o n o f g r K t a a t i o a is e l e i a t e d a m i e x t c n a l r e , ' t b o .
T.-u..,:^ea b e i ^ d e a i r o c a to m o k e t h o r o u g b a u i i l a i a h e d adsoiara.-
er WB will pay T hat we owe Brother Buckner. and State will be represented, and all have a fair chance signed to show the great need of a dose and tlis- Coffee-Tlie light stock on liand, together with rA.MPDELLIS.U EXAVI.XEO. Ill—AXTHBiis asB S;!1.1CT Pia-BJ. T o soc-are t l u a r e e a i ^ a k n o v l e d g e o f aomc o t h e r t h u u i i r \ * r -
Jaatiiti B. Jixia, D D.. r/ K - F A M O N I . ' , Ttrf IAI'II Thia departinant is unusually a'.t ;'CtiTe, coataiainj a greater B & n i U r t o n g a e i a e o a a i d c r e d iaiiisi-eaaaUe, a a d iiettc* t h e K ^ 1 y
the native prearhers. fiw we are morally bound to at the work and the benetit to result. Our constitu- cruninating study of the liistory of our religion, and the advices of an advance in New Oricans, have com-
1 Tolame, 12mo. cluth, $1 00. pumb<rr than can bo ft>uc.d in any similar Work. " ftev ivn? a-
' da.rit^ t.> Uedication, 0;\liiiatii.u. Thali.SiiTiag. Bunai Serrico, a < | . t i i gFariean ca hD ioPrj LoOf ituh. o LT. ^i -U a. C ioaunm^eu ^oec cian o ireeaq uf ioraerd yleIa rall ol^iitr who

do so—the £i>{dcl>5nreof the God of missicms would tion, A r t 7 reads: "Any Education Society may be- espedally of giving due credit and prominence to bined to cause an advance in this market, and Rio FOR SALE BY TOOX, NELSON ^ CO., MASUVILLC XlLi^innarj Met-lia.:*. npeain^ an j clopir.- ofn'or-hip. an>i ererT u o t e x p * . c : t U tiiat -il t b e I>ni.iLi a* ill jjuraajB t l w r e g a l a r

nsT upon us should we refuse, for the cry of those come auziliaiy by paying their funds into the treas- the Baptist element in it. The foUowing is an ex- is now held at 11c. I N tiiia dlFcaaclon the reader wiUfin-la 'till axhiUtiun uf Iho <>cciiKios
doctrines of A M X A I P P . B OauPBlLL. We tak atteDtii u to a it<
uf public i.iterp-t in wLi Ji tnu-ic i-^ c!.Uca in t*. lend
ci'-rating inJut;»M:ii. Tafir iu^h arti:<tlcexc(iltf-nc< will cum c j - i J . Voun„- hadiia m a y inter, t h e l u v t i m t e at M y timr i n
ury of this society, or reporting Uie same, aad shall Bacon—Wc notice no change since onr last re- few eitracU from tb* relicioui prrea. tuend tiiem ta the-Wilful niONieian, while their meioiiions uttcr- uii ia eucufctailieaa ^ t b * ' T p r e f t r . T b o a e
who have labore^i for us and whose Irire is held tract from the essay: djToat a t y ^ o a lo t L e £ i ^a«U , > i i ijraiichvs,
W l » J i e aavaat-eJ as t h e J u a i u r C U . - . a a J c u u C n c & c t r
be entitied to one delegate for every ten dollars port. The receipts are light, and transactions lim- Ue aabataQtiatet erery atatement liypopiona qaotdllona from a-ce will chaxm the c-r iai moia t i j heiirt of a r u ruakeii i a t b e Panimg
back bccaose of our corctausness. is now entering Mr. UuapbeU'a writinga, irvp hia obiiuaiua« aUUn^eaU furtl. . T h i s rmt.raSL.s oil tiie £ u ^ l i 5 h litu^jes o f t b e B e g a U r
sent or reported." • If the worid is ever favored witii a faithful histo- ited. fro.m the ••naat aud uUcurity'^ in wbich their auditor en\(;l<>^>- IV—Utun a n I all w h o c o m p i e t s t h e e r , m i l atvaniing to F r e n c h o r
into the ear of th>- Lord of Saabooth; but ry of C l ^ t i a n churches, it will rvcdve it from Bap- *d them, and in th* clear light of Stiriptara aad tea<ua C-V.-^' -PS A',q Itc.iutiTa! S-'le^tious Icr Chattiu^. C-—.
I—r joiii receive a CtrSiJicaJt ^f Sckolankif.
Art. 8. '-Auxiliary Societies shall have the pow- tiste, and t ^ t history will rest upon a new basil Lard is unchanged, and we still quote 8a8i as the 'beir aoif-contradictory, ancaaad, and pornicions phnractei — V—S.OHiTU Scn,K.;. PariBTMnvr.
1. Shall we gir2 up our Indian missions—theonly
er to control their own funds." Md ^ ^ look after communities of Christians from ruling figure. Demand good. He exhibits alao th* practical vorkiac^ or the sjsleru. ta i:.
< i O " uUiiiiag a CO' i" - arlociit.a ol hyams a:.*! maaic, a J to T o *ahli-.t Prof,;a..ur« MUSIC DSFARTilZyT.
lual r e a c l i B r a i n ! e l j a c u d l a this depart-,
onB diat have l>r«n peculiariy blessed; and efficiency w* ketp out Vnitariaa!^. Cnir* r»ali'.t.s, *£ul other meet Tiie vaat- ui t*u' mru; T u a r v a-e in the In.'.-tltatc £ftet*u r i a n ^ u a u H a r p ,
2. Win not Ihp Board of Indian Missions cede Thus, brethren, you see tbc State Society is only the t ^ to the sixteenth, and down to the nine- Meal is still selling at »5c at wholesale, and SI at ttfarherN of deatiiy error, .lal coaciudea vrith a brief skstch i.f ^I—USVIVAL c r ; . i tiuitira, a M e l o O e u a , V i u l o a c ' c l l u , a a i i nirituis a t b e r l a i i t j a -
teenUi centunes, far different from CaUiolics of Uie retail. its present condition, showiss '•tiiat the Rerunuat.oa h&a bo«n Under this bf^ad IS grir^i-i a fuU cuUecti.jn oi mdiaiic^ oi' m- U.S.
their missions to the Sauthem Biq>tist Convention, desirous of having the entire fidd cultivated, not frittered avay to af*ttiine, or kaa eaclad in a ha;e of in- aul new. Uj i-cvirilR aai bociai laeetia^s. tae il'-lul'crB r-f Ulb liailiLa'c liZ-ic. rstuitoaily^ cr
former penod or the ProtcrfanU of the latter. consiateacie*.
Wheat Bran—A small lot was recLived last week, It to oar readara; for the light it aheda on maiiy oh^care au.l and contradictions " We earaaslij recomniet.'! lha Iwn
at its furthconiinf meeting, and t t them be taken caring even to control the funds belonging to an- I'tiij '.wu ^ust ar'.' esj^eciaily plea^iu:; teature*, aad «".U r-nder el. a t i i ™ r e r t i c a l a a l practical trJii-.ii 1.7 T roeofJUiM'
o e a l JUiiaic, w l l A
During the last Uiirty year.-!, several efforts have which is seUing at 40c per bushel. perplexing doctrine!! and paasagea of Scriptare. as ireli I'cr the ^.yot more ff.-ncr-l'y aoc^-plublr. I. u liv-ii^ U e s i ^ n o f ^ixc-Mjia,; tii^-i^ lor tiic x e ^ i u r a i a c u o f
undtx the superviiion of one of the Boards. other sodety. The Education Society has no other been made m the right dirc-tion. Robert Robinson, tho a&la' klatary 'ie^aoas it la calculated tu impart —Bsliimort - " ^Trirt Thf Cis' kfct w;Il coiiiia aSoat 3-'0 pag-a.^ Price, ^.^rdns^n, S.*- r>-i Moyie.
funds than s u d t a s are sent up from brethren who m his Uistory of Baptism and Ecdcsiastical Re- Flour is scarce, and is held at 39 at wholesale, Union. s^ple C'.pT ^iii'ws ff»rw3j-dcl"t<y mail. poi*. Jji'-d, to 1-. .ccaueclioa their imaraa^ejitai htrHjJ-i. prfrtlc tea
It is evidioit tluit this step must be taken or the ctcb Ttr-3her or Coadactur of ciioir, ca liis rec.-ipt of ^ j eta. ^ .n Siaginf are ti»en l«> Ib'j I'luirtf. Il^rp aao Goit&r pu-
TTiies^fmtt abandon'!!!. are desirous to aid our worthy brethren. If cach sesxche^ aided in indicating tiie direction surh a and $9 50 at retaU. H* traces it (CsmpWliism) from its inceptirn to its p eatiil or po.-uge sujaps p.l.H. kuaijuag tu ac^^uire a correct roui briOiaiit ^CTtiun
woric should take. WilUam Jones, with the licht poaiLioa with a fairuesa whichis cot ofWa found in ^airic PuUiihtd Iby tho llu-ti-t Pn-^icati'm Soa:*tT. :: l.» pZec?**. •
Wa ^artSyGamniend Brother B. to tlie churches oae of the Moderators will put themselves to a lit- throw^ upon his paUi by PmI p ^ ^rf Robii^n. works Ue inati&es every poxitioa which be in ti. PARS8 i CO. Ait;nwr r.-equcat iluKical Soirees ar« in which tlw" •m^.e^bat
to Mr. Campbell'* riews and practices, bj full qnotaiicnafnim iVlTUtrj 3, -.EJ.'-t; ChxrltsUn, i. r. aiJ-..;!C*d P'jjjila hare la ojpu.-tuaity 10 [«:rroriiifc(.iarluT, aa
of Tenneiasee and the rsuoth West. tle trouble you can form sodetics, coUcct some did sWl more, and left uj;. not a complete but ' -hlavritiu^. and ererj reader iriil eay that tbe quot- Ki .1 a» la Ooncert atj ir, btf-irs a select fdSimic..-.-:TtUnotour
KABBIAGES. ed woull eren joatify more ntriageat cocclufior.a a^inst Mr. Ij 'acuaragca Li.em to he cili^iit ia pri-.^te pract^<«, bat alw*
funds and aid us in the good work. If you have valuable church history. Oaaipbeli'ii orthodoxy thau be haa drawn Wa commt-n.i ;bia BOOKS SHOtLO «LPPLY WA^TS; fif^' « a couad'riice ia jxirforLiing, nLicb ia at^Hooi^aiard
J work to all our njini.»trr t-pec:aUr, an.l nuny .-.'.iiers tu.,; KD, TIIEREFOrw'-., TH2 FOLl.O'»VI.\G SYW ISSW^m^' at * L.t«r p.^riod of lifa.
uAa Ota Tjndmark Rc-irt,'^ no benefiriary tend us your fauds to aid others; if But the must valuable chronological history of
you have beneficiaries and no money, send us the ihe churches of CTirLst, now extent, aad c.xccptinK
Inllalitas County, Jan 1«, 1845, hy EU.r Ahner Morrill,
interest In thia cl^^sa of books.ks ——Baptist Riei^ter wact^u; A i y-an^ Lailieii wi^bicc to le::nj t h e l i a t t f , o r a c q a t r e fazilliaa>
'f -rtfCtition o n t b e P i a u n of G u i t a r , auuli uotsl-II.Uj E a i s h
Ha haa examined the whole subjeit of Cauiptrtili^i." ai.Q *'Thp Greet Iron or. EepjM'caci-rn B.ncV Lai-.-Musivai
• Is a small par>pfale±, written by Rev. J . M. Pen- beneficiaries and others will h d p them. I ^ t u s Jone s, the only oae passing over eiKhteen centuries WiLLiiJi H Miucr to Misa Mint E Cum iMi. shown what it is, from Ita owe coafcfsious and hi.torj —i ! Chn^sLiaait/ R;v«r>«i Br J B. Editor t.f iitauies ia the Jaduia. - •

dleton, of Keniacky, published by Graves & Marks, wprk together Forty thousand men and women that deserves the name of Church History, now be! At the umetim* ind pl»«, bj ch* «ime, SiLig Lta9iTi> to tian CiranieU. tt^ 7--laesjrs I'p tiOii-^^jnioii-ij IHa-iraitd-— .ipparalus anj Cpiu^U beloirinc tr; tiie J ; l ^ t i t n t ^ re-
fore the Christian worid, is the one we now present Miae Mixzari CuriLaxD. It exhibits a familiarity with thesa^-j aai prespn's it '»i.h c.-ati_. lauclA enlarged, are £or s1 u i e onliiii'Ty p a r p o . s u s
NaMiville, Tenu. ! The object of it is to ^ o w that can do vast good, if all true yoke follows. great clearBes.s to the reader. It both iliu^trat'ts at i lei'titf' ' Tiii- nor-v ir * I h - c i e - f o r tlit t ' a l ; . : t a n d th-* PrcaiSj »'. ia tiieliatatalSciaacca.
to the Amcrii-an public for the first time, in a re- J- r.: Courses o/iec««7»a*r»JJten bytiu! PnifcwirorClLem.
Baptists cannot ctaiasteiitly invite niilu^)dzed min- On the ent.iD|r of tfat 8th Fab, 1SS4, bjr BHer Wlllimm C. theflfatemof -wbich it treats, e'aowiug hun uLterlj iKuarinoi.;- jiKv AV...-1 1" ••ti k sviir-. au'i li r-n't *ritu tdril'ii:^ ;at«rr- ist:;. SiVirai Philoaopiiry oneoinpauiHl It ailtheeiped-
Oar college c h a i n s no tuition fees. Brethren, I print. A fuU, philosophic history it claims not to Wtlkei, Principal of Forsjth lemate Oolleiciato Inatitat*. Mr. oas it is with eTao;<sliciil OhrLstiaaity, aai how Mil.ven.v . of • • -tT^ ur. • K<i-. u Ui'4rl a-Ujit tr'a'.". vitl. ^rf"T >u« rouo- inf:.-- louLl in th? Books^-tise cij by umiyf ulHera.
isters to preach i s their pulpits. The argument is, mvoke your aid in the name of our crucified yet te, but it dixs claim to prove, by the most unqucs- Taoj. S. Snmxas to MiuiiBia Dic|i.tsos—both of rr*in OTerhang ita moat eaaeaUal doctriaet Ic penetratss tha mi&t*'. ^tiich i v.- .- ( u i: • ii.i- t»u3i fvr AuieiiotkO J i, card cf I it'iM^ eami^t^ of geailrnien of hkh fta«3-
tionable authority, tiic existence of larpe commuui- Mr. Canipb*ll' « ntterances, aad i'riogs hi.'! stiteu-.^a-ji j I-..^. >...i?ci-..u ."i.Tj ti.v -i.'iiv^if&JntU-.we^ers Stiliis, ia'aypuibt-
they are nnbapayNaL and tiicrefore cannot be pro- risen Saviour. Let the prayer be not in vain. ties of fJaptists in tiie various countries of Europe, Couatj. Georgia. to the anspirias t.!aU of analysis logic. His "t-le i< j ILI»T4R7 of I B^PTWTS.** Thisfs el i.> ihr I'r-as.u:,^ to tt^-ad til- 'AiiStal Bsamiattion. Tim
perly rcrarded as authorized minsters of the gos- perspicuoas, and auimatad. A
Ai the aame Ume an4 lOase, by the aame, Mr. Rowil CLar time it is a itook for the people. lutUeSoutii acd Wewt. it will p i i t I l . r t h e a c t i o rbook of authori.r. at the aajue I
Iho r r - v - ^ - 1 of li."- TaluAli-; It i*- c m - rati ' <*iAitiaiid. alw;.Ts in pn:««&ce oi'. tills Board, '
3L W. PHIUPS, Cor. Sec. and a succession of them from tiie eariiest ams i h - N . j • T*-t.iUirQt. thp,/S if i V J j e r - . aa ' ofit^^ Lv tiie m^aib-rra tir^mscl-.cfl^'^lb til£ j.rcali.-st B^ci-
pel. Brother Pendleton is one of our most estima- down to the present time; and we tiiink the author Waao, of Pstnim Conotj. to Mlia Mur E , daughter of TUoa be a boushold book, gaatdiag the anwearv sgaio^t dercf-tions. e ^ r l j v Y r . ; e - 8 a n - i u t > ; ' f r j i a - u f o i l a n i i-j c u r ' m o i o g i c a l l j r
Edwards. Mississippi. La.s W i.u.Mcs.sfiil. It has been Ixfore the public 8. Bharnun, Xsq., of Upton CosBtj, Oeorgla. aad opening the eye« of many, it may be iiopei. who have fal- • r r a n ^ J ; - L o ^ n j f , : a c i c h C 0 5 t : i r _ ? , - r r t i t i c : c « » t u m 3 n i t ' c i o f ne-- i-a-iau-uijit.-. • ' -
ble, pmdent a a i aidustrious brethren, but we be- lea into error.—y. V. RtcarJtr. H i f . i i i i VHriuns w.' En.-o; e, ^luder roi uis- or MtiAU!^ Li. -- Jiai'ii--,
fcrc St-Ul L u ;jar'
-J"' -ciM'li.rJiip nU'i 4-portBKnt '
uti; 'ind ^LHnil^CS. -'
- T
lieve he has maile!a mistake in tins treatise. There m ^ g l a n d for several years, and if its authority In this work the author has f..<thrully writlfn tbe hist-Ty of «> f r v u i l i i e e s t j i b i i ^ b m p n t o f C l i r i 5 t i i a » -

For tlie Tennessee Baptist. l ^ ^ n questioned, we have the fact to learn/— tbU modern sect, and eipose.] the uaaraii;;eileal r.esfi of ils '...i -h t y t u t u a p r c - £ f . . t - c u l n r / . T h i d » o c 3 E c o v i l ^ i u s a c u o i p l e t t ^ H U * i h j2 ".rt.' - uJ nl 'gi i li an 'rl fi -eJs .. iiLTt* t - . r - u u a i hj.-i -tt'-iai 1 w . i u t , aTii t b ? I ' l u r a l s o f

is no necesiiry scriptural connection between bi^}- ing* aad doctrines, and their mogt poruicioas and liarver-jna furirr-a nnd-rr ILe of the Onrernrea

tism aad preachinjj. We shaE adhere in this mat-

£Id<r H. F. Backaer aad tbr Creek UiisiaB. A'. 1 . Recorder and Register., S P E C I A L NQTICES*
tendency. We are tiiaakrul ihlt this trurk h.-is been irntlcn, l l - i i i i . J i o u i s i o r / U a i t
bat eipaclaily ao that it appcara at a ti.::e for Taric-s L-j e-p-c'*Jlj wciit-J'l nl
o l l a i u . i t ; r ^ i ' : u . ku'X i l s a S r . i ^ - ; .-U^o Ih*^ ••i-® u T I n f a n t B a p -
tLw sapp'i«s it- p*ace.
uuio—it U want - i in tLe fmiu'r—il t . . * j .'•TMJCiiJ
It aaJ I^aciivr.^ frutu I h c l-'uuas tr;; ucvf^'fi.-.paiat4<i.

tsT to the braid, Eccnse given in ourantfararized BaoTHEK G J I A T K S : — K n o w i n g you are ever reaily reaaons, it iB hO imperiously druiaade'i. Mf lu-'.t tue iiruit^din Xl.s Liijra.-i'^ -roar S g^aooii a'sd Baia u f 1UU P r i u r i p r J . -

CI;.uss P R O R O S A I . S F O R PEACE.—Speaking Citrirtiaa world iB uader wtirhUy oblijaiioQ t" tii-; B'.i:bor <. r I; fe i -'o*'. ;a » dtzU Pp.-WfO. Pric9 . (• n . ^ - ' i i - i n o p a b l i c p a r t i t * - . . h L 1 r r c t ' - i x e n u v i . ^ ' i t d z a , e x o q f ' t

standard. 'let fcm.that hcareth say come.' ^—Bap- wSth your own pen, and willing to lend your col- T U B CUANUB c r ADDKB£3. th* work, aad to tbe eaterpiiHin:; pultii^h•^s e !:•. U::ve %-iv-n o\ L - a r « i n t r o d u c e d l-y p a r ' - i l f o r F u a n i i t a a .

of tiie .-incerity of the Czars proposals for jicace. Correspuad*at« of li. II. McCoy will adlrera him hereafter It to th* pal'lic ia th^a attracti».s fo-w: ir-J t.iis • Sitanrt oa ihe Mtdr tixti Sabjrri^ of Qapllaze,** f l w i . l h * - ' r rj.eiiu n.. mure Uiaij liPty cruta cach month
tist Manorial. umns to others in aid of every good cause, I beg a at Mill Towa, Alabama. shoald be sj^nuwlej^ed by a Tis-irou^eff rt to ^I^e t^? Ui«torT wit X «» n
. i'jiro.:uc'. .rj li .VT-.*. C>y J. IL. Gnvys. I* jr«..l. r O l
" rrprr c, scripts u i- -.a'a.-rilicv-d.
the Liverpool Times u.«cs the following positivt kn- of Campbeilisijia seae-sl circnlatioa—1'> pic-.- it in e.^.-^faiu. M ; cax.oavf Pr=.f-- r-r v-rk ^t^ '.'.".r la-i' ai, j.iti.; .^.jal. t.r (.KO-i:-; tai.JI ibtolbcla-
W H Bro. Bijrvws, the Editor of the Memorial. little space to speak of Bro. Buckner and the C r ^ guagc: To CorrraFomdenU.
ily ia the wile land —r-na-jirt o r iLo iuV-JCls "f l i cii» V s e a r^oof«>r»d V-- iiniii- tu iiwlAul rai-t.i.-i-.u.
an2?wer the folic-w^og qustions? Mission. We es|>e.*iaUy commend thia Irjok to onr own rea'ters. IPs vL? iMcurlrj iato \Thich P 1 or- aJuwaag i t i r.-r t:.„ ts Jirficleii lo use tare e/ Ut^
'•We have rea.sou to know, from a source of uii- Correspondents shouU n*T»r f»il to |iT* th* Poat-olBc* of (Dr. Jet*r's) book ta written in tbe ppi.-it a aul f*il. il c o Q 5 ! i e r » . i s J i i m ^ r U n : c o t r t r i b a l i n - a t o tb*- r.i-i-rilp. A'.I.""-rf-rMiii<t,.uce.
L Why was Jiiaus baptized before he preached? Bro. Bockncr has returned from his fidd of labor, questioruible authority, tliat the Government «T*ry person whore tusnei^ they wirh to hare attended to. abl* Christian maa. with entire candor, wi'b rhariry kiTii- » ' i - u i j U i t l a 9 B ' i p l i < ! t a l a l i a '£11 f o r p * i S i i i v ® R c t : » » a w n i a * ^ p:' 1 aU' i t»liariiiiin-, i- lia' W to inspM-liou.
M. F. Lockj. Wc think yoa for th* listof new iub^eilUrs; by nead, aad with umch i>LilIty. Tbr bool£ ru<ht tu ii^ circaiaLeJ . - I t -I U u . i « t i n B a p t i s s i . 1 : pr-.r-j s a i u r a l a a W - j s::- • .icnji l^-l •.. U : lij iLiiitruun balals;
— IHd the priority of baptism, in this case, mean n»t of choice, bat of necessity. His agency is not arefdhj com inced of the sincerity of the Czar s de- yea will plea*e choos* (oae other pr«mium, as we bar* no thoa' * aDda all oT«r tac VTsb' . —Ciri3:ia:t I'*. tuoriiy o t b c i c r o c a t d s of & P r i n j i i i T c B I U - , as l i r l i a i u f ul. - i f. : h»r Wi;e£t DiU-t be dep-.Tiit-a -aith tb*
Th* work of D.-. Jeter, wr tten at the r^.q-a'^i of scTenl of I: litiwall b-» r on! in iLe Vh-a^j of t^rer^ ^cboUr, bat ia Pruni'.irs it--pt'«ci r . - . ...
nothmir? one of his own seeking—it is not the woric he loves sire for peace, aad it Ls more than prubable that the copies of th* '-Rerised Sciiptare*" left. "u acrcwuf* *i!l 1-' • af-dis tosri. t xcr.,t cnd'r fkr Jpe-
hi.s brethrec, is a cie^r ciLiiiUoa aad able refr.toli.,a of the
3. Were not "iv twdvc aposdcK baptized before —nothing but the hope of being able to awaken a fortiicoming Congress at Vienna may readily settle R. H. Sparkmaa. Moaey reoeired-will yoa b* so kind aa to em»r8 of Campijellism. which m.ny ^'oard tiie uan-ca j tb'.'tau "!» ut pfvAz. l\ lTc« u c i -I Iir-.cLi.tinrj n>-J -r.s .r,t J-I.rrx:
i'urtu: crcrGueruiau., G t t c r « i f l « , _ WW^n H « N tippim:
upptrsi ia
the scares of tbe here^isr^h —t' A .- I'Miajt Ohxcrrtr. b W rvqu' -tft-. tu ibo / o i.tir-.l-i-rt' i ; iri
' ' greater interest for his mission among his brethren the question. The fact is undeniable that he de- giT* a* yoor^
a a T 1 " : i h i t fujid-., n i i l t e f o r -
they were sent forth to preachi SIIKLDON, LAllPOKTi ULAKtMA.N. PuUi/hor«. i M i l l K S , A.-tF T r a P ib Sc-c. VT. - r-ioa ivr Ihot I'ltrpo.-^;.
L. B. Learall. The letter waa recaired—aceoant ciedltetl to Feb 17, -Jj-tf iV» H i iVajsaa S:retU A'sio 1 «ri. X f Va- V o r u : 1' iif»'.c iinbii- e c o u o m y s i a l E i J a ^ . l i t i l v , i) u ^ y - ^ i r j
4- Were not thi: seventy disciples? iit the States and freeing it from embarrassments, sires poacc; and will even go beyond the four points Itth Oct, IMS. Bariew wlli be milled n*it week. L.vTdPoaT A CO. o't jfj is prt»-crihe»l.
5. Why was S»al of Taisus baptized before he wihidi were crushing him aad his co-laborers, induc- in order to sccurc it. He is willing, we have been Joha L jrSilB eayi that h* law and ezaraiaed tb* '•Tennwee* POLVTECIIMC COLLEGE OF Till: ST\TE OF P. 3 —TiiMQ Tiil b.i r-udi ca i'i9 Ifitb of 1\\a A ^f :: it a /i.iri Green Wftrtted.OTlUafulrfceach
15> I•vli )ali or j*"- immf a* tue ui-^1 cii'.'oa y..u ••lii'lj fhualtl tint irt/A lArai wt/'S rj i:it
became a pruachei ? ed him to quit the worii to which he has consccrat- given to understand, to exceed the four points by BhpUsf—aesamed the ageacy of It, aad ienda a* AT* new igb- PEX^SIXVAMA. RJIPIDAJ T A K - A U D . T b » U » U C I N W U . M L TO U I S I R ^ E i T ' uf lam MLcks lo be larR^ aad vad.ird. » "
•cribers. Tkaak you—we wish more waald aisam* the »ame Jsaai-T .S.^5. f . T P . I T N I N J R , «Acb Paj-.l Hbs-uia lusve ? T - C i*4«i
6. Accordiiig to the gospel, arc not preachers sent e# his life. consenting to a large maritime reduction in the office. We i*ad .ron the bbok aad extra copy aa yoa ordered. Ptnn Sqaare« PbUadelphln. Piiii (jiasham or M^i^liu, niid tvo rutTtuton ^i'kht Brrj-t.*,

E G A M Z K D oo t h e p l a n o f THE I N L A - T R M C O L L E G E * w lUm-. ^ }'iain Sists* jSa.'-itn. Ai-"»o. otit' iirrcrsLMrii IJrts*.

fljrth by the dujches? I am happy to say that so far as he has visited Black Sea. and to tiie presence there of a maritime O. D. Battle. The mor.ey is receired aad dii^aed of w yoa tiii«Qtal £QROR«.
m«aMd rCBRUAIlT 15^5.
X H E fcurtli T E X L - A I AAAL K<'>'>4VB c o z n - O
L ' A S C £ R $ C.KS E I I I ' L B D } . Hi erv- Dreu hlioald be accjmjT-Xii-l by a SaeL n/ lii <«UfU ma*
7. If sa, havt pet the dmrdiiM jurisdiction of t i e churches in this State he ha.s made the very best force ill the interest of the Westcni powers. He directwi. K S 0 W t h i s i a D O A I E L l y pUysiclaca generally. Tiiey bar* terra. — .•

preachera? impression for himself and mission. None com- desires, nevertheless, to retain Scbastopol, and if the names a.-* traaaferred as yoa ordered.
P. M. Miller. We did not recei»« tb* letU: yoa apeak of— TACULTV.
Snginetrin^ find .UatA-m-iriVa—l*rof ? II. ^lvBo^T.
trea*..-#It l b . 2 t i J f e , AIJ I i : 1
a » M t e a i i n e a l . - . i r r e o i i a c o w c o a . ' e - 9 t h a t TLIE k n i f e i s npeedy d e a t h
"froTes fatal. T b * JxtHZtls—One of 5:Ttxir: ia vitti»r. triaxxn.ediriUi4ttri;V''c*'«
Ltr^in^ Bibboa, pUia «K>i]l cuUrr; iij nosixsTr, troKiaald ^illa
8. If ao, are n Jt preadiers members of the churcii- plain wbere he is gonepiat they had to gire to get the Allies now succeed in destroj-ing tiiat fortress, Theoret. and Prari. O'rmistrv. A. L. Ki:\nedv, « D. t o tlie P C T I E A T . X L I S J-hysiciaa w i ; o : . P P I I T : S t h e k n i f e t o a c a n c e r Pi/-^ Lusirins, i»l«iu enii»i ccbjr—oiiij aitu rape tXMd SXrirngx
H. L. Brar. WiU yoa (ir* the Post olBc* of A. J Smith! .Hm^ru/o?^ a»J .M'xii^—Prof W U B. ThiXaj*, A. M- ia n o t F c . - ^ a a i u t e d * ITH t»IO DIACRI^SIS o f t h e D I W W . — b e llwd wilb Pink or lr—uo LoTser-i tT tuba. Also, tTTo
csl rsl of his boring and teasing. Bro. Buckncr docs ho will not pledge himself not to rebuild it. Jlr! John Everett*. We ahaU bar* to wait antil we know yoar JJfcAaatr^ amd Maehimery—Pr©fa KrsxKDT Pcabodt. Kia^r.wta itriu-li'.a at.'e A^I p;.it.less Ep«cl5cs i^ij* OiaC ui Dark Grtca CoUoil. cjid ua-f «if Pink
former addres*, befor* we can Had yoar account. This kniwn, JrekiltciHral amd ^e*kaHical i>rau*»n;—Prof <1. Ki'ms. for tha 'i^rt.-Jn cnrfl "f t^i' itr-ra-.! d-'s«.-e. Th'-'sd remedies fbare
If so, iavr- tliey not beea baptizcdl Or can not beg. In an earnest, unsophisticated narrative Cobdcn stated this fact at Leeds on Wednesday; but Modtrn Laneuages^Vroft A M A R E M I ^nil E\?i:rr. cs -d wii'Q the mo«t capariUeieu .•iiiccess ft»r the pa^t foar y c a r a , ji ro»i3, o." Bru'Ru Line a and Bjxrc-d Jii^—luice oT Silk
aad aU will be mad* itraigLt. A O S O Q O E E M C D T I P t a d farlb«r lofontutioa furoiAbe^J oa ( f o i t - williout Tag LOSS 0/ c i ; lss azsuneu cxi-^, : ppri.iiU-d "
imbaplizcd persin^ be dinrch members? of the daims of his mission, blended with a r eh no one supiwscd for an instant, what we liave now p a i d ) uplieatioa t o P r . A. L. Ebknki.t. as nbove. •WHAT ph.^TiiciBn ia Toime-set.^ can tliii o f Li^ t r e a t m e n t o f iiia-all Liaeu Collan», wltii Blurk \clrct Bm-la, ar» vcrc'l-
IQ. Bad then l>een PedofaapOst preadiers n the vein of pure gospd truth, illustrated with gospel strong reason to beUeve. that he spoke from inspi- 1,000 C0LP0BTBUB8 WANTED:: M. NliTrKIRK Pre-t. Bo^rl f'f T'a-. t h * f e r e r o r MEAAL-JTI? I ' o t MO-IJC^II S C H U U B uecy t h a t o a e eoii- tlie actL. N'j aeck iiul>oiad art: tLden-ivd.
J . MCISTTCB, T e b IT '5S-3t tarycaaaoi C a n c e r WVM EVAR carti: . ^ r e t h ; : y w i l l i n g t o b e c o a - AU tbe Dreajjcs mc-t be u«ui2 j-'r/ffi^jr fiaia.
apg^olic age, w lufd Panl have recognized them as practice, and f o r c e d by gospd motive, lies his chief ration. The infonuation has rcached us from W* wishtoaa^ag* a reaponsibl* Oolporteor ia each Aaaocia- Tiaced? I o&r tbe follo-'^a; . AU Papila, except thoae la aaocraia;:apparel, CTMI kt jmrcid^
Uoa in the SoaUi-Weat, tong •aoagh at least, to canTau erery C H A L L E S B E TO A X 7 M E D I C A L 8 C H 0 0 L : ! Md leuA thi Vni/oTvit aad meat appejx ia' ii, oa'BttbfaiA, txid
gospel mmistcrsf eKceOcncy as an agent. He '-testifies to the things quarter so lugh that it may be reUed on as the ex- CIBCTTLAB. Let a n y lUedlcrJ £ c b o i ) ! i a t l i e Vaited £ t a t n a e a d m e a p a t i e n t oa all faWicf«ccBaicca. .-V- ^^t '
Church and family within th* boand* of **ch Atsociation, for
I I . Why do nov Baptist churches cnhdn unbap- he has seen and heard" in such touching strains of position of the Czars feeling at the present time.-' the Bale of the foUowint n*v pnbUcaliona, that will b* t*ady ! B w i t h n o s m a l l D E G R E E o f p l e a s u r e t h a t , as Trastee*. w e aSiicted wiili w h a t U i e I ' U A I T Y o f ^ I ' I S c h o o l s h a l l proaoaace t o Aaj Pb.ia Dresaes mnj be woa-n for ordiaaiy. Ecbool dntieii.
tized men to thi froii. of the m i n u ^ ? ^oguencc as to convince every hearer of his own Exckangr. on or befor* tlu fintof Uarcb ISU:
eoi<(tatalate t h e F r i e n d s a a d Patrona ol t b e I l » I . S T v ; 5 I S a r -
TIST F u i l i I»3TITCie apoBiU eoatiaaei p n ^ s p e r l t y ard e S - ce e« rR; BM&TaItD* Eadmittiac
r be"a*»nuine C a n c e r , a a d I wUl p r o m i s e t o c u r e t h a t Tory C a n -
D t h e F a c u l t y o f s a i l S c h o o l V I I L a g r e e t o U R E me a
t h e c u r e , i f c u r e d , D U L Y A I ' J N T A B Y liem, aad
Unltrrlida for tlit; LaL' o nu
oa rt-asoaable terau. jtrt it is eiime-ily r<!,n«t«a tl»t Pnjifab;
Cua Uwrri Iji: -^tfaifaod s^ Uaciui,
deoey. Dariag t h e p o r t i o n of t h e seuiun THAT h a c l a | M e d , •aaled ' V I T K th^i g r e a t a « a l o f t h e i r CcUcje, aad t h e y shall aot b e famished/rom kcuit. Evtry artizti tifctaikiMS mmti^it
IfL. Would tills be wrong if there u no necessary earnestness in his work, and conviction of duty in '•Tai OuaT Inos W H I » L : " o a r Priacipal a n d h i a Assistaata h a r e C I R E A t h e mostentires^t- l^rrkcd tciia Iht otriur'j nc.K:.
smptmBl anmthHion between baptism and preach- pursaing it. He needs not piles of journals and re- Rrrlral lalelllgmcr.
Or, Methodism ahown to be Chriallanlty ttetriid, and Bspab- iafaction, U D w e b a r e n o h e s i t a n c y i n s a y i a ; t b e i r s e a l w i l l n o t reqaired t o gite t h e certificate f o r T » elre o r ci;I.tecB M O O T L J AF-
t e r t h e caae naa b e e a t r e a t e d ; O R .
Ueanism tieJriesnfi, Is • (arUi of Letton to Bishop Soal*.— a b a t e . T h e P a p i l a hax* m a d * v e r y r e s p e c u b l e progcw i n T h e faoalty o f a n y lledical CoUeje, o r r x y responaibl- P H Y » - An addiUon of forty feet square, aa.i Eosr staiiH Ugli, Ijav* - ,
ing? ptirta to tdl what has been done. He gives what Price f 1 GO. t h e i r i t n d i * * — h a r e b e e n b l e t s e d w i t h 1 "h e a l" t "h , a e d a r e appareal- iag lefcui sia^ to the niaia btiiltTi-ig, Uie Jadaoxi cm .novlsoa*
Tot th« Tennenee Biptlrt. ly onateatod asd h a p p y . icjan, m a y s e n d m a t e a caaes o f eoafcised C a n c e r , a a d I w i n fortablj accommo-Jate Tteo Hintdrcd ajtd Fiftg Picitri—^ne^
13. If an unl^>tizcd man baa the r i ^ t o preadi, hi! knows and has seen. While listening to him on A CosciM BinTon or BarriiTs: We f e e l aatared t h a t o n r Institatioa a f f o r d s a a M A T a J r a n physiciaas proadae t o c a r e n i n e o u t o f t e a — q a i t e a a l a r g e a pivparticB a a halt ot Ujcm Soardtss; aadaaatof thcrsomsliffiia^oaryoBiig.
closing a series of meet- tagee as any o t h e r i a £ a s t Teaaeaaae, I T ^ T E R A V i r g i n i a , EI I eaU n p oc na rteh eo f Uedieal t h e aimple«t fonas o f diaeaae. ladies oaly la each. . ^ i
has he not a riigiit to adnmnster the ordinances of sc veial occasions, I- have wondered that any could B B O T D E B G H A V E S ; — I n Showing a auecenion of Charche* from A. B. 30toA. 0. &houl o f NafhTille, »
North w u t Carolina. N o iastitatioa c a n b e f u a a d w h e r e t h e r e
fail to fed an interest in bis woric. Indeed, giving ings at this place, on the 4th inst, it was my privi- By Q. H. Orchard, Eajlaad. 3M pagu, $l 00. • I H b e a m a t e r rallnoaa iaSnenoe e x e r c i s e d . a i y i n t b e traatmect o f t h e C a a c o r t o t h a m o aTt R ^ I D Int RATES OF^TVITIOS, tC.
thegospd' Th* T*rr work Joit now ne«d*il to t*p*l th* aMertlon our with all lie i»| .. n o w I n a t t « n d a s c e , wboaO miutle a r e a a S - fSr t r i a l .
The teachers, s k i l l
Dos rd and Taitioa win te payxm, 'ns - i<il/j» citrtaCar; tie
I-l. Do<a the c::pres!don, ' ' i ^ liini ttijit- hearetfa -ta- Bro. Bot^ner is but to realize the truth of Scrip- lege to bi^tize twcuty-mnc persons into the fellow- *a*mie* that BapUtta had theic origin witb the mad msi| of etenti; auto TB kadentasd t h e p l a a o f s a l T a t i o a , a r c p r o - T h e r e aracaw« wluch I e u e p t i n t h e a h o T * Challeage: baiaace, at t^e e ^ of thelosion.
ATid^on mti^t b^paid r^>m the tirre oT Entnmhcto cLus of
say come," r^fer to prcaching? tSTB, '•It is more blessed to give than to recdvc." ship of the churdi. among whom was the esteemed Maaator or Roger Willianui It la th* oaly American ra-priat Joaeaboroagb feaaon o f nUgien.' Bo awr* H * a l t f a y o r uceaslble p o i n t t h a n I . C A N C ^ i a t f a e m o u t h o r tiiroat. '
oo dsaaction, except at tin'diaarKoa-MllaXtUtff
coald h a r e bees S E L E C T ^ . O a r a c h ' ^ L - r o o m a are A . W b e a l o c a t e d w h e r e i t caaaot b e r e a c h e d b j ; . m y remedica.
Professor, R. IL Keeling, Prindple of the "Holston or Octhaid'a Talaabl* CroaoIofieU Biatory. l a r g e , T I T Y andcomrurtible; o a r boardlag h o n s e a h a r e readcr- S . W h e r e t b e p a t i e n t Is a f f l i c t e d irith a a o t h e r d i s e a s e , o r a f.-!-. - - V
13. U it does, inusi it not en&race aU tt^nt hear? e d entire aatiafaetlon, a n d o a r t e a c h e r s h a r e g l r e a abuadaat eompUeatioaoftliseacirs. I l u r e h a d p a t i e n t s s e n t m e lathe ToBaj lady m-jst fStmivb her oim Towels and TaUe I&pS-
Bro. B. is now making a tour to the S<»th on his Baptist Female Institiition,-' and his worthy com- OtiB CnLsan'i Booi: proobof t h e i r a U l i t y t o t r a i a yonog l a d i e s f o r s o c i e t y a a d aae- l a a t s t a g e a o f coasamption. T b : Csnoet w a a corcd, b e t t h e C o n - ^ii' FtaiLtr Btds are re-^aired, tiiey wiil be auipiied Implied atV-
16. If ao^ wh ja the widced hear, arc t h ^ to be- •amptiea
a|;eiicy. My l o n g u d intimato personal acquain- panion, C. licding, with some fifteen of their pu- ConUlalng the most attractiTs andantcrtalning raadiogfvr th* falnees. W * h a r e r e r y eaperior U a a l c a l Ia.stramenta—aa e x - k i l l e d .
_ pcrmittci to rtscirB her IHjdsma plOBanntil. aaiil
come prcacheta too? a l r e PhlloeDphleal. Cheaiical, a n d Aitrooomieal Apparataa; D . X ^ p a f i e a t s h a l l n o t b e BO oU s a d w e a k l y , t h a t t h e r e ia n o t
tijire with hina, my kcmvledge of his great s u ^ - pils. Besides these, there were a number of other •'UtUe folk! at horn*." Pabliihed BionUily. Temu p<r so it•ae aaboit, • erery ••• f a l l illaetratloB o f a l l t h e iaSeiest ritality l e f t t o prodacs graaaiaUoa, a f t e r t h e c a n c e r i a
H I U aeceasary f-o r a -iUilla»tr»tloaofallthe
al'^ibOhi are seslt-l
—The f«'r flte B^iard and Tnltlon of » ybta^'*
17. If they am, why did Paul rjimmarul tJie nnm, SI 00. T
stadiea pnrmed. ' V N a r c p r e p a r e d t o give glre iastracti
iastracUoa i n t h e tFT.. TT hh *e C a n c e r ahall n u t h a r e b e e a o f s o L - s a g staadlag a * t o
t a k e n o a t .
isig, the truth of the statements of his conviction, youths, who bid fair for usduhicss. We had also '•T»i SocTHiRX BanuT BcTiaw.'* Oraamntal Branehei, Hasio, D rrawiot, a w i n g , Polatlas,
Polatlas, £M Embroidtiy, uarxuias Laglisb amiii^a {Icktrciaental Unidc natln-^
things winch he had t a n ^ to be fntrnniHivi by cl-iJ.r)WiIll«$llSaicar. * , ^
aiidthemagnitadc of Ms work, have induced ^ to some five or six; valuaUc accessions to the churdi, Publiahod monthly. Term*, 93 00 por anaaia. Ac. B y lefrreoee t o o a r t e r m s i t w i l l b e s e e a t h a t t h e y a r e hunjBTo ^ T O L T E D s o m e Tital p a r t , a s i a eome t w o o r t h r e e « a a e *
Tinartfcy -to Ciilh/ui mci^'' below aay other lastitation vf the aame grade. Lt h e r e . I d o n u t P R O F C A t o rejaTenjteold a g e , o r t o r a i a e all'iargve 'X * .1 k%Mdrid md ttccnty.Jirt dt.Uam ,
a i ^ for him a oordial rec^tkffi iu the Sooth. Breth- during the meeting, by letter, making thirty-five ThoM wiahiogtoap«nl oa* or two nunth* proflUWytothem IT* at* pi*ae*d to *** that some IntereA haa been awakened . bat to Cure CUKCcrs undtr ordinary ctromsMitcel. for Eoard, 'Tuiti-a, Hooka aadj.__
laQ* pursuing the bifbe.-t Eitelisk Bdifttfex, ai'd 1
Ifi. Does not the r-flngnitimi of an onliaptiacd andttserallytoothen, will forwanl their aamei, vltb a aaoag oar people oa the nbject of female Kdaeatiau; bat Tet I har h a r e lacoeiiafuily t r e a t e d patieata f r o m TO TV S O y e a r s o l d .
n a , hear Bro. Buckner. If, whoi you hear him. additions to our membership. The baptismal scene MlTes good refereaeo.tothia OSe*. 6KATKS k UAXK8. WhiU thi* U, to aotae extant, trae, ve bare to regret that the • a Iy RcYa s Ie st ei nn dfatai* n o medicinea o a t C T s t y o f f i c e , n o r ahail I t r * a (
Pi,%.i>.. oron the Jblbdcon, oron tlai fliStit. "-ri'JSr'sj-
pcrCTaa a go^danniBterTirtaally reduce Taptfsrn intoreet tf not *1B*| to the demand of tbe age. nor aaScleatto e x c e p t t h o s e w h o p u t theauelTa* a n d e r m y
liiiseatimate, of eourw, dura rot ooverliisirseHa^Iloi^Ia-
jtaa do not give, you need not fear he will make you was supposed to have been attended with from 1,000 reaiaia aatil prs- Uiiiic, or Sheet Uasic, loraLdieil. This list itEin teKtdi^-
toannllity? enooarage tb* laOdabl* eObiM made by tlie trustees and friend* p * R * o a a l t r e a t m e n t , a n d c o a a e a t t o w i t b a *
tir^ij- ua th*.««a«nt and profid-ncy ot the' Pafil. - as.-
oDtoiions a newspaper pnliicatipn, or gooffmnt- to 1,300 persons. SALE OF SB. M'LANB'8 TBRMirCQX. of th* eaterfrii* For n innet be known that do acaaU aaerl- noonood * A T * d o r d i s c h a r g e d h r m e . Tao kiaUtti dtUarz per year win m«t iii th%mexanjK '
19. Is i i iwt Sii^iag^ that such a p e r m ' s £sofae- ID* Among th* handreda of l«ttff*, c*rUaeate* and order* fic* baa beta mad* In onl*c to giT* onr inatitatioa eiiaraetar a^raasioES. a yoiuig lady, dMirin;; to giadaaie w iChAS hoaurs of t&elieB-'
ttring aad abnwng ytm. If yon give, he will not Brother N. C. Baldwin, of Alnngdon, Tirginia, i*c*iT*d by tlM proprietor! ofthia UMdiciae, the Ibllowiiv are and-pennananc*. Awl ftoai t b fact of iU being anier the O r . B - > y d , U . D . , UcLemorecrille, Tena.
dimm ta Christ ia a small matter! ta'-^aud atadyingoi^ Kt<g1isb, with Latin or Jreacli.
Q i t t a j a a t b r o o ^ the press by imy thing, e x c ^ t was with ns from the beginning until the dose of adtctnl to ahow it* ekanetn, lal to* effect of it* uio in a di*. control of the Boliton Ba^tlat AModaflos, 'we ai« eompeQeJ
t« look koaUIy tu tfae d«noBla*t;an for eapport: but wblle this
D r . J . M . F o r t
D r . Dinard, D . D . , L A X L I ^ A , K Y .
, M . D . , U L « a u a r i , C » r . < L .
inKri* leaeocs In Itmbroid^ JPciaans,4«.£ an lakoS it
20. If smrh a ginrCTtJy ftijmlfg that sppnlr. {«trae, «e saa wjr with ooaSiitBe*, that ca (cbuol can be more Wuser Bpladle, FredeiioSi^, Va amst be remunteied, that thi oMiftr tlas'tMl^'alj fanda^
y j g ^ mni figures. He p r e s c ^ none but gospd the meeting. Brother R Martin, part of the time. tant part of the Wait: ia ta be a Idcd to the eharge »i^aaaon,"aadiaa«st amaeUaiF*
lingwpourinsi^biptisni, doM jnncerity atone far fitt) trem wct^aa lafiaenc*. ^ O . B a c k , Ooluabaa,
aotivetto inducemoito g i v e — t L ^ a r e a ^ B a p - W e were h i ^ y g r a t i ^ wiUi a' discourse from R I T I L T O S , Boon* Co. Ia. Hay 10, ISM.
- X l d e r W
H o n . J O D Berry, VISIAIBRAL
exue-d. the e:q>ense of Ttatkm^-dopiidHBg, jatogEthwr, oame
a ne^sctof ana oE Christ's '^mtmi.iTiHui IbuBsf. KlBt> k C«—aeatl<M«t;—IwriU toTmtotsU- Ollievrs. SR rr K O I L M Tm. , U . v., V . J suakaiwyM,.^
•ki^ and amount of the w«^>^nned ih* FBjdl. -
&tA must to induce to act. Brother B. on the subject ^ mode of baptism. Dr.
If Bra- B- will answer t h s o questions, eit a» a g c ^ for Ci* U*il«aU* VfraUiw TO" Boom. B E T Wv. O i z a , CiapM*.~ | )U B H. Kxiau;:, Primeipal. Ot. fr. Barie^ll. D., B l d i ^ , Hn.
nuixri*. Eziraca/rm du Kcpvrttf iit Soard tf firit^SiwiB^fe^-
^ CredcMIanD, indeed aU the KBssions among We have indications of reviviJs in many of our tiBM dne*, t parehaaad on* dosni Tialiodlr. p. Xdy, tndp^ ItraB U. Kctuaa, Uitsic.amd Ornamtntal Brr.HCkts. \t. VSLBA, U. D.,
Pstenoa —OUcW mn
at some future &ite whaa Ir fefcl-moire xoquidSre stenoa Tanner, Atbana, Ala. • Attg Ou imu AM*ii<a Sxt
tiie SouSi-waetern tiSbei^ have q « d s l daims mKm cfaardiea iii t t e suinnmdiiig coontiy. i U y tl^ •ern^ H i a m y ^ ^ e * ; aadit p r a ^ •» tAetaoI in iOke «t- HusE A, B..TEnuA,, i.U.
M.«atO«.t.lK». aatoB, n. HacfrMAoro, Tnm. rhe examination was coad
than I & a | r do, I may prdpose a few "addiKooal pmltimm «/»*nn«, thitu tiMr. ptirmHmt will —tuff tt* X B U U — i l a n t h i . .1,- J B.ataT**,Ka*hTilU,T^ fan^kirial manner, the tuoiabsi
the South- They bare tibrown thenudres i^Qn L o ^ jixospet the g o ^ begim woifc in oor m i d ^ c^i'afiM ^tiit tilUf U4 cku)it|r. : Fi**a« w a t m out Prima^Jl^url^Bt-S^ing,Be.«iiof, Arithmet^^k^oo Ool. JohBMeO**, J>«tt«,0«>JjU. - ^ - the po)^ after Oey bid ben
qaanes. " J. IL - J . S . l I c I k n r t a , M D . , H » i e i a , - K | . I
the S u u t t e u dinrdie^ l a d are om day to' Gotm & • WiuxufCiTc. gnm ofib* Tcnalfai* immaitl^lj. 'Tonn, t e .
part of sstod^ States , ^ • r ' BSUITBI:, B08I. P A f i ^ ^ D^tfiai*Btl-^euIac, BMdiac- Wrttlac,
• m a i a a l i n x atXewlstacgE, l e Hiaton, ArlUunetie, Watt: oa the Mud, titamaw ud edlt^ oCimanKtl^-: W U i
i n ^ is o i n b e e a m C ^ m o v s ^ , - " - I ^ I •
itWriiiM, - - . - - nsoo CA2rCKB CURED—iV^. 63. irlii.4 all tk* frofcMon
rwtrCk CI*** Bp»lling, Bending, Blatory, Aritlim*tie, area- R L ^ M S to o e i « F Y ^ I B J W b e e a asktwt W I T K . a O R A E C C Boa sT tteJr elaasw,«!
a n i a c i a R f i s x x D i f y fb ttte l^oqi&Eta gtafapi 1 ^ mtt, KatW«l U a m l Comp«{Uu«...._ . . .. - »20 00
far Tbbi Ola*—niitoBr, AndaatQaOgmptiy, PbOoanphy, Anato- X oa A V B O S * W I K B i a s d - < I t s a p p e a r a n c e fifteen n u * A I M
in t ^ r tereial dvputamts,'
ft* B j u t i s & ^ P W S I U M D ^ - - ^ ^ (BduianM tf —^wta. .
i^minirfirta o t Om flnnriiteg ^ s m t i ^ l ^ f t o d&rcites K bkptian Ti^ii^mimijtfflBdtojiftm colorad gaiem « errjr tnaf.' 'Wt Mhtt it ii tji tti Hit Tmnifrngi nvtr w i t h i n t h e Uat FLO Y M H i t COMRN n e e d I V R E C H I ^ ^ U N ^ * ^ -
perfect eysien and
iacMtni. -J V • • MJsit- t o « » B - « w o o t . i s i S h o u M S s n s h ^ i ^ T^ ' M^lofj,
^ Buttay. tiwonb^
rtitjliawituu^ liia "^axs? « K J . J ^ t o t ^ ^ a t i ^ u d sik to cooM B ^ ^ lfrt]toldzr-'Urwiu)i«eoiu*ti7. - dO 00 toftoatorDrV B t t w e e n foitr a n d O r e w t n - K I a g o , I p a c r - I myieU
V. JuaaiTior UarftMiMM.«ni«nei.
U ^ T U
on «U oceaaiona.
- • S. L H t t * . V.l.-Xh«iton niaaU* fmaBiBufa, ^IfB .ftiriiiiilUtoniw*, XrUMeekAr OhMUattf. U- DrJaaaaKjlia*" «iUnir>aIlTteab»U
"- r toga, notidthataadiv "
Cocingw^X^^ J ^ 31,18®.=- ^ , ' ^ "' " lUre; a perfect
tiw tvfM began U/tnig-ttwr-viatmhBtiajf^me, DR OtlUed, A as
Uadc ticaH« CM tboae bapttod-IMtilVHM^an afMrM tieilhweWiii^W
Br. WUMtf O M u m ^ ^ ^ f m n f . .
^vMib: ' H - b
y D C J a n u
1 a r y . U J RE-IDT>AC3
C A T O A B I S B O . ' I H R ^ X - ; .
M W L N L A - .
^ H * «FL.jeel of R » I « R

ITiBWiaiyy ' i p M ^ Of S o n s CtKWfy* E a u w e - I w flH V R ^ I ^ ; O A S T J E R O D B E I ) - > - J & . 6 4 . ARS •8^« I l. T Iaxiiti
B A I 7 iatbe bni aot S o afall/apiurcialol.
'' "gjrittaiifciwwSliiE^ y iiM la M N C T E T O W U Y ' T T I S T , ! IWT«B**a *AI«(^IRHK ty to be Ibabd rlsewli?re,-aa ^ U a t j a ' o T '.h* klad wttSi i
•iBChta.«*eomiDeiidit,aiid(BlltU? r* "
Am i» T -—
m Qm zoof
•ijH^r R.JAMIR/,»FLL>«R|
hadmSiVthe waj})vludi e £ t o ^ i t u aofi. tura a s a Baptist w o r k . M r . GtarfS, bdieriag iu
M 7: 7: a' T
V w Ik* t t S M M M •«pllrt.
L & M P O B X f t m A X E K A V , PDBUCAXIOtU OF T H K
DiiA B u r h u s : — I t ' b i i t o ^ ^ in the P a k l b h m , tmpvHtn, BMfeMllmaad atsUaaen, S O l T T H E B l i B A P T I S T P U B U I G A -
a e a t to c p ^ p o s B O i ^ I i a T e writ- doetriaes to b e unsounjl, QKTUM
W e s t e n t n k a o T M c u i s a a , to t ^ Mr. O M B i ^ t I I * J V a « M « Stn»l, { t e t i m ' M M w l Aan 8U.,}
ten. It ahauxidsiapaan»aaiiTBlgarbuigaage,and BaptisfSfate Cbdttttfe^ toSH>6mft'iria1feftaTtJ
aHtdcfl a n d T i ^ ^ tfa« f ^ e o a e ^ B a p t i s t , ( a a b e N«w nd
intfaennitdiagmi^imi»gcry. T h e j e s m t k a l at- fcr a p ^ n l a n d . l g r t l w a r e j e c t e d ) & 8 a a i l e 4 i t i « * . S A i
n o . r n w m * eo.i B M t a a . t.
eaib'tbw.) M a i ^ a r aa^tbobght^tfaat b e ^ w a s a* lIABt.B (XffiS-JULIi a n n C B C
t e m p t o f M r . L o w i y to j u s t i f y h i s Tulgarity, t y in- s m e s of Bombers. I t w a s d e t o d c d b y i U authoc. AftUt rwttitAn* ff M—ktUtmi fnm tiU Fnnmf 'lajtBthaatTanttouefthatknaara^i
m a n o f oaderetaiiding-iecquaintcd w i t h t h e ralea I S a o , taikarB»r
B o t h genflemenj d o u l ^ e s s , b e c a m e more or to«e»aiBC'IUl:flBk..»l la. • v .it . tirthj'ar thairaiptriJattirthiu.
annatmg that it o n l y fuOoira the e x a m p l e o f M r .
emtemsanl of d i f f c c t ' interpretatioi^ a i l d ' ^ d i r f s U a n ' c o u r t e s y .
GraTea' pampidet, cannot ^ d d h i m froin the losa exdted. a n d m a y have M d things o f e a d i o Q i w ^ b f
Scr t h s n - B o t a h a ! te b o t b m w ^ t n M a k o L ' ^ !
a n ofajectkmaUe c h a i a e l « . The d«istjandg|iic- Urtml B>«lH,,ab»t-a«rt« imt 8t«tioM(r, at k « U A M H
h e m o s t saffer i n t h e estimation o f e r a y fair-mind-
panae m Ist Neneof m here' M a n y confidence i n b i a f—'gm pralaeUoa, all tf willed ar* oKtnd at n m a t r n M l ;
e d Ml*" H a l t panqAlct m a y contain u n s o u n d po- ter o f M r . G r a r e a w a s n o t involTed i n thia «mta>«- W l w l e e * 1 1 * B e U l L ^ e d . 1 a««Btiel
feecntlr appear- aysteoi, b d t fit>m b i s b ^ b pi«tent>0iis fi> a c b d a s t i c |lT»B«o m i O j u t rabUc, M n t a , m l SoBfaraabai - SabopI U b n -
Bitiooa, B l u r t e d b y fidse l o ^ a n d m a y b e alto- T e r a y , a n d h ow ^ ^ v e r e l y h e m a y h a v e b e e n spo- rta^-^ V H « w l a r a t t > M l o » t o a d « d t o t t e M b v i a c^to thalr aatin (allBMa fo
n g u t u r e oT L i U attainnadit^ b o t h a s a l i t d ^ M i d a theologi- -- W a liika thaaa inriant ljoBi,eritlCTllj: tajarihct aa ttn
k e n o f b y ( K M suSering u n d e r p e c n n i w y k e s fn»n dnoadaktiBaal a M oth^r v o d u b O B ' o w Uit e ( i ^ k a t i e
f e t h e r « T o n e o o a , y r t M r . L o w i y m a y b e dialleng- tha aaraitb tba Bi^kdT of a d *
the d ^ cf a n , c o n d n d e d I b a t b e i N d c a p a U e o f d h k w i n g light Tbia ^ t e-nd— W ibn i^' i to.iha
til ikif ftiM ^ aliiiili a l a a fci n j
T B I AUioent c a x n T U N d u c o t u u ^ « t k » . ( k n a a l l i a haait t b a a n H c T O f j
e d to' p r o d u c e a w o r d o r p t a i s e f r o m it, to paliate discredit t o h k w o r k , it c a n n o t t h u s b e tarnished: r m f k M r t H d u r t a H - l h r a i V i C i t i k w l f M i t . latxod ^ U l s O a ^ p a t M l B B m
frtmi t h e S m p t ^ r e s . I M t I d s b g h t is all ( o r o c ^ y thatala*aiad faaliarwUehttaar Sataarradtoaxptaa. ^ b a aapacUrofi . ' |i'- I ' t . -TiiTlfin. iiilMaa n
lya»TnBWUHi— iifath,We.
hia g ^ - n ^ w g n o l a t i a a o f e r e i y p r i n c ^ e o f g o o d I f so, w h a t m u s t b e t h o u g h t o f t h e m a n , w h o u p o n h/nm « M e b ttomm tit f ulUrftne " O ^ h g to taa af H a p a n f ad. Ualil*
Dkl aZZrpeSaa ^ i S S m s k a * ! , 1
has deservedly so) darkness. F b r instanoer b e t H j K " T h a t I t ' I f
s n c h a loandation, a v o w s that another " s t a n d s " K H J t l U a O A I ^ < M B » r i a i j « fclNttow U aeriftsi*, ar- — a l U oavar lUI ko exdta tba mart daroal
taste a n d c t m m n n d e e e n e y . K o one c a n read the Sanllktn Saptitt.
nofiMtiMWKdPtte afajed yr nnli^^tail cmttaapt n o t o a r fkitb i n ^ C t e d ' s •promises o f r e n d s s k m , b o t n ^ t b r vatiooa o s M t o a a M P r i r a U aad h b U a W a n b l f , . •AttoniMiMBii^i
s v o v a l i o f r e ^ i O D B l s l i t y for its l a n g u a g e a n d senti- c h a r g e d m his o w n c h u r d i , a n d b y t h e religious a ^ M « w c 7 , t a « » t t a r vitt Btilftan T r i r i a i n w Aboat artatr-jlea OeMtamd aaflaa of tUa papte^ a j n a -
V A i i * f c e , 1 U r s < i i e n y « s f destinf,") wad innrer^ o u r g o ^ d o w n into thie w a f d ' t h a t o b u i n s t h e ro^ • r r x q O T . f n n l l a t t h m r H a B i r . T i t k a a A r a m d i s , m ^ Baokbavabaaaimadwitbia t b a p w t fonr 7«ai>, aad U u da- 3d. It a x g B e i f c f l i a i M I B I IkJa. 'lRbaao > i
m e n t s , w h o h M t h e least respect for d u i s t i a n cliar- press o f his o w n d e n o m i n a t i o n a s a n n n s c r u p u t o u s ut m aiatoM atMriSniHaa of S c H ^ t o x n M , « c M H U a c m k t U laaataaUy iaetaaaBC. Cburebai, aad l a d i T M a ^ v h T '
p i ^ M ^ dRumatBDccs scemto jo^j-ui mission o f s m s . " ' A g u n , b e s a y s : " W i t b o i t t a - . / i t n a l i e V l n « ( th* Ductriaw and ItattM oC Banlatloa. panliaaa to aell agaia, aia ajllaTat,$ie«Mt-jfn _prr c m du-
acter a n d d i g m t y , w i t h o u t c o n d e m n a t i o n . T h e liar a n d shuidcrcr o f his o w n brethren?'' H e can-
T b « look for l u a l U ^ p a B , i h M p , « M . catou, / a r cati, t n m rataU pdeaa. 4th. Tba O M a C ^ U a z i m -affl gpesa W
• x p o m s e f tiaU I m n t o d a m g a n c e w h i c h mistakes k n o w l e d g e o f t h e T a c t that t h e b h w d o f Christ' is
g r o T d l i a g m i n d that c o u l d conceivc a n d nttcr siK-h cot m e a n -bg kis <wn ckurch," the c h u r c h at N a s h -
m B A P r m U B B A R , a rvpaUIeMloa of BtaadantBap- 3. T k a V a r if ftlvaUal-3r Xa* S B 0 OoaUl, O
af atlaast flfty par e n d , ia tlM qaaatitr af I
lagotiyfir o h n A f a n R j , a n d , if posmlile, m a k e the b r o t i ^ t i n contact w i t b t h e c t m s d e n c e w h i l e u n d e r vhiUt it ia aa iMtfiMaa ^
d e g r a d e d t h o n ^ t s , m u s t b e tost to a sense o f all ville, o f w h i c h M r , G r a v e s is a m e m b e r , b u t h e tut W w l u - l rol, tio i b M ^ t S W . S . foarth adition—tamo, pp 338; prica Tie.
experiment, and astibTiihad by iriaiitlSii tMt, that riaaklbd
pfaariMfan h a n i t i f fallygwuathend t h e c a n a e irtiich t h e -water it d o e s n o g o o d , it is a blasted n u t , t h e X U ( nlaabl* eollNtioB la tratj a L l b n i r of HaalT. DrHoaaUiianliciowwiascaf riBsaUtpavaraBBdlnEU « l i o a c r B s b a d o r p < i B a d o a i B , a n B W c a I u ^ A r , t k t e battat
d i a m e a n d m m e in c o n s o n a n c e w i t h the society o f m e a n s t h e Baptist C h u r c h at large. I n that v i e w , aaM. Altboach bera aad tbata « a diaooTar in tbia TOIBOV th* <gJatiaa in awrb la« thaa rtwfc I M l a a i H i i M l
h a r e infiarwi a n c h . 9 v e r v t d i n i i g . p u b l i c condcnina- kernel is w a n t i n g . " O I T O B C I R S A H D BKCia O F T H B C K I T X D STATXB, tnoaaef apnaataalbmillarTltkthabaaatiaa o f B t w a i o n ,
cut-tim>ats t h a n w d l b r e d g e n t l e m e n . it m a y b e w e l l to state, w i t h o u t intending to dero- t»lid>f a biltC aoooaat • ( tb« OrigiB, H U t a o ^ Ooetrinaa, O w M i a e b i a c t o f thawTitarwMast ao n a d i to aootha tba.
tion- ^ " N o w , a s M r . O . is a B i l £ c a l s c b d a r , will b e give CkairS eoTwamaat, Mad* of W u d u p T U t a g c a , and StatliUea iBUglastioa by rii^rieal lanitieaa, aa to impart nUgioBa ta- ty tba old B»Uiod of faadlBe cnra apoa -ft* ( n m a S a b m
g a t e f r o m t h e antagimist o f M r . G r a v e s in that coo- tiaa ia waitad, aad whatBTer sa&lmaat tlu a n eaatiila
3Ir. B u m s never read the communication m a d e of aaebBciiftow newmlaatioe, aa far aaknowB—B/ Bav t straatioaaad aaBiata ii*aly a u n k a th* spiataal smwilaKHai
S n a l d the K B I I to b o d o & c e d ffom this e x a m - trorersy, w h o is a m a n o f fine talenta; that t h e pa- US the divine w a r r a n t for the a b o v e doctrine. I f there DoacllMttenia. U o o , detii, (Sc. It forty par ceat} aatiraly Itat. W U b t br CTvM
aad poweiaof btsrOMlara. The work is aa axcdlaat digaat of
b y u s until after it w a s p u b l i s h e d — h a d n o a g e n c y N^par feeding,-alatga aadaaalBM w wmmmmmimm,
l B h i w l i k i , aaa a a Sau
a h tlaa
pla of maal smd^ s o r e to a d m o o i a h tft-advo* brlstiaab tketiaadpr B , aad n v ba daaooiiBatad a afatam
p e r c o n d u c t e d b y h i m h a s g o n e d o w n , whilst M r . is o n e for it w e h a v e n o t s e e n it; a n d w o t h i n k that o o M r B K M n t or tom V A I T H or THB B & p n s n - ofpopalaraad thaoiosy. Tlia croas is tba centra] i^yrioentoftliecsibaecuiad—beii*maiBeheleargalB. TUu
i n its p u b l i c a t i o n — n o sort o f o m n e c t i o n w i t h it
cat<9 of a n ^ m i ^ t e s i that lAa'r quarrdji vitk w e h a v e r e a d t h e B i b l e w i t h o u t a n y ' n n a n ' s specta- Fafa'ite. BraryChsrekihoiiIdptanippljIiaritineBiben. theme anmad wi all othaiB are graaped — S s . Baptist.
G r a v e s h a s n o w b e t w e e n ten a n d t w d v e t h o u s a n d %--factt; a a d w a r a y o f coEdialeoB^teiaflaB.
w h a t e v e r — a n d w a s in n o m a n n e r responsible fur it: T H B O O O B S B O f B M r i B B , T O T A G B O B U T B , OBOSS
the BAle mi tut OuUadtert a / de SMtme Word. subscribers to t h e T e n n c s s e e Baptist. cles." A n d farther, w e a r e a B i M e a U d i n g people, A B O T H B W O B L O . aad «tbar PMam of Tbomas Cola, am- 3 . E * I I a al f a t a a t B a p t i s m . — B y B-* B B C H o w d l , LA-UOTDAON, J
a n d y e t b e c a u s e it contained a c o m p l i m r u t a r y allu- D O . Sixth EiUtioa—ISmo, pp 310; price iOc. .. C.'antiaL Tenaasa-a, paraoBa wiabiim ta u mbBM. vaiBiM
t h a n v i O v e h e r e a i ^ i n d e p i i T i i ^ ^ f i d e l i t y o f its n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g M r . C . ' s assertion to the contrary, knetof bia Lira and Vritiaga—Blitad by Be* L L Hobla-*! M) The work neads ao racoom-ndatioa. It will reeaminrad it- «tdramfha n a d a r ^ a a d a t KaahrilC,1
sion to h i m . it is m a d e t h e pretext for o n e o f the H'ould the mm tcha vrotdd thus attempt to blast 0 0 1 1 V I . e r B B B A D X B X C K O S B B - B j Piof Joha W Sted- self wbararer it i^oea. It WiU aot shrink by i a r a i ^ B t ^ tad
c h & f d i m o i t , u i d i a a o m e m e a s o r e contributed to a n d for o n e , I b i n d m y s e l f that w h e n e v e r lie w h l JanI—a«ma, Tacka SI OO. ^ ^ ^ « i i i * e d a a d pat ^p raady far a a ^ ^ B n l T - n i B 1
m o s t u n s c n i p u l o a s a n d u n m a n l y attacks u p o n h i m the repuialion of another, scruple at ani/thingl coarts sot earnestly asks yoa to make ytKiz^clf v a n a-wauitad
t h e a d T a D c s m a i t o f n c a m o w h i d i is infinitely sa- s h o w a Scripture w a r r a n t b y correct i n t e i p r c U t i o n T B B C O W L B T B W O B B S O F L O B B N Z O DOW—STO, OIIU- with ita traths, comparing it with the Bible. I a my b o a U e l U r F a a a a a w a a t i n g thaaa adOa la 1 . _
B u t w h o is 3 I r . L o w r y , tliat h e s h o u l d prescribe
t h a t ever disgraced t h e c d u m i s s o f t h e '-Religious tratad, with aa latmdaetiaB ky Ber iohn Dawtiaf, D ]>-«l M jndjmaat, it ia th< best work on that aabject that baa m a r baaa - i : ^ O o ^ ^ win a d d i a . J . P . B a o a e D o u ^t B k ^ t r i U u .
perior oT a U pc>3Bial or earthly c o n s d e r a t i o n s . for s n c h t e a c h i n g a n d p r a d i c e , I will b o t h teach isbHihad, or perhaps ever will be. It w o n U appear that areiy la W a t n a , Caanon or Coffia Cnaatiai, a U n a A . B. »••«-»-»
P r e s r " in this or a n y other c M n m u n i t y . Bat no the diariieteristjcs o f h i s anfagciiist U f o r e h o will I H B E P I S T L B T O T H B P B I U P P I A N S P B A C T I C A L L T Uptist who kaew of U u work woaid hara oaa eapy ac mare St . V a j b n U a . Tkaasusa. fli^IS. Tail 1j
To thoM are not familiar w i t h t h e d i c u m - a n d practice i t F o r i f that doctrinc b e correct, w e B X P L A I S B D — a ; Dr A i w a t l U Keanler. TraialatAl ftxuatlu c^iaa, for drcolstioa.—Cor. of CMrtstiam ImJex,
o n e is d e c d r e d l>y it. I t w a s o n l y a IOM? svJtler- coiiMnt to d e b a t e w i t h h u a ? lie- is a n obscure
(Kwiaaa kr Mia H C Ciaaat, U a » , eioth. M e . i r r la Moatpuaeiy, Satberfiad, T i l B a ^ i C S r i l M a n S
S t A o M that riao to t h e -rare p r o d u c t i o n " im- could aooD h a v e e v e r y adult, at, in the U n i t e d fa^aaer naanliai, alilriM H . CABFZB, Si^taia.
4 T h e Craaa By Be* B B C Ilcvell, S B . , Aatbor of
f t t ^ , a q d diall b e e x p o s e d . I f in d d n g so, tx> coar- y o u n g m a n . o f wlioiie a n t e c e d e n t s nutliing is cer- T a a B r i S I L B o r J a U E S - B y Dt Aagaitaa B a a a d u —
" W a * of asleatioa." »ETi]a of lafsat Bapfima," A a . . .
d e r r e n e w , thr fiillsnrin^ aplat>»tiaa is o f f i n d : States in a s a v e d s U t e . B u t until h e s h o w s t h e Tiaadatad ky tha aaaw- U a w , cloth. W e .
t c ^ is d i o w n to h i m , it will b e b c c a u s c h e dcsvrvfs taiidy k n o w n — l i u t if rtimor s p o k e altogether favor- T H B n a n B P I S T L B o r J O B S — ^ S r Baaadar—Tna-
From what w * bava bereto£ore at-ea af B r Moacll^ works,
Ber. Junea H . ( ^ T e s . of N i u ^ v ^ , Tennessee, w a r r a n t I w i H not receive it, a s w e Baptists k n o w jnwpsved, SB taking a p tbe |iimiil *aluae, to expect Sreaaa C a a a 9 , Ala. Ca.,
none. S i r . B u m s w a s dangeroui-Iy ill ( a s is w d l a b l y o f t h e m ( w h i c h s h e d o c s n o t ) lie w c o l d f a D latiri k ; tka aaaa. Uiw>. ekth. (Sc. <eel,si»metoiaitb»te*eld aad-aoarish as
— < i i i i a w a I tiyan tiia r m a e a t o f ' t h e BafitiatEd^ no Rabbis. n ^ i i i t a d foo^ aa w e n aa aaaka ia B< bi_ tTfcBOCS,
into the class, at m o s t , o f mediocrc l u e n — a m a n o f T H B H Q U a — a Tila of B u i U f a — f r a d a n k a B i c n u —
k n o w n i(i C a n t o n ] at the t i m e t h e p u l i i i c a t i o a ' w a s gT*aterte*areaeaaadstnagaalan(v1ba adaralda aareiaiga COMMISSIOM MXaCKAXIS,
veaika Sad^r o f the S t a f t ar U i i a M p i ^ pab 2 . A s for diris-tian courtesy, b e s e e m s to b e d e a d Miaa. iiJii.tiak-
af Eunhiad. W e bara aoS baea diaappoiBted. T b a aaliiur,
m a d e h f u s , a n d b a d n o k n o w l e d g e o f t h e c h a n c - ordinary m t i U e r t , o t d m a i y m a n n e r s a n d e x t r e m e l y H O M B O P A T H I C P B A C T I C B O T M B S I C U I B - B r II IB. i s n .
iidnla£aoa^«hehad pnnriaiialy d d t r e r e d fiom ; « k i n z * a b % saljactthe grsad. exhaartieas aad a i e i ^ n w i i
to it, a s b e h a s n o respect for y o u n o r a n y o n e that Cab. II B — n » - . SI so.
ter o f t h e p u U i c a t i o n for s o m e time after it w a s conuiKin personal a p p e a t a n c c . ' A Z U C P B A C n C B O B MXDICm—Bj tba
daeaw of -Ciuia: craciSBt,- bs* aalotvd it with aaafsai aatli-
the p o ^ in irfaiidi h e 'qneatianed t h e acriptoral tr ta ita reluioas to tbe rwd^asptioB aad assl salrara^ of all I . H . SAAETTTS.
w r i t t e n a n d sent to the peess: y e t 3 I r . L o w r y h a s I n d l these na^iects M r . G r a v e s Is greatly L i s su- d a r e s to eqipoec his w a t e r s y s t e m . B u t I soppcee
•*o,ts w . Whastriaziy keiiera. T I M Cross is tialytb* theme, aad aoosr
origin a ^ argnuiiation oT t h e w i o u Pedobaptiat that m a y b e easily a c c o u n t e d for u p o n t h e g r o o n d m B T O B r O F T H B B A P T I S r D B 5 0 M U A T I 0 X - B r D w i l csa r a ^ Ih* book axtaatirely wixhoat foeliag to a grravr or 0|tALEB I S F C Z S X r C B X A S B P I A S O a , V I S S O W B A A I t I B ,
s t r u c k at h i m w i d i the poisoned d a g g e r o f a n assas- peiiiT.
dnirchef. A •miodeiaUe n u > i i h » o f these were Biaadlct l i P . g b a a p , « » 00 S U M , cloih. tS W- leai exkrat its poxacaml iataeaca. < L m U a g - G i M t t a , Jiaaraaasi, f s . ,
s i n — t h e e n v e n c m e d malice o f a f i e n d — a n d M r . M r . L o w i y h a s assailed 3 I r . G r a v e s ' t h c d c g i c a l that his scholastic a t t a i n m e n t s a r e s o & r a b o v e a n y TbUTalBiUa Drai.aiianioail Hi>toi7 hxi a o * rcachnl the - T ^ Toia-oe will a rea;* «ala am^ag sB who t STBKIT, S a S X I U X A .
eirenlatad i n M a ^ s o n c o u n t y , a n d the anbject-aiat' m a n ' s that o p p o s e s h i m , that b e c a n justly h w k tifklh €JUia» lora to fhTT ia tbe Crosa of Christ, aad to (eel ita caasteVBiai
B u r n s is i n d e b t e d to 3 I r . L o w i y "s i m p o t c n c y fbr hLs s e n t i m e n t s a.^ e x p r e s s e d in the " b o o k , " ( M r . G r a v e s w a a p i ' g M O F BtnOSY—BT U u j B H a v i U — 1 t a l , U B a . w i aaactilriss fowar. I : will, we pmlict. b : tbe aosl pi^a
j ^ ^ M t i a d a o f FandtazBEBiatBiF
ter o f t h e diacoiinc b e c a m e a topic at general eoa-
safety. c a n aflbid to overlook h i s perscnal a b u s e , ) w i t h great t l u w n o n t i M m w i t h o m t e m p t , a n d s a y . y o u brag- ~ I aitb six 8a« Wanotiat >orUaiti; •< « • . h r a^d w i M y circEl«led of zsy of I>r HoseS's that bxT.
rermtiaa, i n t i e coorRe o f w b i < & the a u t h o r wa.4 ii<Htia.Mit>it.n n . yet . . ~ e e m e a d t e o a r a a d a i a ta pracaiail by
U i t e m e s s , a n d there is a p r c ^ m e t y in his m e e t i n g gart, y p u m a n i a c a n d f o d , y o u h a v e n o r i ^ t to s a y tbe Orst opportcgSTty- ' — B i U i t x l RtcrrJrr.
d c n a o n e e d in v ^ i y h a i ^ temu!. T h e p o U i c w i n r e m e m b e r that in t h c . p a m p h l e t W O S D B B d O F a i £ T O B T — B j Jaba Fnmt, L L O - t n . iOaa
S i r . G r a v e s i n discassioa, o n the toptcs i n v d v e d . a n d a w o t d against m y B e f i ^ m e d Christian ( C i o a u / c a n Ua;ad,C!iO. Baptiaaa a a ^ T e r m s a f C a m B a a i a a . — B y Bas a ^ W I L L SBj t ^ aboia p R B i B a a ia s b h Bf S U S , S U , S M .
T h e a e thingr .leeurTcd prior to the m e e t i n g o f the pubtished M r . B i o n s , last s u m m e r , in w h i c h h e Bicbaid FnBer, B D- Foartb EdiSoa—1 *»1, I C a o , f p X H . — S I ^ ta aay azx sochaati ar p a d l a a w t e ^
q r s t e m . H e also s e e m s to lie e n t i r d y ignorant o f I S A K t t t H A X ; a r . T A d a aad tbair Caea—Bj Ua UaaJa
w l » y .should h e not d o it? B e c a m i c ( M r . L o w r y in- PricaSO c.'Btx. e^rvermav (nam thia dabs ta tba IatjBly,LSS6, tha k a c A a-
Baptiat C e n t n i A a M c i a t i o n a t C a n t o n , i n that coun- adnmiistered so effectual a q u i e t u s to the L A T E 3 I r . Pbalpa. aniof B A G S . Tba aameta b B b e a g U a a b M a C , a>A by
t e n d s to b e u n d e r s t o o d a s s a y i n g ) 3 I r . G i a v e s w h a t justice F o r instance, h e c M n p l a i n s a s
T H B J T D S O B OFFBBISB—Adapted to aO Seaaoa—By B n
Weara^ladthiswuAof Dr Foaerbss {.asset ta tba foarthed-
^ a deiic bai-iaes of SiMkrille s ^ TiciBity.
t y , i n the eariy part o f October- M r . Graves, npM M c l n n i s . h e m a d e a t e r r i U e e x p o s u r e o f 3Ir. L o w - •oo. W a neadtbaStxtalitiaawaeaiBitimBedtraiBthepresa.
heavily a s a n y m a n that I ever r « a d afler, o f yota- Jaha D w l i i v , O O lloio, doth, extra, f3e. vera dalifht^ with the argsmcnl a^i the s^rit with wiueb i W l i X A T A L L T U B P A T T B B HTCgian' a r a w g w
- s t a n d s c h a r g e d in h i s o w n c h u r c h a n d b y the reli-
notified of this aaaifaiient, r i a t e d Canton ry. T o deprive t h e c a u s e o f i m m e r s i o n o f t h e e i b , cztxa, «1 00. Imp. Taikay aiot, $ 1 SO. it vriUcB. Dr FoUer h ^ ai» saperior ia th* palpet. asa ^'CICE I S C A S H F O B B A G S O B S E L I T X K X , aid i ^ M a
g i o u s press o f his o w n d e i m n i n a t i a i . a s a n u n s c i u *, m i s r e p r e s e n U t i o n , a n d s l a n d e r isf h i m , w h k h THS LAXD OF THE A S D D O G B . Hirtnieal aad «lth tha pen, as employed on sobj-cts ecnnectad w i ^ his pro- < UScate so tha owner of tte asmaat lacaiTad ^ paid te^
dnrinf the s e s d o i o f the A f f i o d a t i o n , a n d o n t h e t e a c h i n g a n d e x a m p l e o f a n e m i n e n t christian gen- Ii.eaa crrtiSatea msstba irptand aenxia Bcxt]aly, aa t l U
p u l u u s liar a n d slanderer o f h i s o w n b r e t h r e n . " is not h a l f that is d u e h i m . . \ n d y e t h e m o u n t s Aitiatia, Iw^iteatal, F a w u l a » l Litataiy—Bj WilSam tmz- tendon. The disrss^n ia ao scriptnral. so logical acd c o n ^ -
tleman. M r . L o w i y h a d b e e n guilty o f calumnia- m — l n l , U o M , aSl pp, <1 » «iTe, tb-U ve sea not bow any candid mind caa dose tse book j^-ee disiaterutad axrcbanta of Kaih*i!I* caa Baka tba aaxtda.
ere o f its a ^ o a m m t e t , d o r i n g t h e d d i r e r y o f a n the throne '-Pontitic t o w e r i i ^ h i ^ . ^ a n d looking
M A P L B T O B ^ or. More Work for tha Maioe L a s — B j Pbai- ftod fail of conrictioia in faror of the anShor. I f we hara anj r L e l a i ; ^ a B i a B a t b e ^ e a : i t ] a d t B t t e Slii, the e t h i ^ S
t i n g the d e p a r t e d , a n d o f d d i b e n t d y stating a W e l l . M r . L o w r y , if h e o n l y -stands ckargeJ" taioag OS that neelto obtain light oa thisSBi^^t, aal tobecon- .aSoO, sadaoondbwa-
addrcsB, i n w f a t ^ he:reajtgerted t h e positidiis t a k e n d o w n w i t h c o n t e m p t , s a y s , y « i i g n o r a m u s , y o a a p e . e a U w Ohareh, O fi—tteo, O 00 Irmel 13 tbe trath. oe bope t<^y wiU not fail to come into pos- jtenhanki aeading o a Bags win ptosaa writ* that I
hi hia pobiiaheii diacsorse, expressed his wiDingiiesg falsdiood o n so s o l e m n a n occaidon a s that o f wri- w i t h these enonnilies, h e h a s still g r e a d y the advan- H B M O I B O F S A B A B B . JCIlSOX-B]r FamiT Foiraater— -WMiun of this argwmtul by Dr FoUax. W e learn that this & ebssa Base ta xssse U K " " n ' f ^ T T CombiaatioaBvH aat
y o u fool; a n d does h e not s a y a U that is b a d , y e a
tage over y o u . M r . B a m s fixed u p o n y o u a false- Beveditiea. witbSOadditioaalpageaol Svtaa—tamo.clotbCOc. SB adicton froo new stereotyped plates.—Ckrisrsaa Ckronielt- X s U o n d
to m e e t a n y perwni whconaaerer, property eiH&;rscd t i n g a n obituary notice. M r . B u r n s e x p o 6 c d the
wicked? A V h y , h e is s a y i n g to y o u , - L e t m e p u H Cloth, (Qt extra, «l «0. MIoi, ( O t extra, $ 1 M . WooUcBjLiaa^, Silk, sad Wozxtad n a a z B aot waatid, aad
b y his d c a o B B s a t i c ^ i n courteoiu ^ d i a t e o n the sacrilegiotis tridt: a n d M r . L o w i y w a s unqtustiona- h o o d o f the darkest a n d m o s t dei^iicable d i e , coupled M B U O I B O F U E U U i BL U A B O S i o ^ A Ceaotaph to a Wo- B a a t l a a i a i U M a d ' a a d S a b j e c t s — B y f Prof P •-U not V indndcd in tba abo*s.
the m o t e o u t o f y o u r e y e w h i l e h e iloes not l e ^ d aiaa of the Barmaa IGuaoo— B j B e * Fraaoi Haaoa-With a U H e U , Ilerccr Unirerxity, Ueorgia. Third EditioB—I ruL ly s o E ^ gxaater aaeatiaa ta a n i a ^ u ^ ^ ^ B v
s a b j e c t , » a r ta d i s c u s s it m his journal ( t h e T t a m c s ^ M y , greatly i n d e b t e d to h i m , for d o i n g it so g e m l y . u-ith d r e u m . s t a n c e s o f a t r o d t y totally u n p a r a l l d e d . 16 ma. pp 330 Price ^ ceats '.urk.aghoat Middle Teaaeasa
the b e a m that is in his o w n e y e . " B u t I s u p p o s e Portrait. lUaatrsted witb arreral ekgaat BUel Bagiwia(<, Proteaor Xell is a rigoroBa writer and a closa thiaker, cad
aiul w h i c h s h o c k e v e r y s e n s e a n d sensildity erf" m a n . daKriatiTe of Boraiab—lOiao, eloU, tOe. AngBatt,iaSl-ly af tbaBaaaia.
see Baptist} & j i m i g o p e n his c o l a m n s to the op- M r . L o w r y d i d it d e l i b c r a t d y , , b e c a u s e w h e n ex- be baa famisheJ a pointed, condensed and Ti^orvBs siznmcn:
lie is perfectly JustifiaMc in s n c h a course, a s b e is C k t h , xiU extra. SI 00. Imp tarkay, SI M .
p o s e d a n d p r o v e d , h e d i d not c o m e f o r w a r d to p l e a d A m o r e a g g r a v a t e d , r e v d t i n g c r i m e , lias n e v e r b e e n A beaatifBl prea aUo in behalf of oar daauminslional *ievs. W e bara raeeaSybad T H E GIBBC HOCSE,
pcBer a n d f p r s ^ h i m line fiir fine. or o u g h t tu b e h e a d over a U o n earth, a n d e q u a l sercral, and rery abk. works on this saiyeet; aad it OMjr be
T H E S A P O L E O B D T B A S T T : A Hiatory of the Bonaparte thoogbt thit an adi'tiooal work ts onnecesaarr, anl tbal nc- ilMlf £ a a K s mt tim '^Ijtmia Hamu,")
m i s t a k e o r misinformation, b a t quietly acquiesccd c o m m i t t e d u p o n the sanctity o f the g r a v e a n d the
There w a s ^ ramoc the n ^ mormng that the w i t h Christ the Saviour. T h e great w o n d e r w i t h Fuaily-Br tha Bcrkeia/ Maa. 1 TOI, S M pagea, aTo—madia. point wiiich bas beret««2bre be^n bsoo^i^ finrvxnl, can BOW k» Cbattaaaasa, T C B B .
i n tlie merited d e g r a d a t i u n . I n t h e e v e o f e v e r y sacrcd rights o f the d e a d : a n d yet, y o u prate a b o u t . m V U i i b a l with a aapetb portraitaiatiat—Uth editiaB,S3 M .liocad. W e hare .tsndard vorka. Cited for zvneral ase, IA* ''g^HE xboTe Hoase, b a m ^ psoad into t t e b z ^ nf lb* B^ar-
p r a p o a t i a n fiir a n o n l debate w o u l d b e accepted m e is, that the m a n d e e s not i<oc his great inconsis-
T B B K E I C a B O r B » - B j Fredarika Bremer—Uow, snulia, oar opponents are continaoliy srndias forth pmUieationa, which
discriminating reader the I>rand w a s u p o n hLs b r o w , discussing w i t h a m a n o f c h a n c t e r ! ! ! A g a i n : You sigae^wiUbek^openrsrtheaecnmmo^taiaar
either the M ^ f a o £ a t o r P r e s l ^ t e r i a n dergyman teni-y in his course-, for others h a v e e y e s a s itell a s it U . being L&irdinsti-ly paffed sp, are circnKied in local section*^. T T B A S E I X K I ASLD p x B l U J i K S T B O A B B E B a .
a n d there it will forever r e m a i n . E v e r y one k n t w s t a n d charge-d," a n d w h a t is m o r e , y o u stami prov- UKt ooid so antidote to o p « ^ in the aame regioss. Dr Ssm
o f t h a i torwK L o t w h e t h e r .founded u p o n a n j t h l c g TBAVELS IB EGTFT. ABABIA P B T B ^ , A T B B HOLY naa Giaaa' B o c s ia Virstrd ia the ^-t.- af tbe
he. B u t doubtless his object is to divert attention tiers' v'.>ra tiu been extecAirely circ^ated in t!ie Soath aa^
L A K f r - B j D MiUaid, STO, illastratea. ( 2 00. p ^ t o f t h e c i ^ aad tie Pmptietar baa nada aznanBiBOta 1 »
this d u ^ w a s p c r f u r m e d at t h e risk o f his iaexora- m1. in this re-ply. ( a s well a s b y the editor o f the West; si^l I b a a ^ hLi argaiziet.ts are neilber- a£W aor profoond
M i d a t d o n e h y either, w e h a d n o personal knowl- f r o m the facts in the case. It r e m i n d s m e o f a cir- T U B OBIGIN or T H E S O B T H AliBBICAS ISOIAKS— • pisacnma vin be coBteyed t h e a c c / r n tbaBailni^Se-
C'itize-ii.) in the matter o f the - a n o n y m o u s a n d abu- 'lay are in some initinras rather specious, aad Prof llell'» y.t free of cbaiga. "thdmAS B
W e h a t e : b u t n o t considering h i m d a n g e r o u s . M r . WiUi a Futhfal D-ieription of their Mannera aad CoHolna,
edge. Mr- GnTes-' t i m e w a a p r r d o u s to h t a . a n d c u m s U n c e U k e this: a thief is b e i n g hotly p u r s u e d , u>th CiTil aad umtarr: their BaEpona, L u i c u ( e a , D r e s aad v o ^ wiU do gool aerricfi ia exposing them, as well as thaae cr I><x. 10, Ui3>tf
B u m s f d t a b l e to t a k e the risk. B a t n o o n e sup- .sive article'' w i t h a deliberate falsehood, o f w h i c h other Pepob^ti^ vritera; and ve regard it aa a ralnaUe addi-
n o t t y e i T ^ a n y arrqitaTWP o f t h e p n q w a i t i o n , a n d a n d finds h e w i U b e c a u ^ t . H e b e ^ n s to h o U o o , Oraamenta—By Joba Mclnloah, B a ^ — i U a a t r a t a d witb col- tion to oar works on tbe baptiiTnil qaestion-—Rilig. Heraid
p o s e d h e w o u l d b e s o tally a s to s u c c u m b then, a n d y o u h a d tlue w a r n i n g , in the c h a r g e prc\'ica.<ly m a d e ored platca. S3 00. a. o a n Q B , o o k b a. aaaais,
n o t b o n g wiHiiig^taleaTc in-thc fit^of t ^ rumor, he-re h e is, y o n d e r h e goes, b o y s , d o n ' t y o u see h i m T. D a t l e a af C h a r c h e a ta their P a s t a r s By B e F k i M U p i U , Pa. Aaiacills, T s a a .
A M O L I O ; Foema by Hia Emily Jajaoa—Uc:a, doth, Tic.
afler m a n y m o n l b s h a d elapsed, stizc u p o n a n oc- a n d proTi J . for the s a m e, t>y tlie A m e r i c a n CloUi, laUfilt, SI a Ftaaklia Wilson, of Bsltiriora. TLird Kliti»o—I *fiL 1 6 ^
rcqoeited u a to m a k e the pn^Msilaau^to these t w o just n i u n d the c o m e r . A n d a s .soon a s the attention CLLFTOS A ABBOTT,
pp lOSi pr ce 25 cents.
casion to asKail M r . B u m ? , w h e n h e h a d n o t given ( J ' i z i n . o n the editor o f the W i t n e s s , a n d altliough PASTOB-S H A S H - B O O K , a Book for eTaiy Miaitter,comprii- The aathor is a writer of great praml.e. and is extes CcdMT Strut, mats tit P a n OJUt, SmtkeOU, licaa ,
g e n l l e m e n , i^ccifically,. i n writii]^. w h i c h w e did. is d i v e r t e d h e m a k e s liis escape. N o w , (kiubtless. ina Selectioaa of fleriptore. arraoj^ for rartoaa occasions of
b u n or a n y o n e d s e the d i g b t e s t provocation, a n d y o u we-re pcrsjnally a c c u s t d , in a late n u m b e r of oBeLU duty; B-leet Fonunlas lor tue Uiniage Ceremony, etc,
•irely knovn as the EOibir of tbe T m e Cnion. Tba presen! O A u u a a TX Q b i l h m ' s A I U B S L aza F i m i m » S o o x a .
A A e r the l a ^ o f a n a a m s t i e t i m e ( s e n x a l w e i ^ ) that is M r . C . ' s object, to divert attention f r o m e»ay. to which s prixe bas been awarded by a committee ii.
ATIBG MNTLY ASTALFSHED a BBN tor tba sala af tba abOTB
a n d reeeiiiug n o a n s w e r , w e made a publication
t h e r e b y exffise to c v e i y o n e the real c a u s e o f i i s the Citizen, o f stating that in y o u r letter, n u w un-
facts, for a c h a n c e to escape.
aal Bales of Bmdnna for Ci-nrrttea. Eccleuastical and other
B u t alas! poor old OilitwraUTe AMmLlies. By Be* W W Ererts, mor, SOc.
i<-orsia, is an a M - diacn«on of a grnt bot neglected theme
riie duties here ini!irstrd hare a reflex iodnence. They atoncr
U artidea, WIN K ^ eoastsatly oa baad a FAL aaortmant of
grievance. H e m s ; ^ h a v e g r o w n tired o f /ying in d e r r e v i e w , iu t w o instances w h i c h y u u k n e w to b e P O W E B O F ILLt-STATION'-.aoHementof Saeceaain Pi^«eb- oeneSt a Psstor a m his people. In prayer azsl labur iJbsi s ienilenaeaa and. Boy'a Oiotliiar, BF a B dcaciiptnBa,
OTCT o o r o w n p n q i e r n a m e s , in the ^ A m e r i c a n Citi- m a n , there is n o c h a n g e to escape. Y o u h a v e a n old -TE JKST qsslity of GUUDA^HJI^ will be renewed ERAT^ WACC
false, another n u m b e r o f the W i t n e s s h a s a p p e a r e d iB« aad Taaebiaa—By Jobu DovUna, D D, aathor of "History 7K>d Pastor may b* secand, aad then ia sboviag to b ^ vhf
mat. RUS tbair msaiTfatmy ia niSsdalpbia, which la aader ^ IAI-
z c o , " cailmg t h e attaition d the public to these h u n t e r after y o u , w h o is too g o o d g a m e to h a v e of Bumaoism," Ac—Ihoo, cb>th, oOe. is csUel to discharge thisfoactioa, a proper reapact; is esteem
in w h i c h n o is o f i c r e d — n o a p o l o g y m a d e for ing b i u very b i ^ v ia lora, aad in co-oparatinc and sns- snpenision of the senior partner, ( B . S . DIFTOA,} wbo
&ctB and such others, m suitable terms, a s we H e c o m p l a i n s that M r . B u m s called h i m a - hyp- A P C B B B E L I G I O S . T H E WO>^LD S O X L T n O P E - B y Be* N^ESAMA the materials of tbeFAZ^artes,and paTi iftkit ATTEA-
his attention diverted in that w a y . a n d besides, a n y a W Cu>hm«n, IBno, 30a. uining bim, a u b r c h prorides for its o n prosperity A vort
the o d i o u s b n g u a g e q u a U f y i n g a .statement proved UII to tbe latest fithinaa, I S ^ A ^ aad daxabiZi^'CF w K k m u -
thntitfit n e c e s a a i y to present i n connection there- ocrite.^ I f h e did so, since t h e a p p c a r a n c c o f t h e which adeqttately diacwsBFs snch tbemsa, eanaot ba too bigUt
m a n , w o m a n , y e a , or school b o y , c a n see for them- P O E M S , Sacred, PaauooaU anl Lejeodaiy—By Mary B Ues- commeaded. This prodnetion ia weU vnttcsn, and glows witf. Persons not jadgcs uf Goods, caa A E P C ^ oa beiiv AAP-
to b e false—preferring rather a n u n b l u s h i n g e-tiron- i i i 4 w i t h a a t l w a f iBipnaitinmc daaeptka af any k M . » t b a
w i t h ; h i t h e c m u s e o f w^hidi ^ inddestally m a d e d i j ^ u s t i n g editorial a n d his puerile addrcs.s. (in • f — U u w . mosUa, fall (Ut, tl 00. eTugeCcal sentimeat."—SsaiA. BxftUt.
s e k e s f r o m y o u r o w n writing, y u u r C h a m e l e a n .sys- I U . ^ sra WARWTED to g i n aatisfirtimi, AID they b a n O N e*.
tery to b r a v e out the lie at a n y a n d all h a z a r d s . T U B SEBUQXS A K D O T O E B W B i n S G S OF BET A 5
a c a n { £ n i e n t a r y a O u a i d n to B e r . D . E . Boras, of w h i c h h e w i n d s u p a n o u t p o u r i n g o f all unclean- tem. O B i n r B B 0 A 0 0 C 8 , of Tirginis; viOi a UenK-ir of bis Life, 8. D a t l e s al Pastara ta their C b a r c b e a — B y Be* 1 UUehcd pnce, wbieb tbey stactiyadbcrato, Biee]itwi& WbEle-
J a d c a c m , w i l h c o t m e n t i o n i n g a n y n a m e s , i n refer- n e s s , w i t h prating a b o u t ••illu.itrating a religion o f N o w . .sir, if y o u will coaside-r a m o m e n t , y o u will Ly Bar J B J,-ter. D O—Eiit.^ bx bis Son, Be* A Broaddoa— G Jones. Sorfolk, Va. Saeond Kditioa—1 r U , pp lOa ^ Dnlen^towbomalibetaldisEOBiitvill baaiaia. A H p a r -
Price 2ie- ;ias are rcnectfaUy iailtad to caB aad oar A^
T o use his o w n l a n g u a g e , '-he m i g h t j u s t a s soon O m o , elotb, SI 2».
e n c e to the u n p n m i c d assault o f the T r u e W i t n e s s lore!") those w h o will r e a d these publication.*:, in observe tliat y o u c a n n o t de-clinc'lK.forc the puljlic. The Essay of Be* T G Joneaopeuwitb adeSnit.oB of **Tb» ^ oar p-icas, WBAA aia NAAIK iadacenate BRI
S C B I P T i n t B T E X T - B O O K A K n TBBASCBT—8criptai« Chorch/' clear and scriptnral. This U aa iiaportant point, for SIS ARER baea okrad kSar*tisthisciSy. J - --
e-xpect to c h a n g e the current o f the Mississippi'- a s TexU, a r r a a ^ fvr lb* aae of UiDistan, Saadsy-SchotJ T O K ^
u p o n hint o f last s u m m e r . v i e w o f t h e sentiment that - o n t o f the fulness o f to me-et Jfr. G r a v e s , o n the score o f character, e v e n eTea BsptiaU oftea ba*e *ery eonfaaai. if not ineomet notio::> tlsa. n-tf
to expe-ct to c h a n g e the opinions o f t h i n k i n g m e n era aad Fsmtlie*- D ^ g o o d to aSsrJ a general view of the on this sBlaect. The dn:i<a of a pastor, comprisiw '-prtscb-
That pnTiBntion was intended, among other the h e a r t the m o u t h s p e a k e t h , " will c u m e to the if hLs w e r e a s b a d x s y o u w o u l d h a v e the public be- Usaaers, Castoms, aad Hi<to.-y of the Jews, aad the Katioot Log the word—pastoral risitatioD—guTemmentof the chartb— ; AEEAIFSAS G E X E E A L ASEBCT.
a n d w o m e n 011 the subject. aientionai ia Scriptara; aad of the Oaograpby, Satsral Histo- <ad the general urersij^t of its intervsts,*^ ar* set forth in x
t h i n g i to a p p r » c the public^ that M r . G r x v e s , w h o c o n d u s i o n , i f w e a r e not mi-^takcn, that M r . B i o t m lieve it is: b e c a u s e , s s y o u c a n n o t fail to see. it is ry, aad Arts of the Ancisats, t o g c ^ r with a Tariety of otbe: <zianner aiaptfrl to enlighten tha oodetslanding. and warm tL. i JOBS J . JACSAOB * CO.,
I n the a l w v c I h a v e not o n l y g i v e n m y opinion raltfects raconled or referred to ia the aaciad Tolame—ailb basrt. A *olmaa containing 1(4 p * ^ ^ IS-no, caaaotbe expect- i i-uii Agcuit, CtlUctarx, aajf Sxtkattgt Sttalm,
had b e t s s o furioualy assailed i n Ticmity on d i d h i m n o injustice. I f it w a s before these m o s t still a great deal better tlian y o u r s . S i n c e -CHJIB-
Maps Uino, h * U mor, 7Se.
relative to M r . C . ' s s y s t e m a n d c o u i s e t o w a r d s y o u ed to enter into tbe a-reial departncnb of afaslor's Isbon ^ H e l e a , Arfcaaaa,
unfortunate performancr.s a n d also before the hye- G E s " never all<.-ct the reputation o f a nian. w i t h nie-n T H B S T B U O O L E S A K D T B i m P H S O F B E U G I O U S LIB- with mnch minateseaK bat snongfa is u U ondar each topic b
acsramt o f U s p u L i i ^ disoratse, h a d presented ^ At ISQ extcnsTC inioRnxtian rclatiTe ts tbe Inter-
b u t the opinion o f all jiersoas w i t h w h o m I h a v e E B T T ; A a Hiatarical Borrey of Coatrorersies pertaiaing to -aggest to a tiwagbSfnl mind, a train of reL'ectiuns vbicb csi.
h n n y l f a t C u t n n . a n d a T o w i u g I n s atality to main- n a l sacrilege before referred to. t h e public will, n o o f, until proved. M d P R O O F S alPe-ct a m a n 5
the Bights of Coascicnca, from tb« Boglisfa BefermatioB to the hndly fail to be noStaUei and eTei7 mlnistrr who r r ^ tUr
^ a.1 al tin Stale, wu] attEBd to the locaSoa of Laad T a r .
c u i n e m t d o n t h e suiigcct. T h e e p i n i o n o f a n a g e d aettlaaeat of B a w E a ^ a a d . By Bdvaid B I'adarhiU. cf Loa- ly, most rise fnna its peraul. with an inci i issil c9B*>etiai of Xaxas aad ra-
t a i n the truth a f a Q the p n ^ u d t i o n s a s s u m e d , h a d d o u b t , w o n d e r h o w M r . B u m s f o u n d h i m out s o reputation w i t h (everybody! Tottmit-A I ia aqyiart af
father in the g>!spd, w i t h w h o m I l a t d y converse-d, too—latredaeti** ky * * « s n S «>attlag—llaio. dotb, Tic. af t W nprasKi^ of m o ^ prayer, sttrly si^ self-denisl. to tb.
SlKle of * T*-
scon. But when ^ u n d e r s i g n e d assure y o u . a s they d o . A work of graat hiatorical iatereit aad rsloe. socceasfal pmarcatioa of his ar-IaoBsvork.—Ctruruu laier-
rhallftiErTl his opposeis to a p u b l i c discsssion on
is, that the old m a n . M r . C . , is in hLs dotage. T B A C Z S O F T H E B O M A B A N D M O O B - B y W m Fumija.
that .Mr. G r a v e s , beside-s b d n g a m a n o f talents, is 9. E r i d c a c e a af C b r i a t i a a l t y , u a . ^ y v ^ a i i c ami Hoc Tho- 2 Scifcy,
the t o p s therein, a n d that the c o m b a t B u t to proceed. M r . l i o w r y w a s not kiioivn n o r SI » . [Hale
I n conclusion. B r o t h e r G r a v e s , let m e s a y to y o u . Prmeticat Discussiaa af tMeir ^Urnml J^^tr-xju.iu. Bj C . P a l m ^ X a t 4
a m a n o f fiigh a n d i r r e p r o a c h a M e m o r a l character, 8. L & B. bar* in Prcjs tab* i^sae immediately: Be* J P Tastin, S s T a a u h , Ga. 1 TOI, ISmo. pp P r i o St, C..: Geo. W- UadeduB,
h a d b e e n dprlinrd, TMr ! « e m e d to n s to b e de- referred to i n the M a d i s o n c o u n t y transactions. He CritliTndiTB Co., Ar.
g o M l in the b o l d defence o f the Bible, in w h i c h y o n C A M P B E L U S l l E X A ] U B E I > - B y Be* J B Jeter. O D This ceaa. E . w- K . r-
w h i c h h a s .stood unsliakcn the t e m p e s t s o f a htm-
m a n d e d , fiir the p u r p o s e o f d n w i n g that the o m r - is ix>t a s h a m e d , h o w e v e r , it a p p e a r s , u n d e r the pro- a thoroajb iiymtt of the TarlatioBi of the herasy from it> I a taking Bp this book [or examination, the first tboBgb! CoL Jao W .
l a v e l x * n e n g a g e d for s o m e y e a r s . Y o u have m a n y which strack as waa, ita adaptatioa. ia sisc ant crjt, to meel
d r e d c o n t r m erae-s: a n d that .since the d e a t h o f the inetptiea, to i U preaaat darelopiarat. KOT- I , UU-TF
whieii d a m o n m a i y a n d ritnpennisiy a.<uailed tection o f another's n a m e , to w r i t e a n artifk- in as- a popolsr want—s want that has Icng seent>dto ns cnaapplied.
w a r m - h e a r t e d friends in this region o f .\rkansas, V U D O H . W I T A B B W n i M a of Aacieat PbiU
lamcnte-d D r . W a l l e r , there is n o m a n u p o n w h o m This con^dierstion ais incited tbe aathor to togas* in th* pre.
a s ihtPTit m a n . a n d p a n t e d lor a n o p p u r U m i t y to sailment o f 3 I r . G r a v e s , in w h i c h h e e x h a u s t s the
w h o are well ple-ased w i t h t h e w a y that y o u con- osppbera—By Ju«epb BsBTatd, A U . parativn of tbe present vork, vhicb b * bas jccunpiisbed vitl CITT HOTEL,
the Baptists w o u l d sooner repose their c a u s e , y o u
m e e t n n d c m d i h n n in d e b a i f , h a d s u d d e n l y o o z e d v o c a b u l a i y o f disgusting p h i x s c s , a n d after M r . P I O N E E B B O O K S — B y Be* J.>ha M Peck, O D . Tbi< serio mach deliberation, a c s n t w ^ coniflt^tion of aBCboritica, aa: S « B A Stds Fziiu Sfman. K n l r e e s b a r a , T
d u c t the invaluable p a p e r , - T h e T e n n e s s e e Bap- embtaeas tba folknriag intercsUsc s o V ^ U . vbicb sill mak* scarefol casting of the vhole as to aasver the cad viiich be
will perceive at o n c e that it w o u l d give y o u a tem- JOHB W. " r g " " " . Pwiaasia.
o u t w h e n canfitinted w i ^ h i m face to Cicc. G r a v e s h a s left t h e c o t m t i y , to a v o w ^ l e a u t h o r s h i p b»l propMsad to biioself. Socb an nndertskifl^ U the price o.
tist." M a y y o n live l<mg to edit it. a n d d e f e n d o u r them raloable as Sonlay-Scbaol Library Books sal for boat •arch II. IL»T-TF
p o r a i y .standing to liave it stated y o u w e r e a b o u t to readlag; labor thsB might be irnagiaed. re^ininn;... as it d ^ , ex-
M r - L o w i y . 4 t this janctnre^ presents h i m s e l f to a n d propose a discussion w i t h s o m e u n k n o w n per-
Maistcr's I Father Clark, o r t h a F i o a ^ r Preacher. tensir ure reading, _ thuron^ _ eoadensatioe,. sad_ *clear aaalyi^—
e n g a g e in a discussion w i t h 3Ir. G r a v e s . It is true,
raOjr his diacomfitted. fiying and disheartened s o n , o n t e r m s w h i c h h e k n o w s to b e impracticablc. I I . Tbe ladiaa Captira, or Uistoiy of Joba Tasaer, takes These iioalities are cons^cnuns in H x Taitin's work, aid crn. BTEWAET k OWEB,
it w o u l d Im: t e m p o r a r y , .so far a s c a p a d t y w con- .\nd hLst, I s a y . set m e d o w n for t w o d o z e n co- captire by tba ladisaa ia Kestacky ia 1790. not fail of vinniiig for it an sppraciation in our churches, th*.
fiimds, a n d afroir m a k m g c e r u i n statements i n nu- t a k i n g m o s t c s p e d a l care b y false inftrcnce to ex- foangtrr s« veil oiler taembers . f wbich viU here vtal y*. it SZarkit ttrcet, */im daori icUw tktir mU -r—i*, ami
I U . S ^ a e l to tba Inliaa CaptiT*.
cerned. It could not s u n i v e the discussion: a n d o f pics o f y o u r s a n d 31r. C . ' i discussion, w h e n pub- I T . U f a aad Tint* of Ba* Jeremiah Vandemaa vill greatly tend V> leMer £rmer in their ^ v a mindf. tL« fcca : at.zt damr to W. B 6 * r d s a ^ Cm.,
tngriral order, Jieana. v a g n d y , to m t i n n t a ^ w i s h o n clude M r . G r a v e s .
ILdie-d. -\nd further, let m c s a y to a U the readers T Tha Wrack of tba SbepberdeM. datioasor their C-i',b.—ira.'clnaa f- Hijlicitr. i KAXCFACTCBXBS OF
h i s part to h a r « a d i s c u : a o n w i t h s o m d i o d r . this, unfortunately. M r . I>owiy, y o u a r e fully a p . V I Meaioir of B e * J B Uaacbam.
I I w Jirsi condition is tliat 3 I r . G r a v e s " publication o f the { a p e r , s e n d n p y o u r orders for a t least h a l f 10. T r a r t a a a l a t p a r t a a t S a b j r c t s 1r IBoc., ? Capper. T i a a a d Sheet b a a W a n a ,
prised. T h e u n d e r s i g n e d are o f the impression, Tba aboTS will ba Iswid aa rapidly as it is p m b l e to prepare 330, price 40 c-ats.
W e w i n n o w p r o c e c d to notice briefly to para- tham for, aad carry tbam lAnmgb th* praia. baadaU kiadaaf I c q w m g O O O S i m
• i n n s t b e f u l l y endorsed b y the Baptist C h u r c h o f a d o z e n copies o f the discussion, to r e a d a n d circn 1- Kie Bible. By B ^ J L Bagi, b D . S7»S>ES: also, sum ci *arioBi kiais, lacb M F B I I K
that although y o u are not totally i n s c n s i U e to t h e BIBLICAL COXXEBTABIES OH T H E H E W TESTAUEBT S- Human DejaaTitj I!y Eer J B Brndrir-x.
g r a ^ i s i n the order i n w h i c h t h e y o c c u r . t h e S t a t e o f Jlississippi." T h e r e is n o s u c h eccle Fisted, Box, s e n s aad tea Plata S a m a .
late, in o r d e r that M r . C . ' s doctrine m a y b e under- By Be* Herioaa Olshsasea. D D ^ B « » It. "it tf 3 JoetiSstion. By B T J B Jetrr. o d Stores, of an kind^ Bcaiaeiad aad Maia E ^ j ^
c h a r m s o f m o n e y , there is scarcely e n o u g h in this
W i s w i n flra state, faowerer. that his preliminary fiiastical organization in the State. T h e r e are ma- stood b y all. T h a t is w h a t w e w a n U A n d it h a s 4. SuftiScatioa. By Be* C O HsUar*. D D i s m a a or a u c a a s .
part o f the S u t e to i n d u c e y o u to m e e t Sir. G r a v e s a. a. SSAGO I w x . LAWUSCX 5- The World's B-rrolatiua. By Ber & T Job Work aalicitad. aad axeeati4 w B h H I ' I M A ^
remaiia contain a deliberate falsdiood. for w h i c h n y Baptist C h n i c h e s . or congnrgati(/n.-i. scattered o n l y to b e u n d e r s t o o d to b e rcixninced b y all BijHc 6. T h * Spirit of Kianotts. By Ber E T Winkter.
in del A t e , altliough the u n d e r s i g n e d will, w i t h N E W FIRM. Pewter, a a d C U C a i ^ a r t a k a t a
there c a n b e c i o l o g y or e x c n s c . I t is tirig- Allu- 7. S^baih ScbooU. By Be* C D Itsliarr. D D. > for T a n a , A c .
t h r o u ^ b o n t t h e State: b u t t h e y h a v e n o monarchi- students. a S A S O ic L A W K E a i C E ,
pleasnre. g u a r a n t e e to y o n e-ntire personal safety S Infant Bspti.j3. Cy Btf* J L Das- B ' D . P. ' ~
d i n g to the m i n i b e r o f the C i d z c n w h i c h contained cal h e a d vested w i t h Icgidative or judicial autliOTi- 9 Chsrges sfiiiat Baptists. By Br* J S Jeter.
d u r i n g the discu.ssjon. I f y o u decline the dLscus- Y o u r s in h o p e o f a M e s s e d i m m o r t a l i t y , C O M M I S S I O N M E B C I L L S T S ,
tiis puMiratTWiigTSt m a d e b y us, orrr o u r oisa prop- t y tp teid t h e m . T o obtain t h e e n d o r s e m e n t o f Weha*e raadvitb pleaAnre ax»l interest vrittrB.
Arkansas, Jamiiry. lo55. J. ASO WAOLISALA DXAUW A ss ViU appear, ty soioa of oer best theolo-pcal vritfrs. T^ JCBT PL'BLIBHZr,
aion after liaving exhiUte-d so m u c h sensibility to
er sigoatura, h e s a y s -in • • which is f o u n d an e a c h separate c h u r c h m i g h t b e i m p o s s i l J e , a n d , at WESTEBS PBODCCB. GBOCEBIES, &C., •tyle of t h e d i & n a t tracu iagi'l isiiily soBinhatTatii.Bs,!iEt aiCaOBIALa o r E A T T U T MAETTES.
t h e charges, t h e p u b l i c will b e b o u n d to c o n d n d e , X* T S a a ^ 7 4 miukaU Strut, ia an dear and prnpisatm. and n i l s<ut«l to the Ueatesdis
O B a a y m a r a a n d . i b m B r e artidc.'* t c . a C crentr. w o u l d l « a w o A o f difficulty a n d d e l a y . B i l * a Prrtimaas T BiJImicml f o a y ,
cBsvd Tae bock vUI cuke a real aad ralaaUa addition U
either that t h e y are true, or that, conscious o f y o u r R E G S X E B A T I O : I ; . — A d e a d A s h will s w i m i n t b t h e A U a a t a , G e o , « T J.
T h e T n i e W i o i e a i h a d stated the s a m e falsehood. T h e delegates to the Central Association, w h i c h em- tbe library of erciy Baptist; and m-^Uof i u essays wiBbe n ^
inabiliQr to prove t h e m C d s e , y o u ingloriou.sIy s k u l k stream, w h a t e v e r b e its direction; b u t a living o n e Carefal attaatiaa giraa ta eoaafeaawati of Predaee, aad witb interest by oae wbo is pieamd with Hisnd reliriou litera- X^o HZXOSIXL of thia aact haa befan
T h e i n d e p e n d e n t c £ t q r rf the Lltizen h a d c h a i ^ b n c e s a conaderable n u m b e r of churches, s a y 3 5 . O a k AdvaaoagiTaa. BaaU. -Jlr*. W e can recommend tba votk as aa aad edi-
f r o m the conflict. will not w i l y resist the s t r e a m , b a t if it chooses it mang the BspSistsaf this c o c B t r y , a r * B r f » d .
fyingoae to prcfessors of ebristisnity. and as aeli calcnlatalte >ai::saeoi.dseaekctjaBor the ' - T ' ^ ' ' M l I lIlimiT
it u p o n i n m , a i ^ s h o w n , w h a t the communicatign d i d i n effisrt a t its late session, in C a n t o n , e n d o r s e iadr-etrioita t b o « wbo real it in tha fii* priaciplcs of tbr •Kiz dfncm-iration. from A E S O L B . or B f c E B d A . ia a * laiinS
.\ftcr h a v i n g m a d e yourself a party to the record, c a n s w i m against i t . — C e c i L O C C K K I T E K M A L E A C A D E a i Y .
iiaelf p a l p a b y p n n i * ^ ii is s i g n e d hy three it, a s w a s pnrvionsly a v o w e d b y u s — t h e BaptLst Oo^Iof iiiUml RtttrtUr. Mntary 4 v n t o i o o d E B S . ' ^
r f l H B a*xt sesiioa. of this lastitatioa will eomnMsea os
irtBTr o! M r . Gasst s Earl
peranus. In the b a t o f this. M r . L o w i y reptodn- E d u c a t i o n Society o f J E c s L s i p p i h a d c f E d a l l y re- y o u m u s t plead.*or y o u r s t a n d s undefende-d a n d 1 M O B D A T . the day of Jamary. l & U . n . C h r i s t i a a P r a c r e a a . — B r JiJm Ansel Ismta A ra- ispsecr of tia Iwefc. w b ^ is aha — 'ilaSd iTtiA^lij'L-
Tbe Priacipal hereby retaras bis thaaka to tbe poldie for pnUication fn.-mthe En^Esh Blitwa. I *ul, l3=«>. pp ISD— he of M t B H or X O S J O C . aad af • _
ces ^ T & ^ n o t a m a t t e r a t a i p m i e n t o r infer- q u e s t e d its publication, w h i c h c o m e s a s n e a r a n en- j u d g m e n t will g o agaiiLst y o n l ^ default. It wa.s
pMittarora. ai>< iadet*raua«l that no exertioa shaU ke (pared price 30 o^nts-
ia tba Tower of Loadoa, B B a B t . a r a h S t e
n e v e r k n o w n before, that a n advocate h a v i n g a c o o d lo a u k * tba School sack aa shaU oerit their pstroBaee ia fa ^ these ac^aain>«d with tae trvriocs ^-cbiicalioca cf thi»
ence. It i a a '_it;esiion o f fact, a n d there is n o eva- d o r s e m e n t o f it as-is likely to b e obtained, a n d this tara L. P. COOPEB. exsrlljat ami pi-Au writer, there a Ic^s a n d of coxiaandii^
d t o g t i n p n m T that, l u r e w a n i e d . h e d d i b e i a t d y ct- s h o u l d satisfy a n y c c e a n x i o u s for a d i s o i s s k n . c a u s e , refuses to s t a n d u p in its d e f e n c e , o n the Jaasary 13 l l M - 3 a Priaripal. the present rolame- W e n we to mske a •e>ctic>i> fiua hi.
rariaas paUiestiooa, w* koov of aoac tettK^ rai-alsted ta pro-
tcTcd B u t w h y d o c s M r . L o w i y s s k a n i n d o r s e m e n t T h e g r o u n d that s o m e solitary individual matle --char- mote the spi-it of gvsaia^ p> ty. of tme frailness, tb:Ln hit
T H E B A P T I B T COltPASIOS. Chrta-Jaa Progress. It U iatcsdad ss s u^ael to tbe aatb-r's
g e s ' ' against t h e person w h o is to su.stain or prose-
Mr- l a w i j » T o w s h i n u d r the a s t l w r o f a n arti-
. d • • unifcr the cditoript h e a d o f the True Kltneai,
B o o k " ia before t h e p u M i c a n d it a.<»erts to U i e if-
c u t e t h e c a t w o f tiie a^lverse p a r t y . T h e issue is
Orerm B. Waldrap.
i:ST U N R R O . aad saw raady tut M1*. A S E W C O U P I L A Aaxioes Eeqsinrr aflrrftilTi4ioe,-'s i i trrzts sf the necesM-
T l O B o r B T M B S , tar th* • * • or Bsplist Cbatcbra. k> xip- ty. aatare a M Dcaosof profrrss in th-'liTinrlifa- lt{Teaet.1»
plf tba daai-'orataas ews^naal by tba exbaactioa of tba Saf J s a a diserinit.-Ttia; *>rw of aatiakw aoi hindr inii < ia Chris '—r T ilaiMi
fect, a m o n g other t h i n g s , that t h e P r t s b y t e r i a n M laaaaf Ijr tiM Aaericaa Bmpt^ Pak&attia hctetr M i
u p o n the Scriptural origin a n d organization o f the W n K B E A s . It h a s pleased o u r I l e a r e n l y F a t h e r , in •ditisa of Tkt r » a i p « a < M . T b a work It ruoMmtfj ealarg tSaa P r v p n s , -wiUi tbe >tM,ti*»s ly wLi'Ji « e sbosll be iaSaeo
emi»tel " A E m Pro-ln^rtion."* ( a T c r y appropriate L T u i r d i is a n offifpring o f the C a l l » d i c C h u r c h . T h i s ad aal otberwba Impcored to swat tba wsat* U ewr I r t t b m .
P r e s b y t e r i a n t l u i r c h . a w l tlie a l k g a t i o n s are t n i e the w i s e diispeniattw o f his P r o v i d e n c e , to r e m o v e cad ia psraiit of d> ris* ka-.vladg* B»1 grac*. If read m t V
B««94 la plala A e r p . per doaea, - M sather taceauueodi, it voslt cmee a tUaaiie la!* ts tb.
is a q w s t i o o o f bet a n d to Ije d'.-ci<l<r<l liy a n a p p e a l " " p e r capy, - de
• T h e p ^ i t i c m * t a k n s in t U b ' <,k. or f a U c , w i t h o u t refere-ncc to tJie p a r t y m a k i n g o r f r o m o u r mi>Ut. a n d to t a k e to h i m s d f , o«tr b d o v e d 'aOover of C h r i s t . — S i M i c ^ I U < W < r .
i<> h ^ t o r y . T h e charge u m a d e a n d the authur B o a a l i a a n a e c w , pardoaea, C re F U a l PilesS
the p a r t y c w t r o v e r t i n g t h e m , I « not this o b r i o i u lifrHlicr, G B E E X B- W A t c a o r , w h o w a » a w o r t h y " " " per v - ^ , M IS I l a t i r * a f Slaater* ta a r r r a a l a — n r ' < P ' . x < r>-
JUU Tb«iuilawtp;r3lisrt«rr<.ratLc:rditorialin
« a y < h e c a n l>nre it. Vte q w * t i o H for d i « c « * i i « n OrlMa aMreased ta O a a r n A X s a s a . BaatriUe, Tntu. ur W M p s . — B y B e * XaMcTyxi.-e. B e r C F S t s r z i s , aad B r * A - ' P H O C A l X t i e a r e mSmru^ Itmm lUa a M t a a a t U S b a M a .
the T r a r V i t o w . o f t b « f e p U m b - r, the »othor. to y o u ? atvi useful d t i z c n , a n u o c o m p r o m i x i n g Baptist, ftnu i U V. C a T U . BaadyrUb, T * m , wtfl rwci** prca^t attaa- BAa-a. 1 *al, U 2 ; prt/» as V ^ ' ^ p n ' d i a g their a n a s aad aoasy, sad WMtaw (bair
M n e t w h o cndtJTUt i I k " I x w f c , " n o r w l w ia t h e ad- T b s w CsMy*. ft is UiieTsd. wiH aapidy a v>8t vbicb ba» la lescag tb* aaoetoas r f s t l s i l b t . " g ba
• h i p o f v M c f c l a i w t w s r a w r d a n d tb«*D)>i«et « f (>na*i in liis p r i n d p t o t ; a (aitbfnl mtnirtcr, a n d a t«adtcr O m .
I f y o o f t d u n a U e to m e e t M r . G r a v e * , etiru: out M. B ^ B o a a l ia plaia sfeMf, per espy, aeat by aasd. f n a • ( taaalaagaaiwiAelyfait<b»agb«ittbaS^. Taeyaranit. h i s r s c w b . caaa«,ky bds A B l , aaa
niau o f i u doetrintn. b u t in the truel • W a s t«sl>ytfeia*ck«Xy»B. aa* ef a Metlaadtat. tba atben
I t M r . L a v i y , • U 1 f h a w to ihof« o f a o r rcadera w h o o f tbe t r o t b ^ b c r r l o r e , ba B * a caa f »
a n d f r a n k l y n a y so, instead o f m a k i n g foot real rea* IS*. JtT^ 5 "»?' « BsfSts; as* war* eiilM fort* ty tba of a ariK, ly t V 1—r-t-)rsai lifi ilaaliallw T a i M i
ever rach a t h i n g b e a r d o f Inidn! A Aarye |f «aa to tM la r*<Cag* adaap* i . H . P. CAXIS.
b a r * s e t M t » l b « imiira n t k i e . the rharret#r o f the Bttohed, T h a t w b i k we, a s a c b n r d i , fird that t. mSr llibaiaaBsptSstStat* CaaT»atiaa.ftwtb» beat SamfM this ^ a a ^ i ^ e9ma>prcibc fartba rara i f ^ mm,
toa to tnnnpanrttt hf a a m g n t i ^ o n e 1 0 i n d e f e m i V i e . -
iiia<k that the P r u b y t c t i a a C h n r c b i« the child o f Ta* baa taes v U a ^ ctrxaUtM. aad Kccts u tlua* s A b o ^ aad u mBmrimem til aiilik^
V^/B^Um finlt mfh ttfotf tbt Btptut Church in w e h a r e f m t m n t d a g r e a t l o M tn t b e d e a t h o f B r o .
^ a K t n t i g e r y o u m a y not k n o w it, tint this is t h e •ffActaanlfaear, *U1> afl laanrrinsfliaa af CbriaUaaa. lad thai be i. a o - v o c k , " b* prapaa™taaaad tba iaelr
the fwroa at M r . Orairts. U ia wcriliy o f remark t h e *3lotlier o f f l a r i o l * , ' ' — a n d o n e o f bcrtiMSshcr*. • n r H E L tttea kuovu.
-asataaayonerraitsiartbaaBai af O S , ^ vm. imbu A
t a ^ cotintry in the w o r l d , w h e r e a t m u l m a n c a n W a l d r o j . , w e miMiwmirt-ly aorioiesce in this hMcro- U Brraiaa*—ByB«*iJPIacb,afB«r?bCan4fau. I nt,
:tcz :> CTXXT Iiatsacs, s a acxcB* n s a o B T a M t a m .
t t a l ^ d a m c i M s y anirle w a s p o U n M pnti- w l « <Io«» not wiidi to h o W a n y b o d y prnonally k- Ba*a#ll*ill', Kralacby. U w a . fySJ4,vttb a fMtsiitartb* aal be; FrScancrala.
T h a t is u U e disjKCtMation o f D t r i o e P r t m d c n c e , b d k r i i ^

g a i n a rtpniation tiir c o o r a g c b y boatting. ^ ••ndiag Urn lAr artiJUmu mf m
M > I r l f r . U f t T i V r b i t t« t h e State i a Ortdber last, s p o B s i U e tar the c h a r g e , b a t o n l y w i s h e s to d i s c u M its Ia<<M«t;<w wa> (aaftj«d b * tba B*tb>I Amoa^Utim. lA S i a p i r K b y s r a ia F a a i l i a r Caavrraatiaaa.
a trarle that c a n ' t lie e a r n e d o n h e r e w i t h o u t C A F I - that o a r loss is his eternal g a i n . b M k M a i a o t a ^ >a BWMibill*,Kastaifky TberliBw* af - B y » . * C B UsUary, D I. I w J , Uam, H ^ *B that I , as laact. ba*c i a a d x i t b t b ia ita 1
• l A f U Mthanftip n m sot a r o w t d aatil t o e g after t k t r u t h o f t h e a l k p U i o O ; r c f a w s to d o so, u n l e s s •aanBrflla ia irn Osm aikM «f a • « « ( kasaitifal a asa. l * tt; p n e a S c e a S * . U a e y r a a d M M i a r n M o ^ t f t t y . I t S * jMaaii^ii i
TIL. If, therefore, tinder all the d r c m n s t a n c i . 4 , y o n Rf solved, T h a t w c will strive to dttmb t b e rir- • a a w f l M af S a a t b n s Senteeky. lytb»awila,»1*-
e v e r y Baptitt C h n r d i fai the S t a t e will hidnric it!! A'rtTX eaurbdajig aal isaUscti*? Ir<fc fcr *aaag paijis
• • M aad r««8-l ^ara-tar at Ks citiMM. pnarota saMaafial « C a i i a rai*eK«tr. ia f U a ^ .
tiedc o n t f r o m the disciusioD, t h e p a U i c w i n con- toes a n d imitate t b e r t a f n | 4 r o f o a r d e c c a s t d broth-
" 4 l U B S p^Docgrios." Caa ke pertuaJc any sensillc wan tka: kt wants a •U•>tbaaadeMrbv * Btaraiy I » « t a t i « i t * r U B a c i a l T l a U s ; O r , A Few raurastit / t CkiUrtm, a«Jyat«« madkdaa, a M r a * W- J A E E A X F .
sider y o u r ill-advised c a r d a s a silly a n d i n i m e a n i n g er, w i t b t b e pieasing b o p e o f a n altimate l e - o m o a • aad ward*. a a d a Dimf r/tr tkt OU P W b — B y rncl* Cbailea, aathor
EarfiWiiAan. Ssly ] .ISM-tf
m ie I M ten that w e ' p e i l M y aar>fiaflBs w H h tJiscfshml . a M Iir tbe l a r p x aad aMrtbaaatifal k s i l S ^ ia * r - B a q l * B h y a M . JastPabii PrioedSccata.
M u s t e r , a n d will t h a n k t h e m d e n i g n e d for h a v i n ) ; w i t h h i m m t h e c h n r c b t r i n i a p h a n t . tba
anyiUac I t e t p p a n froa U w p e a e f Jaisea M.
Ilis stcond is. tJiat -the d u u i i { 4 o n tlu-y w L « h to i d r i i ^ l t h e I k m ' s s k i n f r o m off those recrcanl ia a Iswa J sirtrea'aerca. V a t W tba r B m K S n a a i r «f E r v . X . S a s a r a - B y Be* C 9 B E L U : BEixa:
O a n a . <4' t e a w * * . noeh lam wooU we conde- Resdnd. T h a t v e d e c | d y s y m p a t h i s e w i t b bts l a ^ . Uty-fMrfeM >twil*. I t s l U r y . B D . JcatpabCab.^; witb a portrait- PracaScts.
Kfrfto m i e c - m y t U ^ that h e B i c h t s a y cT w r i t e ,
b r i n g o a t into t h e t i d d u f c o a J n j v e r s y aaid strife,
I n condnsion the undersigned ask o f M r . L o w r y
aad (iMratatiea b l ^ . e»adaiaia«
m n c h afflicted a n d b e r o i i e d f a m f l y , a n d in o a r m o s t I M r » - t w a w i « a , a a d a i x t a a a u A «s«r w a n veataatid Srfael
a Chapal a t ^ f M b n c b ;
n A E a a t U t C b w r b tb« CbHatiaa'a B a s e — B y
P IB C H C B C X n . A C A H B m a . F A C I t K m . n C A K .

i>nb>t uot b e a m a n w h o alrt s d y s t a n d s d a r g e d in fervent p r a y e r s w i U c o i n i D c o d t f a e m t o I I i n i w b o b a s fwaaa, ami r a a w l<« Libs»iT7ihik«>pbie>l a M CBtaieal Ap- BoWrt T Ktdlafittiu s a & - 4 af -Padatavfia Chaadi. Be
neqjtodvverypKoliareircnmatancca. V e w o o U tbnr cewi* la|e»*«d I r s T A a . v U A b r a —
a.s a m a t t e r o f d c c c n c y to a y n o t h i n g iDorC; afler laiataa. M d t t H a c t w r i D a a T a l e ; aal aba, aZagaet p r i m e B e a a e l s r a B s f t ^ - ' i x m t A 1 n l . U a a , |y IT«-
TJs o w n d u i r c h , " Jli . T I a t is to .<«ay, h e w o u k l laiaaSetata.
•ot'sm i h i a i vt ^ n t k i n g intdlectaal I b e d fime ! h e t h e exhibitions h e h a s m a d e o f h i m s d f . a b o n t h i s n e v e r s ^ s e e k y e m y face, i n v a i n . ite e a r a ^ a i a aay d f l b ^ n .
h a r ^ t h e p a U i c b d i ' -.e that M r . G r a v e s starwls s o - r T g a r d for t h e Baptist C h u r c h ^ o r -^earnestly striv- TbaAnigaartbalasCttatiaalata faraaA as t h a f » ^ IS. Trarta.—Predntinrtiea aad the Suats PRVrciws-- n u A t b a s l e w i ^ t h a a s L .
cofaanaef U s • ' X a ^ xaligioiia j o a r a d . T h e Tea- Resolred, T h a t a c o p y o f this b e s p r e a d a p m o o r straeasaaai illli ^ tha C I • • • L i . aad. n f s i n B * . ia
c h a r s c d — a n d t h u s Ih- accomptislirs tfan« o l > j c ^ i n g to illastiate i n t h e p n b E c a n d i s i v a t e w a l k s o f bfPnePHlleiL U k
l a a s wa w o « 1 4 o f a o i t ^ w i t h b i r d s c h n r d i records a s a s t a n d t n g m e m e n t o o f o a r allce- B a ^ 8 c i s a a a a . a a d b r a t r « t y E b a f B l idantiia tatrsla TbaAdeactajcsaf S>!sba:& S c i . ^ la^esdicm. V B n C B tbe m»*eaUe ifsa br —lit-*. S
Iire;^a r d i ^ n o f lore." o r h e w i u s e c u r e to M r . t b * m a l l a m b r a i l f . « « m t i j a a d • italanaia l a l i i d . l U b s r j . B B . a < c e a l B « 3 B e - t i*.f»*-ajfc iabsb..!riae.ifd.i
O B the rattea m e a n e f r e t y o e a r to his h e a r t : — h e m a k e s a ^ w of I x 4 i f
ticd for h i m ; a b o ^ t h a t it b e f b n r a n l e d t o tbe T e n - Tba ILI11 m L yaar w j l t e dli H i d iabi ta i — a a a . w i b c A Baeiis** A.-n=Kat a f o v ; l a ^ a d B r * Jaha L ( e t a a r i b a k i a * S
B o n i s t h e nipotatioa o f b e i n g a m a n o f e x t n o r d i - dstia(«(taMtr««kv
t^ii' f | c h a a ahjtct, w e w a o I i t j f e T e t a a y dia- n e ^ c a l t u o m a t c s M r . U i a v c s , a n d q i a k c s out o f a I l w . » » - ae3aedeeiiBe-I*«=a; pp«*-*»=-
s a ^ d t y a n d great d i s c c n u n c n t o f d i a n e t c r . nessee Ba{itist te poblicatioD.
dticiHaiBn w i t h b a m .
^AUABLT IX ABTAXCS. oagia aad AatbdciV at 1h> B a l » - « T » t , t 7 B c T J L
bBcaent e C i w i M f c t a avetd aceiafri, n a r n i p c . BB-jneeac.
D o n e b y ticder e f t b e B c t b d G h n r ^ i n c a n f a e n c e .
hari%iaiBy v ^ tewgiateoarBdsd^ T U s b a ^ a D a w , t n n q i a r e n t , disingemioiis, - ta»^XMaa<a>ac:>aEaaM-aX>aci.)9BnC>JU|.
this r ^ y i n a n i r o i K i a t e to t h e occasaoB. ontil b e d a n
this 1 9 : b d a y o f K o v e m b e r , 1 8 U .
' " • y * «» *toTiiryiear.fflKatthr»taiiinLia h(«cst ^ false derioe. a o d c a m w t serve M r . L o w - h a v e r e a d 3 f r . L m n j - ' a t w o p r o d u d i w i a a n d I f r .
B a n t . ' f U B p b l e t o f last
r y "^iw!!* Ifcelr Jdos D. ELUOTF. ef ^dcsca.
I t ia n o t t n c , that M r . G r a m ^^ataads cfaarged A . H . DOKDIS. «r M a d a m . Marr SrwaMB.
r a a C n i i f t i f t t ^ testt w i t h
n his o w n d r a r d i a n d tlie r d i ^ i o o a p c u a o f b i a L. W . T a o n r a o x , oT X a d i s i n .
y f a y r w r y fcca • • i ^ g w tahaie
Dtcoaber. ^ . Aaotbo-soai. luifttUndly tetk bas gaae «»
tmra d t a o o a n a t i o n , a a a a qMenqmhrna B»r aad
• BfdWifced apHi nifij fcaaani
P . Sk- T b e aailcf l i u i f s c l c d c d ^ f t secuis b y IMr- icaSsetbeg^iroiscd t o tte n d e e w d a f tbe
afaBdercrerbiaovabcelltRa.'' A M a b c r a T t h e
J « f I t e K a a M e M M ^ l h e h m i tftatw* lamrj far ( ^ p c e U • w t , vitkiat any faawB pfO-
B ^ t i r t C b o K i i i ^ s a a at I k e mmttimttkt c£- Locd. STACR UABX S n a i m , daa^kter of M m
l i a ^ i ^ atteatha to matiMi. bcp fcate to'ay. Oai be
W e f s B i u M paper, tiaaistod feaBtlKGcnan K e n a a . w a a b a n iB B n t M C o M ^ . K « t k
I te « i i f c ite « v a c a t * e a i k e M w l i a IBROWFCE 4 * B M e derieal l e k s te
• r T « s I h a i a , » r I ^ m w W R f c . fo I k a p u p o a e o f aai I t r n t e w d . Ifr. L o m j i a I a M t* < i B a a . O e l o b ( r 2 1 , IffiS, mi c a q g a M vilk htr
lilL teealfM
kiHH>>iiwia<t^anWiia«'> •! B t m - It fii litwt te m M biBMilf 11 n i B n l f i h l a i f il 11 Till Tl •
M b k « a 4a
tiBtyteHaiMrfiM i.
rtar;««MlflMr ca^iayaatb, mi
J d 0 n. X u i o n .
ref ii«apaa Awitn.'aaJ aatna tq^rficaw WapOt
af i>aJi*ri>afaa w l i ! to M l iatoMa n a » a to r, T e w a l a s k ^ ^ 6 * * b lesi a
tea^liRkafi, iSM,

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