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Review Inglés 4


Gerund or Infinitive Exercise

Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets.

1. I can't stand _______________in queues. (wait )
 I can't stand waiting in queues.
2. I wouldn't like ______________in his shoes. ( be )
 I wouldn't like to be in his shoes.
3. Jim loves ________________ in Thailand. (work )
 Jim loves working in Thailand.
4. I hate ________________ the shopping on Saturday. (do )
 I hate doing the shopping on Saturday.
5. 5 Blast! I forgot ________________ milk. (buy )
 Blast! I forgot to buy milk.
6. In the end we decided _____________ in. (stay )
 In the end we decided to stay in.
7. I need ________________ some information about Portugal. (find )
 I need to find some information about Portugal.
8. My parents like ___________for long walks at the weekend. ( go )
 My parents like going for long walks at the weekend.
9. Tony gave up _____________years ago. ( smoke )
 Tony gave up smoking years ago.

Passive voice (present and Past) Complete using the correct form of the verb

1. Shakespeare wrote more than 40 plays.

More than 40 plays were written by Shakespeare.

2. Bill reads many books.

Many books were read by Bill.

3. Mary copied Tom's homework.

Tom's homework was copied by Mary.

4. My mom cooks the dinner every night.

The dinner was cooked by my mom every night.

5. Harry and Sally left this book here.

This book was left by Harry and Sally here.

First Conditional
Select the correct answer

If you ________ an apple every day, you'll be very healthy.

a.  Eat
b.  will eat
If you don't put so much sugar in your coffee, you ________ so much weight!

a. won't put on
b. don't put on

You ________ heart disease if you eat too much meat.

a. will get
b. get
If I ________ some eggs, how many ________?

a. will cook / do you eat

b. cook / will you eat

She ________ completely different if she cuts her hair.

a. Looks
b. will look


Choose the appropriate answer.

I meet my high I do so / too / neither /

school friends either
once a year.
I haven’t tried I haven’t neither / too / so
Chinese food / either
I was so tired after So / too / neither / either
the game. was I
My cousins went Neither / either / too / so
to the movie did my uncle
theater yesterday

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