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1. A brand is an identifying symbol, mark, logo, name, word, and/or sentence that companies
use to distinguish their product from others

Brand management is the process of building, managing and improving a brand. It begins
by having a thorough knowledge of the term “brand”. Hence, brand management includes
developing a promise, making that promise and maintaining it.

2. People don’t buy products, they buy brands’; People are also happy to pay a premium price
For a premium brand. Solid branding gives you the authority to position yourself as an
expert and a leader in your industry. By putting your core values at the heart of your brand,
you are able to resonate with customers at an emotional level, giving you an advantage over

3. a) Brand Awareness
b) Perceived Quality
c) Brand Association
d) Brand Loyalty

4. There are several promotional tools which can used for your brand awareness strategy.
Traditional methods of marketing tools like TV, magazines, radio, brochures have been used for
many years, yet are becoming less popular given the high cost and little return that is achieved.
Nowadays more and more companies are converting to the digital world as a cost-effective way
to reach a larger audience and are achieving greater return. Three common and successful
online marketing tools that are used to build brand awareness include, search engine
optimisation (SEO) social media and inbound marketing. Social media is an effective tool for
creating brand awareness given the sheer number of online users around the world. There are
numerous social networking sites which can use to reach the intended audience. The purpose is
to initiate engagement among your audience by posting relevant updates that will be of interest
or useful to the receiver. Each platform serves a different purpose and audience; therefore, it is
important to adopt the right social media tool that aligns with your company’s marketing
objectives. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram are the most popular social media tools
used for B2B and B2C marketing due to the large user base.

5. a) Target audience

b) Business description

c) Points of differentiation

d) Reason to believe

6. The Brand performance means, how well the functional needs of customers are met however
at this level of the pyramid, the marketers check the way in which product is performing and how
efficiently it is fulfilling the needs of the customers. The Brand feelings means, what customers
feel, for the product or how the customer is emotionally attached to the product and moreover
the consumer can develop emotions towards the brand in terms of fun, security, self-respect,
social approval, etc.

1. a) Brand identity includes logos, typography, colours, packaging, and messaging, and it

complements and reinforces the existing reputation of a brand. Brand identity attracts
new customers to a brand while making existing customers feel at home.

 Brand Physique − It is the tangible and physical added value, as well as the
backbone of a brand. It considers physical aspect of brand: How does it look,
what does it do, the flagship product of the brand, which represents its qualities.
For example, the dark colour of Coke and colourless Sprite.
 Customer Reflection − It is the perception of a customer about the brand after
using the brand. For example, “The Thunderbird I purchased is value for price. It
is giving me pleasure of leisure riding. Thanks to Royale Enfield.
 Relationship − Brands communicate, interact, transact with the consumer. It is
the mode of conduct that defines the brand. This factor is vital for service brands.
For example, banking where the cordial relationship develops faith in the
customers when it comes to handling their money with respect.
 Culture − It is the set of values that governs and inspires the brand. Countries of
origin, presence of brand over geographically diverse regions, changing society,
etc., play an important role in building a brand’s culture
2. a) Label A : Resonance
Label B : Salience

 Ensure identification of the brand with customers and an association of the brand
in customers’ minds with a specific product class, product benefit, or customer
 Firmly establish the totality of brand meaning in the minds of customers by
strategically linking a host of tangible and intangible brand associations
 Elicit the proper customer responses to the brand.
 Convert brand responses to create brand resonance and an intense, active
loyalty relationship between customers and the brand

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