Poster - Rational Use of Ppe Poster

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Rational Use of PPE as Recommended by MoH&FW

The PPEs are to be used based on the risk profile of the health care worker.
The document describes the PPEs to be used in different settings.
Point of Entry

SR Setting Activity Risk Recommended PPE Remarks

1 Health Desk Provide information to Low Triple layer medical Minimum distance of one meter
travelers. mask+Gloves. needs to be maintained.
2 Temperature Record Temperature Low Triple layer medical
recording with hand held thermal mask+Gloves
station recorder.
3 Holding Area Interview & Clinical Moderate N-95 masks Gloves
examination by
doctors/ nurses
4 Isolation Clinical management Moderate N-95 masks
facility (doctors, nurses) Gloves
Attending to severely High Full complement of PPE When aerosol generating
ill PATIENTS procedures are anticipated
5 Sanitary staff Cleaning frequently Moderate N-95 mask
touched surfaces/ Gloves
Floor/ cleaning linen

6 Administrative Providing No risk No PPE No contact with patients of COVID-

staff administrative support 19. They should not venture into
areas where suspect COVID-19
cases are being managed.
Hospital Setting ( DCCC + DCHC + DCH )

S. Setting Activity Risk Recommended PPE Remarks

1 Triage area Triaging patients-Provide triple Moderate N95-Mask Patients get masked.
layer mask to patient. +Gloves
2 Screening area Provide information to Moderate N95-Mask +Gloves
/ Registration patients
3 Temperature Record temperature with Moderate N95-Mask +Gloves
Recording hand held thermal recorder
4 Holding area/ Nurses / paramedic Moderate N95-Mask +Gloves Minimum distance of one
Waiting area interacting with patients meter needs to be
5 Doctor’s Clinical management Moderate N95-Mask +Gloves No aerosol generating
Chamber (doctors, nurses) procedures should
be allowed.
6 Sanitary Staff Cleaning frequently touched Moderate N95-Mask
surfaces/ Floor/ cleaning +Gloves

7 Visitors Support in navigating various Low Risk Triple Layer Mask No other visitors should be
accompanying service areas allowed to accompany patients
in OPD settings. The visitors
young children
thus allowed should practice
and elderlies hand hygiene

# All hospitals should identify a separate triage and holding area for patients with Influenza like illness. If there is no triage area / holding area for
patients due to resource constraints, such hospitals will follow the above guidance for general OPD.
In-patient Services ( ICU )

Sr. Setting Activity Risk Recommended PPE Remarks

1 Individual Clinical management Moderate N95 Mask + Patient masked. Patients
Isolation Rooms/ Gloves stable. No aerosol
Cohorted generating
Isolation Rooms activity.

2 ICU/ Critical Critical care High Full complement of Aerosol generating


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