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Market Update

Gold supply chain shows resilience amid

May 2020

The gold supply chain is truly global. Gold is

mined on every continent except Antarctica,
Supply: down but not out
refined into bars and coins in numerous The gold supply chain, with all its components, enables the
smooth functioning of the gold market; it allows gold to
countries, and distributed far and wide. This
flow to where it is needed and, importantly, in the desired
geographical dispersion not only brings form. This was clearly exemplified in 2013 when a sharp fall
stability to the gold market, it is also in the gold price sparked a wave of demand in Eastern
necessary to satisfy demand. markets. The gold supply chain allowed London Good
Delivery (LGD) bars in western markets to be refined into
But the onset and scale of the COVID-19 kilobars – the preferred bar size in Asia – and journey
pandemic has caused unprecedented onwards to meet this demand. 1,2

disruption to various parts of the gold supply But the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the gold supply
chain unlike any other event in modern history. From
chain. In this report, we explore:
mining operations to consumption, all elements of the
• how the different components across the chain have been affected. While this has led to some
distortions within parts of the market, it has also allowed
supply chain have been affected the supply chain to demonstrate its resilience. And this
resilience brings stability.
• the impact on the flow of gold through the
supply chain Constrained sources of supply. Gold mining is
geographically diverse, occurring on all continents except
• how the disruption has affected Antarctica, so the industry was unlikely to escape the
investment demand. impact of the pandemic entirely. But this dispersion has
also helped to shield the primary supply of gold from more
We find that while gold’s supply chain has severe outcomes.
not escaped unscathed, it has demonstrated Following national and local government measures aimed
resilience in the face of these challenges, at countering the outbreak, several projects worldwide
reduced or halted operations in Q1. Key mining nations,
highlighting a key strength of the market.
such as China, South Africa and Peru, all saw mining
activities curtailed due to lockdown restrictions. These
declines in production were somewhat offset by more
consistent production levels in other major mining regions
that had experienced little or no disruption to normal

1 2

And while total gold production fell 3% y-o-y in Q1 – Downstream capacity was also reduced. Operations at a
representing the lowest level of production since 2015 and small number of refineries were halted during Q1. On 23
the largest y-o-y fall since Q1 2017 – this decline was March, Valcambi, Argor-Heraeus and PAMP – three of the
relatively modest given the scale of the pandemic. 3 world’s largest refiners – suspended operations due to the
spread of the virus. The consequent reduction in global
Although lockdown measures in several mining countries
refining capacity – approximately 1,500t of gold annually –
have extended into Q2, they are gradually easing, with
meant that bars and coins could not be produced in the
some affected mining operations beginning to ramp up
necessary forms as quickly as needed. 4 The Rand Refinery,
Africa’s only LBMA-accredited refiner, opted to temporarily
Recycling activity – which typically generates 25% to 30% close its smelting plant and reduce capacity in response to
of gold supply – was also affected in Q1, falling 4% y-o-y to the lockdown. Fabricators were also affected with the US
its lowest level for two years (Chart 1). Mint, for example, opting to temporarily suspend
Given the price-sensitive nature of gold recycling, under production of gold Eagle and Buffalo coins at its West Point
normal conditions the 6% rise in the US dollar gold price — facility in mid-April. 5
higher in some other key currencies – during Q1 would In contrast to this squeeze on the supply chain, unaffected
have drawn out near-market supply. But this relationship refineries elsewhere in the world, such as the Perth Mint,
was weakened by the lockdown measures worldwide. The increased production capacity in order to meet some of the
normal physical exchange of gold for cash was virtually excess demand, especially for non-LGD gold bars. And in
suspended as consumers were instructed to take refuge in early May, Valcambi, Argor-Heraeus and Rand Refinery
their homes and jewellery retailers were temporarily forced announced they were restoring operations after lockdown
to close. This reduced the amount of gold that may measures were eased, further helping to alleviate pressure
otherwise have come onto the market. As lockdown on the supply chain. 6,7
measures begin to ease, gold recycling levels are likely to
rise as consumers look to manage the economic impact of
Logistical nightmares
Supply chain disruption has not been focused solely on the
Chart 1: Lockdown hit gold mine production and sourcing and refining of gold. Stringent travel restrictions
recycling in Q1 imposed by governments globally to combat the spread of
Year-on-year % change in supply by source* COVID-19 impeded the flow of gold along the chain.
Y-o-y % chg
Doré produced at a mine site must be transported to
refiners who then ship refined gold to markets that need it.
This involves a sophisticated and highly secure
transportation network, typically moving gold by road and
air. But border closures and the drastic reduction in
commercial flights have stymied this regular movement of
gold (Chart 2). As travel restrictions have taken hold fewer
flights have meant a significant drop in available cargo
space. This has led to intense competition for that space,
with essential goods, such as medical equipment, often
being prioritised. Consequently, the cost of transporting
Q1'17 Q3'17 Q1'18 Q3'18 Q1'19 Q3'19 Q1'20
gold between various hubs has substantially increased and
Mine production Recycled gold
left the supply chain looking for alternative means of
transportation, including chartering cargo-only aircraft. 8
*As of 30 March 2020.
Source: Metals Focus, World Gold Council

3 6
q1-2020/supply reopen-as-virus-lockdown-eases-idUKKBN22G2G7
4 7
5 lockdown-2020-05-06
at-West-Point.html 8

Market Update | Gold supply chain shows resilience amid disruption 02

Chart 2: Decline in commercial flights restricted gold Focus 1: Dislocation between London
OTC market and COMEX futures
No. of flights
The price differential between the London OTC spot
and COMEX active futures markets is known
100,000 colloquially as the EFP or ‘exchange for physical’. The
EFP is also a traded instrument that allows traders to
swap their gold positions between the physical OTC
60,000 market (London) and the COMEX futures market
(New York), offering transaction efficiency between
the two.
Historically, the EFP has traded in a relatively tight and
0 predictable range, most recently about US$2/oz,
11-Feb 25-Feb 10-Mar 24-Mar 07-Apr 21-Apr 05-May which is governed by the physical arbitrage costs. If
Number of flights 7-day moving average the COMEX premium to London exceeded US$2/oz a
trader could enter the market and close the arbitrage
Source: Flightradar24, World Gold Council by selling the COMEX future and buying OTC London
spot. In the event that the EFP remained stubbornly
As a result, gold struggled to get to where it was needed, elevated the position could be settled by shipping
leading to distortions in several markets. For example, in LGD bars to a LBMA-approved refiner and recasting
March, reduced imports into India due to the supply-side them to COMEX delivery requirements (100oz or 1kg
disruptions widened the local discount sharply to around bars) before shipping to COMEX vaults in the US,
US$70/oz, and it has remained above US$25/oz in April and although in practice this was rarely necessary.
May. 9 Logistical issues were also one of the primary Large EFP positions primarily exist because of the
causes of the widening differential between the spot price way bullion banks hedge gold futures with OTC
in the London over-the-counter (OTC) market and the positions. Typically, an investor would buy gold
futures price on COMEX (Chart 3, Focus 1). COMEX futures through banks and the banks would,
It is, however, important to draw a distinction between the most commonly, hedge their corresponding short
supply chain issues caused by logistical challenges and the position by purchasing gold OTC.
liquidity in the gold market. While the logistical issues have Towards the end of March, as the Swiss refineries
caused disruption to the free movement of gold, and thus took some operations offline and the network of
resulted in some localised liquidity issues, overall liquidity in commercial flights around the globe decreased, the
the gold market remains robust. EFP jumped to as much as US$75/oz as the two
markets became dislocated.
Chart 3: Price differential between London and New
York spiked due to logistical issues A perceived shortage of COMEX-deliverable
US$/oz investment gold bars located in COMEX vaults and
60 logistical limitations across the globe impeded the
50 potential to physically close this arbitrage, causing
40 prices to diverge widely.
The EFP has narrowed in recent weeks as the market
20 gradually returns to normal, although trading volumes
10 on COMEX remain lower than historical levels. We
0 believe this is due to a combination of banks
-10 rebalancing their trading books and limiting their
-20 exposure to EFP positions in the face of reduced risk
-30 appetite.
01-Jan 22-Jan 12-Feb 04-Mar 25-Mar 15-Apr 06-May
COMEX/London OTC price differential

Note: Chart shows difference between the COMEX active futures price and the
London OTC spot price.
Source: Bloomberg, World Gold Council


Market Update | Gold supply chain shows resilience amid disruption 03

Divergence in supply of This was supported by the large stock of LGD bars: at the
end of January a record 8,263t of gold was held in London,
bars and coins valued at a record US$426bn. 12 The stock of LGD bars
enabled gold ETFs to source the gold required to back the
Against the existing global backdrop of low and negative large volume of newly created shares.
interest rates, as well as an anaemic growth outlook, the As gold volatility increased in Q1 the standardisation and
sudden COVID-19 outbreak took investor uncertainty to deep stock of LGD bars helped maintain liquidity in the
new highs. This fuelled a surge in gold investment demand wholesale gold market, benefiting individual and
in Q1 as investors sought safe-haven assets, especially in institutional investors alike.
Western markets such as the US and Europe. Under
normal circumstances this demand could be met through a Fewer small bars and coins pushed premiums higher.
variety of sources. But in the current environment a At the retail level, where there is market fragmentation, the
divergence in the supply of LGD and retail bars and coins story was markedly different. Significant stocks of small
emerged. bars (1kg or less) and coins were stranded in Eastern
markets where demand was subdued throughout the
Stock of LGD bars countered supply issues. In the quarter due to COVID-19. Difficulties in transporting this
wholesale market the availability and liquidity of LGD bars gold easily and quickly to meet heightened demand in
was relatively unaffected by the supply chain issues. western markets caused supply issues.
Trading volumes in the London OTC market remained
strong in March, up 85% y-o-y, at over US$1.5tn (Chart Additionally, the availability of small gold bars and coins
4). 10 While volumes have fallen back since mid-March, they was further stretched due to their more complex supply
remained healthy even as the dislocation between London chain. Small bars and coins need to be distributed
and COMEX began to widen. throughout the globe to retailers and consumers. By
contrast, LGD bars are, typically, sent to LBMA-approved
In contrast to gold futures on COMEX, which are linked to vaults in London using established routes and frequent
1kg bars, most gold-backed ETFs (gold ETFs) are linked to flights.
LGD gold bars and these have benefited from the ample
supply. In Q1, inflows into gold ETFs totalled 298t, the Coin demand, in particular, jumped 36% y-o-y, with several
highest level of quarterly inflows for four years. And the mints reporting robust sales. In March the US Mint
strong flows have continued through April and May. 11 reported Eagle coin sales of 151,500 troy ounces, the
highest monthly total since July 2015, followed by a further
Chart 4: London OTC trading volumes remain healthy 105,000 troy ounces in April. The Perth Mint also reported a
Mn oz sizable jump in gold bar and coin sales in both March and
60 April. 13,14

50 The supply and logistical issues caused depletion of some

dealer inventories and left many investors facing long wait
times and high premiums. It was reported that premiums
30 for American Eagle 1oz gold coins jumped to over
US$130/oz (8% above spot), the highest level for six years,
20 compared to an average of US$25/oz (2% above spot) over
10 the first two and a half months of 2020. 15

0 But as issues in the gold supply chain begin to ease such

Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 elevated premiums should narrow substantially, and
anecdotal evidence seems to confirm this.
Data as of 7 May 2020. Bars represent five-day moving averages based on
LBMA-i reporting.
Source: Nasdaq, World Gold Council

10 14
11 _April_2020.aspx

12 15
recent-figures/ over-lofty-135-premiums-for-u-s-coins?sref=3W4oJZsn


Market Update | Gold supply chain shows resilience amid disruption 04

The gold market was by no means alone in suffering In recent weeks the easing of certain COVID-19 restrictions
significant supply-chain disruption due to the COVID-19 has alleviated some pressure on the supply of gold. While
pandemic and the measures taken in response. But the the dislocation between the London OTC market and
temporary suspension of some mining and refining COMEX remains elevated, we expect that some of the
activities, along with strict travel restrictions, created dislocations that have arisen due to supply chain issues
unprecedented challenges to the movement of gold within should be reduced or even eliminated, ensuring the
the market. continued smooth and efficient functioning of the entire
gold market.
But amidst these challenges the resilience of the gold
supply chain shone through. To date, mine production and
gold recycling have declined only modestly because of
lockdowns. And the depth of the stock of LGD bars, as well
as the adaptability of market participants, has supported
high gold investment demand.

Market Update | Gold supply chain shows resilience amid disruption 05

About the World Gold Council For more information
The World Gold Council is the market development organisation Market Intelligence and Research:
for the gold industry. Our purpose is to stimulate and sustain
Krishan Gopaul Adam Perlaky
demand for gold, provide industry leadership, and be the global
authority on the gold market. +44 20 7826 4704 +1 212 317 3824
We develop gold-backed solutions, services and products, based
Ray Jia Louise Street
on authoritative market insight and we work with a range of
partners to put our ideas into action. As a result, we create
+86 21 2226 1107 +44 20 7826 4765
structural shifts in demand for gold across key market sectors. We
provide insights into the international gold markets, helping people Mukesh Kumar
to understand the wealth preservation qualities of gold and its role
in meeting the social and environmental needs of society. +91 22 6157 9131
Based in the UK, with operations in India, the Far East and the US,
Juan Carlos Artigas John Reade
the World Gold Council is an association whose members
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comprise the world’s leading gold mining companies.
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Market Update | Gold supply chain shows resilience amid disruption 06

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