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A treat for mosquitoes

Introduction to
We all see a variety of
advertisements on T.V.

Rahul’s mother always advises him

not to remove clothes while playing in
the playground because there are high
chances of a mosquito bite.
We all see a variety of
advertisements on T.V.

But the reason for which his mother

asks Rahul to stay away from such a
small insect is always a matter of
We all see a variety of
advertisements on T.V.

This is because some of these insects

spread deadly diseases.
Now we are going to
know about one of the
common diseases that
can be spread by
Now we are going to know
about one of the common
diseases that can be spread
by mosquito

One of the most common

diseases caused by a mosquito
bite is Malaria.
Now we are going to know
about one of the common
diseases that can be spread
by mosquito

It is spread by female Anopheles

mosquitoes which carry the
Plasmodium parasite.
Let us know how
Plasmodium enters
human body.
Let us know the reason why
plasmodium enters human

The Plasmodium needs both

human and a mosquito to
Let us know the reason why
plasmodium enters human

It enters the human (host) body

through skin when a mosquito
Let us know the reason why
plasmodium enters human

It flows with the blood to reach

the liver.
Let us know the reason why
plasmodium enters human

On reaching the liver, it starts

to grow and destroy the liver
Let us know the reason why
plasmodium enters human

The mature parasite enters the

bloodstream again and destroys the
Red Blood Cells.
It continues to multiply during this
process causing Malaria.
Let’s see how this
infection is spread from
one person to another
Let’s see how this infection
is spread to another person

When a female mosquito bites an

infected person, the parasite enters
the mosquito along with the human
Let’s see how this infection
is spread to another person

And when the same mosquito bites

another person, the parasite enters
the bloodstream of that person.
This is how the infection is spread.

Malaria is an infectious disease

caused by the female anopheles

These mosquitoes spread

malaria by injecting the
Plasmodium parasite in the

The parasite grows in the host body

and attacks the red cells of the
The End

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