Sent Trans New MAY 07

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Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings. Remember to use between THREE
and EIGHT words, including the given one.

1. Dan definitely won’t be able to afford a holiday this year. (POSSIBILITY)

à There ___________________________________________________ to afford a holiday this year.
2. John has hinted that he doesn’t wish to remain in the group any longer. (HINT)
à John has ___________________________________________________ wishes to remain in the group.
3. Five actors were competing for the leading role in the play. (CONTENTION)
à There ___________________________________________________ the leading role in the play.
4. A spokesman said that the story was pure speculation. (DISMISSED)
à The story ___________________________________________________ than speculation by a spokesman.
5. She was concentrating so hard on her work that she didn’t notice when I came in. (WRAPPED)
à She was ___________________________________________________ that she didn’t notice when I came in.
6. They still haven’t found out what caused the accident. (CAUSE)
à They have yet ___________________________________________________ the accident was.
7. I reluctantly signed the contract. (SIGNATURE)
à It was with ___________________________________________________ on the contract.
8. Suzanne is far superior to me in terms of technical knowledge. (MATCH)
à When it comes ___________________________________________________ for Suzanne.
9. Anthony wasn’t at all discouraged by this bad experience. (PUT)
à This bad experience ___________________________________________________ least.
10. The company lent us an apartment as part of the deal. (LOAN)

à As part of the deal, we were ___________________________________________________ by the company.

11. I always enjoy this film, no matter how often I see it. (TIRE)
à However ___________________________________________________ this film.
12. I don’t know why Fred made such an extraordinary decision. (PROMPTED)
à I don’t know ___________________________________________________ a decision.
13. Inefficient treatment of customers creates a bad impression of the company. (REFLECTS)
à Treating customers with a lack ___________________________________________________ the company.
14. The organizers planned everything as carefully as they could possibly have done. (UTMOST)
à Everything was planned ___________________________________________________ by the organizers.
15. Coming second didn’t make her feel any better because she only wanted to win. (CONSOLIDATION)
à Coming second ___________________________________________________ was all that mattered to her.
16. I promised him that the situation would not be repeated in the future. (WORD)
à I ___________________________________________________ no repetition of the situation in the future.
17. Tim tried to be like one of his heroes when he was a young musician. (MODELED)
à As ___________________________________________________ one of his heroes.
18. Dianne finds that creating things stops her from thinking about her work. (MIND)
à Dianne finds that being ___________________________________________________ her work.

947/23 CMT8 St., Wd 7, TB Dist – 0934.035.500

68 Ban Van Tran, Wd 7, TB Dist – 0932.010.500 --- Page 1 of 2 ---

19. I tried not to get involved in that situation. (MIXED)

à I tried to avoid ___________________________________________________ that situation.
20. After announcing his resignation, he said that he had done nothing improper. (DENY)
à After announcing his resignation, he went _______________________________________________ improper.
21. I had to go to an expert and ask her to advise me. (SEEK)
à I was forced ___________________________________________________ expert.
22. I realized that I was in a terrible position and I wasn’t to blame for it. (FAULT)
à Through ___________________________________________________ myself in a terrible position.
23. I’m doubtful that this plan is very realistic. (RESERVATIONS)
à I ___________________________________________________ realistic this plan is.
24. Francis chose computing rather than marketing for his next course. (PREFERENCE)
à Francis opted ___________________________________________________ marketing for his next course.
25. Presumably you’re still interested in traveling this summer. (LOST)
à I take ___________________________________________________ traveling this summer.
26. Eventually, Jim admitted that he was responsible for the error. (OWNED)
à Eventually, it ___________________________________________________ been responsible for the error.
27. Without your assistance, I could never have done this job so well. (ASSISTED)
à Had ___________________________________________________, I could never have done this job so well.
28. The manager praised one particular player. (SINGLED)

à One particular player ___________________________________________________ praise by the manager.

29. He denied the accusation unconvincingly, which made me think he was guilty. (LED)

à His ___________________________________________________ believe that he was guilty.

30. There came a time when I completely ran out of patience. (STAGE)

à I ___________________________________________________ more patience left.

31. Once I had made sure there was no reason to be afraid, I went ahead. (FEAR)

à Having satisfied ___________________________________________________, I went ahead.

32. It is likely that she will get very angry when she finds out. (LIABLE)

à She ___________________________________________________ fit when she finds out.

33. Being inexperienced was a disadvantage to her when she applied for promotion. (COUNTED)

à Her ___________________________________________________ when she applied for promotion.

947/23 CMT8 St., Wd 7, TB Dist – 0934.035.500

68 Ban Van Tran, Wd 7, TB Dist – 0932.010.500 --- Page 2 of 2 ---

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