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INWARD NO AL Rol, oaven: Lé=: PROVINCIAL RECORD CELL| BOARD OF REVENUE SINDH ‘" FLOOR SHAHBAZ BUILDING HLOCK "D" HYDERABAD PH: 9201303.6201116 No. D.D (PRC)/ BOR! 43 of 2016 Hyserabad Date y 11-2016, To, ‘The Sub Registrar, (Allin Sina), SUBJECT:- STANDING OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR ISSUANCE OF ‘SALE_CERTIFICATE ON PRINTED FORMAT W.i FROM ‘112.2016, ‘The Board of Revenue, Sindh has introduced printed Sale Cerificate bearing Book and Page numbers w.c. rom Ist December. Accordingly tbe Standing Operations) Procedure comprising of following document ae enclosed for your ready reference. Notitieation No, SMBWV-1015 () of 2016 deted 07.11.2016 issued by Senior Member Board of Revene, Sih, © nsctins in Sind regarding issuance of Sale Crifcate Circular No. DD(ELINHQ/BOR/2016°268 dated 28.10.2016 issued by Secretary (Revenue), Beard of Revense Sindh regarding mutation of Agricultura Landen conversion foe Non-Agsiultural purpose. You are therefore requested to please do not other than the preserved printed format w.e. from Ist D any tle Create e201, Hyderabad ce 1, The Member (R&S), Board of Revenue, Sindh, Karachi, 2. The Secretary (Revenue), Board of Revenue Sindh, Hyderabad 3. The Inspector General (Registration), Board of Reveaue, Sindh, Hyderabad. REVENUE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SINDH No, SMBR/-1015(,) of 2036 Karachi, Dated" 11-20 NOTIFICATION In order to ensure transparency, minimize general complaints regarding issuance of bogus Sale Cetifestes and to make a uniform format, competent authority has approved the introduction of Sale Certificates printed by Security Printing Press of Pokistan which should ‘replace al the other format of Sale Certfiates in the Province 2 “The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) regarding printed Sale Certifates shall, be as under- 1A the Sale Cerificate registers effective from 2" December 2016 shall henceforth be printed & issued by the Board of Revenue, Singh in the prescribed format. No private paper or any other form shall be printed, issued or utiized at Sale Certificate by any Revenue Officer cassified in Secton-7 ofthe Sindh Land Revenue Act, 1967. All the printed registers shall be isued by the Provincial Record Cell tothe ‘concerned Mukhtiarkar (Revenue) in the same manner as the Record of Rights resisters (VF-VIMA, VF-VILB and Vl) ere being issued under the orders of Honourable “High Court of Sindh in CP: No.D-11/2007 (Mebahuddin V/S Board of Revenue, Sindh and others). Wi. The Sale Cerificate register published on security paper will remain in custody of Mukntarkar (Revenue) who will be responsible for any loss / damage. fw. In case, any page is destroyed / damaged / mistakenly written, shall be returned to the Provincial Record Cell, Bard of Revenue, Sindh, Hyderebod In original ‘The Mukhtiarkar concerned shall send the photostat copies of sale certificate alongwith counter fol for scanning and data Indexing at Provincial Record Cel, Board of Revenue, Sindh, Hyderabad, as early as possible vi. Incase, of nonutiliaation of esued Sale Certificate, the orignal copy bearing cancelation rote shall be sent tothe Provincial Record Cell before issuance ‘of fresh certificate. While, in case of misplacement, the Khatedar shall submit an affidavit and copy of Normal Complaint (NC) of concerned police station Wi. The Assistant Commissioner concerned shall ensure maintenance of relevant registers and its proper utllzation on monthly basis and submit report atest by 8 of every month to the Provincial Record Cell inthe prescribed format vii The Sub-Registrar shall accept only the prescribed Sale Certificate on and after" December, 2016 & onwards. SENIOR MEMBER / SECRETARY “TO GOVERNMENT OF SINOM, REVENUE DEPARTMENT copy it forwarded:- 1. The Chet Secretary of Singh, Karch 2. The Members {al Board of Revenue Sindh 3, The Commissioners araci / Hyderabad / Mirpurhas/Sukkur / shaheed Benaavabad, 44. The Project Director (LARMI), Board of Revenue, Sindh, Karachi 5. The Director (i), Board of Revenue Sindh, Hyderabad, 6. The Regional Revenve Offer, Hyderabad / Karachi / Mirpurkhas /Suthur/ SShahaeed Benazrabad 7. ‘The inspector General Registration), Sindh. 8, The Deputy Commissioner. (alla Sint) 18, The Deputy Director (PRC), Board of Revenue Sindh, Hyderabc. 20, The District Registrar, Karachi 11. The Divisional Manager (ARMS, Hyderabad / Karahi / Mipurkhas Sukkur / shahaeed Benazrabed, £12. The Assistant Commissioner (allio sind. 713. The Mukhtar (alin Sia. 414. The Sub-Reisra, (Ain Sind 15. The Master Fle 2016, FRY (REVENUE) BOARD OF REVENUE, SIND phate cat ied (eens) We hee be? fas ao oY Ketatonal ¢ By gale Contos dave ee ge nN git ate le BD gr LMiecnsiecely Ban JAAS a i ot Sb om ed Jassel SY (atale ge gent ye) aelaK! ob gle S| site bet 082 Jp pl gp TOTAL PAGES ¢ al nel be Da tat Sane op Dae asin a a 10 de is ee tt oe le oe pale] GAA aE» aha te File gb oe be ob 7 Oe St peer onan be ee ate sls ie dae Dalles Je Bee cyl SA AS SSAA 28) BoB de cme yt Gee ate et ons in vA Fete yr al ans yt oe} mF ai ye OHH i Al aS ble de Sad ett pie AF Catanel Males by Staats aft Heenion 4p Cafedet eel pte ok we gals oe pest pan oe Sdn den of Sans Ol nls vee me vs VS BO re faa iy Ge gil of deeb dhs sans Ue Sate dee ion ap gle aoe ca Ort vel goannas e Na, ae se bel a care ge Be SU se lb al lan Bol Satan dee 27a E “ooh A ln eto ke) FURS go gf aab asd a bee nes Jala Sable acura grb 3 Doasah ny ae #10968 a niin de pe of SO Ser Gey late Piel Cade be tate oust OF Bue ale Sat SB am ed teats Sl oe yu COUNTER FOLIO fl Cathie Jno.) deeb gta Sata he weber MAMAN Te ney SCANNING yin yr Cal yt JASE Teast gt thon oF ee 8 Ser pail ple aT ie Ba ial 8 sr Ss te ans ate he OO 426 ihe gle snes 08 2 ie 3B tel PACES alee ore 3 yk Sh py ath Sn 3 ie el wel Hats 8 Deal Alege 2 gate 8 bl poe gle foetal gp leg fb VANITY ge Satan ee 2 oligo) ib ty # gS Lat OE Gt yp ts SatTloee Sl mls pe MSE jig Seta pe ULE BD 2 Re PNTE SID dle 9 IO yl sis iw nui gd SThaal Jew Ae ctor gp seins Vian lee BO ees tet Sh ke ce @ gn de wan MHSMS Gut & NOSMBRAOISOOE ME at OWEIE ¥ pe be wen CPNODIIIN gelled yr a0 woooreanynysor2oig 2.68 OARD OP aVeR anon Fydenbod Da a 28 RCULAR STATION_OF_AGRICULT: CONVERSION FOR NON-AGRICULTURAL, PURPOSE, 1 has been observed that Memorandum No, 1-89-79/Rer-Iti/534, ated 16% March, 1980 of the Board of Revenue, Sindh addressed to the Commissioners and the Deputy Commissioners through which it was clarified that no Premium or altered assessment should be charged in respect of the lands which are ‘sed for ery other purpose and the Circular No.KB-1/MISC/2040/1981, dated 16.08.1981 of the Secretary to Government of Singh, Land Ultization Department Uivough which it was clarfed that the Kabull lands could be used for any purpose without ebtaiing permission from any Revenue Officer but only Survey Department 'S tobe informed to correct the record are being misinterpreted. Both these Circulars ‘ere fsued only to clarify tnat neither any premium or altered assessment isto be ‘urged er any permission for change of use of private Xabull land fom any Revenue Officer was necessary. AS far as maintenance of cecord of rights is concerned there are separate forms for Showing ownership and subsequent ‘mutation of Agricutura land and land used or assigned for Non-Agricultural purpose. 2 ‘The Board of Revenue after examining the Recommendations of Prevention Committee of NAB, ground reaites and bottle necks and impediments, in Proper maintenance of Record of Rights is pleased to issue the following instructions ‘wiich should be treated as standing orders and be strictly followed: (2) The land owner intending to change the use of agricuttural land for non-agricultural purpose should get the proper layout plan of the land ‘prepared and approved from the concemed Town Pianning Authority © Sinch Building Control Authority, which has the jurisdiction in this respect. Similarly, in case where the mutation of agricutural land has already been made in shape of plots without approved layout plan, the ‘concerned right holders / land owners may be advised to get the layout plans approved before any further transfer or change ‘ownership, Page 4 of2 (©) The approved layout plan duly signed by the land owner, and if land is conned by more than one person, jointly by all the co-sharers may be produced with application supported by an affidavit before the concemed Assistant Commissioner. (©) The Assistant Commissioner shall verify the onnership and then approve transfer ofthe entry from VF-VIt to VFI Entry in VF-VIL shall bbe made inoperative by wiring a specific note to this effect on the ‘entry; and such note duly signed by the Mukhtiarkar and the Assistant ‘Commissioner be got scanned in Provincial Record Cell Entry in VET may then be made plat wise showing area of each pct, (@) _ Assistant Commissioner shall also get the Deh Map and Vilage Form-1 corrected by making such reference by adopting the normal procedure to the Director Setticment Survey and Land Records or the Survey ‘Superintendent concerned as the case may be. SENIOR MEMBER ‘BOARD OF REVENUE, SINDH ‘The Members (Al), Board of Revenue Sindh, ‘The Consultants, Board of Revenue Sindh. ‘The Commissioners, al) ‘The Director (E80), Board of Revenue Sindh, Hyderabad. ‘The Additional Director (Staff) NAB, Karachi, “The Regional Revenue Orficers (E81), cay “The Deputy Commissioners. a ‘The Director Settiement Survey & Land Record Sindh, Hyderabad, “The Deputy Director (PRC), Board of Revenue Sindh, Hyderabad, 10.The Deputy Director (E84) HQ, Board of Revenue Sindh, Hyderabad. L1-The Section Officer (Staff) to Senior Member, Board of Revenue Sindh, 12-The Assistant Commissioner (nl). 13.The Mukhtiarkar a. 14. Master file ~ 2016 : SECRETARY (REVENUE) BOARD OF REVENUE, SINDH Page 2of 2 PROVINCIAL RECORD CELL 16 PLOOR SHAHBAZ BUILDING BLOCK “D" HYDERABAD PH: 920103-9201116 STANDING OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR ISSUANCE OF SALE CERTIFICATE ON PRINTED FORMAT W.E FROM 01.12.2016. Notification No. SMBR/-1016 (I) of 2016 dated 07.11.2016 issued by Senior Member Board of Revenue, Sindh. Instructions in Sindhi regarding issuance of Sale| Certificate ‘Sample of Sale Certificate Directions of Member (R&S) Board of Revenue Sindh] regarding issuance of Sale Certificate (Custody & Security of Record of Rights bearing letter No. /DD(EB&N)/HQ/2012/-05 dated 04.02.2013 issued by Secretary (Revenue), Board of Revenue Sindh (Circular No. _ DD(E&l)/HQ/BOR/2016/268 dated 28.10.2016 issued by Secretary (Revenue), Board of| Revenue Sindh regarding mutation of Agricultural Land on| {conversion for Non-Agricultural purpose. REVENUE: DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SINDH No, SMBR/-1015 (1) of 2036 Karachi. Dat NOTIFICATION. In order to ensure transparency, minimize general complaints regarding issuance ‘of bogus Sale Cartifeates and to make a uniform format, competent authority has approved the introduction of Sale Certfiates printed by Security Printing Press of Pakistan which should replace al the other formats of Sale Cerificatesin the Province. pie 294 2 “The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) regarding printed Sale Certifieates shall be as under i. Al the Sale Certificate registers effective from 1" December 2016 shall, henceforth be printed & issued by the Board of Revenue, Sindh in the prescribed format. No private paper or any other form shall be printed, Issued or utilized a Sale Certfeate by any Revenue Officer clasified in Section-7of the Sindh Land Revenue Act, 1967. All the printed registers shall be Issued by the Provincial Record Cell to the Concerned Mukntlarkar (Revenue) in the same manner as the Recors of Rights registers [VFVIIA, VF-VILE and VF) are being issued under the orders of Honourable igh Court of Sindh in CP: No.D-11/2007 (Misbahuddin V/S Board of Revenue, Sindh and others) Ti, ‘The Sale Cartfeate register published on security paper wil remain in custody of Mukhtiarkar (Revenue) who will be responsible for any loss / camage, jv. In e086, any page i destroyed / damaged / mistakenly written, shall be returned to the Provincial Record Cel, Board of Revenue, Sindh, Hyderabad In original The Mukhtiarkar concerned shall send the photostat copies of sale certificate alongwith counter fll for scanning and data Indexing at Provincial Record Cell, Board of Revenue, Sindh, Hyderabad, as early as possible. vi incase of non-utzation of issued Sale Certificate, the original copy bearing cancellation note shall be sent tothe Provincial Record Cell before isuance Of fresh certificate. While, in case of misplacement, the Khatedar shall submit an Affcavit and copy of Normal Complaint (NC) of concerned police station i, The Assistant Commissioner concerned shal ensure maintenance of relevant registers and its proper utilization on monthly basis and submit report latest by Sof every month to the Proviacal Record Clin the prescribed format. ‘The Sub-Reglstrar shall accept only the preseribed Sale Certificate on and after 1" December, 2016 & onwards SENIOR MEMBER / SECRETARY ‘TO GOVERNMENT OF SINOM, ‘REVENUE DEPARTMENT copy is forwarded:- ‘The Chief Secretary of Sindh, Karachi ‘he Members (al), Board of Revenue Sigh “The Commissioners, Kavaehi/ Hyéerabad / Mirpurkas /Sukkur/ Shaheed Benazvabad The Project Director (CARMI), Board of Revenue, Sindh, Karachi ‘The Director (8, Board of Revenue, Sindh, Hyderabad. “The Regional Revenve Officer, Hyderabad /Karachi/ Mirpur /Suekur/ Shahaeed Bena2rabad 7. The Inspector General Registration), Sindh. 1. The Deputy Commissioner (atin Sind. 8, The Deputy Diector (PRC), Board of Revenue, Sindh, Nyderabae, 10.The Ostrict Registrar Karachi 11, The Dvsional Manager (LARMIS), Hyderabad / Karachi / Mipurkas /Sukkur / ave Shaheed Benarabad, 432. The Assistant Commmissioner___(allin Sina. AB. The Mulia. (ailin Sh. 14, The Sub-Regitrar_____(Allin Sindh). 435. The Master Fle 2016. SECRETARY (REVENUE) ‘BOARD OF REVENUE, SINK dew lS, deta 2 sbhae e tes See ae pete BE dee alr BD gr Lecce I oe JIS 4 k= Bo oS cee pid lance SY (ple pr re tty) valli Sot eal! Cais ee Siler 2982 a phe ge TOTAL PAGES ¢ plo Jota po dae € Dont 2 22a yr Oe Sas HE ae ats LS lake Bis te ye Be me oie oe FL ee L128 |] 28 | 8 LAID cher ote te I ote oF grb ad or Oe Ss pee tS be Sete Sade Ostls eite €or Olle Jute Gea oF Io Se as ei eit oS 0 ob gee ye te jee ae go tk ll Eee ants gt etd me OS shed pr oo Sale Se 25 SOS se gale Satan eo ere IS Cate shay be Sats op Mieon GF Sat gl gals BOL we gle pel pen bie be Sf oan 6P ys ee gl ht oe pete pee bes LS gle Flesh idly Any et ee 1D? ie gil Sure ge hat opt Uk das aig el a are ge Bo Oe me yl on Oe B45 Salads Jew tlie Se ly J ste lal il ear aah ae dee thes Jala = cae eb 3 Mal 3 Es ea tt ba sank ae Salada Jol gale of JAAS? Bel gy Mee adbely ois dee toate curt I B6 ga dd, De oe te tk de ly ale cane COUNTER FOLIO gphln yo CoS > ee) 8 sl ald ow he je shal [pie le lan Ge SCANNING lin yo LED op Ah ESam growin gt Sed | be AN SS lee IRC Se By Ai 8 er AS Og ls a le Oe gl Se gle bay 008 5 ae 3 I gate PAGES dao atom dy Ost Bans 38h SDDS Wl Gell ae yee be ates GP ed linc 3 ye O15 by lt phe gle BO [om [PER] ee ge Lae el VALI yp Sie oot a ls 2 il ay € gE LE OS fl 229 SST Ke AS ps PMNS Sadecly Shab gt LE Sad At one PASTE LESS Nola BJD gle ols Poe one We ob Ope ¢ gategsle Gey TIIAI6 fyN ¢ NOSMBR-IDISEOF 2016 jab tela yr grt et en CPNODINDONT gan Jee ye Che ra Seems esos SYS03-8542960 Dawe4a016 | OaerBSa08 | both ve | | os me | = pe | POT TTTt “ih TOE zi i TOES || meen van [sass 7 = a) jl | ropes Pat |= = | Paes [oe It acon = Spi aon san | WA ar ei pe a See Jommaie[ es = [naman Teese Dain 0-56 | Oa 3-5a016 unr Da see ‘io fq, PROVINCIAL RECORD cE! Aas, “ist FLOOR SHAHBA? BUILDING BL ee aco ARD OF REVENUE SINDH " HYDERABAD PA: $207005-9201H16 No. D.D (PRC) BOR’ 4RE of 2018 Hyderabad Dated 99) 11.2018, ‘The Deputy Commissioner, (Allin Singh. SUBIECT: SCHEDULE. FOR DISTRIBUTION OF PRINTED SALE CERTIFICATE REGISTERS, te The Senior Member, Board of Revenue, Sindh vide Notiestion bearing No. SMBR/1O15(i} of 2016 Karachi, dated: 07-11-2016 has approved introduction of Sale Certiticate printed by Security Printing Press of Pakistan by replacing all ather formats [copy enclosed). tis therefore requested to please depute Taluka Mukhtirkars to attend this —~ Call alongwith one of their Supervising Tapedar at 10:30 a.m, sap for brief taining and to Collect the printed rcwster as per attached schecule. ‘The Mukitarkar Taluka sal! bring ‘+ Named stamp and round seat, + Sale certtiate register (n use} + A certificate of "Non Pendency of Scanning” duly verified by ‘concerned Assistant Commissioner. + Acerticate regarding funetioning af Taluka cell duly authenticatea by concerned Assistant Commissioner. + Acomplete inventory of Record af Rights in original This may please be teated as MOST URGENT 4December, 2016. De vee anche Maher AN Aten RO peur Vaveoaten SNOT Se talk oar ot Bogen « Na awe anne oro Me sesh resin od ip renhond uence epee Marae Men “gers canes {Staff te Senice Me Board of Re nd, Karachi, oa ‘atclr Oa awesome oad eer Sindh ae ove an habeas i Pe pafrereetegce ‘ans OKT the Master rte 2038. Pal Sener eee wk - Ke DDPRL) e Secretariat of the Board of Revenue Sindh, Hyderabad. —\, shonin Bling Risch, Harnad Pome ha O22 ~ 920000 Fm M.U2- $0127 ‘Top-Priority No.DOKEBIYHQ/Z012/- 0.5~ Hyderabad. tee. 09 42.2012, 10 ‘The Commissioners al) (By Name) “The Deputy Commissioners (at) (By tame) ‘SUBJECT:- CUSTODY AND SECRUITY OF RECORD OF RIGHTS. Please refer to this Boards letter No.8/2/2005/Rev-(1)/222, dated 102,03.2005, addressed to the defunct Executive District Officer (Revenue), District Officer (Revenue) and Mukhtiarkars (all) containing therein instructions with regard to custody of revenue record in Sindh, Issued in compliance with the orderjudgment dated 23.12.2004 of Honorable High Court Sindh Karacht passed in CP.Nos.0- 265,266,365,365 & 367 of 2004 (copy enclosad) and to state that It has been ‘observed during the inspection of some offces of Mukhtarkars by a team of Board of Revenue that the record of rights isnot being properly secured in Taluka Calls and vigllently taken in custody of Mukttiarkars which amounts to the vslation of Instructions of Board of Revenue. 2 11am therefore, directed to request you that the-record of rights hould bbe kept and secured es under:= |) Teshould be kept in 3 separate strong room in tne office of Mukttiarkar concerned under his personally custody which must have fron doors, wherein the fire extinguisher as well as electric boards should be, Installed at ts outside wal:There shoud be na wooden or such other ‘material Inside the room to cause for catching fir, ‘That the Mukhtlarkar should maintained the movement register by sealing and de-sealing of record on daly basis under his own signature as and when required for Keeping entries as well as for production of Ay the same before the courts of law. 1) The keys of room and “Iron Almarahs” should be kept inthe custody of Mukhtiarkar himself and the record of rights should not be removed from the custody of Mukhtlarkar, \)—Chowidar/ guard must be pasted in the Office of the Mukhtiarkars {all for security of Record of Rights to perform the cuties in this : Fegard round the clock. 1) Therecrdc dot ua in preceeded on Alaa Gg" vi) During the transfer and posting of Mukhtiarkar, all the record of rights should be handed and taken over in proper Inventory under counter signature of Assistant Comnissioner concerned, copy of wich should , besgp: tothe: DeputyCommisones, Commissioner ond Boa of 3 Ralenue: ‘ 3 ‘The Deputy Commissioners are requested to make above ¥ arrangements for custody and secrutty of record of :ights and furnish a “CERTIFICATE to the effect that the record of rights ism terms of above arrangements to the Board of Reve secneraf atévenue) BOARD OF REVENUE SIND, PND. A copy forest: ~ “The Deputy Drecor (RC), GOR, Sindh, Hyderabo 1 2. The Section Officer (Sta) to Minister Revenue Sindh Karechi 43. The Section Officer (Staff) to Senior Member, Board of Reveriue Sindh. 4. The Assistant - Commissioners (all) for 2 Information and necessary compliance 5. The Muldtiarkars (all mation and necessary compliance, secnethalfeévenve) BOARD OF REVENUE SINDH, HYD. SCARD OF ghe No po(eanyntg90%/2046) 26 8 CIRCULA SUBJECT: MUTATION Of AGRICULTURAL LAND ON CONVERSION FoR NON-AGRICULTURAL, PURPOSE 1 has been observed that Memorandum No, 1-88-79/Rev-i(i)/534, dated 18" March, 1980 of the Board of Revenue, Sindh addressed to the ‘Commissioners and the Deputy Commissioners through which it was clarified that no Premium or altered assessment should be charged in respect of the lands which are Used for any other purpose and the Circular No.KE-1/MISC/2040/198:, dated 16.08.1981 of the Secretary to Government of Sindh, Land Utilization Department rough which it was clarified that the Kabull lands coud be used for any purpose without ebtaining permission from any Revenue Officer but only Survey Department 's to be informed to correct the record are being misintergreted. Both these Circulars were issued only to clarify that nether any premium or altered assessment isto be charged nor any permission for change of use of private Kabull lanc from any Revenue Officer was necessary. As fer as maintenance af record of nights concerned there are separate forms for showing ovmership and subsequent "mutation of Agricultural land and land used or assigned for Non-Agricuitural purpose. 2 The Board of Revenue after examining the Recomimendetions of Prevention Committee of NAB, ground realties and bottle necks and impediments, in Proper maintenance of Record of Rights is pleased to issue the folowing instructions ‘which should be tated as standing orders and be strictly folowec: (@) The land owner intending to change the use of agriculturl iand for non-agricultural purpose should get the proper layout plan of the land Prepared and approved from the concerned Town Planning Authority ‘F Sindh Bulging Control Authority, which has the jurisdiction in this respect. Similarly, n case where the mutation of agreuitural land has atready been made in shape of plots without approved layout pian the: concemed right holders / land owners may be advised to get the layout plans approved before any further transfer or change ‘onmership, Page 2 of 2 (©) The approved layout plan duly signed by the land owner, and if land is ‘owned by more than one person, jointy by all the co-sharers may be Produced with appication supported by an affidavit before the concerned Assistant Commissioner (c)_ The Assistant Commissioner shall very the ownership and then ‘approve transfer of the entry from VF-VII to VEIL. Entry in VE-VET shall be made inoperative by writing a specific note to this effect on the ‘entry; and such note duly signed by the Mukhtiarkar and the Assistant Commissioner be got scanned in Provincial Record Cel, Entry in VE-II may then be made pict wise showing area of each pot. (@) Assistant Commissioner shall also get the Deh Map and Vilage Form-1 ‘corrected by making such reference by adopting the normal procedure to the Director Settlement Survey and Land Records or the Survey ‘Superintendent concerned as the case may be. SENIOR MEMBER BOARD OF REVENUE, SINDH ‘The Members (Al), Board of Revenue Sindh, ‘The Constants, Board of Revenue Sindh, ‘The Commissioners, a) ‘The Director (EAN), Board of Revenue Sindh, Hyderabad, ‘The Additional Director (Staff) NAB, Karachi ‘The Regional Revenue Officers (E8). (any “The Deputy Commissioners. (al) ‘The Director Settlement Survey & Land Record Sindh, Hyderabad, ‘The Deputy Director (PRC), Board of Revenue Sinch, Hyderabad. 10.The Deputy Director (E81) HO, Board of Revenue Sindh, Hyderabad 11. The Section Officer (Staff) to Senior Member, Board of Revenue Sindh, 12.The Assistant Commissioner 13.The Muketiarkar 14, Master fle ~ 2016, SECRETARY (REVENUE) ‘BOARD OF REVENUE, SINDH Page 2 of 2

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