The General Functions and Responsibilities of The Dean or Director of The Program

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The general functions and responsibilities of the Dean or Director of the program are to:

1. Exercise academic leadership among the faculty;

2. Adopt curricular programs attuned to current trends and developments in education and to
practices of the profession;
3. Maintain linkages with relevant industry, academic entities, communities and sectoral
4. Promote research and scholarly pursuits.

Source: CMO-No.39-s2006. PSG for BS Business Administration


Duties and Responsibilities

1. Develop, modify, and update program curriculum;

2. Develop a development plan for the department;
3. Prepare course syllabus in line with outcomes-based education (OBE);
4. Coordinate with CHED in complying statutory requirements;
5. Evaluate students during enrollment;
6. Facilitate scheduling of subjects, students, faculty, and classrooms;
7. Monitor provision of instruction through periodic evaluation;
8. Monitor faculty attendance and participation in school activities;
9. Prepare/check department-wide assessment/examinations;
10. Advise students having academic problems;
11. Mediate conflicts between teacher and student;
12. Check and sign grade sheets every grading period;
13. Conduct and head a regular meeting with faculty members;
14. Coordinate with the internship-in-charge in deploying interns;
15. Sit as panelist in student proposal defense;
16. Adviser to enrollees of research subjects;
17. Report to the College Dean and;
18. Carry out functions given by the School President, VP for Academics and/or the College Dean

Other Functions:
General Management

1. To have responsibility for course promotion, abridged entry, and advising the Senior Lecturer
on the admission of non-standard applicants;
2. To coordinate the timetabling process, including the confirmation where appropriate of core
and optional modules;
3. General administration - responding to requests for information from central College offices.
Academic Practice

4. Quality - to have responsibility for liaising with other School Officers in the preparation of the
self-assessment and supporting material for quality reviews, and to have particular
responsibility for undergraduate elements; to co-ordinate the representation of
undergraduate activity in the context of quality review processes; to co-ordinate student
course evaluations and ensure the provision of appropriate feedback; to ensure a system of
structured student-staff meetings to deal with particular issues.
5. Teaching - to promote a scholarly approach to teaching including the development and use
of teaching portfolios; the implementation of appropriate mentoring schemes for academic
staff; the provision of advice and guidance to staff on these matters; and liaison with the
Centre for Academic.
6. Practice and Student Learning regarding teaching and learning development.

Strategic Planning

1. Program review - to undertake a periodic critical analysis of the programs offered by the
School and make recommendations to the School Executive regarding appropriate action.
2. Program Development - to co-ordinate the development of the School's undergraduate
activity, in the context of the School's strategic plans. To assess proposals for new programmes or
major curriculum extensions and to present proposals in this regard to the School Executive for
3. Liaison with internal and external stakeholders - to liaise with stakeholders including those in
cognate Schools and in Schools involved in joint courses, graduate employers, State, semi-State
and commercial agencies, and professional bodies.

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