Lesson Plan 3

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Class Title Lesson Title Unit Title Grade Levels Total Minutes

Inheritance of Traits Genetics: Inheritance

9th grade biology 9 Six 55 min classes
and Variation
Next Generation Science Standards
Highlight in the appropriate color the ​DCI​, ​SEP​, and​ CCC Common Core State Standard Connections

RST .11-12.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science

and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes
HS-LS3-1. Ask questions to clarify relationships about the role of DNA and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account.
and chromosomes in coding the instructions for characteristic traits passed RST .11-12.9 Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts,
from parents to offspring. experiments, simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process,
phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when
Lesson Objective(s)
Highlight in the appropriate color the ​DCI​, ​SEP​, and​ CCC Evidence

● Students apply their existing knowledge of DNA, protein

synthesis, and inheritance to reason with the driving
Students will make use of ​statistical analysis and probability measures ​to phenomenon
make connections between ​Mendel’s Laws ​and determine the ​patterns of ● Punnett square problems
● CER on introductory population genetics data
inheritance. ● Final dog pedigree
● Revision of their initial models signifies the ability to connect
the learning to the big idea
Purpose/Focus of
Type Implementation Feedback Strategy How Informs Teaching
If the shared ideas include
connections to previous
The teacher will write down the understandings of DNA and
Students will be presented with
EL (Entry students’ ideas on the board protein synthesis, the teacher
Pressing for initial ideas a phenomenon to derive
Level) and take note of their will spend less time on
explanations for inheritance
preconceptions recalling and more time on
elaborating and evaluating the
new concepts.
Students will work through
check understanding of The students’ work will be The activities will show
PM Punnet square problems and
lesson objectives - Punnet checked as they are working on whether students are making
(Progress create a CERafter being
squares and genetic it and when they finish the gains in understanding the
Monitoring) presented with introductory
variation activities main content of the lesson
population genetics data
The final activity will be a dog This final activity requires a
(within the
breeding pedigree where solid understanding of all the
lesson - not check if students can The assignment will be done in
students have to calculate lesson’s main learning
a synthesize all of the groups, and then as a class once
predictions based on Mendelian objectives. Depending on
summative concepts from the lesson every group is done.
genetics and describe the most student success, some areas
probable breeding outcomes. may need to be retaught.
Instructional Strategies
● Guiding and probing questions
● Graphic organizers and interactive lecture formats
● Providing interactive and collaborative learning exercises (POGIL) in small groups
● Monitoring student understanding individually and as a whole class
● Providing time for discussion - and individual think time

Lesson Introduction/ENGAGE
Time Teacher Does Student Does
● Present students with the driving question “how can
two individuals that share the same biological parents
have different eye colors or different hair types?” -
20 mins ● Students will use their knowledge of DNA and protein
provide an example
synthesis to construct explanations for the presented
● After presenting the phenomena, allow students think
time and time to write down their answers - answers
could be in bullet point/listing format or a paragraph ● After meeting their new partners, they will share their
explanation ideas and support their claims with examples
● Direct students to pair up with a new partner (Someone ● During the class discussion, students will volunteer to
that is wearing the same color shirt) and exchange their share their ideas with the class and the teacher
● Call for a class discussion and write down the presented
ideas on the board


Time Teacher Does Student Does
● Give students a handout to explore their own
hereditary traits and provide instruction on how to
complete the data table
● students will work with their partners to determine the
● Walk around to monitor student learning and provide
characteristics they possess and complete the data
EXPLORE explanation for anything students are confused with on
(Time: 30 the table
● During the activity, they will ask clarifying questions
mins) ● Once the students are done with the table, provide
from the teacher
them with a quick introduction on what “dominant” and
● Students will engage in a final discuss to reevaluate the
“recessive means
definition of dominant and recessive
● Revisit the original phenomena that was presented at
the beginning of class and add on the ideas listed on the
board - take a picture of the all the ideas on the board
● interactive lecture on Mendelian genetics and punnett
(Time: Two ● Students will understand how to make a Punnet square
55 min and the reasoning behind the distribution of alleles by
● Include new vocabulary - phenotype, genotype
classes ) analyzing their phenotypes from the explore activity.
● work through Punnet square problems with students,
● work through the Punnet square problems
using examples from previous lectures
● Introduce the concept of DNA playing a role in the
inheritance of traits
● Give students population genetics data that shows the
frequency of a range of traits
(Time: Two ● Serve as a facilitator for a POGIL on genetic variation ● Work in small groups to analyze the data
55 min (population and community) ● Work together in completing a virtual lab
classes) ● Perform online research
● Walk around while students are working and assess ● Make a CER that explains how and why the given
their understanding population genetics data is based on predictable
● Lead a class discussion when students are done with
their work

Lesson Closure
Time Teacher Does Student Does
EVALUATE ● Give students a handout that shows potential dog ● Students must take the pedigree and fill in the missing
(55 mins) breeding pairs. information by calculating predictions based on their
● Walk around and facilitate student work understanding of Mendelian genetics.
Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Multimedia
Chromebook/iPad/device, Google classroom, google slides/powerpoint
Exploring Hereditary Traits Data Table - handout
Calculators (optional)
English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Needs Advanced Students
English learners are provided with Striving readers will be able to
SSNs are able to utilize the POGIL for The punnet squares and pedigree
multiple examples of real-life appropriately apply new vocabulary
self-guided-learning. Additional models will exercise the student’s
scenarios to ensure their into their explanations. Thus, this
technological accommodation will mathematical and computational
engagement and facilitate their lesson will aim to drive their
also be incorporated to facilitate thinking by stretching the
understanding of the content literacy development through
their interpretations of content. scientific knowledge
through a personal approach communication and writing.
This lesson has students think critically about the relationship between DNA and physical characteristics. The intro activity is designed to drive student
interest while avoiding a plethora of new terms. After the students understand the large variance in physical traits, they will learn that the variance in
DNA is responsible for the variance in traits. The lesson uses Mendelian genetics and Punnet squares as a jumping off point but also incorporates basic
population genetics data so students have something to analyze and work through. .

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