Echo LIS Connection Table

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To configure the Echo instrument for interface connectivity to an LIS, edit first the "G3.ini" configuration file to enter the global settings.
Then edit the "EchoComm.ini" file to enter the settings specific to the connection type (Mapped, Serial or Socket).

The items in bold must be edited in the following sections

1. GLOBAL SETTINGS (Located in "G3.ini")

[LIS interface]

Config=MAPPED Should be set to MAPPED (Case sensitive)
LIS ID=<desired name of LIS Host> Note: If not provided set the LIS ID=HOST

The Paths in the corresponding section of the "G3.ini" file are related only to the MAPPED DRIVE connection
If you don't use MAPPED DRIVE, do not change them.


LIS export path=C:\G3\Export Enter the path used to transfer results to the LIS (e.g. H:\LIS\Export) for mapped drive connection
LIS import path=C:\G3\Import Enter the path used to receive the worklist from the LIS for mapped drive connection
LIS query path=C:\G3\Query Enter the path used to send the requests to the LIS for mapped drive connection

2. SETTINGS For MAPPED DRIVE ("EchoComm.ini", [General] section)


Connection Type=OFF Should be set to OFF (Case sensitive)

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3. SETTINGS For TCP/IP SOCKET COMMUNICATION ("EchoComm.ini", [General] section)


Server IP= Enter the IP address provided by the LIS vendor
Port=50007 Enter the port address provided by the LIS vendor

Connection Type=SOCKET Should be set to SOCKET (Case sensitive)

4. SETTINGS For SERIAL (RS232) COMMUNICATION ("EchoComm.ini", [General] section)


Connection Type=SERIAL Should be set to SERIAL (Case sensitive)
Serial Port Number=COM2 On Echo computer, the serial port used is generally COM2 (Case sensitive). Can be changed
Baud=9600 Default setting: can be changed if the LIS vendor requires alternate settings
ByteSize=8 Default setting: can be changed if the LIS vendor requires alternate settings
Parity=0 Default setting: can be changed if the LIS vendor requires alternate settings
Default setting: can be changed if the LIS vendor requires alternate settings (0 = 1 Stop Bit/1 = 2 Stop
StopBits=0 Bits).

5. PATHS in "EchoComm.ini"

The Paths described in this section are related to the SOCKET/SERIAL communications
They shouldn't be changed and should match with the paths defined in the corresponding section of the "G3.ini" file

Queries Path=C:\G3\Query
Results Path=C:\G3\Export
Worklist Import Path=C:\G3\Import
Copy Location=C:\G3\Deleted
Log Path=C:\G3\Log
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TCP/IP Socket RS232 Serial Mapped Drive Example

Connection Type SOCKET SERIAL OFF Connection Type=SOCKET
IP Address of LIS
Server IP (provided by LIS vendor) Server IP=
Port used on LIS
Port (provided by LIS vendor) Port=50007
<COM Port on Echo used to
Serial Port Number connect to LIS> Serial Port Number=COM2
Baud 9600 Baud=9600
ByteSize 8 ByteSize=8
Parity 0 Parity=0
StopBits 0 StopBits=0
Queries Path C:\G3\Query C:\G3\Query Queries Path=C:\G3\Query
Results Path C:\G3\Export C:\G3\Export Results Path=C:\G3\Export
Worklist Import Path C:\G3\Import C:\G3\Import Worklist Import Path=C:\G3\Import
Copy Location C:\G3\Deleted C:\G3\Deleted Copy Location=C:\G3\Deleted

G3.ini [LIS]
LIS ID=<desired name of LIS
LIS ID <desired name for LIS> <desired name for LIS> <desired name for LIS> Host>
LIS Export Path C:\G3\Export C:\G3\Export <Export Folder shared with LIS> LIS export path=C:\G3\Export
LIS Import Path C:\G3\Import C:\G3\Import <Worklist Folder shared with LIS> LIS import path=C:\G3\Import
LIS Query Path C:\G3\Query C:\G3\Query <Query Folder shared with LIS> LIS query path=C:\G3\Query

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