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220 Superwash® Sport

Blue Flax Fair Isle Pullover

Designed by Varian Brandon

All images, text, and illustration © Cascade Yarns® 2018
220 Superwash® Sport Blue Flax Fair Isle Pullover
Designed By Varian Brandon

Skill Level:

XS (S, M, L, XL, XXL)
Chest: 31.5” (36, 40.5, 45, 49.5, 54)”

Cascade Yarns® 220 Superwash® Sport
100% Superwash Merino Wool
50 g (1.75 oz) / 136.5 yds (125 m)
A - 3 (3, 4, 4, 5, 5) skeins of color #236 (Picante)
B - 1 (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) skeins of color #1914 (Alaska Sky)
C - 2 (2, 2, 3, 3, 3) skeins of color #204 (Smoke Blue)
D - 2 (2, 2, 2, 3, 4) skeins of color #239 (Majolica

E - 2 (2, 2, 3, 3, 3) skeins of color #873 (Extra Creme Cafe)

F - 2 (2, 2, 2, 3, 4) skeins of color #818 (Mocha)
G - 2 (3, 3, 3, 4, 4) skeins of color #819 (Chocolate)
H - 1 (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) skeins of color #877 (Golden)
US 2 (2.75 mm)/24” circular & DPN knitting needles or
size needed to obtain gauge
US 4 (3.5 mm)/24” circular & DPN knitting needles or
size needed to obtain gauge
Stitch Markers
Stitch Holders
Yarn needle
Safety Pin

28.5 sts x 32.5 rows = 4” (10 cm) on US 4 (3.5mm) in Colorwork pattern

BO = Bind Off
CO = Cast On
K = Knit
K2tog = Knit 2 stitches together
P = Purl
PM = Place Marker
M1 = Make 1 st
Rnd(s) = Round(s)
All images, text, and illustration © Cascade Yarns® 2018
RS = Right Side
St(s) = Stitch(es)

Notes: Fit depends on the amount of ease desired beyond actual chest size. Approximately 2-4” of positive ease is
recommended for a comfortable, but not sloppy, fit. For a close fit, choose a size which adds 1–2" (2.5–5 cm); for a
standard fit, add 2-4” (5–10 cm); for a loose fit, 4–6" (10–15 cm); and for an oversized, 6” (15 cm) or more. Where only 1
figure is given, the instruction applies to all sizes. For a tighter Rib st, use US 1 (2.25 mm) needles for Rib. Sweater is knit
from the bottom up.
With smaller needles and color A, CO 200 (228, 256, 288, 316, 344) sts. Being careful not to twist your sts, join in the rnd.
Note: This marker indicates the beginning of the rnd and the RS of the garment.
Complete Bottom Rib Chart for all sizes. (26 rnds)
Optional: Knit all sts of last rnd of Rib for a smoother transition to the body of work, as opposed to K2, P2.
Next Rnd: With larger needles, work the 1st rnd of Chart A, working the following increases for selected size in the rnd:
XS: K4, (M1, K9) 4 times, (M1, K8) 15 times, (M1, K9) 4 times, M1, K4 (224 sts)
S: K4, (M1, K9) 2 times, (M1, K8) 23 times, (M1, K9) 2 times, M1, K4. (256 sts)
M: K4, (M1, K8) 31 times, M1, K4. (288 sts)
L: K4, (M1, K9) 31 times, M1, K5.(320 sts)
XL: K4, (M1, K9) 14 times, (M1, K8) 7 times, (M1, K9) 14 times, M1, K4. (352 sts)
XXL: K4, (M1, K9) 12 times, (M1, K8) 15 times, (M1, K9) 12 times, M1, K4. (384 sts)

Next rnd (or 2nd rnd of Chart A): Work 112 (128, 144, 160, 176, 192) pattern sts. PM.
Note: This marker indicates the left side of the garment.
Complete rnd.
For XS, S sizes: Work the charts as follows for the body:
Chart A, C, A, B, A, D, A, B, A, C
Work until you have completed Chart C.
Join Sleeves while working Chart A
As you work Chart A, break yarn and place 8 (10, 12, 12, 14, 14) sts on either side of both markers on holders, leaving
remainder of front and back sts on 2 pieces of scrap yarn.

For M, L, XL and XXL sizes: Work the charts as follows for the body:
Chart A, B, A, C, A, B, A, D, A, B, A, C
Work until you have completed Chart C.
Then, Join Sleeves while working Chart A
As you work Chart A, break yarn and place 8 (10, 12, 12, 14, 14) sts on either side of both markers on holders, leaving
remainder of front and back sts on 2 pieces of scrap yarn.
With smaller needles and following the Bottom and Sleeve Rib Chart, CO 52 (56, 56, 56, 60, 64) sts.
Being careful not to twist your sts, join in the rnd. PM
Complete Bottom and Sleeve Rib Chart (26 rnds)

Next rnd (1st rnd of Chart A): With larger needles, increase as follows for selected size:
XS: K3, (M1, K7) 2 times, (M1, K6) 3 times, (M1, K7) 2 times, M1, K3. (60 sts)
S, M, L,: K3, (M1, K7) 7 times, M1, K4. (64 sts)
XL: K3, (M1, K8) 2 times, (M1, K7) 3 times, (M1, K8) 2 times, M1, K4. (68 sts)
XXL: K4, (M1, K8) 7 times, M1, K4. (74 sts)

All images, text, and illustration © Cascade Yarns® 2018

For XS, S and M sizes, work the charts as follows for the sleeves:
Chart A, D (note which size you are working on Chart D and follow the chart D indicated by the size of the garment you
are making). Then work Chart A, B, A, C, A, B, A, D, A, B, A, C
Then, Join Sleeves while working Chart A as stated with the Body.

For L and XL work the charts as follows for the sleeves:

Chart A, B, (note which size you are working on Chart B and follow the chart B indicated by the size of the garment you
are making). Then work Charts, A, D, A, B, A, C, A, B, A, D, A, B, A, C
Then, Join Sleeves while working Chart A as stated with the Body.
Continue to work charts as listed above for the size indicated following the chart for the size you are making . As sleeve
progresses, make sure to maintain the relationship to the charts already completed.
AT SAME TIME: Work sleeve increases as follows:
XS (S, M, L, XL, XXL): M1 on either side of the marker on the next and then every 6 th (4th, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd) rnd until there
on 90 (84, 68, 82, 98, 118) sts on the needle. Then, every 0 (6 th, 4th, 4th, 4th, 4th) rnd until there are 0 (100, 112, 124, 134,
146) sts on the needle. Incorporate the new sts into the appropriate patterns as needed.

Break yarn and place 8 (10, 12, 12, 14, 14) sts on either side of the marker on a holder for underarms, leaving remainder
of sleeve sts on a piece of scrap yarn.
Joining sleeves to body:
For all sizes: Work the charts as follows for the body:
Work Chart B for 1st Adjustment, then work Charts A, D, A, B.
Work Chart A for 1st Decrease, then work Charts C and A.
Work Chart B for 2nd Decrease, then end with Chart A.
Next rnd (or 1st rnd of Chart A): Knit across back of body to sts on underarm holder. PM. Join sleeve by working sleeve sts
onto same needle, align both sets of sts on holders at underarm. PM.
Work across front of body. PM.
Then work around 2nd sleeve, again aligning sts on holders at underarm. PM. 340 (376, 416, 472, 508, 564) sts.
Note: You should have 4 markers. 1 at each intersection of the sleeves to the body.
Complete Chart A, incorporating body and sleeves sts.
1st Adjustment Rnd:
On the 1st rnd of Chart B, you will need to adjust sts to accommodate the 16 st repeat of charts B-D. These adjustments
are spaced evenly within 8 sts of each side of the 4 markers.
XS: Increase 1 st before and 2 sts after the 1st marker. Increase 2 sts before and 1 st after the 2nd marker. Increase 1 st
before and 2 sts after the 3rd marker. Increase 2 sts before and 1 st after the 4th marker. (352 sts)
S: Increase 1 st before and after all markers. (384 sts)
M: No adjustments needed. (416 sts)
L: Increase 1 st before and after all markers. (480 sts)
XL: Increase 1 st after the 1st marker. Increase 1 st before the 2nd marker. Increase 1 st after the 3rd marker. Increase 1 st
before the 4th marker. (512 sts)
XXL: Increase 1 st before and 2 sts after the 1st marker. Increase 2 sts before and 1 st after the 2nd marker. Increase 1 st
before and 2 sts after the 3rd marker. Increase 2 sts before and 1 st after the 4th marker. (576 sts)
Alternative method:
Increase 12 (8, 0, 8, 4, 12) sts evenly around work.
Note: To Center your pattern, place a safety pin at the front center st. Note this st on your next chart. Be sure to line up
motifs for subsequent rnds. For the larger charts, check your alignment with the central motifs as the side motifs may be a
slight bit off due to st adjustments.

All images, text, and illustration © Cascade Yarns® 2018

First Decrease:
Work until rnd before indication of 1st decrease.
Next rnd (or 1st rnd of chart): *[K2, K2tog]; repeat from * to end of rnd. 264 (288, 312, 360, 384, 436) sts
2nd Adjustment Rnd:
On the 2nd rnd of Chart A, you will need to adjust sts to accommodate the 16 st repeat of charts B-D. These adjustments
are spaced evenly within 8 sts of each side of the 4 markers.
XS: Decrease 1 st before and 1 st after all markers. (256 sts)
S: No adjustments needed. (288 sts)
M: Increase 1 st before and 1 st after all markers. (320 sts)
L: Decrease 1 st before and after all markers. (352 sts)
XL: No adjustments needed. (384 sts)
XXL: Decrease 2 sts before and after the all markers. (416 sts)
Alternative method:
XS (S, M, L): Decrease 8 sts evenly around work. For M, increase 8 sts evenly around work.
XXL: decrease 16 sts evenly around work.
Work until rnd before indication of 2nd decrease.

2nd Decrease:
Next rnd (or 1st rnd of Chart B): *[K2tog, K1]; repeat from * to end of rnd. 160 (192, 192, 224, 256, 256) sts.
Work remaining rnds of chart and subsequent charts as indicated for size below:
For sizes XS, S, M:
After working chart B of the 2nd decrease work Chart A one more time.
For sizes L, XL and XXL:
After working chart B of the 2nd decrease work work Charts A, D and end with chart A.

For sizes:
Neck Rib:
With smaller needles and following Neck and Front Band Rib chart, work neck rib.
BO loosely in Rib Pattern.
Using Kitchener St, weave underarms sts together. Weave in all loose ends and block work.

All images, text, and illustration © Cascade Yarns® 2018

All images, text, and illustration © Cascade Yarns® 2018
Sleeve Pattern Starting Charts by size:

All images, text, and illustration © Cascade Yarns® 2018

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