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Short Test Unit 8 Test 1B

Unit 8 Test 1B
Name: ___________________________________________

1 Make the sentences passive. Use by if necessary.
1 The French held the first Tour de France bike race in 1903.
2 Škoda has sold over 30,000 cars in the UK this year.
3 We are encouraging cyclists to wear safety helmets on the roads.
4 NASA will select six volunteers to take part in a simulated space trip to Mars.
5 They had closed the ticket office by the time we arrived at the station.

Mark __/5

2 Decide if the sentences are correct or not. Rewrite the sentences that are incorrect.
1 The Classic Car Show is being hold in Birmingham later this year.
2 It has being reported that this low-cost airline is unreliable.
3 Will the flight attendant be helping us with our bags at the check-in desk?
4 Weren’t these buildings construct last year?
5 I don’t understand these instructions. They are wrote in Chinese.

Mark __/5

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Intermediate Short Tests Unit 8 1

Short Test Unit 8 Test 1B

3 Choose the correct answers.
1 A wide range of snacks is available in the buffet car / waiting / office.
2 Don’t stop on the hard gate / shoulder / station unless it’s an emergency.
3 The taxi rank / shop / petrol is outside the train station entrance.
4 Please follow the signs to the baggage room / hall / reclaim area.
5 Follow the signs to passport arrivals / check-in / control when you get off the plane.

Mark __/5

4 Choose the correct answers.

gruelling intrepid lethal notorious remote threatening unsuccessful
1 It can be serious, but a bite from a black widow spider isn’t usually ______________ .
a gruelling b intrepid c lethal
2 They wanted to live somewhere ______________ , so they moved from Edinburgh to the
Scottish highlands.
a notorious b remote c unsuccessful
3 The last six months have been ______________ . I’ve never worked so hard in my life.
a gruelling b lethal c threatening
4 One of the country’s most ______________ criminals has been arrested.
a lethal b notorious c remote
5 Her first attempt to reach the top of the mountain was ______________ , but she tried again the
next year.
a remote b threatening c unsuccessful

Mark __/5
Total: ___/20

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Intermediate Short Tests Unit 8 2

Short Test Unit 8 Test 2B

Unit 8 Test 2B
Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete the sentences with indefinite pronouns.
1 I can’t tell you ______________ about the trip. It’s top secret.
2 There’s ______________ I would rather be than here with you.
3 ‘______________ fancies me.’ ‘That’s not true. Rafal does.’
4 Let’s go ______________ else. It’s really boring here.
5 I think I can hear ______________ talking next door. Who is it?
6 Tell me ______________ ! I want the whole story from start to finish.
7 We haven’t got ______________ warm to wear, and it’s freezing!
8 ‘What’s that noise outside?’ ‘It’s ______________ . It’s just the wind.’
9 She knew there was ______________ wrong when he didn’t come back that night.
10 ‘Where have you been?’ ‘I haven’t been ______________ .’

Mark __/10

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Intermediate Short Tests Unit 8 3

Short Test Unit 8 Test 2B

2 Rewrite the sentences. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 I'm always taking care of my brother when we're at school. (look out for)
2 Did she go away with her friends or her parents? (folks)
3 You shouldn’t let those bullies upset you. (give you grief)
4 They know a lot about online gaming. (switched on)
5 He had a relaxing weekend, playing music on his guitar. (chilled)

Mark __/5

Everyday English
3 Complete the dialogue with the correct words below. There are five words that you do not
complaints control dirty hot noisy see small TV unacceptable Wi-Fi
A Hello, front desk.

B Hello. I want to complain about my room. It’s really too 1___________ for two people. And it’s
quite 2___________ too. Are you sure the cleaners have been in since the last guest left?

A I’m not sure, sir. I’ll try and find out.

B There’s also a problem with the 3___________ – I can only get the shopping channel.

A I must apologise.
B But what are you going to do? This is simply 4___________ !

A I’ll 5____________ what I can do to sort these problems out, sir.

Mark ___/5
Total: ___/20

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Intermediate Short Tests Unit 8 4

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