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Operating instructions

DELCOS 3000 electronics

Issue December 2000 Ident. no.: 100 00 2641 / 00

DELCOS 3000 electronics

DELCOS 3000 electronics

Table of contents re DELCOS 3000

8.1 Operating elements ........................................................................................................................................ 4

8.1.1. Keyboard .......................................................................................................................................... 4

8.1.2 Light emitting diodes........................................................................................................................ 5
8.1.3 Language selection ......................................................................................................................... 6
8.1.4 Clear text field - Line 1 ..................................................................................................................... 6
8.1.5 Clear text field - Line 2 status display ............................................................................................. 6
8.2 Menu structure DELCOS 3000 (examples) .................................................................................................. 8

8.2.1 Menu [MAINTENANCE SCHED.] ..................................................................................................... 9

8.2.2 Menu [CONTROL MENU] ................................................................................................................ 9
8.2.3 Menu [FAULT MEMORY] .................................................................................................................. 9
8.2.4 Menu [LIMIT VALUES] .................................................................................................................... 10
8.2.5 Menu [OPTIONAL INPUTS] ........................................................................................................... 10
8.2.6 Menu [TIMER CONTROL] OPTION ............................................................................................... 10
8.2.7 Changing of values ........................................................................................................................ 12
8.2.8 Locking/unlocking of the code....................................................................................................... 12
8.2.9 Setup code ..................................................................................................................................... 13
8.3 Commissioning ............................................................................................................................................. 13

8.3.1 Starting of the unit .......................................................................................................................... 13

8.3.2 Operation under load/idle running ................................................................................................ 14
8.3.3 Stopping of the unit ........................................................................................................................ 14
8.3.4 Malfunction/shutdowns/power failures .......................................................................................... 14
8.3.5 Warning .......................................................................................................................................... 14
8.3.6 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 14
8.3.7 Collective fault relay ...................................................................................................................... 14
8.3.8 Operating/load hours counter ....................................................................................................... 14
8.3.9 Fault memory .................................................................................................................................. 15

8.4 Fault table DELCOS 3000 in the case of a fault or warning ...................................................................... 16
8.4.1 Check list ........................................................................................................................................ 16
8.4.2 Table of faults/warnings ................................................................................................................. 16

8.5 Maintenance intervals .................................................................................................................................. 20

8.6 Operating modes .......................................................................................................................................... 20

8.6.1 Automatic and continuous operation ............................................................................................ 20

8.6.2 Remote control (unit ON/OFF) ....................................................................................................... 20
8.6.3 Remote control (on load/off load) [BASE LOAD SELECT. SLAVE] ............................................. 21
8.6.4 Automatic restart after power failure.............................................................................................. 22
8.7 Factory pre-set limit values ........................................................................................................................ 22

DELCOS 3000 electronics

Fig. 1

8.1 Operating elements

8.1.1. Keyboard
Key I => Switches the system on Clear text field:=> 1st line: Indication of final tempera-
ture/final compression
Key 0 => Switches the system off pressure/mains pressure
=> 2nd line: Status display (operating
Key Θ => Acknowledgement key mode)
=> in the menu: Input mode interrupted
(previous value is restored) Key Menu => Opens/closes the menu

Key C => Input of an access code which pro-

tects various menu items

Key ↑ => In the menu: scrolling up-

In the input mode: changing of pa-

Key ↓ => In the menu: scrolling down-

In the input mode: changing of pa-

Key <− => One column to the left in the menu

Key −> => One column to the right in the menu

Key ↵ => Inputs are to be changed or ac-


DELCOS 3000 electronics

Fig. 2

8.1.2 Light emitting diodes

Operating messages: OPTION

LED a => flashing: The system is in the stand- LED e => flashing: In timer control mode
by mode, i.e. the motor can Compressor OFF
start up automatically at any
on: In timer control mode
Compressor ON
on: The drive motor is running

LED b => The operator is within the menu
LED c => Automatic restart is switched ON LED f => Maintenance interval elapsed
LED g => Warning
LED d => flashing: Remote control, remote off LED h => Collective fault
on: Remote control, remote on

If LED f, g or LED h light up, a message will appear in

the clear text field. Determine the cause of failure,
warning or maintenance as described in the following
chapters - 8.3.4 to 8.3.9.

DELCOS 3000 electronics

8.1.3 Language selection 8.1.5 Clear text field - Line 2 status dis-
DELCOS 3000 is provided in 5 languages. You can The 2nd line of the clear text field shows the relevant
change from one language to the other by pressing status of the machine, which can be overwritten per-
keys [ ↵ ] and [ Θ ] simultaneously. manently in the case of faults or cyclically in the case
of warnings or maintenance.
The change-over of language is not possible within The status displays listed below have the following
the menu status (LED b => OFF) meaning:
In the English display variant you can select °C, bar
or °F,PSI.

The unit is ready to start, but is yet switched

8.1.4 Clear text field - Line 1 off

Under normal operating conditions, the display

shows the following system values in line 1 of the clear WARNING START WITH
text field:
alternating with
1 => Final temperature (Sensor R2),
2 => Final compression pressure (Sensor B2)
3 => Mains pressure (Sensor B1) PRESSURE REQUIREMENT

In the case of incorrect transmission from a sensor, The unit has been switched on (stand-by);
the actual value cannot be determined and displayed. a mains pressure requirement is missing !
The display shows: - - - - as well as a corresponding
message in the second line: FAULT SENSOR ....

Final temperature display alternating with

This display indicates the final compression tem-
If the temperature is too high, the temperature dis-
The unit has been switched on (stand-by); the
play flashes.
final compression pressure is still above the
start-up protection value.
Final compression pressure display
This display indicates the final compression pres- WARNING START WITH
sure (see above).
alternating with
If the system pressure/final compression pressure is
too high, the display flashes (see above).

Mains pressure display The unit has been switched on in the "timer
control" operating mode - OPTION - (stand-
This indicates the actual mains pressure. by). The enable signal from the timer is not
yet available.


alternating with


The remote control operating mode is acti-

vated. The start-up takes place with the RE-
MOTE ON signal.

DELCOS 3000 electronics


alternating with If a maintenance interval has elapsed, the sta-

tus text is not generally overwritten - as is the
case with faults - but is displayed additionally
... AFTER POWER LOSS every 12 seconds for 3 seconds.

Restart with time delay in xxx seconds as a

result of "AUTO RESTART" after power failure
For explanations regarding the individual maintenance
intervals, see chapter 8.5.

Motor starts up


Unit is running in the idle mode


Unit is running under load


The unit has been switched off and is going to

stop after xx seconds


The unit is in the running-on phase


Shutdown due to fault


If a warning is present, the status text will ap-

pear for 3 seconds

For explanations regarding fault and warning mes-
sages, see the fault memory table, 8.4.

DELCOS 3000 electronics

8.2 Menu structure DELCOS 3000



TOTAL RUNNING 12435 h CUT-OUT POINT 13.0 bar/188 psi 12! EXT FAULT 11438 h
LOADED HOURS 10987 h CUT-IN POINT 12.5 bar/181 psi 2! COMP TEMP 9877 h



Weekday Date Time DESIGN PRESS 13.0 bar/188 psi OPTION 1 DISCH TEMP
SA 29.01.94 13:55:14 START PROTECT 0.8 bar/ 11 psi OPTION 2 EXT FAULT
[SA 01/29/94 13:55:14] FINAL TEMP WARN 99 °C / 210 °F OPTION 3 FREE
1 -------- 00:00 00:00 FINAL TEMP MAX 100 °C / 212 °F
2 -------- 00:00 00:00 MIN START TEMP 1 °C / 34 °F
3 -------- 00:00 00:00 RUN-ON TIME 360 s
4 -------- 00:00 00:00 SOFT STOP 30 s
5 -------- 00:00 00:00 STAR/DELTA TIME 8s
6 -------- 00:00 00:00 SOFTWARE:S 1 D 3 V 1. 00
7 -------- 00:00 00:00

REDUCE 00:00 00:00

REDUCE BY 0.0 bar / 0 psi

* only with timer module (OPTION)

DELCOS 3000 electronics

Re 8.2 Menu structure DELCOS 3000 8.2.2 Menu [CONTROL MENU]

Menu guidance is provided in the 2nd line of the clear Move to the [CONTROL MENU] using keys <- and -> .
text field. Here, you can call up the individual parameters with
the keys ↑ and ↓ .
In order to enter the individual menus press the
[Menu] key. The following parameter inputs are stored under the
menu title [CONTROL MENU], and the following val-
You can move between the individual menu ues could be displayed :
branches by using the <- (left) and -> (right) keys.
• CUT-OUT POINT 13.0 bar /188 psi
By using the ↑ (up) and ↓ (down) keys you can call • CUT-IN POINT 12.5 bar /181 psi
up parameters within the individual menu branches. • AUTOMATIC OPERATION
The menus cannot be scrolled horizontally or verti- • TIMER CONTROL OFF (OPTION)
cally, i.e. they are limited. • AUTO RESTART OFF
Before changing any parameter, the input of a code • START-UP DELAY 60 s
may be required, see chapter 8.2.8. • NUMBER OF SLAVE 1

Two minutes after the last key operation, the menu is Note
quit automatically.

The following display values - points 8.2.1 to 8.2.6 - For further information, see chapter 8.6, [Operating
and the tables on page 6 are only given as an exam- modes].
Two minutes after the last key operation, the menu is
quit automatically.

8.2.3 Menu [FAULT MEMORY]

Danger. Move to the [FAULT MEMORY] menu using keys <-
When calling up parameters while the machine is in and -> . Here, you can call up the individual entries with
the stand-by mode, the machine can start up at any the keys ↑ and ↓.
Fault messages are stored in the [FAULT MEMORY]
as follows:
• 12! EXT FAULT 11438 h
Move to the menu point [MAINTENANCE SCHED.]
• 2! COMP TEMP 9877 h
using the keys <- and ->. Here, you can call up the indi-
• 4 HIGH TEMP 9476 h
vidual parameters with the keys ↑ and ↓.
• 18! EM-STOP 4867 h
• 6! MOTOR TEMP 4310 h
The following parameter inputs are saved under the
• 5! MOTOR TEMP 4310 h
menu heading [MAINTENANCE SCHED.], and the fol-
• 2! SENSOR B2 88 h
lowing values could be displayed:
• 10! OVER PRESS 17 h
Shutdowns (faults) are identified with an "!", whereas
• LOADED HOURS 10987 h
for warnings the "!" is not displayed.
• AIR FILTER IN ----- h
• OIL FILTER IN 9999 h
• OIL CHANGE IN - 385 h Note
• DRIVE BELTS IN - 9999 h
* SHUTDOWN DEACTIVATED For further information, see chapter 8.3.9., [FAULT

Two minutes after the last key operation, the menu is

Note quit automatically.
Fur further information, see chapter 8.5, [Maintenance
Two minutes after the last key operation, the menu is
quit automatically.

DELCOS 3000 electronics

8.2.4 Menu [LIMIT VALUES] Two minutes after the last key operation, the menu is
quit automatically.
Move to the menu [LIMIT VALUES] using keys <- and
->. Here, you can call up the individual parameters with 8.2.6 Menu [TIMER CONTROL] OPTION
the keys ↑ and ↓ .

The following parameter inputs are, for example,

stored under the menu heading [LIMIT VALUES]: During programming in the stand-by mode, the ma-
chine can start up at any time.
• DESIGN PRESS 13.0 bar / 188 psi
• START PROTECT 0.8 bar / 11 psi With a real-time clock installed, the timer control can
• FINAL TEMP WARN 99 °C / 210 °F be used for switching the machine on and off. More-
• FINAL TEMP MAX 100 °C / 212 °F over, you can pre-select a pressure reduction for cer-
• MIN START TEMP 1 °C / 34 °F tain times (e.g. night time reduction). The pressure re-
• RUN-ON TIME 360 s duction is also active when timer control is not re-
• SOFTWARE: S1D3V1.00 If the unit is to be switched on and off via the timer
control, you have to activate [TIMER CONTROL ON] in
the [CONTROL MENU] and, if required, put the unit
Note into operation (switch on).

Factory-set limit values cannot be changed by the op- In order to set the timer control or the pressure re-
erator (see also chapter 8.2.8.). duction, move to the menu item [TIMER CONTROL]
using the keys <- and ->. Here, you can call up the in-
Two minutes after the last key operation, the menu is dividual parameters using keys ↑ and ↓ .
quit automatically.

Basic clock setting:

The menu heading [OPTIONAL INPUTS] is provided Example: [SA 29.01.94 13:55:14] /
in the form of optional software. You can have the indi- [SA 01/29/94 13:55:14]
vidual additional monitoring features optionally in-
stalled. • Press key [ ↵ ], the day of the week [SA] flashes
• Re-set the day of the week using the keys ↑ and ↓
Move to the [OPTIONAL INPUTS] menu using keys • Acknowledge the new setting by pressing key [ ↵ ]
<- and ->. Here, you can allocate three reserve inputs.
You simply have to state, which monitoring function • Now the date flashes [29]
has been assigned to which input. Inputs, which are • Re-set the date using keys ↑ and ↓
identified as [FREE], are not activated/monitored. • Acknowledge the new setting by pressing key [ ↵ ]

You can call up the individual parameters using keys The steps described above are the same for setting
↑ and ↓. the month, year, hours, minutes, and seconds. When
you acknowledge the new seconds setting with key
One allocation from the following list can be selected [ ↵ ] , the clock starts to run with this new setting.
for each input:
The clock setting procedure can be interrupted at
Selection Criterion applied any time by pressing the [ Θ ] key.


OIL TEMP Warning
OPERATE_B1 See chapter 8.6.3
FREE No action


• Input 1: DISCH TEMP

• Input 2: EXT FAULT
• Input 3: FREE

DELCOS 3000 electronics

Setting of the clock timer: Example 2:

There are 7 clock timer blocks available. From:

Example: Block No.2, not activated Monday 6:00 h to Friday 22:00 h

[2_______ 00:00 00:00] you require a continuous compressed air supply:

Example: Block No.1, [1_M_____ 06:00 24:00]

[2__TWT__ 00:00 24:00]
Unit ON from Monday to Friday - daily from [3_____F_ 00:00 22:00]
07:30 to 16:15 h [4_______ 00:00 00:00]
[5_______ 00:00 00:00]
[1_MTWTF_ 07:30 16:15] [6_______ 00:00 00:00]
[7_______ 00:00 00:00]
After having selected a timer clock block using keys
↑ and ↓ ,
Setting of the off-peak pressure reduction:
Example: [1_______ 00:00 00:00]
The requested off-peak pressure reduction is set in
• press key [↵], the day of the week will flash (Sun- two steps. The reduction is independent of the clock
day), timer's setting.
• select the required setting using keys ↑ and ↓ ,
• acknowledge the new setting by pressing key [↵] . [REDUCE 22:00 06:00]
[REDUCE BY 1.5 bar/21 psi]
• Then, the next day of the week will flash (Monday),
• Select the required setting using keys ↑ and ↓ , In the example above, the mains pressure will be re-
• acknowledge the new setting by pressing the key [↵] duced by 1.5 bar/21 psi between 22:00 and 06:00 h.

Repeat the procedure above for the other days of the If, for example, a mains pressure of between
week and the required times for switching ON and
OFF. [CUT-IN POINT 9.0 bar/130 psi] and
[CUT-OUT POINT 10.0 bar/145 psi]
The setting procedure of a timer clock can be inter-
rupted at any time by pressing key [Θ] . The previous was pre-selected in the [CONTROL MENU], the mains
setting will then be restored. pressure is reduced to the values of between 7.5 bar/
108 psi and 8.5 bar/123 psi at night.

Example 1: Even during the off-peak reduction time, the values for

With a working time from: [CUT-IN POINT] and [CUT-OUT POINT]

Sunday 22:00 to Saturday 14:00 h, are displayed unchanged in the [CONTROL MENU].

with a break - daily - from: The setting procedure for the off-peak reduction time
and the off-peak pressure is the same as with the
12:00 to 12:30 h clock timer setting.

the setting of the clock timer should be as follows: If you do not want an off-peak operation, set
[REDUCE 00:00 00:00] and/or
[1S______ 22:00 24:00] [REDUCE BY 0.0 bar/0 psi].
[2_MTWTFS 00:00 12:00]
[3_MTWTF_ 12:30 24:00] Two minutes after the last key operation, the menu is
[4______S 12:30 14:00] quit automatically.
[5_______ 00:00 00:00]
[6_______ 00:00 00:00]
[7_______ 00:00 00:00]

DELCOS 3000 electronics

8.2.7 Changing of values Unlocking

The code can be unlocked again by:
During programming in the stand-by mode, the ma- • pressing key [C] or
chine can start up at any time.
• pressing key [ ↵ ] and by trying to change a pro-
If the code (see chapter 8.2.8.) is unlocked, any tected value.
value, except the [LIMIT VALUES] can be changed at
any time without the code inquiry. The code inquiry will then appear:
Move to the value to be changed using keys [<- ] "CODE: LOCK" (for 1 second)
and [ -> ]. Now press key [ ↵ ] in order to change to the
input mode. If the code has not yet been unlocked, the "CODE INPUT: 0000" (value is flashing)
code inquiry will appear. When the input mode is acti-
vated, the value will flash. Here, you have to enter CODE: [3031].
Note If the code input is correct, the following message
In the input mode, keys [<- ] and [ -> ] are inactive. appears:

"CODE: UNLOCK" (for 1 second)

After having entered the new value with the keys [ ↑ ]
and [ ↓ ], this new value must be acknowledged by If the input was incorrect, the following message ap-
pressing key [ ↵ ]. The display stops flashing, and a pears:
new menu item can be selected.
"CODE: LOCK" (for 1 second)
In the input mode, you can restore the original set-
ting and at the same time exit the input mode by press- The program then automatically returns to the start-
ing key [ Θ ]. ing point.

The code is not locked automatically; the operator
8.2.8 Locking/unlocking of the code can decide whether to implement this function or not.

In order to avoid unauthorized programming, the set-

tings can be protected by means of a code. The limit
values, which are set in the factory, cannot be changed
by the operator.

If the code is to be locked, press key [C]. Then, the
following message appears:

"CODE: UNLOCK" (for 1 second)

"CODE INPUT: 0000" (value is flashing)

If CODE: [3031] is entered, the following message

will appear:

"CODE: LOCK" (for 1 second).

With a wrong code input, the following message will


"CODE: UNLOCK" (for 1 second)

The program then automatically returns to the starting


DELCOS 3000 electronics

8.2.9 Setup code 8.3 Commissioning

When the system is in the stand-by operating mode,
SETUP - DELCOS 3000 i.e. LED a flashes, the compressor can start up auto-
matically at any time !

Code 1 . 0001 A.-Nr. 12345678

8.3.1 Starting of the unit
Code 2 : 0001 Fab.-Nr. 123456/1234
When switching the power supply on, the LED test
Code 3 : 0001 RA/XY/291194/CSD3-V01 appears, which must be acknowledged by pressing key
[Θ] before starting the unit. Prior to setting the unit into
operation by pressing the [ I ] -key, faults must have
COMPAIR Drucklufttechnik been rectified and acknowledged.

Label: Setup codes The compressor cannot be started at temperatures

below the permissible start temperature (see chapter
8.2.4. [LIMIT VALUES]).
If the compressed air mains does not report a re-
The setup codes are to be found in the switch cabi-
quirement at the time of start-up, the unit will go into
the stand-by mode - LED a flashes. The clear text field
shows [WARNING START WITH] together with the
In the case of a failure of the DELCOS 3000 electron- corresponding message (see chapter 8.1.5. Status
ics or after their replacement, the control inquires three display).
"setup codes".
The clear text field shows: Moreover, a safety circuit (start-up protection) pre-
vents the drive motor from starting against an internal
CompAir DEMAG residual pressure. In this case, the compressor also
SETUP-CODE 1: _ _ _ _ goes into the stand-by mode. The compressor starts
automatically, when the pressure falls below the fac-
Now, press keys [ ↑ ] and [ ↓ ] and enter the correct tory-pre-set start-up value or when the compressed air
code. Acknowledge the input by pressing key [ ↵ ]. mains reports a requirement.
Code 2 will then appear automatically. Proceed as with
code 1. When code 2 has been acknowledged by A start-up inquiry, which is activated by pressing the
pressing key [ ↵ ], code 3 will appear automatically. [ I ]-key or with a switch-on impulse from the remote
Proceed also here as with code 1 and code 2. control, checks whether the enable conditions for the
motor are fulfilled.
In the case of an incorrect code input, the system
automatically enquires code 1 again, i.e. you have to If one of the following start-up conditions are not
enter all codes once again. met:

If you have entered all codes correctly, the machine • Final compression pressure below the start-up pro-
is reset automatically to the basic setting. tection value
• No mains requirement reported (only in the auto-
Important matic operating mode)
• Enable signal from the clock timer (only with TIMER
Before the next start-up, it is vital that you check CONTROL ON) *,
the complete settings of the DELCOS 3000 and re-
store the individual settings ! the unit goes into the stand-by mode for the time be-
ing (ON-key flashes).
Especially in the [OPTIONAL INPUTS] menu, the
optionally connected monitors have to be re-de-
fined on the basis of the electric circuit diagram,
otherwise the monitoring functions will not be * OPTION
available. (See chapter 8.2.5.).

DELCOS 3000 electronics

8.3.2 Operation under load/idle running 8.3.5 Warning

Warning messages will be signalled via LED g (at
Danger. the same time, the nature of the warning is indicated in
When the unit is in the stand-by mode, i.e. LED a the clear text field). They will not result in the
flashes, the compressor can start up automatically shutdown of the compressor but will be transferred to
at any time ! the fault memory.

The unit is set to automatic operation in the factory. Ignoring warnings can result in malfunction.
This means that the compressor supplies compressed
air and stops (stand-by) depending on the
consumption. 8.3.6 Maintenance
Maintenance messages will be signalled via LED f,
If your compressed air mains has a low or even no but will not result in the shutdown of the compressor.
consumption at all for a certain period of time, the unit The message will be transferred to the fault memory.
automatically changes over to the idle running mode.
When a maintenance interval has elapsed, i.e. has
During the idle running phase, cooling (ventilator/ reached 0 h (hours), the clear text field displays the
cooling water) is switched off automatically dependent message [MAINTENANCE ELAPSED]. The elapsed
on the temperature. maintenance interval can be determined in the [MAIN-
TENANCE SCHED.] (see 8.2.1.).
When the running-on phase (idle running in the au-
tomatic operating mode) is over, the motor is switched Ignoring maintenance intervals can result in mal-
off after the pre-selected running-on time and the com- function (see chapter 8.5 Maintenance intervals).
pressor changes to the stand-by mode. The remaining
[RUN-ON TIME] is indicated in the clear text field.
8.3.7 Collective fault relay
A potential-free contact in the control (see electrical
8.3.3 Stopping of the unit circuit diagram) reports malfunction of the unit.
The pressing of the O-key is followed by a [SOFT
STOP] of 30 seconds before the motor switches off. The contact of the collective fault relay must not be
loaded with more than 250 V/8 A.

8.3.4 Malfunction/shutdowns/power fail-

ures 8.3.8 Operating/load hours counter
The operating and load hours of the unit can be
In order to protect the unit, all recognized faults will
called up at any time.
result in the immediate shutdown of the system or will
prevent a start-up.
For this, go to the [MAINTENANCE SCHED.] menu
and, from there to the menu item [TOTAL RUNNING]
These faults are displayed in the clear text field and
or [LOADED HOURS] (see chapter 8.2.1.), where you
LED h lights up. The messages are transferred to the
can read the current status.
fault memory and then signalled to the collective fault
With a replacement of the DELCOS 3000 electronics,
The faults have to be acknowledged (after rectifica-
the operating hours and load hours are lost.
tion of the fault) by pressing key [ Q ].

In the case of [POWER LOSS], the LED test appears

as soon as voltage is again applied. This must be ac-
knowledged at the unit by pressing key [ Q ]. However,
in the remote control operating mode, a new REMOTE
ON impulse will be sufficient to signal the acknowl-
edgement to the [FAULT MEMORY].

DELCOS 3000 electronics

8.3.9 Fault memory

The fault memory includes the number, fault/warning
text and the total hours count at the time when the
fault/warning has occurred.

For this, go to the [FAULT MEMORY] menu as de-

scribed in chapter 8.2.3.

With faults/warnings, which have not been acknowl-

edged, the number of the current fault/warning flashes.

Faults, i.e. shutdowns, are generally identified with

an "!", whereas for warnings this "!" is not displayed.


E.g.: 12! MOTOR TEMP 12345 h.


* 12! means: The same fault "!" has oc-

curred 12 times

• MOTOR TEMP The fault refers to the motor


• 12345 h The fault occurred after

12345 operating hours

The display contains only the 8 latest messages,

with the newest entry being on top of the list.

Older entries, which cannot be displayed with regard

to the restricted fault memory indication space of 8 en-
tries, are stored in the long-term memory with their cor-
responding number.

This means: When a fault/warning re-occurs, the rel-

evant fault/warning message appears together with
the current number of the fault/warning event and with
the hour, in which the fault/warning has re-occurred.

DELCOS 3000 electronics

8.4 Fault table DELCOS 3000 in the 7. When retrofitting switch equipment, the power
control transformers must not be "tapped" under
case of a fault or warning any circumstances, since this can result in
8.4.1 Check list
8. Always use CompAir spare parts.
Generally, loosened connections and plug-in connec-
tors, defective power supplies or the non-observance of 9. Never connect additional switch or measuring
installation instructions result in a variety of faults. The equipment without CompAir DEMAG's prior
fault messages displayed can therefore often be traced permission.
back to different causes.
10. Never relocate measuring transducers away from
For this reason, please always observe the following the unit.
check list:
11. In the case of queries, please have the following
1. The supply voltage to the unit must always be within information on hand so that we can provide quick
the permissible limits. and specific support:

2. If required, the control power transformer must be - Type of unit / serial no.
adjusted to suit local nominal voltages (see electric
circuit diagram). - Order no.
- Circuit diagram for drawing no. and Id no.
3. The switch cabinet temparature must not exceed - Information regarding the operating conditions
55°C. of the unit
- Information regarding the accessories
4. Without a coupling relay, the line length of retrofitted retrofitted by yourselves (remote controls, etc.)
remote controls (remote on/off, remote on-load/off-
load) must not exceed 20 m from the switch cabinet. - Other subsequent modifications or attachments
to the unit
5. During commissioning and when carrying out - The exact description of the fault
maintenance work, check that all terminal screws
are tightened and all connectors fit properly.

6. The power supply cabling must have a sufficient 8.4.2 Table of faults/warnings
cross-section. Therefore, the installation
requirements, the line length and the expected
On the following pages you will find the fault table
conductor temperatures must be taken into account
DELCOS 3000 with possible causes and remedies
when selecting the cable(s).

DELCOS 3000 electronics

[DISPLAY] / Problem Possible cause Remedy

[FAULT POWER LOSS] Power failure Search for cause

Voltage drop Search for cause
Cabling defective Check, if required, repair
Terminals loose/loosened Check all connecting terminals and con-
nectors for proper fit, if required, re-tighten

[FAULT EM-STOP] Emergency stop is/was activated Unlock

Emergency stop switch defective Check, if required, replace
Cabling defective Check, if required, repair

[FAULT MOTOR TEMP] Motor has been started too frequently Limit the number of starts per hour
Insufficient motor cooling Improve
Excessive power requirement Check, search for cause
Defective power supply Check, search for cause
Motor defective Check, if required, replace
Star/delta starter defective Check, if required, repair

[FAULT COMP TEMP] Final compression temperature -

exceeded (1)

[WARNING HIGH TEMP] - Intake temperature too high Improve

- Insufficient cooling Improve
- Unit is being operated with open Close access panels
access panels
- Oil injection quantity/temperature Check, search for cause
- Wrong type of oil/viscosity Check, if required, replace oil
- Temperature sensor R2 defective Check, if required, replace
(Temperature display too high)

[FAULT START TEMP] Start tried at too low a temperature (1) Heat compressor room
- Temperature sensor R2 defective Check, if required, replace
(Temperature display too low)

[WARNING HIGH PRESS] Operating pressure exceeded by -

1.0 bar / 14 psi (1)

[FAULT OVER PRESS ] Operating pressure exceeded by -

1.5 bar / 21 psi(1)
- Excessive pressure losses in the unit Check, search for cause
- Mains pressure switching points (4) Correct
too high
- External pressure requirement too high Check remote on-load/off-load switching
- Intake regulator does not close Check, search for cause
- Pressure sensor B1 or B2 defective Check, if required, replace
(wrong display)

[FAULT SENSOR B1 ] Mains pressure sensor defective -

[FAULT SENSOR B2 ] Final compression pressure sensor -


[FAULT SENSOR R2 ] Final compression temperature

sensor defective
- Pressure or temperature sensor Check, if required, replace
- Cabling to the sensor defective Check, if required, repair

DELCOS 3000 electronics

[DISPLAY] / Problem Possible cause Remedy

[FAULT DIRECT ROT] Wrong direction of rotation of the drive Connect the phase sequence correctly
motor (see electrical circuit diagram)

[FAULT MAINT PER] Shutdown maintenance(2) activated and Carry out maintenance and re-program
maintenance interval elapsed by 100 interval newly

[FAULT SOLENOID] Short-circuit to solenoid valve Y1 or Y4 Check, if required, repair or replace

[FAULT COOLING] Air-cooled units: Failure of the unit's fan

- Excessive resistance through Check, if required install auxiliary fan
intake/exhaust channels
- Wrong setting of the fan motor Set to 110% of the nominal fan flow
protective switch
- Fan motor defective Check, if required, replace

Water-cooled units:
Insufficient cooling water supply
- Cooling water temperature too high Improve
- Cooling water flow insufficient Increase
- Filter clogged Clean
- Cooling water solenoid valve Check, if required, replace
does not open
- Air in the system Bleed

[FAULT DRIVE BELT] V-belt set defective/torn Check, if required, replace

(OPTION) (monitored via input:

[FAULT OIL PRESS] No/insufficient oil pressure Check, search for cause
(OPTION) (monitored via input:

[FAULT EXT FAULT] Shutdown due to external fault Check, search for cause
(OPTION) (monitored via input:

[FAULT ELECTRONIC] Hardware fault in DELCOS Replace DELCOS electronics

[WARNING SEPARATOR] Excessive differential pressure Check, if required, replace

(OPTION) fine separator fine separator

[WARNING AIR FILTER] Excessive differential pressure Check, if required, replace

(OPTION) air filter air filter

[WARNING OIL FILTER] Excessive differential pressure Check, if required, replace

(OPTION) oil filter oil filter

[WARNING OIL TEMP] Oil injection temperature too high Check, search for cause
(OPTION) (monitored via input:

[WARNING DISCH TEMP] Excessive compressed air discharge Check, search for cause
(OPTION) temperature (monitored via input:

[WARNING OIL LEVEL] Oil level too low Check, if required, top up oil
(OPTION) (monitored via input:

DELCOS 3000 electronics

[DISPLAY] / Problem Possible cause Remedy

[WARNING LINE PRESS] The operating pressure of the unit (1) Check, search for cause and
has been exceeded by 0.5 bar / 7 psi by acknowledge warning
the on-load/off-load control

[WARNING BATTERY] The battery of the real-time clock Replace the real-time clock module
(OPTION) is exhausted

[COMPAIR DEMAG] Hardware fault in DELCOS DELCOS electronics has to be replaced;

[SETUP-CODE 1: ___?] stopgap measure: Enter setup codes,
check all settings and, if required,
re-set (2)(3)(4)(5)

A fault/warning cannot be The fault/warning is still present Search for cause and rectify

No display - No voltage to the machine Fix power supply,

check fuses

- DELCOS control voltage (10 VAC) Check fuses, if required, replace

not applied

Pressure and temperature - DELCOS control voltage (20 VAC) Check fuses, if required, replace
display failed, not applied
Display (----)

Unit does not restart - Function "Automatic restart" not Switch on
automatically after power activated
failure - Power failure lasted too long (4) -

Unit is permanently running - Operating mode [CONTINUOUS Select [AUTOMATIC OPERATION]

in the idle mode without OPERATION] selected (4)
changing automatically over - Very short pressure requirements -
to the stand-by mode during the running-on phase

No compressed air supply - External on-load/off-load control -

within the set switching - Off-peak reduction phase (5)
points (4) activated (OPTION) -

(1) Unit-specific setting: See menu 8.2.4. [LIMIT VALUES], page 10

(2) Individual setting: See menu 8.2.1. [MAINTENANCE SCHED.], page 9
(3) Individual setting: See menu 8.2.5. [OPTIONAL INPUTS], page 10
(4) Individual setting: See menu 8.2.2. [CONTROL MENU], page 9
(5) Individual setting: See menu 8.2.6. [TIMER CONTROL] (OPTION), page 10

DELCOS 3000 electronics

8.5 Maintenance intervals 8.6 Operating modes

Danger. 8.6.1 Automatic and continuous opera-

When the unit is in the stand-by mode, i.e. LED a tion
flashes, the compressor can start up automatically The selection of [AUTOMATIC OPERATION] or
at any time ! [CONTINUOUS OPERATION] is made under the [CON-
TROL MENU] (see chapter 8.2.7. - Changing of val-
The programming of the maintenance intervals must ues).
be tailored to your specific application conditions, since
the clogging degree of the air filter depends for exam- The [AUTOMATIC OPERATION] mode is the most
ple on the intake conditions on site. economic, because the control stops the compressor
when no compressed air is required and restarts the
In the factory, the setting values for the maintenance unit automatically in the case of demand for com-
intervals are therefore protected in the menu [MAINTE- pressed air.
NANCE SCHED], the clear text field shows - - - -.
The operating mode [CONTINUOUS OPERATION] is
You can set your individual maintenance intervals required in special applications only. Continuous op-
for air filters, oil filters, fine separators, drive belts and eration prevents the stopping of the drive motor even if
oil change yourselves (see chapter 8.2.7.) and thus no compressed air is required. The operation is then
partly replace your maintenance book. The values for continued in the idle mode. In contrast to the automatic
the maintenance intervals can be programmed from operation, you can start the unit, although no require-
0...9999 hours. ment is present from the compressed air mains.

If no monitoring of the maintenance intervals is re-

quested, program a value above 9999 hours. The dis- 8.6.2 Remote control (unit ON/OFF)
play shows - - - - , i.e. this/these maintenance interval/
s is/are blocked.
When the setting value has counted down to 0 In this operating mode, the compressor can start
hours, the message [MAINTENANCE ELAPSED] ap- up automatically at any time !
pears in the clear text field, and LED f (Maintenance)
flashes simultaneously. For this operating mode, call up the [CONTROL
MENU] and select here: [REMOTE CONTROL ON] (see
You should carry out the scheduled maintenance chapter 8.2.7. - Changing of values).
now, as improper maintenance can result in malfunc-
tions. In the [REMOTE CONTROL] operating mode, the
unit can be switched ON and OFF via a coupling relay.
The current count of the maintenance intervals can
be read from the [MAINTENANCE SCHED.] menu. • With [REMOTE CONTROL ON], LED d lights up and
the [ I ]-key and the [ O ]-key of the compressor are
It is possible to display negative, i.e. overdue mainte- blocked. The control requires a REMOTE ON im-
nance intervals. pulse to start the unit.

Moreover, a shutdown can be activated/deactivated • If the unit is switched off and then changed to [RE-
for maintenance intervals, if a maintenance interval MOTE CONTROL], the compressor does not start
has counted down to -100 hours. If one of the intervals up before a REMOTE ON impulse is present at the
has reached this shutdown threshold, the shutdown is digital REMOTE ON/OFF input.
triggered off by the collective fault LED h, which acts in
addition to LED f. The message [FAULT MAINTE- • If the unit is already switched on and then changed
NANCE] is present in the fault memory as well as in to [REMOTE CONTROL], it remains in operation, if
the clear text field. [REMOTE ON] is selected. It will be switched off, if
[REMOTE OFF] is activated.
After having carried out the maintenance work, re-
program the maintenance interval and then acknowl- • When switching the [REMOTE CONTROL] operat-
edge - for a restart - the [FAULT MAINTENANCE] by ing mode off, the unit remains ON or OFF.
pressing key [Θ].
• An inadvertent [REMOTE OFF] can be withdrawn
during the soft stop phase by selecting again [RE-

DELCOS 3000 electronics

8.6.3 Remote control (on load/off load) As a result of the parallel configuration, the EDS is
[BASE LOAD SELECT. SLAVE] still effective after failure of the XDS (e.g. master unit),
i.e. the unit(s) continue its/their operation - at a re-
duced mains pressure level.
Via a separate input, the unit can be externally
switched to on-load operation (e.g. base load selection
circuit). Incorrect control from XDS:
If, during operation under load, the mains pressure •
The XDS input (external pressure switch) makes it operating pressure + 0.5 bar / 7 psi, the warning
possible to switch the unit to operation under load - message "LINE PRESS" is triggered off, and XDS is
"parallel" to the internal EDS electronic pressure no longer active (lockout of XDS) until the warning is
switch. acknowledged.

For this, the two switching points of the compressor As can be seen from the logic circuit diagram, the
control, [CUT-OUT POINT] and [CUT-IN POINT], have "internal switching points" (2) - sensor B1 - are
to be programmed in the [CONTROL MENU] to values configured in parallel to the external pressure switch
below the external switching points. (3).

As a consequence, in the case of failure of the exter- In the case of malfunction of the external control (3)
nal control, the compressor continues operation with and too high a pressure requirement, the external
the internal switching points at a lower pressure level. pressure switch is isolated from the control via the in-
ternal safety circuit (4).

Fig. 3

Logic circuit diagram XDS and EDS The clear text display shows the message [WARNING
LINE PRESS]. The machine continues to run with the
1 Compressor operation under load internal switching points (2) until the warning is ac-
2 Programmed mains pressure switching points knowledged (5).
3. External contact: Remote on-load/off-load
Important: Use a coupling relay for line lengths of
20 m or longer
4. Internal pressure safety function: In the case of ex-
cessive pressure demand, (3) is isolated from the
5. Acknowledgement key
6. External enable switch for EDS
7. Jumper (is not required when the EDS enable
switch (6) is used)

DELCOS 3000 electronics

If an additional switching on or off function of the in- 8.7 Factory pre-set limit values
ternal switching points (2) - sensor B1 - is requested,
this can be implemented by connecting an external This menu enables you to check the factory pre-set
switching contact (6) to one of the free inputs 1 - 3. limit values for your unit. However, these settings can-
not be changed.
In order to activate this function, go to the [OP-
TIONAL INPUTS] menu and select "OPERATE_B1" for
the relevant input. Thus, bridge (7) is "removed" in the Please note the following values, which are set indi-
software (see chapter 8.2.5.). vidually to your unit:

The menu item [OPERATE_B 1] may only be acti-
vated, if the external switch (6) is connected, otherwise
the compressor will not start up when a pressure de-
mand is present. Design pressure bar / psi

Start-up protection bar / psi

Final temperature warning °C / °F

8.6.4 Automatic restart after power fail-
Final temperature max. °C / °F
Min. start temperature °C / °F
In this operating mode, the compressor can start Run-on time s
up automatically at any time !
Soft stop s
You can activate or deactivate [AUTO RESTART] in
the [CONTROL MENU] (see chapter 8.2.2). Star/delta time s

After a power failure, which has not taken longer Software:

than approx. 1.5 seconds, the compressor is automati-
cally restarted, provided that it was switched on before
the power failure occurred, i.e. it was in operation or in
the stand-by mode.

Failures of a duration of more than 1.5 seconds trig-

ger off the message [POWER LOSS], and [AUTO RE-
START] does not take place.

With a clock timer OPTION installed, the menu item

[POWER LOSS TIME] (see chapter 8.2.2.) can be pro-
grammed to 2 to 999 seconds.
In addition, you can program a start delay of 1 to 60
seconds in order to ensure that, with stations compris-
ing several compressors, the compressors do not start
simultaneously so that the power supply mains is re-
lieved. The clear text display will then show:


In the remote control operating mode, [REMOTE ON]

must still be applied for a restart. In the timer control
operating mode, the clock timer enable signal must
still be applied.

DELCOS 3000 electronics

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Subject to technical revision
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CompAir is an Invensys company

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