Play Cards From Hand: Munchkin

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Everyone draws four cards from each deck. Play any cards that you can (Class, Race, Items, etc.)

Play Cards from Hand

You may play cards from your hand, move items around, sell 1,000gp worth of items to go up a level, play Curse
cards on other players, or trade with other players. You may not win by selling items to get to level 10.
Kick Open the Door
1) Draw one card from the Door deck and turn it face up for everyone to see.
2) If it is a Monster (it has a Level listed at the top of the card) you must Fight it.
3) If it is a Curse, you must do what it says immediately.
4) If you draw any other card, you may put it in your Hand OR play it immediately.
5) If you did not draw a Monster, choose to Look For Trouble OR Loot the Room.
Look For Trouble
1) Choose a Monster from your hand, place it in front of you for everyone to see, and Fight it!
Loot the Room
1) Draw another card from the Door deck and put it in your Hand.
1) If you have more than five cards in your Hand, you must use enough of them to get down to five, or give cards
to the lowest level player until you only have five. If more than one player ties for lowest level, divide the cards
as evenly as you can. If YOU are the lowest level player, discard the cards.
It is now the next players turn.

Fighting a Monster
Combat Strength = Level + any cards to modify it
If the Monster's Combat Strength is equal to or greater than your Combat Strength, you must Run Away.
If the Monster's Combat Strength is less than your Combat Strength, you win. Go up a Level (sometimes two!) and
draw the proper amount of Treasure cards from the Treasure deck and put them in your Hand.
1) If you don't think you can beat the Monster, you may ask another player to help you. If the player says no, keep
asking until someone says yes or everyone has said no. If someone agrees to help you, add their Levels to
your own to defeat the Monster. You may have to bribe them to get them to help you!
2) Going in order, to the players right or left (their choice), everyone (including yourself) can play cards to help or
hinder you.
a) Play a one-shot item. One-shot items say “Useable only once.” on the card.
b) Play a card to modify the Monster.
c) Play a curse card on the player that is fighting.
d) Play a special card that lets you change the fight in some way.
e) (Player fighting only) Give up and try to Run Away!
3) Repeat steps 1 & 2 until everyone passes (they don't play a card).
4) Compare the Monster's Combat Strength with your Combat Strength (plus anyone that said they would help
you) and take the appropriate action.

Run Away
If you run away, you don't get any levels or treasures. You don't even get to Look for Trouble or Loot the Room!
If someone was helping you and you STILL need to Run Away, BOTH players must try to Run Away!
1) Other players can play a Curse card.
2) Roll the die.
a) On a 5 or 6, you are successful and you can Run Away.
b) If you roll anything else, the Monster catches you. Do whatever the Bad Stuff says on the Monster card.
c) If there are multiple Monsters, you must Run Away from EACH one.
3) Discard the Monster and any modifiers attached to it.

If you die for any reason, you lose ALL your items except your Class, Race and Level. Discard all items you have in
play. Then lay out your hand in front of you. Starting with the highest Level player (sorry, can't be you!) the other
players may choose one card from your hand. After everyone has gotten one card, the rest are discarded. If there
aren't enough cards for everyone to get one, tough! On your next turn, draw four cards from both decks (like the start
of the game) and continue playing like normal.

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