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How to Start a Computer

Consulting Business:
6 Proven Ways to
Build Your Initial Client Base
How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

6 Proven Ways to Build Your Initial Client Base ...................................................................... 3

What are the first few steps in starting up my new business? ............................................... 3

How much capital do I need to start up a technology service provider business? ............... 5

What are some ways to lower my start-up costs? ................................................................... 7

How do I obtain an initial client base for my new start-up? .................................................... 8

What income streams should I obtain for my new business? .............................................. 10

What tools should I use to start up my technology provider business? .............................. 11

Summing Up ............................................................................................................................ 13

Additional Recommended Reading ........................................................................................ 14
How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

mistakes and get you on the right track

as quickly as possible toward
6 Proven Ways to Build establishing your new IT startup’s initial
Your Initial Client Base client base.

IT professionals looking to go into

business have many questions about how What are the first few
to start up their own IT service provider
company. Six questions have come up
steps in starting up my
more frequently, and we answer these new business?
six FAQs one by one.
Write a Business Plan. Regardless of
The six questions are as follows: whether you need external capital, you
need a business plan because it forces
What are the first few steps in you to think about how all the different
starting up my new business? elements of your business relate to each
other, including the following:
How much capital do I need to
start up a technology service target market
provider business?
competitive analysis
What are some ways to lower my
start up costs? marketing

How do I obtain a new initial sales

client base?
financial analysis (projected
What income streams should I profit & loss and cash flow)
obtain for my new business?
Your business plan will serve as your
What tools should I use to start roadmap to keep you on track. However,
up my technology provider it should be a dynamic document that
business? you review and update at least once a
year as internal and external factors
Whether you classify your business as an affecting your business change.
IT service provider, a computer
consulting business, a value added Come Up with a Company Name. In
reseller, a network system integrator, an coming up with a company name, decide
IT solutions provider, a managed service whether you are going to be primarily a
provider, or a computer repair business, locally-based business or a nationally- or
the following practical tips will help you internationally-based business. This is
avoid some of the most common rookie 3
How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

important because it may dictate Apply for a Merchant Account.

trademark issues. Merchant credit card accounts give you
the ability to accept payments from your
Pick a descriptive name, preferably one customers and clients via Visa,
that encapsulates your unique selling MasterCard, American Express, and
proposition and makes it obvious what other major credit cards that are
your company does. This will make appropriate for your local area.
marketing easier but can create
trademark issues. If trademarking your Register Your Domain Name. Make
company name is important, consult a sure that your domain name matches
local intellectual property attorney to be your company name. Consistency in
certain whether your chosen company branding makes marketing more
name is “trademarkable.” effective and projects professionalism
for your business.
See to it that the perfectly-matched .com
name is also available. You can do this Establish a Business Telephone
by searching through domain name Number. Establish a business telephone
registry Web sites and domain name number that has forwarding capabilities
search tools, such as as well as voice mail that answers in This is your company name. There are many
important so that potential clients can reliable and inexpensive VOIP services
easily find you online. available such as Skype
(, Google Voice
Find a Lawyer and an Accountant. (, Toktumi
These professionals will help you decide (, RingCentral
what the right business entity is for you (, and AccessLine
and can help you with the paperwork (
that goes with it.
Set Up a Web Site. At this stage, set up
Establish Your Business Entity. Get a simple, professionally-made, one-page
the licenses (local, provincial/state, Web site that has the basic information
national) that are appropriate and about your business: your company
relevant for your business. name, your elevator pitch, a list of your
services, your coverage area, and your
Open a Business Bank Account. Once complete contact information.
you start receiving money from your
clients and getting checks paid to your Create a Business E-mail Address.
company, you need to have an account You are going to need a business e-mail
where you can deposit business checks. address that also fully matches your
domain name to have that consistent
professional branding. 4
How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

Have your Logo, Business Cards, business. You may need to budget for
Letterhead and Envelopes Designed around $250 to $500 each month for
and Printed. Your starter set should be legal and accounting fees. Talk to them
professionally-made, with consistent about your personal and business
branding. Once you have them, you can financial situation. Tell them what your
start sending out letters and proposals goals are and the kinds of clients that
and handing out business cards. you are seeking. Ask them for advice on
how you should organize your business
and what business entity is most
How much capital do I appropriate.
need to start up a These professionals can also be a
technology service tremendous source of referrals to
provider business? introduce you to their clients who could
utilize your services. They may also give
The good news is that most startup IT you some ideas on how to create
service providers need a relatively low awareness of your new company in your
capital investment. Look to grow local community.
organically and without taking on huge
financial risk. There are several expenses Nominal Expenses. Many other
that you need to fit into your budget. expenses are nominal. These in total
Some are recurring while others are one- may set you back about $1,000:
time deals. The expense estimates
below, although listed in U.S. dollars, Establishing your business entity
can easily be converted to your local may cost you less than $500
currency by visiting a Web site such as dollars.
CNN’s Currency Converter
Registering a domain name and
setting up a Web site and e-mail
or iGoogle (
hosting should be about $100 per
Marketing. For small IT startups, year.
marketing usually ends up being more
Setting up a business phone
time-intensive than financially-intensive.
number using a virtual auto
A marketing budget of $250–$500 a
attendant type of service or VOIP
month can go a long way if you are
that can provide call forwarding
planning and spending it judiciously in
and answer in your business
the right places.
name will only cost between $50
Professional Services. Find a good to $200 annually.
attorney and accountant in your area
when you are first setting up your 5
How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

Get your logo and business most budget items in this area will be for
identity designed professionally channel program memberships.
for $100 to $200 dollars.
Branding is very important in Training and Certifications. Unless
how your target market perceives you are selling to IT professionals or a
your professionalism and can more sophisticated IT manager, do not
make an enormous difference in spend a lot of time and money collecting
how easy it is for you to get initials and logos to put after your name
through the sales cycle and or on your business card. Advanced
command the level of hourly certifications are not required for landing
billing rates that you desire. typical small business clients.

Have your starter set of business Product Reselling Capital

cards, letterhead, and envelopes Requirements. If the focus of your
professionally printed for $100 to business is on reselling products, you’re
$200. definitely going to need a lot more
capital. But there are many reasons not
Credit Card Merchant Account. The to get involved in product reselling.
ability to accept credit cards is Aside from needing a lot of capital, it
important, especially for brand new has a relatively low profit margin. It also
customers if you are going into product ties up your capital and exposes you to
reselling. For a credit card merchant credit risk. It is simpler to help your
account, you should probably budget clients with basic procurement and asset
about $300 a year, plus variable management, a service which you can
transaction fees (generally 2–4% of the bill by the hour. You can also bill by the
transaction, plus less than hour for configuring, installing, and
$1/transaction). supporting their IT systems.

Organizational and Channel Program Personal Reserves. For most, the

Memberships/Subscriptions. To help biggest financial issue when starting up
you grow your client base, look around is having enough personal savings to
for organizations in which you can support you during the first six to twelve
participate that make sense for your months while building up your client
business. Subscriptions are another area base. If you are looking to grow your
you are going to budget. However, as business organically, your personal
many of the IT service provider savings is vital. You will need this
industry’s most popular trade capital to live on during the initial
publications are in controlled circulation startup phase of your business while you
(i.e., you trade much qualifying personal forego drawing a salary.
information for a free subscription), 6
How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

What are some ways to providers who are focused on the

business-to-consumer (B2C) market of
lower my start-up costs? retail home users. Instead, if your target
market is business-to-business (B2B),
As we just mentioned, your personal
specifically, small businesses with 10 to
savings is a big chunk of your startup
100 employees, focus instead on
capital during the initial phase of your
promoting with your Web site SEO and
business. So make sure that you keep
Social Media Marketing, both of which
your living expenses modest.
can consume time, but which create little
Work From Home. Working out of out of pocket expense.
your home office for as long as possible
Avoid Coupon Packs. Coupon packs
will also certainly earn you a lot of
are also just for B2C. Do not waste your
savings. Of course, check your local
capital on untargeted direct mail until
zoning ordinances to make sure you can.
you know how to manage direct
Remember, small business clients almost
response campaigns.
never go to their outsourced IT
providers’ office. While a home user Use Independent Contractors. Another
might bring their broken laptop into a way to save on fixed overhead is to use
retail computer store, the office manager independent contractors or virtual
of a 10-employee law office will not assistants (VAs) for your administrative
haul the office’s entire LAN into their IT work and IT staffing for as long as
service provider’s office for possible.
troubleshooting intermittent connectivity
issues. Build Up a Network of Trusted
Business Advisers and Non-
Do Not Join Expensive Channel Competing Technology Providers in
Programs. Unless you have done Your Local Community. This is the
thorough market research, do not feel best way to save on marketing and
like you have to join several channel promotional activities. Not only does it
programs without really thinking about cost next to nothing to build up
how each fits into your marketing plan. meaningful friendships with these
Also, consider whether you are going to influencers, but they are also the source
get a worthwhile ROI from these of the best leads. Get together a couple
channel programs’ financial and time of times a year over coffee, drinks, or a
investments. So be very judicious with meal, and talk about how you can work
how you spend your budget on such together. See if there are opportunities to
programs. cross-pollinate your client lists. The key
is to dig the well before you are thirsty.
Avoid the Phone Book. Advertising in
Such relationships take time to evolve.
the phone book is for computer 7
How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

Apply for a Credit Card Merchant that you would very much appreciate
Account. You probably think that giving any referrals to small business owners or
up two to four percent of credit card managers that may need your services.
transaction fees from your threadbare Give each contact five business cards
profit margin is not exactly a way to and tell them what services you provide
keep your costs down. However, would as well as your coverage area. Ask your
you rather have 96%–97% percent of the contacts to make referrals either by
invoice sitting in your bank account in letting you know about someone worth
three business days or spend sleepless contacting or by passing along the
nights because forty-five to sixty days business cards that you provided them.
later, a client has paid you nothing? Do
not tie up your precious capital in Set Up Profiles on LinkedIn,
accounts receivable, especially not for Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for
low-margin product reselling Your Company that Link to Your
transactions. Web Site. Put your logo in each profile
and start building meaningful local
connections. Start with your friends,
How do I obtain an initial family members, and professional
colleagues. Social networking is an
client base for my new effective viral marketing tool to create
start-up? visibility and a powerful way to grow
your connections.
It is important to know your target
market so that your marketing activities Record a Short Video of You
will be focused. Your target market will Introducing Your Company. Set up a
have been identified during your one or two-minute video for your
business planning process. The steps that YouTube account. Either record the
you use to obtain your initial client base video with a digital camcorder
are generally the same kind of (preferable) or record a screencast.
marketing, promotional, and lead Mention what services your company
generation activities that you need to provide, your coverage area, and the
repeat to keep your client base growing unique value proposition that you bring
and your business profitable. Consider to the table. Include a call-to-action with
these proven actionable tips to obtain your contact information and add
your initial client base: testimonials, if available.

Send Out a Letter or E-mail to All of Then put a link to the video, or place the
Your Friends, Family Members, embed code on your other social
Former Co-workers, and Professional network profiles and on your Web site.
Colleagues. Let them know that you This video provides your prospective
have launched your new IT business and customers and partners with more 8
How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

personal insight into who is really meaningful conversation without being

behind your business, making burdensome.
prospective customers and partners more
likely to initiate contact. Exchange business cards and start
building connections with potential
Build a List and Calendar of Eight to clients and trusted business advisers,
Ten Local Business-related including
Organizations and Two to Three of
Their Upcoming Events. Research and accountants
create a list of organizations that can
help you connect with small business attorneys
owners, managers, and trusted business
advisers, including the following: management consultants

local chambers of commerce in marketing/PR/ad agencies

your coverage area
deeply-niched IT specialists
lead-sharing organizations
Then decide which among these
user groups organizations are worth joining.

civic organizations Look for Targeted B2B Trade Shows

in Which You Can Participate. The
religious-related or minority- first time around, go as an attendee so
related business owner groups you can see what other kinds of
exhibitors are at the shows. Find out
alumni associations what kind of traffic they experience and
what kind of expertise they demonstrate.
Attend One of These Business Next year, find out how you can
Organization’s Events at Least Once a participate in a way that allows you to
Week for Eight Weeks. Go around and demonstrate your expertise. This could
start shaking hands. Introduce yourself include conducting mini seminars at
and your business. Ask questions about your booth or becoming a part of a panel
what each person does, how their in break-out sessions.
company uses technology, how their
current technology solution is working Look for Speaking Opportunities in
out, and who takes care of their IT Front of Small Business Decision-
service/support. Listen more than you makers. Organizations usually have
talk for three to five minutes with each featured speakers who talk about the
person that you meet. This brief different local business issues every
encounter will make for a more month; position yourself to become one.
This is the perfect opportunity to speak 9
How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

in front of a captive audience of base. In a period of six months or a year,

qualified decision makers. Keep your you should have a good sense as to
talk 99% informational with a minimal which activities are worth repeating.
sales pitch.

Also, think about jointly sponsoring an What income streams

event with a complementary, like-
minded business, such as an accounting
should I obtain for my
firm, where you both invite your in- new business?
house mailing list of prospects,
customers, and clients. This is a great If you are focused largely on helping
way to cross-pollinate your prospect, small businesses in your own local area
customer, and client lists. with their IT needs on an outsourced
basis, you have at least four different
Stay in Touch with Qualified income or revenue streams.
Prospects on Your Mailing List. You
can do this by coming up with a one- Proving Ground Projects. A proving
page quarterly newsletter that gives tips ground project proves your value to a
on IT-related issues relevant to your new customer. It should clearly
target market. Be sure to include a time- demonstrate to your customer that you
sensitive, subscriber-exclusive special are dependable and sensitive to their IT
offer. Make sure the content of your needs. At the same time, your new
newsletter has a ratio of three parts customer is also proving their value to
useful information to one part sales your company in terms of their
pitch. In other words, before you earn willingness to pay for your professional
the opportunity to ask prospective IT services. So it is a mutual proving
customer, clients, and partners to do ground to find out if the two of you can
business with your firm, make sure that work well together. Proving ground
you are providing useful information. projects could be in the form of
technology assessment or a well-defined
Lather, Rinse, and Repeat. All too and urgent service need.
often, what ends up happening is a lot of
momentum and excitement when you Remediation Projects. Remediation
first launch your new IT startup. Then projects are usually an offshoot of a
you get busy with your paying clients proving ground project that went well.
and you think you no longer need to These are usually in the form of system
work on growing your client base—until upgrades, network roll-outs, or clean-up
there is a crisis. So make sure that you jobs. Remediation projects are generally
are pro-active, deliberate, and focused conceived as a result of your initial IT
about where you are spending your time audit or technology assessment project
to establish and grow your initial client in order to bring new clients up to the 10
How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

standards that you are comfortable IT needs, offer them competitive price
supporting long term. quotes, and give them options. Place the
order on their behalf, follow-up on the
Annual Service Agreements. After order, and inspect the goods when they
successful proving ground and arrive. Then go ahead and customize,
remediation projects, you will want to configure, and install the products and
migrate your new clients onto your get them fully integrated into their
company’s annual service agreement networks.
You can charge by the hour for these
Discuss the value proposition of having procurement related services in the same
your IT support on an ongoing basis way that you charge for your other
through your annual service agreement. technical services. Not only does this not
As long as you are doing a reasonably require a lot of capital, but it also
good job, this ongoing support service provides transparency, eliminating
should become a long life cycle event, possible friction and resentment in
where most of your clients remain with connection with product reselling
your company for many, many years to between you and your clients.

Product Reselling. We are not thrilled What tools should I use

about this fourth revenue stream, but it
simply will not go away in the small to start up my technology
business IT industry. For product provider business?
reselling, you act as a traditional value
added reseller (VAR) of desktops, Regardless of how you classify your
notebooks, servers, switches, routers, business, whether you consider your
software licenses, and more. firm a computer consulting business,
VAR, network integrator, IT solution
Product reselling today is somewhat provider, MSP, or computer repair
controversial because the profit margin business, if you are largely there to help
between buying wholesale and selling small businesses in your local
retail has greatly diminished and is no community with their IT needs on an
longer worth the capital, overhead cost, outsourced basis, you definitely want to
and credit risk unless you deal in very think about your startup tools.
high volumes.
Your Brain. Because we are talking
In lieu of becoming a traditional product about selling knowledge, your skills, and
value added reseller, we strongly your ability to solve problems as
recommend that smaller IT firms opposed to selling concrete goods, it is
(especially startups) help clients identify important that you use your brain. Think 11
How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

long and hard about your marketing Google Calendar. This Web-based
strategy as well as a very proactive, calendar is an indispensable tool for
focused, and deliberate plan of attack for keeping track of your appointments. It
your business. also allows you to invite other attendees
and send reminders to your prospects,
In the first six to twelve months of your customers, clients, partners, and
startup phase, you will need to work subcontractors about upcoming
smarter to navigate around entrenched meetings.
competitors, and one of the easiest ways
to stand out from the crowd is to come Social Media Marketing. Social
up with original and innovative ways to networking sites such as LinkedIn
reach your market. (, Facebook
(, Twitter
QuickBooks. Without a doubt, you need
to keep track of the money that is (, and YouTube
coming in and out of your business. It is ( are a great way
important to have solid accounting to stay in touch with your contacts,
software. Aside from the gold standard expand your network, display your
of accounting software—Intuit’s line of expertise, and build up your reputation.
QuickBooks software and services Social media marketing can be a great
(—you vehicle and cost-effective way to grow
may want to also look into the rapidly your business.
growing Web-based service, FreshBooks
( Content Management System (CMS).
Use a content management system like
Customer Relationship Management WordPress ( to
(CRM) Software. Make sure you have a run your Web site. A CMS makes it easy
good follow-up mechanism in place to not only to update it but also to delegate
keep track of all opportunities from your the task of updating your Web site. A
prospects, customers, clients, partners, regularly updated Web site gets more
and subcontractors, so that you do not attention from search engines.
end up giving away your leads to WordPress also has thousands of
competitors who are more aggressive. different plug-ins and themes that allow ( is you to customize and add features.
one such popular Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) Web-based Virtual or VOIP Phone Provider.
program. Another popular CRM Make sure your business phone answers
platform is Microsoft Dynamics CRM with your business name to keep the
( level of professionalism in your
business. 12
How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

Smart Phone. You will need a mobile you can when they need you, having a
phone and plan with a large amount of reliable car is another important tool for
minutes, access to e-mail, and web most owners of IT service provider
browsing that can act as an extension to businesses.
your office. Any time that you are sitting
at your desk in your office is generally
not revenue-generating unless you are Summing Up
doing off-site billable work.
Many small business organizations and
Mobile Broadband. The ability to have government statistics say that eighty
constant access through mobile high- percent of small businesses fail in the
speed Internet broadband on your first five years. Make sure that you do
notebook, netbook, or MiFi (personal not become a statistic.
WiFi hot spot) is an extremely important
productivity tool as your work requires In this white paper on starting up your
you to be out of the office most of the new IT business, we looked at six
time. proven ways to build your initial client
base. The answers to these six most
Credit Card Merchant Account. This frequently asked questions will guide
is another tool many overlook, especially you in establishing your company. In
if they are involved in product reselling addition, these strategies will ensure that
for which you will need credit risk your business remains profitable and
protection. Otherwise, you are taking on viable in the long term.
inherent risks of accounts receivable for
low product reselling profit margins. Make sure you have a clear picture of
what you need to do to make your
GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar. business successful. Do not take
Another easy way to extend your anything for granted. Be proactive, have
productivity is scheduling online a deliberate plan of attack, and take
meetings, classes, and seminars with action now.
prospects, customers, clients, partners,
and subcontractors. One very popular
solution is from Citrix Online and their
( and
Copyright © 2012, SP Home Run Inc.
GoToWebinar services.
SP Home Run is a trademark of
Reliable Transportation. Because your
SP Home Run Inc.
work requires you to be out in the field
most of the time, and because you need All Worldwide Rights Reserved.
to be able to get to your clients as fast as 13
How to Start a Computer Consulting Business

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