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48320 Surveying
Delivery Autumn 2020; City (now Online)
Credit points 6cp
Result type Grade and marks

About this document

This document amends the Subject Outline to reflect changes in the subject and assessment
requirements resulting from the COVID-19 emergency. This addendum should be read in conjunction
with the Subject Outline. These changes have been approved by the relevant Responsible Academic
Officer under Student Rule 3.7.4. In accordance with the Coursework Assessment Procedure 4.6
assessment tasks for which most of the work is carried out outside class may include a viva at the
Subject Coordinator’s discretion to confirm the integrity of student work.

Contact meetings
Changes: Contact meetings for this subject will now be conducted online only. There will be no face-to-
face or on campus classes, lectures, tutorials, practicals or consultation sessions for this subject.

Live Zoom sessions will be organised each week at the scheduled times of teaching activities where
students can ask questions and teaching staff can provide further information and answers. To access
the live Zoom sessions, students need to access UTSOnline and use the links provided. Online videos
covering each topic will also be made available on UTSOnline. These resources should be viewed by
students prior to the online classes for each topic.

Students are also encouraged to use MS teams and email to contact the subject coordinator and
teaching staff if they have any questions or queries relating to the subject.

It is expected that all students participate in the set teaching and learning activities during the
scheduled time slots for their assigned class sessions.

Changes: The program (ie: which topics are studied in which order) in the Subject Outline does not
change. The intent of the assessment items will remain the same with an adjustment of due dates
accounting for the one-week teaching pause. Please see the amended class schedule on UTSOnline for
further information.

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Changes: The way in which this subject is assessed has now changed. Students will be required to
undertake 3 assessment tasks instead of 4 assessment tasks. There will be no formal examination in
this subject.

Students must now complete:

1. Assessment task 1: Practical Reports

2. Assessment task 2: Online Quiz
3. Assessment task 3: Major Assignment Report

A pass in the subject is achieved by gaining an overall total of 50 marks or more.

Assessment task 1: Practical Reports

Changes: The way in which this assessment task is facilitated to students has changed. In addition, the
way in which this assessment task is assessed has also changed. Furthermore, the weighting of this
assessment task has changed. Likewise, the due dates of this assessment task have also changed. There
are no other changes to this assessment task.

The subject content assessed in the practical reports remains the same as the subject content assessed
in Assessment task 1 in the subject outline. Students are still required to undertake 5 practical reports
with Practical Report 1 to be individually assessed and Practical Reports 2 to 5 to be group and
individually assessed. With the exception of Practical Report 1, which is worth 6% individual
assessment, Practical Reports 2 to 5 will each be worth 4% group assessment and 2% individual
assessment. The total value of these 5 practical reports is worth 30% assessment.

All 5 practical sessions will now be facilitated online using a virtual experience and pre-recorded video
content. Demonstrations of surveying equipment will also be given in the online tutorial sessions and in
the online video content. As no actual practical sessions are able to be carried out, substitute field data
will be supplied to students to complete each of the 5 practical reports.

Students will have until Friday, 1 May 2020 to form a group of 3 team members for Practical Reports 2
to 5. Each group needs to register the names of its team members on UTSOnline. After this date, any
remaining students will be randomly assigned to groups. Students are encouraged to collaborate
remotely via online platforms like Zoom, MS Teams, etc.

All team members in a group will receive the same mark for Practical Repots 2 to 5 unless indicated
otherwise. A Mark Allocation sheet will also need to be completed by each team member and
submitted as part of Practical Repots 2 to 5. The Mark Allocation sheet provides an opportunity for
each student to reflect on the contribution of the other team members in peer assessment. It is
expected that a single team member of each group will submit Practical Repots 2 to 5 to UTSOnline.

Please refer to UTSOnline for further details and instructions regarding the availability, undertaking and
submission of each of the 5 practical reports.

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Objective(s): This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs): 1, 2,
3 and 4

Groupwork: Group, group and individually assessed

Weight: 30%

Due: Practical Report 1: Sunday 3 May 2020 11:59 pm

Practical Report 2: Sunday 10 May 2020 11:59 pm
Practical Report 3: Sunday 17 May 2020 11:59 pm
Practical Report 4: Sunday 24 May 2020 11:59 pm
Practical Report 5: Sunday 7 June 2020 11:59 pm

Assessment task 2: Online Quiz

Changes: The title of this assessment task has changed. In addition, the way in which this assessment
task is facilitated to students has changed. Furthermore, the weighting of this assessment task has also
changed. Likewise, the due date of this assessment task has changed. There are no other changes to
this assessment task.

The reintroduction of Assessment Task 2 as an online quiz will now cover subject material relating to
the following topics: Levelling by the Rise and Fall method; Levelling by the Height of Plane of
Collimation Method; Two Peg Test and Grading and Longsections. Students will be given 75 hours to
complete the online quiz. The online quiz will be made available to students on UTSOnline on Tuesday,
28 April 2020 at 9:00 am

Please refer to UTSOnline for further details and instructions regarding the availability, undertaking and
submission of the online quiz.

Objective(s): This assessment task now addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs):
1, 2, 3 and 5

Groupwork: Individual

Weight: 30%

Due: Friday 1 May 2020 12:05 pm

Assessment task 3: Major Assignment Report

Changes: The title of this assessment task has changed. This assessment task now replaces Assessment
tasks 3 and 4 in the subject outline. The way in which this assessment task is facilitated to students has
also changed. In addition, the weighting of this assessment task has changed. Furthermore, the due
date of this assessment task has also changed. There are no other changes to this assessment task.

The reintroduction of Assessment Task 3 as a major assignment report will assess the same subject
content assessed in Assessment tasks 3 and 4 in the subject outline. Students will be given individual

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data to complete the major assignment report based on the theoretical and practical content contained
in the subject material. Detailed instructions on completing the major assignment report will be made
available in an assignment brief that students can download from UTSOnline.

Please refer to UTSOnline for further details and instructions regarding the availability, undertaking and
submission of the major assignment report.

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs): 1, 2,
3 and 5

Groupwork: Individual

Weight: 40%

Due: Friday 12 June 2020 11:59 pm

Version control and change history

Date Version Approved by
07/04/20 1 Kirk Vessalas
27/04/20 2 Kirk Vessalas


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