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Assalamualaikum wr. .wr., Hello my name is Arief Perdana Kesuma.

I’m a Sriwijaya
Polytechnic student from department civil engineering majoring in road and bridge design.
I’m from class 2 pjj d.

Today I would like to talk about amazing building. This time I will discuss more detail about
Pertamina Energy Tower. The presence of Pertamina Energy Tower in Jakarta's skyscrapers
will be a collaborative model of the unique workspace design, technological innovation, and
energy efficiency, with the target of completion in 2020 new icons in the Rasuna Epicentrum
will unite work harmonization and creativity in a family-friendly environment. Pertamina
Tower or Pertamina Energy Tower is a building that has 99 floors with a height of 530 meters
(1740 ft). It is planned to be built in Jakarta’s Rasuna Epicentrum. The groundbreaking was
carried out in December 2013 by Karen Agustiawan, Pertamina's Managing Director at the
time. The building construction involved Turner International who previously worked on the
Burj Khalifa, Skidmore, Owings Merrill, and Rider Levett Bucknall projects and from within
the country involved PT Airmas Asri, PT Wiratman & Associates, KSO PT Pembangunan
Perumahan, and PT Hutama Karya. The building construction involved Skidmore Owings
Merrill as the main consultant and Turner International as the project management consultant.

Pertamina Tower is predicted to become an energy icon in Indonesia because 80 percent of

the tower is claimed to be energy efficient and 55 percent of the land area will be used as a
green open area so there is a rainwater recycle system. The concept of green building is
expected to help the DKI Jakarta government to maintain rainwater infiltration. Pertamina
Tower will utilize the concept of renewable energy, namely
 the elements of wind turbine located in pertamina energy tower. pertamina energy
tower functions as the center of the pertamina area. this energy tower building will be
the tallest building in Indonesia. where the main design will prioritize the theme of
efficiency and energy. the shape of the building and the materials used also reflect the
responsibility for conservation and use of energy
 passive cooling located in mosque pertamina mosque is located on the corner of the
epicenter road in the middle of the new mosque which will serve the Pertamina
employee population and the environment around the epicenter rasuna by providing a
hall and prayer room as public facilities
 solar heat located in energy ribbon, and
 geothermal energy that located in central energy plant section central energy plan is
the central energy for pertamina tower as the heart of the whole building complex
where energy and services are distributed, using central energy sources in one area
will result in cost savings in equipment capacity of up to 25%. this energy can
produce energy to various rooms like lower exhibition gallery, upper exhibition
gallery, generator room, chiller room, service ramp and loading area, utility power
intake and gas turbine room, facility management office, security office
 and optimized power shading located in pavvilion which will be used to support the
activities of the tower Pertamina Pavilion which is located on Jalan Rasuna Said will
be a place to display works of art and exhibition rooms, the strategic location of the
pavilion also represents easy access to and from the tower location through various
choices of modes of public transportation in Jakarta.
. the building will get high solar angle so it make a tower shaped by the sun

The tower is targeted to be a place to live, work and play around 23,000 Pertamina workers
and subsidiaries. so that the gathering of workers in one building, Pertamina's performance is
expected to be more efficient and effective, so that the goal of becoming a world-class
company will be achieved. Now, Pertamina has at least 30 children and grandchildren of the
company with separate offices.

the reason I chose this building is because it is the tallest building in Indonesia, it has 99
floors and 530 meters high. besides this building will be an innovative and efficient building
because it is environmentally friendly.

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