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Field Name Field Label

X MANDT Client
X BUKRS Company Code
X SAKNR G/L Account
X BEGRU Authorization Group
X BUSAB Clerk Abbreviation
X DATLZ Date of Last Interest Calc.
X ERDAT Created on
X ERNAM Created by
X FDGRV Planning Group
X FDLEV Planning Level
X FIPLS Financial Budget
X FSTAG Field status group
X HBKID House bank
X HKTID Account ID
X KDFSL Exchange Rate Difference Key
X MITKZ Recon. Account for Acct Type
X MWSKZ Tax Category
X STEXT G/L Acct Add. Text
X VZSKZ Interest indicator
X WAERS Account currency
X WMETH Acct Managed in Ext. System
X XGKON Relevant to Cash Flow
X XINTB Post Automatically Only
X XKRES Line Item Display
X XLOEB Mark for Deletion
X XNKON Supplement Auto. Postings
X XOPVW Open Item Management
X XSPEB Blocked for Posting
X ZINDT Key Date of Last Int. Calc.
X ZINRT Interest Calc. Frequency
X ZUAWA Sort key
X ALTKT Alternative Account No.
X XMITK Recon. Acct Ready for Input
X RECID Recovery Indicator
X FIPOS Commitment item
X XMWNO Posting without tax allowed
X XSALH Balances in Local Crcy Only
X BEWGP Valuation Group
X INFKY Inflation key
X TOGRU Tolerance Group
X XLGCLR Ledger Group-Specific Clearing
X COCHANGED CoA data changed

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