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Go to Asset
Schedule of Fixed Assets Master
(Amount in Rs)
Gross Block Accumulated Depreciation Net Block as on Net Block as on
31.03.2020 31.03.2019
Fixed Asset Opening as on Additions Deletions Adjustment Closing as on 31- Opening as on During the year Deletions during Adjustment Closing as on 31-
01.04.2019 during the year during the year During the 03-2020 01.04.2019 the year During the Year 03-2020
Plant & Machinery
10 MW, Rajasthan 602,688,937 - - - 602,688,937 104,852,459 35,136,763 - - 139,989,222 462,699,715 497,836,478 35,136,763
1 MW , A& N Islands 76,302,636 - - - 76,302,636 8,326,483 4,448,442 - - 12,774,925 63,527,711 67,976,153 4,448,442
Ramagiri, Andhra Pradesh 4,956,000 - - - 4,956,000 280,195 313,715 - - 593,910 4,362,090 4,675,805 313,715
Building 8,131,326 206,393,976 - - 214,525,302 1,423,467 4,368,037 - - 5,791,504 208,733,798 6,707,859 4,368,037
Computers - - - -
Computer - End User Device 9,292,472 2,985,830 - - 12,278,302 6,670,322 1,619,988 - - 8,290,310 3,987,992 2,622,150 5545 1,614,443 159000
Computer - Servers & Network 685,649 - - - 685,649 384,785 105,256 - - 490,041 195,608 300,864 105,256
Office Equipment 9,289,937 3,296,266 (11,945) - 12,574,258 5,211,786 1,766,281 - - 6,978,067 5,596,191 4,078,151 595 1,765,686 19076
Intangible Assets-CSW 8,381,433 2,727,876 - - 11,109,309 4,743,536 1,745,758 - - 6,489,294 4,620,015 3,637,897 1,745,758
Furniture & Fixture 1,354,160 373,762 - - 1,727,922 527,908 130,909 - - 658,817 1,069,105 826,252 130,909 15119
Motor Vehicle 7,884,320 - - - 7,884,320 5,477,473 957,730 - - 6,435,203 1,449,117 2,406,847 957,730

TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 728,966,870 215,777,710 (11,945) - 944,732,635 137,898,414 50,592,879 - - 188,491,293 756,241,342 591,068,456 50,586,739 193,195

Previous Years Figures

Reconciliation 728,966,870 215,777,710 (11,945) - 944,732,635 137,898,414 50,592,879 - - 188,491,293 756,241,342 591,068,456
Difference 0 0 - - - - - - - 0 0

720,585,437 213,049,834 (11,945) - 933,623,326 133,154,878 48,847,121 - - 182,001,999 751,621,327 587,430,559

0 0 - - - 0 - - - 0 0 0

Gross Block Accumulated Depreciation Net Block as Net Block as

Opening as on Additions Deletions Adjustment Closing as on 31- Opening as on During the year Deletions during Adjustment Closing as on on 31.03.2020 on
Ind AS
01.04.2019 during the year during the year During the 03-2020 Ind AS 01.04.2019 the year During the Year 31-03-2020 31.03.2020
Year adjustment
Fixed Asset Ind AS (Subsequent Ind AS
(Subsequent for Op Value as
adjustment for assets Op Value as above adjustment
assets deleted above
(Initial) deleted (Initial)
during FY 2018-
during FY
Plant & Machinery
10 MW, Rajasthan (92,000) 602,688,937 602,596,937 - - 602,596,937 (92,000) - 104,852,459 104,760,459 35,136,763 - - 139,897,222 462,699,715 4,627.00
1 MW , A& N Islands 76,302,636 76,302,636 - - - 76,302,636 - - 8,326,483 8,326,483 4,448,442 - - 12,774,925 63,527,711 635.28
Ramagiri, Andhra Pradesh 4,956,000 4,956,000 - - - 4,956,000 - - 280,195 280,195 313,715 - - 593,910 4,362,090 43.62
Building (1,000) 8,131,326 8,130,326 206,393,976 - - 214,524,302 (1,000) - 1,423,467 1,422,467 4,368,037 - - 5,790,504 208,733,798 2,087.34
Computers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Computer - End User Device (3,237,000) 101,106 9,292,472 6,156,578 2,985,830 - - 9,142,408 (3,237,000) 101,106 6,670,322 3,534,428 1,619,988 - - 5,154,416 3,987,992 39.88
Computer - Servers & Network (35,000) 685,649 650,649 - - - 650,649 (35,000) - 384,785 349,785 105,256 - - 455,041 195,608 1.96
Office Equipment (1,704,000) 7,373 9,289,937 7,593,310 3,296,266 - - 10,889,576 (1,704,000) 7,373 5,211,786 3,515,159 1,766,281 - - 5,281,440 5,608,136 56.08
Furniture & Fixture (199,000) 17,191 1,354,160 1,172,351 373,762 - - 1,546,113 (199,000) 17,191 527,908 346,099 130,909 - - 477,008 1,069,105 10.69
Motor Vehicle (2,604,000) 7,884,320 5,280,320 - - - 5,280,320 (2,604,000) - 5,477,473 2,873,473 957,730 - - 3,831,203 1,449,117 14.49
TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 720,585,437 712,839,107 213,049,834 - - 925,888,941 (7,872,000) 133,154,878 125,408,548 48,847,121 - - 174,255,669 751,633,272 7,516.33
Previous Years Figures

Intangible Assets-CSW (2,127,000) 1,086,418 8,381,433 7,340,851 2,727,876 - - 10,068,727 (2,127,000) 1,086,418 4,743,536 3,702,954 1,745,758 - - 5,448,712 4,620,015 46.20

10 MW, Rajasthan 602,596,937 - 104,760,459 - -
1 MW , A& N Islands 76,302,636 - 8,326,483 - -
Ramagiri, Andhra Pradesh 4,956,000 - 280,195 - 1,000
Building 8,130,326 - 1,422,467 - 3,135,894
Computers - -
Computer - End User Device 6,156,578 0 3,534,427 1
Computer - Servers & Network 650,649 - 349,785 -
Office Equipment 7,593,310 - 3,515,159 -
Furniture & Fixture 1,172,351 - 346,098 0
Motor Vehicle 5,280,320 - 2,873,473 -

TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 712,839,107 0 125,408,546 2

Intangible Assets-CSW 7,340,851 - 3,702,954 -

Depreciation Entry for Year ended 31.03.2020

Depreciation & Amortisation 50,592,879

Accumulated Dep on Plant & Machinery 39,898,920
Accumulated Depreciation on Building 4,368,037
Accumulated Depreciation on Computer-End User Devic 1,619,988
Accumulated Dep. on Computer-Server & Network 105,256
Accumulated Depreciation on Office Equipments 1,766,281
Accumulated Depreciation on Computer Software 1,745,758
Accumulated Depreciation on Furniture & Fixure 130,909
Accumulated Depreciation on Motor Vehicle 957,730

50,592,879 50,592,879
Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited
Previous Year : 2019-20
Assessment Year : 2020-21


Additions Depreciation
Deletion Closing Written
Rate of Written Down
Block of Assets Depreciation Value as at 1st
Total Additions (Encl. II-C)
Depreciation on
Down Value as at
Used for 180 days or Used for less than 180 Depreciation for Depreciation for Depreciation 03rd March 2020
April 2019 Opening Block (Net of
more (Encl. II-A) days (Encl. II-B) 180 days or more less than 180 days Allowable

Building 10% 5,631,349 - - - - 563,135 - - 563,135 5,068,214

Furniture & Fixtures 10% 599,251 - 373,762 373,762 - 59,925 - 18,688 78,613 894,400
Plant & Machinery 15% 298,390,303 2,859,084 437,182 3,296,266 - 44,758,545 428,863 32,789 45,220,197 256,466,372
Computer Systems including
40% 4,173,782 3,745,106 1,968,600 5,713,706 - 1,669,513 1,498,043 393,720 3,561,275 6,326,213
Computer Software

Total 308,794,685 6,604,190 2,779,544 9,383,734 - 47,051,118 1,926,905 445,197 49,423,220 268,755,199
Fixed Asset Master 3/31/2020 3/31/2019 3/31/2018 3/31/2016 3/31/2015

Asset No Voucher No Voucher Date Asset Description Location Sub-Classification Classi Classification as per Co Classification as per Income Tax Act Less than/Greater than 180 Year Date of Date of Put
ficatio act 2013 Purchase to use
n as
1 5/17/2019 8 BoardPAC Software with license Delhi Intangible Assets-CSW Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 17-Apr-19 17-Apr-19
1 5/17/2019 Asset Organiser Delhi Intangible Assets-CSW Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 17-Apr-19 17-Apr-19
SECI/HO/Admin/19-20/WC01 2 5/22/2019 1 Water Cooler Delhi Water Cooler Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 13-May-19 3-May-19
SECI/HO/Admin/19-20/WC02 2 5/22/2019 1 Water Cooler Delhi Water Cooler Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 13-May-19 3-May-19
SECI/HO/Admin/19-20/07 3 6/20/2019 1 Pedestal Fan Delhi Fan Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 10-Jun-19 10-Jun-19
SECI/IT/SCANER/2-7 4 6/21/2019 6 Scanners Delhi Scanners Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 13-Jun-19 17-Jun-19
SECI/IT/PLOTTER/1 5 6/24/2019 1 Printer Delhi Printer Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 12-Jun-19 18-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/44 6 7/1/2019 1 Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/45 6 7/1/2019 1 Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/46 6 7/1/2019 1 Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/47 6 7/1/2019 1 Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/48 7 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/49 7 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/50 7 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/51 7 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/52 7 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/53 7 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/54 7 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/55 7 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/56 8 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/57 8 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/58 8 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/59 8 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/60 8 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/61 8 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/62 8 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/LAPT/63 8 7/1/2019 HP Laptop Delhi Laptop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/CPU/121 9 7/1/2019 Desktop Delhi Desktop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/CPU/122 9 7/1/2019 Desktop Delhi Desktop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/CPU/123 9 7/1/2019 Desktop Delhi Desktop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/CPU/124 9 7/1/2019 Desktop Delhi Desktop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/CPU/125 9 7/1/2019 Desktop Delhi Desktop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/CPU/126 9 7/1/2019 Desktop Delhi Desktop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/CPU/127 9 7/1/2019 Desktop Delhi Desktop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/IT/CPU/128 9 7/1/2019 Desktop Delhi Desktop Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 25-Jun-19 26-Jun-19
SECI/SOLAR/PV/TOOL/7 10 7/12/2019 Digital Micrometer Measuring Instruments (Solar) Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 15-Jun-19 6-Jun-19
SECI/SOLAR/PV/TOOL/5 11 7/12/2019 Thermal Imager Measuring Instruments (Solar) Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 1-Jul-19 1-Jul-19
SECI/SOLAR/PV/TOOL/6&8 12 7/12/2019 2 Digital Clamp Meter Measuring Instruments (Solar) Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 1-Jul-19 1-Jul-19
JV 895 7/30/2019 TATA SKY SET TOP BOX Delhi TATA SKY Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 24-Jul-19 24-Jul-19
SECI/IT/NAS/1 13 8/23/2019 Network Attached Storage Device Delhi Network Attached Storage Device Computer - End User Device Computer Systems including Computer Software Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 16-Aug-19 20-Aug-19
SECI/SOLAR/PV/TOOL/9 14 8/30/2019 Solar Testing Kit/Solar PV Analyzer Measuring Instruments (Solar) Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 16-Aug-19 26-Aug-19
SECI/IT/EPABX/3 to 4 15 9/5/2019 24 Analog Subscriber Line Card with 24 pair cable for conDelhi EPBAX system Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/113 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/114 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/115 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/116 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/117 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/118 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/119 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/120 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/121 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/122 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/123 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/124 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/125 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/126 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/127 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/128 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/129 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/130 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/131 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/132 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/133 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/134 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/135 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/136 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/137 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/138 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/139 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/140 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/141 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/142 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/143 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/144 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/145 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/146 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/147 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/148 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
SECI/IT/ALO/149 15 9/5/2019 1 Analog Phone (Make Beetal) Delhi Telephone Office Equipment Plant & Machinery Used for 180 days or more 2019-20 19-Aug-19 2-Sep-19
EDP-End EDP-Server &
Previous Year ended on Vehicles-Cars F&F O/E user devices Networks
3/31/2014 4/1/2014 1/1/2010 1/1/2011 365 8 10 5 3 6

Date of Gross Block Residual value Rate recalculated Depreciation Net Block

Opening Value Addition during Deletion during the Adjustments Closing Gross Rate of Opening Dep. of Current Additions Deletions Adjustments During the Closing
the year year Block Depreciation Year on Opening Year
as per Balances
No of days Value No of days Value
719,800 719,800 - 20.00% Act, 1956 - 350.00 137667 137,667 137,667 582,133
- - - 20.00% - 350.00 0 - - -
93,220 93,220 4,661 19.00% - 334.00 16163 16,163 16,163 77,057
93,220 93,220 4,661 19.00% - 334.00 16163 16,163 16,163 77,057
2,390 2,390 - 100.00% - 296.00 2390 2,390 2,390 -
289,740 289,740 14,487 19.00% - 289.00 43469 43,469 43,469 246,271
226,271 226,271 11,314 19.00% - 288.00 33829 33,829 33,829 192,442
62,500 62,500 3,125 31.67% - 280.00 15143 15,143 15,143 47,357
62,500 62,500 3,125 31.67% - 280.00 15143 15,143 15,143 47,357
62,500 62,500 3,125 31.67% - 280.00 15143 15,143 15,143 47,357
62,500 62,500 3,125 31.67% - 280.00 15143 15,143 15,143 47,357
62,500 62,500 3,125 31.67% - 280.00 15143 15,143 15,143 47,357
62,500 62,500 3,125 31.67% - 280.00 15143 15,143 15,143 47,357
62,500 62,500 3,125 31.67% - 280.00 15143 15,143 15,143 47,357
62,500 62,500 3,125 31.67% - 280.00 15143 15,143 15,143 47,357
62,500 62,500 3,125 31.67% - 280.00 15143 15,143 15,143 47,357
62,500 62,500 3,125 31.67% - 280.00 15143 15,143 15,143 47,357
62,500 62,500 3,125 31.67% - 280.00 15143 15,143 15,143 47,357
62,500 62,500 3,125 31.67% - 280.00 15143 15,143 15,143 47,357
62,450 62,450 3,123 31.67% - 280.00 15131 15,131 15,131 47,319
62,450 62,450 3,123 31.67% - 280.00 15131 15,131 15,131 47,319
62,450 62,450 3,123 31.67% - 280.00 15131 15,131 15,131 47,319
62,450 62,450 3,123 31.67% - 280.00 15131 15,131 15,131 47,319
62,450 62,450 3,123 31.67% - 280.00 15131 15,131 15,131 47,319
62,450 62,450 3,123 31.67% - 280.00 15131 15,131 15,131 47,319
62,450 62,450 3,123 31.67% - 280.00 15131 15,131 15,131 47,319
62,450 62,450 3,123 31.67% - 280.00 15131 15,131 15,131 47,319
58,974 58,974 2,949 31.67% - 280.00 14289 14,289 14,289 44,685
58,974 58,974 2,949 31.67% - 280.00 14289 14,289 14,289 44,685
58,974 58,974 2,949 31.67% - 280.00 14289 14,289 14,289 44,685
58,974 58,974 2,949 31.67% - 280.00 14289 14,289 14,289 44,685
58,974 58,974 2,949 31.67% - 280.00 14289 14,289 14,289 44,685
58,974 58,974 2,949 31.67% - 280.00 14289 14,289 14,289 44,685
58,974 58,974 2,949 31.67% - 280.00 14289 14,289 14,289 44,685
58,974 58,974 2,949 31.67% - 280.00 14289 14,289 14,289 44,685
16,889 16,889 844 19.00% - 300.00 2630 2,630 2,630 14,259
548,700 548,700 27,435 19.00% - 275.00 78332 78,332 78,332 470,368
73,500 73,500 3,675 19.00% - 275.00 10493 10,493 10,493 63,007
1,600 1,600 - 100.00% - 252.00 1600 1,600 1,600 -
495,000 495,000 24,750 31.67% - 225.00 96373 96,373 96,373 398,627
798,000 798,000 39,900 19.00% - 219.00 90723 90,723 90,723 707,277
198,004 198,004 - 100.00% - 212.00 198004 198,004 198,004 -
1,180 1,180 - 100.00% - 212.00 1180 1,180 1,180 -
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30 31 30 31


Remarks on review
Tabula Technologies Pvt Ltd.

N. K. Enterprises
N. K. Enterprises
Infiniti Retail Limited Trading as Croma
Gurusons Communication Pvt. Ltd.
Kadam Marketing Ltd
Axis Computech and Peripherals Pvt Ltd
Axis Computech and Peripherals Pvt Ltd
Axis Computech and Peripherals Pvt Ltd
Axis Computech and Peripherals Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
ProCurve Computer System Pvt Ltd
MV Infotech India
MV Infotech India
MV Infotech India
MV Infotech India
MV Infotech India
MV Infotech India
MV Infotech India
MV Infotech India
Himalaya Scientific House
SPI Engineers Pvt Ltd
SPI Engineers Pvt Ltd

IRIS Global Services Pvt. Ltd

Isothermal Technology Private Limited
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Electronic Junction
As per New Companies Act,2013 As per Companies Act,1956 As per IT
Useful life (In Years) Depreciation rate Depreciation rate
Computer - End User Device 3 31.67% 16.21% 40% 31.67
Computer - Servers & Network 6 15.83% 16.21% 40%
Office Equipment 5 19% 4.75% 15%
Office Equipment-Guest House 5 19% 4.75% 15%
Intangible Assets-CSW 5 20% 20.00% 60%
Furniture & Fixture 10 9.50% 6.33% 10%
Furniture & Fixture-Guest House 10 9.50% 6.33% 10%
Motor Vehicle 8 11.88% 9.50% 15%
Plant & Machinery 25 5.83% 15% 89.98 CERC Tariff Rate
Building 25 5.83% 10% CERC Tariff Rate
Leasehold Land 30 slm basis
Plant & Machinery - Wind Mast 15 6.33% 15%
Accumulated Dep on Plant & Machinery
Accumulated Depreciation on Building
Accumulated Depreciation on Computer-End User Devic
Accumulated Dep. on Computer-Server & Network
Accumulated Depreciation on Office Equipments
Accumulated Depreciation on Computer Software
Accumulated Depreciation on Furniture & Fixure
Accumulated Depreciation on Motor Vehicle

Furniture & Fixtures
Plant & Machinery
Computer Systems including Computer
Asset Class
Leasehold Land

Computer - End User Device Plant & Machinery

Computer - Servers & Network Building
Office Equipment
Office Equipment-Guest House Office Equipment
Intangible Assets-CSW
Furniture & Fixture Computer
Furniture & Fixture-Guest House Software
Motor Vehicle
Plant & Machinery Furniture & Fixure
Building Motor Vehicle
Leasehold Land Intangible Assets-CSW
Plant & Machinery - Wind Mast
Asset Sub Class Usefull Life As Per New Company Act.(2014)-% I.Tax Act(Rate %)
Leasehold Land
Plant & Machinery
Plant & Machinery - Wind Mast
Office Equipment-Guest House
Office Equipment-Other
Computer - End User Device
Computer - Servers & Network
Furniture & Fixture
Furniture & Fixture-Guest House
Motor Vehicle
Intangible Assets-CSW
As per Companies Act,1956 %
Asset Description Category Cost of Asset

Design & Development of Website

Intangible Assets - Head Office
for SECI 717,247
Carepack 2 years Extended
Computer - End User Device - Head
warranty (6Nos.) for Dell Vostro
2420 Notebook 26,545
Tender Evaluation Software Intangible Assets - Head Office 727,650
Employee Self Service Intangible Assets - Head Office 700,622
Philips Mixer Grinder Office Equipment- Head Office 4,150
Philips Steam Iron Office Equipment- Head Office 1,250
2 No’s. of spine care mattress
72X76 Furniture & Fixture - Head Office 80,326

DHR Assets
iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi Cell 64GB Computer - End User Device 50,255
HP DJ Ink Advantage 3545 AIO (SE Office Equipment 8,168
Apple Mac Book Air 13 256GB ( 1No Computer - End User Device 80,817
Dell Notebook Computer - End User Device 53,609

Dell/Optiplex 9020 Desktop Core I5 Computer - End User Device 75,180
Dell/Optiplex 3020 Desktop Core I5 Computer - End User Device 145,110
UPS-Microtek 625VA (3Nos) Computer - End User Device 9,686
HP Officejet Pro 8610 All in One PrinOffice Equipment 45,990

Summay of Opening Accumulated Depreciation on Assets as on 01.04.2016

Office Equipment
Computer - End User Device
Furniture & Fixture

Intangible Assets
Net Book Sale Loss on
Accumulated Depreciation Value consider
(NBV) ation een off of

699,005 18,242 - 18,242

25,218 1,327 - 1,327

727,650 - - -
700,622 - - -
4,150 - - -
1,250 - - -

17,508 62,818 4,332 58,486

2,175,403 82,387 4,332 78,055

47742 2,513 2,513 -

4072 4,096 4,096 -
76776 4,041 4,041 -
50929 2,680 2,680 -

2,354,922 95,717 17,662

51,977 23,203
100,325 44,785
6,698 2,988
19,076 26,914

eciation on Assets as on 01.04.2016


NBV as on
Reasons for deletions - as Opening acc 01.04.2016 -
Remarks per Physical Verification dep as on Value
Report 01.04.2016 deemed as
Gross block

NBV is as on 3/5/18 399,299 317,948

NBV is as on 31/3/19 Period of use expired 18,303 8,243

NBV is as on 31/3/19 Obsolescence 318,571 409,079
NBV is as on 26/12/18 Obsolescence 368,548 332,074
NBV is as on 31/3/19 Not in working condition 4,150 -
NBV is as on 31/3/19 Not in working condition 1,250 -
NBV is as on 15/4/16. Already sold in auction to
employee 17,191 63,135
1,127,312 1,130,479

NBV is as on 18/8/18 sold to DHR 10339 39,916

NBV is as on 18/8/18 sold to DHR 373 7,795
NBV is as on 18/8/18 sold to DHR 22168 58,649
NBV is as on 18/8/18 sold to DHR 36962.5 16,647
69,843 123,007

NBV is as on 31/3/18 4,359 70,821

NBV is as on 31/3/18 8,413 136,697
NBV is as on 31/3/18 562 9,124
NBV is as on 31/3/18 1,600 44,390
14,934 261,032
charged after

299,706 18,242

6,916 1,327
409,079 -
332,074 -
- -
- -

317 62,818

37,403 2,513
3,699 4,096
54,608 4,041
13,967 2,680

163,142 97,890
2014 IT
a1 1000 950/5 wdv 25 30
Computer Software
20.03.2020 Rectification entry passed debiting computer software and crediting Computer consumables earlier debite
But as it was revenue head, the credit of GST was already availed on this and not reversed at the end of t
earlier it was debited by 473389 but now credited with 558599
query- Which amount to be recorded under computer software
consumables earlier debited on 5.9.19 for purchase of MS office softwares.
not reversed at the end of the month as in case of capital goods
Description of Nature of workDate on WCC
Fencing Fencing 04/16/2016
Water Tank Water Reservo 04/20/2016
LV/HV Electri Trench Relate 04/20/2016
Security Cabi Security Cabi 04/20/2016
Internal Road - Internal Ro 05/04/2016
Additional FenAdditional Fen 04/16/2016
Construction Main Control 03/31/2016
Internal Road - Internal Ro 06/17/2016
Periphery Roa - Periphery 06/17/2016
Electrical Cab Trench Relate 07/04/2016
MMS FOUNDAMMS Foundat 03/31/2016
Land CleaningLand Develop 08/05/2016
Land CleaningLand Develop 04/20/2016
Construction Main Control 03/31/2016
Water Tank Water Reservo 05/11/2016
Constrution o Local Control 03/31/2016
MMS FOUNDAMMS Foundat 03/31/2016
Approach Roa - Approach R 11/03/2016
Transmission Transmission 03/31/2016
Internal Road - Internal Ro 05/11/2016
Provision 03/31/2017

Page 22

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