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Midterm Report

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The Concept of Sound

Sound is the transfer of energy without transfer of mass

Noise is defined as unwanted / extraneous sound that is unwanted and judged to be

unpleasant, loud, or disruptive.

 Sound travels at different speeds in different materials depending on various physical

properties of the material such as its modulus of elasticity.
 Sound travels fastest through solids and it travels slowest through gases.

SSLC (Standard Atmospheric Sea Level Conditions) for Air  Wavelength ( λ ¿ –

the length of one
a=√ kRT complete cycle of a
 T = 15⁰C + 273.16 = 288. 16 K (Metric) wave or the distance
 T = 59⁰F + 460 = 519⁰R (English) Where: between
 K = 1.4 T =Temperature corresponding points
J of Constant
R = Universal Gas 2 consecutive
 R = 287.08
Kg K K = Specific Ratio
ft lb ft lb
 R = 53.342 = 1716  Frequency ( f ¿ –
lb R slug R
number of wave cycles
per second. In sound, frequency can be likened to the pitch of the sound.

 Period (T) – the duration of time of one cycle in a repeating event. It is the reciprocal of
the frequency.

Formula for Wavelength ( λ ¿ Where:

v λ=¿Wavelength (Unit: m)
v = Velocity (Unit: )

= Frequency (Unit: )

 Intensity is defined to be the power per unit area carried by a wave. Power is the rate at
which energy is transferred by the wave. The SI unit for I is W/m2.
Midterm Report

Instruct Grade:

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P Where:
I = Intensity (Unit:
P = Power (Unit: W)
A = Area
 Sound Intensity Levels are quoted of a sphere
in decibels (dB)(Unit:
muchm more than sound intensities
in watts per meter squared.

I Lb =log 10 ( ) Where:
I Lb = sound intensity level (Unit: bel)
B ( dB )=10 log10 ( )
B (dB) = Sound intensity level (Unit: decibel)

I = sound intensity in Watts

−12 W
I 0 = intensity of the least audible sound, given as I 0=10

 Sound Pressure Level is a similar measure that measures differences between the
pressures of a sound wave.

SPL ( dB ) =20 log 10 ( )

SPL (dB) = Sound pressure level in Decibels

P = Pressure of the sound wave

Pref =¿ Sound reference pressure usually the threshold of hearing (0.00002 Pa)

Sound Pressure Level

Midterm Report

Instruct Grade:

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The graph or chart method is also used to measure between 2 different sound intensity
levels between 2 independent sound sources

1. Get the difference of the two sound

pressure levels, and look where it
2. The point it intersects has the X and Y
3. Add the value Y coordinate to the
sound pressure level with a larger
4. Add the value of X coordinate to the
sound pressure level with a smaller

Aviation Noise

Aviation noise is the noise originating from airports or aircraft, specifically from its engine.
NASA leads the research in minimizing engine noise. The National Aeronautics Space and
Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration set regulatory standards to reduce
aircraft noise. In 1969, 14 CFR Part 36 was created to lessen aviation noise. It defines the
certification requirements related to noise. Noise certification for an aircraft depends on the
size, weight, and the number of engines an aircraft has.

There is a lack of funding for research in the development of technology to reduce and/or
eliminate aviation noise. This is why most funds are allocated to Noise Abatement
procedures for airports instead. Noise abatement procedures are designed to reduce the
impact of aircraft noise to the community.

The four forces of an aircraft are lift, weight, drag, thrust. Aircraft noise mostly comes
from drag. Drag is the force that opposes the motion of aircraft. The major conditions that
generate strong wingtip vortices, which are source of noise, are when the aircraft is slow,
heavy, and clean.
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The Turbofan engine greatly reduced the noise an aircraft makes. If the ratio between
the bypass air and the air entering the engine core is large, then the efficiency of the engine
is also considerably large. Turbofan engines, along with reduced fuel consumption, reduces
aircraft noise by designing the engine in such a way that the colder bypass air gets mixed
with the hotter exhaust exiting the engine. Efficient aircraft means less emission and less

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