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Name: Nur Alia Irdina Binti Sulaiman

Class: 5 Engineers
Date: 22/4/2020


The first time I saw him it was in the biology laboratory, where the club I joined held a meeting
there. That time I am still a freshman. I thought he is just a teacher that just teaches his student
for work or money for his family but actually, he is not something like that. He is a very kind
looking guy and very friendly. He is trying to put the printer on the cabinet because the printer is
disturbing. The moment I saw his face he smiled at me. I am not very sociable so the moment I
reply to the smile I turn my face away. Honestly, I feel guilty and scared at the same time.
A year after that he teaches our class. That is the first time we talk. He is a very strange
human. He even tells us where his grandfather's house even we did not ask. Day after day,
week after week, month after month, he teaches us. His teaching style is very unique and weird
but easy to understand what he is trying to tell us. While teaching about plants he tells us not to
cut the trees down because the world will become hotter and rain will decrease. He is a very
clever man, almost everything we asked he can answer. Except for games, anime and
something like that.
He is a very understanding teacher. If we ask something he still answers even that morning
he still hasn't eaten. Even that time is for recess. Even that time he is supposed to be in his car
preparing to go home. He just can leave us and go for his breakfast or get some rest or enjoy
with his family but he chooses to tell us the answer. Maybe somehow he knows some of us to
need the answer to go on. I don't know if this is true or not this is just my thought, he can know
who his students are just by teaching them for a couple of months. Maybe that is the reason
why I am scared of him even though I don't have any big secrets or something like that.
His teaching style is very different such as while teaching he always connects what we have
learned with our daily lives. For example, while teaching about blood vessels he asks "have you
ever seen an artery before?" I say in my mind, "how can we see something inside our body?"
With a smiling face, he told us to grip our hand and see our wrist. After he does a demo we do
the same thing he does. Then he said, "that is an artery." With shock and impressed at the
same time, I say in my mind, "how could I never notice something right in front of my eyes?"
After that, I look up on him. Other than that he will give us special tips on how to study or revise.
Each person in the class has a different brain so each tip we get is not the same. That is really


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