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Important Update: Plandemic Roth's UN WHO

194 Nation Live Exercise: Surrey, England A&E

Consultant Exposes the Truth on What Is
Occurring in Surrey Hospitals (Similar Stories
Are Being Exposed Worldwide) - COVID 19 Is
Undeniably a NWO - Crown - Rockefeller (Gates -
Fauci - WHO - CDC et al.) Plandemic Designed to
Usher in Their NWO | New World Order | Before
It's News

Patrick Henry


Make no mistake the most deadly virus we will ever face as a Free people is the
the Luciferian Roman Zionist Cult which has over millennia manufactured all
the ills of the world including all the divide and conquer ‘isms’ like Communism,
Bolshevism, Socialism et al., all forced on humanity to enable the Pedo cult to
move forward their One World Order slave planet system. Their goal is to burn
America down to the ground, genocide away 90% of humanity and raise up
their One World Order Talmudic Usury Debt Slave System Government
already partially installed in America without the peoples knowledge! [See the
attached article referencing Edward Mandel House to
understand this point ].

The Luciferian Roman Cult middle managers, including the Rothschilds et al

helped overthrow America in the 1860′s and when no one was looking set up a
Counterfeit De facto UNITED STATES Governance under a phony Constitution
which has operated as if it was the original founding fathers government.

The Luciferian Roman Zionist cult have used America as parasite would use a
host ever since. They have almost sucked us dry and now they need us no
more! We have been lied to in this time about everything by their FAKE media
/ indoctrination systems. The current UNITED STATES De Facto Government
in DC is NOT the organic founding fathers created governance but a counterfeit
ran by constitutionally banned foreign agents!

The only job Trump should be focusing on right now is ousting the seditionists
and traitors and restoring a lawful limited Federal governance / Money and
Judical systems as originally intended. Our nation was designed as a we the
people ground up self governance system and not one centrally controlled
from London, Vatican City and the District of Criminals as Government is

The Luciferian Cabal is RIGHT NOW engaged in a Live Plandemic Excercise to

take down global governance including America and to enforce their One
World Order over humanity. If we let them inch this plan ahead any further
then its game over for humanity! You can not sit this one out any longer!
Unlearn – re-educate and pass the knowledge forward! You will not be reading
about this on mainstream news owned and operated by our nations enemies
described herein!
Since first publishing this document I was forwarded an important update. I
have appended it to the bottom of this post…”THE PLANDEMIC IS A LIVE
EXCERCISE”: which includes an important video click here to go to the
update and video. The video has been uploaded to my Brighteon channel…

Before presenting a brief analysis on all of the data before us, I want all
readers to understand that Americans (all people) have been lied to about
everything told us by government and media all of our lives! Its now time to

You are just about to learn that our nation has been ran by constitutionally
banned foreign agents operating a De Facto Government and in
Phony Offices without ANY lawful authority to act in Governance in America
… this pertains to all duel National Israeli’s – all BAR Attorneys,
Bilderbergers, Rothschilds: UN, IMF, World Bank, CFR etc – all foreign
agents beholding to some other foreign entity / power (China, Crown,
Vatican, UN, WEF, CFR, TLC etc… )..

Banned foreign agents entered us in to the Federal Reserve, the UN, Agenda
21 – 2030… and they had NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO DO SO hence their
acts are legally invalid. The only way they can force these ills on us is by
deceit, fraud and force …. now do you understand why they manufactured
the Plandemic!

To understand why we are in such a mess, here it is… we let the Luciferian
Roman cult take over the money system. As of this time they are now in the
final stages of taking over the world and genociding away ordinary people.
To end this insanity we must take back everything unlawfully stollen from

“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the
Empire. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British
Empire and I control the British money supply.” It also controls the FED and
the UNITED NATIONS who’s original ownership is found below (click hyper
“This is a live excercise” – Pompeo

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had a slip of the tongue while addressing the
American people from the White House when he stated that COVID-19 is a live military

“This is not about retribution,” Pompeo explained. “This matter is going forward — we are
in a live exercise here to get this right.”

With a disgusted look on his face, President Trump replied: “You should have let us know.”

Live Exercise meaning (from Wikipedia): “A military exercise or war game is the
employment of military resources in training for military operations, either exploring the
effects of warfare or testing strategies without actual combat. This also serves the purpose of
ensuring the combat readiness of garrisoned or deployable forces prior to deployment from
a home base.”

What is actually going on here? Does the White House care to explain?

Note these words were stated in front of Trump by Pompeo which implies
Pompeo knew and Trump did not! There is no way he could not know by now
that the Plandemic is FAKE planned 194 country Plandemic! The original Fascist

tube link to this video was removed by Fascist Tube:

Bottom line – The Plandemic is a Rothschilds United Nations New World Order Corporate
live exercise that former Marxist Administrations for the De facto UNITED STATES Corp.
(created c. late 1860′s through various succesors since) – which US Corp. is not our actual
founding fathers initiated we the people government but a counterfeit! Traitors including
Clinton, Obama and those going back to the 1930′s assumed we were bound to acts by
Corporate Bankruptcy Receivers because of the Bankruptcy of the Rothschilds Crown
Vatican UNITED STATES DC Corp. in 1930 (Secret Treaties of Geneva 1927 – 32). The fact
is that DC’s US Corp. is a COUNTERFEIT Governance installed in DC in violation of the
organic laws of our nation (FRAUD) by the Luciferian cabal to take over America. It has
been operated by agents of the Luciferian Roman cult ever since! Trump MAY be the first
not going along with this monumental fraud!

Here is the thing Mr. Trump. / America, foreign agents working for a counterfeit United
States Government through their foreign Corp. UNITED STATES Corporation (Think of
Crispy Cream Corp. masquerading as a We the people Government, The United States of
America Government) that were aware that our lawful Government was secretly suspended
and a foreign corporation is masquerading as America’s original organic government for a
Crown / Vatican Corporation, and that it has NO lawful authority to RULE THE
AMERICAN PEOPLE! This DC De facto Corporation only had Jurisdiction in DC. THAT IS
IT! We call all acts by foreign agents FRAUD.
Everything fraud touches is legally INVALID (see cites on fraud herein). As far as America
and its people are concered, we are not “Legally Bound’ to any Rothschilds UNITED
NATIONS agreements what so ever! PERIOD!

Any foreign agents in Governance acting in America including all duel national Israeli’s and
BAR attorneys (many Governors – like BROWN are BAR attorneys) can not make Law, as a
result their acts are nullities. They have been banned from Governance in America since
1819 when TONA was ratified! Any act that violates the organic acts of this nation or the
states is legally VOID and as though it never happened! We call this a legal nullity. Here is
Some De Facto agents – mostly Crown BAR franchisees will argue TONA was never passed!
When you quiz them on what happaned they have no idea! Here follows two Certified
publications of TONA on the books as late as 1867. I have published numerous resources to
TONA proofs below. Bottom line, TONA is organic law.

It is fact that the BAR Attorneys are the ones that have perpetauated a silent war on the
American people that we call Mixed War. The war form is called Lawfare! See my videos to
understand more on this ….


Bookmark for later review:

Library of Congress Link:


The above is the last Organic Act of the original lawful American constitutional government
created by Sovereign states that organized creation of the organic Federal Governances
through a compact of the states! The Counterfeit constitution c. Act of 1871 is the work of
America’s enemies and now they want us dead before to many wake up.

Virtually every passing of a “Law” passed after TONA that is tainted by banned foreign
agents is a ” No Law”
and legally considered is a legal nullity! THINK ON THAT!

Our so called Governance across America today is an illusion! We are under FAUX –
Counterfeit governance and have been under a Foreign DC Governance since the early
1800′s since its so called laws were legally invalid based on the aforementioned, and acts of
sedition and treason! This includes all of the COVID Bull Shit!

The Plandemic is being forced on us by banned foreign agents based on VOID legal
agreements signed up by a seditionist, traitor, parasite that thought he had the authority to
bind our nation and people to it! NO ONE THAT VIOLATES the actual organic laws of
America HAS ANY AUTHORITY to take office and violate the laws of the nation or
states. No American is bound to any such agreement made by a traitor, seditionist!

Based on this data all can agree that LAW BREAKERS in America can not make law, alter
our organic laws or judge others on the law! Mr. Trump – America it is time to PUSH THE
FOREIGN AGENTS back to London, Israel, Vatican city and if they will not go – try them
for crimes against humanity and hang them! They have been getting away with Genocide
since the Civil War take over of our country by the Crown – Vatican Roman Cult!

Agents of the ROTHSCHILDS UN (WHO) – VATICAN – CROWN – ISRAEL have no lawful

authority in America! Acts of these foreign seditionist – traitor agents all the way back to
the beginning are legally invalid / void and a nullity.

There is nothing to be discussed on this matter! It is the law whether Trump acts on it or

Trump should enforce TONA under EO (above) and Title 10 Section 253 under EO (See
links and artciles below on this) and push the seditionists and traitors out of our nation

America, the make up of the Rothschilds FED and UN are here! Now you should realize
based on the above that America has been ran by traitors for far tool long and now they are
trying to burn America to the ground and genocide the people through collapsing our
economy, their fake money system and supply chains.They will try and starve us to death!
Look to kissinger on that if you do not know of his evil work. [
/pdf_docs/PCAAB500.pdf ]

Traitors / Seditionists have no AUTHORITY to make law. BTW: The National Debt of US
Corp. is the Credit due back to the American peoples and that which has been looted from
us since 1860′s. It needs to be returned to the Original states and people by the Roman
Luciferian Cult. See Anna Von Reitz linked below for more on which way is up.

Now back to the orginal article….

If you conclude that this information is important – or the article
appended here is important then please share it with the awakening masses. I am being
blocked from be able to do so on both Fascist Book and Twitter! All images on this page are
hyperlinked to relevant content… We save our nation by waking up all Americans,
especiallty those still sleeping… SHARE!

[ Please note that all foreign agents - like Kissinger - were banned from American
Governance since 1819 under TONA (see ref below). This includes all duel Nationals like
Israelis that have long been running the DC Crown - Vatican United States De Facto Corp.
(Not an American Governance created by states compact) but a counterfeit Governance.
The ban also applies to all 1.3M BAR attorneys engaged in lawfare against Americans in
fake state Courts. This fact should tell you America has long been occupied by foreign
agents that operated as if we were still an independent nation! Let that sink in. The
implications for this should spell out for you why we are now faced with a Plandemic
which is in fact an Overthrow of our nation and people! You are probably aware that the
New World Order mainstream Media is 100% brainwashing propaganda scripted by
those that overthrough America since the 1860's. All centralized scripted mainstream
media is controlled by four Zionist - Jesuitical Military Industrial complex companies and
their Fabien / Tavistock style type thinktanks and should be considered Psycological
Warfare programming! Same is true for the education system. Please Turn off CIA-
Rothschilds-Mocking Bird Media - If you watch it / read it, do so only to see what are the
latest lies that our enemies want us to believe
/watch?v=jH8dejYGa5A& ]

The main video relating to the above article is captioned: “Surrey, England A&E
Consultant exposes the truth on what is occurring in Surrey Hospitals” – if you
do not have time to process the introduction following, click HERE to take you straight to
the video.

It has been a challenge to find a balance in writing this page between providing enough
information to wake people up without overwhelming readers with so much data and proofs
that they get lost before the penny drops! What is presented here is proof that a global
criminal cartel has already overthrown our organic sovereign governments and is now
openly engaged in genociding away the global populous using Quiet Weapon – Silent War
technology in what is a Mixed war on all people of the world. The cabal has targeted 90% of
the global populous for termination as they as has been widely publicized in resources
linked to this document. Numerous researchers on BIN have arrived at the same

Make no mistake, the Luciferian Roman Zionist Cult that brought you the 911 PsyOp have
now pushed forward their long planned NWO take over of America (and the world) relying
on their latest Plandemic, the GOV ID 1984 Global PsyOp which was designed to usher in
their New World Order Slave Planet System and Genocide Program.

The latest NWO PsyOp fits hand in glove with other divide and conquer strategies like
Rothschild’s / Soros BLM, Antifa et al all designed to collapse America. Strategies which
will blamed on Zionist World Order manufactured ‘ism’s of the type used by Rothschilds
CIA / Bolsheviks, that are already tried and tested to collapse other nations from Russia, to
China and genocide tens of millions. All agitation going on right now is being manufactured
by Luciferian cult parasites and their Psycological warfare think tanks. Trouble is – they
keep getting caught in the act:



Bookmark the following link for later viewing to understand how BLM / Antifa was birhed
by our invisible Zionist – Jesuitical enemy:

Those Americans that do not yet realize they are under an unlawful house arrest that
violates the laws of this nation, and that we are already in a civil war are not paying
attention. We are in a war factioned by those standing on one side that are understanding of
the Organic Acts / orginal states Compact Constitution and American – English Common
Law system which is the foundation of our nation V’s those indoctrinated – mind controlled
individuals beholding to the lawlessness of Crown BAR operated Counterfeit Corporate
United States De Facto Government – DE FACTO STATE Corporations (Territorial /
Municipal) which are a product of the Luciferian Crown – Vatican Roman Cult usurpation
of our nation that begain in the 1860′s. The organic constitution is just XIII Acts the last of
which banned ALL foreign agents from American

We are guranteed a Republican form of Government but have been thrust in to a Luciferian
Roman Cult De Facto Corporate Governance system that is repugnent to the organic acts of
our nation, nations, states and our organic law foundations… Please note these cites:

“We are a Republic. Real Liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of
democracy.” Alexander Hamilton [emphasis added]
“Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that
between order and chaos.” Chief Justice John Marshall.

“The delusions of democracy, like other delusions of the human mind cannot be
resisted by reason and truth alone. . . .Reason will not answer — reason will not protect
your houses, ships, and stables from thieves. You must have for protection the
controlling fear of God and fear of government.” Impartial Herald (Suffolk,
Connecticut), May 21, A. D. 1799, quoted by John C. Miller in The Federalist Era, p. 111,
published by Harper & Brothers, 1960. (emphasis added.)

Note also Ames, Fisher Ames, II, 79, 81, 212-214

“The legislature may not, under the guise of protecting the public interests, arbitrarily
interfere with private business, or impose unusual and unnecessary restrictions upon lawful
occupations. Its determination as to what is a proper exercise of its police powers is not final
or conclusive, but is subject to supervision of the courts.” Lawton v. Steele, 152 U.S. 133 has done an amazing job of exposing this hidden history. What I
have just alluded to is there is NO LAWFUL GOVERNMENT operating in America today at
any level! We are being operated on by foreign / corporate agents masquerading as an
American Government! I do mean at all levels, across Federal – state and local governance!
The entire nation has been usurped by foreign corpotations under teh Vatican and since
1860′s. The Organic states governances were vacated and counterfeit replacements were
incorporated be enemies domestic between (approx) 1934 – 1954. This entire scheme is a
fraud but it was the UN relies on to suggest it has authority to enforce its BS on America!

If you want to understand more on this please go to,

etc and educate yourself on the fact that all Americans were made an Internally Displaced
people and displaced from their Birth Right American National – state National status and
our organic Law systems! Another term for this is Human Trafficking!

What Americans do not widely understand is that the Crown – Vatican United States Corp.
of DC (USrael Corp since its ran by a large number of banned foreign agents being duel
Israel Nationals and CROWN BAR Attiorneys) is engaged in Human Trafficking of all
Americans under these monumental schemes of fraud under color of law, color of authority
and color of Office and in violation of gurantees to we the people of a Republican form of

Those pushing the Plandemic have no Lawful authority over you (Americans) unless you
consent to their authority which incidentally has / is obtained through fraud, sedition and
treason [See fraud cites below]! The foreign agents pushing the plandemic are engaged in a
monumental litany of crimes of their own private rules and codes including RICO and
crimes against humanity.

Authority iimposed by foreign corporaqte actors is an illusion and its easily provable! Those
operating as if they have authority to impose “Restrictions” are also brainwashed and
deceived [Bookmark for later reading:
/index.php/what-is-id ].

As an example, this link spells out how all COURTS in California are operating in fraud
under FAKE Seals:

It is my hope that Trump is trying to restore lawful order to our nation usurped more than
150 years ago by seditionist and traitors. He needs to stand on the Organic foundations of
the nation which is based on limited self government and the common law. Some clues on
what he can do to drain the swamp overnight can be found below. Look for TONA and Title
10 Section 253.

The most important principal to understand is you – the American people are not
answerable to Corporate Actors pretending to be Government no matter who they say they
are! If “Government” agents have No Lawful Oath / Bonds per the constitutions be they de
facto or organic then they have NO AUTHORITY what so ever. This applies to EVERY actor
pretending to be Government across the land! I did not write this document to get in to
these principles so lets get back on point!

It does appear some are starting to get these points:

Will America fall for the World Wide New World Order military Plandemic (NWO fear
psyop) or will the people finally awaken from their sleep, expel the Talmudic Luciferian Cult
parasites that have taken every Government office in our nation (through BAR Crown
Attorney Constitutionally banned foreign agents, 1.3M of them) and restore we the people
lawful limited self governance across our nation?

I noted that Robert Steel also pointed out what underlies the plight of our nation and those
behind the Scamdemic / Plandemic. Please Bookmark for later reading:

The photo below evidences a gathering associated with just one of the Tax Exempt
foundations who have been proven to be in a secret war with America for the Luciferian
Roman Cult ongoing over more than 100 years The illuminati families / Black Nobility
Luciferian Cult have been looking for a way to eradicate humanity so that they can claim
the entire World for themselves.

Here Norman Dodd exposes the Tax exempt foundations, please bookmark for later

Another insider exposes the Luciferian Roman Cult conspiracey against humanity:

Bill Gates Pandemic – a very useful cartoon….
How do they kill off the people? Why has disease exploded… because they are
delivering it through their vaccines. We are also being bombarded with
Microwaves through Smart Meters, Wifi, Cell Towers. The next kill shot will by
5G! Please also research “the overpopulation myth” and note the rulers want
to cull the population not because the planet can not sustain it, but because the
rulers can not control an awake population. I suggest that we cull the parasite
rulers if they will not $#%^ Off and leave us alone!
The Zionist – Jesuit would be rulers behind the Luciferian – Talmudic Cult see America as a
nation to be eradicated of its people so that they can claim everything for themselves… This
has been their plan for millennia…

[Bookmark for later:

new-world-order-covenant ]
Questions that need to be asked based based on the information now known to
us about the Scandemic – Plandemic…

The document posted at relating to this video begs a number of burning
questions to be promplty answered? Many are blindly counting on Trump to do the right
thing for our nation yet are ignoring very troubling actions by the Administration that
MUST be challenged by every awake American.

Why is Trump not calling out the obvious Scamdemic / Plandemic and exposing the actors
– Rothschilds UN / WHO, Gates – Birx – GAVI – DEATH CULT … ? The evidence of the
Plandemic is not even hidden – its in the public domain on the Rockefeller – WHO – UN
and the WEF Websites!

Why is Trump still praising seditionists and traitors that have declared war on the people of
the World?

The President of Ghana called WHO out – why has Trump not done so?

Operation “Lockstep” – click image for video

If Trump is serious about restoring Law and Order in America and a lawful We the People
limited Government then why is he not exposing the fact that former Presidents over
decades sold out America to the Rothschild’s UN / WHO without any lawful authority to do
so? Fraud vitiates all acts -

Trump has been made aware that the CROWN – BAR infiltrated our money and legal
system and today we have 1.3 Million banned foreign agents running our legal system
and waging lawfare on Americans in violation of our Organic laws [See TONA]?

Why has Trump not undone decades of sedition and treason and pushed the Crown –
Vatican – Rothschild’s UN / WHO and the CROWN BAR Unions (1.3M constitutionally
banned foreign agents) in to the sea… from where they came?

Why has Trump no expressed that the virus is real – bit not deadly and the Plandemic is
TOTALLY fake – Fear Porn - /health/2020/07/uk-study-shows-covid-19-antibodies-fade-
quickly-rendering-vaccines-pointless-great-video-3032702.html Why does he not
understand the dangers of Vaccines?: /health/2020/07/an-urgent-warning-from-dr-carrie-

Why has Trump not arrested and tried enemies domestic (parasites – seditionist and
traitors) for selling out America to the globalists and the Chinese Communist Party (under
globalist control) -

Why has Trump not exposed the truth of the Scamdemic / Plandemic to the entire World
and halted it?

What did he allow funding to go to Gavi (Gates)? - /prophecy/2020/07/trump-backs-the-

bill-gates-vaccine-and-more-2512726.html Video upload to

Make no mistake the Plandemic was planned over decades by the Tax Exempt Foundations,
WEF, UN, WHO, Crown Parasite entities and their Military Think Tanks who have planned
on transforming the World under their Talmudic New World Order One World Government
over decades. If Trump is not exposing this agenda then he is by default supporting it?

Trump has long been equipped to over night enforce Title 10 Section 253 and the Titles of
Nobility Act by executive order and clean out the Swamp but he has not done so!

If the Plandemic – Scamdemic is not a real threat why is Trump allowing states to continue
to violate Federal laws like Title 18 USC Section 242 / 242? Why has Trump not gone after
all the fully exposed criminals under Title 15 USC Sections 1 / 2?

While we are it: Why have 911 perpetrators not been investigated, tried, exposed and

Why are NWO Chemtrails /. weather warfare operations still ongoing? /military/2020/07

We have passed the time to blindly believe in talk. It is time to get active in waking up your
communities. Do not wait for someone else to save you, your loved one or our nation! We
are already in a civil war and its started in 1863 which marked the beginning of the fall of
the Republic to the Crown / Vatican. Whose rulers have since let us think we were still an
independent nation ever since.

How it goes from here on out and whether what is occuring in America turns in to a full on
kinetic war will depend on whether the sleeping giant awakens. Its up to you! Send emails
now to save bullets flying in the future!

The Articles and links below will inform you further about the above points….


Unlearn – re-educate – pass the knowledge forward to those around you!

The Video evidencing the Crown – Zionist – Rothschild’s 911 Operation was a Psyop can be
found here:
Surrey, England A&E Consultant exposes the truth
on what is occurring in Surrey Hospitals (similar
stories are being exposed world wide). COVID 19 is
undeniably a NWO – Crown – Rockefeller [Gates -
Fauci - WHO - CDC et al] Plandemic designed to
usher in their NWO.
I should add that I have a unique perspective on the testimony below. A
member of my family died in a Surrey Hospital allegedly of Corona! She was
gravely ill for Three years prior to her passing with other key morbidity issues
yet the Death Certificate said she died of CV! Lets note that Doctors in the US
and UK have been told to inflate the numbers…. numerous Officials have come
forward and exposed this! They are inflating the numbers to drive their fear
porn narrative!
…. at last …. Health Care Whistle-blowers in hospitals are now coming forward
and speaking out…

The full article relating to the video can be found found here:

To go straight to the video uploaded to Brighteon’s video channel:

Please follow the fthe link below for a deep downloard on the Crown – Vatican –
Rothschilds – New World Order conspiracy against 8 Billion people….


I am a consultant at a major , regional hospital in Surrey. By major you can take that to
indicate that we have an A&E department. I had agreed to give an interview to an anti
lockdown activist in which I would have revealed my identity. I have since changed my
mind and only feel able to give an
anonymous statement. I have changed my mind simply because that all staff , no matter
what grade, at all hospitals have been warned that if they give any media interviews at all or
make any statements to either the Main Stream Press or smaller, independent press /social
media we may, immediately be suspended without pay. I have a family, dependents and I
simply cant do it to them. I therefore can not reveal my identity at this time but wish to state
as follows:

In my opinion, and that of many of my colleagues, there has been no Covid Pandemic,
certainly not in the Surrey region and I have heard from other colleagues this picture is the
same throughout the country. Our hospital would normally expect to see around 350,000
out patients a year. Around 95,000 patients are admitted to hospital in a normal year and
we would expect to see around a similar figure, perhaps 100,000 patients pass through our
A&E department. In the months from March to June (inclusive) we would normally
expect to see 100,000 out patients, around 30,000 patients admitted to hospital and
perhaps 30,000 pass through A&E. This year (and these figures are almost impossible to get
hold of) we are over 95% down on all those numbers. In effect, the hospital has been pretty
much empty for that entire period.

At the start, staff that questioned this were told that we were being used as ‘redundant’
capacity, kept back for the ‘deluge’ we were told would come. It never did come, and when
staff began to question this, comments like, ‘for the greater good’ and to ‘protect the NHS’
came down from above. Now its just along the lines of, ‘Shut up or you don’t get paid’. The
Covid cases that we have had , get repeatedly tested, and every single test counted as a new
case. Meaning the figures reported back to ONS / PHE (Office for National Statistics &
Public Health England) were almost exponentially inflated. It could be that Covid cases
reported by hospitals are between 5 to 10x higher than the real number of cases. There has
been no pandemic and this goes a long way to explain why figures for the UK are so much
higher than anywhere else in Europe.
The trust has been running empty ambulances during lockdown and is still doing it now. By
this I mean ambulances are driving around, with their emergency alert systems active
(sirens & / or lights) with no job to go to. This I believe has been to give the impression to
the public that there is more demand for ambulances than there actually is. Staff only wear
face coverings/ masks & social distance when public facing, as soon as they are out of public
view, the masks come off and social distancing is not observed. Indeed jokes are made about
the measures, and I have heard staff express amazement that despite warnings on packets
and at point of sales, telling people masks are totally ineffective and dangerous , the public
still buy them, because a politician has told them too.


We have cancelled the vast majority of operations and of these ALL elective surgery has
been cancelled. That’s surgery that has been pre planned / waiting list. Non elective
Surgery, this tends to be emergency surgery or that which is deemed urgent has been
severely curtailed. The outcome of this is simple. People are at best being denied basic
medical care and at worst, being left to die, in some cases, in much distress and pain.

Regarding death certification. All staff that are responsible for this have been encouraged
where possible to put Covid-19 complications as reason for death, even though the patient
may have been asymptomatic and also not even tested for covid. I feel this simply amounts
to fraudulently completed death certificates and has been responsible to grossly inflating
the number of Covid deaths. The fact is that regardless of what you actually die of in
hospital, it is likely that Covid-19 will feature on your death certificate. I have included with
my statement the detailed published guidance from Government on Death Certification
which shows how Covid-19, as a factor is encouraged to at least feature on a death
certificate. Remember Covid-19 itself can not kill. What kills is complications from the
virus, typically pneumonia like symptoms. These complications are in reality incredibly rare
but have featured and a large amount of death certificates issued in recent months. As long
as Covid-19 appears on a death certificate, that death is counted as Covid-19 in the figures
released by the ONS and PHE. I genuinely believe that many death certificates, especially
amongst the older 65+ demographic have been fraudulently completed so as to be
counted as Covid-19 deaths when in reality Covid-19 complications did not cause the death.

There have been Thursday nights when I stood, alone in my office and cried as I heard
people cheering and clapping outside. It sickens me to see all the ‘Thank You NHS’ signs up
everywhere and the stolen rainbow that for me now says one word and word only ; Fear.

There are many good people in the NHS and whilst I do not plead forgiveness for myself, I
do plead for them. Most are on low pay, they joined for the right reasons and I did and have
been bullied and threatened that if they don’t ‘stay on message’ they don’t eat. I know that if
a way could be found to assure staff within the NHS of safety against reprisals, there would
be a tsunami of whistle-blowers which I have no doubt would help end this complete and
brutal insanity. I am finding it increasingly hard to live with what I have been involved in
and I am sorry this has happened. To end, I would simply say this. Politicians haven’t
changed, the country has just made a fatal mistake and started trusting them without


Back to the top to review this entire document…

The truth about who is behind Antifa and Black Lives Matter:

Luciferian Roman Cult divide and conquer

programs: Israel Cohen 1879-1961& Susan
Rosenberg Co-Founder of BLM


Each of the videos below is connected to relevant content… click the photo to reveal…
Murder By Injection
The Story Of The Medical Conspiracy Against America
a book by Eustace Mullins

Chapter 1. The Medical Monopoly
Chapter 2. Quacks on Quackery
Chapter 3. The Profits of Cancer
Chapter 4 : Death & Vaccination (extracts)
Chapter 5. Fluoridation
Chapter 6. Whither AIDS ?
Chapter 8. Contamination of the Food Chain
Chapter 9. The Drug Trust
Chapter 10: The Rockefeller Syndicate

Murder by Injection (Full Length)

Medical scam

The American Medical Conspiracy – by Eustace Mullins

Bill Gates & his Superiors: The Central Bankers

Eustace Mullins – The New World Order (Bobby Lee Show) 1992
…” Mullins compiled a well-researched corpus of works that detailed the passage down
through time of a hereditary group of banker killers who have essentially ruled the world
from behind the scenes since ancient times….”

More links:

Understand that the sick bastards operating behind the curtain are demonic and have
engaged in un-ending evil which is used to keep these parasites in line. The Pedogate affair
does not even scratch the surface of what has been going on for millennia - /family-

NWO Plandemic Business Model -


Yup – same sick F%^&$ pushing the GOV ID 1984 Plandemic – It was never about keeping
us safe … Gov ID 1984 was designed to bring forward the Talmudic New World Order – Gov
just obsoleted itself per Dec of Independence… Search DuckDuckGo for “Operation



List of articles here:


What should Trump be doing to stop the NWO within? 1860′s Coup of America to current
NWO End Game, Silicon Valley Tech Giants (i.e. FASCIST – DARPA Book, Apple, CNET)
pumping Soros’s Rothschilds Luciferian Cult manufactured insurgents like Black Lives
Matter (on the streets with ANTIFA).

To New World Order on Tuesday Jun 02 2020 12:40472

“The people in Polk County like guns, they have guns, I encourage them to own guns… “

To New World Order on Tuesday Jun 02 2020 02:2752

Former Black Lives Matter Ferguson Organizer, Chaziel Sunz Exposes Democrats, Antifa,
BLM & More

To New World Order on Monday Jun 01 2020 13:13475

Lazaro: “You have been usurped”! The USRael UNITED STATES Corp. Human Trafficking
System and Court Registry Investment System!

To New World Order on Saturday May 30 2020 16:18633

ALL “THEY” HAVE IS LIES – Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship

To New World Order on Friday May 29 2020 06:5142

More New World Order psychological warfare Bull-$%#@ in Britain! Matt Hancock issues
more Fourth Reich Demands of the British People

To Healthcare on Thursday May 28 2020 12:53106

UPDATE: Hey, Minnesota! Don’t Take the Bait! ~ Rex Reviews

To Education on Thursday May 28 2020 10:57887

That Sudden Moment When You Realize the Corona Virus GOV “ID” 1984 Is the Hoax of
the Millennium and American Governance Has Been Under Global Luciferian Roman Cult
Control Since the 1860′s for the New World Order!

To New World Order on Thursday May 28 2020 07:46933

Global Lawful Rebellion against Treason & Sedition. The truth about the “Deep State”? The
New World Order Luciferian Cult has made their move… Time to wake everyone up, for all
to understand their inherent God given unalienable rights.

To New World Order on Monday May 25 2020 16:16667

New World Order Globalist Elite Plans: The Toronto Protocol taken from Group 6.6.6 first
published in 2013

To New World Order on Monday May 25 2020 04:30917

“Its for Your Safety” – Elderly Couple in Their Home in Canada Forcibly Cuffed and Taken
to Hospital by Police for Their Own Safety!

To Agenda 21 on Friday May 22 2020 19:341449

Who Controls the Gates Family? The Deep State, Bain & Company?

To New World Order on Friday May 22 2020 06:35340

Update: Twitter – Fascistbook Book Burning and Disregard of 1st Amendment Continues –
Twitter Triggered by My BIN Article “We Have Temporarily Limited Some of Your Account
Features, What do They Not Want You to Know?: Connecting the Overthrow of America in
the 1860′s to the COV ID-19 “84″ Plandemi

To New World Order on Wednesday May 20 2020 15:45294

Medical Mafia and the biggest Conspiracy in the history of the World! Koby & Miss V ~
Connecting the Dots

To New World Order on Wednesday May 20 2020 06:04131

What did you do when the New World Order Luciferian Roman Cult attempted to enslave
humanity, take over the World and Democide the people in 2020?

To New World Order on Tuesday May 19 2020 12:47576

Will Americans, the British etc… listen to the Whistleblowers now? COV “ID” 1984 NWO
End Game, Judus Goats, Black Nobility / Rothschilds (UN) Agenda 21 / 2030 and the
farming of Americans since the 1860′s.

To New World Order on Monday May 18 2020 19:10529

The Problem With Wall Street

To New World Order on Sunday May 17 2020 05:4927

May 15th update: 5G Circuit Board labelled COV-19, Coincidence… this is a reminder that
we have good reason to look harder at 5G and how it could be used by those that just took
the World down on FAKE Media, lies, crooked science and quite literally caused Genocide
that may end up getting worse if

To Healthcare on Thursday May 14 2020 08:121143

Doctors Standing up: Riverside California Dr. Addresses Crowd: Dr. Jeff Barkey, slams
Handling of COVID Plandemic; Yvette Lozano from Dallas, talks to crowd at Get Back to
NUMBERS and HCQ Experiences!

To Healthcare on Thursday May 14 2020 07:17178

Doctors Standing up: Riverside California Dr. Addresses Crowd: Dr. Jeff Barkey, slams
Handling of COVID Plandemic; Yvette Lozano from Dallas, talks to crowd at Get Back to
NUMBERS and HCQ Experiences!

To Healthcare on Wednesday May 13 2020 19:32115

UK Column Whistleblower reveals British Government is engaged in an

ongoing Psychological Warfare Program against 65M Brits

To New World Order on Tuesday May 12 2020 19:19438

COV “ID” 1984, a Worldwide Staged Luciferian Roman Cabal Controlled De Facto Gov. Co.
– Shadow Government False Flag. Exposing the Luciferian Talmudic Roman Cabal attempt
to take over the World, c. 1302 – 2020!

To New World Order on Saturday May 09 2020 08:121572


Judy Mikovits rightly burns Fauci and the New World Order Medical Cabal

To Healthcare on Wednesday May 06 2020 10:49247

Pastor Exposes New World Order Luciferian Cabal Take Over, please share with those still

To New World Order on Tuesday May 05 2020 08:11233

Breaking News (updated): Busted – Documents Exposing that COVID-19’84′ Plandemic is a

World Economic Forum, Rothschild’s UN/CIA/Mockingbird Media, Crown – Vatican – US
Corporation De Facto Government Production Amounting to a Declaration of War on 7.8
Billion people… Message to Prime Minister John

To New World Order on Tuesday Apr 28 2020 19:5713018

Breaking News – Vaccine Update!

To Health on Saturday Apr 25 2020 04:263820

Coronavirus… What If?

To New World Order on Friday Apr 24 2020 18:59388

NWO COV “ID” 1984 – 911 International Luciferian Cabal Psyop / A Global 911 Style False

To U. S. Politics on Thursday Apr 23 2020 11:11594

Red Alert Update – Apr. 14. 3.0: Gathering Evidence Suggests the New World Order
Luciferian Roman Criminal Cabal have made their move to replace their Vatican / Crown
Banking and Governance Slavery System for their Long Threatened Demonic One World
Government Slavery System… What Are You Going to

To New World Order on Friday Apr 10 2020 22:3121308

Domain Name Registered in 2002: Used by WHO! Everything You Have
Been Told by Government, CIA Crown-Zio-Corp. Mockingbird Media Is a Lie! Connecting
1860′s Coup of America, the Enslavement of the American People to the WHO-5G-Corona-
Virus / Election-Cycle-Virus! This Revelation Begs

To New World Order on Saturday Feb 29 2020 02:584724

UPDATED: WARNING: 5G Human Command & Control, THE TRUTH IS >>> The
Coronavirus PlayBook Is already Written. Are we being subjected to fear- porn by the usual
Military Psyop Professionals! See my earlier articles on this linked below

To New World Order on Thursday Feb 27 2020 22:471033

Updated April 18th 2020: Warning – 5G & Hive Mind: Breaking: Q Is for the Queen’s
Qinetiq? – NWO Global PSYOP – Coronavirus Patent; Unraveling the Talmudic Global
Fascist Conspiracy: Who Is Behind the Coronavirus Patent? Connections Between
Rothschild/Crown – Pirbright Institute; Queen’s Qinet

To New World Order on Thursday Feb 27 2020 13:514233

Major Update: Do you get it yet? Exposing CROWN Corp. running Global Intelligence and
weaponization of everything to control Humanity: Banned foreign agents have been
running America since the 1860′s… The Swamp is the UNITED STATES Corp. and its fifty

To New World Order on Wednesday Feb 26 2020 20:531554

(Update from AVR. See end) America unlawfully under Military Government / Military
Authority of the Crown / Vatican Old World Order Roman cult, 1863 – 2020: Are 300
Million+ Americans living under the spell of the Stockholm Syndrome [...& Billions of
others]? What if the UNITED STATES had you l

To Power Elite on Saturday Feb 22 2020 01:513905

Dear Mr. President, how to clean the Swamp out over night! Titles of Nobility Act (aka
TONA) and Title 10 Section 253, Obstruction of State and Federal Law! Enforce already
organic law / De Facto Law and take back the de jure Office!

To Banksters on Friday Jan 17 2020 20:073371

Walter Burien, introduction to the Federal Reserve’s Annual Z.1.Report raw data table and
the looting of the American people

To U. S. Politics on Sunday Jan 12 2020 13:29149

A 2.3 Trillion Lawsuit unveiled against Big Tech Giants like Google, FB, Deep Mind Inc,
Tesla, Alphabet Inc, Zuckerberg, EMusk.are using AI that endangers the entire human race
working along side China.

To New World Order on Monday Dec 23 2019 23:58461

Trump Signed Executive Order Showing Loyalties are to Rothschild created Israel and not
America or American Foundational Principles Like Free Speech!

To New World Order on Saturday Dec 14 2019 19:4911759

Update with Video by AVR and RDS: Dear President Donald John Trump, our Nation Was
Overthrown in the 1860′s by the Vatican/Crown! What are We Doing About It?

To Awakening? Start Here on Monday Nov 25 2019 05:495239


Who is the UN (WHO et al)….

“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man
who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British
money supply.” It also controls the FED and the UNITED NATIONS who’s original
ownership is found below (click hyper link).

- Nathan Mayer Rothschild

FEDERAL RESERVE Money System (same are behind the UNITED NATIONS

Rothschild Bank of London

Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Lehman Brothers of New York
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York

Now you know why UNITED STATES (USRael Corp.) gave $233.7Bn to Rothschilds Israel
over six decades?

The “UN” is a corporation founded in France several years before the United Nations
Charter was ever created. And here, for your edification, are the Principal Parties of Interest
driving the “UN Agenda”—– Current version UN Corp dba World Bank dba FEDERAL
RESERVE — 52% owned by Rothschild Bank of London and Berlin; 8% owned by Lazard
Freres Bank of Paris; 8% owned by Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, 8% owned by Warburg
Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; 6% owned by Lehman Brothers of New York; 6% owned
by Kuhn Loeb of New York; 6% owned by Chase Manhattan/Rockefeller Bank of New York;
6% owned by Goldman Sachs. (There may be some changes in ownership(s) since this list
was compiled, but the above is accurate for the most part.)

Rothschilds British Brainwashing Company Global Psyop



Added July 20 2020 A.D. at 1:12AM


c520-4976-8798-3e91f4c227e0 [Original document -
/watch?v=X7I5LzLgNSI& ]

….This is an excercise!…..Trump replies : You should have told us ( paraphrased ).

John writes brilliantly:

I have been reminding you that a certain media driven frenzy has people behind it who are
making billions. Bill Gates and Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos are working at destroying
ranching and forcing us to eat their fake food grown in a lab. I went to a restaurant I had
never been to before to have lunch with my son yesterday. I ordered what looked to be a
delicious meal made of beef but I was told nothing made of beef on the menu was available
due to the media driven frenzy. It was very disappointing for me.

This plandemic is the global economic reset which the ECONOMIST magazine told us about
in 1988 which would happen in 2018. This hoax is also being used as a food distribution
reset and places the control over food distribution in the hands of the crime syndicate.
When people are starving they are much easier to control. If you need a reminder of this
brutal truth just look at the misery in Argentina and then watch the movie Soylent Green.
We can also prove this hoax has been done in order to kill off old people and tag the rest of
us like cattle. People are social by nature and by keeping people apart the syndicate is
withdrawing the mutual support system each of us needs to survive this dictatorship. We
can also include 5 G in the mix as it has been installed in a lot of schools and other public
buildings over the last several months. Then we can point to the fact that all of this really
became a problem during the occult “season of sacrifice” celebrated by psychopaths. I have
spoken on all of these issues here and on the radio and in public again and again.

Additional mountains of evidence of the criminal nature of this plandemic are generated
every single day to expose this media driven lie. Yet the sheeple people continue to accept
the lies as truth and label those of us who see the scam as “conspiracy theorists” and a
threat to society. Their ignorance is becoming a very real problem as it is affecting all of us
who actually have done the research and are not falling for the scam.

I am a conspiracy analyst and I have analyzed this conspiracy down to many of the smallest
details. All of the players have direct ties to the world “government” agenda where the
UNITED NATIONS and WHO corporations are running an exercise to control the planet.
This dirty little secret comes directly from their own documents (link below). Watch the
video as soon as possible. I promise you it will not be available for viewing for very long. I
am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am correct in my assessment as are many
other whistle blowers who are doing their due diligent research as well.

No one is rebutting our facts with anything other than fear based mind control
programming. I would also like to point out every time a talking head working for the
ministry of propaganda mentions the lie it is an act of terrorism. Meanwhile my posts and
those of many others are being deleted by tyrants using the only tool they have to silence
our whistle blowing. That tool is censorship. Our crime is trying to expose the lies with well
researched facts and the truth. By using censorship they have shown they cannot dispute
our facts. On the contrary they can only shut down their opposition by using censorship.
Truth after all is very inconvenient for them.

If all of this drama was not enough to send each of us over the edge THEY (The Hierarchy
Enslaving You) just keep adding more fuel to the fire. The crime syndicate released it’s
hoards of propagandized useful idiots to riot and pillage communities based on even more
lies. Please recognize that rioting and protesting are two very different things. The first is a
crime, the second is a right.

Many of the people in these movements have been paid to act as agent provocateurs. They
entice the useful idiots to go along with them and we get to watch it on American streets and
hear about it on the news. This is all a psychological warfare operation with a very real body
count as well as a staggering financial cost thrown in for good measure. All of this agenda
profits a very few people while enslaving and murdering the rest of the planets population. I
will keep exposing this agenda until I am expired and laid into the ground but this will not
be enough. The censorship is too great and the sheeple people are too many.

As people we need to be aware of what is going on. We also need to be on guard and
preparing for the dystopian future they have planned for us. You are already living in a
dystopian society which makes a burning fire pit seem like summer vacation but the future
promises to become much worse. This really is a hell on earth in every way. Yet the masses
of sheeple people seem comfortable in their misery and happy in their slave status. Until a
lot more people stop consenting to the syndicates war crimes and their enslavement under
the color of law the future will look like the past. We must hold the criminals in the
syndicate accountable or absolutely nothing will change for the better. On the contrary it
will continue to get progressively worse. You have been warned.

Public, judicial and constructive notice.

Back to the Top

How were we enslaved by

SHARE: From: “Anna von Reitz” To: Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 3:28:53 PM Subject: For
England 4.0 For England 4.0 Sorry that I have been deluged in recent days and feel like
Noah bobbing about in a ferocious storm in my little ark with too many animals on board.
Enough said for the circumstance. The Sons of Saturn are now gone at long last, but in the
resulting vacuum there is a great deal of confusion. Good Guys and Bad Guys are resolutely
pointing fingers at each other and I am left reminded of my Mother wagging her head and
saying, “There’s so much bad in the best of us, and so much good in the worst of us, it’s hard
to tell the difference.” And so it is. I am more inclined to judge the money and the law than
the victims of either one, but those of us who remain on Terra Firma are still left with the
False Claim that we departed some years ago from our pleasant shores and are —at least on
the official records—Lost at Sea, Presumed Dead. This conundrum arises as a result of
unfortunate choices that were made by commercial corporations, operating as
“governmental services providers” and substituting themselves for our national
governments. Quite simply, we are the victims of identity theft, impersonation, and credit
fraud promoted by commercial corporations posing as our governments. Read that again if

This fraud against the living people has been ongoing since the 1850′s in England and the
1860′s in America and has since spread to virtually every country on Earth. This Great
Fraud has been promoted by deliberately confusing our Lawful Persons with Legal Persons
having what appear to be the exact same names. For example: a man with the Given Name
of say— John Christian Anderson, naturally uses this appellation as a Trade Name on dry
land, and he operates as a Lawful Person under the Law of the Land that applies in his
native country. He is protected by his country’s constitution and the customary laws of his
nation. However, when John Christian Anderson gets on a boat and sails over the horizon to
the High Seas, a change takes place — temporarily — and his name now denotes a Legal
Person bound to obey the Law of the Sea.

So we have a Lawful Person and a Legal Person with exactly the same name—John
Christian Anderson— and it is this circumstance that the criminals have exploited to
promote their fraud scheme. It is, of course, common knowledge, that sailors may come
ashore and landlubbers may, occasionally, travel upon the sea. So location is not necessarily
as definitive as we might think when it comes to determining the nature and capacities and
obligations of John Christian Anderson. This circumstance, too, has been badly exploited by
the perpetrators of this scheme [PJ add: TALMUDIC LUCIFERIAN ROMAN CULT - Jesuits
/ Zionists].

By presuming that John Christian Anderson is a sailor on shore, we can preferentially

subject him to either the Law of the Land or the Law of the Sea, depending on our own
authority. His Captain can have him clapped in irons and thrown in the brig for brawling in
a local pub. And the local Sheriff can arrest him for disturbing the peace and throw him in
jail, too. Either way. This poor fellow, John Christian Anderson, is betwixt and between,
hardly able to keep track if he is a-foot or a-horseback, being prosecuted as a Lawful Person
on the land or a Legal Person subject to the Law of the Sea.

Yes, it’s very confusing and it’s meant to be —- and it is doubly confusing when John
Christian Anderson has never been to sea in his lifetime and has no reason whatsoever to
consider himself a sailor or as anyone subject to the Law of the Sea in the first place. Now,
against this backdrop of confusion and cross-claims of jurisdiction, consider what happens
when there is no public record of any Lawful Person named John Christian Anderson? Only
a registration of a Legal Person named John Christian Anderson? Suddenly, our Landlubber
friend who is owed all his constitutional protections and his own national law, disappears.
What remains is a Legal Person subject to the international Law of the Sea, cast up on the
dry land, and in the absence of evidence otherwise, that’s how things remain.

This is precisely the circumstance that we Landlubbers face, as a result of our corporate
employees neglecting to record our actual birth. They registered the event instead, and
profited themselves by creating a new franchise for their corporation named after John
Christian Anderson — who has, lamentably, disappeared. Whereabouts unknown. This is
how your identity as a living Englishman (or American or German or…) is stolen and a
Legal Person Doppleganger is substituted for your Lawful Person.

It happens within hours or days after you are born, while still a babe in your cradle, without
your Mum’s knowing consent, and results in an Unconscionable Contract being foisted off
on you along with the National Debt. The Birth Certificate issued to John Christian
Anderson is evidence of the crime committed against the actual baby who is the Holder in
Due Course of that name.

Because you are never told any of this rot and because it happened when you were far too
young to remember or understand anything about it, you are left helpless to complain or
bring action against the Perps. This scheme proved so profitable that we even have a double
layer of it to deal with. Once the British Crown Corp registered your Given Name, they split
the pot with their Boss, the Pope, and created a Municipal franchise of “you”, too.

This is JOHN CHRISTIAN ANDERSON, another foreign Legal Person, only instead of being
subject to the Law of the Sea, this one is subject to Municipal Law of the Holy Roman
Empire. Now, you have a Papist Doppelganger, too. Legal Persons have no natural or
unalienable rights, because they are fictional in nature. They have no access to
constitutional protections. They may be taxed or otherwise held accountable for debts
without their consent and without representation. Legal Persons have to obey and cannot
question any act of legislation or administrative law. They are either indentured servants or
slaves, no accounts, drifters, stateless world travelers on a perpetual journey, owing body
and soul to the corporation that owns their copyright. In this case, the British Crown Corp.

This is how an Englishman who is heir to the Magna Carta and British Constitution
becomes reduced to an automaton, and also how the British Crown Corporation finagles a
way to attach his private property assets as chattel backing its debts. This is how
Westminster gets its paws into your pockets and subjects you all to the Law of the Sea,
instead of the Law of the Land. This is how your homes get “mortgaged” to pay the
corporation’s debts.

And it is exactly the same for Americans, Frenchmen, Germans, Italians, Canadians,
Australians….. we have all been outrageously dis-served by these criminal “governmental
services corporations” which have all promoted this same fraud scheme worldwide. Now,
the question is, what to do about the fraud now that we’ve discovered it and thoroughly
understand how it works?

The first thing is to correct the Public Records and get Landlubber John back on the
gameboard. Here are two great resources to start you on your way home:

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