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2018 Write a story about a teenager who had an unusual hobby. Explain what was
unusual about the hobby and how the teenager’s friends became interested in it.
Begin your story with: “Even though it was a strange hobby, everyone came to love
it ...”
2017  Write a story of a small town girl who worked hard to become a successful chef.
Begin your story with: “She has used the last of her savings to get to the cooking
competition in the big city and ...”
2016 Write about your experience helping Puan Ramlah, an elderly lady who lives alone.
End your story with “... I learnt a lot about myself by helping Puan Ramlah.”
2015 Write a story about someone you know who took a big risk and had a good result.
Begin your story with: "Everybody said that the plan would never work. It was far
too risky ..."
2014 Write a story about a fisherman beginning with: "The wind blew strongly. Out at
sea, ..."
2013 Write a story that ends with: "... and so I became a better person."
Write a story about being alone.
2012 Write a story beginning with: "The teacher walked into the classroom. It was the
first period ..."
2011 Write a story that ends with: "... They looked at each other and smiled
2010 Write a story beginning with "It had been raining all day..."
2009 Write a story that ends with: "... We said our goodbyes and went our separate

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