English Compulsory: Name: Syeda Kainat Zahra Class: BS English Literature (Semester 4) Roll No. 1825116108 Paper Submitted To: Ma'am Hira

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English compulsory:

Name: Syeda Kainat Zahra

Class: BS English Literature (semester 4)
Roll no. 1825116108
Paper submitted to: Ma’am Hira

Covid-19 impact on Educational sector

Covid-19 is a virus from the family of coronavirus. It was first identified in the city of China
named Wuhan in December 2019. But this pandemic spreaded worldwide and caused a lot of
destruction to the humans as well to the economy of the world. Educational institutes have been
closed due to the alarming situation and it is badly affecting the whole system of education. This
report includes the both good and adverse effects of covid-19 on educational sector.
Advantageous effects
Educational institutes have been closed since this pandemic came and students are now being
taught through online classes. This has been proved as a blessing in disguise for those institutes
especially in developing countries like Pakistan who are lacking the latest technology of distant
learning. All such institutes had to arrange the system for the students so they would continue
their learning. This will be helpful also in future. Due to online assessments students are also
able to do research in detail on their own for the given online assignments. This can enhance the
capability of students and help them to get rid of rote learning.
Adverse effects
This pandemic is also causing adverse effects on the system of education which can endanger the
future of students. The closure of educational institutes is affecting 60% of world’s student
population. In countries like Pakistan, the technology has not been advanced to give the distant
learning properly especially in government institutes. There are no proper applications or forums
to teach students online. In contrary, some private institutes have introduced their own systems to
conduct online classes and assessments.
Many students are facing issues regarding internet specifically in villages. Its very
difficult for such students to take their classes. Moreover, as the students from the lower class are
deprived of the modern technology. They’ve no laptops or android phones so they would avail
digital learning.
This unfortunate condition in country has brought many challenges to Pakistan’s educational
system which has both positive and negative impacts. But unluckily, positive impacts are far less
than the negative ones which are overshadowing the former. It’s the hour of need now to upgrade
the system and make it worth successful to provide the facility of distant learning to the students.
According to WHO, this pandemic can sustain for many years so world should learn to
survive with this condition. And for such survival, Pakistan should take measures to introduce
forums for online classes in all educational institutes and safe the valuable time of students.
 https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse
 https://www.uopeople.edu/blog/impact-of-coronavirus-on-education/
 https://voxeu.org/article/impact-covid-19-education
 https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2020/07/07/covid-19-and-digital-education-failure-in-pakistan/

Translation paragraph:
Health is a great blessing but a man does not value this blessing as long as he is healthy. When
even small disease comes, then he knows the value of it. If any part of body suffers from pain the
whole body feels its impact. If you are healthy, you feel like eating, walking and working. When
health deteriorates, nothing feels enjoyable. Those people who remain ill, their life become
trouble for their relatives and for their own selves. Disease causes pain and also costs on
medicine and treatments separately. A man in sickness buries alive.

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