Answer From Picture

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Answer from picture

sHow many senses do we have ?____________ Can the boy hear someone on the phone?
Can the boy see a bike? Can the boy smell a banana?
Can the boy hear a dog bark? Can the boy hear lots of people?
Can the boy taste a cake? Can the boy see a baby?
Can the boy touch a tree? Write three other things boy can see?

I smell with my___________ I see with my___________ I taste with my ___________

I touch with my___________ I hear with my ___________

Which letters come first :

z or y r or p r or t e or f j or g a or b

Can you say the letter that is missing?

E__e Han__ N__se __outh E__r
See the picture:
Say what the girl can taste? Say what the girl can see?
What can the girl hear? What can the girl touch? What can the girl smell?

While sitting on your seat answer these questions:

How many different things can you touch? How many different things can you hear?

See picture:
What does the cat like to do? How many people are there in the Do the look happy?
_____________________________ picture? ________________________ _____________________________

The family have a pet _____________ Himmat is being watched by his__________ Her brother is called_______
Alisha is standing with her__________ Alisha grandmother is standing next to her_______ He is ridding a _______

Copy the family words of the people who live with you____________________________________________________
Say the special naming word for each sentence:
Himmat is three years old. My name is Alisha.
His name is Tom. My cat is called Ben.

Sort these words so they make sense:
Than Himmat. Alisha is older
Than grandmother. Mother is younger

It is fun on the ____________. I see a _________ sail past. The _________ swim in the sea.
The ____________is good. We put some _________ on it. We make a ____________.

Do you think family enjoy building the sandcastle? ____________ ____________ ____________
Would you enjoy the day on the beach? Why? ____________ ____________ ____________ __________
Why do you think the family wanted some ice cream? ____________ ____________ ____________

Copy the words from the box that you can see in sentences: we at to the I a
I like ice-cream We go to the shop We feel hot
We use shells from the beach We make a sand castle I look at the red ship

Say the letter that should be capital:

i feel hot i build a sand castle i go to the shop i see a red ship

Write sh words:

Sh_____ _____ sh Sh_____ _____ sh Sh_____ _____ sh _____elf

What are the colours:

A ______hat A ______fish A___________sandcastle A _____ hat

Write missing vowel:

S___n C____t M____p B___g V___n D___g

Can you think of two things that are:

Red Yellow orange

They__________the ship They__________ holes in the sand They__________ice cream They__________shells

ay the naming words:

This is my ear. This is my eye. This is my hand.
This is my nose. This is my mouth. This is my head.

baby Look at the picture:

I can smell the_________________

I can hear smell the_________________

I can taste the_________________

I can see the_________________

I can feel the_________________


Your name_______________ I live with my_____________________________ Your friends name _____________

The name you would like to be called_______________ The name of a member of your family____________
Circle the vowel letters:
Men Rat Sat Win log
cup met big run Hot
Write five words with different vowels:

Circle the plural words:

Shops bun mother toys eyes cat hand girl bikes ball boys
Write the missing plural words:

three five four two

Hunt for words: the I a at to we

I look at the red ship. We go to the shop. We feel hot.
Add missing words:
______ use shells from _____beach ___ make _____ sand castles, _____ like ice cream.
Complete each sentence:
____ use shells from the ice cream ______ make a sand castle. _____ have a bucket and spade.
Fill in the missing sh words:
The _____ swims in the sea(fish/ship) We _______ the door( shut/crush) I like the ______ on the beach(shell/ shelf)

Sh words:____________________________________________________________________________________

We make a ________sandcastle The _______ ice cream is good I see a ______ ship This is a ______ shell

There are some long ________ growing on the plant. The______ _said he would help the gingerbread man.
The bean plant has red_________ The cat and the _______shouted at the gingerbread man.
The bean plant has green___________ The boy and the _______shouted at the ginger bread man.
The ________ of the bean plants are in the soil. When she opened the _______ door he jumped out.
The been plant has grown from a __________ The _______ made a gingerbread man.
The gingerbread man would not _______. When the gingerbread man got to the _______he could not cross.
Circle words that rhyme with he and she: meet me seed bean we
the plant grows in the sun the flowers are red
she plants the seed i can see green leaves
this is a seed look at the red flowers
i like beans the roots are in the soil
Write rhyming words:
song bang SAND bend

What can the girl do? What can a bird do? What can the sun do? What can the boy do?

Which weather is soft? Which weather is wild?
Which weather is scorching? Which weather is raging?
Which weather is howling? Write the weather you like best?

Ask questions about:

The sun
The wind
The rain
The snow
Write each word for each picture:

Write describing words:

The sun The snow The wind
The rain The fog The hail
Mark describing words:
This is an old book. Look at the big cloud
I have a red bucket He has a new bell
Write what you like to do:

What comes before skipping rope in the dictionary? What comes after doll in the dictionary?
What is a toy that looks like a baby or child? How is a skipping rope described?
Write a sentence to say how you think the story ends.______________________________________________________

Yoyo would come after_______________ Football would come after__________ and before_______
Crayons would come after____________ and before__________
Find a small two – letter word:
man top came must Cat ran

think catch where want stand stop

Add es
class wish watch potato fox

Write plural:
She is It is He is You are I am

Say what part of the verb to be is missing:

They _______sad. He _______ a ginger bread man. You _______ tall.
It _______ windy. We _______ best friends. She _______an old woman.
Make a telling and asking sentence about the story(the gingerbread man)

Write in alphabetical order:

you and so of
Is of had so
Was you is but
But of had and
Write four things you can see in the room now:_________________________________________________________
Thedolllookslikea baby
Can you putthepuzzletogether?
List the following words in boxes:
Kiss pill cliff still fuss puff hill press sniff
ll words ss words ff words

One___________three__________four____________,__________ seven_______________ nine___________

Draw picture and describe:




Nelson workbook 1

Draw a picture of you having fun on the beach:

Write what you are doing on the

Write he me we she
Can_____have some beans?asked mia and Tom. His sister says_______ likes bean too.
My mum gave ______ some beans. Tuhil says ________ likes beans.
___he beans taste good ____ pick the beans The sun is scorching
____ e plant the seeds ____ bean plants grow I like the rain
Can you see floating fog Is the wind wild Is the snow soft
The hail is howling Do you like the wind The gingerbread man ran away
The gingerbread man ran and ran What did the old man shout
Who made the gingerbread man Telling sentence Asking sentence
Write a sentence about beans:_______________________________________________________________________
Add suffix ing
hang bang sting sing

H+ and__________________ R+ing_______________________ L+ong___________________

Underline doing words:
We cook the beans. The leaves grow. She picks the beans. He plants the seed.
_______________ fall when it is cold. ____________ makes puddles
The ______________ blew my ball away! It is hot when the ________________ comes out .
What can you do with a bag? What can you do with pencil?
What can you do with cake? What can you do with book?
What can you do with ball? Sentence:
Underline a-e, ai and ay
I hit a nail in the rail with a spade I put a plate with some cake on a tray One sunny day I went on a plane

Write three words with these spelling patterns:


Rung hand Snake day

Long send
Say shake
Land song

Sing hung Sail save

Bend ring
Cave nail
Draw a drink a food an animal a toy

Write four things you like using describing words i.e soft rabbit:

Fill the gaps with things you like

I like _________________________________ I like _________________________________
I like _________________________________ I like _________________________________
Write in alphabetical order:
Have one said be you all for they not _ ________________________________________________________
Write correctly:
Ihaveputthepuzzletogether. Thekiteisredandblue Ikickedtheballtomyfriend.

Crossword: and two more

ll words
ss words
ff words

Running made me _______ and______ I can _______ the cake cooking My mother likes to __________me stories
Underline describing words:
I jumped six The ball bounced four times. Sentence.
I have three The doll has two eyes.
Draw and describe a fruit an animal a vegetable:

Make small words:

your chip Because(5) pan plate Beat stop

Singular match bush class pot fox
Singular chicken ball box dress watch
Underline to be words:
You are tall. It is cat. She is an old woman. I am a girl
They are happy. We are boys. We are Muslims. He is a gingerbread man.
add to be words:
We _______ good at singing. Kim and I ________ sisters. The weather ______ wet and cold.
Alisha _______ at the beach. You two _______ muddy. Tom ______ taller than his bother.
Answer yes or no :
Will they play team games at Harry’s house? Does the party start at 3 o’clock?
Is it Harry and Basma’s part on a Friday ? Is it Harry and Basma’s part on 15th June?
Will they eat lunch at Harry’s house?
Fill in the blanks :
The food is on the ________ The __________ are wearing hats. The boy spills his__________
The cake looks like a ______________ A blue ___________ is on the floor.
Write missing days of the week:
On _____________Basma plays football. On _____________Harry sees his grandparents.
On _____________Basma goes to a dancing class. On _____________Harry goes to the doctors
On _____________Harry and Basma go to their party. On _____________they watch T.V

What day of the week s it today?_____________ What day of the week was it yesterday?______________
yanuSd hsdyTuar idFary onMayd ndsWeeyad syTedua dyutrSaa

Write ee or ea words

Join the sentences using and:

Harry and Basma send invitations. They hope their friends will come.

They will go to Harry’s house. They will have lunch .

Harry is having a party. He is inviting his friends

Fill in the blanks:

It is a _________ I like _____________ I have a ___________time on my My best present is from my
birthday. _________
Write the number of paragraph:
Which photograph shows a person older than you? Which photograph shows the youngest person?
Which photograph shows someone about your age? Which photograph shows the oldest person ?
Which photograph shows a person younger than you? Which photograph shows a person about the age of your
What age do you think the people are in these photographs?
3 1
2 4
Finish these sentences:
My _________is under my nose. My _________ is halfway down my leg My hand is at the end of my ______
My neck holds up my _________ My ankle helps my _________move My wrist helps my ______ move.
List other labels that could be added to the picture:

About picture from page 60:
Telling sentence:_________________________________________________________________

Asking sentence:__________________________________________________________________
What am I:
When tears fall down a face_______ Used to make food taste nice________ A type of food_________
The opposite of day_________ Where clouds float_________
Add ing:
Dry + ing fly+ ing cry+ ing light+ ing fry+ ing

Add s or es:
elbow Fox Class shoulder Bus watch leg Bush nose ear

Write a list of words or phrases to describe yourself:_____________________________________________________

Write three sentences about yourself:

Answer the questions:

Look at ‘ Jelly on the Plate’. Copy the two words that tell Look at ‘The Pancake’. Copy two words that tell you what
you how jelly moves. you can do with a pancake.
What two foods are the poems about? Which poem do you like the most? Why do you like this poem?
Which words rhyme: some come live give
Now find these words in : oncomeive belivewed klsisomet digivests
Make these sentences longer:
Toss the pancake.
Pop it in the pan.
Stir the pancake.
Fry the pancake.
Write missing words ( purse nurse fur stir bird perch kerb her )
My cat has soft ___________ A hen is a kind of ________
At night a hen sits on a__________ I keep my money in my __________
Join these sentences with and:
I like red jelly. I like green jelly.
The jelly is on the plate. It is wobbling.
Mum made pancakes. I ate them.

What is your favorite food? _____________________________________________ Draw your favourite food.

What does it look like? What does it smell like? How is it cooked or prepared?

Write about your favourite food in a poem : do in copy

Fill in the missing words:
She threw the beans out of the _________ Jack ran to tell his _________ about the beans .
Jack was on the way to the _________ when he met an old Jack’s mother wanted him to the _____ the cow.
Jack’s mother was___________ The old man gave Jack some _________ beans.
Write the opposite of each word:
tie lock tidy roll happy

Find an exclamation sentence Asking sentence Telling sentence

Sort the following words: grow bow broke smoke note rope snow blow road toa coat boat
Ow words
o-e words
Oa words
Say the doing words:
Jack planted the beans. Mother looked cross.
The old man walked into the road. Mother wanted money for food.
Look picture on pg 77:
What can you smell? Can you hear anything?
What sort of home is it? what can you see?
Nelson English workbook 1
Day of the week What I do

Add capital letters:

__onday __uesday __ednesday __ hursday ___riday __aturday __unday
Write rhyming words:
Dream rhymes with _____________ Tea rhymes with _____________
Need rhymes with _____________ Bee rhymes with _____________
Write ee or ea:
I am a group of people ________ I grow and have leaves ________ I am an insect________
I am wet and ships sail on me________ I happen when you are asleep
Rhyming words:

green feet seal seal
Underline the joining words in each sentence:
Basma damnces on Tuesday and plays football on Friday.
The children eat cake and they wear party hats. They go to the park and they play games.
Join the sentences using and
Harry saw his grandparents. He told them about the party.

Basma went to the cinema. She enjoyed the film.

Write two sentence about the picture then join them:

Answer these questions:

Who was at the party? Who was the party for? Did you enjoy the party ?

What did you eat? What did you do?

Write about the party:

Match body parts

Sort letters:
elg mar yee tfee
Finish with full stop or question mark:
We shook hands Are your eyes brown
Is your hair wet I hurt my foot
Write an asking sentence about hands:__________________________________________________________
Write a telling sentence about your eyes:________________________________________________________
Write rhyming words:
Bride rhymes Price rhymes dry rhymes sly rhymes bride rhymes
with_________ with_________ with_________ with_________ with_________
Write words with igh:________________________________________________________________________________
Finish with y or igh:
Br______t S______t sp______ m______ r______t sh______ fl______t fl______ l______t
Fill in the missing naming words: more than one
arm glass knee torch Wrist Box head neck Bush watch
Write singular naming words:
Five buses one Two foxes one Three classes one
I will__________ her ____________ of y pancakes. I____________ near my friend.
If you _______ to my house today we will make __________ jelly
Add some words to make sentence longer:

He make pancakes.
I like jelly.
The jelly is red.
Write er ir or ur :

Complete with er ir or ur :
One day a pipe b________ in the road. This made a poor old b__________ fall off its p________ ad h__________its
beak. A n______ in a smart sh__________ came to help.
underline joining words:
The jelly wobbled and fell off the plate. I made jelly and we ate all of it. Mum stirred the pancake and Dad tossed it.
Join each pair with and:
Mum made jelly. Dad made a cake.
I like jelly. I like ice cream.
Write a sentence of your favourtie food use the word
Add your own words to complete the poem:
___________on the plate ____________ on the plate, _____________ on the plate, ____________, ____________,
____________, ____________ on the plate.

The ____________ ____________ ____________ a ____________, ____________ a ____________, pop it in

________________________. ____________ the ____________, ____________the ____________, _______________
Add the right opposite words:

Jack’s mother think Jack was _________to bring the beans home. (wise unwise)
Jack’s garden is ____________( untidy tidy) Jack is ____________ that he is in trouble(happy unhappy)
Write 3 more opposite words beginning with un._________________________________________________________
End each sentence with a full stop or question mark or exclamation mark:
Jack: it’s not fair___ Jack: I don’t want to go out today___
Mother: Do as you are told___ Mother: where are you___
Sort the words: smoke grow flow note coat goat broke road show
Ow words
Oe words
Oa words
Fill with o ow oa:
Rainb____ r____d sm____k____ wind____ c____t n____t___ cr____ g____t st____n____
Underline doing words:
Jack swapped the cow for beans. Jack walked to the market. Jack’s mother shouted at him.
Jack and his mother needed food. The old man looked at the cow.
Do the words sum:
To mix + ed To play + ed To plant + ed To shout + ed To look+ ed

Sentences of above doing words:

Describe jack his mother and their home .
Make a list of doing words in the instructions(ice lolly) Are tigers fast runners?
How many instructions are there? (ice lolly) Name an animal tigers like to hunt?
Make a list of things you need. (ice lolly) When do tigers hunt?
How many things do you need to be able to follow the Why do you think have to put in the lolly sticks before you
instructions? (ice lolly) put the mould in the freezer.( ice-lolly)
What colour are most tigers? Why do you think tigers have strips?
What did Ada give to her mum? Where did Ada spend the pennies?
How much did the lady give Ada for the eggs? Which two peoplesaid”That’s not a nest!” to Ada?
Where had the eggs been laid? How many eggs did Ada find?
Why was Ada so happy at the end of story? How do you think Ada felt when she found the Eggs?
Do you think Ada is kind?
Copy these instructions in their correct order.
Put in the ice-lolly sticks. Pour it into the ice-lolly mould. Place the mould in the freezer.
Mix the fruit juice with water. Eat the ice-lolly.
Look for small words:
With Thing
cold Play
her she
Write 3 long words that have small hidden words:

Telling sentence about ice-lolly

Exclamation sentence about ice-lolly
Asking sentence about ice-lolly

Lift +ed Jump+ing play+ed watch+ing talk+ed walk+ing pick+ed pour+ing

Say what these are:
I make pan cakes. I am a___________ I jump fences. . I am a___________ I bake cakes. . I am a___________
I sell ice lollies. . I am a___________ I catch a ball. . I am a___________
Are on his him had but as was of that it is in and:
Is it true that tigers can swim? The cub stays in the den with his sisters and brothers.
Tigers are not fast but they are strong. Most tigers live in hot places such as India.
The mother keeps him in her den for eight weeks.

The name of a river The name of the street where you live

The name of your city town or village The name of your country

Dust+y Rock+y Rain+y Cloud+y Leaf+y Dirt+y

Page 89: 83:

________ time will you be home ___________ will you buy at the market. __________ is the bus?
___________ will buy the eggs? __________ are you going? ___________ found the eggs?

When do you use an exclamation mark? When do you use a full stop? When do you use a question mark?

Screw chute blue glue balloon flute spoon moon boots

Add ed or d:
hope open learn use love smile plant pour

Which words from box describe Ada: ( mean tall cross small tall girl kind cold boy short grumpy sad happy)
More words to describe Ada:_______________________________________________________________________
Three sentences to describe Ada:

Add un to make opposite:

kind happy tidy
what time is it i am going out to play
Add sh , ck , ll:
Du_______ Be___________ Fi__________
Add ee or ea:
L______f Dr_____m B________
Mark describing words:
The three children are playing in the park. The rd bike is broken.
Make small words:
Care Some
party today
What am I?
I am used to unlock. I’m found in monkey. I am eaten. I’m found in price.
I am very sharp. I am found in spin I am not young I am found in folding.
Add punctuation:
It’s freezing Can i have an ice-lolly You need juice to make an ice lolly Where is the ice lolly mould

+ing +ed Add ed or ing to these doing words and make sentences:
Jump Watch
Talk Play
Help Work
Mix brush
Make these doing words into naming words:
To sweep To call To clean To walk


Pg 55,59,
Are on his him had but as was of that it is in and:
Are tigers and cats from the same animal family. Is it true that tigers hunt at night? Tigers like being on their own.
Add missing words from the word box:
They hunt ______live____ _their own. Did you know that they _____ part____ the We ____ learning about tigers.
cat family?
Write the name of these countries:
bahrain malaysia sri lanka pakistan thailand india

Write smaller words :

bushy sleepy cloudy dusty milky salty rusty smelly

Three sentences about yourself:

Three sentences about your family:

Circle the words that can begin questions:(who and why you they have when can is made it you where big what how)
Write three questions with wh:

Add punctuations:
Mum said,”That’s my old Ada said it was a nest___ Mum,”What’s that__” Ada had a nest___It had
red hat__” three eggs in it_____
Rhyming words:
spoon blue threw chute root
You use me to eat. I can be seen at night. I am a colour
You can swim in me. You can play music on me. I am a month.
Add d or ed:
hope need play mix taste wobble help like Live touch

Draw ada write 3 words to describe and make sentences:

Add a question word to each asking sentence:

___________ is a rainbow different colours? ___________ do you get up? ______________ is in the box?
__________ is that person in the picture? __________ are you going?

the boys are on the bus________________________ .he is our friend____________________________ is hot _______________
15.sita is my friend______________________________ 14.tom is writing a letter__________________________
19.thedog is lost _____________________________ .my bag is heavy______________________________
we are going to school ________________________ the shop is closed_____________________________

Look at the picture find a naming word beginning with:


Look at the picture what are the colors :

A ____ cake a _______ balloon a_________ party hat_______ cups _____ candles an ____ jelly

Two colors with:

g__________________ p___________________ b___________________

Two things that are:

Blue__________________________________ green_______________________________

red___________________________________ yellow_______________________________

Look at the picture:

A______________ ladder ___________ tea a _____________flower ____________ water

a ____________ clown a ____________ mouse ______________ gloves a_____________ ball

Say naming:
1.There is a green bag 2.He is a thin man 3. Get a warm hat

4. Can you see the big bird in sock bus 6.jug at cap his.

Say describing:
1.The black dog is lost 2. The girl is happy 3. I like red apples 4. This is a long road

5.There are only three cakes left 6. Look at the four puppies. 7.They are five clouds in the sky

8. I have two brothers. 9. Bed tidy cold peg 10. Old long cot sad

Look at the picture :

1.What can the boy do?____________ 2.what can the dog do ___________

3.what can the girl do?_____________ 4.what can the baby do?____________

5.what can the old man do? _____________ 6.what can the sun do?__________________

7.what can the lady do?______________ 8.what can the man do?________________

9.what can the wind do ____________ 10.what can the bird do ________________

11.what can the fish do _____________ 12.what can the kangaroo do ________________

Look at the picture:

Say the word beginning word with a_______________ put the other in alphabetical order _________________

Say the word beginning word with m_______________ put the other in alphabetical order ________________

Say the word beginning word with h_______________ put the other in alphabetical order _________________

Say the word beginning word with s______________ put the other in alphabetical order __________________

Fill each gap with the correct part of the verb to be :

1.I _________ taller than my sister. 2.They ______ children. 3.You____ the youngest in the family.

4.We _____ on the bus. 5.He____ called Jane. 6.It ______ asleep. 7.She ____ my sister.

Look at the picture say how many:

Beds______ chairs______ lamps______ dolls______ drawers _____pillows_____ pencils______ rug______

desks_____ cars_____ shoes_______ books______

Which word mean more than one:

legs socks pet bat bells hands jug moths cats cats kings neck duck cups cots rings wall

Say the special naming word:

1.My sister is called Lara 2. My name is Tom 3. Raju likes to play football

4. Is your name Sally 5. Chris is my friend. 6 My dog is called Poppy

Fill each gap:

1.You ___ opening the gates 2.We ____ growing flowers. 3. He ___is kicking a ball. 4. They ___ in the garden.

5.I___eating an apple. 6.It ___ a warm day 7. She is looking at a book. 8. They____ clapping 9. It __washing

10. I___walking to school. 11.we ___drinking tea. 12.He ____looking at the tree.

Look at the pictures:

Trees ______ books______ nails ______ moths ______ flowers_______

pencils_____ ducks_____ cats______ ships_____ cliff________

Put the words in right order:

1. Is green that toad a______________________________

2.have hats. Two I _______________________________ road cross_________________________________

4.snow falling is the quickly _______________________________

5.big that a boat is __________________________________

wEt _____________ HilL_____________ boX_____________ sOCks______________________

A ____________ball A _______________flower A _________________jumper A ______________mug

The sun is _______________ The snow is ______________ coal is ____________ grass is ____________

The _______________is very heavy My ______________are dirty There is a ______________in old tree


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