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Title: Dressed as a male host Bai Yueguang [ Quick Wear ]

Author: summer small fan

Title: Dressed as a male host Bai Yueguang [ Quick Wear ]
Author: summer small fan

Copywriter :
  After wearing the white moonlight as the male lead in the best-selling dog blood,
she looks more like a fairy, has a cool temperament, and has a distinguished family
background .
  She only needs to send some warmth to the host in the distress period, and become
a deep love for the male. A white moonlight can quickly and decisively break up with
the male, so that the male can quickly fall in love with her appearance. Mistress .
  During the period of love, he broke up without warning .
  " Why? "
  " I'm in love with others. "
  In the front, she has done a very good job. The men who have been cruelly
abandoned by her for various reasons will also fly to Huang Tengda to have a romantic
sweet love with the destined hostess. Everything is moving in a good direction .
  But -
  Why are the male masters all ... black after flying Huang
Tengda ? Change! Now! ?
  " Please do n’t bother me, we have broken up, your hostess will run away with
others, are you in a hurry, not afraid or angry? "
  " She ran away, didn't she still have you? "
  She really just wants to be a fresh and refined white moonlight, why! Why bother
her and let people not complete the task ?
  Reading guide :
  1. The heroine is beautiful, the flower of pseudo-kaolin, the male and
female love her all, the bloody Shura field, the whole process of Su Su Su Shuang
Shuang Chong pets !
  2 , the male is the same person, most of the stories are basically he outcome .
  World list :
  One white moon: [ho the door of false charming daughter ]
  White Moonlight II: [off the stack of amnesia president ]
  Three white moon: the end of the world [dodder beautiful silk flowers ]
  White Moonlight on the 4th: [ The Fairy King Blackened After the Calamity ]

Content tags: system quickly wear through the book Shuang Wen

Protagonist: Cheng Yan ┃ Supporting role: ┃ Others :

The first 1 Zhang Hao door charming fake daughter (a )
  When Cheng Yan went downstairs , she saw her father, half-brother and stepmother
already having breakfast at the dining table .
  The family is friendly and friendly except her .
  Aunt Fang, the maid, opened the chair and put her tableware .
  Cheng Yan sat down and said hello quietly: " Dad, aunt, brother, good morning. "
  Theme father sitting pro in good condition, reveals a mature male charm, he
frowned slightly: " from ? You look so late, your brother no classes today, got up
at six to go jogging, do you remember in school ? "
  Cheng Yan pursed her lips, did not speak, and glanced at his brother Cheng
Xiangyang sitting next to him. This family has very good genes. His facial features
are exquisite, his skin is white, and his peach eyes are smiling. The shirt is also
loose. The rich second-generation dandy .
  " Sister is still young, let her sleep a little longer. " Cheng
Xiangyang said with a smile , and drew closer to his father, blinked peachy
eyes, " Dad, you said I took the top ten of the grade, I bought one for me the new
car , still count it? "
  Not waiting for Cheng Feng to answer, stepmother Jiang Wanzhi had a smile on her
face: " Yangyang, so, have you done it? "
  Stayed silent smile recognition .
  Even Cheng Feng was happy now, exaggerating his son with concern, and several
people began to discuss what kind of car to buy .
  No one noticed that Cheng Yan ate a few bites and stopped eating, silently
carrying the schoolbag out .
  Send her to school driver waiting outside, Cheng Yan sat into the car, finally
relieved .
It's really tiring to set up in   front of the original owner's family !
  Through to Miss Cheng Jiaer has been more than six months, she had an accident in
the real world, the body is now lying in a hospital or a vegetative state, then it
was sweet to bind the file system, as long as she completed a number of tasks can the
world restore complex health .
  Any task that is difficult is not difficult, that simple is not simple, in
conclusion, is to maintain the fiction story, the story character does not meet other
novels are possible, only three key points that must not be changed, otherwise the
mission will fail judgment .
  First, will have to become the main man of the white moon .
  Second, must to be written in a manner fiction and men should break up .
  Third, not how men and women on the main line of development of romance, their
novels and the outcome must be the same outcome .
  This is the first world that Cheng Yan has experienced. She is wearing the hot
red article "Replacement Lover of the Billion President", which is the best-selling
list of romance .
  Talking about the wealthy chiefs and entertainment eighteen lines actress sweet
romance, and she is to be cannon fodder White Moonlight substitute care of the
household, only appeared in the main memory of a few men, the male and love is hate
and unwilling to The object, because Bai Yueguang hooked him when he was young, and
abandoned him again, he knelt in the rainy night and begged all night, but did not
make her change her mind .
  The idea that the process is not truly white moon child, when Ms. Cheng gave
birth in the hospital it is actually bit the little master, Cheng Feng is now the
lover of Jiang Wan happens to be a nurse in obstetrics and gynecology, she also has a
The son is Cheng Xiangyang, worried that his wife ’s son would steal Cheng Xiangyang
’s family property, so he stolen the twin daughters born by others, replaced the
real young master, and abandoned the young master in the orphanage heartily .
  And ...... man is the Lord who gave birth to little Ms. Cheng Ye .
  Of course, the young man born with a golden spoon is still a poor kid who can't
even pay for his tuition. At that time, an old lady who picked up the garbage picked
him back. The two men lived together and he grew up to 17 years old. It is the same
aristocratic school as the original owner .
  Aristocratic schools are basically children who are rich and powerful, and their
results can be imagined and are not ideal, so we must also select some excellent poor
students with top grades to support the facade, not only tuition fees but also living
subsidies, while men The Lord is one of those excellent and poor students .
  Coincidentally, the male owner was actually the same classmate of the original
owner, Qi Ze .
  She has to do is probably before the entrance to his White Moonlight, after the
entrance and broke up with him, and then eat melon grown into a crowd of men and
women of the main happy ending, she could out of the world .
  The original owner ’s family is also ranked in the noble school. She is
beautiful again. It is the kind of pure and unpretentious first love face. With the
cold and cold personality, the boys in the school are almost in line. Give her a love
letter, and even the girls come to please her .
  Cheng Yan got out of the car and saw two girls wearing blue jackets and red plaid
skirts waiting outside the car with a smile on their faces. One helped her take the
schoolbag and the other took her arm and went to the school together. Go .
  These two girls are the most powerful little followers of the original owner. The
family is considered " cold " in this school , and they always want to discuss the
benefits with the original owner .
The girl with   melon face is Lin Coral, who will coax people happy, so that the
original owner will be closer to her, and the other fatter one is Luo Xue, looking at
the Han, because he is particularly obedient and will do things, so the original
owner Allow her to approach .
  When passing by the basketball court, Lin Coral suddenly shouted
excitedly: " Yanyan! Brother Wei Yang is playing! Super handsome! "
  Listening to her name, Cheng Yan endured not to roll his eyes, keeping the cold
person set .
  Every school always has different types of school tyrants with poor performance
and arrogance, and Wei Yang is not only a school tyrant, but also a school tyrant
obsessed with the original owner. When she sees her, she calls one " sister " and
the other " sister " . , on the side of the original owners also ask some friends
cried , " sister " , so I'm very coral directly called him " Yang Wei brother " a .
  Cheng Yan turned her head and wanted to leave, but suddenly she heard someone
screaming. Before she looked back, she was suddenly pulled by someone, and the
basketball that was smashed quickly in the direction of her also landed.
She bounced a few times under her feet and made a muffled noise .
  The two followers cared about her in a panic, and the boys on the basketball
court hurried towards this side as if she had been seriously injured .
  Cheng Yan didn't pay attention to it, but looked up at the boy who saved her. He
was tall, thin and tall, and his facial features had a gloomy and handsome man. His
sharp face was hidden in the shadows, and he couldn't see his expression clearly .
  Cheng Yan bends her eyes, smiles beautifully, and her voice is like winter
dew: " Thank you. "
  Boys seem looked at her, and did not seem to see, it is indifferent to fall head
away .
  " That's ...... that class of the poor? Seems to call ...... Qi Ze? " Lin coral
scared surprised, " he ...... he actually dared to pull your hands! You are afraid of
being killed admirer it? "
  Is this the point ?
  Cheng Yan did not hold back rolled his eyes, just to see when the school bully
led people to arrive, her face slightly changed, said coldly: " I do not want to
see . To see him, you stop him for me ."
  Luo Xue nodded and was used to blocking the peach blossoms for her: " Yanyan,
you can go another way. "
  I'm very fond of coral Huan Wei Yang, Cheng Yan refused to see reason he secretly
pleased, and very actively agreed .
  Cheng Yan went another way, but this way was not to the classroom, but to the Art
Building. There was no one there at this time. She went directly to the third floor
and walked to the back entrance of the music classroom .
  In the classroom, a boy with a beautiful back and clean lines sitting in the
first row, holding a pen in his hand, seemed to be doing a problem .
  Cheng Yan walked past lightly , just about to reach out and pat his shoulder,
he heard his low voice suddenly sounded: " Yan Yan , you haven't played this trick
yet? "
  The boy turned his face, clear eyes, looked at her .
  " I just want to see what you look like when you are scared ! " Cheng Yan bent
down and reached out and squeezed his face. " Your expression is always so calm,
happy and unhappy, it's all boring! "
  Boys beat her open hand, will give her breakfast with the insulation removed from
the cup, said: " . Do not be so naive, sit down and eat ."
  Cheng Yan looked at him, heard his words obediently sat down, sitting ...... on the
boy's thigh, also hand round his neck, blinked innocently .
  " Qi Ze ..." She leaned closer to him, with a smell of fragrant light on her
body , " Are you blushing, does this like to hug me or not? "
  Qi Ze stiffened, and it was wrong to push her away or hug her. She looked a
little embarrassed and sullenly said, " This is not good. "
  " What's wrong? " Cheng Yan seems curious, somewhat naive look at him, " You're my
boyfriend ah, I have contacts only a few months, you hold anything against me, is not
it? "
  Qi Ze: " not. "
  Cheng Yan: " Why don't you want to hug me? "
  Qi Ze didn't dare to move. She only felt that her body was fragrant and soft, and
her throat was tight. His voice was very low: " Yan Yan, you are not yet an adult. "
  Do you want such an old cadre ?
  Seeing her not speaking, Qi Ze hesitated for a moment and then compromised a
bit: " Can hold hands. "
  Cheng Yan clung to his fingers tightly, and his dark eyes were
bright: " Then ... hug? "
  Qi Ze glanced at her: " Can't hug like this. "
  In his condemned eyes, Cheng Yan had no choice but to sit beside him and asked
again: " So ... can I kiss you? "
  Qi Ze glance at her: " can not. "
  He handed the bun to her lips, and when she saw her reaching for it, he patted
her hand and said, " You didn't wash your hands, I will feed you. "
  Cheng Yan hummed: " Why are you so overbearing, this is not allowed, nor is that
allowed, I don't want to eat it anymore. "
  " Yanyan, do n't be capricious. "
  Cheng Yan ignored him .
  Qi Ze couldn't help her, she was silent for a while, then she leaned in and
kissed her on the side of the face, her heart beating fast like a thief, the soft and
tender touch made him a little dazed, and met her With a surprised look, he pretended
to be calm: " Can you eat now? "
  Cheng Yan was also stunned, and suddenly smiled again: " Well, did you do it
yourself? "
  Qi Ze nodded .
  Cheng Yan was fed by him obediently, and when he ate, he moved very slowly,
biting the bun in a small bite, and his white cheeks bulged slightly, which was
different from the normal and cold look of the weekdays .
  Qi Ze's black eyes smiled a little .
  In the way home to eat dinner too should the diaphragm, not to be picky father,
stepmother, is to be used and dandy than his brother, his brother Dandyism happens in
front of their parents also try and look like a personal kind, it Chende where she
was nowhere Alright .
  The original owner also ate a few bites and stopped eating. She could bear
hunger, but she couldn't help it, so she asked Qi Ze to prepare a breakfast for
her .
  She wore came when the original owners and Qi Ze is no intersection, she took a
full six months before becoming his girlfriend, now his only love but also the value
of seventy-five only reach one to become his mind White moonlight .
  Qi Ze has few friends in the aristocratic school. His temperament is cold and
gloomy, and he is very hard-working. Therefore, there are no rich people to bully
him, but most people do not like this poor student who has no money and no power .
  Only when he really regarded her as her own, she found that his heart was still
very warm and very good to her .
  So, she did not follow the small story saying in published development as the
love of two, once open, then he will become the object of school bullying, especially
Yang Wei school bully will bully him badly .
  After eating breakfast, Qi Ze put the two men's school bags on their shoulders
and said, " Let's go. "
  Cheng Yan sat still and stretched out a hand towards him .
  Qi Ze glanced at her and pulled her up. When she was about to let go, she took
his hand again. He didn't say anything this time, but just took her hand .
  He turned his head and saw her raised lips, which was very beautiful, like a
beautiful flower blooming in his heart .

The first 2 chapters ho door of false charming daughter (b )

  Became the third floor is divided into a dining hall, eliminate every floor of
the fee levels are different, the equivalent of the top floor VIP VIP area, like
coral Lin, Luo snow this level of girls only rely on the original owners can go .
  In order not to fall apart, Cheng Yan did not refuse to go to lunch with them .
  Before entering the canteen door, Cheng Yan saw a few boys standing at the door.
The man surrounded by him was very handsome, handsome, without school uniform,
standing there lazily, just watching It's not a mess .
  He had stood in the middle of the door, the other students seem afraid of him,
far from child to squeeze in next to the door .
  Before she fell head away, he had waved his hand, and told her: " ! Xiaoyan
sister ."
  Lin coral expression of some high -hing: " Wei Yang, brother! "
  Cheng Yan has been by her pulled away in the past .
  Several people walked into the cafeteria together, Wei Yang turned to look at
her, black eyes gleamed, and said with a smile: " Why don't you wait for me in the
morning, I just beat the talents for a while, and I will see you again It's gone. "
  Cheng Yan: " Beating? "
  Lin Coral cut in and said: " that is almost hit your high school boys, ah, you
is not seen, Wei Yang brother can be powerful, he will punch to beat the nosebleed,
it Aoao cried for mercy. "
  Cheng Yan's expression was cold and she didn't speak .
  Wei Yang stared straight at her, her complexion was very white, and her side face
also showed a cold breath, like a goddess who was unattainable to look up to .
  How can someone even look angry even if they look angry .
  " Xiaoyan sister, you do not like happy, then I would not do such a thing. " He
smiled and whispered to coax her .
  After he finished speaking, he saw her footsteps stopped, too late to be happy,
and found that her eyes did not look at him, but stared at a boy who was walking
towards the side with the dinner plate .
  Wei Yang's face was somber .
  Lin Coral lowered his voice and reminded: "It was Yan Yan's boy who saved Yan Yan
in the morning. He also pulled Yan Yan's hand. "
  Cheng Yan turned to look at Lin Coral .
  Lin Coral police felt coldness in her eyes, but she knew when she was
deliberately provoke Yang Wei to bully people, some looked away guiltily face .
  She was uneasy and kind. Who asked Qi Ze to save Cheng Yan, and it was so
refreshing to let her big lady get hit by the ball ?
  Wei Yang stared at Qi Ze lazily and arrogantly, and Qi Ze continued to move
forward calmly .
  As he passed by , Wei Yang suddenly raised his hand and overturned the plate in
his hand .
  " Just eat these? " Wei Yang laughed sarcastically. " My dog also eats better
than you. Seeing that you saved Xiaoyan, I invite you to eat a big meal? "
  Qi Ze didn't even change his face from beginning to end. Looking at him, his eyes
were dark and deep .
  " Wei Yang. " Cheng Yan suddenly said .
  Wei Yang smiled colder: " Are you going to plead for him? "
  Cheng Yan shook his head, pointed to his shoes, and said, " Dirty. "
  She wore black uniform leather shoes from school . At this time, there were some
food and soup on the shoes, exposed insteps and calves .
  She was close, so she suffered .
  Wei Yang said anxiously: " I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, I'll clean it for you. "
  Cheng Yan has moved away half a step away from his hands, turned around to see
the standing of Qi Ze, clear black eyes, a faint sound, some Jiaoruan: " You rub,
not paper, by hand. "
  Wei Yang is only when she gave birth to Qi Ze gas, you want to insult him, to go
along with a sneer: " heard ? See her words ."
  Qi Ze stared at her for a moment, and then crouched in front of her. Her exposed
calf was white and delicate, and his fingertips lightly flicked a few grains of rice
above it. There is a strong urge to touch it .
  Qi Ze's eyes were dim, and he was quickly cleared. He had just stood up, his
tight body had not yet relaxed, and suddenly he had a soft body in his arms, and his
breath froze .
  Others were stunned .
  Cheng Yan took the opportunity to secretly squeezed his waist meat between,
blinked at him: " I'm sorry, stand too long, my feet some hemp. "
  Qi Ze helped her stand up, let go of her hand, gave her a slightly helpless
glance, and said lightly, " It's okay. "
  Wei Yang hated her teeth, why did she fall into the arms of others ?
  " Xiaoyan sister. " Wei Yang, looked down at her, face volatile, " you're not
happy happy that the boys right? "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him, her eyes clear Lingling: " You again, Hu said, this
will not be by my side. "
  To see her so angry, Wei Yang put a heart: " too right, but only a pariah, but
how can you possibly see in him? ...... you before staring at what he does? "
  " I see the menu list. " Cheng Yan looked at him, " I have not eaten had something
on the first floor. "
  Wei Yang only thought she was curious: " Not tasty. "
  " I eat on the first floor, you go to the third floor yourself. "
  Cheng Yan said, and went straight ahead, the two little followers were busy
keeping up .
  Yang Wei Where can I go to their third floor, but also following them, they heard
her say: " To line up . Long team ah "
  Wei Yang said: " I'm going! "
  Cheng Yan's dark eyes looked at him quietly: " Two copies, packed. "
  Of course, the two are not her so that he could remember that one, Wei Yang,
heart delighted: " Well, you go sit you like . Huan eat what I know ."
Of course,   school tyrants do n’t need to wait in line for meals. He quickly
returned with two servings. Lin Coral and Luo Xue were still queuing there .
  Cheng Yan filed a boxing rice bag: " Thank you, you can go to dinner. "
  Wei Yang: "... Sister Xiaoyan? "
  Cheng Yan back head to look at him, lips have a very shallow smile: " Do not
come, I do not want people to see me eat two. "
  Wei Yang was shaken by her smile and stood on the spot .
  " Boss, why are you standing so stupid? " The chestnut- haired boy patted him on
the shoulder .
  Wei Yang turned to God and knocked his head fiercely: " You're fucking stupid! "
  Ma Wan, he suddenly just keep smile: " arguably love. "
  He was one step closer to Xiaoyan's sister, and she was willing to tell him even
about the large amount of food .
  Boys just feel creepy, boss ...... yes, yes praising him ?

The first 3 chapters ho door charming fake daughter (three )

  Future ho door big brother now just a busy spare time working poor
school students, not to mention dating, and he is also very difficult to say a few
words .
  Therefore, Cheng Yan sent a message to ask him to go to school and play together
in advance .
  Qi Ze returned quickly: " No time. "
  Cheng Yan: " You don't love me at all! "
  Behind the screen is also filled with grievances .
  Qi Ze: "..."
  Cheng Yan: " The boyfriend of someone else's family will fly to his girlfriend
with only the last breath. How about you, how much breath do you say? "
  "......" Qi Ze took a while before they hit the line of words over, " I'm after
school waiting for you door alley. "
  Cheng Yan: " Happy and happy. "
  Qi Ze suddenly called a few words: " I will come to see you without a breath ,
so don't worry about your boyfriend. "
  I'm so mad, who knows what's coming ?
  Qi Ze really is not a person who can talk romantically, it is rare to say such a
word, it is actually terrifying !
  Cheng Yan choked: "... Don't come again, I will be afraid. "
  Qi Ze didn't return any news this time, he sat in the front row, suddenly looked
back at her, smiled coldly, Qing Jun's eyebrows were gloomy .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Afternoon clerking, Cheng Yan and Lin coral she had to go out together, after Qi
Ze time around, she saw him standing to pack, there is no stopping places went
over .
  Lin Coral suddenly said in horror : " Yanyan, Qi Ze seems to be looking at
me! "
  Cheng Yan pace of a meal, I heard more horror Luo Xue said: " !! He does not
look like me ."
  Cheng Yan: "...... You who do not think he saw me? "
  Lin Coral laughed aloud: " Yanyan will also be kidding. How dare he like him look
at you more, are you afraid of being killed by the boys in the school ? "
  Luo Xue also nodded: " That's right, Yanyan, wouldn't he like me? It's
terrible, even if he looks handsome but so poor, he likes to make people laugh for a
year. "
  Cheng Yan knows she who is sensitive to their psychological, family obviously
feel pretty good, but very poor, and poor people are more afraid of something to do
and a half minutes relations arouses contempt .
  If she knew Qi Ze had dated her, definitely feel her head into the water .
  The black luxury car was waiting at the entrance of the school. Lin Coral's eyes
flashed a little bit of jealousy, and he said that he wanted to go to her house to
play, and Luo Xue also busy echoed that he wanted to go .
  Cheng Yan directly to the " No " word reject absolutely the them, the original
owner's personality is so simple direct, they look a little ugly coral forest land
far away .
  Cheng Yan to allow drivers to go back myself .
  The driver hesitated: " Miss, why don't you go home? "
  Cheng Yan said lightly : " Something. "
  Driver: " What's the matter? "
  Cheng Yanqing's cold and beautiful Tongren looked at him: "It 's something. "
  Drivers worried that she would hurt a person on the outside, but suddenly see see
Wilkes little master also came, he put a heart, that is to miss their own health and
Master went out to play, they obediently drove off .
  " Sister Xiaoyan, are you waiting for me here? " Wei Yang looked at her in
surprise .
  Wei Yang was hard to get around. Rejection didn't work. Cheng Yan glanced at him,
nodded, and said slowly, " I want ice cream, would you buy me? "
  Wei Yang: " Buy, buy, buy. "
  Cheng Yan: " To this end of the street that house. "
  Wei Yang was flattered, and she seldom took care of him. She was willing to let
him buy something for her, and she hurried away .
  Qi Ze was already waiting at the alley. When he saw her, he walked over with long
legs, took the small schoolbag she was carrying, and asked, " Where do you want to
go? "
  Another on the tender can love bags hanging in the juvenile's body, even his cold
temperament also watered down a bit .
  Cheng Yan glanced at him, held out his hand, and said, " Buy clothes. "
  Qi Zeqing lightly took her hand and said, " Okay. "
  She didn't go to the stores that the original owner used to go to, but chose a
big shopping mall that was more grounded. This kind of place would probably not
meet the students of noble schools .
  Cheng Yan wandering around in a circle, tried a lot of clothes, Qi Ze would only
say " nice " word .
  Cheng Yan outside to sit down on a chair head, one did not buy .
  Qi Ze bought a cup of milk tea and handed it to her, and she ignored it .
  Qi Ze sat down and rubbed her head: " What's wrong? "
  Cheng Yan looked away and didn't look at him: " You perfunctory me. "
  Qi Ze was silent for a moment, and seemed to be thinking about the reason for her
anger, and said lightly: " Yanyan is beautiful, looks good in everything she wears,
what am I saying wrong? "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, lowered her head, and pulled the little ornament hanging
on her schoolbag. She seemed a little disappointed .
  Qi Ze voice With a smile: " Yan Yan, lift your head to see me. "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him, his tone weak: " What's so beautiful about you. "
  Qi Ze leaned her, looking a bit uncomfortable: " hi Huan ...... I wear clothes ?
It "
  Cheng Yan a stunned, then slowly stared, eyelashes quivering .
  He has been replaced uniforms, wearing a pale pink shirt, there are even cute
rabbit pattern, the location of the heart as well as a tiny red heart .
  " So you noticed! " Cheng Yan was surprised .
  Qi Ze glance at her: " You deliberately put on in front of me so many times
love ? Companion shirt, you wear this kind longest time, so it is your favorite ." He
rubbed his brow, " so obviously I If you ca n’t see it, will Yanyan be sad and
die? "
  Or perhaps not at home pet relationship, the original owner is happy joy hidden
in a pile of his own mind, do not say happy, unhappy not say .
  If it wasn't for fear of collapsing, she would have stomped to tell Qi Ze that
she wanted to wear a couple's shirt .
  Fortunately, Qi Ze studied well, and his head was really smart .
  Cheng Yan looked at him, under Dai-colored lashes, his eyes were as soft as
waves: " Qi Ze, I like you the most! "
  Qi Ze's smile didn't bloom yet, and suddenly he froze .
  Because as she suddenly Coushang, quickly dropping a kiss on his lips .
  Although there was only a short pause of three seconds, he felt that the time
seemed to be stagnant. The girl's clean and fresh fragrance filled her nose, and the
soft hair was swept across his shoulder through a thin cloth. It felt like the moment
her soft lips came together, his heart would explode .
  The body is almost instantaneous between there will be a reaction, but
fortunately sheltered bag, and he will not be too embarrassed .
  Qi Ze throat tighten, hoarsely, seemed incredible, but also awkward: " You -"
  Cheng Yan lifted his chin slightly, and was angry and angry again: " What do you
stare at me for? Do I kiss my boyfriend? Or do you actually not like me at all? Then
I'll go! "
  Seeing that she was really going, Qi Ze took a deep breath and held her wrist,
her tone almost helpless: " Yan Yan, you are very dangerous like this. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him, sip Min Chun: " Where danger risk it? "
  Qi Zehei looked at her deeply, his momentum seemed to be really dangerous, he
leaned slightly closer to her, an inexplicable sense of oppression enveloped her, but
he moved closer and closer .
  Cheng Yan clutching skirts swing, a little nervous, unblinking eyes staring at
him .
  " You will make me ..." Qi Ze paused when she was about to kiss her, his voice
restrained and deep, " Ca n't help doing excessive things. "
  Cheng Yan pupil received slightly reduced, looked at him a moment, suddenly
furious and said: " You, you do ...... ? I want to play ."
  Qi Ze: "..."
  The two looked at each other for a while, Qi Ze didn't look at her clean and
aggrieved eyes, and sighed: " I overestimate you. "
  Cheng Yan grinned and asked innocently : " What's wrong? "
  Qi Ze the hands of the bag to her, smiling: " put on give it a try. "
  Cheng Yan went to the dressing room and changed it out. The two of them were
wearing lovers' shirts. She smiled and handed her over. When he caught him, she
looked at him sideways: " You wear pink The clothes are so beautiful. "
  Qi Ze sneer: " and then say? "
  Cheng Yan smiled with a soft eyebrow , his eyes gleamed, and said
quietly, " Qi Ze, you are very handsome when you are angry. "
  Qi Ze: "..."
  This is all right, and I can't even breathe .
  From the business field out, time is not late, Qi Ze wanted to go to pot shop to
work, so he wanted to send Cheng Yan home .
  Cheng Yan shook his head: " I called the driver to pick me up. "
  Qi Ze: " Do you want me to send you? "
  Cheng Yan shook his arm and smiled: " I don't want to make you too tired. "
  Qi Ze light laugh, grabbed her waist, looking down at her pure facial
features: " know care about me? "
  Cheng Yan grunted: " Looking at me for being so considerate of you, should you
hug me? "
  Qi Ze: " Yes. "
  He opened his hand, but Cheng Yan shouted again: " No, I want the princess to
hug. "
  "......" Qi Ze face dark, " can not. "
  " But I do not go to move, you hug me. " Cheng Yan Yang head and looked at him,
look pitiful, it could not refuse .
  Qi Ze sighed and squatted: " I'm carrying you. "
  Cheng Yan jumped on his back happily, he stabilized his body and stood up .
  " Qi Ze, Qi Ze, you are the best for me. "
  Qi Ze is ruthless: " You are the worst to me. "
  Cheng Yan shook her legs, very unconscience: " Hurry up, Qi Ze, you are slow to
die! "
  Qi Ze: "..."
  Really ... little ancestor !
  Across the road, Luo Lin coral snow and two people are shopping, Luo snow was
speaking, casual glance stunned, trembling voice: " Susan, coral, I am not the eye
something wrong, that person is not Cheng Yan? "
  Lin Coral also looked across. Although she could only see her back, she
recognized at a glance that the girl the boy was carrying was Cheng Yan, but she
didn't know who the boy was carrying .
  Her heart beat like a thunder, and she took a picture against their backs without
thinking .
  " Coral, what are you doing with this? " Luo Xue asked .
  Lin Coral smiled, and his eyes were a bit gloomy: " Think of some very
interesting things. "
  If Wei Yang saw this photo, Miss Cheng Jia Er, who was the goddess in his heart,
was so close to the boy, would he be angry and hate her ?
  The author has something to say :
  The male lead is still very poor, and he will have to work part-time after the
appointment. It will be miserable, and he will become super rich in the future. Now
is the downturn of the overbearing president .

The first 4 chapters ho door charming false daughter (four )

  The next day, a headline on the school forum was "Suspected Suspect of a Goddess
Exposure? "The post suddenly burst into flames, and became red on the homepage, and
there were already tens of thousands of comments in a few hours .
  After opening the no text description, only one Zhang Lian reverie photos .
  Even without looking to see the face, but also enough to make people guess who is
the girl in the picture, the title already point to understand, no one know tract
Cheng Yan is only because of goddess-like beauty and refined personality are boys who
sought obsessed .
  There are no girls on the bright side who are hostile to Cheng Yan, but there
are a few people who secretly hate her for being jealous of her, including boys who
like her but do not get her .
  Therefore, the comments in the anonymous forum became sullen, and the
maliciousness was almost thrown out of the screen .
  " Some people looked ah Ching is pure, chaotic private life do not know how
yet. "
  " It's such an intimacy with boys on the street , it's really a world trend. "
  " She knows to seduce boys in school on weekdays . She pretends to be innocent and
hates her the most. "
  " So ...... I refused not because she does not love, because that boy? "
  " FML, I refused absolutely, so I ...... that boy his mother who in the end? "
  As soon as Cheng Yan arrived at the school, Lin Coral was informed of the events
on the forum. When she finished reading, Lin Coral said worriedly : " Yan Yan,
is this person really you? Who is the boy carrying you?" , You did n’t tell your
friends when you were in love? "
  Cheng Yan gave Lin Coral a light look .
  Lin Coral looked a little uncomfortable with her: " What do you look at me
for? "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak .
This story also happened in the   original book, but the time is earlier. The
intimate photo of Bai Yueguang and the male host was also posted on the forum by Lin
Coral. In that photo, Qi Ze exposed his face, so from that day since he became the
school isolation, hostile, insulting the object, after the entrance on the
restoration of the male entropy drive home a little identity of God, those who have
personally apologized to his door .
  This kind of plot is not necessary to maintain, so she has tried her best to
avoid the plot, but unexpectedly was hit by Lin Coral .
  How she wants to do to change change the fate of Qi and bring benefit to
bullying ?
  " Xiaoyan! "
  An angry voice came from not far away .
  She turned her head and saw Wei Yang's anxious and angry face .
  He walked in front of her, suppressing his emotions , resting his hands on the
desk, looking down at her: " I know the person in the picture is you! You pulled me
out yesterday to see him? Do you know that I waited? How many hours are you? Who is
that boy? "
  Cheng Yan said calmly : " You crumpled my book. "
  " Tell tell me! " Seems to be her enraged pair of facial expressions, voice
overstating Yang Wei, " He is who! "
  The class was quieted by his roar, and he didn't dare to show the atmosphere
one by one. He seemed to be afraid of being angry by the school bully .
  Cheng Yan was still unsurprised: " It has nothing to do with you. "
  The students hardly dared to look at Wei Yang's complexion. Cheng Yan tried it on
the edge of danger .
  Who knows if the little bully will go crazy and beat the girls she likes ?
  Wei Yang didn't want to hit people, he just stared at Cheng Yan with a fierce
look, and seemed to be so angry that he couldn't say a word .
  There was a chuckle at the door .
  " Can Wilkes baby little master gas in such a way, Yan Yan and only you. "
  There are girls in the class excited and earth screams: " will ! Actually here
too long ."
  Cheng Yan to see the door boy's mouth, he was neatly dressed in school uniforms,
even the buttons are also neatly buttoned, slender physique, Toshihaya face, lips
smile gentle elegance .
Qin Xiu,   a powerful admirer of the original owner , is the president of the
student union in the school. He is handsome, has good grades, is rich, gentle, and
even has a family background far beyond the Cheng family. The role, in the future, he
will be the male second who is silently waiting for the heroine .
  He led several boys and girls of the Student Union to walk in, all of them are
handsome men and beautiful women, filled with a classy temperament, very seductive .
  Wei Yang sneered: " So, are you here to look for anger? "
  Qin Xiu smiled calmly: " It's almost the same. " He led the person to stand at
Cheng Yan's table, smiled at her, and turned to look at Lin Coral next to
her , " Classmate Lin, follow me Let ’s take a trip. "
  Lin Coral said in a panic : " Why should I go with you? "
  Xiu Qin said: " You do ever thing I need to remind you that the forum posts you
made it you do not know expose students to the school in violation of the privacy
provisions do??? "
  The students in the class looked at Lin Coral in surprise. Wasn't she Cheng
Yan's classmate? She actually did such a thing. Was she too fat or crazy ?
  Wei Yang looked at Lin Coral's eyes coldly .
  Cheng Yan's expression was calm .
  Lin coral heart and nervous and frightened, especially Wei Yang's eyes so she can
not stand, she could not help but exclaimed: " I do. How ? I do not like exposed her
privacy, I just complain to school Her mistake! You have no reason to take me away, I
did nothing wrong! "
  Qin repair gently smiled, eloquently said: " But, if she had made together,
and wrong is me, so ......" His lips gentle smile, but the eyes of some cold
light Ze, " I am Isn't there a reason? "
  As soon as this was said, the whole class took a breath .
  Schools are not allowed to fall in love early, or is it not
forbidden ? Moreover, the son of the Qin family wants to fall in love with people,
even if the principal sees it, he can only pretend to be blind .
  Lin Coral looked at him in shock, his face suddenly pale .
  She is done .
  " No! You are lying to me! "
  " Yanyan, is what I said true? " Qin Xiu looked at Cheng Yan with a smile, and
leaned slightly closer to her ear, as if kissing her .
  Wei Yang's eyes were scarlet, and his fists squeezed .
  The whole class was also dumbfounded .
  Cheng Yan could only enough to hear what he said in her ear, the phrase " I
am so gave himself the man to help you, how good Yanyan want to thank me? " .
  Cheng Yan stared at him, he knew, he knew all .
  If she no recognition, he is not to say it would Qi Ze ?
  " You ..."
  Cheng Yan was going to open, but suddenly see see Yang Wei beat out toward the
Qin repair a punch .
  Qin repair caught his fist head, chuckle: " beating students will be long, let
me think, you, what will happen? "
  Will be ... invited parents, write a review, confess in front of the school,
right ?
  Wei Yang's face changed a few times, and he finally didn't shoot. His anger was
nowhere to vent, leaving a sentence " I won't lose to you! " And left .
  Lin Coral was also taken away by the student union .
  Classroom immediately and boiling Teng up .
  Line student union power very quickly, before the next section, physical
education, forum posts had all been deleted .
Qi Ze did not know what happened in the   classroom before . He was called by the
physical education teacher to go to the utility room to sort out the equipment .
  But, because of the children's home for the elite schools more or less have some
cooperation, so communication between them will be closer than some ordinary school,
a little bit big things can quickly spread throughout the school, and more Not to
mention the " love " between Qin Xiu and Cheng Yan .
  Cheng Yan felt that Qi Ze must have known the news at this moment. She was afraid
that he would drop the love value, so she went to him to explain .
  She first went to the dressing room to change her sports clothes. The other girls
had also changed out. She was about to go out with her, but she saw Qi Ze coming over
from the aisle and went to the men's locker room .
  At this time, the other boys had already changed their clothes and left .
  Cheng Yan secretly followed behind him and went all the way to the locker room
cubicle. She wanted to lock the door back. She didn't expect the door lock to be
broken. She had tossed it for a long time and had to cover it up. On, but still can
vaguely see the mirror outside .
  Qi Ze saw her eyebrows and asked her with a smile: " Do you want to see
me change clothes? "
  Cheng Yan didn't forget to lift him, pulling his coat, and Ai Ai blinked: " So,
are you ready for this? "
  " You have not been a new boyfriend it? " Qi Ze brush off her hand, glanced at
her, handsome face look pale .
  " Are you jealous? " Cheng Yan observed his expression and extended a finger to
nod his chest. " You actually talked to me like this, do you know that I'm all for
you, if not afraid Other people know that you and I are in contact with each other,
and there will be no such rumors at all! "
  Cheng Yan briefly said what happened in the classroom .
  Qi Ze's expression was still very pale: " I am very invisible? You would rather
lie than let people know me? "
  " Are you questioning me? " Cheng Yan stared at him more than he was injured,
and said straightforwardly, " I did it for your own good, don't you know that the
boys who like me are very violent and not Reasonable, I'm afraid you will be killed
by them! "
  Qi Ze raised his eyebrows and said unclearly: " In your eyes, must I be the one
who will be killed ? "
  Scruples adolescent boy good strong self-esteem, Cheng Yan vaguely said: " is
not ah, I'm afraid you eat the loss thing. "
  Qi Ze not salty not pale and said: " Eat deficit also a little better than the
cuckold. "
  Cheng Yan: " What do you mean? "
  Qi Ze approached half a step toward her, staring into her eyes: " He who says,
you kiss in the classroom and people! "
  " How is it possible? " This rumor is too exaggerated, just to look at Qi Ze, she
still lacks confidence, "If there is no kiss, he is just close to me, really no kiss,
you should want Believe me, I am your girlfriend! "
  Qi Ze looked at her with dark eyes and a low voice: " I don't believe
you, I just ... I want to do something. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him, his eyes puzzled: " What's the matter? "
  Qi Ze didn't say, but suddenly pressed her against the wall, the atmosphere in
the narrow compartment suddenly became ambiguous, his fingers slowly passed through
her hair, lowering her head to cover her lips, and in her When the lips opened
slightly, his tongue slipped in .
  This was the first time the two people really kissed. He kissed slowly and
attentively, with a lingering and gentle smell .
  After a while, he slightly loosened her, against her eyebrows, stroking her
beautiful collarbone, bringing a burst of crispness .
  Cheng Yan seemed shocked: " No, didn't you say you can't kiss? "
  " You have to figure it out. " His dark eyes stared at her, his voice low and
hoarse, " I'm not kissing you, I'm punishing you. "
  Cheng Yan is not full: " where I was wrong? "
  " I don't need you to protect me in this way. " Qi Ze said literally, " I'm not
as vulnerable as you think, you look down upon me too much. "
  Really worthy male main ah, even if the dog can come down to a casual issued an
loaded to force temperament .
  Cheng Yan laughed, and laid hold of his school tie, tiptoe, leaned his breath
intertwined: " I just want to protect protect you, ah, if this is wrong, I may
repeat, so ......" She smiled a little coquettishly and beautifully, " Do you want
to punish enough at once ? "
  When she was finished, she pushed him, pressed him against the wall, and put her
feet on her lips .
  Qi Ze: "..."
  Speaking so well, she seemed to just want an excuse to kiss him .
  There were some spoiled smiles in his eyes , hugged her waist, let her kiss
against the wall, and gently stroked her hair .
  It's nothing to indulge her once .

The first 5 chapters ho door charming false daughter (five )

  As heir student council president as well as top clubs Xiu Qin influence in
school is almost bigger than the president, whether it is pictures on the forum, or
he and Cheng Yan's " love " , he Yili pressure down, no one People dare to go back and
tell the family that even the school teacher did not confide a word to the parents .
  Lin Coral was also punished for cleaning the playground for half a month, and
also actively moved to other classes, so Cheng Yan spent a few days calmly .
  However, what should come is still there. After school on Friday, Cheng Yan saw
Qin Xiu waiting at the school gate .
  " Eat late with dinner? " He leaned against the car body, gently smiling .
  Cheng Yan glanced at him, his eyes turned to other places .
  Xiu Qin, deputy opened the driver's door, saying: " Do not read, your house is
my driver . Please go, rest assured, I will send you home with a nice "
  Cheng Yan pulled the strap of the schoolbag, walked slowly over, and stooped into
the car .
  But, just as the car was slowly moving, she turned around and saw Qi Ze walking
on the side of the road. She jumped in her heart. When his deep and calm eyes looked
over, she pressed the button. The window closed slowly .
  Qin repair smile glanced at her, did not say anything .
  Qin Xiu took her to the restaurant he often visited .
  The waiter led them into a VIP package car, he handed her the menu, gentle smile
does not contain impurities such as clouds: " do not and I'm polite, anyway, do not
pay for the Money "
  Cheng Yan take over the menu, a few pages, slightly puzzled: " This store is
your home? "
  Qin Xiu: " accurate to say that I open his own. "
  Among the wealthy second generation, there are many dudes who still lose money
and burn money. For example, Qin Xiu, who has good grades, good brains and can make
money by himself, is almost clear .
  Cheng Yan faint " Oh, " a cry: " You come to me not just to eat dinner, right? "
  Qin Xiu smiled and looked at her unclearly, slowly said: " Yanyan, when
did you ... and the poor student start? "
  Cheng Yan lowered her eyes eyelid, inhuman voice: " You care about this do? "
  " Care? Yan Yan, or you promise me what is misunderstood. " He sighed .
  Cheng Yan lift head to look at him, his lips a smile, elegant predicament, but
spit out the word reveals a sort of force people to sharp: " I told you to, just
want to ask you, are you going to end? "
  Qin Xiu in the book also asked about this sentence, but it was not at this time
and place. At that time, Bai Yueguang's love relationship with the male host had just
been exposed .
  How did the original owner react in the book ?
  Cheng Yan recalled it, learning the cold expression that the original
owner should have, slightly raised his chin, and said lightly: " You are not
qualified to control me. "
  " Qualification? " Qin Xiu looked at her playfully. " Don't you know that our
father has a billion-dollar business to talk about? In order to consolidate their
cooperative relationship and join forces, it is not unimaginable for us to enter into
a marriage contract. Things? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him blankly .
  " How can you not at all shocked, do not worry, do not be angry? " Qin repair
smile more gentle, with a very satisfied look at her, " is also right, whether it is
you or me, or so arrogant Wei Yang, has this consciousness of sacrificing marriage
for the benefit, right? "
  Cheng Yan also smiled, but with some sarcasm: " I never worry about what has not
happened. "
  Xiu Qin stared at her: " Even if it would be to the fact? "
  Cheng Yan a stunned .
  " You know, I like joy you, so for me, our marriage is not a sacrifice, but the
greatest expectations. " Qin repair close to her, holding her hands in her
lap, " I who is the most Matching people. "
  Cheng Yan did not push him away, nor did he look at him, his long eyelashes
covering his eyes, he could not see what he was thinking .
  " You are only a moment of freshness and curiosity about Qi Ze, Yanyan, you will
not be stupid enough to think you really like him? " Qin Xiu's voice was soft
and confusing, " I know you are a smart girl, you You should know that with him you
will lose everything now. Only with me, you can live better, so, forget him,
understand? "
  Almost exactly the same dialogue and those described in the book, Cheng Yan as
the original book written by the same raised his head, Mouguang cold, without a trace
of emotion, said: " never mind the people, what is necessary to forget . Mind "
  These words seem to be true or false. The original owner really liked Qi Ze, but
she hadn't considered that the two of them would last for a long time. She didn't
have any true friends or love her family, and she was a little hazy about Qi Ze.
Goodwill, so I will actively pursue him .
  After all, she just wanted to find someone to accompany her .
  However, Qi Ze has fallen completely .
  Qin Xiu seemed a little surprised, and suddenly he smiled: " Yanyan is the
coolest girl I 've ever seen. It really makes people more like it. "
  Cheng Yan pulled out his hand and slowly wiped his fingers with a tissue. He
said lightly: " I will break up with him after the college entrance examination.
Before that, you can't interfere with us. "
  Xiu Qin looked cool and beautiful girls face, deep eyes, just chuckle
a voice: " Since they did not Yanyan his mind, how could I do that you do not mess
with high interest thing before we engaged? , Yanyan is just as happy as she wants to
play. "
  Suddenly he leaned close to her and kissed gently on her cheek .
  Cheng Yan pushed him, stood up, eyes too evil eyes of the girls looked elegant
and perfect boy, said coldly: " Xiu Qin, You're just sick even if I do not like him,
and never will! Like you. "
  Qin repair is still laughing, laughing, leaning back in his chair, looking
tenderly at her and walked out, gentle smile was a bit sick state of fascination,
fingers gently ask the ask their lips .
  Disgusting ?
  Not over just a kiss it, he wants to be ...... more than that .

The first 6 chapters ho door of false charming daughter (six )

  As the college entrance examination approaches, Qi Ze ’s love value for her has
risen to 95, which also means that the day of the breakup will not be far away, and
then he will wait to counterattack the male and female heroes The Lord ushered in a
sweet finale, and she could end the world perfectly .
  Cheng Yan thought very beautiful, of course, and if there is no male and two men
with cannon fodder to the spoiler, so much the better .
  In the library, she looked at the school bully sitting opposite, and then the
president and Qi Ze sitting next to her, and sighed silently .
  How can this atmosphere be transformed into a Shurachang in minutes ?
  On the eve of college entrance examination, the old masters students will be
divided into one to one learning support groups, Cheng Yan and Qi Ze assigned to a
group, so they very openly by the name of the library to study .
  Sit down not long after, Qin Xiu in her body seated the edge, she also smiled, as
if surprised that she actually will show up here .
  As Wei Yang Qin repair followed almost came back foot, acting stiff smile,
said: " What a coincidence ah, Xiaoyan sister, I have to learn . The learning "
  Obviously he didn't have the sincerity to lie at all. Without a pen and a book,
he leaned back on his chair and stared at Qin Xiu with a vicious eye .
  Qin Xiu brought the book, but he didn't read it. He turned a pen in his hand and
looked at her tenderly, with a smile on the corner of his lips, looking straight at
the coolness of his back .
  Cheng Yan couldn't help but say: " Do n't look at me. "
  Wei Yang also echoed and said, " Qin Xiu, don't you think Xiaoyan's sister hates
you, don't you hurry up? "
  " Now the whole school who does not know Yanyan with me? " Qin repair a smile,
meaning deep long glanced Qi Ze one, " she hates who would not hate me, is not it,
Yan Yan? "
  Qi Zezheng lowered his head to write his homework, his face was hidden in a
little shadow, he could not see his expression clearly, and the contour lines were
beautiful and sharp .
  Wei Yang's eyes were spitting fire .
  This question ... seems to kill you .
  Cheng Yan had to show the cold expression that the original owner used to say,
and said two words: " Shut up. "
  Do not mean to fight interference her learning .
  Qin Xiu was so spoiled that he approached her and whispered: " Yanyan is not
shy? A few days ago, when I kissed you , you didn't even have a red face. I still
remember how soft your face is. . "
  His voice was so low that it was even more ambiguous .
  Cheng Yan listen met with slight clicking sound, her side head a look, a pencil
broken into two parts in the hands of Qi Ze .
  She swallowed .
  Isn't it ... ?
  Wei Yang was upset with his sleeves trying to beat people up, and Qin Xiu ignored
him. He just looked at Qi Ze, his lips and lips smiled softly, but he showed a bit of
sarcasm and coldness .
  Qi Ze stood up suddenly, staring at Qin Xiu coldly, with a gloomy cold air
lingering between his brows and eyes .
  Qin Xiu smiled: " Classmate Qi, do you have something to say to me? "
  He made it clear that he was deliberately stimulating Qi Ze, wanting Qi Ze to
admit that she had interacted with her, so that he could borrow a knife to kill
people, and only Wei Yang could kill Qi Ze alone .
  Xiu Qin This man is really ...... good female insurance ah !
  Cheng Yan got up and suddenly thought of it and said, " Don't you say you want
to pick a few tutorials for me, go now " , regardless of whether Qi Ze agrees or
disagrees, he pulls his sleeve to put someone on Pull away .
  She dragged him to the depths of nobody's bookshelf .
  Qi Ze leaned against the wall on one side of the bookshelf, and looked at her
faintly .
  Cheng Yan was extremely guilty: " Not what he said. "
  Qi Ze suddenly asked: " He kissed you? "
  Cheng Yan busy Solutions explained that: " just kissed under the face of it, do
not misunderstand, I'm okay with him. "
  Qi Ze means unknown to croon: " ? It " his dark eyes will be looking at her,
and asked, " is it you on the day of his? Car. "
  He really see saw ah .
  " You not look at what I do? " Cheng Yan wronged Baba looked at him, winked, " I
was with him does not matter, just eat meals only, do not you believe me? And ...... is
he Kiss me yourself , I don't like him at all. "
  " Don't mention this matter again ! " Qi Ze suddenly murdered her .
  Cheng Yan seemed to be startled him, he looked gloomy look a Shi speechless .
  Seeing her pale face and being frightened, Qi Ze realized that he was in a bad
mood. He rubbed his eyebrows and whispered a lot of relief: " Yanyan, I do n’t
blame you, and I do n’t believe you. , Just a little angry. "
  " Just a little? " Cheng Yan became bolder and hummed as soon as his attitude
softened .
  Qi Ze only felt that she was like a kitten, and she was afraid of a fierce one,
coaxing and proud .
  He glanced at her, and his anger disappeared a lot: " Then add some more. "
  " How can you be angry fierce on me? " Cheng Yan have reason not to forgive,
looking at his upturned chin, cheeks pink, red lips beautiful, tender and refined
girl's attitude .
  In this way, she should be pampered and held in the palm of her hand .
  Qi Ze stared at her, her eyes were dull, she didn't speak, but she supported her
waist and blocked the faces of two people with a book. In her surprised eyes, she
bowed her head and kissed her lips .
  The library people come and go, and the footsteps are near and far. Although
there is no one in this corner, it still makes people feel terrified .
When they   parted , Cheng Yan was panting, her heart was beating fast, her cheeks
were flushed, and her eyes looked at him clearly: " Is this, is this also a
punishment? "
  Qi Ze looked at her low voice: " No, you too can love, the moment I did not hold
back. "
  Cheng Yan stared at him for a moment, suddenly come to realize: " So ...... you
that ?? Real've always wanted to kiss me, but why should endure ."
  After listening to her naive questions, Qi Ze sighed lightly and touched her
hair: " You are too young, I don't want to bully you. "
  Cheng Yan hands holding his back, eyes sparkling, voice Jiaoruan: " I like Huan
are you bully, so ...... but also pro do? "
  Qi Ze's eyes were weird, and he was silent for a while, but he was
helpless: " Yanyan, don't seduce me. "
  Cheng Yan's tone seemed to be regretful: "... Okay. "
  Qi Zeding looked at her with deep eyes: " Also, far away from Qin Xiu, he is
very dangerous. "
  Cheng Yan cleverly: " I know. "

The first 7 chapters ho door of false charming daughter (seven )

  There is a very poor one bad boyfriend is not always date his working hours are
never to be more than time with her .
  Looking at the love value that stopped at 95 , Cheng Yan had to find ways to
cultivate feelings with him .
  If he would never ask for her money, she really wanted to give him a gold card
directly for 24 hours .
  A few hours after school each week five when out on a date that is two people's
time, on this point he or she importuning the head .
  After school that day, he was still waiting for her at the entrance of the
alley .
  Cheng Yan walked over, holding his arm and smiling: " Let's go. "
  Qi Ze stood still: " Yanyan, not today. "
  He Solutions explained that, because today is the fire tenth anniversary of the
pot shop anniversary, will be very busy, he was past work .
  Cheng Yan a daze, looking at him, face some bad, not that angry or frustrated,
but suddenly remembered a very important story .
  The white moonlight in the book only appeared a few times in the memories of the
male owner. After the mystery of her life was revealed, she was still the daughter of
the Cheng family, but she didn't know how to face the ex-boyfriend who was dumped,
and now the nominal brother , So she went abroad to study abroad, and since then
settled abroad has not returned .
  However, the male is really happy joy she, many years later still demand and not
the year of the White Moonlight obsession, only to find the care of the household as
a substitute .
  The book is also written completely in love with the male White Moonlight turning
point, because the male's grandmother died due to an accident at his most
uncomfortable most painful collapse collapse this period she spent with him .
  Therefore, even if she hurt him, he couldn't forget her. Until the appearance of
the heroine similar to her appearance, Bai Yueguang's figure was gradually erased
from his heart .
  And ...... the male grandmother died that day is today, fire tenth anniversary of
the pot shop, business is hot, the male works late because of work, go back and see
his grandmother is already cold corpse .
  Cheng Yan did not know the real reason for the death of Grandmother Qi, and
the book was only taken in an accident .
  See her in silence, some may also wish to look gloomy, Qi Ze also some guilt,
thin lips micro-sip, whispered to coax her: " Yan Yan, my bad, next time I will
accompany you, do not upset, ah? "
  He held her by the shoulders, lower head and kissed her forehead, like with some
soothing taste, gentle action .
  Cheng Yan some mood complex hybrid, he was so good to her, she is not able to
help him once ?
  Anyway ...... his grandmother's death is not necessarily required to maintain the
story .
  Cheng Yan thought, made an effort, said: " No, you will today . Must go home ."
  Qi Ze seemed stunned: " Go home? "
  " You ..." Cheng Yan swallowed back to her mouth. She couldn't say that his
grandmother would be in trouble. She frowned slightly and said .
  Qi Ze rubbed her head: " Don't be capricious, Yanyan, it really won't work
today. "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him, and suddenly his face changed, reaching for the
position of his abdomen .
  Qi Ze busy hold on her, anxious Mouguang cut Tam worry, and asked: " ? How the "
  " Stomach it hurts. " Cheng Yan bit his lip flap, color is white, looks beautiful,
can not help looking at there is a weak wind Jiaoqie .
  Qi Ze had no doubt for a moment, only to feel distressed and anxious, and he
hugged the man as soon as he bent over .
  " Go, go? " Looked at his face, Cheng Yan suspect that is not loaded too far ?
  " Hospital. " Qi Ze walked fast, almost like he ran away, his forehead sweating,
his breath was anxious, " Yan Yan is patient, and will arrive in a moment. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him as if he meant to take a taxi, and hugged his arm
quickly: " No, I, I'll be fine after a rest. "
  Qi Ze adamant: " No, will have to go to the hospital, in case you are sick of
it? "
  He didn't know how many terrible diseases he thought of at a time , and his
expression became more and more terrible .
  " Really do not have that real ......" her long, thick eyelashes quivering, pink
lips sip a sip, seemed embarrassed soft voice said, " I hurt for a while will be
good, not sick. "
  " Then you have to go to the hospital for examination. "
  After finishing talking, Qi Ze looked at the girl's white cheeks flushed
slightly, and pulled his clothes. The voice was very low, revealing the girl's
delicate and soft, making the heart trembling slightly itchy .
  " Qi Ze, I'm here. "
  "......" Qi Ze Yi Leng, previously also worried expression becomes some strange,
deep Mouguang looked at her, eloquently said, " You do not want to say menstrual
period to the bar? "
  Is his attitude too natural ?
  Cheng Yan hesitated to look at him: " Yeah. "
  Qi Ze smiled, and smiled a little bit, but the tone was very serious: " So, what
do you want me to do? "
It ’s so easy to   pretend to be weak ?
  Cheng Yan chuckled and said calmly : " I want you to hug me like you are now,
to accompany me, it is best to take me home with you. "
  Qi Ze: " Want to go to my house? "
  Cheng Yan little head, and vaguely explained: " I want to see your room . Inter
ah "
  He glanced at her: " I am not answer should not be? "
  Cheng Yan was afraid he might go back, clutching his stomach hurt like they
snorted, said: " You answer should be me, you do not know the girls these days the
mood is not good, if you do not promise me, my mood It ’s even worse, not just the
belly, but the whole body will be uncomfortable. "
  Qi Ze nodded: " You are right, I seem to have no reason not to agree. "
  Cheng Yan conceal lighted up, eyes shining: " So, you answer should be up? "
  Qi Ze faint smile at her thin lips spit unfeeling words: " refused absolutely. "
  Cheng Yan was shocked, and then he was wronged and asked him
geologically: "... Why? "
  Qi Ze's eyes were calm and she only said a word, and her arrogance went out
again .
  He said: " Your physiological period is still 13 days, I counted it. "
  Clutching his stomach a face uncomfortable Cheng Yan: "......"
  Count ... ever ?
  Is it so accurate ?
  Are you really abnormal ?
  Seems to see her thoughts, Qi Ze and slowly adding: " You do not eat at
home, eat, I often need to give you a ready to eat, of course I want to know your
physical condition, or, if you ate something bad What should I do? "
  Cheng Yan want to fight it, they muttered: " That ? Maybe I menstrual period
ahead of it ."
  Qi Ze sneered: " So, do you want me to buy you medicine? "
  "..." It seems that you can't be fooled, Cheng Yan lowered her head, somewhat
discouraged, " Well, I lied to you. "
  " Yan Yan ......" Qi Ze suddenly in a formal voice said, " I am poor, this child
does not work, I'll starve to death, do you want me to starve it? "
  "... I don't want to. " Is she really a naive little girl , coaxing her with such
words, when she didn't know that he worked five jobs in total ?
  Qi Ze touched her head and put her down, saying, " So, Yanyan, be a little bit,
do n't be capricious. If you lack the time today, will you supply all of it next
time? "
  "... Okay. "
  Qi Ze hands holding her face, her lips in a kiss and India, and hugged her,
said: " After not promise not lie to me, envy today's kiss gave you a hug, you can
cheer Are you kidding? "
  "...... high -hing. " Strange !
  Cheng Yan pursed her lips, knowing that there was no way to persuade him to put
down his work and go home, and he could not say that his grandmother would be in
trouble, so he obediently followed his words .
  Not too ...... he he does not take her home, she can not do anything ?
  She can go by herself, just as early ... see her parents ?

The first 8 chapters ho door of false charming daughter (eight )

  Qi Ze ’s home is in the tube building in the old street of Beicheng. The old-
style buildings look like some 70s and 80s styles. Just under the building, you can
see the long corridor upstairs with some scattered clothes .
  It was old, broken and dirty, and looked like a slum .
  Is also very consistent with little say poor lonely person in the male teenager
set up .
  Cheng Yan was wearing a pink schoolbag, wearing a noble school skirt, and her
curly hair was ponytailed. She looks beautiful and has a unique temperament. It looks
awkward here and attracts a lot of attention .
  She searched for the address written in the book and entered the stairwell. The
light bulb glowed dimly and flashed occasionally. The staircase was high and narrow,
and there was an unpleasant sour smell in the air .
  Thinking about the beautiful villa of Cheng family , Cheng Yan feels sad for Qi
Ze. A young master who should have lived in such a beautiful place lived in such a
place, and he had to work several times to support himself and his family. It's so
pitiful .
  By the time he stood at the door of his house , Cheng Yan was already panting
unevenly, and the original owner's body was also really delicate .
  She knocked on the door, and after a moment the door opened, and a silvery white
hair and wrinkled old lady squinted her moment and asked: " girl, you look for ?
Who "
  Cheng Yan politely called her grandma and said, " I am Qi Ze's classmate. Is he
home? I have something to do with him. "
  According to her imagination, Grandma Qi would say that he was not there, so she
could come into his house and wait .
  However, Qi grandmother has said: " He, ah, who is still working, we are also
not far, I'll take you in the past, a few minutes to. "
  Is this so close ?
  Cheng Yan was taken aback and shook his head quickly : " No, grandma, I can
just wait for him to come back here, don't disturb his work. "
  Qi grandmother reminded her: " Small Ze to come back very late, probably ten
o'clock, eleven also possible. "
  Cheng Yan blurted out: " I can wait too. "
  As soon as this was said, Grandma Qi saw her eyes changed a little, with a clear
smile on her face, and said, " Okay, little girl, come in and sit in the house. I
will eat at home tonight, I happen to be Going out to buy vegetables. "
  Cheng Yan couldn't stop her from buying food, so she had to say, " Grandma, why
don't I go with you. "
  Qi Grandma looked at her eyes deeper smile, said: " Ok, just the road . When too
hot pot restaurants and Ozawa say, let him go home early today children, he should
accompany you to come together ."
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  What's wrong ?
  She helped Grandmother Qi go down the stairs together, but Grandmother Qi didn't
want her to help, saying that she was in good health, used to it, and asked her name,
age and the like .
  After Cheng Yan answered , she listened to her whispering about Qi Ze's
childhood. She listened absently, thinking about the accident in the book .
  Out of a possible accident can be too much, she will have to be careful is .
  The old man had slow legs and feet, and after a while, the two of them went down
to the third floor .
  On the third floor of the bright lights, the corridor was dark, Qi
grandmother said it bad for a few days no one to repair, said: " other small Ze
busy, let him help trim it. "
  " Wait a minute, Grandma, I took off my phone and walked along the road. "
  Qi grandmother but said: " Nothing, I do not look old, eyes ears the better way
to go. "
  Cheng Yan was uneasy and followed her down a few steps, still lowering her head
to touch the phone from the schoolbag. Before she could touch the phone, she saw the
grandmother Qi beside her who was dizzy or stepped on. Planted below .
  She was startled, her mind was blank, and she quickly reached out and pulled a
hand. Grandma Qi was held firmly by the handrail by her, but she rolled down the
stairs by her own inertia .
  Fortunately, there were not a few stairs left. She was not seriously injured when
she rolled down, that is, her left ankle hurt badly. I don't know if it was broken .
  Grandma Qi was also scared, but still calm, she was busy calling her grandson .
  Qi grandmother helped her sit up, is low head to her wound .
  Cheng Yan wanted to cry because of pain, but at this time he heard the
emotionless voice of the system: [ Host, if it were not you, she should have fallen
to death. Your destruction of the plot may cause some unpredictable changes. ]
  Cheng Yan was silent for a moment, and said: [ Then I can't see death. ]
  Department of system: [ If any of your business fails, I will re-bind the new
host, as for you, your real body never wake up, you would be a living dead
forever. ]
  Cheng Yan certainly do not want a vegetable, but she did not believe she would
any task fails .
  She will soon break up with Qi Ze, and then she will go abroad without
interfering with the plot. Qi Ze will definitely go down as written in the plot .
  Qi Ze came back quickly, and seemed to be running all the way. It was not hot
weather, but he was sweating so much that he picked her up and rushed out of the
building .
  Without saying a word, his thin lips pursed, his expression somewhat gloomy .
  After entering the hospital, the doctor saw it and filmed it. It was no big deal,
but the ankle ligament was sprained .
  The nurse gave her medicine, and then wrapped it around with a white bandage, her
already swollen feet looked more bloated .
  She buried her face in Qi Ze's arms, pulling on his clothes tightly, her body
trembling slightly, petite ball, looking at the pathetic, it made people feel the
twitch of the heart .
  After the nurse went out, Qi Ze glanced at her feet and asked, " Does
it hurt ? "
  Cheng Yan raised her head from his arms, her fair face was whiter, and her lips
were more red, and she had a soft and amazing beauty. Her voice was delicate and she
said only one word: " ache. "
  Seeing her like this, Qi Ze felt that she was a hundred times more painful than
her. I do n’t know what to do to make her feel less painful, just holding her
helplessly and apologizing: " I'm sorry, sorry, Yanyan, sorry ... "
  Cheng Yan was amused by him , and the next second, he frowned at the pain
again: " Qi Ze, like you, other people would think it was you who caused me. "
  Qi Ze did not laugh, looked at her in silence, his mouth muffled sound guilty,
distressed: " Yan Yan, Grandma has been said to me, thank you. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him: " Grandma, is she okay? "
  See her then -designate also so concerned about my grandmother, Qi Ze mood is
more complex, holding her hand tightened, lowered eyelids: " She's fine, but let me
take care of you. "
  Cheng Yan some high -hing, she was a little hurt by it to save a human life, but
I looked up to see Qi Ze told she was going to die like a gloomy expression: "......"
  Isn't she dying again ?
  Why is he so serious ?
  Qi Ze suddenly raised her hand to untie a piece of jade pendant hanging on her
neck, handed her, and said, " This piece of jade pendant followed me from an early
age, and my grandma said it was left to me by my mother, and I can bless my happiness
and peace. Now I will give it to you. "
  Grandma Qi was just lying to him, he didn't know that he was a kid .
  Cheng Yan then had a jade, looked down, smiled and said: " You ? Let it to
protect me ."
  Qi Ze stared at her, her eyes deep: " It's my heart, Yanyan, do you
understand ? "
  Mind ...... refers to the hope she can begin to fast music it safe ?
  Cheng Yan met his gaze, and was shocked by the emotions revealed by those deep
eyes. She lowered her head uncomfortably, rubbing the jade pendant unconsciously, but
suddenly found that the jade pendant was still engraved with words .
  It is a word of Ze .
  She froze, surprised to see the jade, that this is the way home for the children
had not been born to build jade, Mrs. Cheng Feng guess would give birth to a son, so
I set the name of Cheng Ze, Ze word will be engraved in Yu Pei above .
  This is also the key to Qi Ze's life experience .
  Cheng Yan grip tight jade, heart of a tight, according to the story development,
she is to accept jade, and then in two ...... that night broke back to him .
  Seeing her not speaking, Qi Ze approached her with a worried tone: " Is it hurt
again? "
  Cheng Yan raised his face, glanced at him, concealed the complex emotions, and
said with a smile: " Well, it hurts, I want you to kiss. "
  Then she would look to see Qi Ze slowly bowed his head in her ankle wrapped in a
bandage gently kissed, and looked looked very tender .
  "... No, it's not there! " Cheng Yan couldn't help but blush .
  Qi Ze didn't move, keeping a kissing posture, looking at nothing ambiguous, more
like a holy and pious prayer, as if she wouldn't really hurt like this .
  Cheng Yan was embarrassed. When he was hesitant to push him open, the door of the
ward was suddenly pushed rudely .
  Cheng Yan looked over and saw Wei Yang's handsome face. He also saw her, his eyes
widened, and he blurted out: " Lying trough! What the hell are you doing? "
  Obviously, this is Qi Ze .
  Before Cheng Yan breathed a sigh of relief , he saw Wei Yang emerging from behind
him with a slender figure. His gentle long eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a
somewhat dangerous taste, examining her and Qi Ze, If there is a seemingly sneer .
  Qi Ze's expression was also cold, and looked at the two of them .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Isn't Wei Yang and Qin Xiu dealing with each other? Why did they come to the
hospital together ?
  Why don't they talk ?
  Always feel ...... like storm the calm before the storm? They should ... not
fight ... right ?

The first 9 chapters ho door charming false daughter (nine )

  Look to see that moment Qi Ze leaned over and kissed the girl's ankle, Wei Yang,
head suddenly ignorant, and stared at them, but like the reaction to what happened .
  " I have said long ago that if you want to fight, you have found the wrong
person. " Behind is Qin Xiu 's sneer .
  Cheng Yan look of Qin repair bruised face, lips did not smile, and look that Yin
Cece, seems to be shrouded in shadow .
  It can be seen that Wei Yang should have fought him to fight, but the gentle and
elegant student council president has obviously not played the arrogant school bully,
and Wei Yang seems to have no signs of injury .
  Wei Yang didn't look back, his eyes were fixed on Qi Ze, his tone was
cold: " What do you mean? "
  " I mean, naturally ......" Xiu Qin sound tone playful, gentle eyes looked at Cheng
Yan, " you're an idiot, even real rival do not know, I have the nerve to come to
trouble? "
  The words seemed to be said with Wei Yang, but Cheng Yan always had the illusion
that he was scolding her, is it necessary to be so angry ?
  Wei Yang froze for a moment, looked at the weak girl on the hospital bed, and
then looked at the teenager beside her. The two looked so intimate, and everything
was clear !
  His face was blue, and his anger was ups and downs like a wave .
  " Is that what he said is true? " Wei Yang said in a furious tone, pointing at
Qi Ze, " Are you really interacting with this poor student? "
  Cheng Yan learned from the original owner's cold, clear tone and said, " So
what? My business is still your turn. "
  Wei Yang is often treated by her in such a cold attitude, and has long been used
to it, but this time he couldn't bear it, he just felt like he was exploding and
almost didn't jump up and called her crazy !
  " Cheng Yan! " Wei Yang's chest fluctuated violently. " Such a humble person like
this is not worthy of even giving you shoes! Are you actually dealing with him? Do
you know how dirty, greedy, and greedy people like him are? Just to catch a naive and
ignorant lady like you, you will be cheated by him, you, you are so mad at me !!! "
  Wei Yang's words and sentences are insulting .
  Qi Ze looked gloomy and no one looked at her. Standing beside her, she suddenly
seemed to be far away from her, with a straight back and a slender figure, showing a
pure and lonely temperament .
  Cheng Yan suddenly grasped his hand, he very slowly side head looked at her, his
eyes full of hidden not live in cold feeling thread, she smiled at him, looks like
sprinkled with a touch of warm light thin skin White, somewhat transparent and
beautiful .
  The coldness that appeared in his chest seemed to have been expelled, Qi Ze's
mood gradually stabilized, and he smiled lightly .
  " What kind of person he is , no one knows better than me. " Cheng Yan looked
at Wei Yang, his attitude was cold, " I don't allow you to say that to him! "
  Wei Yang kicked off the chair in front of the bed, and was not good to lose his
temper at Cheng Yan, but just stared at Qi Ze viciously: " You wait for me! I will
expose your true colors sooner or later! "
  Qi Ze's voice was very low, and if it seemed to be violent, " You can try it. "
  Wei Yang couldn't stay for a moment, his emotions couldn't find a vent, he turned
around and left, and pushed Qin Xiu, sneered and said, " You're useless! You're
deserved to kill, actually help Love rivals cover? Get away— "
  Xiu Qin looked at him coldly threw the door away, turned around, look to the Qi
Ze, also cold tone: " Now, you go out. "
  Qi Ze's eyes condensed: " What do you want to do? "
  " What can I do? " Xiu Qin suddenly smiled, looked at Cheng Wen Wen brings tears
Yan, " Yan Yan, or you promise and I will have something to ...... alone say? "
  Hearing his faint threatening tone, Cheng Yan was also worried that he would talk
nonsense, so he had to look to Qi Ze with some request .
  Qi Ze lowered eyelids, he simply said , " something I call " out of the door .
  Xiu Qin pulled on the locked door to gently clicks, only Cheng Yan heard, she
Minchun: " you what are you doing ? "
  Xiu Qin look to see her wary look, laugh, help them throw out the
chair: " not too people do not want to disturb it, I do not do anything, depends
entirely on how you answer. "
  Cheng Yan uneasy, changed the subject: " You are how will come here? "
  Xiu Qin sat down beside her, first asked the sentence " how
by injuries? " Before they casually answered her saying: " This is my hospital open
house, fool that I am looking for a non-fight, how I It can be beaten in vain, so I
brought him over, but unfortunately ... "
The regret in   his tone was obviously because Wei Yang didn't hit Qi Ze .
  Cheng Yan rolled his eyes secretly and continued to maintain the original
coolness of the original owner: " You do n’t have to ask anymore, I know, you ca
n’t tolerate me and Qi Ze staying together, you are as angry as Wei Yang, But you do
n’t do anything. You ’re really hypocritical. You only know how to slap someone,
but you hide and watch the show. ”
  " Things that others can do for you ..." Qin Xiu's smile was a bit cruel and
cruel. " Why should we dirty our hands? Isn't the education we received egoism? In
order to achieve the goal, the process ... doesn't matter. "
  So ... he deliberately poked out the secrets of her and Qi Ze's contacts, so that
Wei Yang could silly remove obstacles for him ?
  Cheng Yan sneered: " I still want to repeat one sentence, you are disgusting at
all times. "
  " But ......" Qin Xiu suddenly leaned her down on the bed, clasp her wrist, to
see her face cold and behold, the tone gentle and fascination, " think I'm sick of
you made me very fascinated by it, says Maybe you hate me a little less, so I can
miss you a little less. "
  Cheng Yan stared at him coldly: " You let go of words ......"
  Qin repair leaned her almost kissed her lips, low voice slow gently: " You have
to tell him to come in it I've locked the door, even if he saw this scene, but it can
only be so mad, like I? I felt the same when I saw you intimate. "
  Cheng Yan looked at his delicate face and did n’t understand how so elegant and
distorted the young man ’s bones were. She could n’t provoke him any more, so she
had to calm down a little: “ You let me go first, you can grab my hand so much . "
  Qin repair a stunned, then face brought some smile, as if to soften her some
pleasure, holding her hand and blew hot micro thin lips softly softly kissed her
wrist, back of the hand .
  Cheng Yan just felt like there was a viper creeping slowly on her hand, and her
palm suddenly felt wet and itchy, and she saw her tip of his tongue lightly licking
her skin .
  Her back a burst of cold, a slap on the rejection of the past .
  Qin Xiu was beaten with his head slightly to the left, and he slowly turned back
to look at her .
  Cheng Yan swallowed, and almost couldn't collapse his cold expression: " You are
too much. "
  Qin repair is actually not at all angry, and gently licked his lips and
said: " Next time I will pay attention, this intimate thing really should wait
until ...... I have engaged in a post, so, before you talk Still counting? "
  ... No, nobody wants to get engaged to you .
  Cheng Yan seconds knew what he meant, in order to send him away, he said
firmly: " I will break up with him, can you leave it alone ? "
  " I can ignore it. " Qin Xiu approached her. " But you can't be so intimate with
him , otherwise ... I can do it more intimately than him . "
  Cheng Yan looked ugly: " You can go now. "
  Qin Xiu: " I'm leaving, you have to be together. "
  Cheng Yan: " Why? "
  Xiu Qin slightly with sarcasm: " Do you really with as I do not know how if you
do not want to hurt your father know that you and a poor student exchanges, let me
take you home, you're with me even suffered? Hurt, your father probably won't blame
you, are you right? "
  Cheng Yan did n’t speak. Cheng Feng in the book really did n’t know that the
son he found had been with his daughter. If he knew it, he would never send her to
study abroad in the future. Like a scandal, she was sent back to her house, and she
was never allowed to come home again .
  However, she can not return to the original owners real home, because for the
care of the household book, the original owner of the Pear twin sister was there .
  The prerequisite for finding a substitute is - the absence of the main master .
  Silent for a moment, Cheng Yan said: " I answer should go with you. "
  Qin Xiu slowly smiled: " This is my smart Yan Yan. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Bah, who is yours ?
  Qin Xiu originally planned to hold her out, but with her firm refusal, he instead
helped her slowly out .
  Qi Ze was sitting on the bench outside, saw her coming out, and immediately stood
up: " Yan Yan, why did you come out? "
  Before Cheng Yan spoke, Qin Xiu smiled gently and said, " Thank you for taking
care of Yan Yan, but you can stop here, and I will send her home. "
  Qi Ze's thin lips squeezed tightly, and she looked closely at Cheng Yan .
  Cheng Yan was guilty and did not dare to look at him, but said vaguely: " Qi Ze,
you go back to take care of your grandmother, she must be worried too, I am going
home. "
  Qin Xiu supported her and passed Qi Ze .
  Qi Ze suddenly grabbed her wrist, tightly, as if to be retained and to
begged: " Yan Yan, I will send you. "
  " You? " Xiu Qin laugh loudly, ridicule satirical mean a very strong
child, " your car worth? Yanyan but never take the car less than tens of millions,
oh, I forgot, you're probably not even a bicycle Can't afford it either. "
  Qi Ze clenched his fists, his expression gloomy and cold .
  " Like you ...... actually said to send her? " Qin repair scorn to push him, " Yan
Yan, I have go, you're too conniving, will make some people's hearts more and more, I
can't even see where I am. "
  Cheng Yan didn't say anything to him, because as long as he ran to the hospital
with her injured, his love value was already full ... 100 .
  So, she has no reason with him, leaving only snubbed him, to give him time to
prepare themselves to break up, in that day to face when they are not at a loss to
panic .
  However, after walking a few steps, Cheng Yan still couldn't resist looking
back .
  Qi Ze stood there alone in the empty ward corridor, her eyes deep and dark, as
if expressing deep emotions .

The first 10 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (X )

  Qin Xiu sent her home and apologized for the accident that caused her accidental
injury. Cheng Feng did not mean to blame him. He also invited him to stay for dinner,
and then let the driver take the person away .
  " You and Qin's son in school a good relationship? " Cheng Feng first
sentence words are not concerned about her injury .
  Cheng Yan micro drooping lashes, some goodly cold air mass, faint, said: " .
Unfamiliar "
  Cheng Feng did n’t seem to be surprised by his daughter ’s attitude. He glanced
at her and said lukewarmly: “ This kid is very good, you can have more contact with
him. It may be a little early to say this, but he is definitely your generation. The
most outstanding one, and he likes you very much, you should seize the
opportunity. "
  ... She really wasn't biological, he didn't know it, she was so cold-blooded to
her, just thinking of using her as a bargaining chip in exchange for profit ?
  Cheng Yan raised his head: " What opportunity? "
  Cheng Feng eyes of some direct: " married to his chance. "
  Cheng Yan tone revealed a chill: " I do not like like him. "
  " Do not like happy? " Cheng Feng laughed, like their elders to hear what
children talking like juvenile language, " he happy joy you, that is enough. "
  Cheng Yan didn't have to pretend to be the original owner's personality, and he
couldn't help but sneer .
  Just when the atmosphere was a little condensed , Cheng Xiangyang came with a
handful of beautifully packed chrysanthemums, and behind him was a sullen Jiang
Wanzhi .
  There was a smile on Cheng Feng's face: " Why did Yang Yang make you angry? "
  Jiang Wan's body at his side to sit down: " said it, I arranged to meet him and
Fu overall daughter, you see, what he did turned out to send people holding
chrysanthemum, Miss Fu that his face was on the sink? . "
  " Chrysanthemum Qing Yayi people, where bad? " Stayed laugh sentence, suddenly
look met his sister and his face cold, feet still wrapped in gauze, although I do not
know why she was hurt, but she and her father must have guessed yet It's not pleasant
anymore .
  He didn't ask anything, he threw the flowers to his sister at will, and then
hugged the man as soon as he stooped, saying, "Is it really pitiful and seriously
injured? "
  " Where are you going? " Jiang Wanzhi's eyelids jumped straight, " I haven't
finished talking yet, you are more and more lawless! "
  Stayed with a smile, somewhat diffuse not attentive: " ? Mom, Yan Yan were
injured, I had to send her back to the room to rest, I can not let her accompany
together to listen to your nagging ah "
  After talking, he took Cheng Yan upstairs, regardless of Jiang Wanzhi's voice
calling him behind his back .
  Back to the room between Stayed her on the bed and sat down next to her feet and
pointed: " You ? This is the beat of their own people are still wrestling "
  Because his father dotes stepmother and brother, so they are very averse to the
original owners, they count even Stayed Fall care for her, she is cynical .
  Cheng Yan would also lightly said: " What difference do? "
  " If the people hit it, I hit back for you. " His smile looked at her very
demeanor when Justifying his brother, " if he threw it, I can not do anything, you
have to keep with you hurt Now. "
  Cheng Yan did not appreciate it and mocked him: " I don't need you to accompany
me. "
  " Huh? No? " Cheng Xiangyang stared at her as if looking at a little monster ,
and suddenly reached out and scraped the bridge of her nose, complaining and
spoiling, " How come you are not the same as someone's sister, a little bit children
are not cute, non-stick people, like ...... small a snowflake -like. "
  Cheng Yan opened his hand and glared at him: " You go out. "
  Stayed sighed: " OK, little princess and angry, and do not know where they came
so atmospheric sex? " He took a few steps, suddenly back so far as to laugh and
asked, " You did not say how it hurt ? "
  Cheng Yan seemed impatient trouble: " wrestling! "
  Stayed a stunned, laughing smile: " I . Wrong, my sister is very cute ."
  " You laugh? " Cheng Yan eyes cold whiz .
  Cheng Xiangyang coughed and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: " Don't
look at me like that, my brother's heart will break. You can take care of yourself,
and I will ask you for leave from school. " Then, he groaned slightly, " Would n’t
it be better to be a wheelchair? I can push you to accompany me on a blind date. By
then, how do you love to lose your temper, so that no girl dares to enter the house
to be your sister-in-law, it is perfect. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  You are the devil do ?
  Stayed directly to her fake invited more than a month, she was fine and so you
can go almost directly to the entrance. She wasn't seriously injured. In fact, it
would be almost better to raise for a week or two, but it's good to think about
keeping a distance from Qi Ze, just stay at home with peace of mind .
  Qi Ze also called her, and she hung up just a few words .
  However, she was still a little worried that the incident where Qi Ze was bullied
by the school bully would still happen, so when Wei Yang came to see her, she asked
him: " Are you playing Qi Ze? "
  Wei Yang was shocked and angry and jumped from the chair at that time: " I beat
him? I'm not a fool! "
  Wei Yang is a Tyrannosaurus who dares to be a dare. He said yes, he didn't do
it .
  Not too ...... his words meant to see the Qin repair Collateral ?
  Cheng Yan looked at him, " Oh, " a cry over and over again to see David Young said
triumphantly: " I do not beat him then, I do not bully bear him, I would be good for
him, especially particularly good, he I will give him whatever I like. "
  "..." Cheng Yan chuckled and looked at him unbelievably, " Are you ... all right? "
  She would also like to ask is actually - where are you acting up ?
  Wei Yang looked at her, pursed her lips, and looked a little
melancholy: " Sister Xiaoyan, I'm all for you, you just like his miserable teenager
who looks good and poor, because You are too kind, so I ca n’t bully him, otherwise
he will get worse, what if you love him more? ”
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Wei Yang then murmured again: " I am good to him, he is not miserable, you
should not like him anymore, I will not have pocket money anymore, I still eat
leftovers, I still wear my clothes, you Did you like me? "
  Cheng Yan: "... you think too much. "
  Not too good at camouflage than for deep effort Xiu Qin, Wei Yang is simply
stupid white sweet, right? Should I say that it is the young master who was favored
by the Wei family ?
  Too ...
  Cheng Yan gave him a rare smile, which was very beautiful: " Wei Yang, you are
cute. "
  Wei Yang looked at her smiling face in a dumb, stunned heart, suddenly blushing,
and whispered, " You too. "
  Wei Yang looked very arrogant and high-handed, actually very shy in front of her,
was she said something after the restless, hurried to leave a " you raise a
good hurt, another day I see you ah! " And left .
  Cheng Yan wanted to lie down and get some sleep, opened the room door he was
immediately knocked, she looked up and saw Stayed faint smile came and said: " Yan
Yan, you are very popular in schools welcome ah, Qin I wo n’t say that at home, even
the young master of Wei ’s family is running to see you? ”
  Cheng Yan: "It's not as good as my brother 's meeting with each other. I haven't
broken up with the little star here, and I have a date with the Miss Fu family. "
  Stayed ridicule by her satirical nor gas, but rather more pleasant smile, leaned
over and looked at her: " The original Yanyan so concerned about my brother, ah,
even these know, but ...... you the update at the statistics, I am now exchanges It ’s
a college girl, blind date ... not yet. "
  Cheng Yan turned her face, and the temperament of her side was like Frost
Moon: " I don't care. "
  " However, being a brother can't help but care about my sister. " Cheng
Xiangyang's smile was slightly condensed , and his tone was a little sharp, " Yan
Yan, you lied to me. "
  Cheng Yan turned to look at him .
  Stayed Taohua Yan slightly narrowed, with some displeasure: " You This is not to
hurt yourself fall, but to save others, you save the man's grandchildren ...... and
what is the relationship? "
  Cheng Yan's face was indifferent: " Since my brother checked me, he should have
known it, so why should he ask me? "
  " I don't believe what other people say, I just want to listen to you. " Cheng
Xiangyang suddenly sighed and sat down beside her, watching her a little
worried, "It's just that you don't talk now, it's more annoying than talking, it makes
I think ... you are protecting the poor boy! "
  Cheng Yan no expression: " Do not tell tell my father. "
  " I like this person? " Stayed rubbed her head, earnestness, " Yan Yan, if not
a mother born, you always my sister, that poor boy dare you to hook up, You said
should I break him with one or three legs? "
  "..." Cheng Yan stared at him with clear and clear eyes .
  Stayed meaning like suddenly realized that their own language is not right, his
cough cough, said: " I mean ...... I can ? Beat him up ."
  Do you know that you are going to beat your brother ?
  Cheng Yan look at him: " can not. "
  Stayed frown, and again heard the girl child lightly , said: " Anyway, to be
divided, and his brother have need more than this ? For "
  Stayed a daze, looking at her .
  Cheng Yan was afraid that he would really go to Qi Ze for trouble. The more
desperate the attitude is, the more unsympathetic: " It was just for fun. I
was tired of him. "
  Stayed eyebrow head wrinkled myself are more tightly, suddenly sighed, horror,
said: " Sister, how do you ? I have become more than the dregs "
  Cheng Yan looked at him quietly: "..."
  " Do not be led astray by me, right? " Stayed anxiously looked at her, " Yan Yan,
even if people were poor a little, but you can not be so hasty to break up and people
ah, I tell you, this I have experience in things, you have to prepare a generous
compensation first, and make sure he is dumped by you and rejoices. "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him: " Scum man. "
  Cheng Xiangyang: "..."
  Hearted .

The first 11 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (XI )

  Cheng Yan back to school has been a month later .
  Qi Ze had an appointment with her to meet in the music classroom. She originally
wanted to refuse it, but she didn't know if he had a hunch and hung up the phone in
one step .
  To the classroom, Cheng Yan to see met at the door of Qi Ze, he was wearing the
uniform of elite schools, neatly buttoned, slender physique, temperament Kiyotoshi
abstinence, just like a bit thin, sharp face outline some of the gas .
  He stared at her .
  Cheng Yan pursed her lips and smiled gently at him as if nothing
happened : " Have you waited a long time ? "
  The air seemed to stagnate for a moment, and Qi Ze didn't smile at her, but just
took her schoolbag as usual, and suddenly took her hand, still clasping her very
intimate gesture with her fingers .
  Obviously it was a familiar gesture of holding hands, perhaps because of his
guilty contempt for ignoring him, Cheng Yan only felt the hand he was holding
gradually getting numb, his heart beating fast and a little nervous .
  Qi Ze gave her a quiet look, with a deep expression, let go of her hand, and
said, " Do you want to drink ? "
  In addition to the breakfast he brought on the table , there was also a blue
heat preservation box .
  Cheng Yan: " What is it? "
  " Bone head soup. " Qi Ze gently open the lid, still steaming soup, " my
grandmother woke up to give you the boil. "
  If he did it, she could find an excuse to push it away .
  Cheng Yan had to sit down, slowly sipping a small mouth to drink, soup greasy and
not that much, but she did not even morning what appetite .
  Qi Ze was sitting beside her, looking at her sideways, her eyes gloomy and her
emotions discerned .
  Cheng Yan did not lift head, only that he must be cold for her to have some
guesses, mind wondering if he was asked to explain how to do this .
  " Don't drink it if you do n't finish it . " Qi Ze wiped her lips with a
tissue. " You shouldn't be able to eat these breakfasts too? "
  Cheng Yan " huh " , without looking at his eyes, seemed to say casually : " No
need to bring breakfast anymore. "
  Qi Ze looked at her with an unclear tone: " No? "
  Cheng Yan and past laughter seems to be little difference in gender, looked at
him, bent light facial features, Jiaoruan smile: " You are so serious examination of
what we should do, and I worry about delay your time to review it?. "
  Qi Ze smiled, just looked at with a sneer: " I will not come to you again, are
you more satisfied? "
  Cheng Yan also grimaced: " You don't believe me ? Then, there is nothing to
say. "
  She stood up, bypassed him, and walked out .
  Qi Ze stand up, step forward, and hugged her from behind, his side head leaned
into her ear, the sound is very low, but also a bit forbear emotions: " You ignored
me, sparse far me, I get angry , I can bear it all, but tell me— "
  His breath squirted in his ears, itchy and impatient, her heart tightened .
  " Why do this to me? " His voice with emotions, lips met her soft earlobe, some
secret affair, " Yan Yan, you suddenly cold suddenly hot deliberately want to
torture me? "
  Cheng Yan breathed slightly: " I ..."
  " If that's your goal. " Qi Ze interrupted her, he turns her away, her eyes, eyes
shining force people to the edge, " Well, you've been successful. "
  " Do I make you feel tortured? " Cheng Yan said calmly
and said lightly , " If so, please don't come to me for the time being. "
  Qi Zeding looked at her calmly, let go of her hand, and seemed to laugh at
herself and sneer: " As you wish! "
  He never walked back, and even forgot to take away the lunch box .
  Cheng Yan drew back his gaze, his delicate fingers touched the still warm lunch
box, and he was relieved .
  This is fine .
  Qi Ze really ignored her, but it did not mean that others did not come to her .
  " Yan Yan, and I eat lunch meal right. " Qin repair leaning in the doorway,
Toshihaya gentle, gentle smile, prompting the class of girls faint and looked at
him .
  " Xiaoyan sister, ignore him! " The other side of the door, Wei Yang, tall figure
standing there, like to show off and shook his meal card, " Today I Carry only
five pieces! Five! With me Go eat on the first floor? "
  He was a face . " I was not miserable miserable very sympathetic " expression,
Baba looked at her .
  Before leaving school, she was blocked by these two people, watching the lively
classmates in a circle .
  " Ma trouble let let! "
  Behind him came the familiar low and cold voice .
  Cheng Yan turned around and saw Qi Ze's expressionless face. He strode past her
without looking at her .
  Wei Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise .
  Qin repair ridicule satirical smile .
  Cheng Yan also did not look as if to see Qi Ze like, cold face, rolled his eyes,
caught a glimpse of onlookers stood Luo snow, suddenly very pale smile under: " Luo
snow today, and I want to eat lunch together Is it? "
  Qin Xiu and Wei Yang also looked at Luo Xue .
  Luo Xue's scalp felt numb and wanted to refuse, but after listening to Cheng
Yan's words, he was used to it and subconsciously said, " Okay, okay. "
  Cheng Yan smiled, holding Luo Xue's hand, the two girls laughed and walked away
side by side .
  " You are really useless! " Wei Yang stared .
  Xiu Qin gently " Oh ," a cry: " She did not choose me, do you choose? "
  Wei Yang: "... Want to try the beaten taste again? "
  Qin Xiu glanced at him: " Come on. "
  Wei Yang stared at him indignantly for a long time, his emotions only reduced to
one word: " Fuck! "
  This hypocrite !
  He did not last too beat his fist on it, it was crowd of people to poke his
father went there, almost violent temper that his father did not beat him to
lie! It's useless for the whole family to talk together !
  Due to his father liked Qin repair the kind of contrived honors !
  A even a few days, and Qi Ze did not say anything at her, even after her time,
but also looked straight ahead, take her as air .
  Cheng Yan only feel some stab the heart, but I know this this alienation could
not be better, really break up there would be a lot of success .
  She remembered the story in the book, feeling white moon and the main man is very
good, fast break up the corner of the school a few days ago is still
excited intense kiss, until completely cold genius that broke down, but she felt
little change these details have nothing Relationship .
  However, she ignored the power of the plot is very powerful .
  Because for the repair and Wei Yang Qin always pestering her to her home, so she
these days from school early to go back door .
  On Friday this day, the weather was very bad, and it was gloomy all day. She also
went to the back door of the school as soon as she was out of school. I didn't know
what was going on to pick up her car .
  She stood there waiting for the intersection, rain followed Xixi Lili got up .
  While she wants to play when the telephone reminder a reminder of the driver, the
head suddenly more than a black umbrella, holding umbrella slender fingers clearly,
she has a premonition raised his face, and I see Qi Ze look pale face .
  " You ......" She Shi loss for words, the atmosphere a little embarrassed .
  Qi Ze's voice was indifferent: " Hold it. "
  Cheng Yan didn't move, his hand passed forward, and she took a step back .
  Qi Ze face slightly heavy, faint smile: " Even if the fight is really afraid
of disturbing my review, I do not have to avoid such as snakes and scorpions,
right? "
  He didn't believe what she was afraid of disturbing his studies, but still mocked
her with such words .
  Cheng Yan lift head clear dark eyes, staring at him, Yi Zizi said: " I'm going
to hold you help me ? Umbrella, does not want to take, you can not "
  Qi Ze's eyes moved slightly, staring at her without speaking .
  Rain ticking down, the air has a wire moist atmosphere slightly cold .
  " Can ah. " Qi Ze suddenly laughed, his solemn face charming smile, slightly bent
over her, " Yan Yan, you relied on me happy joy you, so think what I had to meet you
Not right? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him, his expression was cold and cold, and he seemed to
have a little pure innocence .
  " However, Yan Yan ......" Qi Ze the hands of the umbrella and handed her, seeing
that she does not take it abruptly pry her hand slipped her, " people's patience is
not endless, I like joy you , Petting you, not the reason you can trample me and
torture me. "
  He took a step back and stepped out of the umbrella, gradually raining on him .
  Cheng Yan held the umbrella handle tightly, a little cold, and her lips were
pale: " I don't have one. "
  " Is n't it? " Qi Zehei stared at her, " I called you for more than a month, you
either perfunctory or shut down, when you arrived at the school, you were hiding from
me everywhere, avoiding me, and saying that it was for me Okay, do you know what it
feels like in my heart? "
  Cheng Yan pursed her lips and stood in the rain with an umbrella, her
eyelashes twitched slightly, and her soft and cold appearance made it easy to soften
her heart .
  Qi Ze closed his eyes, his voice suppressed: " No, you don't know, you are so
bad, so bad! " He opened his eyes suddenly , his eyes intense, " How could I
understand how uncomfortable I am ? Yanyan, I don't want to It's too tiring to be
controlled by your emotions. "
  He stood straight, looked at her throat throat fretting seems to be under a lot
of determination only to say this sentence: " Yan Yan, I have ......"
  Break up ?
  He was to say this ?
  Cheng Yan just feel the brain have pulled the police report, can not be the man
to break him, nor is this the time, or else ...... any of her tasks will fail
immediately !
  And when she does not want to go back to a life in a vegetative state !
  She kissed almost before he had finished speaking. He seemed stunned and looked
at her incredulously .
  Cheng Yan turned away slightly, her face was pink because of the suffocation
during kissing, she looked at him, her eyes were clear and crystal clear, her voice
was very light, she seemed to have a smile, and some people hooked: " Yes, I am so
bad, but what can I do Do it, you still like me. "
  It took determination to make up the days and nights before, only in her a smile,
a word, the collapse would have defeated .
  Qi Ze stared at her, her eyes deep, and she sighed as if admitting her fate, her
voice was low: " Yes, what can I do , my mother just likes you! You little
villain! "
  He hugged her waist violently and kissed it down, seemingly pouring all the
complex and unspeakable emotions into the kiss .
  The umbrella in her hand slid to the ground, but the two seemed to be unaware of
anyone .
  The rain wet the clothes and hair of both people .
  She pulled his uniform tie tightly, tipped her feet slightly, climbed to his
body, and looked up to meet his kiss .
  The fierce and fierce kiss made both people tremble and warm in this heavy
rain .
  Qi Ze gasped slightly, holding her beautiful face that became more and more
crystal clear after being wet by rain, and approached her: " Yanyan, please, treat
me better, don't torture me like this. "
  Cheng Yan did not answer should be, changed the subject: " Maybe you like other
girls after the child, not like Huan me out? "
  As soon as she finished talking, she took a deep breath, his hand pinching her
thin waist, as if she could break her waist, and she stared at it, and she met a pair
of sharp eyes .
  " Yan Yan, you have to say such things to me gas? " He low head to block her
lips, like a punishment and bit her lip, staring at her, " only this time you are
only relatively good No? "
  Cheng Yan sip Min Chun, did not speak .
  What she said was clearly the fact that it will happen in the future. Later, when
he recalled Bai Yueguang, who once liked it, he might have hated his teeth .
  " You let me loose her! "
  Suddenly someone thundered loudly, Cheng Yan lift head to see shocked Stayed
being down the street from a luxury car, furiously rushing to the side .
  Almost for a moment , Cheng Xiangyang had come over and punched Qi Ze in the face
with a punch .
  Cheng Xiangyang was so angry that he seemed to be fighting Qi Ze .
  Cheng Yan quickly pulled Qi Ze over, blocked him, and said, " Brother, what are
you doing? "
  Cheng Xiangyang wondered if he had heard it wrong and stared at her: " You still
ask me? What did he do to you? !!! "
  His love thread excitement, sounds great .
  Cheng Yan ear duo shook the pain, she rubbed his brow: " Is not a kiss you,
brother, you do such a fuss on their own often do things? "
  Stayed louder: " ? I'm better than you and I ? Have been able to do the same ," he
pulled her body side, glanced at her, " go back and teach the training you! "
  He looked at the Qi Ze, cool tone: " How much you want money? "
  Cheng Yan tugged at his corner .
  Stayed shot to open her hand and simply said , " Stop " , it is still toe high
gas Yang Qi Ze looked like is to look at his feet like ants .
  Qi Ze said lightly: " How much do you think she is worth? "
  " Three million enough? " Stayed at Italian know it back to the sentence, but
immediately went back to taste, look ferocious, " She is my sister! "
How did   he ask it like buying and selling ?
  Qi Ze seemed to smile: " So you also know that she is your sister, do you think
it is appropriate to use money to handle her feelings? "
  " Brother, leave it alone. " Cheng Yan continued to pull his clothes .
  Qi Ze's ridiculous words originally made him very angry. As soon as he heard his
sister's voice, he remembered that his sister wanted to break up with him again .
  His expression was a bit playful: " You are right, it is not appropriate to talk
about money. "
  His sister had no intention of giving money and wanted to dump him. At this
thought, he looked at the poor students in front of him but sympathized .
  Qi Ze's eyes were deep .
  Cheng Yan was afraid that Cheng Xiangyang would say something bad again, and he
and Qi Ze hurriedly said goodbye, and pulled Cheng Xiangyang back into the car .

The first 12 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (xii )

  On the car Stayed will be a clean towel to her, Xiong Baba tone: " own rub,
nobody you can catch a cold. "
  Cheng Yan sitting vice driver, he drove very fast speed, she took the towel did
not move, only faint voice said: " . A little slow "
  Cheng Xiangyang didn't look at her, and he disgusted: " I don't want to talk to
you now. "
  Cheng Yan turned to look at him: " Dizziness. "
  Cheng Xiangyang glanced at her and saw that her hair was still wet and her small
face was pale, so she parked the car to the side, grabbed the towel in her hand and
wiped her hair, saying, "There are clothes in the back seat, you Change
it first . "
  After he finished, he got out of the car and locked the door .
  Cheng Yan did not know where he went, to see to see him go across the road
towards .
  Looking back, she climbed back seat, really look to see several bags lying on the
seat, which is filled with ornaments, but also skirt .
  I think it should have been bought by the dandy brother to give his girlfriend a
red sexy long dress with low chest and bare shoulders. His girlfriend ... the figure
does not seem to be generally good .
  The original owner is just a developing girl, beautiful is beautiful, but the
figure is delicate, too thin, suitable for only the fairy fluttering, soft and pure
dress .
  After Cheng Yan changed her wet clothes , she didn't need to look in the mirror
and knew that she wouldn't look good .
  However Stayed's aesthetic seems, and she was not too ...... a kind ?
Not long after   she changed, Cheng Xiangyang came back with a cup of still hot
tea. When she saw her, she was stunned obviously. A pair of peach-eyed eyes looking
at the passionate and charming seemed to flash a little light .
  Cheng Yan pulled the neckline too low , expressionless: " What are you looking
at me for? "
  Stayed back to God, some chagrin, he did see his sister stared, but ...... really
good to see ah, red skirt girls show off more skin shiny like jade, though not to
wear clothing that some sexy fire Spicy, but she looks very beautiful, her expression
is cold, and when she looks at it, she reveals a heart-warming beauty .
  He coughed off his suit jacket draped over her shoulders, turn milk stuffed into
her hands .
  " Yanyan, do n't catch a cold, drink something hot. "
  He restarted the car, and this time the speed was much smoother .
  Cheng Yan bit her straw and drank milk tea. The strawberry flavor was very sweet.
Her eyebrows also stretched a bit: "Do n't you want to talk to me? "
  Cheng Xiangyang didn't look at her, her teeth gritted : " You don't mention me,
I dare not say you! Yanyan, you said, are you too much? "
  Cheng Yan's tone is not salty or light: "I don't think so. "
  Stayed took a deep breath, glanced at her, language gas very angry: " ? How he
can kiss you ."
  Cheng Yan and low head drink some tea, said slowly: " my lord . Moving "
  Cheng Xiangyang suddenly turned his face and stared at her, seeming to be a
little unbelievable, sneered: " You even spoke for him! "
  "... I mean it. " She looked at him .
  Cheng Xiangyang sighed: " Yanyan , didn't you say you want to break up with him?
How can you mean this? "
  Cheng Yan was silent for a while, and his words were amazing: " So I kissed
him, and I couldn't get kissed after breaking up . Didn't you say that too,
brother? "
  Stayed direction holding hands flick the disc, seems to be very surprised at
her: " You ...... ? You actually in really follow me ."
  It ’s over, it ’s over, he seems to have damaged his children .
  He now tells her that he is actually a decent good man, and she ... will you
believe it ?
  Cheng Yan was about to talk, but Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a girl on the road
ahead. She was almost subconsciously moving, turning the direction of the steering
wheel .
  Stayed almost the same time to step on the brakes .
  He almost hit someone. His face was pale and his heart was beating fast. His
sister's face was also not very good. He comforted her calmly: " Do n't come down,
I'll take a look. "
  Cheng Xiangyang got out of the car, and saw a girl in a school uniform squatting
in front of the car, ponytails, and a small crystal-like flower on the head rope.
She was holding a small cat crouching to comfort it .
  It seems that she should have rushed out to save a cat .
  Stayed see her cat and cents are made non-destructive, relieved, gentle tone you
want to give people an apology, has also been ready to come up with the money to give
her some money clip Yajing .
  " Sorry, I ..."
  His voice suddenly choked, his pupils twitched, only to see the girl raised her
face, her lips smiled, her eyes soft, and she looked like a very clever girl .
  Air quality, look not got a resemblance !
  However, that face, that face exactly the same even and Yan Yan, almost no got a
different look for .
  " Don't worry, I'm fine. " Seeing his strange expression, the girl seemed to have
misunderstood and shook her hand. " Really, I can still run and jump, sir. You must
be careful when driving in the future. "
  Cheng Xiangyang suddenly grabbed her wrist and stared at her tightly: " What the
hell ..."
  He looked handsome girl in light face, the pair seem to lovingly and focused
Taohua Yan, her heartbeat to slow by half a beat, pink cheeks, then pushed his panic,
he simply said , " I , I still have things , let's go first, goodbye! " , And ran
together holding the kitten .
  Cheng Xiangyang stared thoughtfully at her back .
  How in the world could have almost a kind of two faces ?
  Unless ... are twins ?

The first 13 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (xiii )

  The level of shock in her heart was not lower than that of Cheng Xiangyang .
  Pear in advance how a now a ?
  Cheng Yan pursed her lips, not knowing whether it was good or bad. In the plot,
the female lead Bai Li only appeared after the male lead became the president. At
that time, Bai Yueguang was already abroad, and there was no chance of seeing the
female lead. Even Cheng Xiangyang was seen when the male lead brought Bai Li back
home as his girlfriend .
  Is it because she didn't follow the plot exactly, so there was some deviation in
the plot ?
  Department system has mentioned reasons bind the host, When the book world into
the real world, where real people have their own will and soul, the plot of force
applied while powerful, but still may have some Deviations and errors .
  Therefore, the host is needed to maintain the key plot, otherwise the collapse of
the plot will cause the world to become unpredictable, the world is likely to fall
into disorderly chaos , the protagonist may become a supporting role, and passers-by
may also counterattack into the protagonist .
  Cheng Xiangyang now sees Baili and will definitely doubt her life, but her life
cannot be exposed yet .
  Cheng Yan quickly thought, at the time Stayed back, she turned, glanced at him,
his tone seemed to shock and hesitation: " That girl ...... and I was not ? Look
alike "
  " Where as the? " Stayed in shock, blurted out, " obviously that is a model of
a kind ah! "
  "...... also perhaps a coincidence? " Cheng Yan tentatively asked .
  Cheng Xiangyang shook his head, his expression dignified, and looked at her .
  Cheng Yanxin mentioned slightly: " Brother, what else do you have ... Guess? "
  Stayed thoughtfully, leaned her mysteriously low voice: " I think she probably
is my sister , such as ...... you have twins? "
  Cheng Yan does not move sensual, floating tone: " also so be it. "
  " Not too ......" Stayed frowned, puzzling expression, " That does not make sense
ah, never heard of our house there is a living on the outside of her daughter, such a
thing would be impossible to hide, right? "
  Cheng Yan thick long eyelashes drooping, white delicate shot from the side,
lightly said: " do not over-run into a girl and I like it, it is very strange, my
brother so seriously, is not the heart already tired I want Change another sister? "
  Cheng Xiangyang had a lot of confusion in his mind, and suddenly heard her cold
voice, so she couldn't even think about it, letting her voice relax and make her
happy: " Why is there any other sister, Yanyan is my only sister, Do n’t be mad at
me, eh? ”
  " Did not get angry. " Cheng Yan suddenly looked at him, eyes very clear and
beautiful, but also a bit cold cream month, " but my brother can not help but want
to tell anyone about it? "
  Stayed a stunned: " Why? "
  Cheng Yan seemed displeased and sneered: " Even if you meet her, she wants
multiple sisters. Doesn't dad want multiple daughters? Aunt may want multiple
stepdaughters who are more clever and sensible than me. . "
  Cheng Xiangyang sighed. He almost forgot that his younger sister was sensitive
and fragile. She hadn't paid much attention to it. Hearing that he might have a
younger sister, it was strange to be happy .
  " Ok, I do not mention, who is more beautiful than Yanyan sensible and well-
behaved? " He laughed very charming, sound more hair gently .
  Cheng Yan cold with little face, did not speak, he looked very impersonal .
  Instead, Cheng Xiangyang felt that her cold and indifferent appearance was very
painful, and smiled lightly, so she gathered up and said, " Look, your lips are
covered with milk tea. "
  With that, he stretched out his hand to wipe off a little milky trace of her
lips, but when the thumb pressed on her soft and colorful lips, he almost stunned,
the electric shock of the rising of his fingers. The whole body was filled with a
very strange emotion in my heart .
  Cheng Yan didn't look at his expression, opened his hands, and spit out three
words coldly: " Want you to control? "
  If flat , the face of her sarcastic comments, he can smile back to a few words,
at the moment he is slightly embarrassed to pull back .
  Until the car back to the door Stayed did not say a word, like some absent-minded
look .
  The next few days, the family are no different kind, even stepmother have nothing
to fear guilty feelings, Cheng Yan put down the heart, it seems Stayed really
listened to her words no longer mention it .
  But, she very good days did not look to see Stayed stepmother also a few
complaints, he seems to pay a new girlfriend, his girlfriend went out to play .
  Qi Ze is also busy studying homework to cope with the exam, so she doesn't have
to worry about how to get along with him after kissing .
  The students of the aristocratic high school do not value the college entrance
examination as well as the students of other schools, but it is also an important
exam in the end, so the atmosphere of the school has been a little quiet and tense in
the past few days .
  In an instant, it was the first day of the exam .
  Stayed still did not go home, there is no sound what the dinner table, she
quietly eat a few bites, then carrying a bag out the door, Cheng Feng did not say a
word to her, but added stepmother doing mutual affection on the surface , also said
only two words , " a good test trial " .
  " Quasi-test certificate with it? "
  A smiling voice rang at the gate, and Cheng Yan looked over .
  A few days did not see Stayed standing in the doorway, wearing cool and casual, a
few spread collar shirt, bare collarbone, light gray pants legs wrapped in sexy
slender .
  Cheng Yan walked over slowly, pulled the strap of the schoolbag, and
said, "I brought it. "
  Stayed opened the door, the gentleman smiled and asked her to get on the train .
  He changed the car again, the price is very expensive at first glance, black, but
a little low-key sullen .
  It should be afraid of her motion sickness, he drove very smoothly, not like his
style .
  Cheng Yan: " You send me to school? "
  Cheng Xiangyang laughed and freed one hand to pat her head: " Children from
other people's homes are sent by people, of course, Yanyan also needs to be sent. "
  Cheng Yan and ridicule ridicule him: " I am with you too busy to accompany his
girlfriend. "
  Cheng Xiangyang knew that she had always spoken like this, and when he was kind
to him, he would still worry .
  " How can there be a girlfriend? " Cheng Xiangyang glanced at her with a sincere
tone. "It's too early, really. "
  Cheng Yan “ Oh ” carelessly and casually asked: “ So what have you done these
days? ”
  Cheng Xiangyang didn't look at her, her tone calmly: " It's nothing. "
  Cheng Yan leaned on the back of the chair and closed her eyes. It was easy
to fall asleep in the car .
  Cheng Xiangyang turned around and looked at her, secretly relieved .
  He does not want to lie to her, but not good to tell her that he was going to
investigate that and she looks like a girl .
  After that day, somehow he couldn't let go of this matter, and there were some
unclear thoughts in his heart that made him restless and his blood boiled .
  Fortunately, the girl had a name on her school uniform, Baili, he remembered it,
so it was easy to find her .
  Pear family is very poor, his father was dead, his mother seriously ill, she also
had a very hard against the work-study program .
  He figured out how to get Bai Li and her mother's hair for a paternity test .
  The results did not go beyond his expectation, Pear really is someone's child,
then ...... and she looks a kind of Yanyan it, is not it also ...... simply not
his sister ?
  Or ...... she who looks similar to this just coincidence ?
  Cheng Xiangyang did not continue to investigate, whether she was his sister or
not, he seemed to be not easy to accept .
  Cheng Xiangyang picked her up in the exams these days, and she noticed that Cheng
Xiangyang seemed to be watching her with a faint look, but there was something wrong
with her eyes, but she couldn't tell where was wrong .
  Not her had no desire to explore, she has more important things to do .
  On the day after the college entrance examination , she told Cheng Xiangyang not
to pick her up, because there was a graduation party in the class in the evening, and
everyone in the class would go .
  Cheng Yan turned in the paper in advance. She made an appointment with Qi Ze or
met at the entrance of the alley. It was still early, and she walked slowly .
  To her surprise she actually look in the alley saw Qi Ze, today is cloudy, the
air is some hint of wet fog , teenagers stood stature repair long Kiyotoshi, shot
from the side looking at some hazy in the fog, However, there was a kind of clean and
arrogant character .
  " How do you here? " Cheng Yan pace of a meal, hanging on the bag strap also will
be ringing loud .
  Qi Ze saw her, coughed a few times, and approached, she only saw his face pale
and haggard .
  " Ahead of an assignment. " His voice was also some hiss dumb .
  " Due to ill? " Cheng Yan raised his hand touched his forehead, " seems to be
some hot. "
  Qi Ze stood still, letting her hand touch his forehead, her palm was warm and
soft, his throat slightly moved, and she looked at her with a deep look, as deep as
to see her through: " I am sick Are you worried ? "
  Cheng Yan a daze, looking at him, his eyes seemed to have a
look, partial execution, the emotion fragile, people become soft heart, even a
denial, then it is difficult to say .
  So, she gave an ambiguous answer: " Think what you love. "
  When she was about to withdraw her hand , he held her hand .
  His hands cold, she was scared surprised, turned around and looked at him .
  Qi Ze misunderstood and said coldly: " Can't I touch you ? "
  His cold appearance was more like hiding his true emotions, but he still showed
some loss .
  Cheng Yan stared at him for a moment, slowly back to hold his hand, very shallow
smile: " Come, my . They go to buy medicine, then went to a meeting place ."
  Qi Ze's expression eased slightly, holding her hand tightly, and the two walked
side by side .
  Cheng Yan low head, looked at the two men holding hands, emotionally complex .
  If he knew that tonight she had to say something unsympathetic, hurtful, cold-
blooded, he would n’t hold her so tightly, afraid she would run away, but would hate
her ?
  She suddenly couldn't help but ask him: " Qi Ze, if I did something wrong and
hurt you, would you hate me? "
  Surprisingly, Qi Ze hesitate to say: " do not. "
  Cheng Yan was really stunned: " Why? "
  Qi Ze looked down at her, seemingly indifferent look some faint
tenderness: " You do wrong wrong, I do not hate you, as it has been painful enough,
but also a girl that I love to hate, not for myself Is it more cruel? "
  Cheng Yan silent, face I can not see what the situation thread .
  " So ..." Qi Ze's eyes were almost sharp, making people unable to look
directly. " Yan Yan, what are you going to do? "
  "......" Cheng Yan words choking, hand pointing to the pharmacy behind
him, " arrived, I had to go buy medicine for it. "
  Qi Ze seemed to glance at her meaningfully without asking, and entered the
pharmacy with her .
  Cheng Yan took a deep breath in silence, and the man ’s aura was quite
intimidating. She only wished that when she recounted Bai Yueguang ’s breakup
tonight, she should not stutter and collapse .

The first 14 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (xiv )

  The party in the class was very late, and I was still singing loudly in the box.
Cheng Yan saw that it was about ten o'clock, and left early with Qi Ze. It was
already pouring down .
  According to the development of the story, she had ten -thirty , when, in her
home high above the entrance to the attitude to end the relationship .
  Cheng Yan low head thinking about how to make Qi Ze opening her home .
  Qi Ze was as if seen through her thoughts, distraction umbrella stand in her
head, his tone seems to have floated with the moist fog and brought coolness: " .
Come on, I take you home ," Dayton Suddenly, he asked again, " Can it be? "
  Cheng Yan slightly with a surprised look at him, and his eyes a touch, she slowly
looked away, said: " . Good "
  Qi Ze stopped a car. After she reported her address, the two sat in the back seat
together .
  Or perhaps taking medication easily trapped, Qi Ze got eyes closed, the car light
is dim, adolescents outline somewhat vague, breathing very light, quiet light sleep
like a bit lonely lonely .
  Cheng Yan didn't say anything, turned to look at the rapidly disappearing scenery
outside the window, and pursed her lips subconsciously .
  The next time the car, the rain was even greater, the night also shed a bit
cold .
  Qi Ze carried her to the door with an umbrella. When the wind blew, he coughed a
few times, his face paler and thinner, and he felt a bit of bare support .
  Cheng Yan hold back do not care about him, made no indifferent appearance of
moving to co-operate .
  Qi Ze was able to get the highest score in the school, and her brain was much
smarter than ordinary people. Without her saying anything, she could see from his
silent expression that he might already know what she was going to say .
  Because of this, she became more and more indifferent when he looked at her with
deep eyes .
  Different kind of silence is some breathless, but fortunately Qi Ze spoke first
to break the silence, with some sound hoarse: " you which school newspaper? "
  Cheng Yan felt that her psychological quality was still not as strong as the
original owner, and she could not look into his eyes and say those hurtful words .
  So, she slightly tilts his head and eyes every now and then looking at the
raindrops, silent for a moment, only in an extremely cold tone, said: " tell tell
you do not make any sense, because, no matter which school I chose, all It won't be
where you are. "
  Even with some quasi-psychological preparation, real face, or instantly Qi Ze
face was downcast, jaw tight, holding umbrellas fingers have also forced glow
white .
  " Why? "
  Although open different fields of white, Qi Ze is still the same as the book
asked these three words .
  Cheng Yan turned his head boldly and saw Qi Zeding staring at her, his face
ugly, his eyes cold and deep, as if he were awl .
  She swallowed silently and thought about the plot. He didn't seem to do anything
to Bai Yueguang under anger, so her personal safety should still be guaranteed .
  Despite ran away after being shook his aura to think, she was carrying his lofty
indifference attitude, trying to make his vision of his, afraid to remember his lines
made it very slow, so it sounds like a Yi Zizi warning him: " because you are not
fit me, in fact, before and your contacts, I was ready at any time to break up,
you're not stupid, you should understand why I put it this way? "
  Qi Ze Qingchan eyes, suddenly smiled, cold cold smile, a trace
of sarcasm: " because you are a wealthy family rich princess, but nothing I'm just a
poor student? "
  Cheng Yan was indifferently silent .
  Qi Ze suddenly sharp eyes to look at her, somewhat hard tone: " But, even so,
you also happy happy I am, is not it? "
  " Yes, I never whether to recognize it. " Cheng Yan, calm eyes, " but no one will
agree with me are together, like people can be yours, it can be someone else, I can
not order you to give up my life now . "
  " Others? Wei Yang, Qin repair, or others who chase behind you? " Qi Ze look
straight at her, relaxed tone, " you do not like Huan them, you just like me,
right? "
  Qi Ze's insight into people's hearts is very strong, and Bai Yueguang in the
book really likes him only, but she is not a person of love first .
  Cheng Yan said lightly : " So what? It doesn't matter. "
  " Unimportant? " Qi Ze anger somewhat stifled, sneer, " that I had that look, you
and other people is no different, all the same cold-blooded was chilling in the
interests of the face! "
  Cheng Yan didn't open her face, didn't look at him, her face was white, and she
showed her unsympathetic emotion: " That's how I did it, so break up. "
  Qi Ze was silent, glaring at her as if scarlet, and the hand holding the umbrella
handle was getting tighter .
  In the embarrassing and suffocating silence, it seemed that an invisible string
collapsed into a straight line .
  Suddenly, Qi Ze threw away the umbrella in her hand, and the splashed raindrops
hit her face, some cold and some faint pain. She closed her eyes subconsciously and
was already hugged The waist and lips also came with hot heat .
  He fought like a ferocious and dangerous risk of wolf, tear, sucking, as if to
swallow her alive belly .
  He always calm, never lost state to the crazy look .
  This ... this development is not right .
  Cheng Yan some ignorant, some scared, gall war scared to be hugged and kissed
him, I just feel like the mouth have a very strong smell of blood, I do not know she
accidentally bite him, or was he angry bite her .
  The male character in the book should stand in the rain and watch her leave step
by step, even if she feels painful in her heart, she must act indifferently .
  Fortunately, Qi Ze released her quickly, and her eyes were indeed cold, as if she
had never known her .
  Cheng Yan's tremor trembles at the same time, and he breathes a sigh of relief,
not daring to entangle with him, so he takes out his jade pendant and wants to return
it to him .
  But, just when Qi Ze looked at her coldly and was about to reach out, she was
worried that others would not see the jade pendant, so she stood on tiptoe and hung
it on his neck .
  Qi Ze's hand was still stretched out, staring at her without speaking .
  "..." Cheng Yan was a little embarrassed and glanced at him lightly, pretending to
be calm, " I will return Yu Pei to you, and I will never see you again. If you
encounter it, you must pretend not to know me, I do n’t want anyone to know that we
have been in contact. "
  Qi Ze still stared at her, her eyes were deep, and she looked uneasy .
  Cheng Yan thought for a while, as if there was nothing left to say,
he walked tentatively a few steps forward , and saw Qi Ze also ignored her. .
  Qi Ze was standing in the heavy rain, soaking wet, his pale face had some blush
due to fever, and her eyes fixed on her back, her lips smiling coldly, and the whole
person looked somber and lonely .
  He would come to this step today , he asked for it, she had already prepared to
break up, he was not the same .
  He did n’t believe that Miss Qianjin, like her, would stay with him, but he
still could n’t resist the short joy of coveting, so now he was abandoned, pained,
angry, unwilling ... all by himself !
  He was that day comes, he can just forget about her pain after a while .
  However, he overestimated himself .
  He was not her imagined good, nor is it to themselves as so rational .
  He didn't even think of giving up on her at all. Since she started the
relationship, she should decide when to end it .
  Even if he was traumatized all over, even if he fell into hell, he would pull her
together and sink .
  give up? Success? Blessing ?
  He can't do it .

The first 15 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (xv )

  " Miss, how not to fight umbrella? "
  Fang aunt is off the hall mopping the floor, surprised to see Miss delicate
stature to stand in the porch, holding his arms quivering, soaked to the skin, look
beautiful, even if it is so awkward reveals a delicate and charming and moving,
people do not consciously Just feel soft .
  Cheng Yan heard as if to see her, then replaced the shoes, go to his room, an air
of uneasy .
  Small home to Mr. and Mrs. Lord dinner together, not come back, do not worry,
Miss Fang aunt, put down on the busy half-done live, with mention step up .
  Miss loves to be a child, and she does n’t dare to ask too much, so she just
said softly, " Miss, do you want to take a shower? I ’ll help you get clothes. "
  After listening to this, Cheng Yan suddenly stopped and looked back at
her: " You go get . Umbrella "
  Fang aunt a daze, my heart and I thought she would get close to some of the young
master, and asked: " ? To Master "
  Cheng Yan did not speak, pushed open the bedroom door, and walked straight to the
floor-to-ceiling window .
  From the window of the third floor of the family could see the entrance, brightly
lit street lamps, rain eased off small, you can faintly see him still standing there,
just like a motionless stone cold, aloof reveals a desolate feeling .
  Aunt Fang came along and saw it, exclaimed: " Who stands there in such heavy
rain? Are you stupid? "
  Is n’t it stupid ?
  Cheng Yan pursed her lower lip and tried to laugh, but couldn't laugh,
silently sighed .
  If it were not for her to set up, she went to plug the umbrella herself .
  If she is the hostess of the president's article, this way of standing in the
rain and waiting in a silly way is of course the soft return of the hostess's heart,
and the two men embrace deeply in the rain and then reconcile with the scene .
  Unfortunately, she was just destined to abandon the cannon grey
moonlight he paved for the hostess .
  Cheng Yan withdrew her gaze and wiped the raindrops on her face . When she felt
a pain, she tentatively touched her left face .
  Aunt Fang noticed her movements and saw a faint trace of blood on her face. She
was startled: " Miss, how did you hurt your face? "
  Cheng Yan Qi remembered fell under the umbrella Ze rage, may then scratched, and
she was silent, said: " I'm fine, you go to send an umbrella to him, does not have
to persuade him go, if he do not ......" Dayton After a while, she continued, " You
will leave the umbrella. "
  Aunt Fang got off in doubt , went downstairs and took the umbrella and went out.
She let the security guard at the door open the door, and then she saw that this man
was a teenage student, wearing the same school uniform as the young lady. It was
Qingjun, and it was too haggard to look, and his face was so white that he could be
stunned by a gust of wind, but there was a fierce force that forced him to
persevere .
  " Are you a classmate of Miss? " Aunt Fang asked with a polite smile when he saw
him .
  Qi Ze stared at her, her eyes cold, without a word .
  Aunt Fang felt that he was really strange, and he didn't want to say more, so he
handed him the umbrella: " Why don't you keep it when the lady asked to send it? I
don't care anymore. I delivered the umbrella, just leave it here. Why is the boy so
grumpy? "
  Fang aunt glanced at him, the umbrella on his feet, turned to go, at this time
badly behind came the husky voice: " You tell . Tell her, I'm waiting for her ."
  Aunt Fang was strange and turned to look at him: " What are you waiting for
Miss? "
  Silence again .
  The pretty boy looked somberly at her. She felt awkward in her heart. When
she refused to say it, she wanted to leave .
  At this time, a car's lights swept brightly. Aunt Fang blocked her eyes and stood
still again. When she saw a red sports car coming, she knew that the young master was
back .
  The driver opened the door, holding a black umbrella, and a pair of white leather
shoes fell to the ground. The handsome man in an expensive suit got out of the car.
He seemed to dislike such formal clothes. When I walked forward, I saw the young man
with the pestle at the door. A pair of peach eyes flashed through the light, raising
his eyebrows with interest .
  " I remember you. " Cheng Xiangyang walked around, and the driver held an
umbrella for him. He smiled, but he didn't seem friendly. " This is not where you
should stand. Go back, one can't understand. Anything else, but at least understand
what self-knowledge means? "
  His God -state tone are revealing a bit of scorn and derision .
  Qi Ze said with no expression on his face: " I'm waiting for someone. "
  Cheng Xiangyang sneered and his eyes were compelling: " There is no one you have
to wait for! " He gently clapped his hands, called out a few security guards,
pointed at the embarrassed teenager in the rain, and said, " Get him away! "
  Qi Ze did not give in, and the momentum brought a little sharpness: " I said,
I'm waiting for someone! "
  A go pull his arms on security, he was raising his hand to beat a punch, pain
clutching his nose a few steps back .
  Several others hesitated and looked at Cheng Xiangyang .
  The smile on Cheng Xiangyang's face was gone, and he looked at him coldly ,
knowing in his heart that he and his sister must have fallen out, or the one that did
not pay the breakup fee, and did not know whether the boy really liked it Yanyan
refused to let go because she didn't benefit .
  No On what kind, he must leave immediately .
  Because coming back to his father, sister and father knew if to let a poor
student talked about love, but also must be sent to a sister tantrum .
  Best thread turned a turn Stayed lips pulled gentle smile, patted him on the
shoulder seems to be very understanding, so that the driver brought the checkbook, a
check to hand to tear down, carelessly stuffed In his school uniform pocket .
  " The numbers above are up to you. " Cheng Xiangyang said with a smile , " Are
you called Qi Ze? Listen , this money is enough for you to find thousands of girls.
What do you want?" There are so many things that should n’t be
extravagant ... do n’t think about them, understand? ”
  Qi Ze's eyes were deep, and there was a sharp cold light slowly. He slowly took
out the check in his pocket and asked him in a serious tone: " If I can pay ten
times more than this, How many times will you sell her to me? "
  The atmosphere suddenly solidified, as if filled with invisible smoke .
  Fang aunt is also not out of the atmosphere in the side, only know their own
little god going crazy with anger, he has always been cynical, she had never seen the
young master like this, and my heart wondering juvenile mouth , " she " is not a
small God which Girlfriend .
  If you care so much, it may still be the young lady in the future .
  Cheng Xiangyang's eyes were ruthless , but his lips were smiling: " It's really
interesting, are you deliberately angering me ? "
  " Is it? !!! "
  Overstating his voice, suddenly punch hit in the past, his mouth still seemed
excited simply said , " I've been can not help but want to teach you how a man! "
  Qi Ze was also not weak, kicking him in the knee, seeing him with some painful
expression, he sneered: " This is what I want to say. "
  Two people are in the gas head, do not fight just like life, where pain where to
play, which shares the posture so that others are not close .
  But, looked at several security in the end can not do their own little god is
playing, so it together around the past .
  Aunt Fang was stunned and turned around to call the young lady. Although the
young man had a strange temper, he was also responsible if something was hit .
  When Cheng Yan came over, he saw Qi Ze lying on the ground with his hands and
feet pressed by four security guards. One of Cheng Xiangyang's feet stepped on his
abdomen, and he grinded it with anger, and his tone was also fierce: " Do you know
what people say? Do you want me to continue teaching you? Say! "
  Qi Ze said nothing, staring at him somberly .
  Cheng Yan's tone is light and flirty: " Brother, what are you doing? "
  Stayed a stunned, looked up and saw the girl wearing a delicate lace pajamas,
slightly curled hair hanging down, a face become more beautiful and refined Chu Chen,
just cold demeanor, he was surprised to know that she is Feeling angry, he put his
feet back on the floor subconsciously .
  Heart some regret angry, the way he just took the liberty to be seen yet ?
  Will she be afraid of him? Will you still hate him ?
  " Just for fun of it. " Stayed went to her body side, whispered to coax
her, " though it did not rain, and colder yet, what do you come out? "
  After finishing his speech, he glanced a little coldly at Aunt Fang who reported
the news: " Soon to send the lady back? "
  Cheng Yan ignored it, but just walked a few steps, stood in front of Qi Ze,
looked down at him from the top, and could not see any emotion on the face .
  Qi Ze had a high fever, was raining again, and was beaten with others. He was
lying on the ground in embarrassment, looking at her with a deep look, with a
stubborn fierce expression .
  The two looked at each other, and for a while no one said a word .
  " Why make it so ugly? " Cheng Yan said indifferently, crouching down, reaching
out to him, " Get up, remember this lesson, don't come to see me again in the
future, you will I met a kind-hearted girl. "
  Qi Ze looked at the soft and clean hand in front of him, slowly holding it,
sitting on the ground half-supported, pulling it slightly, she fell into his arms,
the girl's body was soft, with An intoxicating clean fragrance .
  He Minato in her ear, low sound dumb: " However, my first encounter was a bad
girl. "
  So ... no matter how good the girl I met later was not what he wanted .
  And she ... even if it is bad, he is bound to get it, unless he dies, or she
dies .
  Cheng Yan was quickly pulled away by Cheng Xiangyang . He was a little flustered
by his words and didn't hear clearly what Cheng Xiangyang was shouting .
  Stayed going to let insurance security people will give away the time, his
father - Cheng Feng back .
  Looking at the cars slowly drove up in a black car, Cheng Yan breathing paused,
eyes look to the complexity of no sleep Qi Ze .
  If he does go back a few illegitimate way home Lord, her situation becomes
awkward up .
  Fortunately, she will be sent abroad after the summer vacation, after which,
there will be no chance for them to meet again .
  Thinking about it, she hesitated a little, and she was not sure about Qi Zeding's
deep eyes .
  Will things really develop as written in the book ?

The first 16 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (XVI )

  "I 'm not going to take people away yet! "
  Cheng Xiangyang frowned and ordered several security guards, worried that his
father would not be able to talk about him .
  However, Qi Ze glanced them coldly, his eyes sharp as a hook, and those people
hesitated, apparently not forgetting the lifeless cruelty of the young boy in front
of him .
  " I'll go. " His voice was sand dumb, with intensity .
  Qi Ze stood up swayingly, his body seemed to be weak to the extreme, but he tried
to hold it with one breath, his face was as white as a piece of paper, and the dark
eyes of the cold eyes were even more as if there was no light .
  He looked at her like that .
  Cheng Yan seen by his heart pulling up, the surface was also carrying cool
look .
  A moment later, he let out a sneer that seemed self-deprecating and ridiculous,
withdrawn his gaze and walked in the direction when he came .
  It was also at this time that the car stopped at the door, and Cheng Feng got out
of the car, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the teenager coming to him .
  After the rain, there was a little mist in the night , which was refracted under
the light of the street lamp like a dream .
  Cheng Feng stiffened, his heart shook, and his eyes stared at the teenager .
  His micro- thin Zhang Mei, Hideitsu eyes, straight nose, thin lips and some
indifferent, and both let him remember the face of the woman dying during eighteen
years ago, a beautiful pale, facial features hostility, as if a A thorny rose
withered rapidly .
  Just as the teenager was about to pass by him, he almost exhausted all his
strength to grab the opponent's arm. The teenager looked at him with a sideways
glance, his indifference and sharpness, like a knife .
  Cheng Feng heart weird sense of shock and more strong, how there will be two such
similar people ?
  Positive thinking, wrist suddenly sank, Cheng Feng under Italian consciously hold
on to the people, and found that he was boiling hot, eyes closed, should be positive
with a fever .
  He was about to do good to take the child to the hospital. After all, he looked
so much like his ex-wife, but he was stunned in an unintended glance .
  Teenager hanging around his neck on one Kuai jade, yet a closer look, he nearly
had a strong hunch that this is his first son had to build that one .
  Who knew he was born as a daughter, he was extremely disappointed, and did not
care where the jade piece went .
  Now, he has re-saw this piece of jade on a strange boy. This boy still looks like
his ex-wife ?
  His heart racing, a shortage of some absurd idea uppermost .
  " Dad! "
  Seeing that the two still ran into each other, Cheng Xiangyang hurried over and
saw that his father's face was weird, thinking that his sister's love had leaked, and
his heart sank .
  Cheng Feng ignored him, took the teenager back to the car, and asked the driver
to drive to the hospital with a tone of anxiety .
  Stayed has not been so ignored his father had, he frowned, look to understand
things not because my sister love, then ...... father pro Qi Ze Why so nervous ?
  Suddenly , he seemed to have thought of something. He looked back. The girl stood
at the door, her figure was thin and weak, and it made people feel pitiful .
  In connection with the previous investigation, his brows grew tighter .
  " Brother ..."
  The faint voice, revealing the sweetness that belongs to the girl alone, seems to
be able to even the heart of the person .
  Cheng Xiangyang changed his casual look, walked over, looked down at her, his
voice soft and smiled: " What's wrong? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him: " Why did Dad take Qi Ze? "
  Stayed a stunned look on her eyes have become more distressed tone more gentle,
coaxing like: " You look to see it, he was sick, good-hearted father, of course, had
to take him to the hospital, right? "
  Cheng Yan's eyes were faint .
  Cheng Xiangyang seemed to be afraid of her in-depth study, and took her shoulders
and walked inwardly, changing the subject quietly: " You do n’t wear so much, it
’s not cold outside? Go away, my brother will go back with you, do you want to talk
about going to bed? Story? Do you like Snow White or Cinderella, or ... others? "
  Cheng Yan did not speak, went upstairs, and shut him out mercilessly .
  "..." Cheng Xiangyang looked at the door and sighed .
  In the next few days, Cheng Feng didn't go home, and the atmosphere at home was
calm and unusual. The stepmother always loved to be gentle and indifferent, but the
emotions of the past few days were obviously a little irritable .
  Cheng Yan thought that she should be the same as in the plot, already knowing
that Cheng Feng not only found the child, but also did a paternity test .
  Logically , said Jiang Wan Cheng Xiangyang also be informed of the matter, but he
is acting without the knowledge, and always pulled her out of the first run, to see
him those Hupenggouyou, and ushered children to make her laugh .
  Until the fifth day Stayed want to take time out of her, standing in front of the
second floor railing Jiang Wan of them stopped, calm tone: " . Not today, Yangyang,
your dad came back today, not a person ."
  Her words were concise and clear. After she finished, she glanced at Cheng Yan
lightly and turned back to the room .
  There is no doubt ask, today is the day with Cheng Feng Qi Ze home .
  Stayed smile untenable, and face complicated looked down at her, sighed and
said: " Yan Yan, I think I have to tell tell you about it, but do not be afraid,
anyway, You are always my sister, the girl of our Cheng family, will not change. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him in confusion, as if he did n't understand why he said
that .
  Before Cheng Xiangyang said it, he was very distressed. He took her and sat down
on the sofa, took a deep breath, tried to relax the voice as much as possible to
scare her .
  Cheng Yan listened silently, but also made a somewhat surprised, confused, dazed
look .
  Cheng Xiangyang 's version should also be discussed by Jiang Wanzhi and Cheng
Feng .
  It was because of the nurse's carelessness that she misled the two children. She
was not actually the Cheng family's child, Qi Ze was .
  Jiang Wanzhi was not mentioned at all. It was not that Cheng Feng did not detect
this, but that he deliberately shielded his wife and did not want to destroy the
harmony of the family. After all, things had already happened and there was no point
in pursuing it .
  What's more, Cheng Feng himself did not want to pursue .
  It is written in the book that Cheng Feng and Mrs. Cheng are in a commercial
marriage, and their feelings have been inconsistent. They thought that Mrs. Cheng
gave birth to a daughter. Entered the house .
  Mrs. Cheng became ill and died within a few months .
  Cheng Feng feels that this is more or less related to himself, so he still wants
to compensate for the children, but the concept of giving priority to men over girls
is too heavy to really like her daughter .
  Therefore, after the real son Qi Ze came back, he compensated him all his guilt,
and because Qi Ze was particularly smart and had a high business talent, he became
more and more fond of Qi Ze, and finally gave the inheritance right. Him .
  Cheng Yan was thinking Stayed half-truths version of the story has been finished,
but also a worried look, comfort her: " Yan Yan, you do not hurt, ah, this is
nothing, not that more than one person at home to eat it. "
  Cheng Yan's face was pale, her eyelashes were trembling, a pitiful look that she
refused to cry, and her voice was soft and cold: " But, this person is not someone
else, brother, didn't I just dump him? "
  Cheng Xiangyang felt like he had forgotten something important, and he suddenly
awakened at her mention .
  Not only did the younger sister offend others , but he did the same. He only
taught people to be on the ground before .
  Cheng Xiangyang coughed, and when she saw that she looked sad, she took her hand,
moved closer to her, and whispered, " Yan Yan, there is nothing to be afraid of. You
have been a Miss Cheng family for more than ten years. It's a newcomer, it would be
nice if you didn't bully him, would he dare to retaliate against you? "
  Cheng Yan raised his head and looked at him, his eyes clear and quiet .
  Stayed insurance protection to be stronger, her hand more tightly, the sound is
big: " Even if the revenge we are not afraid, my brother will protect you, he wants
dared to touch you, I'll take one to go teach him a man , To ensure that he does n’t
dare to mess up . ”
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  " Who are you going to teach to be a man? "
  Cheng Feng's slightly unpleasant voice came from the door .
  Cheng Xiangyang stiffened .
  Cheng Yan lift head looked, Cheng Feng tall figure came in, his side also
followed a teenager, looked cold, gloomy facial features, wearing not the past, those
cheap goods, should be the Cheng Feng deliberately take him to the store to buy .
  The clothing is exquisite and elegant, and the appearance is clean and handsome,
and one stop there, slender and straight, if you don't know his past, it is almost
the same as those of the elegant and rich second-generation sons in the circle .
  It's just that Qi Ze's eyes glanced lightly, and when she looked at her, she felt
a chill in her back .
Did   n’t you say she would hate her ?
  Why is his eyes so dark and dark that he is so panic in his heart ?

The first 17 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (XVII )

  Sand on the hair, Cheng Feng holding a glass just brewed hot coffee, blew slowly
down a drink from his expression calm silence, as if the juvenile bring their own
families storm caused no sleep .
  After sitting down for a while, he said only one sentence: " Go and invite my
wife. "
  Aunt Fang went .
  Sort of bell in the past, nor even the shadows of the stairs .
  Qi Ze did not sit, standing next to the armrests of the sofa, with a tall and
clear figure, thin lips slightly pursed, and an expressionless face .
  Cheng Yan was sitting on the side sofa, and Cheng Xiangyang was sitting beside
her. The two of them didn't ask anything .
  Atmosphere Yi Some strange pressure suppression .
  It was another period of time, and most of the coffee in Cheng Feng's hands
drank, and the brows became tighter, and when he was impatient, there was a noise at
the stairs .
  " Three reminders four what to do please? " Jiang Wan's pale smile go down the
stairs, wearing a jade bracelet the hand on the railing, was dazzling white, " the
first meeting, shall send a little gift to the child do? "
  Her voice was gentle and soft, and Cheng Feng 's frowned brows were
loosened, and she put down the coffee she had been tired of. When she sat down, she
reached out and hugged her thin waist, saying, " This is what I told you He and
Yanyan held the wrong child. "
  Jiang Wan of his mouth smile, smile does not reach the eyes, lift eye looked
Qi Ze one, will be a bank card handed in the past, said: " You've come in a hurry, I
did too late to quasi- prepared, do not know you like what what, so we give you a
little pocket money for yourself, Cary has one million, you first hand, not with me
again. "
  Qi Ze looked pale, and neither reached for a hand nor spoke .
  Cheng Yan looked aside. She also knew the reason for Qi Ze ’s attitude. It was
also written in the book that he knew the truth about him being held wrong. Cheng
Feng might be afraid that he was too close to Jiang Wanzhi and was killed, so He did
not hide the things that Jiang Wanzhi did .
  Such a moment, Jiang Wan's face sank, and only a moment between smile and gentle,
but it would only slender hand and then turn directions .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Why are you facing her ?
  She felt significantly felt all eyes are focused on coming .
  Jiang Wan's pull her hand, would that card into her hand, micro-light
tone: " That child but recognize students it being the case, Yan Yan you hold is the
same, you simply replace the? He ’s not so bad for so many years. "
  She made Cheng Yan unable to retreat in just a few short sentences, apparently
sending her anger on her .
  When Master Zheng returned, her identity problem of counterfeit goods had to be
given back .
  Cheng Yan stared at Jiang Wanzhi, his eyes cold .
  Cheng Xiangyang did n’t dare to fuck his mother, so he laughed and took the card
from her hand and stuffed it into her jacket pocket: " Mom, it ’s best to hand it
to me. I can bring my new brother to buy it. Something. "
  Jiang Wan's ramp at him, a little scolding .
  Cheng Feng is smiling, in front of his mouth like Stayed tone: " still Yangyang
sensible. " He glanced at the cold side of the girl, the tone on the light
down, " As for you ...... want to stay on the left bar. "
  Cheng Yan body of a stiff, under Italian consciously see him standing next to the
young, to the pair of cold eyes, she lengleleng, bowed his head, bite lip slightly
pale, seems to feel humiliated embarrassed Looks like .
  Cheng Xiangyang glanced at Qi Ze with a bad look , and quietly took her sister's
hand. When she looked up, she gave her a comforting smile .
  " Just like this. " Jiang Wanzhi stood up and passed a polite remark when he
passed Qi Ze. " You live here. Just tell me if you need help. "
  After she took a step, Qi Ze said the first sentence after coming here, her voice
was low: " I don't think that Madam needs to do anything ..."
  In Jiang Wan's turned it seems, he, Yi Zizi went to her eyes: " had been a big
help. "
  Different kind of silence spread between people .
  Look to see Jiang Wan's face suddenly got extremely wonderful face, Cheng Yan
expression in a daze, choked, not to laugh, to hold back! Must hold back !
  Qi Ze really ...... a needle see blood sharp ah .
  After a moment, Jiang Wanzhi looked at him in disbelief, looked at him up and
down, and laughed instead, but that smile was more like an angry smile: " Is it? Good
boy, if Yangyang has you It ’s so worrying, I really want to burn incense. "
  After Jiang Wanzhi was angry, Cheng Xiangyang couldn't watch his mother getting
sulky, and he followed her to make her happy .
  Cheng Feng didn't mean to blame Qi Ze, just glanced at him and said: " Your
illness is just right, come back to the room intermittently. "
  In a light pale maid came up: " little Lord, your room has been packed up. "
  Qi Ze didn't move, and looked at the solitary girl sitting on the sofa, her lips
suddenly raised slightly, her smile didn't have the slightest temperature: " What
about her? "
  A maid stunned, said: " Miss room . Room on the third floor, live your
opposite " Dayton the next, she added, " large and small . God lived next door to
Miss "
  Qi Ze smiled away, looked at Cheng Yan with a fixed gaze, and said
lightly: " I mean, I want her room. "
  His tone was ordinary, and it was because of this that he usually became
stronger .
  Cheng Yan looked at him with an angry look, and his expression was colder .
  The maid was not sure which room to take the person to, but had to look to the
head of the family .
  Cheng Feng almost did n't hesitate, and he said : " Yanyan, take him to your
room. You can move it out after you clean it up. "
  Cheng Yan sighed and remained silent, and still led the person to her room .
  She closed the door, leaning on the door without going inside, and asked him
coldly, " What the hell do you want to do? "
  Qi Ze didn't speak. He looked at this girl-filled room, which was clean, tidy,
and sweet .
  He looked to see quite eye-catching pale green lace curtains, refreshing, window
hanging on a string winds rattled loud chimes. Not far away on a shelf of a
princess-style extravaganza soft bed, meandering in long draperies, the foot of the
bed lay a large Thai Di Bear doll, look a little old, but still preserved dry net
intact .
  He lifted the thin pale pink curtains and sat on the edge of the bed, and
he smelled a faint scent, a sweet and attractive scent on the girl's body .
  He only felt like being attracted some heart fluctuations which shares the smell,
he sip Min Chun, to divert attention, to look resting on a bed of very beautiful
music box, the pattern is crowned Snow White, little , Exquisite and noble .
  "Do n't touch it! "
  Qi Ze'er wasn't interested in these little girls' gadgets, and had no intention
of touching it. It was just that she wanted to be three feet away from him. Opened
the mouth .
  His eyes flicked slightly , but he reached up and picked up the music box.
Without waiting for a closer look, she ran like a gust of wind and took the music box
away .
  Qi Ze looked up at her in silence .
  " This is my birthday gift from my dad. " It seemed that he was afraid that he
would snatch it, and the girl held his anger, and looked at him with clear and dark
eyes, " I can't give it to you. "
  The original owners do not care surface is the father of the pro, in fact, not
even ten years old when her father was a gift from all cherish very much, because
this is the only gift he personally bought, not what sent her assistant to buy .
  Qi Ze stared at her, " Oh " , and grabbed the teddy bear at the corner of the
bed , squeezed its paw, as if interested .
  Sure enough, she was robbed again .
  He looked at her all the time and saw her holding a half-tall teddy bear in one
hand and carefully holding the music box in the other. He was as vigilant as he was a
sinister bad guy. Can't help but want to laugh .
  However, he refrained, stood up, approached her, his face somber, leaned over to
look at her, and said in a word: " If I want, not only the things in your hand ,
including this room, but also you own Everything can be mine, are you sure you can
fight me? "
  Girls lift head and looked at him, the mood seems to forbear for a long time and
some collapse, eyes were red, but efforts endured did not cry out, things will fall
into the hands of all the slips him, shouted at him and whispered: " to you, to You,
give it to you! I have nothing, are you satisfied? You just want to smile and see if
I cry? No, I wo n’t cry! "
  With that said, she turned her back, and the more she refrained from crying, the
more her chest was clogged, the tears fell down disobediently, and she could not wipe
it off .
  " Yan Yan ..." For a moment, Qi Ze looked at her back, crying slightly trembling,
annoyed, and reached out and touched her shoulder .
  " Go away! " She pushed him away and stared at him coldly , with tears on her
face. Even if she cried, she looked beautiful .
  Qi Ze slowly withdrew his hand and his expression became indifferent: " I
won't steal anything from you. "
  What he wanted ... only her, nothing more .
  Cheng Yan stared at him without half trust in his eyes .
  Qi Ze like some anger, pulled her close to her wrists to the front, leaned her
breathing ambiguous intertwined, his eyes deep: " On the contrary, I will
protect protect you, do not let anyone Bullying you, like ... your stepmother. "
  Cheng Yan tried to break free, but was also hugged by her waist. The two men's
bodies were closer together. His breath, body temperature, and eyes were extremely
aggressive and made her stiff .
  " What are you doing? " She angry and vision, to cover up the confusion .
  " Are you afraid? I have not had more intimate than this it? "
  He lowered his head slowly, as if he wanted to kiss her. She looked coldly, but
he did n’t kiss, but just leaned on her ear and said, " Yanyan, you provoke me
first, So ... you have to be responsible! "
  Cheng Yan was silent .
  Qi Ze Song opened her step back, lightly said: " Your music box, teddy bears,
and even your house room, or do you have of. " He suddenly smiled, very light
laugh, " but - you It must be mine. After all, you have done so much to me. I have to
ask you to pay for it for a lifetime. Is this fair? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him coldly and didn't speak until she walked out of the room,
her tight nerves relaxed .
  Not over - she frowned, thinking for a moment, the male just can not forget her
first love, after all, he still finds really bent on her ?
Why is   her hunch so bad ?

The first 18 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (xviii )

  The next day, eat breakfast meal times, Cheng Feng Qi Ze do is proposed to give a
grand eighteenth birthday feast, invite friends and family, as he was officially
introduced to drive home two little people .
  Its real, he does not have to be so high-profile, business entertainment news
magazines have also registered a child on the way home Baocuo, upper-class circles
probably did not know what an awful thing of wonder .
  Cheng Yan bowed head, sipped milk, some fast heartbeat .
  According to the development of the plot, Bai Yueguang proposed to study in the
UK after the birthday feast next week. The Cheng family already has a veritable
second child. Her fake situation will become embarrassing, and it is better to go far
earlier. Children .
  Of course, Cheng Feng had no reason to disagree. As for the male host, even
though he couldn't let Bai Yueguang down for a while, he couldn't forget how she
treated him with ruthlessness, so she just watched indifferently, but she was
depressed for a while after she left. It's just time .
  Cheng Yan secretly kind of relax a sense of feel , the story is very powerful
force, there should be no mistake, she would crank up the scenes should it ?
  She bowed head, think of God, even in the hands of a fork will not move .
  Falls on the eyes of others, girls low head Daizheng appearance, more like
because his birthday was ignored and feel lost, and she is obviously Qi Ze born the
same day .
  Stayed distressed wanted to hug her, know not to persuade her father to do a
birthday party, it is time to think of how they have all of his friends, classmates
invited to her birthday, so she deserted to a man Sad .
  Even Qi Ze glanced at her, her eyes dark .
  Cheng Yan didn't pay attention to it, and felt very relaxed. Thinking about the
reaction that the original owner should have at this time, he took a few bites and
said that he was full and got up to leave the table .
  Qi Ze picked up a napkin and wiped the corners of his lips, and also got up and
left .
  Stayed see eyebrow head Yi Zhou, said he was about to get up to eat when they
were stopped Cheng Feng: " . Yangyang, you sit down, and I explain something to
you ."
  Back to the bedroom, to shut the door when suddenly reached out a hand to pull
the door frame, the door pushed open a half-fan, she looked up in surprise, Qi Ze
standing in the doorway, watching her weeping eye, face silence .
  She asked coldly : " What are you doing? "
  Qi Zexiao: " Are you sure you want to talk here? "
  After a moment of silence, Cheng Yan retreated, let him enter the house, and
closed the door .
  Qi Ze sat down on the folding chair on the balcony. There were some fruits on
the table, as well as a shiny fruit knife .
  He took a red apple and peeled it with a knife. The speed was very fast and
steady. The apple peeled down on his slender fingertips .
  Cheng Yan didn't understand his intention, hesitated for a while, and walked to
the balcony. He sat across from him and asked directly: " Isn't it good to say that
I don't know? Is there anything to talk about? "
  Qi Ze's hand shook gently, all the apple peels fell one after another, a full and
juicy apple appeared in his palm, and he handed it forward .
  Cheng Yan is not eaten bread, subconsciously you took it, and looked up to his
eyes faint smile, just listen to his faint said: " Who told you good? "
  " That day ..."
  Before she broke mention say that when those words, he had interrupted
her: " No wonder you always have enough to eat, you always eat so little at home? "
  Cheng Yan think that she already small appetite, but Qi Ze obviously will not
forget those months feeding her food day .
  So, she Minzhe Chun, the sun, Yan lip color red, color white, he simply said: " do
not you tube. "
  Qi Ze looked away, and it seemed that his lips were somewhat dry and licked his
lower lip, with a chuckle: " You are my girlfriend, I don't care who you are? "
  Cheng Yan seems scared, staring at him, like a bite anxious and want to self as
ferocious Rabbit: " have ! Been split up ."
  Qi Zeman carelessly: " I agree? "
  Cheng Yan coldly said: " I can just agree. Which pair of lovers have you seen
breaking up that both parties agreed to? "
  " I have not the same. " Qi Ze slightly bent over and looked at her, eye color
deep, serious tone, " you joy joy to me, I like you, your reasons for breaking up
may not exist now, and we have no difference, as long as If you want, I can only be a
joke when you break up. "
  Cheng Yan was almost startled and almost stood up. He had to hold his gaze to
look at him calmly, but his heart was already surging .
  Isn't the script written like this ?
Shouldn't   he turn a blind eye to her with pride and self-esteem ?
  Settling, Cheng Yan said indifferently : " I don't like it now. "
  However, Qi Ze ’s arrogance was not recovered, and she was given only three
words: " Impossible. "
  Cheng Yanxiu frowned: "... Why? "
  Qi Ze dark eyes looked at her a long while, the sound of low tone down
some tempting dumb: " You to I have the feeling, is not it? "
  " No! " Cheng Yan quickly rejected, " a sense of what sleep does not! "
  " You have! "
  " No ..."
  Her words were choked in the throat, and he suddenly leaned down and kissed her,
his hand pressed against her back, and the distance between the two was brought
closer. She only felt like an electric current was passing through her body, making
her His body was stiff and he couldn't move, but he looked at him with his eyes
open .
  Short -lived a kiss, the whole atmosphere has changed, weird and strange .
  His low head staring at her, she was stunned to see, gently smiled: " You do not
hit me, do not have strong feelings for me ......"
  Before the words fell, a loud slap had hit his left face .
  The girl's strength is not strong, and it doesn't hurt much, just a slight sense
of fire .
  Qi Ze straightened his body, looked at her, his jaw slightly stretched, his
expression seemed to be hidden in silence .
  The girl lifted her chin slightly, and the beautiful and clear pupils stared at
him, and said coldly, " I don't want to hit you, I just didn't think about whether
to hit your left or right face. "
  Qi Ze's eyes couldn't see emotions, just looked at her, for a long while, but
smiled again: " Yanyan, why do you have to explain? If you don't explain ..." he has
a playful tone, " Maybe I believe, you Don't like me. "
  Cheng Yan stared at him for a moment, and she looked down at the apple in her
hand: " It doesn't make sense to pursue this issue. "
  On the balcony blowing a gust, blowing her loose with slightly curled hair, skirt
micro-Yang, she just head down, side faces white, earlobe small, beautiful
appearance .
  Qi Ze didn't speak, but just felt that his heart was quiet at this moment,
because she was right in front of him .
  Suddenly, sounded a knock on his door, the door is mild Stayed voice: " Yan Yan,
I let the kitchen to do the things you love to eat. "
  Cheng Yan toward the direction of the door looked at, said: " I do not Hungry "
  Silent, the Cheng Xiangyang and asked: " Yan Yan, can I come in? "
  Cheng Yan lift head to see the Qi Ze, the mouth is saying: " . Brother, I will
get some sleep ."
  There was no sound outside the door. After a while, Cheng Xiangyang
said, " Okay, Yanyan, if you are hungry, remember to eat something. "
  It seems that there are footsteps gradually away .
  Qi Ze looked at her with a smile: " You really lie without even
blinking your eyes. "
  " You go out. " Cheng Yan didn't look at him. " I want to stay alone. "
  Before walking, Qi Ze silence for a moment before answering what she said
was: " not without its intended meaning, its significance lies not so that I can
figure out is still clinging to go. " Paused, he took a look at her, " If you do not
like happy I am, I will not stalker. "
  Out of the bedroom, Qi Ze just the door behind him and then felt a gust of wind
hit, he Mouguang slightly heavy, catch each other menacing fist .
  Stayed on the face of a sullen, Qi Ze sarcastic smile: " You to for the same
trick, I would be stupid enough to hit it a second time? "
  He shoved his hand hard, and Cheng Xiangyang took a half step back, his eyes
cold: " Far away from her , if you dare to hurt her, I will not let you go ! "
  " Hurt her? " Qi Ze's tone was unclear. " The person who was hurt may be me,
you, or someone else. It could never be her. "
  Cheng Xiangyang stared at him: " What do you mean? "
  Qi Ze faint, said: " because of whom do not have the heart to hurt your favorite
person. "
  Hi people Huan ?
  Stayed understand what he meant, but the mouth coldly said: " You Hu ? What to
say ."
  " Hu say it? " Qi Ze approached towards him, momentum to force people, " You're
in what capacity to warn me? You certainly do not know you now look how angry
jealous, right? Just because I'm from her room Come out? "
  Stayed he asked seemed flustered, embarrassed expression for a moment, pretending
to be calm and said: " I'm her brother, why can not the police ? Sue you
protection . She is my responsibility to protect "
  Qi Ze tone of indifference: " Oh, when I look at it wrong. "
  He pushed open the door opposite and walked in .
  Stayed grip tight fist, and firmly closed his eyes closed, as if you want to
spread the heart of strong emotions pressed down .

The first 19 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (XIX )

  On the second day when Qi Ze returned to the Cheng family, Cheng Yan received
many and many calls and messages, most of which came from the comfort, care,
confession of the enthusiastic rich second-generation suitors, and even said that she
would send her Houses, cars, bank cards, of course, part of it was the opportunity to
fall down and gloat .
  The phone was about to be blasted, and Cheng Yan was annoyed, and she simply
turned off the phone .
  But, she did not expect, most migraine two executive fanatical pursuit of those
who actually also ran to the door .
  One of the abnormal levels is still sss level .
  She met Qin Xiu and Wei Yang at the family banquet hosted by Cheng Jia for Qi
Ze tonight .
  See Cheng Feng is very happy joy calm clever second son, Qi Ze even if his
attitude is not salty is not short, he was solemnly organized a family dinner, a few
close relatives way home almost have come .
  She did not want to join in the fun, but the original owner is a very proud and
sensitive people, the more the more such occasions she would be playing their teeth,
because she did not want to give people laugh behind belittle her chances .
  Therefore, Cheng Yan picked out a white dress, exposed shoulders, arms a snow -
like white, slim and slender physique, but also the makeup, beautiful more wins in
the past, but also a bit more by the cold haughty temperament, so People dare not
take it lightly .
  Of course, the relatives' attention is not on her fake. On the dinner table, Qi
Ze is flattered and praised by everyone like the stars, except for the few cousins
who flew her secretly, especially one. Uncle Cheng ’s daughter Cheng Shiyi is the
most obvious, but she does n’t dare to talk much if she has elders .
  Cheng Yan ate some, did not like the past, a kind of withdrew, after all,
outsiders still talk about the rules .
  She waited patiently for him are finished .
  Xiu Qin and Yang Wei is the time to come to this, they will not have made an
appointment together, probably at the door by chance in .
Both the   Qin family and the Wei family are rich families who did not lose to the
Cheng family. The two of them came together, or came to find a fake one. The guests
looked at Cheng Yan a little differently, as if they were surprised and despised her.
Actually this will seduce men .
  Cheng Feng are fine is not high Xing look, but also politely asked if they are
not eaten, or not to eat something together .
  Wei Yang could n’t worry at home, the phone could n’t be reached, and the
information did n’t come back. He also heard that all the relatives of the Cheng
family had gone to the Cheng family. Ran .
  Look to see Cheng Yan when he lengleleng eyes are like light, such as Cheng Feng
asked him, Cheng Yan also look to him, he actually has some blush: " No, it did not
have. "
  Without waiting for someone to order, Aunt Fang pulled his chair very keenly
and asked him to sit down, and prepared tableware for him .
  Qin Xiu's eyes were unclear. He stared at Cheng Yan. He smiled gently and
suddenly looked up at Cheng Feng who was sitting on the throne: " Thank you uncle,
but I have already eaten. I have something to say to Yan Yan, Is it okay? "
  Cheng Feng certainly do not reject absolutely, looked at Cheng Yan, she finished
on a good entertaining guests .
  Wei Yang was picking up chopsticks. When he heard Cheng Feng's words, his
intestines were fucking green. What did he sit down for? He didn't come to eat. Is it
too late for him to say no ?
  Cheng Yan put down the chopsticks, got up, and walked away with Qin Xiu .
  He looked at their back, sitting opposite Qi Ze Min Chun slightly, deep dark
eyes .
  Cheng Yan wanted to take him to the living room, just after the stairs when
suddenly stopped Qin repair, gentle kindly asked her: " Yan Yan, see your room ?
Between you ."
  Cheng Yan looking calm: " can not. "
  " Really sorry. " Xiu Qin sighed, suddenly leaned over and looked at her, his
eyes almost direct voice suddenly low down, reveals a gentle hook people, " Yan
Yan ...... You're like a little fairy tonight, beautiful It ’s so hot that it ’s
bloody, do you want to touch it, my heartbeat? "
  Cheng Yan avoided the hand he reached over, very puzzled: "If it's hot, you can go
to the terrace to blow it. "
  Qin repair a daze, like to hear funny jokes, suddenly smiled, a smile spoiled
charming: " Yan Yan, you are such a treasure shell. "
  When the words fell, the little baby in his eyes gave him a cold look, but his
smile was bigger, as if he was very happy when she saw her .
  He did not want to go off the hall, Cheng Yan really took him on the third floor,
sitting on the large terrace outside .
  A maid brought tea and snacks .
  Xiu Qin see saw table books in English, but also in different colors focus
strokes, took notes, delicate font size, a look that girls writing .
  " Do you want to go abroad? " He asked .
  The original owner is not a learning-loving personality. She suddenly read the
English book, and it is not surprising that he could think of her purpose .
  Cheng Yan gave a " huh " sound .
  Qin Xiu did not ask her which school she wanted to go to, or whether she could go
with her, because the result would obviously not be what he wanted .
  After being silent for a while, he looked at her with serious eyes and concerned
tone: " Yanyan, are you okay? " After a pause, he seemed to be afraid of hurting her,
and he used his words, " No one can expect this kind of thing. By the way, you and
Qi Ze will never return ... "
  Cheng Yan's face was slightly cold: " You don't need to test me, I have nothing
to do with him. "
  "It's not tempting you. " Qin Xiu suddenly took her hand, looked at her,
and said, " I'm concerned about you. I know you will be uncomfortable in your heart,
even if you pretend to be casual, I I do n’t really think you ’re okay, Yanyan, I
am very distressed. "
  Two chairs very close, as long as he leaned over to kiss her on the face, he
leaned her, looked at her white jade-like profile, low voice: " Yan Yan, the family
you have nothing to nostalgia Is it true ? You did n’t like those family members
before, and it ’s even more so now. You have to endure living with your ex-boyfriend
who lives under one roof. Presumably it is a very painful thing? "
  Cheng Yan sneered: " So, do you want to take me
in ? " She added coldly , " Also, he didn't take anything from me, those are
his. "
  " Shelter? " Xiu Qin suddenly reached out to hold her waist, condensate depending
on her eyes, gentle eyes and somewhat morbid obsession, " how can you say that?
Yanyan, for you, I'm even willing to die Yes, I do n’t sympathize with you, but I
beg you, move out, stay with me, OK? "
  Cheng Yan's tone was not warm, staring at him: " You mean ... support me? "
  Qin Xiu's gentle expression changed, took a deep breath, pinched her chin, and
moved closer to her, with a little annoyance in her laughter: " You are really a
headache, Yanyan, should I speak more clearly? I ’m seriously confessing to you, on
the premise of getting married, I hope you can stay with me, I ’ll hurt you, spoil
you and love you, and I wo n’t change forever. ”
  Cheng Yan pushed him away bit by bit, refused in his actions, stood up, looked
at him condescendingly, and said only three words: " I'm sorry. "
  Seeing her wanting to leave, Qin Xiu held her wrist, hugged her from the back
with one hand to prevent her from moving around, and slowly moved closer to her ear.
The voice was very soft and slow, as if suppressing something: " Do n’t I rush to
refuse, I am very patient, you can come to me at any time. "
  He slowly lowered his head and dropped a kiss on her white and soft neck .
  Then, just before she was struggling , she let go .
  For her eyes, his smile, seemed to be explained, and seems to be flirting: " I
have . Been very restrained, Who I so love How about you, my little sweetheart ."
  Cheng Yan: "..."
When will the   heroine accept the perversion ?
  Cheng Yan felt that it was a wrong decision to stay alone with him, so he planned
to go downstairs. Just walking to the corridor, he saw Cheng Xiangyang walking with a
strange expression .
  " Brother, what's wrong? " Cheng Yan stopped .
  Cheng Xiangyang glanced at Qin Xiu next to her, frowned slightly , and
whispered: " Do n't go down first , the kid from Wei's family is drunk, and is
clamoring to come to you. , Why would n’t he leave? The kitchen is cooking sober
soup for him ,
  Hearing the word " marriage proposal " , Cheng Yan had a headache and
subconsciously glanced at Qin Xiu, and Qin Xiu sneered .
  "..." She glanced back and asked, " Why are you drunk? "
  Cheng Xiangyang's expression is even weirder: "It's not Qi Ze! Wei Yang will come
to you after dinner. Qi Ze stopped him and said he wanted to have a few drinks with
him. Wei Yang probably didn't want to admonish him, just drink it. He was drunk
quickly, and Qi Ze was like nothing else. "
  There are so many plays tonight .
  Cheng Yan rubbed his brow: " Brother, I back into the house room, and you go
downstairs with Qin repair it. "
  " Yan Yan ......" Qin repair seems to want to say anything .
  Cheng Yan ignored him and went straight to the bedroom. The door closed in front
of him .
  The bedroom was dark did not see see, even the curtains were pulled, it seems to
have some breathing room alcohol, she directly felt something was wrong, was going
to turn on the lights when the bedroom light had lit up .
  " Willing to come back? " Low dumb voice like thunder sounded in the side .
  She was startled, Qi Ze was standing beside her, supporting the wall with one
hand, looking down at her, it should be because of drinking, his eyes were a bit
dazed, his eyes dark .
  " Why are you here again? " She was going crazy .
  " It's an accident? " He trapped her in his arms, pressing her shoulders, with
some strength and some whispering, " Yanyan, you can't do this to me! But just a few
days, you can forget me, Do you want to play with others? "
  Cheng Yan was sorely hurt by him and said angrily: " I don't have it! "
  He grabbed her shoulders tightly, staring down at her, some heavy tone: " did
not I see? Saw him, you let him kiss you! "
  He repair long hot fingers stroking her neck, slowly, softly, like a snake, like
worrying will not suddenly bitten .
  Cheng Yan only feel back chills, who said he was all right, obviously drunk maybe
also worse than Yang Wei .
  "It's not that I asked him to kiss me. I didn't like that. It was just an
accident. " Cheng Yan was not good and the drunk man reasoned, only slowed down and
explained to him, " Qi Ze, you let me go first, you Will I feel dizzy after
drinking, I will help you back to the room? "
  Qi Ze seemed to be persuaded by her, and his strength was loosened. Just when
she wanted to go, he suddenly pressed it back and pressed it against her forehead.
The alcohol was strong and her breath was hot: " You Will he be with Qin Xiu ? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him, wanted to make him give up hope, said: " also Xu
will .
  " Also Xu will? " Qi Ze's face the moment becomes very frightening, gloomy face,
looked at her eyes fixed given, Yi Zizi said, " Are you really mean it? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him, and his heart suddenly became cold .
  He is not drunk !
  " You let me go first! " Cheng Yan also seemed angry, looking at him
coldly, "It hurts! "
  " Does it hurt? " Qi Ze laughed suddenly, and smiled inscrutablely .
  He unbuttoned his shirt and grabbed her hand and pressed it on his chest without
clothes blocking: " Do you really know what it hurts ? That night, when I was
waiting for you in the rain, you knew me again How painful is your heart? But, you
did n’t look back, not even once! How can you be so cruel? Is n’t it worth your
tender treatment? ”
  When he looked at him with some painful expression, she pursed her lips
and said, " You said, if I don't like you, you won't pester me. "
  Qi Ze's emotions are a bit out of control, his expression is gloomy, and he
smiles: " Do you want me to tell you that if you don't like me, I will lock you up
and let you belong to me forever? "
  Cheng Yan's expression changed: " You lied to me? "
  " Yes, I lied to you. " He oppressed her, kiss her one begins to thin, eyebrows,
eyes, cheeks, lips, dully, " I have to for my disguise may well make you willing to
return to me, but - you body human side of so many, so many, I can not bear, can not
wait! "
  Cheng Yan's voice shook a little: " You let me go first! "
  Qi Ze ignored her, kissed her lips, inserted her finger into her hair, and
stroked it lightly and sometimes .
  Cheng Yan snapped her face away , and his kiss fell on her face, avoiding
inevitable, sliding down the beautiful outline, hot and soft .
  Cheng Yan couldn't push him any more, and was a little panicked in his heart.
Looking at him, he had to serve softly: " I won't be with Qin Xiu! Really! "
  Qi Ze motioned and looked up at her: " So, who are you with? "
  Cheng Yan was busy and then said: " No one will! "
  Qi Ze dark eyes stared at her for a moment, let go of her, she Lile decline
shoulder belt, said: " Yan Yan, I do not want to . Become like this, so do not
stimulate me ."
  He finally released her .
  Cheng Yan opened the door, looked at him, under the expulsion cold voice: " I'm
tired. "
  Qi Ze leaned over and kissed her forehead gently, leaving two words: " Good
night. "
  Watching him go out, Cheng Yan slammed the door shut .
  How could it become such a chaotic situation ?
Did   she inspire the dark side of the man's heart? The book only wrote about his
indifferent personality, but did he say that he still has such a dark side ?
  She did not have the slightest confidence to believe that such Qi Ze would follow
the plot .
  She made an effort to let the story on track, it should only ...... care of the
household Pear can do .
  By that time, whether it is Qin Xiu or Qi Ze, the eyes should all look at the
hostess, and you wo n’t be so attached to her .
  The author has something to say :
  It's a bit of abuse now. After a chapter or two, the male and female owners will
be separated. The reunion is five years later, and it can probably come back sweetly,
um, probably .

The first 20 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (XX )

  The first person to know the mistress Bai Li was Qin Xiu. Bai Li ’s family was
not good, so she worked as a waiter in the Qin Xiu ’s hotel. At that time, Bai
Yueguang had just left the country. After seeing the white pear that looks exactly
like the girl she likes, after getting acquainted with it for a second or two, she
became obsessed with it somehow, but he recommended her to enter the entertainment
industry as an entertainer .
  Cheng Yan Pear want to advance out now, what you want to control runaway story,
you have to find ways to help male owners and female controls earlier encounter .
  So, in business when meeting venue birthday party, she seems to inadvertently
place the hotel where the care of the household to lead, Cheng Feng and Qin are
working close business relationship, will naturally agreed .
  However, Cheng Feng also gave her a second look and said, " Qin Xiu is a good
boy, and he doesn't care about your life experience. You have to cherish yourself. "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, her brows were cold .
  Like Wei Yang, she is just a small supporting role in the book. She will leave
the scene after the show is over. Qin Xiuer should not have any long-term development
with her .
  After the birthday party was over, it was time for her to leave .
  Cheng Yan could not help but look forward to going abroad to play after some days
of play, to play the main male and female usher in happiness big finale, she can in
order to leave .
  The task is preliminary sweet, medium-term child heart, flying late,
barely ...... not too difficult, right ?
  Time is fast, and it is the night before the birthday party .
  Eat in the evening over dinner later Stayed with her to sneak out the door, said
to be very busy tomorrow will not give her birthday, so we had ahead of her
tonight .
  Cheng Xiangyang drove his car and stopped at the entrance of the entertainment
club .
  He pulled the car and asked her to get out of the car. As soon as she stood firm,
she saw a group of rich and second generations standing on the doorstep in a row,
with their faces and legs long, and they followed the club. Like a young master .
  " Sister is good-- "
  Whole Qi uniform sound, with some dandy inherently lazy tone .
  "..." Cheng Yan looked at Cheng Xiangyang, " These are ..."
  Stayed: " Hupenggouyou, do not worry, but for fear deserted, just do not ask them
to come. "
  Several people laughed and scolded .
  " Lying trough! Cheng Cheng, you fucking dog! "
  " Interestingly boring ah, you can not precisely after I was introduced to it? "
  " Come here, sister, follow the brothers , ignore the dog stuff. "
  Several people squeezed Cheng Xiangyang to the side, enveloping Cheng Yan with
enthusiasm, walking in and introducing himself eloquently .
  Cheng Yan didn't understand who it was. Only Jiang Yi, who was handsome and
beautiful around her, remembered that she was another male partner who would like the
female lead. He was in his bones, but he looked very on the surface. Like the brother
next door, the prodigal son turned back only after meeting the hostess .
  A group of wealthy people move shake pull the wind to go inside, club managers
welcome out, is a heavy makeup beauty, a look they understand second, blinked and
asked: " ?? Or the old rules to add a few bottles of wine for Now, there are a few
new girls, do you want to ... "
  Waiting for her to finish the words, others have solemnly stay out .
  " What are you talking about? What old rules? Did you admit the wrong person? "
  " Drink? Open car does not drink, did not mind how so? "
  " What little girl? Go, do n't block Lao Tzu! "
  The manager was stunned, and I didn't know what crazy this group of rich young
masters was .
  Cheng Yan calm followed the crowd to the package with the car, on the road, Jiang
Yi also gently with a smile, reveals a gentle and polite voice, but with some feeling
of lazy: " Sister Never mind, ah, ah them , patience is free and easy A little
bit. "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him, pursing his lips lightly .
  Entering the box, the crowd invited her to sit down diligently, brought her fruit
and lollipops, and asked her what she wanted to drink. She said that she could do it
easily, and then they directed a waitress who sold wine Get a carton of milk in .
  Lulu is in him who wait on the box, the men are rich, generous shot also, be able
to sell a dozen bottles of wine in the evening, I heard, 'Take milk, she stunned the
spot: " Milk Is it? "
  Her questioning was a little impatient, and Chu Jie wanted to scold her for being
stupid, but glanced at a beautiful and refined girl sitting on the sofa like a fairy.
He refrained again and said seriously: " Yes, milk , health, healthy, our favorite
drink of it is this, you do not know? asked what to ask? "
  Others: "..."
  Do not decide a person good at Zhang okay ?
  Lulu: "..."
  No, she doesn't know .
  So, three after the bell, Cheng Yan witnessed a very strange scene, Chu will
happily order boxes of milk distributed to the crowd, a group of wealthy people one
by one holding a carton of milk, sad face, from time to time Then he bowed his head
and took a sip .
  It even Stayed also accompanied her to drink milk .
  Only one person did not drink, and even squeezed the milk box soon to
be deformed. He sat not far from her in the dim light, and his expression was a
little somber .
  Cheng Yan thought about it, it seemed to be called ... Han Guo ?
  Cheng Xiangyang asked her if she wanted to sing. Cheng Yan drew her gaze and
shook her head .
  Others coaxed Cheng Xiangyang to sing .
  Cheng Xiangyang did not disappoint, so he got up and took the microphone .
  Others were holding microphones and messing with him there. When he sang a
sentence, they matched some weird humming tone and they looked funny .
  Cheng Yan smiled cooperatively .
  " Ms Cheng. " Body side suddenly came the deep voice .
  It was Han Guo who sat down. She saw his face clearly and looked very handsome,
even though it felt very fierce, and her eyes also had a shadow .
  Cheng Yan police feel that he does not seem to like her, down sipping milk, did
not care how .
  " Sunningdale is my classmate, also a friend, I have lived in a dormitory, a very
good relationship. " His self- Guzi to opening .
  Cheng Yan heart strange, this opening ...... Is not Dui ah ?
  She turned to look at him .
  Han Guo's eyes were sharp, as if to pierce her: " So I don't want him to be used
by others. "
  Cheng Yan said lightly: " What do you mean? "
  Han had seemed to not want to be heard, leaned, low voice: " Xiangyang never
told me who mention you, your brother and sister relationship has always been cold,
but now the relationship suddenly well up, you're not the daughter of the way home,
in order to continue Living a rich man's life, did you put your mind on Xiangyang? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him coldly, squeezing the milk carton, and the milk in
her hand squeezed out. She said, " Do you know what you are talking about? "
  Han Guo laughed sarcastically: " If you want money, I can also give you. " He
grabbed her wrist and threatened, " Don't hit Xiangyang's idea, he is my best
brother, I don't want to watch Until he is used by you! "
  Cheng Yan stood up suddenly and smiled angrily: " You said that, I really want to
try it! "
  " Dare you! " He raised his hand .
  " Han had! " He their side of the movement attracted the attention Stayed strode
to the Cheng Yan care in the dust, cold voice asked, " What do you want? "
  Han Guo's personality impulse, without turning around, pointed directly at Cheng
Yan and said, " Xiang Yang, she is not your sister at all. What do you do to her so
well? Do you know she is seduce you? "
  The scene was silent for a moment, and everyone seemed dumb .
  Jiang Yi rubbed Han Guo and laughed: " Don't talk nonsense. " He glanced at
Cheng Yan, " Sister, do n't listen to his nonsense, he drank too much. "
  Cheng Yan sneer: " You are not to drink milk? "
  Jiang Yi: "..."
  Cheng Xiangyang's qi and blood surged upwards, grabbed Han Guo 's collar, and
almost brought the person up: " You apologize to her! "
  " Impossible! " Han Guo stared at him, seeming to hate the incompetence of
iron, " What is she good about? You protect her so much? If she didn't seduce you,
why would you like her? "
  Stayed at Italian consciously Cheng Yan looked at, face some panic, had glared at
Han, Yi Zizi said: " you his !! Damn nonsense Do not think I will not hit you ."
  " You have to play your best her brother, and that's his mom does not like? " Han
came over the air, " you do not like Huan her, why are you always looking at her
picture in a daze, you can not even phone The screensavers are all her photos! What
kind of siblings are you? Love your sister? "
  Stayed only feel anger, embarrassment, confusion, distress, and so a variety of
emotions flowed through the heart, has been less clear idea of shame and secrecy was
lifted, he almost would not even think, and even look at her in There is no courage,
only torn up with anger and Han Guo .
  Everyone looked dumbfounded and went to persuade and pull .
  Also in the bag compartment in the midst of the tumult of the time Stayed custom-
made cake is sent to the waiter came .
  Jiang Yi walked over to sign for it, pushed the cake to Cheng Yan, sighed, and
said, " Sister Cheng, do you want to eat cake ? "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him and walked out without looking back .
  Jiang Yi couldn't stop there for a while, but she couldn't let her go alone, so
she had to follow her .
  " I'm sorry, with a nice a birthday party turned out, we arranged a lot of
programs are also useless. " Jiang Yi apologized softly, " or else, and so he had
typed up, give your birthday? "
  Cheng Yan said lightly : " I'm going home. "
  Jiang Yi: " I will send you. "
  Cheng Yan wasn't hypocritical either. He glanced at him and agreed .
  Jiang Yi knew that she was in a bad mood and didn't talk much, so she delivered
the gift to the door of Cheng's house and handed her a gift box. She smiled, and she
was elegant and gentle: " Don't listen to Han Guo's words, we all know that you Not
someone like that, let him apologize to you someday, do n’t be unhappy, happy
birthday, sister. "
  Cheng Yan pursed her lips: " Thank you. "
  Jiang Yi waved at her and returned to the car .
  Cheng Yan looked at it, turned back to Cheng's house, and looked down at the
phone. It was already twelve o'clock .

The first 21 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (xxi )

  Everyone else should have fallen asleep. There was no sound in the living room.
There was only a night light on the wall, and a soft milky white light slowly
radiated out .
  Cheng Yan go to the fridge took a bottle of juice, a straw inserted, drinking
side, low side of the head by means of faint light go upstairs .
  The higher up you go, the light the darker the line, until embarked on the third
floor, almost all blurry vision a .
  However, all the lights in the hallway before .
  Cheng Yan took a sip of juice slowly, stood at the stairs, and stopped walking .
  There was a person sitting in front of her door, and only faint outlines could
be seen, a little scarlet was shining at his fingertips, and she smelled a strong
smell of tobacco, not something that one or two cigarettes could cause .
  So, he ...... and so how long ?
  Thinking of Qi Ze's horrible atmosphere in her room that day, Cheng Yan swallowed
the juice again. He still didn't speak, and didn't move, and she didn't move either,
but she spoke slowly: " Qi Ze, You are blocking the road. "
  After a moment of silence, the fuzzy silhouette gradually moved, stood up, walked
towards her, and the smell of smoke became stronger and stronger .
  " Pop " slamming, especially clear in the darkness, he opened the press wall
lamp, a bouquet of white light shone slanting over his face Qing Qu and pale, deep
eyes, like black ink, and looked at her .
  He asked her one step closer, the same time is more recent oppressive go hand in
hand .
  Behind the stairs, there is no way to go backwards. Cheng Yan can only straighten
his back, looking at him, frowning slightly, scornful: " Don't get so close, I don't
like the smell. "
  Qi Ze black eyes stared at her closely, his jaw tightened, revealing a sharp
aura .
Are you   angry or angry ?
  Being stared a little nervous by his eyes , Cheng Yan stretched his face to
maintain his character and tried to look up at him, his neck was slender and white,
his eyelashes twitched slightly, and he stared at a pair of clear and clean eyes .
  It seemed like a rabbit who was so frightened that he shivered and pretended to
be a fake .
  Qi Ze laughed suddenly, but in the next moment, she suddenly pulled her and
pressed her against the wall. The young boy's warm body came close, bringing a bit of
unspeakable heat .
  The juice in her hand fell to the ground, and the juice splashed on her naked
calf, a bit cold and sticky .
  He lifted her chin and approached her in an intimate posture like kissing . The
voice was dumb, and the meaning was unclear: " Yan
Yan, happy eighteenth birthday. "
  "It's finished? " Cheng Yan's tone was cold, " Then please stay away from me! "
  Qi Ze's fingers touched her long hair falling down her cheeks, gently touching it
softly, casually: " Yanyan, you can't be so unreasonable, I let you stay away from
me, did you listen? ? "
  Cheng Yan's lips opened slightly , and in the end he couldn't say anything .
  It was Qi Ze who was chasing her backwards . Qi Ze was very indifferent to her
at first and kept her away from him more than once .
  She ...... once heard too .
  See her no more to say look, Qi Ze laughed, she leaned down, eyes deep, Yi Zizi
said: " ? So, what I have to listen to you ."
  Cheng Yan seemed impatient: " What the hell do you want ? "
  Qi Ze looked into her eyes, his voice faded down: " I wait for you, and you just
want to say ......" His tone becomes soft, " Yan Yan, birthday fast music. "
  Cheng Yan was somewhat stunned, he let go of her .
  Qi Ze took out a box from her pocket and packed it beautifully, and handed it to
her .
  She can guess what it is without looking at it . There is a mention in the book.
After the male and female owners got married for a long time, the female host saw
this box in the deepest part of the cabinet. Inside was a beautiful crystal necklace,
which was hung Beautiful meniscus pendant .
  The hostess asked: " Who is this? "
  The man only smiled and said: "I don't remember. "
  It real, is not he does not remember, just really down, before the necklace is
not broke, his hard work five thousand dollars a month earned, intended as a birthday
gift for a girl like .
  It was just after the breakup that the necklace was completely sealed by dust,
and it was never sent out once .
  Cheng Yan felt a little unpleasant in his heart, but would rather he be more
fierce and worse for her than him .
  Seeing that she seemed to be in a daze, Qi Ze opened the box and took out the
necklace inside. The voice was a little nervous, but the pretense was
indifferent: " Buy whatever you like, wear it if you like it, if you don't like
it ..."
  " Throw it away ? " She followed his words lightly .
  Qi Ze surprised a moment, look slightly changed, stare at her .
  Cheng Yan smiled softly, took the necklace in his hand casually, looked at him
with contempt, glanced at him, and there was a smile in his
voice: "It was bought casually , you are already the Cheng family Master, why are
you still so poor? This kind of land is also so good to send me? "
  Qi Ze looked at the smile on the corner of her lips, pure and beautiful, but the
words he uttered were stern, and his expression gradually became cold .
  " You don't want it, just give me back. " He held out his hand, and his heart
seemed to be sore from the cold .
  Cheng Yan gave a sigh of " Oh " , but turned his wrist again, and threw the
necklace downstairs neatly. She smiled lightly, and turned to Qi Ze's face, and
said: " I'm sorry, but how can I send the items back, so I will deal with them for
you. This is definitely its best destination. "
  Qi Ze looked cold, staring at her without saying a word, and seemed to be so
angry that he could not speak .
  Cheng Yan pursed her lips, did n't open her face, and walked around him .
  " Cheng Yan! " There was no sound of temperature behind him .
  She pace of a meal, did not look back .
  " Aren't you heartless? " His tone was extreme .
  Cheng Yan silent for a moment, back head to look at him, sarcastic
smile: " right ah, you found it, so do not like me, will not have any result between
us. "
  Qi Ze didn't speak anymore .
  He fell into a deep dark eyes, she looked after without looking back disappeared
in the door, the same as that night, leaving no love, unfeeling grimly to keep him
in place .
  He stood for a long time and thought for a long time .
  The last option is to turn around and go downstairs. In the weak light, I lie on
the ground for a long time to find. Finally, I found the shiny crystal necklace on
the decorative leaves near the wall .
  He hung the moon will fall firmly in her hand, curved moon sliced into his palm,
hurt, as she feels the same .
  He pressed his lips tightly, his expression somber and cold, and sneered .
  Why did she force him to this point ?
  Well, don't blame him .

The first 22 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (xxi )

  May be the last night drinking ice cold juice , the original owner of the
body fragile Shoubu cold, the next day when she was up on some physical
weakness , according to the mirror time , was also pale and shocked himself .
  So , she lay back on the bed again and wanted to sleep more .
  When Aunt Fang came to ask her to go downstairs for breakfast, she said that she
was not hungry and didn't want to eat . Aunt Fang saw her face was not good ,
and she was softly and softly lying in the bed , she should turn around and go
out .
  Cheng Yan sleep groggy , I felt as if a cold hand had labeled her forehead , the
body side seems sat a man .
  Wake up , is already noon, she sat up , out of the sun brilliantly shines in,
the wind from pale green gauze , light and shadow also followed like water
waves move .
  Room room where she was alone .
  Cheng Yan touched his forehead , somewhat stunned .
  Fang aunt carrying lunch meal came in with a smile and said: " Miss woke up
I? Give you stayed up porridge , you have a cold , eat something light, but
fortunately did not have a fever , or else have to go to the hospital job. "
  Cheng Yan could not help but ask: " Fang aunt , before you are in the room room
in it? "
  Fang Aunt under Italian consciousness wanted to deny , but remembered the sound
indifferent teenager's orders, she was vague laugh , said: " yes ah, Miss, come
porridge bar, finished good . Medicine "
  Cheng Yan glanced at her thoughtfully, without a word .
  Cheng Xiangyang did not return all night , and even Jiang Wanzhi and Cheng Feng
went out early in the morning and did not return at noon, so she and Qi Ze were the
only two at lunchtime .
  Two faces of the people sitting opposite, did not say a word, even, as one did
not .
  Qi Ze looked calm, finished eating in silence, and got upstairs .
  Cheng Yan looked at his back and was a little relieved. Did he finally let go ?
  It seems that her acting last night was very explosive .
  Birthday party to go to in the evening will begin, Cheng Yan eat drugs are
better, and on the nest in the downstairs sofa watching TV for a while, it is almost
time later, she went back to the room enchant dinner dress .
When she   went downstairs , she saw Qi Ze standing downstairs and had changed her
clothes. She became more and more slender. The shirt in her coat was white and the
trousers in light gray were delicate and neat .
  Fang Aunt lift head saw her, he said: " Miss, Come down, little Lord is waiting
for you with it. "
  Cheng Yan carried a long skirt, and when she was going downstairs, she saw Qi Ze
leave her with a handsome head and walked away without looking back .
  "......" Fang aunt solution to release one, " may be less God out top How about
you. "
  Probably not ?
  Cheng Yan walked to the door with Aunt Fang without any hope. There was nothing,
no people, no cars .
  Miss Fang aunt glanced look, worried about her and angry, busy comfort,
said: " may be less . God has something very anxious to be busy, no time to wait for
you ."
  Cheng Yan smiled: "It's okay, this is the best way. "
  Aunt Fang: "..."
  The lady was so angry that she started to talk back ?
  Cheng Yan is not anxious to go, men and women of the Lord magnetic field
attractive to each other, maybe there will be a beautiful encounter it, she was
satisfied staying back to pick her stay at home and other drivers .
  Cheng Xiangyang went to Jiang Yi's house last night. He had a wound on his face
and could not go back. More importantly, he was not yet ready to face Cheng Yan .
  She would not happy like him, know his thoughts, and is likely to never get close
to him, but also take the cold disgust and looked at him .
  He did n’t want to be like that, so he had to sort out his mood, and then he
could smile without any flaws and tell her that it was just Han Guo ’s
misunderstanding, he liked her, just like his brother to his sister, impossible There
will be other feelings .
  However, it was difficult to think about it if he thought about it. He stayed in
Jiangyi until the evening before he had to drive straight to the hotel .
  I was worried about what she would be like to see Yanyan later. When Cheng
Xiangyang was walking, he was a little absent-minded. At the corner of the hotel
corridor, he bumped into a girl and saw that she was about to fall , he Reached out
and pulled the man .
  Exclaimed the girl fell into his arms, saw him, eyes Dengyuan: " Sir, how is you
ah? "
  Low head to see her face, suddenly Stayed a throbbing heart, the limbs become
stiff, eyes stared at her dumbfounded for a moment, Adam's apple slide the sexy, long
while before to speak: " You are ...... Pear Right? "
  Bai Li was wearing a black and white uniform in the hotel, with a slim waist and
a red face, looking at the charming and sentimental peach eyes of the man. He hugged
his waist like this, surrounded by a male breath, and the muscles of his arms were
against her Waist, her heart beats so fast that she whispered softly, " Sir, can you
let me go first ? "
  Cheng Xiangyang froze for a moment and let go: " Sorry. "
  His eyes couldn't help but fall on her face, a little trance, it was like this
when the expression of shyness and softness on the face turned out to be, thinking,
he couldn't help but look forward to it. man, Yan Yan, then ...... he will not help
lower head to kiss her .
  " Sir, how do you know my name? " Bai Li's eyes gleamed slightly , looking at
him, his voice excited .
  Her eyes were familiar to him, and the girls he had contacted often looked at
him with such eyes .
  Stayed stood tall, pale eyes swept over her chest brand .
  He did not say anything, Pear has understood that he was looking at her name, but
is a luxury clothing looks handsome man staring at his chest, her face felt too hot
to burn up .
  " You work here ? " He asked .
  Pear modest place under the head, some Ruannuo look cute, said: " I was in the
kitchen to help, but today is a little way home Lord's birthday, the manager let me
go to the hall to help send food. "
  Cheng Xiangyang stared at her for a moment, frowned slightly , and Yanyan did
not like to attend various banquets, so not many people recognized her, but Yanyan
will definitely appear tonight .
  His face was a bit cold, if she was seen to be the same as a hotel service, she
would definitely be a laughing stock tonight .
  Thinking, he smiled and asked her gently : " Is it tiring to work here? Do you
want to change jobs? "
  Pear scared surprised was slightly open lips, which he is ...... concerned about
her yet ?
  She was busy shaking her head with a firm attitude: " Thank you for your
kindness. You don't need to introduce me to work. I like it very much. The hotel
owner is also very good. There are a lot of bonuses for overtime. "
  With that in mind, Baili remembered that he had to rush to the lobby and
hurriedly bid farewell to him .
  Cheng Xiangyang frowned and grabbed her wrist. When she looked over, he took out
a black mask to cover the wound on his face and slowly put it on the girl's face .
  Pear sense of feel to concentrate his eyes looked at her slender fingers stroking
her face, his fingers seemed to have made her whole body felt weak current .
  Cheng Xiangyang met her bewildered eyes, let go of her hand, and suddenly
laughed, with a very dandy feeling, and said casually: " There are many guests
tonight, the lady looks so beautiful, it is better to cover it up, otherwise What
should I do if I'm caught on? "
  He praised her beauty Korea, do not want people to like her ?
  Bai Li dared not stare at him, lowering his head and whispering, " Okay, okay. "
  Stayed slightly bent, tone with the points carefully, With a smile: " Remember,
no matter what happens, what people see, absolutely ...... not promise to come off, you
promised me, ah? "
  Pear Flushed to " ah " a cry, and trotted away .
  In the hall, the lights were brilliant, the guests were like clouds, and the
shadows of the clothes and fragrance .
  Lin Coral stood in front of the table where the champagne was placed, carrying a
goblet, poured red liquor, and put a white particle into it again. She gently shook
the glass, and the particles quickly melted, Spread out .
  She was followed home elders together, the father also told her and Miss Cheng
family got to play good relationship .
  She sneered, who didn't know she was just a fake money, but her father wanted her
to please a fake money ?
  Luo Xue came with her. Her house was just a small factory, and she did not even
have the qualification to be invited .
  She was a little nervous: " Coral, isn't it good to do this? Qi Zeze will be
angry, how could he still marry you? "
  I'm not in a coral as Italy, has a touch of fanaticism eyes: " He did not
previously had a poor young man only, where there will be girls will like him, I look
so beautiful, and if he went to bed, he is also an advantage, What is so angry with
him? " She continued bitterly , " Is the Cheng family really a philanthropist? Even a
cheap daughter who has a dove in the magpie's nest will keep it. When I marry the
Cheng family, the first thing Drive Cheng Yan out! "
  " But ...... Yanyan not I have friends? " Luo snow whispered .
  Lin Coral glanced at her, sarcastically said: " ? What a fool you are a friend,
she just took me . When we run errands only, we have never been her friend ."
  Luo Xue also wanted to say something, Lin Coral had already interrupted her
impatiently: " Don't be afraid of the tail, wait for Qi Ze to take the medicine
later, so many people he will not be loud, I will follow him back to the room, you
Just bring his parents and my parents over by then. "
  Luo Xue felt that she was fooling around and said, " Qi Ze is not familiar with
you. Will he drink the wine you gave? "
  " Who said I'm going to give it personally? " Lin Coral's eyes loomed in the
lobby , and a waitress wearing a mask passed by .
  Lin coral stopped her and laugh the next, a glass of wine and gave it to
her: " You will be a glass of wine Three tables over there that looks the most
handsome man, Cheng said a lady asked him to drink. "
  Baili didn't think much about it. She was here to help, and it's a good idea to
help her guests with a glass of wine .
  Luo Xue watched as the waitress passed by the wine table No. 3 with some
doubts. " Does he really drink ? "
  Lin coral laugh, ridicule satirical said: " of course, only Cheng Yan never
refuse ? Absolute envy of others, Have you seen what the boys she would be willing to
reject it ," her tone sour, like jealousy like a bother, " she but we are holding all
the boys in high school fairy, Qi Ze do would be an exception? "
  Luo Xue was trying to say that it was not necessary. As soon as she turned her
head, she caught a glimpse of Cheng Yan who was dressed beautifully. She froze and
said in a low voice, " She is here. "
  Cheng Yan has just walked into the door, I saw Qi Ze in and talk to a girl, two
people close together, the girl handed him a glass of wine, but also turned away and
looked at him, he turned to leave .
  Even though the girl was wearing a mask, she could still tell from the familiar
eyebrows that it was the mistress Bai Li .
  She looked at Qi Ze, who was staring at the girl's back for a long while before
she bowed her head to drink the glass of wine .
  Cheng Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, the power of the hostess was really
extraordinary, and she hadn't even revealed her face, the male host seemed to be
overwhelmed .
  Cheng Yan did not want to hit and care of the household, who went on a corner,
standing stood table food to eat something .
  Not for a while, the body side suddenly more a slender shadow, her side head, on
the right on the Qi Ze looked cold face, just look like almost a bit strange .
  " What did you do? " He propped his hands on the table, and the tablecloth was
about to be scratched by him . He gritted his teeth .
  Cheng Yan thought back and raised the cake in his hand : " Eating . "
  Qi Ze's eyes stared at her deeply, and she suddenly smiled, more like she was
gassed: " Okay, very good, is this your new way of playing with me? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him with a lingering face , sweating on his forehead, and he
looked very wrong, frowning: " What do you mean? "
  Qi Ze has a hold of her wrist and pulled her Wang Menwai direction to go, said
coldly: " You come with me, tell me ! Tell you ."
  He was so powerful that she almost dragged her away. She couldn't break away at
all, and didn't want to attract the attention of others, she had to trot and
follow .

The first 23 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (twenty-three )

  Qi Zela her on the floor , standing in a room of the hotel room door .
  He took a room card to open the door , Cheng Yan glanced at
him , feet tentatively quietly moved aside half an inch, opened the door to go inside
to see him seem no sleep , she almost immediately turned and tried to run .
  Then , Qi Ze stretched her long arm to hook her waist and led her into the room.
With a twist , he pressed her against the door, and the door made a clear sound of
locking .
  The room pulled the curtains , light line dark, still smelled the air
freshener .
  He pressed her, and his body was as hot as a fire. His face in the dim
expression suppressed, and a pair of dark eyes stared at her, reminding him of a
dangerous and brutal wolf .
  She wore skirts swing dress and ankle bare shoulders, chest and a pale, wearing a
diamond necklace , it can not help that daydream scenery below the
neckline , waist between a bunch of pale pink ribbons, elegant ribbon at the waist
side , more significant delicate and exquisite beauty , neck, neck
slender , collarbone soft , looked clean pure was like a crystal white jade, but
also a bit chilly refused noble than people thousands of miles away .
  He has not a word to say, bowed his head began to kiss her, his lips is hot,
almost hot, fall on the skin feels like fiery chilling .
  Cheng Yan was hugged by his waist, and her legs were also pressed by his legs .
She slapped him with a slap in the face, and the breath was anxious: " How can
you treat me like this! Qi Ze! Are you crazy? "
  Her nails pierced his lips, there Occult Blood seeped out, he was beaten head
slightly toward one side, and looked hidden in the dark, he slowly looked at her,
eyes unfathomable, very tongue Slowly licking the blood beads at the corners of the
lips, the movement seemed a bit dangerous and sultry .
  He gasped lightly, and his breath was hot. He leaned close to her, pinched her
chin, and raised her face, her lips almost talking against her lips, and the air flow
was crisp and low. It seems to be very forgiving and frightening: " Why not? When
you kissed me and hugged me, was my rejection useful? What's more ... I didn't plan
to do anything today, you have to force me! "
  His fingertips slid her smooth back, pull the slider chain is laid hold of him .
  He stared at her deeply , without movement .
  Cheng Yan just feel like being laid hold of the heart, she stared at him, clear
eyes have a bit Ju Yi : " I do when forced you so you are this dirty shameless
people if you dare?! ... I will hate you! "
  " Try ah ......" His eyes looked at her, pulling pull chains, sliding down a little
bit, the sound is very clear and ambiguous in the stillness, his voice low, " if I
am, how would you hate me? "
  He laughed: " Hate does not matter, anyway, you do not bear recognize you love
me. "
  Wore skirts more and more loose, worrying over it when the fall, she turned pale,
quivered eyelashes, long eyelashes under the eyes exposed somewhat fragile, laid hold
of his shirt collar, soft voice Come down: " Qi Ze, don't you like this, can't we
speak well? I'm afraid. "
  " Do not talk to me. " Qi Ze looked at her eyes burning deep, holding her hand,
acoustic sound dumb dumb, " you like this ...... is the sage can not stand! "
  There was a slight noise, and the zipper was pulled to the end .
  Cheng Yan's face was white and his body froze .
  Foot edge is falling loose dress, skirt long, stacked, layers such as a flower
blooming .
  Qi Ze looked at her, her eyes fixed, and every hair of every inch of the girl's
skin seemed to be holy and refined, a kind of ultimate beauty that transcended
everything .
  His eyes softened, and he leaned over and embraced the delicate girl, her long
hair scattered between his wrists, and he could smell the crazy fragrance of the girl
faintly .
  Went to the bed side, two people fell into the soft bed, white sheets, her face
seems to be more white, eyelashes like some dew wet, cold voice seemed to
thrill: " Please, Qi Ze . "
  Qi Ze leaned over and looked at her: " Don't you think there will be any
consequences when you give me medicine? You want me to be ugly at the banquet, don't
you? You hate me for taking you away Identity? "
  Under the drug ?
  Cheng Yan pulled over the cover sheets in the chest, sat up and looked at
him: " I did not do too! "
  " No? " He smiled. " Do you think I won't recognize you? "
  Cheng Yan: " That's not me, you can check, I swear, I ..."
  He covered her lips and sneered: " Do you think I will believe you? Not to
mention ..." His eyes were hot, staring at her, " Do you think I can wait until I
find out now? "
  Cheng Yan shouting voice was not heard and tried to open his hand, but that he
took the bed side decorative bell rope tied wrists .
  Then he loosened her, stretched out his hands and slowly unbuttoned his shirt,
spreading them out one by one, revealing a strong and beautiful chest .
  Cheng Yan was lying on the bed, looking at him, and gritted his teeth: " I
will kill you! "
  Qi Ze threw the shirt under the bed, leaned over to kiss her lips, and smiled
lowly: "After having tasted your taste, I am willing to die even if I die,
so ... shall I hand you a knife? "
  Cheng Yan looked ugly and suddenly sneered: " Do you know that you are like a
dog like this? You can't get away, do you forget what I did to you, that
necklace ..."
  Qi Ze looked at her and said lightly: " I . Retrieve the " He leaned leaned her
fingers gently stroking her cheek, hot and gentle fingertips, " you with as I will
let you do this ? Are you good or bad to me, I do n’t care anymore, as long as you
are by my side! "
  Cheng Yan ridicule ridicule: " Are you so love me? "
  " Love you? " Qi Ze seemed to smile, " Do you think I will force the girl I
love? I don't love you, I just want you, I want you to taste what it is like to be
trampled on . "
  " You ..."
  He covered her beautiful but disgusting eyes, such a gaze made him feel like his
heart was lingering with a sharp, thin blade .
  He treated her well and showed her sincerity to her, but she would only trample
on it coldly .
  She is the kind of girl who will torture others deliberately by the favor of
others .
  The more he knew that he loved her, the more she would hurt him unscrupulously .
  Therefore, he would rather hide his heart, she can be cold-hearted and cold-
hearted, and he can, even if he can't, he has to pretend .
At the door of the   room , Lin Coral was lying on the door, listening to the
movement against her ears, but the hotel was soundproofed so well that she could not
hear anything .
  Luo Xue was a little worried: "It's over, it's a disaster, why did Qi Ze hold
Yanyan's room? If someone is known to be the ghost of you, the Cheng family will
never let you go, how can I be considered a brother and sister now How big is the
scandal? "
  Lin Coral annoyed, " Bah " : " I made a good game, but actually let Cheng Yan
pick up the cheap? She thought it was beautiful, I will not let her wish. "
  Luo Xue regretted coming with her: " What else do you want to do? "
  Lin Coral said: " You are here, I'll call other people to see how Cheng Yan's
icy and clean appearance seduce a man! She will definitely be the biggest scandal of
the upper class, and no one will look down on her in the future. No one will dare to
marry her, she will be kicked out, live at the bottom and let her be abused. It ’s
really fun to think about it. "
  " No! " Luo Xue said hesitantly when he saw Lin Coral's eyes, " If you do this,
the Cheng family will also be laughed at. Cheng's family is not something you and I
can afford. Isn't Cheng always okay?" Will it anger you? "
  I'm listening to coral seems to go: " You say also. " Silence for a moment, she
suddenly laughed, " can not give way home child face child whole discreditable, I
just called Qi Ze parents come on it , Cheng Yan seduce her nominal brother and went
to bed with her brother, she will be cast out as well. "
  Thinking, Lin Coral could not wait to go .
  Luo Xue couldn't help her, looked at the closed door, thinking that the two in
the room might have already done that kind of thing, she was terrified in her heart,
and was afraid that she would be investigated for herself afterwards Head down and
run away .
  "It hurts ..."
  Cheng Yan's face was pale, her forehead was sweating, her body curled up
slightly, like a trembling kitten .
  Qi Ze only acted as if she was pretending again, she was not like this for the
first time, he sneered close to her ear: " I haven't done anything yet, you call it
like this, is it too much? "
  Cheng Yan beam hands were tied with, looking at him, brow furrowed, looking
forbear with pain, and whispered: " I menstrual period in the past few days,
possibly because of illness earlier ......"
  " What are you kidding me? " Just after the words were spoken, Qi Ze had a slight
hunch, recalling the book he had previously recorded, she should not have lied .
  Not too ...... how could a coincidence ?
  He opened a quilt to nothing and, to see met touch of bright red blood on the
sheets, he froze on the spot, Siamese internal medication and desires aroused fiery
seems suddenly put out of .
  At this moment, the girl's delicate and cold voice whispered: " My stomach
hurts, can you ... can you go downstairs and buy me medicine back? Do you know what
to buy. "
  Qi Ze: "..."
  She always had this thing he wants to play too crazy !

The first 24 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (24 )

  Qi Ze went to the bathroom to take a cold shower . The medicine effect was not
very strong, and he could barely restrain himself .
  Cheng Yan outside was relieved, afraid that he would come out suddenly, so he
quickly picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on .
  It's just that the zipper design of the long skirt is too high and she can't pull
it up with her hands on her back .
  At this time , Qi Ze opened the bathroom door, came out , stood behind
her, picked up her long hair, zipped it up, her fingertips were cold and moist .
  Cheng Yan cold with a face , my heart was somewhat surprised surprised , and he
did so soon enough yet ?
  Qi Ze barefoot , covered only surrounded towels, broad shoulders and narrow
hips, abdominal muscles strong, slender legs, reveals a somewhat ambiguous and
suffocating hormones .
  Wearing clothes still somewhat young appearance when
Kiyotoshi , undressed , turned out to have been some faint adult male temperament .
  Cheng Yan looked away and pursed her lips .
  " You are waiting here. " Qi Ze didn't care about her presence, she threw the
bath towel on the edge of the bed , put on her clothes, and said, " I 'll buy you
what you need. "
  Cheng Yan seemed to have a grudge about his behavior, and heard a sneer .
  Qi Ze naked to the waist, looking down put on pants, action meal, suddenly leaned
toward her, lifted her chin and stared into her eyes, cold voice said: " You think I
can help you is the reason that of course it ? Should you thank me? "
  Cheng Yan shot to open his hand: " I did not ask you, I can go buy. "
  Qi Ze said, " You go. "
  His eyes fell on her buttocks, white skirt with a Kuai obvious blood .
  Cheng Yan glanced at him for a while, and then he seemed
to say reluctantly, " Thank you! "
  Qi Ze laughed unexplainedly, stretched out his hand and put on his shirt,
buttoned the button smoothly and quickly. He picked up the coat on the ground and
patted the dust, but instead of wearing it, he put it on her On the shoulder .
  Cheng Yan also knew that the skirt was dirty, so he didn't reject his coat .
  Qi Ze's tone didn't care much: "Is the stomach still hurting? "
  Cheng Yan staring at him, as if there is gas impatient like: " pain, so
hemp bother you faster? "
  Qi Ze froze, turned and walked out, and when the door was opened, he suddenly
stood still and motionless .
  Before Cheng Yan could ask what was going on, she heard a loud slap in the face,
followed by Cheng Feng's angry voice: " Others say I still don't believe it! You
actually opened a room with her here? "
  She looked to see Cheng Feng stood in the doorway, sounded angry, gloomy eyes .
  His body standing to the side of the forest there is Jiang Wan of coral, coral
Lin saw his face clearly malicious smile, Cheng Yan eyes shimmering, faint with some
speculation that cold look cold .
  Cheng Feng also see saw the girl standing in the room, and he caught pushed Qi
Ze, piece of bread, she came, bayan wanted to beat her: " I leave you do is to let
you seduce me Son's? "
  However, this slap did not hit, Qi Ze pinched his high wrist, stared at him, and
said in a word: "It's not her business. "
  Jiang Wanzhi was not angry at all, and even had a good attitude towards the show.
Anyway, it was not her son. She was happy to see his own death provoke Cheng Feng's
disgust .
  Her eyes are not looked sensual to move around the room, the bed is a mess, messy
sheets, blankets crumpled, some faint strange atmosphere, she slightly thought a
moment, stepped forward, suddenly surprised and said: " bed and how there is a pool
of blood Are you really ... "
  Her tone seemed unbelievable .
  Coral also echoed Lin busy , said: " I do see they entered the room to find it
strange, so please hurry uncle aunt . Come ," She was a little like guilt ,
said, " I did not expect . Or too late ."
  Cheng Feng shook his hand away angrily, pointing at them, his fingers were
trembling, not angry, and he cursed four words loudly: "It's embarrassing! " He
seemed to be relieved, and then said, " This Things are not allowed to speak out,
after the banquet, I will settle the accounts with you again! "
  He glanced at Cheng Yan in disgust, and strode like he couldn't bear it .
  Jiang Wanzhi smiled at Lin Coral apologetically: " Miss Lin, let you read the
joke. "
  Lin Coral shook his head: " Aunt Jiang, I didn't expect such a thing to happen.
Yan Yan shouldn't deliberately seduce Master Cheng. Aunt, don't blame her. "
  Jiang Wan's pulling her wrist, and she went out together, the sound died
away: " This thing spread out not nice, Miss Lin, Ma . You must not say bother to
go out ."
  Cheng Yan didn't know if it was a stomachache or a scare. His face was very pale,
and he had a slightly soft and moving posture .
  Qi Ze's face is not very good, but his voice is still calm, as if nothing
happened just now: " Don't go out, I will go downstairs and wait for me to come
back. "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak .
  Qi Ze frowned, holding her shoulders, staring at her somewhat lost eyes, Shen
Sheng said: " I said, wait for me to come back, do you hear clearly? "
  Cheng Yan pushed him away and said coldly : " Are you worried that I will run
away , where can I go now? "
  Qi Ze understood what she meant, knowing that she must be very confused, afraid
of facing the situation after returning home, afraid of being driven out, he fell
silent and said, "It will be fine. "
  He gave her a last look, her side face was pale and cold, like the moonlight in
the cold night .
  Withdrawing his gaze, he went out .
  Soon, Qi Ze came back and bought several packs of sanitary napkins, underwear,
and medicine .
  He gave her something calmly .
  Cheng Yan very uncomfortable to take over, went to the bathroom for a good, came
out, I saw him holding a cup of hot water, as well as the palm of my two drugs .
  " Eat. " His tone was very weak .
  Cheng Yan obediently swallowed two pills with hot water .
  Qi Ze didn't say much to her, just let her rest in the room and he went down to
deal with the guests .
  Great about waiting for more than an hour, Qi Ze come back together with her, the
two of them sitting in a car, Cheng Feng is the couple sitting in front of that
one .
  Cheng Yan took a deep breath .
  " Are you afraid ? " Qi Ze asked her .
  Cheng Yan ignored him .
  How could you be afraid? She wished to be kicked out. Although Bai Yueguang in
the book offered to leave on her own initiative, the process is not important. What
is important is that she can leave smoothly .
  She was afraid that she would stay again, and the male owner would really pervert
her and imprison her .
When she was   in the hotel before, she was really scared by him. If it didn't
happen to be during her physical period, she felt that she was about to be torn .
  Cheng Yan pursed her lower lip: " Whether you believe it or not, I didn't give
you medicine. "
  " I would think you would not do such a stupid thing. " Qi Ze faint voice, " But
the world is it someone else will and you have exactly the same facial features it?
There are people like and will not like to be so! The order ...... Yan Yan, why did you
do this? "
  " You also know that I am not a child of the Cheng family. " Cheng Yan looked at
him and seemed to say casually , " Maybe I still have a twin sister or sister? "
  Qi Ze frowned slightly, as if recalling something .
  Cheng Yan also point to date, he became suspicious, then they will go to check,
she was not worried that he will misunderstand care of the household, he thought the
investigation will certainly find out, of course, she is almost Keyiqueding forest of
coral Planning, after all, she was so blissfully happy and miserable, and the heroine
was pure and gentle, and she would not and have no reason to give Qi Ze medicine .
  Cheng Feng returned home and went straight to the study. They followed in
silently .
  Cheng Feng sat in a Zhang leather swivel chair, staring at the cold face both of
them, for a moment, study in what a sound was heard .
  The atmosphere is a bit depressed .
  Jiang Wanzhi stood beside him and took the lead in breaking the silence: " Qi Ze,
what the hell is going on? You don't explain anything? "
  Qi Ze didn't look at her, his face was cold .
  Jiang Wan's face changed also unchanged, it seems like this would expect him to,
and again look to Cheng Yan: " Yan Yan, How about you, is a word no? "
  Cheng Yan looked at her: " I have nothing to do, therefore, there is no need to
explain. "
  After listening to her , Jiang Wanzhi had some ridiculous meaning. When she
was about to speak, Cheng Feng grabbed a book and threw it at her, shouting angrily
at her: " At this time, do you dare to quibble me? We All of your family's style is
ruined by your misfortune! "
  Qi Ze suddenly leaned over to hug took her, knocked over his back, with a dull
thud, fell to the ground .
  Qi Ze saw that the girl in her arms had a pale face, her eyes were dull, she held
her hand, stood in front of Cheng Feng, and said coldly: " I don't think there is
anything that we need to explain together, I Like her and want to be with her, it's
that simple. "
  Cheng Feng smiled angrily: " Do you call this simple? You are not a poor boy
outside now. You are my biological son. She is the daughter of my eighteen years. Are
you actually together? This is a joke. ! A big joke! ”
  Suddenly he turned his head to look at Jiang Wanzhi. Jiang Wanzhi understood and
went out silently .
  Qi Ze: " If you can't accept it, I'll take her away. "
  Cheng Feng's chest fluctuated with anger, staring at him: " You say it to me
again? "
  Qi Ze touch of looked at him, his eyes there is no trace of emotion: " You
to very young master what capacity drive rarity for me what I came here, not for you,
just because she was here?. "
  Cheng Feng patted the table and stood up, hating and said: " How can I have a son
like you who has no interest? Just for a woman, you can even have your own father,
family, identity! You are still young, so She was so fascinated by her so easily that
you will see more women in the future and you will regret the decision at this
moment! "
  Qi Ze looked at him, literally: " I won't regret it. "
  He pulled Cheng Yan and wanted to go out, but Cheng Yan didn't move. He turned to
look at her. Her eyes were cold, and his heart sank slightly .
  Cheng Yan said: " I never thought I would go with you. "
  Qi Ze will hold her wrist tightly, Chen Sheng said: " to ? Now you think they
will accommodate you do ."
  " I mean ..." Cheng Yan pushed his hand away. " I stay here or leave, and I won't be
with you. "
  Cheng Feng ridicule satirical said: " You see, you have to order such a person
to give up everything? "
  Qi Ze stared at her, his eyes dull: " You to me are asking for your consent
it? "
  Cheng Yan stared behind him, and Jiang Wanzhi came in with a few strong security
guards. She suddenly sighed: " I'm afraid I can't help you nor me. "
  Qi Ze frowned. He noticed someone behind him. He did n’t wait for them to get
close. He pulled her and wanted to run out, but his body suddenly stiffened. He
looked somberly at the woman with delicate makeup and high-heeled shoes in front of
him . He slowly closed his eyes and was caught by two security guards .
  Jiang Wanzhi took out the needle that was on his shoulder. It was a sedative.
She worked in the hospital and had a lot of medicine at home .
  Cheng Feng looked at him, gave the order: " The little Lord returned to the room,
lock the doors and windows, without my permission, nobody should let him out! "
  The security guards took Qi Ze out of the study .
  Jiang Wanzhi knew that Cheng Feng had something to say, and he retreated .
  Cheng Feng looked at Cheng Yan coldly: " I have raised you for so many years for
you to feed and dress, so you are rewarding me and seduce my son? "
  Cheng Yan's expression was very weak and his tone was calm: " I didn't seduce
him. "
  Cheng Feng sat down, shabu shabu push to write a check to her: " No matter
what how to implement, you can not leave, here is a million, tomorrow morning when I
got up, I hope you have left . "
  Cheng Yan looked at the check and didn't move .
  Cheng Feng with her was also hit his son's idea to sneer: " I do not agree with
you and Qi Ze together, he will not go with you, I will always shut him until he
figured out so far! "
  Cheng Yan picked up the check and said lightly : " This is what I want. "
  Cheng Feng Ling eyes Li: " took the money, you can go far, as far as possible,
do not tell anyone you gone, never return! "
  Cheng Yan looked at him quietly: " You can rest assured, I won't come back. " The
smile on her lips is a little ridiculous. " After all ... ten million is far more
attractive than your son. "
  Cheng Feng is like words angered: " really should let Qi Ze see for you in the
end is what kind of girl! "
  " He probably can't see it. " Cheng Yan smiled, " So ... you can tell him personally
that I took ten million to cut off all connections with him, let him die. "
  Cheng Feng seemed to be annoying even looking at her and turned his
head: " Remember what you said to me today! Go out! "
  Cheng Yan gave him a cold look, turned around and walked away slowly, a sigh of
relief in his heart .
  It was finally over. Qi Ze really had a good father who was helpful. Otherwise,
she had to work hard to escape from Qi Ze's hands .

The first 25 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (twenty-five )

  The next day , day before dawn , Cheng Yan was a front awakened to the sound of
banging on the door , reveals frantic efforts , bang bang bang, as if the whole
building in a staggered shocked .
  It should be the effectiveness of the tranquilizer , Qi Ze has found that he was
locked up .
  Cheng Yan last night packed the necessary things , packed in a black bag,
she simply wash a bit , the hair tied up , back black bag, opened the door , gently
and went out .
  Passing the door of Qi Ze's room, she heard the piercing noise of the door, and
the door wobbled. She didn't know whether he kicked it with his feet or smashed it
with a chair .
  She took a deep breath, afraid that Qi Ze knew she was going to get crazier , so
her steps were lighter .
  But, she was just out of step, I heard someone shouted " Miss! " Her heart dirty
are almost scared to stop , look to see Fang aunt on the head of the
stairs , look surprised to see her , and asked: " so early , where are you going? "
  Cheng Yan wanted to shut her up too late, Zamen's voice suddenly stopped, became
deathly silent .
  Fang aunt do not know anything, just to for the young master is a mistake was
only locked up, so very worried and wanted to go upstairs to appease a few words, the
result is seen Miss mysteriously out .
  She smiled and looked at Cheng Yan: " Miss, do you think you came out less ?. God
is not noisy no trouble, or you comforted him a few words I have work to do, on the
first go ah ."
  "..." Her consolation may be counterproductive ?
  Cheng Yan watched Aunt Fang's figure disappear at the stairs, she closed her
eyes, exhaled, and wanted to go forward .
  " Yan Yan ......" door came the juvenile gravelly voice, soft and somewhat
pathetic, " he had to go to catch you are not? You help me open the door, I can
explain them clearly. "
  His low voice makes it easy to soften .
  Cheng Yan certainly would not open the door, do not believe him,
sighed: " Qi Ze, you will not explain, you simply want to be rid of me, because you
do not want to stay in this home, but you did not expect , Your father will care so
much about you, and in order to stay you, even illegal imprisonment can be done. "
  I do n’t know if my mind was pierced. Qi Ze was silent for a while, and suddenly
changed his strategy. The voice became gentler: " Yan Yan, it does n’t matter if
you do n’t want to be with me, at least you let me out first, I always Can I bid you
farewell? "
  Cheng Yan smiled, faint voice: " No, I do not want to see you, you forget how you
are to me? "
  After she finished speaking, she finally glanced at the closed door and walked
away with her bag on her back .
  Behind silent for a moment, Qi Ze seemed aware of what, can not take it, suddenly
vigorously Zazhuo door, I heard another cry, and increasingly violent, rushed her
roar, hoarse, a trace of panic: " Cheng Yan you! Give me Stop, don't let go! Have
you heard? "
  " Cheng Yan !!! "
When she   walked up the stairs , she could still hear Qi Ze's emotional out-of-
control cry, and it sounded so heart-raising. Although he could never break the door,
she couldn't help but accelerate the pace .
  There was so much noise that the whole villa was almost awake, and they all ran
out with a sad face .
  Cheng Feng and Jiang Wanzhi should have been awakened for a long time. They were
sitting on the sofa downstairs in their nightgowns, and their faces were very ugly .
  Cheng Yan eye does not oblique view to go out, they did not see the whole .
  When walking to the gate, Cheng Yan's footsteps stopped because Qi Ze's roar
suddenly disappeared, even the sound of smashing the door disappeared, and the villa
was a little quiet .
Seeing her standing at the door,   Cheng Feng thought she wanted to repent, and
said in a cold voice: "Do n't go yet? "
  Cheng Yan ignored him, sneered, opened the door and walked out, and threw the
door back heavily. He heard Cheng Feng's sullen voice: " Sure enough, he is not born
or is not familiar! What attitude? "
  Cheng Yan walked out quickly, trying not to think about the reason why Qi Ze was
suddenly quiet, but she was a little flustered .
  After big garden when she suddenly heard not far away came the " bang " slamming
the sound of heavy landing, and then they rang the maid panicked screams .
  " Little Lord -"
  " Bad, less God jump out !!! "
  Cheng Yan footsteps froze, just feel a surge of chill thrown from the bottom of
my heart, spread to the limbs, and even blood are stiff cold .
  It was also at this time that I realized that this is not an illusory world,
there is life and death .
She could   clearly see his condition by turning around, but she seemed to lose
her strength even when she looked back .
  Suddenly, there is a slow muffled footsteps sounded behind him, then with there
hands and hugged her from behind, his low head scrape across her neck, took a deep
breath, Shen gloomy quiet voice: " Gotcha, Yanyan. "
  Obviously should feel afraid, but she was loose a big breath, and then my heart
is inexplicable anger, she pushed him away, turned and stared at him: " Do you
know ......"
  Before she finished, her voice choked in her throat .
  He really is almost over the body scales stood in front of her injuries, lower
your eyes and looked at her, reveals bloodshot eyes, some docile quiet, his face
still a residue of glass, bruised hands, fingers still dripping Blood, even the
standing posture is a little weird, like legs are also some problems .
  Her next intended consciously look behind him, on the third floor balcony side of
the glass door had been smashed, a rope hanging down the railings helped, but
not long enough, from the ground about two meters also also Distance .
  So, he smashed the glass and climbed down the rope, but jumped in the air at
least two meters above the ground ?
  " I don't know anything. " He stared at her slowly and cautiously, " I only know
that I have to go with you. "
  Cheng Yan opened her lips, not knowing what to say for a while .
  Cheng Feng was standing on the doorstep, and was shocked before. I did n’t
expect this son to become so fierce. For a girl, he did n’t even need his own life.
He did n’t dare to force him to be too cruel. He looked at Cheng Yan with
disgust: " Do n't forget what you promised me! "
  Cheng Yan see saw Qi Ze eyes flash of Yin Zhi, in the heart with a sigh, Cheng
Feng is not stupid ah, he said so, not afraid of Qi Ze will leave her blaming his
head ?
  Bai Yueguang in the book secretly left. Qi Ze didn't hate her so much, but she
couldn't let her down before she empathized with her twin sister .
  If she really abandons him with bruises, he will most likely hate her, and then
do n’t say she likes the heroine, I ’m afraid it ’s good not to anger her .
  So ... can't let him hate her, then ... hate others .
  She sip Min Chun, carrying the head of Qi Ze on the eyes, slender soft fingers
ask on his face, a sort of gentle movement, and looked but it is quiet wave .
  Qi Ze froze .
  Cheng Yan his face blizzard on cleared away, lashes magic emanation Yun the
mist, looked at him, holding his hands to his face pity, tiptoe, kissed his lips, his
eyes faintly Shuiguang .
  Seems to be sad, but also feels sad .
  Her sudden tenderness and kiss caught him by surprise, just looked at her, and
did not blink her eyes, as if afraid she would disappear .
  " Yanyan ..." He took her hand, and the look in his eyes was gentle .
  Cheng Yan took a step back, pulled out his hand, looked at him, and said: " I'm
sorry, I said, no one would agree to us together, it used to be, it is now. "
  Qi Ze clenched his fists: " I don't care. "
  Cheng Yan slightly lowered her eyes eyelid, see the look, voice a little lonely,
cold: " But ...... I care ah. "
  Seeing her like this, Qi Ze's heart contracted like a pain, reaching for her .
  Cheng Yan avoided his hand, and ran out after turning around .
  Cheng Feng glanced at the security guard .
  Qi Ze's heart sank, and he subconsciously chased it up. His leg was injured and
he was not chasing fast. Just a few steps away, he was stopped by two security
guards .
  He looked at the delicate figure farther and farther, and the anxiety and anger
deepened in his heart .
  " Get away! "
  He punched the security guard who was blocking him, and the security guard hid
aside, and he fell to the ground like a center of gravity, and the two security
guards took advantage of the situation to hold him down. " Release me-- " He madly
scarred his eyes, struggling and twisting .
  Cheng Feng frowned and walked in front of him, looking at him condescendingly,
scolding : " Enough! You see what you look like? For the sake of a girl who is going
to die or live, will it not be laughed at?" "
  Qi Zezhuo raised his head and stared at him, his expression somber, his eyes cold
as ice, surly .
  Cheng Feng a stunned tone with a tone of anger: " You This is what I look okay
to you do not you know Yan Cheng is what kind of girl she grew up is it cold cold
heart lungs, then you are to her??? Well, she won't take you into consideration, her
heart has nothing but her own! "
  Qi Ze's tone was fierce: " Shut up! I don't allow you to say that to her! "
  Cheng Feng sneer: " If I tell tell you, she was only ten million took my leave of
you so protective of her? "
  Qi Ze stared at him coldly: " She didn't go for money, you, you forced her
away! She cares so much about your father, but you still say that she is cold-hearted
and cold-hearted, the word is used on your own Is it more suitable for you? "
  Cheng Feng furious kick to his shoulder, watching him twitch of pain, the
sneer: " I see you are by her fans were delirious you! We will master to the attic,
where But there is no window, see how he jumps! "
  Qi Ze said nothing, but stared at him coldly, and the hate in his eyes was almost
chilling .
  Cheng Feng did n't open his eyes, strode back to the living room, frowning, his
chest sore .
  Two security guards carried Qi Ze upstairs .
  Jiang Wan's eyes is not easy to observe some sleep smile, holding a cup of hot
tea she walked over to him: " . Do not angry, child Well, that is not sensible to
first Koucha vent its anger ."
  Cheng Feng looking unexpected, then had a cup, took a sip .
  Footsteps came from the door. Cheng Xiangyang came back from the outside. When he
saw his parents in the living room, he greeted him with a smile and wanted to go
upstairs .
  Look to see smiling handsome eldest son, Cheng Feng face any better, stopped
him: " Yangyang, you come. "
  Cheng Xiangyang did n’t go home last night and was still staying at Jiang Yi ’s
house. Jiang Yi was very understanding. He felt that he was mentally prepared and
could explain to her sister clearly what happened that night and let her I believe
that he really took her as her sister .
  So, he hurried upstairs as soon as he came back, worried that after a while he
could not do it again .
  " Dad, wait a minute. " He did not return to the head, continue to go up, " I and
Yan Yan said a few words, and soon. "
  Cheng Feng's face sank: " You do not go, because as she was not there. "
  Jiang Wanzhi's face also changed, frowning: " Yangyang, what are you doing with
her? "
  Cheng Xiangyang had to go downstairs again and smiled and asked, " Sister is not
at home? Where did she go? "
  Cheng Feng disgust frown: " does not mean that never far will not be in, and she
was gone and will not return. "
The smile on   Cheng Xiangyang's face froze, and he seemed to react for a
moment, " Why not come back? "
  Cheng Feng high channel: " because as I will not allow the kind of abject girls
stay at home! "
  Cheng Xiangyang's chest was irritated, even if the person in front of him was
his father, he could not achieve the same respect as before: " Dad! How can you say
Yanyan in such a word? She is not an outsider, she is with Our loved ones who have
lived together for 18 years! She is the most in my heart ... "
  He suddenly stopped .
  Cheng Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at him, his face more and more gloomy .
  Jiang Wan's micro can not insightful Organization of the eyebrow, then sighed and
said: " Yang Yang, I know you care about her sister, but you can not blame your
father . Pro, it is wrong Yan Yan "
  Cheng Xiangyang endured his anger: " What can she do wrong is worth being kicked
out? "
  Jiang Wanzhi told him what happened in the hotel . He looked bad and
added: " Yangyang, do n't worry about it. She wasn't a child of our family anymore.
There is no blood relationship. It's reasonable to leave. What should happen, not to
mention your father gave her money, she ... "
  Stayed at Italian consciously to avoid her seduce Qi Ze thing, because he does
not believe a word, not personally see and hear, he would not have a conclusion .
  He looked at Jiang Wanzhi with disappointment: " Money? If you give the money,
can you erase the traces of her at this house? Does she really have nothing to do
with our family? " He shivered angrily, " She just An eighteen -year-old girl!
Besides the home, where else can she go? You drove her out, where is she going, what
to do in the future, what to do in case of danger outside, will she be afraid, will
she Will you be lonely, will you ... "
  He took a deep breath, chest pain could not go on, looked up, push back the hot
Italian eyes, and said coldly: " Blood ? Edge relationship so important to you I
really do not think so, no matter we have no blood relationship Contact, she used to
be my sister, and she will always be. "
  After he finished speaking, he turned and walked away .
  Cheng Feng shattered the tea cup in his hand: " Where are you going? "
  Stayed stop, back head, looked at them: " ! Look for her to come back ."
  Cheng Feng Nu Ji laugh: " ? She came back to find she is really good skill, you ?
One by one in order to have her mad at me ," his anger depending on him, " You have
to dare to step forward, the future would not have come back! "
  Jiang Wan's face whitish: " Yangyang, you listen to the words. "
  Stayed silent a moment, and looked complex complex, leaving only one
sentence: " this positive good ! So ruthless home, I also do not want to leave ."
  Look to see him go out, the Jiang Wan walked quickly walked over, pulled his
wrist: " Yangyang, you do not do this, you go, let mom how to do? "
  Stayed turned to look at her, sighed and moderate tone: " If I do not find Yan
Yan, she does one ? The how do mom, let her go ."
  He hands off her, marched out, did not return head .
  Jiang Wanzhi was about to chase it, and when he turned back, he saw Cheng Feng
leaning against the sofa in vain, rubbing his chest straight, and turned back to take
care of him and get him medicine .

The first 26 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (twenty-six )

  Five years later .
  Yuntian Hotel .
  Cheng Yan wearing masks , only to reveal a pair of dark bright eyes , in the
hotel lobby of sand sitting in hair , pretending to play the phone's appearance,
but from time to time to look on a side of the elevator, what could be waiting The
way people look .
  At that time, she went to the UK smoothly , entered a university, chose a
relaxed and fun major, go to school, party, travel, play , sit in peace , and wait
for the hostess to usher in a happy together five years later. Ending .
  Year after year passed , playing with music , eating and drinking, and soon
ushered in the fifth year, when she thought she was about to hear the prompt of the
wonderful task completion, the system issued a harsh alarm , tell tell her, men and
women progress to the main line of romance ...... zero? ! ! !
  A sense that moment feel like from heaven to hell, but also like the blue skies
down a bolt of lightning .
  For five years, not five months, five days Xiao Wuge when five minutes! Not
to mention having a relationship is enough to have a baby and raising a baby .
The male host has so much time that he ca n’t even manage a female host ?
  Unless, he did not want to fuck her at all !
  What about a good stand-in? Does he hate her so much that he disdains even the
substitute ?
  " You Why do not you tell me? " Her when the time can not be calm, " away from
the big left with three months ending! Months! Do you want me to just take a knife
and forced them to love it? "
  Pit father Department systems inhuman , incomprehensible anxious hosts :
  Cheng Yan took a deep breath and resisted scolding it, because he scolded it, and
he didn't understand it at all !
  People can not tie uniform-like experience !
  Therefore, she can only pack up her bags and roll back to the country .
  Now, she's so will be out now at this restaurant, but also to give men and women
the main draw red lines, Since we can not go on their own finale, she had to
intervene lend them a hand up .
  Using the known advantages of the book knows the story, even if the story has
changed too much, she can be inferred, tonight, in this hotel, the line is already
eighteen young performers will accompany the care of the household investors,
directors Waiting for someone to eat together, she is going to act in a traversing
online drama that will be on fire .
  She also deliberately asked , this plot has not changed, according to the
development of the plot, the heroine will be drugged by the agent to please
investors, and therefore was rescued by the male match Jiang Yi, but the heroine in
the book and when men should have been rolled sheet for a stand-in for several years,
the male does not even have to take her as a substitute, so brokers and investors
have been the main entire male was under the field very miserable .
  Of course, the original heroine should have been some popular actress at this
time. The reason why she would participate in this online drama is because she wants
to act on her own strength, and does not want to rely on the help of the male host,
but the male host and male match Qin Xiu , Jiang Yi and others are still helping her
secretly, otherwise she will not clean herself, she is simple and kind, but she is
getting more and more red .
  All she has to do is to change the hero who saved the beauty from the male match
Jiang Yi to the male lead, and create opportunities for them to be together .
  She inquired very clearly that Qi Ze was also in the hotel tonight to discuss a
business with others .
  Waited nearly half a little when she saw a pedestrian came out from the elevator
to go in front of the Mediterranean is a very greasy old man, an upstart face, it
should be is one of the investors, with more than under, beside him stood in light
guy is very seductive, wearing a suit, slender physique, face romantic Toshihaya,
lips smile, is one of the investors - Jiang Yi .
  For many years not to see, he appears little has changed .
  Followed behind that has been confusion in the care of the household, her agent
was a thirty-year-old woman, face very harsh, hug her half-dragged half-hold to move
forward .
  Cheng Yan low head, quickly played his words: I seem to see the Yan Cheng .
  Then, send it to Qi Ze anonymously .
  No matter whether he hates her or not , he will never be indifferent to the
first love that has disappeared for five years. At first, someone systematically
detected her whereabouts, so she erased the information that could find her
location .
  After his look down to see care of the household, should also think that others
are only the care of the household as Cheng Yan, without doubt really her back .
  Several people have been reached the door of the lobby, brokers pretend to be in
a hurry to leave, the Mediterranean investors seem to like the good hearted people to
take over, blinded by lust askew expression see people straight guilty nausea .
  Jiang Yi frowned. He knew the rules of the entertainment circle. No matter
whether she was voluntary or not, he generally wouldn't do it. Just ... he glanced at
the girl's sleepy face .
  Stayed relationship between her and does not seem wrong, he looked on the face of
the brothers, they have to help her back .
  But, just when he was about to speak , he heard a steady footstep, turned his
head, and froze .
  Cheng Yanwo was on the other side of the sofa. She secretly looked over here. She
also saw Qi Ze. He should already be the president. He was wearing a suit and tie. He
also wore a long gray coat outside, with a cold face The eyes are dark and the aura
is very strong .
  Compared with five years ago, I can't see much of the shadow of the gloomy boy,
who is completely mature and indifferent .
  He should have hurried down after receiving the text message, and did not explain
it to others, so he also followed a bunch of people, including assistants, partners,
and company employees. A group of people surrounded him hurriedly, and he made others
avoid him. Retreat .
  Mediterranean Investment consultative apparently also recognize him, please just
pulled a touch of laughter: " Qi total ......"
  Before he had finished speaking, Qi Ze had already captured the girl in his arms,
holding the girl softly and glancing at him. His cold eyes were chilling .
  Investment -owned business at heart a thump, the girl did not say it back ?
  He was hurried want the solution time of release, they saw Qi Ze looked down at
the girl, look increasingly deep cold, suddenly pick them back to him, where he dared
to take ah .
  Qi Ze said coldly: " Do you want me to hug her personally? "
  Investment capital providers scratching their heads, but certainly Qi Ze
recognize her, her face hard people will take over, leaning neatly,
said: " Qi total, you can rest assured I will choose to take the Miss Bai send back
Of. "
  He didn't dare to misrepresent his idea .
  Qi Ze ignored him and looked around sharply, as if looking for someone .
  Cheng Yan looked dumbfounded. Why did he push the heroine to the greasy old
man? Even if you do n’t like people, you ’re not so inhumane, right ?
  Is ...... anger you ?
  He really hates her so much ?
  When Cheng Yan was thinking about what to do, he saw that he was looking for
something, and subconsciously retracted it into the sofa, pretending to read the book
naturally with his head down, like an ordinary guest .
  However, I don't know if Qi Ze was suspicious. She came toward her in this
direction and listened to the footsteps as she approached slowly, her heart
unconsciously lifted up .
  The footsteps were gone, and a pair of black leather shoes stopped in front of
her .
  He didn't speak, just looked at her .
  She did not lift head to see, but also feel the deep and unpredictable pair of
eyes, to see her uncomfortable .
  Cheng Yan just lower the head to read , pretending to turn a pages, in turn one,
and so he walked away thinking, or wait for him to speak first .
  However, somewhat minutes later, her neck ache, he actually was motionless
staring at her ?
  Even if she wore a mask, she made some changes to her eyebrows, but she was
still worried that he would recognize them, so she just raised her head slightly and
lowered her voice and said, " Sir, you are blocking the light. "
  She changed her voice intentionally .
  Silent for a moment, she did see ...... Qi Ze He laughed, not sneer, but seem to
have heard a lot of fun to do and easy smile .
  Cheng Yan didn't understand anything funny, couldn't help raising her head to
look at him, and when he met his eyes, her tremor trembling, pretending to be angry,
stood up: " Let you sit down ! ”
  Qi Ze but his hand to her shoulder , her back to the sand by Fat Lane, and he
knelt on the couch and leaned over to look at her, eyes deep and charming .
  Everyone behind him was stunned. I didn't expect the president who was not close
to the woman to look horny ... actually so simple and crude ?
Jiang Yi, who   stood at the door, was also surprised. He took Baili and walked a
few steps over there. The investors and brokers had already left. Naturally, he could
not let him take the people away, so he had to pick Baili Come here .
  As he approached, Jiang Yi saw it more clearly, only feeling that the woman on
the sofa was somewhat familiar with her eyebrows .
  He stared at her thoughtfully .
  " What do you want to do? " Cheng Yan stared at him .
  " I think ......" He slowly opening, to scrape together closer and closer, as if the
breath of men surrounded her, his lips almost to paste her deep voice
slowly, " I have not seen where is? "
  Cheng Yan: " No, I have not seen, I do not know you. "
  Qi Ze didn't seem to be surprised that she would say that. He looked down at her,
with an aggressive aggressiveness. Slender fingers slowly touched her pinna, and her
warm hands instructed her to be a little itchy .
  She raised her hand, but he pulled her closer and drew her closer, staring at her
eyes: "I don't know, it doesn't matter, do you mind if we know now? "
  His other hand gently flicked her hair and pulled the rope of her mask .
  Cheng Yan heart a tight, cold Yeung said: " I do not want to ! You know you'd
better let me go , whether it is ......"
  He interrupted her eyes gas potential is very strong at her, she leaned in and
whispered: " I found a man for five years, but even a little news and no, you say, I
found after she ...... What would happen Like? "
  Cheng Yan couldn't break free of him and grabbed her hand, he had no choice but
to look away and said coldly: " I don't know, I don't want to know! "
  Qi Ze suddenly lowered her head and kissed her lips. She felt stunned as if she
could feel the temperature of his lips across the mask .
  Qi Ze Song to drive her, stood up, tall and straight, glanced at her, meaning
unknown, said: " I'll let you know, even though you do not know me, but I can say,
nice to meet you, Right? "
  Cheng Yan Min Chun sip, the kind of warm feeling soft dumb but it seems to have
remained, she said coldly: " If you dare to make ! Such a thing, I will tell you of
sexual harassment ."
  After she finished speaking, she stepped up and walked out of the door. When she
passed Jiang Yi's side, she paused and walked out quickly .
Pei Zhu, the secretary next to   Qi Ze, was terrified. Looking at the cold face of
the president, she felt that what she had seen just now must be an illusion .
  Qi Ze's eyes stared at her leaving back meaningfully, like a dangerous wolf
lurking for a long time looking at the prey, he laughed .
  Pei beads silently low head, the president does not love to laugh, his smile, she
was just scared ah, horrifying .

The first 27 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (twenty-seven )

  Compared with five years ago , Qi Ze has undoubtedly become the strong and stern
president male master in the book, and even has some unpredictable gloomy and
dangerous feelings that are not in the book .
  Cheng Yan and his only relative at a short moment, do not dare with him in the
eye , his eyes clouded as if she was completely see through, within a kind
of convergence sharp, people feel as if he was completely dominated up , The
invisible gas field is so overwhelming that even people are at a loss .
  Therefore, she thinks it is better to start with the female lead Bai Li .
  That investment consultative certainly did not account for cheap huff
divestment , brokers will anger blame care of the household , this time they did not
want to physically punish the male bully her people, women will become the next
situation Especially bad .
  This gave her a good chance to approach the hostess .
  Early the next morning , Cheng Yan changed into a dress that suits the
wealthy , painted the makeup carefully, put on delicate earrings and necklaces ,
and even wearing a mask, it was white skin and snow, and his eyes were bright, Can't
stop the cold beauty .
  She put on her coat, took the bag , out of the door .
  Cheng Yan place to go to King's entertainment company, is the care of the
household contract company , this company is the people in power house of David, Wei
Yang, now is the big brother in the tube, but she also remembered a little , Qin
repair of individual students The industry has developed extensively, and has become
a major shareholder of the emperor in high school .
  So, will repair Qin Jian recommendations care of the household to the company,
just do not know what the story vary, Qin did not seem to how to repair tube care of
the household, leaving the care of the household by himself working hard in the
entertainment industry .
  When he arrived at the company, Cheng Yan was going to the front desk to ask the
president what floor the office is in. He saw a girl in a blue down jacket chasing
behind a woman. His fair face was red with anxiety and anger. Water light .
  It is Shira and her agent .
  I do n’t know if it ’s the heroine ’s charm blessing or the natural blood
connection. Cheng Yan does n’t want to see her pitiful bullied .
  Her face was cold and she stepped up .
  The agent Liu Yi walked to the elevator door and the elevator display was still
on the 17th floor. She pressed the upward arrow and heard the girl behind her with a
cry: " Sister Liu, hasn't my audition passed? Substitute for substitution? "
  Liu Yi was full of anger and said impatiently: " Do you blame me ? You offended
Mr. Qi yourself, and refused to put down the high rack to make a favor. He is going
to divest now! Do you continue to offend people? "
  Pear tone with anger: " What I have sinned against him obviously you? They
drugged me, but fortunately Mr. Jiang saved me, otherwise I will not let you die is
Sister Liu, now you actually have to! Blame me? "
  She flat when soft waxy waxy, and the moment she actually dare to challenge, Liu
instrument contemptuously sneer: " hold ? Me tell you, I did not miss what you've
got? "
  " You ..." Bai Li wanted to cry .
  " She didn't-- " Slowly inserted a cold and nice voice, the words dropped were
very imposing, " I have! "
  When Liu Yi turned her head, she saw a woman who was beautiful and dazzled just
by showing her eyebrows. She was luxuriously dressed and charming. She noticed her
earrings and necklaces, and it was estimated that they could buy a big villa .
  She has been immersed in the entertainment industry for many years,
and she still looks at people. The temperament, appearance and dress of this woman
are the rich ladies of the upper class .
  Although she didn't know which one it was, she must have been offended .
  With such a thought, Liu Yi's face became milder, thinking that the other party
was Baili's friend. She smiled and said to Baili: " Xiaoli, what do you know about
this beautiful lady, wouldn't you introduce it? "
  Bai Li dumbfounded, how could she know Bai Fumei, still very beautiful: " I, I
don't know. "
  " You don't have to worry about who I am . " Cheng Yan pulled Baili behind him,
looked at Liu Yi, and said lightly, " You just scolded her? "
  Liu instrument busy explained: " Not at all, because she was crying for her care
of the household can not play that play, because she offended the investment,
investors want to withdraw. "
  Pear Yaochun, could not help but want to say it is not the case, on the side of
the white Formica faint voice spoke: " How much difference ? The money I make up the
whole ."
  In a plain tone, Baili's eyes widened, her heart felt some fever, and her eyes
were also warm .
  Liu Yi was pleasantly surprised, staring at each other as if looking at the God
of Wealth: " Really ? Miss, are you really willing to invest? "
  Cheng Yan: " Of course it is conditional. "
  Liu Yi: " You said you said. "
  She smiled warmly and flatteringly, thinking that she was going to give the role
of heroine Shira or something more .
  Cheng Yan stared at her and said in a word: " From today, you
will disappear from this company! "
  As soon as her voice fell, the elevator door opened with a " ding " .
  Bai Li froze .
  Liu Yi was also stunned. The smile on her face gradually became stiff, and her
eyes gradually became sharp. She didn't have a polite attitude towards her and said
angrily: " No matter what you are, Miss Qianjin, it 's not the Wei's family. Even
the president is not qualified to drive me away casually! "
  "It's really interesting. " A low, soft voice slowly sounded, a little
carelessly, " Master Wei, are your employees so arrogant? "
  In the elevator, three men stood, two in suits and ties, and the other in casual
sweaters, with different temperaments, cold, gentle, sunny, and different
appearances, but they were all first-class eye-catching. Prosperous beauty .
  The three people stood together, but they all revealed a noble spirit of the
superior, with three suffocating faces, which formed a great visual impact .
  Suddenly the room met three chiefs, Liu instrument heart almost stopped scared,
busy bending over to say hello smile apologetically: " little hello Ye, Qin total
Hello, hello Qi total! "
The man who   started talking smiled softly, his long legs stepped away, and came
out of the elevator. When he saw Bai Li's face, his eyes froze and said, " So
you know me, am I qualified to drive you away?" "
  Liu complained under instrument heart, only to to be a wrong thing to Qin always
happy, busy corrected himself and said: " Of course you have, I'm sorry, but I am
angry only Koubuzeyan, the lady is talking too much, I do n’t know where I came
from, so I ’ll take the lead for you and drive me away! "
  Cheng Yan, who was named, wanted to die. She turned around, not facing them, and
wanted to walk away quietly .
  Suddenly, a warm soft hand laid hold of her, she turned around and saw a Pear
shyly smiled to her, said: " Sister, thank you for helping me, our president of the
young master is here, he will be for I ’m in charge, but can you stay with me here?
I ’d like to invite you to dinner and thank you. ”
  " Look to see me and go? " The man looking solemn, a pair of eyes looking deep
into her thin lips delicately, slowly opening .
  Qin Xiu saw Qi Ze's voice was a bit strange, and he looked at it .
  Wei Yang has always been very silent. He and his two rivals really don't have a
word to say. He still remembers that he hated Qi Zezhi and Yanyan, but he couldn't
find how to run. The chief culprit is Cheng Feng, but he still hates Qi Ze very
much .
  However, Qi Ze ’s reputation as a woman was not far away. When he saw him
talking to a woman, he could n’t help but read it .
  Therefore, Cheng Yan moment between it received the three men from three
different eyes: "......"
  She swallowed silently, and now run ... too late ?

The first 28 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (twenty-eight )

  " This lady ..." Qin Xiu walked slowly in front of her , squinting with long eyes,
looking through, and smiling gently and gently on the face , " Is it familiar? "
  Cheng Yan slightly lower head, people not see her facial features, low
voice: " I do not . Think "
  But eyes wide open side of the Pear: " The sister did not face
exposed , Qin always see how familiar you are in? "
  She sent him the ride is not slander pretty little sister saying exported .
  Xiu Qin did not care, slowly leaned over , his eyes fell Cheng Yan made the
top , face and gentle smile Mo measured, slow voice said: " Miss Bai right , you
dare to pick up a mask? "
  It is not a request tone , but a tentative use of dare ...
  Why do they doubt her one by two , is their eyes too good , or her disguise is
too bad ?
  Cheng Yan silently stepped back half a step away from the distance, and seemed
to say unpleasantly : " My face is hurt and I can't see the wind. "
  Qin repair seems what would like to say, Qi Ze she has to get in behind the eyes
of two men on when , it seems crest Jingtao Hai Lang .
  Qi Ze sneered: "Mr Qin sees everyone familiar. " After a pause, he glanced at
Baili , " Right, Miss Bai? "
  Qin Xiu's smile was also cold .
  Baili glanced at Qin Xiu's complexion and slowly said honestly, "... as if it
were. "
  When she first met General Manager Qin , he held her and held her .
When he found the wrong person, he said that he knew each other. In the next few
years, he intermittently "face acquainted " with many girls, all of them ... beautiful
Of .
  Wei Yang couldn't help but laugh with a " poo " .
  Quietly, Qin Xiu looked at Qi Ze sarcastically and said coldly to Wei
Yang: " Is it ridiculous ? I think Mr. Qi is even more ridiculous. It took only
four years for Mr. Cheng to hand over the company to him. , It becomes precarious. He
must be wrong in any decision. In the future, if you have any undecided ideas, you
can find President Qi. Whichever he chooses, you will choose the opposite. "
  Cheng Yan stared at Qi Ze's back with some surprise. The man in it is a business
genius. How could he make a wrong decision ?
  Wei Yang Qi Ze seems to really feel more ridiculous, they " pop " slamming
laugh, like too lazy outdone two men, turned around to see Pear, asked: " You what
were arguing before here it is ? "
  Liu instrument Pear afraid to utter, busy rushing to say: " little Lord ......"
  Wei Yang glanced at her with a arrogant tone : " Lao let you speak? " Looking
at Liu Yi's pale complexion, he turned to Baili again, his voice soft, " Sister,
you said. "
Why is   he always confessing to his sisters and sisters ?
  Pear Cheng Yan silently to themselves side by the by, some fear will explain
things clearly like a whisper, and could not help but say it again: " I did not do .
Wrong, the crew can not because this would drive me away ah ."
  Wei Yang saw a look of timidity and fear on her face. He didn't feel that he was
scaring her. He found that she was Xiaoyan's sister's sister, so she could be his
sister by rounding her .
  He had to start for her !
  Liu Yi saw Master's face getting darker and heavier and said: "It was she who
offended the person before the crew drove her, she ...
  Wei Yang, under cold face, dark eyes to stare at Liu instrument, said one
word: " roll -"
  Liu instrument look of shock and fear: " little Lord ......"
  Wei Yang sneer, fists clenched to knock: " You to ? I do not play as a woman's
right you do not go, I will not restrain the impulse to beat you up. "
  Liu Yi's face was pale, she had to bow her head and walked away in shame, and she
stared at her fiercely when she was next to Jing Yan .
  Cheng Yan: "... ? "
  " Add me a copy. " Qi Ze's deep voice suddenly sounded .
  Cheng Yan raised his head, met his eyes dark and found that he was right, she
said, she would like the next, hesitated and said: " You
are saying ...... investment ?-Owned "
  Qi Ze looked at her reproachfully .
  Qin Xiu stretched his legs, bypassed Qi Ze, and stood beside her. He also
said, " I will add 100 million yuan. "
  Wei Yang couldn't understand how the two of them suddenly had to invest, but
anyway, the script was bought by his family, so he would add 100 million .
  He looked at Baili with a smile: " I also add 100 million. My sister and the
heroine are still yours. Don't cry anymore, your eyes are red. "
  Pear by flattered, actually there are so many good people to help her,
but ...... she blushed shyly: " I took just a network . Drama, low-cost, or so much
money ."
  Wei Yang, head down, quietly and Pear, said: " Sister you silly ah, he was .
They silly money, when you shoot a good international blockbuster, not white do
not ."
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  He had all heard ah, Wei Yang, said this time did not feel back hair cool it ?
  Pear expression is also a word Nanjin, looked obviously also a big Wei Yang, a
sister than her, did not hold back, said: " less ? Lord, can you call my name ."
  Wei Yang looked at her incredulously: " You are the sister of my fiancee, how
can I call your name, sister Xiaoyan will stare at me. "
  Baili slowly " Oh " , as if it makes sense .
  She had a twin sister who knew it from Mr. Cheng five years ago, but ... she
didn't know that her sister had a fiancé .
  Qi Ze smiled coldly, staring at Cheng Yan deeply .
  Qin Xiu also stared at her with an elusive expression .
Cheng Yan   lying inexplicably : "..."
  She obviously did not do anything, ah, she dare to bet, what is absolutely Wei
Yang fiancee fill out coax his own brain happy .
  He did not pay attention a little Pear are here Anchaoyongdong, smiled and
said: " Thank you so help me, you know my sister better for us to eat a meal
together, I thank you properly, you just have to listen to? Tell me what my sister is
like. "
  She did not look at a few different men proposed, and again smiled and looked to
Cheng Yan: " Sister, How about you? "
  Qi Ze and Qin Xiu stared at him sternly, and Cheng Yan always felt that it was
going to be over, so he concluded that something was rejected .
  Pear bit disappointed, not a good Mian strong people, thanks again and again and
again, that she may be the way to help her see the injustice of it, there is nothing
to invest things to ask .
  Bai Li walked away with several men. Before leaving, Qi Ze looked back at her and
smiled at her. The cold smile suddenly appeared charming .
  She only felt terrible .
  Cheng Yan worried that he had probably still door, they go to a trip to the
bathroom, took a pencil and then repaired brow, they make up a little makeup, make
the eyes look a little larger than the previous .
  This should not be so easily recognized ?
  Thinking about it this way, she still couldn't feel at ease, because Qi Ze had
clearly recognized it, but she hadn't exposed her. As for Qin Xiu, she should have
doubts. After all, a person's temperament, figure, and back can hardly be changed .
  Wei Yang is the cutest and best to coax .
  Cheng Yan sighed silently . Fortunately, the hostess and the hostess had a
chance to get along with each other . Although there were still a few light bulbs,
it was an improvement. After the meal, the hostess sent the hostess home again. Is it
easy to call when you are familiar ?
  She was in a daze, and suddenly heard the sound of the door being closed, and
then a low, soft voice sounded: " Yan Yan? It's you, you're back, why
don't you come to me? "
  Cheng Yan's body was stiff, it was Qin Xiu's voice, did he actually come here ?
  " Why don't you look back at me? " He asked softly .
  Cheng Yan hold tight to the hands of the package: " you are mistaken. "
  " So many years, I've been looking for you, admit so many people, and now you
find it! " Qin repair overstating the voice, " you actually have to say to
me ...... you mistaken? Do you know these words How many times have I despaired? "
  Cheng Yan from saw Qin repair the mirror, he stood not far behind her, face some
distorted gentle smile .
  Her heart tightened and her lips twitched: " I don't know what you're talking
about, please go out, please? "
  After being silent for a while, Qin Xiu suddenly said: " Is this the way you want
to look back at me? "
  Cheng Yan stared at the mirror and saw that he reached out and touched his pants
pocket, and then found out a ... knife ?
  She was taken aback and turned around quickly, and saw him coldly smiled and drew
the knife towards her arm. When she ran to stop it, it was too late. His wrist was
scratched with blood, and blood was constantly flowing. Gushing out .
  " Are you crazy? " Cheng Yan took the scarf around his neck and pressed his arm,
his tone was annoyed, " Do this ..."
Before   she finished speaking, the mask was suddenly lifted, revealing a
beautiful face, red lips and white teeth, good eyes and favor .
  Qin Xiu stared at her tenderly and intently, ignoring the wounds on his hand,
and took her into her arms, fell to her ear, smiled, and whispered: " Do
this ... Will distress me, right? "
  Cheng Yan broke free from his arms and looked at him coldly: "The body is your
own, how do you hurt, it's your own business, it's my turn to feel distressed. "
  When the words fell, Qin Xiu pointed the knife at the still-bleeding arm again,
and she quickly took his wrist .
  "It's a guilty conscience! " Qin Xiuzhong smiled diligently, wrapped her waist,
inserted her right hand into her soft hair, and suddenly lowered her head to kiss her
lips .
  Cheng Yan could n't push him apart, but could only bite his lips hard, and a
bloody smell spread between his lips and teeth, but he just groaned, and pointed the
tongue into her mouth .
  At this point, the bathroom door was suddenly violently kicked a few times,
precariously opened .
  A figure rushed over, pulled her over, and kicked on Qin Xiu's stomach. He was so
strong that Qin Xiu stepped back a few steps and leaned against the wall to stabilize
his figure .
There was still blood on   Cheng Yan's lips . She turned her head and saw Qi
Zezheng staring at her lips, her eyes terrified as if to kill .
  Her heart flutter down: " You ......"
  She wants to say is choking in the throat, because Qi Ze, a very Yinhen with
momentum toward the repair of Qin, Qin is a kick in the belly of repair .
  When he was in school, Qin Xiu was an elegant and gentle good student. Fighting
was only for beatings. Now that he grew up, he would fight a few tricks, but he also
fell into the miserable situation of being beaten unilaterally .
  Not only over a short period of ten seconds, Xiu Qin had been hit was down on the
ground, Qi Ze eyes still red with such irrational like to kick him, beat him .
  " Enough! " Cheng Yan blocked Qin Xiu, frowned, staring at Qi Ze, " Do you want
to kill him ? "
  Qi Ze's chest was undulating, and his eyes gleamed with a cold light: " I've
wanted to do this for a long time ! " His tone seemed to suppress his anger. " No
matter before or now, he can easily hold you and kiss you, me But I can only watch it
again and again. I do n’t just want to kill him, I want to kill myself! It ’s not
so painful! Because I love more than I thought ... "
  The intense emotion in his eyes made her unable to look squarely, and did not
even want to hear words about his affection for her. She turned away and interrupted
him coldly: " Why are you here? Baili? "
  Qi Ze's expression became a little bit cold, and looked at her, like a numb and
empty look, and said: "At this time, what do you and I mention of another woman? "
  Before Cheng Yan spoke, Qin Xiu on the ground had wiped the blood from the
corners of his lips and sat up against the wall, laughing
sarcastically: " Do n't you understand? Yan Yan doesn't want to hear anything from
you, she I ’m driving you away, letting you go with her sister, do n’t bother us,
you do n’t know that we kissed sweetly, why interrupt us? ”
  Qi Ze clenched his fists, and his face was cold, and suddenly stepped up towards
him .
  Cheng Yan held out his hand to block his way, and said with no emotion: " I
forbid you to do it again , understand? "
  It seemed like a thorn stuck in his heart, Qi Ze was stunned and looked at
her: " Are you protecting him? "
  There seemed to be a lonely and painful feeling in his eyes. She glanced at her
with a glance, but she lowered her head and said a word: " Yes! "
  Qi Ze has been silent for a long time, and his words seem to have been
frozen: " Five years ago, when you left , I thought you liked me, so even if you
were kept in the attic for three months, you would have bruises and wounds.
Suppuration, I still hope that I can find you when I go out. "
  Cheng Yan's eyelashes twitched slightly , and he looked up at him, as if looking
shocked .
  Qi Ze smiled, and the person looked so uncomfortable: " It seems that I
was wrong. "
  He gave her a cold look, and walked out without looking back .
  Cheng Yan almost wanted to go out . She reacted just as soon as her feet moved.
He walked away. Bai Li will wait for him outside. She is a warm and kind girl, and he
will be very comforted. .
  " Yanyan, why did you protect me just now? " Qin Xiuding looked at her fixedly .
  Cheng Yan faint , said: " Anyway, not hi Huan you. "
  Xiu Qin sighed: " I would rather you sprinkle Huangpian me again. "
  Cheng Yan ignored him and picked up the dropped bag and walked out. Qin Xiu's
voice came from behind him: " You just left me like this? "
  Cheng Yan did not return head: " As long as you can remember this is what sex
bathroom belong to, I think, is that you can climb to climb out of. " Paused, she
went on to say, " After all, let employees know that the company Qin is always a
dead man, is it not too good? "
  Qin Xiu: "..."
  She was angry, not ordinary .
  This point ... he is very sure .

The first 29 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (twenty-nine )

  Cheng Yan out of time , to see to see Pear gas being stomped Oh rub face, like a
cold cold , leaving her standing firm doorway .
  Look to see her , Pear's eyes lit up, went up to the tone of some happy and some
wonder: " Sister , he . They are gone ," she sighed , " Qi always take the time to
look very scary ah , I told him He ignored me, and the young master also received a
call , saying that there was news of my sister , and he left in a hurry. I did n’t
know where the sister was, and I wanted to see her. "
  When she said this, Cheng Yan remembered that the apartment she rented used the
original owner's ID card, so the information might have been leaked because of
this .
  Not too ...... she conceal her identity primarily to fool Qi Ze , since Qi Ze have
been found , others know that she is who would not be so important .
  Cheng Yan looked at Pear curious look of hope , did not phase her and recognize
intention, after all, can be considered Qi Ze her ex-boyfriend , if Pear knew she
was her sister , she promised would think twice Qi Ze sister's ex-boyfriend Without
being with him .
  Cheng Yan silent for a moment, and asked her: " You feel too ...... Qi ? How about
the total "
  Pear strange look at her , it seems she did not understand how to ask this,
suddenly remembered the elevator door two people familiar attitude, she suddenly,
this white Phu My sister would always know Qi is not surprising, so she
asked ... ... is afraid of her hi Huan Qi total it ?
  Pear busy tone firmly said: " I and Qi always a little too familiar, but ...... I
am their real afraid of him, and his eyes too cold, and I do not like. "
  Cheng Yan: " Are you ... afraid of him? "
  The male host in the book is also a cold and fierce president, but the female
host is not afraid of him at all, and he warms the male host with his kind and soft
heart. The male host unloads her defenses and corners little by little .
  Pear force point head, suddenly remembered something, slightly blushing,
said: " not too ...... Qi total of brother and . Handsome and gentle and considerate
ah, Qi and the total is entirely the opposite ."
  Cheng Yan looked at the rippling expression on her water eyes and
Chunchun's cheeks: "..."
  There is a slight hunch .
  Don't tell her! Was the veteran brother in that love scene licking the woman to
the hostess? He is a passer-by in the book who has never met the heroine !
  System integration was right, do not take the words of the story, supporting
characters cannon fodder passerby position is converted confusion, women pair of
facial expressions that obviously used to think of the male ah! ! !
  Cheng Yan rubbed his brow, was about to speak, listen , see Pear voice said
softly: " Sister, I ? The two of you went out to dinner, I think you people are
really good, ah, do not know too so help me, I I really like you. Sister, who are
you? "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  She just wants to be quiet !
  Where is she still in the mood to eat with the hostess, the hostess will be
pryed away, she feels that she really needs to see the scum man brother .
  Cheng Yan tweeted that she had refused her in a hurry and did not say a name, but
only told her her surname Yan .
  Bai Li's eyes were full of disappointment, and she had to exchange contact
information with her, watching her back as she walked away, and sighed .
  She was worried that it would reveal her identity that she didn't stay in the
hotel, but chose a more concealed apartment, but did not expect to be found .
  Cheng Yan did not want to deal with the emotional debt left by the original
owner, either Qin Xiu or Wei Yang. She had to avoid it as much as possible, and she
could leave the world as soon as the task was completed .
  So, she had to rush him to move out of the public who come before blending .
  After going back, Cheng Yan was busy packing and packing it into a suitcase that
was not too big or too small. She was a little tired and thirsty. She went to sit on
the sofa, and she had a glass of milk on the table. He took a sip and drank half a
glass .
  Fingertip touch was warm hot cup body, she surprised a moment, because it is not
the slightest preparedness at home, hindsight aware ...... she was bought milk, still
with a nice not to put in the refrigerator Kaifeng, and ... she has no hot milk at
all .
  Thinking about it, she felt her head dizzy, her eyelids became heavy, and her
consciousness gradually blurred .
  Cup filled with milk from the hands slowly slipped, she could not support fell,
but not down on the sofa, but hard against a broad chest, she vaguely saw a Zhang
blurred face, Only a pair of unpredictable eyes are particularly clear .
  After that, she closed her eyes .
  It was already night when Cheng Yan woke up .
  She was lying in a very familiar bedroom, the night wind was blowing gently, the
pale green lace curtains were floating like soft water, the wind chimes in front of
the window were jingling softly, turning her head, you could see her lying around
There is a large teddy bear, and a delicate music box on the bedside table .
  Her heart sank straight down, and there was even a sense of absurdity back in
time .
  She sat up and wanted to get out of bed. Just as soon as she moved, she heard
the crisp sound of metal collision. Her feet were also locked with a long silver
chain, and the other end was tied to the corner of the bed. On .
  " Are you awake? " A low, calm voice sounded at the door .
  She raised her head violently and saw a man in a white shirt buttoned neatly
leaning against the door, with a slender, tall, stern face, deep eyes, and a calm
expression .
  " Qi Ze? " Cheng Yan stared at him, expression changed, " is you! You at the
milk medicine? "
  Qi Ze walked slowly, looking at her, with a natural tone: " It's not harmful to
your body, it just makes you sleep for a little longer. "
  " This is the Cheng family? " Cheng Yan stared at him, " What are you doing here
with me? "
  Qi Ze knelt halfway, the soft bed collapsed, he leaned over and looked at her,
face to face with her, intimate and ambiguous posture, mute voice: " This is not the
Cheng family, it is our home, I specially arranged it Do you like that? "
  " You Hu say? " Cheng Yan sink in the face, cold voice, " you fans dizzy me and
brought me here, I'm still locked, you know this is ......"
  " Did you commit a crime ? " Qi Ze looked at her, his eyes seemed to be burning
with flames, paranoia and fanaticism, he lowered his voice, as if he was pressing his
emotions together, " But, I just can't stand you and other men, I can't stand your
eyes look to other men, can not stand ...... you are not my body side! so ...... "
  His hand pressed on her shoulder, leaned closer to her, pressed against
her forehead, breathing intertwinedly, with a somber tone: " Yanyan, don't leave me
anymore, except this one, I can promise you anything, OK? "
  Cheng Yan wanted to push him hard, but some strength was not enough. His hands
were more like ambiguously against his chest, so he became very cold and fierce in
his momentum: " I just want to leave! "
  When the words fell, she was suddenly overthrown by Qi Ze. He knelt down beside
her, leaned down and pressed her, with a gloomy danger in his expression, his eyes
staring at her like a wolf, his voice reluctant and restrained. Say: " But ... I only
want you! "
  To meet his burning eyes full of possessiveness, Cheng Yan felt very dangerous in
any way. Late at night, the lone man and the widow were alone in the room, and a
little spark could ignite a passionate night .
  "......" four-phase right, Cheng Yan is very uncomfortable, hanging eyelashes, Youde
said, " you first let me go, I am a little dizzy. "
  Qi Ze looked at her. The girl under her was delicate and soft, with her long
eyelashes drooping, her face pale, her red lips very attractive, but she
also showed an inviolable cold breath .
  He eyes the more hair and deep, Adam's apple fretting, spent a great deal of
self-control refrained take off her clothes, hold her, kiss her impulses, the body's
blood seemed to be clamoring, rolling forward .
  He closed his eyes, pulled away from her, and lay down on the pillow beside
her .
  He did not pierce her lies, caring about her indifferently: "Is n't it dizzy
now? "
  "..." Cheng Yan frowned, looking at him, " I can't run away, what are you doing
here? "
  Qi Ze's eyes suddenly became meaningful. He suddenly hugged her waist and drew
her closer. He said with a smile: " Do you think I locked you just to prevent you
from running away? For you, I am the whole five years even a woman's fingers never
touched, and now I am deeply in love with a girl in my bed, you want ...... Can I put
a vertical look? "
  " You shut up! " Cheng Yan back and try to pull him away .
  Qi Ze glanced at her, let go of her, and sighed almost inaudibly: " Sleep. "
  Cheng Yan stared at him without moving .
  Qi Ze narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at her for a while, then suddenly
smiled, stretched out his hands, unbuttoned his shirts one by one, his strong and
graceful chest slowly revealed, his tone was profound: "The night is very long. If
you don't want to sleep, why don't you let me teach you something adult men and women
will do? "
  When the words fell, she turned around and turned her back to him .
  Cheng Yan was stiff and didn't move at all. Maybe the medicine hadn't been cured
yet. After a while , she actually fell asleep like this .
  Qi Ze's eyes held her lust secretly, staring at her back, the woman's hair spread
out, long, soft, slightly curly, there was an indescribable beauty, she was lying
sideways, the curves of her body were charming , His eyes slowly moved down, slipping
over her hips, slender legs .
  Breathing gradually, he frowned, restrained, and pulled over the folded quilt to
cover them both .
  At this time he could only see her long hair, which was longer than five years
ago. A strand of hair was blown up by the wind when the quilt fell, floating on his
nose. He smelled deadly and charming like a poppy Fragrance .
  At that moment, the body seemed to be hot to the highest point .
  It was obviously a cold winter, but he felt as if he was in the stove .
  He stretched out his hand slowly towards her , but stopped again an inch away
from her shoulder, took a deep breath, and suddenly withdrew his hand .
  Qi Ze's eyes had a somewhat charming color because of desire. He looked at her
fixedly, but he couldn't touch her, make her angry, or make her hate him more .
  However, it seemed that there was a fire in his body, and his forehead swallowed
with sweat. He could only put his hand into the quilt to solve it by himself, and
looked at her without blinking .
  " Yan Yan ..." Between the shuddering, he was flushed, whispering her name between
thin lips with forbearance and depression .

The first 30 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (thirty )

  The next day , Cheng Yan is Qi Ze wake up in a low soft voice, she opened his
eyes, I saw him sitting on the bed , low head and looked at her, crisp white shirt,
sort of abstinence , out of the sun spilled In his Qingjun's eyebrows, a gentle and
charming glory fainted .
  " Hungry? " He would slip small round table pull over , Picking Up and
chopsticks , said, " I personally do breakfast , that you've most hi Huan of
taste , eat a bun? "
  " I don't eat. " Cheng Yan sat up and said coldly , his expression showing
resistance .
  " Yesterday to now, you haven't eaten anything and you will be hungry. " Qi Ze
used a chopsticks to hold a small white soft bun and handed it to her lips, almost
patiently like coaxing a child to eat , " Open Mouth, Yanyan is obedient , eh? "
  " I said, I do not eat, you listen to understand it?! " Was locked shut in the
bedroom , Cheng Yan love thread seems to get very upset and angry, a wave dishes
will whisk all fell to the ground .
  The buns fell out of the bowl, rolled on the floor , and were still clean .
  Qi Ze glanced at her with a silent, tolerant look, as if she had expected her to
lose her temper. He quietly packed up the garbage on the ground and sat back in front
of the bed again. The enquiry came with a meaning that could
not be tolerated: " Then drink porridge? "
  Seeing her turn her face, not looking at him, his eyes were deep, and he suddenly
reached over her shoulders, raised her chin with her fingers, leaned over her thin
lips against her colorful lips, and spoke in a low, hoarse voice , with profound
meaning: " you do not eat ., I began to eat ," he slightly pulled back, dark
eyes staring at her, slow Dirou voice somewhat coquettishly, " I'm hungry for a long
time, What do you think? "
  " You ..."
  Cheng Yan glared at him, and before he had finished speaking, he had scooped a
spoonful of steaming meat porridge and touched her lips. He didn't say anything, just
looked at her, and there was something dangerous in his eyes Signal .
  For a long while, she bit her spoon angrily as if forced .
  Qi Ze looked at her angry expression, and seemed to feel very cute, with a smile
on her face, rubbing her hair and saying, " Yan Yan is so good, come and have
another bite. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
Why didn't   he empathize with the mistress, but instead kept her here, and talked
to her in the sweet tone of the drowned person, she shouldn't take
the heroine's script !
  She must find a way to escape, this man is not normal !
  After feeding her , Qi Ze drew a piece of paper and wiped her lips carefully,
revealing a cherished and valued feeling .
  Seeing him look calm and peaceful, as if speaking well , Cheng Yan's heart
fluctuated slightly, she pursed her lips, and the beautiful eyes under her long
lashes looked at him softly: " Qi Ze, you can let go Me? "
  Qi Ze threw the tissue into the paper basket and turned to look at her, with a
sharp penetrating look in his eyes .
  Cheng Yan was inexplicable, but the tone was very serious: " I won't run. "
  Qi Ze stared at her for a while, and when she saw that she was up and down, he
smiled, with a tone of love and hate: " You are a liar, so bad that people want ...
" he suddenly leaned leaned over her, words like ambiguous Chunchi Jian circulation
in a circle, " mercilessly bully negative you so you cried out for mercy! "
The meaning in   his words showed some sultry charm. Cheng Yan stared at his eyes
with a smile, almost thinking that he would really do that, and his face was a bit
bad, she could not deceive him at all .
  But, in her order as Qi Ze to continue her locked when he pulled over her right
leg in her lap, lifted her pant leg to reveal a jade-like leg .
  In his fingertips touched her leg , she strove to recover the leg, he was holding
down her glance at her, said: " You are happy ? Huan is locked ."
  Cheng Yan understood what he meant, so he endured not to worry about him, for
fear that he would regret it .
  Qi Ze gave her the keys to open the chains, I saw her white and tender ankles
have been swelling, and skin inside some worn, Shenzhe bloodshot .
  His face sank: "When I was away, did you try to take it off? "
  Cheng Yan looked at his cold face and didn't admit: " I don't have it. "
  Qi Ze's tone was severe: " I have calculated the size. If you don't move, you
won't be hurt like this! "
  Cheng Yan has a louder voice than him: " If you don't lock me, I won't get hurt
at all! "
  Qi Ze stared at her, she also stared at him, the two stared at each other, the
atmosphere was a little frozen for a while .
  Qi Ze took the lead away from his eyes, got up quietly, took the medicine box,
and applied her with a tube of ointment inside .
  His fingers warm heat, the action is very light, kind of gentle and delicate
feelings, fingertips gently wipe open white cream on her ankle .
  His voice has been restored calm: " After how you want to kind of direct and I
said, do not do such a thing. " He raised his head and looked at her, " you do not
mind, but I'll feel bad. "
  His calm and slow voice seemed to have a strong feeling of palpitation .
  Suddenly, Cheng Yan felt a sense of guilt. Obviously he locked her, locked her,
and injured her, but she felt like it was the other way round . He became the poor
man who was locked .
  Cheng Yan's tone was a little uncomfortable: " If you feel bad about me,
you should let me go. "
  Qi Ze's fingertips swelled, and instead of looking at her, she landed on her leg,
white, slender, and feminine, as if she could only imagine the beautiful picture and
taste of passionately kissing it with just one glance. In that ruthless way, what he
thought was to do something more intimate with her, perhaps knowing that she would
say that it could not cause much anger and panic .
  Because as he could not let her go, distressed better than disheartened .
  His bowed head, gently wipe her drugs, quiet room, the men have long fingers
light as a feather gently stroking her ankles, with a sort of dumb current, this
scene looked a bit If there is seemingly no color .
  Cheng Yan did not know what he was thinking, what he did not say his silence made
her feel like angry, she did not speak .
  Slowly, his breathing became deeper, and the movement of his fingertips stopped,
but his eyes were hot as he looked up at her. The dangerous and fiery eyes made her
retreat unconsciously .
  " Do n't look at me! " Cheng Yan's tone conceals confusion .
  His eyes are pure men's eyes on women, with instinctive desires, irrational and
wild .
  " Yanyan ..." His voice was low .
  Cheng Yan retracted his leg and turned around, blocking his gaze: " You go out! "
  After a long silence, he leaned over and suddenly grabbed her wrist, she
exclaimed: " What are you doing? "
  Qi Ze seemed to sigh ridiculously, pulled her out of the bed, and stood in front
of the tall closet. He opened the closet, which contained rows of women's clothes,
beautiful and luxurious, and exuded a very expensive breath .
  She was shocked, and her eyes were a little confused .
  Qi : Ze leaned leaned over her, but did not kiss her, but the smell of her scent
had fun, sounds dumb to say , " I do not Mian strong you are. " Before he pushed her
a step forward, standing wardrobe Head, the voice becomes a charming charm,
slowly, " I will only ... seduce you and let you say yes! "
  Cheng Yan a face to resist: " I will not! "
  " Try it. " Qi Ze's tone didn't seem to matter. He leaned over and said in her
ear, " Now, the first step is to give gifts. I bought these clothes in person, and I
think you wear each one. The show will look good, do you like it? "
  Cheng Yan neither said likes nor disliked, but used silence to resist his
offer .
  " You take a bath first and change your clothes. " Qi Ze took a step back and his
tone was calm. " I went to work in the study and came to me if I wanted to accompany
you. "
  Cheng Yan: " I won't go to you! "
  Qi Ze laughed, with a slightly bad smile: " But, I will wait for you. "
  After he went out, Cheng Yan touched the mobile phone in her coat, but touched an
empty space. Although she knew that Qi Ze would not give her the chance to ask for
help so carelessly, she was still somewhat discouraged .
  Qi Ze didn't bring her packed suitcase, he prepared all the daily necessities for
her. The cabinet under the wardrobe also prepared underwear, even sanitary napkins,
and she was inexplicably hot .
  He went to choose these himself? Does the clerk really treat him like a
pervert ?
  However, she suddenly thought that he should not have such troubles. After all,
he was the overbearing president who could wrap the entire mall .
  She took the clothes into the bathroom to take a bath, but saw placed inside a
washing machine quilt, group into a group, mess, she suddenly found out blankets and
sheets have been replaced by new .
  My heart there is a thread strange fleeting, she did not think, undressed, open
shower bath .
  After washing, put on her clothes, put light footsteps out the door, she lived
upstairs, no one hallway, her heart beat faster, you want to see if you can get out
quietly, with little hope, It's better to sit and wait .
  She took off her shoes and lifted them in her hands, her snow-white delicate feet
stepped on the ground without a sound .
  She went downstairs smoothly, she didn't see anyone downstairs, her heart beat
faster, her pace became faster, almost rushed to the gate, she put her hand on the
door handle, she took a deep breath and turned down .
  ... turn, no, move ?
  " I locked the door. " A low, cool voice came from behind , and his hands
stretched out to hug her tenderly and lingeringly .
  Her body froze, and she knew it couldn't be so easy .
  Qi Ze spoke in her ear, and the ambiguous air flow behind her ears was hot and
itchy, and she shrank her neck .
  " The keys are in my body. " He grabbed her down in the body side of the hand in
his trouser press, voice low and increasingly ambiguous, " you have
to come ...... found about it? "
  His words seemed to explode in his ears suddenly, Cheng Yan pushed him away
suddenly, turned around, and said coldly: " Are you playing me ? "
  " How could it be? " He chuckled, suddenly hugged her waist and pulled her closer,
against her face, and said slowly, " I just want to let you take the initiative to
approach me. "
  Cheng Yan stared at him, his bright eyes showing a bit of anger .
  "The key is on me. I won't move. Do you want it? You! " He opened his hands and
looked at her with a smile, a spoiled expression at her disposal, and it seemed like
she was determined not to do anything to him. .
  Cheng Yan is not a walk, do not walk nor is it, as if the chest simmering breath,
forcing her had hardened his scalp to touch his trouser pocket .
  Surprisingly and surprisingly, she actually touched a key. She looked up at him,
her eyes bright and clear .
  Qi Ze looked at her eyes look a bit faint smile, leaned over, and said
slowly: " You have done well, quasi ? Ready and I watch a movie together yet ."
  Cheng Yan a daze, what suddenly thought, teeth, said: " The key ......"
  " Home key cinema, although a bit smaller ......" Qi Ze dark eyes looked at
her, " but I have two people is enough. "
  Cheng Yan was really angry: " I don't want to see anything, I just want to go
home! "
  When Qi Ze saw her bypassing him, he directly pulled her arm. When she glared
over, he said lightly: " I always wanted to do all the things that a lover would do
with you. I haven't done it before. Now I want to make up for it all. If you do n’t
want to watch a movie, I ’ll do what I want most. ”
  Cheng Yan stared at him for a long while and seemed to say in a
compromise: "It can be seen, but it is up to me to decide where you sit. "
  Qi Ze came down with a sip .
  Qi Ze transformed the basement into a movie theater. It also seemed to have a
theater atmosphere. The light was ambiguous. If it was dark and dark, it was easy to
confuse people's feelings. .
  Cheng Yan sneered, looking at Qi Ze, pointing to the position in the first
row: " You sit here. "
  Qi Ze sat down with temper tantrums and was about to say something. Turning her
head, she saw her sit down at the innermost position in the last row. The light was
so dark that he could not even see her face: "... "
  Cheng Yan smiled provocatively at him and saw that he turned back, not dismissing
the idea of watching the movie as she thought .
  The movie has already begun .
  She did n’t think about watching the movie, so this two-hour movie made her
sleepy . At the end of the movie, Qi Ze told her to go together .
  She followed in his footsteps, and her head was a little dizzy, only to hear him
whisper: "The ending is very touching, will you cry? However, we are different, I
will not leave you, I will always be with you. "
  Cheng Yan looked up confusedly , looked at him, and yawned. His eyes were tears,
but he didn't want to cry, but wanted to! Sleep !
  Qi Ze choked in his throat in one breath, and the delicate feelings when watching
the movie disappeared in an instant !
  I'm so angry that I don't want to talk .
  In the afternoon, Qi Ze didn't know whether it was because she had to deal with
work or was mad at her. She stayed in the study room and let herself play outside .
  Cheng Yan wholeheartedly to it in the house at looking for his keys, he
apparently did not key hides in the body, she even took off his to coat also
touched, found the bedroom too, where have not found the key .
  She also another way, you want to Pachuang households out Qi Ze just too sinister
man, not even the windows sealed the upstairs windows actually open, they have to
jump off the undead damage ah .
  After looking around in circles, she began to feel hopeless. Does Qi Ze want to
be sealed with her in this villa ?
  Eat a late meal times, Cheng Yan face was very tired look, feebly push lightly
with bowl of rice .
  Qi Zehan smiled at her and said nothing .
  Cheng Yan felt tired today, and did not want to deal with Qi Ze at night, so when
he washes the dishes, she went back to the bedroom and locked the door back, pushing
the table, chairs, and boxes over the door .
  Qi Ze didn't even come to her tonight. She listened to his footsteps and
disappeared next door, before she was relieved .

The first 31 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (thirty-one )

  Cheng Yan is footsteps outside the door awakened , footsteps in the door paused,
then gradually drifted away, as if to go downstairs .
  In the middle of the night , Qi Ze doesn't sleep .
  Cheng Yan could not sleep, the villa was quiet , just like children in the
horror film atmosphere around the same as the same .
  A dozen points Zhong past, she did not hear the sound of Qi Ze upstairs .
  I do not know my heart is disturbed or curious , she suffered a long time , did
not hold back a stand to sit up, put on his coat , wanted to quietly look at Qi Ze
in the end in hell .
  Out of the door , she went to the handrails of the stairs at, do not go , you
can look to see the living room scene .
  Passenger hall did not turn on the lights, through the French window shines in
the moonlight, she could vaguely see the individual sitting on the sofa, placed a
glass of water on the coffee table in front of him, seems to be a small bottle of
charge .
  She looked to see , he opened the bottle and began to pour palm , sent subtle
sound of the collision pills .
  She suspected that he was not sleepwalking, because he has been there constantly
down, her hands almost always fit the tablet , piled up the hill, as if he was
back over the similarly lived hand .
  Cheng Yan frowned secretly, no medicine needs to eat so much? Or does he take
calcium supplements ?
  He has been reach for a cup, you want to make a pile of medicine to
swallow the way .
  Cheng Yan's heart tightened, and he called him subconsciously: " Qi Ze! "
  Qi Ze heard her voice, her body stiffened, and her reflective movement turned her
hands behind her .
  "..." When she is invisible like this ?
  She felt a little weird. She went downstairs and walked in front of
him. She saw his obviously tired face, her eyes seem calm but agitated .
  " Yanyan. " He called her lowly, with an indescribable softness and gentleness .
  Cheng Yan looked at him: " What are you eating? "
  Qi Zelian's expression never changed: " Nothing to eat. "
  " I see saw! "
  He refused to say that she went to get the medicine bottle on the table. She just
touched the bottle and was held by his big hand. He leaned over and pressed
her hand. This posture was like pulling her from behind. It's the same in the
arms .
  His voice was low, and it came from the top of his head. There was a different
kind of sexiness at night: " Yanyan, it's really nothing. "
  " Hands away! " She said .
  After a short pause, Qi Ze slowly withdrew his hand and looked down at her with a
helpless look that could not help her .
  Cheng Yan picked up the bottle, moved closer, and saw the words above. She
frowned, and looked at him: " You actually take so many sleeping pills? Do you want
to die? "
  Qi Ze silently put the medicine in his palm back into the bottle, and then looked
at her. Her eyes were deep, with some kind of unspeakable emotion: " With you, how
can I be willing to die? Yanyan, I just can not sleep, I was very tired, and
sometimes did not notice on the back so much. "
  Since half of the sentence before moving ignored, Cheng Yan could not help
but ask: " Why not sleep? "
  " Due to ......" He suddenly leaned leaned her condensate depending on her thin lips
spit out the words, " I love you. "
  His sudden approach made her feel a little suffocated, looking at the blurred
light, his focused and affectionate face, she froze .
  "In those days , you just left without a head, and I never slept a whole night
again. " His voice was low, " I will think of you as soon as I close my eyes, I
will think of you Where will it be, what will you do, will you be bored, scared,
lonely, what if you are sick and no one takes care of you, what to do if you meet bad
people and no one protects you, if you cry, no one Wipe your tears to comfort you ...
  Paused, his hands on her shoulders: " all kinds of various problems like round
and round in my mind, the thought of these, I can not sleep. "
  Cheng Yan very uncomfortable, low head, pursed lip: " I'm doing great. "
  "It can be seen, but ..." Qi Ze's words changed sharply, and his tone was low. " You
can live well without me, and I live badly without you ... But Yanyan, don't blame
me, I only love you too much, so I will shut you up. I cannot lose you. "
  " If I make you so upset if ......" Cheng Yan said slowly, not feeling very, slowly
raised his head and looked at him, " you could just let go well it? There must be
another ......"
  He didn't seem to want to hear her say this, he suddenly lowered his head and
kissed her, blocking her lips, and when she reacted to struggle, he hugged her waist
and pressed it against her forehead. A very humble plea: " Yanyan, do n't push me
away, even if you don't like me, don't let me like others, I can't do it, you can't
be so cruel! "
  How could it be cruel ?
  In the book, isn't his favorite person Bai Bai, for Bai pear, he can forget Bai
Yueguang completely .
  Which part is wrong? Was she doing too much or too little ?
  If he really can not fall in love with Pear, so ...... how she would like? Can you
never wake up to be a vegetative ?
  She could see friends and relatives, but also as a living person can not
live with, only sleeping in the endless darkness, into someone else's burden, the
burden of drag .
  She ...... not that kind .
  She closed her eyes and squeezed her heart. This is just a world. He is just a
character in a book, created by the author. She doesn't need to care so much !
  " I beg you ..." She looked at him calmly and spoke slowly .
  Qi Ze was slightly stunned, looking at her, she seemed to have a bad hunch and
her face changed slightly .
  " To hi Huan others, set his sights on another woman who will love be poured out
to other women, do not haunt me. " She seemed disgusted frown, " you know how much
I hate you? If I knew that it would be entangled with you only in a relationship, at
first, I would n’t look at you at all! "
  Such as a pot of cold water poured down , the Qi Ze whole body cold, a heart
down the sink deeper, she pushed his hands slowly, she looked cold, cold eyes .
  After finishing talking, Cheng Yan turned and was about to leave. He was n’t
sure if he would listen to her. After all, she had said similar things many times. He
would be angry at the time, but then he would come to her again .
  " Yanyan ..." He said suddenly, his voice low and calm .
  Cheng Yan stepped a little and was dragged over by him. He hugged her into the
sofa and suppressed her hands and feet. His eyes were dangerous and his tone was
somber: " You do n’t know that it would be bad to anger a man at this time. The
consequences? "
  Cheng Yan's face was pale, and before he could say anything, he was blocked by
his kiss. He kissed it softly, rudely and eagerly .
  She was wearing pajamas with buckles. He only pulled them slightly, and the
buckles fell off one by one, revealing the white and soft skin inside .
  His hand is also very presumptuous, and hold her every inch of exposed skin, and
a man's finger hot, of crude, brought up feeling a bit dumb .
  " Qi Ze! " Her voice changed, " You stop! "
  Qi Ze ignored it and gradually moved her fingers down, resting on her pajamas .
  Her body froze and looked at him .
  Qi Ze looked at her messy and beautiful look, suddenly touched her hair, and
whispered, " Are you afraid ? "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, but his face was pale, and his eyes were a little alarmed
and frightened .
  Qi Ze smiled, gently Dan Xiao, creepy, help her collar lay, covered those
hickey, took her to sit up, condensate depending on her, meaning unknown, said: " If
you would be afraid , hears the words a little, I can wait, unless you force me no
chance to even like! "
  Cheng Yan's fingers were all cold, watching him stoop to help her put on shoes,
she suddenly pushed him away and ran away .
  Qi Ze looked at her back upstairs, for a long while, her calm face gradually
disappeared, her mood became volatile, and she pushed all the things on the table to
the ground with a wave of her hand. The sound of the broken glass was clear in the
living room .
  Then, as if lost strength as he collapsed into his armchair, his eyes a bit
painful blankly at the ceiling .
  What should he do to love her ?
  Cheng Yan didn't sleep much all night. The next day, when she went downstairs ,
she smelled a very strong wine .
  When she walked over, she saw the mess in the living room. Qi Ze was lying on
the cold ground, her face pale, and there were many empty wine bottles scattered
around her .
  He only wore a nightgown, his shirt spread out, his chest exposed, and he felt
cold when he looked at it .
Did   he sleep like this all night ?
  Cheng Yan emotionally complex hybrid, but also can not just sit idly by, she
walked over, shook him, but found him hot, and looked faint trace of pain forbear .
  Qi Ze didn't fall asleep at all. As soon as she came, he opened his eyes and said
indifferently: " What are you doing here? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him: " Are you sick? "
  Qi Ze: " I'm sick, do you want to run away ? "
  Cheng Yan: " You should go to the doctor! "
  She looked met with his cell phone on the couch, took a hand up, Qi Ze sat up and
tried to stop her, but suddenly look for a change, seem to hurt the way, and his face
white, no color lip, forehead braved Cold sweat .
  On the case, he took her clothes, thin lips sip out of Tolerance and paranoid
feeling: " I do not need to see a doctor! "
  Cheng Yan squatted: " What's wrong with you? "
  Qi Ze Mingming has been a difficult subject, but also holding on to say: " Just
stomach it, I ate . Drugs and breakfast would be good ."
  Cheng Yan touched his forehead to speak, burning hot, she points to open the
phone screen, looked up at him and said coldly: " phone secret ? How much code "
  Qi Ze said nothing .
  " Secret code! " Cheng Yan aggravated tone .
  Qi Ze stared at her, Yi Zizi said: " ! I will not go to the hospital and no one
can take me ! Separate them ."
  " When is it? Are you still thinking about this? " Cheng Yan was angry .
  Qi Ze lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly: " Yanyan, I will
get better myself. "
  Cheng Yan looked at his hard-to-eat look, only to feel a sigh of relief on her
chest, and saw the broken glass on the ground, she picked it up easily: " If you
don't say it, I will draw it down! "
  Sharp sharp debris in front of the wrist .
  Qi Ze's expression changed, he stared at her, his eyes deep and deep, and after a
long while, he turned his head and reported a string of numbers .
  Cheng Yan opened the lock and called the hospital first. After thinking about it,
instead of calling his parents, he called his brother .
  He has to be taken care of .
  The author has something to say: there is nothing to abuse at the end of the
little black house, and the man and woman will be sweet afterwards .

The first 32 Zhang Hao door charming fake daughter (thirty-two )

  Save the guard, the slag is clearly better than his brother man fly far , more
than ten or minutes to arrived, someone rang the doorbell outside .
  But -
  Cheng Yan looked she was dragged to the door has been unconscious Qi
Ze , Yi Some headache up , she sought all over the houses have not found the key,
even Qi Ze robe also turned, still ...... No! There !
  Outside the medical staff obviously anxious , baits very swiftly patting the
door .
  " Is anyone in there? Hello! Please answer it when you hear it! "
  Silent for a moment , Cheng Yan facing the crowd outside the door slowly opened
its mouth: " The broken lock , open, so ...... you were either try banging on the
door? "
  "..." The people outside were also silent .
  Rich area of door security level villa is also first-class, and it is impossible
to break open a hit , the doctor who is not a powerhouse , it is also a matter of
great urgency called open lock expert .
  Nearly yet gone ten minutes, the door finally ...... opened .
  The next line of action would quickly how how fast, doctors in white coats will
send an ambulance Ze Qi, Cheng Yan on also with the past .
  Qi Ze long-term stay up all night working, eating is not law , the stomach a bit
wrong , but also a one-time drink a lot of wine , also launched a high fever, symptoms
together led him unconscious , the situation worse .
  Cheng Yan looked at him pushed into the emergency room , the mood
suddenly become complex mixed, dazed eyes up .
  " Yanyan ... ? "
  Suddenly remembered the man's hesitant tone behind him , with a trembling
ecstasy .
  Cheng Yan turned around and saw Cheng Xiangyang, who was dressed in an airy and
airy manner, with several shirt buttons scattered, slightly messy, his face
unchanged, a pair of peach blossom eyes still so beautiful and charming, but his
temperament was calmer .
  He looked at her face seemed very excited moving, but there is a feeling of
loss .
  Cheng Yan first opened his mouth and tried to greet him naturally: " Brother, I
will return ..."
  Stayed piece of bread, she came suddenly, a hand will she hugged, tightly, it
seems a little choked voice: " You heartless Xiaoya ! Head actually left without a
word, what you when so obedient, you remember do not remember that I am your brother
ah?! actually a phone call, a text message, the letter did not give me anything, I
really do not want to care about you! you know me how worried? !!! "
She   was blaming her angrily , but she felt a warm feeling, like a real family
member .
  She slowly raised her hand to hug him, smiled, and whispered, " I remember, you
are my brother ..."
  His body stiff stiff, low head and looked at her .
  " Is that would accommodate me, care about me, make me happy brother. " She looked
at him, " So, you will certainly original forgive my wayward, right? "
  " Original understanding? " Stayed tone ferocious, staring at her .
  Her expression calm, clarity and bright eyes, good mold like very soft-hearted .
  Stayed stern expression peacekeeping hold live, silent, suddenly sighed, big
hands rubbing her hair was a mess: " to say what excuse not forgive I never blame
you, a brother should spoil? Sister, so, it does n’t matter if Yanyan is more self-
willed, just not allowed to run away like this, you know? "
  At this point, suddenly sounded a hesitant female voice: " You are ...... my
sister? "
  At the corner of the corridor , Baili stood there, his expression a little
nervous, curious, and expectant .
  Stayed look to see her, to remember who he is and come together, because when
Yanyan call, and he was bretschneideri together, so it will also be the way she
brought over with .
  " Yanyan, this is Baili , she ..." Cheng Xiangyang was trying to explain her
life .
  Cheng Yan has been open: " I know. " She looked at Pear, if it is Stayed
said, " My life experience I have been checked very clearly. "
  Stayed see her they should have something to say, say: " I am . Guarding like
here, you go out and chatted "
  When she saw him before , she felt like there was something weird. After he said
this, she suddenly realized that he had n’t cared about Qi Ze at all. Why did he
enter the hospital? Looks like .
  Even after five years, is the relationship between their brothers so strange ?
  Cheng Yan glanced at Cheng Xiangyang. He sat down on the chair and smiled at her,
a perfunctory smile that knew what she was thinking but pretended to be casual .
  Cheng Yan and Bai Li walked into the hospital garden together .
  The sun is very nice, there are colorful flowers in the garden, and there are
children running and laughing around the flower bed .
  Cheng Yan sat on a bench, looked at those flowers, hear Pear in a voice of
surprise and joy, said: " really can not think of meeting, there are as a people and
I look exactly the same in the world, like the surface Looking at the mirror, Mom
will be very happy if she sees you. " She hesitated for a moment. " Will you go to
see Mom? She doesn't care about you, just doesn't know about your existence. When she
gave birth Dystocia, and finally cesarean delivery. "
  Bai Li's eyelashes are very long, blinking nervously, watching her eyes
focused .
  Cheng Yan looked at her and smiled: " Yeah, I also want to see her. "
  Pear laughed, high -hing look , suddenly, she frowned, as if back to what
Yi: " how do I feel like you've seen, and your voice where ......"
  Thinking, thinking, she suddenly " ah " and said unbelievably : " You are the
young lady who helped me in the company that day! "
  Cheng Yan looked at her boast Zhang expression, chuckle, the mood suddenly
relaxed .
  " So you and Qi always really long recognized ah, you know the young master, Qin
always known you. " Pear suddenly, embarrassed at her, " he who helped me to invest
if they are not good-hearted, but Thank you very much. Tell you, I ’m already a
heroine, and I will formally film in a few days. "
  Pear chatted about his shot drama interesting, past lives, and asked her a lot of
things .
  Cheng Yan suddenly mentioned unintentionally: " So ... do you have a boyfriend ? "
  Speaking of this topic, Baili blushed and shook her head slightly, but suddenly
said something without a head and a tail: " Can I call you Yanyan too? "
  Cheng Yan point under head, over and over again like some little chuckle like she
said: " I did not expect I actually was your elder sister, he is your brother grew
up with, we have a common sister, It ’s really fate. "
  Cheng Yan had a bad hunch: " You mean ... ? "
  " Is your brother ah! " Pear eyes seemed to light, " He really is a good person,
each time to see to see him, I was delighted and distressed, I think I once saw him
from when he already ...... Xi Huan on him. "
  " No! " Cheng Yan's face changed .
  Bai Li looked surprised: " Why? " Her tone was low. " Yan Yan, do you think I
don't deserve Mr. Cheng? I know he's good ..."
  " No, I don't mean that. " Cheng Yan saw her and came to silence for a moment,
then hesitated and said, " You don't know my brother, his feelings are easy
to change, like this girl today, and tomorrow you can fall in love with another , You
like that he will get hurt. "
  Pear smile Mian some strong, but still very optimistic: " I know, ah, this year
I met him not less than 10 girlfriend, but ......" Her eyes become somewhat gentle, " I
know, He just wanted to try to like someone again because he seemed to like someone
he could not like. "
  Cheng Yan a stunned .
  Bai Li looked at her and tried her best to protect her sweetheart: " Yan Yan, I
don't want you to misunderstand Mr. Cheng. He is not bad, nor is he someone who plays
with other people's feelings. Every girlfriend is trying to like her, It ’s just
that he ca n’t do it. Every time he breaks up, he will be especially desperate,
because it only proves that he still loves the person who ca n’t like it. Being his
last attempt, I think, maybe he will like me or not. "
  Looking at Bai Li's serious expression, Cheng Yan felt a little weak and
ridiculous .
  So ...... the story is the collapse of the main men and women do not love each
other, with daughter / M with the point of it ?
Did   she change things like this ?
  If she walks the plot in a proper manner from the beginning, without taking one
more step or more , will the ending be as in the book, she will be happy together
with Qi Ze ?
  Cheng Yan couldn't make Baili like Qi Ze, or make Qi Ze fall in love with Baili.
She did the first two steps of the task .
  However, in the final step, she can't do anything to make the man and woman
together as happily as the end of the book .
  Cheng Yan's expression was somewhat lost .
  Pear was going to ask her how she suddenly heard a burst of hectic rush of
footsteps, turned around and could not help but look at the past, can not help but be
shocked and stood up .
  The scene was a little funny and shocking .
  The man in the sick suit was pale, weak, and had some drip hanging on his hand.
He ran out like this, without even wearing shoes, looking for something anxiously .
  He was chased by a bunch of doctors and nurses behind him , and a nurse followed
him with his infusion bottle held high, yelling to stop him .
  Cheng Yan has just stood up and turned to see when it was suddenly pulled into
the arms, head came Qi Chak dumb, almost aloud voice: " Yan Yan, you do not go! "
  Stayed also caught up, to ask the Cheng Yan slightly sight, he rubbed his wrist,
said: " Yan Yan, he refused to cooperate with medical treatment ! Treatment, let you
open, I'll drag him back ."
  Cheng Yan look to see him to knock fists clenched, the muscles are active, not to
drag people like to Zouren .
  She glanced do not know is not the consciousness has been no clear Qi Ze, his
pale face still flush with morbid, she sighed: " You have to wait, and I said a
few sentences . Dialect "
  The doctors and nurses stepped back a bit. Perhaps the hospital life was too
boring, but their eyes were glanced over here, obviously curious and excited, and
whispered about something .
  Cheng Xiangyang frowned , and seemed to regret walking aside, Bai Li also
accompanied him .
  Cheng Yan pushed Qi Ze's hand away and looked up at him with a serious
expression: " Are you a child ? Just ran out regardless of it, let everyone run
after you, do you think they are idle? "
  Qi Ze because of illness appear fragile mood, he hesitated and explained: " I
have to as ...... you go, I know I am . It made things too much for you, you will not
go back ."
  His dark eyes showed a little caution .
  Cheng Yan took a deep breath: " You are still ill, go back with the doctor
now. " Seeing that he did not move, she just looked at her and she had to add, " I
won't go. "
  " I don't believe it. "
  " You have lied to me many times. " Qi Ze was very stubborn, " So, I have to
accompany you. "
  With that said, he uncomfortably covered his lips and coughed a few times, even
the color of his lips was bloodless .
  Suddenly, Cheng Yan got angry, and she grabbed his wrist: " Now, you go back
immediately! You don't know how bad your physical condition is? "
  Qi Ze stood still .
  Cheng Yan turned around to see a doctor: " Ma !! Trouble you to send him back to
tie Ye Hao, also stunned the line ."
  Qi Ze has directly pushed to pull his doctor, fastened her wrists, her close,
staring into her eyes, Yi Zizi said: " If you're not in my body side, I want a
healthy body What's the point? If you don't love me, don't care about me, don't care
about my life and death! If you like me, don't torture me! "
  Cheng Yan sneered and dropped his hand: " Okay! If you don't care , I don't have
to control you at all! "
  She glanced at him and turned away. At this moment, Qi Ze suddenly pulled her
back, holding her face, and bowed her head to kiss .
The nurses   not far away exclaimed and took out their phones to take pictures.
The young president of the front page of the business magazine actually kissed a
strange woman in the hospital? Or is it a high fever? Sure enough it is true
love .
  " I thought such a handsome, rich and affectionate man has become extinct. Are
you making an idol drama? "
  " My girl's heart is about to explode! "
  "The burning kiss, want to fall in love! "
  "+1 ! "
  " Together! Together! Together! "
  The onlookers who did not know the truth acted as confession on the spot, and
they slammed enthusiastically. The joyful atmosphere made the hospital's sorrowful
atmosphere much less .
  Another side Stayed looked at the scene of two men kissing, body froze, like
being exposed suddenly hit a punch in the face of injury .
  Bai Li didn't hear clearly what Mr. Qi and his sister were talking about. They
just saw that they behaved in an ambiguous manner, and they also expressed happiness
for the sister because of the confession of their scene .
Why should   he show this distressing expression ?
  His eyes also seemed to be painful, angry and jealous, as if he saw the girl he
liked with other men .
What suddenly flashed in   Bai Li's mind, she looked at Cheng Yan in shock .
  " Cheng ......" Pear mood ups and downs very powerful, hesitant to ask out of the
mouth, " you like Huan man ...... is my sister do? "
  Stayed just scared feel their emotions are people in the eyes, his calm look,
casually laughed: " You Hu ? What to say ."
  Pear never his table now more relaxed in this speculation, the heart suddenly
sank, he should not be so secret smile, but should be shocked, puzzled and asked her
how would think so .
  She looked at him as if he had seen through him, and her eyes could not be
avoided: " A person's eyes can't deceive others. I can see that you don't just like
her. "
  Stayed her in the eye with smile faded, become indifferent tone: " Is it for
you . Wrong ."
  Can't you even admit love? This love is humble to this point ?
  Bai Li's eyes were slightly red, and at the same time, she was jealous of her
sister. She slowly took his hand and met him with a surprised look: " You are afraid
that Yanyan will not be able to understand her brother and sister Did you? Even if
she doesn't like you, even if she can't be together, do you want to be able to be an
elder brother who can accompany her, care about her, and protect her? "
  Cheng Xiangyang was silent .
  Pear his finger hold tight: " I know you always wanted to strive only brother,
so you will change so many girlfriends, you want your love to others. "
  Cheng Xiangyang's expression changed slightly , staring at her: " It's none of
your business! "
  " I do not want to pry your privacy! " Pear due to fear, tense and trembling
slightly, the courage of his eyes, " I just want to tell tell you, since others can,
so can I be your new Girlfriend? Can you try to like me? "
  Cheng Xiangyang apparently didn't expect her to say such things, her expression
became a little complicated, and she sighed: " White pear, I ..."
  " Do not hurry to refuse absolutely me! " Pear first to say, " I have been very
happy joy like you, I just can not let you know, and now I finally have the courage
to tell you, you do not give me a chance ? even if you think of me as she does not
matter, as long as you happy, I do not want to let you expose the kind of expression,
and I feel ill. "
  Cheng Xiangyang froze, looking at her, his eyes softened: " You are a good
girl. " He slowly pushed her hand away, " But, I'm not a good man, so do n't like
me. "
  Pear understand what he meant, endured the tears, firmly shook his head: " No, I
will not give up, I can wait until you are happy joy or I forget her! "
  At Pear time to finish the sentence, the Qi Ze Cheng Yan has been released, Cheng
Yan could not hear what he was and she said, because her mind sounded very
harsh police reported the sound .
  Department of systems cool voice also will be sounded: [After testing, women love
value has reached 100 , crushes object with a male passerby, coming finale has been
rewritten, therefore, determined that the mission failed! Give an electric shock
punishment! The host can choose to leave the world after three minutes! 】
  " No ..."
  Before Cheng Yan's words were finished, she suddenly felt an electric current
smashed from the top of her head and quickly flowed to all corners of her body. After
the soreness, she became unconscious and numb. When she fell slowly, she saw Qi Ze's
panicked face .
  After fainting, Cheng Yan found that she came to a white place with nothing, just
like a realm of nothingness .
  [Host any of your tasks failed. 】
  Department of conventional voice suddenly sounded, obviously no feelings, but
felt as if she could hear the regret and blame .
  [Yes, lost lost the battle. ] She thinks her mind is still numb .
  [Host, this world is actually centered on the male and female host, because of
your failure, his female host has been reduced to the status of female mate, without
the female host, it is very likely to lead to the collapse of the status of male
host, So anyone can become the new male and female master, those people will get
extremely strong luck, the world will fall into chaos. But ... there is a remedy,
are you willing to do it? If you don't do it, there will be a new host to replace
you. 】
  Cheng Yan: [What way? 】
  Department of system: [elect a new care of the household instead of the old and
the male care of the household together, our sweet file system, support support of
this world power is sweet degree, master's men and women is one hundred percent of
the original sweet, so you just Talk to a hostess about 200% sweet love, you can
become a new hostess. 】
  Cheng Yan had always been shrouded in the shadow of going back to be a
vegetative. When he heard the system, he was relieved and falling in love was much
simpler than breaking up. She frowned: [Since you can also complete the task by
replacing the hostess, why not start at the beginning Just do this task? 】
  Department of system: [remediation tasks reason why the remedial task, because
nature is the main task must fail before they can do, or you do not have permission
to open it, the host, you choose to do it? Is it to leave the world or continue the
mission? 】
  Cheng Yan closed her eyes, and when she opened, she had made up her mind:
[Second, I chose the second. 】
  Department of system: [remediation tasks officially turned on, the host to reach
two hundred percent in love sweet degrees within five days. 】
  Cheng Yan was shocked: [ Short time? 】
  Department of system: [host, women's presence is essential, if you fail the task
again, there will be confusion of roles and status appear after five days. 】
What else did   Cheng Yan want to ask, her consciousness was blurred again, and
she had been sent back to the body by the system .

The first 33 Zhang Hao door of false charming daughter (thirty-three )

  " Yanyan , you're awake at last, is there any discomfort? "
  Stayed sitting on a chair bedside , before the body slightly tilt , looks a bit
haggard, anxiously asked her .
  Cheng Yan waking , do not know how long to sleep , his head still some
ignorant , under Italian consciousness back to him: " want to eat something , a
lot. "
  The obedient look made my heart melt .
  Stayed relieved , eyes more hair soft: " can not hungry do you have this
Shuileyitian the?. " He spoiled smile , " You wait , I'm going to give you
ordering. "
  Cheng Yan was startled .
  One day ?
  one day? ! ! ! ! !
  The duration of the remedial task is only five days in total ?
  Before the coma memories suddenly thrust homing , Cheng Yan clothes laid hold of
his coat, his smiling eyes , she looked up face , the tone micro anxious: " Qi ? Ze
do ."
  Cheng Xiangyang's smile ... slowly stiff .
  At the same time, the ward door was open, and people come in and actually Wei
Yang Qin repair .
  So, three shortness of breath corrupt voice exploded like an appointment
together .
  " He is dead! " Qin Xiu said somberly .
  " You still thinking about him? " Cheng Xiangyang was shocked and angry .
  " How can you still think about that bastard? !!! " Wei Yang burst into hair .
  Cheng Yan remained silent , his eyes flickering , this scene ... strangely
familiar .
  To repair his Qin their second generation of forces such giants , to found her
whereabouts is not difficult , so Cheng Yan to see how they were not unexpected,
but ...... apparently they all knew her and Qi Ze villa In fact , she was very
determined that she was forced by Qi Ze to live with him .
  And ... her sudden coma was also attributed to Qi Ze's guilt, because the official
explanation given by the doctor was fainting caused by excessive weakness .
  " It's not cohabitation, I'm just ..." Cheng Yan tried to explain .
  " Yanyan , do n't be afraid. " Cheng Xiangyang sneered, " Qi Ze would dare to
bully you again, brother broke his leg! "
  Master Wei Xiao was even more exaggerated, kneeling in front of the hospital bed
with two paws holding her hand, eyes red, looking at her angrily and
angrily: " Yanyan, you won't come to see me when you come back, did you forget Got
me? "
  His pitiful look is like a simple and clear boy, looks and handsome, it is easy
to make people feel good about him .
  Facing his clear and dark eyes, Cheng Yan's tone eased: " I haven't forgotten. "
  " I knew that Xiaoyan's sister would never forget my fiancé! "
  Wei Yang, eyes suddenly to look on the bright, Zhang arms, ecstatic want to leap
out, but - flutter, flutter not move ?
  Twisted too far, found himself in the lead after being hooked to repair Qin .
  " What are you doing? " Little temper instantaneous explosion of God .
  " Fiance? " Qin Xiu sneered, picked him up and turned to face the door. He said
slowly, "If you are sick, you should be cured soon! "
  " You're fucking sick! " Wei Yang shouted angrily, turning his face to look at
Cheng Yan, and his expression was too gentle, " Yan Yan, you said I was your fiance,
right? "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  His expression of expectation and pride was really unbearable to hit him, right
or not, he really didn't know ?
  Positive thinking, she hears see Stayed strange tone, said: " Small little ?
God, you mean you come to my house five years ago to marry that thing right ."
  " Right ah right ah! " Wei Yang seems to have confidence like proudly raised his
handsome chin, glanced Xiu Qin, " listen met? My brother gave me to testify, and Yan
Yan agreed to my proposal ! ”
  Qin Xiu's eyes were strange and unpredictable, just like the second fool, with a
cold smile .
  Stayed Man does not carelessly laugh >>
  , The tone quite cynical: " Do not be so early called brother ah, you drunk that
day, so you do not know ......" His smile deeper, " you are not to marry him wrong, but
you marry the object is not Yan Yan. "
  Wei Yang repeats as if he didn't hear clearly: " Not Yanyan? "
  Cheng Xiangyang smiled teasingly and looked at Qin Xiu: " General Qin , was the
taste of being proposed by a man for the first time enough to be memorable? "
  The voice fell .
  Qin Xiu's face was completely black, and I wondered if it was disgusting or
disgusting .
  Wei Yang's face was suddenly blue and white, and he glared like a ghost .
  Cheng Yan was also shocked .
  Five years ago, the Office for the Qi Ze and dinner, Yang Wei Qi Ze does seem to
be filling a lot of wine, but ...... she could not imagine little less fully God silly
white sweet to this point, actually seek to find fault marriage rival On his head, he
thought he had a successful marriage proposal, and he was believed with such joy for
five years .
  He now faces the psychological shadow of the plot ...... surely than the day higher
than the sea still wide .
  Not too ...... also Fortunately, with such a farce Oolong, Xiu Qin and Yang Wei
probably feel very ashamed, how come on hurry hurry away how the .
  He had a go Stayed great peace of mind to go buy her to eat .
  Cheng Yan was the only one left in the ward .
  Any task time only for four days, she must seize the time to complete the task,
but the thought of re-fall in love and Qi Ze, her mood a bit strange .
  To say that love does not mean, knew he was going to care of the household
together, and how she might like him? However, it does not exclude the nasty
feeling .
At the beginning,   Qi Ze was a cold-hearted and considerate young man with a good
figure and figure. If there are not so many messy tasks, maybe she will really like
him or not. Therefore, the system asked her to be with her instead of the hostess.
She was relieved, but the result was better than changing back to being vegetative .
  Just tie the system too pit, pressing her previous story to Qi Ze child had a
hundred thousand turn back, and now you want her to go with him to the sweet sweet
honey love .
  It's all about death .
Can   Qi Ze really be with her without any worries ?
  Even if he table exhibits a non-not like her, she still felt very hanging ah,
maybe he is not willing to do it .
  However, regardless of his heart really solid idea of how, she can only
desperate, failed this time will not have the opportunity to remedy .
  From the Department of systems found in the male ward where she wore shoes, go
out to look for him .
  According to Qi Ze's physical condition, she should have been in the hospital for
a few days, but Qi Ze's ward was empty. The nurse told her that Qi Ze had completed
the discharge procedures and had just left soon .
  Cheng Yan Min Chun sip, looked at the empty sway ward .
  Qi Ze didn't come to see her, she had some premonitions before, and now this
premonition is even stronger .
  He that will not ...... at this time to give up ?
  Cheng Yan had no choice but to ask the system: [Qi Ze now? 】
  Unexpectedly, Qi Ze has not left the hospital and is still on the roof of the
hospital .
  Wait ?
  Cheng Yan micro-pupil contraction: [you say ...... the roof? 】
  Based system without fluctuation tone: [M owners desire to survive less
than 0.5% , despair value of 100% , the blackening value of 100% ,
dangerous risk value 100% . 】
  Cheng Yan: [ … speaking words ]
  Department of system: [men should not think themselves to die, is to let the
whole world and die with him, he is the world's operation center, he was dead,
paralyzed the world will collapse. 】
  Cheng Yan: [ … ]
  Therefore, she slept for a day. How did Qi Ze toss himself to destroy the
world ?
  Really enough ...... powerful ah .

The first 34 Zhang Hao door charming fake daughter (thirty-four )

  Cheng Yan breath and ran up the roof , not renowned people , almost on to as the
male has gone, but the system does not have any movement, she carefully around the
roof to find a circle .
  Finally , in the back to the door of that wall and saw sitting Qi Ze Yi
Qiang , he even served illness are not replaced , white clothes disease , and
more showing a bit thin Qing Qu feeling, he bowed The head was depressed and quiet,
and there was a pile of papers on the thighs that seemed to be documents .
  The whole person is a capital funeral .
  Or promise aware of what , Qi Ze raised his face, saw her , Ming significant
shocked , tone of some incredible: "...... Yan Yan? "
  His pale , disease state , pupil dark, there is no lip color, lifeless, face was
more show Aiyan beauty, looking like a beautiful vampire like in the winter
sunshine .
  Not him calm demeanor, his eyes clear and bright, even if it is not
dynamic ...... not like to commit suicide like ah .
  Cheng Yan Minchun: [Department of system , you and I pit? 】
  Department of system: [data is then displayed. 】
  Okay .
  Cheng Yan didn't roll his eyes, ignored it, and focused on Qi Ze: " What are you
doing here? "
  Words ...... he also wanted to ask .
  Qi Ze pushed back the anticipation, no matter what the reason, he would never
want to see him. He closed her in the villa and wanted to monopolize her. She should
never care about him .
  At the moment when she suddenly fainted, he was panic-stricken and panicked.
After that, he also thought a lot. He hoped that she would be happy even if she was
with her unhappy, even if the person who gave her happiness ... not him .
  The mood became like backwaters, and Qi Ze's voice was steady: " Jumping from
the building. "
  Cheng Yan's breath paused: " You ..."
  Qi Ze looked at her but smiled again: " Don't you come to me like that? "
  Facing his unsmiling eyes, Cheng Yan's heart vaguely seemed to be pierced by a
needle, so fast that no trace could be found .
  His joke about life and death makes it hard to tell the truth from what he
said .
  She seemed to look to recognize the true way, Qi Ze do not laugh, calm tone,
giving the feeling of indifference: " good health it? "
  Cheng Yan anti should for a moment, knowing that the system is being punished due
to his misunderstanding coma, he said: " . Would have been nothing ."
  Qi Ze whispered: " That's good. "
  Cheng Yan heart some weird sense of feel, like Qi Ze where there is not the same,
so calm, indifferent, kind of look, but it feels to pull away, as if ......
  As if he had been put down everything .
  No way? At this time ?
  Cheng Yan stared at him, wondering if the male host had colluded with the system
to play with her .
  Qi Ze's next words also confirmed her guess .
  " You are here, I don't have to hesitate anymore . "
  When he had finished speaking, he stood up and walked slowly to her, looking down
at her, her eyelashes covered with ink, covering the deep and complex eyes .
  " Yanyan ..." He spoke slowly, his tone cold and calm, and said in a word, " It's
only now that I found out that maybe I had ... not loved you earlier . "
  Cheng Yan was expressionless .
  Ha ha .
  He really is and system integration collusion good to make her play it, right ?
  She looked no appearance of moving to co-operate, quiet quiet, Qi Ze jaw micro-
stretch, then said: " So, you can rest assured that I will not be out in front of
you now. "
  Cheng Yan continued expressionless .
  Qi Ze glanced at her and handed her a stack of documents: "In the beginning, I
entered the Cheng family only for you. Now I have no reason to stay. These are the
property of the Cheng family. I have signed After writing, a lawyer will contact you
for follow-up matters. "
  Cheng Yan was still expressionless .
  See she did not move, he took her hand and direct the file into her hands, that
she went on to say, " In your eyes, with me or perhaps the biggest mistake, now we
can change everything Back to the original appearance, with these things, you are the
heir of the Cheng family, and the people of the Cheng family dare not bully you. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him, smiled, and she die like beautiful, smile more beautiful
and moving mind .
  " Wrong? "
  Qi Ze's thin lips slightly pursed, no pain in her heart was revealed, and there
was still a gloom and relief in her eyes .
  Because for him to let go, she was so amused ?
  Cheng Yan gritted her teeth slightly, she was mad, she had tried her best to let
him let go, he refused, and now, he suddenly figured it out ?
  " But I just want to keep going wrong, what about you? "
  Qi Ze was stunned, looking at her beautiful and very angry eyes, did not
understand what she meant by such words, it would never be what he understood .
  Seeing his silence, Cheng Yan returned those documents to him: " I don't
want this! "
  Qi Ze didn't pick up: " You need it. "
  He did not tell tell her, in addition to the industrial way home, his Sirenqiye,
money, houses, cars, etc. are also all to her .
  He didn't have a chance to use those, only hope that she could live well so that
he could ... leave without worry .
  Cheng Yan sneered when he saw that his determination had been determined, and his
hands were raised, and the papers were scattered one after another .
  Qi Ze did n’t understand why she was angry, thinking about it , but suddenly
a soft touch came from her lips , and the numb and intoxicating taste spread to the
blood. His brain was blank and stiff, and she looked at her motionlessly, only The
dead heartbeat suddenly jumped insanely !
  In the scattered papers, she kissed him .
  Cheng Yan stood on tiptoe and hooked his neck, kissing him boldly and
arrogantly .
  After a moment, she stared at him and said, " I don't need it, it's you, only
you. "
  Qi Ze's eyes were trembling, the girl leaned on him intimately, the fragrance was
fresh and attractive, the face was beautiful, and she was pure and pure, but her eyes
had a heat opposite to it, and she seemed to be burning his reason in an instant
Ruined .
  He gasped slightly and closed his eyes before he could force her
away: " Yanyan, don't make such a joke . "
  He didn't go to see her, crouched down, and picked up the scattered paper one by
one .
  A hand held him, her fingers were slender and soft, and the fingertips of the
shining powder flew across the back of his hand with a breeze-like coolness .
  He looked at her, she crouched his body side, quite close to him, as if totally
did not feel like how dangerous such a distance .
  " Whether you believe it or not. " She stared at his eyes and slowly took his
hand, seeing his apparently changed look, she smiled softly, giving a bad
feeling, " I am I really want to be with you, Qi Ze. "
  Qi Ze didn't look at her, just stared at the hands that the two men shook, and
was silent for a long while. He said: " If you do this again , I will take it
seriously. "
  Cheng Yan approached him: " Then take it seriously. "
  Qi Ze lowered his head and slowly took her hand, gently pulled her into her arms,
and looked at her slightly stunned expression, his fingers gently touched her cheek ,
The voice is very low, restraining emotions: " Is it fun to play with my feelings,
isn't it? Yanyan, you can't be so bad, if I take it seriously, do you think you can
still retreat? "
  " You know, I was just so bad. " Cheng Yan pulled his coat collar, forcing his
head down, she leaned close to him, almost to kiss him, " I can not make any
interpretation, but I will be with you in Together, do you want to reject me? "
  Qi Ze stared at her, her eyes deep, and she seemed to see through her heart .
  Cheng Yan stared at him, his eyes bright and beautiful .
  A long while, Qi Ze dropped his eyelids, low voice: " You know, I never could
refuse absolutely to you, knowing that even if you are lying to me, I can do
nothing. "
  Cheng Yan was a little guilty: "... I'm sincere. "
  " If ..." Qi Ze suddenly approached her, raised her chin, and stared at her eyes,
the breath of the two intertwined, " I have abnormal feelings for you, do you think
so? "
  "..." Cheng Yan blinked slowly and asked tentatively, "... what does that mean? "
  Qi Ze stroked her hair very gently, and said slowly: " You don't know that I
care too much about you, and I can't control it myself. "
  Cheng Yan: "... oh. "
  This ... doesn't seem to matter .
  Qi Ze also said: " So, I am always in a very contradictory idea. "
  Cheng Yan was curious: "... for example? "
  Qi Ze: " I want to make you happy, even if it makes me die, I have no regrets. "
  Cheng Yan: "... Is it. "
  Isn't he really taking the opportunity to be in love ?
  The next second, Qi Ze's voice sounded again: " However, I have another idea. I
want to monopolize you. If I kill you, we will never be separated. "
  Cheng Yan was horrified and shocked: "..."
  You are a man, not a villain, don't talk nonsense! ! !
  and many more! Why did he tell her such a dark thought ?
  Silent and sharp eyes on Shang Qize, she suddenly realized that it seemed that he
deliberately tried her. If she didn't have enough sincerity to be with him, it must
have been scared away now .
  " Even if you say ......" Cheng Yan very seriously, " I would not
change change idea. "
  " If so? "
  He suddenly low head and kissed her, his lips warm, gentle as a breeze brushed
her lips, there is a current of feeling like trembling, his movements are very light,
gingerly, as if cherished, and as if to taste .
  He was afraid she would push him do ?
  After kissing for a while, he still lingered, Cheng Yan was a little impatient,
so he licked it .
  Qi Ze was stunned, looking at her with a delicate and complex look, and slowly
said: " I will not give you a chance to repent. "
  As he said this, the sweetness had risen to 30%. Cheng Yan stared at his lips and
found that the sweetness would rise faster when he actively kissed her .
  Her eyes were bright and tiny, pulled his coat collar, hand with some difficulty,
even the buttons are not accidentally scattered over Ke .
  " I don't regret it. " Her voice was still in line with the cold people's design,
but it was inexplicably a little inconsistent, " Do you want to kiss me again ? "
  Looking at the buttons that fell to the ground, he turned his eyes to her face
again, silent for a moment, and said in a low voice and hoarsely: " Yan Yan, do n't
do this, I can't stand it. "
  Cheng Yan looked at his expression, as if he had realized it, and stood up
indifferently, saying, " Okay, just go home. "
  Qi Ze: "..."
  Can ... what ?
  Yanyan must have said something he didn't understand ?

The first 35 Zhang Hao door charming fake daughter (thirty-five )

  Back to the ward , Cheng Xiangyang down meal , go out of the door to find people,
he was a bit surprised, Yan Yan where to go ?
  Just went to the door , he and oncoming Qi Ze ...... considered quitting .
  " You ..." dare to come ?
  One would not finish Stayed's voice cards , watching from Qi to the girl walked
behind Chak , face some disbelief .
  Cheng Yan God state of calm , greeting: " brother. "
  After a pause, Qi Ze's eyes were dark, and he cried out, " Brother. "
  "..." Slotless, Cheng Xiangyang took a sigh of relief , looked at this, then at
that , and finally shouted at Qi Ze , " Who the hell is your brother? "
  Roar finished , he would Bao Bei sister pull over , a fear that she was Guaipao
bad guys look like, warm sound of soft words to say : " Yan Yan, fast to eat . Rice,
do not hungry ."
  Cheng Yan was sent to his shoulders, pushed him into the ward .
  Cheng Xiangyang turned to look at Qi Ze again, his eyebrows lightly, and his
tone was unpleasant: " Are you still going? "
  Qi Ze's tone was low: " Brother, I want to be with Yanyan. "
  His eyelashes were slightly closed , and he cast a little shadow, pale skin ,
and a calm look, but he looked a little bit fragile and determined .
  He called his brother so obediently. Only then did Cheng Xiangyang realize that
this person was still his brother. He was not good at calling him for a while, and he
choked: "... she doesn't need you to accompany me! "
  Voice down, he was own sister to her face, and behind him came a girl dull,
pleasant voice: " I am very hungry, but did not hand some effort. "
  After a moment of silence, Qi Ze replied : " I feed you. "
  "..." Watching Qi Ze bypass him and enter the house, really sitting by the bed to
feed his sister, Cheng Xiangyang was at a loss .
  He just went out for a while, how did things develop like this ?
  The other side .
  Qi Ze picked up the soup bowl with flakes .
  Cheng Yan looked at: " Good hot. "
  Qi Ze: " Then I will blow it. "
  They voice made him return to God Stayed cheer, feet firmly come to the sofa and
sat down, eyes firmly fixed on Qi Ze .
  Although he didn't know what happened, he had to protect his sister and not let
Qi Ze bully her .
  Drank has been blown cold soup, Cheng Yan heard Systems, said: [show affection to
increase the degree of sweetness, host refueling. 】
  "..." Cheng Yan was silent for a moment, then pointed to a dish and said, " There
are peppers. "
  Qi Ze do not like spicy, but also a little surprised that she wants to eat, he
sandwiched a chopsticks, they heard she went on to say: " . I do not eat, you help
me out ah "
  Qi Ze's hand shook and the pepper fell back on the plate. He looked up and looked
at Cheng Yan .
  Cheng Yan smiled, eyes clear and innocent .
  "... Good. " Qi Ze spit out a word slowly .
  Qi Ze had eaten a few red peppers, and it was already spicy and sweaty, and his
face was also red. He still had a pretentious calm, as if he felt nothing .
  Cheng Yan seemed curious: " Not spicy? "
  Qi Ze was so spicy that he didn't even want to say anything, and his expression
was blank: " Fortunately. "
  After he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a touch of softness on his lips.
Before he could react, she had already receded .
  Look to see a pro-active sister Qi Ze time Stayed clenched fist, almost could not
help but stand up .
  Cheng Yan did not look as if they saw that he was about to get angry eyes,
licking lips aftertaste like the next, slowly leaned Qi Ze, very serious
tone: " Obviously it is very hot ah, you do not have ? Been sweating ."
  As soon as she approached, Qi Ze felt that even his heart was hot. His eyes were
deep, staring at her pure and beautiful face, and he had to compromise: " Spicy. "
  Listen to see the sweet tones of rose, Cheng Yan chuckle, smoked a piece of paper
to wipe him, said: " ? Who told you all eat ."
  Her breath, the temperature of her fingertips, her close brows and red lips
seemed to reveal charming power .
  The heart beats faster and the blood surges .
  He held her messy hands, her pupils were dark , and her voice was
low: " Yanyan ..."
  " Enough No! " Stayed unbearable, " bass " to look to stand up .
  Qi Ze looked at him, his eyes calm .
  Cheng Yan also looked over .
  Cheng Xiangyang suddenly had a feeling that he was shining, illusion, how could
he be a light bulb ?
  It's just ... these two guys are too intimate !
  Hold his chest stuffy, and there is no questioning stance, even more afraid of
the result is that they have together .
  " I'm going for a walk! " Cheng Xiangyang said so vaguely , and left without
looking back .
  Ward quiet for a moment, Cheng Yan look back, take over the bowl: " you feed
goes slow, I still eat myself. "
  Qi Ze looked at her, I do not know what to think, suddenly dark eyes light up
dark, asked: " Yan Yan, you see is what mean to ? Let him give up hope just do it ."
  Cheng Yan was choked, cough cough, when he reached out to pat her back, suddenly
kissed his shot from the side, looking calm and said: " No, I just want to kiss you
on it ."
  Whether she was telling the truth or a lie, anyway, Qi Ze mood instantly like, he
slowly leaned her voice hoarse in: " Yan Yan, I hi . Huan you do not so
restrained ."
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  However, I'm not happy joy you speak so bluntly .
  She doesn't want face ?
  Eat over rice, the sky almost to black, Cheng Yanjian who do the discharge
procedures, also insisted Qi Ze her home, as a doting sister, good brother Stayed had
teeth, black face promised .
  On the car side Qi Ze car, she replied: " Your brother's eyes almost can .
Kill "
  Cheng Yan crooked head, look at him, smiled gently: " So, I did not tell tell
him, I'm going to is actually your home ah. "
  Suddenly a Jicha car -
  Qi Ze looked strange and shocked: "... my family? "
  Chengyan Xiu Mei Wei Cu, soft soft hands to hold his hand, leaned close to his,
looked at his pupil pretty clear, faint voice: " Do not you ? I love you ."
  "... I didn't. " Qi Ze was stunned for a moment, and he was busy explaining, " I'm
just ... a little shocked. "
  Cheng Yan did not seem to hear his solution interpretation, closer to him, almost
to kiss him, and him in the eye: " What is not? "
  She leaned too close .
  Qi Ze's eyes fell unconsciously on her lips, red, beautiful, and confusing .
  Some can not stand him, throat knot fretting, he whispered: " I did not love
you, Yan Yan "
  Heard the sweet rise of tips, Cheng Yan laughed at, and sure enough, the male and
the sweetness of honey language can also increase the degree of sweetness .
  Her hands slowly climbed over his shoulders, staring at his eyes and
saying, " So, are you willing to take me home, are you? "
  "... Yes. " Qi Ze's voice tightened, staring at her lips, slowly approaching .
  Cheng Yan suddenly go back, sit, see he did not move, she was surprised: " You
silly stunned with what to do ? "
  Qi Ze glanced at her, and her eyes were chilling, like she was dissatisfied .
  Cheng Yan calmly looked at him , looking very innocent .
  Qi Ze took a deep breath and turned back to face, staring ahead .
  Really ...
  Less teach training !
  Play too too, Qi Ze seem angry, do not talk to her along the way .
  The car drove into the community, and then into the garage, the two got out of
the car .
  Qi Ze walked ahead, but not very fast .
  Cheng Yan called him a few times, he was not speaking to her, she stopped, to the
next, all of a sudden " ah " a cry .
  Qi Ze really looked back at her .
  Cheng Yan squatted down, pressed her ankle, and said, " My foot twisted. "
  Qi Ze believed, a few steps left over, anxious to see her, but suddenly feel
something is wrong .
  " Who made you go so fast? " Cheng Yan seemed to complain angrily .
  Qi Ze said quietly: " Does it hurt? "
  Cheng Yan looked as usual: "It hurts. "
  "... You don't look so painful. " Qi Ze spoke before she wanted to
argue. " You lied to me again? "
  Cheng Cheng Yan does not recognize: " I really twisted feet! "
  Little liar !
  Qi Ze stared at her for a while, and finally compromised. The tone was
cold: " So ... do you want me to carry you ? "
  Cheng Yan shook her head, suddenly smiled, held out her hand, and did not
speak .
  Qi Ze had a headache .
  Cheng Yan looked blank, looking at him: " Did I make you faceless ? "
  See her cold with face to go, Qi Ze sighed, suddenly leaned over the man hold
up, the standard is still very romantic princess hold, when she was over here, he
looked down and kissed her lips, faint smile said: " can hold Yan Yan is my honor, I
just ...... too affected flattered up. "
The people who   live in this villa area are either rich or expensive, and most of
them know each other .
  Unfortunately, everyone not only knows Cheng's president, but also knows that he
is notoriously not close to a woman. Once someone sent a beautiful woman to bribe
him, he was not worried .
  Now, the abstinent president's arms actually hold a woman ?
  Passers-by are shocked !
  " Qi likes is actually the woman? "
  " Otherwise? "
  " But I gave him a woman, he didn't want it, and he angered me. "
  " That must be suspect you send is not enough for the United States! "
  The voice behind him faded away .
  Qi Ze's face is not pretty, he knew he would be surrounded !
  " Is that true? " Cheng Yan asked thoughtfully . " If someone gives you a woman
who is prettier than me, would you? "
  Qi Ze: "...... not. "
  Cheng Yan stared at him: " not at all really sincere. "
  Qi Ze smiled, gentle tone: " In my eyes, in addition to Yan Yan, others are
ugly, I'm just happy joy you. "
  After he finished speaking, he recovered his cold expression again, completely
like coaxing a child .
  I got another confession, and the sweetness went up by another 10%. Cheng Yan
said moderately: " I won't let you repeat it ten times, just say it again. "
  "......" Qi Ze face a long story: "...... Yan Yan, you're vexatious trouble. "
  Cheng Yan: " I ..."
  Qi Ze Minato in her ear said: " But ...... it can love, back then I say to you, how
much you want the sentence will do ."
  Cheng Yan instant between law-abiding: "...... good. "
  Qi Zeren was tall with long legs and quickly walked to the door .
  After not being at home for two days, the villa still needs to be cleaned. Qi Ze
rolled up his sleeves and started to do it himself. Seeing Cheng Yan wanted to help,
she was asked to sit down .
  Cheng Yan refused, and he had no choice but to let her .
  A little later, the villa has been cleaning up, Cheng Yan lay to rest in the
bedroom, very tired .
  Qi Ze found pajamas for her and said, " I have put water on you. You go to take
a bath first. "
  Cheng Yan lying in bed on, looking at him: " How about you? "
  Qi Ze suffocated and said calmly: " I'm going to cook noodles. Do you want to
eat some more? "
  " I'm not hungry, that is tired and out of strength. " Cheng Yan said
slowly, " Why do not you help me ......"
  " You wash it. " Qi Ze interrupted her suddenly. " I'm going downstairs first. "
  He fled back some sense of feel .
  Cheng Yan sat up and stared at the door .
Why should   he avoid her ?
  Cheng Yan slowly took a bath, put on his pajamas, and pulled down the slippers
downstairs .
  Qi Ze had eaten and was washing the dishes in the kitchen. Suddenly, he hugged
him with his hands from behind, and he felt her face gently touch his back .
  The bowl in his hand almost fell: " Yanyan? "
  " A little later ......" silent air, her voice seems to be able to brush touching the
heart, " I am what we do ah? "
  After a long silence, Qi Ze took the pallet to dry the bowl, put it in the
cupboard, turned around, stroked her face, and smiled and said, " Sleep, aren't you
tired ? "
The sleep   he said was really a literal sleep. After sending her into the
bedroom, he kept the night light for her and closed the door .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Lie down for a while, Cheng Yan fear not enough time to complete the task, but
also some strange Qi Ze attitude to her .
  So, she quietly got up, holding the pillow head, went next door to the bedroom .
  He did not shut the door, the bedroom was dark, did not pull the curtains, she
can faintly see the figure lying on the bed side .
  She was approaching lightly .
  Qi Ze's voice suddenly sounded: " Yanyan, what are you doing here? "
  He unscrewed a bed lamp head, sat up, looked at the bed holding a pillow standing
face frightened girl .
  His eyes were dark and calm .
  Cheng Yan touched her long hair, uncomfortable: " I ... I'm just afraid of
black. "
  Qi Ze: " I left you a lamp. "
  Cheng Yan stared at him: " Then I just want to sleep with you, okay? "
  Qi Ze looked at her and smiled: " OK. "
  He left her half of the bed, took the pillow in her arms and put it away, and
said, " Come on, I will watch you sleep. "
  He had no other meaning at all, calm and natural tone .
  Cheng Yan was standing still , a little sulking. If he didn't cooperate, she
wouldn't want to complete her task .
  " Yanyan? " Qi Ze looked at her in surprise .
  Cheng Yan deadpan: " You Why ......"
  Halfway through the words, she pursed her lips again, it seemed difficult to open
her teeth, and she looked annoyed .
  She grabbed her pillow and turned away .
  Qi Ze certainly can not let her students with gas, he opened a quilt out of bed,
pulled her: " ? And how angry Yanyan, how you want . Like, and I can say directly "
  Cheng Yan didn't look at him, his tone was cold: " You really don't know what
I'm thinking ? "
  " Even if I know ..." Qi Ze stretched her hands around her shoulders and looked
down at her, " If you don't say anything , how can I know if you are really sure,
if you regret it What should I do with you again? "
  Cheng Yan: " Who will regret it, I won't! "
  Qi Ze's eyes are deep and his voice is very low, meaning unclear: " Really not? "
  " Of course ..." She looked up at him .
  He suddenly low head and kissed her: " Since you say so, even if you do go back,
I would not even think ...... put over you. "
  Qi Ze picked her up, walked to the bed, and turned off the light .
  "... I'm a little bit afraid of pain. "
  "If it hurts , you can bite me. "
  Cheng Yan was polite, biting hard, and his mouth seemed bloody .

The first 36 Zhang Hao door charming fake daughter (thirty-six )

  Early morning coolness from the window of time between the diffuse into , Qi Ze
woke up , he did not how to dress, even quilt cover did not wake up some cold Shihai
Qin feeling musculoskeletal .
  Worry Yan Yan did not cover the quilt , he turned on the light, turned to
look , it was silent .
  The girl seemed to be afraid of the cold , wrapped tightly by a quilt , like a
silkworm, and exposed only a fine powder like a girl's face, beautiful and beautiful,
and the air was light and even .
  Qi Ze smiled , touched her face, his fingers but also with the morning
chill , she does not self sensibly wanted to hide but not immune , brow are some
aggrieved frown on the next , posture state was so cute People want to hug her .
  Qi Ze pulled away the corner of the quilt and hugged the man into his arms. When
he hugged it, he felt it was not enough. He bowed his head and kissed her .
  Cheng Yan did not wake up .
  Probably last night sleep too late, and too tame .
  Qi Ze hugged her, the taste of the skin is too hooky, he moved a little, but
endured .
  Think of her at first glance you can see when he wakes up , each other a good
morning .
  Qi Ze propped his head and looked at her, his eyes soft and affectionate, making
his face look more handsome and charming .
  See also do not see how tired like .
  Xiao Yige past ......
  He looked at her with a gentle smile .
  Xiao Liangge past ......
  He looked at her with tender eyes that spoiled him .
  Xiao Sange past ......
  He looked at her, his tender eyes somewhat helpless .
  Until the mist dissipated, the bright and warm sunlight shone on the big bed .
  Qi Ze's eyes became weird and surprised. He rubbed some tingling wrists and took
a look at the alarm clock at the head of the bed .
  Very good, it's eleven .
  He had already missed breakfast, and then sleep on, lunch is also available to
save .
  Qi Ze woke her up with an ambiguous and long kiss .
  Cheng Yan opened his eyes, he saw Qi Ze holding her face, eyes with deep
feeling: " treasure . Belle, you can sleep than pig ."
  Cheng Yan is not high interest: "...... you say? "
  Seeing her face cold, Qi Ze coughed lightly and said with a
smile: " I mean ..." He dropped a kiss on her cheek, his voice was low, " Yan Yan
was beautiful when she was asleep . "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him without speaking .
  Qi Ze smiled, just got out of bed to get dressed, and did not care what she would
see .
  Qi Ze went to the closet to get his clothes, put them on one by one, put on his
trousers, and buttoned his shirt .
  Cheng Yan's clothes are not in this room. She came in only pajamas when she came
last night .
  She got out of bed, put on slippers, watching saw the chair rolled up sheets,
looked back on the bed and clean white sheets .
  She recalled it and could n't remember when he changed the sheets, only vaguely
remembered that at the end, he took her to the bathroom to clean up, and changed her
into a shirt ?
  Qi Ze turned around and saw a girl with long hair and white complexion standing
on the ground in a white shirt, with a slim waist and fair legs, looking at a
different kind of purity and sexiness .
  This time, she looked at the white shirt, looking like a bit dazed .
  Qi Ze took a breath and explained vaguely: " Your clothes are next door. It was
too late yesterday, so ..."
  Cheng Yan didn't seem to doubt anything. Instead, he approached him and raised
his face. His voice was very nice, like broken jade: " Are you looking good ? "
  Her face cold, clear bright eyes, obviously clear pure and clean look, but no
reason to give birth to a little more deadly confusion person, flirtatious .
  Qi Ze's eyes were dark, and she wrapped her arms around her, and suddenly turned
around and pressed her against the bed .
  Cheng Yan seemed stunned .
  Qi Ze close to her lips, eyes revealing a bit dangerous feeling, the sound is
very low, and very hoarse: " Po Belle, do not hook me, grouchy in the morning, you
too much. "
  Cheng Yan chaos move, was not good: "......"
  It seems ... quite big .
  Qi Ze washes faster than her. When she went downstairs, he was already out. She
sat for a while and saw that he had bought some vegetables and snacks back .
  Cheng Yanzhuo pulled behind his slippers and followed him like a little
tail: " What do I do for you. "
  Qi Ze put the ingredients in the refrigerator in the same way, handed her a bag
of snacks, and touched her head: " Okay, you help eat . "
  Cheng Yan: "... Okay. "
  Cheng Yan Sha back hair on the nest, ripped the bag of potato chips, are eating,
the phone rang on the coffee table saw .
  " Qi Ze! " At him coming, she lifted the phone .
  Qi Ze laughed: " information, you help me see, secret code, you know. "
  He went back to the kitchen again, and after a while the sound of cutting
vegetables was heard, quite fast .
  After listening to it for a while, Cheng Yan turned on his mobile phone and found
that his mobile phone desktop was actually her photo .
  It was probably taken a few years ago in the classroom. She was wearing a noble
high school uniform and looked very green, looking coldly out the window, as
if she had a bad temper .
  Cheng Yan looked at, not very happy joy this one, on his cell phone and took a
piece of selfie, change the desktop picture becomes a girl smiled, and facial
features are also very angry .
  Then she points to open a piece of information, is actually the high school
school group send information, Qi Ze invited to attend tomorrow night's high school
reunion .
  She took the phone and went to the kitchen to ask Qi Ze if she wanted to go .
  Qi Ze had no interest and naturally did not agree .
  Cheng Yan didn't care, leaning on the door to see Qi Ze, he was too skilled in
cooking, the facial features were sharp, the temperament was cold, and the movement
of clouds and water looked very handsome .
  Cheng Yan took out his mobile phone and took a picture for him. If he wanted to
send it to his mobile phone, he used this one as his desktop .
  Love companion picture, probably also rose a little bit of sweet, right ?
  Finding her account, she was about to send it over, and Qi Ze suddenly called
her: " Yan Yan, help me with my sleeves. "
  Cheng Yan rolled up his sleeves .
  Qi Ze hugged her suddenly, circled her in her arms, and said with a
smile: " Sneakly filming me? "
  Cheng Yan is not full: " not allowed to take it? "
  Qi Ze low laugh, suddenly tilted his head and kissed her lips, holding a cell
phone this scene freeze down, looked at the photos, said with satisfaction: " . Very
nice ."
  He stuffed the phone to her: " out to play it. "
  Cheng Yan: "... ? "
  This tone ...
  She is the children do ?
  Cheng Yan went back to the sand hair where the photo was sent out, eat a lot of
potato chips thirsty, she gave poured himself a glass of water .
  After a sip, the phone rang clanging .
  Who is looking for Qi Ze so anxiously ?
  Cheng Yan turned on her cell phone, glanced at it, and a sip of water
spewed out, coughing constantly .
  Even Qi Ze came out to see her: " What's wrong? "
  Cheng Yan Mangjiang photo to withdraw, with some timid cold face and said: " .
Nothing ah "
  " Really? " Qi Ze smiled and took the phone .
  Cheng Yan secretly raised her head to look at him, and when he saw him, she
looked away .
  She didn't expect to send the wrong picture .
  A photograph sent out, the school group on the bombing, which are already
graduates, almost no Qi Ze do not know it, after all, he is not well-known in high
school, but the twists and turns of life experience like that, and he is now the
business magnate The status of the guys is enough to make people pay much attention
and look up .
  Fortunately, she withdrew quickly, and only Qi Ze's face was relatively clear in
the photo. Her side face was blocked by her hair, looming and unclear .
  Being such a thought, Qi Ze has the phone back to her .
  Cheng Yan opening the message, see see Qi Ze back to one word: Yes .
  Someone asked him if it was his girlfriend. He returned this way .
  The group exploded again .
  " Lying trough lying trough! Is that Mr. Qi himself? "
  "Mr. Qi is getting more and more handsome, this sense of abstinence, I want to
marry !!! "
  As soon as the man spoke, it was cold for a while .
  " The girl ...... is a stunning beauty, right? "
  " Do you know? "
  "If you don't know, but if you don't know how to do it, will a cold-blooded
animal like Mr. Qi be tempted? "
  "... President Qi , you dare to scold, brother, you're done. "
  " You finished +1 . "
  "+10086 , it's getting cold, do n't go bankrupt! "
  Group of people rushes to laugh with, someone suddenly emerge
sentence: " You have not always feel Qi goddess girlfriend looks just like me do? "
The goddesses of the   boys were uniformly identified as Cheng Yan, so no one
asked who it was .
  Lin Coral suddenly said: "It's impossible. Cheng Yan is not in this city now.
After the Cheng family drove her away, she had a very bad life. I always want to help
her. "
  Everyone also thinks that it is impossible. Qi Ze does not hate Cheng Yan, who
has occupied him for 18 years. It is good. How could it be possible to fall in love
with her, but no one took this topic. Offended Qi Ze, he dared not mention it .
  Lin Coral was silent .
  After reading, Cheng Yan sneered, raised his face, looked at Qi Ze, and
said, " Do you want to go to classmates to play ? "
  Qi Ze glanced at her and smiled, " Okay. "
  Sweet degree has been risen to one hundred and ten percent, leaving two days,
rose to two hundred percent should not be difficult .
  The main reason why Cheng Yan decided to go to classmates is that the classmates
are crowded, and the sweetness of Xiu'en's love ... higher !
  The gathering place in the student union will long to open his own hotel .
  That night, Cheng Yan and Qi Ze passed by, and she got off at the door of the
hotel .
  When Qi Ze went to park, she followed the waiter into the elevator, went
upstairs, and reached the party box .
  The happy and harmonious atmosphere solidified for a while .
  In the field, no one does not know Cheng Yan, after all, the school has been
extremely rich and powerful and beautiful eldest, just after the news of her identity
swap out, they will almost never seen her, and sometimes think I just felt very
pitiful, thinking that she must be having a bad time by now, and the gap from heaven
to hell is no more .
  So, look to see her, they were all a little embarrassed, I do not know what means
her attitude, as before flattery is impossible .
  What's more, she is even more beautiful now than she was five years ago , and
she is still very expensive to dress up .
  Ban Cheng Yan that class long Xu put very polite, afraid she embarrassed to take
the initiative to say hello, pulled her to his own class, but also when she and Lin
coral, Luo snow they are good friends, she sat down on the arrangements Beside Lin
Coral .
  Lin coral has been greatly changed appearance, burning bright hair, makeup, also
was very low neckline, big winter, also bare a pair of white legs, below the cover
coat also not cover .
  " Yan Yan, a long time is not met, how are all these years? " Lin coral just say
one thing, suddenly smiled, his tone a bit weird to say, " I this is not to ask what
the white, looks at you, no doubt you have Very well, is it married a rich man? "
  What she said was marriage, but the contempt was obvious .
  Others say is false concern curious, after all, had so famous eldest, looks
bleaching light is good, do not know who she climbed ho door son, who did not really
think she married a man, after all, she The identity is not enough to enter the
giants .
  Cheng Yan said lightly : " It has nothing to do with you. "
  Seeing her still the arrogant look above the top, Lin Coral sighed and
sneered: " Is it difficult to tell? " She suddenly looked sad and disappointed, " I
don't want to lie for you , that man has The money is right, but there are wives in
other people, you still have to clean up with him, you ca n’t even want shame for
money, right? "
  As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar, and no one actually
suspected that Lin Coral was telling lies. After all, Cheng Yan did indeed look very
good. It seems that her earrings are absolutely no less than seven digits. Packed .
  Cheng Yan looked at her coldly, picked up the wine on the table and splashed her
face .
  The movement is very chic, so fast that no one reacts .
  "For so many years, you still don't know what to say? "
  Lin Coral shivered, feeling that she was enough to be angry with her at school,
and disgusted with her high-spirited look that looked down on people. Where could it
endure now ?
  She raised her hand and wanted to catch her face, didn't she rely on that face
to be liked by so many boys ?
  " Before asking someone else to trouble ..." Suddenly someone grabbed her wrist
and said softly and coldly , " Miss, you still have to deal with your private
affairs first. "
  " Will be long! "
  " Will long actually came, not ShuiBuLai do? "
  Girls are suddenly sit up, even is also pulled out a small makeup mirror, glance
over there from time to time elegant handsome man .
  Look to see standing in front of Xiu Qin Lin coral also surprised a moment, there
is no general blush like those girls, but like hell with pale, eyes fear inspired
Obviously, suddenly took a big step backwards .
  At this point, a middle-aged woman strode rich state, clutching hit coral forest,
his mouth still called her fox, seduce her husband that kind of thing .
  People face to face spy, she had the nerve to say Cheng Yan it, they do not do is
to do a small three ?
  Xiu Qin looked at her security would send them out together, do not talk to those
women on the come courting, Cheng Yan eyes looked deep .
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, suspecting that the woman was found by Qin Xiu .
  Others whispered talk, Cheng Yan suspect has been revised and Qin together, they
do not know the relationship between the two lovers had at school is false, yet only
when they Jiuqingfuran a .
  Qin Xiu suddenly took Cheng Yan's shoulders. She couldn't make any effort and was
led by him into the private bathroom in the box .
  Door " pop " slamming shut, Dangqu everyone's attention .
  Everyone: "..."
  Will long be such a rush actually colored people do ?
  Garage .
  From out of the car, Qi Ze took a few steps, I heard someone shouted " Stop! " .
  He turned his head and saw a white and handsome boy standing next to the car,
wearing a sweater and casual pants, with a somewhat arrogant look .
  Qi Ze withdrew his eyes and continued to move forward .
  Wei Yang “ hey ” , and ran forward anxiously, blocking him, frowning: “ Are
you deaf? Did n’t I hear what I said? ”
  Qi Ze stood still and said lightly, "What's the matter? "
  He talked very indifferently .
  Wei Yang was so angry that he wanted to puff up his sleeves and held back,
saying, " Did you take Xiaoyan away from the hospital ? "
  Qi Ze gave a " huh " sound .
  Wei Yang frowned even tighter: " You have to live with? "
  Qi Ze said another " um " .
  Seeing him is too lazy to take care of him, Wei Yang gritted his teeth: " Do n't
hurry to go, I know, Xiaoyan likes you, otherwise you wouldn't be in love with you,
so I won't rob you, I know. "
After   Qi Ze heard it, it was much harder to say a few words: " So what are you
doing with me ? "
  Wei Yang's expression was tangled, staring at him, and said in a muffled
voice: " I just couldn't be convinced! At first, if you had to drink with me, I
wouldn't drink that much . I was embarrassed by such a big joke. See Xiaoyan. "
  Qi Ze looked the same, but just gave him a look .
  Wei Yang was outraged: " What is your eyes, laugh at me ah?? " He finally got his
wish can roll up the sleeves, and side put relentless, " come, I have a fight, you
win, I do not find you trouble . "
  Qi Ze calm as ever: " You can not be looking for me what hemp trouble. "
  Yang Wei language choke, or to see him go, simply grabbed his arm: " No! You do
not fight, I can not let you go! "
  " Really? " Quietly, Qi Ze's tone was low .
  " When ..." Wei Yang didn't finish talking, he saw him punching him, he jumped
away, " Okay, you sneak attack! "
  Qi Ze off his coat, untied a few buttons, cold and said: " Speed . Battle quick
decision, I am in a hurry ."
  Wei Yang: "..."
  Toilet .
  " Are you with Qi Ze? "
The first sentence   Qin Xiu asked was this .
  Cheng Yan looked at his eyes with an indifferent tone: " Yes. "
  Qin repair facial expression seems to be no change, but more dark eye colors,
soft gentle voice: " you like like him? "
  Cheng Yan did not hesitate: " Yes. "
  Not only to make him die, she is right to say that, Bai Yueguang in the book
really only likes Qi Ze .
  " So, " Qin Xiu pressed her against the wall, her long fingers slowly sliding
from her lips to her white and soft neck, "The last question, you want to be with
me ..."
  He looked at her face with a gentle silk Yin Zhi, gently grabbed her and seemed
fragile neck, gently asked: " or go to ...... ? Dead ."
  Cheng Yan didn't have a scared look, and his tone was plain: " I will not die,
nor will I be with you. "
  Qin Xiu's big hand slowly tightened, looking at her slightly changed face due to
suffocation, approaching her, and murmured: " What answer is this, do you think I
really won't hurt you? "
  Cheng Yan: " You won't. "
  " I will! " Qin repair face the more hair gloomy, men's strength increased, but
not really to the point where her uncomfortable, but the momentum terrible
look, " You Shall I watched you with him No one will love you more than I do. Why
are you reluctant to look back at me? Sometimes I really hope you die! No one can get
you! "
  Cheng Yan raised her hand, pressed it on the hand that he pinched her neck, and
looked at him: " Since this is the case, you can do it. "
  After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes and didn't mean to run away .
  After a while, she noticed that the hand on her neck was loosened and she opened
her eyes. She saw Qin Xiu breaking the mirror beside the sink like a blow .
  She looked at his hand, bloody, and her mood was a little complicated .
  " You 're right, I can't stop ! " Qin Xiu stood there, like a dead man's
expression, " However, I won't watch you with other men, I can't stand it! "
  He looked at her, eyes empty, tone woodenly: " So, I'll forget you, even then ,
see, I do not know who you are! "
  Cheng Yan a daze, I saw him pull the door open, and went out .
  When Qi Ze walked to the door, he just passed Qin Xiu. The two looked at each
other, and the hostility and coldness in each other's eyes were very strong .
  "It's so fierce, the president's hands are hurt like that? "
  " Don't talk nonsense, the situation is wrong. You didn't see the president's
face looking so ugly. "
  " So, wouldn't it be the president who wanted to use force and was hurt by Cheng
Yan? "
  Others whispered heatedly and discussed, seeing Qi Ze coming in, they stopped
talking and greeted him one after another .
  Cheng Yan was standing in front of the bathroom .
  Qi Ze ignored the crowd, she walked straight to the past, on the lower-down look
at her: " Yan Yan, okay? "
  Cheng Yan was about to shake her head, and heard Qi Ze's cold voice: " What's
going on with your neck? "
  Cheng Yan under Italian consciously touched the neck, can not see there are
fingerprints, just look at Qi Ze's face would have guessed: " . Nothing ah "
  " He did? " Qi Ze asked .
  Seeing that he was angry, he turned around to find someone to settle the
accounts. Qin Xiu's mood is so bad now. It's a real death if the two of them are
fighting. Cheng Yan grabbed him and said, " Don't be angry , I'm really okay. "
  Qi Ze looked at her and frowned .
  Cheng Yan smiled and kissed his lips on tiptoe. He asked curiously: " You
won't even eat this kind of vinegar. I don't protect him, I just don't want to be
interested in others, we are not coming Did you play it? "
  Qi Ze's heart flattened, but his face was still cold .
  Everyone has what understand by watching, some people can not help but ask
aloud: " Qi total, you do not ...... have a girlfriend yet? "
  Qi Ze took Cheng Yan's hand, clasped it tightly, declared his sovereignty, and
lifted his chin: " Isn't it here? "
  Everyone: "..."
Did   Miss Cheng Er and the second son of Cheng Cheng get together ?
  Do n’t you dare to do this ?
  Afterwards, the students who came to the party were shown a lot of affection,
and when they returned, they were already full of dog food .
  Sweet of Cheng Yan has risen to 30 percent .
  In the next two days , she also easily increased the sweetness to 200%. However,
she took the place of the female host, and she had to wait until the end of the male
host's life before she could leave the world .
  Soon, she married Qi Ze .
The relationship between   Qi Ze and Cheng Feng also gradually eased, and Cheng
Feng became kinder when he was older. He also expressed personal apologies and felt
that he should not send her away .
  Therefore, Qi Ze would occasionally return to Cheng's house, but Jiang Wanzhi
still didn't like them, but was helpless .
  Later, Cheng Xiangyang moved back to the Cheng family, but he was not interested
in managing the company. He opened a bar as a boss, and had the appearance of the old
dude .
  Pear chasing him for a long time, his body side peach constantly, but not a long-
term, Pear also sadly had to give up, turned his mind to the cause .
  Three years later, Baili became the shadow of Hongtou Entertainment through her
own efforts , but she has remained single and has no idea whether she is still
waiting for Cheng Xiangyang .
  As Qin repair ...... Cheng Yan just listen to say his family have moved out, the
focus of development in foreign countries, so we settled in a foreign country, she
will receive an annual birthday postcard everywhere and gifts, just do not know who
Sending, she can only guess that it may be Qin Xiu .
  Since he still has some feelings to travel through so many places and see so many
landscapes, maybe he still has a good time .
  But, in her later life, she had never seen him again , only the cabinet full of
postcards exuding fragrance .
  One summer afternoon .
  " She cried again, what should I do? " Cheng Yan was helpless and stood beside
the crib with a helpless expression .
  Qi Ze skillfully picked up her daughter, patted her gently, gave her a bottle,
and watched her calm down and drink milk .
  He glanced at Cheng Yan: " Did you mess with her? "
  Cheng Cheng Yan does not recognize: " I just want to hug her out to play. "
  Qi Ze: " Are you playing, or is she playing? "
  After a moment of silence, Cheng Yan's answer was very witty: " I play with her. "
  Qi Ze looked blankly and looked at her .
  Cheng Yan looked at him: " Well, is she too can love, so I just wanted to tease
her ah. "
  She scrape together the past, looking at the baby in his arms, she clumsily
holding a small bottle, drink enough on the small gilded bubble, clean and pure Chol
pair of eyes, so cute, people feel have the whole world better together .
  She couldn't hold it back and poked the baby's face .
  " Wow " to cry, and she cried out loud, like anti discussion .
  Cheng Yan lost: " Does she hate me? "
  Qi Ze hugged her and hugged her. The baby grabbed his finger and gnawed it, and
actually slept like that! With! Up !
  He put the baby back on the bed and pulled Cheng Yan out of the door .
  The two returned to the bedroom, and he comforted her: " She is crying. Didn't
you see her crying? "
  Cheng Yan felt the same way, feeling better, and suddenly felt wrong: " Why
don't you cry when you hug her? "
  Qi Ze: "..."
  This ... can he say that his daughter likes him more ?
  After thinking for a while, he avoided this somewhat dangerous problem, suddenly
picked her up, turned a circle, and asked her: "Is it fun? "
  Cheng Yan was turned adrift and nodded subconsciously .
  Qi Ze said seriously: " Look, you know, I know how to hug people. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Qi Ze holding her to the bed, took her hand, warm voice asked: " sleep ? Feel
it ."
  Summer afternoons are some difficulties, Cheng Yan would say: " Good. "
  Qi Ze seemed to be waiting for her to agree. As soon as she finished, he turned
to kiss her .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
Does   she mean that ?
  You are a big flicker !
  Cheng Yan in the world had done neither long nor short life, back to the system
after the space not how to rest, the system has been fed into the next world .
  She just had to ask: " Who is Bai Yueguang in the next world? "
  Department of System: " US Li ...... metamorphosis. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."

The first 37 chapters passenger amnesia president (in a stack of )

  Cheng Yan wear over time in a car .
  In addition to her , there are four men and three women in the car . Except for
the two women, the rest are all rich second generations who have been together. Smart
travel .
  He had a destination to Liangshan , with his ' own words, it is a scenic tourist
destination fucking awesomeness .
  Cheng Yan had never heard of such a place , nor was there in the memory of
the original owner .
  Probably afraid that she knew the plot and accidentally destroyed it . This time
the information given by the system is very limited . In summary, there are only two
points :
  One: This is a sweet romance "The Inn Trick" in a suspense horror coat .
  Two: The male lead is Liang Chen, a humanoid amulet. If you want to survive,
follow him closely .
  She wants to complete any of the tasks have not changed , as long as is Liang
Chen of white moon turn to get rid of him, he finally let himself live to get married
and care of the household finale on it .
  Cheng Yan repeatedly to the system to determine the system: This task will not be
another failure, right ?
  System integration: you follow people set to go , but also no problem .
  Cheng Yan thought about the setting of the original owner for a while .
The original owner's family is also powerful . The ancestor was a
famous nobleman . After thousands of years, he is still a majestic giant. The
original owner is the descendant of this big family, her parents Only her daughter,
so she is very strict with her, of course, very spoiled .
  It is precisely because that is the original flagship small class people's
children , test pilot and fro to take the first, polite, gentle and well-behaved,
especially if also long a beautiful fairy's face, who met with like .
  If you just play such a gentle and perfect lady, it ’s not difficult to be
tired, but this big lady has different appearances, that is, the kind of gentle
smile that says I like you very much, but secretly, you are under Ruthless, you can
still look at the innocent girl when you question .
  Of course, these people in the car didn't know her inferiority, and she held her
like a goddess .
  The original owner and several rich second-generation families are friends, and
they met when they were young .
  She sat in the back window position, sitting on her left hand side of the
statement is silent, pale, tall and thin, wearing a pair of glasses, slightly bowed
his head like in a daze .
  The relationship between the original owner and him is not close. I feel that he
is a very evil person. Looking at the indifference, she is very romantic. She saw him
ten times. He was pulling the girl's ears nine times. Changing women is more diligent
than changing clothes .
  This time even came out to play, he also brought a poem Qin female students,
looking handsome and clean, a little shy, sitting silent beside the words .
  Sitting in the front row is a pair of suspected couples . The reason why they
are suspected is because Jin Chi is very playful and not serious about his feelings.
The woman next to her is called Hu Jiajia. He is beautiful and looks good. His eyes
look like a man is discharging .
  This time, They still kiss hug, very sticky, Cheng Yan eyes will look to the
forefront .
  Sitting vice driver is Xu Jiang, xxvii, and they are the biggest group of wealthy
people, we all liked him, he looks gentle, tall, slight smile when talking, slowly,
people There is a feeling of warm sunshine .
  He was open and the car Xu Yanping speak, I do not know what mentioned, Xu
Yanping suddenly staring at the car in front of the mirror, she smiled and said
excitedly: " Yan Yan, Yan Yan, you are not happy joy fish right into the place where
I go Fishing for you! "
  Before Cheng Yan spoke, Jin Chi in the front row chuckled and sat lazily around
the woman: "But do n't, just because of your skill, I've fallen into the water, I
can't ignore it. "
  Xu Yanping gritted his teeth: " Lao Tzu can swim! "
  Jin Chi shrugged: " Come on, then you swim slowly, do n't be eaten by fish. "
  Xu Yanping has not grasped the key point of his sarcasm at this
moment: " Dare fish eat Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu is the best in the world! "
  Everyone else laughed .
  When talking, Xu Yanping only found that there was a fork in front of him. He
should walk to the left, but turned to the right. He was busy and turned back again
after a sharp turn .
  Turning too quickly, the car bumped, Cheng Yan did not sit firmly, fell into the
silent arms .
  She was busy and went back to sit well, and said " I'm sorry " . When she turned
to look at him, she only saw that he frowned, seeming to be very unhappy .
  She drew back her gaze and looked out of the window, feeling that this person was
strange .
  Silently speaking, she only smelled the scent on her body, and when she touched
her slender waist, the eyes under the lens seemed a little light, her thin lips
slightly pursed, and she seemed to endure something .
  After another ten minutes, the car drove up the highway in the mountains, and the
scenery in the field of vision became more and more quiet and beautiful. Soon, it
stopped at the door of an inn .
  Dog days of summer, the sun is very hot, Xu Yanping very considerate to ask her
umbrella out of the car, several other was busy with the luggage .
  Cheng Yan take over the umbrella, smiled and said: " . I do it myself ."
  Xu Yanping was tranced by her smile, and went to the trunk like a flower to get
something .
  Cheng Yan raised his head and glanced at the inn. The plaque was crumbling. The
words "Liangshan Inn" were written on it. It didn't look like an inn for tourists. .
  The novel is called "The Inn Trick", but she didn't see anything terrible and
strange in this inn .
Should the   male owner be in this inn? Is it a tourist or a boss ?
  " Ms Cheng. " Hu Jiajia also the name of the umbrella, smiled and said, " do not
go in? This place could be so much broken, do not know there is no network, there
Liangshan never heard of this place, who will travel here , Shao Jin, what do they
think? "
  Sounds like she doesn't know Liang Shan ?
  A strange feeling flashed in Cheng Yan's heart . She was about to go in, but her
head was dizzy. She remembered that this body had low blood sugar, so she always
carried chocolate candy and the like .
  She remembered that there were a few chocolates in the bag, but the bag was
forgotten in the car .
  Others have been moved luggage to the inn, she went back on their own .
  The car door was closed, and she didn't think much about it, but when the door
was opened, she was stunned .
  Yan Mo was in the car, his own clothes were neat and his face was calm, but Qin
Shi next to him had a red face, he did n’t dare to lift his head, he was wearing a
skirt in a hurry, and the skirt was torn. Bare snowy legs .
  Cheng Yan self feel embarrassed, turned away .
  Yan Mo followed up: "Is my head dizzy again? "
  He also took her bag together, took the chocolate out of it, peeled it off and
wanted to give her, but they might be too intense in the car, and even the chocolate
in the bag was crushed .
  "..." Cheng Yan didn't pick it up, "No need. "
  Yan silently looked at her .
  Cheng Yan is not very fond of Huan and his close, should some of the diaphragm,
even his bag did not want to, there is also nothing important thing .
  Yan silently looked at her back, the sun was very bright, she held the head of
the refreshing bud , and the exposed neck was white and smooth .
  He pursed his lips slightly, depressed his emotions, and suddenly turned and
strode back into the car .
  Qin Shi had just dressed and was about to come out in embarrassment. A black
shadow fell before his eyes, and only two cold words were heard: " Comb the hair. "
  Qin Shi stiffened for a moment, and he could only obey his life, just tie his
hair, and he was suppressed by him .
  The door closed, and the lock fell back .
  The author has something to say: Should n’t it be a horror story? The male host
and the male partner still love the female host. The male host is no longer farming,
not a tourist, or a boss. He grows vegetables, cooks, picks water, and does handyman
work. He does everything, needs him to move wherever he goes. Become the most
pessimistic president ?

The first 38 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (b )

  Off the stack , Hu Jiajia his hands and leaning on the counter , the neckline is
very low, a small half breasts are bare, shorts under a pair of sexy long legs , the
curly wavy hair sprinkled bare shoulders, beautiful is beautiful It is the smell of a
woman with a wind and dust .
  Jin Chi's vision for women has always been so difficult to describe .
  Cheng Yan came in , listen to see her complaining: " Ms Cheng , I said what was
it, this place really is broken broken place, let alone the Internet, and even make a
phone call no signal , I knew I rather die than come here . "
  Counter side there is a little older girl, sitting in a high bench , Pazainaer
strokes to write , suddenly raised his head , crisp habitat asked: " Auntie , you
want to make ? Liang brother fishing you have there network He can catch fish and has
great strength, so he can catch a lot with a net. "
  Hu Jiajia not call her a high -hing, uttered: " ! Bumpkin "
  The little girl she made a face as if to say " You're bumpkin! " .
  Hu Jiajia couldn't be angry, hey , this girl movie .
  Seeing that she wanted to reach out and pinch the little girl's arm, Cheng Yan
reached out and stopped her: " Why are you still more serious with children? "
  Hu Jiajia was said by her , it was boring, and it was not easy to offend her,
only to accuse her and withdraw her hand: " Just for fun, will I really treat
her. "
  The little girl shouted, " Brother Liang! Brother Liang! A bad aunt wants to beat
me! "
  Cheng Yan turned her head and saw the backlight. A man came in with three large
cartons stacked high, without seeing his face. He was tall and tall, with aura in the
air, no jacket, tight abdominal muscles, A sense of power, the body lines are slender
and beautiful .
  He placed the carton on the ground in front of the counter, and it was already
very light, and it still felt like it was shaking .
  It is conceivable that the weight of the carton is absolutely not light .
  " Small thinking, how? " A good listen Beijing accent, clear, Xu slow, steady .
  The girl named Xiaoxiang pointed to Hu Jiajia, with tears in her eyes, so
that she was wronged: " She beat me and Brother Liang avenged me! "
  The man looked sideways .
  Cheng Yan saw his face clearly, his outline was sharp, his eyes were deep, his
eyes were deep, his nose was tall, and he was very masculine. When he looked at it,
he ignited the look of a weak girl ’s heart, giving him strength, strength and
security Feeling .
  He looked at Hu Jiajia, did not speak, but had a disturbing momentum .
  When Hu Jiajia saw the handsome guy, he groaned, and his anger turned into
a charming face: " Oh, kid net bullshit, I just teased her to play, and I was
scared to think I want to hit her, don't mind the boss. " It seems that he is not
convinced And busy pushed Cheng Yan again, " Right , Miss Cheng? "
  Cheng Yan gave a " huh " sound .
  Men also look at the past, look to paused, appeared to be an accident on
her beauty Korea, only a moment, he looked away .
  He took out a shirt from under the cupboard and, while wearing it, said: " I am
not the boss. "
  He is buttoning .
  Hu Jiajia see made to stay .
  Repair man's fingers long, clear joints, to withhold dolphin, blocking the sexy
abs, chest .
  " Not the boss? " Hu Jiajia stared at him, " So who are you? "
  " Employees here. " The man raised his head and looked at her, already holding a
pen in his hand, " Liang Chen. "
  Sure enough, it was the male lead .
  Cheng Yan do not know what risk insurance, but since the system can be said to
follow him life insurance is right, he looks really gives a sense of security .
  She will be a few people's identity card and handed his 11 registration .
  Hu Jiajia was still there to ask him questions. He didn't show impatience, he
just didn't keep in touch , he just responded politely, his voice was low, he
didn't get sick, and it sounded pleasant .
  "Is the business here bad? "
  "There are few people. "
  " Do you have a girlfriend ? "
  "... no. "
  " Then you are so handsome and so high, even as a model, how do you stay here?
The salary is high? The treatment is good? "
  Liang Chen will document push back, said: " already . Been filled out ."
  Cheng Yan Mei noticed that his head Wei Zhou, apparently a good upbringing only
endure, is not so noisy like a woman .
  She didn't join in the excitement, and stayed there quietly, intending to figure
it out slowly, not too aggressively .
  Hu Jiajia didn't get an answer, but when he wanted to ask, Yan Mo came in from
the door and followed Qin Shi .
  She was quite silent. It should have been unsuccessful. She shut her mouth when
he saw him, kicking and stepping upstairs .
  Cheng Yan turned back and looked at Liang Chen with a soft voice: " Is there
sugar ? "
  Liang Chen glanced at her, turned around, and reached for the candy in the
cupboard. A plastic box was filled with colorful sugar. It was not like selling it,
but more like preparing it for Xiao Xiang .
  Mo Yan went to her front side, stopped, micro low voice: " Yan Yan, good scenery
here, I walk with you? "
  Liang Chen has been elected a moon-shaped lollipop, handed her .
  Cheng Yan take over, with a smile: " . Thank you ."
  She took the lollipop in her hand and looked sideways silently. She was about to
reject him, but she was shocked to see him staring at Liang Chen closely .
  Liang Chen does not move sensual: " You know me? "
  Yan Mo jumped out word by word : " Do you know me? "
  Liang Chensi cable with how to answer than safer .
  Small wanted to see him for a long time not speak, busy rushing to say: " Liang
brother lost ? Recalls it, is to save his sister back, Uncle Liang brother's friend
you are right ."
  The silent expression was indifferent: "I don't know. "
  After he finished speaking, he looked at Cheng Yan and seemed to be waiting for
her to leave .
  The male actually lost memories of ?
  Cheng Yan felt a bit of horror and suspense, and was thinking, seeing Yan Mo
still looking at her, she had to say: " I'm tired, I want to go back to sleep for a
while. "
  Yan Mo went upstairs with her .
  There were only two rooms for tourists, so three girls had to live together, and
they delivered them to the door of the room silently, and turned away .

The first 39 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (c )

  Poor accommodation , a room between the two side by side on the iron bed , a long
time did not play sweep, off the thin layer of ash, no furniture , only a few simple
chairs in the window .
  Life on the world is too extravagant, Cheng Yan Yi Shi not getting it , standing
in front of it startled by startled .
  Qin poetry a bit uneasy , a bit Jiaoqie looked at Cheng Yan , a low
voice said: " Miss Cheng, only two ? Beds, can I sleep with you ah ."
  She seemed a little afraid of Hu Jiajia .
  Cheng Yan do not mind, smiled and said: " okay , I am . They come first sweep "
  Qin Shi was grateful and his eyes were bright . He said positively: " I'll get
some water. "
  Cheng Yan thought about it and stopped her: " I will go too , a basin of
water should not be enough. "
  Qin poetry is a shy shy girl , Cheng Yan to the main action to find topics, two
people said, with a smile down the stairs .
  At the counter , Liang Chen sorted the shelves there and placed the drinks,
snacks and cigarettes one by one .
  Hu Jiajia went downstairs again sometime, holding his cheeks and tilting his
hips, staring straight at Liang Chen , talking to him one sentence at a time .
  " Liang Chen, where is your hometown, why doesn't it look like the people in the
mountains? "
  Liang Chen rubbed the edge of the shelf with his hand , without looking
back: " China. "
  A word the day chatting dead .
  Hu Jiajia “ cut ” and found it boring. When she turned around, she saw them come
down and said, “ Miss Cheng, come sit here, it ’s hot, and the place is broken. It
’s really not a dumb place. ”
  Cheng Yan walked over without sitting .
  The work in Liang Chen's hands stopped, and he turned around, black eyes staring
at her with a low voice: " Why? "
  Cheng Yan asked him, " Where is there water? "
  Liang Chen gave her a bottle of mineral water .
  Cheng Yan laughed: " not for this water ," she seemed bitter angry, " you have
the room here was a lot of dust, it was clean. "
  She has a beautiful face, a smiling smile, and she is very eye-catching, and her
voice is soft and gentle .
  Liang Chen couldn't help but glance at it more and said, " Wait a minute. "
  Her arrival, Hu Jiajia will feel they have been neglected, embarrassed to talk
for a long time she has not seen him back head ah, Cheng Yan is just really white Fu-
mei, people do not even jealousy envy them, had jokingly said: " Liang Chen, Didn't
you say that there was no cleaning service? "
  Liang Chen didn't know if she was so troubled by her patience, or something,
this time there was no comment .
  Hu Jiajia some loss of face, and again turned around and Cheng Yan answer: " Jin
little he ? Four men were in the room, also locked the door, knock knock are not
open, what do you say strange is not surprising ."
  She laughed with no meaning, but she deliberately made a joke, and did not mean
anything else .
  Cheng Yan just smiled .
  Liang Chen packed things up a few times , took Cheng Yan and Qin Shi outside to
fetch water, and gave them both a washbasin .
  Room back room even if no water, even tap the gall security outside the kitchen,
road or dirt roads, roadside weeds .
  While walking, Qin Shi suddenly screamed: " There are snakes! "
  She shivered and didn't dare to move, pointing to the grayish color of the grass
at her feet .
  Liang Chen bent over, a fat will master the mouse carry up gray part is a rat's
tail .
  " Not a snake. "
  Qin Shi was even more afraid and took Cheng Yan's arm with a cry: " I want to go
home, it's terrible. "
  Cheng Yan also seemed to be afraid, the thick eyelashes dropped a faint shadow,
the complexion was white, and the beauty was so soft and beautiful .
  Liang Chen looked away, the mice will throw much children, and came back and
said: " You . They go back and waiting for it ."
  Qin Shi busy handing the pot to him: " Thank you. "
  Cheng Yan also passed it .
  When Liang Chen was picking up, she saw her hands, slender and white .
  This is a pair of hands suitable for playing piano .
  He raised his head and looked into a pair of spring-like clear eyes, seemingly
affectionate and seemingly ruthless .
  After hitting the water back, Cheng Yan said: " Thank you, you are so nice. "
  Liang Chen looked at her and turned back to the kitchen again .
  Cheng Yan glanced at his back and chuckled lightly .
  Qin Shi was inexplicable: " Miss Cheng, what are you laughing at? "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, and entered the inn briskly. He saw several rich second
generations sitting at a square table, playing cards, and Hu Jiajia was also there .
  Jin Chi held a cigarette in his mouth, Hu Jiajia was sitting on his lap, he
didn't play cards, he saw Cheng Yan first, raised his eyebrows and said, " What is
this for? "
  Cheng Yan: " fight to sweep the room. "
  Jin Chi spit out a cigarette and smiled, his tone somewhat spoiled, but with a
sort of tease : " I ?? Their little princess so virtuous will do it ."
  Others look over, but also some of her jokes, but no malice .
  Cheng Yan seemed to think about it seriously and said, " Yes . "
  Everyone laughed .
  Xu Yanping fight not to win these ghost sperm ghost sperm, scratching their
heads, said: " ! Yanyan what will be ," he raised his hand to greet her, " Yan Yan
also playing the best brand, Come, come, help me to turn over this Come back? "
Before   Cheng Yan spoke, Jin Chi patted Hu Jiajia's buttocks and raised his
chin: " In the past, didn't you see Yanyan carrying the water. "
  Hu Jiajia hooked his neck and said softly and coquettishly : " Jin Shao, Miss
Cheng said that she wanted to clean herself, so don't worry about it. "
  Jin Chi's face was dull, staring at her, his eyes cold .
  Hu Jiajia Samsam stand up, laughing capacity stiff, walked over to the water
took it, did not speak, they go upstairs, and it seems Renzhao Qi .
  Qin Shi had no choice but to follow her. Compared to Hu Jiajia, she was more
afraid to be with the elder brothers .
  Cheng Yan took over Xu Yanping's position .
  The landlord is playing, she sits opposite the silent, and Jiang Xu sits on the
left .
  Cheng Yan falls focus eyelid, and the words did not silent on the line of sight,
but also could feel him staring at her eyes .
  This landlord is silent .
  Xu Jiang said with a smile, gentle elegance: " Yan Yan, he has been winning a lot
of times, we have to win him back we go, do not let him arrogant. "
  Cheng Yan also smiled: " Okay. "
  Yan Mo stared at her slightly raised lips without looking at the cards, so she
handed out one .
  Is a little king .
  " Lying trough! " Xu Yanping shouted, " You have a problem, it's so big at
the first shot , waste is not waste! "
  Cheng Yan under Italian consciousness looked at him, he did not speak, at her
hook under the lips .
  Xu Yanping didn't pay attention to these details and looked at Cheng Yan's card,
which was terrible and worried: " Absolutely provocative! Yan Yan, won't this one
lose again? "
  However, this round of losers is silent .
  Then even play a few, whether local master, or person and partner, Cheng Yan
never once lost .
  Xu Yanping sense sigh: " Well Yanyan powerful ah, this level ...... first in the
country of it. "
  Jiang Xu smiled and said this for him .
  Cheng Yan was embarrassed. It was obvious that Jiang Xu and his silence were all
drained .
  Jin Chi took a breath and laughed and scolded: " You fucking sand sculpture! "
  At this time, the dishes were ready in the kitchen, and they were served, and
Liang Chen went back and forth to finish the dishes by himself .
  He had the cards put away, waiting .
  On a meal, go when Jin Chi stretched out a leg stand in the middle of the road,
faint smile and asked: " I am a little curious, you are not lost ? Memory, and how
you remember your name ."
  Jin Chi asked this question, he should have mentioned him silently .
  Cheng Yanqi strange, silent words are not talkative, but not nosy, and no reason
to bring people Liang Chen ?
  Liang Chen Xu sound slow: " can not remember? "
  Jin Chi's eyes seemed to glance at him sharply, and he suddenly laughed: " Oh,
why not. "
  Liang Chen went out .
  Maybe it is to listen to see to eat, Hu Jiajia himself down, Qin poetry did not
follow along .
  Waits for no one asked, she smiled and said himself: " She was tired and did not
want to eat down . Rice, a little later to send some up on the line ."
  Obviously, she bullied Qin Shi's cowardice and threw all her work to her. When
she spoke, she carefully watched the words and said nothing .
  While eating , a few people said where to go and play, as if they were familiar
with the mountain .
  Cheng Yan would say: " You are go, I want to rest in the afternoon. "
  No one persuaded her, as if she did exactly what they wanted .
  Xu Yanping also pleased: " Yan Yan, the sun, and no fun, you stay off the stack
Ye Hao. "
  Quietly, Cheng Yan said with a smile : " This mountain is also very big, don't
get lost. "
  Xu Yanping: " Where can it, I have had the map ah. "
  Yan silently put down the chopsticks .
  Hu Jiajia Listening to say: " I have to go ah, do not intend to stay, you take
to figure out, see what a view ."
  Jin Chi glanced at her: " What is noisy, are you fucking annoying? "
  Hu Jiajia had to shut up again . If he had n't given much money and he was
handsome, she could not bear him even if he had such a bad temper !
  Cheng Yan had a small amount of rice and was full after eating a small half of a
bowl. She went upstairs and saw Qin Shi still sweeping the floor there .
  " I'll sweep, you go down to dinner. " Cheng Yan said .
  Qin Shi hesitated: " Miss Hu said she was not allowed to leave without
cleaning. "
  Cheng Yan took the broom and looked at her and smiled: " So obedient? "
  Qin Shi blushed: " Then, I'll go down. "
  After she left, the door was not closed and she concealed her .
  Qin Shi's family is not rich, and his work ability has been developed. In a few
moments, he cleaned the room cleanly .
  Cheng Yan swept the rubbish dumped by her into the dustpan, thinking about the
dangers in the inn, would there still be ghosts ?
  Think of God or heard see the door was open sound, until one pair stretched over
the ring from behind to live her waist, the man will be posted on the lip of her
neck, and gently kiss, temperature is very low, It feels like a snake .
  " Who ?! "
  Cheng Yan was startled and turned suddenly , and she saw a pale and squinted
face .
  " How are you? " Yan Mo seemed more scared than she was surprised, before she
could speak, he asked, " Qin poem? "
  He seemed to admit that he was wrong, but he didn't let go of holding her
hand .
  Cheng Yan lowered her face, but her voice was too soft and gentle, and she was
not angry, more like coquetry: " You let go! "
The eyes under the   silent lens were dull, paused, and let go: " I'm sorry,
Yanyan. "
  Cheng Yan: " Did you admit the wrong person? "
  Yan Mo's voice was very low: " Do you want me to admit it, or did I admit it? "
  When he spoke, his eyes looked at her, as if there was a strong monopoly .
  Cheng Yan jumped in his heart .
  However, Yan Mo didn't seem to intend to listen to her answer, and turned away,
only to say in a low voice: "If you leave the inn alone , it may be very
dangerous. "
  Cheng Yan looked at the door pulled by him .
  He is very dangerous in itself a dangerous person, qualified to say this it ?

The first 40 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (d )

  Afternoon , Hu Jiajia followed him to go out to play .
  Or perhaps not silent opening statement told her to go , Qin poetry no dare,
just back to the room to sleep in sleep .
  Cheng Yan went downstairs to see the see the little girl to shoot the basketball
in the lobby , slap, but also give yourself a few soon , seems to get used to
playing himself , smiled happily .
  Count to " twenty " of the time , took an empty, basketball bang bang bang
bouncing rolled Cheng Yan feet .
  Think small crooked head and looked at her .
  Cheng Yan bent over, picked up the ball , and threw it to her from
afar: " Next. "
  Small anti wanted to be half a beat slower, barely clinging to pounce , perhaps
to the interest , and tiptoe back into the rearing process to Yan .
  Cheng Yan laugh , see her want to play , you play with her, a side asked
her: " customer ?? Stack did not see how else do you seem to have a sister ."
  Xiao wanted to stare at the flying ball, hugged it, and then smiled at
ease: " Mrs. Qiu doesn't like to go out. " He answered the second question
again, "The eldest sister went outside the mountain, and will return after two
days. . "
  Paused, she suddenly ran patter , upturned neck and looked at her, " you're like
big sister. "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak .
  Xiaoya head such a mention, she remembered the original primary purpose of this
tour out .
There are no Miss Cheng   in the travel plans of the second generation of rich
people to Liangshan , but Xu Yanping said quickly that she would come to Liangshan,
and also showed the photo of the boss lady of Liangshan Inn to the original owner. It
is also beautiful, it seems a bit like Yanyan .
  Original owners face is not significant, and my heart became
suspicious, because her father's study also seen this woman from small to large
photos, even the money order is recorded every year .
  So, she decided to meet the woman in the photo in person .
  The original owner and several other people often played together, knowing that
they would take care of her, and her parents did not doubt or worry, and let her
leave .
  Just thinking, his arm was shaken .
  " Sister, go to Liang brother fishing? " Small think happy joy her tone look,
reveals begged, " okay? Liang brother just after the pond fish head, tonight we eat
fish, braised fish! "
  Cheng Yan smiled and said , " good " , holding out her hand and walking, while
very gently asked her: " Your brother Liang how lost ? Yi, ah ."
  Think small blinked, seemed to back memories: " I do not know, ah, big sister a
month ago he brought back his brother Liang was covered in injuries, rotten clothes,
sister said he probably fell off a cliff Bad head. "
  Cheng Yan: " So dangerous? "
  Want to force a small point head: " yes ah, when I was terrified when I thought
he was dead. "
You ca n’t die if you   fall off the cliff, and there are beautiful women
rescued .
  The person who rescued him was not a mistress , so why should he be a woman ?
  Anyway, it is higher than her cannon fodder status .
  Talking, the two had walked over to the pond .
  Liang Chen was sitting in the shade of the tree. The scattered sunlight shattered
through the gap between the branches and leaves. When the wind blew, the light and
shadow around him floated like water .
  He sat with his back straight, like a cypress .
  " Liang brother -" Small wanted to get rid of her hand, flying in general ran,
bent over to look into the creel, uttered exclaimed, " wow, you've been so caught
small fish! "
  She sit there straight fingers head count there, suddenly " Hey ," the
next, said: " how full of small ? Fish "
  Liang Chen gas looking hard busy: " big fish smarter, not easily hooked, have to
have the patience to slowly children and so on. "
  He turned his head and saw Cheng Yan who came after him : " Miss Cheng,
stand here, the sun is shining. "
  He said politely and caringly, but he naturally had the momentum to give orders
to those in high positions .
  Cheng Yan stood his left side, thinking about how people like him will appear in
Liangshan? Accident or murder ?
  At this moment, the fishing rod moved, and Xiaowan almost jumped up excitedly,
exclaiming: " Fish! There are fish ! "
  Liang Chen glanced at her: " Knowing it's a fish or shouting? "
  Xiao Xiang was busy, looking at his take-up lever, a silver fish jumped out of
the water, and it was clear that it was still a small carp .
  " Liang brother, you can not ah, even the big fish not pull up. " Small rustic
want to view, but also to bypass the back of his head to the side and asked Yan
Cheng, " do not you, sister? "
  Cheng Yan smiled: "It seems to be. "
  Liang Chen had three fishing rods in the water. Hearing that, he picked a thin
one, stood up, handed it to Cheng Yan, and gave her the bench. She said, " Ms.
Cheng also has research on fishing? Try it. "
  Think small eyes lit up: " My brother and sister than to race, and I to the
referee, who is the first to catch big fish will come to win. "
  Cheng Yan holding a fishing rod, hesitation: " its real ...... I will not catch. "
  Liang Chen: "It's just for fishing, Miss Cheng doesn't have to take it seriously. "
  Cheng Yan: "... Okay. "
  She learned what he was like, holding a fishing rod in one hand, and then
throwing the fishing line, but staring at him, she didn't pay attention to the
excessive force, and she also planted along with the fishing rod .
  Liang Chen anti should soon, an arm around her waist, strong and warm arms,
pulling her back .
  And so she stood steady, he immediately let go, looking down at her: " careful. "
  Cheng Yan: " Thank you. "
  She sat on the stool good, Liang Chen stood beside her side, watching the fish in
the water line together .
  For a time, no one spoke, and even Xiao Xiang seemed to be staring .
  After waiting for a long time, Cheng Yan's fishing rod moved first. She was a
little surprised. She was afraid of running away from the fish. She turned her head
subconsciously to see Liang Chen .
  Liang Chen: " Don't worry, slowly pull it up. "
  Cheng Yan did what he said. After pulling it, he felt very heavy in his hand .
  She looks like a willow, thin and slender, and she looks very fragile and weak
in holding the fishing rod. She looks like she is going to be pulled by the fish .
  Liang Chen thought this way, before action, before reaching consciousness,
reached out to hold her fishing rod, and easily pulled the fish up .
  Sure enough, it was a big carp, leaping vigorously, splashing her face with
water .
  Think small and so was already bored, this Shique jumped for joy .
  " Miss Cheng luck is not wrong. " His voice muffled sound in the ears .
  Cheng Yan police feel when he spoke sprinkled on the face side of the airflow,
exciting moment Ma Ma, suddenly shocked to find the distance between two people too
close, he seemed bent watch the fish, did not pay attention .
  She also does not know when, twisted too far, sweet and gentle voice: " you
taught good. "
  He was bending over to hold the fishing rod for her , and as soon as she turned
her head, the distance between the two of them was shortened, and her red lips were
about to kiss his chin .
  Liang Chen Yi Zheng, do not move sensual stood to one side, has also been some
smiles: " Big fish are waiting, and ready to pack up and go back, the heat,
carefully heat stroke. "
  Xiao Xiang walked ahead with a fish basket, and Cheng Yan and Liang Chen were a
few steps behind .
  " Miss Cheng, how do you think of Liangshan playing? " Liang
Chen asked suddenly .
  Cheng Yan did not tell the truth: " Listen say good scenery. "
  For some reason, Liang Chen was silent for a while before saying, "How long
are you going to play? "
  Cheng Yan: " Just three or four days. "
  Liang Chen's voice was a little more serious: " I lived here for a month. The
terrain here is complicated, there are many snakes and insects, and more importantly,
there are few people. "
  Cheng Yan seemed to be unclear, so his steps were slightly paused .
  Liang Chen also stopped and looked at her: " So, I do n't think this is a good
place to travel. You are the first guests I met here. "
  Where he is seen not right ?
  Cheng Yan thought so and smiled: " Where did you drive the guests out like
this. "
  Liang Chen didn't smile, and black eyes stared at her: " You better take
my words to heart and leave as soon as possible. "
  Cheng Yan had n't spoken yet, and suddenly a scream sounded, which came from the
second floor .
  Was in light girl's voice .
  It could only be Qin poetry .
  Liang Chen Mei head Yizhou, a big step to go to the inn, saw describe awkward
pale girl stumbled down the stairs, too frightened panic, one foot still Caikong .
  Liang Chen stretched out his hand to support her. She grabbed his arm tightly .
Her nails were almost caught in the flesh. He didn't move, but his voice calmed and
calmed her emotions .
  " Don't be afraid, calm down first, and then tell me, what happened? "
  Cheng Yan also follow up .
  It took a long while for Qin Shi to tremble, but pointed upstairs, but he dared
not turn his head and said, " Blood, a lot of blood ..."
  Liang Chen to let her go and sat across the table, letting Cheng Yan and small
want to stay with her, himself a man on the floor .
  Cheng Yan poured a glass of water to Qin Shi .
  Qin Shi held the water glass with both hands, unconscious, shaking his hands
constantly, and the water trembling out .
  Cheng Yan looked at her, raised her head slowly again , glanced upstairs,
thought down, and went upstairs .
  Liang Chen stood her their front room, is squatting, seemed to see something,
hear movement, he turned around, saw her, with emphasis: " Do not come over! "
  Has been late, Cheng Yan knows what he is looking at, blood, bright red blood
flow has been shocking to her feet .

The first 41 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (V )

  Obviously , the door was throwing a big tub of blood , thick smell of blood
filled with aisles, slowly mixing the blood drip on the open floor .
  Liang Chen comforted her when she saw her face was not good, "It's okay ,
it 's chicken blood. "
  Chicken blood is also terrible, okay ?
  Cheng Yan silently followed him downstairs and asked him: " Who do you think
did it? "
  Liang Chen Mei head Wei Zhou , did not speak .
  Downstairs , Qin poetry has been calm a bit, saw them down, busy cried: " Ms
Cheng, here is not to live any longer , I am . Now we go home ."
  She then fear, Cheng Yan had said: " When he had come back to talk about it. "
  Qin Shi bit his lip and nodded .
  Liang Chen pulled Zhang stool to sit down at the table , index finger tapping
the table , see Qin poetry over here , it asked: " Miss Qin, when ? The
circumstances in which you can talk about it ."
  His attitude is calm, his appearance is good-looking, his tone is calm, and he
unconsciously makes people feel good and relax .
  Qin poem: " I slept in the room sleep , woke up later , you want to see Miss
Cheng doing, the results ......" Her voice shaking micro, " come to the door, and I
heard the sound of Tuk Tuk, I was a little scared. When I opened the door, there was
nothing outside the door. When I looked down, I saw a lot of blood, all over the
floor. "
  Liang Chen thoughtfully .
  Cheng Yan: " What is the sound of Tuk Tuk Tuk? "
  Qin Shi thought for a while, embarrassed: " Unclear, like a clog stepping on the
floor, and like a knocking sound. "
  Cheng Yan Min Chun sip, some doubts: " When the time inn seems only one person,
Xu Jiang they have not come back, I want to see Liang Chen and small fishing. "
  Qin Shi was creepy, almost crying again .
  "It's not just her. " Liang Chen said suddenly .
  " Who else? " She had asked nearly together, very surprised .
  " Qiu great-grandmother ah! " Small just want to listen to adults ghost story
like, a little afraid, but also relish, then rushing to answer, " Sister seems that
she brought up her legs paralyzed, unable to walk, so do not be She did. "
  Qin poetry listening, he turned Cheng Yan looked really scared to cry: " Ms
Cheng, I ? Had better go ."
  Cheng Yan also felt full of doubts, and looked at Liang Chen. Liang Chen didn't
say a word, but had a deep expression .
  Qin Shi looked at Liang Chen when she saw her, and suddenly panicked and stood
up: " Yes, sorry, your arm ..."
  Liang Chen's arms were very white in color, and he should have not been exposed
to the sun. Qin Shi's nails were long, and he was very strong under the fear .
  Liang Chen put his arm down the table and said, "It's okay. "
  Cheng Yan from the bag and took a Zhang Band-Aid, to him .
  Liang Chen took it and didn't post it .
  Cheng Yan took it back again, looked at him, and said with a smile: " You still
stick it, otherwise Qin Shi will be guilty and cry. "
  Qin Shi echoed with um um .
  Such a small mouth was treated so seriously, Liang Chen was a little
uncomfortable, but he still stretched out his hand .
  Cheng Yan bent down, tore open the band-aid, and also blew his wound, sticking it
lightly .
  The scent on the girl could n't tell what it was, it smelled good, it made people
relax, quiet and quiet, he subconsciously stepped closer, and as soon as he lifted
his eyes, he saw her beautiful rose lips and beautiful neck And the looming snow on
his chest .
  Liang Chen throat knot unconsciously rolling, embarrassed moved away, afraid to
look at her .
  " Okay. " Cheng Yan stood up and said, " Remember not to touch the water. "
  That is to say, the girl is not good enough for some small wounds .
  Liang Chen not to as intended, but still " ah " a cry, after she moved away, as
if the smell also smell the .
  Somehow somehow lost .
  It was already dark when Jin Chi returned .
  He had a few bathed, changed clothes, cool-cool talking in the room when Cheng
Yan and Qin poetry, Hu Jiajia came together .
  The chicken blood was told to them, and they seemed to be only a little
surprised, not at all confused, scared, or even wanting to leave .
A heart of   Qin Shi gradually sank .
  Cheng Yan felt that they seemed to have problems .
  Xu Yanping scoffed: " afraid Oh balls, chicken only thing, you would think a kid
mischief, and you and everyone is timid girl! " He see Qin poetry sheepishly
appearance, also smirking open hand, " fear If you want, do you want your brother to
hug? Yan Mo would n’t coax the girl anymore, it ’s hard to follow him? "
  Qin Shi was at a loss, and retreated behind Cheng Yan. He shouted, " Miss
Cheng. "
  Yan Cheng Xu Yanping looked at, looking at the beautiful gentle mold -like, so
when not to speak, but instead some momentum .
  Jiang Xu is more humane and more mature. He patted Xu Yanping on the
shoulder: " What are you doing at home? "
  Xu Yanping she was such a watched, her eyes clearly in no mood too, he felt whole
body bone to be crisp, busy for mercy, said: " Yan Yan, Do not look at me, I was
wrong, I admit ."
  He was so funny to admit that he was wrong, and Cheng Yan couldn't help
laughing .
  Yan Mo stared at her all the time, then suddenly said: " Yanyan is with that
surnamed Liang this afternoon? "
  "... Well. " Cheng Yan didn't want to talk to him .
  Silently and silently: " Keep away from him . "
  Cheng Yan smiled: " I won't listen to you. "
  Jin Chi sullen his face from beginning to end .
  Hu Jiajia I do not know why come back after some quiet, did not speak, it then
looked up with a smile: " Introduction little ? Lord, you are also a lot of the
tube, you do have to listen to anyone ."
  She seemed to mean something .
  It was n't so silent , Jin Chi slapped her in the face: " You fucking
fucking? "
  Hu Jiajia clutching his face, did not dare to how, see Jin Chi really had gas,
turned away .
  The atmosphere is slightly stiff .
  Xu Jiang smile playing rounders: " Yan Yan, you . They also go back, if
something happens, call us ."
  Cheng Yan little head, looked at Jin Chi, Jin Chi eyes glowing almost cold
light .
  Even Hu Jiajia was beaten. Where did Qin Shi dare to mention something to go, she
was uneasy, but just followed Cheng Yan .
  Opened the room door, I saw Cheng Yan Hu Jiajia facing the mirror Cafen, blocking
traces of the face, neck and also took a powder, or fingerprints clearly visible
bruising .
  Hu Jiajia seems she did not expect them to come back so soon, hand flick, missed
on some powder magazine on the table .
  See her embarrassed, Cheng Yan did not see it when, asked her: " This afternoon,
you ?? Where have fun playing it ."
  Hu Jiajia slightly calm, continue Cafen Concealer: " No where to go, and I'm in
a little Jin ? Pieces, what can you expect to play ."
  She said ambiguously .
  Qin Shi didn't know what to think of, but blushed and walked silently to the bed
to sit down .
  Cheng Yan didn't pay attention to it, but suddenly thought, where did Jiang Xu
go together? One by one, they are also young masters who are respected and favored.
The weather is hot and there are many snakes, insects, rodents and ants in the
mountains. What beautiful scenery in Liangshan is really worth them to go out for so
long ?
  Hu Jiajia heard to see her get in a word, pointing to her neck: " You look, Jin
less is not getting sick, so the thing to do a thing, and gave me a pinch, almost did
not even gas children I will share with him when I go back. "
  She go back, shining mirrors, stroked his hair, obsequiousness will occur blink
his eyes: " I am so beautiful, no shortage at home, I think, ah, Liang guy
downstairs, that's pretty good. "
  Cheng Yan then asked: " how not wrong? "
  " Good job. " Hu Jiajia seemed to blame why she didn't understand anything,
pulling her science, " Look, he looks very good, tall, handsome, and his nose is very
important. The key is, he Did you see it while writing, your fingers really grew ... "
  Cheng Yan to see her face coveted appearance, did not speak: "......"
  Qin Shi couldn't hear it anymore: " Miss Hu, why do you think of others like
this, how bad it is. "
  " Is there anything! " Hu Jiajia white at her, any connection with Cheng Yan said
in earnest, " he was this type of man, I have seen, too calm, too strong willpower,
I do not like this, those who love to talk The girl is soft and gentle, so he looks
different to you? "
  Cheng Yan thoughtfully: " is it? "
  " I 've seen a man more to go, it would be wrong? " Hu Jiajia to the bed, " do not
believe you try ah. "
  Cheng Yan turned off the lights and went to bed. The bed was not big. Both she
and Qin Shi were thin and slender .
  It was quiet at night, only the sound of Hu Jiajia turning over, she seemed a
little anxious .
  After a while, Cheng Yan heard Hu Jiajia's voice hesitantly: " Do you
know why Jin Shao lost his temper at me? "
  Cheng Yan's drowsiness fell apart and asked: " Why? "
  Hu Jiajia was silent for a while: " I think I know what they want to do, and you
have such a good relationship with them, don't know? "
  Cheng Yan's drowsiness was completely gone. She owed herself and looked over
there, only to faintly see her lying sideways: " How do you say? "
  Hu Jiajia seeing that she did not know, afraid to offend Jin Chi, irritability
pull up the quilt covered face: " . Sick of it, do not ask me, I'm sleepy ."
  After that, she seemed to have really fallen asleep, and no sound was heard .
  Cheng Yan thought about asking her slowly in the future , but did not expect
that this was the last sentence she said to her .
  Large about five o'clock, inn boss came back, she let Liang Chen cried all the
guests .
  Because as she came back, the first thing to look saw hanging in front of the
inn Hu Jiajia, her body was also splashed with blood, when she was rescued, people
have stiff body, not the atmosphere .
  When Cheng Yan and Qin Shi went downstairs, the others were already there. She
saw the corpse on the floor, covered with a white cloth. The person who was still
talking to her before laughing was lying there lifelessly. She won't blink her
charming eyes .
  Suddenly there was a chill in her heart .
  " Off the stack how will be dead? " A woman's voice coldly sounded unhappy .
  At the same time, the pace of Cheng Yan micro Dayton, unlocked a period of "inn
sly thing," the original story .
  This is how I described the first sight of the innkeeper and Bai Yueguang .
  [Cheng Yan downstairs time, they saw she wants to see the inn proprietress Cheng
love , she wore Luyao of leather and leather pants, wearing a round earring left
ear, like some cold, ferocious, but it is very Beautiful, similar to her appearance
only two or three points, those eyes with apathy and arrogance when looking at
people, but also do not have style. Cheng Yan's face did not change, but there was
an uncontrollable anger and hatred in her heart. Was she also the father's
daughter? How can my father ... 】
  [ Thinking about it this way, Cheng Yan suddenly noticed Cheng Qing ’s special
gaze when she looked at Liang Chen. She was familiar with this kind of look, because
many men also looked at her with such admiring and possessive eyes. There was a
sudden thought in her heart, and this thought gave her a feeling of excitement and
pleasure. She wanted to take Liang Chen over and humiliate her once. 】
  After reading, Cheng Yan: "..."
  So, is this why Bai Yueguang hooked up with Liang Chen ?
  Really die !
  The author has something to say: Cheng Yan and Cheng Qing are not sisters and
have no blood relationship .

The first 42 chapters off the stack of amnesia president (six )

  No one can solve for release of Hu Jiajia dead , how to look , she looked like
himself to run off the stack in front of hanged .
  Everyone knows that this is absolutely impossible .
  Off stack the dead is a very unlucky thing, boss temperament is not
good , directly under the expulsion cold voice, let them leave early tomorrow
morning .
  Dead people , he had also not in the mood to play , had to come up the mountain
to find the police investigation of the death Hu Jiajia , but also no one made
different recommendations .
  Cheng Yan did not want to leave the male host, but there was no reason to stay,
not to mention that she still had an intuition that they could not go down the
mountain smoothly .
  Cheng Yan and Qin poetry does not then go back to sleep , you go with him, Jiang
Xu 's room alone .
  Days before dawn finished nearly six time , he had set off to leave .
  It was Xu Yanping's car .
  Cheng Yan sitting in the second row , Jin Chi's side , his love thread seems to
be good , she on when the car suddenly looked at her sentence: " . Yan Yan, sit down
with me ."
  Cheng Yan not reject absolutely .
  " Last night, you have to listen to see what movement do? " Jin Chi side head
asked .
  Cheng Yan shook his head, turned around and glanced Qin poem: " You listen
to met you? "
  Qin poem was about to say something, feel the silent side over here sight
words , scalp tight, somehow, we lied: " No, I have heard nothing to see. "
  Its real she stumbled over the eye wide open and saw a figure from the door go
past, like Hu Jiajia back .
  Jin Chi no longer spoke, and the others were silent .
  Cheng Yan turned her head to look out the window. The mist in the morning was
very light and the light was dim. There was a row of trees beside the mountain road,
but an abrupt tree fell across the cliff .
  Who killed Hu Jiajia ?
  This question seems to have never been asked by several of them. Even if they are
indifferent, they won't even have basic curiosity .
  Thinking of how Hu Jiajia stopped talking last night , she had some speculation
in her heart .
  She thought things eye has been looking out the window, you see again met along
the banks of the tree, the tree off the edge of a cliff .
  Then there was the third, fifth, seventh ...
  Not only her, but others gradually realized something was wrong .
  " How long has this car been driving? " Cheng Yan asked .
  Qin poem hesitated: " Probably ...... Yige Xiao Shi? "
  Xu Jiang gentle face with the points dignified: " I am . They opened the road up
the mountain for half an hour ."
  Cheng Yan: " You who have not found, we have been beating about the bush? "
  Xu Yanping stopped the car violently : "The lying trough really is! "
  Qin Shi didn't know what to think of, and there was no blood on his face: " Will
it be that thing ... Still following us? "
  Yan frowned: " Keep on. "
  Xu Yanping actually listened to him and only muttered: " I don't care
if something goes wrong . "
  However, just a few steps away from the car, there was a sudden bang outside,
followed by the sound of rolling rocks .
  A few people turned their heads and almost scared their souls to fly, and the
stones rolled down the hillside one after another .
  Fortunately, Xu Yanping's eyes were fast, he braked, and went backwards .
  Rolling stones and dirt blocked the way .
  In the car, several people were silent .
  After a while, Cheng Yan said slowly: " I can't go now, shall we go back and
talk? "
  Okay .
  Xu Yanping had to drive the car and return the same way as if he had no choice
but to do so .
  Cheng Yan look at him, he did not quite obscure the love thread, the whole body
suppress an enjoyable atmosphere .
  Back off the stack when the positive Liang Chen and others at the table eating
breakfast and wife sitting beside him .
  Boss under cold face, looked at them: " off the stack temporarily for business,
you go. "
  Qin Shi panicked as soon as he heard it, and he was busy explaining the reasons
to the boss, not because they did not leave, but they really could not .
  The boss lady's smile is a little strange, it seems ironic: " Can't go? "
  Mo Yan took a few steps forward, look down depending on the boss, face flat, low
and slow voice, reveals a certain momentum to force people to: " madame non-rush
I have to go, even money is not earned, what is truth? "
  And his boss in the eye, suddenly sneer or two: " You ? Are also many, have to
live, I can not do anything, but do not they dead, or in the future who would dare to
come here ."
  It wasn't very pleasant, and they stayed in again .
  The cause of Hu Jiajia ’s death has not yet been clarified. Jin Chi dug a hole
in the outside and buried the person , saying that the body would rot in hot
weather and did not know when it would go down the mountain .
  He's too busy Cheng Yan who just more determined they have a problem .
  She still remembers her task, and she ca n’t be too clear about Liang Chen ’s
purpose, otherwise he will reject it and can only cultivate feelings with him
slowly .
  Eat over breakfast, she wanted to go to Liang Chen, thought he was in the
kitchen, you find him in the past .
  Went to the window households under, I heard there are some men with vicious
child's deep voice: " Do not want to escape! "
  It seems to be a silent voice .
  She glanced secretly into the window, and was taken aback. She silently pressed
the lady boss against the wall, pressed her leg, and pinched her wrist. The two
people's posture seemed ambiguous .
  The proprietress sneered, suddenly raised her neck and moved closer to him, her
expression softened, and it looked more like the original owner .
  " I won't leave, can you stand it? "
  Words silently darkened: " Try it. "
  " Sister, what are you looking at? "
  The child's immature voice suddenly sounded .
  Xiaoxiang looked at her beside her, and Cheng Yan was too late to cover her
mouth . She glanced at Yan Mo , and she turned around and walked away quickly .
  The lady boss stared at his expression and said sarcastically: " Don't you
chase ? "
  Mo Yan light voice said: " chased her to do. "
  Proprietress cold voice said: " really cruel and greedy beast. "
  Yan Mo lifted her chin, no tone: "Is this saying me? "
  " You are who is not? " Madame sneer, " do not imagine, I stay here one day you do
not get looking for, even if found, can not be obtained. "
  Mo Yan has heard like to see her, then suddenly laughed: " You are so to speak,
the way I'd want a return to the beast. "
  He pressed her and leaned over and kissed her .
  " Hmm ..." The lady boss couldn't break free, her eyes full of disgust .
  At night, others slept, Liang Chen came back to his own room between .
  Cheng Yan ran past knock on the door .
  Liang Chen is really the only labor force in the store. She was either called by
the boss lady to grow vegetables, or cooked in the kitchen, or chopped materials in
the yard .
  I had to go to him when the night was quiet .
  Liang Chen just showered, her hair still wet, naked, around the bar towel came
open door .
  Cheng Yan froze: " You, why don't you wear clothes? "
  Liang Chen low head and looked at her: " so late, you came to ask me that? "
  "..." Cheng Yan silently, " Can I go in and say? "
  Liang Chen hesitated, and then let go, just wanting to open the door, she saw
that she closed the door carefully .
  "... What are you doing? " He raised his eyebrows slightly .
  Cheng Yan turned to look at him, and looked away again: " You still put
on your clothes first. "
  Liang Chen went to find her clothes and put them on. She saw her back to him and
smiled: " Okay. "
  The room in Liang Chen is more rudimentary than the guest room , with only a bed
and no stools .
  Cheng Yan had to stand, said: " Do you believe in customer ? The stack ghosts
do ."
  Liang Chen: " you to do? "
  " Of course I don't think so. " Cheng Yan lowered his voice. " I think there is a
problem with my friend. Hu Jiajia may have found something, so he was ..."
  Suddenly, Liang Chen raised her hand to cover her lips. When she saw her eyes
widened, she lifted her chin to the outside and signaled her not to speak .
  Cheng Yan little head .
  He lowered his hand .
  Liang Chen lives in the first room on the second floor . If someone goes
downstairs, he will definitely pass through his doorway. Although the footsteps are
quiet at this time, they are very clear because of the quietness. Obviously there are
more than one person .
  After a while, a few people left .
  Liang Chen's eyes were dull: " You are right, your friend really has a problem. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him, the light under his eyelashes was clear and watery, and
the voice also had some begging taste, soft and tender: " So, can I ask you to be my
bodyguard? "
  Liang Chen Yi Zheng, quirky look at her eyes: " Paul ? Dart "
  Cheng Yan effort to convince him, delicate and charming face: " You see met, Hu
Jiajia Side Hao Cana, probably they did it, I am afraid, I will not know who is
next? "
  Liang Chen: " You are not a good relationship? "
  Cheng Yan: " That may be . "
  Her eyes fixed on him, her eyes were as if they could speak, which made her
soft .
  Liang Chen when she was only these strange things scared, not necessarily what is
really dangerous, just looking for a little sense of security, also promised
her: " Well, my answer should be your insurance dart, Miss Cheng Should you go back
to sleep too? "
  Cheng Yan exposed laugh Yan, Yan Mei touching: " ah, thank you, you really are a
good man. "
  Liang Chen: "..."
  This is the second time a good card has been issued, right ?
  Liang Chen from the room, to see Cheng Yan met with standing not far from the
boss, she was in a cold look at her .
  Cheng Yan smiled calmly and walked over to say hello calmly: "The lady boss is
not sleeping yet? "
  The proprietress: " He was rescued by me. Do you know how grateful he is, and I
would like to stay here as a handyman in order to repay me. "
  Cheng Yan's eyes turned slightly and she smiled: " I don't know this, but ...
does the boss know what I did with him in the room? "
  The boss's face was even worse: "I don't want to know. "
  Cheng Yan was relieved, and said with a smile : " Just right, I am embarrassed
to say. "
  " You ..." The lady boss moved, and the expression on her face grew colder .
  Cheng Yan suddenly asked the sentence: " You and Mo Yan familiar it? "
  The proprietress looked terrifying: " Who knows him well! "
  Cheng Yan laughed at, and the boss said was " good night " , and turned back to
the house .
  The proprietress stared at her back with a contemplative look , holding a piece
of rune paper in her hand, hesitating for a long time, she had closed the door .
  She sneer, read a sentence curse words, Fu Zhi And there was a fire, burning to
ashes .
  " Look how long you can be proud! "

The first 43 chapters off the stack of amnesia president (seven )

  The next few days , Cheng Yan have a name right and proper reason to shun close
to Liang Chen , a few companions did not empty tube, she seems too busy to find out
down the road, Qin poetry himself to stay frightened to learn she followed Liang
Chen .
  Liang Chen didn't mind either . He was doing his business as usual and was very
caring for them .
  Cold look at her boss , she did not look too when see , and Liang Chen go still
very close .
  After a little familiar , Cheng Yan found Liang Chen's family background may not
be generally good, although the lost memories, but temperament, conversation,
education has not changed, his body has a very stable feeling , seemed very calm,
but people and it is difficult to really get close to him , more like a non-
self- perception to the height of condescension in peace .
  He spoke very stable , work is very stable , the situation thread is also very
stable , very reassuring .
  And because of him so calm you, to him have fond feelings is not so easy .
  Cheng Yan is not in a hurry, but has some interest. He wants to test where his
bottom line is. How can he make his emotions rise and fall violently, love someone,
or hate someone ?
  That when Zhangping Jing face blazing infected with strong emotions , what
would look like ?
  She looks forward to it .
  Early in the morning, Cheng Yan got up very early. When he came
downstairs, there was only Liang Chen downstairs. He had just wiped the table and was
preparing to go back to the kitchen for breakfast .
  " What are you going to do? "
  The voice of the girl behind was a little curious, soft and sweet, and very
nice .
  Liang Chen have been surprised if she does not stick to him one day, he may
actually be surprised .
  " Dumplings. "
  He has been dumpling skin will roll out on the next to the chopping board, just
waiting for a good chop stuffing, wrap the pot .
  If the kitchen arts beauty and ugliness, good or bad according to the judge,
then, Liang Chen's cooking definitely be a stunning .
  Boom Boom Boom! Tapping -
  The knife in his hand was cut on the cutting board, and the ghost was almost
visible. When he pressed hard , he squeezed his lips slightly, his arms were long,
his muscles were tight, and there was a sense of vigorous and charming power .
  The kitchen is very hot, oozing sweat from his forehead, is sliding down along
the contour .
  Cheng Yan looked at him, low head from the bag and took out paper towels, wipe
hand to him, but the hand just met his profile, he suddenly grabbed her wrist .
  He glanced down at her, Tong Ren was very dark and a little heavy .
  That gaze is extremely penetrating .
  Cheng Yan a daze, eyes clear and soft, Minato near him, with some gentle
smile: " let go ah, I can help you wipe. "
  He didn't move .
  She broke free and lifted her head, her neck was white and slender, and her face
was elegant and quiet. She lifted her hands and gently wiped away his sweat .
  Then, looking up , she smiled at him: " Okay . "
  The girl was too beautiful and too close. Liang Chen's blood seemed to
instinctively flow faster, churning and agitated .
  He no longer see her, low head, put into the meat dish, silently took a deep
breath .
  When the dumplings were cooked , the boss and Xiaoxiang were already there .
  Liang Chen wanted to give dumplings to Mrs. Qiu who lived on the third floor, and
Cheng Yan was about to ask Qin Shi to eat, so he went up with him .
  When they reached the second floor corridor , the two were about to separate and
suddenly heard a strange sound .
  Tuk Tuk -
  Tuk Tuk -
  It came from the building .
  Liang Chen and Cheng Yan looked at each other, gave her a bowl of dumplings, and
ran upstairs .
  Cheng Yan was waiting in place .
  Before long, Cheng Yan thriller watching to see Liang Chen downstairs, he is not
a man, also leaning beside a rickets waist old woman, her head down, could not see
the face, sparse hair, pale, leaning on a hand A leading cane, the cane points on the
floor .
  Tuk Tuk -
  Seeing Cheng Yan's face change slightly, Liang Chen glanced at her: " This is
Mrs. Qiu. She wants to go downstairs for breakfast. You can give your friends
dumplings. "
  Before he finished, Mrs. Qiu glanced at her sideways, her eyes unspeakably
gloomy, and she went down with her cane .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  What about Mrs. Qiu's legs paralyzed ?
  This is not a go ...... very deft do ?
  " The chicken blood that day was ..."
  Liang Chen interrupted her: " This matter is not simple, don't worry, I'll
check. "
  Cheng Yan: " I can help too. "
  After finishing talking, she saw Liang Chen glance at her, silence for a moment,
and said, " You follow me. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Liang Chen also seemed to feel ambiguous, and then explained another
sentence: " Don't act alone, it's dangerous. "
  Cheng Yan eyes bright, well behaved sleep: " ah, I will follow you. "
  Liang Chen language choke, but can not tell what is not right, but to " ah " a
cry .
  Eat early dinner, Jin Chi they went away again, Cheng Yan is not like watching
them go down the road, more like what to look for .
  I wanted to observe Mrs. Qiu, but even she was not in the inn, even though her
legs and feet were not really paralyzed. In the end, where can she go ?
  Until the evening, she did not return, nor did the few rich second generations
return .
  But rather he were like together .
  Cheng Yan Liang Chen ran a house of room, see if he has any idea .
  Liang Chen was very careful and noticed that she had no place to sit when she
came back, so she made two chairs and moved a small table to the house .
  " This inn is strange, people are strange. " Cheng Yan seemed to have no
intention of mentioning it when he sat down. " Liang Chen, why don't you leave? Just
for the boss lady? "
  Liang Chen: " She saved me, I answer should do at least two months away. "
  Cheng Yan put his hands on the table, leaned closer to him, and asked with a
smile : " Just for this? "
  Liang Chen: " You to Why? "
  Cheng Yan go back, leaning against the chair: " I have to order but much, or you
see people beautiful wife, a personality, but also a savior, just like the people of
it? "
  She was just kidding, but Liang Chen was very serious, and even frowned: " Don't
make fun of this kind of thing, I don't like her. "
  Cheng Yan: " You do not like Huan her how she likes you, you want to do? "
  She finished speaking in one breath without even pausing .
  Liang Chen hesitated without hesitation: " Impossible. "
  The voice fell, there were several knocks on the door, and the woman's voice
rang: " Liang Chen, I have something to say to you . "
  Liang Chen stood up: " Wait a minute. "
  He walked over and opened the door, and he saw the lady boss standing in front of
the door in a nearly transparent black pajamas, with makeup on, darker, and a lip
color that was a little black and red, revealing a bit of unprovoked charm And
momentum .
  " Station What door do? " Madame tiptoe, ring around his shoulders, slow and
husky voice, " let me ah. "
  Thinking of what he said just now, he suddenly felt a little pain in his face,
and he pulled her arm down: " Boss, I still have something. "
  Proprietress has been bypassed him go, he can not be human to pull out, but Cheng
Yan also, the wife saw her, I am afraid will be very embarrassing .
  However, Liang Chen into the time, Cheng Yan did not see the place, and there was
no room to hide, he finally gaze was fixed on the bed, flat quilt covered, but some
micro-embossed shape .
  Liang Chen mood a word Nanjin .
  The proprietress's voice rang slowly: " Liang Chen, you have been with that Miss
Cheng these days, do you like her? "
  Liang Chen: "...... no. "
  Proprietress condensate depending on his eyes, and said: " That's a relief, I
saved you, you ? Should repay me, is not it ."
  She pulled the strap of her pajamas and it was obvious what to do .
  "... !!! "
  Liang Chen's expression is stiff. Does he look like a very casual man ?

The first 44 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (h )

  Almost wife opened the same pajamas when , Liang Chen grabbed a coat hood over
her shoulders .
  Proprietress upturned face to see him , posture state indifference and charming,
eyes showing no secret of seduction means .
  Liang Chen expressionless: "It's cold in the mountains. "
  The lady boss will take off her coat when she reaches out: " I'm not cold. "
  The coat slipped and the shoulders were half exposed .
  Liang Chen held her hand , and when she glanced at it with a smile , he withdrew
his hand: "It's better to pay attention. "
  " I'm really afraid I'll be cold , then , you Why do not you hold me? " She
was close to him , " You said you want to repay me. "
  Liang Chen: " A should you do for two months , I did not forget. "
  The boss lady ’s fingers gently touched his chest, and her voice was
slow: “ I ’m not talking about this. ”
  Liang Chen step back, leaned over, outline a kind of cold Daoke sharp: " I
can give only this. "
  The proprietress's coat fell to the ground , and her pajamas fell to the ground.
She turned to him and stared at his eyes: " Why don't you dare look at me? "
  Liang Chen frowned: " You don't have to test me , even if you are naked and
stand in front of me , it will be embarrassing only you. "
  The lady boss met his calm and calm eyes , with a strange expression, and suddenly
smiled: " Are you a good man? "
  Liang Chen said lightly : " I don't think I am. "
  His eyes did not have half of the desire, nor did she take advantage of her,
clear and calm .
  The lady boss picked up the pajamas on the ground and put them back on. When she
left, she said with a smile: " I am more and more interested in you. "
  After she left , Liang Chen closed the door, walked to the bed, and
said, " Aren't you hot? "
  Cheng Yan crawled out of the quilt and took a breath, seeing Liang Chen looking
at her with an unspeakable gaze .
  " Ms Cheng, laughing , then seen enough? "
  Cheng Yan: " I'm not afraid of misunderstanding. "
  " Then you should n't hide, let alone go to my bed. " He suddenly leaned
down, staring at her with black eyes, exquisite face without flaws, handsome facial
features, and an inexplicable sense of oppression .
  Cheng Yan breathed slightly : " Why? "
  Liang Chen's eyes went down, from her face to her chest and waist, still down .
  Her heart beat fast, how suddenly he became so ... frivolous ?
  Finally, Liang Chen said lightly: " You didn't take off your shoes. "
  Cheng Yan: "... Ah? "
  Liang Chen straightened his body and looked at her: " Even if I am not
as particular as a woman , I need to take off my shoes when I go to
bed . Remember? "
  Cheng Yan's expression is subtle: "... good, good? "
  " Miss Cheng, are you back? "
  Qin Shi sat on the bed, looking at her with some anxiety .
  Cheng Yan asked, " What happened? "
  Qin poetry hesitated: " Just ...... , rare Lord they came back, he come to you and
ask where you are, I said I do not know. " She next meal, and carefully asked, " Are
you in there Liang Chen Is it? "
  Cheng Yan gave a " huh " sound .
  Qin poem: " Yan little Lord seemed upset, he would not let me close Liang
Chen. "
  After listening to this, Cheng Yan sat down beside her bed: " You are not his
accessory, how can you listen to him? "
  Qin Shi ’s eyes were dull, his voice lowered , and he felt helpless: " I ca
n’t help it either. I ’m not in an ordinary relationship with him. Even if I do
n’t dare to listen to him, I think he ’s a little scary . "
  Cheng Yan: " Where is terrible? "
  Qin Shizhi supported Wuwu, and some blushed: " I ca n't tell clearly. When he
came just now, he seemed to have a bloody smell. Was he injured? I was very upset and
always felt that something bad would happen. "
  Cheng Yan turned off the light: " Don't worry, go to sleep. "
  The next day, Cheng Yan and Jiang Xu is he had the same table for breakfast, a
rare they actually did not go out, they have no such sit together for several days,
and even then did not say a few words .
  Xu Yanping's mood is very good, the smile never stops , the tone is also excited,
and even the buns should boast a true fragrance .
  Cheng Yan glanced at him and asked, "Is the way down the mountain found? "
  Xu Yanping was about to say something. It seemed to be pushed by someone, and he
changed his mouth again: " Not yet, but soon, Yanyan, don't worry. "
  Cheng Yan put down her chopsticks, her tone was surprised: " Not yet? The road
going up and down the mountain is the same. Isn't that road disappearing like
this? "
  Xu Yanping solution interpretation can not, turned around to see Xu Jiang .
  Xu Jiang face gentle Ya, smiling: " Yan Yan, you know this place is a little
weird, is where legends Wu family lived, in order to prevent outsiders to break into
their territory, would set a maze with witchcraft, people Going the wrong way. "
  Qin Shi heard hair in his heart and asked: " Jiang Shao, is this legend true? "
  Jin Chi laugh: " listen to him, Hu said, the lie to a child. "
  As he was saying, the lady boss came suddenly, her face was ugly, her eyes were
as cold as ice: " How about Mrs. Qiu? "
  Several people were silent, staring at her in silence , and said slowly: " Who
are you talking about? "
  The proprietress seemed very anxious, and she slapped it on the table with a
slap, terrifying Qin Shi even chopsticks .
  " You still pretend to me? Dare you say you haven't seen her yesterday? "
  Silence and calmness: "I haven't seen it. "
  Proprietress chest heaving, even white face also pan-red, sneered: " Good Good
Good you!!! We do not recognize you best expect she'll come back, if she come back, I
will not let you? ! ”
  Liang Chen accompanied the boss lady to go out to find someone, and asked Cheng
Yan to take care of Xiao Xiang, because recently the inn was not peaceful .
  Cheng Yan answer should be, and turned his head, saw Mo Yan also staring at her,
his eyes if the essence, people very uncomfortable .
  When Cheng Yan did not look to see, want to go to the counter pulled a small,
look at her homework .
  Qin Shi followed, whispering: " The chicken blood at the door of my room should
be splashed by Mrs. Qiu. She is also a strange person. Why did you pretend not to be
paralyzed? She ran out after a lot of age. The boss asked us What do people mean? "
  Xiao wanted to hear it , raised her head, and whispered, " Mrs. Qiu was fine all
the time. "
  Cheng Yan looked at her: " You didn't say that before . "
  Think small embarrassed smile: " because . I want to say that as a big sister,
ah ."
  As for the reason, when asked, she did not know .
  Cheng Yan kind of sense perception, the great-grandmother Qiu deliberately wanted
to scare them, as to the reasons behind the boss must be the most clear of that
person .
  So, what is Yan Mo's relationship with the boss? He previously had looked pretty
close like, but is not used to know .
  Liang Chen had n’t come back, and no one was cooking at noon. Everyone would
have a meal with instant noodles .
  After a few people back into the house room to play cards, or do not actually go
out .
  Cheng Yan guess measured, how much they are missing some relationship with Qiu
great-grandmother, or wife will not be so angry with conviction to dignitaries .
  Not , and she did not mind pondering this, her first task completion deadline is
coming up, unlock the back story was written, the original owners truly become the
main man in the white moon is these days, she must seize the time .
  Eat over dinner, Liang Chen has not come back, Cheng Yan on the door looked at,
had begun to rain outside .
  Others are still playing cards in the room, and Qin Shi is also together .
  Cheng Yan and Xiao Xiang stayed downstairs .
  As time went on, Xiao wanted to show an uneasy look: " Sister, will Brother
Liang find Mrs. Qiu? "
  Cheng Yan soft touch her soft hair: " will. "
  Liang Chen Qiu indeed found a great-grandmother, who had been dead, his clothes
were also stained with blood, she was stabbed several times, dead face very grim,
full of the flavor of hatred .
  The proprietress refused to let him hug her, clenched her teeth to hold Mrs. Qiu
step by step, step by step, came back, the rain hit her, as if she had just crawled
out of the water .
  She just entered the door .
  Even Xiaoxiang was frightened by her . Her face was as white as ghosts, her
eyes were cold and woody, and she went upstairs with a murderous momentum .
  " Sister! " Xiao wanted to stay for a moment, running up anxiously .
  Cheng Yan: " What's going on? "
  Liang Chen's hair was also wet, and the water drops slipped along the tall nose
bridge. He wiped his face and said, " Go up and see first. "
  They just on the floor, they want to hear in small yelling: " You !! They let go
of the bad guys Sister "
  When he walked to the door, Cheng Yan saw scattered runes. The lady boss was
being pressed against the table by someone's backhand .
  The person who pressed her was silent, and he had a strong force to start, and
she almost heard the click of the bone .
  " That's what the witch does? "
  Liang Chen also see saw him, he can not sit idly by, a up to pay a fight and say
silent .
  Xiao wanted to help the lady boss up and cried , " Sister, how are you doing ? "
  The proprietress's hand may have been broken, and some of them were hanging
unnaturally, but she said nothing and ignored others, but instead looked at Cheng Yan
with a hatred and pity-like look .
  Suddenly, she was raised a hand, even if the pain has been face slightly
changed .
  Cheng Yan positive feel strange, Xu Yanping Xu Jiang and suddenly she blocked in
the dust, warily boss .
  Boss suddenly strange smile, indifference, ridicule and satirical, hand resting
on the shoulders of small thinking: " Liang Chen, Qiu great-grandmother to help me
to my room between. "
  After that, Xiao Xiang helped her out .
  When Jing Yan was beside her, she smelled like incense, and the boss lady's cold
and meaningful eyes .
  Suddenly she felt uneasy in her heart .
  But also time to think, because for the words Henli shot silent and sinister, as
if people can not kill unopposed .
  Cheng Yan walked straight over and stood in the middle of the two. Yan Mo took
her punch in time, and the punch blew her hair .
  Cheng Yan didn't look at him, just looked at Liang Chen: " Don't fight, don't you
have something to do? "
  Liang Chen knew that she was giving him a siege, so she closed her hand and
picked up Mrs. Qiu's body and went out .
  Yan Mo stared at her: " Yan Yan, why help him? "
  " Do n't ask me first . " Cheng Yan glanced at a few people and said, " Isn't it
good to come over and play together? What the hell are you looking for? "
  As soon as Xu Yanping heard her serious question, she panicked, and
when she heard the last sentence, she looked stunned: " Yan Yan, how do you know? "
  Cheng Yan laughed: " You have to try to fool me do? "
  Jin Chi's voice was slightly cold: " This is not something you should manage. "
  Qin Shizhan stood side by side, afraid to say a word .
  Jiang Xu glanced at her, and seemed to be worried about something. He considered
his mouth and said: " Yan Yan, things will be over in a few days. You will
understand everything. "
  Seeing them refused to say anything, Cheng Yan did not ask anymore, and pulled
Qin Shi out .

The first 45 chapters off the stack of amnesia President (nine )

  That night , the boss downstairs set up a mourning hall , should be prepared on
this inn down the coffin, her great-grandmother would Qiu into the coffin, to put in
the lobby of the center , before the case lit incense, underground burning paper .
  Cheng Yan and Qin poetry back into the house when , downstairs looked , boss
knelt there , bowed head, motionless .
  Suddenly, she lifted her head, look to the Yan Cheng , a beautiful face, pale
color, a pair of eyeball also motionless , lips puppet-like hook the next .
  The kind of sense of feel , like suddenly between being general pinch the
heart , malicious overwhelming .
  Cheng Yan felt vomiting .
  When she returned to her room , Qin Shi didn't seem to feel that way. She
said: "The boss lady is also very pitiful. You said that she is young and
beautiful. What do she have to do in this haunted inn? "
  Cheng Yan sense of discomfort felt yet casual, do not want to open: " You ?
Say "
  Qin poem: " Shou protect something, or trapped cursed , Or progenitor pass the
inn could not bear off? "
  Cheng Yan wanted to laugh, but laugh: " Imagination is not Wrong "
  " I love to think about it . " Qin Shi smiled embarrassedly, suddenly noticed
her face, and said close, " Miss Cheng, are you looking bad, are you sick? "
  Cheng Yan: " I'm sleepy, you better shut the lights do? "
  Qin Shi pulled the lamp and went to bed .
  Cheng Yan closed her eyes and pressed her hand slowly to her mouth. The heart
seemed to be beating irregularly, and she felt uncontrolled .
  When Liang Chen heard the footsteps outside the door, he glanced at his watch,
just at one in the morning .
  There have been two murders these days .
  Liang Chen did not hesitate to get out of bed the head of an iron bar, opened the
door to go out .
  There was no one in the hallway. He walked down the stairs . His steps were very
light. There were no lights below, only the two white candles on the case were
burning .
  The candlelight was dim and dim .
  He looked to see a man kneeling before the coffin, iron hands tightened, moved
closer, he was not sure the opening: " ? Miss Cheng "
  It's the back of a girl, wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt with a flower head .
  She was very quiet, did not speak, did not even turn her head .
  Liang Chen Mei head Wei Zhou, stepped forward, not to catch her hand on the
shoulder, I saw her holding a fruit knife, is stiffly lifted .
  He turned aside and saw her face clearly : " Cheng Yan! What are you doing? "
  Cheng Yan did not answer, do not seem to listen to see him in words, pretty
pupil empty, the hands of the dagger pointed at the heart of a powerful and accurate
stab at .
  Liang Chen was too late to be surprised. She grabbed her right hand, her
appearance was weak, and her strength was strangely great. He was unprepared, and she
was freed from it .
  She didn't know how to run. As soon as she broke free, she repeated the
dangerous action of hurting herself. In a blink of an eye, the fruit knife was about
to pierce her heart .
  Liang Chen breathe a meal, hold her tightly from behind to live, not to tamper
with her, grab her hand fruit knife, the blade arm was also scratched, he did not go
to the tube, the fruit knife wins down on Throw away .
  He was relieved, but did not dare to relax, holding her low head in her ear
talking, gentle voice: " good girl, Do not move, right, so, really listen ."
  Quiet for three seconds .
  Cheng Yan scratched his wound with a paw , and his face was so blue with pain .
  Liang Chen took a deep breath, did not care about her , hugged people up, and
could not send her back to the room, so she went to her room .
  Back to the room between Liang Chen put her on the bed, her eyes turn to go .
  Liang Chen was laughed angrily: " Don't read it, the knife has been thrown. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him .
  " Don't scratch me, I have to take off your shoes first. " Liang Chen squatted
down, she still looked at him, even her eyes would not blink .
  He took off her shoes: " Can you understand me ? "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, she looked quiet and obedient .
  Liang Chen sighed: " It doesn't seem to understand. "
  Off the stack is already a lot of strange things, he was not sure if she was
coming to the inn was so .
  Only so after her awake again asked .
  " Lie down, sleep sleep. " She sat without moving, he pulled her to let lie .
  Cheng Yan struggled to get up, fluttering like a bird in the cage, Liang Chen
pressed her both hands: " Do you want me to take the rope? "
  Struggling, her clothes slid down, revealing some white snow on her chest, and a
little yellow paper, like it was stuck to her heart .
  Liang Chen hesitated for a moment, trying not to touch her, and took
out the paper .
Before   he could see clearly, there was a sudden scorching heat in his hand. He
let go of his hand, and the fu paper burned to dust for a moment, and fluttered to
the ground .
  Liang Chen felt familiar, right, the boss lady seemed to have a lot of such
runes .
  When Cheng Yan was sober , she saw Liang Chen holding her down, and she seemed
to be still distracted .
  She was stunned: "... how are you on my bed? "
  Liang Chen low head to look at her, her eyes bright with some doubts, it should
be awake .
Release the   man , he sat up and corrected her: "It 's you on my bed. "
  " Then why am I in your bed? " Cheng Yan rubbed her wrist, a little red, and a
little painful .
  Liang Chen glanced at her rubbing her hands and cleared her throat: " Don't
you remember? "
  Cheng Yan back memories with: " I sleep sleep, wake up ......" She look to
him, " to see to see you. "
  "..." she narrated as if he had taken her away .
  Liang Chen to explain to her a pass, she asked: " Have you ever too ? So "
  How Cheng Yanming white matter, she shook her head, looked at the ashes on the
ground: " may be that Zhang Fu Zhi "
  Liang Chen was silent for a while: "The boss lady gave you? "
  Cheng Yan lower head: " I do not know what it went to me. "
  When she seemed to be looking at the boss lady, something was wrong, was it that
time ?
  Liang Chen: " Do you have any enmity with anyone? "
  " I guess not. " Cheng Yan raised his head and looked at him, " in addition to the
boss, she might misunderstand our relationship, and love to hate, to kill me? "
  Liang Chen said another sentence: " Impossible. "
  After talking, both of them were silent .
  Cheng Yan laughed at, suddenly noticed blood on her clothes, she did not
suffer injury, ah, she would gaze was fixed Liang Chen's body .
  Liang Chen: " This time it's really impossible. Even if the lady boss likes me,
she won't kill people just for this. I have nothing to do with her. "
  Cheng Yan suddenly asked: " you be hurt? "
  Liang Chen did not think she stared at him because of this, vague: " . Not "
  Cheng Yan: " I hurt? "
  Liang Chen: " did not suffer injury. "
  Cheng Yan: " How do you hide your hands behind your back? "
  She pulled his hand over and looked down. He hurt his left arm, and the knife
drew a long, deep, bloody flesh .
  Seeing her not talking, Liang Chen said, "It's not serious. "
  " You wait for me. " She was about to get out of bed .
  Liang Chen stopped her: " I have medicine here, I was injured last month, and
there is still unused medicine. "
  Cheng Yan sat back: " I'll help you get medicine, don't refuse, I will be
guilty. "
  The syrup poured on a cotton swab, Cheng Yan took a cotton swab to smear him, the
action is very gentle, but also from time to time to ask: " ? It is not gonna hurt
you ."
  Liang Chen just shook her head. She gently blew his wound, the breath was soft, a
little bit numb, her eyelashes were very long, drooping, and the shadow that fell on
the white cheeks was beautiful .
  With good medicine, Cheng Yan began to wrap gauze .
  " You Why me so well? " She asked .
  Why .
  Is a very sensitive issue .
  " You hired me as a guarantee dart. " Liang Chen said, " I have promised to say
it is my duty to protect you? "
  The Ribbon quietly wrapped around and around, Cheng Yan looked at him and
said: " . So also too cold up "
  Liang Chen looked at her with deep eyes .
  Cheng Yan took scissors to cut off the extra gauze and wrapped it .
  " I think that should be the case. " She knelt halfway, her hands slowly hooked
to his neck, he stared at her, and she bowed her head and kissed him .
  She does not like kissing, blue astringent too impressive, like a budding flower,
people want to personally let her bloom in front .
  The night is too heavy, too quiet, the atmosphere is too good, and the girls in
front are also amazingly beautiful .
  It seems everything is just right .
  When the moment she kissed up, Liang Chen would feel feel my mind suddenly
severed under the strings Flanagan, but also like a sleepy heart of a beast
awakened .
  He couldn't think, he couldn't think about what to do, because he had obeyed his
heart, hugged her, and taught her how to be a strong passionate kiss from a man .
  He was wearing a tear her bud, supple soft and semi-dark hair spread out on the
silk sheets, her lips amidst glowing, elegant goodly face stained a little Chromic, a
pair of washed off like clear Eyes, gentle and hooked .
  When he wanted to hug her, but there was a sharp pain in his arm , his brain
suddenly sobered, looking at the girl in his arms, his first thought was fortunate,
he had not had time to make mistakes .
  Letting go of her, he put on the jacket he took off again .
  " I'm sorry. " His eyes fell on her, her neck neck hickey also keep his mind some
chaos .
  He did not like Huan detached control everything, including people .
  This feels bad .
  Cheng Yan looked at him, his eyes under his eyelashes were quiet: "At this time,
you say I'm sorry, it's humiliating me, as if I'm bad. "
  Something real on the contrary, he almost really fallen, her all the good that he
was addicted .
  Liang Chen always feels that he is bullying girls, his tone becomes lower: "It is
my reason, I cannot develop a relationship in this state. "
  Cheng Yan: " This state? "
  " I lost my memory, I do not know their past, maybe I already have a beloved
girlfriend. " Paused, he looked at her, hesitated, then said, " even to get
married. "
  Cheng Yan said in a word : " You say that I feel like a third party. "
  She Lile Li clothes, low- head wearing shoes to go .
  Seeing her angry, Liang Chen pulled her: " I don't mean that, I just don't want
to be so confused, so irresponsible, I am all to you, do you understand? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him: " no solution interpretation, I do not want to wait for
you to clearly understand that day. "
  Liang Chen and can only say one thing: " I'm sorry. "
  He worried that they have been hurt her .
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, opened the door, and left .
  Is he stupid, thinking so far, and getting married? Even her white moonlight
hasn't officially taken office yet .
  Cheng Yan calculated .
  He was pleased Huan her, she Keyiqueding, the next should be able to play back a
murderer ?

The first 46 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (X )

  From the room out after Liang Chen , Cheng Yan took a few steps , lift head, stood
still .
  Hallway, light dazed , Xu Yanping Xu Jiang either side and leaning against the
wall, came to see her , with turned around and looked at her , eyes dull
complex mixed .
  Cheng Yan was seen heart scared , he had moved, to go over, she could not help
but go back a little this retreat is even more shocked .
  Behind her actually there are people , she was a retreat, they rely on a broad
piping hot chest , the man homeopathy hand ring live her waist , voice low to
laugh: " Little Princess , ? Do bad things ."
  Her side head , see saw blurred light in Jin Chi faint smile face .
  " I ..."
  As soon as she uttered a word, she saw Jin Chi not far behind her, and her words
came out of the shadows. Her face was still pale, her expression was faint, and her
eyes were faint, but she seemed to touch her. Faintly angry .
  He passed by his side , the pace did not stop: " back to the room to say. "
  Say ... what ?
  Cheng Yan raised his head and said why several people all have a strange
expression .
  Xu Jiang eyes worried worries looked at her .
  Xu Yanping's expression was painful and her eyes were red, like anger and
angina .
  As for Jin Chi ... He met her gaze, raised his eyebrows meaningfully, and
whistled .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Room back room, some dignified atmosphere .
  Jiang Xu sat beside her and poured her a cup of hot water .
  Cheng Yan was holding a drinking glass, and several people did not speak. He
quietly smoked against the wall. Jin Chi was lying on the bed and playing with a
lighter. Xu Yanping was more emotional and walked around the room anxiously .
  She withdrew her eyes, lowered her eyes eyelid, small mouth and sipped water .
  The fact that she came out of Liang Chen's room in the middle of the night was
quite shocking, but they didn't want to talk to her in earnest about it .
  It's not her brother .
  Thinking about it, the table was snapped by someone. She choked on the water,
coughed, raised her head, and saw Xu Yanping holding the table with both hands,
leaning over and looking at her. Also deplored :
  " Yanyan, how can you do this? !!! "
  "......" The voice shook her ear hurt, Cheng Yan decided to explain, " I went to
Liang Chen room room because ......"
  Xu Yanping covered her lips: " I don't listen! I don't listen! I definitely don't
listen! "
  Cheng Yan stopped talking and looked at him with clear black eyes .
  Xu Yanping was worried that she was angry and withdrew her hand pretendingly.
She was a little weak, frowning at her, and mutteringly said, " This time it's your
fault. We are on a boat. How can you act without permission, Do you think it would be
useful to please Liang Chen? Even if he will let us go, the Liang family will not! Do
you understand? "
  He who is really understanding Liang Chen, right? No wonder that at the time it
was strange to see Liang Chen's expression silently .
  It's just that she still didn't understand .
  Cheng Yan dazed for a moment, a face, sincerely said: " the next time I do
not do that. "
  When she said this, Xu Yanping looked better and couldn't let her breath out.
Suddenly she didn't know what she thought of, and her expression looked like she
was going to die: " Yanyan, is he treating you ..."
  When he asked this question, other people's eyes also came to see, obviously also
very concerned about this .
  Cheng Yan somewhat embarrassed, fairly calm tone: " No, he may not like Huan me
this type. "
  Xu Yanping relieved, and sat down: " That's good. " He looked at her,
laughed, relaxed atmosphere, " its real Liangjia you need not be afraid, do not know
what you gotta dress like, Liang Chen I definitely think you are innocent, and even I
was almost cheated by you. "
What should   she know ?
  In the memory of the original owner , she used the name of tourism to see the
boss lady who suspected that her father was illegitimate. What else could she have ?
  Cheng Yan didn't think she didn't receive the complete original memory. They
should have misunderstood her, thinking that she came here for the same purpose as
them .
  Cheng Yan does not move the sensual " ah " a cry, and asked: " What do you ? How
they intend to do ."
  Xu Yanping hesitated and glanced at the words silently. He didn't seem to know
whether to say or not .
  Touches Xu Jiang smiled and said: " Yan Yan, specifically, I have not told you
is to Hello. " His eye color some deep, " so that if we had an accident, you can also
stay out of it when we You're fooled, you don't know anything. "
  Xu Yanping busy point head echoed: " Yes, Yan Yan, do not be
afraid, month round the night was over, we told you all, you do not get too close
and Liang Chen, and we killed him to silence is. "
  His tone is ordinary, just like killing a chicken .
  Cheng Yan silent for a moment, my heart has been some speculation had
asked: "...... ? Qiu how the great-grandmother died ."
  Jin Chi sat up with a smile, extinguished the light of the lighter: " I killed
it. "
  Cheng Yan was surprised, back head to see him, laugh at him, looked so handsome,
like when they laugh creepy, reveals a share Yin Zhi Henla means .
  " Any of this witch is really getting worse. " He Lengheng, " only to help an old
woman sent to is set up a little maze, we find the direction you? Idiots! "
  Others face all the same, even the look of gentle Xu Jiang also still with a
smile .
  It seems that killing is nothing .
  This house ...... are perverted it ?
  Cheng Yan Min Chun sip, tentatively asked: " What do you ? They found "
  Xu Yanping proudly " ah " a cry: " Of course, would be to seize the witch can open
the tomb . Door ," his eyes revealing a hint of crazy hot, " to the time we ......"
  Before he finished the words, he didn't know when he came over and held Xu
Yanping's shoulder. Xu Yanping was dissatisfied: " Why? "
  Yan Mo didn't look at him, looking at Cheng Yan, his eyes dark, a
little weird: " I'll take you back to your room. "
  Cheng Yan got up quickly: " I can ..."
  He ignored the words and walked out with long legs .
  Cheng Yan rolled his eyes silently .
  " Just send it here . "
  Cheng Yan politely alienated Xie again, reached for the door handle and planned
to enter the house .
  Suddenly a black shadow fell before her eyes, an arm crossed in front of her, and
touched the door. Her fingers were pale and slender. She stunned her silent eyes .
  Darkness, his eyes darker, but seem bright, reveals a risk insurance is intended
to taste
  Yan Mo trapped her at the door, slowly leaning closer to her, and the man's sense
of oppression followed .
  His lips almost kissed her .
  Cheng Yan looked at him and suddenly opened her mouth, her voice still soft and
sweet: " Do n't lean too close to me. " She smiled lightly, but her eyes were
cold, "I don't know how disgusting you are yourself ? "
  The silent movement froze, and his expression was a bit stiff .
  Original owners also do not like Huan Yan Mo, the Mo Yan is also aware of her
disgust, so it was not too close to her, she was so straightforward to express
disgust, then he should not even be knocked up .
  Cheng Yan didn't look at him, turned the door handle, and the door opened
slowly .
  She looked at him, going into the room, his words suddenly exploded like thunder,
low and assured: " its real ...... you do not know nothing, right? "
  Cheng Yan's heart beat a bit faster, paused for a moment, and looked back at
him: " What are you talking about? "
  Mo Yan eyes sharp and direct: " Do not you know I have a purpose, do not know the
Ka, but do not know what Liang Chen yes, right, right? "
  Cheng Yan smiled: " Why do you say I don't know? "
  Yan Mo: " If you are the daughter of the Cheng family, you certainly can't not
know. "
  Cheng Yan Min Chun sip, the tone of some cold: " You Hu what to say? "
  She was also a little nervous in her heart , she wouldn't be so refined, could
she see that she was not the original owner ?
  " You eleven -year-old went abroad, seventeen-year-old home, we have not seen
each other for six years. " Yan Mo's hand ask on her face, leaned her voice is very
light, " he had felt a great change you, But I know it ’s not because of this. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him: " What do you think it's because of? "
  Mo Yan won the Mouguang like the sea: " due to the age of eleven and seventeen of
you you ...... not the same you. "
  What is not the same ?
  Cheng Yan's head is a little messy. She doesn't remember things before 17 years
old, but she is vaguely aware that she is Cheng Yan .
  So ... is it quiet ?
  " Do not doubt my words. " Introduction silent as if seen through her mind, some
strange and different kind of burning eyes fell on her face, increasingly deep
voice, " because seen you for me, then you ...... have After many years of death. "

The first 47 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (XI )

  The silent words were too infiltrating , even if she knew she was
alive , she still had a nightmare all night .
  Therefore, Cheng Yan to get up when the hair is a mess, his face was
white , heavy black eye, looking faintly like .
  " Miss Cheng ..."
  " Why? " Cheng Yan's tone was a little bad .
  Qin poetry a face also some white , stammered: " Eat, eat breakfast meal. "
  Seeing her in a panic , Cheng Yan took a deep breath and pulled the collapsed
person back. He smiled softly and said, " Well, I know , you go down first. "
  Qin Shi's stunned " Oh " let out .
  After washing , she gave himself a sickly beauty of makeup , look see in the
mirror pale, delicate face , she satisfactorily out the door .
  Went to the stairs of the time , Liang Chen is holding several books and pens
out, saw her, he froze for a moment, will also face with a somewhat complex
hesitantly .
  " Cheng ..."
  Cheng Yan looked at him, and he rub shoulders and over, down the stairs .
  Liang Chen was stunned, and his heartbeat seemed to stop for a moment . The
fingers holding the pen tightened tightly and turned white .
  Downstairs coffin had been missing .
  Several people are eating breakfast around the table, breakfast is very simple,
porridge fritters .
  Cheng Yan sat down, a little surprised .
  Qin Shi saw it and approached her and whispered, " Early in the morning, the
lady boss asked Liang Chen to help, and carried the people out together and buried
them. "
  Cheng Yan glanced at Jin Chi, he didn't look a little guilty .
  Noting her gaze, Jin Chi wiped her lips with a tissue and pulled her lips. She
was very serious: "The little princess is full when she looks at me ? "
  Cheng Yan to clip a bun, just bite, they heard the words of the silent voice in
the ears, even his breathing hot air also scattered in her ear: " ? Did not sleep
well because ? For me ."
  He felt cold and sticky when he approached , Cheng Yan shivered, and the
chopsticks and buns fell together .
  Others are looking up .
  Cheng Yan bent down to pick up chopsticks, pull away and say silent, and my heart
suddenly a lot of bright, just before her, has a nice slender hand picked up the
chopsticks .
  She lifted head, saw Liang Chen, he has got a new pair of chopsticks and handed
her down at her eye, aquiline nose, fair complexion, facial features look cool and
deep, but look a little quiet .
  Cheng Yan ignored him and stood up .
  " Yanyan, don't you eat it? " Xu Yanping asked with concern .
  Cheng Yan smiled: " Well, I'm not very appetizing. "
  As soon as Liang Chen came, she lost her appetite, and several people looked at
Liang Chen with some sneering eyes .
  Liang Chen did not say anything, turned and went to the counter over there .
  Cheng Yan also puzzled release, she can not actually say the words
silent too disgusting it .
  Liang Chen in a high chair in front of the counter sit down and watch a small
think writing industry .
  Cheng Yan walked over, he was correcting a wrong question for her, very serious
and patient, and his tone was also soft .
  " Now, get it? "
  "...... understand. " Small think little head, sighed, saw Cheng Yan, eyes light
up, " sister, brother, do you find beam question it? "
  Her face " wants to study learning is driving away teachers " of hope
expression .
  Cheng Yan couldn't help smiling .
  Liang Chen looked at her, Tong Ren was dark, and his eyes were deep .
  Cheng Yan smiled away .
  Read moment, he will be filled with five color six-color candy boxes to push her,
smooth deep voice when opening: " ? Choose a "
  His attitude was natural and generous, and it was difficult to refuse. She
flipped through it and found a pink candy paper lollipop .
  Stripped sugar paper, did not eat, he suddenly had a hand outstretched sugar wins
in the past .
  " It's better not to eat this kind of inferior stuff. "
  Yan Mo stood behind her and threw the lollipop into the trash can with an
accurate and beautiful parabola .
  " You mess speak! " Small does not want high interest to Zhou Zhao
nose, " obviously you eat well, a dollar money one do. "
  Mo Yan pulled lower lips, ridicule satirical self-evident .
  Xiao Xiang looked at Liang Chen aggrievedly .
  Liang Chen without depending on his contemptuous attitude, took the little girl's
head down: " This question is finished, I checked. "
  Xiao Xiang murmured " Oh " and wrote homework obediently .
  Mo Yan Cheng Yan glanced at, and stripping a sweets with the entrance, with a
smile, but not gas: " You do not like . Huan something, does not mean I do not
like ."
  Is she protecting him by doing this ?
  Liang Chen looked at her pale and soft profile, her mood was a little
complicated, and she was a little bit moved. She seemed a little haggard. Did he go
too far last night ?
  Mo Yan seemed to carry her temper a little like, nothing, just a piece of green
jade took out in order jade red string tied around the high gloss .
  " What is this? "
  " Torment jade. " He bent down suddenly, the jade to her worn around the neck, to
see her back, also reached out to hug her slender waist, attached like between lovers
whisper into her ear, " Do not Move, otherwise I will kiss you. "
  I want to slap him .
  Cheng Yan was stiff all over, and his proximity made her disgusted and
uncomfortable. He put her on ancient jade and wanted to bow her head to kiss her
forehead, looking at the pale white lips that were getting closer, she Almost didn't
spit it out .
  At this time, the arm was pulled up suddenly, an amazing strength to pull her
over, she fell into a somewhat hard and wide arms, nose breath is fresh and the sun,
as if the moment Only those nausea feelings have been eliminated .
  " Friends of the distance between is not the case, right? "
  Liang Chen Shen voice steady and strong, she lifted her head, you can see the
slide when speaking of his Adam's apple, sexy resolute chin, holding still feel his
body temperature at the time of her heart, it is a bit strange hot .
  Her heartbeat was a little faster .
  Yan silently bent over and slowly stood up straight. After a while, he
said: " Who said we are only friends? "
  Cheng Yan distinct sense of feel to the force of the waist a bit too heavy, she
turned around and looked Liang Chen one .
  Liangchen Song opened her face not see what the situation thread .
  Silence didn't look at Liang Chen. As if no one else was there, he said softly to
her, " Don't take it off. "
  Cheng Yan touched the smooth and cool ancient jade and couldn't help
but say, " What if I don't listen to you? "
  " Wear it, how kind of witchcraft will no longer work for you, you better listen
to me, otherwise some malicious things will swoop. " Then he looked at her Behind
him, he smiled, but his tone was not half the temperature. " Are you right, boss? "
  ... the lady boss ?
  Cheng Yan also turned around, feeling a little startled. The lady boss didn't
know how long she had stood on the stairs. She was wearing a black knee-length dress
with shiny fragments on her chest and a cold expression. , As if the whole person was
in the shadow of the sun .
Why did the lady   boss kill her last night ? Did she find the wrong person if
she wanted to avenge Qiu ?
  She hadn't spoken to Yan Mo about this matter, but she had already known it .
  She was a little puzzled, the Department of system does not give her any
indication, she could only find their own answers .
  " Go out with me. " Going downstairs, the lady boss stood in front of Liang Chen .
  She did not wait for Liang Chen replied, as if he knew would be like with
self- Guzi to it and move forward .
  Cheng Yan looked at Liang Chen, a obediently waiting to see him go with the look,
such as indifference, but also like a threat quietly .
  Liang Chen felt that she was a little cute and wanted to laugh, but she couldn't
make it out of her laughter. Instead, her eyes still had some doubts that people
could not understand .
  He did not mean to upset her, get married last night saying that kind of thing is
not an excuse .
  Although he did n't remember anything, he instinctively resisted anyone walking
into his heart as if that position had been given to a very important and important
person .
  He may really have been there a very beloved lover, so he can not go like other
girls, even if he has been like a must erase this feeling .
Sooner or later   he will restore his memory .
  Cheng Yan Liang Chen does not know what to think, just a sense of feel to have
changed his attitude of, giving a feeling of alienation indifference, her
murderer ...... like ...... ineffective ?
  Why ?
  She could not help following his gaze, looking at the back of the lady boss, she
was standing at the door waiting for Liang Chen .
  Isn't it? Although she had long suspected that the proprietress might be the
female lead of this book, her attraction to the male lead should not work now. Her
role in the Bai Yueguang drama is not over yet .
  Liang Chen already through to the boss .
  Cheng Yan couldn't help but stop him: " Liang Chen-- "
  Liang Chen pace micro Dayton, but only micro Dayton ...... only .
  He said calmly to the lady boss, " Where are you going? "
  Wife are like inadvertently glanced at the cold Cheng Yan, seem
ridicule satirical, proud smile, said: " You follow me, and what do not . Ask "
  " I'm afraid this can't be done. " A deep male voice suddenly inserted .
  Before Cheng Yan was too happy to find out, this was not what Liang Chen said .
  When Yan Mo said this, he stepped up to the door and took the boss's hand .
  Cheng Yan: "... ???? "
  Yan Mo really has an abnormal relationship with the boss ?
  Last time I kissed secretly in the kitchen , and now I still hold my hands in a
fair and honest manner ?
  It's not surprising to think about it. The girlfriends who have spoken
silently can form a group, and it's okay for the boss lady to be a member of his
rookie list .
  The boss lady's face was pale, white and green, her voice showing fear and
anger: " What do you want to do? !!! "
  Yan Mo smiled: " I don't want to do anything, just want to invite you to come and
play cards together. "
  That side has shuffled the pack of Xu Yanping also warm greeting, a few people
are looking at here, one really waiting for the boss to play cards the way .
  " Come here, lady boss. "
  The lady boss said in silence, " What if I don't go? "
  Mo Yan did not speak, but it is the other side of Jin Chi lazily in his chair,
casually said: " I am very happy ? Huan little girl is your sister you, madame ."
  The boss's face changed .
  Liang Chen frown, will protect the boss in the dust, Chen Sheng said: " You .
Have more than enough people, she does not need to join "
  No one speaks .
  After a while, the proprietress stood up, walked over to the table, photographed
it on Qin Shi ’s shoulder, and said, " Can I get up ? "
  Qin Shi only felt a strange feeling across her heart. She didn't pay attention
and immediately stood up and said with a smile: " Well, it's okay, you sit. "
  Several people quickly got together at a table, and it was really playing cards .
  Cheng Yan thought about it , only thought that a few of them seemed to have
deliberately left the boss lady in order not to let her out of sight .
  It's just ... why ?
  Thinking, she does not Jingyi looked up and right on Liang Chen's eyes, he stood
in the doorway watching her eyes was revealed some emotion, she stunned the next,
what is not seen, he had turned away Body, went out .
  That look ... what does it look like ?
  Like hi Huan but not like, restrained at the same time ...... could not help but
nostalgia .
  " Yanyan, what are you laughing at? " Qin Shi's voice suddenly sounded .
  Cheng Yan back to God, said vaguely: " . Good weather "
  Qin poetry laughed: " is not it, I have not been out of it, it is better to walk
together in the vicinity of the inn, it will not be an accident. "
  Cheng Yan glanced that several people playing cards side, the house is also
boring, I thought I agreed .
  Qin Shi lowered his eyelids and had a weird smile on the corner of his lips .
  The author has something to say: there is someone who loves before the male host
loses memory, well, it is also the female host .

The first 48 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (twelve )

  Off the stack outside is a highway , across the road , you entered a forest,
cloud-capped tall trees, dense foliage that even sunlight can not quite come
through , a bit cold, damp fog .
  Qin poetry does not speak, keep our noses to go forward , as if
preoccupied look .
  Cheng Yan is a lot behind , and her heels are a bit high , making it difficult to
walk .
If   Qin Shi didn't urge her, she wouldn't think much, but Qin Shi still turned
back from time to time to urge her to hurry up .
  Qin poetry is gentle, and it is difficult to speak loudly . When will he be
impatient ?
  Cheng Yan stood still , his eyes fixed on the front back .
  " How can it? " Qin poem stop , back head to see her , delicate eyebrow head
wrinkled up .
  Cheng Yan did not speak .
  Qin Shi seemed to be aware of something , his attitude changed , and he returned
to his usual timid look. He looked at her nervously and asked, " Miss Cheng, what
are you looking at me for? "
  Cheng Yan squatted down, rubbed his ankle, sighed, and said with a
smile: "It's nothing , but the foot hurts, I want to go back first. "
  " No! " Qin Shi blurted out, almost trying to catch her .
  Cheng Yan was silent for a moment: " No? "
  Qin poetry gradually revealing look frightened, hesitated a moment, like a people
determined to tell her: " its real ...... I have come to . Take you down the
mountain ."
  Cheng Yan a stunned, stood up, looked at her: " ? You know down the road ."
  " Not just that. " Qin poem somber, Yi Zizi said, " I have been to know their
secret. "
  " Wait a minute. " Cheng Yan lifted his hand, expressed doubt ask, " how do
you know? "
  This time she also care about the minutiae of these issues, Qin poetry brow
wrinkled quickly, patience and said: " I was surprised to hear him . They talk ."
  This explanation is vague .
  Cheng Yan glanced at her: " Oh, you continue. "
  This reaction ...
  Qin poetry depressed sigh of relief , said: " You know, you ? Were five hundred
years is not standing down of a large family, but have had bad wing, you have thought
about you a few Why it can always prosper "
  Cheng Yan think the next: " due to too many possessions inherited loser defeat
endless. "
  It is true that she said so, the Cheng family has also been a prodigal, but it
is really undefeated. The next generation or the next generation of a business elite
can restore the decline .
  Qin poetry silent for a moment, unbearable to tell her: " because . To shelter
capital Leong "
  Is it the Liang family again ?
  She listened to Xu Yanping once before, and it seems to have a great connection
with Liang Chen .
  Cheng Yan didn't ask much , because Qin Shi had already voluntarily explained it
to her .
  The timeline of the story spanned to the Liang dynasty five hundred years ago. At
that time, the king of Liang advocated Xuanmen Taoism as a kind of magical thing. He
also invited the Taoist Taoist to enter the state as a state teacher. State affairs
such as Qiuyu, in fact, emulate Qin Shihuang's secret preparation of immortality .
  Fortunately than Qin Shihuang, Dao Chang really refined the elixir of eternal
life, but he only refined two of them and died from exhaustion and hematemesis. He
also told King Liang a special method of use .
  Liang Ke immortality is very precious, I do not know true and false, and simply
can not let people try drugs, so it will be sealed up liangwang .
  The witch clan in the secluded mountain forest learned this news, and sent the
strongest witch girl to destroy the elixir of eternal life, because the existence of
this immortality is against the heavens .
  Just things unpredictable, not only failed to destroy the witch immortality, but
also fell in love with the King of Liang, finally discredited in the face tribe,
himself died .
  Later, King Liang and the Wu people reached an agreement that they would not
destroy the Elixir and would not use the Elixir. They were sealed in the Emperor's
Tomb, and Liang was buried there after his death, and a metaphysics formation was
also set Ordinary people cannot enter Liangshan at all .
  Any witch witch by each family to guard the tomb door, King of Liang Yan also
ordered to help guard the tomb with two military attache Jin Jiang, Xu and two
civilian descendants .
  According to rumors, not only the immortality in the emperor's tomb, but also
countless gold and silver wealth .
  " This is their secret. " Qin Shi's tone was hateful and sarcastic .
  Cheng Yan feels like listening to mythological stories, but it seems that this is
the only way to explain the spiritual events happening these days .
  " Even if he had wanted to live forever, two immortality is not enough, right? "
  Qin poem sneer: " of course not enough, so they want more than just their own
immortality, wanted to develop a recipe for mass production. "
  Cheng Yan chucks, is the world not messed up yet ?
  As if to see what she was thinking, Qin poetry suddenly stepped forward and
grabbed her hand: " So, I am . They have to get down, to help find the Ka, which is
the tomb of their ancestors, they will not stay out ."
  She does not worry about like the last time that kind of get lost, it seems quite
clear how out of the maze .
  Cheng Yan was almost certain that she was not Qin Shi anymore, and she stepped
back subconsciously and withdrew her hand .
  Qin poetry gradually become expressionless, staring at her: " You stand he who
over there ? "
  " I do not stand on which side. " Cheng Yan looking calm, " but I would not want
to follow a man to kill me to come along. "
  Qin Shi stared at her coldly for a while, and no longer concealed his identity,
saying, " Isn't it unsuccessful ? "
  Cheng Yan smiled and said unclearly : " So, the lady boss doesn't want to kill
me now? "
  " Want to, but I will not kill you. " Qin poem's meaning in the eyes of
complexity, " you certainly do not know what my previous name is not me now
renamed. "
  " What? "
  " And as you like. "
  Cheng Yan startled in place, only to feel the chill as there are shares of these
four words floating spread .
  Her name is Cheng Yan ?
  Qin poetry but not enough, continued: " You to ??? Is that your parents do you
think your memory is really you think you really are Cheng Yan ," she
smiles, ridicule and pity, " No, you are wrong, the ones you have now ... all are
mine. "
  " Enough! " Cheng Yan pale, " you are spreading lies, I will not believe you. "
  " That's the reason I'm going to kill you, you stole my identity, made silent
know. " Qin poem tone somewhat harsh, " or you to him why kiss me? "
  " Do n't say it, I won't believe a word. " Cheng Yan turned and walked back .
  Qin poetry but pulled her tone firm and tough to say: " You will . Have to down
the mountain, I do not have much time ," she stared at her eyes, " Listen, just go
straight down along the road can be, Whether you look to see what are other tubes,
they were all a cover-up, after you down the mountain to call this number for help,
you know? "
  Cheng Yan looked crammed write a number of pieces of paper into his hand, looked
at the Qin Dynasty poem: " ? Why must I have to go ."
  " If you want to die just do not go! Do you know any way to open the entrance of
the tomb is that? Blood! Blood witch, not even a drop of the rest. " She smiled
coldly, " Yan Mo has been I do not know Real witch, what do you think he will do to
you? "
  Cheng Yan was a bit creepy and almost couldn't keep herself away. She just came
to do a task. Why should she face the risk of being bled ?
  She took a deep breath: " You mean ..."
  Qin Shi looked at her and said in a word: " Why do you think my technique is so
low? Because you are the real ..."
  She had n't finished her words, her expression suddenly changed, revealing a
daze of pain, and she lowered her head .
  Cheng Yan also looked over and took a breath. Her belly was pierced by a dagger.
The white sword light and the red blood were intertwined .
  With her slowly falling body, the slender and tall figure of the man came out,
his face pale and pale, the eyes under the lens were deep and weird, and the dagger
was pulled out neatly, and the warm blood splashed on her face On .
  Cheng Yan throat throat tighten: " You ...... kill her? "
  Yan Mo approached her: " She wants to tell your secret. "
  " I have no secrets! " Cheng Yan looked at him fixedly, " You killed Qin Shi, she
is your girlfriend! "
  Mo Yan smiled, the smile seemed to hear what words like kind of smile, he bent
over slightly, pulp wiped blood under her face, said: " . No one will know ."
  Cheng Yan coldly said: " I know that other people will know, you to! Impunity
for you? "
  Yan silently looked at her strangely, silent for a while, and
smiled: " I'm talking about ... your secret. "
  His eyes are kind of tender .
  Cheng Yan mind a bit weird sense of sleep, looked at him: " I have no secrets. "
  " She just did not have something wrong. " Yan Mo suddenly said, " You are the
real witch, your blood can ...... open the tomb door. "
  Cheng Yan looked stiff .
  Yan Mo hugged her by the shoulder and whispered: " I won't tell anyone , even
if I don't get the medicine, it doesn't matter, I have you enough. "
  He turned his head and kissed her eyebrows .
  Cheng Yan Anti be greatly pushed him, could not conceal his face is the disgust
and resist: " You do not always good from me so close! "
  The expression was silent, staring at her, and grabbed her wrist violently .
  Qin Shi's body was not cool enough, just at her feet, the murderer also looked at
her with a terrible expression .
  Cheng Yan 's heart beat faster: " You ... let me go! "
  Yan Mo: " You just hate me so much? "
  Cheng Yan could n't say anything that she didn't hate, so she kept silent .
  Yan Mo was still irritated, suddenly hugged her, pressed her against the tree,
and leaned in to kiss her .
  Cheng Yan was about to kick his foot, he found that he had been given flung open,
she turned away in shock, they saw Liang Chen left hand clutching his right arm
stood, arms still bleeding .
  It should have been the silence just now that he noticed that someone was
approaching and took the lead to scratch Liang Chen before being kicked by Liang
Chen .
  Cheng Yan hurried to his side: " Your hand ..."
  Liang Chen glanced at her: " I'm fine. "
  Yan Mo got up from the ground and looked at them coldly. Shen
Sheng said, " Yanyan, come here! "
  Seeing him look over, Cheng Yan pulled Liang Chen's clothes corner and hid behind
him .
  The silent expression is getting colder and colder, and the tone of voice is
fierce: " You will regret your choice! "
  He turned away without looking back .
  Cheng Yan came out from behind Liang Chen and couldn't help saying: " I won't
regret it. "
  She looked up and found that Liang Chen was looking at her, her eyes a bit
complicated and difficult to discern .
  " Your arm is still bleeding, I'll bandage you. "
  Liang Chen sat down against the tree and saw that she tore a piece of skirt to
wrap him up. The wound was not deep, but it was very long, and the blood was
blurred .
  Cheng Yan's tone was low: " Sorry, I hurt you again. "
  She bowed head, face guilt, beautiful eyelashes also slightly drooping forward,
amidst the looming end of the pupil of the eye, but some red eyes .
  Liang Chen do not like happy she pitiful expression, suddenly reaching the point
of her eyebrows .
  Cheng Yan lift head at him, surprised eyes .
  Liang Chen leaned closer to her and said, "When you laugh, you are
beautiful. "
  Cheng Yan a stunned, suddenly react, the more expressive, bright black eyes
looked at him: " Are you ? I think you pretty "
  When she looked at him , Liang Chen turned a little unnaturally and stood
up: " You stay here first , I will go back and see. "
  His subject turned blunt and he obviously didn't want to be involved with her .
  Cheng Yan look at him, some depression , nausea, said: " You ? Is not all just
heard ."
  Liang Chen " ah " a cry: " I am worried that the boss would risk insurance. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him: " I will go with you. "
  Liang Chen was about to say something, and she went on to add a sentence: " It
is also dangerous for me to stay here. "
  Liang Chen had to agree .

The first 49 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (xiii )

  They back off the stack time , others have been gone , the lobby is a mess,
tables and chairs overturned, like after a fierce fight .
  Cheng Yan had a bad hunch in her heart .
  The preface to prevent silent wife out the door , and she wanted to take the
opportunity to start her, even knowing that her blood could not open the door of the
tomb , he is still not going to put too proprietress .
  She suddenly remembered a very important issue , suddenly thrust turning to look
at Liang Chen: " May ? Round night a few days ."
  " A few days? " Liang Chen was a little surprised by this headless
question , looked at her, and said, " Tonight. "
  Cheng Yan micro expression changed, before Qin poem is mentioned when the
proprietress of control , the annual month round the night before hit the open door
of the tomb, if the boss really care of the household, then , she was a dead
any task it completely impossible Too .
  She didn't know if there was such a scene in the original plot , if any , it
must be the hero who went to the hero to save the beauty .
  She looked thoughtfully Liang Chen , was about to speak, but to see him suddenly
said: " Did you hear ? See what sounds "
  When he said this, Cheng Yan also noticed a low whine, and she looked in the
direction of the counter .
  The two walked over cautiously, bent down and saw the little girl curled up under
the counter, with tears on her face, and a pair of big horrified eyes , shaking all
over her body .
  Liang Chen took her out and put it in a chair, wiped her tears, her voice was low
and soft, and had the power to appease people: " Don't be afraid if you think about
it , it's all right. "
  Xiao wanted to stare blankly at him .
  Cheng Yan to give her take a cup of hot water, was about to gave her, the little
girl seemed suddenly woke up to God, it will be a wave knocked the cups, sharp voice
shouted: " ! Bad guys "
  Cheng Yan was startled .
  " No hot to you? " Liang Chen looked at her hand, eyebrow head rugulose .
  Cheng Yan had n't spoken yet, and a cry of earth-shaking suddenly started .
  Think small flutter into the arms of Liang Chen: " Liang brother, you quickly go
back to save the sister, she was taken away bad guys, but for to save me, Sister will
not be caught! "
  Liang Chen Chen Sheng asked: " He who go? "
  Xiao wanted to wipe her tears: "It 's the Emperor's Tomb, I know the way, the
eldest sister took me there. "
  Liang Chen didn't plan to take her with him. After asking the route clearly, he
looked at Cheng Yan and said, " You want to take a small trip down the mountain
first, be careful. "
  Cheng Yan wanted to go with him, but she might have become a burden when she
went. She didn't go to the mountain to find someone to help .
  And ... the hero and the hero should be blessed with luck, the villains are all
dead, and they will not die .
  So, she was not anti- split, saying only: " . You are "
  Xiao Xiang suddenly resisted and said: " No! I will not go with her! "
  Liang Chen stared at her: " little thought, listening to the words. "
  Xiao Xiang raised her neck: " I don't! "
  Cheng Yan bent over and looked at her tenderly: " Little thought, my sister is
not a bad guy. "
  Small thinking: " You and he are are together! "
  Cheng Yan thought for a while and said, " I'm abandoning the secrets now, um, do
you understand the meaning of this word? "
  Xiao Xiao seemed to understand something , and looked at Liang Chen
and said, " Are you with Brother Liang now? "
  Cheng Yan a daze, also saw a Liang Chen, his face a little embarrassed, she
laughed, bent facial features, said: " Yes ah, I am . They together ."
  Liang Chen's eyes were deep and she looked at her .
  Xiao Xiang didn't understand what she meant, and nodded: " Then I will go with
you. "
  Liang Chen touched her head, staring at Cheng Yan's soft and moving face, and his
voice was low: " Wait first, I have something for you. "
  Cheng Yan nodded his head .
  Liang Chen went upstairs, and soon came down, actually holding ... two guns ?
  Probably her surprise too obvious, can not help but think small opening: " Liang
brother rescued back . When the body is only the gun, I thought he was a bad
guy ," she suddenly suddenly have a strange idea, " might Liang brother is police Not
necessarily. "
  Liang Chen will be one of a few small gun to her, taught her how to use, and
said: " He who should now be in tombs there, you want to down the mountain as
quickly as possible with little, if someone guarding the mountain, you Find a place
to hide and wait for me to pick you up. "
  Cheng Yan said " OK " .
  Liang Chen looked at her silently for a while, and said, " Then ... I'm going
first. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him, eyes bright and clear, no cover decorated feelings for
him, suddenly tiptoe and hugged him close to his ear: " Be careful . Do not hurt,
I'll wait for you to come to me ."
  Liang Chen body stiffened, paused for a moment, before reaching to hold
her, " ah " a cry .
  After Liang Chen left, Cheng Yan also left the inn with Xiao Xiang, and also
carried a black bag with food, mobile phone, and water .
There should be a signal   under the mountain .
  She intends to try the phone that the boss lady gave her .
  However, as soon as he walked to the door of the inn, Cheng Yan saw Xu Yanping.
He was running towards this side with an anxious expression and gasping for breath .
  Cheng Yan froze for a moment, and ran reflexively on the road with a little
thought .
  " Yan Yan -" Xu Yanping in the back shouted, " What are you running ah, quick stop! "
  When Cheng Yan heard it, she ran faster .
  Xu Yanping gritted his teeth, breath does not stop to catch up, others high
leg length, strength is much better than girls, and pretty soon people will be to
catch up .
  Fearing that she would run again, he simply took her arm tightly and took a few
breaths, saying: "Do n't run, someone under the mountain guards, you can't walk
away. "
  Cheng Yan stared at him, as if to distinguish the truth from his words .
  Xu Yanping saw it and sighed: " Yanyan, I won't lie to you. " He gritted his
teeth and said angrily, "The boss lady is going to die, she must be so fucking crap,
she actually said that only you You can open the tomb door and say that you are
someone who has taken the elixir of death and resurrected! "
  Xiao wanted to run and kick his calf: " You are going to die! "
  " Yes, I'm dying. " Xu Yanping was too lazy to care about the little girl, and
then said in a depressed mood , " Jin Chi, they are all two fools, and they all
believed, they are crazy for the immortality medicine, Yan Yan, you must not go with
them. Who knows what they will do! "
  Cheng Yan was silent for a while and asked tentatively: " Do you believe it? "
  Xu Yanping " FML " a cry, said: " I certainly do not believe it! Now that I think
that what the elixir of life estimate is false, I felt at home those old man feudal
superstition no problem, they actually believed the words silent, depriving I also
believed that when I saw them killing, I felt something was wrong. "
  Here, his face a little anxious, took her arm and said: " Come with me, I know a
cave, he had certainly can not find where it came, you escaped the full moon just
fine, other times too The tomb door cannot be opened. "
  His eyes didn't seem to lie to her .
  Cheng Yan to the next, on the answer should be a .
The cave that   Xu Yanping said was indeed hidden. It was discovered by accident.
The entrance was covered with weeds that were half a person tall, and the cave was
not big .
  Xiao Xiang was a little afraid, holding her hand .
  Xu Yanping open the phone's light, a pair stone clean up the coat shop in the
above give them a ride, said: " You are hiding right here, do not come out ah,
tomorrow the sun came out on safety It ’s useless when they caught you then. "
  Cheng Yan listened to him and asked, " You still have to go back? "
  " Of course I have to go back. " With that said, Xu Yanping's expression was a bit
unnatural. He had come to this step. How could he really not believe in the existence
of immortal medicine, but he was a little afraid, afraid of the boss lady Is true .
  Cheng Yan looked at him: " You helped me, or don't go back. "
  Hear her implication, Xu Yanping heart some high -hing, his eyes also some
light: " Yan Yan, you're worried about me do? " Then, he was surprised to ask, " Are
you happy like my ah? "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Xu Yanping did not care she replied, smiling with a sun -like bright: " you
worry, I'm with him . But their brothers, even if they know, nor will it how I
like ."
  This is his wishful thinking .
  Cheng Yan What would like to say, but he patted the clothes had to stand up and
speak quickly and said: " Well, I have to go, in case he . They came looking for
would be finished ."
  As soon as he bent down, he pulled the weed out .
  " Sister ..." Xiao Xiang looked at her anxiously, " You said that Brother Liang
could save the elder sister? "
  How could the male host not save the female host ?
  Cheng Yan said with certainty : " Yes . "
  Xiao Xiang sighed incessantly: " But, I'm so worried, what the hell is my
sister's friend, why do you want to catch my big sister, why do you want to catch
your sister? "
  Cheng Yan whose real thought to understand there are still places .
  The identity she traversed was obviously Cheng Yan, a rich lady, and there were
no other identities in the memory she received . Why did each one say that she was
reborn from the dead .
  If she really eat too elixir of life, then her true identity, then what is ?
  She had a sense of feel, Liang Chen if recovered memories, will be able to answer
her questions about it .
  Turning his head to meet Xiao Xiaoxiang's puzzled eyes, Cheng Yan touched her
head and was about to say something, but suddenly heard a cold, ironic voice outside
the cave :
  " Aren't you looking for Yanyan , have you found it? "
  Cheng Yan's heart sank, it was Jin Chi's voice .
  " Is he! He captured sister! " Small suddenly want to stand up, no matter Gu
Zhaoyan washed out .
  Cheng Yan busy covered her mouth, pulled her back a while listening to outside of
the movement .
  Outside the cave, the sun was shining brightly. When Xu Yanping came out of the
cave, he walked a few steps and squinted. He saw Jin Chi and Jiang Xu coming over
from the woods .
  Jin Chi spoke first .
  Xu Yanping sighed: " Not found. "
  Jin Chi rubbed his lips: " Oh, I didn't find it. "
  Jin Chi walked over and stood in front of him, black eyes staring at him .
  Xu Yanping still said: " Yeah, I don't know where Yanyan went. "
  Jin Chi expression turned fierce, suddenly grabbed his shoulder, brought to his
knees on top of his stomach: " you when I tell you ?? Like a sucker do ah Xu, Yan,
Ping! "
  Jiang Xu frowned, trying to step forward, but stopped again .
  Xu Yanping stooped in pain, his face pale, and he slowed down after a while, but
there was a momentary blankness in his brain. He stood up and covered his abdomen,
staring at Jin Chi: " I said, I don't know, I don't know, you want Look, won't you
go find it yourself? "
  Jiang Xu's expression was a bit strange .
  Jin Chi laughed directly: " Do you still need to find it? "
  Xu Yanping's expression stiffened .
  Jin Chi patted his face and said slowly: "The silence was right, you will only
turn around the woman, no big deal. "
  Xu Yanping suddenly pushed him, tugging at his clothes chest: " You ? Were
following me ."
  Jin Chi his finger a root Bankai, serious and meticulous finishing down his
shirt, said coldly: " things ! Real proof, I followed you are very wise decision ."
  He glanced contemptuously at Xu Yanping, bypassing him and taking a step in the
direction of the cave .
  " You walk one step, I opened the gun up. " Voice reveals a solitary note throw
resolute and trembling .
  Xu Yanping held a gun in his right hand , and the black muzzle pointed directly
at Jin Chi, and his fingers were trembling slightly .
  Jiang Xu couldn't stand it any longer and couldn't help saying: " Yan Ping, put
down the gun, everyone is still a brother. "
  " Do n't come over here! " This word was screamed at Jiang Xu, but his eyes were
staring at Jin Chi, " You leave here now! Get out! "
  Jin Chi stared at him for a moment, suddenly smiled, laughing, while also
approached Xu Yanping: " I do not go, you just opened . Gun ah ," he tone
increase, " the opening shot dead I ah you dare! Is it? "
  Xu Yanping was short of breath and his chest was violently up and down: " If you
don't leave , I will! "
  Jin Chi applauded gently: " You are afraid of me. " He raised his
eyebrows lightly , " However, how can I leave? You said we played with Yanyan
often, and I didn't find her. The secret? Of course I have to study it now, right? "
  His understatement was irritating .
  Xu Yanping teeth cut teeth: " You do not say you like Yan Yan, and if you like
her, you should protect her and I together! "
  Jin Chi surprised a moment, his eyes looked strange, suddenly laughed
aloud: " how could you ? Such people do ," he face some cold, " I am happy joy she
was right, but she had to see Have you glanced at me? "
  " Then you can't ..."
  " What can't it? " Jin Chi sneered. " If you can live forever, you can have
countless glory, are you still worried that there will be no women you like? "
  Xu Yanping looked at him, looked Xu Jiang: " You ? Who are thought so ."
  Jiang Xu avoided his gaze .
  Jin Chi laugh loudly, holding his gun on his forehead, eyes will be determined at
him, Chen Sheng said: " Brother or a woman, you choose if you vote for her! -" He
shook tight muzzle , Yi Zizi said, " it would open shot dead I ah. "
  " Jin Chi you ..." Jiang Xu wanted to step forward to stop .
  Jin Chi did not care for him, just staring Xu Yanping faint smile: " I counted
three times, if you do not open the gun, then I'll do a good job when you choose. "
  Xu Yanping's pupils contracted sharply .
  " One! "
  " Do n't push me! "
  " Two! "
  Xu Yanping throat throat constricted: " I would really open the gun! "
  Jin Chi squinted gently, his thin lips spit out the last number: " Three! "
  Xu Yanping sweated down, the whole person froze, his hands couldn't move at
all , his temple was about to burst, he wanted to say nothing, but he couldn't say a
word .
  Say it, he can .
  Jin Chi patted his shoulder with satisfaction and turned to walk towards the
cave .
  Step by step, step by step, step by step .
  Xu Yanping was like a string falling and tightening. When he stood at the gate of
the cave, the violent and uncontrollable emotion in his body reached its zenith .
  " I love her— "
  His voice sounded abruptly .
  Jin Chi stepped and turned to look at him .
  Xu Yanping licked dry astringent lips: " So ...... I'll kill you, I will! "
  He held the gun with both hands as if to give himself strength .
  " Oh, you open the gun ah. " Jin Chi nothing to fear like smile, thin lips very
gently spit out the word of contempt, " counsels force! "
  Xu Yanping's eyes gradually changed .
  Hearing this, Cheng Yan couldn't bear it .
  Xu Yanping he might hear nothing, Jin Chi every word he were in shock, as if not
at all worried that he would open the gun .
  Is he certain that Xu Yanping will not shoot ?
  It should not be .
  Unless ...
  Thinking of a certain possibility, Cheng Yan's complexion changed slightly, and
gave the carrying bag a small thought: " You are obedient here, you are not allowed
to come out, you know? "
  Her expression was too serious .
  Xiaoxiang nodded stunnedly .
  Cheng Yan from the cave drilled out of time, could stop, they saw Xu Yanping had
pulled the trigger, opened fire .
  Sure enough, nothing happened .
  This is a bulletless ... empty gun .
  Xu Yanping face instant between pale .
  In the next moment, Jin Chi pulled out the gun around his waist, lifted it, and
fired it. A series of actions were too fast for people to respond, as if he had done
so ten million times .
  " Be careful-- "
  Cheng Yan shouted .
  Xu Yanping look saw her, but stood blankly, no escape, a bullet with a powerful
impact through his chest .
  " Yan Ping! " Jiang Xu's complexion changed so much that he could no longer sit
back and ignore it, and stepped forward to catch Xu Yanping's fallen body .
  Jin Chi still laughing: " Yan Mo had expected you will betray me who it is, you
removed the bullet would have been him. " He regretfully sighed, " you never check
it? "
  Xu Yanping looked at him, and there was powerless hatred in his eyes .
  Jin Chi withdrew his eyes, turned around, looked at Cheng
Yan, smiled casually , and said hello: " Yo, little princess. "
  Cheng Yan stared at him without expression: " Keep off! "
  Jin Chi smiled unconsciously and stood aside .
  Cheng Yan looked at him, and walked quickly away lost Xu Yanping side, his chest
had been stained with blood, his face was not a trace of white color, lip also lost
color, flavor also gradually weak .
  He looked at her hand moved, seems to want to lift .
  Cheng Yan took his hand .
  " Yan Yan ..." His lips moved slightly and his voice was almost inaudible .
  " What? " Cheng Yan bent down to listen to his voice, and the weak voice passed
into her ears .
  He asked: " You happy joy I do? "
  Cheng Yan a daze, his eyes focused and looking forward to, she was silent ,
suddenly smiled and said: " Hi . Huan, really like, so you must be better than
them ."
  Xu Yanping's eyes lit up, but gradually dimmed, he wanted to laugh, but he seemed
to have no strength to laugh .
  " I'm sorry, Yanyan, I ..." He said, suddenly his breath became short and
panting, "It hurts. "
  Cheng Yan holding tight to his hand, but still can not hold his body rapid loss
of life .
  After Xu Yanping took a few breaths, he closed his eyes and never opened them
again .
  Cheng Yan froze .

The first 50 chapters off the stack of amnesia, president of (xiv )

  Jin Chi directly with the people wanted to go , but Cheng Yan insisted Xu
Yanping back to the inn placement , it even Xu Jiang also helped her speak, he will
laugh loudly regardless of them .
  Jiang Xu carried Xu Yanping silently all the way, and Cheng Yan followed
silently .
  Until into the inn , on the floor, open room room , quietly put the man on the
bed , Xu Jiang was turned , Jiuqi Jin Chi's neck, right fist, the veins stood out to
beat his face .
  The action was done in one go , as if the long-pressed emotion finally broke
out .
  Jin Chi unprepared, is Zheyi played back a few steps , fell heavily into the
chair at the table where , half- side face of the wood , vaguely pain , the temple
also hop hop .
  After a few seconds of silence, he slowly raised his head and stared at Jiang Xu.
The fierceness in his eyes seemed to be an illusion. When he looked closely, only the
young man's indifference was careless. The tip of his tongue reached the top of his
jaw . Bending his lips, he smiled .
  Nothing is more irritating than this .
  Cheng Yan felt a bit uncomfortable. He glanced at Jiang Xu. Jiang Xu's expression
was also angry at first , but he didn't continue to do it. Instead, he was in a
trance, and then a complex look like shame appeared on his face .
  She thought about it, and she understood that Jin Chi's smile was very ironic, as
if to say that you were not watching people die. Now that everyone is dead, what are
you good at ?
  See, Xu Jiang's heart feel good, Cheng Yan look back, did not say anything, he is
not really a good thing, while doing the bad things, while still behave yourself more
like a conscience, a pious It seems that if he has a conscience, he will not be on
Jin Chi's side now .
  Cheng Yan looked at the chair of Jin Chi: " You have to go out! "
  Jin Chi did not respond .
  Cheng Yan sneered: " You never worry that I can run away? "
  Jin Chi stared at her for a few seconds, stood up, and his lips smirked: " OK, I
have to treat you better, isn't it? " There was a sense of regret in his
tone. " After all, it means There may be no such opportunities in the future. "
  He was the first to go out, Xu Jiang hesitate to look at her eyes, think of what
to say, looking at her like cold, unable to speak a word, and went out .
  Cheng Yan went to bed edge, emotionally complex looked Xu Yanping did not have
the bloody face .
  Are the people in the book really alive ?
  Is the world in the book real ?
  If yes, did she kill others in vain for her task ?
  She wanted to restore her health before putting it into a book to do tasks, but
she didn't want to do anything about it .
  She wondered if she was right to do so .
  Police felt shaken to the host system can not continue to stand idly by: [ host
any task once started, can only fails to exit. ]
  Cheng Yan also thought to quit, but love thread and some negative: [ You should
have a way to get him back to life, right? ]
  System integration cold comfort: [ host through the books are already open
extradimensional world, each person's fate have been arranged author and host of his
death does not matter, no matter how you do, he is going to die Once the world of
different dimensions is closed, they are just characters on paper. They actually do
not exist. The host should not have feelings for any characters. ]
  Cheng Yan some understand, Xu Yanping and her kind are cannon fodder supporting
role, is a stepping stone to the feelings of men and women of the main road, Xu
Yanping even die to save her, maybe just give him arrange the fate of it .
  Like being invisible hand operated vertical puppet .
  Sadly, he didn't even realize that he was pushed by that hand towards the
established ending .
  Cheng Yan feels that the author of this story must not have imagined that this
book will form a different-dimensional world, so how terrible must the person who has
the ability to create the world stand behind the world ?
  It shouldn't be human anymore ?
  Creator ?
  Isn't it the legendary god ?
  Her thinking dimension more run more partial, the system seems to have some cold
voice discontent: [ host, do not casually hides test, do your job. ]
  Oh, it seems that it is no longer human .
  Cheng Yan thoughtfully asked: [ Since the author has been everything arranged,
and the world, my task why it failed? Why didn't the male and female host fall in
love with each other? ]
  Department of system: [ because as soon generate extradimensional world, the
book's characters were all alive, some people's self-awareness gradually increased,
will be out of control of the will, which is why you find reasons to keep the
plot. ]
  Said to maintain the plot, but in fact it is just to maintain the ending of the
male and female owners together .
  No, it is not necessarily that the man and the woman are together .
  Thinking of the remedy task of the last world , Cheng Yan suddenly felt a little
bit interesting. What the system really wanted was actually ... sweetness ?
  The more vivid name than sweetness should be ... love ?
  Or Xu said more aware of the disclosed system this time wisely fell silent .
  Cheng Yan was even more curious .
  That behind the operation who ordinate all these people in the end is? What is
the ultimate meaning of doing tasks ?
  After staying in the room for a while, Jin Chi knocked on the door and told her
to go. She didn't want to run either, so she followed them and left the inn .
Both   Jiang Xu and Jin Chi are here. It should be easier for the male lead to
save the boss lady . After all, there is only one person left in the tomb .
  Cheng Yan deliberately delayed the time and walked slowly. Jin Chi was vaguely
impatient and said nothing .
  She guessed measure, the tomb is opened at the time of the full moon, now
groaning also not black, Jin Chi was so connivance of her, according to his words,
now her better, anyway, did not machine will be up .
  Road tombs where the line is very subtle, also set up the kind of encounter that
day down ghost hit the wall, even if she followed Jin Chi to go again, can no longer
rely solely on her own again successfully go this route, no wonder the word They were
turning around outside these days, probably also groping for a route .
  When it came to the entrance of the Emperor's Tomb , it was almost dark, and the
mausoleum revealed a somewhat solemn and strange quietness. She followed Jin Chi into
it, wondering if it was a psychological effect. She felt that her heart seemed a bit
strange, like being What pulls in general .
  She frowned and pressed the position of her chest strangely .
  The cemetery even planted a lot of flowers, in a variety of poses, fragrant and
fragrant, not messy, nor wildflowers, just like someone has taken care of them for a
long time, but also very well .
  From these flowers, you can reveal the owner's elegant and indifferent taste .
  But ... this is a cemetery one hundred years ago. The owner of the tomb is an
emperor. Where do the living people take care of them ?
  Cheng Yan didn't think that the boss lady would be such a leisurely person, so
she couldn't help thinking .
  " These flowers ......" She could not open, because for the Jin Jiang Xu Chi and is
too calm, and know what perhaps is not necessarily .
  Who knew Jiang Xu looked at her in surprise: " What flower? "
  Cheng Yan body stiff stiff: "...... you did not see , see? "
  It was definitely not an illusion. She saw those flowers smile at her. She rubbed
her eyes and looked closely. It was wrong to say that they were still flower
gestures, but they just gave people a smile .
  Seeing Cheng Yan fall behind, Jin Chi was impatient and pulled her forward .
  Cheng Yan had to be said, then swallowed, but my mind was some hairy, not to the
door of the tomb it this way, if I entered the tomb inside, who knows what they find
is the elixir of life or else species ?
  Tomb door in the depths of the cemetery, the day was dark down, the moon has not
come out, only a few lone stars sparsely hung in the sky .
  " Returned? " The voice came from the darkness .
  Cheng Yan turned his head and looked at it quietly, leaning against a tree, his
face blurred in the dim light, but the pair of eyes staring at her were frightening,
like a cruel and cruel hunter staring at a weak and weak prey. , Indifferent and
playful .
  Jin Chi " ah " a cry, and be back at his words, hand pointed: " This in turn how
is it? "
  Cheng Yan along the direction of his finger and saw breath to choke in the
throat .
  The boss was tied up against the pool's walls, beside her turned out to be the
same kind of impossible to get trapped Liang Chen, Liang Chen eyes closed, as if into
a coma .
  The male is not the aura is too large batch of cattle open it? Why are they
thrown here by the villains in disarray ?
  Cheng Yan rubbed her eyebrows and vaguely guessed the routine of "The Inn Trick".
The reason why Bai Yueguang became Bai Yueguang was probably that she died in order
to save the male master. The force of the sorrowful male master increased greatly and
destroyed the villain. , And went down the mountain with the surviving hostess, the
two of them had a long life, and reached a sweet ending .
  When she was distracted, she had already made it clear in two words. Liang Chen
attacked him and rescued the proprietress. The proprietress refused to leave.
Instead, Liang Chen was arrested together .
  Jin Chi raised his eyebrows: " She won't go? "
  Yan Mo smiled: " She is leaving, I will kill the little girl. "
  Heard here, Cheng Yan could not help but coldly said: " Small not think you have
hands. "
  Mo Yan nodded his head and smiled: " Yes, so this is just ...... she is. "
  Boss knew he was playing, anger got the idea head, glanced Liang Chen turned to
the side of his face and one white, teeth, said: " You ! Who must die a natural
death ."
  As soon as he had finished speaking, Jin Chi had a slap in the face. Looking at
the boss ’s swollen side, he squeezed his wrist and said, " Why do I have to force
me to do it? "
  Boss character is also stubborn, but was hit yelled even worse: " birds !! Beast
scum ."
  Jin Chi's eyes narrowed dangerously, with a sense of hostility .
  Xu Jiang lift head and looked at the night sky, suddenly whispered: " . The moon
came out ."
  He sounded like a relief for the boss, but actually pushed her into a more
dangerous situation .
  Yan Cheng Xu Jiang looked at his own greed hide very well, in fact, even more
than words silent tomb eager to get something .
  Of the few people, only he kept watching the night sky .
  Jin Chi lifted up the proprietress like a chicken and stood by the pool .
  Cheng Yan stood closer and saw the rose flower in the pool. To be precise, it
was a rose bud. The rose in the pool grew in the water. The branches and leaves were
green and the flower bud was pure white. It was not water at all, but bright red
blood, which filled the pool .
  Blood pool and rose, red and white are intertwined, strange and distinct .
  After the blood pool head is a gravestone, just above the bare, not even a word,
added a bit mysterious strange atmosphere .
  Cheng Yan vaguely felt something behind the tomb door, pulling her heart, like a
red thread connecting the two together .

The first 51 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (xv )

  No one tied Cheng Yan , so Cheng Yan moved closer , and even when standing beside
the boss , Jin Chi turned to see her, and raised her eyebrows gently .
  Cheng Yan frown: " you what they want to do? "
  Mo Yan walked over , his hand still holding the knife, pale face expression
Guadan: " do should be done now. "
  With his voice down , he had been caught proprietress of the wrist , neatly
scratched her wrist , with time pressing her hand into the blood pool .
  Anti wife had just should come over like, change the complexion, eyes sharp as a
needle-like look to Cheng Yan: " Why do this to me I am not a witch, I'm not!! "
  Mo Yan did not speak , pressing her hand did not put, a kind of no move to co-
operate in cold blood .
  Jin Chi looked aside , his eyes full of grin .
  Strange scene occurred , blood pool seemed to have life-like , swallowing
blood , wave pattern with shock, even rose bud also quivering, white buds faint red
light flashed Jisi .
Something flashed in   Cheng Yan's mind, his eyes fixed on Rose, who lived not the
Blood Pool, but Rose !
  It's like a vampire -like greed eagerly swallowing a lot of blood .
  The thick bloody smell spread .
  The boss lady's face was getting paler and her struggling strength was weaker .
If you go on like this, the blood will definitely be sucked away .
  Cheng Yan couldn't help but glanced at Liang Chen. He was still falling asleep by
the sink, unaware that his mistress would be killed .
  Although she felt that the male host should not be so weak, the facts speak
louder than words, and she can't watch the female host hang like that .
  Cheng Yan didn't know what the plot of the original book was like, but she was
sure that she wouldn't try to force it, and the mission of this world would fail
again .
  She sighed in her heart and put the gun that Liang Chen gave her into use,
resisting the silent head and saying, " Let her go- "
  Mo Yan and Jin Chi have her as the eldest of the weak flourishing, she also no
psychological preparedness , even bundles are too lazy to bundle her, so when she
was a gun against his head when Mo Yan, both of them looked over , With the same
surprise in his eyes .
  Mo Yan carrying due to excessive bleeding and unconscious wife shook, look not
panic, sort of tone means unknown: " You say she? "
  He is not afraid to open her gun, because she does not, the words silent if dead,
Jin Chi will not miss other people .
  She knew this, and they knew it .
  So, he had looked at her eyes have surprised, there are interesting, there are to
explore, but only that there will be no fear of emotions .
  Cheng Yan looked calm and met his gaze, saying: " Let her go and change me, you
know very well that her blood is useless, isn't it? So, let me try. "
  Yan Mo looked at her with deep eyes: " Are you afraid of dying? "
  Jin Chi is also looking at her with interest .
  Cheng Yan lowered her eyes eyelid, quietly looked at the boss also rose swallowed
blood, and glanced at the side of Liang Chen, she is still thinking about how to
stall for time, after all, everything she does for the male he did not know the words
It was all in vain .
  Coincidentally, when she glanced over, the male master's fingers moved, as if to
wake up .
  Look back, Cheng Yan slowly raised his head and said: " Even if afraid, I will .
Have to save her, because she can not die ."
  Yan Mo suddenly bent down, looking at her face, Shen Sheng asked: " Why do you
say that? "
  Cheng Yan: " You let go of the boss first. "
  Mo Yan Ning regard her second, loose hand, the wife softly slipping down, just
hit in the leg Liang Chen, Liang Chen bowed his head moved, seemed to lift like .
  Should I be sober ?
  Cheng Yan quietly brewing a good mood, she was pretending to be cool, but can be
seen as a novelty, vague and said: " How can why, although I do not know who in the
end is, but you do not know it, My current identity should belong to the boss lady, I
owe her, and I always have to pay it back. "
  She said this, but the look at the boss lady was very complicated, like the
jealous and unwilling look at the rival .
  " Return your life ? " Her words irritated the silence somehow, and he
sneered. " Do n't you dare to tell a truth? "
  Cheng Yan his face cold, looking at was more like a guilty conscience, since she
does not seem to feel to look to Chen Liang, Liang Chen was awake at this time, being
looked up to the sight of two people, is a Stunned .
  She knew Liang Chen eyes mean, the surprise surprised she actually has been
caught, only two people in the eye falls on the way the eyes of others, the more so
ineffable a bit ambiguous .
  Yan Mo pinched her chin with two fingers, forcing her to look at him, cold
tone: " Are you for him? "
  Liang Chen heard previously met with some dialogue, but confusion, watching the
silent words of action, he frowned up .
  Cheng Yan is not self sensibly avoided the Liang Chen's attention over here, also
some angry tone of some urgency: " and he does not matter! "
  The silent eyes fell: " It doesn't matter? Why do n't you dare even look at
him ? "
  " I ..."
  " You happy like him. " Yan Mo cold underground conclusion, almost like self-
flagellation her mind opened one by one, " he was not happy joy you, he likes the
boss, do you think saved the boss, he would Will you remember you? "
  " Not to! " Cheng Yan seems like unacceptable, took a step back, " you were wrong,
he did not like the boss! "
  Her mouth said no, but clearly expressed a " Yes, he is like the boss. " Means .
  Her anti should be more silent words confirmed those words, which even under the
Jin Chi of expression is also tricky .
  Liang Chen heart is complex hybrid unspeakable, and also had a ridiculous
feeling, like when he's boss? He looked at Cheng Yan, not knowing whether she should
be mad at her misunderstanding, or whether she should take her life seriously .
  " I can give you a way of life. " Yan Mo approached her, grabbed her wrist, and
thrust the blood-stained knife into her hand. The voice was confusing, " Kill him, I
will take it." Nothing happened, how did we come, how do we go back. "
  When he was finished, he stepped back and let her make her own decision .
  Listening to this means planning to give up the plan for her ?
  Jin Chi frowned, what a joke ?
  Yan glanced at him silently, with deep meaning and warning in his eyes .
  Jin Chi thought a little, then relaxed, and looked at Cheng Yan who seemed
hesitant with a smile .
  Cheng Yan knife, bowed head, stand still for a moment, just raised his foot and
walked toward Liang Chen .
  Liang Chen looked at her, did not say a word, eyes calm, as if she really even a
knife stabbed in his heart, he would not blame her .

The first 52 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (XVI )

  Mo Yan asked her to personally kill Liang Chen , if she really did that , he
also promised really give her a way out, his voice and eyes showing emotion is not
false .
  On the contrary, if she does n’t kill Liang Chen , she can kill her completely
by saying nothing , and she and Liang Chen will be killed .
  No On how to see , the words are silent the biggest winner ah !
  Is the man in this book really Liang Chen ?
  She has some doubts about life .
  Cheng Yan squatted down and stared at Liang Chen , who was leaning against the
blood pool . His face was calm and his eyes were calm. There was no fear of his life
being threatened .
  Difficult road is ...... what is the trick ?
  " Have you never killed anyone? " Liang Chen suddenly said .
  Cheng Yan a stunned .
  Liang Chen suddenly body leaning forward, she leaned , low voice,
said: " You should be allowed to find the location of the heart ," he side of the
side head , exposing the skin of the lateral neck , neck, neck pretty slim , " align
Here , draw down, keep your hands steady, don't let anyone suffer. "
  "..." Cheng Yan was silent for a moment, " Why can you say such a thing calmly? "
  Liang Chen leaned back, black eyes staring at her, his tone calm: " I am a man. "
  Cheng Yan choked: " So you really want me to kill you? "
  Liang Chen was silent for children, laugh , is a reassuring smile
people: " Anyway, have been the case, died in the hands of others might as well die
in your hands, after all ......" he paused next to see her, " I have it still
be friends? "
  Friends ?
  Cheng Yan way to check the value of his feelings for her, it really is the extent
of a friend, also from the achievements reached almost white moon, she deliberately
cold before him did not seem to be much from the role .
  What the hell is going on here ?
  Obviously moved her heart, but the sentiment value slowly increased, clearly
there should be a male halo, but at this moment was completely crushed by the
villains .
  Like being the seal of a kind !
  Cheng Yan lowered her eyelashes for a moment, and said slowly, " I will be
scared if you look at me. "
  Liang Chen's expression flashed through an elusive complex, staring at her for a
while before closing his eyes and lifting his jaw slightly, exposing the blood
vessels on the side of her neck to her sight .
  Holding a knife in his hand, Cheng Yan slowly approached him, getting closer. It
seemed that he could still smell the faint soapy water from his shirt. He closed his
eyes, his eyelashes were very dark, his skin was very white, and there was a kind of
quietness. Jun Yi .
  She has been conspire side of his neck, but did not lift his knife, but bowed his
head, his lips lightly labeled warm skin, felt his body suddenly froze, her lips
Slightly raised .
  Liang Chen opened her eyes violently, and before she could speak, she already
kissed her, and the moment his lips touched, his pupils contracted suddenly .
  She let go of her hand and the knife fell into the dirt .
  Jin Chi sneered, as if she had expected that she would not kill him .
  The silent face was as pale as a dead man, but his eyes burst into anger .
  Cheng Yan pulled back slightly, for the Liang Chen seems somewhat dazed eyes,
smiled: " I'm happy . Huan you ."
  Liang Chen a stunned, a bit Nanyimiaoshu heart filled with emotion, his voice
hoarse: " Cheng Yan ......"
  " So, this kind of thing ..." She picked up the knife on the ground, stood up, and
looked at quietly, " I can't do it! "
  Mo Yan deadpan: " You thought over yourself? "
  "Is n't it just blood ? " Cheng Yan said lightly , " I'll give it to you. "
  The silent expression is even more ugly .
  Liang Chen began,: " Cheng ......"
  Cheng Yan interrupted him: " My choice has nothing to do with you, don't worry
about me. "
  Liang Chen can only eye open eyes open eyes watched her come to the pool of blood
next to, I do not know how, temples chug jump, my heart suddenly become very uneasy,
not worried, but a come from deep in the heart of fear at .
  If there is a voice in the report tell him: No, absolutely can not do that !
  A sense of the kind of feel like a guardian of the treasures of a lifetime to be
destroyed .
  Cheng Yan was about to cut his knife wrist, white swept over his eyes, his eyes
deep and sharp .
  The body seems to suddenly surge into the endless power, spread from the pubic
region to the limbs, rapid heartbeat was like jump out, blood will heat quickly to
burst .
  He had a headache, almost not relying on his own consciousness, but with a force
that broke the rope. He threw it over and grabbed the knife in her hand. Cheng Yan
accidentally cut her finger and was also cut by his The thick force rolled to the
ground aside .
  Cheng Yan looked at Liang Chen in amazement, his heavy body pressed against her,
the temperature was a little scary, the forehead was sweating, the expression was a
bit painful, and the brow was wrinkled, as if chaotic in a nightmare .
  " Ashu ... ? " His hot fingers caressed her face, his eyes looked like she was
seeing nothing .
  Cheng Yan looked at him in surprise. Who is Ashu ?
  Liang Chen's sudden outburst changed his silent expression, and was about to step
forward, but suddenly he heard something, and he turned his head to look at it,
stunned .
The expressions of   Jin Chi and Jiang Xu seemed shocked .
  Looking into their eyes, Cheng Yan was also stunned. The rose with the bud was
blooming. As it slowly bloomed, the blood color gradually covered the original pure
white. Until it fully bloomed, a demon The beautiful Scarlet Rose has appeared in
front of several people .
  " What did you do? " She turned to ask her in silence , her tone uncertain .
  Cheng Yan did not answer, just looked at Liang Chen, and low head looked at your
fingertips smoke Occult Blood .
  What a hell .
  Previous life and death do not like a joke, boss of blood is swallowed half, just
flashed a hint of red roses, she is accidentally drop a drop of blood only, roses
actually ...... opened, It's just that the blood-colored rose smelled of evil
spirits .
  Mo Yan also see saw her fingers, and what comes to mind, frowned: " how can ......"
  Do not over-think this now is not the time, he walked together toward Liang Chen
Jin Chi and two, he will want to get rid of .
  Jiang Xu walked to the blood pool by himself, and slowly stretched out his hand
to the blood rose .
  Cheng Yan was anxious: " Liang Chen? Can you hear me? "
  Liang Chen's like state not quite right, his brows, face pain, like what the body
is pressed out like enormous power hub, he grabbed her by the shoulders, she felt he
was not a normal body temperature and no Normal strength .
  " How do you ..." Cheng Yan didn't ask the words, but he met his sharp eyes, and
she suddenly felt cold in her heart .
  " Tomb-breakers, kill without amnesty! "
  He seemed to sense what should that suddenly turned around to see the pool of
blood, Xu Jiang stood there, his hand rose root, is gently drive it uprooted .
  Cheng Yan noticed his eyes slightly narrowed, wild animals generally cold, sharp,
dangerous .
  After silently realizing that something was wrong, he suddenly called
out: " Jiang Xu! Quickly flash away! "
  Xu Jiang surprised he suddenly so loud, busy back so far as to also did not see
anything that could have been a big hand hoop neck, then that is without hesitation,
without hesitation ...... wring .
  His expression was still astonished when he turned back, and he just fell down,
holding a rose flower with a bleeding pool in his hand .
  Cheng Yan looked shocked .
  Liang Chen stared at the rose flower on the ground, his expression suddenly
became more terrifying, as if covered with a cold shadow, as if the ground was not a
rose, but his beloved girl .
  He suddenly thrust to lift your head and look to the word silent .
  Jin Chi drew his gun and then shot it .
  Liang Chen stood still and didn't move, but just stared at him, his eyes very
permeable, and even more so, the bullet stopped so far away from him .
  After a few seconds, the child playing off the ground .
  Jin Chi's expression changed: " What is this monster , lying trough ? "
  Yan Mo's expression was not very good. He was a little alert and thoughtful in
his eyes, and suddenly turned to look at Cheng Yan .
  Cheng Yan's scalp was tight, and he ran to Liang Chen in three steps and two
steps. Sure enough, the system was right. Following the male lead could save his
life .
  " Liang Chen! Driven him were arrested ah! " She took his arm .
  Liang Chen turned his head to look at her, strangely unable to tell his eyes. It
was not like him at all, and it also showed a feeling of affection and sadness .
  Cheng Yan guessed that the male lead could not be as simple as that. Is
he ... recovering his memory ?
  " You ..."
  Her words suddenly stuck and watched him fall slowly in front of her. What hadn't
dissipated was his whisper: " Sorry ..."
  In that moment he fell, blood pool after the head of the tomb - is being slowly
opened .
  Jin Chi's voice revealed ecstasy: "The door opened! Let's go, let's go in! "
  Cheng Yan stared at Liang Chen on the ground to make sure he was really comatose
and fell silent for a long time .
  So ... is he just handsome for three seconds ?
  Now that I know I'm sorry, did you solve those two and then coma ?

The first 53 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (XVII )

  The current situation is clearly against them .
  Cheng Yan quickly thinking about countermeasures in mind , did not wait for her
to come up with what results , see saw Mo Yan's face, her heart there is a bad
premonition .
  His expression was as vicious as a murder, and his eyes were somber , staring at
the unconscious Liang Chen .
  To take advantage of people sick human life, if she is silent words , do not
put too this opportunity .
  " What do you want to do? " Cheng Yan asked soberly .
  Mo Yan lips overflow a silk sneer , did not answer her , suddenly walked quickly
toward Liang Chen, the wind will be blowing his shirt Gudang up .
  Cheng Yan face a change, just to the front, was suddenly covered his lips from
behind , the other hand also Guzhu her waist, making her trip to move trapped .
  Mo Yan looked taciturn , the heart is no longer Henla too , only a
blink between , had pulled a gun at Liang Chen's head , even the eyes blinking,
calmly fired three shots .
  Bang Bang Bang! ! !
  After the gunshots, there was deathly silence .
  Had Jin Chi not covered her lips, she would really scream in shock .
  Cheng Yan has never been so calm, her pupils have been enlarged, and she looked
at Liang Chen with a stunned look. There was a hole in his forehead , and blood soon
spread to his face, clothes, and ground, as if even There were blood spatters
spreading under her eyes .
  Gradually blurred vision -
  Jin Chi let go of her .
  Cheng Yan some legs soft, squatting down, my stomach felt funny, retching loudly,
but did not spit out .
  How is it possible ?
  The male ...... actually so easily killed ?
  Not to !
  If the man is really dead, why is she still here? The system did not issue any
prompts that the task failed .
  She glanced at the blood-stained Liang Chen. He was so dead that he couldn't
live .
  So ... what is going on ?
  While she intends to find a system when the system Wengeqingchu, silent words
helped her up, and looked calm, gentle tone, as if the person died before her to not
like him: " Yan Yan, the dead there any good, and I had together Go in. "
  Jin Chi hesitated: " What should I do with her? "
  He was not very at ease with Cheng Yan, after all, she was not standing in the
same boat with them .
  Yan Chi glanced at Jin Chi with a strong look that could not be tolerated .
  Yan Mo took her hand, and she earned a few times, but instead he held it tighter.
She glanced at him and had to compromise temporarily .
  Jin Chi walked ahead, and the tomb was very dark. He was flashing with a
flashlight .
  Cheng Yan took the time to find the system and asked it: [ Is n’t Liang Chen a
male host ? ]
  If he is, why is he dead and the mission is still in progress? To be honest, she
even began to suspect that silence was the hero of this book .
  Department of system: [ He is the main man. ]
  Cheng Yan frowned: [ You know what's strange to me! ]
  Seems to see her impatience, the system simply direct explains: [ However, it is
not with the body of the male, male main reason for a reason not say boarding in
someone else's body, which is his strength by reason of oppression. ]
  It really is ... twists and turns .
  Cheng Yan raised her eyebrows: [ So, the male lead is not in the mausoleum
now? Zombie? ghost? ]
  Department of system: [ host go to know. ]
  Okay .
  Anyway, the male lead will not be the one who was beaten .
  A few people have been down the road of dark, thick wall until it is solid rock
walls blocked the road .
  " Should there be any organization? " Jin Chi said, and he had touched it on the
wall .
  Turn of events took place in the blink of an eye, stone walls on both sides of
the road suddenly shot six arrows each, all directed at Jin Chi Yan and go silent,
Jin Chi " speak " a cry, hastily wolf tight corner to dodge, but still not Shen was
stabbed in the shoulder with a sharp arrow .
  Mo Yan cents'd made no injuries, he frowned, not confirmed again what happened
when walked over, said: " ! Endured ."
  He held the arrow and quickly pulled it out sharply, looking at Jin Chi's
shoulder: " Fortunately, it's not poisonous. "
  Jin Chi's cold sweat was flowing down. He stood up and said, " What now? "
  Silently standing silently, after a while, suddenly looked up at Cheng Yan .
As soon as   Cheng Yan's scalp tightened, he guessed he must have some bad water
again .
  Sure enough, silently said to her: " You try. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  She do not like Huan die is shot into a sieve, but also does not allow her
choice, she coldly walked in front of the cliff .
  Jin Chi lit up her with a flashlight .
  Cheng Yan did not act rashly, she observed the stone wall, there was no lettering
on the stone wall, no carvings, almost no clues, it did n’t look like an
organization at all !
  Looks more like ...... from the gate of the switch .
  Not too ...... this possible ?
  Cheng Yan thought system prompts the system to, as if nothing impossible .
  She didn't touch the stone wall one minute at a time, but just asked in a
friendly manner : " Excuse me, is anyone at home? "
  As soon as she finished asking, Jin Chi had a damn expression: " Yanyan, are
you funny ? "
  The voice fell, the rumbling sound rang, and the stone door slowly ... opened .
  Obviously, she is not funny, she is telling ghost stories .
  Jin Chi's expression looked strange .
  Quietly speaking , he was very calm and said, " Go in . "
  He was the first to go into it .
  Jin Chi looked at Cheng Yan next to his eyes and frowned: " Why is this place
weird? "
  Cheng Yan some surprise surprised tone: " than you more eccentric who kill the
thing? "
  Jin Chi's face was cold: " Do n't think I won't treat you! "
  Cheng Yan said lightly : " I'm scared of what you say. "
  The two were still fighting each other, and they frowned silently, but they said
to Jin Chi: " Shut up! Give me a flashlight! "
  Jin Chi handed him the flashlight .
  Mo Yan started playing flashlight, carefully observed four weeks .
  Cheng Yan also noticed that it was clearly a secret room, and the stone door was
closed at the moment they came in. If they could n’t go out, they would be
suffocated here sooner or later .
  " Wait! What are these ... what? " Jin Chi saw the dozen boxes in the secret room,
some wanted to open it, but hesitated, obviously not forgetting the pain of being
shot by an arrow .
  Cheng Yan Gang had a bad intuition, I heard Jin Chi said to her: " ! You open "
  Cheng Yan love thread a little lighter, this moment can not help but want to call
someone up .
This time   Yan Mo didn't force her, but she walked over and ignored Jin Chi's
stop and opened one of the big red boxes .
  Jin Chi: " Actually all the fuck is gold? "
  Cheng Yan's eyes were about to be blinded, and Yan Mo then opened the remaining
dozen or so boxes, all of which were gold and silver jewelry, hairpin jewelry and the
like .
  If all move out, it is definitely more than enough to be the richest man in the
country .
  Jin Chi was a little emotional .
  Introduction silent gaze not a cent of wave action, knows she should not this, he
spoke no nostalgia: " Yan Yan, look out the door. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Yanyan wants to hit someone !

The first 54 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (XVIII )

  Several people together Zai Zai carefully to find it again , most end
Keyiqueding , in addition to other than just come in that door, secret room simply
has no other door .
  It was just that the door that came in could not be opened .
  If you can not get out the words, let alone find the elixir of life , he who
does not even live in the past three days .
  Jin Chi gradually realized the seriousness of the situation, frowned , suddenly
thought of something , and looked at Cheng Yan .
  Cheng Yan expressionless: " You see me useless. "
  Silently , it seemed to be thinking of a way .
  Jin Chi has hold back a full stomach anger, to see her this way, sneered: " You
wish me ? Here we go we die, is not it ."
  Cheng Yan glanced at him: " But you said it yourself. "
  " I say! I say! " Jin Chi anger stuttered a bit , look like some angry like hate
complex mixed emotions, " not because your heart is to think so! You do not like
Liang Chen , he died , you wanted to drag me we die together! "
  After listening to these words , Cheng Yan suddenly smiled at him smile , she
looks Su, laughing even more neat and moving .
  Jin Chi froze for a moment, then heard her tone slightly surprised and
said: "I didn't expect you to see it. "
  Jin Chi's fire broke up, and she suddenly reached out and pushed her: " Cheng
Yan !!! "
  Cheng Yan have long been anti- prepared, took a big step back, back it up against
the wall, she was going to ridicule Jin Chi one , did not expect behind an empty,
she was so Bushoukongzhi be tossed away .
  After a while, she fell to the ground .
  and many more! On the ground ?
  She raised her head, and sure enough, she saw a wall. She had just passed through
the wall and came to another secret room .
  She rubbed her waist and stood up, before she had time to look at the secret
room, and saw that Yan Mo and Jin Chi also came through the wall one after another .
  After coming over, Jin Chi turned back and looked at the wall with some strange
expression: " Is this ... a fake wall? "
  Mo Yan help a bit eye lens, quiet tone: " true. "
  Jin Chi has reached out and touched, and the touch of his hands shows that the
words are silent: " So what ..."
  This silent statement Shique turned around and looked Cheng Yan, a look of mild
deep .
  Jin Chi Cheng Yan also studied camel stare, for a moment, suddenly he said: " ?
Say, since you are a few hundred years ago, witch, certainly not some ordinary
people's skill, and these can be considered one of you ."
  Cheng Yan did not speak, and looked at him like a fool .
  Jin Chi felt that he was right, and looked at her with a bit of dread .
  The silent voice suddenly sounded: " Someone lives in this secret room. "
  Cheng Yan also thinks that the secret room is very similar to the layout of an
ancient ordinary house. It is simple and simple, with a carved wooden bed, a table,
and a chair .
  There should be only one person living .
  Not too ...... Cheng Yan think the next: " not necessarily the people? "
  Jin Chi's face was black .
  I do n’t know if the silence is really calm enough to accept anything, or if I
do n’t care about things other than the purpose, he said: " Go on. "
  When he said this, his eyes were fixed on a wooden door in the back room .
  Jin Chi's expression was a bit hesitant. Obviously, he was not so silent as to be
silent. Having a door in this secret room is more terrible than no one. Who knows
what will be behind the door ?
  Cheng Yan heart beat a little strange, as if to have a guide like, she could
feel sleep through the back door, there is one thing, as if with a flesh and blood
like her intimate things .
  She looked at the door wood door, my head saying inexplicably emerged a pair of
eyes, opened his eyes in the dark, deep, treacherous, powerful .
  " Yan Yan ......" Yan Mo called her cry, she stretched out her hand towards .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Seeing her still, she approached her silently, took her hand irresistibly, then
opened the door and led her along .
  Jin Chi stayed alone in the back room for a while, remembering what Cheng Yan
said might not be human, and when I looked at the table and chairs again, I felt a
creepy feeling .
  He bite, but also with the past .
  It ’s a man and a ghost, he ’s here .
  To the surprise of several people , the door is not a secret room, and there is
nothing terrible, but a gorgeous underground palace with a smooth marble floor, a
beautiful dragon chair on the hall, and water in the center of the hall. Snow-colored
drapery .
  Valance if implicit, if now, there seems to be something .
  Cheng Yan sense of feel to Mo Yan holding her hand tightened, she Ce Toukan to
him, his face can not see anything, and my heart should also be a bit nervous or
expecting or is it ecstasy ?
  Obviously, like her, he guessed that the thing he needed was the elixir he
wanted .
  When approaching the edge of the curtain, Yan released her hand silently, paused
for a moment, reached out to grab the edge of the curtain, and yanked it violently .
  As the curtain fell, the contents of it gradually appeared in the sight of
several people .
  A few people are stunned .
  Cheng Yan felt a little hairy inside. It was actually a lacquered wood
coffin with excellent texture. The coffin was nailed with iron nails on each side,
as if to seal something in the coffin here .
  There was a strange and terrifying feeling when I looked at it .
  Jin Chi thought this trip too simple. He thought it was a matter of killing a few
people. After that, he could get the elixir in the mausoleum, but he never thought
that the mausoleum was full of all kinds of weirdness .
  But, things are now, he had no way of turning back .
  Jin Chi took a deep breath and looked at the silence: " Are you coming or I am
coming? "
  Mo Yan has been taken down to the waist knife, white Yin Zhi Dao Guang swayed his
facial features, a kind of awe-inspiring sounds of chill: " I come! "

The first 55 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (xix )

  Cheng Yan looked at the silent movement .
  Hall was quiet , only listen to see him pry nails with the tip of a dolphin
sound , that sound listening exceptionally terror, the human heart with a nail fewer
and more stretched more tightly .
  No one spoke .
  Only last a nail when Jin Chi and some can not stand: " and so on -"
  What words did not wait silent , not even one second was, along with a crisp
sound , he will be the last nail is removed , thrown to the ground .
  " If I did not guess wrong, then , here since it is the King of Liang's tomb,
coffin who will not have to say. " Yan Mo's deep eyes, said slowly, " the elixir of
life should be put together as a funerary In the coffin. "
  Jin Chi heart a little hot , just look at the coffin when or frowns,
said: " Quickly, then hands it , took ! Things go now ."
  Coffin very thick solid , weight is not light , Jin Chi made silent, and the two
together before the coffin lid open .
  Just to see the coffin of the scene , several people were stunned and
not light .
  He had already done the quasi-psychological preparation, see that would be a
frail old bones .
  However, no bones, and even even carrion are not, lying in the coffin turned out
to be a stunning vermilion Fu Bai youth, looks like painting, face calm , reveals a
share Immortal clear cause like good taste .
  He was wearing a bright yellow dress imperial ornaments, identity is self-
evident, his hands folded on the abdomen, his hand was a small alabaster box .
  Cheng Yan is not quite afraid, but guess measure now the main man in the end what
it is .
  " This ..." Jin Chi's face was pale, and he hoped he saw a bunch of skulls .
  " What's the panic? " The silent tone was a little weird. " Since King Liang can
find even the elixir of eternal life, it is not surprising that there are some secret
recipes that do not rot. "
  Jin Chi hesitated: " Will ... King Liang also take elixir? "
  As soon as he asked the exit, he saw that Yan Mo picked up the jade bottle in
his hand and poured two black pills from inside .
  Mo Yan staring at the hands of pills stunned for a long time, sentiment was
steady down and said: " He did not have two . Pill is all here ."
  Jin Chi heart and brought down, revealing look hi Italy: " I have this go. "
  Cheng Yan felt that there was something wrong in the silent words, but he
couldn't think of it for a while .
  " Busy. " Yan Mo the pair pills and handed Jin Chi, not through the pupil of the
eye bottom half points won mood, " eat it. "
  Jin Chi was not suspicious either, because it was not necessary to silence him,
he just wondered: " Why? "
  " Research , then a drug is enough. " Introduction silent voice said
quietly, " the other pieces you eat, lest they give birth to something unexpected,
you know, you want out of this drug's how crazy person. "
  Jin Chi believe it is, I did not expect such a statement silent thinking about
him, some sorry: " . Or do you eat ."
  Silently shook his head .
  Jin Chi wanted to give it to him, but he still couldn't bear it. When he
insisted, he swallowed the medicine .
  The silent expression was a bit elusive .
  " Not to! " Cheng Yan Yan from the silent look in finally figured out where the
wrong, " not the two boluses are! If I were really a witch, then I have to eat one,
the rest of the bottle There should only be one! "
  Jin Chi medicine has been swallowed, heard surprised a moment, his face gradually
pale as ashes, looking at the word silent .
  Silently silent, there was no guilt and confusion in his eyes .
  Jin Chi grabbed his collar and burst into rage: " You deliberately hurt me!
You even me ..."
  He was talking, and his lips, nose, eyes, and ears were slowly spilling blood .
  Cheng Yan looked a little shocked. Even if Jin Chi died, he deserved it, but his
silent heart was too cold and cruel .
  " For ... what? "
  Jin Chi gradually loosened his silent hand, and his voice seemed to pass with
strength, becoming weaker and weaker .
  Words quietly pulled his fingers apart one by one, watching him slip and fall to
the ground, but his calm voice revealed anger: " You ask me why? "
  " I would like to know in the end Why! " His foot stepped on Jin Chi chest,
rolling hard, looking at Jin Chi vomit blood of flowers spread out, " I waited a
full three years, until finally such a Opportunity, found the tomb, opened the tomb
door, and the result -the medicine was actually fake! Fake! Fake !!! "
  He almost God through texture sneer few times: " ! Ha liangwang cloth such a big
office, we keep several generations of his tomb, much moved greed of people killed
this purpose, the results of the tomb there is nothing elixir of life Some only wear
intestinal poison! " He was holding the coffin with both hands , his fingertips
whitened hard, staring at the body in the coffin, " Are you treating us like a fool?
Ah? You talk! "
  King Liang in the coffin has not changed in half , and his quiet face seems to
be mocking something .
  He was so angry and almost irrational that he took the knife and stabbed at King
Liang, but was held by a thin, soft hand .
  The blood dripped along the palm of her hand on King Liang's face, like blood and
tears .
  Mo Yan was her blood was awake a bit excited, under Italian consciousness loose
knife, took a step back: " You think I'm funny is not it? "
  Cheng Yan's tone was light: " No one wants you to come here to do these evil
things. It's all your own responsibility! You are too greedy! "
  " I'm greedy? " Yan silent stared at her, " Who doesn't want to be immortal? Of
course you can say that, if you don't ..."
  He stopped as he spoke, his eyes fixed on Cheng Yan, and a strange light
gradually gathered .
  "There are medicines for immortality! " He said. " Your appearance has
never changed, nothing at all! The lady boss also said that she heard it in person,
the day you were sent to the process, sent you over People admit that you are a witch
three hundred years ago! "
  Mo Yan's thinking thread turning furiously: " So, the world maybe only so a
drug, but already you eat, you are still alive in order to conceal the truth, it will
liangwang cloth Yi Zhen, hidden in two false tomb Medicine! "
  Cheng Yan was a little further away from him sensitively , and as soon
as he retreated to the coffin, he suddenly rushed over and grabbed her by the
shoulder. His eyes were fanatical: " Yes! I still have you! Your blood is still your
flesh, There is always something that can be researched! Yanyan, help me! "
  Cheng Yan come to believe that he did such a thing, even if he liked her, he
looked crazy now shares this effort, that's what Suan Bule What the .
  " Such words ... It's too much. " Suddenly, the icy, cold voice slowly
sounded, " Her blood, her flesh, even a strand of hair, belong to me. Where did you
come from?" Such words? "
  Yan Mo's body froze, and his burning heart suddenly cooled down .
  Cheng Yan didn't dare to turn around, only to feel a cold and hot contradiction
behind her .

The first 56 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (XX )

  " I am not the time , you have to learn to take photos of themselves do? "
  The breath was right behind her . He seemed to be lying in front of her ears .
The cold breath was intertwined with intimacy and ambiguity, and the strange feeling
quickly spread from that place to all the limbs .
  Cheng Yan does not look to see the person behind , but you can look to see
across the silent words of stiff forced a calm expression .
  " It seems to be gone. " His tone suddenly became cold, revealing a sense of
majesty .
  Cheng Yan heart a tight , it is a sense of feel his hand was holding up , she
scared surprised turned around , to see to see the King of Liang was standing beside
her, was holding her hand and slowly leaned lip Side .
  It was the hand that blocked him the knife, which was still bleeding, the palm
was cut , and the flesh was blurred .
  He looked clear cold, but filled eyes full of tenderness like water , and even
took her hand movements are very tender .
  His thin lips is beautiful , is not the slightest daughters gas , but one of
those men of the Qing Jun handsome , as the river Han Yan, cloud wild crane, even if
people give birth was so handsome figure close is a great honor And satisfaction .
  Cheng Yan discomfort should think hand back, but he gently Taiqiyanpi looked at
her, and that at first seems to have no one in particular, she was inexplicably not
dare move, such as when he lowered his eyes , she yet after know the feel-like
product out of that one taste, cold and dark eyes, his mouth like endless tenderness
and anger responsibility .
  She froze, his lip was already labeled her palm, palm and then suddenly came the
soft and wet to the touch .
  Cheng Yan couldn't calm down anymore, there was a roar in his head, like a
firework exploding overhead, and even a white light dazzled in front of his eyes .
  He actually sticks his tongue! ! !
  Obviously, his movements were so natural and calm, and his expression was normal,
but when he looked at it, he always had a bit of ascetic taste .
  " You ..." She blushed a little awkwardly .
  System integration did not say, is that male owners witch Niwai live mode,
right ?
  At this time, the words could not stand silent, rage and shame seemed to be
overflowing out, taking advantage of Liang did not prepare him holding a knife to
desperate rushed past .
  Although he didn't know the truth and fate of the other party, he could see that
if he did not rely on sneak attacks, he had no chance at all .
  Unexpectedly, his knife stabbed into Liang Liang's abdomen .
  King Liang did not hide, his expression did not change in half, the icy statue
carved in stone, the outline of the silhouette also reveals the snow-like killing
breath, he lowered her hand, calmly has a kind of fearful strength .
  Mo Yan straight feel there is anything wrong, mind still filled with a wave-like
pleasure succeed , cold lips smile has not blooming, it has been stiff in the
lips .
  Man body length jade, cold handsome, as high above the king, looking down at him,
icy tone full of contempt disdain: " You to for the same trick twice I can kill
you? "
  Mo Yan looked at him, feeling felt flustered to an uncontrollable, teeth,
said: " You ? What do you mean "
  Wang Liang didn't speak, but just waved his sleeve gently, and Yan Molian was
blown away with a strong force with his knife .
  The knife fell to the ground, Yan Mo also fell to the wall, and fell down in
embarrassment, bleeding from the forehead .
  " Are you okay? " Cheng Yan looked at Liang Wang 's abdomen without even damaging
his clothes. It was a bit unexpected but not so unexpected .
  King Liang raised her hand to her lips, licked the last drop of blood from the
palm, and looked at the palm of the wound that had healed. His tone was a pity: " I
wish something happened. "
  Cheng Yan: " What? "
  King Liang looked at her, his eyes fixed: " So you will care more about me. "
  She knew that the King of Liang Liang Chen, but she does not know, so she
deliberately asked him: " Are you ? Who "
  " You are Liang Chen! " The silent voice suddenly sounded, and he slowly stood
up from the ground , biting his teeth and saying, " You are Liang Chen, right? "
  King Liang was silent, looking at Yan Mo's eyes without half the temperature .
  He ruined man did not say anything, say silent myself have monstrous anger, Yin
Zhi sneer twice: " Good So you eat!! Medicine, you are taking medication, and has
chosen to sneak it in, Fooling everyone, watching us kill each other for this
medicine, showing an ugly face, are you very proud behind you? Are you thinking, how
fun is this group of fools? "
  King Liang still said nothing, and looked calm .
  Yan Mo was still irritated a little crazy, and even his expression was twisted.
He wanted to rush towards them, but there seemed to be an invisible barrier blocking
him .
  He shouted, again and again hit the barrier, fell again and again, even if
knocked badly beaten, he also shouted: " ?? Why! Why do you put what I have so
wanton play their own but while watching high above joke? I'll kill you! I will kill
you! are you ruined me! you've ruined me! I should not be like this! No! "
  If not, keep the family has a secret elixir of health, he will play and how lust,
how would fall to such an extent !
  Cheng Yan emotionally complex hybrid, made silent airs pitiful and pathetic,
completely gone askew deep look cool .
  To drive such a person to such a frenzy, how deep must Liang Chen have ?
  Liangwang look to the beginning to the end is calm, he dismissed barrier, slowly
walked in front of Mo's statement, condescending looked at him: " I did not force
you to Liangshan I have not forced you? Kill? Did I force you into the tomb? "
  Yan Mo hated the man's understatement, but hated himself even more. He hated his
inability to understand the truth and hated his powerlessness. He clenched his
fists and his palms were choked with blood .
  " Every choice is your own! " There is a chill in the tone of Liang
Wang's tone, " You have evil thoughts, greed, and desires in your bones , no matter
how many times you come back, you will still come to this step , Why do you blame
Tianyou people! "
  " You shut up! You're the culprit! "
  King of Liang smiled, his eyes did not smile cent, Yi Zizi said: " I did not . I
did not say "
  The words were silent .
  King Liang leaned over and looked at him, his eyes calm and said slowly: " But,
what can you do with me? "
  This sentence is like the last straw, the silent reason completely collapsed,
just like crazy, grabbed the knife to kill this man, when he fell to such a miserable
end, this man again What a clear sky in the next laugh to see words !
  He damn it !
  He damn it! ! !
  Cheng Yan looked a bit scared bile chatter, made silent not only failed to kill
the King of Liang, but at that moment it suddenly raised his knife cheeky color of
pain, he turned to black and red vomit a mouthful of blood, She stood a little far
away, but blood still splashed on her face .
  Temperature hot, sticky .
  She was startled .
  Yan Mo opened a pair of unwilling eyes with resentment, he was dead, and fell
heavily on the ground .
  " What's wrong with him? " Cheng Yan asked, still unable to recover. She didn't
see Wang Liang touch him .
  King Liang looked calm, and walked to her, wiped the blood on her face with her
fingertips, and said, " Maybe he's mad. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him: " His blood is black. "
  King Liang's action took a moment, withdrew his hand, looked at her, and showed a
helpless spoiled smile. He sighed: " Ashu, can't you pretend to be silly , I always
think of me in your eyes Is good. "
  Cheng Yan asked sharply: " Are you saying you are not good? "
  Liangwang expression of some strange, he looked at her for a moment, said: " I
know you have a lot of doubt . Ask, I explain it to you slowly ."
  " You answer me a question first . "
  " You said. "
  Cheng Yan stared straight at him: " Are you taking elixir? "
  Wang Liang was stunned, his expression gradually becoming dull and complicated.
After a long time, his voice came out low: " No, I don't have it. "
  " Then ..."
  Liangwang suddenly hold her live, as if do not want to let her see him this
time expression, she could only feel sleep through the cold embrace this wide, and
it seems as though separated by a hundred years of affectionate and waiting, her
heart some inexplicable Sour .
  " Do not ask me that. " His voice was a kind of sand fragile dumb .
  " Why? "
  His low head to look at her, suddenly a smile: " Secret. "
  Cheng Yan What would like to say, he suddenly leaned her deep eyes, voice low, a
kind of unspeakable ambiguous: " Your high -hing it, I am hugging you, your scent,
The body temperature and softness are really unbearable. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him: "..."
  She couldn't answer that .
  Liangwang look to see her face, suddenly laughed aloud, cold look also softened,
then laughed, he looked at her, whispered voice said: " I am delighted Xing ,
high -hing was ...... cry Now. "
  Cheng Yan looked at his face, speechless for a moment .
  He was not crying now, obviously that has been crying ah, in his eyes made her
amidst a throbbing heart .

The first 57 chapters passenger amnesia president (xxi of the stack )

  King Liang pulled her into the dragon chair .
  A before he should be giving her explanation , Cheng Yan on the well to listen
to a tortuous and diffuse ready long past events .
  Liangwang did not speak immediately , but the child was silent a moment, as if
back in what looks like Yi, said slowly: " Three hundred years ago refining elixir
only one , is you eat, and the Wu family forcing to destroy drugs , desperation I
came up with a best of both worlds approach , will leave Dan medicine sealed in the
tomb , to tactical deployment of guard and protect future generations. "
  Say finished, it will be determined liangwang be staring at her, Mouguang deep,
obscure .
  The emotion in his silent eyes made her a little uncomfortable . Cheng Yan pursed
her lips and asked, "What then? "
  King of Liang Yi Zheng , look out obvious is " has been finished but also what
then? " Moment at a loss , just look at her and chasing asked , he pondered
and added: " Then , I was . We meet again ."
  Cheng Yan: "... ? "
  She stared blankly at King Liang, who looked at her calmly, but her jaw was a
bit tight, as if she was being nervous by the score, for fear of something bad .
  Obviously, he wasn't joking with her, but really cherished words .
  Cheng Yan rubbed her eyebrows , and had to use a question-and-answer method to
finally ask the information she wanted to know .
  Three hundred years ago things and the boss told tell her almost, just to be more
specific .
  Her real real identity is indeed a witch witch family, was liangwang have elixir
message has reached the Wu family, she was ordered by the patriarch into the palace,
nominally do National Division's assistant, helping divination fortune-teller In
fact, it is actually to perform the secret task of destroying the elixir .
  However, when she deliberately approached King Liang , many things naturally
happened between the two people. King Liang was very handsome, and the witch was also
a beautiful girl. After a long time, King Liang first moved her mind about the witch.
Emotional asked her in the study, and vowed to make her a successor .
  Miko that when only a simple inexperienced deep girl, liangwang to be as good as
her, she should be with him, thinking of the two so close, to secretly destroy the
immortality it is easier .
  However, the Wu people also have eyes in the court. Seeing that the witch and
Wang Liang are becoming more and more intimate, they think that the witch has
betrayed the witch and passed the news back. After deliberation by several elders of
the witch, the witch was sentenced to death according to the family rules .
  Miko family received a long message to her speed back, thinking out of the big
deal, leaving only a " come back soon " in the words of a hurry to go, do not know
dates of death has been set, this is no longer go back .
  Liangwang found only her body only, feed her down the elixir of life, but if
people know the Wu family also took the pills she must not let her, so he and
Wu family business meetings Well, Everyone took a step back, the Wu people did not
destroy the elixir, and Wang Liang never used the elixir .
  Therefore, every witch sent by the Wu people guarded the tomb together
with the guardian descendants of King Liang , and only the blood of the witch can
open the tomb door, and the witch will never open the tomb door, so the witch elders
Just rest assured .
  Cheng Yan listening, my heart has been sort of speculation, could not help but
ask him: " ? The boss is the offspring of the Wu family but her blood is not
useless ? It "
  King Liang's eyes flashed a little cold, and his tone was cold and cold: "The Wu
people have no longer any descendants. "
  After three hundred years, King Liang seems to have hatred when he mentions the
Wu people .
Although   he didn't say anything, Cheng Yan could guess that he would not let go
of the Wu people, even if he was worried about the huge power of the Wu people at
that time, but for ten, twenty, thirty years, he would The Wu people are destroyed .
  However, even if the Wu family has been no man, why did he find someone posing as
a witch, attracted descendants guard for Indiana and win badly beaten ?
  If it ’s just that the secret of her longevity is leaking, would n’t it be
better to let the news that the Wu clan has been wiped out? In that way, everyone
thought that without the witch, they would not be able to open the tomb door.
Naturally, there would be no greed, nor would they find the elixir in the tomb to be
fake .
  The more important question is ... How did King Liang live to this day ?
  Or say ...... he was still alive right ?
  Cheng Yan looked at King Liang's eyes a little bit, and it was obvious that King
Liang had concealed her, and what was concealed was not a trivial matter .
  If King Liang didn't realize her gaze, she looked at her, and asked in a low
voice: " Ashu is blaming me? "
  " There is nothing strange. " Paused for a moment, Cheng Yan looked straight into
the eyes of Liang, a laugh, " Even if you tell tell me, are you personally destroy
the Wu family, and now I also It doesn't matter, I don't remember anyway. "
  King of Liang's look for a moment stiff between, such as deep-sea eyes too broad
surge waves crest, it took a while before he spoke up: " You're only eat after the
death of medicine, sleeping a few hundred years to wake up, amnesia Probably also a
sequelae. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him, did not speak .
  She was afraid that she would laugh when she opened her mouth. King Liang sat
coldly and proudly like an immortal, and made a nonsense to her with a serious voice,
so sad and sad .
  Although she did n't know what he was hiding , she didn't seem to have to know
what was necessary .
  Who doesn't have a few secrets yet .
  Cheng Yan do not expose him, changed the subject: " I have this down now. "
  Her light words made Wang Liang change his face, and she did not expect Wang
Liang to react so strongly .
  King Liang grabbed her hand, as if afraid of her running, and the cold tone also
brought a little eagerly: " Are you going down the mountain? "
  Cheng Yan did not know so: " Can't you go down the mountain ? "
  King Liang looked at her somewhat stunned, as if she had never seen her before,
her hand holding her slowly loosened, and she looked a little lost .
  Cheng Yan tentatively said, " What's wrong? "
  Liangwang restored cool calm look, said: " . Nothing ," he suddenly Zhuantou Chao
looked over there, and turned to look at her, his tone very seriously, " getting
late, you're spending a night here, tomorrow Go. "
The meaning in   his words does not seem to be going down the mountain .
  Cheng Yan looked at him thoughtfully and said, " You can walk tomorrow, do
you have anything to eat here? "
  Liangwang a stunned .
  Cheng Yan and said: " one day I did not have something. "
  King Liang took her out of the tomb, but it was still within the scope of the
cemetery .
When she   walked to the gate of the tomb , she found that the rose flower had
regained its appearance as a flower bud. It grew in the blood pool, and the flower
bud was still pure white at first sight .
  Xu Jiang and Chen Liang's body is not met, as did not see the woman in a coma .
  Noticed her eyes, Liang Wang Pingjing voice sounded: " I will he have to
foot the. "
  His mouth he who should be included inside the tomb of the dead .
  Cheng Yan back to the head of Liang looked, he was wearing bright yellow robes,
length jade, handsome face, covered with kings but also reveals a powerful aura,
watching and living seem ...... area do not .
  Not too ...... she basically Keyiqueding he can return a non-human race .
  Seeing her looking at him, King Liang seemed to be in a good mood, and a smile
appeared on the corner of his lips. The gentle arc diluted his cold temperament: " A
Shu, nothing to do, I planted some fruit trees, do you eat fruit? ? "
  Cheng Yan: "... Also works. "
  Very good, and he knows more about him. Obviously he is not sleepy all the year
round, and he can grow fruits when he is bored .
  Somehow, she remembered the strange flowers she saw when entering the cemetery,
and the secret room where someone had lived .
  Soon, she knew that the secret room was indeed lived by King Liang, because he
took her to pick the fruit and went to the secret room .
  Liangwang a pile of five color six-color bright fruit heap on the table, turn
only give her a chair .
  Cheng Yan doubted: " Can these ... really be eaten ? "
  King Liang's expression was calm, but his eyes still showed some hope,
saying, " Yes, it's sweet. "
  Cheng Yan didn't recognize any kind of fruit , and King Liang gave her a name
one by one, it should be their special fruit from Liang Guo .
  She was full after a few meals , the taste was very fresh and indeed sweet .
  Liangwang just looked on her low head and eat the fruit look, eyes become soft
like water, filled with tenderness and love seem to be overflowing .
  Cheng Yan lift saw his head when it is turned around to see the other side, the
side faces fine picturesque, covered braved Xian Qi taste, she picked up a fruit and
handed him: " You want to eat ? It "
  King Liang was stunned for a while, as if some surprise and some joy, but
his tone remained calm: " Well. "
  " Have you not been downhill for hundreds of years? " Cheng Yan asked him .
  Liangwang: " no. "
  Cheng Yan seemed to just ask casually , took another bite of fruit, and glanced
at his slender figure standing beside him, holding a fruit in his hands, and looking
down at it looked like a baby, and did not eat , Hold it like that, a little silly .
  Cheng Yan couldn't help but ask: " Don't you eat ? "
  Wang Liang hesitated for a moment and said, " This is my first gift from Ashu. "
  Cheng Yan was silent for a moment: "... haven't I sent it before? "
  Wang Liang looked at her, and seemed to be afraid of her anger, saying, " I
don't lack anything, there is nothing to give. "
  Cheng Yan felt that this person was always a little cautious about her attitude,
she was so angry, but she felt that he was so pitiful, and gave him all the rest of
the fruit: " These are for you . "
  Apparently she took the fruit he sent back, and King Liang was stunned with joy.
After seeing her for a while, he humbly said, " Ashu, you are so good to me. "
  How can I not bear to give everything for you ?
  Cheng Yan seen by his muddy body uncomfortable, and low head bitten mouth
fruit .
  There was a smile on the corner of King Liang's lips. He glanced at the fruit in
his hand, paused for a moment, and put it on his lips .
  Soon, he ate up the dozen fruits she gave .
  Cheng Yan scared surprised: " You are so hungry right? "
  King Liang didn't speak, but there was something wrong with her expression, but
she still smiled softly at her .
  " I'm going out, Ashu, you sit down for a while. "
  Seeing him go out, Cheng Yan followed him. He walked out of the tomb and walked
under the tree not far from the entrance of the tomb. He spit out all the fruits he
ate and coughed .
  Cheng Yan listened emotionally complex hybrid, actually emerged out of his mind
goes face looked pleased, obviously can not eat, why not find an excuse to refuse of
it ?
  He likes that Ashu so much, but the reason why she has not yet reached Bai
Yueguang's mission is probably because - in his eyes, he has n't completely regarded
her as Ashu .
  It's just that she doesn't need to be Liang Guo's Ashu. He can like the previous
Ashu, and he can also like the current Cheng Yan .
  When Cheng Yan thought about what to do, she heard Wang Liang's footsteps going
back. She was about to go back quickly, but suddenly she felt a pain in her abdomen,
as if it was stirred by a knife .
  The pain came suddenly and fiercely. She could hardly stand. When she nearly
fell, she was suddenly held in her arms. King Liang's expression panicked: " Ah,
what's wrong with you? "
  Cheng Yan already been in a coma, unable to answer him a word .

The first 58 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (xxii )

  Cheng Yan pain proud consciousness is unclear , just dazed for a moment , she
woke up when he found himself in the secret room that only a wooden bed, covered with
very old but who also can not hide exquisite brocade Be .
  She froze: " Three hundred years ago? "
  Liangwang just stood by her bed, facial features picturesque revealing a bit of
focus to consider , to see her wake up, look Caishao slowed down some , had to
listen to understand her words , look very seriously: " dry net. "
  Cheng Yan not want to ask this , she actually just curious cemetery there quilts
this kind of thing, she thought he was sleeping in the coffin .
  She looked at him, did not say anything, hand clutching his stomach , some pain,
but not so much .
  She can eat the fruit before this, right ?
  A split between , she remembered the big trees that have to cough piercing
figure , eyes widened slightly: " You ? I eat fruit to have a problem ."
  Liangwang of some strange looks , looked at her , facial features between some Yu
color, the sound is muffled: " . Not "
  Cheng Yan's eyes were also subtle: " If not, why did you spit out the
fruit you ate? "
  Liangwang seems some confusion: " You see saw? "
  Cheng Yan stared at him, undecided .
  King Liang saw her suspicions, and his face was as white as paper, as if her
misunderstanding was what a terrible thing, and hurriedly explained: " Ashu , I
won't hurt you, I don't know You are so weak now that you ca n’t even eat fruit. You
used to like it. "
  He doesn't look like lying .
  Cheng Yan saw his face pale like this, but instead felt like he was bullying
himself, saying, " I didn't blame you. "
  Wang Liang ’s expression is still not good: " There is nothing you can eat
here. "
  Cheng Yan would say: " too hungry vain, tomorrow can not down yet? "
  At the mention of going down the mountain, King Liang's body became stiff .
  Cheng Yan looked at him, his eyes bright and clear: " Don't you want to go down
with me ? "
  Liangwang with one elusive eyes looked at her for a moment, the sound when
opening reveals a strange calm: " You are very happy joy outside world? "
  Cheng Yan wondered why he mentioned that it was so anomalous to go down the
mountain, deliberately said: " Yes, I like it very much. "
  King Liang looked at her with a certain lack of gaze, and a slight smile smiled
on her lips : " Is it? "
  Cheng Yan He leaned slightly forward, as if to penetrate through his dark eyes to
see through his mind: " You and I do not really go with you? "
  She was so near him, as if he were close enough to the long-silent heart and
quickly jump powerfully moving, he could clearly see where he had kissed, her thick
eyelashes like a small fan, quite Alice delicate nose, Cherry-like full lips ...
  King Liang closed his eyes, depressed the emotions in his heart, and the voice
calmed down to almost no emotion: " I will not leave here. "
  Cheng Yan is not surprising him this answer, but still asked him with a forlorn
voice: " because you like the previous Shu Ah, now I'm not, so you do not want me to
go, is not it? "
  Liangwang did not speak, did not see her eyes, looks a bit tight,
imitation Buddha suppressed what emotions .
  Cheng Yan looked at him, blinked slowly, and the tears rolled down .
  When King Liang saw her weeping, he could n’t keep his composure. His hands had
held her face before consciousness. The tentacles were warm and soft. He was
startled, and saw her His red eyebrows frowned, and he wished to use all the things
in the world to make her smile, so distressed that she didn't know what to do .
  " Sister, don't cry, I'm not good. "
  Cheng Yan is just not a word hair looked at him from time to time also lost a son
a few drops of tears .
The movement of   Liang Liang wiping her tears was almost cautiously light, as if
she was afraid of ruining her. The cold voice also brought a bit of
softness: " Ashu, just send your hair to me, just fine, you It ’s okay to hit me
and scold me, do n’t cry, you ’re crying and my heart is messed up. ”
  Cheng Yan suddenly shot his hand down, his voice seemed angry: " Don't call me
Ashu! I'm not! "
  Wang Liang stunned: " Grandma? "
  Cheng Yan coldly said: " I said do not call me Ah Shu! "
  Can't even call this name ?
  Liangwang look swept over a bit lonely shadow, but still down her
saying: " Well, I do not call you. "
  Seeing him like this, Cheng Yan seemed more angry: " You still think of me as
her in your heart . "
  King Liang sighed: " Ashu is you, you are Ashu, why should you care about
yourself? "
  " You ask me why? " Cheng Yan suddenly close to his, staring at his eyes a bit
serious, but also a bit frustrated, " you like Huan was previously Ah Shu, but, I
like you now, Do you think this is fair? "
  Liangwang a daze, trying to say is not the case, but a time to speak, so to
speak, she is particularly adorable .
  Cheng Yan ridicule satirical smile, as if his silence as a default, looked over,
let him see his face, said: " Anyway, you just do not like Huan me, now you do not
like, you are of Liang Chen I do n’t like it at all. "
  Liang Chen look to see her eyes and rolled up a crystal tears, as if landed on
his apex, so that his heart has suddenly twitched .
  Seeing her lift off the quilt to go, he hugged her in a hurry: " Grandma, listen
to me . "
  Cheng Yan sneer, ridicule satirical eyes look to him: " I do not Ah
Shu's memory, nor those experiences with you you would not get to see her eyes look
at me, do not look at my body! Her shadow! I am different from her, do you see
clearly ?! "
  Liangwang look complex hybrid looked at her, eyes have pity but also frustration,
his voice hoarse when he spoke: " you let it upset my fault. "
  Cheng Yan raised his head and looked at him. His eyes were clear and dark as if
washed, and the tears on his face were still wet, revealing a pitiful beauty .
  Liang Wang's eyes looked at her deeply and tenderly, holding her face with both
hands , slowly lowering her head, kissing her soft red lips, her movements were
tender and pitiful, full of trembling tenderness .
  Cheng Yan seemed to be stunned .
  At the end of the kiss , King Liang saw her expression, and suddenly smiled. It
was a very light smile . The relaxed and real smile seemed to remove some baggage ,
making his handsome face more dazzling .
  Chengyan Min sense to ask: " You laugh , then I? "
  Liangwang her football into his arms, her face against his chest, his tone inner
tube somewhat satisfied sigh: " I'm just too hing, ah. "
  His grandmother still belongs to him, which is enough .
  Cheng Yan lifted him from his arms to look at him .
  Liangwang also low head to look at her .
  " How can you doubt my intentions towards you? " He said, " No matter what you
were before or what you are now, my mind has not changed, even when I don't know that
you are a girl, I can't restrain it. The earth touched you. "
  His eyes looked at her so that he could not doubt the authenticity of his
words .
  Cheng Yan's expression seemed to be unbelievable, his clear eyes also appeared a
little joy, and his face seemed to suddenly brighten .
  Then she turned around awkwardly, leaving him with a petite silhouette .
  Liangwang eyes more hair soft, rope her into his arms, Minato spoke in her ear,
voice low and dumb: " ? What you eat and you do not have vinegar memory, not with me
in the past also It doesn't matter, we have many, many more in the future. "
  When the words fell, Cheng Yan heard the prompt of Bai Yueguang's mission
completion, and she felt no more relieved in her heart, but was even more heavy .
  Obviously, he has merged his feelings for her and Ashu, so the feelings are
rapidly increasing .
  Next, she that served its purpose, women should be coming soon, right ?
  Cheng Yan silence some different kind, Mrs Elisa asked her: " how not to
speak? "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him and said, " Nothing, just a little tired. "
  Liangwang to let her lie down, gave her a quilt cover, sitting as the patron
saint of the bed, said: " . You go to sleep, I'm guarding you ."
  Cheng Yan: " Don't you sleep ? "
  " I? " Wang Liang looked at her hesitantly, his calm tone faintly revealing
joy, " Do you want me to sleep with you? "
  Cheng Yan: " I ..."
  " Do not have the. " King of Liang eyes slightly with regret, " the bed is too
small, will be crowded for you, I'll do a bigger bed on it. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Forget it, she still sleeps well .

The first 59 chapters off the stack of amnesia president (twenty-three )

  The next day Cheng Yan was woken up by hunger .
  Secret room lit wax candle , light line is still very dark , she did not know
outside of dawn, put on her shoes under the ground, going to the outer head
look , suddenly heard see the door opened and a voice .
  Liangwang walked in, his face pale as if reveals weak , the pace somewhat
superficial , her arms clutching a bunch of bread and milk , said: " . Yan Yan, sat
down to eat ."
  Or perhaps afraid of her heart addition, he did not call her Ah Shu up .
  He pulled a chair, Cheng Yan sit down , lift head at him, surprised
tone: " Where did? "
  King of Liang's tone special calm: " I have to go off the stack take. "
  Cheng Yan could not help but looked at him , she originally did not think , just
with his personality Cherishing such as gold , not to say " off the stack " this
place enough yet ?
  But why should he emphasize it ?
  King Liang looked tense with her , a little funny and serious. He slightly
lowered his head and peeled the plastic paper of her bread. With a few expressions on
her face, she said, " Taste? "
  He deliberately avoided her eyes, she is not good chase and asked, took the
bread, cream flavor , the taste is very sweet, made her feel feel more hungry,
quickly solved out a loaf of bread .
  Waiting for her own pick, liangwang on body affixed to a loaf of bread and handed
her eyes with a pleasant smile, that smile just like a butcher anxious home raised
pigs eat better bastard like Of .
  Cheng Yan slightly without language, feel a little choked up, she did not pick up
the bread, but the first opened a bottle of yogurt, but just time to breathe milk,
she stunned .
  Who can tell her that the shiny gold on the yogurt box ... what is it ?
  Cheng Yan lifted the long golden hair and looked at King Liang .
  " Can you tell tell me, what is this hair do? "
  An awkward silence filled the air .
  "..." King Liang's expression was also a little embarrassed, and then he sighed in
compromise, " I let the little animals go to the inn to get it. "
  Cheng Yan concerns are not being cheated on this matter: " It is they understand
people saying? "
  King Liang looked at her, and his expression became serious again: " Everything
is spiritual. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Haha, believe him to be a ghost .
  It's just that he is particularly stubborn in lying to her. Even if there are
many loopholes, he can hold on to the dress, and she is embarrassed to expose his
lies .
  All right, she depends on when he will confess to her .
  He should have some reason not to go out of the cemetery, so he has to rely on
the control of animals to get food, and look at him a little weak, this control
method should be very exhausting ?
  Seeing that she was silent, Wang Liang was worried that she was angry, and her
eyes were a little nervous, hesitantly said: " Yan Yan, I ..."
  Cheng Yan: " What are you? "
  Liangwang a face sincere: " I did not lie to you. "
  Cheng Yan smiled: " I said you lied to me? " She glanced at his frozen
expression, and then said, " What is your guilty conscience? "
  King Liang stared at her, knowing that she still had n’t been able to hide her.
There was some helplessness and comfort in her heart. After being silent for a while,
she said in a calm tone: " I did n’t deliberately lie to you. "
  Cheng Yan took a sip of yogurt and glanced at him .
  Wang Liang deliberately asked: " You can guess, I can't get out of the
cemetery? "
  Cheng Yan-point head .
  For some reason, King Liang's expression seemed to be relieved, and it looked
cold and serious, but it felt more calm and calm .
  Cheng Yan put away their suspect, then over and over again he said: " its real,
and not just the role of the tomb in order to confuse people, it does not have the
elixir of life that the world, but it has a kind of matrix method stored therein. "
  Cheng Yan raised his head: " Formation? "
  King Liang ’s eyes became deep, like a murky black deep sea, deep and charming,
and he said slowly: " This kind of formation was also taught to me by the long
leader, so that people can live forever, and only I am still here. In the mausoleum,
the formation will work. "
  Is this why he cannot leave ?
  Cheng Yan straight feel not so simple, and asked: " If it ? So, why did you lie
to me ."
  King Liang didn't speak, but looked at her with a complex look, and there was a
very sad look in the depths of his eyes. After a moment, his sadness was well covered
up and turned into a little helpless With a bitter smile, he sighed and said, " It
doesn't matter if everyone is afraid of me or I hate me. Only you, I hope that I am
the best in your eyes. "
  Cheng Yan couldn't figure out what he meant by himself , so he gave up and asked
him directly: " What do you mean? "
  Just when she finished asking, a sound came from afar, like the sound of the tomb
door being knocked, and an empty echo sounded in the back room, even the ears seemed
to be shaken .
  Cheng Yan stood up, holding the yogurt box unconsciously in his
hand : " Someone is coming. "
  Liangwang look swept over a bit Lise, soon returned to the cold indifference of
appearance, looked at her and said: " . The matrix method is a very evil occult "
  Cheng Yan was absent-minded, suspecting that the hostess had already arrived, and
she reacted for a moment before reacting. He explained her previous doubts to her .
  She looked at him with a puzzled tone: " Evil energy? "
  Liang Wang Xiaorong some bitter astringent and joked: " You should be
disappointed, and I was not good, probably also bad, because even knowing how this
evil, I also use it for selfish "
  What is the temptation of immortality, she has already seen them from silence,
has King Liang not withstood this temptation ?
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, and his eyes fell on him quietly .
  King Liang did not see any disgust and sarcasm in her eyes , but was purely
quiet, so that he could continue to say: " In fact, it is not the blood of the witch
that can open the tomb door, but you can open it. The reason why I took leave The
witches are passed down from generation to generation, just to provoke competition
from everyone, and there is always someone who can take the fake witches to the gate
of the tomb. "
  Cheng Yan: " Then? Let her blood be drained? "
  " Yanyan's words are not at all polite. " Wang Liang closed his eyes and sighed,
wondering whether he was spoiled or helpless. " Some words are just in my heart.
It's too embarrassing to say. "
  Cheng Yan said more politely: " So, is this the evil you said? "
  Liangwang approached her, looked at her eyes, the eyes could not describe the
kind of complex hybrid, said slowly: " Listen ? Had to do blood continued life is
not really blood continued life, but they flow It ’s not just blood. ”
  Cheng Yan didn't quite understand: " Blood is not blood? "
  What could it be ?
  " This also represents lifespan. " Wang Liang said, " Did you see the rose flower
at the door? The blood it sucked is a symbol of lifespan, and I didn't want the full
lifespan of those girls, as long as Stop in time, they will not die. "
  Cheng Yan laughed aloud, ridicule ridicule him: " I seemed to know more about
you, you look nice and deceitful, looking at the clear cold look very honest, but a
downright hypocrite. "
  Liangwang low head towards her slightly hoarse prolonged tail of some captivating
sultry: " hypocrite? "
  Cheng Yan looked at his sheet-like Immortal handsome face, deadpan: " You know
how people greedy, they now know that blood witch can open the tomb, then saw the
entrance of the tomb is not open, they must only Doubt whether the blood is not
enough, they will wait until the blood of the witch is completely drained, then they
will die completely, but you still say here that you do n’t want their life? Are you
cheating me or comforting yourself? "
  Wang Liang did not speak for a while .
  Tomb of sound outside the head is still in continue .
  " I'm so hypocritical, obviously I'm bad, but I still want to pretend to be a
good person. " Wang Liang seems to have fallen into darkness, no expression, no
hope, or even despair, understatement, " even if you hate me, I have done my best,
you ... "
  " Endeavor? " Cheng Yan interrupted him, " try to lie to me? I am the hate you
because you're too look down on me. "
  King Liang was silent .
  Cheng Yan flatly: " You to ? I really see through you to those bad lie you think
I like to do it so you can not stand the test You think I like you because I only see
you? How is it? "
  Wang Liang looked at her, and there was a very conflicting feeling in his eyes,
burning like a fire . After a while, there was only a decisive calm in his eyes .
He said in a word : " Yes, I am like this I thought. "
  The yogurt in Cheng Yan's hand slipped on the ground. She didn't care about it,
she just looked at him fixedly: " Are you trying to force me to leave ? "
  Liang Wang's eyes were deep, and he hugged her waist, lowered her head and kissed
her lips softly, her voice was hoarse and gentle: " Of course I want you to stay. "
  His kiss went down his lips, gentle and romantic, but only filled with anger and
humiliation .
  He kissed her collarbone when she did not move, but Yi Zizi said: " it ! Well, I
do not like you, let me go ."
  Cheng Yan sense of feel to his body stiff the next, and when he looked up, the
expression is quite calm, as if had expected this outcome, she said one
word: " Good. "
  Cheng Yan did not look at him, and walked out like he was angry, but when he
walked to the door, he looked back at him .
  He stood alone at the table, and looked only empty out the dead, there is no
wave Lan, ruthless desire .
  At the table, there was still a pile of bread and yogurt he had sent her .
  Cheng Yan pace of a meal, never looking back .
  She knew that what he said must be true or false, even letting her leave was
deliberate, she was just following the trend, just the moment she looked back, she
had a feeling that if she did n’t go on, she would not have the courage to leave
here. .
  Because as she seems to be felt sorry for him, which some feel bad, because I
like and the poor is very confusing .
  Until went to the tomb door, she was feeling behind that road watching eyes is
not met .
  Tomb of the door crashed open, she looked up and saw the boss look anxious face
with tears at the door .
  " How about Liang Chen? "

The first 60 chapters off the stack, president of amnesia (24 )

  At the tomb door open , Cheng Yan look to see the boss of the moment , and again
touch made the story suggests that she received from a system where all the plot to
the whole book .
  A group of wealthy people open car came to Liangshan, was admitted to the
inn , the story begins .
  What happened next is not much different from reality. One by one died in the
inn one after another . The plot became confusing and the truth was revealed a
little bit . The difference is that the person Liang Chen liked when he had
no memory was The proprietress is the hostess of this book .
  Mo Yan plot development to catch the female main entrance of the tomb open time,
women say the same identity witch white moon is, therefore , the tomb door was
opened quickly, without the use value of the white moon was also killed , Mo Yan did
not like reality, like how behaved like white moon , it even Liang Chen also did not
save her .
  Until Liang Chen to save women inside were killed , the soul returned to the
King of Liang's body , recovered memories, he realized that he actually loved seeing
the centuries girl was killed, he was even more painful is that he has I fell in love
with the boss lady, and finally he and the boss lady resolved the villain together.
The two went down the mountain together and lived a happy life .
  Bai Yueguang really only became Bai Yueguang in his memory .
  Read the whole of this book, the story Cheng Yan feel some pit , deviated seems
very strict weight, she had become as white moon is not gonna Raiders Liang Chen,
his memory only need to wake up on it, because she had a few hundred years It was
already Bai Yueguang in his heart .
  And ... the ending turned out to be that King Liang and his wife went downhill ?
  He is not down is not it ?
  Why is there no explanation in the book ?
  Cheng Yan could not help but Tucao line system: [ you had a story to me, I'm
shining go, can not I? ]
  Department of system: [ I said you through these novels, the protagonist will
increasing, detached control plot, if you know the story, forcing them to follow the
script can not go, it will be self-defeating, the world you do not try Has it
passed? ]
  Cheng Yan was silent for a moment, looking at the boss in front of her .
  Come on, she can try to get the finale back on track .
  " Why don't you speak? Are you still alive, did he save you? "
The proprietress saw her staying silent and couldn't help but grab her arm, " I was
under the mountain when I woke up, and there were those around me Did he make the
body? "
  Cheng Yan said: " If you want to find him , go in. "
  The lady boss is eager to go inside .
  Cheng Yan voice has sounded: " No theory he look like, and you will stay with
him? "
  She asked something weird. The lady boss had some bad guesses, such as
disfiguring injuries and disabilities, only when she abandoned Liang Chen .
  The proprietress sneered: " Of course I will. He should have seen out long ago,
who is the one who truly treats him. "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak. She walked outside. The sky was very blue and the sun was
shining. She walked back and forth along the road when she came. On the side of the
road were various flowers planted by King Liang .
A group of people stood at the entrance of the   cemetery , wearing police
uniforms, and a haggard woman with a haggard expression. She pounced on her with a
cry: " Yanyan, Yanyan, fortunately, you're okay, mother worried about death, you
know Do n’t know? "
  It is the mother of this body, to be precise, the adoptive mother .
  Mother Cheng cried while holding her. Cheng Yan felt this warm embrace and was a
little confused and ashamed for a while .
  In reality, the day she had a car accident was far away, but it seemed that she
also felt a similar embrace, just to be wider, warmer, and more powerful .
  She couldn't remember who it was, or was there an illusion when she was hit by
a car accident ?
  Chamber of Secrets, King of Liang sat in the chair where repair long fingers
being stripped of bread plastic paper, peel one after another, then he does not eat,
just so mechanically continued, as if there are people waiting to eat around
Similar .
  Not a cent in his eyes love thread, the silence was as if a dark abyss, just
footsteps when his eyes floated some light, looked in to see who is post-Nama light
and fast to fall Into the abyss .
  " Get off-- " he said .
  The boss lady stood in amazement at the door, looking at the man in the robe in
the chair, with long hair like a waterfall, exquisite eyebrows, as beautiful as ink
painting, he did not have a half expression, cold, through the powerful aura, she
looked at her The eyes are also cold, even scary .
  Her heart beat faster, his person with a very attractive woman's special nature,
perhaps the appearance, temperament perhaps, or maybe he's strong and indifference,
the man she felt even more attracted to her than Liang Chen .
  " You ...... is who? "
  " I said -" King of Liang peel paper action was interrupted, he looked
at her, " let you roll, did not hear? "
  The boss lady seemed to be slapped hard on the face, her face was hot and red,
but she still did n't leave , not even angry with him, but looked at him and
insisted: " I don't leave, it's Cheng Yan asked me to come to you, you ... just Liang
Chen, right? "
  Speaking of " Cheng Yan " , Wang Liang's expression changed a little , his tone
was low: " She asked you to find me? "
  Proprietress Mouguang micro flash, said: " Otherwise, how do I know you ? Here
she was, she let me stay with you, and said ......"
  " Shut up! "
  His cold Li Mouguang be swept .
  The proprietress couldn't help but shudder, but then went on to say: " How can
you, you become what you are now? What is all this about? "
  King Liang: " Got it, will you leave? "
  The boss lady didn't speak, the meaning was obvious, she just depended on him .
  King Liang looked at her silently for a while, his cold voice was a
little sarcasm, " You will go. "
  Liang Wangxi is as good as gold, and even to the boss lady, this characteristic
is brought to the extreme. In just a few sentences, the whole thing is explained
clearly, except for his own secret .
  After listening and wife spent a long time, if not anti should come: " Years ago
the Cheng Yan to my family who are you? "
  King Liang: " Yes. "
  Proprietress little head, asked: " is that you let my parents would send me
away? "
  King Liang: " Yes. "
  Proprietress more ugly face: " So, because you love her, I took everything she
deserved, she became a substitute for, guarding the tomb of this break, it also
almost certainly have been killed man ? "
  Wang Liang glanced at her lightly: " Enough said? "
  The attitude of catching people is obvious .
  " Not enough! How will be enough! " The boss rushed in front of him, " I saved
you, you should repay me, how could you do this to me? Your heart is mine, right?
Otherwise, how do you Will you give me that ancient book? "
  King Liang didn't immediately think of the ancient book she said. After a while,
he said: " You mean the book I brought with me after amnesia? "
  Some surprises boss, busy , said: " is that this, above . Documented many
mysterious witchcraft law, but for too short a time, I only learned a little fur, you
will not be like this ."
  King Liang glanced at her: " It was on the table when I woke up . I thought it
was a hotel thing. "
  The boss lady's smile froze: " So, did you give me? "
  King Liang is not sure .
  Wife feel a burst unbearable humiliation, accompanied by anger there, resigned .
  " So, you're really a little joy joy I mean no? "
  " Nothing at all. "
  " What about guilt? "
  " I would like to guilt you do? " He faint to see her, and looked kind of
indifferent no move to co-operate .
  The boss lady slapped him in anger, and she didn't expect that he didn't hide,
and the loud sound made her froze, shocked and frightened .
  He just lowered his eyelids and asked her coldly , " Can I get away? "
  " I should have let you die under the cliff! Saving you is the last thing I
regret in my life! "
  The proprietress stared at him for a while, sneered, turned and walked away, but
tears burst into her eyes .
  No regrets !
  She didn't regret it at all, she was just unwilling, so unwilling !
  Why, she and Cheng Yan look so similar, obviously she saved him, and she is the
one who likes him the most ...
  He chose others .

The first 61 chapters off the stack of amnesia president (twenty-five )

  To a pedestrian in Liangshan , in addition to Cheng Yan , the others are dead, the
body was thrown at the foot of the mountain side of the road, a large awful murder
shocked the nation , police quickly set up a task force to investigate .
  When the hostess also mixed in a pile of corpses, the only person before being
found , she had been the first to leave , worried Liang Chen also out of
trouble , hit the phone to the way home for help .
  Father Cheng did n’t want to worry about the troubles of the children , and had
no interest in the things in the tomb. The police loved how to investigate and how to
investigate, but Cheng Yan could n’t have an accident , and the man gave him a
splash when he sent her Wealthy, but they can always take back all this .
  Cheng parent company is also busy , tied up , and had to let his wife go to the
police and people together .
  Cheng mother was certainly concerned about this daughter , for the birth of
hand, not how it got the idea , originally conceived the boss when the company began
to decline, angry with her when they almost died giving birth, and other daughter
grow up to ten years old, the company It is almost going bankrupt .
  Therefore, she really can't like this biological .
  After coming to Liangshan, met with the boss, the attitude is usually , see what
she rushes to find a man, even more do not like .
  It wasn't until Cheng Yan came out safe and sound that her heart fell to the
ground, pulling her to the inn first, and the police were there to investigate .
  The police wanted to come and ask her about the situation. Hearing that, the
police had asked the proprietress about the situation, and the proprietress said
everything. Even the dead body of Hu Jiajia who had died at the beginning was dug out
by the police, but the situation after she was unconscious Got it .
  Cheng Yan didn't answer anything immediately, but asked him: " You only asked
Jiang Xu a few of them, why didn't you ask others? "
  " Others? " The police a daze, " died there others? "
  Cheng Yan thought about it, the boss lady didn't mention Liang Chen at all. She
was in a coma and didn't know that Liang Chen was dead. So she didn't dare to mention
him because they were all killed by Liang Chen ?
  She knew the King of Liang Liang Chen accounted body, King of Liang returned to
his body after the real Liang Chen, how it going ?
  Cheng Yan silent for a moment, her eyes watching the police had been in doubt,
her face turned pale, tone of some pent-up anger and fear: " I saw them die, and I
almost killed, You asked me so, why did n’t you ask me if I can bear it? "
  Mother Cheng was really irritated when she was so distressed that she put her
daughter in her arms and said, " My daughter just got back and didn't even breathe.
You are here to force her to ask her! Is it bullying? "
  Seeing that the girl was indeed weak and pale, the few policemen did not continue
to ask. It seemed that they had bullied the little girl together and waited for her
mood to stabilize .
  " Sister Cheng! " Crispy voice sounded .
  Stairs out now a little girl wearing a dress, holding a small bag, with a gust of
wind like a run down .
  " Sister, fortunately you are okay. " The little girl was in tears. " I want to be
scared. "
  Cheng Yan wiped her tears: " Not afraid. "
  Xiao Xiang " huh " , rubbed his red eyes, and suddenly lowered his
voice: " Sister, I want to go to the toilet, can you go with me? "
  Cheng Yan accompanied her to the toilet door .
  Xiao Xiang didn't go in, but reached into the schoolbag and digged out. Suddenly
his eyes lit up and raised his little hand: " Sister, this is for you. "
  She took out was a book, did not cover the word inside the text with a brush or
handwritten .
  Cheng Yan turned over: " Give me? "
  Want to force small little head and said: " my sister saved my sister's life and
I want to thank you, this book is the most precious thing a big sister ."
  The book is about things like spells and symbols. Cheng Yan is not very
interested: "It's so precious that you shouldn't give it away. "
  " My sister's life is the most precious expensive. " Small think a norm sample of
adults to learn to breath, " Gratitude repay, of course, but also with the most
precious thing to repay sister ah. "
  She seemed afraid that Cheng Yan wouldn't want to, and she ran away with
smoke .
Should the   boss lady be accepted by the male owner now as in the plot ?
  Cheng Yan didn't want to take her things, but wanted to put it back in the inn.
She had to go down the mountain with Cheng Mu, but Cheng Mu suddenly called her at
the door, and she accidentally dropped the book on the ground .
  " Yanyan, come here soon , we are going down the mountain. "
  Cheng Yan responded and crouched down to pick up the book. The book just turned
to the page where the longevity formation was recorded. She looked stunned .
  She suddenly felt a burst of biting cold .
  Wrong .
  All wrong .
  He had everyone fooled by the King of Liang, the world is the elixir of life is
not false, but the drugs alone is useless, but also to aid tactical deployment phase,
a few hundred years ago, the Wu family in order to immortality The seal was in the
mausoleum, but I didn't know that from that moment on, the immortal formation really
played a role .
  King Liang 's trick to deceive everyone has been deceived .
  Even now, King Liang is still keeping this secret, making her think that he lived
to the present by the immortal formation .
  What he said was half-truth, no wonder she didn't hear any problems. In fact,
immortality requires the immortality medicine and the formation method to be
indispensable, and the formation method needs to continue life with blood and keep
the gate with the soul .
  Blood ... It was those false witches arranged by King Liang to sacrifice .
  As for the soul ... it is King Liang himself, who is the tomb-keeper in the
mausoleum. The price is that there is no reincarnation, no reincarnation, and this
life is gone .
  He just can not leave, but do not want to leave, because as soon as leave, matrix
method becomes ineffective, she would be sick old will die .
  Cheng Yan held the fingertips of the book and tightened slowly, unable to tell
what was in her heart. Such love was too heavy. She remembered the deep and lonely
eyes she saw when she looked back .
  " Yan Yan, come ah, we have the downhill. "
  Seeing Cheng Yan be still, the mother at the door urged again .
  Cheng Yan downcast look, see the pupil of the eye affection thread, she slowly
stood up, walked to the front of Cheng mother, saying: " . No, I'm not leaving ."
  The white moon in the story at this time dead, so liangwang to drop everything
and care of the household together down the mountain, but now she did not die, she
will not die before the task is completed, then ...... liangwang will choose Downhill
with the hostess ?
  He won't .
  " Do not go? " Cheng mother if she did not understand what to say, " Yan Yan,
we have to go home, what do you stay here? "
  " Home? Is that her home ? " Suddenly someone said sarcastically .
  Cheng Yan turned around and saw the lady boss. She was not surprised at all, but
felt a faint sigh of relief .
  Cheng female face changed: " You mess to say anything? "
  Boss sneer, his eyes sharp sharp and hatred: " I mess that she knew, and she is
not your daughter, but I?! "
  Cheng mother panicked look to Cheng Yan, Xie release pale: " . Yan Yan, you are
my daughter, you are the "
  Cheng Yan did not say anything, just looked at the boss: " You will not go
back ? Is not the head ."
  She asked if she would go back to Liang Chen .
  The proprietress immediately understood that, for a moment, resentment and
unwillingness rushed back into her heart and turned into a sneer sneer: " Yes, at
this point, we are all the same. "
  In her heart, she didn't even reject Cheng Yan to go back to that house, because
it meant that Liang Chen would be alone in the mausoleum, for centuries, alone to
death !
  Just after she finished saying this, Cheng Yan heard the system prompt: [ Host,
the relationship between the host and the host is completely broken and cannot be
repaired. The task of matching the host and the host together fails. Is the remedial
task started? ]
  Cheng Yan straight face that chose remediation tasks, watching the boss,
said: " No, I do . They are not the same ."
  This time, she is willing to turn back, willing to do for love as a man of this
point, to get back to the report that is being let down is not to be abandoned
forgotten in the dark mausoleum .
  A boss stunned, looking at her eyes seemed different .
  Cheng her mother did not understand what they say, but feel a little nervous, as
if this will fly away like a daughter from her hand: " Yan Yan, we . Go home, go
home, do not listen to her ."
  Cheng Yan has said: " Mom, I have something, you and the boss go back
together. "
  " What can you do? " Mother Cheng refused to let her go, " Yanyan, be good, come
home with me. "
  Cheng Yan only said the word " done deal with things, I will go back to see
you. " Left .
  Mother Cheng also wanted to catch up, and the boss lady caught her and couldn't
help but shouted: " You see clearly! I am your daughter! "
  Cheng mother looked at the boss's face, startled the next, as if it intended
to identify themselves as if to hurt her heart, but, Yanyan ...... Yanyan is she wants
her daughter ah .
  Cheng Yan ran back to the cemetery almost in one breath .
  Tomb door has been shut, and how she took to open it, then tried again at the
fingertips drops of blood on the flowers, it really is useful, the tomb was opened,
she ran inside .
  Dense hang wax candles were extinguished, and looked dark, she could not see
anything, had touched the way to go .
  When she walked to the door of the first chamber , she did not dare to touch it
casually. When she was trying to tell King Liang to open the door, she suddenly felt
a cold wind blowing .
  She closed her eyes, and her neck was snapped by a cold hand .
  " What are you doing back? "
  Cheng Yan coughed twice: "... Let go, let go! "
  Hearing her voice, King Liang's body suddenly stiffened, and his sleeves waved,
and the candles on the wall lit up one by one, seeing the familiar face in front of
him, his voice was dumb: " Yan Yan ? "
  Cheng Yan: " Do you want to strangle me? "
  Liangwang panic hand back, her eyes fell on some red-neck, tone and ashamed and
distressed: " I do not know you, I am to be ......"
  Cheng Yan stared at him: " You to whom to be? "
  King Liang frowned in disgust, and when he looked at her, his eyes became gentle
again, but he was a little bit more confused and hesitantly said: " What are you
doing here? "
  Cheng Yan: " I know everything. "
  King Liang: " Know what? "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him: " You still have to be confused? "
  Wang Liang ’s disguise gradually withdrew, he looked at her fixedly for a while,
but sighed helplessly: " You do n’t have to do this, these are my own wishes, as
long as you can live, I will be alone I am happy to be here. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him and asked, " Are you hiding from me, are you afraid that
I will live with you in the future? "
  King Liang lowered his voice: " There is nothing here, you can't stand it, I
don't want you to live unhappy. "
  Cheng Yan little head: " You 're right, I can not live here. "
  Cover your eye liangwang bottom of sadness and loneliness, Mian strong
smile: " So, in the future do not come. "
  " But ..." Cheng Yan suddenly stretched his hands around his waist and looked up
into his stunned eyes. " I won't be happy if I can't be with you. "
  " Yan Yan? " Liangwang only sleep covered in blood were rushed to the top of the
head, going to restrain himself, calm voice what emotions suppressed, " you know I
got how determined they let you go ? You say In this case, I would think ... "
  Cheng Yan's voice is very soft, but it seems to be a bit hooked: " What do you
want? "
  Liangwang looked at her and did not say a word, bowed his head, forced to kiss
her lips .

The first 62 chapters off the stack of amnesia president (twenty-six )

  King Liang took her back to the secret room , put her on the bed , looked at her
deeply for a moment, and leaned down to continue to kiss her. The air seemed to be
filled with a tender and ambiguous atmosphere , his kiss was gone Restrained,
eager , violent , and greedy , as if to release all the emotions that have been
suppressed for a long time .
  " Yan Yan, I am for you will not come back. " His voice was a bit dumb dumb .
  Cheng Yan said: " I think so too. "
  Liangwang looked into her eyes, his robe off, nibbled her lip , sound more hair
Diya, reveals a different kind of meaning: " I did not intend to recapture you go. "
  Cheng Yan took off the jade crown and the hairpin on his head , watched
his long hair spread out , and said, " Then do n't let it go. "
  King Liang smiled , and whispered like a lover between her ears: " You have to be
responsible for your own words. "
  Cheng Yan is responsible for very thorough , nothing to him .
  After that, the two lay quietly for a while .
  " Are you all right? " Wang Liang turned to look at her .
  His eyes are gentle, his tone is also very concerned, and his attitude is
naturally intimate .
  Cheng Yan would also naturally tell tell him: " some pain. "
  " I'm sorry, I was not too hasty? " King of Liang eyes have become more
distressed and annoyed angry, " I can help you relieve the pain? "
  Cheng Yan remembered that he licked the palm of her hand, and the wound on the
palm healed , and when he listened to him again, he was silent .
  King Liang saw that she was not talking, but also realized something. Looking at
her clear eyes, his ears were a bit hot, and his heart was a little moved, and he
immediately suppressed this shameful thought .
  It was another moment. The two stared at each other , and no one spoke. The air
seemed to flow quietly with a certain sentiment. The heart seemed to float in the
clouds, and there was an indescribable sweet atmosphere .
  King Liang looked at her for a while, finger gently touched her face, lowered her
head to kiss her, and parted again. After a while, she continued to kiss again,
tender and lingering .
  But in almost two and scrub gun fire when the King of Liang took a deep breath,
restrained himself, did not want to hurt her, there is no taking even her, just
holding her speak .
  He told her how she was sent to the Cheng family by him .
  At that time, she woke up from a long period of drowsiness, three hundred years
later, perhaps because she slept too long, so long that she forgot everything, even
her name .
  When he was when she woke up just as happy about it, but gradually discovered
that things are not as good as he imagined .
  She doesn't remember him, doesn't like him, even afraid of him, she always wants
to run away .
  She looked depressed widowed Huan, weight loss, pale appearance, he realized that
she could not accompany him to live here together, she did not like this place. In
order to make her better, he had to decide to send her away .
  He can not leave Liangshan, but they can separate the soul possessed the sort of
sub-Liang Sun who, he possessed in the Liang Chen who, in his capacity as the
grandson of the Ka find a way home, they will be She was her own daughter, but when
they saw her, they recognized her as a witch, because their family ancestor even
handed down a portrait of a witch. He restrained them with words and spirits. The
daughter takes good care of her and will never tell her secrets .
  As in exchange, he gave way home, a huge amount of wealth .
  But he had negotiated these words were Cheng's daughter heard it, he
just again looking for a new " witch " , will give way home to her on the mountain,
on the way home that her daughter did not pay attention, also agreed .
  After being possessed once, he became very weak, and then he returned to his
body, falling into a coma for several years. Until he woke up a month ago, Liang
Chen might have learned the secrets passed down from his ancestors. When Liang Shan
came, he was attached to him again, and he wanted to borrow his body to visit her at
Cheng's house .
  But when to Liangshan when more than Liang Chen, Jin Chi and words are silent
here, they saw him and recognized Leong who fear that they want to steal the treasure
mind leak, he will be pushed down the cliff After he became Liang Chen, he was
relatively weak and had no resistance. After falling off the cliff, he lost his
memory .
  Hear here, what you think of Cheng Yan: " Your time back after the body, how to
wake up so fast? "
  King Liang was silent for a moment, and looked at her deeply, saying, " You are
bleeding. "
  His tone seemed like she was bleeding and dying .
  Cheng Yan slightly without words: "...... just a little. "
  King Liang put her hand in her palm and kissed softly, saying: " But, I will
feel bad, so I woke up. "
  Cheng Yan a daze, looked into his eyes, his eyes focused, serious and very
attractive, some people feel kind of uneasy heartbeat .
  Suddenly, King Liang approached her and looked at her very close, breathing on
her face, with a warm feeling of numbness. His voice was low: " Do you really decide
to stay ? "
  Cheng Yan: " No! I don't even mean to leave at all. "
  King of Liang's face gradually becomes white, like as dead, looked at her eyes
fixed set .
  Cheng Yan rely on the past, against his chest, looked into his eyes, said: " I ?
Leave with them, good or bad ."
  " No, I won't leave. " King Liang sat up without looking at her, and his tone of
indifference revealed indifferently, " If you want to go, you can go by yourself. "
  Cheng Yan: " So, do you really not leave? "
  Wang Liang silently, is she still leaving? At the thought of this, he felt that
his heart was sore that he couldn't breathe, but he couldn't walk with her, and he
couldn't force her to stay here .
  The joy of Fang Cai is like a dream .
  His heart has been sinking, and he can't bear these heavy emotions, as if the
heavy black mist enveloped him, and his expression gradually became terrible .
  Cheng Yan suddenly hugged him from behind and put his face on his back: " If you
don't want to, I will accompany you here, don't embarrass yourself, I also want you
to be happy. "
  Liangwang a stunned, stunned turned to look at her, hoarsely: " Yan Yan? "
  " You don't care about me, you can stay here forever for me, why can't I stay
here for you? "
  Cheng Yan smiled at him, as if he really thought it was good here .
  Liangwang look to see her smile, and my heart was more uncomfortable, and she
obviously does not like it here, so wronged their own, if she really left it, even
with him, she will not feel happy, will Do you think he bound her? Will you
gradually dislike him? Or is it because he likes him, he is more wronged and
suppressed ?
  Liangwang silent for a long time, think a lot, and finally sighed: " I have down
together. "
  Cheng Yan body was posted: " you do not embarrass yourself. "
  King Liang knew that she was retreating , but at this point, it was also cute to
take care of the machine, and it made people feel angry. He was a bit more
complicated and said: " If I go down the mountain, the formation is useless, You
will also experience life and death. "
  Anti-Cheng Yan asked: " How about you? "
  Liangwang: " I am their fate early on tied together, and you die, I will die. "
  Cheng Yan smiled: " You are not afraid, why should I be afraid? "
  Liangwang looked at her, her smile made him feel heart head suddenly a loose,
made a desperate decision had to go, as long as she pleased, what he is willing to
do, if she was depressed, even if there is no longevity Meaning .
  He reached out and hugged her in his arms, his chin against her Ufa, and
said: " Once the formation fails, there is not much time left for us. "
  Cheng Yan: " It doesn't matter if it's only three days. "
  Liangwang eyes smile surfaced: " than this to be a little more, is three years. "
  Cheng Yan think the next: " I can do a lot of things, or else write down? "
  " May. " Liangwang low head to look at her, deep mysterious eyes exceptionally
tender, " the first thing I have to get married now. "
  Cheng Yan looked head, somewhat surprised: " to pro? "
  Liangwang eyes in a sort of back to the memory of the look, but also some sad
tone: " I answer should be had to marry you after, but I waited for you for a long
time, you do not come back ." He looked at her With a smile on the corner
of her lips , she reached out to her, " So, would you still like it? "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him and slowly put his hand into his palm, he clenched her
hand .
  " Okay, I will. "
  Cheng Yan to as just a formality like, he was a black family, it is impossible to
register what pulled her marriage. Unexpectedly, King Liang had already prepared the
things for the married couple long ago, and the box was filled with wedding dresses,
wedding candle lanterns, hair ring jewelry and so on .
  Even the ancient marriage books are there, but they haven't written a word yet .
  Face of Cheng Yan doubts, liangwang calm and explained: " That I wait for you to
get married, so these are ready, and later became buried. "
  Cheng Yan: " The wedding dress ...... very complex hybrid, or else ......"
  " Yes. " King Liang looked at her, " I will help you wear it. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  She wanted to say ...... Can not you just wear out pieces of red ah .
  King Liang still put her on her wedding dress and combed her into a beautiful bun
and a phoenix crown. The fine beads fell on her cheeks, lining her skin like ivory
and delicate and delicate, The beauty is distracting .
  King Liang looked at her secretly : " Yanyan must be the most beautiful bride in
Dalyang. "
  Cheng Yan saw that he was in a good mood, but did not remind him that Da Liang
had already died .
  King Liang also changed his red clothes. The two worshipped the world in
accordance with the customs of the Liang Dynasty. There is no Gaotang here, so this
step is saved and the couple marries directly .
  After the worship was completed, King Liang took her hand, slowly lowered her
head close to her face, and kissed her: " Yan Yan, today is the happiest day of
my life. "
  Cheng Yan pulled his coat collar: " After what? "
  Liangwang tightly around her waist, leaned over, hoarse voice: " the future of
high -hing and today is different today is the most special. "
  Cheng Yan tiptoe, arms Gouzhao his neck, and asked: " into ? After pro, you'll
listen to me and you ."
  King Liang: " Listen to everything. "
  Cheng Yan smiled and moved closer to him, breathing like Lan: " Then I will
listen to you today. "
  Liangwang eyes a dark, could not resist the low head and touched her lips, she
will hold more and more tightly, as if to rub it into her body like warm .
  Cheng Yan: " Not here. "
  King Liang picked her up and returned to the bed, and threw a red-hot bed ...
  Three years later .
  A group of college students on graduation trip came to Liangshan and lived in
Liangshan Inn .
  Xu Ya didn't want to come, but her friend had to bring her over, this was an
adventure .
  Since a group of rich and second generations all died bizarrely in Liangshan
three years ago, there have been some very strange rumors here. Legend has it that
there is a mausoleum of kings, and there are countless treasures. Immortal
medicine .
  About the legend, this inn is also a lot of years before the death of the group
of wealthy people lived through this inn, the result of almost all group off,
everyone would think that the inn has a lot of a certain grievances devils .
  Of course, these are just legends, and no one really believes, just look at it
out of a certain curiosity .
  Three years ago Liangshan murder has been find out, the same group of people
killing each other, but did not disclose the specific reasons, which in turn led to
users on speculation about a series of both good and bad, this gave no reason The inn
added romantic elements to the supernatural elements .
  So, off the stack has now also become more fire, the inn reopened a month ago,
the people who come here to travel more .
  After booking a room, Xu Ya went back to the room with her friend Chen Dan .
  Chen Dan some excitement in the room, walking up and down: " off the stack
handsome ah boss a school than we have handsome grass a few hundred times!! "
  Xu Ya: " You're not happy joy seniors do? "
  When Chen Dan didn't hear it, she applied makeup to the small mirror, wiped her
lipstick, and dragged her to run downstairs: " Go around, go to the boss and ask for
a phone. "
  They went downstairs to see to see former boss at the counter, wearing a white
shirt, tall stature, facial features picturesque, clear cause Toshihaya, especially
seductive, compelling .
  Chen Dan have stared, very charming twisted waist went and waited
tone: " Boss ......"
  Xu Ya wanted to drag the person back, and the boss did n’t look at her, which
was embarrassing .
  At this point, Xu Ya turned around, saw the girl came to the door, as if it is
about twenty look, especially beautiful, delicate features, fair complexion, as if
unable to find a wire defect .
  The boss also see saw her, indifferent expression immediately softened: " Yan
Yan, the outside is drying, go out and how not to fight umbrella? "
The tone of   his blame only makes people feel spoiled .
  Cheng Yan walked over, he peeled a piece of chocolate for her, and fed it into
her mouth. The actions of the two were natural and intimate, as if everyone else had
turned into a background plate of nothingness .
  Chen Dan was furious: " Boss, is this your girlfriend? "
  King Liang corrected: " Wife. "
  Chen Dan: "..."
  Playing scramble up .
  She took Xu Ya and went upstairs, while vomiting: " Why are handsome guys from
other people's houses? "
  Xu Ya think just pretty girls, back to the sentence: " because . You people not
pretty ."
  Chen Dan: "... Stop it. "
  Listening to the voice drifting upstairs , Cheng Yan stared at him: " Boss, are
you attracting bees and butterflies? "
  King Liang leaned over and looked at her, her voice somewhat sexy and low: " Are
you talking about yourself? "
  Cheng Yan laughed, pushed him, sat on high stools in: " I have, how many things
did not do? "
  Liangwang open book, looked at: " open-off . Stack is already the last thing "
  Cheng Yan felt that he was not so happy to open an inn, but in the past three
years, they have been in the duo world, they can do everything they can, go to places
where they can play, and even have no tricks to eat It's nothing new .
  In the end it is only three months time, Cheng Yan wanted a little fun before I
die, is not so bleak pathos, went back to Liangshan open off the stack .
  It's just that he obviously only wanted to be alone with her. She didn't like the
excitement. She even had a feeling. If he didn't want to make her unhappy, he would
be willing to stay with her in the back room forever and ever .
  Cheng Yan to the next, it said: " You think ...... the last two months, I have the
secret room back how about? "
  Liangwang look a move, watching her eyes have some light, but also pretending to
be calm and said: " Yan Yan hi . Huan, I listen to you ."
  After this decision, the inn that was opened for one month was closed the next
day. The students were sent away without complaining because the boss also sent them
a lot of things, such as hairpins, vases, and jade. .
  He had only when it is a fake, but these things look good and fine, they are also
very high interest, but did not know he was so windfall .
  Off the stack after people are gone, the King of Liang will close the door, and
look to the Cheng Yan, gentle eyes: " I have also go. "
  Cheng Yan: " Okay. "
  Two months passed quickly. At the last moment of his life, King Liang and her
were lying in the dark coffin together with no regrets or fears .
  " Yan Yan, if the next life, I will be with you. " His low head and kissed her
brow .
  " Well, I'm waiting for you. "
  From the world at the moment, Cheng Yan's heart some sense of hurt, why have it
the next life, this life would have been very happy, and he knows he is no next
life .
  Back to the Department of system space, the sound system
sounded: " Congratulations to the host for the new care of the household, the
successful completion of remedial tasks, whether immediately into the next world? "
  Cheng Yan: "Is he really gone ? "
  Department of System: " Yes, the host, I remind you, do not put real feelings. "
  Cheng Yan closed her eyes: "The next world. "
  The author has something to say: Cheng Yan: Does he really no longer exist ?
  Department system: Yes .
  Later -
  Department system: face really hurts .
The first 63 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (a )
  End of the world has been going on for a whole month , zombie walk , all over
the city, the living struggle desperately to collect seize goods, supermarket villa
has long been looted .
  Cheng Yan plundered several laps , only to find a bottle of water, a piece of
chocolate , half a loaf of bread , focus on bread or had been bitten throw on the
ground .
  Tintin a face despise: " Yan Yan , you want to eat this? "
  Cheng Yan also agreed : "I don't want to. "
  Tintin: " Throw it away. "
  Cheng Yan thought about it and felt that it was really unacceptable, so he had to
throw it away .
  She wore into the "doomsday carnival" This book has been three years, after three
years of white Fu-mei of luxury living , period between success and also reached the
male contact and break up the task, then , she would only need to match the end of
the world The man and the woman can be together .
  Three years ago, the male , was just a family entertainment company of her new
actors , is innocent honest yet shy young men , or perhaps to highlight his strong
at the end of the world, at that time the male is very miserable, there is a bet The
ghost father, who owed huge debts, filmed and repaid his debts every day. She refused
to let her help repay the debts after dealing with him. It was just that when the two
broke up , she gave him the cheque. Since then, the news disappeared .
  Cheng Yan felt that the breakup was very peaceful this time. The male host had no
nostalgia for her and probably did n’t want to see her anymore, because her reason
for breaking up was scumbag. I was about to prepare to get engaged to a prospective
fiance. I Like him very much, so let's finish .
  In fact, the fiancé was only arranged by the family, and she just followed the
plot .
  But, the book is clearly not the white moon wronged themselves, first fiance's
family any good character Ye Hao Yan, is too strong, always control her, she had
dropped out of marriage, her parents did not hurt the anti Dui .
  Then came the second fiancé arranged by the family. The other fiancé had the same
family background as the first fiance, but the face value was much higher. He gave
birth to a pair of passionate peach eyes, which was also in line with his wandering
personality, it was a flower The son, the problem is that the playboy is going to
turn around for her, and still remembers to be intimate with her all day long, and
Bai Yueguang can't accept to go to bed with him, so he retires .
  In the year after the end of the second term , the end of the world came, what
family, status, power, all became nothingness, her parents were gnawed by the zombie
relatives who broke into the door, became the zombie of the parents I want to chew
her together again .
  She was so scared that she took her eleven -year-old brother and quickly hid in
the basement, accumulating all the food in the house, saving herself to eat every
day, so she hid for a month, because those who had no food had to go out .
  No zombies were encountered along the way , so Cheng Yan and Ding Ding came to
the supermarket .
  Cheng Yan and Ding Ding have n't eaten the bitterness of the end of the world.
The two are still the white and clean appearance of the rich young master before the
end of the age, and they are used to a good life and refuse to eat the bread bitten
by others .
  But, just when Cheng Yan was about to throw away the bread , a woman suddenly
rushed out, grabbed the bread, and stuffed it into her mouth .
  Tintin stunned: "It's ugly. "
  " You say? " The woman draped head distribute clothes were tattered, bare thighs,
some bruises, revealing the red Tintin ferocious expression .
  Cheng Yan some vigilance, holding tight iron hand: " Tintin, I have to go. "
  Woman eyes staring at her carrying bag, eyes flashing, voice suddenly soft
down: " You have a base north of the city people it is not bad to eat, give me a
drink of water okay?? "
  Water is life in the last days .
  Cheng Yan didn't answer . The north base in the book was established by her
second fiancé. He returned to the romantic appearance and collected many beautiful
women as slave girls. She didn't seem to have been destroyed by the end, so the
woman Are you so doubtful ?
  Cheng Yan glanced at her and took Ding Ding out. It was not far from the south
base of the city. She decided to go there. It was the site of the first fiancé.
Although he had a strong desire for control, it was quite gentle in comparison.
Talker .
  Speaking of which, all the people she has contacted with have become gangsters.
Of course, these gangsters will all empathize with the mistress .
  Cheng Yan and Ding Ding were walking on the street, and the woman behind them
silently followed .
  Cheng Yan knew that she wouldn't be able to get rid of her, but it was easy to
attract zombies and ignored it .
  Just Tintin whispered , " Yanyan, why can't a zombie see it? "
  Cheng Yan also felt weirdly quiet. Either the zombies in this street had been
cleaned up by the people at the base, or were they hiding somewhere ?
  She was a little uneasy: " I have to go faster! "
  Tintin positive points head, suddenly heard a sharp cry resounded through the
whole street, he turned around, little face on the white .
  The woman had the body side is only a zombie, she called this, just like there
are zombie-like master's call, Chung came from all directions, converging to a small
group of zombie tide .
  Tintin: "Is her brain full of water? "
  Cheng Yan pulled Tintin and ran away .
  " That woman is still running with us !!! "
  " Stop talking! "
  After running for a while, Cheng Yan was out of breath, and Tintin was not much
better .
  Tintin suddenly surprised to say: " ! Yan Yan, Yan Yan in front of a car! "
  Cheng Yan also see saw, was a military green car, she did not pay attention to
see the surrounding environment, but did not see anyone in the car, the door still
wide open, and immediately pulled Tintin car, locked the doors and windows, Just
relieved .
  Cheng Yan wiped the sweat .
  Ding Ding suddenly said: " Yan Yan, there are a lot of food, used, and new
clothes in the car! "
  Cheng Yan also see met, and Tintin in the eye with .
  Tintin: " I don't think anyone can leave these things. "
  Cheng Yan: " So, did you pay attention to it just now? How many people are
outside the car? "
  Tintin turned his head, his expression suddenly became wonderful: " I have good
news, bad news, which one do you want to hear? "
  Cheng Yancheng capacity by very strong: " together to say. "
  Tintin: " I remember, I just saw my brother-in-law just now. "
  Cheng Yan calmed down: " Which? "
  Tintin a face " Hello from whom " the look of sympathy, said: " . Two ."
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  The window next to her was suddenly knocked down, and she turned her head to meet
a pair of smiling peach eyes. The man leaned on the window with one hand and looked
at her half-bent. Meaning: " This reunion is a bit bad. Fiancee, did you bring a
bunch of zombie gifts? "
  Cheng Yan rolled down his window: "...... a long time no see. "
  This is her second fiance, Tan Beiliu, but she feels that he should call Tan
Fengliu more appropriate .
  " Really is a long time not met. " A low gentle voice sounded, " you say,
Yan Yan? "
  Xu Junyi stood not far away, standing long and standing, and smiled at her
slightly, but his eyes were somewhat unfathomable .
  Cheng Yan was silent for a moment, and I just wanted to understand that the two
people had never dealt with it. The possibility here should be for this car's
supplies, but I don't know who this car's supplies were originally .
  Tan suddenly look to the north, but in the other direction, the speaker
said: " ! Yu pool was . I do not grab the capital ," he turned around to see
Cheng Yan, " . Yan Yan, follow me ."
  Tintin Listening to stare round eyes: " Yu pool you play? Had that beautiful
boy? "
  Cheng Yan didn't expect to meet the male host so soon, but she broke up with him
more peacefully than the other two, shouldn't it be too awkward to meet ?
  The material of this car should be Yuchi, but only two other people wanted to
snatch it .
  Thinking of this, Cheng Yan couldn't sit still. She didn't want to become the
target of the competition, she opened the door and wanted to get off .
  At this time, suddenly a slender hand closed the door forcefully, and then locked
the door with the key outside .
  This series of actions is fast and steady .
  Cheng Yan anti should come to hear the other side deep cold voice
sounded: " than to kill zombies, right, who won, this car East West who should. "
  Cheng Yan's heart suddenly a little faster, a pool Yu, he stood up straight, she
does not look to see his face, only to see his tall slender figure through the
window, wearing a military uniform force, did not wear coats , The five-star military
emblem on his shoulders showed a cold and shining light, and he showed a cold and
fierce momentum .
  Xu Junyi smile: " I did not intended to see. "
  Tan Beiliu's fingertips were moving, and he smiled: " Also. "
  Tintin whispered , " Yanyan, you are not a thing, nor am I. "
  Cheng Yan lost his expression: "..."
  Although it is known that Tintin is refuting the sentence that Yu Chi said, but
at this time it always sounds subtle ?
The first 64 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (two )
  Because as gambling regulations three bases bigwigs
conducted , team friends who would not intervene , but also for their boss
confident of fans, saw the zombie tide came even eyebrows did not pick it .
  " Help! "
There were obviously three men   standing in front of the car, but the woman with
her hair disheveled and embarrassed just fell down under Tan Beiliu ’s suit
pants , holding his thighs and crying for help, apparently recognizing that he was a
woman who could play women ’s city base. boss , Take him will Lianxiangxiyu .
  Cheng Yan see see Tan north, laugh loudly , relentlessly kicked the woman into
the pile of zombies , fingertips current will flutter past few zombie electricity
was charred charred towards him .
  The woman screamed and was quickly gnawed by the zombies .
  She was not surprised at all. He was romantic, but not romantic .
  Moreover, the more seemingly passionate people , its real harden more ruthless .
  Xu Junyi also standing very close to the more recent zombie, awakening his
abilities more than his high-profile personality of the , walk away is a deep-
fried shells , deafening want explosions deaf in , a bunch of zombies has been torn
apart , fly apart .
  Tintin a face worship: " Xu brother badly, he would take us to go? "
  Cheng Yan also thought that Xu Junyi might have won. She was about to see how
many zombies Yu Chi killed. Suddenly she saw the car door pulled open. Yu Chi looked
down at her with cold eyes and a low voice: " Keep off. "
  This is his car , she for him is to bring weapons and the like, it is moved to
the co-pilot and Tintin crammed together .
  Who knows, Yu Chi took a long leg, got into the car, pulled the door, stepped on
the accelerator, and the car unexpectedly left .
  Tintin a face ignorant force: " not with such a play, ah. "
  He is still waiting for Sister Xu to pick it up .
  Cheng Yan is also very subtle expression, she heard a car behind the north, Tan
criticized the sentence , " Yu Pool Fuck - ! Thy fathers " , Tan north, seems to have
been this wave of angry god operation is not light .
  Yu Ikegami the car without saying a word, shot from the side profile sexy and
cold, giving a bit unpredictable and deep alienation, three years ago that got a shy
innocent beautiful boy no shadow .
  Cheng Yanqing Qing throat throat: " You are so drove off? "
  Good long while, Yu pool no emotion thread of sound was sounded: " there is a
problem? "
  Three years do not see, he does not seem to get to know .
  Cheng Yan look at him, reminded: " you mention ? Proposed game, you get to run,
you think there is no problem ."
  When the words fell, Yu Chi suddenly approached her, black eyes staring at her,
his voice low: " You do n't seem to realize what is the end time yet? "
  Cheng Yan vaguely understood what he meant, and looked at him silently .
  " Forget the last days before the ceremony set of righteous rule shame of
it. " Yu pool hostility have looked a bit aggressive, " and more Do not take it to
ask me, this place is full of fraud, massacre, competition, violence, chaos, In order
to live, people can do everything. "
  Cheng Yan pursed her lips .
  Yu Chi's eyes were a bit sharp: " Can you understand? "
  He would roar .
  Cheng Yan glanced at him: " Understood. "
  Yu Chi sat back, and her sharp momentum also moved away from her. She exhaled a
little, and when she turned her head, she met Tintin's queer face .
  " This is your pure and honest first love boy? " Tintin lowered his voice, his
eyes suspicious .
  Cheng Yan also whispered, with some emotion: "When a teenager grows up, he is
neither pure nor honest. "
  Yu Chi swept across the wind, chilling .
  Cheng Yan sat down casually .
  Tintin eyes right on the pool Yu, scalp tingling, pulled a lovely
smile: " Brother, I'm all good and Yan Yan Xi Huan you oh. "
  Yu Cheng Yan played dead glanced at the pool, pulled lower lips, like
ridicule satirical something like it does not matter, back to the head .
  Cheng Yan looked blank and looked at Tintin .
  Tintin blinked, so innocent: " I'm trying to please you . "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
Is the word   Jinzhu used this way ?
  The other side .
  When the car ran so hard to see the shadows, the teammates at Chengdong Base were
ashamed. This wave of operations from their boss was really ... good fucking .
  Just looking at the expressions of Tan Beiliu and Xu Junyi, they quickly shocked
and ashamed of their pretense: " Boss is so mean! "
  " Yes, yes! How can I say a good game together, but he ran with the beauty
himself? "
  " Two Do not worry, We'll catch up to, to persuade the boss to come back. "
  The teammates got into the car quickly and slipped faster than their boss .
  Tan Beiliu sighed in his chest: " What the hell is this! "
  Xu Junyi still smiled gently: " Don't you catch up? "
  Tan north, shimmering eyes, his mouth said: " is to break off an engagement, and
I was also a friend and Yan Yan ah, of course I have to go to catch up, and ? Scumbag
who knows what she would do " under Dayton, and he Ask, " Aren't you going to
chase? "
  Xu Junyi avoids answering: " I still have something, so I will go first. "
  After Xu Junyi's people left, Tan Beiliu and his teammates were still there .
  A teammate asked: " Do you chase now? "
  Tan Beiliu kicked him: " Chasing a fart! Xu Junyi's fox knows not to chase, do
you let me chase and chase to find a fight? "
  If he and Xu Junyi join forces, there is still a possibility that the supplies
and the woman will be snatched up. Now his mother is alone and he has not been beaten
to death by Yu Chi ?
  The car entered the base of Chengdong all the way .
  Most of the bases are abilities. Even some ordinary people are either relatives
or friends of the abilities , or female slaves and male pets who earn money from
beauty .
  In the last days, although still male-dominated, there are also some female
powers, and male pets are what they breed .
  Cheng Yan and Ding Ding got out of the car. The sisters and brothers were
beautiful in appearance and clean and exquisitely dressed. They did not look like
they should be in the last days, which immediately attracted everyone's attention .
  The covetousness in those sights is extremely strong, as if I can't wait to try
the taste of this pair of sisters .
  Tintin felt like I was staring at a pack of wolves, he tightened Cheng Yan's
hand: " Yan Yan, he ? They eat people do ."
  His words fell into the ears of men and women, and they laughed out loud
meaningfully .
  Tintin was more nervous and his eyes were round .
  Cheng Yan frowned .
  Until the man in the driver's seat came down, all the talents had converged .
  Yu pool did not greet his son, Tuiyou long, walking the wind, coats also slightly
open .
  Cheng Yan took Tintin to catch followed on .
  Base is a buildings, the former seems to be a big company, Yu pool into the front
hall, there are a few people from the elevator's over .
  The leader was Xu Fuyan. He and Yu Chi were comrades in the army before the end
of the day. The relationship between the two was very strong. He came over to say
hello to Yu Chi and saw his sisters and brothers behind him. On Cheng Yan .
  He frowns, not because Cheng Yan grown too beautiful, but he had seen her
picture, then layer in the wallet Yu pool, the pool will be Yu Department team is
the army suffered hurt feelings, like being female The child abandoned it, and that
time was when Yu Chi was most depressed .
  Xu Fu Yan face had faded, but Guzuobuzhi: " He who is ...... ? "
  Yu pool no expression, no referral Shao, said: " . You just arrange "
  When he was finished, he left with several others .
  Xu Fu Yan leave arrangements for siblings and son, he saw the frown while Cheng
Yan, do not like pretty girls to hook one soul .
  He asked: " Is there any power ? "
  Dingding Cha feel that he is not happy, devil's advocate, naively
asked: " abilities is to eat ? It "
  Xu Fu Yan knew he would undoubtedly gone, eyes a bit of disdain, he took them to
the residential building next door, which has a lot of room, he knocked on one of the
rooms on the inside of the woman , said: " His two later Live here. "
  After talking, he walked away without looking back .
  Women in very light, sort of pretty, not outstanding, it is only wearing
underwear, who signs as people watched all feel embarrassed .
  Cheng Yan covered Ding Ding's eyes, her face was not good, she knew that Xu Fuyan
took her somewhere .
  There are not only women but also men in the room. They are all somewhat
beautiful, and their bodies are okay .
  Co-ed, room back room is also a mess, shows a color angry, dejected atmosphere .
  The woman has been here for more than ten days. Her name is Liu Sang. She was a
primary three before the end of the world, and she is not dissatisfied with her
betrayal .
  She glanced at Cheng Yan look, then said: " You are the first time? " She
looks over people's language gas, " here you can not such a beautiful woman, you
certainly will be very sought-after, just brought you here Xu Fuyan, if he can be
your first man, you will be better off in the future. "
  Then, she eyes to see Tintin, Tintin grow too small Xipinenrou and look
beautiful, has some juvenile look, her eyes lit up: " You ? I have to eat it ......"
  Before she finished talking, Cheng Yan had pulled Tintin out of the door and
closed the door heavily .
  " Yanyan, what now? " Ding Ding sighed .
  Cheng Yan: " Don't worry, I think of a way. "
  Tintin little head: " All right. "

The first 65 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (three )

  Original story in the white moon and die earlier , she defected to the Xu
Junyi , two no matter how after a while, but then there is looks like a white moon,
ability and strong , and personalized care of the household out now, Xu Junyi
dialogue Moonlight's feelings faded , and Bai Yueguang died in the mouth
of the zombie without self-protection .
  Cheng Yan wanted to go to Xu Junyi's side according to the plot . Of course she
wouldn't die . How could she be dragged to the day when the hero and
heroine ended .
  There was almost one year left on the day of the finale. During this time, the
male and female masters fought side by side, deep in affection , and annexed the
other two bases, eventually defeating the zombie king and establishing a new
empire .
  But , she did not expect to be the main man to bring back , her sense of feel
that men should also have a tendency to leave the story gradually controlled .
  In the story of pull back before , she had to find a way to survive this year,
she already has some idea .
  Cheng Yan took Tintin out and planned to talk to Yu Chi .
  Before she walked out of the female slave's favored quarters, she was stopped by
someone. She was a man in a leather jacket, a sullen description of excessive
indulgence, and her eyes showed undisguised amazement and desire .
  " Newcomer ? " He raised his hand to touch her face .
  Cheng Yan backed away from him .
  Men's eyes flashed a bit angry , a look to see her beauty goes face to an
extreme ecstasy, they gave up everything, get antsy, Xianzhao Lian laughed: " I am
Xu music, you know it do not, no? , You should know Xu Fuyan? He is a good brother of
the base boss, my cousin, if you are good with me, I will cover your food and
clothing. "
  Tintin scolded him: " Toad! "
  This kind of person hadn't even seen Yanyan's face before, but she dared to say
that she wanted to support Yanyan and she was so angry !
  Xu Le's face was dull , and he sneered twice: " Sell to whom is not sold, look
down on me, right? I just forced you, who dare to say more? "
  Tintin little anger turned red, was about to jump up grab spend goes disgusting
face .
  Cheng Yan Tintin will not be on hand on the shoulder to let him fiddle with his
eyes calmly look to Xu Yue, said: " I am a pool Yu brought back, he let me go to him
now, delay time, you are responsible for it ? "
  Xu Le felt that this was the excuse she was looking for, but it seemed to hear
that the boss really brought a peerless beauty back, and she called the boss's name
so naturally, if she didn't lie, he would not dare to move her .
  He hesitated, unwilling to let go of such a beautiful stunner in vain, and
decided to take a look with her .
  " If you dare lie to me -" Xu Yue look dirty, " I dry you die! "
  Cheng Yan looked indifferent .
  Yu pool in the building will be a meeting meeting room .
  Xu Le didn't dare to go in and disturb him. He dared to rely on his cousin's
power for good and fortune. He was only facing ordinary people like him. For those
with abilities, he could only pretend to be a grandson. A force .
  Tintin and Cheng Yan together will be meeting head waiting outside, some worry
Tintin, low voice: " Yan Yan, I . Yu think tank may not care about you ."
  He was sad. Yu Chi was obviously fooled by his own sister. Which normal couple
broke up to throw a cheque? It's the same as the way of supporting young lovers. If
he is Yu Chi, he doesn't care about his sister, but it seems that his sister doesn't
think so .
  Cheng Yan: " Relax. "
  Tintin sighed: " This can't be put on. "
  In the speaking room, the door of the meeting room opened, a group of mermaids
came out, Yu Chi walked at the forefront, the aura was very strong, the brows were
cold, the pace was fast, and there was a sense of domineering .
  A disappointed God's work, he had been gone from her side, as if he did not see
her .
  " Yu Chi-- " she called .
  Yu Chi's footsteps seemed to pause, but it seemed not, and he continued walking
forward .
  Touches Xu Fu Yan back to his side head looked at, gaze aversion has a hard nut
to crack .
  Xu Le ’s expression changed, grabbed her wrist with one hand, and grinned in a
nasty way: " I lied to Lao Tzu? People ignore you, and you still follow me honestly.
If you serve well, I can consider looking for a long time. How about you one? "
  Cheng Yan: " Let go! "
  Not far away, Yu Chi's footsteps suddenly stopped, and a group of teammates had
to stand still, some unknown, so only Xu Fuyan's expression was a bit ugly .
  He had so did not move, there will be a conversation heard clearly .
  " Release? Why do you relinquish? Come, let Lao Tzu kiss, obediently, don't force
Lao Tzu to beat a woman! "
  After a moment of silence, the subordinates felt inexplicably cold. They saw the
boss suddenly turn around, walked back quickly, and kicked Xu Le to the ground .
  Xu Le was so pained and embarrassed: " Chi, Brother Chi? "
  Yu Chi's expression was gloomy, and his long eyes revealed a somewhat dangerous
look. He leaned over slightly, stepped on his chest, and slowly said: " The rules of
the base , you forgot? "
  Xu Le's face suddenly turned pale, and he turned to Xu Fuyan for help .
  Of course, he knew the rules that could not force women, but the women in the
base had no longer any virginity. Anyone could attend, and no one paid attention to
this rule .
  Xu Fu Yan stood up, looked at Cheng Yan, said: " I will teach . His motto "
  Yu Chi stood up straight, his eyes indifferent: " You personally drove him
away! "
  Evicting an ordinary person from the base is tantamount to delivering food to the
zombies .
  " No! I was wrong, I knew it was wrong! " Xu Le was terrified, and tears were
coming out, " Cousin, you save me, save me! "
  Yu Chi frowned, and two people came to tie Xu Le's mouth together .
  " Your heart is not full? " Yu pool faint breath, look at her re-made .
  Xu Fuyan took a deep breath and said, " No, this is because he deserves it. "
  Yu pool and then did not say anything, long stretched forth his hand, Lan Zhu
Cheng Yan's shoulder into her arms, in front of everyone around her is gone .
  Tintin dazed for a moment and trot to follow .
  The subordinates were in a daze for a while .
  "The boss actually hugged the woman, didn't he never touch the woman ? "
  " Maybe the woman is too beautiful. "
  " Sister Fuyi is also beautiful. Doesn't the boss still treat her as a brother? "
  When everyone thought about it, they looked at Xu Fuyan one after
another: " Brother Xu, what do you think? "
  Xu Fuyan sneered: " That woman is a scourge! "
  After Xu Fuyan left, everyone's expressions were weird .
  " Xu brother is not high hing. "
  " Due to the boss finally have a woman? "
  "It seems so. "
  People face to face to watch for, very fine think fear ah, I do not know who
faint said simply: " After ...... . Xu brother is still far away from it a little ."
  The author has something to say: Do n’t think about it, Xu Fuyan does n’t like
Yu Chi, and the pure brotherhood is a testimony to the bad days when Yu Chi fell in
love .

The first 66 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (four )

  After the reunion Yu pool on her attitude is frosty , got a no
original tenderness docile teenager looks at love, Cheng Yan also still happy to see
this , the more he put down that part of the past , any of her tasks on The easier
it is to complete .
  Even Yu pool to the rescue of her, took her to his room , she did not think , she
came to him when he knew he would help her , not because is still like her , but
because as he is it cares mutual affection of people , it is also due to this , he
will for the debt-ridden father of debt , even if his father parent never loved
him .
  She did not guess wrong , Yu a pool into the room to let go of her, sat down in
the living room couch , the back room do not remove the gun on the coffee
table , but also skilled smooth location of cigarettes, smoking action is also very
skilled, cold smoke-filled features in the hidden behind clouds .
  He ignored her, and Cheng Yan stood for a moment , then took Tintin and sat on
the side sofa together .
  Tintin is a man smoking like hook was around the corner , leans her
ear side: " Yan Yan , can I smoke ......"
  Cheng Yan interrupted him: " can not. "
  Tintin sighed: " Yanyan, you will lose me like this. "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him .
  Saying , Tintin went to the body of Yu pool side sitting, completely unaffected
by the pool Yu cold breath , smiles can love asked: " Or I know you do good brother
I behaved very obedient too? Not sticky. "
  Yu Chi didn't speak, smashed his cigarette butt and threw it in the ashtray,
turned his head to look at him, his pupils were dark, his eyes were deep, and there
was invisible pressure and momentum .
  If you do n’t want to, you do n’t want to. What do you stare at him so scary ?
  Tintin almost stammered: " I ... kidding. "
  Cheng Yan Tintin back to the body side, whispered: " finished, he must . My
husband still want to do, you have to be careful ah Yan Yan "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  So, he went to recognize his brother is fake, just want to test others ?
  It ’s just ... I do n’t want to be his brother, I just want to be my brother-in-
law. Is n’t that logical ?
  Tintin added a whisper again: " I'm so cute, who wouldn't want a brother like
me ? Unless ... he wants to be my brother-in-law! "
  After he finished, he nodded in self-confidence .
  Cheng Yan: " No, he doesn't want to. "
  Tintin want anti- barge " You're not him how you know " , but see my sister was
staring at him, he had changed his tune: " Well, you high -hing like. "
  My brother is really tired .
  Do not know whether to listen met siblings whisper, pool Yu suddenly looked over
towards us, probably spent several years in the army, pool Yu Wei's eyes are
particularly pressure-sensitive military, Cheng Yan and not Tintin Consciously sat up
straight .
  Cheng Yanqing Qing throat throat: " Just do ...... thank you. "
  Yu Chi was silent for a while, and his voice was low: " How are you going
to thank? "
  Tintin a remark on her wink, look , " I was right now ," a small mold -like .
  Cheng Yan choked, everyone knows that it is just a polite word, he asked so
seriously, and he was puzzled by his thoughts .
Without   waiting for her answer, Yu Chi went on to say: " In this eschatology,
don't thank people easily, not everyone is like me. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him silently, if he was concerned , just how subtle it
sounded ?
  Tintin is very on the Road: " Know, my brother's a good man, do not worry, I
later . They certainly do not and you politely, what need will come to you
directly ," he blinked, lovingly stressed, " but ... ... I have never thank you oh. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  She dare bet, Yu pool is definitely not what it means .
  Yu pools expression of some elusive, silent for a moment and asked: " You ?
Which bases before them ."
  Tintin picked it up quickly: "The basement. "
  Yu Chi didn't seem to hear it clearly: " Huh? "
  He looked at Cheng Yan. Cheng Yan didn't think there was anything. It was just
that when he looked at her like this, she felt a little embarrassed. She pursed her
lips and said, "It 's in the basement of my house. "
  Yu pool: " So, you have not even played a zombie did not, and I hid in the
basement for a month? "
  In Dajiadoumang playing time zombie, looking for supplies, pushing the team, they
seem to be a nice little too ...... leisurely spare the ?
  Cheng Yan: "... as if it were. "
  Yu Pool looked at her, looked a Tintin, siblings are both a clean neat
appearance, compared to the last days of those filthy humans, they seem too out of
tune, too ...... No! use! Up !
  Yu Chi raised his hand and rubbed his brow .
  Tintin murmured: " Did he regret bringing us back? "
  Yu Chi suddenly said: " I never regret doing things. "
  Tintin a face thriller: " so softly you could hear ah? "
  That just ......
  Cheng Yan's expression is also subtle: " Is this also an ability? "
  Yu Chi teared his lip corner: " It's so close that not all deaf people can hear
it. "
  Cheng Yan: "... also. "
  Just before he was a little anti should also not, subconsciously make people
think that he could hear nothing ah .
  Cheng Yan to the next, and said: " Or ...... you can send me them go to other
bases? "
  Yu Chi stared at her eyes as if sharpened a bit, and soon became calm again, Shen
Sheng said: " Three months. "
  Cheng Yan did not know so: " What? "
  " I can accept you have three months. " Yu looked at her pool, Mouguang
deep, " after three months you have left on their own, is dead or alive, resigned. "
  Cheng Yan: " That ...... I need to pay anything? "
  Yu Chi gave her a deep look: " Nothing is necessary. "
  Cheng Yan asked tentatively: " Why? "
  Yu Chi seemed to see through her mind, and her lips twitched slightly , as
if ridiculed: " I did this just to pay back your five million, nothing else. I
will protect you for three months, and then I will write off. "
  Cheng Yan a stunned: " But that money was sent to me ......"
  Yu Chi stared at her and said in a word: " I said, I borrowed it and I
will pay it back! "
  Cheng Yan: "... Have you said that? "
  Yu Chi glanced at her for a long while before saying, " I said to myself. "
  Cheng Yan did not any more .
  Okay .
  No wonder the post to his life and death when not to help her, but broke up
after closing the check, when he turned himself in to borrow money ah .
  Cheng Yan thought, look at the way he's made up his mind to pay his debts, will
not let her go Xu Junyi over there, so ...... she was here for three months to live
also, just to raise my own strength, dodging big deal Just click on the male lead,
and you can secretly match the male and female lead .
  " Well, I did not intended to see. " Cheng Yan looked at him
and said, " not too ...... What happened today will not happen? Nobody will ever come
to me in trouble? "
  Yu pool: " not. "
  Cheng Yan: " Including you? "
  Yu eyes of a pool of Dayton, looking a little cold, said slowly: " You are
afraid of me you Lianlianbuwang or ...... fight ? Strike revenge "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak .
  Yu Chi said coldly : " You can rest assured that the most indispensable in the
last days are beautiful women, I won't touch you. "
  Cheng Yan felt that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, so she wanted to change the
subject: " Yes, I haven't seen your powers yet, you ..."
  Before she finished speaking, she suddenly saw Yu Chi's face change slightly,
lifted her hand, and in a flash, she was taken into his arms, sitting on his lap, she
could still He felt the heat around his arms around her waist .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Okay ... don't touch it ?
  Tintin suddenly jumped to a side, saying: " Well, well, a big piece of ice ah! "
  After hearing the words, Cheng Yan looked at the position where she was sitting
and was silent .
  Sandy hair has been given a thick layer of ice covering, and she was still
sitting there, you have not been frozen into ice .
  Instead of looking at her, Yu Chi raised his eyes and looked in the direction
of the door, his expression chilled: " Qin Fuyi! "

The first 67 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (V )

  Vladimir Qin Yi is the "doomsday mad joy," the care of the household , the book
focused image depicts the female host, nice, charming, style , dress also reveals
Mature wind , this woman is no different even if the properties are not nice
difference , but she happens there are women inside the aura , abilities and men
should be comparable , the male began to take her as a teammate , she was on the male
love at first sight , overtly or covertly to seduce the male , but also grow and the
male white moon Somehow similar , the male owner gradually fell in love with her ,
and finally the two established a new empire together and lived a happy life .
  This time the book of the care of the household stood in the doorway, as the
description of the book as a charming beauty , phoenix eye red lips , white shirt,
skirt package hip, straight legs wrapped in black stockings, tick After a bit of
sensuality , there is a sharp sense of power .
Bai   Yueguang is a bit like her , but less sexy , just like the difference between
white roses and red roses .
  Cheng Yan stood by and looked at Qin Fuyi silently .
  Qin Eph clothes but without looking at her , a come will be a pair of hook eye
on the pool Yu body, feeling the eyes of undisguised , sound with a little Jiao
Chen: " A pool, so fierce What to do? I just met a new member. I was so happy that I
could n’t help but learn from her. ”
  " Both agreed to call the study. " Cheng Yan looked at her without a
smile, " You make me think you are provoking. "
  Qin Fuyi turned her attention to her now, seeming to be a little surprised, and
suddenly smiled charmingly: " This little sister is really sharp-mouthed, where did
you find Achi? She can be brought back by you, surely Is there
something ... excellent? "
  Her tone seemed ordinary, but there was faint contempt .
  Cheng Yan glanced at her, and Qin Fuyi should have explored her background
already, otherwise she would not be hostile to her .
  Yu Chi said coldly: " Apologize! "
  Qin Eph clothes a stunned .
  " She did not abilities. " Yu pool look no emotion thread at her, " if she did
not escape, then, is a moment in respect of a corpse. "
  Tintin tugged Cheng Yan clothes, angrily injustice: " Yan Yan, she is
good vicious oh. "
  Qin Fuyi's mouth was a bit stiff, and looked at Yu Chi for a moment. She flashed
something in her eyes, turned her head to look at Cheng Yan's smiling face again, and
said, " I'm sorry, I don't know you have no power. , Because people without
abilities have always been ineligible to step into this place. "
  Cheng Yan did not say anything, she is not really like the male, no need to care
of the household and conflict .
  Qin Fuyi seemed to be irritated by her own words, a smile of disdain flashed in
her eyes, and then added: " Without the power and being brought back by Achi, you
must be a good friend of Achi Right? I live upstairs, why do n’t you move to live
with me, and I can take care of you on behalf of Achi. "
  Qin Eph clothes unauthorized manner on the set defines her identity, and she also
hinted that the pool is not seeking a relationship Yu Chang .
  Cheng Yan did not say good, did not say bad, from the Qin Vladimir clothing
reaction, two people should still not very close to the extent otherwise Qin Vladimir
clothes so she will not alert attitude .
  "No need. " Yu Chi said. " She lived in the room opposite. "
  " How does this work? " Qin Fuyi's expression changed slightly , and when she
saw Yu Chi, she realized that she was gaffeing. She smiled like a disguise, and
said, " Achi, did you forget ? This layer is unusual. Anyone who can do it may not
be able to live. How do you convince the crowd if she lives here? "
  Yu Chi's tone was calm: " She is a guest, and she lives there. Whoever has an
opinion comes directly to me. "
  Qin Fuyi saw that there was no room for things to turn around. Yu Chi had
always said nothing . She glanced at Cheng Yan and sighed .
  Yu Chi had nothing else to do, gave her the key opposite, Cheng Yan went out with
Ding Ding, and Qin Fuyi came out later .
  Qin Yi Vladimir suddenly spoke up: " Xu Fu Yan has been and I said, you are Yu
love the pool? "
  Cheng Yan stood back head to look at her .
  Qin Eph clothes this time did not laugh, facial expressions and even some
cold: " He already do not like Huan you, man ah, first love always some ridiculous
beautify feelings, so you can not get me wrong, you do not like him to help you, It
’s just that he ’s kind-hearted. "
  Kindhearted ?
  Cheng Yan also smiled: " You and I say what these do? " Her eyes were dull, " he
and I broke up long ago, I mentioned you to me will back you? "
  Qin Yi Eph looked at her for a moment, smiled: " so much the better. " She
reached stirred the hair, " not before, I have nothing to worry about, sooner or
later he is me, I am confident. "
  Cheng Yan to the next, stretched out his hand: " That ...... bless you have? "
  Qin Fuyi looked at her with strange eyes, but her smile gradually deepened. She
took her hand back and grunted, saying, " Your eyes must be so blind all the time.
How good is Yuchi only me?" The clearest. "
  Cheng Yan did not say anything, and Tintin went into the room opposite .
  Qin Fuyi watched the door on the opposite side slowly closing and stood still.
After a while, he heard the sound of shattered glass in the room behind him .
  The facial features of people with awakening abilities are more sensitive than
ordinary people. She knew that he would hear it before deliberately talking to Cheng
Yan, but did not expect the result of the temptation to be so disappointing !
  Yu Chi he ... Sure enough, he didn't care so much about it ?
  Her eyes were hazy, and she stood for a while before turning around and walking
away .
  Room back room, window glass, chandeliers, are all abilities fluctuations are
shattered, Montreal messy .
  Yu Chi sat sullenly in his chair, his chest slightly undulating, and he
held a wallet in his hand . There was a picture in the middle of the wallet. He
stared at the girl in the picture, his eyes revealing incomprehensible complexity .
  After a while, footsteps sounded and Xu Fuyan walked in. The messy ground made
him stunned and said, " Are you looking for me? "
  Yu pool raised his head and looked at him, Yi
Zizi said: " solution ! Interpretation "
  Xu Fuyan understood what he was doing, but said: " I don't understand what you
mean! "
  " You don't understand? "
  Yu pool, raising his hand, a surge of burning hot hot salamanders will be
directed at rapid Xu Fu Yan went .
  Xu Fuyan flashed quickly , the cuff was still burning, and the fire snake landed
on the sofa behind him .
  Soon, the sand made it burned to ashes .
  Yu Chi withdrew the Fire Snake, and looked at Xu Fuyan: " Now, do you
understand? "
  Xu Fu Yan some wolf tight corner, look ugly: " !! I deliberately you to ?! As I
know who she is, I'll give her a bit of face, a good arranged for her to do Yu pool
you're wrong, I desire that woman Just die! "
  Yu pool eyebrow head ruffled: " She offend you? "
  " She offend me? " Xu Fu Yan disbelief watching Yu pool, " you think actually
only this? How can you not think about how she to you? She abandoned you, but also
get support ticket humiliate you, you forget you are part of the team during that
time people not ghosts not ghosts look like? you do even the most bitter of the most
tired most dangerous task, people think you are for medals, I know, you're not! you
do not It is still hopeful, do you think she will change her mind after flying Huang
Tengda? "
  " Enough! "
  " Not enough! You forget, I did not forget! " Xu Fu Yan tone indignantly, " I
have this life that you should not save back, I will not look at you and planted in
her! If not, you're lucky, you had I have died hundreds of times in those battles
abroad! She, she, and other men, Qingqing, me and me, have you ever thought of you?
She even has two fiances, and you have n’t seen how she abused her. Are you a slutty
woman? "
  Yu Chi raised his hand, his eyes were angry .
  Xu Fu words do not hide do not flash: " I called her and how, you have the
ability to kill me I have to watch you continue to save seek death!! "
  The flame in Yu Chi's hand gradually disappeared, and his expression was
indifferent: " What do you say? What did I do to save her? I just came back to pay
off the debt. I don't like what I owe. "
  Xu Fuyan almost laughed angrily: "Is it so simple? "
  Yu Chi didn't look at him, the swivel chair turned to the opposite position, and
only a calm voice sounded: " Three months, after three months, she left, do n't
target her. "
  Against her ?
  Xu Fuyan was really angrily laughed: " I control you to die! I'm making people
both inside and out. I just like what you like, I'm happy to read jokes! "
  Yu Chi's thin lips twitched slightly, stood up, looked at him, and there was a
soothing tone: " You shouldn't have been worrying about it, Cheng Yan is Cheng Yan,
I am me, we haven't been concerned. "
  Xu Fuyan said with a blank expression: " Before saying this, you will lose the
photo in your hand, and the credibility will be much higher. "
  Yu Chi glanced at him, his eyes deep .
  Two people caught in a matrix silence .

The first 68 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (six )

  Tintin a back room to room to hold a small pillow , nest on the sofa, hold the
stuffiness of a stomach , small face sickly , it is not the spirit .
  Cheng Yan asked him how he did not pay attention, she deliberately did not care
for him , sat down in the sand another head of hair .
  Tintin finally could not resist , climbed next to her side , said: " Yan
Yan , you're not angry ? It "
  Cheng Yan understood that he felt wronged . Everyone wanted to bully
them in this place , and no one looked down on them .
  She touched his head: " Is it useful to be angry ? "
  Tintin thought for a moment , shook his head , said: " I have no miracles like
the poor have no money, as others will look down on us , I am . They also had a
bad "
  Cheng Yan looked at him: " So , what do you think we should do? "
  Tintin crooked his head to look at her, it seems that some anguish frowning face,
for a moment, then said: " Even if there is no ability , I have also become
strong , to be able to live well on their own , so that other people's eyes is not
important . "
  " Quite right. " Cheng Yan laughed , and some curious, " but , you see met, Yu pool
is very powerful, if he is willing to help us, we'll have an easy time is not much?
Do you want do not want to rely on He? "
  " I think a little bit. " Ding Ding's expression was firm. " Just I can't do
that. "
  Cheng Yan: " Why? "
  Ding Ding Zhenzhen there are words: " He was not no edge no reason to help us
do, I do not want to Yanyan trouble, and only he is the most reliable, we can not
always count on someone else to die. "
  Cheng Yan smiled and patted his head: " This is your own choice, don't be bitter
in the future. "
  Tintin pushed her hand away: " I am a man, afraid of suffering! "
  Cheng Yan looked at his young and fair face and smiled .
  In this floor, there were only two people, Yu Chi and Xu Fuyan. Now they have
Cheng Yan and Ding Ding. They do n’t need to pick up the food themselves. They are
brought in by the people underneath. Yan them .
  Sent late meal over people named Zhou Ting, very young, very polite face, with a
smile, attitude is neither flattering nor contempt .
  Cheng Yan felt that he didn't seem to be just a meal delivery, so he
asked: " Who are you? "
  Zhou Ting on the solution interpretation, and he is also the base of the team,
responsible for defense deployment is the reason why he came to deliver meals,
because the boss confessed that he take care of her in these three months .
  He smiled and said, " So, whatever happened to Miss Cheng, come to me, I live
in 1304 downstairs . "
  Cheng Yan thought about it , that's fine, she and Yu Chi had almost
no possibility of contact, maybe Yu Chi thought the same way .
  This is a three-bedroom suite. After eating, Cheng Yan and Ding Ding went back to
their bedrooms to sleep. It was still early, but they kept worrying about this period
of time and never slept a good night. Have a rest .
Cheng Yan was woken up when she   slept , and Tintin was lying on the head of her
bed, blinking her eyes and saying, " Yan Yan, my head is so dizzy. "
  Cheng Yan sat up and saw that he was dressed thinly, so he let him lie down in
the bed and touched his forehead again: " Some burns, is there anything else
uncomfortable? "
  Tintin said: "It's just dizzy and I can't sleep. "
  Cheng Yan then said: " You first lay, base, there should be a doctor. "
  Tintin reveal a small yard from the face: " ah, Yan Yan, do not turn off the
lights when you go out, I'm afraid of the dark. "
  Cheng Yan planned to go downstairs and ask Zhou Ting to ask, but she just went
out and saw that the opposite door was also open, Yu Chi was leaning against the
door, her hair was still wet, wearing a black nightgown, her figure was slender and
straight, slightly Looking down at her, there was a cold and sexy taste .
  " Where are you going? " His voice was low .
  Compared to this ...
  She is more curious ... " Where do you want to go again? "
  Yu Chi was silent for a moment and said, " I am asking you. "
  Cheng Yan told him about Ding Ding's dizziness .
  After listening, Yu Chi dropped the words: " Wait. "
  He closed the door .
  Cheng Yan thought he could be called the doctor to go, and so she did not take
long, opposite the room door opened again, Yu pool came out, has replaced the gown,
wearing a shirt and trousers, also walked dressed in army Coat coat .
  " Don't go? " When he passed her, he glanced at her and stepped into the room
first .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
Does   he know how to see a doctor ?
  Cheng Yan turned and followed into the house .
  Yu Chi looked at the pulse of Tintin expertly, looked at his tongue, touched the
temperature of his forehead, and looked at Tintin with an elusive expression .
  Tintin seen by his small face pale: " I, I was not going to die? "
  Cheng Yan also felt that Yu Chi's expression was unusual. Unexpectedly, Yu Chi
actually smiled. He smiled a little softly when he laughed: " How are you, drink a
cup of hot water and sleep after sleep. "
  Tintin was very simple, and he was relieved when he heard it. Sure enough, he
drank a large cup of hot water, and he covered the quilt himself and closed his
eyes .
  Yu Chi closed the bedroom door and went to the living room with Cheng Yan .
  Cheng Yan looked at him: " Ding Ding, is he really okay? "
  " You don't need to give him medicine first . Let's look at the situation
tomorrow. " Yu Chi pondered. " This may be a sign of power awakening. Powers can
cause abnormal body temperature, rapid heartbeat, and even unconsciousness. "
  Cheng Yan's eyes brightened: " Really ? Tintin can have abilities? "
  In the book, Tintin is also the existence of a passerby, not much ink, Cheng Yan
does not know if he has any abilities .
  Yu Chi looked at her with deep eyes and a deep voice: " I just said it is
possible, the general power awakening time will not exceed twenty-four hours, and the
result will be known tomorrow. "
  " What if it's just a fever? " Cheng Yan frowned slightly, " Will
he burn his brain? "
  Yu pool: " Do not worry, Zhou Ting healing ability is very strong, in either
case, he'll be fine. "
  Cheng Yansong breath, under Italian consciously wanted to thank, just say
a " thank " the word, it is a sense of feel to the pool Yu Shining eyes looked at
her, she changed the subject, said: " That's good, so late you trouble It ’s so
embarrassing, you go back to sleep quickly. "
  Yu pool deep look at her, to the door to go .
  Cheng Yan delivered him to the door, and suddenly heard Zhou Ting's
voice: " Boss, so late, why are you still in Miss Cheng's room? "
  Cheng Yan looked at it and saw a surprised Zhou Ting. He was not alone. Qin Fuyi
was still standing beside him. The other party was looking at her with a cold look .
  Cheng Yan Min Chun sip, for no reason she did not want to provoke a female
controls light rival ring, on the interpretation of the sentence: " Tintin not
feeling well, pool Yu came to see him. "
  Qin Yi Vladimir cynical smile: " is ? I thought it was you not feeling it. "
  Yu Chi looked at Zhou Ting: " What's the matter with you? "
  Zhou Ting: " Boss, Fred clothing sister said you want to go out tomorrow, on base
defense and some details to add. "
  Qin Fuyi walked beside Yu Chi, almost leaning on his shoulder, said intimately
and tenderly: " Achi, the Zombie King has been walking around recently , I wonder
if the defense of the base should be strengthened ? "
  Yu Chi turned sideways, and she leaned on the empty space .
  " I know. " Then, Yu Chi looked at Cheng Yan, " I may come back very late
tomorrow, you don't have to run around if you are fine. "
  " She was not a child, where to run to? " Qin Yi Eph simply seized the edge of the
pool of clothes Yu, said, " A pool, do not delay, we entered the house you say,
ah? "
  In the care of the household and pull up the Han of .
  Cheng Yan is not when the light bulb, she cleared his throat and said: " You .
They talk, I will return to the house ."
  " Wait! " Yu Chi stared at her for a moment, frowning slightly, took off her coat
and threw it at her, disgruntled. " What do you wear so little? Want to waste
medicine? "
  Cheng Yan under Italian consciously caught, Yu pool had gone to the opposite
side, Zhou Ting told only voice over: " Tomorrow give them to prepare some
clothes. "
  After listening to this, Qin Fuyi looked back at Cheng Yan, and at that time, he
showed great maliciousness .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Her low head and looked at her hand with a body temperature of man coat, he hears
is silence, he really did not mean for her to pull aggro it ?

The first 69 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (seven )

  Cheng Yan did not sleep a night , Tintin-like state more and more bad, the next
day was hot red face , body temperature were prohibitively high , sleep when awake,
the people are groggy , though know He may be awakening the power , which still
makes people worry .
  Yu pool he had gone out before dawn , listening to say is zombie king wandering
in this area east of the city , he had no ability to kill the zombie king , so we
intend to collect a number of physical capital , come back after the closure lock
base period of time , and other zombie king left on their own , but also just to
take the opportunity to add strong team strength .
  Cheng Yan stood by Tintin's bed side, he did not woke up , Zhou Ting to send
noon meal times , she wanted to let the court also left a week to look at Tintin,
Zhou Ting but not as one thing, smiled and said: " Everyone comes here like this, it
won't be a problem. "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him: " He may also be sick. "
  Zhou Ting smiled: " Well , when he does n't wake up in the afternoon , you come
downstairs to find me , and I will rush over immediately . "
  Cheng Yan did not want a counter- Dui .
  Not in the afternoon , Cheng Yan just after a meal , to see to see Tintin woke
up , she was busy scrape together the past: " Do you have any sense of feel? "
  Tintin's lips are white, and tears are coming out, pitifully: " Yanyan, I'm so
thirsty. "
  Cheng Yan poured him a cup of warm water, put it to his lips, Tintin bowed his
head to drink, but the tongue just touches the water, he suddenly trembling, the cup
will also knocked over, saying: " Good hot Ah! It's hot! "
  Cheng Yan glanced at the drinking glass, a little strange: "It's not hot. "
  Tintin heard seemed to see what she says, shrunk to a group on the bed, holding
his knees, face very painful, as if even the thin skin thrown a layer of red .
  " Hot! It's hot! Yanyan, I'm so sick! "
  Cheng Yan reached out to touch his forehead, fingers just met his forehead, she
was too hot to shrink back, my heart is also some urgency, saying: " . Do not
worry, I find people to come ."
  She first went off the hall played landline phone, no answer, she lost phone ran
out .
  Cheng Yan Zhou Ting went downstairs room between knock on the door, how can knock
not open, but added next door opened, a bleary-eyed man came out and said: " Knock
it off, Zhou Ting guy certainly Yoo Sang It was there. "
  Liu Sang ?
  Isn't that the slave girl in the base ?
  Cheng Yan depressed a little bit of anger, at this time he went to find a
woman ?
  Cheng Yan took the elevator and quickly went downstairs and out of the lobby. She
went straight to the living area next to it .
  Base south from the city relatively Near East base, the base of the princes have
more gentleman's demeanor, after being driven out of the base, Xu Yue was thinking to
go there if you can be shelter .
  But he underestimated the danger outside of the degree of risk, just went to the
edge of the south, he met three zombies .
  He had a weapon from his cousin, but he had no power, and his skill was poor.
As soon as he killed a zombie, his shoulder was bitten by another zombie. He screamed
in pain, and fear and despair flashed in his eyes. .
  Until two gunshots sounded, he felt that the zombies behind him fell down, and he
knelt on the ground with his legs soft, gasping for breath .
  A pair of black leather boots falling into the eyes, flat slow and sweet as the
sound of flowing water sounded in his head: " City East? "
  Xu Le raised his head and saw Jun Yi's man looking down at him, his temperament
was as warm as jade, but a little alienated. There was a car behind him, and a group
of robbers stood behind the car .
  He was pleasantly surprised to say: " Yes, I am the city of the East, you see
that it is the boss Xu is grace, than that what Yu pool much better, and I'm
specifically to go over your?. "
  " Huh? " Xu Junyi's lip angle is very shallow, "When did I become a place
to collect abandoned waste? "
  People behind him laugh, ridicule satirical meaning very strong .
  Xu Le's eyes flickered and said, " Yes, I was kicked out, but there is a
reason. "
  Xu Junyi leaned against the car body and was a bit lazy and comfortable: " Let's
talk, I'm happy, maybe I can think about it. "
  Xu Le knew that he and Yu Chi did not deal with it, so he deliberately demoted Yu
Chi and said: " Yu Chi is just pretending to be indifferent and hypocritical. He is
not hypocritical. Isn't he bringing a peerless beauty back, I pulled under her
armpit shoulder, not how yet, and he was kicked out, he is very possessive about
beauty, do not think I do not know! "
  Xu Junyi's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he quickly stretched again, the
corners of his lips were lightly hooked, but his dark eyes were somewhat
dangerous: " Which hand? "
  Xu Le was stunned, and some did not understand what he meant: " Right, right
hand? "
  The voice fell, the knife light flashed, blood splattered, and Xu Le screamed
resoundingly .
  Xu Le's right hand had landed. He was frightened and angry: " Why, why? "
  Xu Junyi smiled at him and threw the knife in his hand. He wiped the blood on his
hand with a tissue and said, " It's not good to see you . "
  Xu Yue fell to the side, holding the hand did not have the right shoulder, the
pain almost dizzy, saw Xu Junyi gradually retreating figure, and his faint commanded
saying: " People leave for zombies, all the things taken away! "
  Xu Le's eyes widened, and he watched his food and weapons be scavenged, and his
eyes fainted .
  He also fainted for ten minutes, and heard the sound of a car driving in the
distance. He opened his eyes hard, saw the flag of Chengdong Base, struggled to sit
up, and saw the familiar one in the car again. Profile .
  He screamed: " Cousin! Cousin! Save me! "
  Xu Fuyan was in charge of the material search in this area. He also saw his
cousin. When he saw that he had broken his hand, he had no time to ask in detail, and
he couldn't watch him die here .
  The man hesitated: " Boss ..."
  Xu Fuyan glanced at him: " I will be responsible. "
  Slave girl living area from the large base of the door far, Xu Yue was strapped
to send two people came back, also to be sent to the residential area, there is a
room where he, just have not reached the gate, he Suddenly he covered his shoulders
and his face was twisted .
  The two team members were a bit strange: " What's wrong? "
  There was a flash of fear in Xu Le's eyes, and he said reluctantly: " No,
nothing, it's hand pain. "
  The two team members released him with some vigilance. The taller one asked
him: " Are you not bitten outside? "
  " Of course not! " Xu Yue categorically denied, his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse
of positive came to the side of Yan Cheng, a surge of hatred and anger in my
heart, " you were quick to give me catch her! "
  The two didn't move. They met Cheng Yan and greeted him with a smile .
  Cheng Yan didn't expect Xu Le to come back again. She was anxious to find Zhou
Ting and didn't want to delay the time .
  Xu Yue shouted sake catch up, but was laid hold of the two players to his
shortness of breath, I do not know how or gas: " all due to this woman you if you
had not, I would not be cast out! And will not be cut by Xu Junyi's bastard, nor will
he be bitten by zombies! I must kill you with this bad breath! "
  After he shouted, he calmed down inexplicably, and the two players saw his face,
immediately let go, and took a few steps backwards .
  Cheng Yan's footsteps is a Dayton, and I see when she turned around and rushed
over toward Xu Yue, she dodged his eyes are getting stiff hollow, twisted faces also
very ugly, throat also issued a " ho ho " Voice .
  "It's a zombie! "
  " Fast police pulled the bell to inform people come! "
  One team member ran away, and the other left behind to deal with the zombies that
Xu Le turned into, but the marksmanship was not good, and he did not hit his head
after several shots .
  " Miss Cheng, you run first! I dragged him! "
  Obviously this player could not hold the zombie. The zombie's action was not
slow, but it was still very fast. The bullets that the player hit him seemed to
irritate him. He threw it at once and bit off the player's neck. Too .
  The zombies were blocked at the door, and Cheng Yan could only run inside. She
ran to Liu Sang's door in one breath and patted the door vigorously. This place
probably only Zhou Ting could subdue the zombies .
  Open door is not a very spiritual air teenager, he asked testily: " ? Knock
knock what you ......" His eyes suddenly widened, " Funeral, Dead ah -"
  " Bang " slamming, the door was shut .
  Cheng Yan only feel cool back raised a son, her crouch down, escaped behind
flutter over zombies, zombie throat voice is more important, it seems with the wroth,
and rushed over toward her, open mouth, saliva Also dripped .
  Behind Cheng Yan is the wall, there is nowhere to escape, and there is no place
to hide. She reached out and tried to push away the zombies, but she felt as if she
was very light in her body. , I do n’t even know what I ’m doing .
  There was a thick and pure mist in her palm , which covered the zombies. The
zombies were as if they were locked in. They were motionless, even the sound of the
throat was gone .
  After the mist dissipated, the zombies were gone. What stood on the ground was
the normal appearance of Xu Le, except for the blood stains left by the bite just
now .
  He was confused in his eyes .
  Cheng Yan felt as if all her strength had been taken away, and her eyelids were a
little heavy, leaning against the wall, looking at Xu Le in shock .
  Xu Le obviously still has memories of being a zombie. He stared at Cheng Yan, his
eyes narrowed: " Your power is ..."
  Before the words were finished, a bright and blazing flame ignited in front of
Cheng Yan, and Xu Le was turned into ashes in a moment .
  Cheng Yan stumbled look met Yu came toward the side of the pool, before losing
consciousness, as if he hugged her, and said something .
  Will meeting room .
  Yu Chi stood in front of Xu Fuyan and slapped him hard on the face: " Are you
trying to kill everyone ? "
  Xu Fu Yan Li knew loss, livid face, said: " I did not expect ......"
  Yu Chi's expression was cold and cold: " Don't you think? I said, drive him away,
you not only took him back privately, but also killed a team member, who are you
worthy of? "
  Xu Fuyan: " I will take the penalty. "
  Qin Fuyi came over with a cup of hot tea and said softly, " Achi, do n't be
angry. Brother Xu already knows that it is wrong. So many people are here, so you
should save him some face. "
  Yu Chi sneered and dropped his cup: " Whoever speaks to him will get out! "
  Qin Fuyi's expression was slightly stiff .
Was   he so angry, was it because Xu Fuyan did something wrong, or was his first
love almost hurt ?
  Yu Chi's eyes turned and landed on Zhou Ting, who had been standing with his head
down and standing by the wall: " What do you have ? "
  Zhou Ting's face was ashamed: " Boss, I'm sorry, I didn't protect Miss Cheng.
Even if you punish me, I dare not complain! "
  Yu Chi said coldly : " If you can't even control your desires, then cast off as
soon as possible! "
  Zhou Ting did not dare to say anything, his face was a little red .
  Yu glanced at the pool guard base large door man frowned: " directly off base,
do not need! Members obedient even can not do! "
  Few people want to say anything, but also know what to say useless, and my heart
Xu blame on the re-made, of course they know the boss will Xu Yue drove out, but for
the people sent Xu Fu Yan, how will they open the door ?
  At this time, Xu Fuyan said half a word for them .
  Qin Fuyi saw that Yu Chi was going out, knew where he was going, and kept up with
it, saying, " Achi, are you going to see Miss Cheng , is she not injured? "
  Yu Pool faint , said: " not by injury, did not bite. "
  Vladimir mind Qin Yi is seen through, she was embarrassed, smiled: " I did
not say she was bitten ah, this is not concerned about her? "
  Yu Chi glanced at her with a deep look, and said, " If you are so busy, go to
rearrange the deployment of the base. "
  Then ... let him get alone with Cheng Yan ?
  Qin Fuyi gritted her teeth secretly, but still smiled charmingly on her
face: " Well, I know, let's go, if there are any questions, I will ask you again. "
  Yu Chi ignored it and lifted his foot away .

The first 70 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (eight )

  When Cheng Yan woke up and found that she had returned to the bedroom , she
remembered the memory before fainting. The person who sent her back was Yu Chi . His
power was probably flame , and he burned Xu Le to ashes .
  She looked at her palm a little hesitantly. It was never written in the book
that Bai Yueguang had abilities, and she had never discovered the existence of
abilities .
  It is clear that Xu Le has returned to normal , and Yu Chi still burned him to
death , should it be to cover up her ability ?
  Cheng Yan a side thought , a side of the bed and reached for the cup , who knows
cups even automatically float up , fell into her hands .
  Cheng Yan to almost there for his telekinesis extract the mighty
works , heard see Tintin's voice sounded in the room: " Yan Yan , Yan Yan, how you
have not found me I was getting tired Oh?. "
  Cheng Yan tremor a little , water spilled some , how her critically room where
she is only one person, she tentatively opening: " ? Tintin "
  Tintin: "It 's me, guess where I am? "
  Cheng Yan: " Your ability is invisible? "
  Tintin: " Hmm, it's fun. "
  Cheng Yan knew from his voice that he was right in front of the bed , and
it seemed strange to talk to the air , so he said to him: " Don't play , come out
soon. "
  Tintin: " If you catch me , I won't play. "
  The voice fell, and the bedroom door was suddenly knocked , and the man's cold,
low voice sounded: " Can I go in? "
  Cheng Yan said a " into " word, look to the direction where Tintin: " You
degradation to three ? Years old yet ."
  Tintin: " You don't play with me, I will find someone to play with. "
  As soon as he turned his head, he saw that the bedroom door had opened, and Yu
Chi walked in, knowing that the other party could not see him, and reached out
secretly, trying to scare him .
  Yu pool this time has come to bed, weeping eye watching Cheng Yan, said: " ? All
right ."
  Tintin raised his hand and wanted to pat his shoulder, but the other side was too
high, he was too short, and some were out of reach. He jumped and jumped behind Yu
Chi. As a result, one didn't control the balance well, and ran into Yu. The waist of
the pool .
  Cheng Yan shook her head and didn't speak. Her eyes suddenly turned black and her
body suddenly sank. When she recovered, she was already pressed on the bed by Yu Chi,
and his lips clung to her carelessly. Lips .
  Four eyes look on as the moment, two people are a stiff .
  Tintin was also taken aback, and he appeared in shape. When Cheng Yan looked
over, he panicked: " I didn't do it! It was his own hands! "
  When he had finished speaking, he ran out of smoke .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  She really wore dog blood romance and did not run away, it was too unkind to kiss
something accidentally, right ?
  What she took was obviously not this script !
  Tintin was gone, the bedroom on the left of him were two people, the atmosphere
was very embarrassed, people say nothing, do not .
  Yu Chi seemed to have been immobilized, holding this posture motionless, her eyes
staring at her a little stunned, and a faint touch of tenderness, which made people
feel a little dangerous .
  Cheng Yan felt a little bad, and immediately reached out and pushed him away, but
he suddenly brushed the hairline on her cheek, and his movements were gentle and
slow, bringing a bit of a sense of electric current .
  Cheng Yan face a stiff, is not it, that he do there for her ......
  In her somewhat flustered when Yu deep pool Mouguang looked at her, spoke
slowly: " You did not wash a few days head up? "
  Cheng Yan a daze, also connected to the even: " ? Seven, seven days ."
  Yu pool no dislike of expression, pretending to look calmly from her stood up in
bed, his back to her, silent for a moment, he simply said: " You go wash your head,
I was outside waiting for you, do not let I waited too long. "
  After that, he just left .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Even if it's embarrassing to kiss your ex-girlfriend accidentally , you don't
have to pretend to act so deliberately, right ?
  She looked awkward .
  Although letting her wash her hair was just an excuse for Yu Chi to cover up her
emotions, Cheng Yan really went to wash her hair. After she washed her, she went to
the living room. Yu Chi was still sitting on the sofa and seemed to be distracted .
  Cheng Yan took a towel and wiped her hair, sat on the sofa on the other side, and
asked him: " Are you looking for me for power? "
  Her hair is well raised, supple and dark, scattered over her shoulders, with a
touch of moisture, and has a pitiful taste .
  Yu Chi glanced at her hair tip and was still dripping water. " Uh " , she
said, " Don't you know you have abilities before ? "
  Cheng Yan shook his head .
  Yu Chi pondered for a moment and said, " Your ability can purify the zombie
virus. I haven't seen anyone who can do this except you. "
  Cheng Yan thought: "It seems special? "
  Yu pool at her, Chen Sheng said: " very dangerous . Dangerous, zombie zombie
king and some of the higher-order intelligence is, if they know your ability, will
not let you " paused for a moment, his His eyes are a bit gloomy, " Not
only zombies, but even others know, they may have coveted hearts. "
  Cheng Yan thought about it and looked at him: " That's why you killed Xu Le? "
  Yu noncommittal pool, eyes will be looking set her eyes very serious, dark eyes
seem faint light: " Anti come a thought, if your ability to achieve the
most strong, then you can purge all viruses, then the end of the world It will be
over. "
  "..." Cheng Yan was silent, " Do n't say that, I'm not that powerful. "
  Save people like something, that you take care of the household and the script
ah, the world do something to get her ?
  Yu Chi seemed to take it seriously: " You just need to train. "
  He was obviously prepared, and placed a red, hydrated apple in front of her .
  Cheng Yan: "...... I'm not hungry. "
  Yu Chi glanced at her: "It ’s not for you to eat. This is an apple infected with a
virus. You can try to purify it. "
  Cheng Yan is determined by strong own abilities, but do not want to be too active
in man before the Lord on his face difficult to say: " . I could not do ."
  Yu Chi: " Try it. "
  Seeing that he insisted, Cheng Yan had to say, " OK. "
  She took a deep breath and placed her hand above the apple .
  Ten seconds passed ...
  Fen Yi minutes later ......
  Wufen minutes later ......
  Apple is no anti- be .
  Yu Chi looked up at her, his eyes unclear .
  Cheng Yan heart Oddly enough, just want to dispel the male pulled her to save
mankind the idea: " You could not see . Saw him, I could not even purify Apple can
not do ."
  Yu Chi stared at her for a while, and his dark eyes seemed to see through her
mind. He twitched his lips: " I said before that they just want to motivate you to
enhance abilities. How could I really believe you can Save mankind? It looks like you
have been hit by it? "
  Cheng Yan: "... No, I really can't use the power. "
  Yu pool eyebrow head ruffled: " how do you make it out before? "
  Cheng Yan back memories for a moment, said: " I do not know, zombies leap out, I
subconsciously reach out and Qudang, then ...... . Success "
  Yu Chi looked at her thoughtfully: " You have n't mastered the method of
manipulating abilities, just practice more. "
  Cheng Yan hesitated: "... how to practice? "
  Yu Pool faint smile: " Tomorrow a good rest at night I 'll take you to play
zombie. "
  Cheng Yan is not anti- rally zombies, enhanced ability is always good, but ......
" you go? "
  Yu Chi's tone was a little cold: " You just hate me so much? "
  Cheng Yan vague: " is not, just do not want too much hemp bother you. "
  Yu Chi looked at her and said lightly : " You can rest assured, I just looked
at you secretly, and I won't help you, you can treat me as non-existent. "
  Since refused never, and Cheng Yan sighed: "...... Well, do not you that says it
will do, it is best not to appear in front of me. "
  Yu Chi didn't know if he was angry, and suddenly stood up: " You don't have
to hate me so much, it's only three months. After that, even if you ask me, I won't
look at you more. "
  Cheng Yan smiled instead: " That's good. "
  " You -" Yu pool looked somewhat angry look, but when she looked suddenly changed
his attitude, he smiled, eyes did not smile cent, Yi Zizi said, " I also think so
Very good, after all I do n’t like you anymore. "
  Cheng Yan looked at his feet quickly left, how kind of watching wolves fled tight
corner sense ?

The first 71 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (IX )

  Yu pool tour go back a large collection of materials , base began to implement a
closed, these supplies have enough of them to spend a month , base, people
who rarely up to some relaxation .
  Cheng Yan not so relaxed , Yu pool is clearly not meant to be funny with her, at
night , to knock on the door to call her out .
  This time base of people have fallen asleep , Tintin would have been
asleep , probably abilities to enhance the senses after awakening , he was listening
to see sound to climb up , holding a small pillow head , some ignorant looked at the
doorway of the two .
  " Yan Yan , you have to go where? "
  Training abilities is not a two-day thing , Cheng Yan is no telling Tintin,
Tintin also heard on the go , Cheng Yan Yu alone late at night and do not want the
pool at , to look to the Yu pool .
  Yu pool no emotion thread: " Let's go. "
  He who is from the base of the back door to leave, people should guard had
command, even asked did not ask soon give them the door .
  The last time she sat over the bike green car stopped at the door .
  A few people on the car, Cheng Yan asked: " ? Where "
  Yu pool say the name of a large shopping mall , before Tintin is also
mother parent with mortar over , some excited: " ? It to buy new clothes ."
  Yu Chi pulled the corner of his lower lip unidentified .
  Business field not far , soon arrived , Yu pool first under the car, Cheng Yan
and Tintin followed behind , and found him standing outside the glass head, his eyes
down look at the past, two people are a stiff body .
  Business field where there is more than new clothes, there are a few zombies
slowly walking stiffly, Cheng Yan counted, seven zombies, zombie or seven ugly
appearance, not missing arm is less errands, and even There was a zombie with his
intestines all exposed, bloody and bloody, and it was disgusting .
  Tintin is not afraid, it is purely disgusting, he turned his head and vomited .
  He noticed their reaction, Yu pool understatement to say: " This is my specially
recruited, but also took some time. "
  Cheng Yan didn't know what to say, she looked at him: "... You purposely
found these to disgust people? "
  Isn't he such a naive person ?
  Yu pool eyes swept over the inside of the zombie, said: " you have not
sufficient enough ability to protect themselves before, different things can not give
out, so I just got these people in front of the Dead was dead, even You have purified
their virus, and they will not become alive. "
  Tintin also knows that her sister's ability is quite bullish, and she is also
very interested. After listening to this, she sighed and said, " Yanyan, for you, I
can still go in with nausea. "
  Cheng Yan smiled. She has been in this world for three years, and she really has
a good relationship with her brother. She subconsciously did not want him to be
involved in danger, so she said: " Your powers can be practiced everywhere , don't
go in What if I get injured? "
  Tintin: " Man Han What are they afraid of injury! "
  Cheng Yan: " I said no. "
  Tintin a face is not happy, want to say anything, Yu pool Quehu then spoke
up: " If he is ?? Can not even kill a zombie, how to live in the last days of his
life you can protect it ."
  Cheng Yan was speechless , silent for a moment, and looked at Tintin: " Do
you remember to follow me closely, then? "
  Tintin busy spot head: " Enen. "
  Cheng Yan led Tintin into the mall slowly .
  Yu pool coldly said: " Unless you have to get rid of all the zombies, otherwise
I will not open the door. "
  The voice fell, and the door closed slowly .
  Cheng Yan turned around, and met the zombies' turbid eyes that seemed to show
their hunger, thirst and fierce light, and one even shed a sticky saliva .
  She was silent and the zombie was near, the problem was that she still didn't
feel any power .
  Now I regret it ... it's too late ?

The first 72 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (X )

  In to see the two large living later , the original dull stiff zombies are
suddenly told to play with blood-like, issued a " ow " sounds strange , moving him to
catch up over their direction .
  He who was the first to play a zombie , so Yu pool Zhuolai has been being the
lowest level of a zombie .
  Not too zombie speed is not too slow, run up when he sent a short distance you
can catch up with them .
  Business field sort , be regarded as a rectangular , ground also displays rows
of coat hanger , like a barrier -like , people Lianpao also run some stumbled .
  So down does not work , physical strength will be run out of , Cheng Yan pulled
it out of a coat hanger as a weapon , backhand will be with the most compact of a
zombie to get on the ground to play , zombie lying on the ground senseless for a
moment, you have to Get up .
  Tintin busy jump stomped on his head , severely stepped on several times , the
zombie was completely motionless .
  After killing a zombie, Tintin cheered with some joy, lowered his head to see the
blood and meat stained on his shoes, and his small face was pulled down again .
  Cheng Yan took under his shoulder: " Well done no wrong , you try to stealth , to
see if he they can perceive you. "
  At this time there are a zombie before coming to conspire , Cheng Yan it did
not move , want to try their abilities tube does not work, she took a deep
breath , stretched out his right hand .
  This zombie may have eaten human flesh not long ago, and there is a little bit of
flesh and blood in his large mouth, and the saliva is mixed with blood and flesh down
the chin .
  Cheng Yan nausea in addition to some sense of feel, nothing happened, then threw
her zombie was already going up .
  She sighed and pulled the hanger over. The zombie was pulled by her to the side
of a row of hangers .
  A crackling sound sounded, the hanger fell to the ground, and the zombie was
trapped in a long red dress, writhing a little frantically .
  Cheng Yan had n't done it yet. The head of the zombie burst into blood as if he
was suddenly hit by something, and there was no movement for a while .
  " Ding Ding? "
  Tintin's voice rang beside him: " Yanyan, I tried it. The zombies can't smell me
and can't see me. Just look at it. I can get all these zombies all by myself! "
  His tone is still a little proud .
  Cheng Yan was silent for a while, and said: " You killed all, how can I practice
abilities? "
  Tintin thought of it as well, kicking and kicking a zombie, but did not kill it.
Seeing the zombie wanted to get up again, he kicked it again with some anxiety,
saying: " But, I don't kill them, Yan Yeon, you still did n’t use the power. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Somewhat worried .
  Yu Chi caught the lowest- order zombies, stupid and dull, and not many, so it was
not too difficult to deal with .
  Cheng Yan tried it several times afterwards , and it still didn't work. She even
doubted whether the last power was an illusion. After all, there was no power written
by Bai Yueguang in the book .
  Of course, it may also be that the particularity of this power is that it is not
even noticed by itself, so Bai Yueguang does not know that he has power .
  Some worry Tintin, see see some of the rest are not even sick of zombie legs, he
would not help, let Cheng Yan to practice their own abilities, he left alone a bit
bored in the next, I turned around and saw When Yu Chi nodded his chin at him, he ran
away .
  Through a door, he looked at the pool Yu asked: " Something ? It "
  Yu glanced at the pool side also test abilities but found nothing Cheng Yan, said
slowly: " You do not want to help her? "
  Tintin crooked under head: " fight zombies do? "
  Yu Chi's eyes were deep: " Fight you. "
  Tintin's brain turned quickly and blinked: " You mean if I pretend to be
dangerous, Yanyan will use powers to save me? "
  " Almost. " Yu Chi looked behind him, " Don't move, the zombie came. "
  Tintin was a little nervous: "If I don't move, in case Yanyan still has no power,
you won't let me get bitten? "
  Yu cell gas looking hard busy: " I guarantee certificate. "
  Or perhaps see a zombie approaching Tintin, Cheng Yan towards him calling the
sentence " Tintin, quick escape! "
  Tintin didn't move. I thought in my heart that I couldn't hear it. I was afraid
that if I didn't move, it would expose the stuffing, so I pretended to look
uncomfortable and squatted down with my head covered, saying, " Yanyan, my head
hurts! "
  This time zombie has been standing behind him, it would only be even intestines
hanging outside a zombie, it " ah " to open mouth, leaned going to bite .
  The situation was critical, and Cheng Yan didn't doubt it, but she didn't expect
to use any powers. It wasn't far away. She rushed over in a few steps and kicked the
zombie to the side glass door with a kick. The sharp corner was also inserted into
the eyes of the zombie .
  The zombie slid down the glass door and painted a bright red blood stain .
  " Are you all right? " Cheng Yan pulled Tintin up and looked at him .
  Tintin was speechless and did not expect this development: " No, it's okay. "
  This time the mall zombies have all been wiped out .
  Yu pool opened the door, did not say anything, just right on Yan Cheng cold
eyes .
  " Why didn't you save him? "
  Obviously he was standing at the door, but watched the zombie bite ?
  Cheng Yan was really angry .
  Yu Chi's tone was unwavering, and he looked at her with cold eyes, and his eyes
were cold and cold: " What does he have to do with life or death? I owe you, but I
do not owe him. "
  His words, eyes, and expression were cold and ruthless, and inexplicably caused
an uncontrollable anger in his heart .
  Cheng Yan sneer: " is it we leave now, who do not bother you?! "
  Yu Chi frowned, reaching for her arm .
  " Let go! "
  Cheng Yan was really angry, and it was true to want to leave . She could
take this opportunity to go to another base, so when she shook him off, she was more
energetic, and at the same time a thick white mist poured out of her palm .
  Yu Chi was struck back by this force for several steps. When the mist
dissipated, there were a few tiny blood marks on his face .
  Cheng Yan didn't expect that the abilities that she hadn't been able to use
before came out like this. Purifying abilities can purify zombie viruses. Will it
hurt people when used on normal people ?
  Yu Chi's eyes became a little scary for a moment , he looked at her and suddenly
smiled, but how to see how that smile infiltrated .
  " It turns out I'm more effective than zombies? "
  He left the sentence inexplicably , and turned and walked in the direction of
the car .
  Cheng Yan heart, some different kind of feeling, as if she did something wrong,
like, but she is also a taste of some of the different use of energy, seems to be
very intense emotions when she resorted to when they could abilities, perhaps waiting
for a skilled master You can use it anytime .
  She would like the next, said: " I have go. "
  Tintin hear she did not mean to go back, they said: " Yan Yan, you really go ?
It "
  Cheng Yan: " You don't want to leave? "
  Tintin shook his head very hard: " do not want that . I have a real thing and
you did not say ."
  He told her the truth just now .
  After talking, his expression was a little pitiful, " Yan Yan, do n't be angry.
In fact, he didn't save me. If you didn't arrive, he would have saved me. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  So, did she offend the male lead ?
  On the way back, the atmosphere in the car was a little silent .
  Cheng Yan looked at Yu Chi's cold face and cleared his throat: " I'm sorry, I
just misunderstood you. "
  Yu Chi's voice was cold: "There is nothing to apologize. "
  Cheng Yan thought he was talking angry, who would suddenly turn his head to look
at her, and said: " I deliberately irritated you. "
  Cheng Yan a stunned: " You would have thought love thread of abilities
influential? "
  Yu pool: " what real proof, I guess not wrong. "
  He really wanted to help her train her abilities. She even used the method. She
not only lost her temper, but also hurt his face .
  Cheng Yan felt a little upset, thinking of the band-aid in his bag, and took out
one .
  Regardless of what she said, Yu Chi said: "No need, this is not even an
injury. "
  Cheng Yan had to put it back again and glanced at the slight blood marks
on his face. He really didn't care about his face at all. It didn't seem to be in
the entertainment circle at all .
  Consumption costs a lot of physical strength, the night is also very deep, Cheng
Yan against the window did not he was asleep .
  Ding Ding is still very energetic, leaning to the back of the driver's seat and
saying, " Brother Yu Chi, are you really not angry with Yan Yan? "
  Yu Chi: " Do I look angry ? "
  Tintin looked at his face, and after a while, said: " Can't see it, your
expression is too little. "
  Yu Chi twitched her lip corner and was silent for a while, then suddenly asked a
question: " Why did your sister retire? Doesn't she like her fiance very much? "
  Tintin surprised wink: " You listen Who said Yan Yan did not like what they do,
but my mother arranged a marriage it?. "
  Yu pool holding direction of the hand of the next meal tray, eyes inexplicable
mood, turned to look at him, somewhat hoarse voice: " What happened then, why do
they break off an engagement? "
  Tintin looked at him, blinked, and revisited. He must be interested in her so
much about his sister's affairs .
  He deliberately jokingly said: " because her heart there is a never forget ah,
so any of her fiance were two break off an engagement, even my mom she could not take
it, we are a headache the whole family does. "
  When the words fell, the car braked suddenly, and Tintin fell back on the
chair .
  Cheng Yan woke up, look to the window, has been the base of the door, she looked
down solution with seat belts, but suddenly felt someone staring at her, she turned
around on a pair of means unknown complex eyes .
  Yu Chi looked at her and suddenly snorted, saying, " Why did you know today, why
should you be! "
  Then he opened the door, long legs and step out of the car .
  Cheng Yan was unclear, so he turned to look at Tintin: " How strange is he? "
  It ’s over, it ’s over, why did he take it seriously ?
Is it too late for   him to explain now ?
  Tintin bitter with a face I thought, see Cheng Yan also looked at him, he
carefully revealing a lovely smile: " due to Yan Yan you ...... sleep ! Sleep drool
over it ."
  Cheng Yan: "... ? "
  Even so, doesn't it matter what he said ?

The first 73 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (XI )

  From the first night after the training pool to YU accidentally released the
abilities , she just opened the Renduermai like in the next two weeks gradually
handy in training , abilities of course still less than Yu pool This kind of
gangster level , but also has a certain degree of self-protection ability .
  Cheng Yan and again some move the mind to leave, she had spent three months here
quietly training abilities is not impossible , just do not know what crazy Yu pool
is not right , always take one kind of weird complex His eyes looked at her , and
when she looked at him , he looked away casually again .
  It made her feel the eyes behind her even when she beat the zombies .
  She asked him what he was watching , he asked her if she had anything to
say , she said no , he was cold with a face heels away .
  Cheng Yan a face somehow .
  He was able to have her in the end what he wanted to say ah ?
  More than a pool Yu , Cheng Yan found that, not long before , base, people will
look at her eyes are getting tricky ......
  She and Yu night to play pool with several small zombie when , so during the day
most of the time sleeping, but lived here for some days, she and the base where
people are getting familiar with it, most people are still very friendly , so she
ate would go downstairs and eat together during meals .
  After a little inquiries , she knows the reason why everyone's eyes changed .
  The base is such a small place , even a little wind and wind can't hide
everyone , not to mention Yu Chi also takes her out every night at night. When she
came back, she still looked weak and tired , everyone misunderstood that they were
going outside Play field games .
  Night between nightwatchman players says so: " I told you tell them, let alone
go out ah, do not look satisfactory end boss cold abstinence meticulous, in fact, ah
waves up to heaven the capital, stimulate favorite play, which are It's been half a
month. He took beautiful girls out every night. He didn't know how to pity
Xiangxixiyu. Miss Cheng was too tired to get out of bed during the day. "
  Cheng Yan solution can not often release she is the ability to practice it a
little headache, she fishes it was the foot, or in respect of care of the household
came to the door, pull up the male care of the household these days is also evident
More, although Yu Chi ignored it with a very puzzling style .
  When I went to the window to pick up the food at noon that day, Liu Sang from the
slavery area gathered up and greeted her with an ambiguous and enthusiastic
look: " What a coincidence, you also come to order food, why didn't you eat with
Brother Chi?" "
  Cheng Yan: " Why should I eat with him? "
  She carried a plate and found a place to sit down, and Liu Sangzi was also
sitting opposite her .
  " Do not pretend. " Yoo Sang said, " you have the thing, the whole base of
people know. "
  Although there is no use, Cheng Yan still try to explain a bit: " I went out
there for other reasons, can not say, after that you will naturally know. "
  Liu Sang bit a green vegetable, and stayed a bit, the brain circuit was also a
bit strange, actually looked at her belly subconsciously: " You so soon ... have? "
  Cheng Yan is not as dirty as her , and has not reacted for a while: " What's
the matter? "
  Liu Sang sucked in the soup without lifting his head: " Boy. "
  "... How could I have a child with him? " Cheng Yan was almost choked with food .
  " Yes, boss, you can't have children now, the timing is not safe, pay attention
to wearing an umbrella, I still have a box there ..."
  Suddenly, Zhou Ting 's voice sounded behind him .
  " Shut up. " Yu Chi scolded lightly .
  Cheng Yan's chopsticks stiffened and turned their heads. The two of them had
walked away. She turned her head again to look at Liu Sang, who pretended to bow
innocently .
  Yoo Sang a face sincere: " You do not worry, do not misunderstand pool brother,
he will understand that you do not want the child's mood now. "
  " I ..." Cheng Yan was about to speak. Suddenly, there was a cold behind him, and a
sneer floated across, bringing a somewhat confusing fragrance. Qin Fuyi looked at her
with a sneer, and gradually walked away .
  Yoo Sang disaster but fortunately some music evil, watching Qin Vladimir clothes
back " Pooh ," a cry: " She has nothing to be proud of, ah have great abilities,
tomboy, pool brother is not by you grab Cheng Yan? You must win glory for us ordinary
people, do n’t let Brother Chi turn around to find the woman. "
  Cheng Yan: "...... You still do not speak. "
  This hatred is worth ... It's really wrong to pull .
  So down does not work, Cheng Yan feel that they want a countermeasure, although
Mo Buzhun also the male mind for her, but his eyes really good people flustered ah,
but ...... she seems to have been caused by female controls Misunderstood, her
existence is no longer a stepping stone to the relationship between the male and
female, but a huge stumbling block, right ?
  But she was thinking when countermeasures, women over there quicker action force,
directly to her about the quiet side of the reservoir, the end of the world most of
the water source is being contaminated, so cistern The water is made by a person
with water power .
  Qin Fuyi came to see her rivals, and was obviously well-dressed. She was pretty
pretentious. She looked disgusted and cold in her eyes. She also wore a red glamour
skirt and exposed white legs in the cold wind. Looked cold for her .
  She also carried a simple suitcase in her hand and pushed it directly into her
arms .
  Cheng Yanli carved idea that there will be a straight one kind of sense, really,
an open, she saw a picture of hundred dollar bills pink, filled with a whole box .
  She was a little silent. What's the point of giving her money in the last
days ?
  " Here is a million, you give him twice, and now all back to you. " Qin Yi
Eph said, " he does not owe you, and three months about also can cancel, you pack
up and go Right. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  If it wasn't for the male host to look for Zhou Ting to watch her, and the base
was blocked again , she would have left .
  Qin Fuyi's eyes were slightly sharp: " You don't want to go? "
  Cheng Yan: " If you can send me away, I will do my best. "
  But I do not know how these words angered Qin Vladimir clothes, her sneer: " You
relied on the pool Yaowu Yu Yang Wei is not afraid of you I do not think, at this end
of the world, women are the most rare of things, all the time? Can be replaced, only
teammates are irreplaceable. "
  She is determined to complete any task, but also a bit uncomfortable heard this,
Cheng Yan also some cold tone: " before saying these words, you are not forgotten I
was a woman? "
  Also perhaps have the care of the household light ring, Vladimir Qin Yi temper
very proud, she said with disdain: " I and you are certainly not the same as these
women, I am better than I did pretty capability, ability than I did I am beautiful,
Yu Chi actually has me in his heart, he just acts for you every time, because you
dumped him, so he wants to come back. "
  If she didn't understand Yu Chi's personality, she really believed it, but Yu Chi
really didn't mean any revenge, otherwise he wouldn't risk taking her out to practice
abilities when the martial law was blocked .
  He 's obviously very calm broke up, she remembers very clearly, he was not even
one to retain the words are not said, no love without hate, there is little need to
avenge her ?
  Therefore, Cheng Yan just glanced at her and did not speak .
  Qin Yi suddenly look to the Ephesians behind her, eyes micro flash, revealing a
bewildered smile .
  This smile ... makes Cheng Yan have a bad hunch, this is a bloody end-of-life
love story, so ... the male host must reach the battlefield in five seconds, and the
female host will also frame her and push her off the reservoir .
  Cheng Yan will soon run away from the heroine . Who knows that the heroine does
not play the card according to the routine, and directly uses the power to hit her
into the water storage, or in the presence of the heroine. , She also jumped for
life! Enter! Now! In the water !
  Before jumping, she also put a ruthless remark: " The water here is very deep, I
can't swim, give it a try, he will choose who to save! "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  But, she ... can swim .
  And ... the problem of falling into the water and letting people choose who to save
is really utterly silent .
  It didn't take much to ask, the male chief rescued the female host, so in order
to give the male host a chance to save the hero from heroes and avoid him from saving
her first, she had to try to climb ashore by herself .
  Cheng Yan sighed in the water . The hostess was a little ... terrible, so
anxious, she really wanted to grab a man with her, and see what she did !
  What Cheng Yan didn't expect was that when she swam to the shore with difficulty,
Yu Chi stood on the shore and looked at her. She didn't jump into the water to save
her, let alone the heroine .
  He just stretched out his hand and pulled her out of the water .
  Seeing her expression was a little wrong, Zhou Ting misunderstood that she was
angry with the boss, and explained the sentence: "The boss can't swim, it's not
intentionally not to save you. "
  After he finished speaking, he suddenly thought that Qin Fuyi was still in the
water, and he wanted to jump down and save people .
  Yu Chi glanced at him and said coldly : " What can be saved, she has the
ability to jump in, but does not have the ability to crawl out? "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  She didn't talk to the hostess either, and let her eat for a while and wipe out
the prestige .
  Zhou Ting: "..."
  Boss, you are so unforgiving, but how inexplicable is it, is he too bad ?
  Not for a while, Qin Eph clothing that side fluttering movement will not, Zhou
Ting really worried about any death, comments like look to the pool Yu, who knows the
boss did not even look at him, just stared Cheng Yan see, he self-made Advocately
jumped into the water to save people .
  Qin Fuyi had passed out when he was rescued .
  Zhou Ting: " Boss, what should I do? "
  Yu pool frown: " You look at yourself to do. "
  Zhou Ting glanced at the boss, and suddenly he was blessed to the soul. Is this
meant to be alone with the sister-in-law, wet body temptation ?
  He drove tightly hugged Qin Vladimir clothes on the withdrawal, to leave them two
of the world .
  The weather in early winter was also very bleak, and Cheng Yan couldn't help but
shivered .
  Yu Chi took off her coat and put it on her, and she had to buckle up her button
again. When she wanted to step back, he frowned: " Don't move! "
  Cheng Yan had watched his low head buttoning a shirt to her, his demeanor serious
and some, like pressing any anger .
  Buttoned the button, Yu Chi looked at her and said aloud: " Why are you so
stupid, so bullying? "
  Cheng Yan: "... blame me? "
  Yu Chi looked at her with deep eyes: " blame me. "
  Cheng Yan also with deep for the course, he is the source of trouble ah .
  Who knows that Yu Chi's next sentence is: " Is this why you said nothing? "
  Cheng Yan: " What do you say ... why? "
  Why couldn't she understand it again .
  " She is not a secret bully negative you, intimidate you, threaten you? " Yu pool
look gloomy .
  Cheng Yan: " Not really. "
  Yu heard the pool seemed to see her, I do not know what has become a brain
supplement, look at her eyes inexplicably complex more points guilty: " I will deal
with good. "
  Cheng Yan listen not right, look to him: " deal with ...... ? What "
  Yu pool: " Qin Eph clothes to do a lot of things for the base, had also built
together from this base of people, so I let her sort of things, and now she has
become increasingly insatiable, I will let her know what What should not be done, she
should be a little bit decent. "
  He meant to manage his subordinates .
  Cheng Yan: "It's a little cold, I'll first ..."
  Yu Chi suddenly hugged her into her arms, tight, vigorous, his arms were very
warm, but ... this is too scary, right ?
  Cheng Yan pushed away conditionedly: " What do you ... hug me? "
  Yu pool looked at her face do not see what the situation thread: " You say
cold. "
  "... that's not the case! "
  Yu pool quirky eyes, throat sound emitted in the throat also somewhat
ambiguous .
  Cheng Yan could not hear clearly, it seems like " lie to me? You really do not
like the joy that right? " .
  She gave him a puzzled look, his expression was normal, should she hear it
wrong ?
  " I'm going back first. "
  " Cheng Yan-- "
  Yu pool suddenly stopped her opening, she returned to head to see him, he stood
there, speechless expression reveals a somewhat complex and hesitantly .
  " What's wrong? "
  " You really have nothing to tell me ? " He frowned and added a sentence, " I
have nothing to do with Qin Fuyi. "
  Cheng Yan looked at his eyes with vaguely anticipating expectations, and frowned,
saying, " I don't understand what you're talking about, even if you are related to
her, you don't need to talk to me. "
  Yu pool will be looked at her face a little something to cool down, suddenly
laughed, kind of pretending nothing that attitude: " I also think this is so I
certainly do not and you say, you do not! Who counts me! "
  Cheng Yan a daze, he has gone through her side, leaving only a cold word: " not
to go back and do not go cold and no one will feel bad you??! "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  The man's face is really June's day .

The first 74 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (xii )

  Yu pool is to say the thing handles Qin Vladimir clothes , but she did not know
the male in the end to say what she did, she had no future anyway, from how the
clothes bumped Qin Vladimir , would like to know is She deliberately avoided
her , but the base was so large, and occasionally she would still encounter it . Qin
Fuyi looked at her as if she wanted to die immediately .
  Cheng Yan intend to find the time to leave , not too , in this before , she had
to know the end has not been the brain make you into what kind of night
training , base closure lock also a month's time , almost too fast in the past
the , the time Yu pool will often go out , but also no time to manage her .
  Cheng Yan didn't plan to show off tonight so soon, but ... the change will
always be so unexpected .
  That night , she went out with Yu Chi again in the middle of the night . Tintin
did not go together. The child could not stay up all night. He hadn't been there a
few times, but his abilities were still increasing .
  Cheng Yan is now able to barely manage high-level zombies , but the number is
too large , she still can't handle it alone .
  This tour out , Yu pool is not to teach her a zombie , but to teach her how to
collect material resources .
  After all, the coming end of the world has only a few months , Yu pool seemed to
be living for decades as familiar, can only say that the author shaping is a
naturally fit the male bloody stimulate it .
  He explained to her where to choose, what kind of food to find, what to do when
encountering zombies, what to do when encountering unwilling human beings, and so
on .
  Cheng Yan has a good memory, remembering them one by one, and looking at Yu Chi's
calm and grim appearance, she has a strange feeling in her heart .
  After all, it's only a few months since the end of the world, but Yu Chi seems to
be familiar with life for decades. It can only be said that the author has created a
man who is naturally suitable for bloody stimulation .
  Compared to blend into crowds of a few years ago beauty silent beauty of youth
entertainment, and now the pool is like Yu finally found a stage for their own,
scattered issued a never seen before charming glory, mature, solemn, self-confidence,
as if nothing Nor can he beat him .
  Yu Chi suddenly said: " There is a supermarket in front, you go and see. "
  Cheng Yan was about to walk over and suddenly walked : " There are zombies in
it. "
  " Observation is good. " Yu Chi's tone was calm. " Not many, you can go in. I'll
wait for you outside. "
  Cheng Yan glanced at the supermarket and Yuchi again. How did he judge the
quantity ?
  " With the increasing ability of strong, spiritual power will continue to
strengthen, to the time you can perceive the natural. " Yu pool look to her, " Of
course, now you do not think too much. "
  Was going to ask how to use the spiritual power of Cheng Yan: "...... I go. "
  Yu deep pool some attention: " There are times worse than zombies are human,
remember, do not trust anyone, kindness is the end of the world where most things to
life. "
  Cheng Yan was a little dumbfounded, " Ah? " He did n't
understand why he suddenly came up with such a buzzword .
  Until - she walked into the supermarket, the supermarket just some low-level
zombie, the number of even less, she can not even have abilities to solve .
  After solving the zombie, she collected food and put it in her backpack. While
she was picking something small and full, she suddenly heard a woman roll out of the
locker, and there was a high-level zombie in front of her. He was leaping forward to
pounce on the woman's face .
  Cheng Yan didn't experience the cruelty of the last days . When she saw that the
woman was in danger, she unconsciously released the power to save her .
  A burning hot flames faster than she directed zombie go, instant, zombies will be
burned to ashes .
  Her abilities already after not being paid, Yu pool but suddenly stand in front
of her, and her ability to go at him, his coat buttoned to the rate of visible
dolphin off the ground collapse When it fell, there was a crack in the shirt inside,
and a few traces of blood saturated the clothes .
  Cheng Yan froze .
  Behind him is the painful howling of the zombies that has not dissipated .
  Yu Chi's expression did not change halfway , but his brows were slightly
frowned .
  Cheng Yan withdrew her hand, and there was something unclear in her heart . She
was impulsive and forgot about things that could not be exposed .
  She was about to talk, but Yu Chi stopped her with her eyes, and turned to look
at the woman .
  Cheng Yan also looked at it, and she felt a little bright in her eyes. She was a
beautiful and enchanting girl. She was wearing a red dress with naked shoulders. Her
skin was like snow and her eyelashes were like Dai. She looked scared and frightened.
Glowing tears .
  " Thank you, saved me. "
  Her voice is also very nice, soft and timid, like knowing her beauty,
deliberately provoking sinful desires deep in the heart .
  Yu pool of expression, not a cent wave move: " how do you want to thank me? "
  Cheng Yan was somewhat stunned, glanced at Yu Chi's profile, still cold and cold,
not seeing that he would actually say that .
  The girl was dressed so thin, and she looked like she was well protected, either
a hidden master of power, or a female slave who was protected by a man and
sold beautifully .
  Cheng Yan looked at the young girl. The young girl obviously didn't expect Yu Chi
to ask this question, her lips showed a smile, looking obedient and suggestive: " If
you want me to thank you, I will just ... ... thanks. "
  In such a short sentence, she spoke very tempting, as if she was not talking, but
tempting people with her voice, beauty, and body .
  Cheng Yan touched her arm and felt a bit cold. She took out a bottle of water
from her bag and took a sip of her head .
  Yu Chi glanced at her before looking at the girl again and said, " How about
taking off your skirt ? "
  His tone was calm and natural, with no desire at all .
  Cheng Yan was choked by water and coughed several times .
  The girl's expression changed slightly , and soon she said a little bit cowardly
and shyly: " Brother, there are others here. If you really want, take me back. You
can take as many pieces as you want. "
  Yu pool look sharp: " right here. "
  Cheng Yan couldn't see it anymore, and he was a little strange in his heart.
Isn't Yu Chi such a person ?
  She just wanted to say something, and Yu Chi suddenly turned her head to look at
her. It seemed that she looked at her expression before saying, " You go to the door
and keep it. "
  Cheng Yan: " I ..."
  Yu pool look a bit ruthless Li: " soon enough. "
  Cheng Yan: "..............."
  And he for the moment of view, she seems to understand what, quietly walked
toward the door .
  The girl really ... has a problem ?
  Not too ...... still somewhat puzzled, Yu pool to undress people what to
do? Girls' skirts are so thin, what weapons can they hide ?
  What's more, even if someone wants to take off their clothes, the one who avoids
should not be her ?
  So, Yu pool which is actually not tempted already, inviting people to do such a
hurry ?

The first 75 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (xiii )

  In the supermarket , the girl stared at Yu Chi for a while, and there was a
stagnation and heavy atmosphere in the air , which seemed to be a
secret contest between the two parties .
  Yu Chi also looked at the girl , his eyes indifferent, but there was a kind of
overwhelming sharp aura .
  Suddenly , the girl smiled with a lip , a bit between charming and
innocent , her tone was soft: " Take it off , brother , you stare at others so
eagerly , they will be nervous. "
  Yu pool even Mouguang did not fluctuate a half hours , like watching a field
like bad acting .
  The girl tied up hanging a hair scattered down side , long hair, such as ink,
skin jade , beautiful girl more look up bright and assertive , she slowly went to
the pool of depression, even the air as if her whole body also pan Out of the taste
of hooking people .
  Yu Chi remained motionless .
  Girl standing in front of him, tall actually not low, just short of the half than
his head , her eyes charming tease him , revealing a length jade-like slim neck , as
well as smooth and delicate shoulder .
  " I can not reach. " Girl softly said , " Brother, you help people pull
pull chain, OK? "
  Quietly for a while , Yu Chi said, " Okay. "
  His fingers pulled a pull chain, leisurely opened to the following, listening to
the sound exceptionally clear and ambiguous in the silence of the supermarket .
  His eyes were sharp and clear .
  Girls bowed head, can not see his face, thinking he was in a honey trap, palm has
changed out of a gun in his mouth continued to confuse him: " Well ? Do people want
to undress, You close your eyes first, OK? "
  Yu pool this did not listen to her, palm out a buzzing flame from her has been
burning up the neckline down, the sound is bland: " Why so Ma trouble? "
  Flame burning hurt Xipinenrou behind the girl pain " ah " a cry, eyes become
Henli, hand gun directly against the abdomen pool Yu: " How dare hurt ? I know you
do not know How difficult it is to maintain skin in the last days! "
  Yu Chi: " Who is faster to try? "
  The girl understood what he meant and quickly pulled the trigger, but when the
bullet had not been fired, his hand had already held the muzzle, and the bullet and
the gun melted together .
  She took a step back in shock. At this time, the skirt on her body was almost
burned out. She frowned and turned out a big bucket of water to pour herself out from
head to toe .
  Broken hanging skirt, and she is carrying burn only waist skirt below, bare upper
body, coldly staring Yu pool .
  Yu Chi's tone was a bit gloomy: " Who sent you to kill me? "
  " Kill you? " The girl's voice suddenly muffled up, " I want to kill can be more
than you. "
  When the words fell, Yu Chi's eyes became dangerous. He struck the girl's neck
with lightning and pushed her against the wall. The girl struggled to overturn the
shelf and the goods fell to the ground .
  " Don't say? "
  The movement was too loud, and Cheng Yan couldn't help turning around to take a
look, and saw that Yu Chi gave the girl to the wall, and the girl's skirt was almost
burned out. The naked upper body had beautiful lines, fair skin, and good-looking. ,
But that full abs is ... what's going on ?
  Looking at the other girl's face with delicate makeup, Cheng Yan fell silent .
  ... the big lady in women's clothing ?
  Yu is probably the pool of coercion played a role, pseudo-girl . Really some
unwilling teenagers and furiously spoke, his voice obviously the boys have a deep and
vigorous: " I am Yao Yi. "
  Yao Yi of women claiming to lift the big brother to watch Yu pool, the tone is
very proud: " No one sent me, I wanted to kill both of you, can not I? "
  It sounds like a lie .
  Cheng Yan doesn't think when he offended him, he is even more unlikely to kill
her for no reason, so there must be a master messenger behind him .
  This point, of course, Yu Chi would not have imagined. His eyes raised a bit of
murderousness, staring at him: " Do you want to die ? "
  Yao Yi's face changed slightly: " You don't want to know who sent me here? "
  Yu Chi: " This question, kill you, I will also know. "
  It was just that before he started, he suddenly frowned, his expression
sinking .
  The surroundings were very quiet, showing some ominous signs .
  Cheng Yan almost no spiritual power, not perceive what risk insurance, just
looked at the pool Yu face became solemn, she could not help but ask: " ? How the "
  Yu Chi didn't speak, but just looked at Yao Yi. His expression was relaxed, and
his lips even had a faint smile .
  " You speak vertical zombie? "
  Yao Yi expression pretending to be scared surprised: " was found ah, but my
ability is not high, few will be able to manipulate it ." His eyes are not pregnant
with good intentions look to Yu pool, " did not think you were so good luck , Even
the zombie king came along, did you leave her to run, or die with her? "
  Yu Chi's calm eyes were filled with anger, and it looked a bit eerie, and he
raised his hand and released the flames of the sky toward Yao Yi .
  In the blazing fire, and Cheng Yan did not watch the Qing Yao Yi figure,
had been depressed by the pool to hold up, an arrow went out and feel the wind in her
face can feel slightly hurt when speeding .
  Teleport is not Yu pool abilities, but his mental strength is very strong, all
aspects of physical ability has improved, while running up almost like a wolf Pentium
rapid jump the rapid general in the forest .
  For electrical system has been broken, no street lights, with the moon visible
anterior stiff zombie walk, met with Yu ran to the pool, they get excited, move up
too fast .
  Cheng Yan was also the first time to see the true power of Yuchi's power. He
barely touched it, just glanced at the zombies, and a flash of fire descended from
the sky and burned the zombies one by one to ash .
  The real Viagra threat is not those mourning the dead .
  Through over pool Yu arms, she saw a dark night, not far from the corner, what is
approaching, not to see the body, has been giving a great crisis and oppressive .
  That's the biggest villain boss zombie in this essay .
  It has an IQ, a lifetime memory, and a more powerful ability to imitate, but no
humanity and emotion. When it sees what other people use, it can be imitated in an
instant, although a power can only be imitated in a day. Ten minutes, but these ten
minutes are enough to kill people .
  The most important thing is that it still hold a grudge, and if you once it
hands-on, it will kill you die endlessly to the point .
  It is not even playing pool Yu took the cause to fight her escape, he is not
considered counseling, but he did not have enough grasp to kill him to death, if
you right on the great results is to become the king of zombie food .
  Cheng Yan remembered that it was only at the end that the male and female masters
worked together to defeat the zombie king. The two experienced life and death, and
their feelings went one step further .
  The zombie king launched a power attack in the back, which was a frozen power.
The ground froze from its end to the foot of Yuchi, and Yuchi seemed more difficult
when he ran up .
  Sooner or later will be caught up .
  Yu Chi turned around and entered a dark alley where he could not see anything. He
took perfume and sprayed a lot on both people. This is also a small skill to hide
popularity in the last days .
  Then he pulled her into the utility room at the back door of the bar. The utility
room was small and they hid behind the door .
  " Don't breathe, be patient! "
  Yu pool whispered in her ear while talking, hot spray in the dark side of the ear
lobe, a bit strange sense tickles, she whispered " ah " a cry, and then they lived
Ping breathing .
  She listened to see heavy footsteps sounded in the alley, somewhat mechanical,
what they look, gradually closer .
  She also heard the sound of her heart beating faster .
  Even if one knows the male protagonist has a light ring will not die, but this
tense feeling really unbearable .
  Suddenly, footsteps were at the door - stopped !
  Cheng Yan body were a little stiff, seems to be the police felt her anxiety,
depression pool holding her arm tightened .
  With a " squeak " , the zombie king slowly pushed open the door. Its eyes seemed to
glow at night, looked around the clutter room, and walked in .
  After a while, Cheng Yan heard the footsteps of her going out, and was about to
breathe a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, she suddenly rushed back again, and found a
head and leaned over the door to see, sniff here, sniff Sniff .
  Cheng Yan almost screamed, but she could n’t see anything behind the door. She
did n’t see them. She tried to choke her breath, and she could n’t hold it anymore.
She pulled on Yu Chi ’s sleeve and clenched her fingers. More and more important .
  She really can't hold back .
  After a while, it seemed that he could not see anything, and he could not smell
anything, before the zombie king walked out slowly .
  Cheng Yan also knew that it should still be at the door, or he was relieved, and
his face was blushing, and he couldn't help but take a quiet breath .
  Yu observe only the first step in the pool feel to what she wanted to do,
suddenly ran low on her head crossing a deep breath, big hands close to the back of
her head .
  Lips touch felt that she surprised a moment, but did not dare tamper with .
  And after a little while, two people so attached to maintain a posture with lips
did not move, zombie king footsteps only gradually disappeared, should not come
back .
  Yu a pool of her release, her legs a bit soft squatting down to catch his breath
several, but also some shortness of breath .
  Yu Chi's breath was also heavy, and the voice when he spoke was dumb: " Are you
all right? "
  Cheng Yan did not find him wrong, shook his head and said: " Nothing, I am . Are
still a few more minutes out of it, Mrs Wong scary zombie ."
  Yu Chi “ hmm ” and knelt down in front of her, her hand slowly touching her
hair, and the voice seemed to suppress some emotions: “ I know it all. ”
  Cheng Yan can not see see his expression, I just feel his hands touching her hair
action meant a kind of tenderness, she pushed his hands busy, some Mo Buzhun he
meant .
  " You know ... what? "
  " I know what you want to say to me. " Yu Chi said: " Now I can't see your
expression, your eyes, some words, I feel that I can say it. If you don't speak
first, then I will come. "
  She has something to tell him, but they should understand what they mean ?
  Cheng Yan was a little wary: " Do n't tell me anymore! "
  But Yu Chi grabbed her hand and suddenly hugged her into her arms, saying, " I
understand too late. Some words, if I don't say it now, maybe there will never be a
chance to speak. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  There was a bad hunch in her heart , he wouldn't have kissed her and would
regain his old feelings, right ?
  No, please do n’t say it, is n’t it good to go back and wash and sleep ?

The first 76 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (xiv )

  Of course , Yu pool still did not say anything because she did not give him the
opportunity to open , in order to " not feeling well want to go back
soon ," interrupted the grounds , Yu pool to take her out of the alley, a place to
park the car Go .
  Cheng Yan to is that even if escaped unharmed , the male does not say what not
to say , she will not worry .
  But the unexpected outbreak , steam car tires actually burst , apparently
vandalism , it even spilled gasoline also will fall to the ground , the air was
filled with the thick smell of gasoline surge is not good taste .
  Yu pool of expression do not see the joy, anger , week around some low
pressure .
  Cheng Yan thought for a while: "It was Yao Yi who did it before? "
  Yu Chi's tone was cold: " He's dead. "
  Cheng Yan turned to look at him: " Who do you think he will send? "
  She was vaguely speculative in her heart , but there was no evidence .
It seemed to be an eye medicine .
  Yu Chi didn't say who it was , and Black Eyes stared at her with a low
voice: " You'll be more careful during this time, I will check it out. "
  Cheng Yan little head, asked: " I have how to go back? "
  Yu pool looked around at the surrounding circumstances, said: " zombie king
might still be nearby , tonight, to not go back , and so during the day I engage in .
The car come "
  Cheng Yan was silent for a moment and said, "... OK. "
  If she understood correctly , he meant to grab a car ?
  This is the end of the world in the flesh weak and strong food, killing
plunder , who is stronger who will be able to live on it, such a moral bankruptcy of
the end times, still only care about right or wrong or bad to be too pedantic .
  She did not say anything, but inexplicably felt depressed or pool should insist
on a bottom line, not just in order to survive the kind of unscrupulous people .
  Yu Chi found a milk tea shop not far away. When the door was pushed open, the
wind chime hanging at the door also sounded a few clear and pleasant sounds, and
Cheng Yan walked in behind him .
  The shop is so dark that everything is vague .
  There should be no zombies, otherwise Yu Chi will remind her, so Cheng Yan is not
nervous .
  " Do not move. " Yu pool's voice from the darkness coming out .
  Cheng Yan is inexplicable: " What's wrong? "
  Yu Chi didn't speak, and the sound of groping sounded for a while, and the shop
suddenly lit up. She saw Yu Chi holding a white candle in her hand. The candlelight
was dim. Outside this dark night full of dangerous zombies, There was a rare sense of
tranquility and warmth .
  " Now, you can come over. " Yu Chi's face was particularly handsome under the
candlelight, and she looked at her with a deep flash of light .
  Cheng Yan discovered that all the tables and chairs in front of her were in a
mess, and she might trip over accidentally. She looked at Yu Chi, and he looked at
her too. The emotion in her eyes made her feel a little bit different kind of
feeling .
  She paused before she went on again .
  Yu Chi continued to walk in, past the counter, there was a glass door, behind the
door was a small room for the clerk to rest, and there was a narrow toilet on the
side of the wall .
  Yu pool will wax candle placed on a small table, turned around to see her, the
sound slightly more dumb: " live tonight ? Here, how about "
  He didn't say anything else, and when he said the atmosphere, he seemed to be
ambiguous for no reason, as if they were the first couple who opened the room for the
first time .
  Cheng Yanqing Qing throat throat, deliberately not looking at him intently looked
at the house: " a long time unoccupied too, and wallpaper have been spent, but also
a lot of dust, even ......" she lift first saw the ceiling, some language choke, " Even
missing a piece of ceiling? "
  She can expect to see the night sky was overcast .
  Yu Chi discovered this long ago , looking calm: "It won't rain tonight, do n't
worry. "
  Cheng Yan " ah " a cry, I do not know how, Yu pool and there is a sense of the
man breath extraordinarily strong together, it was a bit cramped .
  May be ...... he saw her eyes than the flat to be extra something different when ?
  It's unclear what kind of eyes it is, but it makes people feel dangerous .
  He approached her , the more obvious this feeling up, he took her hand: " I want
to say ......"
  Cheng Yan conditioned reflex to throw off his hand, looking at him coming, she
Shenqingziruo said: " . This place is dirty, or clean with it ."
  Yu looked at her eyes deep pool some promise, as if to see through her escape to
avoid the mind, but only down to her words , " ah " a cry .
  He took the lead into the bathroom, after a moment, there is the sound of water
faucet released, he took a wet towel out .
  Cheng Yan to see if he has cleaning begun, and that they are pitching in, took a
broom to sweep the accumulation of garbage on sweeping .
  Room small, small furniture, it was only a table, a cupboard, a single bed, even
a bench to sit and no .
  Soon, the room between you clean up more or less, can be considered a night .
  Cheng Yan was really a little sleepy. He sat down on the bed and had a heavy
eyelids .
  Due to no stool, so Yu pool on her side and sat, watching her quiet profile, and
after a while, suddenly said: " I will ask you a word, you are willing to stay with
me yet? "
  Cheng Yan initially did not realize what he said, when react, all of a sudden
gone drowsiness: " You ? Why do you ask "
  Where she ...... do wrong yet ?
  I always feel that the task is starting to endanger again .
  Yu Chi looked at her, eyes deep, and slowly said: " When you broke up, did you
deceive me by saying that you like someone else? "
  Cheng Yan: " Of course I ..."
  Yu Chi's eyes narrowed slightly, his tone low: " Don't lie to me! "
  His eyes were too sharp, and his sense of oppression was too strong. Cheng Yan
felt a little emboldened and insisted: " I didn't ..."
  " You said I would not believe a word. " Yu pool interrupted her, " you are
with me or the year so naive it? In retrospect , the day before the break I have
also with a nice, the night also celebrated together My drama is killing, you came
home with me, we ... "
  Cheng Yan quickly said, " Nothing happened. "
  " I did not say what happened. " Yu pool slightly bent over, looked at her face
faint smile, " you what tense? "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  The night of the story in the book that this is celebrated on back home, but she
thought his white moon scenes have to crank up, sometimes happy to drink a few
glasses, then ...... the next day in the male Woke up in his bed .
  Of course, nothing happened is true .
  Seeing her not speaking, Yu Chi looked at her unclearly and said: " However, the
next day you asked me to break up and said that you liked others, but it's just that
your parents didn't agree that you were with me. They have known what happened to my
family for one night, so they forced you to break up with me? "
  Cheng Yan stare men can answer, simply do not know what to say .
  This is too brain-correcting, right ?
  What is actually her parents simply did not looked down on him the boyfriend too,
because clearly their own daughters will know what kind of choice is the best, and
even Tintin such a child thought she pool just for depression It's just a playful
mind .
  Yu pool but gave her added such a wreck duck drama, she is also very apprehensive
good .
  Cheng Yan was silent for a while, and vaguely said: " Don't mention the past, I
have forgotten. "
  " You forget, I did not forget. " Yu pool suddenly leaned her face, looked into
her eyes, Yi Zizi said earnestly, " for three years, I also was passed, however, you
are in my In my heart, how can I get through? "
  He was too close, and brought a bit of aggressiveness to the man. Cheng Yan's
expression was a little stiff, and he moved silently to the side: " What does it
mean to say that we have broken up for three years. "
  " So ......" Yu pool Mouguang deeply looked at her eyes the focus touching, " do
not talk about the past, I only ask you, now you still want me ......"
It's getting worse and worse when   you say that .
  Cheng Yan took a deep breath, interrupted him: " its real and I have something to
say to you, but could not find opportunity to speak. "
  Yu Chi didn't know what he thought of, his eyes seemed to be a little soft and
expectant, and his voice pretended to be calm: " You said. "
  Whatever he wanted to hear was not what she would say .
  Cheng Yan looked at him and his tone was very calm: " You helped me a lot and
taught me a lot during this time. Those five million have already been paid off. The
month's agreement can be over, I will soon ... "
  Yu Chi's expression froze and looked at her fixedly, as if he didn't understand
what she said . Before she finished, he suddenly pressed her on her shoulder and
pressed her down on the bed .
  Cheng Yan a stunned .
  Yu Chi pressed her and looked at her for a while. The emotions in her eyes were
complex and dark, as if nothing had happened, saying, " You should sleep. "
  Cheng Yan: " I have n't finished yet ..."
  Yu pool's eyes suddenly became sharp, pinching her chin, tone secluded Shen
said: " You again ! Say anything at, I do not sleep here ."
  After that, Yu Chi had taken off his coat, wrapped her up, pushed it in, and lay
down on the outside, still facing away from her posture .
  Cheng Yan watched his back silent .
  Does he know how naive this threat is ?
  Couldn't people let the words finish, she finally realized that Yu Chi wanted to
speak before she was tired of avoiding the past .
  Cheng Yan knew that he didn't want to hear it. Even if she continued, he could
pretend not to hear it. For the first time, she discovered that he still had such a
naive and funny side, she had no choice but to speak .
  With his eyes closed, he fell asleep soon .
  There will be no rain leaking from the ceiling, but there is still a cold wind,
and the cold wind is blowing at night .
  When sleepy , Cheng Yan was so cold that he pulled on his coat, but was suddenly
pulled into a warm embrace. She rolled inwardly unconsciously, and her hands felt a
hot skin. Yu Chi's voice seemed to float from a dream: "If you don't like it, you
know I'm taking advantage of it! "

The first 77 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (xv )

  Cheng Yan woke up when Yu did not see the pool , the house she was alone, and no
one outside the store , she went to the shop door , to see to see Yu pools do not
know from where did you get a motorcycle engine roaring sound years , this street
zombie was also alarmed .
  Yu pool sitting in the car , wore black leather gloves , one hand resting on the
handle , Ce Toukan at her , the helmet threw her , said: " On ! Car "
  Before the zombies ran over , Cheng Yan put on his helmet and sat in the back
seat. The car rushed out like an arrow , and the howling of the zombies sounded one
after another .
  May be motorized vehicle movement is too large , Cheng Yan back to the head at
the time, was behind the flood of crowded zombie groups to shocked, They are not
enough of them Seya seam .
  Cheng Yan felt terrified: "Is n't the Zombie King nearby? "
  " It is not. " Yu pool changed the subject, " in order to avoid and it
hit , I have got to get back as soon as possible , you sit steady something. "
  The speed suddenly elevated to the extreme , Cheng Yan tightly grabbing Yu pool
coat , afraid that they would not care to throw to .
  By the door of the base , her hair had been messed up by the
wind . She straightened her hair and tied it with a head rope .
  " Let's go. " She turned to talk to Yu Chi, but found him leaning beside the
motorcycle and staring at her, her eyes dark, and she seemed a little nervous .
  After a moment, Yu pool just stand up straight body, to go forward: " go to the
cafeteria to eat early dinner. "
  Cheng Yan hesitated for a moment, then touched her belly, sighed, and stepped up
to keep up .
  This is the time for breakfast, because no more food will be served after 9:30,
so almost all the people in the base are now in the cafeteria and eating is also on
time .
  He had considered the latest came up, walked into the room, we all looked over,
people feel a kind of much attention .
  Cheng Yan a look at all ambiguous look and a smile, that he had the night did
not return things certainly did not hide it .
  Zhou Ting positive and Yoo Sang take a lump dinner, met the boss, busy
Pidianpidian children ran: " Boss, you come back to me? That'll get over
breakfast. "
  Yu Chi " huh " uttered .
  Zhou Ting knew that the boss's taste was always the same, but did not know Cheng
Yan's taste. He looked at Cheng Yan and asked with a smile: " Sister-in-law, what do
you want to eat? "
  Cheng Yan going to open, hears see Yu cold pool repellency: " Do barking. "
  She didn't say anything, thinking that Yu Chi was trying to draw a clear line
with her. Who knows that Yu Chi then said lightly: " It's not yet. "
  Zhou Ting laughed teasingly .
  Cheng Yan words choking, she can say anything, he put it's true, but there is
always Namedianer reminiscent of mean children .
  Zhou Ting went to the window that later side, Yu took her in the pool room and
sat there, she wanted to sit and Yoo Sang, Yu pool but glance at her, said: " You
are not yourself too ? Bright enough ."
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Week people around the eyes more and more meaningfully, as if she is not eating
and depression in the pool, but he publicly and romance like .
  Cheng Yan had a headache. She took a few sips to eat and she wanted to slip
away .
  " Wait! " Yu Chi said suddenly .
  Anxious to leave, Cheng Yan's tone was a little impatient: " What else
do you want to say? "
  Yu Chi didn't say anything , and her dark eyes glanced at her, stood up, and
walked towards her .
  Zhou around seemed a bit quiet .
  Cheng Yan somewhat inexplicable tension, why should he go to her, then sat there
saying ...... do not like it ?
  What's more terrible is that after he walked in front of her, without a word, he
suddenly squatted in front of her, similar to a kneeling position, but the right knee
did not touch the ground .
  After the exclamation, the surroundings became quieter .
  " You don't want to ..." Cheng Yan's voice suddenly snapped .
  She looked to see Yu picked up a pool of her two white shoe laces, skilled
movements briskly called ...... butterfly knot ?
  Fasten your shoes after the band, Yu pool and looked up at her, spoke
slowly: " What does not? "
  Cheng Yan was embarrassed: "... nothing. "
  After she finished speaking, she quickly left the cafeteria, looking at her back,
Yu Chi stood up, her eyes dark and unpredictable .
  Zhou Ting asked in a low voice : " Boss, you were just like marriage proposal
just now. "
  Yu pool: " She is not a high -hing look. "
  So, she really did not want to leave it ?
  Zhou Ting suddenly Anti shall come: " Boss you too bad, you actually
deliberately test her ah? "
  Yu Chi stared at him dumbly .
  Zhou Ting: " No, I mean, boss, you are too smart, so you can know she doesn't
want to marry you. "
  Yu Chi continued to stare at him, his eyes colder .
  Zhou Ting: "..."
  He shut up .
  So back to the room back room, Cheng Yan's first words: " You do psychological
quasi- prepared, we have to find time to leave. "
  Tintin is sitting in the sand on hair playing with blocks, hand flick, blocks
splinters fell down .
  " Yanyan still wants to find Sister Xu? " Ding Ding looked at her puzzledly .
  Cheng Yan next to the side to sit down, put that glass, took a sip, then
said: " No, I do . They went north base "
  Tintin's invisibility ability can be mastered already, and his ability has
another advantage, that is, it is not easy to be consumed, even if it continues to be
invisible for three days .
  Therefore, his security issues can be guaranteed .
  She just guarantee certificate together men and women of the main story main
change is good, there is no need to go to the non-Xu Junyi not there, she really did
not mind but also according to the story and Xu Junyi to develop a relationship .
  Tan Beiliu's situation is different there. She and Tintin both have abilities.
Tan Beiliu is also a passionate character. He doesn't have to talk to her about
feelings. He knows more about the choice of interests. There, she can only be a
member of the base .
  Tintin stayed here happily, and he said, " If I don't go. "
  Cheng Yan: " I can walk alone. "
  Tintin feared that she might run away, hugged her arm, and looked up at her with
a small head: " Well, Yanyan, I will go with you, do n't leave me behind . "
  Cheng Yan smiled and touched his head: " Really good. "
  Ding Ding suddenly thought of a question: " Brother Yu Chi let you go? "
  Cheng Yan was silent for a while and said, " Do n't say it, we'll go away
secretly. "
  Tintin blinked: " Oh. "
  After six or seven days, the one-month deadline came, and the base was lifted
from the blockade. Everyone also needed to go out to collect supplies, and the food
in the warehouse was almost finished .
  Cheng Yan also had the opportunity to leave .
  A lot of food and land in the last days are contaminated. It is not easy to find
what you can eat. It is even more difficult to grow your own food, so every time you
pass When I go out to find food, the range of collection is also farther than once .
  Cheng Yan wanted to take advantage of his leave when they go out .
  This day also arrived soon. Yu Chi was going to take someone out early in the
morning, and he was still discussing specific matters in the conference room .
  Cheng Yan is also room back room packed with things, afraid of becoming suspect,
the time for Tintin carrying on the line, he can even be hidden when the body of all
things invisible .
  The door was suddenly knocked by someone, and she made a move, and looked at
Tintin. Tintin would hide the backpack in the room and she got up and opened the
door .
  The person outside the door was actually Liu Sang. Her expression was anxious and
her face pale, as if something terrible had happened .
  It should be Zhou Ting who brought her up, but she did not find Zhou Ting when
she encountered something, what did she do to find her ?
  Cheng Yan thought about it and let her into the house and poured her a glass of
water. She even shook her hands .
  Cheng Yan looked at her: " What happened? "
  Yoo Sang holding a cup, hesitated a moment and said: " I have it . There is a
real abilities of "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak .
  Yoo Sang and then went on: " My abilities are pre- known, after the end of the
world I rarely dream, once the dream, the dream to see certainly is what will happen
in the future, such differences can not help my control, and I I do n’t know what to
predict and what to predict. ” She paused, her expression a bit bitter, “ So, no
one cares about my abilities. When I say it, other people only think I ’m lying
There is no way to come to you. "
  Cheng Yan understood: " Are you dreaming again? "
  Yoo Sang little head, as if recalling a dream scene, his face whiter: " it was
horrible, and I must say the job pool Brother, can you let him through? "
  Cheng Yan looked at her and sighed. She may not be able to leave today. She let
Tintin call Yu Chi in the past .
  After a while, Yu Chi came over. It seemed that Liu Sang was also there. He
paused before he came to the sofa .
  " What's wrong? " He looked at Cheng Yan .
  Cheng Yan briefly talked about Liu Sang's dream of anticipation .
  Yu Chi listened and was silent, unable to see any expression .
  Yoo Sang afraid he does not believe, they say: " . I do dream is true ."
  Yu Chi was unsure: " Tell me about it. "
  " I dream to see ......" Yoo Sang voice with fear, " tomorrow, tomorrow, I have
everyone will die. "
  Yu pool frown: " Hu say anything? "
  Yoo Sang voice rising: " all true, I still remember the pain of being a zombie
hand penetrate the heart, so real ," she will be looked at Yu pool, " zombie king with
a lot of zombie slaughter our base , Except for you and Qin Fuyi, no one survived. "
  After that, several people were silent .
  Cheng Yan really believed this time, because she said that Yu Chi and Qin Fuyi
survived, and that of course they are male and female owners and would not die .
  She frowned, there was no such plot in the plot, is there any change ?
  Yu Chi had been silent for a long time, his expression somewhat terrifyingly
dignified, and his voice was dumb: " Everyone is dead? "
  Yoo Sang know what he was more concerned, it is stressed that: " yes, it even
Miss Cheng also died. "
  Yu Chi's expression became stiff and his jaw tightened, his eyes staring at her
almost sharply, and after a while he said, " How did he die? "
  Liu Sang was overwhelmed by his aura , and his voice was a bit timid : " Yes,
it was Qin Fuyi , she pushed Miss Cheng to block the zombie king, and then ..." In
Yuchi risk insurance gaze, her voice getting smaller and smaller, " it was zombie
king snapped his neck. "
  Yu pool boxing head clenched, suddenly stood up .
  Yoo Sang stood up: " Pool brother, I have to move out, they move out before today
had not beaten zombie king!. "
  Yu did not care for the pool, looking at her complex hybrid look to Cheng Yan,
like some sad meaning .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  She is not dead yet, don't take it seriously .
  Yu Chi withdrew his eyes and said, " I will deal with this matter. Don't say it
again, so as not to cause panic. "
  Yu looked at the pool out, Yoo Sang some high -hing, so to say, she would not
dream of facing dire straits, Yu pool believe her words .
  She also knows that if not because as Cheng Yan, Li Yu pool may not care for her,
because care, so even if it is false, he would not allow such things to happen .
  Thinking, Liu Sang looked at Cheng Yan with an envious tone: " Brother Chi is so
nice to you, what did you do to him? "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Nothing is done well !

The first 78 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (XVI )

  Yu pool will be able to come up with a way to come , she will not face of dream
of hell on earth, and Yoo Sang mood relaxed a lot , out the door with a smile on his
face yet , but this smile in sight Qin Froe froze later .
  Qin Eph clothing standing on the stairs blocked her way, coldly asked: " You ??
Were in the room and said something Why A pool look wrong ."
  Yoo Sang sarcastically laughed aloud: " You go ask the boss ah , did not he tell
you? "
  Qin Fuyi's expression was a bit cruel , and she grabbed her neck like a
shot : " It's not your turn to be crazy here! "
  Most end , Yoo Sang or not Dide Guo Qin Friedrich coercion , had told her to
say , but concealed that she killed it Yan Cheng , if she knew she was in front of
Yu pool so discredit her image , might be infuriating to have to kill her .
  Due to , she lied, tomorrow will be base indeed zombie king massacre , but Cheng
Yan whose real is not dead , she was south of the base of the guide to those who
rescued .
  She lied just want Yu pool weight depending on the starting her words only, on
the way to a little eyedrops in front of this woman .
  After listening, Qin Fuyi's expression was murky and she said a word to
her: " Go- "
  Yoo Sang gas is not over , before leaving , did not hold back simply said: " !
Here you also fail to get you insolent but it is a woman , and more abilities.
How kind , proud eyes must have a long head to It ’s ridiculous , how many of those
men do you really think you can afford? "
  Qin Vladimir clothes on a bang on the ear smoked in the past, pointing to her
nose, Yi Zizi said: " Sooner or later you have ! They knees and begged me one day ."
  After talking, she went upstairs .
  Yoo Sang clutching his pain unbearable cheek against her back , " Pooh ," a cry .
  Qin Eph clothes after returning to the room, the window stood a moment, it seems
that the decision under what like, all of a sudden turn for a moment to go to the
closet, wearing a flat than when more beautiful feminine dress up, dressed up and
look in the mirror , Pursed her red lips, and smiled a little darkly at the beauty in
the mirror .
  When she went out, she wore a fire-like gorgeous coat, a black short skirt, very
sexy, and her legs were long and white. The men's eyes in the base were all shining,
and she was obviously more enthusiastic when greeting her. .
  Vladimir Qin Yi did not care for him who went to the base of the gate .
  Xu Fuyan received an urgent meeting notice and was about to go upstairs. He
caught a glimpse of Qin Fruo, who was dressed differently in the past, and stopped
her: "It's time for a meeting, where are you going? "
  Qin Fuyi smiled softly: " Please help me to tell Achi, I have to go out if I have
an urgent matter. "
  Xu Fuyan wanted to say something, but she had already gone out. He frowned, his
instinct was not right, he beckoned to a member of the team, and secretly followed .
  Vladimir Qin Yi did not open the car, out of the base to turn into a street, here
is a commercial street, behind the street is a residential area, she entered the
residential area, Shumenshulu went to the house .
  Xu Fu Yan heart puzzled, because as a base close by, near the zombies will be
cleared away, so there is also the ordinary people or protoss live in these
residential areas, people just never heard of Qin Friedrich here also know .
  The person she was looking for lived on the first floor. Soon, the door opened,
and Xu Fuyan saw an unusually beautiful boy pulling her in .
  " Sister Fu Yi, are you here? I want to die you, you never come to see me, I
thought you forgot me . " The teenager hugged her, his tone hard to hide the
surprise .
  Xu Fuyan chuckled and suspiciously thought that it was Qin Fuyi's little lover,
but she was surprised that she had to look like Yu Chi, and she would also play with
men in private. Not up to her .
  When he was about to leave, he heard a word, and his steps froze .
  " Aren't you able to control the zombie, the zombie king, how can you influence
it? " Qin Fuyi's tone was a bit cold .
  Yao Yi a daze, will shut the door .
  Xu Fu Yan see not see two people, he went to the door, using the spiritual power
snoop inside of dialogue .
  Two people in the sand hair sat, Yao Yi asked: " Vladimir clothes sister, what
happened, how do you ask? "
  Qin Fuyi's expression was a little low: " Xiao Yi, don't you look down on me too?
Even if my abilities are great , even if I can beat many men, your heart still looks
down on me, because I am a woman? "
  When Yao Yi saw her like this, she was anxious and took her hand and said, " Who
bullied you? I like that you are too late, how can I look down on you, and if you
saved me, I would have died or It turns into a zombie. My life is yours. I want to do
whatever you want me to do! "
  Qin Fuyi turned his head to look at him, and Leng Bubing asked: " If it is to
control the zombie king to slaughter the base? "
  Yao Yi was shocked: " Sister Fu Yi, are the people in the base bad for you? "
  Qin Vladimir clothes , smiling at him " very good " , but look as if to say " not
good " , she sighed: " Xiao Yi, as a woman member of the base, all men are difficult
based of those who doubt, distrust, mocking eyes, I really can not stand a moment,
and even Yu pool ...... my favorite Huan, he ignored me, too. "
  Hearing this, Yao Yi's face was a little bad, hugged her waist, her eyes
stubborn: " Sister Fu Yi, do n't say that, you still have me, I've always been. "
  " But I wanted to stay in the pool Yu body side. " Qin Yi Eph eyes for a moment
of cold, " the body of his human side of it is another woman, if ...... zombie invasion
king base, killing some people normal, no one would doubt me, let alone ...... to time
if I win the zombie king, my position in the base will become important, will never
be anyone dare despise me, not kill two birds with it? "
  Yao Yi apparently hesitated: " My abilities are not so strong, I'm sorry,
I couldn't even kill the woman you let me kill. "
  " You can try. " Qin Yi Eph hand ask on his face close to his, uh gas, such as
blue, " as long as you work hard , you can do it once did to that woman, I was in
The zombie king rescued the entire base. Yu Chi will definitely value me by then.
Will you help me, Xiao Yi? "
  Yao Yi: " Sister Fu Yi ..."
  Seeing that he hadn't made up his mind yet, Qin Fuyi leaned over and kissed his
lips, his eyes showing a bit of charm, tender and charming: " You will help me. "
  Yao Yi anyone, not strong, but also the face like a woman, he could not help but
be overwhelmed her on the sofa, as if eager to give vent to what like: " I, I do
answer should you, Vladimir clothes sister ... "
  Qin Fuyi smiled and kissed the teenager's face: " It's a good boy. "
  Two people in the sand hair roll do a group, ambiguous and fiery sound
transmission through the door in the past .
  Xu Fuyan outside the door was full of iron blue, and he couldn't help
whispering: " This bitch! "
  Qin Fuyi seemed to perceive something, and moved suddenly, pushing the teenager
away, and even without the clothes to put it on, he opened the door and almost
exerted a power with all his strength .
  She's too fast, Xu Fu Yan did not have time to retreat, it was her ice cubes to
freeze the release of the legs, and on the TV with her, see her look sweet shoulder
Banlu, disheveled, they sneered: " I did not expect You are such a venomous and
debauchery woman! I will definitely tell Yuchi. "
  Qin Fuyi looked coldly: " Unfortunately, you don't have this opportunity. "
  Will be on the meeting, Liu Yu Sang the pool did not say it's a dream, because
this is really no credibility, he just appeared to zombie king also discussed the
grounds of defense plans in front of the base, the implementation of a comprehensive
state of siege in base At the same time, send people to pay close attention to the
situation outside the base .
  After the meeting, Zhou Ting was a little strange: " Boss, when did the zombie
king appear at the door? "
  Yu pool: " I do see. "
  "..." Zhou Ting glanced at him doubtfully .
  Yu went to the pool room between the door, knit his brows and said: " Go, call
Cheng Yan . Come "
  Zhou Ting pick eyebrow head and smiled: " This is going. "
  Cheng Yan also knew that it was impossible to leave today. She also knew from
Zhou Ting that the base was about to implement the highest state of martial law. If
Yu Chi did n’t believe Liu Sang in full, even if she did, she could not bring anyone
Today, the base is evacuated, the movement is too great, the target is too big, it
might be better to stay outside for safety .
  What's more, where are there no zombies today ? Where can I hide ?
  When she entered Yu Chi's room, she saw that he was making coffee, and pushed a
cup of it to her .
  Cheng Yan sat down, took a sip, and said, " What are you doing with me? "
  " Don't go. " He looked up at her with deep eyes, " At least not now. "
  Cheng Yan: " I don't know what you are talking about. "
  Yu Chi added a lump of sugar to the coffee and said slowly: " You live right
across from me . Do you think I know nothing about you? "
  Cheng Yan suddenly remembered his powerful mental strength, and suddenly he was
silent: "... you can hear it so far? "
  Yu pool did not say that, did not say no, he took out a chubby thing like fruit
from his pocket, brought before her .
  Cheng Yan was in a state of ups and downs because of the discovery of the
stealing plan, and he said, " No appetite, no food. "
  Yu pool which is really laughing at, and even look at her eyes with a smile is,
but that smile a bit strange meaning, said: " eat fried ? Shells do you want to eat,
I will not give you . "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Who can see that such a green fruit-like thing would be a bomb .
  " This is the latest weapon developed at the base. " Yu Chi took her hand and put
the fruit in her hand, said, " You have taken it, don't mess with it, but it can
blow up the entire base. Of. "
  Cheng Yan felt like a hot potato in his hand: " What do you do for me with such
a dangerous thing? "
  Yu Chi stopped talking and looked at her with deep eyes. After a while, she
looked away and said lightly: " I care a little about that dream, so after thinking
about it, I still give you this more confidence Even if it does n’t kill the zombie
king, it can at least hurt it. "
  Cheng Yan: "... Is it? "
  Just give her something as powerful as she wants, surely ... just a little bit
concerned ?
  He has the ability to say this in her eyes ?

The first 79 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk ( seventeen )

  Although Yu-Chi said the zombie king had appeared in the doorway , the base had
opened a high -level state of defense, but not really in danger , do not know Yoo
Sang's prophetic dreams , in addition to those high protoss are really vigilant,
base, general protoss spirit is not tight , but there are kinds of " they can stay
in the base, salty fish for some time ," the easy idea .
  So , eat a late meal times , the cafeteria people are still talking and
laughing , got a no fear tomorrow is really the end of despair .
  Cheng Yan down to eat on the way rice also met Yoo Sang , Yoo Sang
very enthusiastic initiative to go to her Dafan , let her go to a good seat .
  Cheng Yan had no choice but to take up a seat , but she didn't take long to sit
down . Yu Chi came with a plate and sat in the empty space beside her .
  Cheng Yan turned to look at him , did not say anything , he sat all sat, and
then she said it was not left him, as if too do not give a face ?
  Zhou Ting also with him, and just as she sat opposite position , Yoo Sang come
when it stunned , sat the week tribunal body side .
  " This evening meals nice , there is meat on them , for a long time have not heard
of the taste of the meat. " Yoo Sang smile to the plate to push her .
  Cheng Yan see see a plate of pork with peppers silence the next .
  Yu Chi suddenly asked her: " What's wrong? "
  Seeing everyone watching, she said, " Nothing. "
  She grew up not just think of the original owners spicy food , flavor feel some
special, spicy one point, she ate it can become very, this small but she did not
intend to come up with is that he wants to eat stood .
  Yu Chi glanced at her as if she understood something, and suddenly brought
her plate over, and exchanged her plate for her .
  His plate is a side dish of congee, very light .
  The others were stunned and looked at him .
  Yu Chi looked at her calmly and asked, " I want to eat with you , can't I? "
  His pair of eyes calm and deep, Cheng Yan's heart, some subtle sense of sleep,
she startled the next, said: " You ...... ? OK ."
  She seems to never see him eat too spicy, but it may be because she does not eat
spicy food, so he accommodate her tastes .
  As if to show that he just likes to eat this plate, he also scooped a spoonful of
red pepper fried meat. The fried meat and chili were cut into very fine pieces. A
spoonful of scoop is a mixture of the two. He ate it without changing the color. .
  Zhou Ting laughed all the way through. The others didn't know, did he not know
yet? The boss didn't eat any spicy food at all. He accidentally ran into blush and
was beaten .
  At this moment, maybe I was so hot that I was screaming, but my expression was
still light and soft, and he gave full marks to this technique !
  How can you be the boss ?
  Cheng Yan eat a few bites, I suddenly heard screams Yoo Sang met: the " pool
Brother, you have a fever it face firing this?? "
As soon as   Cheng Yan turned her head, she choked a little. Yu Chi's face was
really red, and there were still some sweat beads on her forehead, and even the ear
to the neck was red .
  Some of her mood complex mixed and handed him a paper towel wipe: " . Wipe it ."
  Yu pool dark eyes looked at her, it seems somewhat at a loss to spicy, and after
a moment, Mouli some bright light, low-low head, leaned a little .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  She is not to give him wipe the meaning of ah .
  Just when the two men were deadlocked , a team member in military uniform came in
a hurry, and before he came to Yu Chi, he said anxiously: " Boss, it's bad!
The zombie king is quickly moving towards the base. Move. "
  The voice fell, and the canteen that was noisy just now suddenly became quiet .
  Yu Chi stood up sharply , his expression quickly became cold and cold, and Shen
Sheng asked, " How long will it be? "
  : Team " about half Xiao ! When "
  Yu pool frown, gave the order: " one-third of all collections within the bell to
bring weapons!! "
  Team members: " Yes! "
  Canteen chaos, protoss are anxious to go back and change clothes with the
equipment, there are teleport on different blink of an eye can disappear in the
cafeteria, they even ordinary people also panic .
  Yu also pool towards the door to go, just walk a few steps, suddenly turns back,
standing in front of her .
  Cheng Yan felt that his eyes were very oppressive, and he looked at her calmly.
She couldn't help but ask: " What's wrong? "
  " Don't run around and wait for me to come back! " He finished staring at her .
  Did she have to agree to leave ?
  Cheng Yan: "... um. "
  Get her insurance card, he leaned over to hug her, then quickly let go, never
looking back, hurried pace a little, back tall and straight .
  Cheng Yan sighed, too naive, such a good opportunity, the fool would not run .
  Men and women side by side for the main battle Shredded zombie emotional
development, she was the cannon fodder or do not upstage the .
  After Yu Chi had set up the defense work at the base, he would lead a team of
elite players to lead away the zombie king. Before leaving, he looked around and
suddenly frowned: " What about Xu Fuyan? "
  A member of the team suddenly said: " Brother Xu went out in the morning, it
seems that he followed the sister Yi Fu? "
  Yu Chi looked at Qin Fuyi aside, his eyes seem to be exploring .
  Qin Eph clothes Shenqingziruo laugh: " there is such thing, he said something to
trip out, I told him, just I do not know him in the end what happened, he looked
quite anxious. "
  Yu pool does not see her move to a sensual: " You go out to do? "
  His gaze too penetrating, Qin Vladimir clothing low head ask the next hair
Jiabian, said: " to See an old friend, very poor, I go get something to eat and
clothes ."
  Yu pools do not know the letter did not believe, looking at her eyes more hair
cool .
  Zhou Ting laughed: " Eph clothes sister heart intestinal nice ah, now out those
who are very poor indeed, we will be better in the base. "
  " You also talk on? " Yu Zhou Ting glanced at the pool, cold
voice ordered, " the hair! "
  Zhou Ting smile face immediately taken back .
  Base will soon quit strict, Yu pool after they went out, the door will slam shut,
so Cheng Yan hurry to get back to the bag and left, Tintin on the use of stealth
different matter sorted out at her side .
  There was some chaos in the base this time . Yu Chi left early in the front, and
she went out with a bunch of powers in the back .
  Such as the group of protoss walk away, know that they go to is the direction of
the zombie king came running, they stopped zombie king came way ahead of time, she
picked the opposite direction, to the south to go .
  Luck pretty good, actually a zombie on the road did not meet .
  Tintin raised her neck and asked her: " Yanyan, is this the way to the base in
Chengbei? "
  Cheng Yan: " No, he Yu pool that is the direction they go. "
  Tintin " Oh " sighed and sighed: " It seems that I can only go to Sister Xu? "
  Cheng Yan: " Yeah. "
  Going around, she still has to go to Xu Junyi's side, the power of the plot still
has some effect ?
  From the base out, he had gone a long street did not see zombies, Cheng Yan felt
spookily calm, she was not hesitant to continue to go on .
  Tintin suddenly pointed to the phone booth and whispered in surprise: " Yanyan,
there seems to be something there . "
  She could not see saw, a man sitting cross-legged in a phone booth, just like
practice, is obviously not a zombie, she glanced carefully, know that the man is
actually the women chiefs of the preceding days ?
  He was dressed as a normal boy this time. He was wearing a blue sweater and his
eyes were closed. His expression seemed to be painful like heaving blood, and he
didn't know what to do .
  Cheng Yan think it is their noses clean, wanted to quietly go away, but then
suddenly the pace of the meal, with an almost instinctive sense of danger, a gust of
wind blew off the leaves, sand dust flying up too .
  Dingding La tightened her hand, spiritual force stronger than she saw something
she has not seen, scared even my sister called out: " ! Sister sister that! Edge of
something good horror ah! "
  Cheng Yan was mad the wind and even the eyes are rolling, the sense of deja vu
crisis, oppression, but the feeling of terror go hand in hand .
  Won't it ?
  Isn't the Zombie King the direction they went in Yuchi ?
  She did not see nothing, feel some of suffocation, something passed from the
front of her, she only had time to see the big fuzzy blur .
  That figure directly on the road directed at Yao Yi later, Yao Yi suddenly spit
out a mouthful of blood, opened his eyes, just outside the glass doors zombie
king ...... sight right on .
  The zombie king was so immobile , staring at Yao Yi as if it were still , but
it didn't seem quiet. Instead , it seemed to be full of manic and dangerous
factors, and it would open its mouth to crush people at any time .
  Cheng Yan did not dare move, afraid that a move has aroused the attention of the
zombie king, She also finally see a zombie king look .
  Unexpectedly, he still has a human form, without missing arms and legs. Compared
with other zombies, his body shape is still perfectly preserved, and he is still
wearing a hospital white coat and stained a lot of blood. It's a pretty mixed-race,
with slightly curly hair, deep three-dimensional features, and dark blue eyes with
stiff and hollow eyes, but still retaining the clear color before the end of the
age .
There was still blood   on the corners of his lips, and his mouth was open,
showing some sharp teeth, and he didn't know how many people had chewed along the
way .
  Yao Yi apparently also for his appearance here was surprised, in a word blurted
out: " how do you come here? "
  This sentence was like turning on a switch, the zombie king became manic, a
hoarse roar in his throat, the glass was smashed with a paw, and his eyes were
terrifyingly terrifying .
  Yao Yi turned pale and quickly concentrated on trying to control him again. Just
when it had put his head close to his neck, it suddenly stopped again .
  Yao Yi sigh of relief, stiff body took a step back, the neck freed from his
mouth, lift head, I saw the other side of Yan Cheng and Tintin, not to mention breath
and almost up, they a Why are all of you here ?
  Yao Yi eyes sank, glanced again under control of the zombie king, his
abilities have been exhausted, to have to get rid of as soon as possible after the
woman for the job .
  He ordered the zombie king in his mind .
  Cheng Yan also knew that he could control the zombie's ability. When he saw him,
he knew that he had no good intentions and quickly made Tintin invisible. She turned
around and ran .
  The zombie king was faster than thunder and lightning, and fell in front of her
in the blink of an eye. The ground seemed to tremble a bit when the stiff body fell,
and the tall shadow fell on her head with a terrible breath .
  He opened his mouth with a syllable: " Ho ho ..."
  Cheng Yan look to see his face, and some despair: "...... Let me self a break
okay? "
  Zombie king certainly understand human speech, but he will not be willing to
listen to her, grabbed her by the shoulders, she is strong enough bones to be
broken, his teeth teeth getting closer, arrived at the On her neck .
  Cheng Yan took a deep breath, exhausted her palm with all her strength , and the
thick white mist quickly swept the two .
  Yao Yi frowned, not sure what power it was .
  Cheng Yan heart dirty to be scared to stop the zombie king but never did bite
down, the fog dispersed, she saw it deep blue eyes like the ocean, is a bit muddy,
but it seems much clearer than before a little ?
  It should be that her power has purified a little of its zombie virus, but it has
not been able to purify all its viruses .
  It opened its mouth, slightly pointed teeth, leaned its head down, looked at
her, seemed confused, and looked at her hand again .
  Cheng Yan tried to appease it: " Yes, that's it, don't move, be good. "
  Her footsteps Wangpang side move half a step, it did not move, she quietly
shifted a bit farther, it suddenly stepped in with him, she was scared the whole body
froze .
  Instead of trying to bite her again, it squatted down in front of her, touched
her hand blankly with her head, touched it again, and then seemed to be stunned .
  After that, it seemed to anger, love thread gradually temper up, opened his mouth
again .
  Cheng Yan seemed to understand what it was doing. She tried to release the
purification power to it again. When the white mist sprayed on his head, he still
looked expressionless, but his mouth closed, giving a few Feel comfortable and
comfortable after being smoothed .
  "...... Xi Huan this? "
  The zombie king was expressionless: " Aoao! "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Different species, can't you understand what you are talking about ?
Looking at the past   from the perspective of Yao Yi , it is the zombie
king whose brain is broken. Not only did he not bite, but he still squatted down to
make him touch his head ?
  He impulsive, could not help but curse: " !! Sucker you'd killed her ah ."
  As soon as he made a sound, the zombie king suddenly stopped, and the next
moment, he slammed back into the phone booth like a gust of wind .
  Yao Yi screamed: " What do you want to do?
You ... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! "
  The zombie king hugged him with a frantic and cruel mess, and after a few bites,
he seemed to remember something. He jumped back in front of Cheng Yan, staring at her
fiercely for a few seconds, squatted down, and moved his head forward I handed it
over, the meaning was obvious, and wanted her to put white mist on it like before .
  Tintin is still invisible, and he doesn't understand the development very much.
He whispered next to him: " Yanyan, you seem to have caused something terrible. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  She wanted to be quiet !

The first 80 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (xviii )

  Yu pool he had originally going halfway to intercept the zombie king , has been
seen zombie king ahead, and they are ready for a bloody battle , I did not
expect , zombie king not to him, and suddenly they turn a direction , towards the
south ran , away from him farther away their base , soon not met trace .
  Zhou Ting was dumbfounded: " Boss , can't you chase? "
  Yu Chi condensed his eyes and said after a while : " Go back to the base. "
  Qin Fuyi suddenly said: " Wait! "
  Everyone looked at her .
  Qin Yi Vladimir micro eyes flash , said: " zombie king is more strange , go
Oddly enough , there may be any shade ? Seek, as follow up to see "
  All will feel strange , but the next obvious follow up is not a good
thing , even if there is overcast seek, they can lick how the zombie king ?
  Yu Chi didn't speak, looked at her, and lifted her feet away .
  Zhou Tingming White This is going back to the base mean , busy greeting everyone
to keep up , and see Qin Eph clothing cold with some bad face , a smile
playing rounders: " Vladimir clothes sister , ? Do not go ."
  Qin Fuyi clenched his teeth secretly, scolding Yao Yi for being unreliable ,
and even a zombie could not be controlled well. Only seeing a shadow, the zombie king
suddenly ran away! Isn't she vain ?
  Suddenly she frowned again . Wasn't the direction where the zombie king ran was
Yao Yi ?
  She was thinking, suddenly heard met in front of someone's voice .
  " Yu Chi, do you know this person? "
  Lift her head to see the north base of people, talking is their command Tan North
flow, he sat on a motorcycle, trod on the ground, along with several of his teammates
behind him, holding a gun, a hand teammate Carrying a person, and seeing who that
person was, her face suddenly changed .
  " Brother Xu! " Zhou Ting could not help but exclaim .
  " What's going on? "
  " You were caught north of our people? "
  Base, people will look to see Xu re-made and look pale, have anger .
  Tan Beiliu smiled, some frivolous gesture: " Don't get me wrong, but I saved his
life. " He glanced at Xu Fuyan, " You talk about yourself ? "
  Xu Fuyan was held by two people, and after looking directly at the crowd, his
eyes showed a cold and hateful light, and said with a sneer : " Qin Fuyi! Didn't
you think? I can come back alive! "
  Yu pools expression of joy, anger is not identified, but look deep at some
chill .
  The information revealed by these words surprised everyone, and looked at Qin
Fuyi with some doubts .
  Qin Fuyi didn't expect his life to be so big, there was no other way, so he had
to preemptively, frowning and said, " I don't understand what you mean, you are
already united with the people at the base of Chengbei and want to frame me? You
won't have to say I wanted to kill you, right? " she looked at the others, " you who
think I'm going to kill your teammates do? "
  Qin Fuyi was the one who set up the base together. How much she paid was seen by
everyone, and she did not believe she would do such a thing .
  Zhou Ting touched his head: " Is there any misunderstanding? "
  Xu Fuyan saw that she still wanted to take a bite back. She was so angry that she
could hardly even speak. The wound on her chest was also painful. He gasped. How did
he hear her and Yao Yi ’s conspiracy? Stabbed with a knife and threw it on the
street to feed the zombies. If the people at the north base just saved him, he would
really be swallowed by the zombies .
  After listening, everyone was silent, and had already believed a few words .
  After looking at Yu Chi's expression, Qin Fuyi felt a little panicked and his
voice was loud: " What evidence do you have to say this? How could I attract the
zombie king deliberately, am I not afraid of death myself? "
  Xu Fu Yan angry laugh: " That's because you believe that you are too
little ability lover, and unfortunately, he let you down? "
  " You ..." Qin Fuyi wanted to quibble, and refused to admit death .
  " Enough! " Yu cold pool suddenly interrupted by the sound of her, " her charge up
and go back and say. "
  Qin Fuyi looked at him incredulously, his expression gradually becoming
complicated, like love and hate, he sneered, shouted at him, " You will regret
it! " , And used his mental strength to escape quickly .
  Zhou Ting a daze, look to the pool Yu: " Boss, you want to pursue ? It "
  Yu Chi glanced at the direction of her escape, knowing that the people under her
hand could not catch her, so no one chased her, and turned to Tan Beiliu .
  " Let him go. " He said .
  Tan pretending to look north, to consider, looking at him, pondered and
said: " put not a no, no . Too, I have a condition ."
  Yu Chi stared at him, his eyes sharply sharp .
  Tan Beiliu: "Don't be nervous, I've saved your people anyway. Isn't it
embarrassing to be a guest? "
  Yu Chi's deep eyes stared at him for a while and agreed .
  A group of people returned to the base together. As soon as they walked to the
door, Yu Chi saw Liu Sang. Her expression was a little strange, and he had a bad
feeling in his heart: " What are you doing here? "
  Liu Sang hesitated and said, " She seems to have run away, Miss Cheng. "
  Yu Chi's face sank sharply .
  Cheng Yan was a bit desperate. The zombie king seemed to have fallen on her. She
took a step, followed it, and let it go away. It just stayed for a while and then
retreated three feet away .
  Tintin thinks it seems silly, but still a little afraid, after all, I don't know
when it will be cruel again .
  " Yan Yan, it followed me , We even can not get into the base of the door,
right? "
  This is indeed a problem .
  Cheng Yan stopped, turned around, and looked at the zombie king not far away. It
stood like a wooden sculpture, staring blankly at her with a serious expression, but
a little funny. Feeling .
  Cheng Yan beckoned .
  In a blink of an eye , it came, even though the weight on the ground was still
shocking .
  It looked that Zhang cold grave face, she Dayton for a moment, said: " You will
not copy abilities ?? It Why do not you put my abilities to copy the past, you play
with yourself, okay ."
  The zombie king looked at her, motionless, and after a while: " Oh? "
  "..." I still don't understand what it said. Cheng Yan was silent for a while, and
said, " Is that a good meaning? Well, then I use the power again, you can see
clearly. "
  As soon as she reached out her hand, she saw it squat down, staring up at her
hand as if the child was staring at a piece of candy .
  " Optimistic about the ah. " She gave it to put a purified white mist .
  The zombie king remained motionless, his expression unchanged, but he also
revealed a feeling of joy .
  After the release, Cheng Yan looked at it expectantly .
  Zombie king glanced at her hand, it seems strange how no, it upturned head and
her " Aoao wailing " up, hiss dumb voice seems eager ,
  Cheng Yan understood now, it still wanted .
  " Do not call it! " Cheng Yan sighed, " you want in the end how kind ah, we want
to go to the base, you know? Specially hit you blame this zombie, you ......"
  She would not finish, obviously tempered the zombie king, jumped jumped up, leans
in front of her face, and issued a similar dissatisfaction angry roar: " Ow -"
  The sound is also prolonged, like a wolf howling to the moon .
  Cheng Yan was taken aback by it, her saliva sprayed her face, and she wiped her
face .
  Tintin almost smiled: " Yanyan, it seems that you said you hit it, it was
angry. "
  "..." Cheng Yan stared at the zombie king and couldn't help but go
back, " I'm still angry, you follow me, I have no place to go, do you sleep on the
street? "
  Zombie king put his head back by her shrink the shrink, and stared at her good
glances, as if suddenly think of any good ideas like " Ow ," a voice .
  Cheng Yan and Ding Ding don't know what's wrong with it. Although it looks very
good now, in the end it's a zombie. The two of them were a little vigilant in their
hearts, but the zombie king suddenly took one in one hand and took them away .
  Cheng Yan only knows now how fast the zombie king really is. It must have copied
the teleport ability from where. She just felt the wind swiftly blow on her cheeks.
The next second, she stood in the suburbs. In front of a mansion .
  Tintin " wow " and looked at the zombie king, no longer fearing: " You are faster
than the plane. "
  Zombie king stood in the door of the mansion, bow dig dig in their pockets, then
took out ...... a Zhang door card, picked up a brush, " drip " slamming, luxury door
slowly opened .
  It turned to look at her, bent over, and made a gentleman posture, the blood on
his mouth had not been wiped, and his face was pale and pale .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  It's such a human face, but it is more frightening, okay ?
  See she did not move, zombie king slightly biased under his head, and the tone
micro Heights " Ow ," a cry, as if she understood why not move like .
  Cheng Yan had a shadow on his tone of voice, and his instincts were wrong. He was
picked up by him the next second and dropped on the sofa like a sack .
  Tintin looked stunning: " Poof ..."
  Cheng Yan turned a little dizzy, climbed up from the sofa, looked at the Zombie
King, and some understood: " So, did you hear me say that there was no place to
live before you brought me here? "
  The zombie nodded .
  Sure enough, she understood what she said .
  It's good to be able to communicate. When Cheng Yan was thinking about leaving ,
she suddenly thought again. Since she found a safe place to live, why did she go to
Xu Junyi's plot ?
  Not too ...... she look looking zombie king, here it really safe ?
  The zombie king stared at himself, stood blankly for a while, then suddenly
squatted down, and put his head under the sofa, dark blue eyes staring at her,
faintly looking forward .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Silly , why did she think it was terrible before ?
  Seeing it waiting for her to purify, she said: " Hungry, I have no energy. "
  The zombie king seemed disappointed, staring blankly at the ground, standing up
and heading towards the corner .
  Tintin is curious: " What's wrong with it? "
  Cheng Yan: "I don't know. "
  After a while, the zombie king holding a pile of bloody meat
over, " pop " slamming on the pile on the coffee table in front of her .
  Zombie King: " Aoao! "
  Tintin guess test: " He says ...... eat? "
  Cheng Yan stared at the pile of meat that didn't know what it was, and was
silent: " Thank you, keep it for yourself. "
  The zombie king waited for a while, and seemed to feel that she was not polite,
so she held back the preserved grains intact .
  See Yan Cheng see it into a meat jar, the lid was still choose to take, as well
as a kind of mold patted ash .
  Still cured meat ?
  It's not forget the human taste like? Or does it think it's delicious, so she
thinks she will like it too ?
  What if I want to vomit .

The first 81 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (XIX )

  Over the city colors are gray , floating several flower clouds, like zombies
pale dull complexion , street head there are a few zombie walk with stiff
dull , some zombie meat bones in her hand, holding the machine Gnawing on the
ground, the whole city shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere of doomsday .
  Qin Eph clothes with filled with anger and resentment escaped , a street will
walk away zombie head smashed badly beaten with ice , there is no other
place before they go , she ran straight up residence Yao Yi .
  To the future , she looked to see the door wide open , that this is Yao Yi
back , her brow head wrinkled , anger came up , go inside and she saw Yao Yi .
  He sat on the sand on the hair, deep head down , motionless about the bomb , who
scattered breath emitted some strange .
  Qin Fuyi didn't pay attention, and he couldn't help but scold him, venting his
emotions on his chest: " What's the matter with you? I told you to control
the zombie king, why did you let it run? I didn't do anything yet ! " she took a few
steps closer , louder ," this is no problem , you do not say that Xu Fu Yan has been
solved? he actually ran in front of you identify me? in the end how you act? "
  Yao Yi remained motionless , as if listening to her scolding obediently .
  " Speak! " Qin Fuyi pushed his shoulders, " Something is not enough
to succeed ! "
  As she pushed him in time , he suddenly raised his head, a pair of muddy bestial
eyes to see her face has lost color, a hole in the neck as well as blood flow out of
his sweater Stained red half .
  " You ..." Qin Fuyi looked at him in amazement .
  Yao Yi has been turned into a zombie, she was apparently not recognize his
lifetime more like people, like seeing the beast of prey suddenly rushed up .
  Vladimir Qin Yi did not think he had been became a zombie, he did not prepare
for, just to see his eyes, she stunned the next, that is, it is under stunned to
flutter in the zombie, zombies seeing one on To bite her neck, she quickly reached
out to block it .
  The zombie 's head was frozen by the power released from her hand. With its
fury, it opened her mouth and bit her palm. The sharp teeth instantly penetrated her
flesh and blood, and bones were deeply visible .
  Qin Fuyi screamed in pain and could n’t push it away. She put it with her other
hand and smashed it with power. It was obviously a high-level zombie. Killing it, but
angering it, it directly bites a piece of meat into her palm .
  Qin Fuyi was cold and sweaty, and took the opportunity to escape from the door
with her hand covered . The zombie was still chasing after her. She hurriedly pushed
the iron door back, shut the zombie inside, and walked outward He stumbled away .
  She ran down the street, her hands sore, her head sore, and her face twisted.
Her body seemed to have a strange power, and she leaned against the window of a shop
in cold sweat The change in her face reflected on the transparent glass, she
panicked and touched her face .
  No, it's impossible .
  Don't do this .
  Her legs fell softly on the ground, her hair ran away, her face twisted
uncontrollably, and her eyes gradually changed .
  The street was out looking for funding several protoss, not a member of any base,
just outside his own team join as a partner, one saw the other side of the glamorous
woman, her white legs are shaking the eye, take the opportunity to Sent a few other
abilities away, he came over here by himself .
  " Sister, alone? "
  The man stooped to speak to her , she ignored it, just breathing in a hurry,
panting, listening to some lustful desire .
  Men can not help squatting down, hand touch on her legs, tentacles
temperature run smooth and make him look increasingly nasty: " Otherwise keep up
brother to go back there to eat and drink,? Zombies need not be afraid, but different
brother The capable person is not afraid even if the zombie king comes. "
  Suddenly a thunder sounded in the sky, lightning followed by a series of
thunders, and heavy rain immediately followed through the city .
  The man was startled, and he directly hugged the woman and smiled and
said, " With Brother ..."
  His smile suddenly froze, his eyes shone a Zhang beautiful and pale face, a pair
of muddy eyes riveted on him, eyes dead air and evil meaning very heart dirty to be
scared Stopped .
  " Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! "
  The female zombie's sharp hands were flamed, her fingers spread, and the man
began to tear the man into countless pieces. Each piece was set on fire, and was
quickly burned with nothing left .
  Man's screams rang Toru Strip, lightning also sounded after another, the sky
completely black down .
  Women lift head look to the sky, rain on her face, her hair all wet clothes,
fingers still dripping blood, she licked his finger into his hand, slightly tilted,
stiff smile .
The feeling of   being a zombie is not so bad .
  She remembers everything, and remembers how she got to this point, all because of
Cheng Yan. From the day she came, everything started to change !
  She will never let her go !
  Now, she has awakened fifteen abilities, and no one will ever be her opponent !
  The zombies in the city looked in this direction in unison, and seemed to have
sensed a strong deterrent force, and concentrated in her direction one after another,
converging into a wave of zombies .
  Cheng Yan finally figured it out. The owner of this mansion is the zombie king.
Obviously, the zombie king was also a tall and handsome man during his lifetime. He
is also well-known in the country. He is the number one medical professor, before the
end of the world, just At his own expense, he set up a laboratory dedicated to the
study of spiritual power. At that time, the news reports also mocked the good medical
professors who did not talk about science and went to feudal superstition .
  Cheng Yan also heard said the professor, knowing his name is Qi Ze, but did not
think he actually is the end of the world where the zombie king, perhaps because of
his mental strength research kinda ...... success? Therefore, he can be the king in the
last days .
  In addition to eating a morning meal, noon, did not eat, she wanted to get out of
the backpack and two loaves of bread, a food distribution base, are very strict, bag
some rations she usually saved .
  The Zombie King saw through her intentions and turned to open the refrigerator
and took out a packet of noodles and a piece of frozen meat from inside .
  Cheng Yan saw that it was beef, and there were other foods in the refrigerator ,
obviously he left before the end of the world .
  " Thank you. " She then came over .
  The zombie king followed her to the kitchen, and Tintin followed, asking, " Do
you have beef noodles ? "
  Cheng Yan " ah " a cry, twisted twisted gas stove press button, found no fire, no
water taps also put .
  No water and no fire, what should I do ?
  The zombie king stood next to her and reached out his hand under the pot,
releasing a cluster of flames. When the hand reached out, the fire ignited, and then
it put a lot of water from the fingertips in the pot .
  Cheng Yan: "... Great. "
  The zombie king was exaggerated and expressionless. He carried a kitchen knife in
his hand. After a few flashes of the knife, the beef was cut into shreds. It was
still the same kind .
  It is this Daogong doctor was out of practice when it ?
  After doing this, it leaned in front of her, lowered her head, her hair was pale
blonde, slightly curly, and soft, but it was a little messy, and she hadn't taken
care of it for a long time .
  Is this ... seeking a reward ?
  Cheng Yan knew that it had been thinking about purifying abilities all the time.
The emotions of zombies seemed to have been very irritable. The abilities purged some
viruses, and his emotions seemed to become more calm .
  Cheng Yan put his hand on his head and released a white mist, which also encased
his face in the mist, and the mixed face was more delicate and enchanted, and it
rubbed comfortably under the palm of her hand. .
  Soon, the beef noodles were cooked, and the zombie king was staring beside him,
as if curious, Cheng Yan also gave it a small bowl .
  Two people, a zombie, sat on the dining table. To be precise, the zombie king's
long legs were curled up, arched back, and squatted in a chair .
  Tintin kept smiling .
  Cheng Yan also feels very strange. Maybe the zombies can't be measured by human
standards . The actions and behaviors bring some wildness and nature .
  Cheng Yan picked up the chopsticks, picked up the noodles, and took a bite .
  Zombie king looked at her, grabbed a handful of noodles to get started directly
into his mouth, Tintin " ah " a cry, and stared .
  Cheng Yan is also a stunned .
  After the zombie king ate into his mouth, he chewed expressionlessly and chewed
again .
  Both Cheng Yan and Ding Ding looked at him, I don't know how long he could chew
on this bite, and the beef was not that hard to chew .
  After a while, the zombie king swallowed it, only halfway through it. He turned
his head, opened his mouth, and spit it out. The soup was mixed with noodles and some
blood or shredded meat. It poured out like water .
  Tintin was dumbfounded, disgusted, and turned to vomit .
  The zombie king turned his head and stared at her without even realizing it .
  Cheng Yan pinched her chopsticks and took a deep breath: "..."
  Can't eat this noodle, can it still work ?
  Finally, Cheng Yan and Ding Ding moved to the sofa to eat noodles. The zombie
king swept the vomit with a broom, and went to the corner to open the jar silently. I
do n’t know if it was an illusion. Pretty good ?
  " He a man ......" meaning knowledge to slip of the tongue, Tintin has changed his
tune, " It is a zombie sitting there eating alone, so poor way. "
  Cheng Yan no move to co-operate: " Are you sure you watch it eat meat, you can
endure? Zombies eat ordinary meat? "
  Tintin: "..."
  Frightened by thought, he turned his head to look at the zombie king who
swallowed the meat in a big mouth, and suddenly he felt no pity, only a horror .
  Eat after drinking enough to eat, Tintin lying on the sofa, pulled out games,
video game, he's also under a number of stand-alone game, in which the network did
not have a TV entertainment not only in the end of the world zombie and horror, but
also be very Luxury pastime .
  He was playing a racing game, but he couldn't break the record, and he was a
little frustrated .
  The zombie king leaned his head and looked aside .
  " Do you understand ? " Tintin didn't look down on it, and thought it should know
nothing. " Hand speed is faster, speed is faster. Your zombies move too slowly ..."
  Before the words were finished, the despised Zombie King couldn't bear it any
longer. He reached out and grabbed his game console, and his pale fingers moved
quickly on the screen .
  Ten seconds later, the first record was broken .
  The zombie king threw the game console back to him, with no expression on his
face, but for no reason could see a little noble pride .
  Tintin stunned: " Are you still a human being? "
  No, you are not human !
  Tintin ignited his fighting spirit and ordered another one . He didn't believe
his hand speed was faster than this silly zombie .
  Cheng Yan wash the bowl out, to see to see Tintin lying on the zombie king legs
fell asleep, is also a big heart, she walked over, they want Tintin to go to the room
to sleep, the result of a zombie down to see the king, she was silent .
  The zombie king stared at Tintin's fat white cheeks with some babies, his mouth
slightly open, and his mouth drooled .
  Police felt her over, the king of the zombies touch of saliva, raised his head,
looked at her blankly swallowed, his Adam's apple rolling a few times .
  Cheng Yan was silent: " I, I still hug him to bed. "
  Otherwise, she fears that she may find her brother is gone when she wakes up in
the morning .
  The zombie king looked at her for a moment and lifted Tintin with one hand, so he
walked to the second floor .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Still not awake ?
  Cheng Yan followed, but the Zombie King did not put Tintin into its room, but
sent it to the guest room. The territorial awareness seemed to be quite strong .
  Just before he reached the bed, a thunder suddenly sounded outside the window,
followed by thunder and lightning, the sound of rain torrential, the cold wind
blowing in, and the curtains raised high .
  Zombie king obviously wrong, it will throw a Tintin readily, as if the wrath of
the " wailing " a cry, and gas potential has become cruel terrible up a sideways jump
out the window to go, and soon disappeared in the figure flashing electric In the
dark night .
  Cheng Yan busy hand caught Tintin, did not stand firm, fell on the bed .
  Tintin rubbed his eyes, and his voice was a little urgy: " Yanyan? What's wrong? "
  Cheng Yan looked at his bewilderment and said, " Sleep yours. "
  Tintin pulled himself on the quilt to cover himself, and fell asleep again with
his eyes closed .
  Cheng Yan went to the window, what was beating in the darkness can not see , see,
and Ray is power, it is very heart there is a sense of foreboding, as if there is any
danger of lightning coming together to side with like .

The first 82 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (XX )

  Until the next morning zombie king came back , Cheng Yan and Ding Ding was
sitting table to eat early before meals, the villa is the floor to ceiling windows
outside lawn , zombie king did not go door , just so shrug off the glass door to her
to wear! Ever! Come! Up !
  The glass door was shattered by it, and its face and hands were stained with
blood by the glass .
  Zombie king also looks like a fight with people , white coat broken broken rags
hung on the body , in the head shirt also touch on rotten , even the chest are
exposed out , his face had scars , it faces The expressionless expression reveals a
funny low .
  Although it won't be cold , Cheng Yan took her coat and put it on and asked
it: " What happened? "
  The Zombie King used to exchange a few words with her , but now she didn't look
at her. She lowered her head , some long hair covered her eyes , and
walked past her mechanically .
  Cheng Yan look to see it come to the corner squatting, it's grain reserves jars
one by one all moved to the front, silently staring glances, suddenly lifted the jar
in one hand , one hand and clawed cover , the inside meat head Crashing down into the
mouth , the wind and the clouds were extremely brutal and bloody .
  Some like to eat eat up a fight again .
  Ding Ding and Cheng Yan looked at each other and asked, " What's the excitement
of Xiaoyao? "
  Cheng Yan: " Little good? "
  Tintin winked: " is the zombie king ah, playing a game , little angel is my
brother dei , I have are tight. "
  Looked at the side of the cruel and swallow the meat zombie king wood with a
straight face, Cheng Yan was silent .
  After finishing, Ding Ding ran enthusiastically to see his uncomfortable brother,
and asked: " Little girl, how did your clothes break, your face was hurt, and your
mood is not good, you can't beat it? Follow me? Talk, I will help ... "
  He per say, the whole body of the king zombie breath sank on one point, waiting
for him to finish, it is very irritable viciously at him , " Ow ," a cry, make you
want to bite looks like .
  The zombie king's expression was still scary .
  Tintin fell to the ground in shock .
  Then the zombie king slammed the jar, dragged a large chunk of meat into the
living room, sat cross-legged, turned his back to them, and quietly nibbled with his
head down .
  Zombie king this time is really raw gas, spiritual power wave moving wide range
of windows, doors, chandeliers, etc. are precariously swinging .
  " Bam " sound, chandeliers smashed down .
  Cheng Yan was almost hit, stand sideways station, Tintin said: " I am . They go
upstairs bar, it is now and somewhat irritable ."
  Tintin got up from the ground and was a little sad. The zombie king didn't take
him as a friend. He couldn't help but said another sentence: " Little girl, do n't
do this, don't fight and lose, but you are still the most in the zombie Awesome. "
  Obviously, Tintin thought he had encountered some powerful human powers .
  The voice fell and became quiet, the zombie king's back seemed more lonely, and
his mental power was more uncontrollable. A crackling sound rang, and the vases,
glass, water glasses, etc. shattered one after another .
  Cheng Yan: "... Ding Ding, you still don't want to talk. "
  Tintin: "... oh. "
  In the plot, the man who can deal with the zombie king is the man and the woman.
Cheng Yan feels that it may have been abused by them, and there is a fire in her
heart. Remembering that the small book is going to avenge her, she did not disturb
it, so as not to let it Emotions are more irritable .
  She glanced at the back of the zombie king and went upstairs with Tintin .

The first 83 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (xxi )

  The night between , the city already was changed a day, strong scent in the air
released into the atmosphere .
  The city also has many high -order zombies exist , but more still low-level
zombie , lines move slowly, did not mind , the power of the weak , even ordinary
people can also handle it , so that some can not stand not being connected to the
base bundle or satisfied Ordinary people and abilities still live outside .
  Just last night just zombies suddenly become disciplined them , nor thirty-two
swim swing in the streets , but like to be in control like the composition of a wave
and tidal wave of zombies , telling anyone bite , even if it is Hiding in the
house , the zombies will also break the glass, or the high-level zombies will
forcibly break into the house to wash humans .
  People living situation like bad sharply up .
  Therefore , each base entrance packed with humanity to come for help , did not
dare to open a base in the door, because no guarantee that those who sneak into the
funeral is not dead bite too, once had to sneak into the bitten person, the cause of
a disaster drowned , base, people are protoss , protoss if bitten , will
directly convert more zombie when higher-order capacity than humans .
  City of East Base door did not open the door .
  Will the atmosphere of some solemn meeting room , go outside snooping case
situation - officer has come back, so we already know the reasons for the bad
situation , the mood is a little heavy .
  Zhou Ting quite respected Qin Fuyi before . She thought she was beautiful and
her ability was strong. She was also a good hand to fight zombies. She didn't expect
her to kill humans even more. She also became a new zombie in the zombie world.
King .
  " Boss, now how do? " Zhou Ting mood complex hybrid asked .
  Yu pool clouded eyes, Chen Sheng said: " At present not at all know the power of
strong Qin Vladimir clothes to what extent, can not rush shots, before we do
anything, good defense, he gave the first clear out of the situation ."
  " Boss! " A guard who walked in outside the door was a little anxious and his hat
almost fell off .
  Yu Chi frowned: " What's the matter? "
  The team member lowered his hat and his voice trembled with
horror: "The new zombie king will speak! "
  Upon hearing this, Xu Fuyan tweeted: " Who can't speak yet? "
  When the words fell, he came back and his expression froze .
  Will meeting room also quieted down .
  Zhou Ting stunned and swallowed, he had eyes, just like wild beasts, like
zombies, no self-consciousness, no idea, even if there are higher-order zombie
intelligence, it was only some clever beast , and now there are as many zombies will
speak, It sounds as unthinkable as the tiger in the forest has become elite .
  More importantly ...... will speak on behalf of the zombie king has been self-
consciousness, thinking, will have their own ideas, that things is not good, their
human condition is even more passive, even on the edge IQ will not Re-exist .
  What if the zombie king feels hungry and simply sends people to grab all the
human beings as grain reserves ?
  The team members had not finished speaking, and then said: "The new zombie king
has also spoken. Whoever sends Cheng Yan to her will be blessed by her. Three days is
the limit. If you can't do it after three days, , The new zombie king will grab all
humans as rations. "
  Yu Chi's eyes narrowed slightly, his sharp eyes looked at him .
  " So, so ..." Stared by the boss's murderous gaze, the voice of the team member
lowered a little, " The people at the door have dispersed, and they all went to Miss
Cheng. "
  Yu Chi's face was gloomy and his brow furrowed .
  Xu Fuyan's face is not good: " Qin Fuyi clearly remembers everything , she
knows that you will not sit and watch, just want to watch our human beings kill each
other, she is so good to take advantage of the fisherman! Yuchi, you don't be
fooled . "
  Cold as ice pool Yu eyes look to him: " You to ? Do nothing for me, she'll let
you all ."
  " So I have to have to find Yanyan before the crowd. " Door suddenly sounded a
voice .
  Yu Chi raised his head .
  Tan Beiliu smiled at him .
  Yu pool: " I have? "
  " I also dislike How about you. " Tan north, laugh loudly, " you to people as I
would like to work with you? If I say men are former Yan Yan Wang zombies away, I'm
afraid I could not save her, kill me too Not with you ... "
  Having finished speaking, Yu Chi had stopped beside him like a gust of wind, and
said coldly, " Where is she? "
  Tan the north: " outside a villa. "
  No one knew where the Zombie King lived, and Tan Beiliu learned it by accident,
so they didn't encounter anyone along the way, and those who were looking for Cheng
Yan might not be turning around .
  At the door of the villa, Tan Beiliu paused, but hesitated: " Yanyan she
might ..."
  Yu eyes of a cold pool, raising his hand to release the flames, large door burned
away in the raging fire, and he went in heels, said coldly: " ! Impossible ."
  Tan Beiliu raised his eyebrows slightly, followed him, and saw that Yu Chi was
standing still, his eyes staring in one direction .
  He looked at it and was stunned .
  Guest room, zombie king sitting on the ground, in front of a pile of bones and
flesh shocking, it will Zhangtailiaokou a clean eating meat bones, hand bones fling,
bones grunt rolled to the feet of Yu pool .
  Yu looked at the pool feet when tiny white bones side, the people are stiff, his
face pale with .
  Tan Beiliu asked with a glimmer of hope, " Isn't it Yanyan? "
  Under Yu pool jaw taut, suppressed emotions, eyes red, while to sound, the sound
of his throat was very dry: " That coat ...... her yesterday, I 've seen. "
  Tan Beiliu glanced at the coat on the zombie king, which was indeed worn by the
girl, and his heart became cold at first sight .
  The zombie king had heard the movement over there long ago, and there was
a " ho-ho " in his throat. He wanted to rush to rush to clean the intruder, but he
heard Cheng Yan's name again. He flew away, sat back again, glanced over there,
tilted his head again, and stared blankly at them .
  I do n’t know if it ’s edible or not, because they know Yanyan and may be
friends .
  Yu Chi was also looking at the zombie king. His anger and grief almost turned
into substance. He seemed to be burning all over his body. In fact, it really did.
The fire began to spread from his feet to the surroundings. The floor, walls, and
ceiling tremble slowly, gradually intensifying, until they gradually crack .
  Cheng Yan is dead, Tan Beiliu is also sad, but he hasn't reached the point where
he will die with the zombie king. He still keeps a little calm in his mind. He
glances at the surrounding sea of fire, and he pats Yu Chi's shoulder: " Don't be
impulsive . " , This is not the time for revenge. "
  Yu pool gloomy eyes as dark fog wrapped, Yi Zizi said: " ! I, very, cold,
quiet ."
  The words fell, and a thick wall-like fire light rose from under his feet,
turning into countless fire snakes rushing towards the zombie king .
  The heat wave was gleaming and the light was glaring .
  Tan Beiliu: "..."
  You TM tube called cool ?
  The zombie king quickly glanced at Yu Chi and realized that it was an edible
object. It escaped the attack with a teleport, standing behind Yu Chi, and opened
his mouth with a slight " ah " , he was about to rush Take a bite around his neck .
  The taste of the neck is the most delicious, and the blood is sweet and slightly
astringent .
  Yu pool eyes sharp, there was a flame into the hands of the sword, a turn, Yang
knife, it is necessary pixia go, that he suddenly heard a rapid pick-up in place
stiff heartbeat voice: " You have ...... in What to do? "
  Cheng Yan stood at the staircase, watching the downstairs being burnt to a
certain extent. Several people seemed to be fighting fiercely, and she couldn't help
asking .
  She did not had to go upstairs for a while, let the zombie king cool down, I did
not expect it even to the pool and Yu beat up ?
  and many more! How to find a pool Yu over ?
  Thinking of what he said before leaving, she felt a little guilty .
  It seems ... not good .
  Yu Chi turned her back to her, but she was afraid to turn around, fearing that
she had heard it .
  Clearly, not hearing voices, Tan because the north side has cried " Yan
Yan -" , a side rushed past want to hold her .
  Cheng Yan also knew that Tan Beiliu was a relatively enthusiastic playboy. She
wanted to hide as soon as she blinked, but she didn't wait for her to hide, and she
saw the zombie king move in front of her .
  Then ... Tan Beiliu didn't stop the car, and this passionate embrace gave the
zombie king .
  Tan clinging to the north after the zombie king, that something is wrong, and
some carrion smell, he pulled back a little more, saw the zombie king goes pale cold
face: "...... raped you ! Who '
  He jumped away at once .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  This picture is too beautiful, she can't bear to watch it !
  Body Tintin side suddenly tugged at her clothes, pointing to the other side and
whispered: " . Yan Yan, you want to cool, pool Yu brother looked at you like people
to eat ah ."
  Cheng Yan lift head, right on the pool Yu pair of red eyes, his face also some
stared, after a moment, a tear rolled out from the eyes ?
  She was taken aback, and the indescribable emotions in those eyes disturbed her,
and she stood beside the zombie king: " You beat him to cry? "
  Hearing the words, the zombie king pointed to Yuchi, then to himself, and then
set the fire. As a result, the fire burned to the hair with a slightly longer
forehead, and it quickly extinguished, then nodded, indicating that it was That's
it .
  Cheng Yan gestures look at it for a moment, understand that it is the solution of
the release, Yu pool to set fire to it, it was hands-on .
  At this time, Yu Chi had calmed down and recovered the flames in the living room,
but his expression was cold as if angry, and came to her, staring at her deeply .
  " Are you familiar with Zombie King? "
  Cheng Yan was afraid he might have to fight again, nodded: " . Just got to know,
the zombie king behaved, it is now not biting people ."
  The Zombie King heard her mentioning herself, and it seemed to praise it. It
nodded again, staring blankly at Yu Chi .
  Yu Chi sneered: " So, you would rather be with a zombie than stay with me, you
hate me to such a point? " He smiled, but his eyes were angry with cold , " I
understand, unrequited love once is enough, the fact is that you would have rejected
me! "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Why his mouth, then it sounds like she ...... beginning of chaos eventually
abandoned, grass is always greener ?
  More strange is ...... she was guilty, what kind of awkward ah ?

The first 84 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (xxii )

  Cheng Yan thought that Yu Chi would be blown away by her . Who knew that Yu Chi
held her wrist and said, " Follow me! "
  Finally came out , Cheng Yan was reluctant to go back , and earned a few times
without breaking free: " I'm pretty good here. "
  The zombie king looked at her seemingly reluctantly and raised a violent emotion
in his eyes .
  Yu pool eyebrow head a twist , was about to speak , a coldness into the Fengrui
ripple on suddenly fell down , he quickly pulled behind the Yan Cheng , of the
building into a flame barrier blocking the attacks .
  The two rays of light collided together and shook the floor .
  Yu facial features cold pool Li look to the zombie king , he pulled back on the
rejection of the fireball .
  Zombie king direct copy of his abilities , dumped a greater past , large and
smaller fireball fireball hit in the air strike, violent and dazzling , crashing
explode when , Chong strike force so that the walls, ceiling All gradually cracked
and collapsed .
  The villa will soon collapse .
  The zombie king carried Cheng Yan directly and moved to the lawn outside in a
flash. Cheng Yan just had a time to say: " Ting Ding is still upstairs! "
  Tintin was brought by Yu Chi .
  Tan Beiliu also followed .
  Villa came crashing down behind them, the fire quickly engulfed the entire
house , smoke -hazed , fires raging .
  Zombie king watched his nest a little something disappeared in the
firelight , one wants to go in the past and can not go past the anxious, sad, sad,
manic look , then turned it is filled with anger on the Yu pool, very loud , " Ow ," a
voice , directed at the pool Yu leap past .
  Yu sneer pool, Mouguang gloomy risk insurance .
  Of course, Cheng Yan couldn't watch the two fight again, and when the time came
to the point where you died, she couldn't persuade her. She stood in front of Yu Chi
and looked at the zombie king .
  Her gaze made the zombie king move, and then fell to the ground, staring at her
for a while, and then looking at the old nest that it turned into ashes, dissatisfied
and grievously " Aw " , dark blue eyes There seemed to be some complaints .
  Cheng Yan tiptoe, touched its head, palms evolved different situation make
it thread gradually calmed down, face up and become pleasure: " not angry, I let him
give you lose a new house. "
  The zombie king shook his head, pointed at her, and at himself: " Aoao Aoao
Aoao ..."
  Cheng Yan smiled: " Well, too. "
  Yu Chi couldn't understand it, but she could understand the meaning of the zombie
king. There was a bit of sourness in his heart, but there was no expression on the
face, cold .
  Tan Beiliu looked interesting. He used to only know that the zombie king has a
strange personality. Whoever fights with it, he has to nibble at it. He did n’t
expect it to be human. He can communicate with people. What a horrible thing .
  Or they know too little about zombies .
  " Child, what does it say? " He couldn't help but wonder, patting Tintin's
shoulder .
  Ding Ding thought for a while and understood: " It means to let Brother Yu Chi
lose a big house, it will be with Yan Yan. "
  Looking at Yu Chi and Tan Beiliu's looks, Cheng Yan explained the sentence: " It
means it doesn't care. "
  As for the premise that she purified it, she didn't mention it .
  Yu pool also calm down, he came here and was not intended zombie king jealousy,
think of looking forward to Cheng Yan zombies and humans, he frowned: " Yan Yan, I'm
not kidding you, the outside is very dangerous risk, You have to go back with me! "
  He looked serious and solemn, Cheng Yan surprised a moment, could not help think
of the zombie king look before jumping through the window last night, it
seems ...... very serious ?
  " Danger dangerous? " Cheng Yan said, " the outside is not always very
dangerous risk? Even if you say so, I ......"
  Yu Chi interrupted her: " Qin Fuyi has become the new zombie king, she will kill
you. "
  Cheng Yan was really stunned, and looked at him as if he didn't understand him .
  Qin Fuyi ... What has become ?
  Zombie King ?
  She is a mistress! What's the matter with stealing the villain's identity ?
  The most important question is - how to interracial love between the zombie
hostess and the human hostess! ! !
  Cheng Yan was shocked by his words and doubted her life. Did she win the spell
of losing mission ?
  Kind of cool to be a sense of feel .
  Just as she was stunned, the sky gradually darkened, the wind blew her hair,
something ominous and dangerous came from the air, and faintly heard the roar of
zombies .
  Yu Dianer quickly smashed down .
  The same time, they just fall was also mentioned in the new zombie king - Qin
Vladimir clothing, the way she was flying over, behind the gall with a pair of black
feather wings, landing, she was taken back .
  She loved to dress up when she was a man, and she still loved to dress up when
she was a zombie. She was not afraid of getting cold, so she wore a pure black dress
with rhinestones and exquisite thick makeup, her expression was cold, her eyes gloomy
and poisonous, and her lips With a tick, the smell of permeating and perverting came
out .
  Cheng Yan sense of feel to a very strong sense of prestige pressure came from
her, although I do not know road is how she became a zombie, but it is clear that
her strong abilities to the amazing point where she felt before This kind of coercion
was still being chased by the zombie king around him .
  However, Qin Fuyi's power seems to be above the zombie king. No wonder Yu Chi
will say that she has become the new zombie king, and today the zombie king's
embarrassed appearance and low mood will be explained .
  Can only say ...... worthy of Heaven is concerned about the care of female controls
it ?
  Not over - Qin Vladimir clothing Why this insidious eyes staring at her, with
what seemed to them like a blood feud between !
  Qin Yi arrival of Vladimir moment between, the atmosphere had changed, Wang Yu
pool and zombies are standing side by side, she blocked in the dust, the air was
filled with smoke flavor explosive, even the north, Tan is also a look
condensate powerhouse staring Qin Foy, seems to be ready to shoot at any time .
  Cheng Yan know shaped potential bad way, she looked at Tintin, did not speak, but
Tintin understand what she meant, that he can not help, do not hold back, just hidden
the body, to avoid them himself far more .
  Because when the invisible Cheng Yan, Qin Vladimir clothing eyes fell on her
standing across the pool Yu who look like love like hate, become more and more
pernicious, seemed to say unhappy, but also some damage to the vocal cords, opening
The voice is a bit harsh and unpleasant: " I said, you will regret it! "
  She actually spoke very slowly in this sentence, almost jumping out word by word,
as if every word had bloody hatred .
  Yu pool at her, his eyes no emotion thread: " no . Feel any regret ."
  Qin Fuyi made a sharp cry, as if irritated, opened his hands, the sky also
sounded a few thunders, dozens of lightnings fell from the sky, but not toward Yu
Chi, but toward him Cheng Yan behind him went .
  Very bright display, she knew that Quebec can make him true repentance !
  She was surrounded by lightning, which could not be avoided anyway. Yu Chi turned
and pulled Cheng Yan into her arms. At the same time, her right hand swiped in the
air, and the flames formed a heavy barrier against the lightning .
  Just one lightning after another, the barrier gradually failed to support .
  Tan Beiliu is about to help in the past, but there is a high-level zombie running
towards this side, a pale-faced teenager, it is Yao Yi who has become a zombie, it
has also been controlled by Qin Fuyi, and Tan Beiliu is being controlled by it Can't
get out of it .
  Fortunately, the zombie king promptly released a heavy aperture to cover the two.
When the lightning fell on the aperture, it quickly rebounded back and rushed towards
Qin Fuyi standing there .
  Qin Fuyi raised his hand and withdrew his lightning. He looked away from the
zombie king. His eyes were fierce and angry. Suddenly a teleportation passed, and he
planned to solve it first. The zombie king also moved at the same time. When the
zombie king fought, his movements were almost indistinct .
  Qin Fuyi was temporarily entangled by the zombie king, Yu Chi took the
opportunity to say: " Yan Yan, you go first! "
  Cheng Yan also knows that his powers are not strong, and purifying powers can
only purify low-level zombies, and even high-level zombies cannot be purified into
human form, let alone a zombie monster at the level of Qin Fuyi .
  Therefore, she did not hesitate, looked at Yu Yuchi and left .
  Qin Fuyi ’s spiritual power is obviously incredible. When fighting with the
Zombie King, he can also focus on Cheng Yan. When she sees her going, she ca n’t
take care of the Zombie King anymore. Behind Cheng Yan, he raised his right hand, and
his right hand turned into a steel armor. His fingertips were like a slender sharp
knife, and he grabbed towards the position of her heart .
  Cheng Yan concentrated his efforts on purifying the power, which obviously did
not affect Qin Fuyi. She howled angrily. The power seemed to weaken a little, and the
steel armor of her right hand faded, revealing a pale white palm. But the blade at
her fingertips was still there, and she raised her hand and grabbed it towards Cheng
Yan's neck .
  Her motion blur are almost the fast, Cheng Yan pressure gener- to immune, Yu
pool when she suddenly pulled up, and then they heard a grunt Yu pool .
  Qin Fuyi's claw failed to twist Cheng Yan's neck, but was caught on Yu Chi's
back. Seeing that Yu Chi was protecting Cheng Yan so much, her anger was heavier.
When she was about to continue to attack, Zombie King Has hurried to stop her .
  Cheng Yan to see met Yu pool braved the cold sweat some pain look like,
hesitated, took him to run together, did not forget facing the air and
said: " Tintin ! Come ."
  Tintin is still invisible, saying a sentence next to her: " I am here. "
  Yu pool does not teleport, but the line moving speed is faster than Yan Cheng, he
took a deep breath endured the pain behind one hand and pulling Tintin, hand clutch
Cheng Yan, quickly fled the place where the villa, Run towards the nearest Seongnam
base .
  The rain was getting bigger and bigger, almost making people's eyes unable to
open, the wound behind was wet by the rain, the pain increased, and Yu Chi took two
others, and he fell before he could reach the base in the south of the city .
  Obviously it was raining cold weather, but Yu Chi's whole person was a bit scary.
Cheng Yan saw that he was a little confused, and he helped Ding Ding to hide in the
abandoned clutter room on the roadside, and gave the door to him. Locked up .
  Yu Chi was lying on the ground, his body was soaked, but his face was stained
with abnormal blush, his brow furrowed, and his mouth seemed to murmur .
  Tintin touched his forehead: " Yanyan, is he going to evolve abilities? "
  Cheng Yan shook his head: " He and you different kind of evolutionary miracles
is not a fever. "
  In this eschatological setting, the temperature rises only when the power is
first awakened, so ... Yu Chi is clearly sick .
  It's just that when she took off his jacket and opened the shirt inside , she
was shocked. He might not be sick, but was infected with the zombie virus !

The first 85 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (twenty-three )

  May be due to the claws that catch the Qin Friedrich , her fingertips but
also with the virus, broke the back of the pool Yu flesh and blood , the virus also
together infiltrated into it , his back a piece of scratch has been changed The
color even has a tendency to decay for a while , and even blood is black, red and
black .
  Tintin was a little scared: " Brother Yu Chi will not become a zombie? "
  " Will not. " Yu pool did not bitten , Cheng Yan felt was this little
virus , she should be able to purify , to say , " Tintin you good help him , I try can
clean out the virus. "
  The area of the scar on his back spread slightly , even if the clothes were
lifted , there were still some injuries blocked by the clothes .
  Tintin simply took off his clothes , the rain outside was too heavy , and Yu
Chi's shirt could wring out water .
  Yu pool wearing clothes looked straight Qing Qu , undressed, went so far as she
is also very expected, probably in part rigorous training team, he still has eight
strong elasticity of the abdominal muscles , lines beautiful and sexy , skin is
better to face white , some were Wheat-colored , he closed his eyes and leaned on
Ding Ding's shoulder , with an inexplicable sense of contrast and weakness .
  Cheng Yan looked at some weird sense of feel, as if she wanted to rebound guy or
something, she tried not to look his muscles, staring at his back bloody wounds,
focus, palm posted up, a The white mist came out of her palm and burrowed into the
skin of Yu Chi's back, spreading in a circle, and the black seemed to fade away .
  Cheng Yan looked at some high -hing, thought for a moment you can be completely
removed, but Vladimir Qin Yi virus levels may be too high, even if not much, to
completely eliminate it is still not easy .
  Large about ten minutes later, Cheng Yan has some abilities can not support, Yu
pool back some virus still persist .
  Just then, she suddenly heard a lot of footsteps outside the door .
  She could not open body pumping, Tintin ran, the door is made of wood, there is a
gap, he would lie there glanced at the door, suddenly pleased twisted back: " Yan
Yan, I do see her husband a promise to Call him here? "
  Cheng Yan was originally planning to go to the base in the south of the city. Yu
Chi was so weak now that she couldn't take him alone and nodded .
  Tintin might be afraid that Xu Junyi had left, opened the door, and ran out .
  Cheng Yan also heard him running and shouting: " Xu brother -" , then the human
voice a bit noisy miscellaneous, and what she could not hear, the mind will be placed
back into the pool Yu body, she has released more Power, white fog on his back
against the black virus .
  Yu pool eyebrow head somewhat uncomfortable crease, eyelashes moved, he opened
his eyes and saw him kneeling beside Cheng Yan, her hand still attached to his back,
cold soft touch make him a moment .
  " Yanyan? "
  " Are you awake? " Yan Yan glanced at his back has been very light black virus,
withdrew the hand .
  Yu pool watching to see her move, she knew it was in use abilities, his eyebrows
all at once: " ? I was infected ."
  Cheng Yan saw that he had a bad look, and wanted to explain that when she had
cleared a lot, Tintin had already brought Xu Junyi over .
  Listen to see footsteps, Cheng Yan looked past the door down a slender shadow, Xu
Junyi stood in the doorway, face faint smile at the two of them, his eyes fell
meaningfully Cheng Yan body: " You have this What are you doing? "
  Yu Chi is not a weak personality in front of outsiders, especially in front of
this fiance who Cheng Yan admits to like, he is even more reluctant to fall a bit. He
is trying to stand up, but he finds that he has no strength, almost Then he fell
back softly .
  Cheng Yan gave him a hand and saw his expression faintly calm, afraid that he
would fall again, he didn't let go .
  Tintin can't understand this, only when Yu Chi's injury is more serious, he
said: " Sister Xu, can your base cure the power, and Yu Chi is injured, can you cure
him? "
  " Is it? " Xu Junyi walked slowly, his eyes turned around his naked upper body,
and finally landed on his back, he laughed, but the tone was a little cold. " If he
suffers It ’s the kind of injury that I ca n’t really save him. "
  As soon as he spoke, his eyes turned to Cheng Yan, and his eyes became gentle,
with a faint smile, saying, " Yan Yan, are you going to me ? "
  After a while, Cheng Yan little head .
  Yu pool expressions like stained ice-like, but not a word to say, but pushed her
hand .
  Xu Junyi's lips slightly raised and her smile was gentle, but she froze slightly
when she heard what she said next .
  " I can bring Yu pool to go with it? " Cheng Yan looked at him as if he did not
answer should be, she would not like to go .
  Yu Chi's eyes flicked through the light quickly, and suddenly turned to look at
her, with a complex look, seeming shocked, and moving .
  Xu Junyi looked at her face firmly in the face, as if some headaches like a sigh,
the tone was still spoiled: " Yan Yan Do not be silly, and if he becomes a zombie,
and we buried it all to him? "
  Cheng Yan and Xu Junyi have been in a period of unmarried couples, although he
secretly in control of her life, and she even said something which many men
also know all that, but when his time is really good for her, and he It will not
harm her mind .
  Therefore, she told him her purification ability, and promised: " Yu Chi will
never become a zombie. As long as it is purified a few more times, I can completely
eliminate the zombie virus on his body. "
  Xu Junyi only slightly raised her eyebrows when she heard her ability. Instead,
she frowned when she acted in such a way to maintain Yu Chi, but she quickly showed
Wen Runruyu's smile again: " Yanyan said whatever she said. I always listen to you,
right? "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, so he deceived himself. He has always been self-centered.
When did she hear her ?
  Not over, but fortunately things it's a deal .
  Yu pool with his ability would have a few people's clothes are drying up, he was
wearing good clothes, Cheng Yan and several people walk out together, but having
just taken a step further, he got a bad dizziness, arm suddenly was helping people
Stayed, he was stunned, turned his head to meet Cheng Yan's eyes .
  Cheng Yan held his arm and said, " Let's go. "
  Yu pool hearts swept through the waves a bit, he nodded and was about to take the
time to continue, Xu Xu Junyi unhurried voice sound up: " ? It so weak ."
  Xu Junyi do not know when to stop in her tracks, staring at them to see, Cheng
Yan eyes fell on his arm resting on hands, gazing for a moment, smiled and said: " I
did not open the car, from here to base some distance , Why do n’t you let me carry
you? ”
  Cheng Yan also almost can not stand steady on: "...... You want to back him? "
  Yu Chi's face was as frost .
  Xu Junyi had walked over, pulled Cheng Yan aside, held her aside, and smiled
softly at her: " Yan Yan should be tired too, you just rest, I'll take care of him,
Tintin doesn't mean Is he hurt to save you? This is all I should do. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Do not think you should do this, ah, but ...... Yu pool eyes have been to kill,
okay ?
  Xu Junyi seemed totally feel the rejection Yu pool, he simply said , " Do not
tell me politely. " , Not Gu Yu willingness pool, a bend to his will back up, may
have underestimated the weight Yu pool, He stumbled before he stood firm .
  Tintin seen flapping rip a laugh, eyes sparkling .
  Its real clothes that Qin Vladimir paw is not the most serious, mainly zombie
virus at work, so Yu pool will become so weak, and even pushed Xu Junyi can not do,
the whole his face is black .
  Cheng Yan knew that the relationship between the two was not good, so looking at
this scene, I also felt quite magical .
  Obviously, it is not only Cheng Yan who is magical. The team members watching
outside see their boss carrying a man out, but instead letting the beautiful girl
beside him walk by himself, they all feel that there is something wrong with their
eyes .
  " Boss, this is not the east of the city of ......" someone wants to say anything .
  Xu Junyi smiled and looked at it without temperature, and then the man was stuck
in the neck, and suddenly everyone was silent .
  While walking , Xu Junyi also turned his head and Cheng Yan reminisced: " I knew
it would become like this, and I should have brought you back. "
  Hearing what he said , Qin Fuyi madly chased her, he already knew .
  Before Cheng Yan said anything, Yu Chi sneered and answered: " You can't even
beat me, who else do you want to protect? "
  Xu Junyi tightlipped: " I am not as good as you, Qin Eph clothing that kind of
powerful woman not afford to provoke anyone. "
  When referring to Qin Fuyi, Yu Chi's face was more gloomy, and his expression had
a kind of murderous wind and rain .
  Tintin whispered : " Yanyan, will men become so childish when
they are jealous ? "
  Cheng Yan: " Do n't learn from them. "
  Tintin: " Um, I'm very mature. "
  Two childish men with good hearing were silent: "..."
  Not for a while, a pedestrian to the base Xu Junyi, because under the rain
before, a few people have been exposed to rain, so Xu Jun Yi to give them their own
arrangements for the room, let them take a bath change clothes .
  Cheng Yan's clothes were still delivered by Xu Junyi himself. He was very well
prepared. The clothes were all new, and they were also in line with her dressing
style before the end of the world. Even the colors and small details were in line
with her preferences .
  Looking at Xu Junyi's deep, smiling eyes, Cheng Yan didn't feel considerate, but
felt a little tired. She didn't want anyone to know her better than she did, as if
she hadn't said anything. He glanced and knew her. Meaning .
It's a bit scary when it's   boring .
  Cheng Yan smiled politely, then through the clothes: " Thank you. "
  Xu Junyi suddenly approached her and scraped the bridge of her nose. This action
made Mary Sue make her unable to take a step back, only to see him stooping and
smiling at her spoiledly, saying, " Silly Yanyan, what else did I say to you?
Thanks, the relationship between us is so sad. "
  Cheng Yan: "... It's better to be polite. "
  Xu Junyi straightened his back, to see her alienation, sighed: " Yan Yan really
more heartless, not too ......" He put his hand stroking a strand of her hair, smiling
into the gentle penetration the evil, " I am very happy joy. "
  After Cheng Yan sent him away, he closed the door and was relieved .
  So she most do not like Huan Xu Junyi and get along with, his attitude is very
good, too will control people's minds, even if that is wrong, but also people find
nothing wrong, he was not consciously led by the nose .
  As soon as she turned her head, she saw Tintin looking at her worriedly, and
sighed .
  " What's wrong? " She couldn't help wondering .
  Tintin a face sad: " Xu brother gentle, warm and funny Tan brother, Yu brother
Raisin pool, they are good looking, what I choose it when her husband? "
  Cheng Yan: "... Do n't think about it. "
  No one can .
  Tintin suddenly blinked: " And my good friend Xiaoyao, it may want to be my
brother-in-law, how can I be so popular? "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  It turned out to be a narcissistic pot !

The first 86 chapters last days of dodder beautiful silk flowers (24 )

  Cheng Yan changed clothes and went to Yu Chi's room . The zombie virus on him
was not completely clear yet. She worried that the virus might breed more with
time .
  Her past time , to see to see Xu Junyi 站在房门口, his body side and two heavily
Wu installed base of players, she heard him say: " optimistic about him , anything
unusual immediately come ! News ."
  Cheng Yan pace at Dayton , understand that he did not believe in her
words , once the pool Yu What does quite right , he'd probably place
orders Heaven , Xu Junyi looked jade stones , often with a smile , very human touch
The way it looks , it's not like this at all .
  Her face no accident, Xu Junyi saw her , she heard see this is the case , there
is no embarrassment, usually smiled and said: " Yan Yan, you are, Yu pool has been
asleep , I had to go to dinner , Will you come back later ? "
  He though the tone of inquiry , already through to the hallway away , also on
her back, said: " Yan Yan, do not come? "
  Cheng Yan glanced at the closed door . The two players at the
door guarded blankly . They knew that without Xu Junyi's consent, they would not
open the door for her, so they had to go downstairs first .
  Xu Junyi ’s base is different from that of Yu Chi. Obviously, he is disciplined
and respectful, just like working in a company. He does n’t even have a slapstick
and laughter. Everyone is doing his own thing in an orderly manner .
  As for the leader, Xu Junyi has its own separate dining room, not particularly
large, very elegant and clean layout, lighting Ye Hao, looking relaxed and happy .
  He is a person who can enjoy life very much .
  Cheng Yan looked at the dining room. He did n’t expect that he would n’t be
wronged in the last days. Compared with Yu Chi, Yu Chi was too informal. Not only did
he not have his own dining room, he even had a table with everyone in the
cafeteria. .
  Xu Junyi opened the chair and invited her to sit down .
  He would look for topics very much . Even if it is old, he did not mention her
parents and what happened in the last days. He may have already speculated on these,
and then talked about how to survive and establish a base after the last days .
  Cheng Yan was a little worried about the emotional lines of the male and female
masters. He also knew that Bai Yueguang and Xu Junyi also had a leg in the last days.
They didn't want to have too much contact with him, so they didn't talk much and even
seemed a little bit interested .
  Xu Junyi's gaze paused on her face: " Are Yanyan worried about Qin Fuyi ? "
  Cheng Yan vaguely said: "It's true. "
  Xu Junyi glanced at her thoughtfully, her eyelids drooping, her slender fingers
crossed. After a while, she suddenly smiled: "I didn't expect that after a few
years have passed, you have been mixed with that little star again After all the
trouble, sometimes I really don't understand what you are thinking. "
  Almost forgot, Xu Junyi thought that she just likes Yuchi. Perhaps in his eyes,
the reason for Bai Fumei and the poor boy can only be explained by true love .
  He was very contemptuous of this, and felt that she was simply cheating. Love
across the class was not love at all, just a deception of her beautiful romantic
fantasy .
  Cheng Yan doesn't care much about what he thinks, but this point must be
corrected: " You misunderstood, I have nothing to do with Yu Chi now. "
  Xu Junyi only slightly pick brow, did not seem to believe, and said: " Qin Yi
will chase Eph kill you, it means she likes Yu pool, pool Yu come forward if to
appease her, you then went to stay here longer and Yu If there are any problems
in the pool, this crisis can be passed. "
  Ann Yu pool came forward to ask ?
  How Ann ask ?
  Become a zombie with her ?
  Cheng Yan knew that Xu Junyi was completely considering her interests. He was
suggesting that she would let Yuchi infect the virus and leave it alone, and whether
Yuchi ’s life or death was good or bad, it was completely beyond his consideration.
Inside, this is his inherent nature as a business elite .
  However, she was still inexplicably angry, even if her task could be completed in
this way, she felt a little bored in her heart .
  " How Yu pool want to do, I can not interfere with. " Cheng Yan looked at him, " he
had no reason will have to help me. "
  Xu Junyi: " Ma trouble he brings, he certainly has reason to help you. "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, and didn't seem to approve of his words .
  Xu Junyi leaned down slightly and moved closer to her. The seriousness in her
eyes even brought a bit of seriousness: " Yanyan, the most important thing in the
last days is to survive. In order to survive, you are right to do anything. "
  Cheng Yan knew that he made some sense, and Yu Chi also said similar things to
her, but Yu Chi always adhered to his bottom line, and did not completely become an
unscrupulous person .
  But Xu Junyi seems to ... integrate into the end times very well , and learn the
rules of the end times. What's more, he may just become more serious, because before
the end times, he was already the president of a company that was not close to human
interests .
  " If it's you ..." Cheng Yan suddenly asked, " How would you choose? "
  Xu Junyi did not seem to expect her to be so asked, stunned, Mouguang some
dark unknown, slowly smiled: " ? I of course I choose myself, if there is anyone or
anything to threaten me, I will not hesitate Ground ... eradicate. "
  Cheng Yan put down the knife and fork and smiled: " It's very your style. "
  Xu Junyi didn't seem to understand her sarcasm, looked at her, and regained her
warm and handsome smile: " So, I can get to where I am today . "
  The two were talking. A young man in a pink sao suit came in. She recognized that
it was Gu Hui, a subordinate next to Xu Junyi. When he came in, he brought a fragrant
wind. .
  Before Cheng Yan upstairs when he was at her side asking her relationship Yu pool
and Xu Junyi, because he is the Jinjiang slash Great God before the end of the world,
it is particularly the relationship between men sensitive to the end of the world
look to see their own boss Being so close to a man can't help but bear the spirit of
gossip .
  " Boss! " Gu Hui glanced at Cheng Yan on the side and said with a somewhat tangled
expression, " What should I do? There are many people around the base of the base.
They are here to find Miss Cheng. If we don't hand over Miss Cheng, When they go out,
they are about to start. "
  Xu Junyi turned to look at Cheng Yan, his eyes seemed to have some
consideration .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  It may be that she had a deep understanding of Xu Junyi's way of doing things.
She had the feeling that he would pack her and send her out in the next second .
  Who knows, Xu Junyi withdrew his gaze and smiled softly, with a gentle voice, but
showing a frivolous madness: "It's just a group of people from all over . "
  Gu Hui's expression was more entangled, and hesitantly said: " But ... there are a
group of high-level zombies staring at them behind, and they were obviously forced to
come over. "
  Xu Junyi's eyes deepened slightly, his thin lips slightly pursed: " Call
others ! "
  Gu responded and went on .
  Low -order Dead Kongzhibuzhu appetite does not bite, it will send high-order
clothing Qin Vladimir zombies come, she is to see human beings kill each other ?
  Cheng Yan knew that Xu Junyi was about to have a meeting. The theme of the
meeting must have something to do with her. She walked away in a very interesting
way. Xu Junyi didn't stop her, but just looked at her back, her eyes somewhat
unpredictable .
  Cheng Yan on the floor, did not return to his house between, but went to the pool
there Yu, Xu Junyi may have been told, people are not stopped in front of her, after
she went in, the door has been closed .
  Xu Junyi did n’t lie. Yu Chi was indeed sleeping, but apparently he was not
sleeping well. His pale face was a little blushed, and his expression was a little
bit wrong. It seemed as though I was suffering .
  Cheng Yan felt a little cold in her heart . She reached out and touched Yuchi
’s forehead, which was much hotter than before. Her guess was correct. The higher
the level of zombies, the stronger the virus, but some remained unremoved It's clean,
and it has grown again in a while .
  Yu Chi was looking thin, but it was still very heavy. Cheng Yan took a lot of
effort to turn him over and lifted the clothes on his back. The touch of black and
red made her tremble. .
  Her current ability level, simply can not be completely removed his abilities,
obviously, mourning the dead virus growth grow faster than she cleaned faster .
  She now also understands why she has cleaned the zombie king so many times. He
will only be better at the time, and then will be restored to the original state,
because their zombie virus is more powerful, the breeding speed is very fast, and the
vitality is also very good. Strong .
  Cheng Yan wanted to see if he could remove the zombie virus at one time.
Unexpectedly, Yu Chi raised his hand suddenly, and a very violent flame burst out,
destroying all the floor-to-ceiling windows over there, cold wind Blew in .
  Cheng Yan was a little startled. If she didn't hide quickly, she would be hurt.
She looked at Yu Chi .
  Yu Chi closed his eyes as if he hadn't done anything .
  Cheng Yan was a little puzzled. Was this an unconscious action, or was he
affected by the zombie virus and was repelling her purification ability ?
  If it is the latter ...
  Cheng Yan was thinking, Yu Chi opened his eyes violently. I don't know if it was
an illusion. A scarlet light flashed in his eyes. When he looked closely, it was dark
and normal .
  Yu Chi found that the clothes had been lifted. He glanced at Cheng Yan, and his
expression was a little unnatural. He pulled the clothes down again, sat up, and
said, " Why are you here? "
  Cheng Yan look to see him look strange, on the interpretation of the
sentence: " your . Zombie virus seems to be more serious ."
  " Is it? " Yu a pond froze, looked at his hand, then looked up at her, " I feel
good now, better than before, my mental strength improved a lot. "
  Cheng Yan could also see that his look was uncomfortable when he fell asleep ,
but now he has recovered as usual, and there is no blush on her cheeks. She reached
out and touched his forehead, and her body temperature was normal .
  She is a little strange .
  Yu pool got out of bed, she might say he's serious virus, he walked in front of
full-length mirror that he put aside the clothes shining glanced, said: " Yan Yan,
has not been ready yet and you just are in me? Are you kidding me? "
  " How is it possible? "
  Cheng Yan walked over and froze. There was nothing but a good scratch on his
back. The zombie virus just disappeared ?
  " What I saw just now, your zombie virus cannot get better so quickly. "
  Yu pool to see her face is not good, put down the clothes, pupil of the eye's
light flickered a bit complicated, look at the time and she was very calm Mouguang,
said: " You see . Wrong ."
  His so determined tone seemed not to want her to go deeper .
  Cheng Yan looked at him, and he didn't speak, but he still had some doubts in his
heart, but he couldn't understand what was going on, but Yu Chi didn't know nothing
about himself .
  She was thinking, but found that Yu Chi's eyes fell outside the window, the
floor-to-ceiling window had been destroyed by him, the broken glass scattered all
over the floor, and his side face was so cold and dignified .
  " Come. " He suddenly said .
  What's coming ?
  Before Cheng Yan asked the exit, she felt a gust of wind that made her even
unable to open her eyes. When she saw it clearly, she saw the zombie
king carrying Tan Bei in front of her, obviously they were beaten Broken windows
came in .

The first 87 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (twenty-five )

  Zombie king did not suffer any serious injuries , looked like nothing, just the
clothes more broken , white lab coat became white rag hanging in the body , his hair a
mess, two deep blue eyes looked at her: " Ow Aoao Aoao ... "
  Seem intended realized that she did not understand , it was then coupled with
the hands potential gestures .
  Cheng Yan looked moment , it and Vladimir Qin Yi fight still did not win , no
surprise , after all, is Heaven favored female controls ah .
  Tan Beiliu was even more miserable . The zombies turned by Yao Yi almost dug
his heart , and a hole in his chest was broken . The zombie king took a healing
technique to save his life , but the hole in the chest was still not good,
but he was not going to die . his clothes were stained red .
  Cheng Yan asked the zombie king to put the unconscious Tan Beiliu on the bed ,
and was a bit worried. Tan Beiliu or the male partner who followed the heroine in the
book was injured like this. Is n’t this the cannon fodder that she and the heroine
are standing on opposite sides of? Lost ?
  Yu pool if reading her worry , stood in her body side , said: " . Do not
worry. "
  Cheng Yan to see him especially not calm cool look , and my heart set the
set: " You have a way? "
  Yu pool at her , nodded his head .
  Cheng Yan and asked: " What way? "
  Yu Chi's eyes were heavy, and he said with a dark tone: " Kill her. "
  Cheng Yan: "... ? "
  If you understand correctly , is the male master intending to kill the female
host ?
  Where is this sweet essay of the end of the world, the story of the original book
has collapsed ?
  In this case ...... male owners and female principal how he ah ?
  She felt that her task was almost cool, but her mood did not fluctuate because
she was used to it .
  Silent for a moment, she thought of the situation outside of you want to
tell tell him: " the door ......"
  Yu Chi interrupted her: " I know. "
  Cheng Yan's eyes are weird, and his mental strength has improved too fast. It's
not too close to the gate. What's more weird is where did his zombie virus go? Is he
really okay ?
  Cheng Yan thinks things may not be so simple. The zombie virus on his body is
from the heroine. Shouldn't the heroine move anything ?
  " I have had to leave immediately. " Yu pool to see her, " he had a meeting to
discuss the results will be sent to you outside those. "
  Cheng Yan is not surprised by this result, smart people will choose this way, Xu
Junyi will not lose the entire base for her .
  " Where are you going? " Cheng Yan asked .
  Yu Chi closed his eyes and seemed to perceive something, and suddenly opened it
again, saying, " West. "
  Cheng Yan: "... Are you sure? "
  This direction sounds ... so ominous .
  Yu Chi: " Qin Fuyi is in the East. "
  Cheng Yan a stunned: " You even where she could perceive? "
  Yu Chi looked indifferent and didn't speak .
  Cheng Yan was also silent. The zombie king was still using Tan Beiliu's healing
technique over there, and the room was a little quiet .
  He must be hiding something from her .
  At this point, the room door was suddenly sounded, then Xu Junyi walked in, he
was one person, even in front of two people have also disappeared .
  After he came in, there was no nonsense. He opened the door and said: " Yanyan,
you must leave now. "
  After he finished speaking, he saw the zombie king and Tan Beiliu in the room,
because Cheng Yan mentioned the special feature of the zombie king to her, but only
frowned slightly before looking at Cheng Yan again: " Don't delay, hurry up, they
are very An attack will soon be launched. "
  Cheng Yan listened to his words and was a little surprised: " You ... want me to
run away? "
  Xu Junyi seemed to understand her surprise and smiled, with a somewhat mocking
smile: " Even if I can do anything for the benefit, but I have always been sincere
to you, but you never believe me. "
  Cheng Yan pursed her lips: " If I leave , those zombies will not let go of the
base. "
  Wen Yan, Xu Junyi hanging eyelids, after a moment, smiled softly, looking into
her eyes in some sarcasm: " You to ? Why did I let you go as you go will not hurt
the base, to the time they chase you It's too late, so how can I get on the offensive
base? "
  Cheng Yan straight feel some wrong, what would like to say, Yu pool already spoke
first: " . Yan Yan, you go and go with it ."
  The " it " in his mouth refers to the zombie king. The zombie king apparently
understood his words, but didn't move. He just stared at Cheng Yan, as good as a dog
with a wagging tail .
  Cheng Yan: " What about you? "
  Yu Chi looked down at her, her eyes seem to be a little complicated, and the tone
was lightly written: " I have my things to do, you don't have to worry about it, as
Tintin ... he stays here will be safer, their goal is you . "
  After he finished speaking, he glanced at the zombie king, his eyes slightly
stern: "Do n't take her away yet? "
  The zombie king also seems to have sensed the crisis outside. The high-level
zombies can't bear it anymore, and they have begun to attack. The humans outside the
base have also been attacked, quickly zombified, and joined the army of zombies .
  Cheng Yan one word too late that it was the zombie king to hold up, to jump out
of a window, she turned around and saw Yu and Xu Junyi pool window stood, eyes Yu won
the pool like a lake Deep water .
  After Cheng Yan left, Yu Chi withdrew his eyes, his tone faint: " Need help ? "
  Xu Junyi not a good-natured look askew gentle smile, and said coldly: " . Do not
have to "
  It seemed that Yu Chi just asked politely, glanced at him, and jumped out of the
window. Some high-level zombies had sensed Yanyan's position to catch up, and he had
to rush to solve these tails .
  Xu Junyi glanced at Tan Beiliu, who was still sleeping on the bed, and turned and
walked out of the room. After a few steps, he met Gu Hui .
  Gu back obviously knew what he did, with a sigh: " people have ? Been gone ."
  Xu Junyi: " Well. "
  Gu Hui: " You will anger the new zombie king. The zombie attack outside is even
more fierce. This is not your style. "
  " I make the wind? " Xu Junyi meaningful smile, deep eyes and sharp, " killing is
my style! Mall, battlefield, all the same, zombies and how, we have a long time did
not base big a battle of the ? "
  Gu Hui looked at the smile on the corner of his lips, inexplicably cold, he only
thought of one word - ghost animal .
  The speed of the zombie king is very fast. Cheng Yan can't even see the
surrounding scenes. Only one after another glides quickly in front of her eyes. At
first she heard the roar of the zombie behind her, and gradually, she could not
hear .
  Large After about half an hour, to stop the zombie king with her on a street,
opened up a couple of restaurant street, furnished very romantic, pink wallpaper,
close to a big red heart, also on both sides of each There is a cartoon anime
teenager girl .
  There is still soothing light music on the stereo, which should be a battery, so
there is still electricity at this time .
  Cheng Yan sat down on the pink chair, relieved .
  The zombie king is not used to sitting by humans anymore. He moved a chair to her
side, and his two long legs bent into a strange posture. He squatted in the chair and
stared at her without blinking. And pointed his finger at his head .
  Cheng Yan look at it, it has to give it put some abilities, which are almost too
comfortable throat issued ow sound, soft hair still in her hands rub the rub, deep
blue eyes intently watching She .
  Cheng Yan sense of feel like a sitting duck in the line and pets, is equipped
with this romantic and relaxing environment, soothing sweet music, she just has a
kind of feeling back before the end of the world wealthy daughter of the afternoon
tea time .
  Unfortunately, the thing is actually a zombie and she is being hunted to be
together .
  Cheng Yan looked at the zombie king's expressionless face, and suddenly
remembered something, his eyes brightened: " Your mental strength is so high, if you
copy my power past, can you purify Qin Fuyi? "
  Speaking of Qin Fuyi, the zombie king “ wailed ” with great hatred , then turned
his body around, and put his ass against her, with a backless loneliness and
depression .
  Cheng Yan: "... ? "
  Isn't it hurting your self-esteem ?
  Because to beat people ?
  Cheng Yanqing Qing throat throat, not to mention Vladimir Qin Yi, and only
said: " My little angel, you try to copy my abilities, ah, you promised, I will give
you purify several times. "
  Speaking of purification, the zombie king immediately turned around, looked at
her, and nodded blankly .
  Cheng Yan: "...... point once is enough, looking at vertigo. "
  She felt purify it, it is the same drug, at addiction !
  Cheng Yan slowed down her movements to make it clear, and white mist slowly
flowed out of her fingertips .
  The zombie king looked at her fingertips, seeming to be afraid of waste, leaned
over and sniffed, and then stuck out his tongue .
  Cheng Yan was taken aback and quickly took her fingers out and wiped with
a paper towel: " Don't lick it! You forgot that your drool is virus? "
  The zombie king seemed to know that he had made a mistake, and she narrowed her
neck by saying that she was wronged and at a loss .
  Cheng Yan sighed: " I didn't scold you, well, you try now. "
  The zombie nodded and held his head for a while, then stretched out his hand .
  Cheng Yan stared at its hand, the first thought was - Did the zombie never wash
his hands ?
  Its hands are pale white, without blood color, and its nails are also long, and
it also hides dirt and dirt .
  After a while, nothing was moving in his hands .
  Before Cheng Yan remembered that he also makes no miracles, they said: " You
Knut force, then ? Try "
  May be due to a zombie, his mind a bit simple, it only listened to the literal
meaning, it is very hard together, spiritual power spillover, desks and chairs are
shaking .
  His expressions were overstretched and cruel .
  " Kaca " is heard, he had broken a table in front of, but also a " Kaca " soon,
Cheng Yan chair was broken, she suddenly sat to go up, lift head to look at the
zombie king .
  The zombie withdrew his hand and squatted on his chair well, looking at her
innocently .
  Cheng Yan took a deep breath and stood up: " Aren't you okay? "
  Zombie King tilted his head: " Aoao. "
  " You are this is ...... what to do? "
  When she turned her head, she realized that sometime when the door had opened,
Yu Chi leaned against the door with her arms, and looked coldly, not knowing how long
she had been watching .
  Cheng Yan: "... Teach it abilities. "
  Yu Chi walked in, glanced at the zombie king, and then looked at her. He was very
polite to speak, and the tone was flat: " If it would, what would you do? "
  Cheng Yan turned around to see the zombie king, the king gave her a mad zombie
shook his head, as if to say , " I do not I do not I do not ah " like .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  So, is her power so special? The zombie king can't copy it ?

The first 88 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (twenty-six )

  It was already through after dark , the streets are still surviving moving
zombies have sprung up, there might be a zombie king sits in a restaurant , around
the restaurant but it is also not a zombie .
  Cheng Yan walked hurriedly and took almost nothing .
  The zombie king found some food from the space and put it on the table, and also
found a few pieces of meat . It should be remembered that Cheng Yan did not like to
watch it eat , and then dragged the meat to the restaurant cash register Eat it .
  Yu pool look in the eyes , her torn a bread delivery in the past , means unknown
to say: " it . All very well for you ."
  Some strange words , Cheng Yan glanced at him , then over the bread: " You do not
eat it? "
  Yu sat beside the pool transparent window side , looking at the dark
streets , the table candle to his profile reflected in the glass, some shadow
shadow Chao Chao fuzzy feeling , his expression seemed preoccupied .
  " No appetite. " He said .
  Cheng Yan look back , eyelash micro-vertical, low head eating a bread, drank a
little water .
  Yu Chi still looked out the window .
  Cheng Yan couldn't help but ask: " What are you looking at? "
  Yu Chi turned her head to look at her a bit complicated, but in a blink of an
eye, she could not find anything , only a calm remained: " Nothing , you should sleep
for a while , I will guard you. "
  Cheng Yan did not forget to remember now is escape , the tone somewhat
surprised: " You want me to ?? Now we do not go to sleep in case it is found,
then ......"
  Yu Chi's tone has a reassuring calm: " For this reason, you need to rest well .
It's okay. I will wake you up if there is any movement. "
  Cheng Yan and he couldn't say anything against him for a moment. Many things
happened today. She was indeed tired. She put her arms on the table and closed her
eyes with her arms closed .
  Yu Chi took off her coat and put on her, her eyelashes moved, and after a while,
she really fell asleep .
  After she fell asleep, Yu Chi pretended to be okay and calm. Somehow, he leaned
on the back of the chair with some helplessness, his right hand was pressed against
the position of his heart, and he slowly grasped the shirt and ripped it off. At
first glance, the chest at the heart has become dark, and his long fingers are also
showing blue tendons .
  Throw away the night, a pair of pernicious scarlet eyes seemed to be able to see
the scene here, it seems to confuse the distant sound has been circling in his
ear: " ! Ate she ate she ate her !! !!! "
  Yu Chi's cold expression touched a bit of sullen anger: " Shut up! "
  His breathing became rapid, the skin and veins on his hands seemed to be beating,
the picture in his sight slowly faded, and his heart was beating frantically, the
bewitching voice still hovering around the ears all the time. Don't go .
  With a " bang " sound, his forehead slammed onto the table and hit the blood, the
sound disappeared, his heartbeat suddenly calmed down, and his skin returned to
normal .
  The Zombie King noticed the movement here, and moved to the side instantly,
squatting on the ground beside Cheng Yan, his eyes flashing fierce light to warn Yu
Chi .
  Yu Chi slowly wiped the blood from his forehead and stared at it coldly .
  Cheng Yan slept soundly, but also the police feel the shock to the table that
moment, she lashes flutter a few times, it seems to be open when the pool Yu put his
hand over her eyes, lowered voice a bit hoarse tenderness : " Sleep again. "
  After she fell asleep peacefully, Yu Chi let go and glanced at her fair face
before raising her head to look slowly at the zombie king on the opposite side. He
reached out and wiped the blood from his forehead coldly. The ground looked at the
zombie king .
  Zombie king gave him a whispered " Ow ," a cry, loud, and gas potential ferocious,
as if aware of the danger of similar smell him coming to carry him off like .
  Yu Chi laughed a little self-deprecatingly: " Don't wake her up, I will leave
myself. "
  With that, Yu Chi looked down at Cheng Yan when she was asleep, her eyes
flickered a little while struggling, she closed her eyes and kissed her gently, and
when she opened her eyes, her expression had become calm, as if What a determination
was made .
  He stood up, jumped over the table with only a slight jump, landed on the aisle,
glanced back, the zombie king stood beside her, he looked back, and walked out of the
gate without looking back. It soon disappeared into the night .
  Until he left after far, zombie king evil eye was back, turned around to see the
girl sleeping quietly, softly , " Ow ," a cry, curled at her feet curled just lie down
on the ground Eyes closed .
  The zombie does not need to sleep, it is just learning the habits of mankind, but
it is not half-slack in spirit, always paying attention to the movements around .
  So, when the police feel the exception when it suddenly opened his eyes, did not
wake Cheng Yan, direct hold her up, just like flying in general rushed into the
night, in the dark street Fast forward .
  Cheng Yan was held in her arms when she woke up, and she didn't see Yu Chi.
There was something chasing them behind her. She felt a heavy, sickening bloody smell
in the wind blowing behind her .
  Her heart sank, she had a hunch, Qin Fuyi still caught up, and must have eaten a
lot of people before chasing her, otherwise the bloody smell could not be like
this .
  Her hunch is also correct. When the zombie king took her to the gate of the city,
there was something passing behind him and rushed to the front of them. When she saw
it clearly, Qin Fuyi was already standing not far away The position, the bloody red
dress that flirted with blood was slightly swaying in the wind, and her lips were red
as if they had been moistened by blood, and she licked the corner of her lower lip .
  Behind her was a beautiful looking young zombie, Yao Yi .
  The zombie king put her down and stood in front of her, and issued a ferocious
howl to Qin Fuyi. The power in the voice seemed to shake the air .
  Qin Fuyi looked very scary like this, just like the ghosts who were so angry at
night .
  Cheng Yan some collapse collapse: " You Why must refuse to let me? "
  Qin Fuyi laughed. Her laughter was particularly infiltrating in the night, and it
was still hard to listen to, with some stiffness and hoarseness .
  " In you out before now, what I do is so smooth. " Qin Eph clothing staring at
her, " you are one now on what is not right! You rob a man with me, I want to let
you go? "
  Cheng Yan felt innocent: " I didn't want to grab you from the beginning . "
  These words was more angered Qin Vladimir clothing, she sneered: " What are you
proud, you want to say you do not rob him of you is that you do not like you just
relied on him so proud of you I have chosen to let him personally killed?? You, his
expression will be wonderful by then. "
  There was a bad hunch in Cheng Yan's heart , and when he turned around suddenly,
he saw Yu Chi standing in the darkness and let out a flame at her expressionlessly .
  The zombie king hugged her and fled, and Yu Chi came out of the
darkness, passing her beside her, her steps didn't stop, she didn't even look at her,
she walked in front of Qin Fuyi without squinting .
  Cheng Yan: "... ? "
  What's wrong with him ?
  Qin Fuyi seemed to smile with satisfaction, his long fingernails touched Yu Chi's
face, and he had a kind of revenge for the tone of Cheng Yan's voice: " I know you
have purification power, nothing is that I don't know Yes, but you must not know that
the zombie virus on his body has infiltrated his lungs? "
  Cheng Yan froze .
  Qin Fuyi's fingertips slowly slid across Yu Chi's cheeks, and a faint blood stain
appeared on Yu Chi's face, but Yu Chi didn't react at all, but stood motionless .
  Qin Eph clothing eyes more over the shoulders of Yu pool look to her face kind of
hatred smile: " He's a virus comes from me to you is so easy to purify and clean it
soon, he will become? Just like me, as for you ... " She seemed to think that she
couldn't help but laugh with excitement, her tone infiltrated, " Will be eaten by
him , even if he will wake up later, remember everything, it will only More
painful. "
  Cheng Yan has been shocked to not know what to say .
  Is the power of the plot so impressive ?
  The female host can also force HE by controlling the male host ?
  She thinks it's really over, but ... In this case, should the task be completed ?
  Even so, she doesn't want to be eaten, which is too serious !
  Qin Eph clothes but to this point must be very frightened and desperate was she
afraid, bigger smile, she looked at the pool Yu's face, facial expressions and some
resentment, but also some affection, paradoxically look out now she's pale face On .
  After a while, she gritted her teeth and said: " I said, you will regret it! "
  When the words fell, she smiled nervously and patted Yu Chi's shoulder: " Now,
you can go to eat a big meal, don't even keep your bones, just as your last meal
before being a human Dinner. "
  When the words fell, Yu Chi moved, turned around, and looked at her, but without
focus, came towards her .
  Cheng Yan thought he was zombified, but his appearance was still in human form,
and his eyes did not become cloudy, so he was still in an infected state ?
  Qin Fuyi must use the virus in his body to control him .
  The zombie king could not have brought him close to her, and he threw it over,
and released several abilities at the same time. It seems that he was going to kill
him, but all those abilities were resolved by Qin Fuyi, Qin Fu As soon as the clothes
flashed, he fought with the zombie king .
  Cheng Yan had no time to see the zombie king, because Yu Chi had already
approached her. His expressionless face had a terrible dullness and numbness, as if
no matter how cruel and bloody things could be done .
  Cheng Yan's scalp is numb, and she wants to release her abilities, but her force
value is obviously not as good as Yuchi's. He is much faster. The zombie virus has
indeed improved his mental strength a lot. Wrist .
  He was holding a dagger in his other hand. He raised it, and when he wanted to
poke into her heart, the sharp howling of the zombie king sounded and rushed over .
  Just before he arrived, Qin Fuyi had erected a thick ice wall between the zombie
king and her. The zombie king was trapped in the ice wall and could not get out for a
while. Fist hit the ice .
  The dagger still didn't poke into her heart. Cheng Yan reached out and held the
dagger, the sharp blade cut her hand, and the blood dropped on the ground drop by
drop .
  Yu Chi stared at the blood, seeming a little surprised .
  " Yu Chi! You ..." Cheng Yan wanted to try to wake him up .
  Yu Chi suddenly looked up at her, her eyes weren't empty, and reflected her
shadow. He seemed shocked and stunned, and took a step back suddenly. The knife in
his hand fell to the ground .
  " I ... did it? " He looked at her still bleeding hand, and his voice was a
bit mute, as if unacceptable .
  Qin Fuyi's voice sounded like a ghost: " Yu Chi! Do n't hurry up yet? "
  Her voice seemed to have an impact on Yu Chi. Yu Chi's expression was a bit
painful. He said sharply, " Shut up! "
  " Eat her, you do not feel hungry yet? Eat her, you will not be hungry. " Qin Yi
Eph instant between then moved to his side, his hands stroking his face, said
softly .
  Yu Chi stared at her, almost cold, almost icing, and grabbed her neck like a
shot: " Shut up! "
  Qin Eph clothes but seems to be completely unaffected, weird laugh out
loud: " actually ? So soon recover consciousness, and it is not fun, not as good as
I'll give you a hand ."
  Yu pools to what to do for her to Yan Cheng, a rapid flame chasing her go, Qin
Vladimir clothes suddenly disappeared in the place, the next moment he heard the
sound of Cheng Yan, told him to be careful, he There was a sudden pain in his
shoulder before he could do anything .
  Qin Yi Vladimir bit him on the shoulder, sharp teeth tooth stuck in the meat
directly on the bite off a piece of meat .
  Cheng Yan stood close, his blood splashed on her face, it was hot, and her brain
was a bit woody. She felt a little vomiting and the scene was too bloody .
  Yu pool standing stable to Bangui on the ground, put his hand over his shoulder,
sweat fly, also lost lip color .
  Qin Eph clothes squatting down in front of him, as if to take pity on a camel ,
said: " really poor, not over just a moment, you will feel better than ever, will
feel ever hungry, then ...... whether she is who, As long as she is human, you can eat
it. Am I good to you? "
  Yu pool cold eyes looked at her fingertips out the flames, but it seems like a
lack of effort to put off, his expression becomes slightly distorted, clinging to his
head, panting, breathing and hearing His heart beats again and again .
  Cheng Yan knew that Yu Chi was zombies, his skin became pale at a speed visible
to the naked eye, and the dark and sharp eyes gradually became stiff and muddy. She
also saw his sharp nails and teeth .
  People like Yu pool will protect her, zombie Yu pool might not be .
  Cheng Yan do not know if he will care of the household and a sample with memory,
thought might just be eaten gnawing fear on the psychological upper hand, she turned
around and wanted to run .
  Just before running a few steps, the ice cubes released by Qin Fuyi froze to her
feet along the route, and the ice cubes began to spread from under her feet until the
hands were frozen .
  She turned her back to them, and could not see the situation behind, adding a
little bit of unknown fear .
  If she needs to be eaten by the male lead to complete the task, then she would
rather not complete the task, and she feels terrified when she thinks about it, even
if she returns to the real world, is it a psychological shadow ?
  After a while, suddenly became extremely quiet behind her, and Yu Chi's breathing
could not be heard, and her heart suddenly became cold .
  Qin Fuyi's voice slowly sounded: " Very good, now you can enjoy your food. "
  Yu is the pool has been turned into a zombie yet ?
  Cheng Yan was stiff and frozen. She couldn't even move her fingers. She heard the
approaching footsteps behind her. With a cold breath, her heart was tortured by this
tension and fear and stopped beating .
  Suddenly, the footsteps stopped, and Yu Chi stood behind her .
  Cheng Yan breathing a meal, he lowered his head, that kind of cold breath more
rich, she closed her eyes, afraid to see what their blood spatter .
  Who knows, Yu Chi did not bite her or hurt her, but just hugged her from
behind .
  She opened her eyes in amazement , his temperature was also cold, but just a
moment later, she felt warm, the ice that frozen her slowly melted, but her clothes
were not wet .
  And other ice after block melt completely, they gathered at her feet in a pool of
water, she can be active, and turned around, I saw the pool Yu is today .
  The pale face, the indifferent and numb eyes, the stiff and slender body .
  Somehow, Cheng Yan seemed to be bitten by a bug in her heart. Some pain and some
sore eyes : " Are you ... alright? "
  He took a step back and seemed to be restraining the zombie instinct. Looking at
her eyes was indeed like looking at a delicious food that was fatal and tempting. He
looked away as if he couldn't bear it .
  Qin Fuyi apparently did not expect him to endure, hatred was stronger, said
sharply: " At this point, you still have to protect her! I said, I will make you
regret it! " Her mental power changed It got rich and released, and all kinds of
abilities poured out together, " If you don't do it, I will come in person! "
  Yu Chi stood still and did not move, and closed his eyes. Those who attacked him
didn't hurt him, and they were all absorbed into him .
  Qin Fuyi looked at him in shock: " How come ..."
  More than that, his week around as if to form a vortex of wind, all sides have a
white light flooded over, all integrated with a sharp beam burst into his body .
  Cheng Yan little spiritual power, a sense of feel less obvious, but also in the
sense that something pulled out, her strength is also evident with the spiritual
power and pulled out a little weak .
  Qin Eph clothes in the spirit of force field the strongest ability is also the
strongest person, the situation is more clear, steady flow of her power is extracted
into the body of Yu pool .
  " Stop it! Stop it! " Qin Fuyi finally panicked, turned out a long knife in his
hand, and chopped towards Yu Chi, but was flew out by those strong mental strength .
  The zombie Yao Yi used to lift her up, and without her order, did nothing .
  Qin Fuyi slapped it directly: " Give me the past and kill them! Immediately! "
  The zombie Yao Yi stood up stiffly. His ability to be a man is to control the
zombie. The zombie ability has not changed, and it is almost useless. He rushed into
the mental whirlpool with a stunned head. Debris .
  A finger flew out and landed on Cheng Yan's feet. Cheng Yan's scalp became numb.
He couldn't help but screamed and took a step back .
  Mental strength swirling vortex suddenly stopped, a dazzling white flash, blink
of an eye between the pool Yu moved her face before, seemed to what happened to
her .
  He should have awakened the ability to seize the spiritual power of others.
Now he has seized the spiritual power of not many people and zombies. Cheng Yan just
stood in front of him, and he felt a strong sense of coercion and overwhelmed her
Almost vomiting blood .
  She turned pale .
  Yu observe pool seems to sleep through, and looked at her, and stepped away, he
absorbed too much spiritual power that he does not seem to feel better how spiritual
power of the body rattling, not yet fully integrated, his brow furrowed with There
was a kind of cruel mania of a bird of prey, and as soon as he raised his hand, the
flame kept burning from under his feet, and soon all the surroundings were burned .
  Cheng Yan looked at the blazing flames around her . Although she couldn't burn
it for a while, she was still a little scared: " Yu Chi, calm down! "
  Yu Chi seems to be suppressing uncontrollable mental power in the body .
  Qin Fuyi knew that he could not deal with the zombies in Yuchi at the moment ,
but he was not reconciled. He rushed towards Cheng Yan while he was confused .
  But before he rushed in front of Cheng Yan, Yu Chi lifted her neck by pinching
her neck. She released all the abilities and was blocked by him. His fingers
tightened slowly and released to her. A strong flame .
  Cheng Yan's heart was raised, and thought Qin Fuyi was going to be burned to
death by the male host, who knows that the flame can't hurt Qin Fuyi at all .
  Yu Chi released a fiercer flame again, and still couldn't burn her, even twisting
her neck .
  Qin Fuyi sneered: " I turned you into a zombie. The zombie viruses in your body
all come from me, and they will protect me. " She stared at Yu Chi like
crying , " You can't kill me! Yes Not angry? But, you ca n’t take me. ”
  Yu Chi threw her out heavily. When she was angry, her mental power was even more
uncontrollable, and she continued to release abilities. The flame gradually spread
farther and farther, and the sky was stained with a red light .
  " Yu Chi! Stop it! " Cheng Yan ran over and took his arm, " Are you going
to burn everyone ? "
  Yu pool suddenly quiet down, the fire potential is gradually stopped, he turned
around and looked at her, the firelight shone his dark eyes .
  Qin Vladimir clothes that he can not kill himself even more emboldened, from the
ground up, cheerful pernicious Yi Zizi said: " You can not kill me ! You can only
eyes open eyes open eyes looking at me to kill her, you Can I protect her for a
while, can I protect her for a lifetime? "
  She closed her eyes, knowing that she could not get anything right now, and
wanted to leave with teleportation .
  Yu pool looked cold Li look to her, she will kick kick out, interrupting her
abilities, and then they put the fire melted away trapped zombie king wall of ice .
  The zombie king and Yu Chi didn't even have eye contact, and actually understood
his meaning. As soon as he was free, he rushed over, picked up Qin Fuyi, and bit her
neck with wide open mouth .
  Yu Chi can't kill her, but Zombie King can kill her .
  " Ahhhhhhh !!! " Qin Fuyi screamed with grief and resentment, " No no no no no— "
  Not like this !
  Not that this is !
  She hates !
  Her voice came to an abrupt halt, and the Zombie King directly bit her head off
and broke her foot .
  At the same time, Cheng Yan heard the tips of mission failure, the system asks if
she turned remediation tasks, her full attention to the attractive pool Yu is passed,
did not spare some time to answer the system, the system will default to open
Remedial tasks, then there was no sound .
  It should be an exception that Qin Fuyi can speak, but Yu Chi cannot speak,
because he watched Qin Fuyi's body make a howling sound, which sounds like the zombie
king, but different .
  Cheng Yan at first did not understand what he was doing, then listen met one
after another howling in response to his, she would understand, he was summoned
zombie ?
  As if the earth shake flutter up, all sides of zombies are moving in this
direction over the Bay .
  What is he going to do ?
  Cheng Yan took a step towards him, he glanced at her deeply, suddenly turned
around and walked into the flame, the flame did not hurt him, he seemed to walk on
the ordinary street, behind him, zombies group after group The ground followed, and
some made a painful howl with fire .
  " Yuchi-- "
  In going to see not see him, Cheng Yan stopped him, his pace Dayton, but did not
look back, just waved his hand .
  In the monstrous flame, it became quiet, there were no zombies and no humans .
  Only her body and zombie king stood side .
  Cheng Yan shocked, is ...... tell other meaning it ?

The first 89 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (twenty-seven )

  Last night , the city abandoned the Eastern region of burning the night of the
fire, there is S City zombie initial origin , so long been sealed locked up , but
the government did not expect a zombie virus or Bushoukongzhi rapidly spread to the
whole The city even spread to other provinces and cities .
  The fire is obvious to everyone , fire as the general color dyed red half of a
sky , it is my heart panic endless , Far East could hear the sharp pain came over the
roar of zombie after another .
  After a night passed , the people discovered that even a zombie could not be
seen in the city . They were all burned to ashes in the fire last night , but they
did not know why the zombies were burned to death .
  Government agencies the city was quickly restored to normal operation turn , and
the level made contact , S City is zombie origin , it is also focused on the
camp , has long been on the level of the abandoned , also implemented a
comprehensive blockade, so other provinces The situation is much better. Although
there are also zombies, they have been strongly controlled by the army . They have
also developed vaccines to prevent viruses , but they are still helpless for people
who have been zombies .
  Indeed later identified the city did not have zombies , government quickly
launched a rescue line of action , sent troops and healthcare organizations take a
helicopter landed in the city, the city of the survivors were
examined , indeed recognize healthy can leave S City The people infected with the
virus were detained together and sent to a closed central hospital for treatment .
  Cheng Yan and zombie king went into hiding together, because S city will
be turned into a ghost town, the government put everybody all migrate to other
places, zombie king can not the government who found that he had been purified
virus' , But it is not a virus carrier, but has been zombified and will be killed if
found .
  The spirit of the zombie king has also been taken away by Yu Chi a lot, and his
abilities have become much weaker. If he matches the government army, there will be
no chance of winning .
  Cheng Yan knew that the people of the government should not go to the abandoned
East District, and hid there with the zombie king for three days. At this time, the
people in the city had basically been sent away, and the people of the government had
almost gone .
  City S was completely empty, so empty and desolate .
  Cheng Yan did not go because not all for the zombie king, she was still looking
for Yu pool, she did not prompt remedial task fails, Yu pool will certainly still
alive somewhere .
  She knew how strong Yu Chi's mental power is now . He must be able to perceive
anything that happened in the city . He must also know that she was looking for him,
but she deliberately hid and refused to see her .
  Cheng Yan didn't know the reason, but thought it was impossible simply because he
became a zombie. The zombie king is also a zombie. Can't he get along well with
her? He may be in a situation that he can't even solve .
  The government had gone after, Cheng Yan than more able to move freely, she went
around the side of the pool Yu, while using different zombie king to help purify the
virus, zombie king with her during this time of purification also a lot Virus, skin
color has gradually approached normal .
  People fear the government is back, Cheng Yan ink to find a mirror to put on it,
and it changed clothes, so the surface looks like a class of individuals .
  Her worries are obviously not useless .
  She and the Zombie King searched the city a few times and found no one, so she
remembered the base of Chengdong established by Yuchi, maybe he would be there .
  He just had to get there, when I saw the door of the government actually have
people watching, Cheng Yan was surprised, and wanted to retreat with the zombie king,
the army did not think there is actually able to detect living creatures instrument,
hung Both the zombies and humans can be detected in the waist of the door. At this
time, the harsh alarm has been raised. The person at the door turned to see Cheng Yan
and they turned around .
  Obviously, the army was not stationed there, but just went in for inspections.
Hearing the alarm, the others immediately ran out together and surrounded Cheng Yan
and the zombie king together .
  He had dark muzzle of his son .
  " Is the man? " Wearing a trim colonel uniforms standing outside the pocket
looking at them, look lengli, " city people are not all transferred gone? Why do not
you go? What sneaky want to do here? "
  The zombie king took her hand, and Cheng Yan guessed that it wanted to use
teleportation ability. In this case, she would be chased by the army, and it might
expose her identity. She shook her head at him .
  The zombie king calmed down .
  Cheng Yan had n't spoken yet, and two others came out of the base. It was Zhou
Ting and Xu Fuyan who came to see his boss .
  Zhou Ting a look see Cheng Yan, surprised and said: " Miss Cheng, you are still
alive too good, you know where the boss do?? "
  After asking, he saw the army of Cheng Yan situation facing people with guns,
surprised a moment, busy colonel stepped forward and said: " Colonel, it was Miss
Cheng, I . Know ," he lowered his voice to say, " She is the first girlfriend
of Brother Chi 's concern, don't hurt her. "
  Hearing the words, the colonel looked at Cheng Yan, looking at it, and it was
also meaningful. After raising his hand, several soldiers immediately dropped their
guns .
  The colonel said: " Take them to check first , then come over to talk. "
  Two soldiers should be a sound , " Yes! " .
  As the two men approached the soldiers, Chengyan Fei quick thinking of
countermeasures in the head, then re-made guard academics Xu asked her: " Cheng Yan,
your body side ...... ? What kind of people ? Why are wearing sunglasses ."
  As soon as this word came out, everyone's expression changed faintly, and all
eyes were on the zombie king .
  No matter running or not running, the people of the army will surely pursue it to
the end .
  Cheng Yan pulled the corner of the zombie king's clothes, suggesting that when it
ran immediately, it suddenly blew a gust of wind. She didn't have time to see
clearly, only to see a dark shadow, she was suddenly hugged, Rushed out with
lightning speed .
  She listened met someone exclaimed: " !! Zombie is a zombie ."
  The sudden change made the colonel's face sink suddenly, staring at the remaining
zombie king: " Catch him! "
  Before the soldiers of the army approached, the zombie king had disappeared in
place, leaving only a gust of wind and dust .
  Zhou Ting wanted to chase, but didn't know where to chase, secretly
murmured: "It's over, the boss has n't found it yet, and he has lost his girlfriend. "
  Colonel calm face: " I did not expect the city actually there are zombies
immediately implement the bombing plan!! "
  Xu Fuyan's face changed slightly. They came here to destroy the city to prevent
future troubles. This place will become a closed forbidden place from now on. No one
is allowed to enter or leave, but before the bombing, he asked the colonel to look
for Yuchi together. The comrades who had fought together at the beginning also
agreed .
  He hesitated again and again, still could not help but say: " Wait! "
  " You're worried that the girl was taken away? " The colonel looked at him, his
eyes somewhat cold, " she has been the odds, not to harm her alone everyone, once the
zombies run out of town, on the situation Will get out of control again! "
  " I understand. " Xu Fu Yan complex look complicated, " but, she captured
the zombie ...... is Yu pool! "
  The colonel's expression froze .
  Zhou Ting is also stupid .
  Between the moments, Cheng Yan was taken to an abandoned factory. As soon as the
man let go of her, she froze .
  She barely recognized that this was Yu Chi. His face was covered with scars and
bleeding. The exposed wrists and back of the hands were also such small scars. Healed
slowly at a rate visible to the naked eye, and healed to intact. Afterwards, his skin
began to crack a little bit, bleeding, and looked shockingly terrifying .
  I can see not caused by external forces damage, Cheng Yan remembered the night of
his spiritual power from all absorbed, so many people and spirit zombie is a person
he absorbed, he still could not fusion, to grasp the horror Huge mental power, so it
will be cut by the overflowing mental power, right ?
  " Yu Chi ..." Looking at him like this, she was so shocked that she didn't know
what to say. She reached out to wipe off the blood from the corners of his eyes. He
looked at her stunnedly, with blood stains on his face Somewhat pitiful .
  When her fingertips just touched the corner of his eyes, his eyes suddenly
changed, and his eyes were a little scary, as if suddenly the light was released, the
instinctive and brutal hungry light when the beast saw the prey .
  His throat throat issued a zombie in the kind of hoarse voice, she suddenly threw
himself on the table, draw sharp fingertips broken her sweater to wear inside,
revealing a white Rouni neck, in thin blood Beating slightly under his skin .
  Cheng Yan did not know he Why get out of control, because for the zombie king in
front of her can be a good control of appetite, depression pool also remember her,
she subconsciously it did not prepare him, but this time he apparently delirious ,
Just prey on the basis of zombie instinct .
  That night, her mental power was also taken away, so the purification power she
released was not strong, and she could n’t even make Yu Chi sober. The white mist
she released irritated him, he Pressing her hands against the top of her head, her
head reached the side of her neck, and she felt his sharp teeth against her
collarbone .
  At this point, it seems that what the attacks directed at the pool away Yu, Yu
was shot in the back of the pool, fury " Ow ," a cry, turned and went toward the other
side .
  Cheng Yan stood up, they look to see Yu pool and zombie king had a fight, zombie
king is clearly not now Yu pool of opponents, it was not a moment to pool Yu held up,
it seems to be torn in half way .
  " Yu Chi-- " She called him in shock, " No! "
  It scared surprised that the pool is really action Yu paused, indicating that he
is still possible to communicate, has been restored a little consciousness .
  Cheng Yan hurriedly ran over, his eyes looked at her, no movement, she carefully
held his hand, he still looked at her, no movement .
  She tried to rescue the zombie king from his palm, but he still did not make any
noise .
  Cheng Yan just want to relax, I heard the pool Yu mouth of a painful sound vague,
she turned around and saw him clutching his head very hard to accept the way,
watching her eyes seemed sober and does not seem clear, He seemed to have spent a lot
of effort to restrain himself from biting her, as if there was something in his body
to rush out uncontrollably .
  In a blink of an eye , he jumped to the corner of the wall, even hitting the wall
with his head, and the howling in his mouth almost broke through the roof .
  Cheng Yan guess measure can not afford those he is not a spiritual power, if not
the spirit of power leads to, he probably would not recover consciousness
completely .
  The Zombie King stood up, pointed his finger at Yu Chi, and then pointed at
himself: " Ao Ao Ao Ao ..."
  He wailed for a while, and Cheng Yan actually thought he understood what he
meant, and his eyes brightened: " You mean you can copy his powers and take away his
spiritual power? "
  The zombie nodded without delay, and immediately teleported to the back of Yu
Chi, taking advantage of this time to put his palm on his back .
  Cheng Yan saw the dazzling light drawn from Yu Chi's body, breathing slightly ,
but Yu Chi suddenly became angry, knowing that the Zombie King should not be able to
control him, she held his hand and looked at He, slowed his tone: " Don't move! "
  It may be that the mental power is being pulled away, the wound on Yu Chi's face
is slowly healing, and the look in her eyes seems to recognize her, and she really
hasn't moved, but her brows are furrowed, and she endures the mental band Coming
pain .
  Cheng Yan see see more wrinkled his brow tightening, healing intact skin suddenly
began to crack, the blood also flows out, he let out a howl, a great spiritual force
suddenly broke off, the zombie king to shock Went out .
  Cheng Yan couldn't be opened by the light , and suddenly was pulled into Yu
Chi's arms. He held her tightly, and she didn't fly away with the zombie king .
  However, in his arms, she also felt that his mental power was completely out of
control, and even a steady stream of mental power poured into her body. She felt that
the body was getting lighter and lighter, but the mental power was gradually
Enhanced .
  Because to rely on him too close, the spillover of spiritual power on the choice
of her body ?
  Cheng Yan would not understand, but more tightly hugged him, more spiritual force
poured out from his body, absorbed by her eleven, so that you can have different
strong enough that he can purify adult class .
  Even though the zombie is his comrade in arms, Colonel still hesitate to make a
decision, the Air Force is ready to solid line city bombing, he intends to find Yu
pool, once acknowledged that he was a zombie army to evacuate, ordered the bombing .
  There was still a glimmer of hope in his heart, and he didn't want to give up
like this. What if Xu Fuyan misread it ?
  Ministry teams have advanced testing where there are living creatures map,
Colonel looked at the red dot on the map, confirm the specific location later, ready
to rush past .
  Zhou Ting: " Colonel, or do we go, just in case the boss really ...... if you can
not and evacuation, you will be dangerous. "
  Colonel did not agree, but light voice said: " . That killed me and him
together ."
  Yu pool and he was a reference army, he and Xu re-made, are being rescued him
down, so he did not personally anyway to confirm something, you can not order the
bombing, if he is to get wrong, he will Regret for life .
  Finally , the colonel, Zhou Ting and Xu Fuyan passed by .
  When the three men reached the factory's door, they paused, and the colonel
pulled out a gun from his waist, instructing them not to act rashly, but he bent down
and approached the gate. The gate was not closed. At that time, the door was suddenly
pulled open .
  He straightened up, pointed the gun at the man's eyebrow, and was ready to pull
the trigger at any time, but heard the man's voice calmly speaking: " I am a man. "
  Colonel looked at Zhang handsome face of mixed race, my mind immediately thought
of this man's information was actually the country attaches great importance to the
professor of medicine: " Professor Qi how are you?? "
  Before he was wearing a lot of black ink mirror, he actually did not recognize
the moment .
  Qi Ze came out to close the door, and turned and looked at him, deep blue eyes
are beautiful, clean and dark, perhaps for a long time not spoken, their voices are
hoarse, slowly: " wait Wufen minutes. "
  His words were short, but the meaning was very clear, let them wait for five
minutes outside .
  The colonel stared at him , and after a while, he made a decision: " Zhou Ting,
did you bring any testing instruments? "
  Zhou Ting point head, backpack instrument to dig out, walked in front of Ze Qi,
Qi Ze whole very fit, look indifferent, calm .
  One minute after the bell, the results came out, Zhou Ting some
happy: " Colonel, he is a man, nor was infected with the virus. "
  The colonel's expression was slow: " Professor Qi, what's inside ... ? "
  Qi Ze didn't speak, and his temperament was a bit cold .
  The colonel was silent and continued to wait for the remaining four minutes .
  Yu Cheng Yan from the pool where a sufficient draw more power enough spirit,
spiritual as less power, Yu overflow pool is split spirit force gradually wound
healed, and no longer be cracked repeatedly .
  Yu Chi's consciousness obviously also recovered, he looked at her quietly, his
eyes slightly deep .
  She was purifying the zombies from his body. White mist shrouded the two people,
barely seeing each other's faces, but she could feel his eyes focused and quiet .
  Because as the body of the virus zombie king to be less, so she first helped
purify the zombie king, long before the pleasant surprise is successful, zombie
zombie king faded features, changed back before the end of the world famous medical
Professor .
  Almost all of the mental power she got from Yuchi was transformed into abilities
to purify him. Yuchi's face gradually became bloody, her lips gradually turned red,
and her dark eyes also gradually restored to the former clear .
  Until the mental power in the body was exhausted, Yuchi's virus was finally
completely purified .
  Cheng Yan felt that her body was weakened as if it had been hollowed out. She
looked at Yu Chi's dark eyes in surprise: " I ... succeeded? "
  Yu looked at her pool, Mouguang deep complex complicated, long while
before " ah " a cry, the body is no longer stiff, and he bent down to hold her up
and down on her brow a kiss, saying: " You Take a break, the next thing to pay me. "
  Cheng Yan also felt tired, confirming that he was really okay and still very
spiritual, so he rested securely on his chest and closed his eyes .
  Yu Chi's eyes settled on her weak face for a moment, and then fell on her
neckline that was torn by him, holding her hand tight, and the heart came with faint
pain .
  Fortunately, he didn't hurt her .
  Wufen clock has passed, Colonel already have lost, and not a cent Qi Ze also
explained that he could not help but want to open the door, which in the end to see
how it is .
  Just then, the door was slowly opened, slender tall figure standing in the
doorway, cold voice hoarse: " for a long time not met, Chu Yi. "
  The colonel froze .
  Seeing Yu Chi holding the girl out, Zhou Ting couldn't help but burst
into tears: " Boss, you're okay, you're okay, it's so nice! "
  Colonel because too excited and drooling look quickly packed, end the face,
said: " . Still have to detect what is good ."
  Yu pool Mouguang faint, did not do anti Dui .
  The test results came out quickly. Both of them were not infected with the virus
and were healthy .
  Everyone was relieved .
  Small half later when, S the city all safely evacuated, and boarded the
helicopter plane left, S city was put in a bomb bomb, soon disintegrated into ruins,
filled with thick smoke .
  At this point, City S was completely empty, with no living creatures, only the
breeze blowing quietly over the city .

The first 90 chapters last days of beautiful dodder silk (twenty-eight )

  From S out of the city are all survivors received large
capital sanatorium , by injuries, psychological problems, and even carrying the
virus have a lot of people, they are still in the observation period , completely
back to normal before they can be allowed to promise to restore freedom , As
no survivors problem also have to wait at least a week there, identified absolutely
no symptoms before they can leave .
  When Cheng Yan woke up, she was in the ward of the nursing home .
  Only bed Tintin and Xu Junyi two people , Tintin see she woke up , first high -
hing , then the little face wrinkled up , as if to cry like: " Yan Yan , I waited for
you for a long time , I thought not see You. "
  Cheng Yan touched his head: " I'm fine , How about you , have not
affected hurt? "
  " No. " Tintin shook his head, look to the Xu Junyi , " Xu brother brought me
here. "
  Cheng Yan look to the Xu Junyi , and glanced at the door .
  Xu Junyi seemed to see what she was thinking, and said, " Yu Chi has returned to
the team and can't see you yet. "
  Cheng Yan was remembered Yu pool before the end of the world is really into the
army, she was asleep , but also vaguely heard him speak and what Colonel , but could
not hear what was said .
  " As the bird zombie ......" Xu Junyi tone micro Dayton , " not Dui , he was not a
zombie, is called Qi Ze, right? He would help treat the injured on the outside. "
  Cheng Yan little head , looked at him: " Thank you for the protection of Tintin. "
  " You thank me? " Xu Junyi faint smile at her, " You really do not know what I
will bid farewell to you, that the real is, send you to die? And base compared to the
outside more dangerous. "
  Cheng Yan to the next, said: " I have already no relationship, you are under no
obligation to save me. "
  " If you like Huan me, you will blame me heartless up. " Xu Junyi
sighed, " not before, to become the kind of person you like is too difficult, I
probably never be done. "
  Cheng Yan lift head to look at him, seemed not to understand what he meant .
  " Is it Yuchi ? " Xu Junyi's soft tone was a little emotional, "It was he who
saved you and he set the fire on, and ended this doomsday disaster, so I will not do
things that deny myself, but I still admire him Of. "
  Cheng Yan " ah " a cry: " I did not think he would do that. "
  Xu Junyi looked at her, shimmering Mouguang: " I 'd narrow, and look lighter
him, underestimate the importance of your feelings, to me as we married, pretty
appearance, but also along very well, and no one more match than we did not
expect ...... " he seems to think of what a sigh, " it really is suffering
from difficult before they see the truth, we have such a natural fit is flying in
trouble. "
  Cheng Yan: "... It was never a match made in heaven, okay! "
  Xu Junyi looked at her thoughtfully and smiled: " It really is not. "
  His feelings for her are not pure, and she likes her, not only because of her,
but also because her family background and appearance are worthy of him .
  When , he is really like fiancee, break off an engagement, he was also very
disappointed that she liked that poor boy will regret it sooner or later, the
feelings between them will not be long .
  Because as in his world, love is not the most important, it's just life blindly
transfer goods, and nothing more .
  Now, his thoughts have not changed, so although he will have some guilt for not
being able to accompany her to face the danger, if he comes again, he will still
choose to send her away .
  If all she wanted was this kind of love that would go to her for nothing, maybe
he would still give it to her when he was a teenager in a frivolous manner .
  Now he is used to cheating, wearing hypocritical masks, and feelings are always
cold. Such a stupid thing is really impossible to even think about .
  Xu Junyi look to her Mouguang somewhat relieved, gently smiled and
said: " another day to eat a . A meal ," he meant deep long to supplement " . Yu
called on the pool ."
  Cheng Yan: "... Yes. "
  Cheng Yan had been asleep for almost a day, and her stomach was already hungry.
She didn't want Tintin to accompany her, so she went to the cafeteria to eat .
  Eat over rice, she put away after holding tray, out the door, saw the Qi Ze, he
was standing simple medical tent, wearing a white lab coat, is bent to a child an
injection .
  Cheng Yan was a bit surprised to see Qi Ze's serious appearance. It was probably
a fool when he was used to being a zombie king. Now, this mature and cold look is not
used to it .
  Qi Ze saw her as soon as she raised her head, a faint smile appeared on her lips,
and her temperament was as cold as Frost Moon: " Yan Yan. "
  Cheng Yan walked past: " I was not playing disturbing you? "
  Qi Ze packed medical kit, said: " No, I just have to have . Been ended ," he
lifted head to look at her, " you can walk with me along ? It "
  Cheng Yan nodded : " Okay. "
  Two people took to the streets next to the forest together Yam Road, the winter
has to be passed, and leaves little glowing green .
  Qi Ze's eyes fixed on her face .
  Cheng Yan: " What's wrong? "
  " Occupational disease. " Qi Ze said, " Your face is not very good, I'll check it
for you later. "
  Cheng Yan did not reject absolutely, smiled and said: " In the last days ? Eat
well sleep well when we face are really up for some time now to rest on it ."
  When it comes to eating and sleeping, Qi Ze's expression is a little weird, and
he seems to remember something .
  Cheng Yan met his look, think of those things before him to eat, should be
considered a major psychological shadow, and she cleared her throat to comfort
him: " the last thing on . Do not try ."
  Qi Ze looked at her and suddenly smiled. The mixed face, the contour was deep,
the dark blue eyes were smiling, and the corners of the lips were slightly raised.
There was a cool and soft mixed handsome .
  Cheng Yan looked away: " What are you laughing at? "
  "I don't know. " Qi Ze murmured and said, "I just feel very happy. "
  Cheng Yan one would like to understand, said: " do ?. Zombie king taste very
upset it finally into a man, you have to cherish ah "
  " I will cherish. " Qi Ze looked at her, " I am not giving you so much trouble? "
  " Did you say the wrong thing ? " Cheng Yan said, " Obviously I have caused you
trouble. You helped me many times. If it were not for you, I might be dead now. "
  Qi Ze eyes seriously: " No matter how , I should be a good thank you, you are my
most important person in the last days, if you do not, I might already be dead. "
  Cheng Yan: " Thank you so seriously, I will be embarrassed. "
  Qi Ze looked at her, a faint smile, suddenly reached out to her into the arms of
her ear said: " Then what do not say, I will soon leave this place, Yan Yan and if I
need something Help, just come to me. "
  Cheng Yan “ hmm ” and smelled the faint smell of disinfectant on him .
  Qi Ze Song opened her serious expression also brought sub joke: " Of course,
nothing can come to me, with the welcoming. "
  Cheng Yan little head .
  " Well, do not delay put you up. " Qi Ze said, " you are going to find out Yu
pool, right? He is in part the team side of the office area. "
  Cheng Yan and he told the other, the troops go out there to go .
  The other side, on the second floor corridor, Yu pool stood at the fence, looking
in that direction, his face no expression .
  Xu Fu Yan see also saw that men and women hugged, some hesitantly: " Yu pool,
are you okay? "
  Yu Chi withdrew his eyes and leaned back against the railing, saying, " What can
I do? "
  Xu re-made for him is not some value: " From past to now, you have done so much
for her, worth it? "
  " There is not any worth. " Yu pool and lowered her eyes eyelid, blocking
Mouzhong emotions, " she happy enough. "
  Xu Fu Yan angry and distressed: " But you do, you have no test consider yourself
too, to save her people obviously you, she ......" he could not help but want
to curse, " she only knew you use, you Just a fool, she ... "
  Yu Chi turned to look at him with dark eyes and sharp eyes .
  Xu Fuyan sighed: " You can't let anyone say that she's half a point, is she all
good in your heart? "
  Yu Chi's thin lips slightly twitched: " Yes, good, bad, all good. "
  Xu Fuyan: "..."
  He had nothing to say, turned his head to look downstairs, and suddenly patted
Yu Chi's shoulder: " Don't tell me this, she came, it seems to be looking for you. "
  Yu Chi raised his foot and returned to the dormitory, leaving only one
sentence: " Say I'm not here. "
  Xu Fuyan was angry with him. When he saw Cheng Yan coming upstairs, he didn't
hide it. He said directly, " Yu Chi said he was not here. "
  Cheng Yan slightly without language, understand: " He did not want to see me? "
  Xu Fu Yan would like to say that she wanted to take the air, the pool can think
of depression as she Taoxintaofei even life are almost lost the way, I found myself
angry and sad, the urge to give her a splash knees: " I beg Would you like to go
with Yu Chi? Even if you pretend, you have to pretend that you ca n’t? I ’m such a
brother, he has to toss you to death. "
  Cheng Yan was taken aback by him like this: " What are you ... doing? "
  Xu re-made hot-headed impulse to kneel, kneeling finished regret, can not stand
up on the white kneel yet, he simply went on to say: " You do not answer . I will
not be up ."
  Cheng Yan ’s impression of Xu Fuyan was not good. Unexpectedly, he was really
serious about Yu Chi. She actually knelt down. She was shocked to speak and
reorganize the language for a moment before reorganizing the language: " You do n’t
have to do this, I was happy I like him. "
  "..." Xu Fuyan raised his voice, " What are you talking about? Didn't you just hug
and hug people downstairs just now? "
  Cheng Yan a stunned: " You have seen? "
  Xu Fuyan was about to speak, but suddenly heard Yu Chi's cold voice: " Xu Fuyan,
do you even have a face? "
  Yu pool opened the door, standing in the doorway, glanced Xu Fu Yan, Yan Cheng
came to be pulled into the house .
  Xu Fuyan: "..."
  He do not face, not afraid Yu pool do not order it ?
  He stood up, looked at the closed door, thought about it, turned his head to see
the colonel over there, and asked, " Colonel, do you have a lock there? "
  Colonel stunned: " There does have, what do you use? "
  Thirds after the bell, Yu looked at the pool door was locked three big lock up
Colonel: "...... I can ask, what do you want to do? "
  Xu Fu Yan deadpan: " To open the car not to lock it? "
  Colonel Shi speechless: "......"
  He is pure and does not understand what you are talking about .
  Room between Lian An quietly, sitting on a chair Cheng Yan, Yu pool at the
window, a moment no one spoke .
  Yu Chi turned to look at her, breaking the silence first: " You came just right,
I have something to tell you. "
  " I also have something to say to you. " Cheng Yan looked up at
him. " You talk first . "
  Yu Chi pursed his lips: " Although the end of the world is over, there are still
zombies in some places. I plan to apply to the superior to join the army to clear
the zombies. "
  Cheng Yan said " Oh " : " How long will it take? "
  Yu Chi fell silent and said, "I don't know. "
  Cheng Yan stood up to him, and saith head and looked into his eyes: " What about
me? "
  Yu Chi looked at her with a somewhat aggressive expression, and moved her heart
slightly , but remembered the scene seen on the upper floor. His eyes were slightly
dark, and his tone was somewhat calm. " Qize will go to the city center." At the
hospital, you ... "
  " I'm asking you! " Cheng Yan said, " you Why mention the others? Do you think
you see is true? I can clearly tell you that I do not like Qi Ze, I like the people
you . "
  Yu pool at her, as if she did not understand what to say: " If you are
due gratitude ......"
  Cheng Yan interrupted him: " You to ? I could not even grateful for the love and
could not tell you ." She looked at him, " I like Huan pretending indifference that
you care about me but it will, like the training will patiently teach me different If
you can, you like the one who will protect me when you are in danger. Do you
understand? "
  Yu Chi was stunned, and his eyes gradually became bright and hot, as if suddenly
the cold blood became boiling again .
  " So, I don't want to, don't let you go. " Cheng Yan slowly reached out and hugged
his waist. " Even if you want to go, you can't leave me unless ..."
  When her hand was wrapped around his waist, Yu Chi's breath was slightly paused,
and her voice was a little dumb: " Unless what? "
  Cheng Yan Ning eye with his eyes: " Unless you personally said to me, you do not
like me. "
  Yu pool will be looked at her a long while, laughing, Yi Zizi said: " I do not
like . Huan you ."
  Cheng Yan froze, holding his hand slowly and put it down: " You ..."
  Yu Chi suddenly pressed her against the window sill, stroked her hair, and
kissed her lips fiercely and passionately, her lips and tongue intertwined, her
breathing was ambiguous, and her breathing was light .
  A long while, he let go of her fingers rubbing her rosy lips, voice hoarse and
gentle: " hi Huan how it enough, I love you, you can not imagine how much I love
you, Yan Yan, you're really decided You really do n’t regret it, do you really want
to be with me? I ca n’t bear you leaving again. ”
  Cheng Yan: " Of course it is true. "
  Yu pool low head and kissed her, took her hand: " Come on. "
  Cheng Yan: " Where? "
  Yu pool: " go on stage there to fill marriage application report. "
  Cheng Yan: "... Is it so urgent? "
  Yu Chi hugged her waist: " Who makes you always capricious. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  She was not intentional .
  However, when the two of them approached the door, they found that ... the door
could not be opened .
  Yu Chi understood it when he thought about it, and looked at Cheng Yan: "The door
is locked. "
  Cheng Yan felt that his eyes were a little dangerous, and looked
away: " Then ... do you want someone to open it? "
  Yu pool little head, I called to go, after switching on, he does not speak, I
heard the other side said " do not thank me, see you tomorrow morning, good
night " , finished, hang up .
  Call in the past, nobody answered .
  Yu Chi was silent for a while and asked: " Then stay for one night. " His
expression is also a bit unnatural. " You can rest assured that I will not do
anything. "
  Cheng Yan was also a little uncomfortable: "... um. "
  Most end, Cheng Yan had lived here for one night, should the dry dry dry, and
then draw a lesson, a lot of words Yu pool is really only the opposite of
listening .
  Since then, Cheng Yan in the last days of the world after the end of three
decades of life, death heard the sound of returning to the system of the
day: " host, quasi ready to enter the next book? "
  Cheng Yan closed her eyes: " What identity? "
  System integration: " Women Wa descendants, who first snake, the only offspring
of the spirit world, very noble, right? "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Don't want it .

Chapter 91 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Tribulation (1 )

  Cliff steep grotesque , pine lush, white hazed , deep not measured , Wang
heart hanging .
  The male lead Shao Feng will fall off the cliff .
  According to the development of the plot, Cheng Yan has to stay here to save the
heroes , which is also the first encounter between the male lead and Bai Yueguang .
  Cheng Yan against a cliff at the back of huge stone blocks , some heart
stopper , book the description of the man seen in the main white moon first glance
fallen in each other's peerless in beauty , is a Sleeping , two see
Enthusiastically , at three sights, he will die and he will never die .
  This also shows that she will soon be able to finish the white moon story , she
suffocated due to the male suspect may be sick , she is now the first snake state,
the United States is the United States was thrilling , not over than love at first
sight , Or is it more normal to run in a fright, right ?
  What normal person would look to see a drag strip peerless beauty long tail of
the snake liked the ?
  What's more, the male or family background Cultivation of the door son, brought
up to the concept of slayer Wei Road, the family is also suspected of being killed by
demons , and later worship into a fairy door Fengshan school , became the chief
disciple , Painkiller numerous , as is a model for many seniors Cultivation
disciples .
  This fairy door upright disciples, saw her like this , most likely will be for
her demons it, really love at first sight ?
  Cheng Yan felt a little hanged, and it was not the first time she encountered a
situation where reality did not follow the plot .
  Even if these are all, Cheng Yan's most unbearable thing is the present dress,
long hair is beautiful and beautiful, supple and dark, with a wreath on the head, but
there is no, wear, clothes, clothes, just use the woven fabric of leaves to block
the key parts , Below the waist is a long snake tail with a smooth green glow .
  She is still not very strong in this body. The original owner made a lotus flower
in the water of Tianshan pond .
  Of course, she was already the body of this lotus when she crossed .
  Of course, the original owners also have their own body, her identity is through
the female Wa descendants, the spirit world is a small remaining goddess, had among
Shenmodazhan, immortal devil and God are the fall from the sky, the original owners
just a An egg took thousands of years to break out of its shell. The people of
Immortal Realm attached great importance to this little goddess. Fear of any damage
to her, God Realm would be completely gone, and there was a seal under the Tianshan
Mountain of God Realm. No one was allowed to enter or leave before the goddess became
an adult. The emperor also sent his son in to serve as the goddess .
  Goddess small to grow very, very slow, very slow mental development, child spirit
world are like this, you want to be a thousand years old to adult, and now only seven
hundred small goddess it is equivalent to ten mortal Just five years old .
  Goddess may be too small to be impatient tired, wanted to go outside and see the
world, to hide from God to pluck the lotus paternity, spirit covered in a lotus,
among Tianchi along the water to the Milky Way Once upon a time, again Turned the
lotus into its present state and came to the mortal world .
  Cheng Yan feels that the little goddess is underage, so she can't change her
legs. That is to say, she has to wait for three hundred years before she can have a
pair of human legs .
  Cheng Yan looked at his inadvertent identification of snake tail swing, some
desperate, she could not wait for three hundred years will complete the task, have to
rely on a tail during that task to walk it ?
  It really used to !
  She was thinking, suddenly heard met with the head of the movement came, she
looked over from the stone .
  What things straight from the top down on him, too fast, it seems that a group of
white shadow, the male is indeed a joy to wear white clothes, because his super
serious over the top .
  Cheng Yan back to memory the little goddess of learning Yufeng surgery, prepare
the ground before the male host asked him to wind up with .
  It's just that before she shot, when she was seven or eight meters away from
the ground , a sharp long sword came out of the sheath, and was stepped on under the
white boots by the white man. The movement was very elegant and handsome. The man in
white slowly fell to the ground, his coat flew, his body was like jade, slender and
straight, only a side profile revealed the handsome and elegant temperament of some
famous sons .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  This is not the same as a good plot .
  System integration is the protagonist of the world will have warned her back will
be stronger, but not strong start to deviate from the story, right ?
  You'd pressing the male book story and walked, or her the white moon that how
playing ah! ! !
  She was in a hurry, and the wind gradually stopped. Duan Shaofeng remained silent
for three seconds, suddenly covering his left shoulder, leaning over and coughing,
and gradually bleeding from the corners of his lips. He frowned slightly and took a
piece of snow-white from his sleeve. Silken Par wiped the blood from the corners of
her lips and threw the parcel disgustingly .
  Cheng Yan looked at it silently, and suddenly felt that the man was quite
interesting .
  Who knows, he not only has a hobby of cleansing, but also seems to have a hobby
of self-mutilation. He holds the sword, pulls out the belt, pulls off the hem,
reveals half of the chest, and does not blink his eyes .
  This would seem he was seriously injured, with these few self-mutilation, his
face pale, can not hold on to one knee on the ground, and coughed blood drop,
drop, and drop to flow to the ground .
  " Old wreck! " He whispered curse curse, and from the sleeve and took out a white
veil covered his lips, gloomy tone, " sooner or later you died in my hands! "
  He took a few breaths, gradually stood up with his sword, raised his head, and
looked at where he had fallen. With one side of his eyes, he caught sight with Cheng
Yan who was secretly watching him lying on the stone .
  His eyes suddenly became sharp .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  First, a Sleeping eyes why people all over scared ah ?
  This is definitely not love at first sight !
  Duan Shaofeng stared sharply at the woman behind the stone. She only showed a
face, neck, and shoulders. Nothing was beautiful or exquisite. Her black hair was
like a waterfall, she wore a wreath, her skin was red. Is there such a beauty in the
world? It is difficult to describe her one-thousandth of beauty with words, pure and
noble, ignorant and innocent, and a pair of beautiful eyes reveals the clearness and
cleanliness of the world .
  More importantly ... she does n't seem to be wearing clothes yet ?
  Duan Shaofeng shook his head and looked a little dumbfounded, only to wake up
soon after a while, and looked at her with a bit of inquiry and doubt .
  " Who are you? "
  His sword did not retract into the sheath, carrying the sword and walking slowly
towards her .
  Cheng Yan just looked at him, his eyes were somewhat curious and innocent, as if
he had never seen a stranger, but he was thinking in his heart . Sure enough, the
world's male master has a strong self-awareness, and he did not fall in love with her
at first sight according to the plot .
  She was thinking that the gorgeous long sword inlaid with gemstones was aimed at
her. She looked at Duan Shaofeng and saw her look. His expression seemed a little
surprised. He slightly pursed his lips, but his tone was less. A little alert: " It
turns out to be a goblin? "
  Cheng Yan shook her tail: " Not a fairy. "
  Duan Shaofeng's eyes glanced through her with a lot of interest. He looked
beautiful and elegant, with a little cinnabar mole in the corner of his eyes, and was
romantic and amorous, adding a little beauty. The standard family prince is dressed
up, with such an expression and eyes, it is very handsome and spends a lot of
money .
  " Listen smell more than a Shanlin Jian Hu Mei monster special love to seduce
men, after withdrawing its fine soul yang to increase cultivation. " Segment
Shao wind cleanly will go sword sheath, put aside the robes, set foot on one foot and
gently rock , Leaning over to see her posture is very man-like, and her long fingers
lifted her chin. " You are so well-dressed, but you are interested in a dew? "
  Cheng Yan blinked his eyes and pretended not to understand his words. Bai
Yueguang had never been in the world, and he was accompanied only by a faithful and
gentle priest. He naturally understood nothing .
  " Dew? " She repeated his words, her voice soft and a little childish .
  Duan Shaofeng's eyes flashed a little differently, letting go of his hand,
glancing at her chest, coughing, and glancing at her still-wagging tail, and snorted
again: " It turned out to be really only goblins, even the person has not yet Xiu,
do not you find a good repair cave refining, where to learn some means mediocre? do
not learn! accidentally caught and soup to drink. "
  The woman seemed to understand the second half of the sentence, panicking in her
eyes, holding her tail: " No, it doesn't taste good. "
  Segment Shao wind laughed, she seemed puzzled to see the way the personnel, on
the solution of his own to put on her robe, said: " the next as well as events in
the body, the girl or haste to leave it, do not mess around Run away, but not
everyone is as kind as the next. "
  Cheng Yan looked at her robe, and she was relieved that she finally had a dress
to wear. She didn't want to run around in bikini-like leaves .
  By this time, the male master had stepped on the long sword, and he was about to
fly away .
  Cheng Yan grabbed a rock stars, throwing in the past, stone injected a god, she
is the first time, there is no good control of dynamics, stone head hit in the back
section of Shao wind, the wind just like a segment Shao The falling goose that was
shot fell straight down .
  Duan Shaofeng turned his head to look at her strangely and shocked, and vomited a
bite of blood again. He gradually became expressionless. He took out his sleeves and
found that there was no veil. He took a sip of blood and wiped it off with the back
of his hand. After taking blood from the corners of the lips, he took a deep
breath: " Girl, did you offend you? "
  " No ah. " Cheng Yan looked innocent, eyes clean, with a somewhat cautious tone
and expectations, ' Can I come along with you do? "
  The chest injury was not good, the internal injury was also very heavy, and the
back was hurt by her. Duan Shaofeng wanted to be angry, and couldn't be angry at her
innocent and beautiful face, so she said coldly: " No. "
  He stepped on the long sword and hadn't set off yet, suddenly looked at her with
a sense: " Do you still want to smash me? "
  Cheng Yan hidden hand behind: " Do not you. "
  Duan Shaofeng seems to be a non- smile: " No? Did you reach out to see me? "
  Cheng Yan was pitiful: " Just take me with you . "
  Duan Shaofeng frowned, looking at her for a while, a little loose: " Where does
the girl want to go? Looking for someone? Work? I see if it goes smoothly. "
  Cheng Yan's eyes were bright, and he nodded, and his tail shook happily: " Which
way, I will go wherever you go. "
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her calmly, and smiled angrily: " Girl, is it up to
down? Why? "
  Cheng Yan crooked under head, looked at him, suddenly raised his vain pretty soft
hands, palms amassed god, towards the other side of the woods played in the past .
  Duan Shaofeng glanced inadvertently, almost fell off the sword again .
  That trees are rows and rows of side turned down so many magical powers where's
the little snake demon ?
  Wei threatened him ?
  He would be afraid of it ?
  The two looked at each other quietly for a while .
  He looked complex hybrid staring at her, helpless compromise: " . Come on girl ."
  Cheng Yanyan little head, going up .
  " Wait a moment. " Duan Shaofeng's eyes fixed on her tail, the tone was
incredible, " You are going to go down with me like this? "
  Anti-Cheng Yan asked: " can not you? "
  Duan Shaofeng : " Yes, when you go down the mountain, I should be able to see a
pot of delicious snake soup. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Most end, or pinch a segment Shao wind magic to conceal her tail, emerged a
slender legs, it's just a cover-up, her tail is still, but can only see her legs in
someone else's eyes That's it .
  His robe was very large, covering her, almost covering her from head to toe, only
showing a beautiful face .
  Duan Shaofeng nodded with satisfaction, took her on the long sword, the long
sword rushed towards the sky, passed the white clouds, the breeze was very light .
  " You can pull my clothes corner. "
  Duan Shaofeng so instructed .
  Cheng Yan hugged him directly .
  Segment Shao wind woman feel soft warm body Tieshanglai, there was a circle with
his hands are back, his body stiff, mind flashed a bit strange, cough cough, Stern
said: " girl, not next If you are looking for a buddy, you do n’t have to do double
cultivation. If you do n’t even have a person, do n’t even think about it. "
  The woman's curious voice came: " What is Shuangxiu? "
  Duan Shaofeng : "... not easy to say, you will understand it later. "
  Woman: "Is it related to me holding you? "
  Duan Shaofeng really thought about it: "It shouldn't matter. "
  The woman said " Oh " : " Then I will hold you like this. I will sleep for a while
and call me when I get there. "
  Duan Shaofeng only felt that his body was stiff. When she was held by her, she
felt a bit strange, and it was not like a sword, but the clouds, soft, dizzy, hot,
itchy, he was heavy. He took a deep breath and some understood why some of the demon
catchers were caught by the monster instead .
  Not that he who does not live up to expectations, these goblins too hook
people .
  He settled his mind and stabilized his mind .
  Not that only goblins do ?
  He is very determined, even with ten more, his Dao heart is
still stable ... right ?
  Silently, he wiped his sweat silently, secretly clearing the Heart Sutra, some
terrible !

Chapter 92 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Tribulation (2 )

  Duan Shaofeng 's technique was obviously well learned . Even if he brought one
more person, he flew very fast and fast , and even stood tall and graceful on the
sword .
  Villa to the door , he took her jumped down, the wind blew his hair slightly
messy , he arranged his hair the door , and straightened the skirts , indeed later
recognize perfect , will treasure the sword hidden go , hands conjured a jade
fracture fan , very gracefully , " crash ," about to open , personable turned around
to look at her , said: " girl, you first , please ."
  Cheng Yan looked at his series of movements and was silent for a while , the tone
was naive: " Where is this? "
  Duan Shaofeng took the lead on the steps: " A place that can sell you a
good price. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him in shock, and his beautiful face gradually got a little
wronged: " You're good or bad. "
  Looking back he glanced at her, his eyes a little cinnabar mole fraction
of ecstasy romantic, folding, taken together , light arrived thin lips , deep voice
a bit taste of coaxing: " now , do not speak , in the make up will ensure protection
of the girl, Okay? "
  Cheng Yan Sidongfeidong point head , toward he held out his hand .
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her, sighed, and handed her the corner of her sleeve. She
pulled it, and the two of them entered the villa together. He took a step, she took a
step, and her eyes seemed to be looking around with novelty and fun .
  " Son Duan, you are back, and your master is here too, waiting for you in the
hall. "
  Woman in the town's servant came forward, hunched salute, lift head saw the
graceful beauty segment son beside him, eyes stayed .
  Duan Shaofeng shook his folding fan lightly, and Yushu was facing the wind, his
style was graceful, and he went forward .
  Sure enough, not everyone has his concentration .
  He turned his head and glanced at the girl next to her. She was looking at her
too. Her eyelashes were thick and light like a fan. A pair of clear and beautiful
jewel-like eyes looked at him, very focused and pure, as if her eyes were only
pretending He is like a person, some unconsciously hook people, and ambiguous .
  Duan Shaofeng's folding fan paused, only to realize that her eyes shone into his
heart like a wave of light, arousing the seemingly ripples, and he reached over to
cover her eyes, and his voice was a little weird: " Walk and walk, Do n’t mess
around. ”
  Cheng Yanan points, took his clothes, the eye does not oblique view to move
forward .
  The two of them walked up to the hall. Cheng Yan didn't go in, just waiting for
him outside the door .
  Penglai pie palm door's first week after sitting in cold, sitting right below a
slip Ruhuasiyu three white girls, met Shao wind segment, the girls eyes are glued to
his body, like his mouth tenderness as Chun-bo Affection .
  After Duan Shaofeng came in, he ignored Master and first greeted several of her
sisters with her eyes before retracting her gaze. With a somewhat cynical smile on
her lips, she bent over to the head of the person sitting on it: " Master, I ’m
back. "
  Zhou Fuhan looked at him indifferently, and his eyes seemed to be somewhat
inquiring .
  Duan Shaofeng Ren looked at him, the smile on his lips was a bit lazy, but the
depth of his eyes seemed vaguely sharp .
  Cheng Yan divine power through through walls looked into it and saw this scene,
you feel that something was amiss on the atmosphere of mentoring, the book which, the
male Fengshan school head master is not a mild white beard old man do ?
  She looked at Mexican clothing man sitting above him in Ji thirty, and, looks
handsome, cold temperament, gives uncomfortable feeling .
  What went wrong ?
  She was thinking, the first man in the ink suit stood up and walked in front of
Duan Shaofeng without any trouble. The right hand patted him on his left shoulder. It
seemed that there was no power, but she felt Duan Shaofeng's body. Instantly tense .
  " Just come back. " The man's voice was also cold, his hand did not leave Duan
Shaofeng's shoulder .
  Duan Shaofeng's face gradually turned white, but his lips were still smiling, and
he was lazy as a horse and a flower .
  Zhou Fuhan asked slowly: " Why is your face pale, does it hurt you for the
teacher? "
  Duan Shaofeng's eyelids drooped slightly, and when he looked up at him, he was
ashamed. "It's not a secret. The Tuer encountered a demon outside and
was wounded accidentally . "
  " What! Three brothers, you have to re-hurt it? " Die like a very tender and
sweet girl stood up, anxious tone, " not to call the medical division look? "
  In addition to her, Cheng Yan see see two other girls also look worried, she'd
not unexpected, this book is the main male fairy king of heaven down to earth
calendar innocence, so he arranged to Hades met a lot of variety The woman, who he
likes, who is his love .
  Duan Shaofeng : "It's not a serious injury, so the teachers and sisters don't have
to worry. "
  Zhou Fuhan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he opened his shirt, revealing the sword
marks on his shoulders. The flesh and blood were vague. Before pulling down, Duan
Shaofeng had already held his hand, smiling gently but Somewhat strong: " Master,
it's just a flesh wound, just don't look at it, it will scare the teachers and
sisters. "
  As soon as the words came down, the three teachers and sisters really had tears
in their eyes, and they felt distressed .
  " Jianshang? " Week after cold seems to consider looking at him, " That being so,
you have to go on medicine now. "
  Duan Shaofeng was about to breathe a sigh of relief, and suddenly heard the old
man crying coldly, " Who is outside! "
  Duan Shaofeng glanced at the figure at the door and turned to look at her,
beckoning her to come in .
  Cheng Yan went to his side, a sense of feel that Mexican clothing snake-like man
with cold eyes penetrate .
  Duan Shaofeng said : " Master, there have always been women missing in Xianmen,
which should be done by demons. " His eyes greeted Zhou Fuhan, and there was some
dark light in his eyes, " This girl is just a child Stolen from the demon. "
  Week after cold for a moment did not speak, eyes Lengsen Mori staring Cheng Yan,
it seems to see through her like .
  Cheng Yan felt that his eyes were malicious, and he was not afraid of him. He
immediately embraced Duan Shaofeng's arm and said, " I hate him. "
  Duan Shaofeng bowed his head, but his lips were slightly raised : " Master,
she may be frightened, and she will not speak badly if she is unconscious. "
  Zhou Fu smiled coldly and went away .
  As soon as Zhou Fuhan left, several flowery sisters and sisters rushed over and
surrounded Duan Shaofeng in the middle, bit by bit, " Three Brothers " , and
you cared about him one by one .
  Duan Shaofeng calmed them down with only a few words, and pulled Cheng Yan who
was squeezed out, and said to the girl who smiled sweetly: " Little sister, you can
take her to change clothes. Ok? "
  Several of the sisters and sisters had noticed this surprisingly beautiful young
girl . She was still wearing the robe of her brother, and she deliberately ignored
her. Whoever knew that the brother was so good to her was even more tasteful .
  Little Sister looked at Cheng Yan, wondering how she looks so beautiful, she
couldn't even hate it, she asked Duan Shaofeng with a smile: " Brother San , do you
know that I bought a new dress again, so Looking for me? "
  Duan Shaofeng shook his folding fan: " No, it's just that Senior Brother is
poor. "
  The most important thing for the seniors is silver. He said this, obviously he
didn't want to give the girl a dress, and several seniors immediately felt
relieved .
  Cheng Yan on sense perception that several junior sister apprentice good look at
her eyes a lot, a small junior sister apprentice who is enthusiastic clutch her out
together .
  She returned my eyes to the segment Shao wind .
  Duan Shaofeng : " You change clothes first , I will take you to play on the
street. "
  After listening, Cheng Yan went back too far, obediently followed by a small
junior sister apprentice to go together .
  Small junior sister apprentice took her to his room, picked out a new pink dress
for her, and then looked at her and said: " You . Looks really nice ."
  Cheng Yan then had a skirt, said: " . You look good ."
  " No, no, you look better, than ..." The little sister was embarrassed and
said, " It looks better than the elder sister, but the elder sister is our first
beauty in Penglai Xiandao. Brother, fortunately, she is going to marry the city
master now. "
  Cheng Yan was a little ignorant, Penglai? City Lord ?
  These plots ... never appeared in the book !
Did   n’t the male hero come to Fengshan School ?
  Little Sister looked at her, she did n’t know what to think of, she smiled very
sweetly, and her tone was a little excited: “ I have to go to Brother Five , and he
will be shocked when he sees you. I do n’t know if there is a sky outside, there are
people outside. "
  With that, she ran out as soon as she turned around .
  Cheng Yan pinched her skirt and thoughtfully sat down at the table, only to find
that the chair was too small and her tail was not easy to put. She had to go to the
lounge chair behind the screen and sit down with her tail crossed .
  She has to take care of the plot .
The book   she wore was "Flying into Immortals", which talked about the fairy
emperor going to the mortal world, and accidentally met the descendants of Nuwa. The
two developed a love affair in the world, which is actually the fairy emperor. I do
not know the little things goddess accompanied eat and drink and play everyday, play
the most , the fairy king love deep-rooted species, small goddess was God
paternity found her sneaking things to catch her back, only to leave fairy king A
fairy lotus was planted .
  After Xianjun Feisheng returned to the fairy position, he took this fairy lotus
to look for the little goddess. As a result, he met the lotus emperor who had long
admired him. Emperor Ji was the daughter of the emperor. The prototype is a lotus
flower, and the name is also The lotus, who looks very much like a little goddess,
Xianjun recognized her as the person she was looking for .
  Later, the real little goddess became an adult, and ran out to find the fairy
monarch. Only then the fairy monarch found himself confessing to the wrong person,
but he fell in love with the emperor. The little goddess killed the emperor in one
breath. Without really dying, Xianjun went to God Realm and took the heart of Pangu
to save Emperor Ji .
  The heart of Pangu is the source of divine power and the power to support the
divine realm . Once taken away, God will lose all divine power and even die .
  The ending of the little goddess is that the divine power is exhausted and dies
in the sky and earth. It is really cannon white moonlight .
  Cheng Yan pondered the plot and found that she had n’t been able to match it
from the beginning. She met the male host. But the male host did n’t fall in love
with her at first sight, nor was he a disciple of the Fengshan School. What a
secret .
  She was a little anxious, but any task failure has also been used, she had to go
step by step .
  Just thinking, the door was knocked, and Duan Shaofeng's voice rang outside the
door: " Girl, have you changed it? "
  Segment Shao wind in the lobby waiting for a long time, seeing that she did not
come, they had come to her, his heart guess the little snake demon down just fun, he
had enough with her, she will naturally leave to go, he There are important things
to do, it is not easy to involve her .
  After a while, the girl ’s voice sounded inside the door: " You come in. "
  Duan Shaofeng : " This is not ..." Okay ?
  Before he finished, he felt a suction pull him into the room, and the door behind
him closed " bang " after he came in .
  Duan Shaofeng did not see anyone: " Girl? "
  At this point, behind the screen out of a Yubi, beckoned towards him, puzzled and
innocent girl voice sounded: " You have people's clothes, I will not wear it, you
help me. "
  After a moment of silence in the air, Duan Shaofeng turned and walked
away: " I'll call the teacher ..."
  Another suction pulled him over and hit the screen. He fell with the screen and
made a loud noise. He was also dizzy .
  A beautiful green tail slowly wrapped around his legs, and the strange sensation
spread from his feet to his chest. The beautiful woman's hand was resting on his
chest. He who was about to get up pressed back. He was deep. After taking a breath, I
saw a beautiful, debilitating look close to him. His eyes were innocent and tempting.
You smelled like puffs of breath. " You can help me, can you? "
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her face, it was too close, he could n’t resist the
beauty of this face, he was full of blood, he lowered his head and stabilized his
mind, but saw her chest covered by leaves, and her skin was like snow The beauty is
incredible, this impact is even stronger than the face .
  Nosebleed slowly, he did n't seem to know .
  " Are you bleeding? " Slender fingers touched his upper lip .
  Duan Shaofeng : "........................"
  Although the heart has collapsed through to, he deadpanned wipe the blood, calm
and raised his head, looked into her eyes, said: " girl, you ? Pressing the next, to
the next how you dress ."
  The girl looked at him and smiled innocently: " I'm sorry. "
  Duan Shaofeng held his forehead and had some headaches. He seemed to have brought
back a goblin and would hook people .
  What can I do .

The first 93 chapters calendar blackening the situation after the robbery fairy king
(c )
  At this moment of changing clothes , Cheng Yan took the opportunity
to understand the current situation from Duan Shaofeng .
  This place is called spiritual state of the city, where she was , this place is
Villa Santo Tan Yuk home .
  Segment Shao wind reason to live here , because for him Penglai school head cold
week after three disciples , and his big senior sister apprentice Harmony after
seven days and will be Santo Tan Yuk married, so with him to congratulate him and
Shidishimei large senior sister apprentice , so he who later would marry back to
Penglai .
  She ask them , would turn to Shao wind section asked her , segment Shao wind to
her crony system when , wonder: " You Why is not blush? "
  Cheng Yan carrying skirts swing , strange looking at the body of the
skirt , heard these words , would look strange to look at him , if they did not
understand why blush, repeating his question: " You ? Why is not blush ."
  Segment Shao wind folding fan unfold , slowly shaking , eyes in a very special
kind of fascinating other light , said: " due to the order in the next to you is
wearing a skirt, not to take off your skirt ."
  Cheng Yan gave an " Oh " sound, his eyes clear of spring water looked at him: " Are
you going to take off my skirt? "
  Segment Shao wind silent for a moment , sighed: " This is not to say that good
girl , go , take you to play. "
  Two people out of the house door , Cheng Yan heard met segment Shao wind two
junior sister apprentice sound .
  A ratio nervous than shyness: " three, three brothers, where are you going? "
  A talk soften articulation spit the word is: " three brothers , you never
accompany dough shopping street, the dough also go. "
  Duan Shaofeng didn't seem to hear it, he quickly took Cheng Yan's waist and flew
on the long sword. The long sword slid out in the air like a sharp shooting star .
  At the same time, a small junior sister apprentice was holding five brothers on
the river marks to come here before the river marks Cultivation small son is
aristocratic family, eyes above the top, some arrogance, looks very handsome, is a
standard color control , I admire the first beautiful master and sister, because of
the fact that she wants to get married for a few days, I have no idea .
  His impatience trouble: " You do not fool me, how could there be more beautiful
than a woman senior sister apprentice. "
  Little sister: " If so? "
  Jiang Shangjian lifted his chin and said coldly, " Oh " : " Impossible! Unless I'm
blind! "
  The little sister was trying to say something, and suddenly saw the two people
above the courtyard, and quickly patted Jiang Shanghen: " Look for yourself! "
  The river to mark not as naturally turned around and looked, and soon became a
glimpse of the look, phoenix eye stare became a round of grape eyes ,
scared brilliant and obsessed .
  Above the long sword, among the white clouds, the girl dressed in pink is
extremely beautiful, the skirt is raised like a petal in the wind, and the hair is
black, like a fairy in the nine worlds .
  Small junior sister apprentice see the three brothers with a girl sword away, and
my heart a little uncomfortable, but soon no traces, proudly patted on the river
marks the shoulder: " ? Are you blind not "
  " America, the United States blind! " On the river marks the shock move to seize
the shoulders of a small junior sister apprentice, and " that's who! Who is that!
Who is that! Tell me, I like love at first sight, is this heart feeling? Yes, yes, I
have to hurry to repair the book and go back. I may also get married. In the future,
our children will be born more beautiful ... "
  Small junior sister apprentice a slap shot past the last straw: "...... you enough
to recognize not know, you do not even have thought of the children, face it!? "
  " Someone called you, you never see? " From down after the sword, they went to
the busy street, Cheng Yan side head to ask him .
  Duan Shaofeng shook his fan: " I'm not deaf. "
  Cheng Yan curious: " That you why deaf install it? "
  Segment Shao wind pace horde, looked down at her and said: " due to the order in
the next just looks like a playboy, in fact, particularly single-minded ."
  Cheng Yan didn't understand: " Exclusive? "
  Segment Shao wind to her very handsome and charming smile: " next only should
the need to accompany the girl, just want someone to accompany you, do not want you
unhappy. "
If   he said to those sisters and sisters, they must have blushed .
  Cheng Yan just " oh " , turned to look at the shop on the street .
  Duan Shaofeng raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled a little bit interested in
her reaction .
  Walking around, Cheng Yan leaned beside him and whispered , " Do you think
everyone is secretly looking at us? "
  Duan Shaofeng glanced at the girls on the roadside, causing their shy shouts,
either turning their heads, or blocking the face with the regiment, and the ears were
red .
  Duan Shaofeng withdrew his gaze, and looked at the beauty with a calm and
innocent expression. He suddenly leaned over and approached her, and learned that she
lowered her voice. The low voice was moving and gentle: " Do you think it looks good
underneath? "
  When he suddenly approached , Cheng Yan couldn't help but breathe slightly,
showing that his appearance is indeed very handsome and confusing, especially the
cinnabar mole in the corner of his eyes . Femininity, but the smell of an attractive
bad guy .
  Cheng Yan nodded : "It looks better than anyone I 've ever seen. "
  Duan Shaofeng stood straight, opened the folding fan in a chic manner, very
handsome and handsome, and lifted his chin , saying : " That's right, no one would
like to look good, you have to learn to adapt to everyone Do n’t be nervous, do n’t
be afraid, be confident, understand? ”
  When the words fell, he heard the beauties beside him respond softly, and turned
to smile at the men who saw her, and they were shocked by the people. One of the
scholars went to the lake without paying attention. .
  Beauty strangely " Hey ," a cry, and back and looked at him, puzzled expression .
  Duan Shaofeng was silent for a while and coughed a little: " Don't smile to the
man unless you like him. "
  Cheng Yan to the next, sigh: " You have a lot of earthly rule Oh, I'm tired. "
  " Eat rice is never tiring thing. " Segment Shao wind led her to go to the
inn, " you can enjoy eating, pay accounts is a big rich man, do not be afraid to eat
his collapse. "
  " The rich man? "
  " The owner of Lingzhou City. " Duan Shaofeng smiled at her and stopped at the
door of the inn. Then he said, " Tan Yulang. "
  Tan Yulang packed a box on the second floor. There was more than one person in
the box . There was also a woman in a red dress that was as beautiful as a peony.
The pleated skirt spread by the woman was embroidered with rich and delicate
peonies .
  Segment Shao wind into the future, and sat down, and the two apparently cooked to
polite etiquette do not even, poured himself a glass of wine, one drank, and then
poured a glass, but also want to drink when a hand press and hold His mouth .
  Tan Yulang looked at Cheng Yan with his eyes, but he said to Duan
Shaofeng: " The girl you brought, you just let it go? "
  Duan Shaofeng glanced at Cheng Yan who was sitting beside him, his eyes staring
at the food , and there was a smile on his lips: "The girl wants to eat, just eat,
you are here to eat. "
  With that said, he also sandwiched a few pieces of meat for her and put them in
her bowl .
  Cheng Yan is low head to eat, as if never eaten like, indeed, did not eat, what
not to eat goddess, at most, a drink juice Yulu cents .
  Tan Yulang and the woman in red next to him had already seen something I did n’t
know what to say. Obviously I was surprised that such a beautiful girl was eating as
if she were very hungry. Would such a girl still be hungry ?
  Duan Shaofeng was sitting there drinking with Tan Yulang, and the beauty in red
just watched quietly .
  So after eating Cheng Yan, Duan Shao wind down his glass, said to her: " Eat ?
Full of "
  Cheng Yan-point head .
  Duan Shaofeng said again: " There are some things to talk about with the city
master in Xia. Would you like to go out with my sister? "
  It turns out that the beauty in red is his sister, and it should be the one who
wants to be married to the city master .
  Cheng Yan: " Can't I be here? "
  Duan Shaofeng said : " This is a dialogue between men. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him for a moment, had little head, stood up .
  The beauty in red also got up .
  Duan Shaofeng smiled at the red-dressed beauty: " Sister Sister. "
  Maybe it is an illusion, when Cheng Yan turned around waiting to see see the red
glare of the beauty segment Shao style look, that a very hot style .
  The quiet beauty in red in the compartment changed when she came out, her
expression became vivid and bright, and she exhaled a breath: "It's suffocating me,
but I can talk. "
  Cheng Yan: " Can't you say that before ? "
Seeing her simple and well-behaved appearance,   Luo Yan couldn't help rubbing her
face and said, "The third brother is really a sinner. Where did he get such a
beautiful girl? "
  Before Cheng Yan spoke, she took her arm again and vomited her husband who was
about to marry: "It's not impossible, it's impossible to say, Tan Yulang is there. How
can I speak with a sense of shame? "
  Cheng Yan: " Why is he embarrassed when you are here? "
  Luo Yan didn't seem to understand why she asked this way, " Don't you see that
Tan Yulang is more beautiful, gentle and gentle? "
  Cheng Yan back memories under, Tan Yuk became apparent surface such as Guan Yu,
temperament as mild spring-like softness .
  " Is there anything wrong with this? "
  " Nothing is right! " Luo Yan seems to be deeply poisoned and has deep
grievances: "It's just too good to have a problem. In front of him, I'm not sitting,
not standing. Looking at those smiling eyes, I felt like a mud on the ground, and he
was the cloud on that day. "
  Luo Yan exhaled a long breath: " Fortunately, it will be over in a few days. "
  Cheng Yan didn't understand her words: " You will be married in a few days,
don't you want to be together every day? "
  Luo Yan's expression stiffened and changed the subject stiffly: " Did you just
know the three brothers? Don't look at how he laughs and wanders now. I must have
thought that he was a famous son more serious than Tan Yulang? "
  Cheng Yan knew she was shifting the subject, but she was still
attracted: " Really? "
  Segment Shao wind can ...... Wood Lane to describe it ?
  Harmony will tell her the story of a family tragedy juvenile segment Shao wind .
  Duan Shaofeng was born in a family of immortals, his parents loved him, and he
was very spoiled by him. He was very good since he was young, and he was polite and
decent. Overnight, the door was slaughtered, and blood flowed into a river. I heard
that the devil did evil .
  Segment Shao wind by his father's friends week after picking up cold back, a
cold start seal closed, no one heard, then I do not know how, more and more lazy
unruly, gradually became now the cynical dissolute appearance .
  Luo Yan sighed distressedly , with a special feeling in his
eyes: "The three younger brothers must have changed for me, because I encouraged
him, accompanied him, cared for him, and he revived. "
  Cheng Yan: "... ? "
  Are you sure that he is not violently throwing away his can ?

Chapter 94 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Tribulation (4 )

  Segment Shao wind quickly went downstairs , at a glance saw sitting in the
window of a small snake demon and wild goose, wild goose fairy door is already
notoriously stunning beauty , small snake demon than she was still superior , simply
no hint of flaws to pick, we should look at the people driven to distraction for a
long time , two people sitting together , off the stack outside has stared a group of
passers-by , off the stack also look silly a group of guests , even the mouth of
rice forgot Swallow .
  The quiet atmosphere around just like the inn , just listen to see beautiful
smiles tenderly whisper of sound , it is ecstasy intoxicating , dreamlike .
  Segment Shao wind folding fan closed , and sighed .
  Tan Yulang smiled: " Brother Duan's Peach Blossom Luck is always so good? "
  Duan Shaofeng shook his head: " I can't see it. "
  Tan Yulang: " Don't that beautiful girl also touch Brother Duan's heart? "
  Segment Shao wind glanced at the side of the small snake demon, but also with the
eyes of a little appreciation , his mouth said: " that is too energy . Move was not
good "
  Tan Yulang: "What's wrong? "
  Duan Shaofeng sighed: " I am afraid that the Peach Blossom Luck will become a
Peach Blossom Evil , and I will be blessed by the beauty. "
  He said, seeing Cheng Yan looking to this side, he smiled again and lifted his
foot to walk over .
  Tan Yulang said: " I think Brother Duan is happy in it. "
  Xiao Zuo also pushed Tan Yulang past .
  Cheng Yan eyes swept over period of Shao wind , fell on Tan Yuk him , to see him
in a wheelchair , lap covered with a thin blanket , people such as jade, smiling
lips , like a spring wind, such as pine, soft and beautiful There is no gloomy look
in her eyes, but a little warm .
  He smiled at her, and his family demeanor was evident .
  Cheng Yan: " You look good. "
  Tan Yulang was slightly stunned. It seemed that she hadn't mentioned his leg
problems, and there was no expression of pity or surprise on his face. He smiled
with kind smiles in his eyes, and didn't speak .
  Duan Shaofeng opened a folding fan to block her eyes and said in a strange
tone: " Girl, good-looking to go home, not good-looking to accompany you to play,
go? "
  Cheng Yan busy spot head: " go. "
  Luo Yan turned into a beautiful woman with gentle restraint, sitting on the
side, holding her cheek in her hand, her expression was a little sad, and when she
heard the words, she silently stared at Shao Feng again. At this time, Tan Yulang
looked over with a smile, and Luo Yan hurriedly lowered her eyelids. Become dignified
Shujing again .
  Duan Shaofeng smiled and squinted at Luo Yan, and then glanced at Tan Yulang, his
gaze had an inexplicable meaning .
  Cheng Yan looked at him, then Duan Shaofeng , and blinked: " What do you mean? "
  Segment Shao wind to pull her up, her tail to wrap his hands, others can not see,
Duan Shao wind was visible, but also feel the Ice cool feeling wound, he
sighed: " call thee The meaning of cents. "
  Two people out of the door .
  Tan Yuk watching him their back, and Ce Toukan to Harmony, smiling: " Harmony,
I have also go home. "
  Luo Yan said softly: " Okay, the city master. "
  She got up and gave way, and she pushed the wheelchair forward .
  Tan Yulang's voice corrected with a smile : "It 's Yulang. "
  Luo Yan: "... Jade, Yulang. "
  In her heart, she wanted to dump Duan Shaofeng, the little bastard, to Da Da. If
it weren't for him, would she fall into such a difficult situation ?
  On the street .
  Cheng Yan approached him: " Am I restless ? "
  Duan Shaofeng also approached her and lowered her voice: " You are very
peaceful, but the hands under you are not very peaceful, right? "
  This irony ...
  Cheng Yan also embarrassed, and received back from the tail of his arm, and
said: " But, my tail, some long, I was afraid to step on. " She is not high -
hing, " I will not put at the tail of it? "
  Duan Shaofeng was silent and glanced at her long tail. Although she felt strange
to talk about the tail with a beautiful woman, she gently advised her: " Aren't you
able to get up before ? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him aggrievedly: " Will be tired. "
  " Then ..."
  Segment Shao wind wondering, not finished, waist came the strange feeling, he
fell deep breath, staring at her, teeth and said: " ! You little snake demon that
is ...... ? What do "
  The streets are full of people, noisy, even if others can't see them, but she is
doing this kind of thing blatantly, really ...
  Duan Shaofeng felt that all of his self-cultivation would collapse, and wanted to
pick her up and spank .
  Cheng Yan tail around his waist, distance between two people close to, and she
was holding his arm, looking up at him, seems like a baby: " it ? Let me put it
another son do what segment So stingy. "
  Duan Gongzi said coldly : " Unfortunately, it's so stingy at the bottom. "
  Cheng Yan holding boxing head out into the front of him, looks innocent and
naive: " Unfortunately, I have very little gas, you make me unhappy, I'll beat
you. "
  Duan Shaofeng's expression was inexhaustible: " Girl, are you talking about
people? "
  Cheng Yan smiled and smiled at him beautifully and charmingly enough to make the
men throw their helmets and armor and disarm and surrender with a
smile: " Your memory is really bad, you just called me the little snake demon, how
do you want me to talk about people? What about? "
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her silently, what else could he say, they seemed to have
nothing to do with fairies, not to mention the beauty of fairies, he was not too
embarrassed, Duan Shaofeng comforted himself so much a touch of chic smile: " girl
think how kind you how, in the next fight, these days? "
  Cheng Yan high- hing, a face become more beautiful and bright dazzling
move: " This man is saying. "
  Duan Shaofeng's eyes were shaken by her laugh, and she meditation again clear the
Heart Sutra, he was afraid he would finish .
Although   Duan Shaofeng said that he was not a playboy, he was really happy to
coax people, he was also very playful , and he was funny, and occasionally very
bad. The time spent shopping with him was very fast, and Cheng Yan also played not
fun when the wind segment Shao could not help but remind her: " girl, you lift head
and see. "
  Cheng Yan looked at it: " What's wrong? "
  Duan Shaofeng : "It's getting dark. "
  Cheng Yan understood what he meant and was disappointed: "I don't want to go
back. " She shook his arm. " Aren't there still many people playing now? "
  Segment Shao wind: " You see wrong, others are back. "
  Cheng Yan pointed to a group of young men in Chinese costumes. They had entered a
red-and-little building. The fragrance inside the door was bursting with laughter
like bells and flirtatiousness. The annoying people felt uncomfortable .
  " He who did not return. "
  Segment Shao wind saw one spring floor door, and glanced in front of beauty, some
headaches: " Good girls are the back. "
  Cheng Yan Sidongfeidong: " She who is the bad girl? "
  Segment Shao wind to the next, to the two analog can be explained: " No, she had
to give people happiness is the kind of girl to do things. "
  Cheng Yan suddenly close to his, a pair of bright eyes looking at him will be
determined in: " too ? It makes you happy too ."
  Segment Shao wind swingers this will actually blushed, her eyes distraught to see
him, do not over his face, exquisite pretty shot from the side slightly flushed, and
said: " no. "
  He walked on the heels, laughing , then, to let people know that he actually has
not opened so big meat, so why not a shame ?
  " Go back. "
  Cheng Yan followed, walked for a while, and suddenly stopped again .
  Duan Shaofeng walked a few steps and saw no one behind him, so he turned back and
saw her staring at the candied fruit sold by the old man .
  He bought her five strings .
  Next to the side there are just a young couple, the woman holding a candied
fruit, shy and pleased kissed own husband, said: " . Thank you ."
  Segment Shao wind paid, they stare at other people to see her, she's gone on
Mangla, said: " have ? Been bought you, do not always thinking about other people,
good or bad ."
  Suddenly the face was hot, and it was still sticky. It was sugar juice, and she
suddenly kissed him on the side of the face .
  Duan Shaofeng was stunned, and his steps stopped. The girl in front of her had
shiny eyes, and her lips curled up in a beautiful and touching arc: " Thank you, I
had a great time today. I have never seen so many people. , So many fun and
delicious. "
  Duan Shaofeng's eyes flickered and stared at her for a long while before
restraining his emotions. Youyou said: " Girl, I have a problem. "
  Cheng Yan was curious: " What's wrong with you? "
  Duan Shaofeng : " Too clean. "
  Cheng Yan: " Oh. "
  Seeing her reaction flat, Duan Shaofeng took out a handkerchief from his sleeve,
and while wiping the saliva and sugar juice on his face, said unbearably: " So, next
time the girl wants a loved one, can you not eat? ? "
  Cheng Yan bite a Ke candied fruit, laughing bent eye: " delicious. "
  She handed the candied fruit to his side .
  Duan Shaofeng had no way to take her. After seeing her for a moment, he
smiled: " I don't eat. "
  " It's okay not to eat, you hold it first. "
  Duan Shaofeng didn't know what she wanted to do, and after taking it, she
listened to her again: " You squat down. "
  Duan Shaofeng is not a fool, he is unbelievable: " Do you still want
to carry you underneath? "
  Cheng Yan seems to be scared, and looked pathetic, the United States and Korea
eyes glow amidst little bit: " No ? It "
  Duan Shaofeng : "..."
  After a silence, he crouched down in front of her, his mouth said, " the next
heart is too soft. "
  Cheng Yan climbed on his back, he carried her on his back, stepped on a long
sword, the night sky was beautiful, and there was a star on top of his head, as if it
was within reach .
  " But the senior sister apprentice said color is very nice of you, so always
provoke a lot of girls. "
  Duan Shaofeng almost fell off the sword and took a deep breath: " Girl, you'd
better go quickly. "
  Cheng Yan held his neck and was drowsy: " Why? "
  Segment Shao wind coldly said: " because as a senior sister apprentice said is
true, the next not only lust, or a goat. "
  Cheng Yan held his neck tight, yawned, and asked an unbelievable
question: " Then why are you still not ridiculing me? "
  Duan Shaofeng really fell off the sword this time, just fell into Tan Yulang's
courtyard .
  Tan Yulang was playing the piano in the courtyard . Luo Yan listened quietly on
the side. When he saw Duan Shaofeng, Luo Yan jumped up suddenly and couldn't help but
scolded: " You little bastard, can't even Yu Jian be good? "
  She hastened to pull up the Yan Cheng, Guan Huai asked: " girl, are you okay? "
  Cheng Yan shook his head and said: " Tan Yulang is watching you. "
  Suddenly, Luo Yan remembered how rude he was just now, his expression stiffened,
and he immediately became gentle again. He walked in front of Duan Shaofeng who had
just climbed from the ground, and patted him on the soil: " Three brothers, how is
this? Not careful? Has the pain hurt you? "
  Duan Shaofeng grabbed her hand, and there was a cold flash of light at his
fingertips. He seemed to be a non-smile, and whispered: " Sister Sister cares a
little bit, and it will be very good underneath, ah, the city master looked over. "
  Luo Yan hurriedly withdrew her fingertips and turned her head to see, but she saw
Tan Yulang talking to Cheng Yan, she glared at Shao Feng Duan: " Little bastard! The
old lady is here to do things for you, you are good, have a good time? "
  " Harmony. " Warm peace steady voice .
  Luo Yan back to the head, to be the sound softly: " how? "
  Tan Yulang said: " Come back with me, I have something for you .
  Luo Yan had to push the wheelchair and walked away .
  Cheng Yan turned to look at Duan Shaofeng: " Why do you look at me with such
eyes? "
  Duan Shaofeng stared at her with strange eyes, slowly leaning closer, his voice
hoarse and low: "The girl asked that, what else can you think of underneath? "
  Cheng Yan's expression was as pure as a lily: "What's the matter with it? "
  "It's nothing. " Duan Shaofeng gently hugged her waist. "It's just a man underneath.
You are so active. If you back down underneath, wouldn't you not give the girl a
face? "
  His low- title live up to her lips, gentle and very ambiguous kiss, tongue
quickly intertwined, touching and charming .
  Cheng Yan hugged his waist .
  A long while, his light breath, look kind of dangerous light, have some pretty
evil: " Now know Road, right next not good. "
  Cheng Yan wondered: " What about? "
  Segment Shao wind let go of her, turned around, eyes calm has been restored, and
even some decidedly: " So the girl on the back earlier in the mountains, find a hole
practice for hundreds of years and then out, then in relation recognize good or bad,
know It should n’t be followed. "
  Cheng Yan: " You drive me away? "
  Duan Shaofeng closed his eyes: "The girl listened very clearly. Today, the girl
should have fun all day , so go back. "
  Cheng Yan as lightning teleport to him, action is also such as electricity,
grabbed him by the collar, he was quick to hold her hand, faint smile: " girl to ?
Is the next really beat you ."
  Cheng Yan smiled at him, and he smiled so heartily that he spit out three
words: " Of course. "
  Segment Shao wind " Oh ," a cry: " how can ......"
  Before the words were finished, he was picked up by the beautiful slender jade
hand, thrown out, hit the wall, and fell to the ground again .
  He was full of blood and blood, unbelievable: " You ..."
  The beauty walked gently, swaying and smiling, and the smile was as beautiful as
a flower. She bent down and looked at him: " Walk or not, it's not your final say. "
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her, and his heart was beating fast .
  She squatted down, kissed him on the lips, her thin, transparent palm fell on his
shoulder, and a dip of power slowly sank. She looked at him and said, "It 's up to
me . "
  Duan Shaofeng : "..."
  His sense of feel more like heavy internal injuries, but fortunately, Tan Yuk
previously at the inn have given him rule the injury, or really possible now and
vomiting blood .
  What's more terrible is ... why would he feel that she was more beautiful than
ever before, her breathing was difficult, her heart beat faster, and her blood was
boiling .
  He closed his eyes and the Buddha was on. His Dao heart seemed to be unstable.
What should I do ?
  Cheng Yan listen to see what he was whispering, leaned on him, asked softly: " ?
What are you doing "
  Segment Shao wind opened his eyes, looked at her,
looked complicated: " read . Warp "
  Is the Qing Xin Jing invalid ?
Why does   he still feel his heart beating so fast, this feels terrible !

Chapter 95 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Tribulation (5 )

  Not send away the little aunt , paragraph Shao wind resignedly from the ground
up, white robes soiled with gray , his brow tight, tight , most eventually
sighed: " . Let's go ."
  Cheng Yan followed behind him: " Where? "
  Duan Shao's head did not return, his voice was lazy and faint: "I 've learned how
powerful the girl is now . In addition to taking you to a room to stay , dare you go
somewhere else? "
  Cheng Yan ran a few steps up to shoulder with him , looking at him
sideways , blinking: " Are you afraid that I will beat you? "
  Wear over a courtyard , segment Shao wind slip in a wing of a stopped , silent
for a moment , toward her looked over, long eye glowing charming sort of teasing
smile , Stern said: " Some men afraid to suffer beat However, some men are beaten
to death and refuse to be convinced. The next one happens to be the latter. "
  Cheng Yan stood close to him on tiptoe, as if to see through him, his eyes
straight: " So , you are not convinced now? "
  Duan Shaofeng stared at her beautiful face , silent for a long while ,
and sighed inexplicably : "The problem is here , beaten by the girl , not only
convinced , but also terribly convinced, you say ..." His voice suddenly
softened, " What is this for? "
  Cheng Yan heart belly slander, because you because of who you ah, face has a look
of innocence smile: " because . Is something wrong with you ."
  Duan Shaofeng pushed open the door, made a gesture of asking, and actually
nodded, said seriously: " Don't forget the girl , this problem is for you. "
  Cheng Yan held his left hand that he had not yet retracted. His palms were warm,
the joints were clear, and she was white and beautiful. She looked at his hands,
rubbing them gently, and looked at him again, with a light voice: " That You come in
and let me cure you? "
  Duan Shaofeng smiled, too handsome, and touched her hand, as if enjoying playing
with a beautiful jade , without half-blasphemy, but very ambiguous, saying: " How
do girls want to cure?" "
  Cheng Yan pair of Meimou sparkling streams turn look askance at him: " You say
how governance on how to treat. "
  " Huh? " Duan Shaofeng's eyes and eyebrows are all amorous, and his hand is a
little irregular from the thin fiber hand up inch, while watching her reaction .
  Cheng Yan just looked at him with a beautiful smile and a simple smile , as if
he didn't know that he was frivolous her, as if he could do whatever he wanted, there
was a silent temptation, pure confusion , Very fatal .
  Segment Shao wind smile froze hand, clearly has responded, but still we resist,
even if afraid of her, sighed: " the next I'm afraid the girl would want more
government the more serious illnesses, girl or earlier Break Let's go. "
  Voice down, he let go, to make way, closed door, action at one go, no one run
faster than fast .
  Looking at the closed door, Cheng Yan could n’t help but laugh. The man was very
interesting. He looked like a wanderer who was idle and looking at flowers, but he
was very smart. It's just that even a gentleman can't resist .
  Cheng Yan intend to sleep a good sleep to recharge your batteries, continue
tomorrow tease the male, even though the story and the book is not the same, as long
as she could be his White Moonlight, is the same task can be completed. It was just
that when she slept into the middle of the night, she heard a beautiful melodious
sound coming from afar. She turned over and was about to continue to sleep. Suddenly
she noticed something .
  The door next door opened and someone went out .
  Cheng Yan quickly put on shoes, coat, opened the door to go out, she lives next
door to know who is the main man, so late, he going to do? She doesn't want to do
much business, but just knowing that the male lead is more helpful to complete the
task. After all, beauty can enter his eyes, but not necessarily his heart, otherwise
he will not be beautiful before. Live, obviously, even if he is a playboy, it is also
a principled playboy .
  But, she did not go out after watching to see the male, only saw a trace of black
shadow magic gas quickly skimming over, turned the corner, out of sight .
  Cheng Yan was a little surprised. There were many guards in the place where the
city master lived , and the head of the Xianmen and his disciples were staying here
for a while, and even the demon dared to break in? The question is ... can I break
in ?
  Cheng Yan was suspicious, wouldn't he be the man? She secretly felt impossible,
even if the plot is no longer crooked, it can't be crooked like this. The male master
is just the awe-inspiring fairy monarch, how could it be that demon ?
  She kept thinking, while still could not hold back up to check it out .
  The demon's speed is very fast, but her speed can be several dozen times faster
than him, so it is still very easy to follow him .
  Cheng Yan look to see that road magic gas condensate shadows toward partial
hospital to the other side, she came to tell in, curl it sounds, but stopped short,
gentle calm voice sounded: " girl, the night was deep Now. "
  Cheng Yan pace of a meal, go Ce Toukan, a string crescent hanging in the trees,
the trees below, before planted lotus lotus pond, Tan Yuk wheelchair, before also
put forward a Zhang desk case, put the case on A piano with a very good texture,
moonlight sprinkled on his fingertips for playing the piano, glowing with crystal-
like light, his entire person also seemed to be shrouded in the moonlight like water,
soft, warm, like a stunning heaven and earth Posture .
  Turns out he was playing the piano? But it's strange that this kind of family
played the piano badly .
  Cheng Yan glanced that partial hospital side, rather like to hear what happened,
to the next, she went to the Tan Yu Lang, said: " Santo know late at night, why a
person playing it here? "
  Tan Yulang looked at her with a smile: " There is night, moon, water, and ..."
  Suddenly he paused and said nothing .
  Still appeased, he doesn't seem to be so honest on the surface, just like Playboy
isn't that flowery .
  Cheng Yan couldn't help but ask: " What else ? "
  Tan Yulang's voice is elegant and peaceful: " There is a girl with such a
beautiful beauty in the world, wouldn't it be a disappointment if this situation does
not play a song? "
  Cheng Yan was a little surprised. Such frivolous words were so elegant and so
natural that he even calmed down. She lost her temper. She also understood that he
wanted to ask her to listen to the piano and said, " I still have something. "
  Tan Yulang smiled and looked at her kindly, tenderly and
irresistibly . "The girl should go if she has something to do. She is rude and
should have self-knowledge. "
  This is wrong, Cheng Yan froze for a moment : " What self-knowledge? "
  Tan Yuk look very calm, very calm and smiling, but no reason people feel sorrow
and grief: " the next like this is already a basket case, usually alone also had
some with piano as partners, how wronged ? Girl stay with me for a while yet ."
  Cheng Yan was silent .
  " You play. "
  " Girl is not wronged? "
  "...... not. "
  The piano sounded again, beautiful melody like ripples, floating beside the lotus
pond, Cheng Yan was sitting on the tree-knee, leaning his chin on his knees, tilting
his head to look at Tan Yulang's serious and relaxed profile .
  In a few piano notes, her eyelids gradually closed .
  " She fell asleep? " A deep voice suddenly sounded .
  Qin Yinzhi , Tan Yulang looked up and smiled, looking at the white man in front
of him: " Did you not notice a small tail behind you? "
  White people sigh, smile: " that's because for the tails were too much. "
  Tan Yulang smile micro-grabbing, thoughtfully glanced tuck sleep stunning girl,
said: " You know she's coming calendar? "
  The white man did not speak, concealing her fairy identity .
  Tan Yulang sighed: " You take her away, my fingers are sore. "
  The man in white bent over to gently lift the girl and smiled: " So you must
not make friends like this in the future . "
  Tan Yulang smiled: " This is very true . "

Chapter 96 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Tribulation (6 )

  When Cheng Yan woke up and found herself lying on the bed well , someone was
knocking outside the door. It was already dawn? She clearly remembered that she fell
asleep listening to the piano last night . Can't Tan Yulang bring her back ?
  And ... how can she sleep so dead , should n't the piano sound be a lullaby ?
  Knocking outside the door kept on .
  Cheng Yan got out of bed, open the door , knock on the door is not the segment
Shao wind , but two fairy doors disciples teenager , a dress decorated with
gorgeous , looks delicate , eyes clear , like a family of aristocratic arrogance good
upbringing small son , another much more low-key , in Ji also longer, some have been
close to the dignified appearance of youth , dressed in a gray robe , waist between
girded with an ancient sword, and looked very calm and indifferent, that is, His eyes
were somewhat absent-minded .
  Seeing her coming out, the young man's fair face was reddened , and his eyes were
a little nervous , erratic , and wanted to see what she was afraid to look
at: " Aunt, girl , below is Penglai disciple Jiang Shangzhen, save you when you come
back It ’s my three brothers. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him , as though he doubts they doing here .
  Jiang mark did not lift head, naturally did not notice her eyes .
  On the other side, the teenager in gray robe opened his mouth: " I am Mu
Shen, his second brother, why do you want to ask us? "
  Cheng Yan to the next, said: " eat early dinner? "
  " Not all. " Mu Shen mouth Young will to sell, chin toward the side of the small
son nodded and said, " He asked me to accompany him with the view of beauty. "
  Jiang Shangjian's face turned red like a fire, and he wanted to drag the
shameless brother out and throw it away, stuttering and explaining: " No, no,
just ..."
  He could n't talk any more, because Mu Shen was talking about facts, and he was
not as eloquent as the three seniors, he wouldn't even lie, he was stupid, and the
beauty must laugh at him .
  Mark down the river head downcast .
  Beauty sweet but nice voice sounded: " I know you want to say please I eat
breakfast is not? "
  Busy mark a point on the river head: " Yes, exactly. "
  He was busy making a gesture of asking, letting her walk first, the beauty's
skirt spread like a lotus as she walked, and the fragrance was like blue, he stayed
for a while, and heard Mu Shen's unsteady voice again: " Brother Wu , you are
blocking my way. "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him, Jiang Shang was busy and embarrassed to let go, and he
was very angry with his brother. What kind of muscle was he going to bring his
brother over ?
  But as soon as he gave way, Mu Shen walked to the beauty's side. The road was not
wide, and only two people were allowed to walk side by side. He walked behind and
stared at Mu Shen's back with resentment .
  Mu Shen asked the expression very seriously, as if the question was as important
as life and death: "Is it true that the three young masters rescued the girl from the
demon? "
  Cheng Yan could not help but re- view them: " What's not right? "
  He could not answer anti ask: " bad? "
  Should it be a demon? She perfunctoryly said: "It's pretty powerful. "
  Wen Yan, Mu Shen's long eyebrows closed, Jun Lang was slightly heavy, as if she
hadn't heard her words, her eyes were a little empty, her pace was faster, and she
walked in front of Cheng Yan .
  Jiang mark on a busy seize every opportunity to occupy a position next to the
ground before beauty, some young innocent smile to her: " girl, do not take offense,
brothers he did so, I thought things special focus is on you to take his sword rack
around his neck, he There was no response. "
  Cheng Yan listening to interesting, Shen Mu glanced back, several people
have been reached a door of the court, the threshold is high, she noticed, was about
to speak, the river marks have noticed, seen her hope that, on the Road : " Don't
worry about Brother, he's okay. "
  The voice fell, and the ground trembled. Was Mu Shen's body smashed straight
down, or was his face on the ground .
  "It's okay? " Cheng Yan looked at Jiang Shanghen with questioning eyes .
  Fortunately marks endured the disaster on the river Le evil, says simply: " I
am !!. Well said not to worry, you still do not remind reminded, he will fall to the
absolute, like a habit, his brother has been so unlucky ."
  Two people have been came to the gate, Mu Shen also lying on the floor, as if
throwing ignorant, still for a moment, looked up a mouthful of blood, but still
looked very calm, eyes no longer empty out, showing a bit of pain color .
  Cheng Yan could discern a faint no words, this is not bad luck, clearly
is ...... missing the root ribs, right ?
  Jiang did not hold back on the mark , " Ha ," a cry .
  Cheng Yan could not stand, it is bent, stretched out a hand: " get up to ? Do ."
  Mu Shen looked at her soft and boneless hand, and then at her face, her eyes
stunned, as if she suddenly realized something, and wiped the mouth full of blood
calmly, holding her hand, from The ground climbed up .
  "It's okay. "
  Cheng Yan glanced at his hand before she let it go. She was about to talk, but
she listened to Mu Zhengzheng: " Girl, I still don't believe it. "
  Jiang Shangjian stared at the hands that the two men shook hands, and his eyes
were about to burst into flames. Brother, would the wood still eat woman tofu ?
  He pulled his brother aside, but Mu Shen stared at Cheng Yan persistently .
  Cheng Yan froze for a moment before he connected his brain circuit: " Do you
believe that I was rescued by your brother? "
  Mu Shen shook his head: " I don't believe that the demon is very powerful. "
  Cheng Yan to almost see through a lie, though not understand why the wind segment
Shao lie, but always has his reasons, and she asked: " Why? "
  Shen Mu looked at her as if not full that she should lie, said: " three ? Young
surgery method and martial arts are so weak, what can lick powerful demons
ah ." Finally, he got the conclusion, " So, you We must meet only weak demons. "
  You've been more serious for a long time, and even fell in a bloody face
just ... tangled with this problem ?
  Cheng Yan stared at him unbelievably : "... probably. "
  Someone sighed: " Brother, I'm not as good as you, and you don't have to
belittle me so much? "
  Shen Mu hear this person's voice, the right hand has been holding down the
scabbard, and said: " . To "
  The sound of the sword pulling out sounded, and another slender and beautiful
hand pressed the sword back. Duan Shaofeng's expression was somewhat helpless: " I'm
not going to fight you with anything. "
  Mu Shen: " Don't fight? "
  Segment Shao wind firm said: " You know not hit too have to fight people that
are stupid, I like it? "
  Mu Shen glanced at him and took back his hand on the sword and nodded, which was
a consensus .
  Cheng Yan to see met segment Shao wind, micro-light eyes, and seemed like he was
like, clinging to his arm: " Long time no . See, I think you have a little "
  Segment Shao wind faint smile, reminder: " girl, I was . They only saw
yesterday ."
  Cheng Yan Yang head looked at him: " not saying ? Then called day not seeing,
such as every Sanqiu it ," she tiptoe, leaned his face, as if to his Kangezixi like,
sort of intimacy and dependency, " Looking back, I have a lot more which is good
across the autumn. "
  Jiang mark on the side to see heart would break, stare can answer: " three,
three brothers, you ......"
  His life is too bitter, the master and sister who missed him want to marry, and
the beauty girl with a glimpse was coaxed by the three brothers, and his mother loved
to deceive people. There are no scammers !
  Segment Shao wind just his arms from his chest to save the beauty of it, and
again heard the voice of small junior sister apprentice catch: " three brothers and
two brothers bad!!! "
  Mu Shen anti should soon, a sideways moves to the front of a small junior sister
apprentice, asked: " how? "
  The little sister saw that he was still stunned , and then went on: " Master has
an accident, please go and see! "
  When the words fell, Mu Shen was gone .
  Jiang mark is scared surprised and anxious, pulling a small junior sister
apprentice also hurriedly rushed to the master's room .
  Little Sister looked back at Duan Shaofeng: " Three Brothers? "
  Duan Shaofeng showed an indescribable expression: " Let's go. "
  Small junior sister apprentice heart quirky, no one think, to go head week after
the cold room with a pedestrian .
  Cheng Shao Yan left in the section next to the wind, stared at him for a long
while: " You seem to feel no ? Wrong ."
  Duan Shaofeng said coldly: " Wrong, I'm in a bad mood. "
  Cheng Yan looked at his back, a little strange, this male owners of the
book ...... too different kind, right? Where did he go out last night ?
  Palm door with a nice sitting room, in addition to face more smelly, a little
things that did not, and Harmony Santo and the other two are junior sister
apprentice, some also look dignified, the room atmosphere was very strange .
  Jiang Shanghen couldn't help but shoot the younger sister's head: " Have a
good talk! What happened to Master? "
  The younger sister stared at him dissatisfiedly and ran beside Duan Shaofeng,
looking at the wall with some surprise in her eyes, and said: " Brother San , do
you think this is not a problem? "
  Cheng Yan also followed the eyes of everyone , and the shocking words on the
wall wrote neither the name of the person nor the words of intimidation, but it was a
time .
  " September three days? " Cheng Yan could not help but ask, " What special
meaning righteous do? "
  Duan Shaofeng's eyes were deep and deep: " It was the day when Sister Sister got
married. "
  Jiang Shang frowned: " Master, who wrote this? Still using blood, so unlucky, do
you want to destroy your sister's marriage contract? "
  One week after the cold pale silk treacherous, soon became cold as frost,
said: " . I do not know ."
  After hearing this, several of the disciples were surprised. Hao Tian's eyes
widened and it was incredible: " Master, you mean that person can write these words
without disturbing you, and leave quietly? "
  Week after cold Penglai camp palm door, is the demigod body repair for three
hundred years, also looks as handsome as a young man, deep in the fairy door of skill
in excellent shape regarded as a master, even he failed to Realizing that someone has
been here, the depth of the man's skill is only unimaginable .
  Zhou Fu said coldly: "It must be a devil. "
  Duan Shaofeng's eyes flickered slightly, and at this time, his lips could still
be smiling, which seemed a bit lazy: " How does Master know? "
  Week after cold not move sensual to look at him, and said: " You have to see
that the words are written in blood. "
  Hao sweet into the door at the latest, the repair is also weak, words will only
see three days of September, I had to ask the brothers beside him: " ? What do you
mean Master "
  " There is a magical energy in the blood. " Tan Yulang received the words, his
tone was calm and graceful .
  When Cheng Yan looked at him, his eyes were a bit of an inquiry. Tan Yulang
smiled at her slightly, and when he looked away, he looked at Duan Shaofeng again.
The meaning of it was only known to them .
  At this point, Cheng Yan understood that Tan Yulang deliberately dragged her last
night, and there must be something wrong with his piano tone. Perhaps Xianli was
injected to hypnotize her .
  No wonder she will sleep till dawn .
  There is no such plot in the book. She can't understand what they want to do.
According to the plot in the book, she should be eating, drinking and having fun with
Duan Shaofeng at the moment .
  She glanced at Duan Shaofeng next to her. Duan Shaofeng noticed her gaze and
turned to look at her. The frown was slightly frivolous. The cinnabar moles that
lined the corners of her eyes were more charming .
  The two sisters Xu Miaomiao and Rou Xue originally listened to them quietly, but
also secretly watched Duan Shaofeng. When they saw him and the beautiful girl of
unknown origin, they both tasted, and they looked at each other, flat day in
less deal with, but this time against the common enemy together, have a tacit
agreement went segment Shao wind side, either side of the segment Shao wind around,
did not let him have the opportunity to close the maiden .
  The younger sister Hao Tian looked smirked contemptuously, but suddenly the light
flashed and said, " I know! "
  She suddenly opening, we look at her over, her sweet smile, eyes Smart: " Magic
is very dirty lustful things, big senior sister apprentice and looks so beautiful,
that magic must have already spotted the senior sister apprentice, so write These
words are used to scare us, and I do n’t want sister and city owner to get married
as expected. "
  " Shut up! " Zhou Fuhan suddenly shouted coldly .
  Hao sweet was taken aback, master although normally cold face, but never so
fierce roar her, her face whitish, then turned around to see the big senior sister
apprentice: " senior sister apprentice, I, I is not said the wrong thing ? "
  Zhou Fu's cold eyes also looked at Luoyan .
  Luo Yan was actually a little flustered: " I, I did not interact with the devil. "
  Zhou Fuhan's eyes fixed on her .
  Santo Harmony cool earth shook hands, smiled at her, have some kind of
security ask people calm and gentle, and turned around to see week after the cold,
said: " All in all, I was wrong, there are guests, should strengthen alert , Let the
demon mix in, but fortunately the head was not injured, otherwise I ... "
  Duan Shaofeng suddenly interrupted his words: " Never mixed in. "
  The eyes of everyone looked at him. Duan Shaofeng turned away from the usual
laughter and wandering, and his eyes turned around on everyone's face. Then he
said: " There is a demon formation in the mountain village, there is no possibility
for the devil to be silent. Mix in. "
  Cheng Yanming white what he meant, I think that road last night with shadow magic
gas, staring at the segment Shao wind, said: " So, he must in the Villa, and even
probably mixed in with me . Among them "
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her, his eyes flickered, and he suddenly smiled, laughing
casually: "The girl said well. "
  Other people have not laughed a little, you see each other I see you I, with some
trepidation, if so, demons so bad, if he take advantage of their time off single to
start, so why not dangerous ?
  Xu Miaomiao couldn't help leaning against Duan Shaofeng , and she
said timidly: " Brother, I'm afraid. "
  Rou Xue was unwilling to show his weakness, but also looked at Duan
Shaofeng : " Brother, I am even more afraid. "
  Duan Shaofeng sighed: "The two teachers and sisters shouldn't even look for me
even if they want someone to protect. "
  Shen Mu point head, look checking his two junior sister apprentice, the segments
Shao wind to pull over, said: " You . They find me, I worse than he, will protect
their junior sister apprentice "
  Sisters and sisters: "..."
  No, no one wants to find you brother .
  However, Zhou Fuhan stared at Luo Yan for a while, and then withdrew his gaze ,
saying : " I will find out about this matter, you don't have to mess up, what kind
of system? "
  Several disciples answered " Yes " one after another .
  Yuk Tan also said: " palm where the door if necessary, despite the opening, the
woman in the town sent people as possible. "
  After that, Luo Yan lowered his head and pushed Tan Yulang out together .
  Week after standing up, eyes look to Hao sweet, said: " You . They first went out
a few sweet child left behind "
  Several others left, Jiang Shangjian glanced at the younger sister, and after a
moment, he went out .
  Hao Tian only angered Master when his previous misstatement made
him say, " Master, I didn't mean it. I just said it all of a sudden. Don't take it
seriously, immortals don't coexist, how could a demon like Sister, yes? I damn
nonsense. "
  Heard for a long time to see the master speak, she looked puzzled, to see the
look of the master at the moment, shocked, that Yin Zhi looks far better than the
devil also terrible, why Master will reveal this look ?
  Zhou Fuhan looked quickly as usual, looking at the young apprentice, and
said: "In the past few days, you have paid attention to the movement of Luoyan. Any
abnormalities will be reported immediately. " He added, " Don't tell anyone. "
  Hao Tian said in surprise: " Master! Sister, she won't ..."
  Week after Han looked at her, his eyes reveals a cold Viagra potential .
  Hao Tian ’s words were stuck in the throat, and he regretted that he should n’t
be talking nonsense, which caused Master to suspect Sister. However, Sister certainly
would n’t have any problems. She agreed that she would n’t hurt Sister, she
said, “ Yes, Master, I know. "
  Zhou Fuhan said: " Go out. "
  Hao Tian responded " Yes " and slowly turned to go out. When she went out, she
quickly accelerated her pace .
  " Run so fast, does the little sister know that I am going out? " Youran's
smiling voice sounded .
  Hao sweet look met a handsome, charming face, surprise jumped
up: " three brothers! "
  Duan Shaofeng shook his folding fan, and he was handsome: " Are you going ? "
  Hao dessert head: " To! "
  Finally, Duan Shaofeng went out with Cheng Yan and other sisters .
  Cheng Yu Yan slightly stuffy, she was just thinking about the story and play
according to Shao wind segment together, playing playing maybe the feelings came out
of it, the book is not that right, did not think he was also going to hear two junior
sister apprentice Not only did Duan Shaofeng not refuse this time, he also called
Xiaoshimei Hao Tian together .
  Even if she is stupid, Cheng Yan should know that Duan Shaofeng intends to
distance herself from her, but this also shows that he is already a little bit
tempted, otherwise why should he deliberately distance him ?
  It's just, why did he want to stay away from her when he was tempted? Cheng Yan
felt that he was carrying something unknown to him, what was hiding under his relaxed
smile ?
  Cheng Yan felt that this might become the key to open his heart .
  Along the way, her interest was not high. Duan Shaofeng seemed to be invisible. A
few sisters and girls were very happy. At dusk, several people ate in the restaurant
before slowly walking back .
  Entering the mountain village, Cheng Yan set aside the others and walked alone,
holding a bunch of wildflowers in the mountain. Duan Shaofeng gave them a bunch of
girls one by one. While pulling the petals, he was very unhappy .
  Several teachers and sisters were tired of playing, and they had gone back to
each other, and Duan Shaofeng silently followed behind her .
  After walking for a while, the petals were about to become bald. Cheng Yan
stopped in front of the flower garden in the villa, looked back at him, and
said, " What are you doing with me? "
  Duan Shaofeng walked leisurely, turned his head to admire the colorful flowers in
the flowerbed, heard the words, and was surprised to say: " This road is only for
girls? "
  Cheng Yan: " Yes! "
  Duan Shaofeng knew it and turned away .
  Cheng Yan pulled his robes, he returned to head, like some funny
frustration: " no ? Let me go ."
  Cheng Yan stared at him, handsome face has a very simple stubborn: " You see
what I'm not high -hing it? "
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her with eyes lightly and said, " I'm not blind. "
  Cheng Yan said: " I think you are not only blind, but also deaf! "
  Duan Shaofeng sighed: " Girls, girls and sisters are very happy, are you
unhappy? "
  Cheng Yan: " Unhappy. "
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her: " Why? "
  " I do not want you and she were together. " Cheng Yan approached him, saith head
and looked at him, looked a bit grievances and sour, soft tone, reveals the girl's
innocence, " you laugh at them, give them Buy things and give them flowers, even
ignore me. "
  Segment Shao wind corrected her: " also smile for you, you buy something, you
send flowers, and how to say ignore it? "
  Cheng Yan threw the flower on his face angrily: " I hate you! "
  Duan Shaofeng didn't hide or hide, looked at her fixedly, without cynical look,
leaned close to her, saw every expression of her clearly, her voice was low: " Do
you want me to be with you only? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him without speaking, but seemed to say " Yes. "
  Duan Shaofeng stood upright, standing tall and standing upright, spreading his
white fan face, smiling lazily: " I am not your husband, why should I only be with
you? Girl, this is a bit too much. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him, seeming to hold his breath, Ru Xue's face was stained
with a bit of angry red, and a pair of beautiful eyes gradually glowed with water.
After a moment, the pearl-like tears flowed down, and the beauty even burst into
tears. It's also a pity that I see, it's heartbreaking .
  She had not a word to say, looked at him for a moment, silently turned away,
looked exceptionally bleak delicate back in the twilight .
The fan in   Duan Shaofeng's hand fell to the ground, he lifted his feet and
walked a few steps, but stopped again. He saw Jiang Shanghen stopped her, as if to
say something, and gently cried the crying beauty into his arms. Here, his breath
stopped suddenly, his pupils slightly closed .
  " Retreat does not shrink before is not your style. " I do not know when Tan Yuk
appeared in his side .
  Duan Shaofeng did not speak .
  Tan Yuk looked at him, a bit sad eyes in pity, sighed, and said: " The girl
look like likes you, you broke her heart. "
  Duan Shaofeng smiled reluctantly: "It's not just my broken heart. "
  Tan Yu Lang said: " can make even the baby segment, the eldest son threw fans are
also exposed to such a dead face, even if she is just like one of your girl, that
must be your mind that one of the most special. "
  Duan Shaofeng glanced over there, Jiang Shanghen and the little snake demon were
no longer there. His heart was suddenly empty, but his face was still light and
calm: " You know, I do n't care about other things now. "
  He lifted head to look at the dim twilight of the garden, silence .
  Tan Yulang stopped talking .

Chapter 97 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Calamity (7 )

  Yuqin so the vertical section of this trick is used in wind Shao who apparently
useless , she take a step back, he can retire ten steps , eat late when the
meal , she gave birth to the gas did not care for people, but he was able to calmly
laughing , even if her early Withdrew , he didn't even look at her .
  Cheng Yan didn't believe that he was sincere , and one's eyes could not deceive
others . Since he was tempted but alienated from her , there must be reasons
for him to do so .
  Cheng Yan that served to him to figure out the mystery , in order to truly
fight move his heart .
  She did not know the whereabouts last night, the male child , was able to
determine that he must go out too , since he would go out once, will also get a
second .
  So , sleep at night sleep time , she would wake up with, the dead of night , she
really heard the next door lightly beat turned up so loud footsteps
very light , way over her room door Shihai Dayton , it seems sure no surprise move
her , that she is gone , and this time was no sound of footsteps, she was keen to
hear the sound of the wind , even if not witnessed, she was able to perceive the
specter of a general wind shot across the corridor, toward the west Gone .
  That direction ... is the main courtyard, where Tan Yulang and Luo Yan live .
  Cheng Yan opened her eyes, turned over, and didn't have to get up to open the
door. The idea was first. The door of the room had been opened first. She flew out
quickly, and the door closed .
  She concealed her breath. This time, she did not meet Tan Yulang's obstruction
and heard the piano sound. She still couldn't see the magic shadow in front. The
other party wore a black cloak, covering her head to her feet. Moqi .
  After a moment, she looked to see the specter of that road into the courtyard
Santo, she came to tell the past, they heard soft footsteps, she subconsciously
sideways after hiding in the trees outside the court .
  The person who came was Hao Tian, a little teacher and sister. She walked on the
road sneakily. She seemed to be afraid that someone would find her .
  Cheng Yan just behind her, and she with the magic out of here now, maybe there
will be any contact .
  She looked to see Hao sweet up the steps, targeted at the side of the wing
between the fifth stopped, rooms there are no lights, she quietly posted on the
window ears to listen to the movement .
  In the main courtyard, only the city owner and his fiancee lived. Hao Tian did
n’t come to listen to the corner of the sister ’s fiance late at night , so this
room should be the goose ?
  Cheng Yan remembered morning palm door left Hao sweet talk, some understood, and
so that's what you want to head Hao sweet to do? The head suspected that Luo Yan had
something to do with the demon, so Hao Tian was asked to investigate the situation .
  The question is ... Cheng Yan's eyes are fixed on the door of the compartment. Is
the demon really in this room now? Although she didn't see the appearance of the
demon, she obviously followed the male leader. The male owner didn't see it, but she
saw the demon .
  If the hero is really enchanted ...
  Cheng Yan felt that his task was cold again .
  She was going with God when circumstances knowledge dig out of the house, a hand
suddenly pressing in on her shoulders, she wanted to examine too ecstatic even
without sleep, suddenly startled, opened his mouth, no sound His lips were covered .
  Hao Tian heard the movement and glanced behind him. He saw nothing and turned his
head again .
  This time course of Yan has been taken away to come, using a shrink to inch into
operation method, a moment, had arrived by lotus ponds, is also playing last night,
Tan Yuk place .
  May Wah frost bright, sparkling water, wind segment Shao dressed in white, long
body Yuli, Toshihaya extraordinary, some untrue corner of the cinnabar mole in the
gentle moonlight flirtatious beauty, beautiful eyes slightly bent , With a hint of
smirk, and thin lips, staring at her, pretending to be serious: " Girl, at this
time, shouldn't you be here? "
  Cheng Yan looked at his robe as white as snow, with long hair like ink, neatly
dressed, no half-chaotic expression, and no half-demon breath. His whole body was
filled with the bright, pure and upright spirit of those who cultivated immortals .
  She was inexplicably relieved, not him .
  Thinking she should still be angry with him, she froze: " Why don't you care
about where your teachers and sisters are at this time? "
  Duan Shaofeng sighed: " Just because I don't want to be beaten as a disciple. "
  Cheng Yan looked like a grumpy little girl, glaring at him, but showing a little
cuteness: " Maybe they will ask you to sleep with them. "
  Duan Shaofeng said : " Never. "
  Cheng Yan said: " You're not going to ask them, how dare you be so sure? "
  Segment Shao wind laughed, reveals a kind of charming smile upon the face of the
man innocent girl: " because as I fundamentally do not care where they are at this
time. "
  These words seemed to make Cheng Yan's face slow, his eyes soft, and when he
looked at him, his tone was only a little cold: " Then do you care about me? "
  Duan Shaofeng also looked at her: " If so? "
  Cheng Yan said: " If yes, I will tell you why I am here. "
  Duan Shaofeng smiled, and there was a kind of leisurely calmness: " I said
not? "
  Cheng Yan stared at him, and he also relaxed, smiling, beautiful and
innocent: "If not , I will tell you. "
  Duan Shaofeng was surprised, and it seemed unexpected .
  Cheng Yan and then said: " I will tell only tell you, I will ask you a question
master. "
  Duan Shaofeng smiled slightly: " What do you ask? "
  Cheng Yanlian walked slowly, looked around Duan Shaofeng slowly, and smiled with
a smile: " I will ask him why Duan Gongzi didn't sleep well in the room at night.
Why did I see a demon? I really do n’t understand. "
  Duan Shaofeng couldn't laugh this time, and looked at her with a serious look,
even sharp .
  Cheng Yan stood on tiptoe and watched his look change, still smiling beautifully,
like a sweet tone like coquetry with people: "Don't Duan like to explain to me? "
  Duan Shaofeng was silent for a while, and black eyes stared at her and
said, " What do you want? "
  Cheng Yan go back, Yang head looked at him, the girls pose tender and moving,
gentle eyes: " You have a lot of earthly rule I do not understand, but do not . Do
not ask to ask, which I still know "
  Segment Shao wind Mouguang slightly narrowed a bit, look suddenly become cynical
and up, with a sort of handsome smile, bent over and looked at her: " I do not
seem that underestimate the girl, the girl than I thought it would be Better. "
  Cheng Yan hand arm around his neck, when Yang Qilian see him smile also seemed
like pure charm: " So do not bear bearing segment son ? I know you care about it ."
  Duan Shaofeng glanced quietly at her arm around his neck, the sleeve of the
sleeve slipped, and the jade arm exposed was also beautiful, testing the strength of
the man. He still smiled at the corner of his lips, as if she had been Fascinated,
said: " I don't care who cares about you ? "
  Cheng Yan that angry little chill completely gone, watching his soft and
wavefront special note, in addition to his as if she did not see see, did not want
to see, is also the joy in his voice: " Do you like it or not hi Huan me? "
  Segment Shao wind seems to have emotional, hand very rules hugged her waist, her
face close slowly, hoarse voice and charming: " hi . Huan could not help but think
you have to do bad things ."
  He was n’t just talking. He looked at her with a lustful look, his finger lifted
her chin, as if he had n’t done anything yet, but it was already imaginative. At
this time, he had a kind of irresistible Cheng Yan looked at his head slowly down,
and her thin lips were getting closer and closer. Just before she kissed her, she
reached out and blocked his lips. He looked up at her and was very manly. Hook
people .
  Cheng Yan's heart beat suddenly for a moment. Who was it? She was almost unable
to carry it . She quickly regained her non-secular smile and said : " Yesterday
you said you are not my husband, so you can't just Stay with me, then ... "
  Duan Shaofeng seemed to know what she was about to say, and his expression was
slightly stiff .
  Cheng Yan still said it, with clear and moving eyes and a passionate emotion that
made people unbearable and rejected: " Will you marry me as a wife? "
  Duan Shaofeng 's smile disappeared a little bit, as if broken by her words, and
even the expression became indifferent. He let go of her, as if the man who had been
intimate with her before was not him at all. lips smile, but it is cold
cynical: " girl saying the words right. "
  The cool night air, he looked at her side pupil of the eye, in the moonlight kind
of unspeakable cold-blooded meaning: " You really do not know where . Between the
rules "
  Cheng Yan froze: " What do you mean? "
  Duan Shaofeng 's eyes have a kind of emotion that is difficult to understand,
making his whole person look a little distant, without the usual
cordiality: " Parent's life, matchmaker's words. " He looked at her, his tone became
calm, yet more people sank, " not to mention, I'm with the girl and know just a few
days, talking about marriage, this not ridiculous? "
  Cheng Yan seemed to be confused by him: "But , but you like me. "
  Duan Shaofeng laughed, as if laughing at her innocence: " Who doesn't like a
beauty like a girl ? Does everyone want to marry you? "
  Cheng Yan blushed angrily: " I just want to be your wife. "
  Segment Shao wind at her, eyes complicated fleeting, he chuckled, seem not mind,
softly advised her: " Where among great men a lot, you're just the first one in
case he saw me, but In the future, when you meet more people, you will understand how
stupid you are now. "
  Cheng Yan is very persistent: " I only want you. "
  Duan Shaofeng stared at her for a while and smiled: " Little snake demon, this
is not like what a fairy should say, nor the feeling that a fairy should
have . " He looked at her and smiled casually, " You should think Just how to absorb
my soul and increase cultivation, instead of wanting to be with me, is the demon also
in love? "
  Cheng Yan stared at him, but he was not hurt by his words at all. Instead, he
stood on tiptoe and learned how he kissed her. He kissed her, and his heart became
angry, and the kiss became hard, biting his lip. Petals, bloody smell permeated
between the lips of the two .
  Cheng Yan looked at him, posture state some noble dedication, said: " . I
sentient beings ."
  Duan Shaofeng thought those words were enough to make her hate him, even hate
him, and ignore him anymore, but she just kissed him and told him seriously that she
was affectionate .
  Duan Shaofeng was stunned. This kind of simple and persistent girl's affection
made people feel. The barriers in his heart seemed to be crumbling. At this time, he
should not laugh, but he actually wanted to laugh. She is cute .
  This is not a good sign, so the segment Shao wind did not laugh, but hell like
staring at her, she asked, in a phrase , " you marry me do? " The words came, he
turned around and looked at Chi Shui jumped in without a second look .
  Four spray splashing, no cold water over his head, he was shaken, boiling heart
suddenly cooled down, he shut the gas in the water for a moment, out of time, the
banks have gone that road delicate and exquisite figure, he was startled for a
moment , Exhaled for a long time .
  It's dangerous, almost agreed .
  The next day, a few people were able to gather together for breakfast. Even Zhou
Fuhan, the head of the group, came. The breakfast was very rich and the table was
large .
  Duan Shaofeng thought that the little snake demon would stay away from him after
last night. She did n’t expect her to be even more intrusive. She sat next to him
and said that she would naturally command him to clip this clip to her. The table was
full. Everyone looked over .
  Rou Xue couldn't help saying: " Did the girl not have her own hands? "
  Hao Tian couldn't help eating the taste: " Brother San is too good-tempered,
don't bully the girl. "
  Xu Miaomiao was shy and disgusted when she looked here .
  It is even sitting around the eyes Santo Harmony also some wrong, only that I do
not know why wearing a piece of the veil, the veil down to his chest, even the neck
also blocked, but could not see the look .
  Cheng Yan looked around for a while, and there were indeed many candidates for
the robbers arranged around this fairy . She accidentally took the Shurachang field,
but she wasn't afraid anymore, she smiled softly and turned her head to Duan
Shaofeng: " Did Duan Gongzi feel wronged? "
  Segment Shao wind at her eyes light flashing, smiled, gave her a very considerate
to clip the only shrimp, said: " ? How can I have always been seeking girl . Give me
a chance to take care of you ."
  Several sisters stayed unbelievable, and then became angry again .
  " Brother San ! "
  Duan Shaofeng seemed to be unheard of, turned his eyes, but looked at Luoyan,
seemingly carelessly said: " What's wrong with Sister's face? "
  As soon as these words came out, the attention of several teachers and sisters
immediately turned to other directions, and the head of the teacher also looked at
it, his eyes like a torch, with a chill .
  Under Italian wild goose consciously touched the veil, said: " night between
mosquito-indulgent face was bitten. "
  Tan Yulang took her hand and said with concern: " Can you wipe the medicine? "
  Harmony stiffly head, eyes uncertain, is not with him in the eye .
  Hao Tian's expression is also a little weird. He looked at Master Shen
Rushui and looked at Luoyan with concern .
  Week after cold staring eyes of a wild goose begins to cold, said: " Luo Yan,
you may have the words? "
  Luo Yan stunned, said: " I have nothing to say. "
  Zhou Fuhan nodded and looked at Hao Tian, saying : " You don't have it,
your sister has something to say. "
  Several people looked at Hao Tian, and Hao Tian's smile was not sweet at all, and
he laughed stiffly: " Master, I have nothing to say ..."
  Zhou Fuhan said in a deep voice: " You have. "
  This is the tone of the command .
  Cheng Yan couldn't help but think of Hao Tian's sneaky behavior last night.
He turned to glance at Duan Shaofeng, who was lazy in smile and handsome in
appearance .
  Hao sweet has been stood up, hesitated for a long time, even on the river marks
are impatiently urged: " Small ? Junior sister apprentice, you become so one reason
or another are not readily "
  Hao sweet big eyes glared at him, was hesitant authentic: " Last night, I, I
did see room senior sister apprentice of ......" she said, had blushed, " there is a
very strange sound, as well as men Laughter. "
  No one asked what strange sounds, because Hao sweet look has been through it
all .
  What else can her sister and a man do in the room ?
  The table was quiet. Luo Yan's body seemed to be stiff. Everyone subconsciously
looked at the lord beside her. The gentle and indifferent expression of the lord also
changed .
  The atmosphere suddenly became awkward .
  Palm door week after abruptly cold Changshenerqi, fingertip flick, a stream of
air directed at Harmony away, grabbing among her veil was blown away, revealing that
Zhangming Yan touching appearance .
  Seeing her clearly , the air became quieter, because her lips were swollen, and
there were some ambiguous marks scattered around her neck. Even unemployed people
could guess how it came from instinctively .
  When everyone looked at Luoyan in shock and consternation , Cheng Yan secretly
looked at Duan Shaofeng beside him, and he seemed to be surprised for a moment, and
then smiled again, meaning she remembered him. When I first mentioned the veil of
Luoyan, shouldn't I already know the secret under the veil, why should I be
surprised ?
  Cheng Yan feels that his surprise is a little different from everyone's surprise,
but he can't tell the difference. What is certain is that he must know more or all of
the content, for example ... The man in Luoyan's room is Who .
  Luo Yan's face turned red with shame, but it gradually turned white in the eyes
of everyone, and the hand resting on his knee shook slightly .
  Week after cold eyes but suddenly look to the segment Shao wind, everyone's eyes
also look at the past, this notice period Shao wind lips ranking then broken, and
certainly not his own bitten .
  Jiang Shangzhen was incredulous and stood up angrily: " Brother San , what have
you done to Sister? "
  "It's not him. " The peaceful and elegant voice sounded, and Tan Yulang's handsome
face was somewhat ashamed, but still intact and half-spirited. He said, " The person
who was in Luoyan's room last night ... is me. "
  Mu Shen seriously questioned: "The city owner clearly was surprised to see the
sister just now. "
  Tan Yuk sighed, eyes look to the gently sweet Hao, said: " I was
shocked surprised because I did not expect just a small junior sister apprentice
actually just outside the door, and they know that, even if I could not help but will
hold back. "
  His ashamed expression and calm tone made people unable to question his words,
not to mention the son of a family, most disdain to lie, always upright .
  Others have gradually believed .
  Tan Yulang leaned over to pick up the veil on the ground, put it on Luo Yan
gently again, touched the hair in her ear, and said warmly: " Sorry, I just wanted
to sit in your room, you should drive me away Of. "
Although   Luo Yan was staring at him, his eyes were also shy: " I don't know if
you will ..."
  Having said that, she could not continue .
  Zhou Fuhan's eyes were deep and indifferent, and he did not know whether to
believe or not. He said to Duan Shaofeng: " What reason do you have? "
  This time it was Cheng Yan who said with a smile: " I am his reason. "
  Luo Yan suddenly lift eye over here, several divisions sister also look shocked,
then even the river also marks a big blow to his face look .
  Cheng Yan still smiled, turned around and looked at the section of Shao wind,
Xianzhi touched his lips, and said: " Do you blame me get ? Hurt you ."
  Duan Shaofeng sighed: " I made it myself. "
  The meal was really twists and turns. When it broke up, Cheng Yan also felt a
sense of relief. Several schoolgirls also wanted to stop her from asking clearly.
Duan Shaofeng solved the problem for her, and she went forward on her own .
  It went to the garden when the remote at the edges, she heard someone's voice,
looked in the past, was actually Luo Yan and Tan Yuk gap through the foliage .
  Tan Yulang sits in a wheelchair and has a gentle tolerance and understanding. He
looks at Luoyan with such a gaze .
  There was a trembling anger in Luoyan's voice : "Is my reputation
completely ruined? "
  Tan Yulang sighed: " You are going to marry me. "
  Luo Yan's voice increased: " That's just fake! Who am I for, don't you
understand? "
  Tan Yulang said: " Brother Duan. "
  Luo Yan's voice suddenly stopped: " Why doesn't he understand anything that you
even understand? "
  Tan Yuk eyes have a bit pity pity: " You know, he know. "
  " No! He doesn't understand! " Luo Yan suddenly squatted down and cried on his
knees. " If he understands, he won't hurt my heart like this. Now, I don't have any
chance. "
  Tan Yulang said: " blame me. "
  Luo Yan a stunned, looked up at him, his expression gentle and full of
understanding, she suddenly sorry: " You did not force me ?, How can you blame a
good "
  Tan Yuk some eyes smile: " So you are not already some joy joy I? "
  Luo Yan: " I ..."
  Xi Huan he do ?
  If you do not like happy, why not last night, she pushed him away, she obviously
has a chance ......
  Cheng Yan listened and understood some things, but seemed more confused .
  Obviously, Tan Yulang did n’t lie. The person in the Luoyan room last night was
really him, but he was surprised before, as if he did n’t know there were people in
the Luoyan room. Zhou Fuhan, the head, should not have believed his words .
  Obviously that is something real, as if he did have to do is cover Luo Yan
scandal like this is to see who's doing? Zhou Fuhan ?
  To make Zhou Fuhan mistakenly think that his apprentice Luo Yan had a
relationship with other men, besides making him disgusted with this apprentice and
even chasing her out of the school, what was the point ?
What role does   Duan Shaofeng play in this ?
Why did   Luo Yan say for Duan Shaofeng? She is doing things for him, what
specifically did she do ?
  " Girl, is the corner nice? "
  Cheng Yan turned his head and saw Duan Shaofeng holding a folding fan and white
clothes like snow. He also turned his head slightly to look at her, his posture was
free and easy .
  She had n't spoken yet. He had pulled her away and embarked on another path
before saying : "If someone else talks a little bit, don't disturb the girl. "
  Cheng Yan stared at him thoughtfully : " I don't seem to understand you. "
  Duan Shaofeng smiled: "It's right if you don't understand . "
  Cheng Yan looked puzzled: " Why? "
  Segment Shao wind and said: " because . Man has always been complicated ," he
slight sigh, seems to be feeling, " So, there are times you do fairies but much more
simple, good and bad are plainly. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him, suddenly asked the sentence: " ? And so I can
understand your day, you are not to marry me ."
  Duan Shaofeng did not expect her to be so persistent, but her heart was a little
hot, her eyes were strangely and complicatedly staring at her for a long while, and
she said: " Will. "
  The girl's eyes brightened, bright and dazzling, looking at him .
  Segment Shao wind is the eyes fell on her tail, coughed slightly and
said: " Only not . Girl too personal or coming into it as soon as possible ."
  The girl seemed to have doubts: " Did you abandon me? "
  Segment Shao wind shook his head, smiles, romantic and do not have means, leaned
over to talk to her voice down a bit hook people hearts: " Do you know to what pro
the most important step is that right? "
  Girl voice Jiaoruan, holding his arm: " tell tell me know. "
  Segment Shao wind was straightened body, swing open white fan, leisurely
said: " not to say, if it is really there that day, I've got the tail of this, I
carefully teach you, Do not you complain is. "
  Cheng Yan looked naive and smiled: "... oh. "
  Actually laughing about, this person is really ...... bully negative her young and
foolish it ?
  She understands! ! !
  It's too bad .

Chapter 98 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Tribulation (8 )

  Three days from September this day is getting closer , Villa busy up and down,
inside and outside the villa decorated , servants have also made a new festive red
dress , one of the face also reveals a festivity for Santo on their own Feeling
heartily happy about getting married .
  Penglai palm door visits for a few days , like now was not found in the
slightest clue magic bird , leaving just a handful of very disturbed after the
horror in Scarlet gone movement , people fear this is the calm before the
storm , nine On the third day of the third month, the major immortal gates and the
family of Xiuxian will come to the banquet , so there must be no mistakes on that
day .
  Cheng Yan has felt the lodge also did not surface so calm , at least the
palm door and segment Shao wind is getting unusual , according to her observation
point of view , the palm door week after a cold indifference neither was as if
everything is in the heart of the people, even some eyes gloomy sharp , skill and
profound , there are palm Penglai door majesty shelf, such a person will encounter
what appeared to be very calm fishes, but he has several days did not go out, look at
the appearance is also somewhat scary , as if It is why the anger, gloom, and
violent emotions that are hard to release are tormented .
  The most unusual thing is ...... palm door to see his eyes more and more wild goose
does not , unlike merciful master to see my disciples , more like a brutal killer to
see their prey .
  As for the segment Shao wind is unusual is that he is too normal , in there is a
evil evil magic concealed in the dark in the case could undermine the wedding,
everyone seemed to be somewhat wary somewhat worried , if not fear, at the very
least busy quasi prepare to celebrate the gift or arrangements like the guest list .
  Duan Shaofeng seems to be free from the crowd, idle and lazy, as if he only knows
how to eat, drink, and play with the rich and handsome son, but has a different kind
of romantic charm .
  As for the beauty that was to accompany him, Cheng Yan did not feel honored,
although the segment Shao wind to condone her attitude a lot, almost responsive, but
she was not a kind of sense of security, and now the wind is like Shao segment The
rootless duckweed can't be grasped or touched, even if it's beside her, it seems to
float away at any time .
  " You Why suddenly so good to me? " Wedding eve, moon high hanging, beautiful
sky, and she segment Shao wind sitting on the roof drinking , she could not help
but ask their doubts .
  Duan Shaofeng's drinking is not as wavy as his people's. It is actually very
elegant. His slender and shining fingertips pinch the delicate wine glass, playing
and tasting, his scattered is full of inexplicable deep .
  " What do you think? " His voice was low, and there was a kind of gentleness in
the night when Yuehua was like water .
  Cheng Yan stared at him for a moment, expression gradually become paused, and
said: " You ? Mortal before killing them is not even a good meal to meal ."
  Duan Shaofeng was stunned, and understood what she meant, and looked at her with
amazement, a smile, and it seemed that there were some other things that were
difficult to distinguish, as if she told a funny joke, he was laughed at to choked,
and actually still laughing, laugh and do not forget Juan from the sleeve and wiped
out a fine wine lips of stains .
  Cheng Yan see no language, he could not help but leaned in, curious: " is
not so, then you are going to marry me? "
  Hazy hazy moonlight, the girl's face Pangru Yu, a pair of bright clear eyes
looked at him in the promised land, sincere and pure, like a remote control is not
stained mundane, such as white paper, but also moving more beautiful than the stars,
it is soft heart It was rippling again, and even gave birth to some contradictory
thoughts, not only want to take good care of her to maintain her rare simplicity, but
also want to destroy her evilly to let her see how ugly this world is .
Things that are   too beautiful and extremely extreme are always difficult to
last .
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her eyes for a while, and did not speak for a while. The
wine he drank seemed to have worked. His eyes seemed to be bright, burning and
dangerous, and there were thousands of cinnabar moles in the corners of his eyes .
  Seeing him silent , Cheng Yan turned her head, unhappy: " How is it so! It's
good for me not to marry me, so bully, I will ..."
Suddenly   her words stopped, breathing slightly, the slight aroma of wine drifted
into the nose with the faint smell of acacia on his body, he leaned on the tile with
one hand, leaned closer to her, and the beautiful face did not have the past Lazy
smile, the look is very serious, but it makes people feel more serious than letting
go of the waves, the distance is ambiguous, and the breath is also ambiguous, as if
his thin lips will kiss over the next moment, and the voice is through the drunk hook
People: "What will happen? "
  His black eyes will be looking at her, precisely by the classics, with no half
points playful teasing, actually very uncomfortable .
  The girl seemed surprised and startled, stuttering: " Yes , will ... beat you. "
  Segment Shao wind Mouguang micro-deep, hand hug to live her slender waist, her
close, one hand light and supple soft stroking her hair, tilted his head, suddenly
kissed her on the lips , Fast and slow, light and heavy, lingering and intimate like
a mandarin duck, his lips are also hot, his hands are also hot, as if his body is
also exuding hot body temperature after drinking, the temperature is getting more and
more The higher, the dangerous fire in his eyes, the kiss is hot, but also soft,
without jerky, familiar and superb skills are sinking and fascinating, as if knowing
what kind of kiss can make her the most comfortable .
  His hands are also unruly, and even Meng Lang is frivolous, but when he does it,
he is extremely natural and elegant .
  " Xi Huan or so ...... so? " Him in her ears chuckle side, slightly heavy breathing
very hot, actually asked her advice, seeing that she did not answer, he becomes
presumptuous .
  When his hand ask on the tail, she seemed like a frightened pushed him, and he
did let her pushed, supine on the roof, long skirts fell apart, exposing the white
tunic, pull After she touched her, she fell on him, and her long tail moved slowly
behind her .
  " Can't touch it? " He looked at her with a smile in his eyes , and the cinnabar
mole had a slightly tangy taste .
  Cheng Yan was n’t pretending, it was really blushing. When his hand touched the
snake tail, she felt that her scalp was tight, and there was a very strange and
sensitive channeling through the tip of the tail. When it comes to the cranial
nerves, the rejection from instinct is very strong .
  She suddenly remembered a question. When the snake's tail was replaced by a leg,
what should he touch ... where ?
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her, as if he knew something, and smiled a little more
embarrassingly. He lay under her and stared at her eyes, as if he spoke lightly, but
he couldn't help being serious: " Little Snake Demon, do n't tell me to marry you in
the future. "
  The two were intimate just like that. He turned his face ruthlessly, and Cheng
Yan was too late to be angry. He was suddenly pressed back by him. His fingers
touched her face, and he slowly lowered his head, smiling. But it is different from
the usual laugh, less lazy, more gentle and serious from the heart, said: "In this
case, the man should speak first. "
  Cheng Yan froze for a moment, watching him say nothing .
  Segment Shao wind and asked her: " marry me? "
  Cheng Yan scared as if surprised to speak, eyes some confusion, joy, tension .
  Duan Shaofeng re-dressed her undressed dress again, carefully and properly, with
a serious look, but when she looked up at her, she suddenly laughed again, a little
bit like a swinger, and said: " Even if you I ca n’t do it without marrying. ”
  Cheng Yan: " Why? "
  Segment Shao wind looked down at her, muffled voice, and the temptation to hook
people, even people smile is the hook: " girl has been with me have intimate
relations, the rules mortal, I already Your man is gone, you can only marry me. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him: "... ? "
  Segment Shao wind really take her as young women, even also ask the ask her
stomach, Renzhao Xiao, Stern said: " too many here already have a baby? "
  Cheng Yan shook his head, looking at him with disapproval and
condemnation: " You are wrong. "
  Duan Shaofeng was startled, did she understand that he was teasing her? He
looked embarrassed and coughed lightly: " I ..."
  He was trying to sail solution release, saw the girl Heimou will be looked at
him, his tone very seriously, said: " how can you tell the baby it is, even if there
is, it is only an egg ah "
  Yi Ke ...... egg ?
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her, and the hands touching her abdomen were stiff, and
her expression suddenly became very exciting, and her eyes seemed to be
inexhaustible .
  Renzhao Xiao Yan Cheng, he would be funny it ?
  Duan Shaofeng quickly picked up his expression again, looked at her gently, and
touched her belly, and asked very seriously: " Does this egg have to be pregnant for
nine months like a mortal woman? Do you need to hatch eggs afterwards? " He asked,
his long eyebrows frowning, a little confused, " is it a snake or a human after
breaking a shell , or a half-human half-snake? "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  You think too much, there are no eggs, where are the half snakes !
  Looking at her expression, Duan Shaofeng finally couldn't help but smile and
hugged her into his arms, saying : " Okay, I won't tease you, why are you so fun? "
  "...... You Why marry me? " The arms of the girl suddenly asked softly .
  Segment Shao wind was silent for a moment, painfully authentic: " because .
Willpower is too weak for the next, said the heart is not strong, sorry Shixiongdimen
struggle in the first line of Cultivation "
  Cheng Yan was also silent: "... Speak human. "
  " I Moods girl, love hard Zijin. " Segment Shao wind looked down at her, actually
put the poor, the charming slightly lowered lashes, cinnabar mole also reveals a
quiet pretty fragile, " if and goblins together, I will be Those who have
been expelled from the teacher are hopeless and lose everything. The girl ca n’t
cheat her money and swindle, and then she will be abandoned, so that if you become a
ghost, you wo n’t let you go. ”
  Cheng Yan: "... you have enough. "
  Segment Shao wind hook lip smile, handsome romantic, bow latch onto her lips,
eyes crossed a bit complicated, whispering: " not enough, how can? "
  In September, the eve of the third day, the night the wind is very light, the
moon just feel this moment of sweet predicament, as beautiful as a dream, so after
that are hundreds of years even recall piercing pain .
  Tomorrow is the third day of September .

The first 99 chapters calendar blackening the situation after the robbery fairy king
(ix )
Although   Luoyan is also among the immortals , she did not form a fellowship
with other immortal practitioners , but married into her husband's family like a
mortal woman , so the marriage ceremony was the same as the mortal .
  Dressed dressed up the bride would sit flower car , took to the streets in a
circle along the inside and outside of the city, the chair behind guards of honor
followed , along sprinkle some candy, hi bless the people of the city to get the
money and the like , and then the bride and groom will welcome Go back to the house
of worship .
  People in Villa on busy busy under , and from the guests flocked to , there are
other fairy door of people , but also the city's aristocratic families , as well as
some friends and family and so on , one is either immortal duct bone, scenery
Seiitsu , either grace luxury, beautiful people .
  Cheng Yan eyes must look to spend, but even the segment Shao wind shadow did not
see , last night, he had established a relationship can be considered , but her
white moon any tasks still not completed, he seems not really from heart to accept
her, love is there, still not enough , last night, that kind of hot-headed and
perhaps drink spur of the moment .
  She felt that she still had to find out the secrets in him .
  Today is the third day of September , bird hidden in the dark at the magic might
be some action , even become very alert Hills guarded the , if the segment Shao wind
and bird magic really a relationship, then he will certainly What to do .
  However , Cheng Yan didn't find Duan Shaofeng anymore. When asked his sisters, he
didn't know. Instead, he was pulled by little sister Hao Tian to watch the bride get
on the sedan chair .
  At the door of the villa .
  Look lively lot of people, some clamoring voice, she did not see the wild goose,
wild goose has been on the sedan chair, four car husband carried the flower car to
leave slowly, followed behind a team of guards of honor, along the way also sprinkled
with candy coins, small The children swarmed around .
  Tan Yulang is also wearing a red dress , snowy skin and jade bones, with an
elegant look, but a little more fireworks than usual. He sits in a wheelchair and
smiles shallowly : " Girl, but looking for Brother Duan? "
  Cheng Yan little head .
  Tan Yulang 's eyes lightly fell on the back of the sedan chair, with a somewhat
pensive look. After a while, she said to her: " Why don't you try to keep up ? "
  Hao Tian couldn't help laughing: "The city master would also laugh
and laugh. The master is sitting in the sedan, not the three seniors. "
  Tan Yulang only looked at Cheng Yan without a word .
  Cheng Yan also looked at Tan Yulang, and seemed to have moved his thoughts,
actually turned around and chased the direction of Hua Jiao .
  Hao sweet surprise surprised eyes too Dengyuan: " This girl is not stupid? "
  Tan Yulang didn't speak, but just sighed softly, with some worries in her eyes .
  Cheng Yan is certainly not stupid, so she saw the deep meaning in Tan Yulang's
eyes. Although she didn't quite understand the reason , he made it clear that she
wanted to keep up with it. Besides, since she didn't see Duan Shaofeng in the villa
Then it is not necessarily that you can see him following Huajiao .
  After passing all the way , the people on the road were cheering , and Cheng
Yan silently followed the ceremonial ceremony. Nothing was abnormal. She just looked
and found it interesting. She saw the wedding in the world of Xianxia for the first
time. It is inevitable that the novelty is fun, even if the child grabs the sugar,
she also feels fresh .
  But, gradually, fewer and fewer people, and the way he walked became more and
more quiet, Cheng Yan was surprised, seeing the flower sedan stopped at the city
gate, the bride actually Shi Shiran under the sedan, the bearer and others But it
seemed to be normal. He lifted the sedan and went back and forth, leaving the bride
at the gate .
  Cheng Yan didn't understand it, only knew that it was definitely not one of the
customs of marriage and marriage. Where did he put the bride down halfway and carried
an empty sedan back ?
  Cheng Yan lift head to see the bride, the bride did not even pick hijab, stood in
place for a moment, then lifted his foot out of the city is gone, is gone too modest
to say, she simply eighty ah, slim figure fast It is almost a residual image .
  In order not to be found, Cheng Yan hide the atmosphere, increasing the speed far
with her, but my mind was in Harmony guess this is where you want to go, she suddenly
remembered that Tan Yuk faint eyes, at the foot of a meal, not the wild goose Is
this going to escape marriage ?
  Thinking about it this way, Cheng Yan actually thought it made sense. Luo Yan
liked Duan Shaofeng. He escaped marriage for him. Duan Shaofeng was waiting for her
outside the city. Explain Tan Yulang's strange look and why he can't find Duan
Shaofeng everywhere .
  Cheng Yan shook her head, her eyes fixed on the figure in front, followed her
across the road, across the fields, and then up the mountain, until she stopped at
the highest cliff .
  Cheng Yan felt that this place seemed familiar, the cliff was steep, and the
bottom was not deep. The mountain wind was like a sword, and the bride's skirt blew
out a bit of a breath .
  Suddenly she remembered, wasn't this the cliff where the male owner had fallen ?
  " Come out. " The bride's voice was soft and sweet, like speaking to
Qinglang, " Bai Yang. "
  After listening to the first phrase, Cheng Yan almost to be discovered for
themselves, rapid heartbeat, but she called to listen to a man's name, she could not
help but turned around, here where someone else ?
  " Bai Yang? " Someone said coldly .
  Cheng Yan's eyes widened slightly , and an ink coat figure floated under the
cliff. It was Zhou Fuhan. His face was as cold as frost, holding a long sword. The
sword light reflected his cold and murderous eyes, which was shocking. Feeling of
panic .
  She actually did not observe sleep until there is another person in, week Penglai
head cold can do, is not to be underestimated skill indeed .
  Luo Yan also seemed to be surprised, took a step back, and his body
was crumbling: " Master? "
  Week after cold cold authentic: " You have the face to call me master? " He
Mouguang ruthless Li, " Where is he? "
  Luo Yan looked panicked and gritted his teeth: " I don't know what Master is
saying! "
  Zhou Fuhan took a step and said, " You don't know which words were written
by Bai Yang? "
Luo   Yan's face was pale .
  Zhou Fuhan took another step closer, cold and aggressive: " You didn't know that
the person in your room that night was Bai Yang ?
  Luo Yan's face was whiter, as if she couldn't bear the pressure of Master, and
she gritted her teeth: " Master ..."
  Ling Li wind swept cheek, Fengrui tip has aligned her throat, sword of Mexican
clothing men's eyes cold, cruel, and hated with a sort of nausea, then said
coldly: " You more Do n’t know that Bai Yang is the protector of the Devil Realm? "
  Luo Yan froze for a while, as if seeing it was irreparable, he knelt down
suddenly and pleaded: " Master, it's my fault. I shouldn't be with the devil. You
punish me, let him go, I won't be in the future Goodbye to him. "
  Cheng Yan frowned, and she always felt something was wrong. She could see that if
she liked it, Luo Yan should also like Duan Shaofeng. How could there be any magic
law protector ?
  That edge week after the cold spoke again, his voice actually eased a little,
said: " Luo Yan, you may be one when confused, good master how fine you tell a
teacher, poplar Where?? "
  Harmony has lowered his head, and after a while, it said: " I can sue v. Master,
where he is, but Master also have to answer my question ."
  Week after cold appears to intolerance, Mouguang more hair cold, still slowly and
loudly: " you say. "
  Luo Yan raised his head again, looked at him, and said, " Master, even if I
said where he is, Master would never let me go, right? "
  Zhou Fuhan's eyes became cold inch by inch .
  Luo Yan's smile was a bit bleak and somewhat sarcastic. She stopped kneeling and
stood up, looking directly at her respected Master, and said: "As the Master knows, I
have been checking the truth about the frequent disappearance of Xianmen women. "
  Zhou Fuhan looked indifferent: " This is what the devil did, what can I do
to check? "
  Luo Yan laughed, as if listening to see a very funny joke like, a while to stop
laughing, lightly: " . No, no magic ."
  Week after cold holding sword hand tightened, bloodshed calm expression, gentle
tone: " You with as who is? "
  Luo Yan bit her lips , it seems that it took a lot of courage to force herself
to tell the truth: "It 's you! The fairy of Liushan fairy of Fengshan School, the
female disciple of Chaohua Building, and even our seven teachers and sisters of
Penglai School, there are many more Innocent dead fellows were killed by Master,
right? "
  Zhou Fuhan was like looking at the ants that didn't threaten him. He
didn't feel nervous and flustered. He asked her, " Bai Yang told you? "
  This was admitted in disguise. Luo Yan fell into the abyss with a heart, almost
unable to stand, disappointed and sadly said: " Master, why are you so cruel! Didn't
you teach us to get rid of Demon Guardian Road, with a compassionate heart? ? You are
so terrible than the Devil! "
  Week after no cold surface wave Lan, said: " She had inferno and working hand in
glove, I killed them is the slayer Wei Road. "
  Luo Yan shook his head, he could n’t seem to believe that he could be so
straightforward without repentance, and said angrily: “ No! Not like this! You, you
have never been able to release your heart, and you have a grudge, so ... "
Before   she finished speaking, she was slapped by Zhou Fuhan. His eyes were cold
and frost: " Is this your attitude to speak with Master? "
  Luo Yan was beaten a lurch stagger, fell to the ground, blood oozing lips, also
seems to be all these years of mutual affection mentoring interrupted, she stared at
him and said: " I do not have you such a master! You not only killed those innocent
Xianmen girls, but you did it even if the three brothers were slaughtered, right? "
  Week after Han raised his sword, Jian Qi Sen cold, as if it will be able to her
throat poke through, he actually smiles, Yin Zhi and evil: " Before you die, I'll
tell tell you on that point, yes, They were all killed by me. "
  Luo Yan said indignantly: " Why do you want to do this? Brother San's father is
not your friend? "
  Zhou Fuhan's face changed, disgusted and contemptuously said: " Friend? I don't
have such a friend! As a person who cultivates immortals, he actually took the demon
home and indulged him to seduce my wife. Is such a person also a good friend? "
  Luo Yan said: " That devil ... is Bai Yang, right? "
  This remark seemed to arouse Zhou Fuhan's unbearable memory. He raised his sword
in a dark face, and stabs towards the wild goose, but said in his mouth: " Kill you,
I will kill him again. "
  Cheng Yan hear these things a little shocked, book press stalk no write these,
of course, a book, nor will all write the whole thing, so these things are in this
world autocomplete do ?
  She was too late to think about it. She could n’t watch Luo Yan give her life.
She was about to shoot, but there was one hand on her shoulder. She had n’t
turned her back, and the man had already flew out, white clothes like snow, black
hair like ink , The coat was flying, covered with a silver mask, only revealing a
pair of quiet and deep eyes .
  Cheng Yan nearly to for that segment is Shao wind, stature is very similar, but
not the temperament, and ...... his body magic gas .
  White people a sword to pick open the week after cold sword and landed softly on
the side of Harmony, will protect her in the dust, Luo Yan's eyes light up, say
something, glanced week after the cold, but suddenly darkened, the truth seems to
still feel just those to Yu knot .
  " To kill me, not so easy. "
  Zhou Fuhan's eyes fell on the person in white opposite, seeming a little shocked,
and then a bit of disgust and hatred flashed, saying: " Baiyang ? "
  The white man's eyes are faint: " I have to clarify something. "
  Zhou Fuhan didn't speak, but his eyes almost divided him into eight pieces .
  White people unaffected, said: " Ten years ago, with my wife and you know
earlier, she was forced by their parents to marry only with you, no matter Duan
couples save or not save me, I'll take her all Gone. "
  " Mouthful nonsense! " Seems not accept this reason, week after cold
laughed, " when I re- injury to you, I thought you learned the three hour but no
longer track, did not think you actually survived, and today I set It will take my
frustration to dispel your hatred! "
  The voice of the white man is also cold: " This is what I want to say! "
  The two swords struck each other, emitting a bit of dazzling light. The figures
of the two were intertwined, and their shots were killing step by step. They were
fierce and did not leave room, as if they had to kill each other .
  Cheng Yan looked at it, and felt that something was wrong. Both of them were
really masters, and they had a slightly equal taste in the fight, but how did the
move look like something ?
  Obviously, Zhou Fuhan also realized that he was suspicious in his heart, and
attacked him with a false attack. When he was prepared, he used a sword to pick up
the mask on his face. Who knows that the white man has done a good job, and waits for
the tip of the sword to touch the mask. Flying backwards like snow, fell to the
treetops in a distance, the white clothes were graceful, and they were not stained
with fine dust .
  Zhou Fuhan didn't catch up , but suddenly said coldly: " Duan Shaofeng ? "
  The man in white laughed a few times, flew down from the tree, and fell a short
distance away. He lifted his slender and white hands to remove the mask, revealing a
beautiful and handsome face, with a smile on the corners of his lips, but his eyes
were not half. Smiling, sharp as a knife, even the cinnabar moles in the corners of
the eyes also showed a cold and frost-like breath, and a low voice slowly
spoke: " It is really sad that Master has recognized the disciples until now. "
  Cheng Yan was also a little surprised. Indeed, that demon was Duan Shaofeng
’s own explanation more reasonable, but she presumptuously believed that the male
host was a fairy king, which should be the light wind and the moon, the fairy wind is
boneless, impossible What is the relationship with the evil devil .
  Harmony This is being segment Shao wind side, changed hands out of his arms, and
he seems to be united in the way, and said: " three ? Young, this man, you call him
master ."
  Duan Shaofeng said : " If I don't call him Master, I'm afraid I was dead ten
years ago. "
  " Third Brother ..." Luo Yan was crying. Why was he so pitiful ?
  Duan Shaofeng took her hand and patted it gently. His eyes seemed to have a deep
meaning, but the tone was fluttering, and said: " Sister, you should go back and get
married, don't miss the auspicious time. "
  " Can ......" wild goose stayed at, like anti should come, something clenched in his
hand, " Young, you have to be careful! "
  Luo Yan Yu looked at the sword go, week after she tried to stop cold, but the
wind segment Shao sword to block his way, when he's cold over here, smiled gently,
not gentle smile, revealing a cold, dangerous Lethal, you said : " Old man,
your opponent is me. "
  Harmony is going very fast, Royal fencing learned so well, had disappeared in the
blink of an eye between the clouds .
  Zhou Fuhan's face was blue, as if he suddenly wanted to understand everything,
and said: " She is holding a viewing stone! "
  Duan Shaofeng was very angry and raised his eyebrows to praise: " Good
eyesight! "
  Cheng Yan looked at Zhou Fuhan's angry expression and almost smiled. She also
knew that watching the stone was a kind of magical instrument that could record
reality. Only then did they say what they said and did what they did, so said the
week after the cold reputation ruined, and even be subject to the fairy effort to
kill the door, but after all, he single-handedly the major fairy door of the women
are killed .
  Zhou Fuhan was so angry that he had n't started yet, but he calmed down and
said, " You deliberately misled me , making me think that Bai Yang was not dead, and
making me think that Bai Yang and Luo Yan are colluding. You know how much I hate Bai
Yang, I will definitely be fooled, so I was easily led here. "
  " No mistake. " Segment Shao wind tunnel, " I'd admire you, murderer case never
leave evidence, so ......"
  Zhou Fu coldly smiled: " So you set up this bureau to produce evidence? "
  Duan Shaofeng nodded and said: " Every woman with a disappointed love or a
private relationship with the devil, you have never let go of it. You know that Luo
Yan not only has an affair before marriage, but the object is still white, you will
definitely be angry. square inch chaos, will not be so sensible to see through my
plan. "
  Week after cold eyes cold anger, mocking said: " Luo Yan and Tan Yuk was also
willing to help you count ? I count "
  Segment Shao wind sighed, looked at his eyes a bit cold for mercy, said: " It is
also because for them are my good friends, no matter what I say, they will always
believe. "
  Zhou Fuhan stared at him as if he had never seen him. After a long time, he
said: " I looked down on you. Over the years, you deliberately pretended to be
incompetent. But secretly, you have been planning for revenge? "
  Segment Shao wind cold tunnel: " no mistake, this decade, even if it is a dream,
I was thinking about how you expose the ugly face of this hypocrisy, how to kill you
myself revenge. "
  Zhou Fuhan looked at him with a bit of sympathy, and said: " That taste must be
very uncomfortable? "
  Duan Shaofeng smiled, but his tone was cold: " It's okay, it's just a little bit
better than the hatred of Master's betrayal by his wife. "
  Zhou Fuhan's face changed again. His wife was his heart demon. When he mentioned
it, his cultivation and composure would collapse for hundreds of years. He said
coldly: " In order to kill me, did you actually practice the magic of the devil
world? Are you not afraid of getting enchanted? "
  Duan Shaofeng seems to have lost the meaning of his nonsense, holding a long
sword, his coat flying, his eyebrows cold, said: " Don't talk about repairing
demons, that is, falling into the eighteenth layer of hell, I must kill you today! "
The determination and hatred revealed in   his tone were startling .
  Mad wind was underway, two figure fight together, Cheng Yan could hardly see
their tactics, but also know that section Shao wind in the end but from week to
repair than the cold, she meant well, but do not want to guess the wind segment Shao
There are outsiders involved. He has waited for this day for ten years. He must kill
Zhou Fuhan himself, or be killed by Zhou Fuhan, to end the ten years of hatred and
grief .
  Duan Shaofeng 's sword is stable, fast, and desperate. He has no weaknesses and
is not afraid of any harm. Even if the other party's sword is going to pierce his
chest, he won't even blink his eyes, as usual. Make your own move .
  Zhou Fuhan's heart was obviously messed up. He remembered his wife, Bai Yang, and
the innocent blood under his hands. His eyes also seemed bloody, with scarlet madness
in his eyes .
  In paragraph Shao leeward fierce offensive without fear of death, week after
getting cold ground, eventually stabbed the sword through the heart, he seems to have
some incredible loss, until the segment Shao wind that sword and from his flesh and
blood, the heart in After pumping it out, the blood was splashing, and he fell
slowly, but he refused to fall completely to the ground. He knelt down, supported his
sword on the ground, and supported his body without falling down .
  " You're defeated. " Duan Shaofeng looked at him lightly, with no sadness or joy
in his eyes. While talking, he wiped the blood beads on the sword carefully with
Xijuan, and his movements were even gentle. Gentle and sad .
  Week after blood flow more cold, dripping dropped to the ground, but also like
clothes were soaked with blood, his face was gray defeat, and even some twisted,
still laugh out, suddenly said: " You with as you win? you know I killed your
brother, your sister, your father and mother, not try to leave you, for what it? "
  Duan Shaofeng 's eyes flicked, but he didn't speak, but his eyebrows fell
slightly .
  Week after the cold to catch his breath, his eyes streaming even in his young
slender body, some malicious pleasure: " I do not have immortal edge, even then
repair five hundred years is also useless, but you're different, you are born with
fairy bones, if it can seize homes you My body, plus my own cultivation practice,
cultivation of immortality is just around the corner. Do you think your family really
died because of saving Bai Yang? "
  Duan Shaofeng 's complexion became more and more ugly: " Do you want to win? "
  Week after Han said: " do not want to, but have ? Been done so, do you have not
found your body has long been at the soul poison it ," he saith head frantically
laughing, smiling mouth out Mimi's blood , " Once I die, I can be born again in your
body! "
  His die like greedy and vicious, Shao wind segment all at once between the eyes,
the hands of the sword could not help but give him added something sword .
  " Wait! " Cheng Yan couldn't help running out, took his hand and stopped
him, " Don't kill him first . "
  To kill a solution and so also the soul of insanity scrapping ah, or really how
to do is to seize homes, but these words have been late, the heart of the week after
the cold sword, said a lot of words is the limit, he was laughing on his back He fell
to the ground and lost his breath .
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her holding his hand, his eyes slightly complicated, and
suddenly said: " If I am really no longer me, you will kill me with it. "
  Cheng Yan hurriedly let go and killed the male hero. How many lives did she have
to pay ?
  " I, I can't do it. "
  Duan Shaofeng looked down at her with a low eyebrow, and looked a little tender,
laughing at her: " Can't you bear it? "
  Cheng Yan was not shy, and his clear eyes looked at him frankly, saying: " Well,
I can't bear it. "
  Segment Shao wind actually shocked, swingers will actually blush, he Mouguang
some moving, but also some deep, said: " I have to go back, other people are fairy
door, perhaps can answer this insanity is not Certainly. "
  Cheng Yan is very clever: " Well. "
  Duan Shaofeng smiled, with a tender look in his eyes, holding her in her arms
and saying in her ear: "When this is resolved , I will be married to you, OK? "
  Cheng Yan nodded and didn't speak, but saw Duan Shaofeng's expression change, as
if covering his chest with some pain .
  " What's wrong? "
  Duan Shaofeng didn't speak. The previous fluke mentality had completely
disappeared completely. He felt it was the heart. Soul Gu actually planted on his
heart. What can he do and dig out the heart ?
  Soul Gu is slowly awakening and growing. It is still in the shape of a flower
bud. Once the flower is fully opened, Zhou Fuhan's soul will re-assemble and
resurrect in his body .
  Segment Shao wind fiercely closed my eyes, but my mind was full of unwilling, he
want to die, do not care about before, now ...... he was not alone, and he still likes
a girl, he wanted to get married with her, wanted to take her I go to worship my
parents and want to be with her, even if I just sit quietly and watch the moon, I
feel happy .
  Only, these can not be done .
  Segment Shao wind clenched hands of the sword, opened his eyes, dark eye pupil
of the eye revealed a decision must, sadness, nostalgia and other complex emotions,
dumb channel: " I could ......"
  Cheng Yan interrupted his farewell words, staring at him with clear
eyes: " Where is Soul Gu? "
  Segment Shao wind did not speak, her eyes fell on his hand on the place,
said: " Heart dirty? "
  Segment Shao wind gently " ah " a cry: " I feel feel that the soul has lived
insanity, it is growing very fast, can not wait until I come back Villa, perhaps it
will ......"
  Cheng Yan held his hand and suddenly approached him and asked, " Do you believe
me ? "
  Duan Shaofeng was stunned, didn't quite understand what she meant, and looked at
her fixedly, but still said: " Faith. "
  Cheng Yan smiled and said, " I will save you, isn't it Soul Gu, I can try to
crush it. "
  When the words fell, Duan Shaofeng saw a white light flood into his body, his
brow frowned, but the girl in front of him had closed his eyes and seemed to faint,
he quickly reached out and hugged her body, for a moment After being nervous and
worried, he realized that she had entered into his body with a miracle .
  Duan Shaofeng was shocked at the same time, there was a strange and weird feeling
in her heart, is she in his body now? Except for being able to feel the growing soul
gu, he could see nothing and couldn't feel it .
  Duan Shaofeng looked at the girl ’s stunning looks and felt more and more
mysterious. If she was just a snake demon who had not yet been trained, why would her
skills be so powerful? It can only be used by others, because other people will not
use it easily, because it is easy to lose their soul or not to return to their
bodies .
  Who is she ?
  God is a God of God, of course, beyond the people, fairy, demon, devil's divine
power and skill, Cheng Yan whose real did not grasp the soul can deal with insanity,
but her ability to divine creation very confident, it is not, she can not even Duan
Shaofeng's heart was destroyed together, and then a new one would be rebuilt .
  This kind of thing, small goddess is done, clear lonely solitary spirit world,
little goddess has done a lot of playmates with mud out, but God paternity
too serious and stern, was not allowed to play with her after she gradually do these
Too .
  After entering Duan Shaofeng's body, her soul was automatically reduced to the
size of her thumb, so Duan Shaofeng's heart was surprisingly big to her, bright red,
beating, even the rhythm of the beating sounded in her ear It's like playing drums,
and even echo .
  Cheng Yan glance met the soul of insanity, looks like a plant, dense vines
wrapped up the heart, the heart of the bud in the center, but also in the flesh of a
long, intricate vines, and to have it fully It's hard to split the heart .
  Cheng Yan sighed, which is a bit difficult .
  She along vines climb the vines seemed to sense should be to outsiders, suddenly
trembling violently, she dumped you want to fly, she simply directly connected
to flying on, to the heart of the center .
  Bud into long speed really so fast, so kung fu moment she has been able to see
the stray flowers, but not yet in full bloom .
  It can be seen that the root of the flower bud is growing above the heart, and
Cheng Yan can't care about hurting Duan Shaofeng's heart. He directly reached out and
grabbed the root of Soul Gu, and wanted to pull it up, but it was here. A heart
stayed for ten years, deep-rooted, but still unable to pull out for a while .
  Cheng Yan took a deep breath, pulled both hands together, and pulled out hard.
The blood of the heart gradually cracked as the root was pulled out. Cheng Yan looked
at some heartbeats. If it was really pulled out, would this heart divide? Two
halves ?
  She walked down, Soul Gu seemed to perceive the threat, and she could still
produce sharp thorns. She was working hard, seeing that a large part had been pulled
out, and suddenly she felt something stabbed in her palm. Frowning, he didn't let
go .
  Now it seems that Soul Gu shouldn't really gather Zhou Fuhan's soul, she must
speed up and pull out Soul Gu before the petals fully bloom .
  Therefore, Cheng Yan increased her strength and even injected divine power.
Soul Gu's strength to fight was getting weaker and weaker, but her stabbed hand was
still bleeding, blood was flowing down the vines, flowing through the buds, and
flowing through the heart , Straight into the heart of the heart .
  Cheng Yan didn't pay attention, her blood was gathering more and more, the cracks
in her heart were slowly recovering, even the blood light was getting bigger and
bigger, and Soul Gu was gradually being rejected .
  Suddenly between, light Dasheng, completely restored heart, those vines are light
to burn into nothingness, then even the buds are also burning away .
  Cheng Yan caught empty hands, rolled over and fell to jump on the moving heart,
she had a chance to happy, all of a sudden it sensed something, well, floating,
unhappy man came reprimanded : " Whoever is in trouble without watching ? "
  Trinidad is acoustic !
  Cheng Yan tranced before remembering that the familiar voice turned out to be a
godsend .
  Just when she was in a trance , she felt a strong suction force pulling her away.
She could not resist even the resistance, even if it was a god, but she was only a
minor god, and this god servant was the son of Heavenly Emperor, The second noble
existence under the world, as the gods best match fiance, his age and fairy power can
completely crush the little goddess .
  Therefore, Cheng Yan eyes open eyes open eyes looked at his pulled out of the
segment Shao wind body, watching the wind segment Shao holding her body, soon not see
anything .
  Above the clouds, snow suits no dust, winding to the ground, noble and
indifferent men held hands standing, a touch of fairy fog convoluted at his side, but
also like a god than God, distant and admirable, compassionate and seemed indifferent
, He looked at her, his eyes were like clear snow, and like the moon, with a light
blame: " You messed up the life of Chi Zhanxian Jun, and let him contaminate your
blood, you know why God can't easily give others Blood? "
  Cheng Yan: "... too rare? "
  God paternity raised his hand and unceremoniously place under her forehead,
said: " is fatality, to Japan, he shall die in your hands. "
  Cheng Yan was startled: " No? "
  Is it so serious? Is the blood of God still something harmful ?
  " No you, you will die at his hands. " God paternity faint to see her, " is
not such a situation is not going to happen. "
  Cheng Yan: "... Why? "
  God Samurai: " because as I have. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  You are too confident. In the plot of the book, the goddess died in the hands of
the male master .
  Under the clouds, Duan Shaofeng hugged the girl ’s body and felt that the soul
gu on the heart had completely disappeared without a trace. There was even a strong
force filling the body, but he did not feel happy, and his heart surged The panic
that flooded him almost flooded him. He had already guessed something, but he
pretended to look casually at the girl ’s face with a smile on his lips, and his
voice was very gentle: " Little snake demon, why are you still awake? "
  This time, Luo Yan has been viewing the stone back to the Villa, also head of the
Penglai crimes uncovered eleven, three Young worried at risk, but also with several
fairy door of the elders came together to help Lingzhou mountain Young .
  But, he had come a bit late, Harmony saw the head of the dead, his chest and a
hole in the blood, the body's blood also drying up, seen dead there for a while .
  Duan Shaofeng sat motionless on the ground, holding a young girl in her arms. The
expression was the silence and sluggishness she had never seen before. She was
inexplicably shocked, and the steps she approached were also lighter .
  When the other elders saw something wrong, they did not approach .
  " Brother San , why are you in a daze here? " Luo Yan pretended to relax .
  Segment Shao wind raised his head and looked at her, lips have a laugh, that
smile but no former Ming Long loose, like a gust, and play will be scattered,
fragile borne: " senior sister apprentice, why not wake me She? "
  The head of Fengshan could see at a glance that the girl had no vitality at all,
and could not even perceive the soul, so she was killed by Zhou Fuhan only, and she
sighed: " Duan Duan, you can't be resurrected from death, you still Go back as soon
as possible. It ’s not a matter of staying in this wild country. ”
  Duan Shaofeng glanced coldly at the past: " Who said she was dead? "
  Palm door considerate of his feelings, it sighed and did not speak .
  Duan Shaofeng looked down at the girl, his eyes became gentle again, but his face
suddenly changed a little bit. The girl in his arms was dissipating and slowly
becoming transparent. Even if he held his arms tight, he could n’t stop her Speed,
his eyes gradually reddened .
  "Do n't you say you want to get married with me, girl, you can't talk without
counting. "
  Soon, the girl had been completely dissipated in his arms, and only a beautiful
white lotus flower fell on his white robes .
  Duan Shaofeng seemed to have been stunned, his hand still holding her posture,
but his arms were empty, and there was nothing .
  Everyone else looked at in shock, Fengshan's head lost his
voice: "It is Xianlian, at least three thousand years ago, is this girl's prototype
actually Xianlian? "
  Luo Yan was also surprised, but he couldn't care about it , but just looked at
Duan Shaofeng worriedly. His expression was more worrying, indifferent, dismal, and
closed than when he was in Penglai ten years ago. Can't hear, just immersed in his
emotions .
  " Brother ..."
  Duan Shaofeng finally responded, but was a little dumbfounded, looking at Luo
Yan: " She lied to me, she is not a goblin, she must not be dead, I will find her, I
will. "
  Looking at him in a somewhat nagging manner, Luo Yan couldn't help crying, wiped
the corners of his eyes, and grinned reluctantly: " Yes, she's not dead, brother,
let's go back first, then everyone will help find her together, OK?" "
  Her gentle tone is like coaxing a child .
  Duan Shaofeng remained still, holding the lotus in his hand, and seemed to be
stunned again .
  This time the sky gradually from the clouds but no rain, a few sudden thunder,
resounded through the valley .
  "It's a robbery! "
  " He, did he realize the Tao, would he become an immortal? "
  Several palm door and are amazed and excited, watching the wind section of Shao's
eyes are shining, not blame them so excited, so many years, Cultivation who are asked
Immortality, real people have become immortal It is a thousand years of hardship.
After all, mortals and immortals have a difference between heaven and earth. Where is
the level that is so easy to cross ?
  Harmony was just scared surprised a moment, no matter what she does not immortal
immortal, she was very upset to speak, Young is now the state does not, immortality
should not be disillusioned, drop everything, it arbitrary ?
  Brother, he ...
  Palm door were staring intently segment Shao wind, you want to see immortality
scrape soaring grand scene .
  Thunder Tribulation soon came, and the powerful and shocking lightning struck
Duan Shaofeng, but Duan Shaofeng did n’t even move his body shape. One by one, Duan
Shaofeng ’s figure changed from immobile. It shook slightly, but never fell .
  His clothes were hanged in a mess by thunder, but the lotus was always protected
in his arms. Even if his hair was scorched, the lotus was still pure and intact .
  The head of Fengshan looked sighed. This young man Duan was a rare infatuated
lover. They all said that immortals are ruthless. It seems that Duan Gongzi was too
affectionate to become immortal. Person: " How many times are there from the thunder
of Chengxian? "
Immortal   practitioners regard Cheng Xian as their lifelong ideals and pursuits.
Naturally, they are very clear that Cheng Xian will be baptized by Jiu Dao
Tianlei .
  Another palm door and his face is ugly, and some staggering: " There are
immortal to undergo more than a dozen Trick of it? "
  The Nine Daotian Tribulation had passed long ago , not only did the sky thunder
not weaken, but there was a tendency to strengthen. It was not like wanting people to
become immortals, but more like having a deep hatred against Duan Shaofeng .
  Luo Yan was afraid that his younger brother would be stupid, and was worried and
worried: " When will it stop? "
  Fengshan head informed, even if not personally seen, but also heard the rumors,
see the section Shao wind eyes have a bit of fear and amazement: " He is not to be
immortal, this, this is going to Rumo Ah! "
  Luoyan was completely stunned, enchanted? How is it possible ?
Cheng Xian   wants to go through the Nine Dao Heaven Tribulation, and actually
does not need to go through the Heaven Tribulation, unless the Xian Jun fell into the
Devil Dao, and even became a demon god. Tian Dao naturally does not allow such a
powerful evil force to exist, so it will be lowered in 1998. Trick to eliminate
eleven destroy him .
  It's just that once he has carried such a thunder, then these thunders will
greatly increase the magic of the other side .
  Other palm door together, not seeing a Great Satan produced ah, wanted first-
emptive, maybe a few people together to get rid of him before he could Rumo .
  Harmony saw him their thoughts, busy hand stopped them, but she is a person where
several veteran opponent, was immediately scheduled surgery is immobilized in the
place, they watched sword stabbed Young Inside the body .
  " Young -" Luo Yan big scolded, " you !! What rebound guy actually count
predecessors, killing innocent people, Young what he did not do too bad, even if Rumo
is also a good magic, how can you kill him ."
  Scolding and scolding, the seniors also had some troubles on the face , but
they had already done so. The Fengshan master planned to stop the troubles forever,
so he would shoot with a palm and destroy the soul of Duan Shaofeng .
  At this point, Ray robbery stopped, motionless segment Shao wind suddenly moved,
he raised his face, eyes won the abyss seemed a pool, but also reveals a sort of evil
and brutal, treacherous taste, his eyes red cinnabar mole Like blood, it added a bit
of evil energy, which was not the same as the previous section of Shao Feng. With a
terrible and dangerous taste, he slowly raised his slender hand and pinched the neck
of Fengshan's head .
  With a click, the neck of the head was removed, and Duan Shaofeng put his head in
his hands and looked at it, seemingly kicking out with a boring foot .
  Several other palm door scared almost Qi Jian fled, looking at my clothes segment
Shao wind slowly reduced resumed white as snow white, even off the blood also scars
were all gone .
  Duan Shaofeng raised his hand, and several heads felt that his body was out of
control, and even stabbed his sword into his stomach .
  Segment Shao wind micro hook thin lips, cinnabar mole revealed a sort of
evil: " shown with Bong also. "
  Luo Yan was surprised and happy: " Brother, are you okay? "
  Duan Shaofeng's eyes are faint: " I'm not your brother. "
  A wild goose stunned: " That is who? "
  Brother Shi is really stupid ?
  Duan Shaofeng walked in front of her and looked at her with her eyes indifferent
and distant apathy, but his temperament was full of evil spirits. His voice was very
low, a little light, and lazy: " Pool war, I am pool war. "
  He remembered it all, but ... He used to be a pool war in the Celestial Realm of
Heaven , but now he is only willing to do a pool war of demon heads .
  He will never become a fairy .
  No matter what his name is, Luo Yan only knows that he is her brother. Who knows
that the brother did n’t recognize her, and after she was fixed, she disappeared in
front of her. Even the swordsmanship was useless, so lightning Disappeared .
  Luo Yan was dumbfounded. After the enchantment, the exercises were really good ,
but ... The name of Chi Zhan is so familiar. Where did you hear it ?
  " Emperor Ji! "
  She looked up and saw a colorful cloud drifting over, standing above some
beautiful fairies in skirts .
  " What Emperor Ji? "
  Fairies who have toward her bow, one smiles tenderly said: " Lotus Tai Ji ah,
you descend to this these days that is to accompany pool innocence calendar battle
fairy king, may the Queen Mother was worried, the Queen Mother kept right on you
Don't you go back? "
  Luo Yan: "..."
  Calendar, history and love ?
  It seemed as if she had suddenly opened her mind, she was in a trance for a
while, and remembered suddenly, she is not a goose, she is the three princess of the
heavenly realm Emperor Lotus, she has been admiring Chi battle for a long time, and
heard that he is going to go to the calendar, Just followed .
  Thinking about it, her face changed .
  What to do, the good fairy monarch Chi Zhan is enchanted, and the good Emperor Ji
seems to be empathizing, and the love is still a native mortal. How should I explain
it back ?
  Xian Fanlian has no good results .
  Her bitter with the face, and sighed .

The first 100 chapters calendar blackening the situation after the robbery fairy

king (X )
  God's paternity is the third son of the Emperor of Heaven , name Ao wing, is the
Emperor of Heaven and Dragon princess born , in front of the two half-brothers
have been perish in the original Shenmodazhan years , so Ao wing perception of magic
not good, he is the throne of the next Renji Cheng who , looks, skill, technique
method, character in the heavens are the number one good , repair refining to almost
five thousand years of time , had single-handedly singled out the the Devil , will
be sealed into the inferno of the King of heaven in the cage , the inferno to beat
too instill obedience , still did not emerge a powerful chiefs out , so the
inferno now is not arrogant arrogance , Even walking among the people is sneaky .
  The spirit world only a small minor goddess, to multiply and live Protoss , the
Emperor of Heaven will be the most valued son sent the spirit world to wait
goddess , on the one hand a small goddess according to need care is the fact that, on
the other hand is not Heaven So forcing the goddess to be with her son, let them both
cultivate feelings in God Realm together .
  Ao wing that year to the spirit world where it is equivalent to seventeen years
old between, as small goddess ...... it was Shihai it just a little baby , and this is
the main reason why you need to take care of , so as Ao wing to fiance the first
responsibility is ...... first learn how to shine care only spit bubbles
fiancee , then , teenagers, boy, it is a side to support her , a side but also
painstakingly taught her all kinds of methods and technique Make sense .
  Therefore, the attitude of the goddess towards Ao Yi is somewhat awe of the
elders .
  As for Ao wing is how to treat this little fiancee, Cheng Yan can never guess,
because he taught her when there will be no mercy, when she was a good candidate but
also Taoxintaofei .
  For example ... this time she ran out of God Realm and secretly ran out of God
Realm, Ao Yi still had to punish her and would not condone her stubbornness. He also
brought her body out of God Realm .
  The lotus body is always light and flirty, and it is not as good as his own body.
When Cheng Yan returned to the real body, he felt that the whole person was more
radiant and even wagging his tail .
  " Thank God paternity. " Her sense of Xie was sincere .
  Ao Yi looked at her without speaking. The restrained phoenix had a kind of
indifference above him. After a while, he asked her, and his voice was as cool as
fairy music: "Is God Realm bad? "
  Of course it ’s not good, what ’s the matter, she ’s almost finished now, of
course I hope the rest of the time I can play freely .
  But that is not true .
  Cheng Yan knew that this person had a kind of near-pure faith in God. Even if he
was to stay alone in that cold place for thousands of years, he would not say half a
bad word, and she said vaguely: " Neither No, it ’s just that I have n’t seen
anything outside. I ca n’t help but come up with a look, Shen Shi, do n’t you blame
me? ”
  The little god girl is beautiful and exquisite, even the tail is beautiful and
bright, and the temperament is pure white, making people love it. When the eyes are
bright and star-like, they have a pitiful taste. It's going to make people's hearts
want to change .
  Ao wing is not an ordinary person, Yung Yan Xian Qi reveals a very handsome, thin
lips micro-sip, look like the true God indifferent to almost unsympathetic: " You
made three mistakes, one should not secretly ran out, and second, not that disturb
Chi Zhanxian's life count, three ... "
  Every time Cheng Yan heard one of his words, his heart would tremble. He was not
afraid that he would punish her. He was afraid that he would see her more
strictly. " No, I made no other mistakes. "
  Ao Yi's indifferent eyes glanced at her from under her eyelashes, her
expression was serious, but she had a very faint taste: "It's not wrong to worry
me? "
  He looks very eye-catching, but Su Ri's expression is too weak, his identity is
high, giving people the feeling of being unattainable and very distant, so that
people ignore his appearance, only the feeling of awe of being shocked .
  Cheng Yan was taken aback by his eyes, and sighed that she was the heroine and
her brother, and the charm value was almost close to the heroine .
  Of course she could not, and Ao wing Yingkang, changed strategies to retreat into
advance , pulling his sleeve, crying with Yu Qi authentic: " I was wrong, terribly
wrong, you punish me, I, I grew up There are no fathers or mothers, only God ’s
servants treat me well, and I even make you worry. You punished me badly, otherwise I
would feel uncomfortable in my heart. "
  Ao Yi looked at her with a pitiful look, his eyes flicked a little smile, but his
thin lips still squeezed out the arc of a stranger, so he learned so cunningly after
going out ?
  With funny time and some distressed her, she just did not want to condone being
punished, saying it is also true .
  He screwed eyebrow to the next, and asked her: " You can 'm glad I went to the
seventh Heavenly Father Emperor and his mother is very worried about you, you will
he? They as parents are ......"
  Dayton micro voice, looking at the girl's eyes clear and pure, Ao wing to speak
some words wrong, he is an Pian body kindly forgive her no parents, only two people
have this marriage relationship, say so up and down like a He was anxious to urge her
to marry .
  Cheng Yan to see him hesitate, worried that he wanted her back to the spirit
world, busy happily authentic: " go, I ? We go now ."
  Seeing that she didn't understand this meaning, Ao Yi didn't mention it. She
glanced at her and said, " Wait. "
  Cheng Yan was going to ask why, when, to see his sleeve breeze touched her face,
she smelled very light Lengxiang, such as the sleeves removed, cold scent smell was
gone, she looked down, it stunned Dumbfounded .
  She was turned into a little snake by him . It was uncomfortable without feet
before. Now she has no hands !
  " I was wrong, I really knew it was wrong! " She was about to cry now .
  Ao wing leaned into the small green snake palm, Ann Fu like touched her head,
even though invisible look, it's like my heart to see her collapse from a small pair
of eyes, he said: " When I If you lose your breath, you will be changed back. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  She also wants to be angry !
  Her techniques are all taught by Ao Yi, even if she has divine power, she is more
than a hundred times higher than hers. Unless he personally changes her back, she can
only suffocate herself as a non-run Can't jump the snake that can only crawl !
  " You are so cruel! " She grinded her fangs .
  Ao Yi pressed back the snake body that she was about to fly back, and touched
her soft spine, saying: " Good. "
The little snake that could not be moved by   one finger of him : "..."
  Ao Yi put her in her sleeve and flew to the nineth heaven . He did n’t do this
to punish her, but she was the last god in the world. She could n’t miss any point,
and she ran out without growing up. It shouldn't be that, as a shrine servant, he
couldn't let her blatantly sway under everyone's eyelids, both for her safety and not
to cause trouble .

The first 101 chapters calendar blackening the situation after the robbery fairy king
(XI )
  Luo Yan did not return to the Chong Chong Tian . She stayed a few more days on
the grounds that she still had to deal with ordinary things. She concealed segment
Shao wind Rumo head and killed several things, the head of Penglai week after the
cold of evil have also been revelations were 11 , we tried to get into the main
places that few human lives will be considered in the week after the body
cold , Penglai disciples were also amazed that the head was so bad that they could
not lift their heads in front of other Xianmen . They did not dare to do funerals
for the head . They let the Xianmen with hatred burn Zhou Fuhan ’s body. Ashes .
  Luo Yan only said that he did n't know where Duan Shaofeng
had gone . Penglai's disciples thought that his brother had left the school because
of the killing of his family . Several of the school sisters were crying . They went
outside to find several circles .
  Most of the people became immortal feeling weak , wild goose before
hi Huan pool war is very reserved to a distance , hi Huan handsome appearance he
wore a shirt giving rise , hi Huan and his friends drink he strolled appearance,
like his frivolous loose The appearance of a smile , this kind of love is the only
thing that makes her heart beat faster and more interested in the leisurely and
trivial time of Jiu Zhongtian , but it is not intense. The heartbeat in occasional
encounters is shocked. When I look back, I glance and talk. Suddenly staring at each
other , all of them are as faint as the idle clouds , and they will be emotional
when they see them , and they will not feel when they can't see them .
  Luo Yan remember the former things , actually feel the passage of time seems to
have those feelings, and even the pool war for another woman Rumo such a thing , she
does not seem to feel sad, but very worried about him, and she is now my heart is
filled with another person , She was glad to see Chi Zhanxianjun, but she was not
only happy to see Tan Yulang, but also anxious, nervous, and even shy. Together .
  Luo Yan feels that her mood is contradictory and capricious, but she can be sure
that she likes Tan Yulang, wants to be with him, and when she likes Chi Zhanxian, she
can be satisfied with a glance, but now she feels staying all day It's not enough
together .
  Therefore, knowing that there was not much time, she made a fake show and became
a relative of Tan Yulang, but she was very worried that there would be someone in Jiu
Zhongtian who would urge her to go back .
  Not , and she has not seen the seventh heaven of people, it was an unexpected
first person to find the door .
  At night, the moonlight is very dark, and it is very dark beside the lotus pond .
  " Brother? " Luo Yan could hardly see the face of the other person .
  Duan Shaofeng apparently did not mean to reminisce with her , and there was no
nonsense of one word : " I know, have you recovered your memory? "
  Luo Yan did not return , then the meaning is very clear, she was embarrassed, he
might have been to hell, so did not know her true identity, he was so smart, of
course, she would have guessed for whom .
  Duan Shaofeng asked again: "Is the Ecstasy Furnace in your hands? "
  Luo Yan was stunned, his expression somewhat strange: " No, it's gone. "
  The Ecstasy Furnace is also an ancient magical instrument. It was once owned by a
certain God of God Realm, and was accidentally obtained by Chi Zhanxianjun. It was
transferred to her, of course she cherished it, but she saw that the third brother
loved God Realm so deeply that she had to cut the love to her .
  Not that incense stove it ? Jane amazing it more expensive more refined look
better fills .
  Where did you give something to ask for it again ?
Is n’t   Chi Zhanjun famous for his shots ?
  Duan Shaofeng seemed silent, and said, " Who did you give it to? "
  " Do you really want it? " Luo Yan asked silently , and when he glanced at him,
she coughed. " Oh, I understand, the fairy is down now, and there are many rare
treasures in my palace, fairy ..."
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her: " I want that. "
  Luo Yan embarrassed: " But, but I'm the third brother was sent to, ah, how good
to be back, more importantly ......" she sighed, " something else, better said, this is
absolutely not be regained you also know that the third brother is a muscle on the
things of God, he also put his knowledge of the sea, and usually have their own homes
do not use statistics. "
  Duan Shaofeng nodded and turned away .
  Harmony surprised: " You go grab it? "
  Duan Shaofeng raised his eyebrows slightly, and his lifeless look had changed a
bit. He was a bit frivolous when he was a fairy, saying : " Are you afraid that I
ca n't go to God Realm? "
  Luo Yan said: " This is not the case. Sister Xian'e said to me a few days ago
that the third brother has returned to Jiu Chong Tian. "
  Duan Shaofeng ripped his sleeve from her hand and said, " I will be merciful. "
  It is forgotten that Chi Zhanxianjun is doing battle in the fairyland. When he
mentions fighting, he can almost be regarded as arrogant. Although he is also a devil
himself, his enthusiasm for fighting seems to be half .
  Luo Yan was silent and couldn't help saying : " I'm worried that the third
brother will not show mercy to you. The eldest brother and the second brother both
died in the hands of the demon. Do you dare to rob him? Don't you die? "
  Duan Shaofeng didn't seem to care about it, his eyes were dark, and he laughed, a
bit of disdainful and mad evil: " So what? "
  "... I didn't want to stop you. " Luo Yan closed his eyes, turned a fairy lotus
out, sent it to him, and looked at him silently .
Of course,   Duan Shaofeng can recognize what this is. Luoyan is the emperor of
Jiu Chongtian. This lotus is her body, and he is silent, saying , " Are you worthy
of your husband? "
  He did not say Tan Yulang, but said her husband, alluding to her being married,
do n’t go to Qin Muchu .
  Luo Yan's face immediately red, not shame, is the gas: " You took this
disguise I went to the seventh heaven, no one will recognize you. "
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her and didn't speak, but it was embarrassing to see
everything in his eyes .
  Harmony this time is the Xiunao: " Well, I just wanted to accompany Yuk period
of time, you pretend I go back, I can understand the urgent needs, but also close to
the third brother back what you want, do not do both? "
  Segment Shao wind means unknown: " is quite a move have two. "
  Luo Yan knew that he did n’t need this, nor was there no other way. She had to
soften her tone: " Sister, please help me. Any requirements you have can be
discussed. "
  Segment Shao wind took the hand of the lotus flower fairy, Mouguang micro Dayton,
what seems to think, a bit sadly passing of absence, that she looked up and
said: " requirements do not have to, and on when you send them a wedding gift
Right. "
  Luo Yan was so surprised that his eyes were shining, and it was too late to
thank, Duan Shaofeng had disappeared in front of her, leaving only Liu Zhier by the
pool rippling in the wind .
  Cheng Yan was taken into the ninth heaven by Ao Yi. Ao Yi's prestige in the
heavens was obviously very high. There were people saying hello and salutes to him
all the way, and even many beautiful fairies secretly looked at him behind the flower
branches .
  The heavens are surrounded by mist, flowers are beautiful, and the beauty is like
a cloud. The palace is also holy and refined, revealing a calm, gentle and quiet
charm .
  Cheng Yan was lying on Ao Yi's wide and soft cuffs, looking out, not having to
scream like an earthen bun, but his eyes were glittering like gems .
  She was looking at the younger one now . Ao Yi was afraid that she might fall
out and fall, so she moved her into the palm of her hand and nodded her head and
said, " Now go to Taishang Laojun first. "
  She knows this !
  Cheng Yan raised his head: " alchemy? "
  Ao Yi accidentally looked at her and nodded .
  Ao standing in a wing on a flower clouds, posture reveals a figure who trained
Qing Qu straight, light Yi Mei fly with one of the light wind loyalty to the fairy
look, look light, but also diminished Rongse of Seiitsu handsome .
  When he reached the alchemy palace, he palmed her up, flew down the clouds, and
stood at the door. The two Dao were still young and did n’t recognize him, but they
were also impressed by his noble and extraordinary temperament. He directly led him
to the court to see Taishang Laojun .
  Cheng Yan thought that Taishang Laojun was an old man with white beards and white
hair. Who knew that after he went in, he saw a young man in a gray robe. His face was
white and clean, elegant, and gentle, and his lips and lips had a slight smile. , He
is holding a large red furnace burning fire .
  When he saw Ao Yi, the man's eyes lighted up, and he was about to hug his open
hand .
  Ao Yi stood still and did n’t move. When he cast a spell, the man ’s direction
changed, and he hugged his Daotong. He did n’t know yet, and he shouted
happily, " His Royal Highness! You can come back, people want to die, hey yo, the
three Highness, the longer you how short the? spirit world tough day, right? "
  Cheng Yan almost laughed out loud, but he did not expect Taishang Laojun to look
at the gentle and gentle personality, and his personality was quite funny .
  Ao wing it stood, did not speak .
  Taishang Laojun found something wrong and looked down, then cried, " Why are
you a kid? "
  Daotong is wronged, you want to hug yourself, Laojun .
  Taishang Laojun raised his head, looked at Ao Yi, and sighed: " His Highness
is so cold, I must have come without thinking of me. "
  Ao Yi opened his mouth: " One back to Yuandan. "
  Lao got a not with hesitation, go back and told said Tong: " Go, my latest
rocket Jane made the most expensive bring. "
  Daotong turned away, and soon took a small box to offer. After opening, there was
a small earth-colored ball inside .
  Ao wing picked up a back dan, said: " multi Xie "
  Taishang Laojun asked with concern : " His Royal Highness
looks very energetic , and his style is better than before. Which Xianyou is this
blood pill for? "
  Ao Yi's words were very short: " Give her blood. "
  Taishang Laojun is wondering who this " she " is , just watching him feed the
precious immortality ... a little green snake? The cold man of His Highness was
actually gentle enough to let the snake bite slowly .
  Tai Shang Lao Jun gave me heartache. It wasn't a good fairy friend. He was
reluctant to send it out. His Royal Highness actually took it to feed the snake .
  He was going to control complaints, but saw the Emperor Xian Shi came around,
saying that His Highness the Emperor triple- past saw .
  Cheng Yan grabbed Ao Yi's sleeve as soon as he heard it. If he could
not speak in front of the person , he shook his head at him .
  Ao Yidao: " Don't want to go? "
  Cheng Yan little head, you would think the Emperor and heir to talk some politics
talks like she was afraid he would suffocate .
  Ao wing touched her little head, turned around to see Lao: " There are labor
Laojun moment to take care of her. "
  Taishang Laojun is not a blind man. He ca n’t let Heavenly Emperor wait. He
nodded, watching Ao Yi put Xiaoqing Snake on a cushioned chair, and told her not to
run, he sighed. , His Royal Highness was quite indifferent to people, and very gentle
to the fairy .
  After Ao Yi left, Taishang Laojun was not interested in this little fairy pet, so
he went to study his own medicine .
  Cheng Yan was bored, so he climbed and climbed up to the peach blossom
forest outside the hall .
  Once upon a peach than every room was open to a number of bright, clear winds,
rain falling peach have also shed bursts of fragrance, beautiful people that scene
shift is not open eyes .
  Cheng Yan was lying on the peach blossom petals under the tree, soft and
comfortable, and fell asleep .
  Confused , she suddenly felt that her body was heating up, and a burning
sensation spread like a fire to the tip of the tail, and there was still a sweet
smell between the throats. She was stunned and felt that the panacea was too good ,
Make up ... too much .
  She wanted to climb back to find Taishang Laojun, but she had n't climbed a few
steps. In front of her, she suddenly had a pair of delicate and soft white boots.
The snow-white skirt spread like layers of ice flowers. Zhang has a familiar familiar
face, seems ... something like her ?
  " Little Green Snake? " The beauty's voice was also very nice. She put her in the
palm and looked at her with a pair of beautiful eyes .
  Cheng Yan was so hot that she rolled in her palms, sticking out her bright red
tongue .
  " Aura is too strong. " The beauty nodded the tip of her tongue and made
a diagnosis, suddenly chuckling lightly , " I will help you heal. "
  Cheng Yan didn't have time to sigh the beauty's heart, and a soft and warm touch
came from her mouth. The spirit in her body was continuously pumped away, and her
heat slowly dropped, but her head was still dizzy .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
Was   she kissed by a beauty ?
  She has beauty touched by the snake became cold, suddenly sighed, and
said: " nice color, some like. "
  Cheng Yan looked at him with bright, bright eyes, his head tilted, seeming to be
curious about what she was talking about .
  The beautiful woman stared at her for a moment, suddenly lowered her lower lip,
and said something loosely: " I don't know how it tastes like a snake soup? "
  In the eyes of the beauty, Cheng Yan silently curled her tail up: "..."

Chapter 102 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Tribulation (12 )

  After saving her , the beauty did not release her , but put her in the palm of
her hand , and the graceful and graceful eyes looked at her and asked, " Do you
have a Lord? "
  Cheng Yan that the real reason would have guessed a bit Ao wing would not let her
true identity with heaven, except secretly hiding for fear of the powerful demon got
wind outside waiting to murder her , but also because for the past thousands of
years after the war , heaven also After a long wave of baptism , the newborn fairy
has almost never seen the true god , and the goddess of the god realm has not
been seen by outsiders , almost living in legend , if she knows that she is coming to
heaven , she will definitely Caused a sensation .
  Cheng Yan thinking she is now a strip snake , it certainly can not speak, ah,
closed mouth , innocent eyes bright and beautiful for looking , very disturbed
subdivision want to climb down from her palm .
  Hold down with her beauty line and touched her back like a cat, crossed eyes seem
a bit dim, nodded, understanding: " Tonight's late . Rice nowhere to be found ."
  Then , she was taken away directly .
  Take away ... ? ? ?
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Why is this man's mind so evil !
  Americans wear over the Peach Grove , Several turnings , and went for a trail of
flowers everywhere , went to a palace, Dianwai long with a towering old trees , the
leaves are actually golden, hanging above a lot of red The ribbon seems to have been
written .
  Americans stood in front of the hall, lift head up hope .
  Cheng Yan learned to lift her head up and looked, and then saw the three gilt
characters joking Temple , is this plaque is old and seems to fall, and also a knot
in the cobweb, a spider slowly climb the month The word old .
  One can very by the way spectrum, Cheng Yan turned around to see beauty, which
she did not come seeking marriage, right ?
  The beauties just looked at her, and looked at her with a bit of idleness, but
she still wanted to see through her sharply .
  " You can't speak, but literate? "
  Cheng Yan pretended to be stupid, tilted her head to look at her, grinded her
teeth, and looked innocently blank like " I don't know what you are talking
about " .
  Americans do not move sensual looked at her, but still do not say a word, put
aside the skirt, long legs across open, strode embarked on a three steps joking
temple .
  Cheng Yan looked at some cynicism, why is this such a big beauty of
walking ...... a word Nanjin ?
  Moon Elder ’s immortal order is not high, and Moon Lao Temple ’s specifications
are not large. It is also a thing that he can accomplish by himself, so there is no
one to help him .
  When Cheng Yan was embraced by the beauty , he saw a man in a red robe sitting
cross-legged in the hall, half-closed eyelids, expressionless, with a very unspiring
taste, playing like knitting wool. The red line that shone with red light in the
temple was ignored, and when someone came in, he just said lightly: " What's the
matter? "
  The beauty also said lightly: " Do you have any wine ? "
  Yue Lao opened his eyes this time: " Are you here to make friends with me? "
  Beauty said: " I know, and can drink only joking person as you make friends. "
  Joking deadpan: " It was because of friends and for me just to drink with him,
you drink me? "
  Beauty said: " Drinkable . "
  Elder Moon came in with some energy, and carefully looked at the beauty: " I
don't believe it. "
  Cheng Yan not believe, she said, how a son hall smelled alcohol taste it, joking
that maybe all day drinking, such a weak weak waited beauty how drunk him ?
  Who knows that the beauty does not speak, probably wants to sit cross-legged like
the elders, but the skirt is too narrow. After sitting down, her feet can't turn a
little, she seems to twist her eyebrows, and directly sway the skirt. When he got up,
he showed snow-like trousers similar to those worn by men, with his hands on his
knees. Shen Sheng said two words to Yue Lao: " Drink ? "
  Under the skirt to wear pants is what to do ?
  Cheng Yan was put on her crotch like a flower when her skirt was folded.
She looked up silently at the beauty's bright and gentle face. She felt that she had
a very violent temperament, maybe ... be dignified in her with a look at the pieces
bold chic heart of it .
  Joking is also a strange man, a great beauty came to his drinking, his
second then do not say it will be with a bunch of hill like wine to move out .
  The beauty shook her head and said, " Not this. "
  Moon Lao said: " This is an old wine. "
  The beautiful woman must have looked at him, thin lips spit out three
words: " Sansheng drunk. "
  When he heard it, Yue Lao was even more expressionless: " No, that's why I
have been in good wine for thousands of years. I have to be drunk for three days
after drinking it. No matter how good the wine is, it won't work. "
  Americans do not seem to Mian strong, Quehu and changed the subject: " you why
they fight the fairy king and the pool to drink it? "
  Suddenly heard the name of the male, Cheng Yan heart some scared surprised .
  Joking obviously a very good perception of the pool battle fairy king, his face a
smile actually have a point, although only a little of it: " because for him not
drunk. "
  The beauty is calm: " Neither will I. "
  Yue Lao looked at him and said another sentence: " I don't believe it. "
  The beauty also laughed, smiling pretty, and even provocatively
provocatively: " Drink ? "
  Cheng Yan could almost expect the end. Yue Lao really couldn't bear the fierce
tactics. He took out the three thousand years of drunkenness he had in his mouth, but
he only had one altar and two wine glasses .
  Cheng Yan wonders who this beauty is. She looks like she's not a problemmaker.
What's the point of looking for a drinking elder ?
  She was thinking, here, the two have a drink, you cup of my cup, joking is
actually in the drink , really deserves Sansei drunk, drank a glass had been stars,
drank three The cup began to sway, showing drunkenness .
  She looked at the beauty again, and she was stunned at this. She didn't drink at
all, and the previous ones secretly fell into the jade gourd that she had
transformed. The elder was drinking on the head and didn't even see it .
  Beauty is very calm and composed, look to see joking already drunk, drunk Sansei
holding jar want-to-mouth blow, she drunk directly to juniors took over, then plug an
ordinary wine jar to the joking .
  Cheng Yan look to see beauty are all the rest of the wine poured into the jade
gourd, Keyiqueding, the beauty is that people cheat an honest man whose son drunk .
  The beauty covered the lid, and the jade gourd disappeared in the palm of her
hand. She looked at Cheng Yan and suddenly smiled: " Do you know why Chi Zhan Xianjun
is not drunk? "
  Cheng Yan almost wanted to shake her head to say she didn't know. She saw the
smile in her eyes and she refrained .
  Beauty and said: " because as he did not drink. "
  Cheng Yan: "... ? "
  Why did you hear a proud tone ?
  The beauty put her into the palm again , and touched her back, Shi Shiran walked
out of the Moon Old Temple .
  Cheng Yan through her sleeves pendulum saw joking still holding wine jars in
there laughing like a big fool .

Chapter 103 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Tribulation (13 )

  Cheng Yan is holding joking beauty out of the temple , to see met four cents
sleeve of a robe fluttering slim Xiane standing in the doorway, watching a good
attitude to the line ceremony , the sound is also opened with a voice like sweet
lark: " Welcome Emperor Ji back to the palace! "
  Emperor Ji? What Emperor Ji ?
  After Cheng Yan-known sleep looked up , to see the beauty of the face, no wonder
they look familiar , her luck is actually so good , casually stroll to encounter a
female controls it ?
  Just ...... book, although care of the household is bright and lively
temperament , but also has reserved soften Once upon a princess .
  The book describes her ... behaving ceremoniously? Generous ?
  Think of beauty Hao Mai chic walking posture and sitting , Cheng Yan silent , not
just the men who set collapse yet , care of the household who set collapse obviously
more powerful ah !
  Tai Ji when faced with Regard of temperament but has been somewhat Duan Fang , a
faint " ah " a cry , heels go forward, the pace was too big cross , several Xiane
cheeky surprise color , However, she slowed down calmly and calmly. Step by step, it
could not be too much graceful .
  Cheng Yan is weird in his heart, which is too different .
  Four Regard is often followed Emperor Ji's wait around , points do not apricot,
spring, pink, and leaves , she had also felt the Tai Ji seems something is
wrong , but can not tell .
  Apricot could not help but whispered: " Tai Ji , you are all right? "
  Emperor Ji glanced at her lightly, and this side of the eyes had an indescribable
and charming taste , like saying " What can I do? " .
  Xinghua was blushed with red eyes, and wondered how Emperor Ji seemed strange
after going out. She didn't think much, but only whispered to
comfort: " Emperor Ji, some people have reported the matter of Chi Zhanxian Jun's
enchantment not long ago. Heavenly Emperor Thunder was furious. Emperor Ji should
never speak for him. "
  Emperor Ji likes Chi Zhanxianjun, they know, they are afraid that her temper will
meet Emperor Tian as soon as she comes up .
  Cheng Yan almost jumped up in shock , causing the beauty to glance at her, and
she returned to her palm in peace, shocked and puzzled again, she remembered that she
had solved the problem. Why did Chi Zhan get into the magic, is it because he has
done the magic of the magic world before ?
  Emperor Ji took back the glance of the little green snake, and said nothing about
Chi Zhanxianjun, but only asked faintly, " What fairy banquet? "
  This time, Chun Yu replied softly: "When I returned to Emperor Ji, His Royal
Highness Ao Yi returned from God Realm. It was not easy. The Queen Mother hosted a
fairy banquet to invite all the fairy families to gather together. Destiny came to
invite Diji to pass. "
  Tai Ji silent for a moment, said: " It had to go. "
  Seeing that Diji had already taken the cloud to go, Chun Yu was busy in
surprise: " Diji! You just came back from the world, we have to wait for you to
bathe and change clothes, go to the turbidity of the world, dress up and dress
up. . "
  Emperor Ji was silent for a long time this time .
  Several Xiane also silent, face to face spy, I do not know why the Tai Ji seemed
embarrassed look .
  Cheng Yan small upturned head to see Tai Ji, Tai Ji bow to her sparkling eyes,
raised his head, his tone somewhat unnatural: " . Do not have to wait, I have to ."
  After finishing the speech, Diji took the small green snake and flew away in the
clouds .
  Xian'e : "... ? "
  Somewhat sad, why did Emperor Ji get out with them once she went out ?
  Cheng Yan was brought back to her palace by Di Ji .
  Several Xian'e also arrived later. Although Diji said that she didn't need to
wait, they also led Diji to the open-air fairy pond where she bathed behind,
sprinkled with freshly picked petals, filled with fragrance, and then chose clothes
Well, it was sent to the shore, and it stood respectfully by the pool .
  Emperor Ji stood still, staring at them with heavy eyes .
  Xian'e: " What can Emperor Ji tell you? "
  Tai Ji lift your finger outside the hospital: " You have to go out, not my
orders, the step is not allowed to come. "
  Xian'e was surprised by this strange command and hesitated, " Emperor Ji? "
  Emperor Ji didn't speak, and she was a little angry .
  Several Xian'e had to retreat, and closed the courtyard door .
  Cheng Yan to see met Tai Ji looked at the baths, baths great, full of soft
petals, and even some full-bodied aroma, should be very fond of the girl, Tai Ji, but
your nose, like some dislike the Organization of the Organization LiuYeMei .
  Then, Emperor Ji looked at her, her eyes scorching, with an indistinct meaning .
  Cheng Yan she could not help but see a snake tight .
  " Little Green Snake, how do I feel you are familiar? " Di Ji stared at her
thoughtfully .
  Cheng Yan winked, as if to know nothing, turned around to look great, full of
petals pond, my heart whispered, she felt familiar female controls it, looks like a
thing, but ...... she is now into not any person, The hostess can still feel that she
is familiar, but also very powerful .
  Tai Ji but does not plan to leave her alone, her voice floating: " hi Huan? "
  The voice paused, and Di Ji squatted down and put her into the pool with her
hands, and said with a chuckle: " You should also wash it. You were still rolling
in the mud. "
  Cheng Yan 's weight is very light now, you don't need to swim, and you won't sink
into the water. The pool water is fragrant and warm, and it's quite comfortable to
soak, but I'm not too satisfied if Diji laughs at her rolling, she is clearly in
peach blossom Lin just sleeps .
  Put her into the pool after Tai Ji stood up, took off the body of the skirt,
fairy will not be cold, do not wear clothes too thick, it is only three, looking very
elegant Xian Qi, her first After taking off his outer shirt, he began to loosen his
belt and take off the clothes in the middle .
  Cheng Yan swim a few laps in the water, kinda like the care of the household,
just lying on the petals looked up at her, this time she has been fast you want
in that dress room off, exposing the bully She frosted her shoulders, arms, and
clothes .
  Cheng Yan looked on stunned, it was not in the original clothes between, because
she simply will not wear inside ...... belly, pocket !
  This is not even a problem. She, she, and she even have a flat chest. Although
there are some ups and downs, it looks more like a pectoral muscle than a chest .
  How could there be such a flat hostess! ! !
  Actually, I'm She thought she was a man or something, because for the care of the
household is definitely the book will be a woman .
  Seeing the little green snake in the pool staring at him intently, a glimmer of
light flashed in Duan Shaofeng's eyes. He just turned into the shape of Luo Yan when
he was an emperor, but he couldn't stand even his body became the same as a woman ,
so it will only become tall and short stature becomes more delicate and exquisite,
and the rest have become no how, after all, who would not be picking his clothes and
examination of a true and false .
  Being stared at by the little green snake , Duan Shaofeng was not good enough to
continue taking off his pants, so he wore his pants directly into the fairy pond and
saw that the little green snake was about to swim away, he caught her, two long and
fair-skinned Fingers pinching her, slowly said: " What are you looking at, little
color snake! "
  Cheng Yan glad that they are not humanoid, or she really blush, and she saw the
other side of the chest just flat out amazing so it did not expect to be mistaken as
lust ?
  Her body affixed looked away, so flat chest pain in the hearts perhaps the care
of the household, and she is not good to poke people wound .
  Who knows but listens to the other party's voice quietly and
authentically: " You really understand! "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
Why did she   deliberately lie to her ?
  Duan Shaofeng turned her little head back and stared at her eyes, her gaze was a
bit breathtaking: " You are not immortal or demonish, and even I cannot see your
way, you What is it? "
  Cheng Yan opened her mouth and tried to refute that she was not a thing, but she
seemed to scold herself and closed her mouth in depression .
  Duan Shaofeng saw her hesitant look, and her gaze was darker. She said: " I have
met someone like you before . She lied to me that she is a demon. Do you know what
happened to her in the end? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him and flicked his tail .
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her fixedly and said in a word: "It's gone. "
  Cheng Yan's wagging tail froze: "..."
  Is this ... threatening her ? But ...... this plot has some familiar ?
  Her unmoving reaction fell into Duan Shaofeng's eyes like a guilty conscience, he
frowned, his eyes bright, and then said again: " You ..."
  Hospital door suddenly sounded, interrupting segment Shao wind, he bit
impatient: " Who! "
  Outside the door was Xian'e Xinghua. She was taken aback by this tone, and her
speech stuttered: " Emperor, Emperor Ji, and His Royal Highness Ao Yi came over and
waited for you outside, saying that you gave his fairy pet Take it away. "
  Duan Shaofeng turned his head to look at Cheng Yan, his eyes were faint, but his
mouth was calm again: " Got it, you tell him , I will pass by soon. "
  Duan Shaofeng wears clothes much faster than undressing. When he flew out of the
pool, the clothes automatically put on his body, and when he fell, he was dressed in
exquisite and bright emperor .
  He took the little green snake out of the pond and gently touched her body with
her hand, the water droplets on her body disappeared, and became refreshing, but he
did not remove his hand, but touched slowly. Holding her snake body, she said: " Ao
Yi's fairy pet? "
  He seemed to be asking her, she didn't speak .
  Duan Shaofeng didn't say anything anymore, looked at her thoughtfully, and lifted
her foot away from the courtyard .
  Cheng Yan also thoughtfully glanced at his chest. No wonder he wanted to wear
such an elegant and loose skirt. It turned out to cover up the cruel facts of his
chest ?

Chapter 104 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Romance (14 )

  Cheng Yan far away to see the palace of that road in white dust-free Seiitsu
back , like the police feel to what he side over the body , toward the side it
seems , one pairs like Ling Ling frost on like eye indifferent look over, through
not what love thread .
  Cheng Yan low head , which is not very happy ?
  Segment Shao wind did not reveal any flaws , neatly jogtrot , skirts put micro-
Yang , deport themselves gracefully , went to the door , lips pick out a bit warm
smile , still brought you children quiet romantic temperament: " Third brother
doesn't come in for a cup of tea? "
  " Do not have to. " Ao eye glanced down the wing before he Snakes his arms , eyes
slightly heavy, only to see the complex lift eye segment Shao wind , calm tone as
she went on , " snake unruly, take the trouble of Tai Ji. "
  He held out his right hand, meaning without saying Yu .
  Segment Shao wind did not rush back to him, thoughtfully touched the small green
snake's head , see Ao wing eyes rested on his hands , his lips bright smile
more significant , said: " third brother to play where to find the fairy pet , but
added lovable. "
  Ao Yi said lightly: " God Realm. "
  Duan Shaofeng seemed a little surprised, his eyelids drooped , he was silent for
a moment, and his tone seemed casual: " Is it? It seems like where he has seen it
before. "
  Listening to this, Cheng Yan jumped inexplicably in his heart, struggling to look
up at him with his small head .
  Ao wing tone is still unusual: " It has been with me the body side, presumably
Tai Ji wrong, looks like a snake under the sun are all similar. "
  Duan Shaofeng looked down at the little green snake, seeming to be lost for a
moment, and then suddenly laughed: "The third brother said yes. "
  He returned the small green snake back, and after Ao Yi said goodbye to him, he
flew away without looking back .
  Segment Shao wind did not move, and looked up at the direction they left, eyes
lifeless, if Ao wing did not say a lie, little green snake would not be her, but why
does it feel will be that kind of familiar ?
  Above the clouds, wing Ying Ao wind standing, Yi Mei flying, such as ink long-
haired, fair-skinned, pale drooping eyelids, and looked too cold, not good-looking,
thin lips also micro-sip .
  Affected by the memory of the original owner , Cheng Yan looked a bit dazed when
he looked at him with a straight face. He looked young, but he did not know how many
times he was older than her. The fairy power and spells can almost crush the current
minor goddess .
  Therefore, she had to coax him well, otherwise he wouldn't change her back to
human form .
  Cheng Yan coughed for a moment, but coughed, but could not attract the slightest
attention of Ao Yi . She had to bite his sleeve with her little fangs and pulled
hard, and Ao Yi split her eyes. Not talking, just looking at her .
  Cheng Yan sat with his tail crossed in his palms , looking up at him with a
serious look, and said seriously: " Shen Shi, do n't be angry with me. "
  Ao Yi seems inexplicable: " Is mad at you? "
  Cheng Yan: " Aren't you angry with me? "
  Ao mold her wing looked confused innocent kind, action gently touched her head,
lips have a point of rare smile, seems to comfort her: " not. "
  Cheng Yan did not speak, looked at him as if to ask , " You do not get angry Why
ignore people? " .
  After a moment of silence, Ao Yi said: " You are playful and running around is
fine, I can always find it, but I will not allow you to see that person again. "
  Cheng Yan Anti be a while before: " Di ?? Kyi she is not your sister do ."
  Why not see her ?
  Isn't the plot of the brother and sister in the book quite good ?
  " My sister is naturally okay, just ..." To meet her clear eyes, Ao Yi's voice
slightly paused, and she turned her back, " You will understand in the future, just
listen to me now. "
  Cheng Yan: " If you don't listen? "
  Ao Yi said indifferently: " What can you do if you don't listen to me, even if
you are so capable, you can even do things like sneaking into the world without
permission. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Ao wing to be too late, the location next to the Jade Pool Fairy feast in the
back garden of the Queen Mother edge, flowers, aromatic fragrance, and the brightest
fairy house is almost in attendance, sitting in front of their desk case, then no
wonder people want to become immortal These fairies looked very young one by one, and
few were old. Zhong Lingyuxiu's appearance was very eye-catching .
  Ao wing in the houses of the left hand side below the first sitting, sitting next
to the Queen Mother of Heaven, a position she first right-hand side is still empty
and wanted to be left to her little daughter Lotus Tai Ji .
  This fairy banquet was originally held by Ao Yi. Ao Yi was naturally the
protagonist. Heavenly Emperor asked him about his life in God Realm. Ao Yi also
answered one by one. Heavenly Emperor nodded and did not speak when he heard it. It's
just that the eyes seem to be thinking about things .
  When the Queen Mother saw her, she asked sideways: " But Heavenly Emperor
is worried about the matter of Chi Zhanxian? "
  As soon as this word came out, everyone was a little silent. Chi Zhanxianjun was
not an insignificant little fairy. He was a celebrity who was promoted step by step
when the emperor first assumed the throne. He removed the demon for the emperor, and
he passed the rebellion. The general, who is charged and has great prestige, has high
hopes for this emperor's calendar, and even the emperor has high hopes. Once the
calendar is successful, he will definitely be reborn and stepped up to a higher
level. By then, there will be no rivals in the Six Realms. It can be consolidated .
  Who knows, there will be a problem, such a character will even join the demon,
when he is good, he can keep the heavens peaceful, and in turn, when he is evil, he
will also become the biggest threat to the heavens .
  The demon world has been declining for a long time. If Chi Zhan has ambitions, it
is not impossible to conquer a devil and wait for a career .
  Heaven pair Wei Yan Lombok down the seat under the brightest Dwelling,
muses: " I wonder if you ? See how Ai Qing "
  Where heaven institutions and between the royal family not far, there have
civilian military attache, the civil service are naturally more rational, considering
that the scourge may occur in the future, have advocated pre-emptive people hunt
pool battle fairy king, if not kill, they have Put him in the prison to guard .
  As military attache than the heavy bonds of friendship, and most of them are war
Shoudexia pool of men, naturally dominated the talk, saying that the pool since it
has been for the war magic fairy king will not die from the tube industry, as long as
he did against heaven, should Well water does not violate river water .
The fairy families, who   looked at the peace and serenity before, had already
blushed and their necks were thick, and there was some ordinary fireworks .
  Heavenly Emperor frowned, let them shut their mouths, silenced for a moment, and
turned to ask his son's most important opinion. His eyes seemed to contain a few
promises and gentleness .
  Cheng Yan also looked at Ao Yi, and he just looked down at her, their eyes met ,
Cheng Yan stunned slightly, his eyes seemed to have some unpredictable deep
meaning .
  She ranging from fine to see, he has been looked up to Heaven, calm tone
authentic: " I have to , for the pool as to punish war fairy king. "
  Just a few words, the tone is very pale, very flat, but it surprised everyone .
  Cheng Yan was also stunned. Although Ao Yi looked at his weak sentiment, he was
the most fair and principled person. How could he say such vicious words ?
  Heaven surface did not reveal what color, Jing Si son of Italian See coincide,
but there sigh tone: " ? Why is it so to say ."
  Ao Yi said lightly: " The Celestial King who was supposed to eliminate the Demon
Guardian Dao but entered the Devil's Path is already a sin. What's more, Chi Zhanxian
has many supporters in the Celestial Realm, and even the young juniors who have just
become immortal have respect for him If Heaven Realm did n’t make stern measures and
everyone saw him getting away with it, would n’t they all follow him
afterwards? ” He paused, his tone lightened by three points, “ The rules
of heaven do n’t fall into immortality. Regulations, he condoned merits, but he
could not offset his fault. "
  Ao Yi was reasonable and well-founded, and his tone was gentle, making it
irrefutable. Those civil servants also echoed Ao Yi, and those military officials
were short-lived, showing gloomy colors .
  Heavenly Emperor nodded , and there was a decision in his heart, but he said in
his mouth: " This matter will go up again ..."
  The words were still not over. Someone at the door retorted
loudly: "What's wrong with Chi Zhanxian? "
  Cheng Yan certainly do not want the male being chased killed, heard someone
argue, actually relieved, and she looked up, surprised to see Lotus Tai Ji a vivid
red dress, looks beautiful, fast pace micro, skirt flying, gas The field is almost
two and eight meters !
  Emperor Ji was obviously talking to Ao Yi. She stood in front of Ao Yi's desk
case and said, " One thing , Fallen Immortality is a punishment, but Chi Zhan is
only a mortal body when he enters the Devil's World. " She leaned over and put her
hands on the table case, staring at Ao Yi, her tone slightly cold, " Two , the
monsters of the Six Realms have gone too much, can your Highness finish it? Then,
if Chi Zhan really has ambitions, , Your Highness thought that Heaven could really
kill him? "
  This was almost a misfortune in front of the palace, and the princess of the
palace spoke for the fallen immortal, and the emperor's face was dull .
  Queen Mother looked at the look of the Emperor of Heaven, slightly scolding
authentic: " Lotus, Hu say, really child mouth without taboo, do not come here? "
  Ao Yi and Di Ji looked at each other, and their eyes were cold and heavy .
  In the center of the vortex Cheng Yan are feeling the pressure, but fortunately
Tai Ji I do not know how they pull back, and she went to the Queen Mother of the
hand position and sat side .
  " His mother was right, I speak most unwise. " Tai Ji changed his attitude, his
mouth actually sort of smile to see Ao wing, " Third Brother, I'm just a impulsivity
offended you, I apologize to you toast Well, do n’t blame me. "
  Her attitude became so fast, Cheng Yan was a little surprised, and then saw
Emperor Ji took out the jade gourd and poured two glasses of wine, and she walked
back to Ao Yi in front of them again .
  Cheng Yan did not forget to remember what it is inside, said joking Sansei will
make people drunk on a three-day drunk, do not often touch liquor Ao wing, maybe even
more severe drunk .
  She wanted to remind Ao Yi, but the Emperor Ji glanced at it, and at that glance
she could not express the meaning, she forgot to move for a while .
  Emperor Jiying already gave the wine glass to Ao Yi with a smile, and when Ao Yi
took the wine glass, she said again: "The third brother please drink this glass,
forgive the younger sister. "
  Ao Yi looked at this glass of wine, and others looked at it. If he didn't drink,
he wouldn't forgive her. He was silent for a moment, and raised his glass of wine .
  Emperor Ji had a smile on her face, but there was no smile on her eyes. She sat
back to her original position, and the banquet was back to lively .
  Cheng Yan was worried that Ao Yi would be drunk. As a result, he sat motionless
and expressionless. She still thought he had a good drink, until Heavenly Emperor
talked to him, and he ignored it. The fairy family next to him patted him on the
shoulder. Suddenly fell straight on the table case .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  This is completely drunk .
  She smiled at Tai Ji looked over there, but just right on the Tai Ji
Italian flavor deep long look .

Chapter 105 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Romance (15 )

  Sansei drunk people do not know the power , it even gave the Emperor of Heaven
looked down to the ground was the son of a glass of wine is enough to create
misunderstandings, he was commanded to return to the palace , Cheng Yan to nest in
his sleeve , also together to the soft soft big bed .
  After Xian Shi took the door out, Cheng Yan crawled out of his sleeve .
  After Ao wing pretty drunk very law-abiding , closed eye , or promise not
comfortable , he eyebrow head slightly Zhou Zhao , Yung Yan seems like a touch of
refined Seiitsu landscape painting , it is not even a trace of sleeping position not
pick Unconventional acting , very elegant rules .
  Cheng Yan looked at his face , my heart is a little strange , the book feeling so
good brother and sister actually outdone in reality, she even suspected care of the
household to joking that children lie drunk juniors is to make use of in Ao wing
body .
  " Water ......" Ao wing whole family with micro eyelids , lips also some
dry astringent , after a moment, he even opened his eyes, sat up themselves also .
  If it weren't for his blind eyes without focal length, Cheng Yan thought he was
sober soon .
  Cheng Yan looked at him , blinked , and suddenly flashes of lightning , jumped on
his lap , and said: " God paternity, paternity God , you do not move, I can help you
some water? "
  This Ao wing when a good talk, looking down at her, scowled, she seemed to
understand the meaning of words, and after a while, said: " . You go ."
  Cheng Yan seemed to be embarrassed to say: " But, I can't pour water like this,
it's better ..."
  This time she speaks, Ao wing actually to understand what she meant, very
dry brittle cleanly a Huixiu, it will be changed back to her human form .
  When he was so obedient, Cheng Yan was stunned. He looked at his hands
that he hadn't seen in a long time, and felt very cordial. She felt better
immediately, and she poured a full glass of water back .
  Ao wing take over the water, you drink a drop left, handed the cup back to her,
suddenly sink eye stared at her a moment: " You ......"
  Cheng Yan was slightly nervous, didn't he change his mind to change her back ?
  Ao Yi's next words made her relieved: " You go to bed earlier. "
  Cheng Yan-point head: " I this to bed. "
  Ao wing also little head, then lay back, quilt cover, closed his eyes, but
suddenly opened, turned to look at her blankly for a moment, he seemed
unhappy: " how do you ? Do not go out ."
  "..." He didn't arrange a room for her, Cheng Yan was silent for a moment, and
said, " I ... just put the cup away and go out. "
  Ao Yiding looked at her for a moment, his eyes were very erratic, he closed his
eyes again, this time did not open again .
  Room room where there is a low couch with the rest of the time, before Cheng Yan
was there to sleep, but she later changed back to human form lay up but found that
low couch is too small, even her tail does not fit, not as a small The green snake
sleeps comfortably and can roll as he wants .
  She had to change back to look like a little green snake herself , and rolled
into the quilt .
  But, she just close your eyes, it suddenly felt something approaching her in the
past from the quilt stuck his head out, looking, I saw a cloud of smoke floated under
the door, smoke in Ao wing of bed before pour out Humanoid .
  Cheng Yan's eyes widened slightly , turned out to be Emperor Ji ?
  What is she doing here so late ?
  She was thinking, Emperor Ji had disappeared into the same place and entered the
sea of knowledge of Ao Yi. She couldn't sit still and climbed to the bed of Ao Yi.
She didn't worry that Ao Yi would be in danger. The more powerful the fairy, the
stronger the fairy power of the sea. If someone forcibly breaks into the sea, they
will be attacked by the power of the sea. If the ability is weak, they will even be
beaten .
  She guessed that the hostess should be looking for something. She knew that Ao Yi
had the habit of putting the rare treasures into the sea, and that this thing must
still be given to the hostess by Ao Yi, otherwise the hostess could directly I want
it .
What would   Ao Yi be reluctant to give ?
  Thinking of his paranoia towards God Realm , she felt that it was not a treasure
of God Realm, and it must have something to do with God .
  She didn't wait long, Emperor Ji came out of Ao Yi's sea of knowledge, her body
was slightly swaying , she almost vomited a bit of blood, she took out a piece
of ... white silk scarf from her sleeve ?
  Cheng Yan was lying at her feet, watching her wipe the blood from the corners of
her lips with a silk scarf . How ... the movement is so familiar ?
  She vaguely what to expect when the eyes slightly changed suddenly,
the " Tai Ji " or perhaps Indiana when they were strong knowledge of the sea zenith
of the injury, the atmosphere is not stable, immortal gas spill no problem, why ...
… Will it be mixed with magic energy ?
  The heroine cannot be enchanted, unless ... she is not the heroine !
Although there was only one bit   of magical energy , it was enough to alarm the
soldiers guarding the gate of the palace, and the footsteps outside the door were
getting closer and closer .
  " Tai Ji " cold sneer a cry, somewhat wantonly evil taste, directly kick out the
door, the smell in her hand a rope tied cents, the feet of the small green snake
rolled up into his Palm .
  The house light line dark, she's small, she thought he did not find her, she is
now to get rid of rope tied cents is not impossible, just seeing more and more
heavenly days, Shao wind segment if it is Huaxin Shen came out to deal with her,
maybe she would be caught .
  After thinking about it, Cheng Yan retreated silently . She still didn't drag the
male lead. What's more, she wanted to figure out what was going on .
  Segment Shao winds, although injured, but still can get out, might not want to
let Tai Ji helped him a scapegoat, he had time to escape back to his own
appearance , white snow, Yung Yan handsome, his eyes cinnabar mole A bit more evil
and romantic taste .
  He left quickly, and those sky soldiers would soon turn into little black spots
and disappear into sight .
  House, Ao wing like a sense of what should go to, shocked opened his eyes, looked
toward the outside, the eyes have recovered somewhat clear, he was turning the sky,
then heaven Several generals have also been rushed to the house .
  " Your Highness! Lotus Tai Ji ...... not right, yes pool posing as war Tai Ji
escaped to heaven, His Royal Highness can be something? Saw him under house from His
Royal Highness ......"
  Before he had finished, Ao wing has been interrupted them: " Nothing, just .
Ecstasy furnace was stolen ."
  Ao wing eyes slightly heavy, something Indeed, he would have to pool the
whereabouts of war more than a watch, he became emperor Ji things have not hidden
from him that he had been indulging, just to wait for a reason, A person who is
enough to support Chi Zhan also sincerely wants to kill him .
  This design is very mean, he didn't disdain it, but he had to do it .
  It's not enough to be enchanted. It's not enough to just impersonate Emperor Ji.
Even if you steal the Ecstasy Furnace, it's still not enough !
  He didn't expect that the purpose of Chi Zhan's coming to Heaven was just to
sell the Soul Furnace ?
  See Ao wing of silence, one can not help but added, under the sentence: " No,
sir, your fairy pet seems ...... also be taken away? "
  Ao wing of his face sank, suddenly stood up: " How can we help early to say
convened ministries soldiers will immediately go with me!! "
  Several will lead looked at each other, one of humanity: " His Royal Highness
how to be so inferior and so launching a campaign to report it to you to decide
Heaven?? "
  Ao Yi said coldly: " Wait? If there is a failure of the little goddess , who of
you can afford it? "
  Now, the reason is enough, but ... it's a bit boring, even angry. How could she
be taken away if not willing ?
  Can see, his words, she never mind .
  Several people exposed scared startle color, his mind turned a Waner, only
warble: " temple, Your Highness, you bring the dog fairy pet is ...... ? Little
goddess "
  Ao wing noncommittal, has been strode out the door, but did not walk a few steps,
shook his stature, stride up behind under a hold on him: " Sir, you are the
wine ...... not wake up? "
  Ao Yi ignored the words and said, "Do n't go to convene soldiers yet? I'll take a
step first, and you will come later! "
  Several will receive kicked gone, but still left a general follow Ao wing
generals rode in Ao cloud with wings behind and saw the clouds with the stature of
His Highness Akira Akira ah .
  He couldn't help saying : " His Royal Highness, you stop for a moment, I'll go to
the old gentleman to get Jiu Jiu Dan? "
  When the words fell, Ao Yi really stopped. Not only did he stop, but he seemed to
rub his eyebrows with some discomfort, and after a run, Jiu Jinger became more and
more up .
  He intended to identify vaguely head first down the clouds, straight crashed into
the white mist filled in the mundane world, still think, how could he whole body felt
weak, blurred vision, this wine is afraid of poisonous ?
  The military in shock, hurriedly changed direction, anxious to chase down, and
cried: " !! I Highness Highness !? You say drinker so bad, people should not rush to
chase this thing is not right ."

Chapter 106 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Romance (16 )

  Devil Although the decline has been a long time , but how to say is a centipede
die hard, Once upon a time and no reason not to provoke them to go , fairy magic two
communities deep grudges , incumbent Mozun Shu Ye's father was then Ao wing The one
who dragged him into the seal of Heaven Prison seemed to be acting in a low-key
manner . In these years , he did not violate the rivers and waters of
Immortal World , but he must hate Heaven in his heart .
  Therefore , Cheng Yan Shao segment is the wind took to the site after the
Devil , those pursuers heaven and stopped outside the boundaries of that
road , then further , not surprisingly, will result in the two communities of fairy
magic Fun fight , a The battle will inevitably be triggered .
  For the time being , it is safe .
  Cheng Yan is also the first time the Devil, she was lying on the segment Shao
wind palm , explore the head looked out , the Devil and the sky where no difference
between, is a bit desolate scenery, but also bleak tone a bit, chilly wind
blowing , flitting , pedestrians also grotesque , various kinds of classes
have , another one comes no curiosity, callous doing their own thing , do not Jingyi
glanced to the one of the waves is no .
  Duan Shaofeng walked along the road without any attention. His face was pale,
maybe he was internally injured, but his expression was normal, his steps were
gentle, he held a folding fan, he was white and dustless, he was handsome and
handsome, like a leisurely and leisurely The rich son, arrived in an old inn .
  He asked for a room, to is not the money, but a very nice smooth pearls .
  The boss even opened his eyes, led the noble guest into the room personally, and
smiled kindly and asked: " Son, what can I eat? "
  Duan Shaofeng said lightly: "No need. "
  The boss went down in disappointment and took the door by the way .
  When there was no one in the room , Duan Shaofeng's calm and calm look was a bit
unsustainable. His face was whiter, he coughed a few times with his head down, and
when he wiped his lips with the veil, he was still stained with blood .
  Cheng Yan look to see if the same thing he did not seem to throw a veil, sat down
on the bed, cross-legged, transportation information nursed back to health, the body
can thoroughly Xian Qi has gone, and some rich blanket of darkness linger in his
Around him, his face turned whiter, but the moles of cinnabar became redder, and the
redness was evil and evil .
  She is by no accident that he would suffer severe injuries, god of the sea where
knowledge is so good to break the power of the invader will be suppressed not say,
zenith Ao wing still so strong, he's surrounded by numerous heavenly It's already
lucky to get out of here .
  So ... what is the purpose of his toss ?
  Where did the real heroine go ?
  She was staring at Duan Shaofeng thinking, but unexpectedly he opened his eyes
suddenly and looked over at her. The long eyelashes slightly raised at the corners of
his eyes were somewhat unruly. A pair of dark eyes were deep and quirky, and his
expression was calm. To some unpredictable taste .
  The look made her jump .
  Duan Shaofeng coughed again, his voice hoarse and careless: " Are you looking at
me? "
  Cheng Yan pretended to be dead .
  Duan Shaofeng glanced at her, withdrew the bundle of fairy rope tied to her, and
touched her soft and cool spine. The movement was very gentle, and the hoarse voice
seemed to have tenderness: " Why don't you speak? "
  Cheng Yan blankly blinked, but listen to see his voice suddenly leaned in, the
face also came very close, thin lips arc some cold: " ! I know you understand ."
  Cheng Yan still didn't speak. He must remember her voice. If she exposed the
stuff at the beginning, he asked her to explain what to do !
  Segment Shao wind eyes squint slightly, revealing a bit it is not straight , as
the gas field, a bit aggressive: " You have no words for me to say it? "
  Yan Cheng lower head, the tail plate to play .
  Segment Shao wind silent for a moment, then said: " If you were her, you would
not recognize me, so ......" He no longer see her eyes look away, " you will not be the
sense of feel is The inaccurate is still the most reliable evidence. "
  He really doubted her. Cheng Yan secretly looked up at him, but he saw a delicate
and small furnace in his hand .
  Seeming to be curious about her, Duan Shaofeng really explained to her: " This
is the Ecstasy Furnace, and this is what I stole from Ao Yi. "
This ancient treasure is also   in the memory of the original owner .
  Cheng Yan blinked his eyes and looked at the Ecstasy Furnace. While recalling the
information about it, his body gradually stiffened .
  Isn't it ?
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her indifferently, and his framing fingers stroked the
furnace tripod, saying: "The Ecstasy Furnace can trace the man's past with his
breath, and he will also point out where the man is. " Voice After a brief pause, he
glanced at her and commented, "It 's a good way to find someone . "
  Cheng Yan almost wanted to run, but Duan Shaofeng picked her up and put it on
his lap. Her left hand caressed her body, and said in a hurry: " Do n’t move, or I
will think of you It's guilty. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Unmovable, she was terribly guilty !
  Duan Shaofeng no longer cares about her. She turned out a pure white transparent
lotus . She saw her heartbeat slowed by half a beat. Isn't this the fake body she
used before ?
  Duan Shaofeng's slender fingers were holding flower branches, and his movements
were as gentle as if he were treating the only treasure in the world. His eyes became
soft and nostalgic, as if looking at someone through it .
  Cheng Yan felt a little embarrassed .
  After a while, Duan Shaofeng's fingertips turned into a small spark, and even
threw that fairy lotus into the furnace tripod. As soon as the fairy lotus fell into
the furnace tripod, it was quickly burned to ashes, Duan Shaofeng's eyes were fixed,
his eyelids drooped, and it seemed a little quiet .
  Cheng Yan also looked at Luding, a little nervous, because she saw the picture,
the ashes flew in the flame, and slowly formed a picture .
  Duan Shaofeng also looked at the pictures, his eyes grew deeper and deeper, his
thin lips pursed, and there was a bit of cold taste .
  At the beginning of the picture, it was in a chaotic and bloody battlefield,
depending on the situation, it should be the battle of the gods and demons. There
were countless deaths and injuries, and the corpses were everywhere. A handsome young
man wearing a snow-colored armor was running fast, and there seemed to be a demon
behind him The person is chasing and killing, he is still holding a baby girl in her
arms. The baby girl seems to have been born shortly, fragile and pitiful, even her
eyes ca n’t be opened, a small emerald green tail shows her wrapped around her
Quilt .
  Duan Shaofeng seemed a little shocked, and looked at her, but his expression was
a little more complicated .
  Cheng Yan did not see his expression, but was this story to the screen in
attracting, these are memories that are not goddess, holding her little goddess that
person should be the father , the elegance and exquisite, yet noble god , Strong and
determined .
  The picture changed quickly. The young man fled to the fairy world nearest to God
Realm. He met a very young boy in Nantianmen. He kissed the baby girl's forehead.
Feeling worried, he entrusted the baby girl to the teenager, and he resolutely turned
to solve the demon he had chased, without even turning his head back, and perhaps he
would be reluctant to leave .
  The juvenile female infants and handed over to the Emperor, to the screen
Shenmodazhan after the Emperor of Heaven will be the baby back to the spirit world,
will get into Ao wing take care of her, set a strong seal, no one was allowed in and
out of the spirit world .
  As for the young Emperor but has since been reused for rescuing the protection
goddess active, but did not name the ordinary from Sin Tong Yiyue juvenile Emperor
became generals around, thanks to No. pool battle fairy king .
  The picture continues, it is the life of the goddess in God Realm .
  Cheng Yan did not read, but surprise surprised turned around to see a segment
Shao wind, his face still mortal now face, and the screen in different pools battle
fairy king, so she did not recognize the picture that person is Him .
  Chi Zhanxianjun and the goddess had such a deep relationship that she didn't
expect, and there wouldn't be any details in the book. It was probably generated by
the world's automatic filling .
  Duan Shaofeng also looked down at her at this time, his eyes gleaming in a deep
and impenetrable emotion, which was very oppressive .
  Cheng Yan was uncomfortable with him, and turned to look at the picture again.
She regretted it. She almost wanted to jump up and cover Duan Shaofeng's eyes .
  Screen has come to the scene and mortal segment Shao first met by wind jumped
asked how her body lotus, in the middle of that period very briefly flash across the
screen just jump to that section to section Shao wind pulled her soul but insanity It
was detailed again .
  Duan Shaofeng looked silently, his eyes deep and unpredictable .
Seeing that he was focused,   Cheng Yan moved silently away from his leg and
slowly crawled down the bed again. At this point, the scene had reached the scene
where she was taken away by the gods. Towards the half-open window, quietly used
divine power, the speed instantly increased many times, and rushed towards the window
quickly .
  " Bang " slamming, windows, door suddenly came .
  Duan Shaofeng did n't know when to stand in front of the window, she hit his head
on his chest, and then fell to his palm dizzy, only to hear him seem to ask
lightly: " I am like a Fool? "
  Cheng Yan raised his head, looked into his eyes calm and deep a Shi
speechless .
  " So, can you cheat me all around ? " His tone was a bit cool, " Little
goddess? "
  Like ...... angry not light ah .
  Cheng Yan: "...... I can understand and Buddhism. "
  Duan Shaofeng did not speak, walked to the table and sat down, put her in another
chair, slowly poured herself a glass of water, and took a sip slowly, it seemed calm,
but the hand It seemed to be a little shaking, and his eyes also revealed a bit of
uneasy mood. After a while, he spoke: " I don't have the habit of bending over to
look at people . "
  Cheng Yan upturned small head and looked at him, did not get it, but found his
current posture ...... not that bent over to see her in it ?
  She anti should come, they change back to human form, anyway,
have been discovered, there is no need to continue to cover her sit in a chair,
wondering how to explain it .
  It was him who made her back to human form. When she really changed back to human
form, he looked at her like a fool, his eyes deep and flashing a little dark light .
  " I ..." She couldn't help thinking .
  Duan Shaofeng seemed to pull her into her arms suddenly, holding her tightly, her
breathing was a little deep, her voice was hoarse and low: " Don't talk. "
  His arms are wide and warm .
  Cheng Yan: " Why? "
  Segment Shao wind action tenderness stroked her hair back of the neck, the sound
is very gentle, as if to say what words like love whisper: " because for me now
covered in anger, I do not know what I'll do happen, you It ’s better not to mess
with me. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Don't use such a gentle and nice voice to say that such violations will work, it
sounds very confusing .

Chapter 107 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Romance (17 )

  Cheng Yan can feel feel to bad segment Shao wind current state , though he hold
her so tightly, stroking her hair come down to earth about movements are so
gentle , as if the soft wind the spring rain , she was kind of storm is brewing
Sense of danger .
  So, she did not move , did not speak , so he himself first level slow mood , if
she was sad for a long time for a person to die , only to find that the man was
alive and Happy and at ease in places she did not know , she might Even the heart
that strangled the man was there .
  Comparing your heart , don't look at Duan Shaofeng looking so gentle to
her , she thinks that he is probably angry enough to strangle her , he is obviously
not a gentle temperament .
  " I seem to have forgotten to ask your name. " Duan Shaofeng said suddenly, his
voice was not unusual , and his tone was calm and leisurely .
  Cheng Yan: "...... no. "
  Duan Shaofeng looked down at her .
  It ’s useless to see her . No , no, no. This white moonlight is the only god in
the world. Even Heavenly Emperor ca n’t rule her. Whoever sees her is
called " Little Goddess ", who will call her name directly. , then even God did not
call paternity what her name , after all, she was born when the parents died , no
one would dare call her name ah .
  Seeing Duan Shaofeng still looking at himself, Cheng Yan had to explain it in
more detail: " No one gave me a name. "
  Segment Shao wind suddenly leaned her , eyes quiet sink, staring at the girl
beautiful and noble face, said: " . Do you have the name of "
  Cheng Yan a stunned .
  Duan Shaofeng's slender fingers touched her eyebrows, and there was an
unpredictable feeling in her eyes, and her voice seemed to drift away: " I remember
the god who called you Yan Yan, Yan, Shu Yan also, but it is very good for you . "
  She was not previously know his true identity, he now looks after all the
different pools and fairy king war, so Cheng Yan had to make a shocked look and
said: " You ...... is the pool ? War fairy king "
  " Before you messed up my love ..." Duan Shaofeng chuckled unexplainedly, holding
her shoulders with both hands, looking down at her with her eyes, her eyes seemed
indifferent, " I am indeed, so, you this is also a debt of gratitude is to grace
the hatred newspaper? "
  Cheng Yan bowed her head awkwardly: "... No, this is an accident. "
  " These don't matter. " Duan Shaofeng 's fingers lifted her beautifully contoured
chin, her eyes deep and deep, looking into her eyes, and her voice spoke slowly in a
hoarse voice, " I just want to know what you said before . Do you count? "
  In his serious and sharp eyes as if to see through her, Cheng Yan opened her
mouth, but failed to say a word .
  What can she say? There is no such thing in the script at all. At this time, he
should be playing fiercely with the hostess who poses as Bai Yueguang. This line
should also be questioned by Bai Yueguang !
  She was silent room, Duan Shao wind and said: " That day, you say to help me
solve poison the soul, the soul of insanity solved, but you also ......" He closed his
eye closed, under the gentle love thread, opened his eye to see her Mouguang
obscure, " I am with you dead or hurt, you know what I feel it? "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, but he also heard the anger in his tone .
  " I don't have to mention these. " Suddenly, Duan Shaofeng looked at her
literally, " You conceal your identity, you won't come to me or even refuse to
recognize me, these I can also not Go deeper, as long as you tell me clearly, what
matters between us still count? "
  She knew what he meant, he had at the time considered a mortal mutual table mind,
a life-long convention .
  Has the story in the book collapsed and she and the host have exchanged
scripts? She should have asked Bai Yueguang to question the man, but the man has
dumped her mercilessly !
  Cheng Yan sighed silently in her heart . Sure enough, the villain's script had
to be taken by her !
  In the plot in the book, Bai Yueguang was ruthlessly abandoned by the empathetic
and miserable male host, and she was blackened to kill the female host in anger. She
glanced at Duan Shaofeng who was still staring at her. Darkness is infatuated and can
no longer be stimulated .
  So, she asked tentatively: " I'm honest, will you be angry? "
  When Duan Shaofeng heard the words, his heart sank, but his face smiled tenderly
like water, and he slowly touched her hair, saying : " You still don't understand
my heart, how can I be willing to live Yan Yanyan Annoyed? Hmm? "
  "......" listening to how it would be more restless, Cheng Yan silently hair from
him recapture, shifted sideways move, vague authentic: " In all the days between, I
really flies particularly happy, very happy joy with you, so I want to marry you and
you have been together, these are true, but now think of it ...... "
  Duan Shaofeng was also farther away from her, sitting upright, lowering her
eyelids, slowly pouring herself a cup of tea, and asked slowly, " How do you think? "
  Cheng Yan pretended to be casual , and smiled: "In retrospect, I found that it
was impulsive, too lack of consideration. If you get married, you should be very
cautious, or you have to find a suitable person. "
  Duan Shaofeng suddenly looked up at her, and her eyes were so stiff that the tip
of her tail was stiff, too aura, and sharp enough to make people breathe slightly .
  " You said not angry! " The girl's eyes slightly with round, very white skin,
delicate appearance, as if a frightened quickly to jump up a small white rabbit .
  Duan Shaofeng stared at her blankly for a while, then suddenly laughed again, and
his momentum was also a little bit, the smile was handsome and elegant, he slowly
drank the tea in his hand, but did not put down the cup, but Slowly and
slowly ... Pinch it into pieces, and the pieces cut his palm, and blood ran down his
fingers .
  Cheng Yan looked hairy in his heart and looked at him a little carefully: " Are
you ... all right? "
  "It's okay. " Duan Shaofeng actually laughed, and smiled and talked to her in a soft
tone, but only showed a strong evil spirit, " I'm not angry. "
  Cheng Yan eyes eerily still bleeding hand and looked at him a long time to
lug " Oh, " a cry .
  Segment Shao wind does not seem to feel like there is something wrong, her eyes
glanced down his hand, suddenly and then said: " I'm sorry, my strength seemed too
big? "
  There is no need to apologize to her, pity is the broken cup and his bleeding
hand !
  Cheng Yan in the heart of the abdominal slander forward, asked him: " You have
to stop the bleeding it? "
  Duan Shaofeng threw away the debris in his hand and took out a handkerchief from
his sleeve and handed it to her. His eyes looked at her deeply: " You help me? "
  Cheng Yan hesitated and took the veil. He extended his bleeding right hand. Many
small fragments were trapped in the flesh, but this person did not even frown, so it
is rare for such a deadly male host .
  Cheng Yan bowed head to his pick debris, hear segment Shao wind seems
unintentionally asked: " ? The right people you ? Ao said wing "
  Cheng Yan did not say anything, killed question who will answer ah .
  Segment Shao wind but said: " too right, he is the son of the Emperor of
Heaven, the identity of the high expensive, powerful zenith, also looks excellent,
but also let you marry the Emperor's meaning, though not decreed, but already we are
not tacitly It ’s been announced, and I used to think that you are well matched. "
There was no sincerity in what   he said, and Cheng Yan was not fooled or attached
to him, and he picked the fragments in his palm intently .
  In her to give him time to bandage wounds, he suddenly Anti holding her hand,
pulling her hand, and she fell into his arms, on the right on a pair of deep yet also
seemed disheveled, when the rise of evil Eyes .
  " But that was only after it. ' Segment Shao wind clasp her waist, leaned over
and looked at her face, voice low and slow, " Now, I think there are a lot of
problems. "
  Two people pose potential too close nor too close, and he was almost a bow on
it pro on her lips, she wanted to go back, but that he held on tight, stubborn to see
his eyes, and she had to ask: " What Question? "
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her slowly and said: " You provoke me first, right? "
  Cheng Yan and him looked at each other for a while, and they really couldn't
refute: "... Yes. "
  Segment Shao wind and said: " Did I refuse absolutely you? "
  His eyes reveals a general as fire burning hot, Cheng Yan looked away
uncomfortably, and said: " There. "
  Duan Shaofeng 's eyes grew deeper and deeper: " How many times? "
  Cheng Yan stunned, because she ...... actually can not remember how many times was
rejected !
  Isn't that ... " Many times? "
  Shao segments wind back to her a " you know! " Eyes, big hands clasp her
waist, slowly leaned over, almost pressed her on the table, eyes obscure, but also
reveals a strange hoarseness Taste: " So ... why do you think you still have the right
to choose? "
  The madness and evil spirits in his eyes spread like black mist, and she was a
little nervous, this development ...
  Duan Shaofeng was getting closer and closer, the aura was pressing, her fingers
touched her soft and beautiful lips, smiling, but exuding a shocking danger: the
anger in the tone was very strong: " When my mud feet are deep , do you think you
can lightly expose a momentary impulse, lack of consideration, and inappropriateness?
Huh? "
  Cheng Yan instinctively wanted to avoid him, but when she got up, leaned over to
hold her up, walked a few steps to the bed, a rotating body she will be under
pressure in the body, move it out of hand block her face, hair, dark eyes reveals a
sort of can not cover the burning and possessive: " put ?? you that you really take
me a good man yet ," he sneered, and then said, " your Words for me, words are
heartbreaking! How can I not be angry? I am not only angry, but also very angry, very
angry, so angry that I want to punish you fiercely! "
  His low head hopes of finding her lips, kiss hard and fanaticism .
  Lip bitten, Cheng Yan eat pain, surprised, raised his hand, he was anti should
quickly fastened his forehead against her, hoarse voice authentic: " Today, even if
you kill me, and I to continue! "
  He stared at her with a dangerous and scorching light in his eyes. He let go of
her hand, pulled open his shirt, and exposed half of his chest . He pressed her hand
hard and looked at him. her voice a kind not care all stubborn absolutely
ruthless: " come, hands-ah, kill me, I will let you! "
  Cheng Yan looked at his main move to make killing look, silent moment .
  When she hesitated, Duan Shaofeng lowered her head and kissed her lips again,
almost not like a kiss, like a beastly and fanatical fight, Cheng Yan tasted the
smell of blood, and her lips also hurt, no Know whether it is his blood or her
blood .
  She was also a little angry, she couldn't kill, she couldn't sit still, she put
his backhand around his neck, turned over and pressed him under him, biting back
harder than him .
  Segment Shao wind hesitated a bit dangerous dark eyes flashed light, already
bleeding lips, looks handsome white, his eyes red cinnabar mole style of thousands,
skirts scattered, sexy chest, he so Qingtai eyelids look Looking at her, she looked
at him without blinking her eyes .
  Look at the special people like this .
  Cheng Yan couldn't bear it, and almost couldn't maintain her settings. She had to
look away and look at the thin bed curtain behind him: " You bit me first. "
  After being silent for a while, Duan Shaofeng suddenly smiled, and smiled
charmingly. She turned upside down in one spin. She had been pressed down by him. He
bowed her head and kissed her, much tenderer, but with a little flirting taste. In
her ears, the voice was lazy and loose: " It's okay, just bite it, you can go
anywhere, eh? "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  This is definitely the most flamboyant man she has encountered! Actually also
brought counter-raiders ?
  Yi are accidentally, Duan Shao wind has shifted position in her neck neck affair
came to a lingering kiss .
  If this trend continues come true thing, she made an effort, determination and
even if he never played a yield of time, a sort of feminine male voice suddenly
sounded in the room: " outside the Devil has Wan was on Bing, and Sin Jun is still
here with women, and this courage and courage really makes the deity feel ashamed. "

The first 108 chapters calendar blackening the situation after the robbery fairy king
  Almost in the road that voice sounded the same time , segment Shao wind had as a
cosine of an arrow flew out of her hand, holding a two-edged sword cold as
youthful , sharpened the tip murderous awe-inspiring , that The man obviously didn't
get home, and was stabbed in the shoulder before evading .
  Duan Shaofeng didn't continue his hands , but held the sword against the man's
shoulder , and looked at the person opposite .
  Cheng Yan also got out of bed , went to the segment Shao behind the wind , look
to the room between the Rideau by the people , is considered the United States on
looks costumes Man Li , delicate facial features , profile soft lines , one pair of
Dan Fengyan look good , But there are some cold and evil wickedness .
  He was dressed in beautiful robes , hair bundles with Golden Delicious , stature
repair long, slightly thin, but kind of speechless extravagance and pomp, shoulders
shed blood , he did not frown , but his mouth a bit feminine Laughing and whispering
softly, "The fairy's temper is not very good . I didn't intentionally disturb you. I
just saw you in difficulty . I came to help you. Can you put away
the sword first ? "
  Segment Shao wind gazing look at him, put away the sword, lips smile has
ridiculed a bit careless, said: " ?? Mozun Shu Ye you want to help me dead in my
hand is too demon is not more than enough? Still think your life is too long? "
  Uncle Ye ’s face did not change, and he said slowly: " I did n’t care about
the grace and grievances of the past, why should I mention it again, now, are you and
I not the same? " He seemed to smile a little surprised. , " Did I make a mistake,
Xianjun did not come here to take refuge, but wanted to join us and Ao Yili outside
to end our Demon Race? "
  Duan Shaofeng's expression was faint, even if he fell into immortality, the
concept of guarding the right path was deeply ingrained, and his attitude towards the
Demon Race was also the same as that of the Immortal Race. His original impression
was difficult to change. He had no tone of voice: " If you are with me and you will
then join forces, then please go now. "
  " Fairy king cares for the fairy family refused to rebel, now found outside
all you want your life fairy family, he had read but also has got a friendship and
your credit? " Shu Ye Shao glanced segment wind indifferent shot from the side ,
Eyes flashed slightly, looked at the stunning young girl beside him, paused, and
said, " Ao Yi has lived in God Realm for a long time . Is this the girl next to you?
I have long heard that the Protoss women look outstanding, really ...
  His words were soft and gentle, but Cheng Yan heard the eerie evil in it .
  Duan Shaofeng sideways blocked Uncle Ye's sight, and his tone was somewhat
cold: " What do you want? "
  " I do not how. " Shu Ye smile gone, straight depending on the wind segment Shao,
said, " I know, fairy king can never help me attack Once upon a time, I do not have
as big of ability and ambition, but then Ao Wing broke into my demon world, hurt my
race, and insulted my father, and even imprisoned him to heaven, I will ask him to
pay the price! "
  It turned out that he came to Ao Yi. Cheng Yan didn't think Shu Ye could get
revenge. Even if he teamed up with Duan Shaofeng, he wouldn't be able to beat Ao Yi.
Ao Yi was practicing and cultivating almost every day in God Realm .
  Duan Shaofeng said : " What do you want with me? "
  " Three days. " Shu Ye stared at him and said, " Ao wing gave me three days, you
will pay out if you do not, they will attack the Devil, do you think it has nothing
to do with you? "
  Duan Shaofeng glanced at the girl next to him, Shen Eye thought for a moment, and
said: " I will not implicate the Demon Race. "
  " I don't mean that. " Shu Ye turned out a primitive, long sword,
and said , " I said, I'm here to help you, there will be a battle between you
and Ao Yi , even if you are not for my father , As long as you can kill him, I am
willing to give everything for you to expel. "
  Long sword looks very ordinary, and there is nothing special, just look bulkier
and older .
  Cheng Yan found that Duan Shaofeng's look changed when she saw the sword. She
looked at the sword, and heard Duan Shaofeng's tone seemed a little somber: " Zhu
Shenjian? This sword is in your hands." Here? "
  The name gave her a heartbeat, and Cheng Yan saw the sword trembling as if it
felt something, revealing a very ominous atmosphere, as if full of blood, full of
killing and blood .
  Shu Ye seems to have some surprise surprised sword movement, looked at Cheng Yan,
sighed wistfully: " the original ancestors took the sword also all-powerful, but I
too do not live up to expectations, it also took the spoil , So I want to give it to
the fairy king. Although this sword was built to deal with the god clan, it can cut
any race in the six realms, so that the soul is scattered, hoping to help the fairy
king. "
  If he took the sword, he would agree to kill Ao Yi for him. Cheng Yan saw that
Duan Shaofeng seemed to be really considering it, and pulled his sleeve .
  Duan Shaofeng glanced at her for a moment, and was silent for a moment. After
taking the sword, it was strange to say that the sword in his hand seemed to
recognize the Lord, stopped shaking, and flew up and turned around him. After a few
laps, he fell into his palm obediently .
  Shu Ye Mouguang with a smile, his choice does not seem accidental, said: " ! I
am waiting for good news fairy king's ."
  After talking, he disappeared silently as usual when he came, except for the
black mist that had not dispersed .
  Duan Shaofeng put the sword in his hand on the table, his eyes dark, and he
didn't speak .
  Cheng Yan could not help but said: " You are not the promised him, if you really
immortal and family who get involved, things do not really have room for maneuver. "
  Duan Shaofeng looked up at her, silent, his eyes seem strange .
  Cheng Yan said: " What are you doing looking at me like this? "
  Duan Shaofeng said calmly: " Are you worried about me or worried about him? "
  He looked at her dark eyes, she silent for a moment, said: " This is not
important, you don't have to do anything with them, I will help you when I
return ..."
  " ? Go back " segment Shao wind around her waist, leaned leaned over her, her
lips flap still stained with blood, become more attractive bright red, his voice
hoarse: " I had no intention of Ao wing and pitted , he forced me, he wants to kill
me, you want me to sit still? do you care deeply to think to him, are not you force
me? "
  He turned his chest Teng raging anger, but face looked gentle, but also gentle
eyes, but deep pupil of the eye reveals a somewhat strange, he bowed his head, leaned
her lips, slowly licking her lips in blood The heart seemed to be stimulated faster
and faster as a result of some stimulation. A crazy and eager desire spread in the
bottom of his heart, his eyes flashing a little red light .
  Cheng Yan only felt that his behavior was a little perverted. She pushed him away
vigorously and turned around, without seeing his anomaly, thinking quickly about the
countermeasures in her heart .
  Ao Yi will bring troops to chase, she is not surprised, he cherishes even the
things God used, let alone the little goddess left in the world, if she does not go
back, he is really even with the Devil You must also find her if you fight .
  Duan Shaofeng refused to let her go, but when the two sides fought, even if the
male master had a magic sword in his hand, he would lose. This sword would also
threaten the gods, but would anger Ao Yi Wing might actually kill the male lead .
  Therefore, the solution is only one way -
  Cheng Yan said firmly: " No matter what you say, I will definitely go back. "
  " Impossible! " Segment Shao wind from behind and hugged her tightly, Minato
whispered in her ear, warm breath sprinkled on the ear lobe, exciting moment Ma
Ma, " you are to me before those words were joking right ? You have no choice! "
  Cheng Yan was silent for a while, then suddenly sighed and said: " You said I
was forcing you, in fact you are forcing me. "
  When the words fell, she was using the magical power in her body, grasping the
size of the body, holding Duan Shaofeng's wrist, and quickly came over with a
shoulder fall, throwing him out of the door, and the door was also smashed by him.
Open, and fell in the aisle with him .
  His anti-ranging should come, Cheng Yan escape just like flying out of the
window, all the way without the slightest pause, went straight to the exit of the
Devil, blast blowing her hair a mess, hair all messed up, earrings off One was
embarrassed .
  Segment Shao wind really did not expect she would actually do this to him, he was
not good internal injuries, smashed out later, blood crest, clutching his lip coughed
Zhefan movement attracted the passenger stack of other demons Note, look at the
probes one after another .
  His calm face, from the ground up, directed at the direction of her leave to
recover the past, but he jumped out of the window along with a sword there, it Mozun
before had given him a sword to punish .
  Duan Shaofeng frowned, and some unexpectedly it seemed to already have a sword
spirit, and said in his mouth: " What do you do with me? Go back! "
  Zhu Shenjian seemed to be a little afraid of him, but also had grievances, and
really stopped in the air .
  Duan Shaofeng continued to fly forward, and when he looked back, Zhu Jian
Shenjian secretly followed him again. When he saw him, he immediately stopped
motionless. He was so angry that he even had a sword to come against him. He didn't
have time to pay attention to the sword again, and accelerated to catch up .
  Cheng Yan breath and kept exports went to the Devil, she could almost hope to see
much of cloud stationed at the Creation of Space, the heart of a song, it is
necessary in the past, the door to the Devil has chosen at this time ...... together
on !
  She will be just a little bit away !
  Of course, the door was not closed by himself. Cheng Yan landed on the ground,
watching Uncle Mozun standing at the door, he still smiled and looked at the gentle
and gentle look .
  " Girl, is n't it good to stay here? "
  Cheng Yan was annoyed: " Why do you have to do more business? Is there any
benefit to staying here? "
  Shu Ye laughed: " can stretch Ao air wing had been a big advantage, and he was so
angry vomiting blood and died on the best. "
  Anyhow, inferno boss, how a child with a kind of naive .
  Cheng Yan said: " That you do not even think about, good conservation others,
tolerance is also good, Mind also cold as ice, nothing looked down on, a wonderful
thing to be able to air his people probably can not find a. "
  " Girls do not have to self -him. " Shu Ye smile, " you can do it. "
  Before Cheng Yan spoke, he heard him say again : "There is another one now. "
  Her sense of feel to what turned his head and saw the segment Shao wind dressed
in white, but his clothes have been stained with dirt, and even has a gray face, so
he got a little older people, it did not care to notice any of the It can be seen
that he must have burst of anger .
  Cheng Yan back to the head glared at the Shu Ye, but for him, she would have fled
the moment .
  Duan Shaofeng looked at Shu Ye without any temperature .
  Uncle Ye ’s smile gradually disappeared, and he waved his hand: "... the two do
n’t have to thank me. I did good deeds and leave. "
  In a blink of an eye , he disappeared into place again. Cheng Yan held his breath
in his throat in a sigh of relief. This deity's martial arts skills were not high,
but his ability to stir water was first-rate .
  " Yanyan ..." Duan Shaofeng walked slowly, lips smiling, calling her gently .
  "..." Why is this so infiltrating !
  Cheng Yan stared at the seemingly indestructible iron door without turning back,
pursing her lips .
  Segment Shao wind stood in front of her, said: " Mozun self-protection ability
is very strong, being afraid to play fairy family, so the door is too well-built, but
also added a lot of Taoism law, even if you are very It ’s awesome, it ca n’t be
opened without the help of magic weapon. "
  Sent directly sue tell her - you wanted to run, no door child !
  Cheng Yan had a chance dejected, see saw him mouth the magic weapon appeared in
front of a two-edged swords floating in the air, left and right fluttering
fluttering, as if to say " look at me look at me, God, soldiers, Lee, is! " .
  Duan Shaofeng 's complexion turned black .
  Cheng Yan's eyes were bright, holding the hilt, pulling it out of the sheath, and
at the moment when the long sword came out of the sheath, the cold light surged, like
a strong and sharp wind blade hitting her. , She reached out to block it, and at the
same time released her magical power, but it seemed to be useless, and immediately
after the sleeve was cut, she felt a pain in her wrist, and suddenly was pulled into
the arms by Duan Shaofeng, the sword He was also snatched by him. With a clear sound,
the long sword returned to the sheath, the cold light disappeared, and the wind blade
also disappeared .
  " Are you looking for death? " Duan Shaofeng could n't hold back his roar, his
forehead bounced .
  Cheng Yan seemed taken aback by him like this: " I didn't mean it. "
  " Do not say you! " Segment Shao wind look at her, to say something, then turned
around and stared at the tools and try sword, " if you mess again, I will you thrown
into the oven baking Lao Ash! Did you hear? Get out— "
  Punish Excalibur shook, " wind " to look on Cuanxiang the sky, run no shadow
children .
  Does this sword really understand human language ?
  Cheng Yan was dumbfounded, but Duan Shaofeng suddenly looked over .
  " And you! " Duan Shaofeng seemed to vent his anger all over his brain, " The
person who is the one who can't get rid of me is you, and he said that the person who
likes me is you, saying that he will marry me and me forever The person you are with
is also you. You have taken up all the cheap now, but you are reluctant, as if I
forced you, do you know what is responsible? "
  Cheng Yan: "... responsible? "
  Duan Shaofeng took her wrist and said, " Yes, you have to be responsible for it!
Except for you, I have nothing, just like the candied gourd I gave you, you have
eaten it and chewed it all up The swallows are all swallowed, can you still spit it
out and give it back to me? Isn't that a purely disgusting person? Can you do such a
disgusting thing? Can't you? Hmm? "
  Cheng Yan stared at Duan Shaofeng's serious expression: "... ? "
  Sounds reasonable, but ... how strange is this metaphor ?
  Tiandeliangxin, she can not eat him !
  Segment Shao Feng, see she did not speak, do not speak, let her think clearly,
but the vision is sometimes somewhat sticky palms, looked down and saw blood on the
sleeve of her, he suddenly hesitated, his hands also stick full Blood, the color
pierced his heart and had a strange rhythm. The red seemed to be continuously
enlarged and deepened, making the surrounding scenery, including himself, seem to
have faded the color .
  In the field of vision, only the bloody red is overwhelming. It is so red that
people's eyes are confused and their heartbeats are speeding up, as if something has
to spread from the bottom of their hearts .
  Cheng Yan looked at Duan Shaofeng strangely . He took her hand and opened her
sleeves, revealing the skin cut by sword gas, and bleeding. He leaned down slowly,
leaning more and more Nearly, it was almost about to kiss her wrist, she couldn't
help saying : " What do you ... want to do? "
  Duan Shaofeng raised his head, his eyes turned dark red, seeming at a
loss: " What do I ... do? "
  Cheng Yan was taken aback: " Your eyes will change color! "
  Segment Shao wind did not seem to understand what she said, after a moment, he
suddenly lowered his head, throat sounds kind of pretending to be calm
tremble: " You see . Wrong ."
  Cheng Yan didn't think she was mistaken, but she hadn't heard that Xianjun was
enchanted and her eyes would change color .
  Duan Shaofeng had already pulled out a white silk scarf, tied it to her wrist,
and tied a knot gently, looked up at her, and said: " Do n't toss me, I was injured,
not Good feelings. "
  Cheng Yan looked into his eyes, is very deep black, she had some doubt into
account, but not good to ask, had to follow him back together .
  On the way back, Duan Shaofeng didn't speak, and seemed to have some serious
thoughts. His eyes occasionally floated over her wrist tied with Sipa, and his
eyebrows gradually wrinkled .
  Two people went off the stack door, they heard a noisy inn, walked in, Cheng Yan
was shocked to see a young girl looks vibrant red dress standing in front of the
counter, the girl's stomach has swelled up It seemed that she was pregnant for seven
or eight months, the boss was waving her out .
  The girl is really the master sister Duan Shaofeng in the world - Luo Yan .
  " Sister? Why are you here? " Cheng Yan looked at her up and down, her eyes fell
on her stomach, and then moved to her face .
  Luo Yan look to see her and segment Shao wind is surprised, Mangjiang segment
Shao wind to drag over, glanced at the innkeeper: " Look ?! I did not see anyone pay
the bill ."
  The boss is a look at who shot generous white son, you look for a smile
apologetically, said: " son, the girl you know? "
  Duan Shaofeng glanced at Luoyan, " Uh " screamed .
  The boss immediately apologized to Luo Yan, Luo Yan snorted coldly, and went
upstairs with Duan Shaofeng .
  Into the house, Luo Yan could not help but to her and said: " I know you're all
right, before ah, someone to die for you, that look like ah just to die for love,
looking ......"
  Duan Shaofeng looked at Luo Yan, his eyes cold .
  Luo Yan coughed and touched his stomach, not to talk down .
  It did n’t take long, how could she ... so big belly ?
  Cheng Yan couldn't help but wonder : " Sister, you ... are you pregnant? "
  Speaking of this, some shy blush appeared on Luo Yan's face, saying: " Well,
more than eight months. "
  Cheng Yan: "... More than eight months? "
  Duan Shaofeng mentioned the teapot and poured a cup of tea for both of them,
explaining: " The time in heaven is much faster than the ordinary time. "
  Cheng Yan understood: " Sister, why are you here? What about the city master? "
  Luo Yan sigh, look to the segment Shao wind, paused, and said: " The Third
Brother I do not know how to trip every room, I know what I'm posing Young has been
exposed, if the parent emperor knew I was pregnant Child, this child will not
survive, even if I want to go, I have to give him birth and go. "
  Cheng Yan's eyes widened as she listened: " Are you ... Lotus Emperor Ji? "
  Luo Yan said: " Yes, Brother Shi did not tell you? "
  Duan Shaofeng drank his tea calmly .
  Cheng Yan was so shocked that a sip of tea came out, pointing at Luoyan, her
fingers trembling , and then looked at her stomach, and then turned to look at Duan
Shaofeng, his mind blank .
  What's going on ?
  The female host is actually pregnant, the child is not the male host !
  Although the system has not indicated that the task failed, it means that the
male host may also like to be the father to be the pick-up man, but ... this
possibility is already very small .
  Luo Yan laughed, and squeezed her soft soft face, smiled and said: " ? So
surprised what to do, and you can also give birth to a Young not do "
  Duan Shaofeng put down the teacup and looked at Cheng Yan. It seemed that he
really thought the proposal was good .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Luo Yan suddenly noticed her tail, turning her head thoughtfully to Duan
Shaofeng, and said, " Yes, here is Demon Realm, brother, you also change my tail
ears or something, so as not to be hurt I saw my identity. "
  Duan Shaofeng : " You ask her. "
  Luo Yan blinked and blinked, turning to look at Cheng Yan: " What do you mean? "
  Cheng Yan didn't have to hide it, she told her her identity .
  In her turn, Luo Yan was shocked: " ! You are my third brother raised the little
fiancee ah " She glanced at Cheng Yan tail, eyes slightly brighter, " female Wa future
generations ah first time I see it,? Your tail is so beautiful, can I touch it? "
  Before Cheng Yan spoke, Duan Shaofeng suddenly got up, pulled her up, and walked
out, facing Luo Yan: " This room is for you. "
  Cheng Yan couldn't help but ask: " What about me? "
  Segment Shao wind pushed across the wall of the house room, said: " . You live
with me ."
  Cheng Yan: " Why! "
  Segment Shao wind to pull her into the room, closed the door, turned and looked
at her, and said: " because . You behaved, I have to look at you, can rest
assured ."
  Cheng Yan tried to reject the reasons peculiar: "...... I want a person to sleep. "
  Duan Shaofeng nodded: " Yes. "
  Before Cheng Yan was too happy, he listened to him and said: " You sleep, I
sleep. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Yes, you won .
  Night, three people eat a late meal, Duan Shao wind to let her back into the
room, then he went to Harmony's room .
  Luo Yan sat down at the table and asked, " Are you here to return my lotus? "
  Duan Shaofeng didn't speak, but just gave her the fairy lotus back to her, and
turned to leave .
  Luo Yan said: " Wait. "
  Duan Shaofeng looked back at her: " Why? "
  This person really did not regard her as a sister, and became so politely
alienated. Those things in the world may just be a play in his eyes. This is also the
common state of the gods who have been robbed by the world. He sighed in his heart
and said, "When I came, I saw a lot of soldiers outside the Devil Realm. I thought
it was to catch me. Now it seems that it should be directed at you. Be careful. "
  Duan Shaofeng nodded .
  Luo Yan was silent for a while, and then hesitantly said: " There is something,
I don't know what to say. "
  Segment Shao wind and said: " Then do not say. "
  He lifted his foot and walked out. Luo Yan couldn't
help saying : " I asked my third brother what he did, he said, he was going to kill
someone. "
  Duan Shaofeng 's footsteps paused and looked back at her. There was no emotion in
his eyes, as deep as a sea .
  Luo Yan looked at him, Yi Zizi said: " I asked him why, he said,
because ...... That person will Granville threat to the life of the goddess. "
  Segment Shao wind pupil slightly closed, face became coldly: " You Hu what to
say? "
  Luo Yan said : " If the man said by San Ge is you, I don't believe it. How
could you be a threat to the goddess, but San Ge never lie, he is very responsible
and just, he will not be casual Find a reason to kill, so either he misunderstood, or
you really ... "
  Her words could not go on, because Duan Shaofeng's look had become terrible .
  " Enough! " Duan Shaofeng said coldly, " Don't say this again! "
  He turned and left .
  The night was very deep .
  The ground was covered with quilts, and Duan Shaofeng was lying on the ground
beside the bed. He knew that he was the least likely to hurt her, but Luo Yan's words
still disturbed him, and it took him a long time to fall asleep. .
  Just then, someone pushed his arm, and he asked impatiently, " What do you do? "
  Girls soft soft voice ringing in the ears: " I am a little cold. "
  Duan Shaofeng heard her voice, opened her eyes, and saw the young girl sitting on
the bed in thin nightclothes in the bright moonlight, looking at him pitifully .
  Duan Shaofeng was a little surprised, but he still got up and gave her his quilt,
saying , " Continue to sleep. "
  The girl still said: "It's still cold. "
  Wen Yan, Duan Shaofeng sat down on the edge of the bed, leaned over and looked at
her face, said: " Are you sick ? "
  The girl shook her head, but pulled his sleeves. His strength was not strong, his
hands were soft, and the scent of the girl was revealed in the tent, which was a bit
of a heart-pounding taste, and the voice of Duan Shaofeng was a little
soft. : " How? "
  The girl's clear eyes looked at him, revealing a bit of mellowness and softness,
and her voice was soft: " You sleep with me, okay? "
  Duan Shaofeng was startled, but the girl's hand had hooked his neck, he leaned
down, and she gave soft petal-like lips .
  The two were kissing in the bed. In the darkness, the ambiguity was burning like
flames .
  Soon, two people have been seeing is sincere, paragraph Shao wind to speak, there
is a strong desire Bushoukongzhi dominates his body, he was stroking her neck, thin
skin, smooth jade, bottom His pulse was beating, he slowly leaned down, and followed
the magic, cutting her skin with fingers, the smell of blood filled his breath, and
he lowered his head and sucked the blood frantically .
  Not enough! Still not enough !
  "It hurts ... it hurts! " The girl's cry cried .
  He awakened, suddenly stepped away, watching to see is the girl covered in blood,
even the bed sheets, bed mantle all turned into a bloody, girl eyes staring at him
tightly, filled with the bitterness and hatred: " You killed me! You killed me! You
are so cruel! "
  " Not ......" segment Shao wind to speak, heart pain breathing have ceased, throat
congestion, speechless, " No, Yan Yan, Yan Yan -"
  While Cheng Yan was sleeping soundly , she suddenly heard someone shouting her
name. She was awakened and turned her head. She saw that Duan Shaofeng seemed to be
doing a nightmare. She was sweaty and said vaguely in her mouth. What .
  Cheng Yan got out of bed, kneeled down on the ground, and leaned over to look at
him. When he was about to wake him up, he saw him sit up awkwardly and screamed " I
will not!" !! " .
  Cheng Yan was sitting on the ground roaring with his voice, staring at him in a
daze: " Won't you ... what? "
  Duan Shaofeng gasped hurriedly, and looked around blankly, seeing Cheng Yan
sitting next to him. She was still wearing that nightgown, but she had no wounds on
her neck and no blood on her body. His expression was also normal, without half
hatred, but with some doubt .
  Duan Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief, leaned over and hugged her into his
arms, but his heart still felt like a pain. He closed his eyes: " Yanyan ..."
  Cheng Yan had n't seen him in such a terrified state before, pulling on his
shirt, couldn't help but ask: " Have you had a nightmare ? "
  " Yes. " Duan Shaofeng seemed to be talking to himself, " That's just a
nightmare. "
  After a while, seeing that Duan Shaofeng still didn't let her go, Cheng Yan
couldn't help but make an excuse: " I'm a little cold, I can ..."
Before   she had finished speaking, Duan Shaofeng was like being trampled on her
feet. She suddenly released her and hugged her quilt. She looked alert and said, " I
won't give you a quilt! "
  Cheng Yan: "... ? "
  Duan Shaofeng said again: " I will not sleep with you! "
  Cheng Yan: "... ? "
  Duan Shaofeng retreated further: " I will never kiss you! "
  Cheng Yan enough: "...... I just want to ask you, I can go back to bed? "
  Duan Shaofeng left the quilt directly, stood up, put his robe on his body, and
said, " I'm going out. "
  Cheng Yan looked at how he seemed to avoid her, and returned silently to the bed,
pulling himself on the quilt to cover himself .
  The next day, Cheng Yan didn't see Duan Shaofeng when she got up . As soon
as she opened the door, she saw Luoyan, who just knocked on the door .
  Harmony yawned and said: " You have done anything last night? "
  Cheng Yan didn't sleep well: " Nothing. "
  Luo Yan and she walked downstairs together, a side and said: " Do not deceive
me, how did not do so much movement? "
  Cheng Yan: "... no, just Duan Shaofeng had a nightmare. "
  Luo Yan looked like a person coming over, holding her hand and saying, " I
know, what is shy. " Then, she sighed again, " Unfortunately, Yulang is not here. "
  Downstairs, two people find a tables sat, boss people to prepare breakfast for
them .
  Cheng Yan asked: "Is the city owner still in Lingzhou City? "
  Luo Yan little head: " I just told him to say to a trip back to Penglai, afraid
he feared , the other did not dare tell him. " She was a little sorrow touched his
stomach, " I am always somewhat uneasy, if these What if the sky is about to be
born? "
  " Girl, do not worry, I have also had the Devil will births attended. " A male
voice sounded soft smile .
  Cheng Yan turned his head and saw Uncle Ye , who was wearing a Chinese suit and
a golden crown, and said, " What are you doing again! "
  Shu Ye next to sit on the edge of a chair, then store people just gave up
breakfast, he also bluntly took bread, said: " Yan girl these things is not right,
you come to my site child , Of course, is my guest, I naturally want to entertain you
well. "
  With that said, he turned to smile at Luo Yan: " Girl's name? "
  " Harmony. " Harmony is pretty generous to his back, just a little band asked
doubtfully, " your land disk children? Mozun you are? "
  Shu Ye point head, smiled and introduced them to the Devil's stable woman with
wild goose, wild goose very enthusiastic to take him to the palace, to facilitate
better care of her .
  Luo Yan smiled slightly: " This is not necessary. "
  Uncle Ye laughed: " Welcome! "
  Shu Ye seemed to be very interested in Luo Yan. She pulled her to speak. Because
Luo Yan was indeed at the site of others, she was not good to keep her face cold,
and occasionally answered a few words .
  Cheng Yan to silently eat breakfast meal, turned around and saw the wind segment
Shao back from the outside, and she went over .
  Duan Shaofeng didn't speak, only to go upstairs .
  Cheng Yan was about to follow , but Duan Shaofeng suddenly stopped, looked at
her, and then looked downstairs at the two people who seemed to have a good
conversation, and said: " You go with Luoyan. She is Emperor Ji, and she is not
well-meaning. "
  Cheng Yan startled the next, he was already through the heels and walked away,
looked at his back, she was faint strange feeling that he is not like I was not sure
Harmony, is more like ...... dodging her ?
  Although I do n’t know why, but ... does this mean that she has a chance to run
away again ?
Chapter 109 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Romance (19 )
  In the daytime , Duan Shaofeng was in the room to repair the internal injuries.
It seemed that he was planning to fight Ao Yi , and Cheng Yan wanted to run even
more intensely . She felt that she could persuade Ao Yi to avoid it The scene of
both defeats, but Duan Shaofeng looked at her very tightly . She got up and poured a
cup of tea , and he could glance at her .
  Harmony has been a good discussion and Shu Ye matter production , so we feel
comfortable Nianzhao sewing clothes sitting in a small window .
  Cheng Yan did not do something , to help her manage the hair line , met with Luo
Yan eyes gentle loving look , secretly glance at sitting on the bed of meditation
segment Shao wind , whispered asked her: " senior sister apprentice , before you are
not happy joy Duan Shaofeng? "
  Harmony is really down, got a awkward mean no , she sew clothes movements
meal , lips with a funny meaning, said: " how do you say? " She wanted to the next,
pointing out the window, and asked her , " Look at the clouds edges look good? "
  Cheng Yan looked out the window , twilight division , sunset , sky clouds sides
were dyed golden glory, brilliant and charming , floating, floating in the distant
sky .
  She nodded her head .
  " Xi Huan it? " Harmony and ask .
  Cheng Yan did not turn back, staring at the clouds: " hi . Huan "
  Luo Yan said silently, "When the wind blows, the clouds will disperse. At that
time, it will not look good. Do you still like it? "
  Cheng Yan to the next, said: " I am happy joy its light and shape, scattered not
like the way the. "
  Luo Yan looked at her and asked in a meaningful way : " Now, do you understand
what I mean? Dream and reality are different. I am just awake now, so I can see the
people I really like. "
  Cheng Yan emotionally subtle, her analogy metaphor so simple and obvious, she
naturally understand, she wanted to say to her segment Shao wind is kind of like
fantasy men, once the segment Shao wind and dream to look like she was different, She
lost her feeling of liking .
  The real joy joy it should be regardless of what the other side will continue to
become like the .
  So, women hi Huan should be the book that brave and fierce, uphold justice but
humorous battle tank fairy king, right ?
  She knew that the problem still lay with the male owner, who became too much .
  Cheng Yan turned to look at Duan Shaofeng inquiringly . He closed his eyes, his
contours were deep, his nose was tall, his thin lips had a cool breath, his skin was
white as cold jade, and the cinnabar moles in the corners of his eyes were as red as
blood There are so many kinds of amorous feelings that people seem to be indifferent,
they seem to be evil spirits, and they seem to have a seemingly diffuseness .
  Good-looking is good looking, that is ...... how some villain sense of feel ?
  Cheng Yan wondered .
  Like the police what to feel, Duan Shao wind suddenly thrust open their eyes, a
pair of black as ink and charming eyes looked at her, his eyes also some slightly
provoked, emerged somewhat unpredictable means .
  After being peeked and caught, Cheng Yan stayed for a moment and turned his head
casually .
  Luo Yan looked at the two of them, showing a clear smile .
  Duan Shaofeng got out of bed and caressed the folds on his clothes. The white
clothes were like snow and not stained with fiber dust. He walked slowly in front of
her. If his eyes fell on her face, it made people feel a few A sense of oppression .
  For a long while, he looked at her without moving .
  Cheng Yan couldn't bear it, so he turned to look at him, smiling,
innocent: " What's the matter? "
  Duan Shaofeng stared at her for a while, and slowly said: " How many skewers are
you going to eat? "
  Cheng Yan was stunned for a moment : "... a bunch? "
  Duan Shaofeng nodded and explained: " I have something to go out and bring you
back? "
  Cheng Yan didn't answer immediately, and his heart moved, and some thoughts were
active again, but no movement could be seen on the face .
  Duan Shaofeng 's eyes grew heavier .
  Cheng Yan looked at him and smiled happily : " Well, you come back earlier. "
  Duan Shaofeng also smiled, extended his hand, paused, and then fell on her face,
his eyes also contained a soft and brisk smile, seeming to slightly laugh: " Yan Is
Yan telling the truth? "
  Cheng Yan: " Yeah. "
  Duan Shaofeng bent down, squeezed her soft and smooth cheeks, and said
unintentionally: " Will Yanyan wait for me to come back ? "
  Cheng Yan smile more hair in good faith: " will. "
  Duan Shaofeng squeezed her face in a halt, and there was something in her eyes
that seemed to be non-smiling, but the voice showed a bit chilly
softness: " I remember. "
  Luo Yan couldn't stand it any longer and said, " Brother, don't you just go out
for a trip, what do you do so tired? "
  Duan Shaofeng just hooked his lower lip slightly, and the curvature was somewhat
careless, as if disdaining her " what you know " , he straightened up, opened
the door, and went out .
  "..." When he left, Luo Yan couldn't help but say , " Do you think Brother Shi is
weird? "
  Cheng Yan closed her eyes and felt for a while that Duan Shaofeng was really
gone, not cheating on her. She opened her eyes and sighed, saying, " He is afraid I
will leave. "
  Luo Yan scared a bit surprised: " The Young How can you think so fond of him,
and he was even willing to elope magic? World, and he does not really worry too
much?. "
  Cheng Yan did not conceal her, looked at her and said: " He did not guess wrong,
I did go. "
  Luo Yan froze, seeming to think of something, and said: " Is n't you going to
like my third brother? "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, as if by default, the system didn't prompt the task to
fail, she had to match the hero and heroine, if she walked with the god abbot, there
would naturally be no battlefield, the hero and heroine who stayed in the devil might
still Is there a possibility of being together ?
  She also knows that this may be trivial, but she must do the same .
  Harmony frowned: " You're not happy joy Young do? "
  Cheng Yan anti asked her: " Do not you just take him when the clouds it why can
not I?? "
  Luo Yan froze, looking at her in shock: " Brother, he cares about you so much,
you are like this ... he will not accept it, he is only you. "
  " Senior sister apprentice, not to mention the time being, I must leave. " Cheng
Yan looked at her and said, " You know soldiers of heaven has been on the outside of
the Devil, do you want to see Shao wind segment were killed or sent to Heavenly
prison? "
  " But ..." What did Luo Yan want to say .
  Cheng Yan interrupted her: " Not much time, he will come back soon, maybe he
deliberately gave me a chance to leave? "
  When it comes to this, Luo Yan has decided that she has decided to go, and she
can't stop it. She looks complex and sighs: " You don't regret it. The third brother
and the younger brother are my most important people. , No matter who you choose, I
will support you. "
  Cheng Yan little head, stood up and said: " senior sister apprentice, you take
care of yourself, I go ."
  Luo Yan also stood up and followed her down the stairs until her back disappeared
on the street before she sighed and turned back to the inn .
  She was uneasy sense of sleep, he is not Young people who will stop at nothing .
  Cheng Yan's journey was surprisingly smooth, and the gate of the Devil Realm was
not closed. After she went out, she went straight to the camp where the fairy clan
was stationed .
  Her identity should have been exposed. As soon as she set foot on the camp, the
guards of the guard recognized her, and then led her to the front of the camp of Ao
Yi. After walking a few steps, they had gathered many soldiers. There will be
stunning, curious, and a little respect in her eyes .
  " His Royal Highness is inside, let the little goddess go in
by herself . " Xiao Bing said respectfully .
  Cheng Yan opened the curtain and walked in. He saw a stern and arrogant back. He
didn't turn around, so he stood motionless, without even swinging his clothes .
  Atmosphere Yi Some condensation .
  Cheng Yan first said: " Shen Shi ... I'm back. "
  Listen to see her voice, after a moment, Ao wing was turned Mouguang like snow
like a touch of cold, faint voice: " the outside is not fun? "
  He heard that he was angry and Cheng Yan didn't speak .
  Ao wing approached her pale eyes fell on her, eyes suddenly a meal, his face
changed, grabbed her wrist, looked at the wound, a voice suddenly cold, revealing a
bit of urgency and concern : " He took your blood again? "
  Cheng Yan: "... ? "
  This was obviously caused by Jian Qi, how could Ao Yi ask this ?

Chapter 110 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Calamity (20 )

  It was already through after dark , paragraph Shao wind has not come back, Luo
Yan in his waiting room , a side doing for the children to wear clothes , a side
wondering how to explain it and Young, Young is not used to That younger brother is
gone , somehow she feels a little uneasy in her heart .
  She wanted to come to God , did not listen to see footsteps outside the
door , until the room door was pushed open ringing sound , she suddenly woke
up , fingers inadvertently pointed the sharp tip of the bar to the
next , instant among emerge Blood beads .
  She did nothing that sleep , just sort of gall battle scared, looking at the
door , paragraph Shao wind at the door motionless, eyes looking at the house , sight
blade of such indifference , but also revealing a bit sarcastic, hallway the light
is very dark, almost could not see his expression, his tall figure seemed to melt
into the dim light , and even the body seems to have been dyed white melancholy
ink , revealing a bit it is a sense of feel depressed Another dangerous aura .
  He has not a word to say .
  Harmony but knew that he had been understood everything , she stood up , opened
his mouth, somewhat hard to tell , but pretending to be easy: " . Young, you come
back ah ."
  Quiet for a moment, Duan Shao wind, his heels slowly walked into the room, was
actually handsome face with a smile, his smile, his eyes a little cinnabar mole
increasingly attractive , scared Yan, His beautiful thin lips lifted up, and his
voice was as clear and sweet as the clear stream: " What about Yan Yan? I brought
her a sugar gourd back. "
  Luo Yan goal smooth over his innocent eyes, and slid his hands bright red bright
red candied fruit, and sometimes know what to do: " . Young, she was, she was gone,
you know ."
  Duan Shaofeng walked to the table and sat down, leaning his right arm on the
table. His long, white fingertips pinched the candied gourd. His ink-like eyelashes
were half drooping. Abnormal: " No, she said to wait for me to come back. "
  Luo Yan sat back in the chair again. He was deceiving himself like this. She had
nothing to say, but she didn't worry about him, so she didn't get up and went back to
her room .
  Luo Yan picked up his clothes again, but Yu Guang paid attention to Duan
Shaofeng 's movements. He sat there motionlessly, without even blinking his eyes, and
the radiance of his lips and lips did not change, as if the frost was carved like
Yes, as time passed, the cold grew stronger .
  Luo Yan became more and more disturbed when she looked at it, and she dared not
even sew her clothes, fearing she would accidentally stick her fingers again .
  Large about the space of half an hour with a small, segment Shao wind suddenly
stood up, murmured: " . Set is lost, I have to find her ."
  Seeing him holding a candied gourd in one hand and an ancient sword beside the
pillow in his hand, the blood of Luo Yan's whole body was coagulated. He will
definitely be in trouble this time. She couldn't help but blurt out: " Little
Goddess Xi Huan was my third brother! "
  Segment Shao wind pace suddenly meal, for a moment, before he turned, half
refined perfect shot from the side, raised lips , smile does not reach the eyes,
deep voice seemingly careless lazy, but implied the thrill of climbing: " You
are wrong, she likes me. "
  Luo Yan know if he did not give up then, so ran out of the Devil, will inevitably
bloody much noise, she got cold face, looked at him and said: " Her commitment to my
face recognition Yes, she likes my third brother, so it ’s useless if you go, she wo
n’t be back! "
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her, and his eyes seemed to set off a stormy snow, cold
as if to kill, and the smile also disappeared, his face expressionless, as if even
the air around him had condensed into ice, literally saying: " you then Hu said, I
can not control who you are his wife. "
  He turned and left .
  Under Harmony intended to consciously keep up: " Pool war! "
  Segment Shao wind the pace of the meal, look to the side of her eye, that eye
and gas potential such as sharp blade, cold, strong murderous blowing, almost a
heartbeat has stopped .
  Luo Yan froze in place, watching Duan Shaofeng quickly disappear into her sight.
She touched her tall, rising belly, her face slightly pale, and she fell backward as
if she couldn't bear it .
  Alike a long arm arm around her waist, Shu Ye goes feminine delicate face
appeared in front, he escorted her into a chair, light laugh: " ? The girl, all
right ."
  Luo Yan also didn't care who he was, so he said: " Chi Zhan went outside the
Demon Realm, can you help me stop him? "
  " Stop him? " Uncle Ye seemed a little puzzled and looked at her with a smile
in his eyes .
  Luo Yan said: " I have fairy magic two communities have been at peace for
hundreds of years, the pool is now regarded as the inferno of war who, if he move his
hand and fairy family , you have to stay out of it Mozun can do, you are not to? Is
harmony expensive? "
  " With and for your? " Shu Ye smile almost tears came out, " You do not know?
Pool war had just come to me, we have agreed that he would help me to overthrow the
ruling family of Sin, Sin family make bow Become a minister. "
  " How could! " Yi when they are excited, some wild goose stomach ache, she stared
at Shu Ye, " Pool war is not such a person! "
  "It does n't matter what kind of person he is, what is important is that he
likes the goddess that the fairy clan pays special attention to. " Shu Ye's
eyes shone with a glimmer, like a smile, " If you don't defeat the fairy clan first,
the fairy clan People will let him be a demon and goddess together? "
  Luo Yan froze for a moment, only to feel a chill caught in her bones, she stood
with her teeth clenched, glaring at Uncle Ye: " You are using him! "
  Shu Ye laughed: " Obviously he is using me, I'm all soldiers will pay the full
inferno gave him fielding. " He wanted the next, a finger provoked wild goose chin,
laughed very gentle, " This should be called each need, he wants beauty, I want
Jiangshan, do you say, lotus ... Emperor Ji? "
  How could he know her identity ?
  Luo Yan struck down his hand hard , her eyes shivering with anger, trembling
with rage, but her stomach was becoming more and more painful at this time, and her
heart was panicking .
  Is it about to give birth ?
  How come at this time !
  Cheng Yan has been explained to the wound on his wrist clear, but concealed the
sword Excalibur is to punish, Ao Shao wind wing segment has already played to kill,
if you know the other hand there is a sword to kill her, bound Not to mention Duan
Shaofeng .
  However, even so, if she persuaded him to take the soldiers back, Ao Yi was also
unmoved .
  Cheng Yan couldn't stop telling him , just thinking in silence .
  To want to sleep when sleep, and Ao wing will give her own bed, standing by the
bed, flowing white robe, wide-sleeved garment down to the top of her head, his eye
down at her beautiful face Seiitsu, like next month Feishuang , Thin lips slightly
pursed, said lightly: " Tomorrow, I will send someone to send you back to God
Realm. "
  Cheng Yan lying in bed has been prepared to sleep, heard that, " bass " to click
on the jump, long tail gave the quilt to sweep the ground up .
  " Aren't you going back ? "
  Ao Yi's eyes looked at her quietly, without waves , but as if he had seen through
everything. After a while, he looked away, leaned over and picked up the quilt on
the ground, and patted the non-existent gray lightly. It is said that it is on the
ground, which is actually the ground paved with clouds .
  His voice was soft and quiet when he spoke : " Are you worried about
Chi Zhan? "
  It is impossible not to worry, the man is mainly dead, not to mention the task,
even the world will collapse .
  These ...... of course, impossible and Ao wing , said Cheng Yan somewhat carefully
looked at his face, pulled his sleeve, soft voice a bit, and said: " God paternity,
and I have been back , and why did you fight and make life difficult for the pool?
you heard me once, OK, I have returned with the spirit world? "
  Mei Li girl looked at him, fair complexion, Double Vision as rainy youthful-
clear, no trace of impurities, reveals a sort of very soft-hearted plea and
expectations .
  Ao wing looked at her, dark eyes a bit soft on her body he sat down side, her
hand gently pour into the arms of his clothes as a cloud-like softness, excellent
texture, leaning on his arms Here, I feel a bit cool and comfortable .
  He gently stroked the girl ’s long, dark, supple hair, her movements were
elegant and gentle, her cool and handsome face was also soft, her expression was
still light, her voice calm, and she had a calming power: " I will go back with
you, but not now you are still very small, do not know how dangerous the outside, it
is good practice to go back later, so after you become an adult, you want to go where
I have to accompany you, listen to the words, ah? "
  He avoided heavy to light the answer is not to let her satisfaction, Cheng Yan
raised his face, looked at him, bluntly asked: " So, you're sure to ? Kill a pool to
fight it ."
  Ao Yi didn't speak, looked down at her wrist, his hands lifted her hands up, she
was surprised at what he was going to do, but saw him lowering his head to kiss the
blood stains on her wrist, lips soft and cold like petals However, she felt that her
wrists were hot .
  She hadn't had time to withdraw her hand, his thin lips had been evacuated, and
a shimmer of light flashed on her wrist, the blood marks disappeared like this, and
her smooth and fair skin was restored .
  Cheng Yan came to realize that he was cured with surgery, but also do not have to
kiss her, ah, she looked up to see Ao wing, Ao wing look but still weak as clouds, as
if this thing did not quite what the the .
  Ao wing did not let go of her hand, cold fingers gently stroking her previous
bloodstains, the eyes have a slight chill a bit, and said: " Now you must know,
then, I say unto you, anyway. "
  Cheng Yan stared at him, only to realize that his expression seemed to be a
little dignified, his brows were frowning, he didn't care about everything, why did
he show such an expression ?

Chapter 111 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Tribulation (21 )

  Ao wing sitting on her body side , eyelashes slightly lowered, cold beautiful
jade-like profile in the faint shadow of the cage , his thin lips light
sip , silent, like in wondering how to begin .
  Cheng Yan asked tentatively: " Shen Shi , does this matter bother you so much? "
  " Bitter angry? " Ao wing look to her , eyes swept over a bit
surprised , paused , only some tone complicated road , " I just do not like such a
cruel reality. "
  " Cruel? " Cheng Yan's expression was confused , " I don't understand. "
  Ao wing eyes quietly NOTE eye with her , reveals a somewhat unpredictable
mean , this also seemed obsessed look like regret, it is a bit uncomfortable .
  " Among the six circles , the Protoss race is the perfect class. " He lifted
repair long cold fingers stroking her face , indifferent voice seems to bring a
little more gentle mood, " not on what areas are good to extreme, stunning looks,
unfathomable divine , holy clean compassionate natures , but ...... "
  He withdrew his hand , dark eyes emerged somewhat complex mixed emotions , then
said: " extremes meet, Protoss blood is among the six circles to evil to the presence
of evil to poison "
  Cheng Yan looked at him in shock: " Blood ... Is there any difference between good
and evil? "
  " It's not when it belongs to you . " Ao Yi's tone was a bit cold , looking at
her, and said, " But you gave blood to Chi Zhan, and your blood will become a
temptation that he can't resist. Under the influence of blood, he will gradually lose
his reason and feelings and become a bloodthirsty demon. The powerful force brought
by the blood of God will also make such a demon the most dangerous existence. "
  Cheng Yan froze, trying to find a joking expression on his face, but
unfortunately no, there is no such setting written in the book, which makes people
feel ridiculous, but in the book, Chi Zhan In order to kill the goddess for the
hostess, in reality, he wants to kill her because of her blood ?
  Is the power of the plot working ?
  Cheng Yan looked at him, my mind suddenly float emerged in the segment Shao wind
that a pair of crimson eye pupil, she realized that she was not wrong, was silent,
she asked: " You will for that reason to kill Pool Fight? "
  Ao wing stared at her deep eyes a little, seems to have a bit Bonu, cold
tone: " it ? For this reason you seem a little do not care. "
  " I don't mean that. " Seeing him angry, Cheng Yan realized that her reaction was
wrong, she explained, " I just think we can have a better way to solve this
problem. "
  Ao Yi ’s eyes were like Ling Ling Qiuyue, as if she believed that she was just
maintaining Chi Zhan ’s vision of seeing through everything, and the tone was
faint: "A better way? "
  Cheng Yan bowed head did not pay attention to his eyes, only when he really
wanted to hear, on the side of road while wondering : " You said my blood would
tempt him, but he did not do anything to me, so long as we return When he came to God
Realm, he could n’t see me, would n’t it be alright? ”
  Ao Yi did not speak and fell into an inexplicable silence .
  Cheng Yan raised his head in surprise and saw his expression. He even showed a
sneered sneer. His eyes were even a little sharp. This made him a bit of red smoke
and fire. It was no longer so ethereal, just This is not a good thing .
  Cheng Yan intended realized that he was not so good persuasion .
  " He hasn't hurt you now, it's just that the blood of God within him hasn't
awakened yet. " Ao Yi's eyes took a cool look, " He will kill you, and even if he
awakens the blood, he still It will harm people, but you do n’t worry about it at
all, just want to protect him? "
  He was asking her, but she could hear that he seemed to have his own
understanding .
  She is his fiancee, but she maintains other men everywhere. If she doesn't have a
good explanation, she will only add fuel to the fire and strengthen his determination
to kill Chi Zhan .
  Cheng Yan thought for a while, his expression became a little low, and his clear
eyes were a bit sad, and said lowly: " This is my fault. If it wasn't for my blood
accidentally flowed into his heart, things would not It becomes like this. If he is
killed because of this, I will feel that I am the murderer. I do n’t want to be like
this. God servant, do you understand my mood? "
  It seemed that she would think that way. Ao Yi watched her eyes soften a little.
As the ice melted, his slender hands took a pity of tenderness to caress her head and
sighed gently. breath, said: " I do not seem that you will have to keep this
fragile, you say, how can I get you to do it? "
  His attitude seemed to have softened. Cheng Yan looked at him, his eyes lit up
with light: " Shen Shi? "
  Ao Yi caught her gaze, froze for a moment, then looked away, and turned her face
a little bit deliberately indifferent: " You won't be a murderer, you don't have
to bear any burden, everything is for me . "
  " This is my business! " Cheng Yan was anxious .
  Ao Yi stood up and looked out of the tent. His expression suddenly became a
little strange: " Your business is my business. "
  Cheng Yan got out of bed and was a little angry: " Always I listen to you, why
can't you listen to me again? "
  Quiet for a moment, Ao wing suddenly turned, looked at her, looked calm,
lightly: " already . Been too late ."
  Cheng Yan froze for a moment, and soon understood the meaning of what he said,
and his heart sank .
  Duan Shaofeng has come .
  Cheng Yan stood on the top of the floating cloud , behind which was a round
semi-circular moon with cold light. Through the moonlight and clouds, she could see
the demon soldiers on the dense ground, which was a bit distracting .
  Her glance met segment Shao wind, he stood in the foremost position, though very
far away, she seemed to feel him looking over Taishou sight, people have a creepy
feeling, like being The dangerous beast was locked .
  She stepped back slightly, but her shoulders were held by a pair of gentle hands.
She turned her head and saw Ao Yi's calm expression in her face .
  " Do not be afraid. " Ao wing went to her body sides, eyes are looking downward,
and cold Fengrui Mouzhong glow in the sunlight, " I will protect protect you. "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, and she wasn't afraid, but was a little surprised that
she could still feel Duan Shaofeng's sight at such a long distance .
  Ao wing has been integrated for several heavenly days, ready to enter a state of
war, changed his clothes, wearing snow-colored armor, inside a plain gown, repair
stature long, cold, chill like a The cold sword with its stem out of its sheath .
  Waiting for him to have some action, Duan Shao wind suddenly flying on, fast,
twinkling of an eye had landed not far from the top of a cloud, he is a man up, not
even hands Holding weapons, but holding a bunch of candied gourds .
  He did not look as if to see Ao wing, the guard did not see the opposite of
heavenly days, his eyes fell on the process will be determined to Yan's body,
floating some gentle lips brisk smile, his voice is very sweet: " Yan Yan , I waited
for you for a long time, you did not come back, so I came to find you. "
  He held out his right hand, the hand is a string of no prestige threat of candied
fruit, he looked at her eyes: " not ? Come to eat it ."
  Cheng Yan couldn't face his smiling eyes, lowered his head to look at the candied
fruit in his hand, his eyes became more complicated, and there was a feeling of
clogging in her throat. She couldn't say a word. .
  A future array embarrassing and oppressive silence in the past, paragraph Shao
wind lips smile faded, his eyes deep and cold fingers slowly tightened, hard, back of
the hand veins glow, candied fruit in his palm It was crushed inside, the sticky
syrup spilled out, and it seemed to stain his white and slender fingers like blood .
  " You lied to me again, didn't you? " His voice was a bit harsh and hoarse .
  Cheng Yan did not lift head, sip Min Chun, heart beat fast .
  " Good! Very good! " Segment Shao wind burst out laughing, his voice revealing a
bit scary crazy, his eyes fixed on her, dangerous fire burning in his eyes, " you
like like him? "
  Cheng Yan under Italian consciousness looked up at him, but some have been
intimidated by his expression, he seems to have anger to the extreme, I could do
anything out .
  Instead, Ao Yi turned her head a bit stunned and glanced at her .
  Duan Shaofeng seemed to think that she was the default and sneered. An ancient
sword turned out in her hand. Before the sword was sheathed, she already showed a bit
of a bloody breath. He said literally: " Wait for me to kill Take him away, let him
go! "
  Ao wing micro pupil contraction, staring at the sword in his hand, and looked
cold, angry and said: " ? Punish Excalibur "
  Duan Shaofeng sneered, didn't speak, flew over, the long sword came out of the
sheath, and a strong and murderous sword gas was drawn in the air. His palm also
released a border, separating Cheng Yan and Ao Yi Too .
  At the same time, Ao wing also worried punish sword will hurt the goddess, also
put an enchantment her lap up two enchantment collide together, released a dazzling
light, as if even the clouds also vibrate up .
  Cheng Yan trapped in enchantment, if only a layer of enchantment, she can hit the
open, just double enchantment together, waiting for her to break the enchantment of
the time, there's two people should have typed up .
  She thoroughly had already looked at the invisible enchantment fight together in
the air and the wind segment Shao Ao wing, the two played in full swing, sharp
mouths, she patted the enchantment hard as iron, and some students face no Love .
  She saw the determination of the two people to kill each other. How can this be
stopped? Can she threaten herself with a knife ?

Chapter 112 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Calamity (22 )

  Bitter cold night , cold air knife , clouds gradually blocking the moon , the
earth seems to be in the dark night sky enveloped , there are loud Toru mountains
and rivers fight sound toward the sky, even the air is filled with gas tight chill .
  After a lapse of several hundred years , the two families of Immortals and Demons
once again mobilized their troops , and each of them vented their anger,
dissatisfaction, and aversion on the sword .
  Not too long , Cheng Yan to smell the strong smell of blood floats in the
air , there have been days of family or the inferno Jiangcu falling under lofty
altitude .
  Cheng Yan look unto the two sides continue fighting , Yi Shi-lived fad still too
close to call , no one to discuss with cheap , segment Shao wind chest in too beat
up , Ao wing was also a kick One foot flew far away, and like a sharp sword with a
sheath quickly attacked Duan Shaofeng .
  Cheng Yan and do not understand the battle , but also see some doorways , Ao
wing of skill and technique are much higher than on the French section of Shao wind,
after all, he is the son of the Emperor of Heaven, amazing talent, has a strong
heritage of blood , from primary school the law is also learning first-class
operation of , section Shao wind and he has been able stalemate at comparable
levels , should be related to his years of combat experience , especially the tools
and try to punish Excalibur also make him even more powerful .
  Segment Shao wind like such a state of impatience, and you want a quick
fix , sell more hair sharp, pressing harder and harder, Ao wing unfathomable skill,
a little the actual combat experience, some several times dangerous .
  Cheng Yan brought to see heart, and Ao wing many times are too honorable man, and
shot also moves the light wind loyalty, upright, multi-segment Shao wind is not so
showy, Meiyi Zhao are very practical, finish the long march a the trick , then have
to seriously injured, if not killed .
  In paragraph Shao wind under fierce offensive, Ao wing momentum a little bit
weak, but it did not hurt to be, until the wind segment Shao sword come, straight
pointed at his throat, flying too fast Hawk, if it wasn't for him to respond quickly
with a sword, the sharp tip of the sword had already pierced his throat .
  Ao Yi's indifferent temperament was also stimulated by bloodiness, his
eyes became cold, and he showed a sharp momentum. He knew that the fairy power in
his body far exceeded Duan Shaofeng, but he felt that using this to suppress the
other party would seem invincible. Wu, he wanted to use his martial arts to recruit
him to defeat him, but Duan Shaofeng's tricks were obviously not gentlemen, so he
didn't have to follow him as a gentleman .
  Therefore, when blocking the deadly sword of Duan Shaofeng, Ao Yi simultaneously
mobilized 90% of the fairy power and poured it into the long sword. The surging
fairy wave force sent Duan Shaofeng out of the shock .
  Duan Shaofeng didn't expect that he would suddenly exert his strength and hurried
to resist, but he still suffered some internal injuries. There was a bloody smell in
his throat, and there was blood on the corners of his lips. He held the magic sword
and pursed his lips. , Slowly stood up straight, and stared facelessly at Ao Yi who
was not far away .
  Ao Yi also had no expression, but his expression was calm and calm with a strong
man. There was almost no pause. He flew out with the sword in his arms, and his moves
were no longer gentle. There was an unstoppable momentum .
  Duan Shaofeng's reluctance to retreat from barely supported, almost suppressed by
the opponent's fairy power .
  Ao wing does not look a wire mood, calm, deep, indifferent, shot graceful, fast
people almost response, however .
  Cheng Yan just listen to see swords clashed voice, and looked dazzling Jianguang,
two people entwined figure, quickly changing the position, while in the clouds, the
night sky for a while on the earth below, while they fly Clouds .
  She does not see clearly the specific situation, but also a sense of feel to,
segment Shao Feng has not last long, she even felt that the layer of enchantment
under paragraph Shao wind cloth has gradually become weak .
  Just when she was about to take the opportunity to break through the enchantment,
she felt that the clouds under her feet shook violently. It was Duan Shaofeng who
fell from the sky and hit her feet, and across the barrier, Duan Shaofeng turned He
looked at her with complex emotions , unwillingness, resentment, and lingering
affection .
  Cheng Yan sense of feel as if this one was a long time, in fact, is just a
moment, almost fell at her feet in the air when Shao segment, not far from Ao wing
has also been riding the wind comes, black hair flying, sharp momentum Holding a long
sword, he attacked Duan Shaofeng .
  " Be careful -" Cheng Yan under Italian knowledge cried .
  Duan Shaofeng was still distracted at this time, watching her eyes a little
stunned, until the tip of the sword pierced his heart, at that moment it was as quiet
as the sound of the wind, her breath, the sound of the tip of the sword penetrating
the flesh .
  Cheng Yan stared at the sword on his chest, almost all the blood in his body
coagulated, and his breathing became rapid .
  Noticed her nervousness and apprehension, segment Shao wind Kongmang eyes become
deep, deeper stab at the tip continues the time, he raised his hand holding a sword,
the sword stained with blood, he did not go Looking at the sword-holder, it seemed
that he didn't take his life at all, but just looked at her. The lips smiled a bit
like the first smile, but his face was pale and scary, and his voice was
hoarse: " You don't want to Am I dead ? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him, was swept over a bit strange mood: " No, I do not want
to. "
  Ao wing like some scared surprised to see her, and looked Wei Zheng .
  Duan Shaofeng smiled suddenly, this smile just flashed, but it had a strange and
weird taste. He lowered his head and looked quietly at the sword on his chest. His
eyes gradually turned red and full of blood. With a shocking murderousness, he gave a
husky and gloomy grin: " Of course I will not die! "
  Cheng Yan surprised to see him repair his long fingers holding the blade, it
seems useless much effort, his sword had been folded into two halves, his stained
clots of blood almost white, quiet way A strange and dangerous breath appeared .
  Until he slowly raised his head, Cheng Yan froze, what kind of eyes were those ?
  Filled with endless color, dark, evil, cold, people expect a header is not
feeling the danger of cruel beasts, and she saw the beast is to be tasty prey .
  She stepped back abruptly, but the depressing feeling soon disappeared. Ao Yi
blocked her, blocked Duan Shaofeng's sight, raised her hand to withdraw the
enchantment, and turned her head to look to her and speak to her quickly and
said: " go to the spirit world, and immediately went away, his blood in the body God
has been at the wake, and very dangerous. "
  Cheng Yan did not go, because as she turned to speak in Ao wing segment Shao wind
rushed over to him to the ground, he moves quickly, such as the ferocious beast, she
almost did not see how he Mobile .
  Segment Shao wind knee against his abdomen, bent over him, blood-red eyes reveals
a sort of cold, cruel, pondering, his voice hoarse slowly: " There are dangerous ?
Insurance you're talking about yourself? "
  His power was mixed with divine power. Cheng Yan saw his legs pressed against Ao
Yi, as if he didn't have much strength, but Ao Yi's expression had become somewhat
painful and painful. The clear bone cracking sound was horrifying. It seemed that Ao
Yi could not even lift his hand, cold sweat came from his forehead, and the pain
passed out .
  " His Royal Highness! "
  Family day people watching saw, wanted to fly over to help, but was raising his
hand to wind power segment Shao released mythical mingled hit fly out .
  Cheng Yan's heart was beating fast. She looked at the sword at her feet. That was
when Ao Yi fell down. She pursed her lips and looked at Duan Shaofeng. He didn't pay
attention to her .
  Duan Shaofeng is slowly pulling out the broken sword inserted in his heart. His
expression is not half painful, and there is a kind of leisurely indifference. Until
all of them are pulled out, Cheng Yan sees a hole in his heart with blood in it.
Flowing out, the blood seemed to exude a fine golden light, slowly healing the
flesh .
  Soon, even the slightest wound can not see .
  He will be broken sword throwing, sword automatically fly back to punish his
hands, his eyes grow cold, but pleasant voice sounds very cold-blooded at this
time: " This sword is also yours! "
  She seems to be able to listen to see punish Excalibur through the night sword
song of the wind, almost no time to think, to pick up the pace of the sword, fly
past, headed toward the block that sword Ao wing, this series of actions have been
completed blink of an eye .
  When she returned to God, she has been blocked with a sword to punish sword, two
swords phase attack when Qiangran of Zheng sent a song, she lifted her head, right on
the wind segment Shao pair exudes danger of violent Breathing red eyes .
  " You can't kill him! " Feeling the pressure of the Zhushen sword pressing down,
she also used strength to resist, staring at him .
  Segment Shao wind sound Diya, the whole body momentum a bit too low: " is he
wants to kill me. "
  Cheng Yan try a soft voice: " But he has been not kill you. "
  Segment Shao wind did not speak, will be looked at her as if she had never seen
the like, bloody eyes filled with madness, Tao -day anger build plot in the chest,
his long hair and flowing clothes are in the wind Dancing, a dangerous breath
surrounded his body intensified .
  " He can't, I can! "
  Cheng Yan police feel his emotions very wrong, truth simply does not make sense,
violent and sensitive, just like he is usual, the role of the blood of God there are
so big you ?
  He seems not to want to play with her, back away, but never attack another
direction hit Ao wing lying on the ground, Cheng Yan surprised, busy with the move
operation will be transferred to the Ao wings behind her, then, When the magic sword
is approaching, she releases a barrier with her divine power to resist .
  When Duan Shaofeng saw it, the sword in his hand also turned in a direction, but
the mighty sword gas still split the barrier, and Cheng Yan took Ao Yi away in
time .
  She lifted her head, Shao wind segment already fly to her front side, pulled her
wrist, Leng tone, there had been a bit emotional: " There is no subject to hurt? "
  He looked at her, eyes a meal .
  Cheng Yan shook his head and was about to speak, but suddenly he was stunned.
Duan Shaofeng's expression at this time was very strange, his body froze, as if he
was tempted but tried hard to endure, his eyes passed. A little bit of red light, she
instinctively felt the trembling danger .
  Following his gaze, she lowered her head and saw her finger, which should have
been cut by Jian Qi again, and bright red blood appeared, and it was particularly
bright and bright on the white fingertip .
  Cheng Yan Anti be over, looked at him at this time, are back reveals a cold, you
want to withdraw his hand, but that he firmly grabs the wrist, she lifted her other
hand to push him, But he found that he couldn't move at all. He slowly lowered his
head and leaned closer to her finger, as if she had lost her soul. There was only a
little craving left in her eyes, and her fingertip was included in her mouth .

Chapter 113 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Tribulation (23 )

  Cheng Yan a stood motionless , feeling an instinctive fear of attack on the
heart, to make her feel not in front of a man , but a Tou slightest mistake would be
dangerous wild beasts tore her swallowed .
  Filled the ear side of the fight sound seems to get far away , she could hear
clearly see his throat swallowing voice, fingertip feel the temperature too hot
amazing , she even seemed to feel the blood flow in the skin move .
  Cheng Shao Yan looked at the segment wind down vampire look , the hands of
the sword tightened , she took a deep breath .
  Duan Shaofeng seemed dissatisfied with the blood at the fingertips ,
her lowered head leaned over her wrists , her sleeves were torn , exposing white skin
like frost moon , he put his lips on it and paused for a moment. he suddenly bite
down mouth , teeth tooth stuck in the flesh , blood flowing into his mouth, blood-
stained spilled on her arm, spread along the smooth skin down, fell on his sword On
the tip .
  Punish Excalibur seems a little tremor , carnage a flash and over , will absorb
all the blood , faintly quivering , out of the segment Shao wind's hand fell to the
ground .
  This scene, did not see the wind segment Shao , Cheng Yan did not look to see
her pain a white face, section Shao wind and she has lost rational, she knew that if
she once hands, it will make him even more manic, dangerous, results Inevitably, it
is not that you will die, but she can't just let him do whatever he wants .
  Her martial arts is far inferior to that of Shao Feng, and it is impossible to
beat him alone. She does not want to fight him. It is best to be able to defeat the
enemy in one blow and get away without hurting him. She thought about his life
quickly, made a decision, and threw the sword in her hand .
  The temptation of the blood of God caused Duan Shaofeng to lose his mind. He was
fascinated and sucked on her blood. She felt a little dizzy and settled. She quietly
mobilized the whole body's divine power and poured it into being bitten by him.
injured hand palm, right hand on his chest not far from the location .
  When she shot a palm with all her strength , Duan Shaofeng was irrational and
would n’t think, and naturally she would have no precautions. Sure enough, the palm
flew backwards and flew out. She could have taken this opportunity to take Ao Wing
escaped, but unexpectedly he would suddenly hold her hand, and in her shocked sight,
she was taken by him together !
  In the violent wind brought by the high speed , Duan Shaofeng loosened her
wrist, but turned to hug her waist. In a short moment, she met his bloody eyes, she
seemed to see Among the longing, struggle, and pain, she was stunned. The two had
fallen on another cloud, and the cloud broke into two halves due to vibration .
  Cheng Yan almost fell out from the sky, paragraph Shao wind to pull her back,
she will be under pressure in the body .
  He condensate depending on her, look very dangerous .
  Cheng Yan's tone was somewhat alert: " Are you ... awake ? "
  If his previous eyes were a little confused, when he heard her voice, his eyes
became clear, looking at her face, and at her bloody wrist, he seemed to see
something terrible The scene changed his face, seeming shocked and guilty, with a bit
of struggling restraint in his expression, and his breathing became heavy .
  He stretched out his hand and seemed to want to touch her, but drew back his hand
in fear . He turned around without looking at her, and sat on the ground, his hands
covering his face, his voice hoarse, and his tone seemed to be on the verge of losing
control : " Hurry up! "
  Cheng Yan glanced at him and then at her wrist. She raised her hand to cover the
bleeding wound. The smell of blood seemed to make him very painful. She didn't intend
to comfort him at this time, even if it was his In a bad state, she didn't intend to
be bitten by him again .
  Her little head, straightened the body, just the toes off the ground, not flying
out, she was surprised, although not see what is in front, but she keenly felt the
wind coming from the dangerous atmosphere, in At this time, her ankle was grabbed by
someone, and a strong and swift force pulled her back. She fell back heavily to the
cloud without pain, but still a little dizzy .
  " What are you doing! " She stared at Duan Shaofeng , and when she saw the picture
in front of her, her voice disappeared into her throat .
  The horrifying magic sword flew by himself, hanging in the air, cold light, cold,
heavy, as if it had turned into a life-threatening demon, shaking the blade
frantically .
The direction   it is aimed at is her !
  Cheng Yan felt like it had already had eyes, watching her evilly and greedily,
which made people feel a terrified horror. If Duan Shaofeng had a protective barrier
in his hand to block it out, it would have been Pierced her .
Suddenly flashed in   her mind was the picture that she hadn't noticed before, it
was blood! Her blood dripped on the Zhu Jian Shen Jian, and then it had responded .
  Even the blood of God works on swords ?
  She was holding her wrists a little harder, a little bit painful, and her face
was ugly . It was a deeper understanding of Ao Yi's blood evil .
  Excalibur is the time to punish the Devil ancestors that existed Maken, killed
not know how many gods, has accumulated evil of the gas is very dense, contains
inferno Jianqi also strong enough to tear her, Duan Shao wind blocking order It
became very manic, continually hitting the protective barrier, stirring up and down,
the rain falling on her face, it was cold, and it made the heart cold .
  Duan Shaofeng pressed his hand against the protective barrier in front of him,
and seemed to have done his best. His jaw was tight, his eyes were cold, and his face
was as hard as marble. He didn't look back and yelled at her, "Do n't go yet? "
  " Thank you! " She knew that the goal of Zhu Shenjian was her, but it was more
trouble to stay here. Before leaving, she glanced at his back and whispered, " Be
careful yourself! "
  Ao direction where the right wing punish sword there, she could not return,
remember to go to heaven Ban Jiubing, but she was just going to fly seventh heaven
when she saw the dark as ink cloud layer was left out of gold Shine .
  A golden light reveals a deep-not measured force straight fall in front of her,
and turned it into human form, gorgeous golden robes winding to the ground, jade
belt, clothes embroidered with beautiful valley of death, such as general living, she
looked up and saw a handsome young face, noble and dignified, a pair of beautiful
Fengmu calmly look to her beautiful singing voice as the swan is also very
calm: " small goddess may have affected hurt? "
  Heavenly Emperor is here !
  Cheng Yan relax there is a sense of sleep, but my heart sort of passing the haze,
before she could figure out why is that she heard a movement behind him, back turned
to look, amazing tools and try to punish Excalibur The chase came at a fast speed,
like a falling meteor .
  Faster than it was a dark shadow, which had been blocked in front of her in
the blink of an eye , and slapped a hand to attack the Zhushen Sword. The Zhushen
Sword was irritated, and the momentum rushed over more suddenly. A thick enchantment
has emerged, temporarily blocking it out, but it requires him to continuously output
power to support the enchantment .
  Shaped potential emergency, punish Excalibur before long it will break the
enchantment .
  " Emperor, do you have a way? " Cheng Yan's tone was a little anxious .
  " Method? " Emperor Tian looked at Duan Shaofeng 's back, his eyes seemed to be a
little deep, his lips smiled, " Yes. "
  King nice smile and very soft, very in control of the power of the people, it is
intended to lower consciousness to convince him .
  At this time, the enchantment was almost broken, Duan Shaofeng's face was tense,
his teeth clenched, his forehead was sweating, his thin lips moved, and he seemed to
want to say something. On the sword, it closed again, and there was a feeling of
self-abandonment that knew the danger .
  Cheng Yan turned his back to him, couldn't see his expression, looked at
Heavenly Emperor, his tone was doubtful: " Willn't it hurt him? "
  " Will not. " Heaven smile, look at her, " you and back. "
  Cheng Yan stepped back a few steps, and retreated from the position between him
and Duan Shaofeng . She did not doubt the words of the emperor, because his
expression and tone were full of awe-inspiring righteousness, which made people
unconsciously trust. .
  However, the next scene made her tearful and chilling .
  Heavenly Emperor raised his right hand, and gently patted Duan Shaofeng's back
palm. Duan Shaofeng was doing good work to resist the Zhushen sword. This palm
relieved him a little, and his body staggered forward . The enchantment also broke
at this time, and his lips and lips were inexplicably ridiculed .
  Cheng Yan didn't even blink his eyes. It all happened quickly, but it seemed very
slow .
  Zhu Shenjian rushed straight into Duan Shaofeng's heart, penetrating from the
chest to the back. She seemed to hear the horrible sound of the sword passing through
his chest, bones, and the blood of the heart .
  A sword fatal, paragraph Shao wind turned and looked at her, the rain still
falling, the night seems a bit cold fog, rain and fog across his eyes to look at her,
suddenly smiled, as if a farewell, his laugh in the end what it meant, too hastily,
she was too late to realize that he is too late to say a word, closed his eyes, fall
from the clouds, beneath a lofty altitude, go down scared to death also will
Shiguwucun .
  Cheng Yan stunned, is beside the Emperor pulled her: " little goddess, things
already . Been settled, which is the number of his life, as I go back ."
  Cheng Yan looked at him, the anger in his eyes almost turned into substance,
and it seemed to be still glowing with water. She pushed away his hand hard, and then
flew down the cloud, running in the direction of Duan Shaofeng's fall. In the past .
  he knows! That smile is the tell tell her, he knew, the Emperor of Heaven
solution is to punish him with a sword to die together, he is not defenseless, he is
simply not thought Beware !
  In other words, he decided to die himself !
  This knowledge made her stomach twitch, head Weng Ming with hardly think, like
missing a hole in the heart like the wind filling, almost made her breathing becomes
difficult to endure .
  Before Duan Shaofeng fell to the ground, she took his hand. The coldness of the
tentacle made her tremble, and she picked him up and fell into a wood .
  She put him under the tree and looked at him now. He leaned against the tree, the
rain was getting bigger, his hair was wet, and the white clothes became wet and
bloody, and the blood flowed smoothly. He fell to the ground with his chest .
  His face was pale, he didn't breathe, and the cinnabar moles with beautiful
corners of his eyes seemed to be dim .
  " Why? " She looked at him blankly, confused from the bottom of her heart .
  There was no answer, only the sound of rain spilled over the leaves, and it fell
coldly on her eyelashes, face, and skirt .
  He can obviously avoid it, obviously can leave her, and obviously can not die,
even if the sword will kill her, it is just the fate she should have in the book .
  He blocked the sword for her as if he had endured the destiny for her. This fact
was so heavy that she was breathless and separated from Bai Yueguang's role .
  At this moment, she is just herself .
  She plays the role of Bai Yueguang, but separates herself and the role very
clearly. It is clear that she is just going through the plot. Even if the male host
is abandoned and hurt, it is the fate he should bear. It is not her, but others will
do the same. , So she can safely see them hurt by love and bruised all over .
  But why did he die for her? She couldn't say that it was the ending he should
have, nor could he forget that he was killed by her, and he couldn't comfort himself.
He was just a protagonist in the book, just the author. The image created in the pen
can even be said to be just words .
  She looked at his face, he also had emotions, blood, flesh, breathing, running
and jumping, why is there no reason to say that he is not a living person ?
  She remembers the casual look of him smiling at her, the warm embrace of her, and
the time when nothing happened when she and him were drinking and chatting on the
rooftop to watch the stars .
  Now, he can't do anything .
  Too much rain, Cheng Yan sense of feel to cold, shivering with cold, stomach also
convulsions, some vomiting, eyelash quivered, but only she was a motionless, looking
at him .
  Foot of the earth seems to be in shock trembled, the trees are tremor, tremor
also sky, as if about to fall apart like collapsed .
  This situation lasted only a short moment, and the world became stable again, as
if the previous collapse was just an illusion .
  Department of conventional voice sounded: the host, the male death, your mission
has failed .
  Cheng Yan didn't move .
  Department of conventional voice said: But you are one in a million chance, the
child was just day operation of the male, he is dead, the world would collapse, but
the care of the household she just gave birth to a child, that child ...... birth by
Heaven dependents care, destined to become the new main man, the story will turn the
papers, there will be a new care of the household together to open a new fate .
  Cheng Yan ignored him, his eyes were apathetic and lifeless .
  Department of systems with emphasis remind her: So, the host of the task is not
successful, it is not a failure, there will be those who succeed you a new task, you
can choose to continue mission or return to the real world .
  " I kill people! Do not you know it? You ask me if I want to go back ......" She
took a deep breath, laugh, some sharp sharp laugh, " you are that I really like you
just machines, no Feelings, do n’t you have a conscience? Do you think I can forget
all this when I go back, forget this person ’s death, get a healthy body, and start
a new life happily? ”
  Feel her love thread fluctuations, the host paused for a moment, before opening:
host, you do not want to go back, you can also choose to stay here until death, then
your soul will automatically return to the real world, so you do not have to So
excited .
  Death ?
  Cheng Yan sense feel yourself as if caught what she remembered, in the book,
white moon is dead, how she died? Yes, she killed the hostess, the male host took
away the heart of Pangu, and the heart of Pangu saved the hostess, but she died due
to diminished power and within a few days .
  Heart of Pangu !
  Cheng Yan's eyes lit up. She looked at Duan Shaofeng 's face. The heart of Pangu
could save the heroine, so she could certainly save the hero .
  It's just ... before taking him to God Realm, she had to pull out the magic sword
on his chest .
  Zhu Shenjian has been settled down after killing people, just like the previous
rage has all vented when he killed Duan Shaofeng .
  But she still did not forget how dangerous it is, she tore a Kuai wrapping stop,
holding the hilt, it Huanhuandecong segment Shao wind chest and pulled out, and then
it will be forced to dump it out, Zhu Shenjian flew out of the woods and disappeared
into sight .
  She carried Duan Shaofeng on her back, and she used divine power. She could
hardly feel any weight on her back. It was no exaggeration to say that she was as
light as a swallow, and she quickly went in the direction of God Realm .

Chapter 114 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Romance (24 )

  Spirit world sky vast lofty , there are green Luan sent a beautiful song over
the mountains, rolling hills , green mountains Longzhe color layer of snow , misty
and clean, ice on the shore of the immortal bow deer drink water , road next to the
open colorful beautiful flowers , dot trimmed with snow-like white world , there are
lazy python lying among the flowers , listen to see footsteps , set off Wei Yan's
two- goal glance at her .
  Cheng Yan only hastily sweep the glances , but also think this place beautiful
people heart is clean, transparent , think no more Pangu mind circles will be
destroyed , she wanted to sigh .
  But this is also impossible, she has to save him .
  To the temple , Cheng Shao Yan put down the segment wind , she walked in front of
the high-profile, high platform set up the altar, Goddess of portraits hanging on the
walls, eyes slightly lowered , as if looking at her like , and as in Note depending
on the altar of the suspended Pangu heart .
  Pangu heart looks like a black stone , in addition to outside
luminous , unexciting, it is hard to imagine it could even body bears the endless
power of God , the holy Jie was actually pretty strong against God It gained divine
power .
  Cheng Yan looked at Nu Wa on her eyes, and then she lowered her head busy. That
look made her flinch, and she took a deep breath before raising her hand to touch the
heart of Pangu slowly. I squeezed it in my hand, and my heart was beating fast .
  " What are you doing! "
  Someone drank abruptly behind him. Cheng Yan almost missed and broke Pangu's
heart. She turned around and hadn't seen the other person's appearance, she already
spoke first: " I know what I'm doing, Shen Shi, Can you ignore this matter? "
  Ao Yi stood at the door, and the thin snow behind him was illuminating him, and
his figure seemed to be translucent. He should have been rushing all the way. His
injury was not bad. His face was pale. evil acts, for a moment, just
breathed: " the Pangu heart put it back! "
  His words fell, and her first reaction was to hide her hands behind her
quickly .
  "..." Ao Yi seemed to be stimulated by her move, her face indifferent to
horror, " I let you put it back! "
  Ao Yi 's impression is indifferent, calm, and powerful, as if there is nothing he
can't solve, or something that is worth his heart, Cheng Yan is also the first time
to see him so emotionally fluctuating, she is also really Great enough .
  " I can not do. " Cheng Yan low head, looked at the beauty segment Shaofeng Jun
pale face, voice low, and very firm .
  Ao Yi was silent for a while, and said: " You want to save him, it is not the
only way. "
  After hearing this, Cheng Yan suddenly raised her head and looked at him a little
strangely, with a very weak tone: " Emperor Tian said there was a way. " She
smiled, " Do you know what he did ? "
  Ao Yi looked at her silently .
  " He personally pushed segment Shao wind Qudang sword! " Cheng Yan looked at him
will be determined, the " So do not tell tell me you have the means, I know you're
lying to me, the next will punish Excalibur wits, There is no other way to save
him. "
  Ao wing stiff face, like being slashed like, to her eyes, hoarse voice: " You're
my hate you? "
  Cheng Yan said: " Hate you? I don't have it, I know you are doing it all for the
Protoss. "
  Ao wing suddenly lift head, incredible to look at her, eyes deep, full length
freely their opinion, after a moment, cold tunnel: " So, you ? Why not put it back
to the dawn of the heart ."
  Cheng Yan was stabbed in his eyes and didn't quite understand where her words
hurt him. She looked at him, thought about it, and stretched out her hand . The
heart of Pangu was in her palm .
  Ao wing take a step in her direction, his eyes can see, he agreed to his words
for her .
  Cheng Yan looked away from him and said, " You must want it, and I can't grab
you, so take it. "
  Ao wing of the pace of a meal, look at her, Zhang Mei Wei Zhou: " You ? What do
you mean "
  " Have no meaning. " Cheng Yan main moving toward him, stood a few steps to his
front, she looked up at him, quiet and authentic, " God paternity, I had to
tell tell you, if he's dead , I will feel that I am the murderer, I will not survive,
but you are not taken seriously at all. "
  Do you understand her the meaning of words, Ao wing's face became pale: " You
Wei threatened me? "
  Cheng Yan the hands of Pangu heart handed handed forward, looked into his
eyes: " You will be Wei threat it? "
  Ao did not take wing Pangu heart, to see her face, clenched his fists, and looked
stiff, pale, like a voice coming out from between his teeth: " You think I have a
choice? "
  Cheng Yan put his hands down in silence and looked at him: " Neither do I. "
  Ao Yi stared at her closely: " You must save him? "
  Cheng Yan stared at him: " Yes. "
  Stop Dayton moment, Ao wing asked: " Even if the Protoss will cover this off? "
  Cheng Yan: " Yes. "
  Ao Yi was silent for a long time before he said again: " Even if you might ..." His
voice seemed to be stuck, " Dead? "
  Rescuing him is not about death, it is to return to life without any burden after
going back .
  Cheng Yan couldn't tell him these words, so she didn't speak .
  Ao Yi's figure shook. She wanted to help him. He avoided it. He didn't look at
her. He closed his eyes fiercely , and seemed to endure the emotions accumulated on
his chest. He also breathed heavily, and said coldly: " Enough! now do not care, I
have nothing to say, from now on, you are dead or alive has nothing to do with me,
I ...... do not want to see you! "
  The next moment, he had been as a smoke dissipated in the temple gate .
  After leaving God Realm, Ao Yi finally couldn't support it, and he was so angry
and sore that his eyes turned black and fell forward. The two generals who sent him
were shocked, and one of them held his arm .
  " Your Highness! Why are you so white? "
  " What about the goddess? "
  Ao wing did not answer him their words, actually spit a mouthful of blood, blood
flower of fog spread, sprinkle in white robes, and then fainted .
  The two army scared a shiver, and quickly returned to the people Once upon a
time .
  Cheng Yan knelt on the ground and shattered the heart of Pangu. At that moment,
the heart of Pangu turned into countless dazzling streamers, and from all directions
scrambled into Duan Shaofeng's body. She saw the streamer like a god The panacea
generally cured the sword wound in Duan Shaofeng's chest, and gradually even the
scars could no longer be seen .
  The power of God her body was also Pangu heart learned in the past, a little bit
of wind poured into the segment Shao's body, she almost do not feel anything, but
found her tail light faded quickly in bright color -taek, became increasingly The
more bleak and dull, and then more and more transparent, as if covered by the fog .
  This change made her feel a bit at a loss. She looked at Duan Shaofeng's face.
His pale face slowly became angry, and he recovered a little blood, and his lips were
brighter .
  After a while, Duan Shaofeng's eyelashes moved, and his eyes opened .
  " Are you awake? " Cheng Yan grabbed his hand and moved closer to him, his eyes
bright .
  Duan Shaofeng sat up and looked at her with a low voice: " Yanyan? "
  " Are you all right? Is there anything uncomfortable? " Cheng Yan looked at him.
He was so impressed with the blood all over .
  Duan Shaofeng's brain was very confused. He looked at her and rubbed his eyebrows
as if he had a headache: " Why am I here? I thought I was dead. "
  " Here is God Realm. "
  " Shenjie ? " Duan Shaofeng raised his head and looked around, his eyes stopped
at the altar for a long time, turned his head to look at her again, and his voice
suddenly became dry, " Your tail ..." "
  When he woke up suddenly , she did n’t have enough time to continue watching
the changes in her tail. When she heard him asking, her heart jumped. The brilliance
of her tail had faded away and became more and more transparent. It almost
disappeared and disappeared. A pair of legs .
  Seeing Duan Shaofeng staring at her legs with an unclear look, Cheng Yan said as
easily as possible: " I envy walking on the legs, now it's better. "
  Duan Shaofeng didn't speak. He knew that the sword of Zhu Jian Shen was passing
through his heart. He could never survive, and he would not even have a chance
of reincarnation . However, not only did he wake up , his body also There was no
injury, and the repair was much higher .
  In a short span of time, he had figured out the key. His slender fingers slowly
stroked her tail, her fingertips trembling violently, and at this time, her tail had
completely disappeared, as if to confirm His ideas are average .
  Duan Shaofeng took a deep breath and looked at Cheng Yan, not sure if it was an
illusion, his eyes were a little red .
  Cheng Yan knew he had guessed everything .
  " You saved me with the heart of Pangu? " Duan Shaofeng's breathing became
difficult, and his heart seemed to be pulling .
  Cheng Yan lower head: " I know that Pangu heart is very important, without it,
there would be probably after the Protoss, you will blame me? "
  "I blame you? " Looking at her like this, Duan Shaofeng only felt his
heart twisted like a knife, and his voice was soft like a friable foam. " Is it
because you saved me ? Without Pangu, you are gone." The divine power, there is no
symbol of the status of the god clan, and even ... may die, I just ... distressed, I
would rather you live a good life, even if I die one thousand times or ten thousand
times. "
  " I saved your life. " Cheng Yan looked at him. " So, you have to cherish it,
don't say anything dead. "
  Duan Shaofeng leaned over and hugged her into his arms, his voice soft: " Well,
I promise you. "
  The shrine suddenly shook, the ground shook, and the whole god realm was shaking
on the ground .
  Cheng Yan mood complex hybrid: " the spirit world is falling. "
  Segment Shao wind looked at her, hold her up like a soothing, down a very tender
kiss on her brow: " I will always stay with you, I have to mortal life, okay? "
  Duan Shaofeng held her and flew out of God Realm. She turned her head and looked
back. Snow Mountain, Qingluan, flowers and fairy deer gradually melted into
nothingness until God Realm completely disappeared .
  She withdrew her eyes, buried her face in his shirt, and said a word: " Okay. "
  So far, among the Six Realms, there are only five Realms: Immortal, Human, Demon,
Demon, and Ghost. The Protoss has completely become a legendary existence .

Chapter 115 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Calamity (25 )

  Another year of Tanabata good festival , moon water, the United States
and Korea's fireworks bloom in the moonlight , in the light of the son, the young
ladies have Taishou looking , the street is full of complicated Hua lively scene,
filled with the world's pyrotechnic gas .
  " You go slower. " The handsome look like a white man in heaven walking on the
street and talking sideways to the girl next to him . The gentle and helpless look
is charming .
  His week around have been around a lot secretly look at his girl , the girl's
wavefront Feelings , cheek modesty , by his demeanor stirred the surface of the
pond .
  " Slow down a little , hello hooked up a few little girl to go home yet? " The
girl stopped , Yang head looked at him .
  White son also stopped , he was born a pair Discovering a lot of people's eyes,
watching the people will indulge when people can not help , he was
injection depending on the girl , his eyes cinnabar mole add to the feeling of
romantic, he laughed She seemed to be amused by her: " I'm worried about your body. "
  He was the laughter, the girls will be fans were seven dirty eight
elements , as though he were to laugh like them , Tanabata courtship has always been
the festival , people culture among very enlightened , she had had to have pulled
himself The small gift shown, ready to smash past .
  The girl smiled , eyes sweeping the circle of those girls, they look to him, in
all seriousness: " I am also for the sake of your body. "
  White son of a stunned, did not think she was so bold, so also can say, he always
worried about going to hurt her, she was so fragile, so often in the bed on top of
things is superficial, but she brought so open Joke, he even suspected that it might
not be a joke. Did she think she did n’t live long before saying that ?
  White son gradually laughing, looked at those girls looked at him, like the eyes
to see what items, he smiles, no warm but polite tone: " the next has been there a
wife. "
  The girls looked at the girl on the side and saw that she was beautiful, even
more disappointed in her eyes, but also faintly immortal .
  The girl blinked and suddenly took a step back, pointing at the young man
in white and saying , " I don't know him. "
  " Yanyan, do n't play with me ..." His words didn't finish .
  Cheng Yan's words stirred up a thousand waves in the hearts of the girls, as if
bidding, they scrambled to present the gifts they had prepared to Duan Shaofeng .
  Duan Shaofeng sighed, flew up, spun around in the air, his posture was beautiful,
he escaped the sachets, fans, melons, and purses that fell like rain, his figure
limped, his white clothes fluttered, those things even touched him A piece of
clothing corner was not touched .
  The girls were dumbfounded .
  When Duan Shaofeng fell, a stunned girl couldn't help but smash the big
watermelon for her brother. This is not a show, it is not believed that he can still
escape .
  Duan Shaofeng escaped perfectly, and the water drifted to Cheng Yan's side. The
ink-like hair danced with the wind. He hugged her waist, hugged her up, looked down
at her, and kissed Her voice was low, " Don't you know me? "
  Cheng Yan listen met with a burst down the voice of inspiration, she
embarrassed: " know. " She whispered, " you first put me down. "
  Duan Shaofeng smiled, with a somewhat scattered taste: "So call a husband? "
  Cheng Yan did not want to be treated as a monkey crowd, she was silent, with
mosquito sound like: "...... husband. " Raised his face, teeth, " you were let go ah! "
  Duan Shaofeng smiled more charmingly, his eyes blinked slightly, and it was
actually a little bad. He stole a fragrance on her lips quickly, and walked slowly
holding her forward, saying : "The mouth is so sweet, the husband holds the lady It
’s a matter of sharing, you do n’t have to be embarrassed. ”
  Cheng Yan: "... I want to hit you. "
  Duan Shaofeng gently grabbed her hand and pressed it against her
chest, saying, " I'm here, do n't hurt your hand. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
What else can   she say ?
  It should be to avoid the situation of being a genius again. Duan Shaofeng
stopped at the booth selling masks. There were many styles. He was watching. Cheng
Yan jumped from his arms and took a look. He took a fox style. The mask covers his
face .
  " Why choose this ? " Duan Shaofeng smiled at her .
  Cheng Yan laughed: " because you like it ah. "
  Duan Shaofeng flicked the fox's pointed mouth with his long, white fingers, and
put it on in a good mood, only showing his beautiful lips and chin, the corners of
the lips were bent, and he hummed: " I will When you are praising me, little
villain. "
  Cheng Yan also smiled, as if winning a victory, walking in front of him. On the
night of Tanabata, people ’s emotions are very high and very happy. She is also
infected with the mood. She will buy food and watch it later. Juggling .
  " This is delicious, would you like to try it? "
  " This is also delicious. "
  " Is this skirt pretty? I want to try it. "
  Duan Shaofeng 's two hands quickly filled up with things, and behind her, the
speed of checkout was far behind the speed of her shopping .
  " Why ......" His throat clear throat, almost out of the vase to the arms raised to
mention, a bit embarrassed to keep up with her, " It feels like torture? Also, Yan
Yan, you're You should be slower and tired. "
  Cheng Yan bite a Ke candied fruit, and accidentally walked in front of him,
looking back at him: " Are you complaining about ? It "
  Duan Shaofeng has a strong desire to survive, and he smiles flawlessly: " I care
about you. At this time, you should drink today's Ganoderma soup. "
  Cheng Yan did not want to go back memories of the taste of the soup, her pace
faster: " I think I'm fine, nothing uncomfortable. "
  " Yanyan, wait a minute! "
  Cheng Yan was about to stop when an crowded coming, she was packed off to Shao
wind segment farther away, these people cried to his mouth to see Santo put lanterns
blessing, but also a group should be thinking about The little girl who continued Tan
Yulang's string .
  She only felt dizzy, to the spirit world since the collapse later, her body every
day more feeble, gradually to perish in the end, Shao wind segment has been trying to
restore his health in for her, and she has been good Many, this crowded crowd and
suffocation made her a little uncomfortable again .
  I don't know who pushed her, her body leaned back .
  Suddenly, with both hands around her waist, after being stabilized by the other
party, she saw a fox mask, and in white clothes, she subconsciously hugged his waist
and said: " I am so dizzy, you can say Yes, I should drink Ganoderma lucidum soup. "
  Her body stiffened hands, different kind of silence spread between two people .
  Cheng Yan smelled the cold fragrance, and there was a smell of snow floating in
the distant memory. Her hands froze. After a while, she let go of her hands and
smiled casually, " Sorry, I got it wrong. "
  White people are wearing fox masks, stature repair long muscle that reveals Xian
Qi shares, and a pair of deep cold eyes and stared at her .
  He took her hand, and his temperature was very cold, like a snow falling .
  " Eat a year stars, only a one-year extension of life. "
  Her low head, put his hand was a small white bottle, after a lapse of three
years, paternity God's voice has never changed, the tone of voice also, as usual
indifferent and soft, her fingers trembled under : " Shen Shi? "
  Short after the temporary stillness, and he said something similar to her words,
there is no tone: " You . Mistaken "
  When Cheng Yan raised her head, there was no figure in front of her, as if it was
just an illusion. She turned her head. The children and young people there were
juggling. The young couple in the past were whispering. She looked to the other side.
Several women were bargaining with butchers selling meat .
  Life one hundred state, the Red numerous, but one that did not have the frost on
the Tsinghua-like figure .
  " I do not want to see you ......"
  In the temple three years ago, his words were still in the ears. She was not
guilty. His eyes at that time seemed to have been pushed to despair. She knew that he
regarded the Protoss as a faith. Want to reproduce the prosperity of the Protoss .
  She will be all destroyed, she crouched body, wheezing a little anxious, almost
insignificant figure in the crowd to be obliterated .
  Duan Shaofeng was standing next to the booth selling paintings not far away. He
saw her talking to the man, saw her looking for the figure in the crowd, and saw her
crouching in the crowd .
  His deep eyes, a moment later, carrying step toward her face had recovered a
smile, touched her head: " ? Let me see, someone beautiful little girl wandered
off ."
  Cheng Yan looked up at him with a slight expression .
  Duan Shaofeng also squatted down, holding her face in both hands, and said in a
childish tone: "So it belongs to my family? "
  Cheng Yan looked at him, his surprised expression was so weird , she couldn't
hold back, she laughed, and her mood seemed suddenly clear .
  " Hello trouble! "
  Duan Shaofeng nodded and stood up: " Then I'm gone! "
  Cheng Yan pulled him: " I want to go home. "
  Duan Shaofeng's eyes flashed slightly, and he smiled as if the spring wind was
blowing across the lake and causing ripples. He squatted in front of her and
said, " I'm carrying you. "
  Cheng Yan climbed up to his broad and warm back and hugged his neck. He stood up
and raised her leg with his hand .
  " You're lighter. " His evaluation said something like .
  Cheng Yan said: " How light is it? "
  Segment Shao wind vague: " is very light. " His fitness to say I had always
wanted to say from time to time, " you really that eat more. "
  Cheng Yan to the next, lying on his shoulder, leaned his ear words: " You ? Men
who do not like slim "
  " It doesn't matter whether you like it or not. " Duan Shaofeng said , " I like
you all, but you are really too light, it's a headache, do you know that the son of
the city owner is fatter? You said you ca n’t even match a three-year-old child? Ca
n’t you? ”
  Segment Shao wind footsteps stopped, the side head asked her, very
seriously: " So, Yan Yan, you test consider Ganoderma drink a bowl of soup every
day? "
  Cheng Yan pinched his neck: "... I'm going to vomit. "
  Duan Shaofeng smiled softly. His laughter was as soft as a petal falling in the
wind: " You are questioning my cooking skills. "
  Cheng Yan shook his head: " I was told tell you, you really should try the
Ganoderma lucidum is what the taste, you will not be so advised me. "
  Duan Shaofeng twisted his eyebrows: " Is it really that bad ? "
  Duan Shaofeng took her to the medical immortal in Xianjie. She was not ill or
injured, but she just began to die irreversibly, so the medical immortal can only
arrange a series of physical fitness and longevity for her. Lingzhi soup is one of
her most unbearable .
  Cheng Yan tone was serious authentic: " You will have to personally try again. "
  Duan Shaofeng sighed: " I heard it, you are pitting me. "

Chapter 116 : The Blackened Fairy Monarch After the Calamity (26 )

The house bought by   Duan Shaofeng is next to Tan Yulang . When Tan
Yulang cannot deal with the affairs in the city, he ca n’t take care of the
children , so he often sends the chubby to this side . Duan Shaofeng will often
take her to the door and go out to play Tan Yuk together with the invitation , but
the child's mother parent was a taboo subject , segment Shao wind never
mentioned , Tan Yuk now the state has sent more than just a child when, quite a
lot .
  After back from the street , paragraph Shao wind went to the soup kitchen
Ao , the huge house where , she was the only segment Shao and wind two people , do
not fight other people's interference , segment Shao wind learned to make meals from
awkward to skillful , learn how to take care of the house to her joy joy look , even
learned starched mending clothes .
  He doesn't have to do this, one spell can do it all, but he is more keen on doing
these trivial and ordinary things in person .
  Ganoderma soup suffocating wafting into the nose when Cheng Yan has been on the
bed , her pillow against the head to sit , look see paragraph Shao wind carrying a
bowl of black almost almost the soup came , also braved the steaming heat .
  She patted the edge of the bed, and Duan Shaofeng sat down. She leaned over to
look at him , looking forward to it and said: " I watched you drink. "
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her as if he wanted to see him look ugly. He raised his
eyebrows and smiled and asked, "I really want to drink? "
  Cheng Yan-point head, eyes looking at him, bright and clear .
  Segment Shao wind sighed, seemed embarrassed look, but still Picking took a sip,
then, his brow suddenly Yangchu Yanshao inspiring smile, as if tasted anything as
delicious masterpiece: " sweet. "
  Cheng Yan eyes widened at him, and react quickly: " You want to ?. I will not
lie to me fooled ."
  " Then there is no way. "
  Duan Shaofeng looked at her and sighed. His eyes flickered, and suddenly he
smiled softly. The smile was as charming as a spring breeze. She fell into a trance
and felt wrong, but he already took another lingzhi soup and leaned towards her. Come
down, thin lips attached to hers .
  Cheng Yan breathless for breath, feeling like a lightning moment Pizhong, soul
flying outside, covered exciting moment Ma Ma, bitter taste in the tongue, but also
will be blooming in the tongue of entanglement, the taste more and more light , It is
a bit memorable .
  " This time it's really sweet, don't lie to you. " Duan Shaofeng 's index finger
wiped the juice from the corners of her lips, and there seemed to be a fire jump in
her eyes .
  Cheng Yan felt that his fingertips on her lips were heating up, and her body was
also hot. She stepped back, but he leaned down again .
  When the soup bowl was empty, Duan Shaofeng did not withdraw, it seemed to think
that Ganoderma lucidum soup was very sweet, tasted from her mouth, entangled, licked,
the air in the tent seemed to be hot The heat was a little dizzy .
  Somehow , the bed tent was put down, the window was half open, and the breeze
occasionally lifted a corner, flashing the beautiful scenery inside the tent .
  "Do you remember Shuangxiu's mantra? " Duan Shaofeng stopped suddenly, brushing
away the sticky hair on her face, and her voice was soft .
  Cheng Yan was recalled somewhat loosely: "... Can you not mention this? "
  Duan Shaofeng : " How? "
  Cheng Yan looked at his handsome and tender face, which felt indescribable. It
was like a sudden brake on the road of crazy racing. She put her arms around his neck
and her expression was blank: " You make me feel like Caiyang The nymph that fills
the yin. "
  Duan Shaofeng was stunned and smiled, his voice low, hoarse and moving: " Want
to try? "
  Cheng Yan knows what Shuang Xiu should do. This is also one of the ways to help
her recuperate. He will ask her how she feels from time to time, treat her carefully,
and lose her fairy power to her, as if helping her to treat the disease with all her
heart. Doctor, it made her feel uncharismatic .
  Cheng Yan didn't answer him, but asked: " Can't you concentrate on it? "
  Duan Shaofeng watched her eyes become dangerous: " Is this what you want? "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  How a sense of where to sleep right ?
  Something real proof, he can concentrate on the eyes in addition to the point
where she did not have, and has been a strong desire to do so, if repressed passion
for a long time suddenly broke out, she almost could not bear, and finally careless
in his face A red scratch was drawn .
  The next day, when Duan Shaofeng appeared in the villa next door, there was a
little commotion. The maidservants in the village saw him all leaning over and looked
at him, but couldn't help but take another look, as if When I saw something
particularly funny and funny, I looked very hard .
  Duan Shaofeng has a relaxed look, white clothes like snow, holding a folding fan,
walking leisurely on the flowery path, and not forgetting to look back at her
and say , " What are you doing so far from me ? "
  Cheng Yan see saw scratches on his face, I do not know how he did so calm,
maidservants who hear laughter, she wanted pretended not to know him, turned around
and looked at the garden, said: " take a long It looks good. "
  Duan Shaofeng walked a few steps, stood side by side with her, and also looked at
the flowers dancing against the wind, saying : " Then I must not look good? "
  Flowers look good, he is not good-looking, how did this logic come out ?
  Cheng Yan turned his head to look at him. He stood close. His beautiful white
face and red scratches were clearly reflected in his eyes, as if reminding her of the
madness of last night. Her heart was beating fast, and she could n’t bear to look
directly. Silently turned around .
  " I didn't say that. "
  " You behaved like this. " Duan Shaofeng 's voice was right next to her ear. He
leaned down slightly and stared at her, seeming to be a little playful, " This way,
you are so far away from me, don't look at me , As if I were a beast of floods. "
  Cheng Yan heard as if to see him, just keep moving forward: " not to say the
city main please let people eat lunch, etc. can be bad?. "
  Duan Shaofeng suddenly took her wrist and took her into her arms, staring at her
eyes, there were smiles in her eyes and smiles in her lips, the meaning of that smile
was almost to make people blush, after a while Son, sigh gently: " Girl, remember to
scratch in another place next time , so you don't have to be afraid of jokes. "
  Cheng Yan buried his face in his arms: "..."
  No, never far do not want to be a next time! ! !
  He had the last time, Tan Yuk and has two children sitting at the dinner table,
in addition to his son and Harmony chubby, the other is sweet and small junior sister
apprentice Hao Jiang's daughter Jiang small marks on the sweet, chubby very naughty,
he was Teach him softly that he can't grab vegetables by hand .
  Cheng Yan feel chubby looks like his father, the character is more like a mother,
delicate pale appearance, a pair of gentle black eyes, it actually has Yi Ke fiery
heart, vibrant, very frustrating .
  Department of systems that he is a child day operation of, a born man has become
the next master, which indeed tracked, his birth is very ill-fated, he is the fairy
magic war was born, Luo Yan stillborn, He was finally born, and he was taken away by
Uncle Mozun .
  The battle of the fairy demon ended with the victory of the fairy clan. Uncle Ye
used this child to exchange his father with the heavenly emperor. The heavenly
emperor agreed, but Luoyan had to return to the fairy clan. Related .
  When Tan Yulang picked up the child at the door, he knew that it was his son. It
was fragile, thin, and small. It seemed that he would die if he accidentally died, so
thin and distressed, so he called him fat .
  That Tan Yuk even when unable to care for themselves, let alone the child, she
and Shao wind came segment mortal, he has been too ill to dying, Shao wind segment by
magic to his injury healed, he The time is spent on taking care of children, handling
government affairs, and occasionally playing with them to relax .
  Gradually, Tan Yulang seemed to be better, but Cheng Yan felt that he was still
different. The smile was still gentle, but it brought a little reluctance and a
little unhappy .
  Cheng Yan has a hunch that there must be a sequel to his and Luo Yan's story.
After all, their son is the male lead .
  Duan Shaofeng and Tan Yulang drank together and talked and laughed. The two
children had thrown the tableware and ran out. The laughter was as crisp as Yinling
in the wind. They were both very small. She also went out .
  Jiang also small sweet only three years old only, she has been head of Penglai
sent young disciples to receive Mu Shen, is the youngest in the family hierarchy
entire martial art but very little senior sister apprentice, her father and mother
also spoil her, so her character Some arrogant but lovely .
  AFP learned she show off with chubby surgery .
  " I'll imperial sword flying, oh, a lot of young people are only learned of it. "
  The chubby looked at the little girl ’s pink and tender face, some wanted to eat
peaches, tender and juicy, sweet and crisp, he nodded: " Then you are amazing. "
  Jiang Xiaotian lifted his chin, smugly, and picked up a branch as a sword: " I
will show you! "
  Two little guys can be very love, every move reveals a childlike innocence, Cheng
Yan good mood sitting on the railing, watching the side, if small sweet river fell,
she could catch her in time .
  Jiang Xiaotian is not a big talk, she really flew up, her skirt fluttered
lightly, and she stepped on a big tree with her short legs .
  The tree is high and rises into the sky, and the little pink figure is like the
fruit of the tree .
  The fat man leaned his neck, blinked his eyes, and his saliva was about to fall .
  Jiang Xiaotian's voice sounded like he was about to cry: " Little fat! I can't
get off. "
  She only learned how to fly up, and Master always carried her down .
  Chubby calmly Zhang open hand: " You jump, I followed. "
  Jiang also sweet little naive, actually really believe him, carrying a
skirt pendulum jump off .
  When Cheng Yan was about to catch her, she was surprised to see that the chubby
flew up. The little figure was very flexible, and Jiang Xiaotian was caught like a
lightning, and the two landed safely .
  It can be seen that his mastery of the spell is very good, and it can almost be
regarded as a talent .
  Jiang Xiaotian's tears gleamed: " Thank you. "
  Chubby looked at her face: " I saved you, you have to marry to me. "
  Jiang Xiaotian panicked: " Really ? "
  Chubby very seriously nod, he gets her hands: " I am . Now we go to weddings
now ."
  Jiang small sweet high- rise to: " That pregnant candy it? "
  Chubby: " As many as you want to eat. "
  The two villains walked away hand in hand .
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  She inexplicably felt that Duan Shaofeng must have been so hot when she was a
kid .
  Segment Shao wind do not know when to stand beside her, noticed her eyes,
thoughtfully and asked: " Yan Yan Xi ? Huan children do ."
  Cheng Yan jumped off the railing, and he reached out to help her, and she sorted
out some pleated skirts and said: " Don't you think they are cute? "
  Segment Shao wind but eyes looking at her intently, gentle and spoiled
smile: " Yanyan most can love. "
  Led to her sort of wanted to " rely pet and arrogance " , could not
resist: "...... Today you can drink Ganoderma ? Soup it "
  Segment Shao wind refused to smile: " not. "
  Cheng Yan murmured: " That should be love what's the use? "
  " Use that. " Duan Shaofeng's long fingers lifted her chin and leaned over to
kiss her lips .
  Cheng Yan closed her eyes and heard the rustle of summer wind blowing gently
through the leaves. In the distance, the voices of the young ladies laughing in the
afternoon, those voices were gradually going away, fuzzy, the only clear feeling was
his kiss , Warm, powerful, passionate like fire .
  Cheng Yan has been in this world for ten years. In these ten years, they have
done everything they want to do, almost never separated, nor quarreled once, and
their feelings are increasing day by day. Baijie .
  The day she left was also such a sunny summer afternoon, her body finally reached
the step of annihilation, debilitating to a few steps , she would be tired
and panting, she sat on the bed and drank iced sour plum soup. Hearing the sound of
the system, she was in a trance, knowing that it was time to leave .
  Duan Shaofeng 's voice suddenly sounded: " Yanyan, what's wrong? "
  Cheng Yan shook her hand and the soup bowl fell to the ground. She bent down
subconsciously to pick it up, but Duan Shaofeng came over and held her, and took the
broom to sweep the debris into a pile .
  He sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at her complexion, with a gentle tone
of worry: " Is it uncomfortable ? "
  Cheng Yan did not look in the mirror and knew that she must not look good. Her
body was deteriorating at a rate visible to the naked eye, her face was getting
paler, and people were getting thinner and thinner, as if a gust of wind could blow
away. The lips are not bloody .
  She him smile, not even the strength to speak there, listening to sound like
a floating: " I'm fine, I just suddenly remembered the cliff we first met, some
miss, we went there to see the sunset, OK? "
  Do not know whether she was laughing too ugly, paragraph Shao wind silent,
drooping eyelids, look almost a bit stiff in the cold .
  This silence made people breathless, so dignified that they could breathe
carefully .
  Cheng Yan hard to laugh, pulled his cold hand, the tone a bit to
complain: " You Why ignore me? "
  Duan Shaofeng raised his head and looked at her. There was a complex and deep
look in his eyes. After a while, he smiled as if the snow was melting and the
atmosphere suddenly thawed. His fingers gently passed her cheeks away from the broken
hair on her cheeks. The butterfly is as soft as a flying butterfly: " I was just
thinking, before I go to see the sunset, I have to wash your hair and change my
clothes. "
  " Is it ... has a taste? " Cheng Yan was a little embarrassed and sniffed her hair.
She didn't seem to have washed it for a long time .
  Duan Shaofeng smiled, as if hearing a joke, looked at her, kissed her lips down,
and said: " I just think that you will be more comfortable. "
  Cheng Yan sitting in the tub, warm thermal water flooded her shoulder, risking
somewhat glistening mist, petals sprinkled all over the place, filling the nose of
floral fragrance smells good .
  Duan Shaofeng took a wooden comb and combed her hair down to the end. She just
felt like she was going to sleep .
  After washing, Duan Shaofeng carried her to the bed, her eyes fell on her body,
her fingers touched her thin beautiful collarbone, she lowered her head and kissed
tenderly, asking her: " Which one do you want to wear ? " Clothes? "
  Cheng Yan has almost been asleep, with closed eyes, black hair, pale face,
looking a bit alarming beauty and fragility .
  She didn't answer .
  Duan Shaofeng's dark eyes looked at her for a while, and he didn't move, then he
lowered his head and kissed her lips, saying : " Then I chose for you ? "
  This time, she heard, eyes closed " ah " a cry .
  Until listen to see her voice, the look of wind Shao segment was eased .
  After wearing a dress and combing her hair, Duan Shaofeng also put on makeup to
cover her pale and amazing face. The girl's face looked pink and a little angry .
  The wind on the mountain was strong, and Duan Shaofeng put a snowy cape on her,
picked her up, and went out .
  " Does it look good ? " She didn't look in the mirror, so she had to ask his
opinion .
  Segment Shao wind at her: " World how Inter have such a beautiful girl? "
  Cheng Yan smiled: " Do n't make me laugh. "
  The sun was going down, Duan Shao wind increased the speed, hold her, Shanlin
Jian general walk through wind, the sound is also scattered in the wind: " The
first saw you, I really think so. "
  Cheng Yan laughed more joyfully, gasping for a while before grabbing his shirt
and asking: " Did you fall in love with me at first sight ? "
  Segment Shao wind is very straightforward: " ? How could I when you wanted to
run time. "
  When he did run time, but she picked up stones to drop down, her curiosity: " ?
Why run "
  Segment Shao wind and said: " I am with you is a banshee, I'm afraid you seduce
me. "
  Speaking of which, he was suspicious again: " What are you doing under the
cliff, don't you really want to seduce me? "
  "......" Yuehua Jian, the two have reached the summit, Cheng Yan to change the
subject, pointing to the sun, " you put me down, I have to see the sunset ah. "
  Yi Lun round sunset in the mountains on the opposite side, brilliant and warm
golden painting the mountains, the air also exudes a touch of warmth .
  Two people sitting in the mountains on top of the grass, Cheng Yan against his
arms, both of them did not speak for a moment .
  " This is my most beautiful sunsets ever seen. " Her sense of feel tired, very
heavy eyelids, a word must spend a lot of effort .
  Segment Shao wind as if unaware of her strange, just holding her hand tightened,
take a deep breath, said: " not the most beautiful, and I have tomorrow, day after
tomorrow, every day, you can see different after sunset. "
  Cheng Yan bent her lips: "I 'll be bored. "
  Segment Shao wind and said: " You do not like happy, then you can see the
sunrise, see flowers, watching the rain to see a rainbow, there are a lot of
beautiful scenery, you have not seen before. "
  Cheng Yan didn't speak, breathing lightly .
  Duan Shaofeng 's voice was paused, and he looked down at her, and his voice was
so soft that he was afraid of being scared of flying: " Yanyan? "
  Cheng Yan took his hand and said, " No, the most beautiful I have ever seen. "
  Duan Shaofeng said softly: " What is it? "
  Cheng Yan speaks slowly: " the spirit world of flowers, the snow, covered with
colorful bright flowers. " She seems to think of something, the more the sound made
low, " Unfortunately, it had never had flowers that day. "
  Segment Shao wind firm voice: " will, which they will open. "
  Cheng Yan raised his face and looked at him: " Are you comforting me ? "
  Segment Shao wind and said: " there will be that day, I went to see them. "
  Cheng Yan shook her head and tried to sit up weakly. Duan Shaofeng lifted her up,
but she lifted her neck and kissed his lips, as light as a kiss blown by the
breeze .
  Duan Shaofeng was shocked .
  She looked at him: " You go to my place, we must wait until the flowering of the
spirit world that day, then come back and tell tell me, okay? "
  The spirit world has been gone, he never not wait for that day, so the waiting
period would be forever .
  She was just using another way to make him live with expectations, she knew that
he would want to go with her .
  Duan Shaofeng closed his eyes and did not speak, as if he had lost his soul. It
took a long time before answering her, with a bitter voice: " Okay. "
  Cheng Yan smiled, the smile was like a transparent mist, and soon disappeared.
She lay on his lap and closed her eyes: " I'm so sleepy, you let me sleep for a
while, don't wake me up. "
  He didn't call her, and she didn't wake up .
  Sunset light brightness has faded, getting dark down, like a mountain blowing
flute whining sound .
  Duan Shaofeng stayed on the mountain for a long time. She slept on his lap. He
was afraid to wake her up without moving. The moon came out, the stars were all over
the sky, and the fireflies at night danced in the woods .
  " Yan Yan, I have to go home. "
  He seemed to talk to her with a smile as if nothing had happened , picked her up
and walked away in all directions, walking all the way, but always in this mountain,
the thorns cut his clothes, his face, he seemed Unaware .
  Until it was almost a stumble stone, he stopped down, seemed dazed look around,
almost going to cry, and asked her: " Yan Yan, I feel like I'm lost, what direction
to go home ? Side you then ignore me , I will really be angry with you, Yanyan ... "
  No one answered him, firefly brazenly free dance that reflects his pair had been
red eyes .
  One hundred years and one hundred years, day after day, day and night, he has
been working hard for the same thing, let the flowers of God Realm bloom again, the
day when the flower blooms, he can see it with peace of mind She, tell her what it
looks like when it blooms .
  This is a promise, and he will obey, although it is difficult to live without
her .

The first 117 chapter reunion time text End

  The more Ze was packing stuff , very fast, just like what one hundred
thousand urgent military-like .
  His agent Xu this headache: " The more Chak , the doctor did not say you could
be discharged. "
  More Ze charger pull down the bed , mixed with blue headphone cord rolled up,
thrown into the black bag , pull the pull chain , throw gave Xu .
  Xu Xian Xian catch , knew he was not listening to yourself speak , stepped
forward: " I say you ......"
  He could not go on , the more Chak too high , nearly nine meters , tall shadow as
a mountain came down , eyelids drooping, pale and looked at him , since with a way for
you to instantly shut up glamorous aura .
  " Let's do it. " The man's voice was low like a cello .
  In under the eyes to kill this in mind , Xu counseling, and quickly move a step
to the left and saw Koshisawa into the bathroom behind him, the
door " bang " slamming shut , he was relieved with the time and could not comfort
myself , people are top wealthy people , but also acting circles color value and try
to go everywhere powder girlfriend actor , and his Shoudexia of other artists
different, fearing that he has nothing to be ashamed of , and even their company
CEOs to him It's all polite .
  He was only recently sent as a Yueze agent. Yueze had an accident in a costume
drama last month. He fell from a tall building and lay in the hospital for a month
before waking up, because many people have been affected. This is how Yueze ’s
former agent was removed .
  The more Chak waking up yesterday, going to be discharged today, he is also able
to prevent, and if the home is known, is probably also more likely than his job .
  Xu Ming sighed. At this time, the bathroom door opened, and Yueze came out from
inside. He had changed his sick clothes and walked while buttoning the shirt. The
sunlight outside the window poured on his face, perfect. It seemed to be shining, so
handsome and enviable .
  " Name list? " The Ze will be buttoned to the reciprocal of the third satellite,
Adam's apple, clavicle very sexy .
  Xu Ming, a stunned, did not understand what he was saying .
  Yue Ze frowned slightly, and seemed to want to say something, just then the door
of the ward was knocked .
  Xu Ming glanced at Yueze , and when Yueze did not object, he went to open the
door and was a petite little nurse, still holding a clip in his arms .
  The more Ze looked at the little nurse, nurse small red face in his line of sight
has become tomato color eyes did not dare to see the seemingly erratic, handed him
the clip, hands are shaking: " This, this is ... Yes ... "
  Xu Ming listened to her stuttering excitement and panicked for her, and got it,
and was a girlfriend who fell down under the shadow emperor's suit pants .
  The more Ze took the clip, glanced his medical records, he asked: " ? Signature
on it ."
  The little nurse blushed and nodded dizzyly .
  Yue Ze signed quickly, and after the little nurse left, he looked at Xu Ming
and said, " I will let you organize the list! "
  Xu Ming remembered this. The movie emperor woke up a little bit weird. He didn't
say a word, and no one ignored it. When the night seemed to slow down, he asked him
to find a woman named Cheng Yan. Child, a girl who has no information except the
name, he was about to collapse at that time, how can I find it? Really an
ancestor !
  Now listen to see Koshisawa asked him to list his expression woodenly: " large
and small ? Lord, you know Cheng Yan is more than a common name yet there are
countless called the name of the girl, I did not find all, Only half of the city has
been checked, and there are already 500 Cheng Yan. " He sighed deeply . " So, which
one are you looking for? "
  The more Chak answer almost made him to faint: " its real I'm not sure she
exists or not, is not sure she looks like, but if you see her, I can recognize
that. "
  ".................. ? " Xu took a deep breath, print out the name handed to him, the above
are the details of the girl, " co-authored You also plans one by one to see ah? I
really admire this What's wrong with you girl? "
  The more Ze took the list, opened the room door, heard this, he pace micro
Dayton, back, deep bottomless eyes, and looked exceptionally dignified, somewhat
hesitantly cautious .
  The atmosphere was suddenly tense .
  Xu really think there is a big thing, but also serious: " You want to say my
mouth is very strict, I assure you say?! "
  The more Chak gazing look at him, slowly and asked: " Do you believe ? Falls
through you can " tone micro Dayton, he stressed, " I crossed more than once!! "
  Xu Ming: ".................. !!!!!!? "
  What are you talking about ?
  Are you afraid you are making me laugh ?
  A month later .
  Drive home the family was eating lunch and dinner, the father of Cheng Fei United
States on a business trip, only the table before her mother and brother .
  Cheng Yan low head for dinner, the action slowly, looking just like anorexia .
  " Yanyan, you are all thin and eat more. " Mother Cheng kept giving her
vegetables, but she didn't move her chopsticks and looked at her little girl
lovingly .
  Brother Cheng put more upright, directly sent her a fatty trotters child threw
her bowl, she do not eat, Ce Toukan to him, her eyes is unknown, but it is a
challenge to put away his brow, like some fierce, saying A word: " Eat! "
  Cheng Mu's cubs help Cheng Yan: " What do you yell at her for? Yan Yan is weak,
what do you do if you scare her ? "
  Cheng put wronged, glanced Cheng Yan, the sound is also very awkward to
depress: " voice Gate also blame me? "
  Cheng Yan could not help laughing, her brother when he was studying the eyes of
others is the " school bully " , not bully him how how negative people, but because of
his quick temper, and ferocious eyes, his voice is also large, giving a very The
unpleasant impression is actually very enthusiastic, because the way of caring about
people is too straight .
  Just like now, he feels that she is thin and gives her the fattest meat, and he
feels that she is good for her, but he does not know that she does not like to eat
fat meat .
  Her low first bite of meat, a bowl, he did not find it so hard to swallow, that
sort of disappointed because for a long time and his family produced indistinct
sense of isolation gradually disappear, and become as through the same kind of it
before .
  She crossed back has been two months, after the end of the last world of the
novel, she did not choose to continue through, back to the real world the day of her
accident, she pushed into the emergency room, the doctor had given her at the
diagnosis, She is said to be 90% likely to become a vegetative, to prepare her family
for psychological preparation .
Just when her   family cried and wept because of this sentence, she suddenly woke
up. At that time, the ward was so quiet that she saw the doctor's embarrassed
expression .
  Line system also will leave her body, to find the next host system before
leaving, she asked him a question: " White Moonlight can be ? Someone else to play,
then the other roles will also play other people "
  Department of conventional answer is impossible, but it also presents a special
case, it took her through the time tunnel open when time and space might produce
vulnerability, if a place, a time, a person is in space and time The words at the
center of the loophole will be drawn into it, but they will lose their memory due to
the impact of time and space, and they will completely become the characters in the
book and forget their past .
  This is also the reason why some people will cross by accident .
  Cheng Yan just suddenly have a strange idea to ask a question, and she knows this
is not possible, this should be one in a million, right, also let myself not to
remember things through, and efforts to integrate into real life .
  She was thinking, suddenly the phone rang, and two pairs of eyes looking up, she
answered the phone, " ah " a cry, and said a few words, and soon hung up .
  Mother Cheng asked with concern : " Yanyan, who is it? "
  Cheng Fang also stared at her .
  Cheng Yan somewhat helpless, because she is from the book world come through
soon, there is sort of trance, and not how the outside world, but also often
distracted, so they are worried about depriving her of it .
  Cheng Yan: " Zhu Zhu asked me to go out to play, and she was almost here. "
  Zhu Zhu was her classmate and girlfriend from high school to university . Cheng
Mother also saw it, and when she heard it, she smiled and said, " It's okay to go
out and walk, but is your body okay? Is there anything wrong?" Comfortable? "
  Cheng Yan: " No problem. "
  Cheng Fang didn't speak, but glanced at her in a dark glance .
  After dinner soon, Zhu Zhu came over , and she was wearing a apple green dress,
giving her a pony tail, eyes painted green eye shadow, is a very lively girl,
laughing full of vitality .
  She took Cheng Yan's arm and said politely : " Auntie, brother Cheng's family,
then I will leave with Yan Yan first. "
  Cheng Fang followed , saying, " I will go too. "
  Cheng Yan: " Brother, I have the girls go shopping, a lot to say, and you go with
it not embarrassing? "
  Cheng put ink mirror put on, chin slightly raised, very loaded to force handsome
appearance, starting a gesture than a month to prepare the way to go,
said: " not embarrassed ah, Yan Yan, escort you to your brother ah, There are too
many dangers outside. "
  Cheng Yan said calmly: " I'm embarrassed. "
  Zhu Zhu laughed out loud, and when Cheng Fang looked at her, she looked slightly
red, covered her lips, and sighed .
  Mother Cheng couldn't help smiling: " Cheng Fang, come here, don't disturb your
sister. "
  Cheng put a deep sigh, had to compromise, to a jammed into her bag,
saying: " phone . Do not shut down, I'll call you ."
  Cheng Yan: "...... fight the phone? "
  Cheng Fang is serious: " Ensure your safety. If anything happens, I will
be there as soon as possible. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  A sense of feel how she's going to go to the battlefield ?
  Two girls together teach business courses, buy a lot of clothes, while visiting
side chat, already after two or three hours out .
  At this time the sun is no longer the sun people, bright and soft, sprinkle over
a wide dry on clean streets, the foliage along the banks also shed mottled
aperture .
  Zhu Zhu thirst, said: " I am . They buy a cup of tea now ."
  Cheng Yan little head, guarding her shopping bags that he went to the tea shop,
tea shop some more people, she waited for a moment, only to buy two cups of tea and
two ice cream .
  When she came out, she did n’t see Zhu Zhu. She was looking around, and heard
Zhu Zhu calling her. She went to the big square across the street. The fountain on
the square was beautiful. A lot .
  She walked over and handed her an ice cream: " How did you run here? "
  Zhu Zhu pointed in a direction, his voice excited: " Look at that. "
  Cheng Yan looked at it and was a theme coffee shop: " Do you want to drink
coffee? "
  Zhu Zhu shook his head and said, " Did you not notice the handsome man at the
door? "
  There are two men standing at the door, one is very short and has a normal
appearance, the appearance of a middle-aged uncle, the other looks very young Pieces,
national limited edition, handsome or not, she did n’t know, he was wearing a mask,
but he was really tall, and he could be a male model .
  She took a bite of ice cream, guess test: " a star, right? "
  Police seem to feel to her line of sight, the man suddenly looked over in that
direction, as if to determine what the, you want to be an almost see through her
burning gaze .
  Zhu Zhu silently screaming: " He look ! Coming ." Then she exclaimed out loud,
panicked, " he he he how to get over it! "
  Cheng Yan felt a little strange in her eyes. She glanced at the mobile phone
held in Zhu Zhu's hand and realized: " Have you photographed him? "
  Zhu Zhu also understood the reason why he came over. Panic, the ice cream was so
scared that he pulled Cheng Yan around and walked away. The pace was very fast.
Looking back, the man actually stepped up .
  Her next intended consciously ran up, footsteps behind also become anxious,
obviously the man ran up, her tears: " Yan Yan, will not that take a picture , is he
after us so tight Why ? "
  Its real waiting for someone to come over to apologize deleted photos can be
solved, but was scared to pull her Zhu Zhu ran behind the men and chased them, she
subconsciously wanted to hide it, just saw a bus stop In front, she got on the car
with Zhu Zhu .
  The car drove away quickly , and she and Zhu Zhu were relieved to see
the man in the white shirt who was left behind .
  The bus was almost full, only the last row was empty, and she sat with Zhu Zhu,
who was sitting by the window .
  Zhu Zhu deleted the photo with regret, and sighed: " Are you talking about him?
It's like a policeman catching a thief, so scared that my heart is still thumping. "
  Cheng Yan couldn't help but smile when he remembered : " Don't forget to shoot
in the future . "
  " Never again. " Zhu Zhu turned his head to look out the window, his eyes suddenly
widened, and his voice was fluttering. " Lying trough! "
  " Why ..." Cheng Yan was drinking milk tea and asked her with the straw
in her mouth .
  Before Cheng Yan finished her question, her voice was stuck. She saw a sports car
driving in. The person sitting in the car was the man who was just after them .
  Then, the bus suddenly came to a sudden stop and stopped at the intersection.
After she sat firmly, she heard the sound of the door opening .
  " What on earth did he want to do? " Zhu Zhu was nervous, and the phone turned on,
ready to press 110 at any time .
  After a while, Cheng Yan see see white shirt man up, and his eyes looked around,
finally will be determined to look to her, like Mouguang won the mysterious sea .
  The driver and passengers love thread is very irritable, passengers have
complained, the driver can not help but angrily: " You ?? Who do "
  Man rush all the way over, panting slightly, his chest and downs, he ripped off
the mask that moment, the bus in the car suddenly did not sound, moderate his
tone: " I'm sorry, delay put three minutes. "
  Everyone could hardly believe their eyes .
  " The more Ze? Taek, the more that it? "
  " Would not it? How could he be out here now? "
  The passengers whispered in whispers, excitement was hard to conceal, and their
eyes were shining .
  Zhu Zhu was also shocked .
  Yue Ze stood at the door of the car, but his eyes crossed the passenger in front
and landed on her. Cheng Yan had a strange feeling in her heart. She had to open her
mouth first: " Sorry, we shouldn't shoot you, The photo is already ... "
  " The more Ze ......" His eyes deep, sound dumb dumb, seems to suppress the violent
ups and downs of love thread, " This is my real name. "
  Cheng Yan froze, but the passengers had already uttered a depressive scream. She
heard the girl in front of her chanting, "It's really him " .
  Cheng Yan is intended to recognize that he is not to take pictures of things to
catch up, she was kind of wondering: " What do you do? "
  The more Ze looked at her, as if through the eyes of countless time stopped in
the body, along with his silence, the passengers were not consciously silent .
  " I'm waiting. " He said, " The flowers of the Protoss are spreading over every
inch of the land. The scene is indeed the most beautiful as you said. "
  " What is he talking about? " Zhu Zhu frowned strangely . " Yan Yan? What are
you doing? "
  Cheng Yan look froze the hands of tea fell to the ground, traffic sound, horn
sound, the sound of the crowd outside, imitation Buddha in a flood fade, she did not
hear , see, nothing seems to get passengers, she Looked at him as if he had seen a
ghost .
  " Are you ... ? "
  His little head, smiled, walking towards her .
  Cheng Yan felt that he had lost the ability to speak, panicked, blank brain, but
just stared at him in a daze, but there was a very clear understanding of his heart:
that one of the thousand miles may happen .
  The more Chak hold up her hand, passengers said sorry, she was taken off the
car .
  Zhu Zhu look up to see the sports car to pull away in the opposite direction,
react, patting the window: " ! Yan Yan you were going? "
  The passengers also boiled like they were awake at the beginning of their dreams,
screamed afterwards, and took out their phones to share the mood at the moment .
  This time, the bus slowly restarted .
  A little later time .
  A "winner affair came to light," the new smell was on top of the headlines, all
the people are blown up .

The first 118 chapters married May Chang

  Saturday night , Cheng Yan still catch architectural design, it is the teacher
assigned homework , though also a few pictures , but the need to use a lot of
information, it is also very bother painting , she was busy almost even rice Can't
take it anymore .
  She read that building professionals , now attending junior , she was in the
last year and Ze married , not too have not been announced , intend to wait for
her after graduation and then public relations , due to Koshisawa of too much
fame , she did not want to go to school Was harassed by a reporter or his fans
at the time .
  Yue Ze went to the field to film , but had not returned .
  His message came when, Cheng Yan still busy , and after a moment just pick up
the phone .
  The more Chak sent her a very lovely expression package , with map: baby eat
it ?
  Forgot to remember to eat Cheng Yan: ate, what are you doing ?
  The more Ze: think you want to insert a pair of wings to fly around you, baby I
want to do ?
  Cheng Yan also before the outside world and a kind of thought it was a high
Koshisawa cold, arrogant actor , did not think he was very down to earth not only in
private , it will play the romantic , or super sticky sweet words Boy .
  Cheng Yan's answer is straight: if you have any thoughts , you just
left yesterday , and you will be back next Monday .
  The more Chak: ......
  Cheng Yan forward to talk to him , but also feel hungry, got up and went to soak
a bowl of instant noodles .
  When I came back to sit down , Yueze sent another message: Yanyan was just
talking about her, and the baby was waiting, and there will be surprises later .
  Instant noodles have been a good soak, he could feel the aroma when opened, Cheng
Yan with pitchforks roll a roll, looking down a bite, chewing, while slowly poke
word: ...... What a surprise ?
  At this time, the door was opened quietly, she heard footsteps, looked up, I saw
Ze carrying a simple luggage appeared in front of her, her hand holding a bouquet of
gorgeous red The roses are looking at her with a non-smiling look at this time .
  Cheng Yan was choked by noodles .
  The more Chak Daoliaobeishui to her, patted her on the back, and so she did not
cough up, and she took a piece of paper to wipe the rub lips, said: " This
is ...... eat ? After "
  "... how did you come back? " Cheng Yan tried to change the subject .
  The more Chak press her into his arms fiercely pro a few bites, dark eyes staring
at her: " I did not say it, you think, ah, last night, I sleep, so pay close
attention to shoot the scenes, they come back See you. "
  Cheng Yan look to see some of his blue eyes, touched his eyes: " tired yet? "
  " I'm used to it . I can rest during this time. " Yue Ze grabbed her slender
hands and kissed her lips with a tone of blame. " You really don't worry me at all.
Can this kind of junk food be eaten? "
  Cheng Yan guilty: " I'm too busy. "
  The more Ze glanced at the table and memories of a pile of drawings, understand
what she was doing, sighed: " . This time you should call me ah "
  Cheng Yan seemed confused: " Are you ordering takeaway for me ? "
  " Stupid! " Yue Ze scraped the bridge of her nose and hugged her waist,
saying, " I can come back and cook for you. "
  Cheng Yan eyes widened slightly: " You take the play ah. "
  " I'll solve it. You have to remember that you can't do this next time. " Yue Ze
leaned over and looked at her. " You are important. "
  His eyes are dark and his expression is serious .
  Cheng Yan's lips bent down, hugged his neck, kissed for a while, and
said: " I remember. "
  Yue Ze gave roses to her, he often gave her flowers and gifts, and felt that
girls liked these, Cheng Yan inserted the roses, the smell is very good, she sniffed,
looked back at Yue Ze, he had already Changed a coat and said to her: " Come on, go
to the supermarket to buy ingredients, I will cook for you. "
  Cheng Yan let him hold hands, he was very tall, she also had one meter six five,
standing beside him still looked very petite, she looked up at him with light in her
eyes: " Can I eat anything I want ?" "
  Her skin is very white, delicate face, air quality pure and lovely, wearing a
sweater, just like the girl's attitude looked very adorable .
  Yue Ze leaned over and kissed her lips, licking her thin lips as she left, still
feeling low, " I can eat whatever you want. "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  After buying the ingredients in the supermarket, there were many people standing
behind at the checkout. Cheng Yan saw Yueze took a box of umbrellas, then took
another box, and took another box ...
  A total of ten boxes, she obviously did not do anything, but a kind of very
ashamed of sense perception, cashier little sister has been smiling face rippling .
  Once outside, Cheng Yan sense of feel hot to the cold wind in the face, she
stared at Koshisawa: " You ? Why take so much ."
  Yue Ze was concise, calm and calm: " Xiao Bie Sheng is newly married. "
  Small do ?
  One day, big man !
  Cheng Yan kneeled down: " That's not enough! "
  The more Chak meaningful: " There are prepared without suffering, Japan, longer. "
  To Japan, long ......
  Cheng Yan rolled her eyes directly: " Do n't think about it. "
  Seeing her heading forward, Yue Ze's long arm stretched out, holding the little
girl like a little girl in her arms, and said intimately, " I didn't think about it,
I just did it. "
  Cheng Yan: "... Do n't talk to me. "
  The more Chak Chongni say , " Ok " , and then they asked: " ? You want to eat steak
a bit familiar ?? Cook the fish you want to eat what you like fried soup "
  Cheng Yan: "..."
  Gao Lengyingdi ?
  Thanks pink silk filters, right ?
  Yue Ze's cooking is particularly praised. If she is angry with him, he can cure
her by cooking a meal .
  Of course, if a meal does not work, there are two meals, three meals ......
  In short, after eating, the awkward emotions in the supermarket had disappeared,
and the two were washing dishes together in the kitchen. After Yueze washes, she took
the towel to dry the bowl .
  " You do business not finished? "
  Mention this, Cheng Yan wanted to sigh: " I draw drawing not feel so hard. "
  The more Ze: " How much worse? "
  Cheng Yan raised three fingers, gestured for three pictures, and said, " I can't
go out with you on the weekend. "
  Yue Ze nodded thoughtfully, not speaking .
  Out of the kitchen later, Cheng Yan wanted to go sand hair sat watching TV for a
while, but was Koshisawa long arms to hug the shoulder belt in the past, she crashed
into his arms: " ? What are you doing "
  The more Ze: " fuck you. "
  Cheng Yan: " Can you not speak so bluntly? "
  The more Chak picked up her waist, up the stairs, into the bedroom and put her
down on the bed, kissed her hard and wild, a few will own clothes off, saying: " . A
little subtle, will do ." He kissed her gently, his eyes deep and tender, and his
voice was dumb, " I want to do what you do to the cherry tree in spring . "
  "......" Cheng Yan: " You pink silk know you like this, will be off powder! "
  Yue Ze smiled: "The film emperor is also a man, I love you, so I want you. "
  After Yun Shouyu stopped, Cheng Yan fell asleep tiredly, Yue Ze stared at her
face for a while, kissed her gently, then went down to bed gently, turned off the
light and the door, went Into the living room .
  He set aside the drawings drawn on the table , took a blank sheet of paper and a
pencil, lowered his head, and sighed in amusement. He even had to do homework for his
wife. It was a very new experience .
  Off the hall light on most of the night .
  The next day, when Cheng Yan wanted to continue drawing, she found that it had
all been completed. Even the ones she had painted had been modified, so perfect that
there were almost no flaws .
  "... did you do it? "
  Yue Ze laughed and said nothing .
  Cheng Yan surprised, he hold her to his lap, listening to see she asked: " how
do you ? Even this will ah "
  The more Chak remind her: " You forget my family is doing? "
  The identity of Yue Ze's film emperor is too dazzling. She almost ignored his
rich second-generation identity. She suddenly realized that his father and his
grandfather were all big names in the real estate industry .
  " Thank you. " Cheng Yan hooked his neck and looked at him. " Did you not sleep
well last night? "
  Yue Ze laughed: " I can't sleep any better. "
  Cheng Yan: " You ..."
  The more Chak eyebrow: " how do I? "
  Cheng Yan said this: " Do n't lie to me, you see your dark circles are so heavy,
they are not so handsome anymore. "
  The more Ze: "......"
  See see Koshisawa hard-hit expression, Cheng Yan laughed, sitting on his lap,
kissed his lips: " Even if you are not handsome, I love you. "
  Yue Ze's lips slightly raised: " You can't just say the last sentence? I have an
idol burden. "
  Cheng Yan: "I didn't see it. "
  The more Ze suddenly against her forehead, was silent, said: " Yan Yan, I love
you, can not measure how much I love you, but I know I'll love you forever ."
  Cheng Yan: "... Me too. "
  The breeze in the morning came in, and the two laughed at each other, happy air
floating in the air .

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