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Jhonatan Salazar

Foreign families invite you to try our nice typical dishes, why do i make this invitation? Unlike
other countries, our dishes are not so extravagant or expensive.

Our typical dishes are:

Nasi campur: It is one of the best known in the country and one of the cheapest

Samuel Gamboa

We invite you to enjoy our parties because they are spectacular traditions of the country and it
is very pleasant with the family

Here are some important festivals Indonesia

Mawlid festival- January and February

International jazz festival-March

Samosa summer-april and may


Camilo Buitrago

In Indonesia, there is fascinating music, we invite you to have an expectation and watch our
music and sing with the musicians, bring your family

In Indonesia we have several styles of traditional Javanese music, Sumatra and Bali are the
most studied and documented. The orchestras are called “Gamelán”, they bring exotic sounds
with slow rhythms and pentatonic scales. Xylophones, gongs, bamboo flutes, and some simple
string instruments characterize the instrumentation. The vocalist is called "Pesindhen".

Jorge Cespedes

Batik and sarong: is essentially a fabric with intricately designed patterns that one crase using
traditional techniques

Kaiya: It is a typically a long alive blouse that is made up of silk, cotton and semitransparent

Peci: Is an essential parto f a formal outfit, worn by men across all Indonesia islands

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