Reinforcement Worksheet Term 2

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Resolución de Secretaria de Educación Municipal N° 3635 DEL 7 DE DICIEMBRE

DE 2017
Name________________________________ Tenth grade
1. Complete the sentences with the correct future form of the verbs in

1 By the time the new school term starts, the teacher will (work) for a week.
2 After finishing school, I will (look) for a job in the music industry.
3 This time next week, I (finish) my exams.
4 The school concert            (start) at 8.00 p.m.
5 I            (have) my first online class tomorrow. It will be fun!
6 In five years’ time, he            probably            (be) at university.
7 The new history teacher            (be) due to start work next week.
8 I            (give) my English teacher my homework when I see her.

2. Read the text and correct the mistakes. Write the correct future form of
the underlined verbs.

Hi, I’m Jane. I’m a design student at the university in my city. I will have been
finishing (9)            university in three years’ time. I will probably have looked (10)
for a job with a design company when I am finishing (11)            my studies. As
soon as I will get (12)            a job, I’ll find a flat to live in. I’ll have a room of my
own so I am not going to share (13)            a room with anyone like I do now. I
share with my sister and she is always taking my things without asking. It’s so
annoying! She isn’t finishing (14)            school until after she passes her exams
next year – by then, she is learning (15)            English for eight years.

3. Complete the sentences with these words.

attendance detention discipline experiment grade handout syllabus

16 My friend didn’t do his homework so the teacher gave him            . He had to
stay behind after school and do his homework then.
17 Harry did chemistry            about gases in his science class yesterday.
18 George thinks the geography            is very interesting this year.
19 Luke’s history teacher gave the class a            with information about the kings
and queens of England.
20 The head teacher wanted to improve            so he made all the pupils go to
assembly at the start of the day.
21 Harriet has got a different            this year. She now has English three days a
22 Kim improved his            by getting a good mark in the end of term test.
23 The school has a strict policy when it comes to            . If you aren’t wearing the
correct uniform you will get sent home to change.

4. Match the sentences (1–5) with the explanations (A–F). One sentence
needs two explanations.

24 If I walk in the country, I feel relaxed. ______
25 If parking isn’t free, people won’t visit.  ______
26 If I could design my own house, it would have a huge games room.______
27 If you hadn’t kicked the ball so hard, the window wouldn’t have broken _____
28 If we’d grown up on the same street, we might have gone to the same school
A This refers to the possible result of an unreal or imagined past situation.
B This refers to a possible result in the future.
C This refers to an unreal or imagined past situation or event.
D When can replace if in this sentence.
E This refers to the present or future, but isn’t likely to happen.
F This happens every time

Good Luck!

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