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Where do I want to see myself in 10 years?

First of all after completing my Bsc, I want to switch my career into fitness. I want to do my masters in
nutrition science & wanted to be a certified fitness trainer. Yes, I have a dream about my community &
my people. I want to see my community fit inside & outside & health problem free. In our country, people
don’t have knowledge about nutrition. In our country most of the people have bachelor or masters degree
but in USA or Canada many people don’t have bachelors degree but they have a proper knowledge about
nutrition. In here there is a lack of knowledge. If people focuses on eating clean food they will see big
difference in their overall look & personality. That’s something I want to create.

But yes some people have knowledge without any degree that’s awesome, but if there is science backup
behind that then it will be more believable to people. That’s why I want to do my higher study in nutrition
science to become a certified fitness trainer.

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