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Careful Useful Homeless Incomprehensibl Helpful Industrial

Fashionable Economical Painful Dangerous Reliable Famous

1. I can't understand a word of these instructions - they're incomprehensible.

2. Teenagers want to be fashionable and wear all the latest styles.

3. It's terrible that there are so many homeless people in a country that is so rich.

4. A 100g bag is 70 pence, but the 200g bag is only £1.20, so it's more economical to
buy the larger bag.

5. This bag is very useful: I take it to work and when I go on holiday.

6. We've never had problems with our TV in ten years; it's been very helpful.

7. The factory is in the industrial part of the city, and it's not very attractive.

8. You must be very careful when you drive in wet weather.

9. This is a very dangerous road, you know. There were two serious accidents on it
last year.

10. It was very painful when I hit my leg against the corner of that table.

11. The tourist information office was very reliable and told us everything we
needed to know.

12. Everyone in my country has heard of her; she's very famous.

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