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 Complete the sentences with the question words from the


How often When Where Why Who

Which How much What time How long What

1. WHERE do you live? I live IN…

2. For HOW LONG do you want to stay in this city? For… 2 weeks/1

3. HOW OFTEN do you speak English outside your school?

Everyday/ Twice a week/Always/Sometimes/Hardly ever/…

4. WHEN do you prefer to study - at night or in the morning? At

night/In the morning

5. WHY are you studying English? Because…

6. WHICH do you prefer - wine or beer? Wine/beer

7. WHAT TIME does this lesson finish? At…

8. WHO is the best student in this class? Fulanito.

9. HOW MUCH coffee do you drink every day? A lot of coffee/ A

little/ Some…

10. WHAT is the time? It’s… two o’clock/half past ten/…

 Write questions for the information underlined in the text.

Mike was born in (1) Bangkok in 1981. He lived in (2) Chiang Mai for
16 years before moving to Singapore. He misses (3) his friends in
Thailand, but he enjoys his life in Singapore. He has been living in
Singapore for (4) 20 years. He has just finished his master’s degree.
Currently, he (5) is working at a language school. He works as an
English teacher there. He is going to get a pay rise (6) next month.
After he receives his pay rise, he is going to get married and start (7)
a family. His fiancée's name is Anna. They met in (8) Malaysia in
2013 while they were both (9) travelling. They have been engaged
for three years. In the future, he wants to buy a (10) house. Next
week, he's going back to Thailand for a holiday.
The first one is already done as an example:

Where was he born?
Where DID he live?
Who DOES he miss?
For how long has he been living in Singapore?
Where is he currently working?
What is he going to get next moth?
What is he going to start?
Where DID they meet?
What were they doing when they met?
What DOES he want to buy?

 Complete with who, which or whose.

1. This is the boy WHO had an accident.

2. Yesterday I saw a car WHICH was really old.
3. Mandy is the girl WHO I met on Friday.
4. I haven't seen Frank, WHOSE brother is five, for a long time
5. The robber stole the car WHICH the lady parked in front of the
6. This is the man WHOSE house is on fire.
7. Can I talk to the girl WHO is sitting on the bench?
8. The book WHICH you gave me is great.
9. She likes hamburgers WHICH are hot.
10. Bill Clinton, WHO was President of the USA, has only
one daughter.

 Complete with where, when or why.

1. I still remember the day WHEN I travelled by plane.
2. This is the restaurant WHERE we had our first meal as a
married couple.
3. I love the place WHERE you live, it’s fantastic!
4. I don’t know WHY you don’t like beer, it’s the best drink ever!
5. She never knows WHEN my birthday is.
6. They always know WHERE to go to have fun.
7. Do you remember WHEN we visited the local church?
8. The reason WHY I hate swimming is because I’m afraid of
9. That’s the house WHERE I want to live someday.
10. She said she doesn’t understand WHY you are angry at


1 - There were ....... many questions to answer so I only did three


2 - The coffee was .... to drink so I left it for a minute to cool

hot enough
too hot

3 - The room wasn't ....... so I turned the heating on

hot enough
too hot

4 - I didn't buy the jacket because it was ........

big enough
too big

5 - The shoes were ..... so I didn't buy them

small enough
too big

6 - It's far ....... to fit inside the bag

too big
small enough
7 - It was far ....... to pick up
too heavy
heavy enough

8 - I didn't get it because it was .......

too expensive
expensive enough

9 - I haven't got ....... to take a holiday this year

too much time
enough time

10 - It was ...... to carry

heavy enough
too heavy

11 - There wasn't ....... for everybody to get in

enough room
too much room

12 - He didn't do ........ to pass the exam

too much work
enough work

13 - There wasn't ....... to finish so I didn't manage to

enough time
too much time

14 - She can't sleep because she drinks ......... coffee

too much

15 - I didn't know him ......., but I was still upset when he died
too well
well enough

16 - I left the job because I was making .......

too little money
too few money

17 - I put a scarf on because it was .......

cold enough
too cold

18 - This town isn't ....... for both of us

big enough
too big

19 - He isn't ....... to go back to work yet

well enough
too well

20 - I don't think the exam is ......... for me to have a good chance of

easy enough
too difficult

21 - This room isn't ........ for all the guests; we'll have to get a bigger
big enough
too big

22 - She isn't ....... to start driving until next year

too old
old enough

23 - I haven't got ........ to pay the bill until I get my salary

enough money
too much money

24 - Everything was much ....... for us to get anything

too expensive
cheap enough

25 - He speaks far ....... for us to understand him unless we ask him

to say it again
quickly enough
too quickly

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