Table of Mineral

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mineral formula color streak luster

grouo-1- nativ elemant

copper Cu/cubic red red sub metalic

sulfar(kabrit) S/orthormbic bright yellow white greusy


group-2- SULFIDES

Chalcopyrite CuFeS2/quadratic yellow black metalic

sphaldite blonde ZnS/cubic yellow green brown ridsh brown adamantine

galena PbS/cubic ledgray gray black metalic

cinnabar HgS/rombohedric red dark red sub metalic

GROUP-3- oxide and hydroxide

yellow/ black / pink/

corundum Al2O3/rhombohedric blue ____ adamantine

himatide Fe2O3/rombohedric dark brown/steel gray rust red sub metalic

bauxite Al(OH)2+AlH2O AMORPHE ___ TIRSTIAL

GROUP-4- halides

HALITE NaCl/cubic colorles to white white vetrose to sub vitros

sylvaine KCl/cubic colorles to white white vetrose to sub vitros

group-5- carbonate (CO3)2-

CALCITE Ca(CO3)2-/ROMBOHEDcolorles to white white vetrose

DOLOMITE CaMg(CO3)2-/rombohegrayish yellow white white vetrose

group-6- sulfate (SO4)2-

anhidrite CaSO4/orthorombic white gray blue /red white vetrose

gypsum CaSO4H2O/MONOCILIcolorles to white white vetrose

barytaine BaSO4/orthorombic colorles to white white vetrose


Apitite CaClOHPO4)3- Colorles often violet gre white vetrose

group-8- silicate Si2O4

olivaine FeSi2O4/orthorombic oliv green white vetrose

zircomioum ZrSi2O4/quadrtic colorles/gray/red/blue/vwhite adamantine


tourmaline NaSaFiSi2O4/trigonal BLACK/white/blue/gree white vetros

beryl BeAlSi2O4/hexagonal white/blue/yellow/gree white vetros

INOSILICATE (family of pyroxen)

dioxide CaMgSiO4/monoclinc green gray gray vetros

family of amphibol

actinote CaMgFeSi2O4/MONOC greenish gray/ dark g gray vetros

asbestos CaMgSi2O4/monoclincwhite white ____

talc AlCaCO3Si2O4/amorp gray white white grase

done by hasan d
done by hasan d
hardness density utility

v elemant

2.5-3 8 electrcty

2 2.5 use for jarab

1 to 2



3.5-4 4

3.4-4 4

2.5-3 7.5 unti radio activity

2-2.5 8 thermometer

e and hydroxide

9 4

6 5
2 2.5

2.5 4

2 4

3 3

4 3
te (SO4)2-

4 3

2 2.4

3.5 4.5


5 3.2
ate Si2O4

7 4

7.5 4.7

7 3

8 2.8

6 3.5

6 3.3

____ ______

1 2

hasan dhaini
hasan dhaini

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