6 Ano - Roteiro de Estudo - 15 A 19 de Junho

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Escola Estadual Prof.

José Pedretti Neto

Prof: Juliano Cesar de campos
6º A e 6º B – 2°BIMESTRE

Roteiro de Estudos de Língua inglesa

Atividade 1

Time to read!
A happy family
My family
I am Carol.
I want to introduce my family to you.
Albert is my father.
Rose is my mother.
Albert and Rose are my parents.
Jonh is my brother and Suzy is my little sister.
My family is very happy.

Text comprehension:

1)Answer the question:

a)Who introduce the family?(Quem apresenta a família?)
( )Albert ( )Carol

b)Who is the father?(Quem é o pai?)

( )Albert ( )john

c)Who is the mother?(Quem é a mãe?)

( )Susy ( )Rose

d)Who is the brother?

( )Albert ( )Jonh

e)Who is the sister?

( )Rose ( )Suzy

2)Translate the words: (traduza as palavras)

a)I -
b)brother -
c)family -
d)father -
e)mother -
h)parents -
j)sister –

Responda as questões 1, 2 e 3 de acordo com o texto:
Hi, friend!
My name is Jessica. I am ten years old. I want to introduce
my family to you. Charles is my father. Suzy is my mother.
Charles and Suzy are my parents. Pedro is my brother and
Daniela is my little sister. My family is very happy.

1) Os pais de Jessica são:

a) Charles e Suzy
b) Suzy e Pedro

c) Charles e Daniela
d) Pedro e Daniela

2) Os irmãos de Jessica são:

a) Charles e Suzy
b) Suzy e Pedro
c) Charles e Daniela
d) Pedro e Daniela

3)Quantos anos Jessica tem:

a) 10 anos
b) 11 anos
c) 6 anos
d) 8 anos

4)Decifre os símbolos e descubra um nome de um(a) cantor(a) de opera que

Mônica adora

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