1A, B - Roteiro de Estudo - INGLÊS

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1º A e 1º B - 2°BIMESTRE

Roteiro de Estudos de Língua inglesa

1. Read the text below - leia o texto abaixo.

Last year

I visited my mother and studied French. I didn’t have

many problems and I made a lot of friends. I went to
the USA and learned English a lot too. I saw different
places and had time to take pictures. I didn’t drink
beer, I drank only soda. I ate barbecue and slept late
on weekends. I started a business and worked a lot.
My business helped me learn and understand things.
I didn’t want to live in the USA because I love Brazil.
My life changed and I had many things to do every
day. I also finished what I started in 2013: an
English course. I didn’t lose anything, I only won.
This was the best year of my life. Everything went fine.
By Paolo Johnson

1)Answer the questions - responda as perguntas

A. Who did Paolo Johnson visit last year?


B. What languages did he learn?


C. Where did he go last year?


2) Mark True or False – Marque verdadeiro ou falso

A. Paolo had a lot of problems. (...)
B. Paolo didn't make many friends. (...)
C. Paolo worked a lot last year. (...)
D. Last year was the best year of Paolo's life. (...)

Leia o texto abaixo para responder as questões 3 e 4.

Mary’s Hobbies and Interests
Mary has a lot of hobbies and interests. She
usually gets up early so she can run before
work. She doesn't often have time to ski, but
she occasionally goes on Saturdays during
the winter. Mary often rides a horse at a
stable near here home. She sometimes goes
after work, but she usually goes horseback
riding on Sundays. She loves music. She
always goes to choir practice on Wednesday evenings and sings in church on
Sundays. She doesn't have much extra money, so she rarely goes to concerts
in the city. She seldom watches TV because she likes doing things outside.
She usually goes to the gym if it's raining outside. She isn't often alone
because she has a lot of friends. She occasionally does something alone, but
she usually does her activities with one of her friends. She's a happy woman!

3) Mary acorda cedo todos os dias porque

(A) prefere chegar primeiro no trabalho.
(B) precisa alimentar seu gato antes de sair.
(C) gosta de correr antes de ir para o trabalho.
(D) ajuda seu filho nas lições da escola.

4) Na sentença: “She doesn't have much extra money, so she rarely goes to
concerts in the city”, entendemos que Mary
(A) guarda dinheiro para ir ao centro da cidade.
(B) vai, raramente, a shows na cidade.
(C) usa seu dinheiro para patrocinar concertos na cidade.
(D) tem um trabalho extra na cidade. De acordo com o texto, marque a
alternativa ERRADA.

5) De acordo com o texto, marque a

alternativa INCORRETA.
a) 70% dos estudantes relatam verem
cyberbullying online.

b) 68% dos adolescentes concordam

que o cyberbullying causa sérios

c) Mais de 80% dos jovens usam

celulares regularmente.

d) O celular é o meio mais comum para

a prática de cyberbullying.

e) Garotos sofrem duas vezes mais que

as meninas cyberbullying online.

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