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Lic: Irma Ortiz

Nombre: Leonel Lemus

10mo “J”
Del 04 de mayo al 08 de mayo
1.- Write the answer in your notebook. Look at the picture an think about what they are

What do the numbers mean?

The numbers mean where and how much evidence there was about the case.

What are they using to do their job?

They use reflective tape so that people do not get through, cameras, gloves, bags to
store evidence and a sheet to take notes.

How many people are there?

There are 5 people.

2.- Read the vocabulary and copy in your notebook with the meaning in English and

a) Blood Spatter analyst: Study and analysis of blood stains at the crime scene.

a) Analista de salpicaduras de sangre: estudio y análisis de manchas de sangre en una

escena del crimen

b) Crime scene investigator: is generally trained to collect human samples such as hair,
tissue, and fluids from a crime victim, or is capable of testing items declared as

b) Investigadora de la escena del crimen: generalmente está capacitado para

recolectar muestras humanas como cabello, tejidos y fluidos de una víctima de un
delito o es capaz de realizar pruebas en artículos declarados como evidencia.

c) Police officer: plans the procedures and work to be done in the field of action

c) Oficial de policía: planifica los procedimientos y trabajo a realizar en el campo de


d) Security Guard: is a private professional who ensures security, primarily in relation to

d) Guardia de seguridad: es un profesional de carácter privado que vela por la
seguridad, primordialmente en relación a las personas

e) Criminologist: is the professional in charge of studying crime, its prevention and


e) Criminólogo: es el profesional que se encarga del estudio de la delincuencia, su

prevención y tratamiento.

f) Forensic: Physician who is attached to a court, acts as an expert in criminal and civil
cases and is responsible for determining the causes that have caused the death of a

f) Forense: médico que está adscrito a un juzgado, actúa como perito en causas
criminales y civiles y se encarga de determinar las causas que han provocado la
muerte de una persona.

g) DNA Analyst: They prepare and analyze DNA from crime evidence. Interpret the
results of your DNA analysis.

g) Analista de ADN: preparan y analizan ADN a partir de pruebas de delitos.

Interpretan los resultados de sus análisis de ADN

3. Read the description and complete the crossword using the last vocabulary.

1. Someone whose job is to study or examine small drops or bits of blood on a surface.

2. A person whose job is to investigate a place where a crime happens.

3. A male or female member of the police force.

4. Someone who using the methods of science to provide information about a crime

5. Someone who studies crime and criminals

6. Someone whose job is to study or examine Deoxyribonucleic acid in detail

7. Someone whose job is to guard buildings, goods in stores, money that is being
transported, etc.
B l o o d S p a t t e r a n a l y s t
C o
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n a o
o n f o r e n s i c
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C r i m e s c e n e i n v e s t i g a t o r
s t r

Investigate the training of an Ecuadorian police: salary, related careers, years of

training, officer types.

Write in your notebook a paragraph with the information you investigated and share the
information with your family.

A common police in Ecuador earns $ 950 dollars, some related careers are scientific
police, explosives brigade, judicial police, organized crime, etc., their training lasts 4
years and there are different degrees, such as: officers, generals, superiors and
Del 11 de mayo al 15 de mayo
1.- Look at the dictionary and write the meaning of these words.

Inmates Reclusos

Overcrowded Superpoblado

Chooses Elige

Punish Castigar

Crammed Abarrotado

Suitable Adecuado

Seek Buscar

Rejoin Reunirse con

Social contract Contrato social

Private toilet Baño privado

2.- Complete the blank with the missing words, according to the reading.

1.- Justice is a social construction.

2.- Prisions are the result of how each society chooses to punish people who do not
comply with the established social contract.

3.- Inmates live in overcrowded cells like in Haiti´s Civil Prison.

4.- In other countries like Europe prisions seek that inmates can rejoin society when
they finish their sentence.
5.- society when they finish their sentence Prision are places where criminals

3.- Imagine how is a prison and draw it.

4.- Look the picture and make 2 comparative sentences.

1.- The detention unit is more orderly than the Maula prison.

2.- The detention unit is more conditioned than the Maula jail.
5.- Find these words in the Crossword.

Prisons - justice - society - social, horrible overcrowded - cells -

inmates - criminals - rehabilitate - judgment
Del 18 de mayo al 22 de mayo
- Talk with your family about how you felt doing the activities, tell them what you

- Show what you do or make with your family: stories, games, puzzles, experiments,
work, of arts, so you can share with your family, classmates and the teacher.


Para mi familia las actividades Con mi familia a veces jugamos

digitales no se nos hicieron juegos tradicionales del país.
complicadas más bien una
forma de convivir más con las
actividades que manda el

1.- Look at the picture and in your notebook answer these questions:

What do you or your parents buy most often at a market?

In the market we buy cheese, vegetables and legumes.

What is your favorite market or store?

My favorite supermarket is Santa Maria.

Do you know someone who shops on line?

2.- According to the reading, write true or false.

- Women are potential buyers in an 80% average. True

- Thailand has the smallest shopping center worldwide. False

- Women don´t love shopping. False

3.- Write one sentence with these new words of vocabulary.

Customers. buyers, people who buy.
Spend. use your money to buy something.
Through. in one end and out another.
Sales. Transaction.
Infographic. a graphic with information.

1.- The customers like the new clothes.

2.- You spend a lot of money today.

3.- You can buy something through online.

4.- The new sales are awesome.

5.- Infographics are made with information of the person.

Del 26 de mayo al 29 de mayo
1.- In your notebook, answer the following questions:

Do you like going to a party?



Because I know new people.

What kind of party do you like to go to?

I like all parties.

What do you wear at a party?

My best outfit.

2.- Look at the picture and imagine that you are going to a party, and you are in a
fashion show contest. What are you wearing?

B. Draw your favorite outfit. Take a picture and send it to your teacher.

C. Record an audio with your oral presentation and send it to your teacher through

Hello, my name is Leonel Lemus. I am from Ecuador.

I am fourteen years old. I am wearing an elegant suit:

white shirt, blue jacket with a red rose, black bowtie,

blue pants with a chain and black shoes.

3.- In your notebook write down sentences using the following words from the


Outfit Deduce Suit Brand Purse Ties

1. Your outfit is great.

2. She deduces that he will fall if he continues walking on that log

3. That costume is beautiful, my brother will love it.

4. If I were you, I would buy clothes of that brand, the quality is good.

5. I lost my bag yesterday, if you find it, let me know.

6. He wears a blue tie.

Del 01 de junio al 05 de junio
1.- Watch the video about Future Tense- Will in the following link.

2.- Copy the map and the grammar on your notebook.

3.- Complete these sentences using will and the correct forma of the verb.

will make
will ask
will call
will have
will do
will come
will cover
will know
will meet
will freeze
4.- Read the following text and underline the future sentences that you find. Then write

Schwartz says that there will be many

cases of subrogation. In addition to women
who can’t have children due to natural
causes, women with a very good income
will avoid having many regnancies.
The options may be to have children
outside of the mother’s womb. This will
help eliminate the idea of women as more
The world we live in seems responsible for a child than the father.
completely normal and what we do Thanks to scientific advances there will be
seems logical and correct. fewer cases of children with physical or
However, everything that is normal mental defects because it will be detected
now was different in the past. and corrected before delivery.
According to the Sociology Divorce cases will still be common. The
Professor Pepper Schwartz, family, cups of these will rise and fall depending
love and relationships will change on the economy. The life expectancy will
drastically. In 90 years, technology be higher, and the average of these will
will have changed our lives so much rise and fall depending on the economy.
that social constructions will be The life expectancy will be higher, and the
different. Families will become average make it almost impossible for
androgynous. Household tasks will families to have a house for themselves.
no longer be one person’s job solely Also, raising children will be very
based on gender. That is, men will expensive. So, the state will have to
stop being who provide to the family provide a subsidy for education. Only very
or the main breadwinner in less than poor and very rich people will have more
a century. Men and women will take than two children.
care of the house and work to earn

a. According to the Sociology Professor Pepper Schwartz, family, love and

relationships will change drastically.

b. This will help eliminate the idea of women as more responsible for a child than the

c. Families will become androgynous.

d. Men and women will take care of the house and work to earn money.
5.- Answer these questions according to the previous reading.

Do you agree with these prohibitions?

Because that way we would overcome poverty and nobody would suffer.
What happens to these predictions?
That may come true because relationships have changed due to technology.

6.- Select true or false.


a.According to professor, family and work

relationships will change completely.

b. Relationship and family won´t be too

different from what we have today.

c. Work at home will be divided between

women and men.

d. Economy will make it easier to live in

an independent house.

7.- Draw pictures about 2 predictions that will happen after the COVIC-19 Pandemic
and describe it using will.

a. People will try to have less contact with other people.

b. People will not go to places where there are many people.

Del 08 de junio al 12 de junio

Value of the week:

1. Answer the following questions with your own information.

a. How did you think that the world will be in 2050?

I think that with more advanced technology, there will be unemployment since some
jobs will already have electric machines, we will live in a less sociable society.

b. Do you believe there are going to be a lot of climate changes in the future? If so,
which changes?

Yes. Climatic changes as temperature increase, some seasons will be lost, stronger
natural disasters.

2. Read the following text and take out new words.

The World in 2050 Scientists already know for sure what will
happen in the future. Compare your predictions about the future
with the experts’ predictions. Were your guesses it right? One
important change in the future will be the temperature. Scientists
say that by 2050 the planet will have a temperature increase of 3
to 4o C. It seems like nothing, but it will have enormous effects in
the ecosystems. Researchers analyzed greenhouse gas
emissions and not even the most optimistic scientists’ formulas
result in such a low percentage. By 2050, the sea level will be 25
centimeters higher. With higher temperatures, the defrosting
process in Antarctica will become twice as fast. The glaciers are
going to melt. This will result in an increasement in the sea level.
Scientists’ calculations say it will increase 50 cm by 2100.
Another consequence will be the floods. The likelihood of
flooding in coastal towns will rise more than nine times. The
economic losses will be greater than 50 billion dollars. The
growth of the Himalayas will be another change. In 2050 the
highest mountain range is going to be 165 millimeters higher due
to the movement of the Indian plate below it. The nearby towns
are worried about the possibility of earthquakes in the area.
Eating fruits and vegetables is going to be difficult. There won’t
be enough crops to meet world demand. There will be serious
consequences for species such as birds. Scientists say that in
2050, 99% of seabirds will have eaten plastics.

Guesses, increase, seems, researchers, increasement, growth, nearby, crops.

3.- Complete the mind map word with desaster’s words in the text.


Hurricane eruption


4.- Match the highligted words in the text with the images.

greenhouse gas seabirds growth of the Himalayas temperature increase

glaciers crops earthquakes floods

5.- Copy this grammar chart in your notebook and, learn how is its form.

6. What are these kids’ plan for the next weekend?. write an answer for each one.

1. Sam is going to play football in the stadium.

2. Tina is going to ride a bike.

3. Tom is going to the zoo.

4. Sophia is going to watch television on Saturday.

5. Pete is going to read the book in the night.

6. Clara is going to play the piano on Sunday

7. Then change them into negative form.

1. Sam isn’t going to play football in the stadium.

2. Tina isn’t going to ride a bike.

3. Tom isn’t going to the zoo.

4. Sophia isn’t going to watch television on Saturday.

5. Pete isn’t going to read the book in the night.

6. Clara isn’t going to play the piano on Sunday.

8. Develop your week diary answering the following questions.

WEEK DIARY Answer the question below:

Wich do you think that are bigger challenges for taking care of nature?
Change our way of throwing trash where you want and recycle it. See
nature as our mother and take care of her.

How can you contribute to people´s awareness on taking care of nature?

Instruct children and young people to take care of nature.
Del 15 de junio al 19 de junio
1.- Answer these questions before knowing about Mexican food.

What´s your favorite typical dish?



Because it has chili, chicken, chorizo, meat, jerky.

2. MEXICAN FOOD Chocolate, chilies and corn come originally from Mexico. One dish
many of you will know is 'chilli con carne', a spicy mincemeat dish with beans. Then
prepare this typical dish, using recyclable things

3.- Answer the following questions for yourself

Have you like Mexican tacos?


Do you believe Mexicans have our same culinary customs?

Not because each culture prepares food differently.

3.- Make a list of typical dishes and food from different regions of Ecuador.


Fish Ceviche Corn Maito of fish
Bananas Yahuarlocro Chontacuros
Tigrillo Cevichocho Cassava chichi
Encebollado Hornado Tilapia
Crab Mishki gut Carachama soup

4.- Read the text about chiako and answer the questions of comprehension.

What time does Chiako get up in the morning?

She gets up at 7:00 a.m. every day

How old is she?

Chiako is 102 years old.

Where does she come from?

Okinawa is a group of Japanese islands between Japan and Taiwan.

Does she have a stressful life?


Which is the diet eaten by Okinawans to stay slim?

They eat seven servings of fruit and vegetables every day and they stop eating when
they are 80% full.

What are the keys to live longer?

If you stay in shape, if you have good friends, a healthy diet, and a stress-free lifestyle,
you will live longer.

Name the activities Okinawans do

By dancing, doing martial arts, walking, and gardening.

5.- Self-Evaluation

Put an X where you consider fits your answer.


do. don´t.
Do you often do exercises? X
Do you eat fruit and vegetables in your diet? X
Do you control your stress? X
Del 22 de junio al 26 de junio

Value of the week:

1.- Read the text and find out if you guessed correctly.

a. Write 4 human rights:

We are all born free and equal, right to life, right to nationality, right to democracy.

b. Who do human rights protect to?

To all humans without exception.

c. How do you think a prisoner feels in jail?

Private to do what you want, limited.

2.- Write a sentence with the following words, in which one the meaning of the WORD

Human Rights: Everyone should have human rights, everyone should be treated right.

Needlework: My friend created a needlework workshop.

Tolerance: Tolerance is one of the most important values of the human being.

Confinement: This confinement is making people angry, because they don’t want to be
at home.

Respect: You should respect your friends, don’t treat them bad!
3.- Play time

Paint the following mandala, listen to relaxing music and try to think about the current
situation we are in due to the pandemic.

AÑO LECTIVO 2019-2020

Nombre del estudiante: Edwin Leonel Lemus Gualinga

Grado y Paralelo: 10 “J” Fecha: 06/07/2020
Docente que evalúa: Marian Ortiz

1 0.75 0.50 0

Participación Demostró Demostró Demostró No demostró

(Esta categoría debe responsabilidad y responsabilidad y responsabilidad y responsabilidad
ser calificada por la entusiasmo al entusiasmo al entusiasmo al ni entusiasmo al
familia del/la realizar sus realizar sus realizar sus realizar sus
estudiante) tareas durante tareas durante la tareas durante tareas en este
todo el tiempo. mayoría del poco tiempo. tiempo.


Firmas de responsabilidad:

_______________ Doris Gualinga

Docente Representante del estudiante

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