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Faculty Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Assessment End Paper Code EESY – A20-E1

Name Assessment
Embedded Module
Module Name E8-ESY-14
systems Code

Month June Year

Total Marks On or before
100 date 18/6/2020


1. Please check that you have the correct question paper.

2. Include the following details in your cover page: Faculty name; department name; module name
and code; the title of your work; Student ID and lecturer name; Failure to do so will mean that
your work cannot be marked.
3. Use Harvard referencing style. Justify all texts and paragraphs.
4. Use font size 12 point of style Calibri with line spacing of 1.5 (Visually impaired students may use
larger fonts).
5. Number all pages except the cover page.
6. Design/draw the diagram, don’t copy paste from any other source
7. Answer any five questions from Part –A.
QP-ASM-001|Rev 004

8. Save the file in your name (e.g Peter_Obama_EndAssessment.docx/ .doc).

9. Submit the assignment through Blackboard.
10. Taking help from others or assisting others in completing the examination is strictly prohibited.

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Part –A

(20×5 =100)
Answer any five questions

1. Design an internal architecture of microcontroller and describe the each functional blocks of
the architecture. [20 marks]
2. a) Design the architecture of CAN bus. [4 marks]
b) Describe the functions of CAN bus. [4 marks]
c) Analyse the frame format of the CAN Bus [6 marks]
d)Compare I2C, SPI, Ethernet and RS232 [6 marks]
3. a) Differentiate Harvard and von Neumann architectures. [4 Marks]
b) Differentiate RISC and CISC Processors. [6 Marks]
c) Design a DMA Controller and describe the different functional blocks of the DMA
controller. [10 marks]
4. a) Explain in detail about derived and base class with need diagrammatic notation.
[4 Marks]
b) What are the essentials needed to be considered in drawing a state diagram? [2 Marks]
c) Define the following states from sequence diagram
i. Life line. [2 Marks]
ii. Focus of Control. [2 Marks]

d) Explain the States of ATM Money Withdrawal with a neat state diagram. [10 Marks]

5. a) Design a smart card based application system and describe the different functions of the
system with the aid of neat diagram. [14 marks]

b) What is Watch dog timer? [2 marks]

QP-ASM-001|Rev 004

c) Differentiate timer and Watch dog timer [4 marks]

6. Design and discuss an embedded system solution for a typical automotive system. Your
answer must include design and development of necessary hardware and software for the
automotive system to incorporate efficient fuel management systems, vehicle performance
monitoring systems, vehicle tracking and navigation systems. [20 marks]

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