2020 Cets: Last Updated: 11 July 2020

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2020 CETs
Last Updated: 11 July 2020

Notice: The information presented in this

document is only based on my experience as an
examinee last year. There is no guarantee that the
entrance exams for this year (and for the coming
years) will follow the same subtests, time allotment,
and/or specific contents. Kindly read at your own

whisper the things we’d scream
# SM Scholarship Exam  ● Science
SUBTESTS ● Abstract Reasoning
Part I. Language Proficiency - 10 items: 5 mins per subtest
● Synonyms & Antonyms COVERAGE
● Verbal Reasoning - Language Proficiency: the usual error detection, sentence
● Sentence Completion completion, synonyms/antonyms
● Error Identification - Math: basic arithmetic, algebra, and geom. some items on
Part II. Numerical Reasoning - 20 items: 20 mins) trigonometry
Part III. Nonverbal Reasoning - 5 mins per subtest - Science: some stoichiometry problems
● Spatial Reasoning 7 items
● Abstract Reasoning - 10 items DIFFICULTY: 1.5 out of 5
Similar to PUPCET, however, UE-CET had items on higher math
COVERAGE concepts and computations on science.
Math: basic arithmetic and algebra, science-related question (e.g.
weight on moon vs. weight on Earth)
# DOST-SEI Scholarship Exam
The test was similar to quizzes you can find online. Looking at its Part I. Logical Reasoning
difficulty level and length, it was probably given for formality and to ● Verbal - 20 items: 17 mins
shortlist applicants for the interview. ● Nonverbal - 10 items: 3 mins

Part II. Power Test

# PUPCET ● English 40 items: 20 mins
SUBTESTS​ / 30 items per subtest except LP ● Math 40 items: 60 mins
● Language Proficiency - 40 items: 12 mins ● Science 60 items: 40 mins
● General Information - 10 mins ● Mechanical-Technical - 30 items: 25 mins
● Math - 28 mins
● Science - 15 mins COVERAGE
● Abstract Reasoning - 10 mins Similar content with ​SensiyaBilidad​ (the reviewer provided by
**Some proctors impose the time limits mentioned above while
some give the total 1 hr and 15 mins to answer the whole test. DIFFICULTY: 3.5 out of 5
The difficulty of the questions ranged from easy to fair across all
COVERAGE subtests except the Mechanical-Technical Reasoning section (as it
- Language Proficiency: spelling (common words only: accessory, was not my forte).
accommodate, etc.), reading comprehension
- General information: Philippine history, current events (local and TIPS
international) - Use the reviewer provided by DOST. Expect the same subtests
- Science: mostly bio (cells and biomolecules), human anatomy and similar content.
(nervous and digestive system) - Work on your mechanical-technical reasoning if it’s especially if
- Math: basic (ratio and percentages, algebra), no trig, no geom, no this section isn’t your forte.
stats, no functions
- Abstract Reasoning: rotational
PUPCET has the same level of difficulty with your junior high school ● Abstract Reasoning - 40 items: 40 mins
post tests. ● Reading Comprehension - 25 items: 30 mins
● Math - 45 items: 50 mins
● Statistics - 45 items: 50 mins
# UE-CET (Caloocan) ● Science - 50 items: 30 mins
SUBTESTS ​/ Time Allotment: 1hr 30 mins - 25 items per subtest
● Language Proficiency COVERAGE
● Math Reading Comprehension

whisper the things we’d scream
- purpose of text
- rhetoric patterns
English Proficiency
- EAPP, RAWS lessons
- types of definition
- static description
- outlining
- referencing APA style
- summarizing, paraphrasing
- characteristics of formal writing

- General Math lessons
- functions
- business math: interests and types of loans
- algebra, few items on geometry

- regression: finding equation and interpretation
- General Stat and Probability lessons
- hypothesis testing, type I and II errors
- conditional probability
- when to use binomial, hypergeometric, and poisson distribution

- chem: stoichiometry
- physics: relative motion, work and displacement, laws of motion,
- DRRR: 4 thematic areas, storm warning signals

DIFFICULTY: 3.6 out of 5

Same with DOST-SEI, the test questions were relatively easy or fair
in all subtests except one. In the case of DCAT, it was the Statistics
subtest. COVERAGE
English Proficiency
- word analogy, synonyms, antonyms
# PLMAT - easy reading comp: short passage, poems have minimal figurative
SUBTESTS language, 1 or 2 follow-up questions on text selections
● English Proficiency - 50 items: 20 mins - rules of grammar: subject-verb agreement, verb progression
● Science - 40 items: 25 mins - sequencing
● Math - 40 items: 40 mins - example questions: as i ​lay/laid​ my bag down my mom called...;
● Filipino Proficiency - 30 items: 15 mins shall have vs. will have
● Abstract Reasoning - 30 items: 10 mins
** For a more detailed list of PLMAT subtests: Manangan, Asher. - bio: cells
(19 May 2019). PLMAT 2019 Coverage. Retrieved from - physics: displacement, Newtonian mechanics, ULOG, waves
https://www.scribd.com/document/410626756/PLMAT-2019-C - optics: e.g. d
​ istance of image, 2m from mirror; 2m apart what
OVERAGE angle to A flash light at mirror to reach B; determining if image is
real or virtual, inverted, or upright; distance of the image of a 5ft tall
man 3 ft away from mirror
- thermodynamics: heat transfer, conversion of units Celsius to
- electromagnetism: c​ ombined resistance of two resistors, P=IV

whisper the things we’d scream
- chem: no stoich really, mostly conceptual, electron transfer, The test questions in ACET are relatively easy, only covering basic
quantum number, redox concepts. What makes it difficult? The time pressure, “killer”
abstract reasoning section, and the essay.
- around 80% of the items involved solving TIPS
- algebra: inequalities, remainder theorem, solving for a variable, - For math: know your word problems through practice. More
logarithmic operations, exponents, complex fractions practice means more exposure to kinds of word problems out there
- stats: probability, permutation, binomial theorem e.g. ​finding the and the ways to solve them.
nth term of a binomial raised to some power - For essay: practice writing an essay (that is coherent enough,
- word problems: work, uniform motion e ​ .g. two trains met at 12 mind you) under time pressure.
noon, given their speed, what time they would be 14 mi apart; mrs - Don’t be surprised if you cannot figure out the items in the abstract
left at 4 am, after 1h 30 mr left at higher speed, when will mr reasoning section.
overtake mrs?
- geometry (few items only: an item on perimeter, finding arc
length) # UPCAT
- trigonometry: operations involving trig functions, word problems SUBTESTS
- translating a worded statement to mathematical one ● Language Proficiency - 100 items: 50mins
● Science - 60 items: 55mins
Filipino Proficiency ● Math - 60 items: 75 mins
- structure, meanings, sequencing, rc same with english ● Reading Comprehension - 100 items: 75 mins


Similar to ACET: Real time pressure and killer abstract reasoning One word: BROAD
section. For both math and science subtests, most items were
computational. The rest were conceptual or identification-type. DIFFICULTY: 4.3 out of 5
The questions were structured differently—not merely
identification-type or stock knowledge-dependent. This is true
# ACET especially on the science subtest. A scientific concept is given first
SUBTESTS followed by a problem. You have to figure out how the concept
**Based on my memory applies to the given problem (questions in MSA reviewers have the
Part I. Proficiency Test - each subtest 45 mins same structure).
● Language + Essay - around 80 to 100 items
● Math - at least 50 items
Part II. Aptitude Test # USTET
● Abstract Reasoning SUBTESTS
● Reading Comprehension ● Mental Ability - 50 items: 30 mins
● Vocabulary ● English - 80 items: 45 mins
● Analogy (General Information) ● Math - 60 items: 45 mins
● Logical Reasoning ● Science - 80 items: 45 mins
● Numerical Ability (word problems)
**What I found circulating online Mental Ability
● English Proficiency + Essay (100 items, 55 mins) - number patterns
● Math Proficiency (60 items, 60 mins) - logic
● Abstract Reasoning (30 items, 10 mins) - word analogy
● Reading Comprehension (30 items, 20 mins) - identifying grammatical sentences
● Vocabulary (25 items, 5 mins) - ratio and proportion
● Analogies (25 items, 5 mins) - levels of measurement e.g. i​ s age is a ratio and why
● Logical Reasoning (25 items, 10 mins)
● Numerical Ability (25 items, 25 mins) Language Proficiency
- lessons in Oral Comm, RAWS, and EAPP
DIFFICULTY: 3.9 out of 5 - speaking styles e.g. ​frozen, intimate, etc.
- characteristics of academic text

whisper the things we’d scream
- characteristics of a one-act play
- types of charts & their uses e.g. ​Ishikawa diagram
- public speaking
- intercultural communication
- rhetoric patterns
- figures of speech
- reading comprehension

- conics
- trigonometry: unit circle, coterminal angles
- calculus: arc sin s​ tuff​, integrals
- stats: hypo testing, interpreting regression, mean and variance of
probability distribution
- lines
- function​s​ and limits
- sequences and series

- continental drift theory
- plate tectonics
- cell and tissues: plants and animals
- photosynthesis, cell respiration
- cell membrane transport: active vs. passive
- chemistry: stoichiometry, calorimetry, ideal gas law
- physics: 4 laws of motion, kinetic and potential energy

DIFFICULTY: 4.5 out of 5

USTET has recently gained the reputation of being the most difficult
entrance exam. Its contents were tailored to suit the new senior high
school curriculum and less emphasis was given to junior high

**Additional: LEAPMED subtests

● anatomy
● botany
● chemistry
● physics
● physiology
● zoology

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