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Explicit Lesson Plan: Direct Instruction Template

Topic: Date:

Precursor Skills:

Skills students need to have before lesson begins.

Keys to Success/

BEHAVIORAL expectations of the students.

Primary Learning

Primary learning objective based on Utah State Core or Essential Elements.

Steps to Meet

Sequence of steps necessary to meet the primary learning objective.


List all student accommodations that must be given for successful learning.

Teacher Materials:

What the teacher must have ready BEFORE beginning the lesson.

Student Materials:

What students must have ready BEFORE beginning the lesson.

Attention Signal:

Signal given to students so they know they need to attend to the lesson.

Response Signal:

Signal given to students to allow a choral response.

© 2018 Michael Ryan Hunsaker, Ph.D. - Explicit Lesson Plan

Lesson Delivery
Review of
Precursor Skills:

Quickly review previous lessons / skills.

Teacher Model
(I do):

Explicitly model the lesson.

Check for

Verify students understood model.

Guided Practice
(We do):

Practice lesson with students.

(You do):
Students work independently and teacher floats to provide feedback.

Review of Lesson:

Review what students just learned.

Preview of
Next Lesson:

Explain how today’s lesson will help them succeed in future lessons.

Lesson Debrief
What worked:

What went as expected? What did students connect with? Things to repeat in next lesson.

What didn’t work:

What did not go as expected? What confused students? Things to fix or retool before using again.

© 2018 Michael Ryan Hunsaker, Ph.D. - Explicit Lesson Plan

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